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Scuttle Edition

OLD >>500071040

WORLDS FINALS NEXT WEEK SUNDAY! - T1 versus BLG at 15:00 european central time

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[11/06][New Champion] Ambessa, The Matriarch of War

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/lolg/ OP pastebin
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reminder that Nami is warm
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This is the good thread
cheaters have never needed stakes to cheat.

I play a bunch of games with cheaters some dont even have a damn ranked mode or competitive mode in them cucks still cheat in it.
why did OPGG remove the green Excellent (now you're just a grey "leader")
why did they remove team disparity
did riot force them to do this to discourage people berating teammates?
why you makin a new thread doe

irelia won?
the instalock singed support abandoned the lane after he made a stupid dove and got us both killed? color me shocked
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Why would you post this
low elo players like clicking back and forth as a hobby?
neeko hole
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league of legends riot games champions for this feel??
should i care my team picked a scaling champ?
>low elo players
this singed support made a bad dive and got me and himself killed. proceeded to throw a tantrum, leave lane shit on me and blame me for his own bad play. what a waste of life
Ksante and Ekko
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Soraka my cute wife!

Yeah she is!
at night on na you only play with npcs
where the dumbdigger stream
do people actually try to care about the numbers in this game? isn't this meta hero of the storms tier ?
tfw your friend says you can play any time but always decline your invites and never invites you
makes me sad I think I’m just going to stop asking and they will probably never invite me anyway
if you are too low IQ you lack the ability to learn
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cookies are gone by the way - Ahri ate them
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find a new friend and glow up
i deleted this faggy game from my computer
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58 days till christmas
Be free.
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butt thats a nice goat
this game scripts the worst lobbies
is it cause it is dead?
old health bars mod + old items makes league playable
It's a direct consequence of resetting the ladder 3 times in one year. Ranks are more consolidated than they've ever been and it's essentially completely random matchmaking now.
least its not an egirl man
that shit hurts
no its dead because it scripts the worst lobbies, retards just take 10 years of rolling around in shit before they realize it, we are on year 7.
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>just dicking around in norms playing jungle Teemo cause it's basically ghetto Techies now that Malignance + all these other items have so much Haste and extra DoT burn
>having fun just turning Summoner's Rift into fucking Auschwitz as I leave shrooms everywhere and just focus objectives and make shit happen from the background while everyone else pops off due to my shrooms melting everybody
>end up in a game vs a Lee Sin
>his entire early game is spent invading and trying to duel me cause that's all his brown gorilla brain knows, and it is amplified by a Teemo existing at all
>it does him absolutely no good cause I hold all the objectives and if his team makes a single wrong step in the middle of a fight a shroom goes off and they just lose even with 4 sweepers
>I usually think nothing of Norm games but--
>I type "ez jungle" at the end cause this sweaty little faggot tried so hard to remove me from the game just to get BTFO'd instead
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Genuinely the best experience I've had in this game was when I specifically just did not socialise or play with other players as duos and stuff.
Players in this game expect a lot of things like the right rank, role, schedule/time, gameplay synergy, etc.
Just simply having no commitments or expectations to uphold is freeing in a way and it's not like playing alone makes your queues any less longer or shorter.
Also a lot of players are just not mentally well.
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*E's your bubble*
so wait a minute
LITERALLY all that lee sin did was play the fucking game as intended, do well, and happen to lose because his team sucked
and somehow this makes him a faggot gorilla idiot that you wrote a wall of text seething about?
arent u the senna nigger who cries about being in his position 24/7? constantly posting screenshots of ur teammates feeding while u have a good kda?
damn lee sin is probably crying into his pillow as we speak
im the goku of league
we know, dumbdigger
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>LITERALLY all that lee sin did was play the fucking game as intended
Bro is trying way too hard. Anyone who actually has that much of a hard-on for invading in a Norm game is a faggot, simple as.
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yone, post old yone pic with the text Yone!
>hes trying too hard because uhh hes attacking enemies in a pvp game
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Oh. Well that's not gonna hurt her. We need to start on our next plan.
im the vegeta of league
kino, more like this
Go gank lanes then gayboi. Invading me ain't doin' shit when all I need is Level 6 and Malignance to give everyone cancer and make getting anything done impossible.
does this game have any champ worth learning?
master yi
you talk like a retard so it makes sense that you're attracted to lolis
pedos are usually low iq as you can see on to catch a predator
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>"Why jump in after dragon's gone?"
>"For fun. Its not ranked."
>"Well thats a dumb reason."
>"Calm down anon! Its just a game. We are all laughing at you in call. Stop flaming everyone over a normal game."
>"Bro you're sperging at me I just asked why"
>"Lmao, enjoy your report anon. Muted"
>"Report anon, he called my friend a slur. We muted him, but an x9 would be appreciated. Thanks guys!"
Shit like this is just so pathetic and lame.
>jumps to "pedophilia"
Concession accepted, retard.
yeah just come mid a million times, who cares if the first 50 ganks fail one of them is bound to work
I'm the Zuko of league
lily basso
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next plan? tell me nore
I outrank you in this scenario, /lolg/.
seraphine is 17 is boosted
I saw that too fellow X poster
do team comps matter or does skarner have zero counter play?
i am the highest rank here (gold 3 45 wins 53 losses). anyone claiming to be higher is lying
if L9 were in worlds they would win
built for bwc
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this game is hard to play because it is hard to want to look while you play it due to the players
Do you have any chastity pics
>Is that a dog?
What a weird question.
A Turkey Day plan...
Share your chastity folder
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Im trying to figure out how to
which L9bros are currently alive or not braindead from drug abuse?
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so we start with the turkey? sounds easy
this game is balanced for ppl like this right?
He doesnt even play the game
This is true, but thousands of retards just like him do and spend hundreds of dollars on skins per year
He stopped playing because of Vanguard so I don't think he's even spending money on skins either
yordles (female) > everything else
Are you esl?
how come my team mates tell my to mind my own business in a team game?
what is the best team comp? and how come my team mates never pick it?
>why are my low elo teammates bad at league
it is a mystery
quit being negative(attitude, score is completely fine) in the chink game please
why do niggers get so mad when they lose in a video game lmao
how many years of game design on left on the riot team?
How do you people play this game sober?
i'm kinda convinced the players deserved to be ran down on every game
yo lets see ur op.gg tho
you go first so i can see what elo you think is good
artists name?
Midjourney, Stablediffusion, DreamStudio, Dall-E, take your pick.
i asked chatgpt to flip your post
Back to Diamond S O O N !
Do you guys as well sometimes play shitty picks just to post it on /lolg/ and rile up autists?
is it wrong to get upset at stupid people?
that's right, it's gambling time!
inv me
ok that's actually pretty cute
I finally got the 3rd icon for the reroll yesterday and it was a star guardian icon. I am going to kill myself.
Why do you have so many threads up?
built different
lol players are mostly intellectual aristocracy
Janny can delete this one >>500133643.
The other one is pending to be archived.
>12k damage, 42 minutes game, lvl 16, senna
you got carried
you have the gift of literal precognition. you know both ults are going to happen before they happen. i want you to watch the full speed wemb and press pause on the first milisecond of either of our ults and notice how fiora is already in the fucking process of moving away from them. you know its going to happen before it happens and you are slower to react no matter what than the guy thats playing it by ear. you are such a turbo retarded nigger. i press pause and hes literally already moving away from both ults. oh my god youre fucking stupid

omfg i hit an item power spike
you can no longer turn emotes/icons into oranges
for some reason you need 3 icons to reroll but only 1 emote
Both of those were up for hours.
your secret admirer
Don't wanna see rerun episodes.
just nutted to this
why can't you at least post good quality images instead of ai slop? bbc spam is below standards, but sinking it even lower is just.... baka spammer kun
im getting a massive monster payday soon and im genuinely afraid that im going to spend it all on league
>can only change name once every 3 months
fuck you riot niggers
fuck you
i have 278k blue, i was able to change it whenever the fuck i pleased
fuck you
Just don't spend it on League? Not that hard plus the next months event is probably gonna be less rewarding than the worlds one.
What's your excuse for playing league of legends, lolg?
Tfw need the 250k BE for that emporium border.. maybe when I come back from a break next year and continue after that years break on the next next year.
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Genuinely, do not spend it on league.

I'm speaking as someone who recently got a windfall, and has been struggling to wrangle my own purchasing habits. Cover important stuff like bills or groceries. Depending on size, put the rest in savings for a minute or find good interest rates.

