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"Tempesta and the Sleeping Sea" Event - SSR Fancy, SSR Ganj-i-sawai, SSR Amity, SR Dolphin, SR Portsmouth Adventure
Halloween kins for new Tempesta, Atago, Owari L2D, Bristol
Houshou META(Cruise Mission) & Suffren party dress skin(Cruise Pass) - 10/1 – 11/30
Nagato META - 9/5 - 12/11

To Love Ru collab

Bind your account, or you might lose your account when the game updates.
/alg/ doesn't have its own discord.


Ship Tier List: https://files.catbox.moe/ah02o7.png
Equipment Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wWMIzaUKISAXMbOEnmsuuLkO9PesabpdTUWdosvHygM
Fleet Builder: https://renhex.github.io/AzurLaneFleet/
PvP Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1BewmBsf4EWKAf_UwYax05c7ksL51y6sjs96pIwD73Jc
Fleet Tech Tracker: https://retropaint.github.io/azur-lane-fleet-tech-tracker/
PR Research Data: https://azur-stats.lyoko.io/research4-blueprints
Augment Guide: https://pastebin.com/UBpjkhFg
EN Tierlist: https://slaimuda.github.io/ectl
CN Tierlist: https://wiki.biligame.com/blhx/井号碧蓝榜合集


>Story summary and Lore

>Guild Spreadsheet:

Previous: >>500008534
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1st for sex with Ägir
Cute Dogooo!
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Richie my beloved
Do not redeem
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We've gone more than a year without skins for:
>New Jersey
>All 4 Starters (unless Laffey II counts)
>Pamiat Merkuria
We used to get like 1 skin a year for each. What happened to Manjuu?
get ready fuckboy is about to repost his shitpost about skins
>unless Laffey II counts
she literally does
Belfast love.
It's still 2024
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You will redeem.
You cannot resist redeeming.
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They are saving them for the mafia themed suit Christmas event alongside the botes of the pasta ur event

New Jersey

to an all-you-can-eat buffet
the buffet is me
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No love is stronger than that between a maid and her master.
I hope you like curry
Complete with a monologue with ximself. The usual.
especially if her master is a shota ripe for being groomed
FUCK I knew it was going to be him and I still both laughed and said it the same time his face pops up
sarr do not redeem this character is very problematic saar please do not redeem
her past 2 skins didn't sell
weird too specially since Musashi got her oath before her
you should be thankful she even got 2 skins after the Kayano drama
already has plenty of skins, you can complain when she goes 3 years without a skin like Belfast
same as above
same as above
>All 4 Starters (unless Laffey II counts)
Laffey Tsu counts
Also it feels like it's the longest Ayanami has been without a new skin
>Pamiat Merkuria
Considering all the shilling she got, yeah, it feels like it's about time she got a new one.
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I don't care for /ss/ to be honest.
the redeemings will continue until sanitary conditions improve
I'm going to redeem Ganj-i-Sawai's vriginity!
>her past 2 skins didn't sell
holy retard
ok, this relationship is problematic, indentured servitude is a real issue and not your fetish
Go ahead, show me where her swimsuit and chink dress topped in sales, retard
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>This post
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This is shit
I am going to show you my dick and shove it up your ass and then your mouth retard
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they will never top her wonderland skin anyway unless they go with shinano swimsuit tier l2d
No one cares about these forgotten tn trash botes
Tempesta event 2.2: You Will (Not) Redeem
New Jersey is way overdue getting a sister
where's the redeem meme coming from?
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My beautiful albino wife.
>Shimakaze comment
Static skins rarely make the top 10 now, which is what both of her last two were.
>Enty comment
She still was good for like one skin a year, and given how she's a game mascot, one of its most popular botes, and one of the most famous WWII ships, going this long without a skin is noticeable.
>Helena comment
Same as Enty. She used to get something every CN or EN anni, though maybe that daki is her thing this year
>Essex, Littorio, Pamiat comments
Popular or not, they all were usually good for at least one skin a year (though I don't think Littorio got on in 2022)
Ganj is a pajeet
she really isnt you're just a retard
Same place the curry, street shitting, and bobs and vagene memes come from, the internet.
She was built by the Mughal Empire tho
How many times does it need to be said that they can't just focus on fan favorites? They have, like, what, almost 700 different girls now?
And each event adds at least 5 new ones.
They need to make constant judgments on which of the 5-6 older girls should get skins for each event to add on top of the 5-6 skins for the new girls.
And some of the older girls don't even have a single skin, like Phoenix, Brooklyn, Wasp, Northampton, Chicago, Hunter, Arethusa and a bunch of other girls. Not a single skin despite them being in the game since like year one.
No one cares about unfunny RACIST memes, just don't worry about it.
Filter and ignore.
Just release more skins?
too much effort
not enough profit
The Mughals were from Central Asia, like around Uzbekistan. They conquered and ruled over India, but they weren't Indian themselves.
I know they have to make judgments on who does and doesn't get skins. Once upon a time, not every bote in an event would get skins. Remember Chikuma, Bongprise, and Cavour? Remember how Agir had to wait for several months to get hers after all the other PR4 botes got theirs?

