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/rog/ - Ragnarok Online General
Magaleta Edition

Currently: Ragna/v/3

>Ragna/v/ 3
>7x EXP/5x Equip/3x Misc/10x Cards - Pre-Renewal
We are here.

>Other servers
Currently no other server has an active 4chan guild or community.

>Basic resources:

Careful with iROwiki links. If the url has "wiki", you're looking at the Renewal article!

Previous: >>500018453
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Thanks for duoing in Brazil with me, it was a lot of fun...
please don't namedrop me
please don't draw NTR of me
I'm gonna namedrop you!
I namedrop u all
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I am King Gredex the Terrible.

All of you will be executed with +10 Bloody Ice Pick, the fist of God.

maybe, individuals will be spared through extreme repentence and humility
I implore you to fucking cut the sage job quest down, this shit is pure ass
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Dev can you fix my cursed account please...
punished w*tch
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skill issue, good players get assigned history class and do it in 2 minutes
fuck you I got biology
fucking gay
>real students talking about their classes
Playing this server made me nostalgic for iRO, I downloaded it and played for like 3 minutes before uninstalling, please don't close this server again like you did with v1 and v2, I wanna call this server home and play it for a long time, fuck there are niggers hosting a runescape 4chan server for like 10 years straight you can do it.
It'll last as long as it lasts and we'll catch you in the next one anon
Threadly reminder that all the anti-ro in 2024 and anti-Gredex posts are made by a handful of bullies, most notably Sieggy (aka Peonggy), who is so upset about being called out for his AFK farming bullshit he can't stop seething.

Who is Peonggy? A lowly lifeform that subsists entirely of a diet on bulliekek (male) titty milk. Originally, this rodent was known as "Sieggy", a Biochemist player on the first Ragna/v/ who was the leader of the Coinshitter guild. The spectacular failure of both his guild and his 'leadership' left him buckbroken so hard that he become the ULTIMATE simp, ass-kisser, sycophantic little bitch for the bulliekeks. So great was his subservience that even those that mocked him underestimated the TRUE extent of it. When Ragna/v/2 happened, this little bitch became the ultimate peon-pawn-grunt worker for his "masters", playing SOLELY to farm them cards, which were then used in parties that he wasn't even invited to. In other words, he slaved for them for FREE, with absolutely ZERO compensation being thrown his way, all so he could be on the winning team. As if that wasn't enough, eventually even his masters started mocking him and calling him Peonggy. The ULTIMATE and final boss of all cuckolds. These days he goes by names of "Bootleg Wizard" and "Gordon Ramsay".

Make sure to remind him of what a pathetic little cuck he is next time you see him giving his bullie masters a blowie in town.
Reminder that I am based and schizoposter is cringe
am I supposed to do the auto-bolt build on sage pre-trans or so i suffer until after
i'm doing it, idk if it's right but it works
Play it now and see if you actually like the playstyle instead of investing time for rebirth to realize you don't enjoy it.
Getting lots of procs in a row is fun, getting a shit streak of procs isn't.
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I don't have potions and a limited amount of keys, can someone perhaps deliver me some recovery items down in the scary Clock Tower...
i got 12 spare underground keys, meet at Prontera by the warper npc right next to jakk
its ragna
>next to jakk
ah then nvm wanted to help you out though
Tell me about your 3 minute iRO experience.
Anyone wanna ERP? I'm next to Jakk in Pronterra, I'm the Soul Linker
you can jakk off by yourself because nobody plays your dead server LMAO
guys GTB somehow just warped right next to me wtf
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I'm logging on right now to party with you anon, I'll be your recovery item
>open server
>see sretarded gacha system
>i'm never spending money so I will never get far
>the game i loved turned into a p2win gacha where you play solo instances
>nope back to ragna v
Don't groom her, she's mine
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please don't namedrop me this thread
please stop namedropping me
>another Alice card drop in less than 3 hours
is that account the fucking server admin or what?
Grinding Rideword card is aggressive cancer
That's the thing koreans and publishers don't understand about MMOs. If, when connecting for the first time or returning after a long time, the player is immediately assaulted by all these complex systems and windows, it kills all of their initial motivation.