It's occasionally fun, and the yordles (female (plus Veigar and Teemo)) are pornbait. I don't play it as often as I used to so I avoid burnout or bad mental spirals with the game.
It was for the Swain rework and test but now that that's over and done with, I'm waiting for his prestige. Once that's done I'll watch the TV show across November and then take a break from this game and this general.
every player i have ever played with on this game was trash
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>Enemy bans my main, I literally only play that champ
>Play Sej top because it's the champ I use when auto filled jungle
>Completely fucking dumpster enemy team,
>Win the game even when my team was getting fucked by a god damn lux mid

Gold is a joke elo.
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>Continually gave up waves of xp to get my Jinx ahead
>One wrong misstep mid-late game meant I was getting jumped on by Poppy and Yasuo
Sometimes you can't play your best every game, and that's okay !
>I've been afk the whole game
omg are you going to find a way to work around it gurl?!?! go gurl you got this show off
flaunt what you got gurl
How does the playerbase not get bored of the ritual Faker glazing every single time he wins something
Like seriously any games where T1 are involved are so annoying to watch because it's literally just constant cringy Faker dicksucking even if he's not even the main reason the team wins
the only thing you taunt is that big mac towards to your mouth
How does Teemo lose to that...?
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i had no idea, i thought you could change it back to default if it wasn't taken
sejuani top owns
why do you guys always ask these type of questions
matchup only matters if the players are even skill and if hes going 2/10 down 100 farm vs a tank hes outclassed regardless
im human
this isnt a league thing, it happens with real sports too
its because normies dont actually know anything so they just worship the biggest name
lebronfags, messifags, etc
any cool off meta / troll adc picks bros?
this game is pretty dog shit fuck trash no?
gwen apc is legit op
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Okay but were they friendly and did you add them and become friends with them?...
when will they remove the mana bar?
Wait did t1 actually beat gen g? I don't watch e shart

There's this master/gm dude on EUW who plays fiora adc and he's really good at it. I think his name is blinkfiora or something. He's also a KPOP enjoyer which is based.
literally a walking ward
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>It wasn't better before, you're just old.
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Keria carried his team these last two series, yet nobody noticed.
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>le sit under turret and watch lehends get gangbanged man
I'd rather buy factorio than reinstall this
you are missing nothing by not playing this
bitch got the body of a granny
why are you looking at naked grannies
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i want Evelynn to sit on my face
It is sad what porn addiction does to the human brain. You barely act like a human being anymore.
do you have any chastity pics
nerf poppy
Denies should be in League.
Finnish schizo power, I'm afraid. Easily robbed by just giving it no attention, or going into Werk Tyme.
god dam bitch eat a big mac once in a while
I genuinely do not care I do not pay attention to avatar fags or noise, eg. of noise: >>500145007
I never acknowledge it, my brain automatically has filtered these things for years and I feel no downside.
is it actually so hard to just rangeban israel?
>hurr durr why is nobody hating on nami and soraka
because they arent posting right now?
Freezing is cringe considering you can't go to jungle and take camps. Denies would make the game way more dynamic
someone taunt a big mac towards this bitches mouth
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so about making league playable again when are they
>Picking yone, teemo or some other bullshit top

Fucking hell, I can't dodge every game, so why do I get these cunts every game? Pick a fucking tank like a normal person
the entire internet would shut down as a result
I cannot judge any of you, a match takes 40 minutes on average.
In wild rift they're 20 minutes now and it feels like an eternity.
One advantage of shorter games is that it's silly to ever want to dodge or not give your best since every mistake opens an entire set of possibilities, everything is faster and weightier.
my take on BLG vs T1:

Knight vs Faker is 50/50
Xun vs Oner is also 50/50
On vs Keria is obviously a Keria gap
Elk has been the best ADC during this tournament. Gumayusi has not been very impressive.
Bin vs Zeus is not that clear, could be a 50/50 but Bin has not played so many characters during knockouts

I hate to admit it, but I give it 3-1 to T1 because of Keria.
I'm Godlike !
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my take on BLG vs T1:
5 koreans can't win. krdog.
ok this thread is a sign i should take a break from this game...
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kys racist
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Take care of yourself, anon.
Know what?
I don't do shit unless I'm getting the kill. Never roam, never help jungle. I've been burned so many times by cunts stealing my kills. And the fucked up thing? My WR has gone up 6% since I've started this.
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What's the point of mental booming like this? In a Norm no less. Brown retards like Warwick and Yone aren't human enough for it to induce any sort of self reflection on their parts. Riot removed perma bans for automated chat penalties (can't bait said brown retards into saying something in chat to get them perma banned) and they don't punish people who play at such a dogshit level it's basically trolling. So why bother malding like this when Riot basically doesn't do anything about these literal monkeys like Warwick and Yone anyway?
wow you've shared a game where the enemies were trolling, afk and just wiped every second, yet it still took 30 minutes... so cool, you've also censored your name, you're the big G
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Thanks for the cleanup.

I'll repost the latest yordlebro art in response.
We were dancing with Voli as he died under a turret or danced with Yuumi when the rest of her team was dead. We stopped taking it seriously once it was clear what Voli was doing and once we were so ahead Yone, Warwick and Jinx were non-factors. So no shit it took 30 minutes.
What a non interesting event why share it?
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those who know
Questioning the point of just mental booming like this like Voli did. Again, in a Norm no less. Warwick and Yone are brown and will forget it even happened within a day. Can't bait them into getting banned either. Riot doesn't ban feeders like said Warwick and Yone 95% of the time. We're not counting Voli as an inter, bro was taking it seriously till Warwick and Yone were on their 6th death in a row each before 15 minutes. Can't bait those 2 brown oxygen thieves into saying something bannable in chat either cause perma bans through chat penalties got removed. At that point why not just play something else if shit's able to set you off so bad you just buy 6 motes and run down the lanes into a turret?
Y-you can't do that, keep following my retarded calls NOW!
Uncensor the names pussy
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Good morning /lolg/!
hello cute lizard
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>Getting married
it's okay stinky femcel
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Indeed. Looks great in it, too.
bros what the fuck??: https://merch.riotgames.com/en-us/product/infinity-zyra-statue/
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finally some quality yordleposting
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It *does* look pretty nice, but 910€? That's a stretch. How much was the Lux statue from before?
Yeah they got a MF and also made a new Lux one for worlds.
I need a figurine for my champ and of good quality.
500 burger bux..........
fuck im debating on buying it, theres no resellers selling it cheaper either.... AND it doesnt come with a rare emote either like other figs....
that'll be you and me one day~
For that pricetag? Hell no.
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Clicked your URL and saw this instantly, this is for coomers?
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If they ever make a qiqi one i'll buy it
what looks nice about it? the face is like that of a gook, it's a sexual toy that you want to hide if someone visits you and it's just a plastic piece of shit, look at it looks worse than reward toys from china in cheap food for kids

What the fuck? Why?
I decided to give up on my misery as an ADC in Silver/Gold in the year 2024 and play some more jungling.

Am I missing something or are people not leashing as much anymore? Like, whenever I go ADC I am always keen to leash and help my jungler get started but the last few days has seen a number of matches where my team simply sits in lane.

Did meta change or do I just have crummy teammates?
why not
I can't really explain why, there's just something about it... but whenever volibear dances I want to fucking kill myself and my entire team with it.
For 1400 dollars?? Of Renekton??? Why WOULD you?
God I wish Zyra looked this fun ingame instead of being a shitty poke heimer with a barely functional passive.
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Would anyone like a Caitlyn figurine?
Sold out
I meant like getting it delivered from me, you will have to give me your address though.
Obviously that's not fucking happening plus you're a EU bum from the slums. This is pre visual update, is this technically rare, when did you get?
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You can't spell "fetish" without a "fish"
>pre-visual update cait

Yeah she was cool back then.
This company wants a thousand fucking tea drinking sheckles for something that should arguably cost closer to two hundred, maybe?