And despite these judgments needing to be made, those girls still got skins basically yearly. If a couple go without a skin for a year, that's understandable. It's hard to squeeze them all in, but for all 14 of those botes (13 if Laffey II counts for Laffey) to go without one for this long is pretty incredible.
I can't presume to accurately know the inner workings of Manjuu's business calculations, but I can speculate that the reason they typically stick with a maximum of 5-6 skins for older girls per event (at least for the ones that aren't anniversaries) is because that's how much they can afford to spend on safely commissioning artists for skins without going into risky spending territory. Anything more than 5-6 skins for older girls in an average new event is just too much spending for the developers of a game that isn't exactly anywhere near the peak of the charts. And even back when it was at its peak years back, we still didn't get a crazy amount of skins per event.
Who do you think built and sailed their ships? The rulers or the ones being ruled?
She got a skin tho
Delicious red meat
a lot of phone scammers are located in India and IIRC a youtuber messes with them and pretends to be a senior person as that is their preferred targets and in one video when they tell him to buy a gift card he "redeems" it as they yell to not redeem it
mughals werent pajeets
take the L
>NJ, Shimakaze, Taihou
It is weird they've gone this long without one.
Shinano-chan was probably done in pace of a skin
>Akagi, Kaga
Weird, especially since they were tied up in Amagi's story
Daki probably counts as her content for Manjuu
Laffey II is her new content
>Ayanami, Niimi
Very weird
Went for more than 2 years without a skin, so nothing new
>Littorio, Pamiat Merkuria
thanks for explaining, have some ass
new formidable skin when?
we got one back in spring and a muse alt, don't get uppity you fatass
>filters and ignores (you)
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Speaking of botes without new skins
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I love funny racist memes. Why would I ever filter that?
ok then what about indomitable? vicky and lusty got one recently too.
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indomi is basically forgotten
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No-one from Vanguard's event has a second skin for some reason
This is the origin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cade_xTZeog
Some of the recent L2Ds have just been this thing where you get to just see the girls in different poses, like Amagi (CV) or even the Sirius one. I kinda wish they veered away from that and went back to the lewder stuff. I want more L2Ds where I get to smack their butts like NJs or Strasbourg, get smooches from Pittsburgh, or part NJ's legs and plow her from behind. I need LEWD interactions.
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Would you oath an erufu?
Up until about a few weeks ago, you could have added Atago to that list of 14. She hasn't gotten a skin since her RQ skin that she got during the Manjuu Grand Prix event back in June 2020.
Perhaps they've simply just realized that keeping skins for the biggest hitters rare makes more money in the long run than dishing them out with yearly regularity.
i would marry an erufu if thats what you mean
among other things
owari's l2d does exactly that tho?
Nyoooo my narrative!
still waiting for dark erufu
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Really? Nice. I probably should rent it out and give it a try then.
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dark skin hindy
trust the plan
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Oh the treasure chest is useful in opsi
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good morning!!!
She looks great there, unless you have shit taste.
You realize back then people died on ships all the time and they basically just picked up new hands at whatever port they stopped at right
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You will redeem
gm sir
I won
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Lovely fox
that is some good ass, thank you
fair point that I just didn't think of when I made that post
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so THAT'S what bote breasts are meant to be used for
bullying Hipper?
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that's bullshit, most scammers are from BALGLADESH not India racist motherfuckers can't tell the difference between a bangala and an Indian guess it can't be helped since nobody knows what bangaladesh even is lmao
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Bangladesh gained independence from Pookistan thanks to India. India made Bangladesh a thing, as such India is responsible for it.
