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Featured Banners:
Wanderer Princess Lanavaille
Knight Errant Gerard the Thundersmiter

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Edit code: m:Daphne

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Previous >>500065685
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pft, only 8
Pls clap
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Reminder for those about to start the arena, you must accept death if you lose a match - you cannot use a resurrection flame.
The first, third (unless you are doing the Church route) and fifth fights are guaranteed losses on the first try - make sure you bring just yourself to avoid a potential financial raping at the temple.
back breaking sex with human-pri and elf-mag
Sorry but burgerclaps went to bed
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I absolutely fucking hate this spot.
There are 2 enemies on the room plus one that regularly patrols the corridor.
I was restoring all rubble and coming back, and I simply couldn't avoid a fight because the fucking group of 7 hobgoblins was blocking the corridor and there were more fuckers just behind my back, I was out of healing items and MP too.
I had to spam retreat and attempt to move while hoping the game would reposition the enemies, luckly it worked.
But 2 of my characters died in the fights while attempting to flee, and after reviving them I was on very low HP.
Worse, if I died in those fights and rose again using the flames I'd just go back right before the fight and just lose again, meaning I'd have to get fucked up by accepting death.
I will keep playing this game but I'm never spending a dime on it.
I haven't had a crash when swapping weapons with double-speed turned off. Maybe I just got lucky though
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next week there will be a lot of new games
will we survive?
I can't believe I share a general with shitters
>a lot of new games
gib me the list and i'll tell you if it matters
good to know. fucker chunked my fortitude on the 1st fight
nothing could release and we'd still die
What the fuck is their problem
How the fuck do I win this fight?
I was using batilgrefs, katinos, stuns and sp skills every turn turn I could and it still didn't fucking die.
It killed my frontline multiple times, getting them from 100 fortitude down to 10 and then I couldn't revive one of them anymore and just killed myself to use a flame.
How are you supposed to win this?
My characters are all level 30.
How do I get more leaded tags? I traded all of my ungraded ones already. There's no way cash-shop is the only way to rank up right?
grand saga
asnia nigger
I'm guessing this is the Albano mimic fight
Use the defend command, this is a gimmick fight but this also works elsewhere.
I tried defending but it wasn't getting the ! every time, it did once or twice, but I don't have a character that can do 6000 damage in that state.
Ok, so that entire fight is a in your face tutorial on how to use DEFEND.
You're suppose to exploit the openings you get from using defend.
Openings seem to proc fixed damage (hp% based?)
meh if they aren't doing anything to switch it up doesn't matter.
Literally any character doing a physical hit will do absurd damage in that state, it's just a matter of keeping your frontline healed and hitting during opening 3 or so times.
So what's the composition?
MC and 2 knights plus a priest in the back and 2 wizards or 1 wizard + 1 thief?
>finish second dungeon
>clears out all the requests
>different NPCs and dialogue inside
Neat. I guess I'll bumble through Round 2 to see if there's a True End.
fucking shitter lol
Okay, time to spend the next hour sorting my inventory
Oh I think the last patch fixed the Lana skill inheritance display bug.
>There's no way cash-shop is the only way to rank up right?
Hope you aren't poor
I used the cursed wheel to go fix some things for the true end but now the objective got reset since I already saved the king. Is there a way to fix this or do I have to cursed wheel again all the way back to b4f? I assume I don't actually get the gems even if that somehow fixes it?
Ok I guess the mimic opening vulnerability in that fight is way higher than the rest.
I have used the opening before and at best my characters did like 500, so I figured it would be the same here.
But I tried it again and they did 3800, so not quit 6000 but still a lot.
It died after 3 or 4 of those.
if I reset the well of mind would I lose the class I unlocked?
no thief.
Yeah, it sets you back to Wanderer, but if you unlock the node again you'll keep your levels and you keep skills.
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well... this makes it a little bit more worth it I guess
Is there a guide on how to get him? I gave him the satchel, but it did nothing so I just told him to fuck off back to his uncle.
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What’s stopping me from raping that brat of a Princess then turning back time after I’m done with her?
your unborn time traveling child that comes to get revenge.
>no VA
Extracting all my green equipment and tallying how many extractions work compared to how many I used.
thanks reddit buddy
Now I won't post it here and just use my own findings for error correction.
reddit moment, checks out
Meant for
Worst bot I have ever seen
Your dick have already rotten off
Uhh, I got the sir Jack bondmate to level up, it should have gone to level 3 but it is still level 2, what is up with that?
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>That user ID or password may be incorrect.
>Please verify and try entering them again.
>copy and paste
>fuck ups one of the letters
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>"if you have time, how about a chat?"
Did she always smile like that?
I was under the impression that it always leveled up when you did the quest again, but apparently the bonds can deepen without the level going up... Cool...
>Bondmates are like inheritance and you need to do it multiple times to get a level past 2
I'd believe it
Ohnononono fuck fuck fuck fuck I clicked on the "are you a minor?" prompt on the shop
Did they fuck with the Undead March quest or were you never able to get the 3000 gold after the first time?
I am definitely not getting 3000 every time now, but I didn't do it before to know.
I am not getting just 600 either, it is 1300, so 600 + 700 (should be 600 + 3000).
Does getting flagged as a minor even have any tangible effect besides not being able to set your own name for party members? You can still name and rename yourself whatever you want and I can't imagine the game would stop any paypigs from trying to use the cash shop.
oh no, the nerd is upset lol
If your region is set to japan you can see that minors have lower spending limits.
I don't know if it is valid worldwide though.
You also stop being able to give your referral code out, and you can no longer see Tavern scenes
So far it seems to be like this
Level 1 - 1 quest
Level 1 -> 2 - 1 quest
Level 2 -> 3 - 2 quests
Level 3 -> 4 - 3 quests
Minors arent allowed to be with their party in the tavern at all? would be better if it instead only let them order milk.
Pretty sure that was just a first time reward, like the gems in most quests. First time you get a big payout, every time after that you get the reduced rate.
No, I took a screenshot. Sent in an inquiry but I'm not holding my breath. Might as well start on my Etrian backlog.
I guess it was always like that then.
Kinda sucks a little bit.
So the game expects you to grind bondmate quests???
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no, its there but you don't have to
specially not like this extreme retard here who went out of his way to grind them all and then go and bitch about it
Was there a capital i and lowercase L in the password?
You DO put your finger on the screen when Lana fist-bumps you after a battle, right anon?
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I love you anon.
Just realized I have two 10 bonus points Ophelia.
Damn she loves me.
I've managed to level two characters to level 20 with dispatches only, yay
By the way, is there any way to see how many bonus points a character had initially?
I am trying to setup and level up a secondary party, but I would like it to be all characters with 7/8 and up bonus points.
>don't stop me from getting sacrifices
>do as you like
>oh you'd stop me?
Nice game Wizardkeks
Is there something I should do before dismissing adventurer for tags?
Getting them to 20 and passing the lead test or something?
I was going to complain about how I seem to be unable to have Japan voices with Eng text but the Eng dub isnt the worst thing in the world so whatever. Some of it is actually sticking hard with me GIMME GIMME MONEY
Only after she has some fun with her husband
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2nd comic is up!
Is Defend My Shop from Goblins fixed?
>was doing Arena 2
>frontline got wiped
>closed app
>when i started again i was back at the fight, but my frontline was alive
>the damage i did before i was wiped was counted
Anyone cares to test it out? Have someone die then close the app on the hand animation.
So wait...I have to do the grade up quest once per party member!?
do we have a guide for the second dungeon's good ending?
>guaranteed losses
sounds gay
Okay what the actual fuck I explored every tile in f8 reversed 3 rubbles and the poison tiles on f7 still remains.
>just reached the arena
you fuckers play too fast
It's not to remove the poison tiles, it's to be able to go around them.
We are not getting an event after Lana's banner ends, are we
>Lana is getting fanart
I'm so glad. She and Alice are my favorite legendaries so far.
Also, are legendaries triggered to bond with you faster? Because Viviana and Elisa NEVER invite me to the tavern... I'm starting to think it's personal
She never talks to me in camps either... Maybe she hates me for picking her to open all those chests?
isn't that some idle card collecting game?
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>Marianne's whole thing is she's obsessed with money
>Rest at well, she asks me
>"What do you look for in a companion?"
>I answer "How wealthy the are"
>She gets upset and says "Anon that's very shallow how could you think that?"
Classic woman shit test. The writing is so good.
oh wait im dumb i need to recheck.
What benefit do the more expensive rooms have in Inn?
Also what should I spend my 30 points I got from the wandering princess knight gacha. One of the skill books I assume? The UI is dumb and doesnt tell me what each of the skills actually does when learned
It's because she's poor. She says in other dialogue she has very little money.
My team:
Alice keeps on talking to me in camp and trying to get me drunk to join her cult.
Lana & Yeka kinda asks me out.
Ben does, uh sometimes.
Elise hates me (I have never seen her ask me out for a drink or talk to me while camping)
"Daphne Comic"
1: "The ghul has the reversal power in his right hand"
"Using this power I can revive fallen adventurers who died in their adventures"

2: "The gacha element is dark and cool."
"There, the situation is reversed!"