What's this shit made out of, unicorn hooves? For a thousand fucking dollars this thing should do my taxes and drive me to work every day.
Today was a good day !
now play something that won't atrophy your brain due to inactivity, mr emerald censorer
Heard this post in J4's voice.
It's not season 3 you dumb cunt. No one leashes because Jungle doesn't need a leash.
Seraphine is a pedophile.
why did pompom abandon us. did he at least make it onto a pro team?
lux is obsessed with it
yeah why the fuck aren't they showing off his ass and titties like the zyra one
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I am strongest gold qiyana alive
Leashing saves 3 seconds tops and can lose you the lane because you can't fight for level 2/get cheesed in bush/etc.
Besides it was only ever viable in the early seasons when the monster camps had little helpers and the jungle items didn't make it viable for fucking Morg or Zed to be jungle. All the shit added to help new players means you don't even need to kite camps anymore.
she is a cheap whore after all
Seraphine would make a good wife. You cannot deny this
I don't understand how people can despise that guy but think two gay Mexican avatarfags spamming back and forth in every thread for 4 years straight is fine
i started slowly selling my figures. I sold all 3 of my star guardian mini figure sets for like 100 each. I still have project jhin and R.I.P teemo mini figures that I kept in my closet, have like 5 of each. figured it was ALWAYS a good idea to buy these special/limited figures since they were $10 each and they couldnt really get any cheaper.
No >>500153514
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Seraphine is not a whore. She is a successful singer and has a good relationship with her father. She is objectively a good person
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Someone explain how we went from attractive bunny witch girl who even had her art updated to give her bigger tits and thighs and is the first female in the last couple years to actually have big tits to this old black woman? No one will fucking play this chick after she gets nerfed, no one. She will barely get any skins like Ornn and shit.
I call it the overwatch effect
Coomers are only allowed their chunk of flesh if the diversity hires also get their pound
Is ranked good to play again where the weekend creatures are gone? Or wait til 9 AM before I start playing? I can't believe I demoted back to Iron after an 8 lose streak due to the amount of trolls, griefers, etc.
What's funny is I went back to playing normals and was winning most of my matches. Why is normals during the weekend normal compared to ranked?
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not the biggest fan of him or her either
nobody is playing the snowbunny
Only ever bought the Cait one because it was on sale and I enjoyed playing her, knew very early that she was obnoxiously overpowered and took advantage of it. Jhin and Cait were my jam. Not as much fun after the rework though.
In terms of coin flipping I only ever did this for accounts like buying a victorious janna one by someone who was leaving the game and selling them for triple digits. Also sold my 800k+ exp Soraka account for a good chunk of money. The account stuffs not as great anymore because the games genuinely grim at the moment.
>he doesn't know about the entry rituals in showbusiness
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I might start now that she's rarer
The contrarian in me is too strong
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How do you play the Vladimir vs Cait mid match up again? Since I didn't know the match up as Vlad, I sat under turret to prevent getting poked down like I do as Kassadin against this match up.
If inwas Xerath or Ziggs, this whole match would be completely different.
Mash Q off cooldown and farm like a bitch until 30 minutes same as how vlad plays every matchup lolmaoofl?
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I don't think it matters much in Iron... I normally play from midnight to 6-8am during the week days because that's when I find to have the most balanced matches - except today, where most were just one sided stomps.
Just find a time that works for you and stick to it, I'm probably being a little "superstitious" with my time.
In normals people just play 4fun, whereas people in ranked act like they're playing for worlds every game, and that there's money on the line.
how lucky is riot league viewership is in the dumpster and the most popular chinese team and the most popular korean team happen to win against all odds and meet each other in grand finals wowie zowie that's so lucky!
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What do you think is going on his head right now?
>be noc
>hey bard i gonna ult ashe, u ult tower so i dont die ok
>ye ye
>ult and dive ashe
>stupid retard ults me and ashe
the incoherent rage i have to experience playing this game is something to behold
yeah I get it, I did elo boosting during s4-s6 and it was solid money but after s6 shit got flooded with chinese
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I wake up at 6 AM

Lie in bed for an hour.

Say fuck it lets get the ranked games out of the way.

Someone posts an 11 page google doc in the first game of the day.
But it's Cait, where her autos hurt and her range is long.
This looks insane post the link
Quick guide, how to never get banned.
Step 1: type whatever you want
Step 2: press Esc instead of Enter
i already told you yesterday
start with doran shield, take phase rush, ghost and flash and just beat her ass.
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>Another Worlds where T1 wins again
What was this then that caused Faker to start slamming his head into a wall? Some other tournament that he got the team disqualified from?
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That they smoke cigarettes and read blood meridian. Would say this character has a very poor impulse control and is a bit deviant.
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Didn't keep it, this is his league of graphs tho. Get it yourself

Apparently he makes slideshows like this for money. My question is who the fuck buys them? Am I meeting him on my silver smurf because the client base is subhumans who haven't even seen plat?

He's a real gamer. This makes him more human to me
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Just got promoted to Plat 4
Goodbye, faggots
There was someone who posted like an entire gallery of it back in spring/early summer this year, yeah it's a thing and had been a thing even back in 2020, think my first exposure to those was someone posting a Yuumi presentation from their games back then which was a good laugh.
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>Faggot jungle takes my kill, a kill I had secured with ignite
>Faggot flashed for it
>Tell him if he takes my kill again he'll lose the game
>Faggot takes my kill not 2 minutes later
>Proceed to feed top then afk farm for the rest of the game
>We lose
>He's giga butthurt, yelling all game

I don't know what he expected. I explicitly told him what would happen.
you'll lose 3 games and be right back here don't fool yourself
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I think it's the same guy because he also had this shit. Sixty google docs dedicated to this. If anyone was on 4chan for the tilefucker saga, it reminds me of that level of unhingedness
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>Slut bunny released to a prettly measly 53% WR
>Now after multiple rounds of nerfs, slut bunny is at 47% and dropping

What happened?
Waaah waaah I didn't get the +300 on my screen and someone on my team benefitted slightly more from a play they started than I did!

If it's not this fucking retardation its crying that they don't gank your lane at all. I'd understand if you were shoved in and you pinged them not to come to your lane at all, then they gave double buffs and a 300 gold cash injection to an Illaoi or some shit, but he literally made a play that got him ahead and bought you time to curate your lane state and build a lead just for you to be an assmad little faggot over it.

Go fuck yourself. People like you exist in Emerald because you mastered a single combo on an overloaded punishing champ.
Boring kit, stuck to Xayah instead.
Don't take my kills and I won't int your game, cunt. Simple as.
are esports done?
>in jungler niggers pretend scenario of what he thinks happened the jungle "set the play up" and wasnt just kha/graves/zed that walked into a lane with a 10 hp person in it to press q
LOL, jungle niggers am i right
>Boring kit
>Annoying voice and stupid voice lines
>Dumb lore
>800 range mage with a vayne-ranged "dash"
>Gets cucked by any medium / long range mid
>Not even in the top 50 popular champs anymore.
There's finals on Saturday and then you'll have to start complaining about Arcane season 2 for November.
I tried building burst on her recently and it was so much funner
The metaslop liandrys build is such a snore people wake up
finna be a whole ass week
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>Arcane season 2 for November.
I can't WAIT for Ambessa and Mel to come to League, I hope they're good in Season 2 to hype me up even more !
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You wouldn't a fish.
Been in both these scenarios as the laner and the jungler. It's very simple. The laner makes the final call and if he pings danger the jungler should fuck off. That scenario isn't this one. The kill he described was a free one that literally had no drawbacks.
Koi Nami is unreasonably thicc and I'd grind my cock into her fat voloptuous tail till she smelled even more like fish
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Aurora looks like THAT?!
>sitting behind your team waiting to land a root on melees is epic
>invisibility assassin mage is boring
odd comparison that's not even true
so i was watching doms vod just now and he mentioned this thread and called us coomers.......
Both half animal women that have the animal ears and legs that rely on kiting and have an AA + follow up execute/damage. I just like Xayah better, nothing more nothing less.
Her burst build is the only viable option. People are still getting recommended the old build though. Even though burst is viable, she's b-tier at best. You need to work twice as hard to get shit done as say, Syndra or Ahri. Really she just has nothing to offer, especially since her ult can be dashed out of.
>Fortnite introduced bots into games to keep the worst players entertained
>On a serious note, this isn't far from reality, I always wondered this, but without a doubt, in this age of fake comments that sound indistinguishably real and AI related deep fakes that we sometimes can't tell apart. You can bet that the people you thought were humans who are willing to allocate some of their time to queue for a game of league of legends were never humans to begin with. It's certainly in Riot's power and incentives to do this.