I can only trust elves when they're kept from plotting and scheming by means of always staying in my bed, barefoot and pregnant
Another thing lot of scammers come from punjab people see punjab and think oh that is India right
Yes it is rightful India clay unfortunately half of it is illegally occupied by pakis and the scammers are all pakis
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>Brünhilde has 5 unreleased skins on various loading screens
>has only 1 shit quality skin
My pain is greater than yours
you don't have to pretend to like whoever that is
You dare speak ill of brunhilde
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thrust a bote with my penis
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oh no please don't squish me with your thick thighs
Busy with Nakhimov
Flopped too much even for Dish's taste
She is my fav bote, respect the nostalgic granny
Loading screens don't really count for shit as far as possible skins go. We don't really know if any of those are actual unreleased skins or just artists coming up with their own ideas. Some are actual skins, though.
Musashi got 2 skins
>Yorktown II
>Bismarck Zwei
And the Brits weren't from Nubia, but Manjuu still made Nubian a brown bote.
Yorktown and Bismarck have gotten oath skins since their Tsu versions came out, and both alts can use them.
Doesn't count.
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I thought Napoli didn't get art?
It's not unusual for a new bote to go at least a year before she gets a second skin. It took Musashi and Ulrich almost 2 years to get their second ones. Formi had to wait about that long too.
yes it does
As long as Ganj doesn't shit on the base's streets, we're good.
>commissioned art for EN
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I can't not see her ears being at her jaw level.
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I wonder if dark taco and dark E will get a redesign when Manjuu finally decides to make them available for players to recruit. They were two of the earliest META botes. So will they get redesigns like Soyuz or will they stay with the original designs?
>started playing during Intrepid event
>still no new skin for her
It's alright, I'll just wait some more.
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Soyuz Kot
just look at her mouth, that would fix the illusion
I like schizodog current design so I really hope they don't touch it.
She gets plenty of my babies
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Commander, if you're tired, feel free to rest in my lap. Not only is it ideal for you to replenish your energy, but it is also my duty to provide you succor.
EN posts more art outside of JP Anni. JP doesn't even do follower milestone pics anymore except for the really big ones.
Probably more likely for dark E
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well yeah azur lane is yostar's least popular JP IP after all
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Shitting on EN again huh
That doesn't even have anything to do with it. JP just doesn't do art for every like 10k new followers. Maybe every 100k or something like that.
uh yeah because azur lane isn't popular in JP and their follower count has remained stagnant for years
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Ganj-i-Sawai is too much to type out. I'm just gonna do what the Brits did and call her Gunsway.
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I can't fucking believe Ganj-i-Sawai is apoojeeta
I went to the gym with Indiana
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Gib missiles
I hope neither get a redesign
My mouth
That crotch
>With one of the usual images
It's about that time I guess, so I'm going to sleep.
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My old pic. Thanks!
You only play this game because you want to see tits.
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You wouldn't a cat succubus right?
Had it had pubes peeking out this art would have been god tier.
no, i play because i want to see breedable girls (vague category)
Stop lying to me.
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What does it smell like?
Yeah, her design looks way old. If she's gonna be a rainbow rarity META girl as many suspect she will be, she's gonna need a much more grandiose design.
cats lol
Just pure raw estrus.
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VV posting, again, i see
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I can visualize those udders moving and sloshing around between my legs without any hand support
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Yes, I'd have sex with Mog.
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sale PUUTA
Based hindy
stay mad
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>"Tempesta's Tentacles" Fan Creation Event