I'm still trying to get my head around the fact they thought Weapon Grade was a good idea. Imagine introducing Lv5 weapons and Lv2 armors after 20 years, and what's special about it is that you need to upgrade each piece to +14, then reset and do it again 5 or 6 times.
dev, can you add ding to composite bows? people need them in bulk for overupping and its the best bow for 4-carded autism
Also please add tings to jellopys. I want to flood the server with my beautiful name.
>I want to flood the server with my beautiful name.
you can have dings without announcements, tidals aren't announced yet they ding
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Working on some Battlegrounds Improvements, such as preventing the message spam, making matches start quicker and better announcements.
Sorry but ting won. Ding is already reserved for lk parry.
can a wee swordman becomes crusader at job40? I dont want to grind anymore
yeah you won't be missing out too much
dev I wanna farm bio2 as a sinX. What are my options?
>STR+INT soul breaker: teleporting around hunting Wiskerbain and miss your SB anyway due to no dex. Get mobbed to death
>Str+Vit+dex meteor assault with a thara shield. No agi get mobbed to death. The little Dex I have dont mean anything because Whiske bain has fucking 200 flee or something
what now? Auto-attack build works somewhat but u have to pick them off one by one likes a KEK
Lull here I'm making a new account with new character names.
With proper adjustments, both of those would work. There's also the option of using Sonic Blow, too.
Auto-attacks may be slower but you have the option to Steal from each one, either manually or via a Pirate Skeleton Card.
What's the best thing to put in a Cardo? Skeleton Archer card still?
what Iam missing? I guess endure and provoke and improved HP regen are must have, that left bash and sword mastery?
Dev we need another page of character slots. You can't make every class on one account.
I'm being forced to delete another character because of this issue.
would be cool if it isn't too much work
Today I'm going to get a strouf, swordfish, and marc card!
>Proper adjustments
Like what, please enlighten me, ooo the great wise dev
His name is Gredex.
With Soul Breaker, you need enough HIT to actually land your Physical Portion of the attack, and enough damage to 1-hit. This is not difficult and if you can't do it, you really just need levels.
For Meteor Assault, you should be using an HP recovery weapon + Moonlight Dagger. Forget using a shield, MS is all about infinite sustain.

I can't help more without more information, but this is not a difficult farm from a survival point of view. If it were me I would be doing Steal + Sonic Blow.
if you're doing SD 40 dex-ish should make it a lot more reliable for farming rogues, even at the loss of some STR. I personally like just sneaking around with auto/str/agi/luck build though, makes running into some kvach less shit and you can still steal from her with shit dex.
I believe in you anon
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Lull Corner #4! Prontera > Payon edition

-I'm selling my services as a High priest to do any mvps/dungeons/parties, I can do the full mvp rotation in under a hour as long as teleport rng isn't messing with me, we can either share loot amicably or you can pay me for gems and what we both feel like is adequate. I'm not greedy!

-I'm searching for a guild or a group of people willing to do every content in the game too, it doesn't matter if you can't clear anything right now, I am fine with learning with you and/or share the little knowledge I gathered over a month to help as much as I can as long as the guild is as passionate and motivated as me! I want to do ktull, juperos, ET, and so much more stuff!

-My dream would be to find a mvp partner to do a ton of mvp rotation with every day, to get as much loot as possible, giving them away for free, use them for our alts, and hopefully get a mvp card too for the fun of it, I have infinite stamina to play!