3: "Wow that's cool! It's the ultimate knight!"

4: "Revived one, I hope we get along well!"
"OK, let's roll again!"
I need a named thief to invest into, but now I am scared of doing mausoleum (I didn't do it before).
I only rolled Jean and a dwarf and I don't want a male thief.
What to do
>and I don't want a male thief.
Just use your bro Jean faggot
>This app is no longer compatible with your phone
>doesn't work in bluestacks worth a fuck
I'll never forgive the Japanese.
The 3 named thieves girls are pretty cute, why the hell would I use a dude instead?
Sounds like you are the faggot.
It isn't worth levelling them first. If you're really autistic you could max friendship them first, but nobody really knows how to grind that yet.
KEK! I'm 'good', but Alice invites me/talks to me all the time. She evens hangs out with Lana sometimes.
Yak constantly invites me too, but i noticed she never hangs out with others.
Elise and Viviana REFUSE to interact with me more than needed. Viviana i can kinda undeestand since i abuse her chest picking skills a lot, but Elise is just being mean...
The double standards are crazy...
kek. Thanks anon
How tf can you guys like Alice? She's objectively evil.
I love evil women
How many people have you levels to lv20 besides your main party so far? I got 16, including two generics.

I'm trying to farm for Asha and Marianne because I want a human good--alignment team now.
>She's objectively evil
Evil women are hot
if i class change someone will they retain both their passives and active skills or just the former? asking so i dont brick myself this early
Being obsessed with money on your own and only looking for money in a companion is a bit different.
B-but trad church girls are so rare nowadays...
>Elise judging me back there
She is cool but as a pseudo loli she just doesn't do it for me. Which is why I chose virgin hag Debra over her.
Evil good.
Good bad.
>pseudo loli
Is your surname Schreier
>the surprise double ent fight was harder than helmut's
My main team is at 16, but i have a side team at 7~8 that i use from time to time.
Holy shit bros i found a gamebreaking bug after fucking around with disconnects. If you buff the first acting character then disconnect the battle starts again but the character maintains the buffs.
Church wives are rare and those that do go are only doing it because of strict parents.
This game will eventually give me mp restore items, right?
Yeah, it is called camping.
I know she is not an actual loli, and I couldn't care less even if she was, she just has that bratty teenager vibe about her that isn't my thing. I know there is another word for it but I forgot so I just called her that.
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newbie here
what's the point of 2h weapons? they don't seem that much better than hitting twice with a 1h and carrying a shield
also do spears get backrow penalties? it only mentions bow and spells in the Help - Formation page
and if I automove through dungeons, they'll stop if mobs drop loot, right?
I don't know and I'm not willing to savor the risk
With how defense works, 2H weapons will have an easier time dealing with high defense enemies.
Spears are mid-range and don't get the penalty.
Automove will stop to grab the loot, but will also stop your automove and so you have to set it again.
2h weapons deal the most damage
Halberd/spears get additional range
You deal X% less damage the more distance you have beyond Frontline vs Frontline with melee weapons.