>Fancy and Portsmouth Adventure have decided to lend you, Commander, their tentacles to become Tempesta-worthy material!

>Post in the replies using at least one of the tentacles (meme, artwork, etc.)
>20 lucky Commanders will be randomly selected to win 200 Gems.
>Event ends on November 3rd, 23:59 (UTC-7)
Most beautiful bote of this event?
Dalcuck and his friend are here. Thread is doomed
my semen obviously
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hello frens, hope you like this you cucks
My ghost wife.
You are that schizo that posts tentacleslop aren't you
You could say this about any thread at any time
Stop being paranoid
Refer to the advice of >>500148329
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which bote has the wettest pussy? I'm talking constantly dripping, juice running down her legs, leaving wet slug trails wherever she sits, creating puddles if she stands in one place for too long
Gorizia if you praise her constantly
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Y'all don't even know what hotgluing is.
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I watch lewdloops almost daily, I know what it is very well
You only watch it for the BBC you gay retard.
luv me brown bote cunt
Good morning
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Hold me back bros, I might lose myself and rape RF
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Ratatatat74 bote soon
kamiwasher told me in a cuck dream
RF is meant for hand holding, not rape.
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Skk power armor is not canon btw
any image of Hood just makes me sad now that Tanaka-san passed away
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Love botes in urban wear
Sex with headmaid
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tentacle bro?! it's your time to shine!
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skk is so needy
Plenty of images from here get shared over there too
>asks for the bare minimum of personal space
Gymwear is so hot
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It's the other way around this time
Why can't you keep yourself to your anfract?
Then why is she dressed like that?
I could easily slip my hands into her clothes and grope her
How do you know for sure?
Didn't know you were an innumerate
wish I had a cute bote wife to cuddle irl
It is a test.
>1 result
You can stop trying to gaslight other anons that you're not the axewounded individual that posted that image and that you're not a dreg among dregs of society, it's a rather weak attempt and it only shows you have nothing else to do.
Particularly so because you do this shit everyday at the same hours.
He forgot his medication as usual.
Yeah, you're really an innumerate if you think the results it's what I'm talking about.
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>innocent picture
>look guys it was posted somewhere else!! aren't you mad?? make drama about it!!
>uses b4k
>expects to finds results from desuarchive
Don't tell me you are really this dumb...
rape clem's mouth
What happened, bros?
There's plenty of vanilla hentai threads on trash so it doesn't really mean anything
It is kind of funny how the defense force came out of the woodwork over it.
>inb4 someone brings up the African campaign
>clemcuck from trash is here to shitpost
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I hope we get another round of gym skins soon
Is 4chan the be all end all for opinions when it comes to gachas like Azur Lane?
>taking anything seriously
You've already failed at life
You mean arknots wear?
>le epic four chinz is for lulz and memes only
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I don't know anything about arknights I just want more of these
I wish Kronshtadt loved me
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Evil woman.....
>urban wear
>urban fantasy
>arknights is urban fantasy
ezpz logic
desu arknots style is really techwear so my point falls apart
imagine playing so dumb you don’t know what arknights is at even surface level
>what arknights is at even surface level
TD slop
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Yeah I only like botes, so...
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Fuck off chinks
I wish I was Essex
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i am essex
>that time one of the groups raiding /v/ with turded shit was discovered to be a fucking hapa incel subreddit
No sex.
She joined a gym
You will never be Essex. You have no Essex uniform, you have no memes, you have no sex. You are a glorified Yorktown CV-5 twisted by UR bloat and shitty character design into a crude mockery of the USNs perfection.
All the validation you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back Essex mocks you. Enterprise is disgusted and ashamed of you, your friends laugh at your recycled appearance behind closed doors.
Essexposters are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even II ships who pass look uncanny and unnatural to Essexposters. Your uniform is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk Essex home with you, she'll turn tail and bolt the second she gets a whiff of your generic, recycled design. You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself its going yo be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.
Eventually it'll be too much to bear - you'll buy a rope, tie a noose, pit it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Enterprise will find you, heartbroken but relieved that she no longer has to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. She will bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know that Yorktown CV-5 is buried there.
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>Dragon Empery was the one shitposting the Iris Orthodoxy all along
I want to worship Tearju's big fat ass.
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rare and lickable
Post botes
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Akagi’s ritual called for the orgasm of a fox bote
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*blocks your path*
mating press
why is orgasm so good?
Orgasm feels so good due to a combination of physical, psychological, and biochemical factors. Physically, it involves intense muscle contractions and heightened sensations throughout the body. Biochemically, the brain releases a flood of hormones and neurotransmitters, including oxytocin and endorphins, which create feelings of pleasure, bonding, and relaxation. Psychologically, the experience often brings a sense of release, intimacy, and connection, enhancing overall enjoyment. All these elements combine to make orgasm a deeply satisfying experience.
Which bote said this?
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horny scientisto
bote tit in my mouth
>just found out botes are using my dick as a sticker on chats and DMs
nice desu ne
nice desu ne
I have been posting Essex everywhere since time immemorial
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hmm yes that's very interesting /alg/, but have you considered having hot sweaty exhausting passionate hand holding lip kissing breastfeeding mating press sex with a marshmallow?
already did that this morning
Marshmallows are to be put on a stick and roasted over a fire
this unironically
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Laffey's cotton candy cunny on my face!
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Surprise Halloween ASMR on 31st?
I'm that 1000 follower.
Specialized core reset is on the 1st yeah? Didn't realize I had already hit my cap.
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Fancy stirring up my brains though my ear and sucking the liquid into her black void!
Well at least I'll get to collect before the new week. But I could have used the other rewards during this janky assed no hard mode event
Coffee comes first.
Before and after what?
Puffy DD cunny!
only he knows for all we know
By allah, behave yourself!