I'm leveling/playing:
A High Priest 99
Alchemist 57
Lord Knight 85
Ninja+ 85
Wizard 85
Assassin 95
Monk 67
Crusader 84
Gunslinger 60
Sage 61
Archer (in progress)
Taekwondo (in progress)
Soulinker (in progress)
Blacksmith (in progress)
Super Novice (after everything)
Dancer/Gypsy? (not sure)

Contact me in-game (global chat) if interested, I rarely read the thread

-Ulles, up to 3
-Nid garment
-Diabolus robe
-Diabolus armor
-Diabolus helmet
-2 Odin's blessing
-1 Valkyrie shield
-1 Stone buckler
-2 Alligator cards
-Atroce/Krasnaya/Veteran sword
-3 Full plate [1]
-2 Helmet [1]
- Bonehead

-Lull Pontera Market is finally open! So far things are priced randomly, and the shops are a bit empty, but things will improve! If more people start coming to Pontera too, I will place all my merchantnary (9 of them so far, 20 total planned) in a corner together so that everyone has room

To do: Add 11 merchant for job quest items at NPC price to help new players
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Don't ask questions you don't want the answer to
i want to plap lull
>Lull took a giant shit right in Prontera
>65 merchants now
>even more to come
It's so over, they won
You do not need 20 fucking merchants dude
like 15 players online lol
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>wizard to high wizard was a big step up in fashion
>becomes goofy ahh style as a warlock
>archmage brings back the drip
Some changes coming to Battlegrounds soon:

>BG announcements will contain the player name and KvM Type
>KVM is moving to the top of the list, while Tierra Gourge is going to the bottom
>no more spamming PLAYER HAS JOINED should be possible

>will only require 2 on each side to start
>up to 5 on each side, can join mid match

>Tierra Gourge
>will require 4 on each side to start
>up to 10 on each side
>this mode will allow Guild Queuing, meaning it can be used a GvG
Total tranny server death. Play arcadia
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sin plapped
lp get
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I can't wait for this to implode.
what is wrong with your game wtf
It looks normal to me.
anon, the fuck?
good job, grats on the ice pick!
lull is corrupting the game
aw damn, I missed another Bio3 boss
not like my Spiral Pierce will land on Eremes
I'm so glad he didn't do it to a city I actually care about
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I want to become Lull
look mom I'm in the pic
bullies take her back please
Lull really got mindbroken incredibly hard after Bullies let him go. How long until complete mental implosion?
too much pride, autism, and insanity led to this moment
He doesn't even have anything worth making a shop for, he just did it for attention
Who in their right mind wants to be a lolcow and bullied off the server?
You will SEE Prontera clustered with merchants selling 1 Jelly for 999,999,999 but with multiple characters (200 merchants) and YOU will like it.
He's just hugely autistic I think
imagine if he put them all in payon... haha...
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why does this sometimes not go away even after I've read the mail?
check the return tab
Lull lost her mind when Gredex left her.
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I've also read everything there
>Saw chachamaru
>acting all impressionable and newbie
>I thought he was actual newbie
>Today saw him again
>Check equip
>Fucking valk shield and tidal/wool combo
tfw he has better equip than me.
Fucking fakenice fakenewbie
real tired of this shit
everyone is an alt
those woolies came from me btw
just buggy I guess, does it persist through relogs?
known bullies alt
what about the shield? And he knows how to spec for and went directly to hunt AK card. He actually got one
Gredex is Rising....
HP that shall not be namedropped is mentoring her
Valk is easy to kill and they are friends with someone i know, why pick on her?
relogging actually fixed it, thanks anon
We don't have any realnewbies on the server, they're all people trying to hit the reset button and their thread reputation.
Does crusader use bash and magnum break? I didnt skill those
this is my first ever ro server though I started quite a while ago, do I still count
iam real newbie I didnt even know about mandatory bathory and raydic until last week
click the title
if one person has 20 alts, so can others. you might be chatting with fakenice fakenewbies.
why? because iam jealous of the shield and shoe!
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Chachamaru is really a new player but they got groomed really hard by the "fakenices".
This is already the second thing that nobeta has stolen from me
we could duo abbey/valkies until you get a shield and tidal if you'd like, anon
What classes do you have?
This picture is really hot...
That bitch stole from me too.
I dont accept handout
You sounds like LuLL
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I am not
What handout? if you have a hp i could kill valk while you tank
>That blush
>That subtle cleavage
This imagine is a bit risque don't you think...
No. I will suffer alone. And I will seethe when I see chachamaru with a valk shield and tidal wool combo.
I just posted the most recent saved pic I had, anon
Bleh stop picking on people.
NO. I suffer so you all must suffer with me, too.
Change the rewards, nobody's ever gonna buy jackshit with those prices
I'm not suffering at all thou i got a valk and tadal combo for like 6 chars
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are you sure anon? it really wouldn't be much trouble to help you out with those drops
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なまにくATK really knows how to do poses and scenes very well. Although he has some disturbing fetishes, I'm grateful that nitroplus controls him well.
And they managed to get away again to do more crimes.
What's the first?
I can keep a secret.
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I'm really dense around the inner workings of the groups in-game and it feels like I should keep it that way.
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>She denied me our third marriage
>in such a prestigious Church
Nyo... not the Church Therapy... Han...
Stop being the server's bicycle and settle down with me already.
Have a genuine massive crush on you Ennui, in a romantic way
dw I uncliqued myself already
I'll do a quick reboot in 3 minutes to implement Battleground changes. Nobody online right now was opposed to it, so get ready for a 5 minute break.
Cute top hat she's just like me fr
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"Hey Clickeks,
My name is Goon, and I love every single one of you. All of you are slim, smart, full-of-life who spend every second of their day farming at relevant ass cards. You are everything good in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten married yet? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to 2D anime pictures on9gags.
Don't be a stranger. Just hit her with your best shot. She's pretty much perfect. She was captain of theRetarded Card guild, and starter of the Hopeguild. What adventure request do you do, other than "jack off to naked drawn Japanese people"? She also get straight T n A's, and have banged. at least 16 thot e-girl (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all clickeks who should just love you themselve. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It's me and my wife"
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mari is super cute
I was working on it but she quit so its over for me
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bros I want take Ennui out for a date, what do I do?
can u add job change NPC?
let be honest here those job change quests are a chores, noone likes them
please don't namedrop me
It wasn't me!
We'll be back in 1 minute.