Riot would never... Right... ? Right ?!
>lucky X gets deleted
since when
>i was watching a raging autist and a bloo bloo blah
oh no
Childhood is wanting to fuck sjokz
Adulthood is understanding your children with emily would have gigachad jaws
Enlightenment is realizing sjokz would give you 6' tall nordic as fuck sons and height is all that matters
>nose ring
>used goods
it's just shit taste then
They rely on content and not context so I'd believe it.
Don't care.
and then you wake up and realize not a single woman in the worlds wants a fat neckbeard like you
Nose rings are ugly but they multiply the chance of the girl having nip piercings several times
It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make
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>caring about what women want
you're too weak to rape on so lmao
>Women can just post pictures of themselves and make money

Life was never fair
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>have to go to the bathroom in the middle of a ranked game
>lp is more important so i shit myself
>lose anyways
>now i still lose lp AND my room is stinky now
Its over...
Unironically this. My sister got introduced to League and didn't give two shits until she found out she could stream it. So between streaming dressed in different cosplay and her onlyfans she makes more money than I do. Tbh kinda makes me want to rope myself.
Embarrassing read. Please have some shame.
shitty bait
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All I fucking want is a high quality default Akali figure, Riot. How the fuck do you not have this? I've got shelves of figures. I'll fucking pay. Just make it a thing, you chink owned fucks.
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Just put filters on your face and pretend to have a deep voice while streaming league, you'll get a simp following even if you're mediocre at the game.
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Jesus Christ, Jeesun's built like this?
Discord screencaps are always fucking abysmal.
Would you watch a streamer that sounds like this?
Absoultely, bonus points if he's a petite asian boy that mains female champs
>250 games/45% wins gold 4 shitter flaming all game in aram
been a while since i saw someone unironically saying the good old fashioned "i kill you, i fuck your mom" etc
what a guy
Quit the game.
lol this is bait but I did break up with some high school Stacie for something similar

>be 17
>having a “lan party” with two friends to play league
>gf knows about it and swings by to check in on me / bring snacks
>this is when 3v3 was in
>slightly piss myself because was so locked in and got jumped on my a blitz when I really had to piss
>gf arrives
>send friend to door because don’t want her to see piss stains on pants
>she freaks out about not seeing me
>have to come outside to a woman crying with pizza rolls while covered in piss stains
How does she poop?
Theres an anus between her "boobs"(they're actually buttcheeks not breasts)
What does /lolg/ think about Blitzcrank?
Victor should give him a big juicy butt so he can twerk.
im hooked on playing him
Added him and I commissioned a 5 page doc on why Teemo mains should hang themselves. Nice guy
Le funny hook.
Thresh Nautilus and Pyke's brother with downs they pretend doesnt exist
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I just meant that it looks extremely detailed, the color grading is good and the face/actual art itself is also done pretty well. It's just a quality figure in general, but still overpriced.

He skews the entire laning phase around him more than any other hook-based support. I don't like him at all - specifically his W, run up to you, E, R/Q (in any order) "combo". It's frustrating and just annoying. I think he should be reworked but I honestly don't know how they'd go about doing it.

More importantly, I went out all morning and drove around a few gift stores with some friends to just pass time and get stuff for Halloween. There's lots of Arcane/League stuff where I'm at, surprisingly enough - there was even a random TV in a gift store playing random videos and the trailer to Arcane S2 was one of them. Pretty surprising - the place I'm at doesn't generally get that sort of international advertisement kind of stuff.
Anal would looks kinda weird huh.
Imagine a fat ugly bastard having sex with her and smacking her in the face with his belly every thrust.
This sounds like shit people in this thread would post. Everyone here is a fucking degen
They praying for the death of a rockstar!
literally after next game
>Just stream and you will become a billionaire overnight
I streamed for 2 months and i only had like 2 followers and only 1 actual viewer that consistently came to my streams and i made 0$ in those 2 months off my streaming
Did you
>have camera on
>did you talk and narrate almost the entire time, regardless of chat and viewers
>did you stream 5 days consistently at similar hours
>did you cross market and content you did in any social channels
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Two tricking: Pyke, or Rakan
If you arent top 100 on your server dont even bother.
I feel poor playing Ahri with any skin that isn't Faker's. Fuck you Riot now I can't play the champion
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Are you gonna stream on Halloween night?
you probably didnt even have a schedule
having a schedule is the #1 priority to get streaming

think of it this way
there are 2 groceries near you
1 is always open 8am-8pm, the other just randomly opens whenever they feel like it
which one would you pick??
What date is that again i forgot.
My permaban. Completely no skill champ, can hook but doesn't have any risks associated with it like Pyke Naut.
I streamed daily starting at the same time.
The streams were sometimes diffrent lenghts though sometines 2 hours sometimes 12 depending on what i felt like that day.
>Earned $0
Last time I donated someone's stream here they bought cigarettes instead of food like they were supposed to.
all the reasons to not give money to beggars
I dont smoke or drink so if someone donated to me it would most likely go to food and bills unless i had a clogged pipe and needed a plumber or something.
is there anything compelling about BLG?
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31st, this Thursday night. Probably gonna extend over to Friday too, though.
What are you streaming and if league what champs do you play, are you someone who regularly streams here?
I dont have anything better to do so i could.
But noone is going to show up again even if i do so i dunno.
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If you're Nantonaku I'll be there! I don't have anything better to do on either of those days.
League and i used to regularly stream here for 2 months i would post my stream in the general everytime i went live and then like 4 people would join and then leave instantly 5 minutes later and i would be streaming to an audience of 0 or 1 person if my only viewer would show up today.
I havent streamed in a while though.
Manly mage man.
That guys na I think.
if you want streaming advice, here are some basics

>Face camera on
>talk, a LOT
The medium is about being personable and communicating while being live, narrate everything you do. Practice by narrating what you’re doing while cooking.
>find a social platform your audience would use
>cross post and make clips there

Repeat x 2 years
Im neither of these people.
I guess everyone forgot me hmm...
Not like anyone knew me in the first place so thats to be expected.
I don't even need a face cam, just a guy mumbling about the game.
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Shit, I always get 0 viewers anyway
very fucking specific description
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Well, whoever you are, I'll watch you, anyway. Just post your link whenever you start streaming.
Also my streaming advice isn’t to be rude it’s literally saying if you haven’t been putting in tons of effort, ofc you’ll get no views regardless of how charming you might actually be
Does your main matter for gaining traction while streaming
only your gender matters.
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So why does league give so much free shit thesedays?
they should accentuate your character yeah
It's how you build an identity
Tyler being similar to Draven only helped him
>My mains personality is nothing like mine.
Its over for me isnt it...?
>i'm exactly like viego
as long as the gameplay fits you too then its fine
kesha and baus built their whole shticc off the gimmicks of their mains
>Smolder was the only successful champ this year
>Aurora failed miserably
>Ambessa will fail miserably as well after nerfs
because outside of smurfs and banned retards, there are no legit new players
actual free shit was on garena a decade ago
autistic rabbit would be succesful if she didnt wear glasses
autistic rabbit would be more succesful if she had a finnish accent with the VA having higher tone of voice
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I like her but she should've been cockier. And snarky.
Maybe even haughty, and she should have had a noticeable exotic accent too like welsh or something, something you cant help but want to rape you know what I mean
Ah, I see where you went wrong.
>Not GM or higher
>Not One Trick Master or higher
>Not a gril
>She's le heckin autistic
>Sounds like bootleg karen from mean girls
Girls from mean girls actually had personalities and their lines were recognizable, this new champ, I don't know.
english is just a slop language
IS that why you act all haughty? are you actually self inserting as Qiyana?
Aurora looks and sounds like some fat bitch's tumblr oc.
That's Xayah though
she looks like a ff14 character of an egirl
you're thinking of taliyah
nah im just ableist towards people with glasses
If Xayah was realistic she would be the fat bitch making th ocs.
>Rude and a cunt
Only missing an extra 500 pounds and that would be Xayah.
Aurora should have been anthro. Redheads smell bad.
>looks like some roastie whore intern's XIV OC
In the trash it goes.
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How come Shaco, TK, Corki and Teemo are in practically every Plat. to Emerald elo game? How do people do nothing but play extremely annoying champions all day all season and remain stuck in average elos despite it and not feel bad about themselves or their state of living?
Some people like to play videogames for fun instead of playing them for ranks and speedrunning.
Aurora should have been morbidly obese.
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Shaco being in a lobby means the Shaco player has fun at the cost of 9 other players having none. His AP build is notoriously useless besides for troll one-shots if someone decides to chase you around a box minefield and his AD build is an RNG mechanic where he'll just Q on someone and if you have flash up, you live and he just dies and can't do anything about it and if you don't you just die. That's the other thing - what's so fun about Shaco that the champion warrants having so many OTPs? Are they actual sociopaths who derive their fun from denying fun and inducing rage in everyone else in the lobby? And if so, when will Riot piece together that maybe part of the reason the game is so notoriously toxic is inherently toxic gameplay design in champions like this?
das kali
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picrel, back to back lobbies.
>Kali go burp
>Feathers fry
>Shaco being in a lobby means the Shaco player has fun
This is all that matters.
>But what if other players dont like when you have fun
Doesnt matter i want to play it because its fun for me so i will.
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Are you the Shaco support player? I really do think you guys are sociopaths, but thanks for at least confirming it for me.
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>Swain Prestige
holy FUCK
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Looks like the same face in the Yasuo prestige.
Looks gay and lame
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Im still mad I didnt buy the Faker ahri skin, only got the basic one
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Oh did they actually read my post about the hairy chest. I don't like the suit though.