>Hms Mauritania or Anatolia or Aethiopia

>Hurt by Cash plays on the background all the time

I went to Sodak's womb
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What ?
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Big dog
which bote can bring herself to orgasm using just her sheer force of will and absolute control of her own body muscles?
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Fancys nice and all but I still rather get eaten up by Kaga
Where's the Jade fan club?
I like the sister thread more
Queen Elizabeth
Very small aunt nipples
>Psychologically, the experience often brings a sense of release, intimacy, and connection,
so all in all a compulsive masturbation addict coomerlord such as myself should be able to achieve nirvana and absolute knowledge of oneself through just cooming alone?
down the hall and to the left
are those pubes on my aunt's face?
Thanks, Essex!
Big fox
Or tiny SKK
Not sure
when will dido finally win?
LNY 2025 maybe
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When she seeks the mental help she needs.
>why didn't you answer any of my calls, SHIKICOCK SAMA???
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Shikikan is Scylla's bitch
>So the facade is finally broken, huh? This is all I am to you? A cock?
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New Jersey is the best emotional support bote, the epitome of stacy manic pixie dream girl that never came to save you
she will love you and hug you and squeeze you and call you honey and make you feel worthy and loved
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This is a feeling more people should appreciate. A
those feet don't even look good
Wiki-Anon pls... I need to know how many rings I need..
it's not an image for footfags you smallbrained chimp
for whom is it then? weirdshoesfags?
you're meant to imagine the wild sex she's having
by it being completely offscreen, and that being the whole image, the only thing you have left is your imagination which is what makes it so erotic
Wild, heel-lifting sex with short botes!
>the only thing you have left is your imagination which is what makes it so erotic
yeah, I can do that with absolutely no image at all so that image is pointless
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it sets the mood and gives you a starting point to imagine from
I can set the mood myself allright
Mmm. You should stop responding to bait though.
sirius is neither that small nor that big
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Sexy Kot
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Why is she like this?
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Shhhh, just let it happen. Imagine...
Maybe absolute knowledge of your phone
Taihou already uses pet names with me, makes me feel worthy and loved, hugs me, and squeezes me dry
Plus she's weirdly good at administrative assistance
*mating presses you*
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I wish Formi were 6'6
Which bote would play tic-tac-toe with me on Owari's butt?
black pantsu erotic
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Black pantsu.... cute
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Black pantsu, also erotic
erotic demon
why is nimi so gropeable?
Why are crazy botes always good secretaries? It's uncanny.
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im going to have kaga eat me and akagi so we can have uninterrupted 24 hour sexathon inside the depths of kaga that gets her so hot and bothered that she'll rape me as soon as we get back out
Get groped by Niimi
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God damn that's hot.
Stop becoming one with botes
why is seeing a normally shy bote slowly get perverted and hot for you so fucking erotic?
I redeemed.
I'm sad cuz I read Cygnet's manga and it was boring desu
I like Cygnet but she deserved better, even if the story fit her.
Any other side media that's good?? I'm caught up in Bisoku, already watched its anime and the first anime, and I'm going thru the anthologies rn so yeah
You could watch Queen's Order if you haven't already.