No? Just a NO? No considering? No reasons? No thought process behind the decision? Just NO?
My priest looks like this.
dev would it be possible to add a tab showing all the current active parties on the server?
just play on shitty 10k rates server if you want job change npc
I like SOVL
Would you consider adding a 3rd option for the next content vote that'd say "delay this vote by 2 weeks"
Can you make Parry sound effect a bit quieter?
can you add ding to Composite Bow [4]?
do you want to be friends anon? go out on dates in the wild, hunting down ferocious beasts?
I'm not your priest
Can you make Parry sound effect louder? maybe change it to a vuvuzela
We're back live.

I want you to do jobchange quests, it's part of the process.

The built in functions for party searching are extremely clunky, to the point they are never used. Use #global to find a party.

Sound effects are within the accepted limits of what you can edit yourself.

Too common for TINGs.
if you spam is it better to use auto-counter lvl 1 or just use lvl 5?
>The built in functions for party searching are extremely clunky, to the point they are never used.
uhhhh what does this mean? Are they hardcoded so it's tough to change? Or do they just suck?
it drops from singular mob on ass maps that no one farms besides snipers for their +10 composite slop, at least people will know that its valuable if its getting dropped.
Can you look into SuNo job exp bar? I know I can get to 120 but I can't see the exp or how much I need for next level and the bar isn't there
NTA but my priest also looks like this and sure! This game can feel pointless and lonely without friends, we can help each other out.
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cute priest!
Anything that interacts with the interface is difficult to change, and the party search function is basically an abandoned part of the game. I don't even know how it works because I never played a server where people usedi t.