Oh they made him bigger too aaaa mmm..
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Pretty cool I guess. Let’s see Kat.
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Swain if he was a stripper instead
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i haven't seen any of that skin's iterations in months
I though he has boobs from the thumbnail.
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I kinda look like this, any xayah/Aurora main looking for a duo?
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the expensive one has animations in the fucking loading screen, I saw one today and got mad af

my pc literally broke when the skin came out so I had to spend money buying pc parts....
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>want a new name
>can't come up with anything
>don't want it to be a hehe funny joke eks dee for the millionth time
>realize i had no proper nicknames in any games for the past 17 years
>it was always just random shit that i thought was funny at the time
Is it true buying RP gets you out of loser's queue?
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Same, anon... same...
>ambessa's skin is legendary
her first skin is a legendary one kek
It's a bias, and a really good one.
if you're in your promos buy just one skin.
i say.
Seraphines first skin was Ultimate
If you ever encounter anyone who thinks that WW3 including a complete reset of the human fucking race would not be necessary, let them play League of Legends.
you are my strongest goy
>Loses a round in a videogame and/or gets called noob
Drama queen.
im with him, i hope most of you get killed too
People like you are what's wrong with the world, unironically. Someone behaves like a subhuman nigger, you think it's not a big deal. Someone rapes a girl, you think it's not a big deal etc..
i like that she looks like malenia, and small breasts suit katarina better, bonus points for the nice bubble butt
>twisted fate has 0 proper legendaries since 2009
>but niggers get prestige and legendary skins on release

how the FUCK are they unable to produce ONE legendary skin for one of the most iconic and basic champions in the history of the fucking game? remember when matthew mercer voiced TF in the WR cinematics? if they can't bring back owen thomas then why wouldn't they be able to get matt to voice him?
>Losing a ranked game is basically rape i just got online raped over League
When did League go to shit? Was it when the Chinese bought it?
Forced shillmon champ
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Matt is a faggot.
There's ZERO reason why champions like Riven, Aatrox or Garen has no mana costs
that faggot voices wolf aswell btw
Chinesse bought league before you started playing it
yes and by extend when balancing was affected by skin sales and homosexuals
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i feel your pain
it was graves rework, graves rework was the definitive start of the end. jungle was at an all time high with the most nigger players imaginable so they needed to create a matchmaking system that intentionally fixed games to force all players into a 50/50 winrate. then 8 years of nerfs to all sources of damage besides what is innate to all the broken champs they released also is just completely fucking it
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Still. He’s a faggot. I watched a scene of him in that roleplaying game he does with other voice actors and he seethed at that one guy over calling himself an alpha jokingly. Dude tries too hard.
>dude just separate the person and the voice
No. Even Morgs VA is a bitch. A slampig but a bitch.
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Aatrox has pretty long cooldowns especially with his current meta (assassin) build. It's just the fault of bruiser items that are giving haste out the ass that make it so every champion has no cooldowns. Riven has always been like this, though. Someone once proposed giving every manaless champion (that doesn't otherwise need their 2nd resource for something else, like Gnar) an energy meter and I think it'd make sense and be alright - they'd just have to iron out the numbers.
>fagboy voice
It's not about balance, there's just ZERO reason why a champion has arbitrarily no resource at all, what is even the reason? Especially garen who calls down a magic sword but somehow doesn't use mana, wtf does he use then where does that golden sword form
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Well, that's what I was trying to communicate. The original idea was long cooldowns for their abilities as the trade-off but for the past 6~ years (around when they changed CDR's name to Haste) bruiser items have just been giving TOO much haste. Not just bruiser items either, honestly - haste in general is just too strong and the pace of the game is just too fast. There's no going back anymore, though, because champions like Yasuo/Yone/K'Sante/whatever would literally just not be functional anymore if their Q was only up every 2 seconds instead of every half second, even on a miss.
It comes from Kayle.
Garen asks Kayle to strike down his target.
Now that i think about it how dies that work if hes vs Kayle?
Does Kayle just kill herself? Or is there a 2nd true Kayle off map and the one on summoners rift is just a impostor?
>wtf does he use then where does that golden sword form
he wills it out of existence nigga.
total magebabs death
but that's Draven!?
>fagboy voice
New skin previews:
Giving it a second thought I'm not gonna buy either of the Swain skins.
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was Swain always this ripped?
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The ultimate looks cool but everything else looks pretty generic and similar to his base skin (I guess that's the downside of the skin's color palatte being red) but... what the fuck is up with his prestige's model? Why is the whole skin one-color with no shading or color grading at all? The splash looks nice but the model itself has no detail or interesting things about it whatsoever.
>darius just uses an axe to hit people
>uses mana
>garen manifest a golden sword that shakes the earth
>no mana no magic
ambessa's is amazing and the rest are blackfrost-tier, fuck you riot
Why do these troony champs get so many mastery points into them on average? I can understand other champs like Katarina but how many games of "hehe you stepped into my turret/mushroom" can a person go for
He was always a bit meatier/heavier than your typical twink ottermodes.
His arms, thighs and torso were always on a bigger/wider side.
Quite a nice sight yes.
This poster has never randomly gotten a kill while he was on the other side of the map farming because someone stepped into one of his shrooms while low hp and it shows.
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Always was.
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bitch thinks she is Malenia
better be a legendary or its gonna look goofy af
Did you tag the wrong post?
That bitch flatter than a cutting board.
Round up every fujo in a field and Aurelion R them ASAP
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wake up bro new korean dogshit build just dropped so you can lose more lp
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finna bash a Velkoz main head open with a crowbar and spill her brain matter all over the fucking pavement
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Resident Swaincel popping in to express my unending disappointment in both of these.
I hate this game.
Yeah I'm not gonna buy them either and was looking forward to something new.
>Velkoz main
? does not exist
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I was watching someones replay and I was wondering why the support was top and not bot... Makes sense now ig, time to go watch
Im considering taking in a lowelo Velkoz main and turning them into a house-ridden baby-making machine.
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Well between this and how lackluster the "rework" for him has been I think it's time to conclude my short return to the game.
I'm not sure if I'll bother to get the prestige or not since I already have like 200 of the currency and can't imagine what else I would want.

Honestly it's on such a downtrend in general that it's almost embarrassing, the fact that they actually said they can't mess with Swain's abilities too much because they don't have any spare VFX guys is indicative of some greater problems at the company. This company used to fully rework champions every month or two no problem, now we have shit like Skarner rework taking two years, and it's not like it's because they're coming out with too much other content or any other understandable excuse.
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here your support for today
So this is what "Drip" looks like.
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Swain and the Prestige look good. Like the ult form in both and the wolf on the eye and uneven claws on the grab are nice touches.
Ambessa's honestly the best of these. She really uses the wolf aura stuff well in her spell effects even though they're small and quick.
Immensely disappointed in the Kindred. It's alright, but it would have been way cooler if she looked more like the on in the Music video, being all black and sinew-y.
So boring. Like, there has to be more they could have done for her spell effects.
Also really boring.

Skinline kinda sucks, only Swain and Ambessa are passable.
LeeGOD invaded your skull rent free
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Kinda saw them get lazy when they began to pull off the whole recycling of assets and such with Neeko copy pasting models and sylas stealing r's, this game has only gotten worse overtime and genuinely noone is denying that at this point.
The prestige is a bit too over sexualised for my taste even if I have enough me left over for it and the vfx seems kinda lame for what you get and the winterblessed teir mask thing again on r.
I would say if you don't want it don't get it even if it's technically just sitting there, surely something else more worthwhile will get released though still unlikely because even the skins are getting worse lol.
The rework was a flop, I think it would be best if they revert the changes now before they add any further changes (which I think they're going back to buffing swain by adjusting numbers instead of actually fixing him) but that's never gonna happen. The best Swain was the initial reworked one where you could pull cc'd enemies and do quite well across all roles. Another unfortunate thing are that the mythic items and recipes have changed or are no longer so even if they do bring him back I do wish they bought back old liandrys, zohniyas with the stopwatch and everfrost. It's all unenjoyable and I have been taking breaks from this game due to it too.
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Yeah I doubt they pull back on the changes because that would mean admitting that they did something wrong, instead they'll just buff the numbers until he's strong and then Swain will go right back to where he was before, high winrate play playrate. I don't know why they even bother.
I too miss the old CC pull, it actually gave Swain something of a skill ceiling vs the modern incarnation of him which is that you just hit R and honestly anything else you do in the match barely matters, you just have to know when you win a fight and the enemy can't just walk away.