Swords in theory have the most damage potential because they hit twice, get twice the benefit from flat attack damage. But defense lowers damage at a flat rate so they're mostly used for unarmored enemies and Knights to proc status + carry shield. 2H weapons are best damage later.
And you also lose accuracy as well as % damage reduction. Which is why halberd/spear has more accuracy compared to other 2Handers but less damage, they can poke backlines better. 2H axe are big damage dealers. 2h sword have nice overall stats. Hammers can potentially stunlock
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How long would 68.99 AUD sustain the servers for?
my problem with 2hs and why I don't use them on anyone besides Gerulf is that defense is a meme and you only need to hit a armor break to do more damage then a 2H with a sword
swords have always been cracked in wizardry though it's kinda a staple
I guess if I rolled a really good one I'd invest in it but until then I'll stick to my swords
2-handers are more for mob clearing and auto-combat anyway. Swords are for bosses where you actually want to plan your moves and stack de/buffs.
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Dude come on...
You can't open it, don't try
I wish they'd actually sell selectors. 10 bones are basically nothing and you are too likely to get a random SSR than who you actually want.
Turns out it's not first action, maybe first slot or thief specific, anyway i can consinstenly start fights with my Debra stealthed plus priest buffed.
I do think two-handed hammers are actually pretty good if you're going to use any two-hander just due to the stun chance and the great accuracy. Spears are mostly a thing for very specific situations like knight taunting from the back row but even then you'd probably just take the damage loss and use a shield. Maybe if you're running an evil fighter with Alice and have your thief in the front row?
Is there a video of people farming the supposed B8F quest for exp?
I want to check if it really is better than undead match
>demon screeching noises
One big hit instead of two small ones. On top of defense being a flat reduction as others mentioned, they benefit greatly from sleep or parries, which boost damage for 1 hit.
Follow up attacks are usually 1 hit as well even with 2 hits weapons, so I am guessing 2handera get more bang for their buck there too.
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Battle mage here i come
there's none, two +atk bonuses on shield will your 1h deal as much dmg as 2h
Though yeah, this is the biggest downside of 2 handers by far, missing an entire slot of bonuses for a "maybe it will hit harder in some cases" is just insane.
Unless the steel tier ones are already better, I haven't got there yet to check, two handers definitely need some rebalancing
Bring both. Default to sword and board but swap to 2h axe when useful.
How many floors is den of earth and also how do I best farm it since I need to upgrade from bronze
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So what happens if you don't tell Albano to kick rocks?
I like the fact that every weapon has some sort of critical animation.
do any of the party member voicelines change?
like if you have a different alignment ghul/party?
or if they like you more?
I think Galina is hot but she keeps telling me to stay away
If I go up to the previous floor will the enemies respawn? I want to challenge the B8F final boss with a fully healthy party
They don't, the whole dungeon acts as one instance, so it only resets (mobs, chests, whatever) when you leave it entirely.
But people have said if you wait a long time monsters might respawn, I don't know if that was confirmed.
I've heard that it's tied to stink, if your party is dirty then monsters can spawn on you.
I don't remember a situation so far when, due to defense, 1x100 hit would've been better than 2x55. Also opportunity thing after blocking gets consumed after one hit, so multihit weapons don't utilize it as well as twohanders do. Too bad ACC/ASPD penalty is pretty harsh for axes and hammers.
Bonds are still a mistery to me, but they should warm up for you eventually. Gallina seems specially rude, tho. Like, her karen energy is out the charts!
Cool asf
I really wish the game becomes generous with enhancements, gold, and extraction stuff
But I doubt it
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you can now only play for half an hour a day until you're unable to make any meaningful progress on your account
I think farmable mausoleum is all it needs to be a top tier gacha. And by farmable I mean monthly resets would be enough (assuming more floors in the future).
Maybe an easier access to a daily bone or two, rather than hunting for the merchant.
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we WILL get autistic ninja catgirls!!! Can't wait bwos...
Merchant doesn't reset daily, maybe not even weekly.
If he has a cooldown it is probably his own timer.
t. last found him like 4 days ago, bought a bone then found him again today and he wasn't selling any bones, only elixir
Whatever the timer is, there's no way it's longer than 4 days or even a week. It might not even be a timer but a limited supply based on progress.
B8F is better because it doesn't require that much clicking with menus. Mobs respawn on its own, as long as you don't kill the last wave. It's not as easy tho, you can't carry lvl1s
Hook of Harken shouldn't cost real money.
So what the fuck are you supposed to do on B7F in the place Albano originally died in the first timeline? I have reconciled him with his uncle, which should mean he turned a new leaf or something, but if I walk through B7F on that specific spot he still turns into a warped one and die, I just wasted 40 fortitude to be sure by going back twice to the beginning of B7F and making sure it was the reconcile option (I wasn't super sure the first time so I did it again)
Is the natural floor progression just glitched and the new event won't trigger where he doesn't die?
I imagine if I just skip to B8F with the wheel, having the reconcile option, he will still be alive, but weird that this happens
I wanted to see what happened there when Albano had reconciled
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Rip tiddies.
Where is mage Marianne
It's not Etrian Odyssey, walk to the harken. You even have the auto-walk feature.
Just saw the ad for this. How do I play this game?
is that fighter reclass?
What level should I be for the boat?
Goddamn I was expecting a full team wipe against Helmut but my wife Chloe came in clutch.
You know damn well nobody is using hooks of harken because "they don't want to walk to the harken" right now.
risk status?
just play the game
you can minmax for good ssr's with the starter pulls if you want
Wait, does Dilto reduce enemy's evasion?
If you use the HP bond, your character will never be at max health after resting.
Pretty fucking stupid.
Legit dont know how to play this game without Lanavaille and her end of combat healing I feel like shit would be impossible
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If I have the normal Lana, would it make MORE or LESS sense to roll for her Wanderer Form?
It feels like not owning the character at all makes it more worthwhile to roll for a new adventurer or am I wrong?
You roll for the outfit. Do you like the outfit?
First things first: think with your dick.
Regular Lana is a sobbing mess so adventurer Lana makes more sense if you don't have either.
But if you already have one? Then save your gems and don't roll for her.
is there pity on banners? does it csrry over?
So, do you need to be lvl 30 or something for the second helmut fight? For some reason just the mobs on the map feel much harder than before.
Yes. No.
how hard is this game?
will I need to search for hidden buttons in walls or anything like in Might and Magic 7?
My party is lvl14 and I keep giving everyone Thieve's Shoes and stuff so their action doesn't suffer from it. Is that bad?
Do I want my 2 knights in the frontline be in full heavy gear going for max defense usually (at the expense of action and accuracy)?
>Try to take on one of the Ent bosses on b2
>characters are levels 19-20
>They only the mc and magic users do any real damage despite the buffs , debuffs, and decent iron and bronze gear
>fight the thing until I have nothing left and lose
Ok, guess I need to grade up everyone? How long will that take?
I think so, I tried it at 26 and ran out of juice on mage and priest, plus my fighters were getting near-1shot, which lead to mc getting paralyzed when he needed to reverse the rocks, but no time or mana on the priest spare to cure that etc.
No. Things you should interact with will have an indicator.
>pull for wanderer lana
>don't get her
>get a bone from yhe dungeon
>it gives me knight lana
soall my gems were easted?
But at least you've got some points to trade.
Action speed is good for mages, thieves, and fighters but only because it gives you a chance to whittle down the enemy group before they attack, you want to balance it with their damage so they go first and have enough damage to kill enemies. The best defense is a good offense and all that.
I'm not sure if it's even possible to lap enemies and gain multiple turns with high enough action speed.
Knights want decent accuracy and high def to spam their stun bash, it's stun chance scales with their def stat. Their attack generally isn't important since they don't have much in terms of damage boosters or hard hitting attacks.
Just did that quest where I had to save someone's grandchildren, apparently some of them died even though I went as quickly as I could about it.
Does anyone know what you get for saving all of them?
why is it called wizardry if you can't even play a wizard
>I'm not sure if it's even possible to lap enemies and gain multiple turns with high enough action speed.
I have seen it happen when going through some lower level content again and I debuffed enemy speed, letting some of the characters that already did action have another one before them
You're a time mage, dumbass
run a 5 mage party and be the cheerleader you are meant to be
>the game has working keyboard controls by defauls on bluestacks
I'm a time wanderer
When should I start inheriting skills and spells from my non-party characters? Are there any must haves my Alice and Yekaterina wanna have?
Had to put in more effort at time college. Imagine ending up as a gimped fighter
Post some pictures of the best equipment you guys have gotten so far. I'm in the Port and I've gotten some truly outrageous stuff. I want to see how crazy some of this equipment can get.
We're dying bros
It's a work day, homie.
people are waging to afford 1 roll
>Lack of schizos due to being a boomer game
>Thread is slow as molasses
It's called being comfy.
>>Lack of schizos due to being a boomer game
Man I wish other boomer games I play were schizo free
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haven't grinded too hard but these have been the best things I've found
It's 8AM on a Monday bro. Just move on to /vmg/ if it bothers you that much.
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My human pri-chan getting all the good stuff.
I wonder if the game will survive long enough for us to have a divegrass team.
It is probably temporary.
I was wondering the same...
Are the generics actually good for something or do people just waifu them?
So can you actually re do the mission you failed in NG+? For example if you didn't get the rabbit bondmate?
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>fight mimic underwater in port town
>mages can suddenly cast spells
this fucking game
>he didn't bond up with Lana
Fool that you are, for she becomes very brave.
So, how do I farm march of the undead?
Going back and fuckjing around with the cursed wheel hoping the quest appears after you clear it sucks.
If we're still kicking by thread #100 chances are we're here to stay
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I have 2
>they really did waste money with "famous" ENGLISH VOICE ACTORS
The money used to hire those could've been used to hire more developers instead
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So, playing around with it, MC with 30 levels of Priest and 25 levels of Mage is actually really solid. Because staves have such incredible dual stats, the lack of piety really doesn't overly impact the Priest spells much. Medios is 170 vs my Priest's 220~, so it's a bit lower but nearly negligable, and all the debuff cleanses don't require stats at all. I'm not even convinced the buffs do, either.
>implying these "voice actors" were paid more than a bic mac and half a ciggy
Wew lad
You go back to the start of B8F
Then you walk back and take the teleport near the staircase that puts you back at B7F entrance, then you can use the harken and do your thing.
The quest will already be in the request list every time
Alice is getting kicked out of the team already...
bro you can't just kick out every thief and priest out of your party
I lucked out and got the yeka class change in my shop and I'm planning on just turning her into a priest and running 2 of them when she gets 40 because of the reasons you listed
Bet they've shoehorned us into wanderer because if we could choose classes at the start of the game some classes would never be used by the players until maybe much more later or in specific occasions.
Actually wish I could've started with priest or thief MC.
Yeah, I think dual classing your priest and mage is immensely useful. Right now my priest has a magic wand that's way better at piety though, maybe later on more equipment will be focused on one over the other. Either way, it's only 1 extra slot.

The problem is not every mage/priest dual classes into the other. My priest dual-classes into warrior, that's worthless, what the fuck were they thinking? It's annoying that some characters are just perma-bricked like that.
So what's the best deal for MC? Mage eith bonus healing? Thief with sneak attack + bonus dmg/tankiness from warrior and knight? Knight with self healing?
Even if there are staves that are pure magic/pure div, you can swap them in combat for free
Regarding class change, can you just change it willy nilly or do you pay something up for each change? Thinking of swapping my party's classes around to get the bonus but I don't want to get fucked.
>he doesn't know
You have to buy the class change scrolls in the gem shop. They're random and limited.
>you pay something up for each change
For other characters except the MC? Yes.
400 green gems in fact, and you also need to be lucky enough to have the class change for the character you want to be in the shop
I wonder if skins in the future will come with new class changes. Imagine thief Lana or Samurai Adam...
MC can change for free and whenever he wants, as long as it is unlocked on the well of mind thing you will unlock later.
As for characters it is a fucking mess and honestly kinda disgusting.
You need a specific scroll for THAT CHARACTER, only two appear randomly per week on the jeweler.
Each one costs fucking 400 gems, and it doesn't just "unlocks" the class, you will need another scroll to go back to the initial class as well as another scroll if you ever want to go back to the new class again.
Anons keep talking about doing this but honestly I am just pretending this feature doesn't exist.
MC can freely change his class as long as he has the node unlock in the well of the mind, if you don't know what that is, just continue.
Everyone else needs an item that can only be purchased with premium currency and it's 2 random ones every week, and yes, you do need to get the item to change back as well.
You already know why.
(You) can, but for your characters currently the only option is spending green gems.
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Even in numbers, a weakling is a weakling still
Imagine if Debra got an alt in the future that'd have an extra turn after killing an enemy
Meet me at the nest and say that again.
>every boss fight is a puzzle
Just let me unga bunga
imagine no midfielders, just forwards and a backline
Devs should really drop a roadmap asap if they wanna delay events/content to fix bugs. Doesn't even need a timeline, just what's in the future.
>only two appear randomly
if you're extra unlucky you can get a single scroll
t. only one 2 weeks in a row
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How do I do pic related without anyone dying?
Just go back.
You have to go back to one before (the harken one) I think.
I'm trying to figure that out myself but no luck so far
Why didn't they extend the gold buff? Were they lying?
It is very important to gate players on gold apparently.
Probability of them "extending" Lana's banner by introducing it again after it timed out, meaning your orbs would expire?
they're only going to extend the character banners to save face
It'd look really bad if they kept rolling out new content you have to pay for when the game is in the state it's in
>unlocked class change for adventurers
>it was just alex (knight) to knight scroll
>weekly reset
>it's alex (knight) to knight again
t-thanks, drecom
I'm really annoyed by the fact that I'm spending so much time farming gold just to level up my equips properly before fighting Helmut and saving the king.
What do the skills actually do. The menu doesnt tell.
Also I got to the floor with skeletons. I assume I have to go back and grind for some mace drops to use and do real damage?
The kingdom should refund me properly.
Yeah, they're completely fine. Legendaries can have good skills, but people take it way overboard. All of the characters are fine.
Badios is anti undead magic missile, halito is simple fireball. Idk what precision strike is, sorry.
You don't need to enhance everything. Focus on what gives you the most stats.
If you guys get stuck at picking up the wild carrots in grasslands, hit the auto button to fix it.
You should already be familiar with those skills, they very basic
Precision Strike is the thief attack skill, go read what it does.
Badios is the basic priest attack spell.
Halito is the fire mage spell.
precision strike is an attack with increased chance to trigger surety + can use it when enemies are charging for guaranteed surety
I beat Helmut at 20 with mostly bronze +0. My +4s were royal sword, royal shield and wind sword.And again at 27 in the same gear.
Anyway, who's Daphne?
What bothers me the most is that I know the gold reward for all that work in saving the kingdom will be very small. Fucking hell, the least they should do is booking and paying a Royal Suite for me and my party for a while.
Your reward for saving the king is being able to live.
Those shitter knights wouldn't have been to TOUCH mc if he didn't just let them for some reason
>kill 4 bunnies
>only get one meat