No way around that, use @exp to see the numbers.
Please add loli ruri's accessory as reimbursement for 550 BGs without OGs.
should I use my baba yaga card on my +4 sprint shoes or risk it and make +5?
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Tonight I'll prepare a quick basic guide for newcomers so we can stick it in this useless uninformative shitty OP text
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Buff the flee reduction of crimson mark please, it's one of the only useful effects gunslingers can apply, and while seeing a target in the map is nice, it'd be good to have a decent direct use for it in battle.
Lull pls unblock me...
get +5 for 10 flee, 7 if you can
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Also Niggerdev, this is the last time you use a shitty inhouse meme picture with a shit thumbnail for the /v/ thread. You should also revise what time you make those threads (like not at peak hours when everybody is playing and cant bump).

From now on you will only use PIC RELATED for all upcoming /v/ threads to be sexo and recognizable from the get go. Its basic marketing. You will also add this picture in game for transition screen or main one/wtv.
Its such small stuff like this that hold us back from easy new players. I dont know we still have ads but we should make more of them still.

If a /vg/ thread is in tandem with a /v/ thead, all pertinent game discussion should go directly to /v/ thread and inhouse shitposts kept on /vg/. Always link the /v/ thread on /vg/ when you make them as oppose to just call it on global and leave it to dust. Out of everyone dev, you should have the best in screenshots too to promote your server.
Can't you use the extended SuNo scripts to get around that? iirc they naturally get to 120 job
Also let SuNos rebirth
this is an open request for a standing screenshot of nonoko without the piss glow
Rebirth would be cool.
My wife on the right
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Me on bottom
Utenaposter on top...
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For me it would be cool if he stopped doing maints on peak hours
It sucks arriving home at night just for the server to be down for almost 1 full hour, do them in the afternoons.
I've yet to see anyone opposed to sunos rebirthing, just give them what they want dev
I choose both!
Dev, don't buff Sunos more. It's a special snowflake meme job and it should stay that way. I'm tired of seeing Sunos think they're a real job.
sunos are just better stalkers
Yes, but they should be able to rebirth so they can be a meme with a WHOLE 30 HP MORE
I know theres many Worldwide anons playing but the server is still NA and most of the maintenance happen at night here.
It's a limitation on the client. It has a hardcoded value that says your job stops at a given value, so beyond that it might not display the EXP bar.
And stop asking for SuNo rebirth, it was one or the other and you've all made the choice. Both was never an option.

That will help greatly.

Usually, linking the /v/ threads on the /vg/ thread has the effect of immediately teleporting the thread-only schizos straight there. That's the reason why I only announce them in-game.
but most people on NA are also logging at night, I don't think there are that many aussie and nip anons playing this
do them in the morning or afternoon pls, don't do it at night when everyone is playing
You forget that I have to do them at a time that's also convenient for myself. Considering it rarely takes a full hour and only during weekdays, it's hardly a big deal.
what are some must have BG's items? Equips, consumables etc...
Make another poll and give the people what they want, what's the point of a game if not having fun
Why is my Bazerald not slotted now?
You need to patch to see new slots. I justed tested making a Bazerald with cards and it worked.

PvP gear in this game is demihuman and/or ranged reduction. Players count as Demi-humans.
is extending party range to 20 level difference something you consider
If the party range is wider than 15, it just results in low level characters being leeched.
We have a PvP room at Larry, can we have an ERP room?
What about extending ME to work on shadow or ghost enemies
I mean what does BG give u as a reward for participating? Well yeah u have fun, yes, but what else?
There are inns and empty buildings all over the map, surely you can find one unoccupied.
That would be cool im always just outa range

The map used for monster event yesterday was great. It was fun to server push the entrance and making teams go in two directions after. It felt less chaotic and more structured.
Can you limit the amount of merchant alts people can have autotrading at once?
make it so WS can upgrade armor as well so more people would make it
Crusader is the best first character for newbies. Change my mind. You cant.
>be a tank
>most party wants you
>can farm most valuable and end game cards and equips(AK and tidal and wool etc)
>can contribute in MvP raids
did cucksex record his suicide after the 20th man dropped
Yes, but the sprites for Knights are cooler so Im going that route despite everyone telling me what a horrible idea that is.