I've seen people posting things about how Ambessa's walk cycle is apparently just pulled from Shyvana, and I remember seeing a lot of shit over some skins Spell VFX being re-used (fairy skins in particle) and so when you combine that with them constantly firing employees it just looks grim for the future of the game.
Ah well what can you do. Maybe when the MMO comes out in 2035 it will be fun.
Anyways, its time.

Elite elo (D2+ 50lp) bets???
u are boosted as fuck
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hi guys!!
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What kind of sin did I commit to deserve this? Genuinely curious. I know not all games are winnable but I really feel like I don't deserve this particular layer of hell. But don't worry, 30 minute game time and it's totally winnable. No reason to ff obviously.
>get afk'd again
>4 games in a row
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cute pick! Cait fucks your bussy.
swift or aurae?
Playing anything but soulless meta picks in this game is an exercise in futility.
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I heard the MMO is donezo so I wouldn't get my hopes up. This company has potential to make so much cash but make the worst decisions with their IP over and over again. In a way I am morbidly curious as to see if they will ever crash and die out as a company one day and what would actually cause it to do so. Or atleast PC league. Also League 2 from scratch should've been a thing if they were a bit rational about their decisions because the PC game always has issues. Oh well.
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swift or auræ
Bring back old swain please.
>you have to be either of our resident hons to post a character
The MMO is postponed for sure but they're actually still explicitly hiring people for it so they haven't given up entirely. Ghostcrawler quitting to go make his own MMO, combined with the recent extremely predatory monetization in League, makes for a grim outlook on the future of the game though.
I don't think Riot will ever die of course, their other games like TFT and Valorant seem popular enough.
People complaining about this are so dumb. Tons of characters have similar walk cycles.
Even that position is shared with Katarina, who also has two weapons in hand.
It's just a simple "ready" walk cycle while holding two weapons. The only other reasonable options are swinging the arms at the side, keeping them up front in boxer guard or letting them go backwards like a Naruto run.
i miss æ
i can't jack off to the old one
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That's Nami. Say something nice about her.
you miss them so much that you don't know they still post and play
And I guess wild rift makes a lotta money too, grim shit for pc. Also I was watching a documentary on how AoE2 was made and Ghostcrawler was involved in the making of, him leaving was a huge fucking loss.

I think Shyvanas rework will give her a different walk animation so eventually people will forgive Riot I guess, or that's what I presume will happen.
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Disgusting fish.
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why can male champs show their nipples and female champs can't?
because male nipples are not associated with sex and reproduction
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adc mains be like I'm not trans!
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Erm what? I played solo?

Not really I just did the sane thing any elite elo player should know how to do which is just to completely give up contest of the first 3 waves while Shaco roamed...

Almost like its really easy to play the game when you don't take unnecessary risks. I'm getting Masters in no time.
cuck lives matter
>male nipples are not associated with sex
but the whole internet does it
The internet will sexualise feet. That doesn't make feet inappropriate, only those who sexualise them
>I've won my first 2 ranked games of the day
Holy shit, why was the weekend so fucking terrible for ranked? Though my only problem is I'm only getting 21 LP per match. That's literally nothing.
Because the male gaze is bad but the female gaze is good.
>lolg being THIS nice
that's new
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Maybe gay guys online, In terms of chest I'd rather see a swole guy with details to size and definition of muscles than some twink with a pair of nipples.
Also every single pic of guys sucking on man tits or squishing their faces in-between them have been gay guys. I don't get it because that stuffs dry and hard unless they're into gyno stuff which would be even more strange. Atleast with women's breasts they're soft, squishy and milkable.
When will Riot just make Rifle Soldier man Adc? I just want a dude with a rifle.
I can take them all at once
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>Ambessa's coming out
>Her release skin is a fucking Legendary meaning she's getting twice as much VA already
>"Ambessa won't have any voice lines in LoR, sorry it's not in our budget :("
I get it for the old champs since they'd have to bring them back in to do new recordings, but they are already doing Ambessa's regular VO. Why the fuck couldn't they just have her do a few extra lines for the card game version at that point? Surely it's not THAT expensive.
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gameplay fot this feel?
agurin calling out the boosted turks masters players
guy admits to acc sharing
Lil jit having the time of his life
Happier than me definitely
isnt agurin a turk
What do you do when someone on you team feeds the enemy vladimir and gives him 3 items at 20 minutes?
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Any support
is +25 -25 good? it's fair but does that mean my MMR is cooked?
next bake use the new gyat katarina skin
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2024 lineup was quite the treat
>highest winrate mage
>flexed on almost all roles
>100%pick&ban in pro
>reset dashes and stealth
>ungankable due to having too many dashes
>best teamfights but also best laning + lane sustain
>universally hated by all except by her playerbase

>turbo cancer infinite scaling design
>100% pick&ban in pro
>designed to be adc but played as mage/ad caster because riot's incompetence
>repeatedly nerfed every patch and it's still not enough
>flexed on almost all roles
>universally hated by all even by his own playerbase

>yet another broken mage but somehow he keeps getting buffs
>has the ability to deal with every situations
>low skill floor so he has high winrates even in iron
>flexed on almost all roles
>universally hated by all except by his playerbase

and ambessa is about to release :)
wow this boosted euw jungler gameplay is something
>Lose game we were winning because of Yuumi
This champ should not exist in the game.
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Take me back to season 10
>make a cool ass armor and helmet in the music video
>her armor skin is totally different
Fuck you Riot
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Should I be perma banning Yuumi instead as Alistar/Thresh? I only perma ban Morgana as Support but a good Yuumi breaks the game.
It's like watching the jungler version of sera is 17, boosted as shit gameplay and obvious to anyone playing in that elo
There is no human in existence that legitimately enjoys modern day ratirl
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I look and act like this irl
May I suck your cock?
actual cancer
what elo is this
nearly forgot the skarner rework this year, who also happens to be 100% pick&ban in pro play HAHAHHA
who also happens to be turbo fucking broken and who also had one of the most ridiculous champ reowrk releases of all time
gm challenger
game is dead tho
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Crystal Rose Swain did it better, this ones tries too hard.
hi guys i love kayn but i’m struggling to figure out when to go bruised rhaast or lethality rhaast. blue is pretty simple to know when to go because if they are just squishy and mobile you go blue and go assassin, but i see rhaasts sometimes go more assassin over bruiser. why is this?
go full assassin else you deal 0 dmg
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oh my god
If you hate Ambessa you're racist, so you can't hate her chud
Season 10 was also shit
it's just inkshadow yasuo prestige but bara edition
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please duo with me daddy..
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Swain icons.
you know I may be silver but at least I'm not a balding freak
This soraka champion is ridiculous. Why aren’t more people abusing her for elo?
>Google it
Yeah that looks like oversexualised piece of shit trash too.
never bruiser? just rhaast full assassin if i can’t get kited a bunch and blue assassin if they have a lot of cc/mobility?
The base one would be passable if it had armour instead of just a naked torso honestly, still not a fan of the gay circlet.
I may finally break my autistic 'own everything Swain related in the game' streak.
Need smut of this swain with darius
imagine being in this game
that prestige Swain icon makes me think of someone, but I have no fucking clue of who exactly...
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The base one's art looks decent because it has a nice texture and good form, the ingame model looks really really bad and so does this emote.

how disgusting the yi can play a 4v5 and still potentially win
riot has cancer making this game less individual skill based
lmao queer
Snoraka gameplay is boring.
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Dracula from Castlevania perhaps? Long hair, red eyes, moustache.
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>qt is streaming league for a change
>might as well
>remember he divorced lisha
>huh, wonder what's up with her
>see an IG link
>pic related
makes the whole lobby 0 iq and cancer to be in
what a sad game state
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It genuinely doesn't even look like Swain.
I hate this so much.
Anytime a skin gives a champ a beard it makes them look way better
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How did we go from this to that baraniggery
fuck, you might be right
whoever made that emote should be punished by law, it looks so bad...
that yi should never be allowed near the internet and should be stoned to death
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boosted apes can always maintain a 50% winrate by simply afking it's been like this for several seasons now
see pic related who bought a boost and does no dmg every game but still gets carried
to be honest you literally have potent (Rank 1 toplaner in EUW) in your team and a 400 CS Smolder
if anything they managed to stall despite the jungler being an Arkham Asylum escapee
fuck this bitch too
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I've known some guys who look incredibly good but are quite obnoxious about it and genuinely have no personalities or hobbies besides approaching people and waiting to be showered with complements because that's literally all they've been conditioned to do or be since they get everything they want due to their looks hence no development in options or personality.
Though one of the guy was a bit of a sociopath and used it to get whatever he wanted out of his socializations since he looked like an irl statue of david and had millions in his pockets so he was needlessly bored and would play with people or take advantage of them knowing he'd get away with things. Beauty isn't really everything and people who try too hard give me doubts though I don't trust anyone myself.
>qt was fucking that daily
>no tag
Stop lying
>I've known some guys who look incredibly good but are quite obnoxious about it and genuinely have no personalities or hobbies besides approaching people and waiting to be showered with complements because that's literally all they've been conditioned to do or be since they get everything they want due to their looks hence no development in options or personality.
>I've known guys who are literally women
that's horrible
no he wasn't
she obviously was one of the "sex isn't everything" "uh that's all that you think about" type
I am NOT boosted. I am winning games in elite play with previous GM/Challengers last split. I am breaking the meta while gaining elo with the little time i have.