Wow that's gay, they should really change that so that at the very least so long as you bought the class you can change it freely.
Don't you also need to level it up from scratch when you change?
the story is ass
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I need to save everyone, what do?
we should all go, strength in numbers anon
Arisen, please give me better equipment!
leave it to elmon, if maurice still dies, rewind to first floor and redo first warped one fight, send in defenders.
Elmon died due to being alone, clearly the right answer is to send everyone to back her up.
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Fuck you :D
unironically the best plot in gacha games given that every single gacha game has absolute trash story and constantly has to shoehorn all the gacha characters to make you spend money for them

here gacha is secondary and you get a streamlined experience
Nuking them is very satisfying, but Maforos is probably the smarter option.
Now that one undead encounter with like 8 undead containing two knights? Yeah that's getting a nuke
shitlined experience
I just HATE how the MC is arguably the weak link of the party until you unlock and level other classes.
I really, really, REALLY HATED playing Wanderer on the tutorial, should've just let have started as Fighter or maybe even Knight instead or allowed us to choose a starting class.
Choosing options for your character at the start of RPGs is part of the fun. And now that I've unlocked other classes and experienced doing different things with the MC, I just look back in time and think "can't believe I was playing with this G A R B A G E".
If anyone asks me how's the MC I won't be able to bring myself to lie, I will say "you will have to wait until you beat the first dungeon - which could take several days depending on your willingness to no life - to become a good character".
Guys help, just finished ng+, Lulu said I can only choose one, which quest should I go for?
people said shield is shit but also didnt post stats
I don't like the lore of certain characters.
Some are too over the top to supposedly be shitters who somehow died pathetically, and I get it, they came back from the dead so it makes sense for them to go back to level 1, but the knowledge remains so why the fuck the legendaries don't start with advanced classes?
I purposefully walk around with how HP Alice just so I can hear her being desperate.
The game jumping through so many hoops to give you a reviving power that doesnt let you trivialize the entire game just kills my suspension of disbelief.
For some reason, looking at Yekaterina's veil really makes my undead cock throb.
For someone with powers to rewind time the MC really seems afraid of experimenting and checking out things.
Where was the place that triggers the Albano event after doing his uncle's request? I can't for the life of me remember
Now it's truly over. Waterway b4f, died, revived, game froze. I restarted and now the game crashes whenever I try to log in. Go on without me bros, I don't feel like starting over after all that.
Not even going to try reinstalling?
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Get your password and reinstall, works for me every time that happens to me
>mfw had to reinstall the game at least 7 times in a week
I did. Game crashes everytime I try to log in.
Lmao gotten
Enjoy your 20 gems
>rise again
>it puts you after the choice, you die again
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Anons got me good...
Is waterway fucked? Was thinking of starting it.
It's not fucked but you will be. The waterway mobs will rape you, I'm not joking
Iron gear only really starts dropping after NG+ Helmut right?
I can't be this unlucky.
I have some pieces, but they are all white and very rare.
It's buggy and there is a chance you might get bricked. Do it anyway.
Reinstalled again and now I have a perpetual black screen when trying to log in now.
You are unlucky, I had a few irons at that point.
Ignore this, I didn't read your post very well. Yeah it's about typical. You'll get plenty of good irons from waterway.
Iron is still fairly uncommon in NG+ Abyss, it'll also likely be worse than gear from the Den of Earth but that place is boring to farm.
Waterway will start getting you semi-consistent irons
7F after the second poison pool.
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D5 Still locked! i will persist! the compensation will be huuuge!

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They put me in the game. I finally made it.
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Bunch of the regular games going on sale
How do you reply without sounding mad?
Which ones are actually good?
one of them has a cute girl on the cover
I'm on day 1. I itch to play more but must instead lurk these threads to get my fix.
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>get into the tavern
>see this
It is sex night
I swear to god they say 'hot women' sometimes.
All of them.
Stop being a fag and learn to dungeon crawl.
Turn 360 and walk away.
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Does doing this guarantee Albano's Bondmate as well? I already did everything once and beat Helmut 100% but did not get the LUC lantern or his Bondmate you're supposed to get at Edge of Town afterwards
They should allow you to be a priest and make the tutorial unbeatable, actually.
I thought they say 'fuck women'
debra makes it seem like they brought scooby doo to the table
I got the lantern but haven't seen the bondmate
My MC sucked dick, but once i gave him a cool spear/some accuracy he actually became a force to be reckoned with. I'm still at dungeon 1 tho, so i don't really know how much stronger we can get. Maybe i just have really low standards...
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So, i cleared NG+ but Elmon died by the rocks before the battle agaisnt Helmut started
That happened because i didnt cleared these conditions?
Probably. You need the Defenders to be alive and you need to clear the Bladeless Dagger quest so you can get the root to Vernant. If you do that then the cave-in can be withstood
I got some one handed sword with wind damage buff which seems to be good since I havent found any wind resistant enemies yet (at floor 7) but few wind damage weakness enemies are here and there. Its the only special feeling weapon I have so far, but I think it was probably some guaranteed drop the way I got it.
Yes, in fact you can get the bondmate without getting the luc lantern if the boys get squished because no potion. If you didn't get either, albano was either marked as dead or left the dungeon.

You have to warp to "labyrinth cleared" point, fully do the albano reconciliation quest(talk to him instead of giving the letter to dylanhart, leads to a second part), redo the saint shield repair quest, then fight down to B8 and raise the shortcuts(but before you fight the ents) go back to town and do the herb quest.Then fight down to B8 again, kill ents(go to B7 fountain if needed),kill helmut and this should give you the lantern. Then go to edge of town once you get control back to get albano bondmate.
>Automove will stop to grab the loot, but will also stop your automove and so you have to set it again.
can just tap the boot under minimap to resume
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I did that quest, but there were no cutscene about delivering to him
He won't even ask if those guys aren't alive, since there's no need
Ah, not him but I went to Dylanhart since I wanted him out asap. That explains why I didn't get the bondmate but did get the lantern
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What should i do here? Leave it to Elmon or Vernant?
We should all go
send all
I used to play a game called buriedbornes that had a frenzy build that boosted all your stats, but in exchange combat was auto battle locked.
Is there a similar style for this gacha?
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The more the merrier i say we should all go
Have you sent everyone before? Send everyone, then click the spoiler at the end of the cutscene
Do not pick rise again
apes together strong
Fuck you all, i've already read the previous post up there, you can't fool me
once I get thief, should I ditch debra and go full ham with alice yekatarina and adam backline?
You get 20 gems from the achievement you get from dying there
Kek. You really do get a cheevo for it though.