Check the battlegrounds map, you can access it from several cities. Find a NPC called Maroll Battle Recruiter.

I'd have to implement a centralized account system to even hope of doing something like that. And for what purpose?

The reason why WS gets to have Weapon Refine is because, from a gameplay impact perspective, Weapon refines are not very important. Armor refine values are much more impactful.
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u will suffer mate
u will chuck white potions like coca cola
Why not? You can barely use ME anywhere.
>Weapon refines are not very important.
then can you return my death note[2]?
he's still a cuck
dev can u make super novices rebirth
Can you give Forged Weapon slots pretty please mr Ragnadev? Like the other anon said nobody plays WS anyways
he's unable to, remember the slots are replaced with forging gimmick
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completely forgot to say: nothing ever happened beforehand https://files.catbox.moe/hplnfx.mp4
this is a shitpost
can you add thunderstorm to doublecasting?
>m-muh bolt
it's 200% less MATK than lightning bolt
Ok, multiply all the forge bonuses by 10x and we can call it even.
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Just logged in after a week long break, and there was a 2 days old letter waiting for me, awesome! And there was a sweet parting gift inside, too! Totally rad!
Thank you, M.
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My account is saved!

What 550 BGs without a drop does to a man's brain.
>Chelle married
>Dodo married
>Now some faggot is receiving Ennui's piss to drink
Why the fuck do I even play anymore? there's simply no point to anything
Dev make one-handed quicken work with one-handed spears and stack with spear quicken, that would be cool I think
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Just help to promote the server to get new waifus for your potential harem mate

>dodo getting married to pooter/chun li/mordred
That's it I quit. I attacked hodremlin up to 60~70% HP without even a single auto spell proc-ed. it casted 2 sonic blows, and 3 crits that eventually killed me.

28% my ass.
>Chelle married
You dodged a bullet, poor ro
bro you're hp?
I was the one who asked for the cursed water, but I'm too scared to come out of hiding. Sorry Ennui...
>anon sitting doing nothing is complaining when all the girls are being taken
Maybe try being a bit quicker next time?
posting every thread about gredex raping nonoko drawing until it gets finished
what girls you fucking ape? why did you ever felt the need to post that? wtf
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take it or I drink all of it in one go and my account's luck is cursed forever and it will be YOUR fault anon
The sprites are cute anon, that's it
No need to take it so seriously
mail it to me ennui
Thanks for reminding me that all of you are grown men.
everything only gives 0.03% now. What do I even hunt at this point
turn on pvp now
It's completely ridiculous and absurd, I added that faggot and all of his alts to my blacklist and will never let him party with me
I'm in larrys right now helping with potion making, trade me and I'll hand it over
>ywn hold hands with Ennui while you hunt stuff
why even live
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that was the longest SG cast i've ever witnessed
I'm not Nobeta...also don't cry...
this is not the trash thread don't worry
I'm such a delusional retard
does nonoko walk among us?
wasn't he playing on MyRO?
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Nah, she's a SiegfriedRO Stacy now
Tips on how to kill pooter?
Nah they like attention too much, they left to play other games
she's just sucking dick somewhere else while pretending to be upset after getting called out on her slut behavior
tying up her mommy fetish with trying to be everyone's mommy was a stupid idea
they were streaming smt and voice chatting on their private discord the other day
wtf which smt, based nonoko
How did he do it unironically, they almost never partied together.
newbies here BG is PVP mode right? does it give good items? whats minimum lv required?
no, the admin nerfed the rewards into the ground and there's also very little incentive to play on ragna right now, just wait for v4
hopefully v4 has a better admin
personally i will fuck off after v3 ends, its always the same pain in the ass with him
I caught them erping in geffen inn a few times
Glad to hear you like it. Good luck with the grind, anon!
do i use the priest card set with sage?
that was gredex and dodo
Who's taking ennuis piss?
Player Housing when? I want to decorate a house for me and my buddies to hand out in.
Be like Lull and just claim a whole town, who is gonna stop you?
It would be really funny if dev slapped Lull on the wrist for making Prontera look so ugly
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>some new name(?) pm me during the wedding yesterday
>"hey I heard you're the guy who does some match up for weddings
>me ??? huh, okay sure
>talk a bit with this person who says he/she is looking for a guy/male player
>think for a second, put some leftover points in INT
>oh yeah I know someone to rec...
>Later near the ending of the weddings said player pm me back that he already befriended the player I rec him but that he wants to learn about/befriend him before moving forward
>tell him/her to not go break his heart as he's out of a hard phase relation to his e-relations
>mfw im a luv guru now
Can you get me married too?
How much do you charge for your services? I'm serious.
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I can point toward potential partnerds but you gotta do all the work yourself (as it should)