The more beautiful and pure something is the more fun it is to corrupt it.
oh yeah I went thru that one, too. It was alright. Kinda bummed they didn't include Nelson's chapter in the OVA
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Reminder that Akagi and Kaga are connected. Kaga would feel everything you're doing to Akagi while also feeling you both inside of her
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holy fuck I want to coom all over Akagi's comically large and poorly hidden forehead
Indy and Indy
so does that mean that if I fuck either Akagi or Kaga I can feel both of their pussies at the same time? what about Amagi?
what about Akagi META
>I can feel both of their pussies at the same time?
I'm glad the Pastas don't do this. I can't play on hard mode.
how long will they make us wait for akagi meta anyway
After Nagato
jesus... if I were skk I'd spend my entire time just threesoming those sisters without sleeping or eating anything other than their pussies and drinkng anything other than their pussyjuices until I either die or collapse
I'd never get any job done
Your job is to be with botes though
Taihou and Taihou-chan have a great threesome dynamic
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Kaga is the stronger one though. If the roles were reversed and Akagi ate SKK and Kaga while they got it on, Akagi might genuinely lose her mind to lust and spirit sex. Kaga has to soften the blow for her sister so she can handle it when it's her turn.
>Akagi might genuinely lose her mind to lust and spirit sex
I want that Akagi
what if amagi ate skk akagi and kaga?
So does Atago just rape me more in that outfit or what? She does it harder?
She is gentle
this general is so fucking cringe
It is something of a miracle that SKK gets anything done ever with so many fine and willing semen slurpers around.