Send Elmon but she needs to be unhurt with the skirmishers for backup, you will likely have to jump back and save them.
>Ukhti (formerly Asha)
Alhamdullilah brother she is halal now
Depends on if you're making use of that speed to kill most of the enemies before they can attack
fwiw I get on fine keeping 2/3 frontline in light armor but that's because I rarely take hits
>2 knights in the frontline
Make your MC a mage+priest, put Debra in frontline, run Adam Alice MC in backline
Big thanks

No. The opposite
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This guy look like my kind of bondmate
I just noticed my glitched and changed from Helmut/King to overcome the vile trap in B4F.
What do I do?
Just keep going and the game will fix itself or am I fucked?
I just noticed my objective glitched*
It's most likely just a visual bug. I've been stuck on "find a way to save vernant" for days
redo the whole floor and both traps, if that doesn't fix it , might be stuck.
I've been stuck on it too and it may be cockblocking you from getting those gems. I'm in too deep though so I hope it'll be fixed with a patch.
I just cleared the entirety of B8F and the ents before I noticed though, I don't want to have to do it again...
Damn I hope it is just visual, pretty sure the Helmut one was supposed to be 250 gems.
And it is not like I can go do the B4F for gems again, I doubt they will them to me.
I am on NG+ by the way.
Missing Objective Gems seems easy to retroactively fix, so its not like those are gone for good. You'll get them later. Consider it helping you save for 100 rolls to ensure you get an item off all your rolls.
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I'm pretty sure I got all the objective gems even when it was stuck. NG+ helmut for sure gave me 250
Wait, the defenders died back then? I had the same problem, but I remember giving them the shields at the B2F harken. Even the cutscene about surviving B3F rocks because of it. I remember someone dying after the B1F boss, but I thought that was the skirmishers.
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Uh oh another one?
It’s funny to see anons shitting on wanderer lana when i bet you guys would pay up for altCostume alice or debra
>death match farmers are getting banned
Could be the 50 gems everytime you do albanos mimic quest.
death march*
Can anyone else confirm?
For whenever you do the perfect ending, you might as well do it from the start without setting flags and picking the last possible checkpoint. You might be able to clear it out that way and won't have any reason to jump back which may have been the cause in the first place.
What's up with certain equipments having different names but the same stats are generically named items? Like I got a twisted staff but it has the same stats as the regular hardwood staff, so what's the difference?
It's hard to remember since they're mistranslated in one of the Cursed Wheel descriptions, just make sure that everyone is alive. Defenders, Craftsmen, Skirmishers, Elmon, Vernant, Dylanhart, and Albano. One group dies after the B1F boss fight if you don't repeat the fight (I think it still has to be repeated once more on NG+?)
Some items increases the auxiliary stats bonuses that are not shown, like rabbit tails increasing disarm(?) trap
Maybe one is 2h one is 1h
Soo when are they extending shit? It's about to end...
That will take very long though, I have been procrastinating finishing NG+ Helmut for days, I want to do the rest of the content.
Right when I decided to actually finish this shit I got hit with this.
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I finally beat the tutorial what a satisfying ending with arna in bed, now I can go drown in water
Sex with Vernant
>got sent to lap 3
I have to unlock everything again
I'll have to do an hour long extraction session before I go into the dungeon again, this shit fucking sucks
Port city isn't so bad until B6F.
The gauntlet there is brutal.
Is there a boss at bf6 before harken?
There is, and its a particularly annoying one.
Hint: Endless gravel scrolls
Yes, a pretty rough one.
Poison attack, it's a scam isn't it?
my wife elf sharena, my dad young gunther and my husband white bruno
I'm losing my fucking mind with this retarded albano quest
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MFW the water rises mid battle.
What are the requirements for fighting and defeating the true end boss bros
How does leveling bondmates work? I've finished a quest that rewards a bondmate 3 times, but it's still at level 2.
Also, when exactly do static chests (like the one with the wind sword in it) respawn? Is it on a 24 hour timer or something?
You can continue on and start port town even without a perfect clear, that's why I suggested it for attempting to clear out the bugged objectives.
Continue on playing normally maybe even finish the 2nd dungeon if you want to and then whenever you feel like it, go back and perfect clear beginning abyss without skipping if they haven't already fixed it by then.
You could delay it even further by saving it for whenever you've finished getting Albano's bond to 5, which it'd probably be fixed by then because do you really want to kill Helmut who knows how many times just to max his bond?
There's a exp system for bond mates but it's not shown in any way.

Time warp to before the level they're on is started.
They're going to sell Wiz6-8 raw? Shit...
It's like inheriting skills, the higher it's level, the more copies it takes to level them up.
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god bless the nips
Man, the bugginess is slowly starting to get to me.
I can't get Albedo's uncle to spawn to speak with me in the dungeon 1 for the perfect ending there. I also can't get Pickarel to spawn on my third run through the water arena to get past Shagtis.
It's annoying, I just want to advance but the game isn't spawning the NPCs. I got him to spawn once by losing, I guess I can try again.
Is that Custom Order Maid?
If the bonds are shit I am not gonna bother maxing them.
I don't even know what Albano's does.
As much as I hate it and I am sure it won't work, I think I will go back to B4F with the wheel and see if I can "clear" this, but I strongly doubt it.
>I can't get Albedo's uncle to spawn to speak with me
He's the quest giver for the ebonsteel or whatever request, you complete that request and when receiving the reward, you get to ask if he knows Albano.
After that, he puts in a request in the guild and things go from there, AFAIK, nothing is tied to him being physically present anywhere or anything resembling a random event.
>Knight Commander is Geralt

Really? They sound nothing alike.
They sound exactly the same. He plays like half the characters in this game.
When you do the ebonsteel, you take the letter to Albano. You need to then talk to him after showing and not give it to the Knight Commander. This should then spawn an interaction back at town to start the Mimic questline, but this isn't happening.
Valdor too
And the "YOU HAVE THE POWER" mystery nigga too
>Valdor too

I am feeling similar. The bugged objective I've had in the top left of my screen everyday, among other issues, has really soured my mood, so I have decided to enter "dailies only" mode. Maybe I'll continue playing for real in a few weeks or months when the bugs finally get ironed out.
Uh, did you try and trade the innkeeper's flower sachet for the relic directly after the B3F ent fight?
Maybe you need to know that he specifically wants his mom's sachet to trigger his uncle.
What was the floor where you get to choose whether to send albano away or not? I'm about to drop this game because of this little fucker
>Maybe you need to know that he specifically wants his mom's sachet to trigger his uncle.
Yeah you do need to know this, it comes up in the conversation. It's the whole reason the mimic request comes up, the request is about finding the flowers the uncle needs to recreate the sachet.
The trade attempt is in the cursed wheel too.
Youve always been able to pick up 6-8 bundled on steam for like $15 bucks
Going back and trying to "do" the objective it is asking for doesn't work to get it unstuck?
Let me know because I am about to go use the cursed wheel to try
is the port town quest fixed now? my account is still stuck in place in that god forsaken quest and I already submitted 3 tickets about it. I made a new account and already in port town so just asking if its safe to take requests now.
I was able to do the all the ones except defend shop, I'm not risking a brick on that
I don't remember seeing it in any of the recent patchnotes, and no one wants to test it in fear of bricking their account
My bugged objective says "Return to Past and Find Way to Rescue Vernant", and I assume it is specifically meant to complete upon finishing the guild request to collect scrap sabatons, which I have done several times. I have also gone on to completely rescue him from the falling rocks three times. The objective remains uncompleted.
Whichever floor the knights are at currently.
Oh yeah I just noticed mine is stuck there too.

I was still getting the gems from advancing to B7, B8, etc. though.
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Well, it remember doing this but I guess in all the backtracking that wasn't 'saved', so I supposed I need to do a full run of everything through B1-B7 again. Thanks, at least. Now I know its just bugged in a slightly different, achivably fixable way
I can't find the last body for the vorpal bunny quest HELP!
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Apparently it's random from when people compared where the bodies were for them
Which stats are important for a priest?
Well that was cancer, here's the map seed if anyone wants it
How did you get him, just give him potions?
Second dungeon question: is it safe to Cursed Wheel forwards a bit after giving Gessi the Titanium? The second dungeon as a whole has an absolutely ass design (floor layout and encounters) so i'd like to spend as little time interacting with it as I can.
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Does this chest respawns once every 24 hours? Or after the daily reset? I've gotten this chest 4 times now and I'm still not sure if it's daily or has something to do with the cursed wheel.
No, I mean selling without any sort of bug/compat fixes. I remember finishing wiz8 on win7 a while ago and it worked fine until I touched video settings. Wiz7 Gold was also kinda funny where text is either instant or waits about a single eternity for sound clip to finish.
Wait a minute, why is your map different than mine?
What drops from it again?
Rez him on b1f, tell him to go home, then find his events in b5f where you need to rescue him from monsters
Different Anon but mine was different as well, two of the bodies were right next to each other, like 2 tiles away
Oh you're talking about the body locations. Maybe?