Nooo you can't just improve your gameplay over years of playing the same champion in the same role. You HAVE to coinflip on different champs because you have the attention span of a gnat.
that anon is not me and dont even bother i dont even use that ign anymore
also stop name dropping me youre being cringe
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I mean yeah it's the same with women, doesn't make them any better either, regardless they can do whatever they want idc.
>Turn a weird old dude who can become a bird beast when you press R into some game of thrones reject for wine aunts
Swain rework was always dogshit.
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You can't even get out of gold solo, lol
It was fine at the beginning but they kept changing him, I guess they just really turned up on trying to sell him by making him look younger, though despite everything I don't think any woman will actually play him or buy his skin when they can just play enchanters support.
The current content is only due to it being good timing for Arcane to be released soon and that they thought his rework would be taken positively. The models don't look good in the game at all nor was his rework successful so these will flop despite perhaps getting a lot of fanart.
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Really funny how you never seem to view my recent games solo as indicative of my skill level against previous gm/challenger but you have to keep resorting back to years ago...

Pathetic really.
Why would you spend money on something that isn't profitable? Are you fucking stupid?
And it is not like LOR was a good loss leader.

And don't say it can attract new players. When it had a higher budget, it didn't attract players; why would it now?
>years ago
No it's actually as recently as last split you buy boosts but go off king
doing 3k damage as a long ranged mage is really indicative of you not being boosted and coinflipping games, every time you demote you buy a jungler duo boost, evident by your leagueofgraphs, no one believes you, go back to your rampant samefagging
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>like the new shan hai ahri's skin
it's mobile exclusive
>like the new katarina's skin
you need to play hundreds of hours with katarina to at least be decent with her
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Ahh yes because this was cool and would make me pick him up.
You're going to upset the wow boomers
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illaoi? more like lmaoi lol
I guess theres an invisible duo in your mind every game when you see me lol complete shizo.

Seraphine is an ENCHANTER first due to Phreak changing her. Of course I have lower damage than traditional mages and adc's. The only person on my league of graphs you see is my duo with Maqe, who is unfortunately having a rough time which is why we cannot duo anymore with a 71% wr early on. It still doesn't explain my recent success against the top players on this server...
Unironically yes
Swain today is literally just Aids Hand Sylas (forma de bird)
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Eh if this Swain came back I'd still play him.
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How much did Sanflowzz cost again?

Or this Xin who helped you after you demoted?


More like... lmaokai?
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Really the only issue with old Swain was his hairstyle and maybe his robe's colours.
The most disappointing thing in his rework was how he stopped being crippled.
Both are boring slop
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There is only one cripple in this game that I will accept.
This ass will be cut off during the loading of the game AND as a profile background
what's even the point of buying it
the allegations
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You want to be part of the Noxus army
You want to be conquered
You will get pregnant by superior Noxus males and take care of their children
He's not crippled either.
>its too much to duo with someone else for 2 games in the early season on a different forum
>its too much to match up with the same person twice in a row on your team
Raw sex and kissing after marriage. Bliss.
that doesnt make any sense im playing malphite
>agurin is ruining masters elo
>but only offer to gold and below
Is he saying emeralds and diamonds can win in masters?
Speaking of cripples.
I still don't get how or why that rabbit champ is autistic, she doesn't seem like it but maybe it's because she's not blatantly playing with legos on the floor or something.
Why did they get rid of Ambessa's helmet
she has the autism phenotype
Such as? Sorry you're gonna have to spell it out for me.
think of the spirits as legos.
>SR only playable like 10% of the time
>aram only playable like 40% of the time
the crazy part is these numbers are actually still getting worse
Bring back Arena, ultimate spellbook sucks MASSIVE ass
Damn, these skins look decent to good.

Shame Riot's just...like that, though.
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Disenchant that, Galio needs to only ever exist in his base model.
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I forgor.......................
holy THICC
Why did Ambessa get a legendary skin on her release? No one is gonna play her.
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You did virtually no damage at all again, but this time against Kayn, Gnar, Galio and Leona. How? I don't get it.
ah my swainfag is such a cutie
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Pretty clean pretty clean
shaco roamed the entire game. why would i grief my team against a leona caitlyn?
Compete against windup merchant in trying to see who gets diamond first.
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That's understandable too, I guess. It was only a 17 minute game so the game didn't really go past laning phase. Again, you just consistently do the lowest damage on your team even in scenarios where I feel like you should be doing more. I guess it's just coincidence that the past two times you had a good excuse for it.
>The Ez jealous of Taric playing tag with Lux
Isnt that the support role abuser ?
He wouldnt get out of plat if he had to play a real role
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>ctrl G
>no results
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Emerald 2 just like you >>500139660, but yes support.
Damn he kinda fly af with it doe
its not an excuse when its true. What do you want me to do 2v1 against caitlyn leona except clearing the wave? How do i have a level lead? lol?
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An excuse isn't inherently a bad thing. I'm saying you're right and have a reason to be the right (an excuse for it) in both of those situations so I can't really argue against it at all. You'll slip up eventually.
>How do i have a level lead?
Because you said the Shaco roamed so he wasn't really there to drain your exp.
quit the game losers
nooo I'm just a seraphine adc bot abuser th eonly champ with 60% winrate in the game noooo im so good im elite nooo u are baddd
>summoner name has to have atleast 3 characters
can it be 2 + space? very important question
>Wolf Lamb is real
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Better than the cinematic imho
Nice thighs
Worse, the golden mask was cool and the armor is less detailed too
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I don't think so.
you are garbage quit the game
haven't played this garbage in a week
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stop thinking about pecs
I mean sex
I mean dilfs
I mean...
nah im currently top 5% of playerbase i think im doing ok
Yeah I think wolf is a thing in Noxian belief rather than lamb because they believe in fighting to the death/fighting death itself hence Ambessa fighting wolf aka death and being able to succeed in keep on living which I guess is why Swain, Pantheon and Katarina also have those skins because they also had times in their lives where they were about to die but were allowed to continue to keep on living because they successfully managed to fight for their life against wolf.
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Is this gonna push Maokai support back into the meta? Sapling speed being increased to 460 later means you just can't outrun it unless you have a ms buff somehow, right?
no you are trash
can't believe league shitter fags made it so you can't shit talk retards on games
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Is these straps squeezed tight around her fat fluffy thighs REALLY necessary
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naaaaaaaaaaaah i think youre overreacting sally
grasp yasuo spamming E lv 1 is the epitome of skill gameplay XDDD
Yeah now all people do is whine and be catty or just snitch.
>+5 move speed
winrate is through the roof
Hot daddy Draven
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Him too
haven't played this garbage in a month
waiting for the arcane party watch
Who's hosting that.
no idea, that's gonna depend on the timezone
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Is this Swain or Draven
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I'm just glad they got around to making Noxian Kindred, like a while back ago (I think a month or two) I was talking about how Kindred these different concepts of how the other regions sees them that weren't using for skins.