I invite anyone to send me a confidential mail to "Kafra" (I own that name here) with info on what you are looking for in a potential partner and try to write a sensible answer when I can. This is 100% confidential and nothing about those mails will ever be posted ever.

-Kafra, your Luv Guru
oh it's feath
nope I'm not Feath and I'm a professional
Tell me about Peonggy. Why does he do it?
lull melty time
You should charge a symbolic amount or only take requests from players who obtain a semi hard to get item or you will be getting a lot of bullshit requests.
Gredex didn't plap Dodo fuck off with that made up nonsense
Send me 50k to open your confidential love account + a first reply from me. Any subsequent answers/mail/consultation will be 25k. I didn't want to make a business out of it but might as well put a price on my server knowledge & info. I will honestly try my best.
Honest question, as someone new-ish to the server, how 'intimate' do these relationships get? Are they ever just bros chumming it up with each other, or do they always develop into them catching feelings?
He did and I even saw them /pat afterwards
I dont get why people hate Gredex so much, the only thing he has done to me was to get me brutally killed 1 second before Thanatos died denying me of any kind of experience points from it.
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I did this to the masked man on accident
it doesn't sound like his fault
he's a cuck
Absolute schizo.

Also, you won't be able to manage all your shops. Your dumb merchants will forever sell things nobody will ever buy.
reach out to your local lonelyfag today
holy ESL
I'll never forget that
somebody hook xanto up so he can forget about nonoko already, it's obvious she won't be coming back and seeing him by himself now is kind of depressing
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bros I don't feel so good
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they regularly ask the local drawfags to draw their relationships
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There's all kinds actually.;
-Some are just to have a player to play with
-Some are just to make use of the wedding skills (actually useful from a gameplay perspective)
-Some really get involved emotionally I suppose

When you write me a mail make sure to state one of the 3 options;
-Casual relation(make a fren)
-Intermediate relation (someone to grind/duo with often)
-Serious relation (you actually wanna wife/husband said player and develop something more)

I will also act as the middle person contacting both players and if both parties agreed, a tinder-kafra match will be made and I will put you both in contact to start your relationship journey

I am not responsible for players alt-ing/trolling others so still be careful when you engage with others.

I'll be waiting your mails romantic anon-kuns
Gredex didn't request that, it was Sieggy
but I got you to j70, surely that counts for something...
I'm telling you I'm fine, I don't need anybody
>I'm fine
No you're not bro, the first step is acknowledging you've got a problem
I'm a lonelyfag but you would never believe who I am
Most people just play the game, I'm not on the ERP side of the server but they're definitely the minority
Either that or i'm in a bubble
Hook me up with that femboy from /trash/
PLEASE set me up on a date with Ennui
i'm fine and i'm not sure why people keep saying otherwise

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