Thought you meant the floor layout
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>daily request
>black screen
>restart game
>beat it
>daily request
>black screen
>restart game
>beat it
>daily request
>black screen
>restart game
>beat it

is it just me or is the game getting buggier and buggier...?
the code is so mom's spaghetti that it rivals nikke at launch, it's pretty amazing
If you're sure you haven't gotten that one already then idk

Maybe you can check the >discord for more maps
I can't give his sabaton replacement yet, should I continue and is the rhodium at the 5th floor?
You only get the option for the sabatons moments before the rockfall trap.
The rhodium is in B6F with the teleport traps, take the wrong teleports and there should be 2 enemies on the map not moving, they drop the rhodium.
The sabaton thing is a bit later
>middle of the dungeon
>pull a guy aside and make him change shoes
They must think I’m a fucking weirdo
That happened to me with yesterday's dailies, but not today's. Weird.
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My Lana got another luck point. Yay!
Thanks for the info
Can you give me the link for the discord?
dis cord . gg/ azC3eRME
>They must think I’m a fucking weirdo
>weird mask
>knows strange never before seen spell
>also smells bad
Are they wrong?
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>still no proper wiki
>have to join a discord to find information in english
Did they change the type change node in the LUC area between fighter and thief? A few days ago the type choices were fire,earth,light but today I reset and now they're fire,dark,water.
you forgot the important
>spaces out and stares into space
>talks to himself
>has some sort of foresight
Memento Cor is a weird fucker all around, I wouldn't trust him honestly.
Is the launch log in event still around or did I miss that?
I started yesterday and seems its still there, I hope its around enough for me to get that last log in reward still
what kind of name is "Momemto Cor"? Use a proper name like Skelly.
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>all the clocks ingame for resets are in my local clock and indicate that the reset would be midnight
>the actual reset is 7 hours earlier, the timer means nothing
Okay but now they’re going to think I’m a fucking weirdo that’s also into feet
glorious nippon code folded over 1000 times
Have you guys already spent your banner points? If so on what?

Or are you holding out because they said they would extend it?
I'm not rolling any further on that banner
Bought Halito book
How do you do the fisherman rescue quest? I've went to all the floors and lulus never said "hey this the floor" and the quest description doesn't help, just says west district
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...are they wrong?
strongly emphasize that you do NOT have a thing for feet, and you only care about their safety. Be sure to remind them to "mind their step", "watch your feet", that it's important to have proper footwear and that you can provide them with spare sabatons.
Eventually you'll run into an enemy through what appears to be a random encounter. A text box will pop up saying the fishermen are nearby.
meant for
Shut the fuck up Albedo
his name is albino you shitface
you're right. checking mine and the type choices has changed too. the hell?
Finally my Lana could tank goblins, they are only inflicted 1 damage on her
>Worshiped for 400 years
>Only 3 barbarian disciples since she killed the rest
Oh those floating things are head of disciples huh?
Seen nobody mention it but you can bait mobs out of the underwater sections so you don't have to fight under the sea
I guess it was bugged because light was on both sides. But I don't know why they'd shuffle the other elements instead of just making one of the dark. If earth is on the side between fighter and knight now, that side is much better with the 4 flames.
This is how the map looks on NG+
just cleared b8f
can i start a new game and start killing and raping the whole fucking town?
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I'm sorry...I just don't find warped ones to be cute or interesting
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So what's the best thing to buy here? I want to say the gems but I am not quite sure
You suggest it you smug asshole, I can't believe I went with that
I’m just trying to look up her skirt but she keeps shoving her feet in my face, she’s got entirely the wrong idea about me
So undeadbane equipment cant be enhanced? None of them come up on the blacksmith menu

Gems reset monthly so I plan to pick up those at least every month and then save rest for whatever
Is it worth losing Lana's Stirring Righteousness to have a better fighter in the front row? Like how much of an dmg up is it?
The gems are definitely the safe bet
But we'll have leftover points each month anyway...
They can
Personally I'm buying gems and saving the rest for incense or the legend bone
What should I do with low tier armor, sell it? Is there even anything else I can do with it?
>None of them come up on the blacksmith menu
This has happened to me and I don't know why. Just equip the item and select enhance from there
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If it has +, use as enhancement fodder
if it's blue with high value blessing, extract
Otherwise sell
How do you extract? When is that introduced?
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It's right there in the blacksmithy
Enjoy... the success rate is very low
In the blacksmith menu. It's available once you get an item with a blessing (green, blue)
Ok this works but damn this game is buggy
I don't see any gear with that, do you mean extra stars?
+ comes from enhancement, weapons don't come pre-enhanced.
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> if it's blue with high value blessing, extract
Note that even the shitty extracts can be added to existing blessings to increase their numbers
If you equipped it while at the blacksmith,you have to leave the menu and come back.
So is Alice worth using as a front line priest so I can put Gerulf in the back row with a 2H? She seems way to squishy to be front lined
Gerulf wants front row with a 2H blunt weapon
The only 2handers that work from back row are spears and bows and he needs a 2h hammer for eruption to do fat damage.
Have they actually taken away anyone's super thieves or extra bones yet?
ok that makes sense. I just pulled him from the 7 day bone and I was going to replace Benjamin. My other question is, is 90 fortitude fucked or still good enough to run
You think they'll manage it in a day or two? It'll take them weeks, and there's a good chance they'll fuck up half your shit.
>do the thief mausoleum twice
>get 2 of the same bones
>account gets fucking exploded
90 is fine, it’s just kinda annoying.
Where are the fucking bugfixes man
today we got 0 none nada.
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>>500183756 (me)
Died one time but I won easily in the second try
Tried a x10:
Got another Asha
failed to get a dupe.

I'll pick my halito and will save for future Asha/Lana alts
There's gotta be some kind of limit to it right? or you'd end up with bronze gloves with +99 divinity at some point
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if only there was a model viewer
Benjamin might be better in the long run, a lot of enemies are magical creatures in the second dungeon and he takes reduced damage from water attacks(while gerulf is the opposite)
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does this matter at all? not sure if they are supposed to be bandits, or scared of bandits
I don’t know, extracting is so tedious right now I haven’t messed around with it much
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I wonder what's inside?
Fight them anyway
...oh gods....
I seemed to get nothing for killing them, and nothing for letting them go
I assumed it was meant to follow with her dialogue for world-building; with the whole "If you meet an adventurer in the dungeons you have no way to know if they're legit just regular adventurers or murderhobos waiting to shank you as soon as you look the other way"
Fits along with the other random adventurer NPC you sometimes see in F7/F8, sometimes it's the guy who had a fight with his friend and gives you an item for accidentally yelling at you and some times it's a dude luring you into an ambush fight with a group of adventurers
The Octanarus fight for the true true end of Dungeon 2 is brutal...
yeah, that's my main issue as well
I just sold a massive ton of crap so I could actually step into the dungeon again
Inventory limit and extracting being such a slow shitshow are really annoying
Imagine the dead insects in his beard
What the fuck is going on, after almost every battle i get kicked out.
do u have to do timeshit for dungeon 2 too
A lot of it.
I assumed they were the ones who ambushed the group of dead adventurers you find at the start of B5F, but yeah I think you're right
>touch a trap
>game closes
time to touch myself then
it's all at the end after you've explored the floors at least
You can only refine a stat a single time, and you can only alter a single stat that was revealed (if you upgrade a green to +10 you're unable to alter the new stat it rolled)
>refine before hitting +5
>the stat actually goes down when I do

So what's the reward if I rescue all 3 people in that ent quest?
You want me to tell you where you went wrong?
No one ambushed them, they killed eachother over an abyss relic as foreshadowing for Albano
Someone said you get a ring that's basically an Iron Ring but with a unique name
This is how I've been doing it;
Alter stat (if any, and only for the current milestone, ergo if that stat you want to replace is the second one wait until it's +5, might want to check if you can even alter it before you commit though, I don't think blues can alter the second stat but purples can alter all 3)
Upgrade to milestone for stat gain
ah alright, glad honestly that the autism/grind isn't that pronounced
so far I've been doing fine just getting stuff to +5 until higher tier equipment comes around
I might +10 stuff with very fortunate bonuses or elemental weapons
I could be wrong but I believe the limit is the star rarity of the item. The stars determine the range of the substats so basically you can keep refining stats until they hit the cap of that rarity
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Anyone wanna add me?