So, there is now.
>Freljordian Kindred = Default
>Ionian Kindred = Spirit Blossom
>Noxian Kindred = Chosen of the Wolf

This gives me hope that we'll see Shuriman, Piltoverian/Zaunite, Bilgewaterian, Targonian, Ixtalian, Demacian(Pretty much the opposite of Noxus beliefs, so maybe Champions of the Lamb or something like that, probably will have Garen, Lux, J4, Shyvana, Lucian, and Poppy as the champions), maybe Void(Paradox), and maybe Shadow Isles(Either Viego or Mordekaiser is Something Stronger controls Kindred twisting them up).
Demacia and Piltovan Kindred is also default
The reason default Kindred is default is because most valoranians believe in her
>guy asks me if i can play at specific time (5 man team)
>ghosts me when the game is supposed to start, they play with someone else without telling me
>now asks again to play
what would you do lolg?
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If I end up doing it (if nobody else does) it'll probably be around EU hours - maybe 2 or 3 PM/GMT 0 on a weekend? I don't know how many episodes are releasing or if it's all at once even, either, too, which is another problem. Watching 8 hours of episodes straight would be too much.
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It's a Legendary. She's got 2 models basically, one normal without the mask that's more gold when she's out of champ combat, and one with the mask that's all red and angry looking when she starts fighting champs.
Presumably only champs, so you'll see the "calm" version when doing camps/minions, but when she hits or is hit by an enemy champion she goes into angry mode.
Looks way too much like Draven and I say this as someone who usually has no issues with telling champs apart. They should've made his fucked up arm visible in the loading slide.
How are you streaming it, also I think Arcane comes in 3 batches so probably 4 episodes each.
I was thinking of buying a Netflix sub for the month and streaming it in Hyperbeam for everyone to watch though I'll control the remote because it's tied to my card and details and I don't want people to have access to that.
However I'm unsure how Netflix works and if it'll work with all the proxy stuff on hyperbeam.
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Oh its legendary
good for her
fucking epic
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>All our inhibitors get taken
>Forced to turtle til inhibitors respawn
>Garen being a complete retard and constantly running in tries to stop them from taking Baron when we told him to get back
>Doesn't listen and dies
>Inhibs finally respawn
>Dragon soul is up
>Go in as Galio and disrupt the enemy as Ashe and Yi picks everyone off
>We take soul
>We later take Baron
>We end up winning a game we almost lost due to Garen's incompetence
Do I call this the low ELO team mate from Hell?
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I love Lissandra!
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Well, it's coming out on Nov. 9th which is a Saturday which would be a pretty good day if it just drops as soon as the clock hits twelve. If that were the case, torrents might be up within an hour or so and I'd just download it before going to sleep and then wake up and start streaming it (on Twitch, Hyperbeam or whatever works, really - again, I haven't really looked into it) at around 2 PM thru 6 PM, like I mentioned.

Thinking ahead, I thiiiiink a Twitch stream might be preferable because low viewercount streams of stuff like this don't really get spotted or taken down at all from what I've noticed - it's really just when they get into the dozens/hundreds of viewers. It's also anonymous and something people have access to and are familiar with, which is a big plus.
>got both of my accounts 30 day banned during one rage fueled 20 game binge

how do you people even spend money on this game

i try really really hard to think of skins i would even want to play with but i only play a few champs and kaisa base skin has the best loading screen art. especially when riot could take your account away from you at any moment there's no reason to give them any money they could steal
Frog kindred
Riot only takes your account away if you're a impulse driven monkey like you who cannot stop themselves from flaming and typing. Disable chat you fucking retard. There is no reason for you to be typing in this game.
When do these skins and Ambessa release? I'm spending my Mythic Essence on Swain's prestiege.
Probably alongside Arcane season 2 so like november 9th I believe
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How do you fight Katarina as Swain? This is the first time I've actually struggled fighting her, usually I never have trouble against her as say Vladimir or Twisted Fate or such. But as Swain, I just kept getting bursted to death.
I just always build tank on Swain which nullifies every retarded move I make and still pump damage and out sustain enemies.
The furries are going to be eating good with the new Kindred skin
>Edgy and Poetic
They love that type of stuff
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So long as you keep your pull up she won't ever R, and if she does, well, there you go. Pretty much a "whoever shoots first loses" match-up, no?
If it's a good Kat? You pick a champ with point and click spells like TF or Vlad and otherwise you ff
Swain can never hit Kat with anything if she's good enough
That chad sociopath shows the trannies here how its done makin them seethe and cope with their "rank" and "elo". ha ha ha

hows that emptiness goin? ok sorry that was mean just jokes
I like this chroma
not true, if you get even one chat restriction and honor level drops to 1 you get put in nigger cattle losers queue because riot actively doesn't want you in their safespace community. reinstalling after 5+ years on a new account i had great game quality for 3 months, then i got one chat restriction and immediately after that an absurd 2-18 lose streak. it's not coincidence.
>If it's a good Kat?
Yeah, it was a really good one who kept roaming and shit. So how do you fight a good Katarina if you're playing Swain though? Avoid trading with her?
Post the stats in the game. I'm betting Garen actually carried you the whole way through. Especially post damage done.
"Sorry, I'm busy"
Then proceed to queue up.

Yeah, alright. That's a pretty neat idea. I kinda dig the armour design, such a shame it's on such an ugly and broken champ.
Hope your team picked point and click spells and are human beings
If neither is true you just ff go next you wont win
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>another wave of new skins
>no vex
How do you build tank Swain? You still use Conqueror, yes?
Swain is arguably the worst champion in the game right now, why would you be playing him? Are you trying to grief your team?
Abuse early game advantage then keep your distance when she reaches 6, poke with Q and throw some Es if you can make it back to the turret safely
I think people will try out Swain now because of the new skins, these bozos are gonna get oinked.
>don’t type
>not true! here are the consequences of me typing!
Yeah so don’t type
Are you fucking retarded? Chat restrictions are tied to you typing. Stop. Fucking. Typing.
you're literally a redditor if you let riot's psychology phds and manipulative techniques like honor rewards manipulate you into silencing your freedom of speech
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no one talking about this
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>why would you be playing him
Kiss my ass, I play whoever I like playing.
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This one it at least makes sense- it's all Noxus.

One day, bro...one day...
we don't talk about the game
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Wasn't this canned? Seems extremely useless.
>it's all Noxus.
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Lmao what the fuck
Wouldn't elixir of wrath be a better starting item then Dorans blade then
No way this is real
Is this actually hitting the servers?
Pretty sure it's retarded at best.
Generic spear and shield, and sounds like a Noxian in a lot of the ways they'd care about.
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Have a Briar
would fuck all of them and bear the sins of humanity you're welcome humanity
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poppy is from Noxus
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actual retard teams
they send 4 people bot after I show myself bot solo, they screw up the first dive and i manage to get out

my team meanwhile
>nami and ori walk bot from mid to stare at 4 people from far away
>renekton proxies a whole wave and recalls
>VI does the same but with a jungle camp
idk guys,we can just hit a turret while they waste 4 mens time on me but nah
ad gap
It's not even a "meta" thing it's just that the champ is straight ass since the mini rework and he feels absolutely terrible to play, he's so weak and garbage it's unreal. What the fuck were Riot smoking when they nerfed everything, then tried to make E a main ability, except they made the E initial cast come out slower, which is the part that needed to be FASTER, since when people see it they start moving away from it. The return being faster does not even come close to mitigating that problem. Does Riots balance team ever even play or try out the champions they're tinkering with before they touch them?
>freedom of speech
No such thing
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Not if I get to them first!
(Really great, though. There's been nothing but bangers on these calendars)

She's Demacian, but Noxus Poppy's a hell of a skin...
vi and renekton did the right play if renekton didnt have tp
There is zero reason to type in this game unless, again, you failed to develop self control which makes you want to spam nigger in the chat. Everything can be conveyed through pings. If you can't grasp self control then you lose the right to complain.
>freedom of speech
Is not freedom of consequences
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>everything can be conveyed through pings

tell that to the absolute cretins that don't back off when i danger ping a jungler walking through a river ward and they get double killed 10 second later
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how many more "lol i dash 50 miles every 2 seconds while having free defenses and infinite damage and cc" top laners have to release before he gets a dash?
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>body suit and some gold armor
Kat's skin is easily the fucking laziest of the bunch
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This already happened with pre-rework Stridebreaker. He was probably one of the big reasons they removed it.

Thinking back on it, early Mythic items were crazy. The Galeforce dash, Stridebreaker and Goredrinker, etc.
how are they doing the right play
we can never defend bot T1 but neither can they top AND mid with only pantheon alive. Not to mention objective bounties
They're all lazy. Skins are getting increasingly higher in cost yet simultaneously dropping in quality. The former head of finance at Riot is now the CEO, this is to be expected.
If they wouldn't fall back from a retreat ping nothing you say will make a difference
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probably her best
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yeah and i'm saying they should just give it to him. just because like 80% of the playerbase hates him doesn't mean he needs to languish and be dogshit forever.
i mean it does, but you know what i mean. i just don't get why some champs are allowed to have fucking everything and darius has.... an ad steroid that kicks in 5 seconds into a fight when he's down to 3 hp.
>objective bounties
You were already getting smashed at that point, it's understandable if your jungler and mid just got what scraps they could then backed off before they got smashed again. Honestly anyone who doesn't FF once objective bounties are up is just hostaging their team, especially now that bounties give so much less gold overall and comebacks are way harder. FF and move on.
they're literally the people voting no
Calling all lolg boys to impregnate me

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