She does it more easily.
post better alternatives
I am once again asking for algwiki updates
anywhere that doesn't talk about vore, ntr or "womb crawling" nonstop
>that SKK gets anything done
>gets anything done
why do you think you have 5 secretaries on daily rotation PLUS a sentient Artificial Intelligence on top of that?
SKK is just a figurehead, everything is effectively operated by yout TB AI overlord
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Good luck
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Threesome (foursome) and no one leaves Amagi's place for like a week
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fress mogupiss just for you shitcans, drink up
its the cringe i like though so its good
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sometimes I just want to rest on Akagi's lap, covered with a blanket of her tails, Akagi gently stroking my hair and whispering sweet things in my ear, sometimes gently kissing me on the cheek
>why do you think you have 5 secretaries on daily rotation PLUS a sentient Artificial Intelligence on top of that?
I have an impossibly high libido and need help scheduling all of my bote plapping. SKK goes out and actually does things in the story, so I just assume there must be a bote sucking his dock offscreen at all times that no one mentions because it's so normal. (We) are no figurehead.
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God imagine this with our botes...
Graf skin when?
But Sirius already kissed me after her bath?
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It's over...
maybe sex stops being so fun after some time and you just focus on doing stuff only fucking a bote from time to time instead of thinking about horny 24/7 idk im a virgin
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Oh good, so I wasn't the only one who mailed him. Never got a response. He might be down for the count. I feel like he'd at least tell us he's moving on. Maybe he lives in the south east US, they got fucked pretty hard by hurricanes as of late.
>waaaaaaaah update the wiki for me
do it yourself you fucking brainlet
It's possible, I don't think hes ever talked about it.
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It's over.
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>do it yourself you fucking brainlet
Managed to get all the lines in chinese but that's not useful for most people and I don't have any sort of admin privileges on that guys site. Go fuck yourself.
I'm the manjuu who gets squished all the time.
oh you silly shitcan, judging by their looks it hasn't even begun
I like flat botes
Their clothes are on and they look relatively dry (externally), so...
Thank you for the food!
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>Managed to get all the lines in chinese
so you couldn't get the english ones
you did not "manage"
you fucking brainlet
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We're getting there. But yeah Snowbreak is pretty based.
wow so this is how it feels having a gf...
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Jesus Christ, why is Essex chibi so FUCKING DUMB?
That's snowbreak. The scene + skin is about 30 bucks
>30 bucks
can you post og version of this pic ? looks extremely fappable
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>30 bucks
>free as in beer
never let shitposters forget
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This is exactly what a poor person would say!
would 100 for my bote wife doing that
who is ayase and who even likes her?
I like her
spreading that lotion all over her body with my face
i could buy an entire fucking game for that
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when would this trigger and which items are used? I can only assume it's energy storage device (for structures), purple tokens (jewcat) and coins (jewcat again).
But Anon, you'd take in so much of her scent and smell like her for days if you did that!
>it's energy storage device (for structures)
This, but specifically is for the tall crates. The auto search ai doesn't interact with the siren constructs.
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Congrats! Now you can grind t5 without worry.
I'm convinced Fancy will never come home. I'm ruined.
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ok, here we have our next collab.
dead meme
now it's ALive
tsk.. i lost
Gonna make that fucking frigate fellate my farts
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>To Love Ru collab
Was there more info on this yet? I saw the announcement from a month or two ago and reinstalled. Any word on which characters will be featured?
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Only thing known is that it's coming and a silhouette of Lala(?).
The event itself starts on 21st or 28th of next month with a possible stream week before it that'll show all the characters and skins.
it's funny how hard it flopped
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Thank you, I will have to keep an eye out so I can buy the skin for my wife Momo.
what the FUCK does it say in jp
this has to be made up
the image matches too well for that.
>still no shika musume bote
we got some horny girls though.
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I ain't hiding shit, I'd miss important details.
Brindisi soon, she'll have deer horns
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It's the real deer.
i just a cute helpless doe i can feed deer senbei to...
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Why do i feel only love and the need to protect when i see small version of botes when i'm a filthy lolicon?
Why are they making me want to be a normal good shikidad and not go full uuuooooh ero cuuunny?
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so EN just made it even more explicit, whereas JP was pretty subtle
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Imagine this in real life with a woman who loves you
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But deer have antlers!
most deer girls don't
>Imagine this
>in real life
Suspension of disbelief broken
>with a woman who loves you
Now you're just being silly.
>a woman who loves you
your mom?
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>Ching chonga chonga ching chong chong
>Ching chonga chonga ching chong chong
>Ching chonga chonga ching chong chong
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Go back, Hina.
not funny
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>Imagine (...) in real life (...) a woman (...) loves you
I can't
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Moms aren't women anon
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The how come I can make babies with them, huh?
big titty goth gf > all
you mom and grandmom are biologically conditioned to love you
and it's not the same love as the platonic or romantic love
Literally me
shame goth gfs irl are all ugly and tattoed and piercinged to oblivion and most often landwhales
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irl women are not capable of such things and if they were, it would only be for selfish ulterior motives and as such would only be a poorly made facade.
why do you think games like azur lane exist in the first place, anon?
Are you nuts? Take the girl from a ranch

Goth girls are ugly as sin IRL and are by no means are accurately represented by the thristbaiting onlyfans girls playing dress up for change.
How was your night battle last light with your aunt?