You can already get +50 div gloves if you want
How? How would you know that hitting the rank up needed would arbitrarily delete the refined extra stats instead of just adding on top. It's probably a bug like the hundreds of other ones in this game.
You can keep refining until you hit the cap for that item. I already refined this ring but the option isn't greyed out for me.
Also note that it won't give me 24 divinity max if I use this stone because the cap for this 4-star iron ring is 21
That was me. I checked again and it's got sleep tolerance. Still the same stats as an iron though.
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forgot my pic.
I will say though that there might be a bug with refining because I +10'd an item I had refined and the first substat dropped a little bit for some reason
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I thought It overwrites the refinement, and they don't stack.
So you can replace a low tier refinement with a better one but you can't stack them
Ah that makes sense actually. I must've been using higher stones or rolling higher each time
It wouldn't be so bad if that faggot Geuzen didn't drain Fortitude or if we had a chance to recharge in between both fights like in the Normal End fight. Did you notice anything different after giving Gessi some Titanium? His fight was exactly the same aside from that - didn't even get to talk to him outside of the arena or anything.
while farming undead I counted how to get from lvl 4 to 5 in a bond and you have to deepen it four times, oof.
Guess I can just skip that for now
Dagger or Bow for Debra? Can a frontline evasion thief work?
If you use Hiding so you won't be targeted by enemy attacks, maybe.
I'm convinced tolerance is a meme
I had a hat that increases paralyze tolerance, a ring, and a bondmate on my priest but she still got paralyzed
>my b7f keep resetting the holes so I have to walk over poison
Please fix devs, when you time skip you go to the perfect reality in which I already have fixed the holes damnit
Stealth attack literally let you attack any row with daggers, so maybe you could even have her in the back with daggers never tried it
Okay, so I want to upgrade to Bronze Grade but I don't have any tags. I've seen people talking about dismissing level 20 party members in order to get their tags or something? How does this work?
>Traps question at Tavern with Alice
>Choose the fuck it we ball option.
>"Oh, would you be our forerunner?"
What the fuck I was just joking, but she said that so seriously and convincingly.
Does she actually wants me to die?
What an evil woman!
Yeah, nothing new with Geussi (which made me scared). I'm waiting for my stamina to revive my mage, going to class change from Mage to Fighter and try again tonight when I have more Fort.
It's really the double-wammy of draining resources on Geuzen then forced into a double-boss
That's a waste of time as you can just convert ungraded up, however people have been talking about dismissing heroes can grant soulmates if they are high "bond", I have no idea.
If you want to be optimal;
Pick someone you don't mind dismissing
level them until they're at max affection (good luck figuring that out but it gives you a bond mate when you dismiss them)
then dismiss
If you don't care about the bond mate just dismiss them at 1 because the math works out so that you don't gain any additional tags for dismissing higher level guys because of the tags you used to get them there. Maybe ssrs are worth getting to high levels before you dismiss nobody in this thread has tested that yet
I just beat double boss, last one was a joke half my team was out of sp and I still won just spamming spells
How good is the Silverworked staff at the shop on +5? What about the Royal Knight's Sword?
I'm on my 2nd loop right now but I'm strengthening myself up since B8F and the Ent were much fucking harder on this second loop desu.
Royal Knight sword is pretty good but it might just be because I've gotten shit luck with 1h sword drops
They're equivalent to iron tier, but you can guarantee getting them with money instead of hoping for lucky junk drops.
Don't +5 because its 1* and white
Replace them with sacred wood two hand staff / steel or elemental sword
Definitely worth the investment early because they don't get replaced till steel / +atk iron drop
>out of fortitude for the first time since I started playing
Oh well, time to start leveling another team I guess
How do you even level low level characters after NG+? Aren't the enemies stronger than in NG?
Beginning dungeon gives like 10x exp but monsters are barely any stronger.
A fast mage can just easily wipe most encounters.
Put them in the backline and make your high levels carry them.
speedy mage(s) nuke the enemy group until newbie has enough hp to survive a hit
you can also use books to get them enough hp to survive a hit
I am only just now entering the b8f for the first time and I dont want to know what cancer causes that to happen later on in the game
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Whats the go to emulator if I want to play this game on PC. I am actually getting invested into this game so I want to play in a more comfortable position instead of holding my phone up on bed for hours
bluestacks 5, android 11 instance, asus rog 2 phone profile, vulkan graphics
Put good equipment on them, it won’t be like taking your first wobbly steps on B1F decked out in cloth.
Not true at all. Had my Debra attacked while Hiding plenty of times.
Then I've been lucky as fucking fuck for some reason
Huntsman bow is cool with 10 extra accuracy over old wood bows, but getting copies of it is ass
Don't bother farming them, it gets replaced by sacred wood later
I'm pretty sure it at least lowers the rate, I think, because for a while now I thought it made them untargetable too until recently
Can somebody tell me it’s ok to sell all my bronze stuff. I’m scared that +20 bronze will be the meta…
+20 bronze 100% will not be the meta. Sell your bronze now.
Low-level pvp meta, HODL
>my b4f keeps resetting the cave ins so I can't access the rest of the floor from the harken
It's retarded
nothing bronze is worth it
if you have enhanced bronze stuff you can use them as enhancement fodder for other pieces

even Iron is kinda shit since when you get it you also start getting steel
so sell your Bronze stuff immediately, dont over invest in Iron and start hoarding Steel stuff
Even steel is kind of suspicious considering how big the damage bonus is for hitting a enemy with the right damage weapon type. But hey, at least its consistently good.
Ok thanks

I'm having a Granblue deja vu.
In the end we will have to farm weapon and armoor sets for each element in case we don't have characters of said element, right?
Use whatever you want, non-elemental damage isn't even close to bad and long term you can always switch your MC's element to be your main DPS
My Labadios missed on an a skeleton archer emey on the march of the dead.
I'm not joking.
idk about GBF but for undead you only have bronze tier weapons, priests and yekaterina as beneficially typed. So only casters are outright good in that case. And you were pretty early "encouraged" to use a air type sword against a boss for beeg damage. And there's a entire dungeon weak to it. And the dungeon after that is weak to earth damage.
Every character also has a elemental type (so damage resistance/weakness), but that can be circumvented with pieces of elemental armor.
>in case we don't have characters of said element
You will be grinding them even if you have the characters, and it will be the only way to clear the endgame content
got cursed by that stupid fleeing puppet
so far everytime i've killed it the drops were trash
Do we smell? I know we are a Ghul but judging by how our heart still beats, implying our blood is still pumping, we aren't really like other undead.
>killed the spinner woman on floor 2 like 6 times
>keep leaving the room, game tells me she respawns, and the immediately spinning around and killing her again
I keep killing her assuming eventually something will happen but I might just be retarded
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Our skin looks very rotted, whatever blood we’ve got pumping isn’t keeping us fresh.
Anyone ran into this bug before where if you rewind then fast forward again the objective doesn't get updated? I don't want to replay through the entire story from b4f again but I'm also afraid if I do stuff in port town now I'm chucked out of the reards there.
exp farm
someone at the start of the game (I think it was the knight captain) mentions we have a peculiar stench coming off of us, so it seems like it yeah.
But our heart beats very fast.
Time to collect a lot of flowers and aromatics, I guess.
It’s just a grind spot anon… useful for getting up to like level 8
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It's intentional
Yes and no. It feels like having an armor of the right type is going to be important, but not so much for weapons. Since the element modifier is done at the end, if the attack is shit it's going to do 2 damage even with elemental advantage, instead of 1 damage.
It's why Undeadbane weapons are already useless after you beat the lvl 20 guild rankup boss. Steel weapons already shit all over them stat-wise, not to mention they're going to come at higher rarities and higher stars so then they get more stats from upgrading them. And by the time another new Undead enemy type shows up we'd probably have an even higher tier than Steel.
There's no gems when you get to port town, only ng+
I had that same one get stuck and I ended up replaying it to get it to complete, you're missing out on like ~200 gems if you ignore it
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I'm deep into the 2nd dungeon and my objective has been stuck like this for a while now
i had the same problem but i think i was rewarded for progressing without going back to redo the objective
I have not reached NG+ but does it apply to requests as well? I fucked up on one of them but I suppose I only missed out on rewards.
after like the 3rd time I had kinda figured, but I also didn't put it past the game to just be fucking with me. I haven't played much wizardry but I have played lots of kings field and other games like it so I just expect the game to be trying to fuck me over/mess with me at all times.
It's slowing down already?
yeah all requests become farmable
They really fucked up by having monsters scale off your level no matter what dungeon you're in. I don't want to take minutes killing goblins on the first floor every reset. It doesnt even make sense since the NPC tells you the best leveling spot is still a challenging one, yet farming like b6f no matter what your level gives the most exp per hour with zero risk compared to the fucking lizards that can two shot your backline from any row.
Just be wary of the goblin domain. That will fuck you over.
>They really fucked up by having monsters scale off your level no matter what dungeon you're in
They don't, that's why it's so shit to level up at 40+
What battle power are you at? I'm at 7.4k power and don't feel very confident at all in starting the fight..
The tags are the ultimate gacha in that gacha, they are the stone wall for f2p. Everything else in the jewellers shop is just muddying the water. They invested a lot and expect the game to live for several years on, and they don't care about the first few weeks after the release with basically free content
surely i can use the game's mechanics to get rewards from all three factions and not get banned for exploiting a "bug"
Except they don't?
The one and only area in the entire game that scales to is Masoleum
> But our heart beats very fast.
Good blood flow helps but it isn’t a cure for rotted flesh. We need a hardcore debridement.
Do ya feel lucky punk?
Only the goblin den has enemies that scale to your level as far as I know, maybe there's another side area in the second dungeon too? The Mausoleum enemies have been stuck at 36 no matter how much I level so if they scale I guess it has a cap.
Is it me or are nips stingy about giving compensation? The chink and gook gachas I play offer compensation on a regular basis but it seems like nips would rather commit seppuku before handing out a single gib.
I think they do. Went into NG+ at lvl 20, goblins were level 13 and did a miniscule amount of damage. Went to the same place today at lvl 30 and the goblins were lvl ??? and hit like a truck
Jap gachas are notoriously stingy. Enjoy.
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I'll keep my bride thank you
Incorrect. Ng+ enemies in the abyss start scaling pretty hard in later floors to the point they actually take longer to kill than on NG like the double ent fight before Helmut.
You are welcome to think whatever you like.
> They really fucked up by having monsters scale off your level no matter what dungeon you're in.
Pretty sure only maso does that. Round 2 of the beginner abyss ups the level compared to Round 1 but it’s not tied to your level.
I think there's a cap for this, they've stopped at 30 for me and are pretty trivial to farm to level up anyone I want to atch up.
The nukes shouldn't be restricted to the middle of the backrow;
Can you say that again? There's no gem rewards in port town but if I go through it I will miss out on 200?
From the rewards on the rest of the beginner abyss objectives
To follow up on this, I just run around floors 2 through 4, wiping out every enemy pack of level 30 enemies and rest at the well, exp for my weaker units doesn't seem to go down even at level 20 so as long as I don't grade them up they get somewhere between 2k - 5k exp per fight.
How's the second dungeon if I'm stuck on level 30?
guess i need better equipment for the goblins den
level 27 debra shot the goblin archer for 207 damage and was still alive, then the goblin shot her for 156 damage
It's fine. I'm not encountering any problems at 30. You should probably remain there so you get full experience.
Wait so those rewards stack again? You sure? If so I think I might just spend half an hour to do them.
There are more objectives past that one. The last one is to kill Helmut in NG+. After that there are no more objectives that give you gems.
You should have been farming second dungeon already. It's a complete joke compared to BF7-BF8 enemies IMO. And even the absolute shittiest trash instant-sell tier gear from there is roughly on par with the absolute god-tier luckiest gear in the first dungeon.
All of the most dangerous enemies are unusually weak to Sleep, like literally 98-99% success rate off of a lvl 1 Sleep.
Agreed. I want to make a macro but by not being able to use multiple nukes severely hurts it's consistency.
I just want to use LAFOROS, LAERLIK and LABADIOS in the same turn, is it too much to ask?
But I'm still stuck on the first dungeon... tried ranking up to help with Helmut but the bronze test is too hard...
>accept quest
>head to dungeon
>realise I forgot to stock up
>no wells
>cant leave without abandoning quest
well, this is a brick
>I just want to use LAFOROS, LAERLIK and LABADIOS in the same turn, is it too much to ask?
You already can, just level up more and Adam and Yekaterina learn their skills to use anywhere, then you can put Alice in the middle and cast all three no issues.
Here's what happened:

