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Previously, on /pso2g/: >>499944917

Global Alliances:
Ship 1: RappyDeathsquad
Ship 2: Daikkuri, Tendoku, Toblerone, Oyasumi, Stardust Drive
Ship 3: Mitsuba
Ship 4: group chat only

>Upcoming NGS Headline (2024/10/29)
>NGS Headline (2024/10/01)

>Scratch Tickets:


>NGS Wiki:
https://pso2ngs.swiki.jp/ (JP)

>NGS Damage Calculator:

>NGS Verification Data (frame data, enemy stats, game mechanics, etc):
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h3gSISqcFIkZUiV_Z4thvFmycuTajw5-6V1Y36rx64w/ (JP, usually more up to date)

>Item Codes and Keywords:

>Fashion History

>NGS Roadmap:

>PSO2 Information/FAQ

>Older Phantasy Star Games
Post your character and your zodiac sign
>Almost 2025
>Still don't have N-type lewdkini
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dragon deez nutzs across your face[/spoler]
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Post butt
And sit on my face
need to see this newman sit on a darker cube
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the serpent
How about you bounce on my cock?
my brother in christ the landwhales at sega west will never let it happen. idk what you are hoping for.
all you will ever get is mainly pokemongo esque anhydrous things with a lack of any characteristics.
they even censored the outfit name of sexy bikiniwear to "outlandish bikini" previously,
despite the name clearly calling it as such in katakana.
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>no casl
I slumber...
A cucumber....
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How big is it?
that ____ wont be safe
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i said nothing about being lewd anon
why dont i believe you........
You will suck my cock and you will like it. I'm not asking anymore.
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let us plap first
How come the posters here got so much nicer and there's a lot less mean posting now than 2-3 years ago in this general?
schizo gave up and realized being mean doesn't do anything but waste his time typing out his useless posts.
Who was it?
Please just milk the cum out of my body endlessly until my heart fucking explodes I need it aaaaaaaaahhh
I don't know but for him to get upset at characters being posted meant his barbie doll was ugly as shit. What a sad grown ass man.
Go to church, it's Sunday.
two to three years ago ngs launched to people who skipped pso2 and waited to play it and they went insane by how raw and uncooked it was. still is.
I'm pretty sure he's been in the ffxiv general the past 2 years doing the same thing. I looked in the archive and I see the same posting style. So it's someone who left pso2 for ffxiv.
i just like _s
What? it still happens.
It's Monday now though, I know because I was jerking off most of Sunday and still am now
Not at the rate it happened before, with someone obsessively shitting on almost everyone.
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It works in cycles because the overwhelming majority of the shitposting comes from like 5 or something people depending on how bored they are.
Anon you're going to make me upset. Uncontrolled lust is a sin, please stop it.
Get the small dark skinned semen demon to drain the life out of me and I will stop
There's only one actual hostile poster and he only does it out of spite and boredom
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>be midheight
>there's this anon from here that's super into me
>always asking for private duo photo sessions
>occasional video plapping
but the problem is he only likes the smaller version of my character but I hate playing minheight
What do
Yeah I'd full anal mating press this horse
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long and intimate make out session with handholding
Can the hand holding be around my penis
Handholding is too lewd!
So is this...
i can't help but gag knowing that spicaragi is behind most of these
Narcissist schizoragi fancies himself as a stud dom but we all know what he's like since base pso2.
You could hold my penis with your throat instead if that helps
It might!
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I don't even type like that.
Anons, how do I stop the pain?
Being considerate to someone always hurts worse in the long run than being blunt, and now I understand what they meant by that.
>another anon fell in love
I'm sorry anon the horse pussy was too good...
it comes in cycles because this is a tourist game with no staying power whatsoever. the game sunk by importing the global version greed, once they saw people were still willing to pay for decade old rehashed fashion and content, they now make no content and just drop the scratch bait hoping for whale tourists who then leave creating no overhead for them. everyone that supported global is responsible for this trash. staying will not solve the games problems but if you are, thats also great because you also help the tourists realize its garbage and cost sega more overhead. eventually that scale is gonna tip for them to fire the director and axe this rotten game that has gone nowhere.
I feel like you should give me a thighjob in those pants and count how many seconds it takes until I explode
post face side profile, hibana (pretty) please
Front facing, back, on the lap, lying down? Not giving me options here else I'll make you do it to yourself face down on your bed to induce early Erectile Dysfunction.
I would never assume you would do it at all let alone tell you how to do it... I would absolutely do that for you if you wanted though goddess..
Wish I knew..
>doesn't expect an answer
This is why you'll get nowhere, especially not between those boney thighs. You're better off trying to hump someone fatter.
I expected an answer, I just expected denial.. and I like the skinny thighs in leather pants
I’m fatter…
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Anyone who wears some sort of collar is 100% a slut.
OK, do >>500148076 since you expected denial.
I wanna lust after you though..
face length number? its all i ask for onegai
came to this pic
>franz turns out to be another pedo
so thats where we got the stray animal choker from
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>Hundreds of thousands of Youtube views have seen her nudes
>Giant breast implants (conscious decision to go big)
>Pic rel
Biggest slut in PSO2/Sega history?
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Seems to be the case.
I didn't know she was freaky like that
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Sorry! I must sleep and you must suffer.
This is for (You)
Don't sleep, go and exercise instead fatso!
Don't surrender your soul to a demon so easily, anon. You've still got you whole life ahead of you.
I always minheight post during free salon. It's fun to try stuff so far out of my wheelhouse. We'll be back to normal soon enough.
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let me plap
I'd rather you drain it all away desu, it would be much better inside you also please don't change
fucking hot
ugly hostile tranny youre the reason toblerone is unusable
uh oh schizo melty
how much wanna bet you don't even have NGS installed but came here to seethe because you can't escape your mental illness?
??? He's on the normie beach he barely interacts with Toblerone
this shitposting tranny obviously doesn't play the game
You don't belong here
I want 5 of the meanest looking /pso2g/s to look down on me like this until I cry...
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I want this except with 5 of the flattest minheights
What it is like to have mental illness?
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