that retard knows his panelling is so trash he must write reading order instruction but refused to fix his shit
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It's an instanthot cosplaying Nico Robin
it's not the artist that did this
it was me
i'm the retard
those strips were 3 separate images that i stitched together, but i only realized i had done it in the wrong order by the time i was done, so instead of re doing it, i just wrote how to read it like this instead
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breddy gud, came in her mouth, her pussy, her ass, on her vagina, her tummy, her tiddies and finally on her face
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>In real life with a woman
I married both
I met a goth metal head while on japan, she hot but also a hostess as some alt bar and fucking crazy drunk
Work is a distraction that keeps me away from my lovely bird, so she helps make it go away as quickly as possible
Every love is the same. It's just you're the one who put a limit.
>mention femoids
>thread dies
that skk is 6'4, botes are just very big
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botes for this feel?
for me it was that one pic of skk crawling inbetween akagi and kagas wombs while they kissed
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Hello I love Seydlitz and I like to gib her orders
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wtf post it
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Seydlitz in her dress outfit.
will she follow an order to give me a handjob?
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s-seydlitz bros...
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also kek
before being told they have to dress incognito, and after being told that
do people actually like man botes?
I had higher expectations but thanks bro
wrong sister, Kaga used parts of Amagi's rigging for her conversion. This means it is Amagi who has the mental link not Akagi
its a very niche fetish so I take what I get
they'll probably have a livestream closer to release to show what we'll get from it (bote skins, gear skins, and what collab characters we get)
what place do you live where you see guys with a body like that
no one sane does, as man botes are not a thing
what about trans botes?
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How is this a man?
Everyone is man unless proved otherwise.
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I want Fancy to rimjob me until i faint.
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NTR DJ in da house
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Kubo bote when?
They need to hurry up and add a bote I actually like to this mode like Eugen or something
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How come Essex doesn't do this type of stuff anymore?
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These gear plates drop like candies.
not a thing either, botes are girls and that cannot be changed as it is an immutable fact
because she wanted to show off her cute pjs and got attacked for being too cute
she got raped one to many times by the nip botes
Okay, but why are you so sure? Have you seen what's between every bote's legs or what?
>Have you seen what's between every bote's legs
those arent the ones you need
I fucking love man botes.
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>try to set guild mission
well that's a new one, what the fuck is this
Restart the game
that fixed it
man botes are so erotic
and dont exist anon, you've been tricked by guys pretending to be boats
how would Leipzig react if I called her a FAT fucking PIG?
but that guy just posted my boate husband
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>QE still doesn't have her retrofit
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>hweh nani!?

groping botes is illegal
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Distressingly so. I don't know how to feel about the fact that I've already made one man the mother of my child and will soon do the same to another.
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that's your bote wife anon, botes are wives
>level 190
dude what the fuck
even the owner of alas who bots 24/7 is only like, level 165 ish, how is 190 possible
Fishy would kill you.
they're at T5, the Old Heavy is at T6
zoots chibi is so cute, bros
>level 190
>still hasn't 100% the game
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filthy casual
ALAS owner wasnt there as early as them, no botting can change that
Buy oil with gems every single day and do only the latest campaign chapter.
how the fuck
RNG is a bitch sometimes
This man Azur Lane's.
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it is a well known fact man botes are extra fertile
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its him
the game player
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>boop da boob
>receive hug
roon da racoon 4 life! :3
No thanks I'm good.
Jesus, that guy who said demi cannon prints were either feast or famine wasn't kidding.
>2 days ago: 13 prints
>yesterday: 2 prints
>today: 1 print
Hopefully my daily rng seed tomorrow is better. Going for a second one may have been a mistake, but I'm certain we'll get another backline Tempesta one day.
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Roon is so cute! Too bad she's batshit.
why are my wives hugging each other instead of me?
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Hand over the the designs nice and easy, and nobody will be fucking murdered in cold blood.
you're in between them
They're simply warming their hug engines.
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How else are sisterwives supposed to show familial affection?
kissing each other, on the lips
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>Kaga used parts of Amagi's rigging for her conversion.

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