>go to ng+
>Do the obligatory cursed wheel tutorials
>Progress normally to b8f clearing all the gem rewards
>Realize I didn't save defenders
>Warp back to b1f then b4f to save them. Rewards glitch here
>Warp forward to b8f and kill Helmut
>Rewards don't update

So at this point if I just warp back to b4f and do things normally do you mean I will get all the gems up to b8f again?
Your NG+?
>try to do the undead waves request
>fail miserably
>accept death
>it lets me redo the quest from the start
Although it's not that big of a deal since you can just redo it later on, still pretty convenient.only negative is that the map is back to being undiscovered.
You also lose all your consumables used, sp/mp burned, and anyone dead stay dead. So if you die without having used up any resources it's fine to conserve flames if you don't mind the trek back.
I am on NG+ and these rabbids are still critting me for 200+ damage
Take them to dailies, drop tomes on them, or otherwise keep them safe in the backline while you fight appropriate enemies that cannot hurt the backline
I had like 70 tomes laying around when I first unlocked class change for MC and I used them to bump him up to like level 12 immediately. If you get to later dungeons, the dailies drop even better tomes
You will have to play normally after warping to "Cave-In Crisis Escape" (no warping, you will have to repeat requests for good ending)
That's how I did it, I corrected my objective as soon as I noticed it was bugged so ymmv
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*breathes on ur backrow*
>200+ crit damage rabbit cunts
I'm not looking forward to this.
Is the B7F adventurer chest infinite? When I opened it I expected the bone to crumble to dust
Well of mind is where you class change MC right? Do the b6f puzzles just not count the MC as being any particular class then?
There's this one unreachable spot in B3F that's southwest of the poison tiles and it's irritating my mapping ocd
How do I get there?
The puzzle changes every visit, just solve it based on current class.
They don't count Wanderer as a class, they do count the other classes as a class
>mc's starting class is so utter garbage it isn't even considered a proper class
>no warping, you will have to repeat requests for good ending
Fucking ew. Guess I'll get it out of the way tonight then. More exp wouldn't hurt I guess.
I wonder if Wanderer might be good after you've learned skills from the others as a jack of all trades instead of just a discount Fighter

This is just a map bug, there's nothing there, for me it eventually filled itself in as a wall.
Why would he be good? Since skills carry over classes why would you stay as a gimped class instead of one with more correctly oriented growths and stats?
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Imagine getting nicknamed the Live Bait after going through all that...
No, it has an outright lower amount of stats, not a balanced one. It's bootleg Fighter specifically designed to be moved on from ASAP.
If you're going to replay it you might as well get Albano's bondmate / luck lantern while you're doing it (check the rentry in OP)
So it is in fact just discount Fighter and has no real use case once you've learned all its skills, thanks
When progressing through the dungeons, do you really need a thief in your party? Or can you just put one when farming?
Looks like the rentry is slightly wrong about the Luck lantern. You have to do the Albano quest correctly, not just save all the knights. I've got to redo it since I dismissed Albano incorrectly and only got the VIT lantern
High Detect is pretty useful, but your mage can be a good source of it too
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Found a way to get an extra strength lamp.

Alicia!!! Damm erufu! So erotic!
Really want to correct her but I'm afraid of she suddenly becoming possesed by Agora and she killing me afterwards unless I break her mind and make her a mess.
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Why can you make a full balanced female elf party but can't do the same for female beastkin?
Are the developers elf supremacists or something?
Are they the kind of sick bastards who prefer long knife-ears over fluffy tails?
why do small shields exist
to fvck you by diluting the loot table
beasts are too retarded for white collar classes like priest and mage
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They don't give you a penalty to aspd, eva, or acc.
useful in the early early game when your shitters have no stats. They are trash though.
But if you find a good one there's no reason to not invest.
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And still not lvl 30...
Because my Gerard’s gotta go fast
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>I've just discovered a serious exploit, but I'm not going to tell anyone what it is
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Will she hold me like that if I let her kill me in my sleep?
She has to ritualistically kill you while you're awake
Where do you farm the best gear atm? Beaten the second dungeon and want to gear up before getting into time line fuckery.
>get 3000 coins as extra reward for quest for fulfilling all conditions
>check my coins
>there is now 3000 less of them
Bugged mess
do you rike?
That's it. Nothing better than that gear, or it's equivelent in the Dens.
>be an evil god
>choose a petite elf girl as your vessel, instead of any of the big strong warriors that worship you
What did Agora mean by this?
If Agora is female, maybe she wants to know how's like getting dicked?
>private room
>"Had a good sleep?"
No I haven't, I can't sleep because there's this evil erofu priestess next to me and I know she wants to use me in a ritual or something.
Make sure not to get him to level 6 because that's a brick.
But isn't he already at max level?
How do the fire and wind den compare to each other? Both steel tier with a different paint color?
>characters have no interaction when you spam click on them
Nvm, just checked and level 5 is max. The bug's already fixed.
Yeah, same as steel but different elements. I want to say that Earth is level 15, Fire is level 25, Wind is level 35. Wind is much harder than Fire, and Fire than Earth. It's not a bad exp grind, desu, though the boss is super tanky in wind.
how do i prevent the defenders from dying in the "First Battle with Warped One"? do I have to take on both of them by myself?
sex ritual
First battle is the small dude on B1F.
idk, think you have to witness them die once and then the next time you'll tell them to not fuck around and be careful
The two ents are optional. The 'first' one they're talking about is on B1F where after you defeat it you send someone to check the corpse

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