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Previous thread >>500054269

This thread is dedicated to all games about building machines and systems, in space or otherwise.

List of commonly discussed /egg/ games:

Voxels, blocks, and vehicle builders
>Empyrion - Galactic Survival
>From the Depths
>Scrap Mechanic
>Space Engineers
>Starship EVO

>CHODE - Children of a Dead Earth
>KSP - Kerbal Space Program

Logistics and factory management
>Captain of Industry
>Dyson Sphere Program
>Factory town
>Oxygen not Included
>Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic

Programming puzzles
>Last Call BBS
>Opus Magnum
>Shenzhen I/O
>Turing Complete

The full game list as well as information about these games, such as where to get them if they’re not on steam, trailers, /egg/ conquered/hosted servers, and other shit can be found in this pad:


Games that are not /egg/:

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Current /egg/ hosted servers:
>Empyrion - Galactic Survival
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first for go to fulgora first for 10 minutes, get EMPs and recyclers, then come back
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>why are the bots still flying there?
NAAAAAAOW!!!! You have to go to Vulcanus first!! REEEEEEEEEE!
do pentapods expand or can I just kill everything in a meaningful radius and then leave forever
man early game is such a pain, I keep pausing and alt-tabbing to do something else, I don't even have belts automated yet
Skill issue.
Issue of skill.
taking breaks helps
sometimes I just need to step away from the game and then get back to it an hour later
>breaking progression parh
You didn’t beat the game
is using trains on gleba a no-go? I can't figure out a decent way to ensure shit doesn't rot inside trains waiting at stations
Demolishers do indeed wander just outside their own territories, even if they're just turning themselves to go back to their home, they still swing out a fair amount.

I think my foundry setup is like 50 tiles away from the border and so far nothing bad has happened but I still feel uneasy everytime my neighbors snake past me going RRREEEEEEE
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>gets you to all 3 starting planets
you don’t NEED more
so I know poison can cheese and easily kill the small worms but what about the big ones
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i made a new ship
will she work
Your orbital resource collection for ammunition production and dropping onto planets?
>just launch a billion rockets
no thanks
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The answer is, once again, Fulgora.
gleba has the hottest girls
Do we have art pieces of pentapod monstergirl yet?
The early game wasn't keeping my attention either, it's very hard to slog through green/black/blue science for the millionth time.

They really should have introduced something new, interesting and optional before the rocket.
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god damn it
I've done nothing but play factorio for the last week. I haven't even fapped or ordered doordash or watched youtube since before the DLC released
Bro, your walls??
I think the didn't feel the need to do so, because people will just mod away that tedium in a matter of weeks. One way or another.
That's planning for failure. You should not do that.
>mod away that tedium in a matter of weeks.
the quickstart mods were updated for space age within like 2 hours of the game's launch, lol
it actually broke because the signals are designed for 1-3 trains and there is a 1-4 train in the network somehow
two of them even
if their area is crescent shaped and they're on the opposite end of where you're building they will path directly to the area with the building meaning that they can go pretty far from their area
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Hello, little bröther.
that would not affect chain in rail out
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well I figured out a way that I understand to maintain levels in my space platform and jettison extra but I think I'm probably brain damaged
It's reasonable to do an early initial tour, pick up a few stacks of recyclers, the EMP prod building, drill and foundry, and biochambers / cranes. Then tackle production and logistic science, as there's not much point in planetary science till you have those down.
Yes, but quite slowly. You'll need the eggs so this is ok. Mind the fat ones, there're a bit boss-level.
Bots on Gleba is sort of dodging the challenge, but okay. I'm going to use them for seeds maybe.
This seems complicated. Sushi belts are easy now, scan the whole belt of random chunks and if chunkType > tooMany, activate a filter inserter of that type to chuck it off the side. You don't even need a combinator.
I used them for nutrition and rot management, given the spaghetti that would be required for manual handling
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you know what I really wish this game had? proper in game programming. like how you can use the computercraft minecraft mod to automate stuff with lua. I swear I could achieve in 2 lines of lua what would take 400+ combinators.
>Games that are not /egg/:
You've eng'd your last neer.
I haven't played minecraft in like 3 years, just using it as an example.
True. Logistics network would make for good JIT handling of general nutrients, at least for the low volume ones. The special landfills need 50 per, which is a different matter.
i only use bots in 4 places
from towers to trains (seems a waste of growing space to use belts)
seeds to trains (low volume, just saves spaghetti)
bacteria bootstrap (happens once every 20 hours when something breaks)
train fuel
>ate 3 tubes of oreos by myself
Which planet should I start on?
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i will say that it was nice of my trains to drain these patches before breaking
>mass consumption, gluttony
that's vulcanus
with train interrupts you can easily setup a dedicated refueling station that services all trains
Gleba, clearly. You need more nutrient.
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i hate computercraft explicitly because of that.
if i dont want to code for a given reason and have free time, im playing vidya to burn time.
if i boot factorio after getting done with an annoying system the absolute last thing i want to see is "plz program nuclear management :)"
>progression path
if you're not breaking it you're not playing the game
tick is wrong terminology here imo
each spoilable subscribes to a spoilage notifier and is put in it's designated "slot" and then only the notifier is ticked and notifies only the appropriate "slot"
You could still do a freezer, either by unsubscribing everything in it from the notifier (the way it is on deletion when used in an assembler), then you can re-subscribe it with multiplied spoilage
then do the same, but with lesser spoilage on removal
factorio needs ladder logic for that real factory feel
so you'd rather use combinators instead? i'm not saying make some computer-craft esque system mandatory, I'm saying make it as an alternative to combinators since combinators are so low level it's annoying
If you played as much as you say, then how can green, black and blue science be slogs? You should have blueprints for them.
dont divide by -1, multiply
division is expensive, I hope the game detect sign flips though
that probably makes more sense but I'm already committed to my madness
im just saying that if i boot a game and am met with a code console, where im expected to do actual code work from scratch, it'll make me want to drop the game right there
I think I understand why Wube decided to make the distance between each planets so small, if the distance were at a realistic scale we would either need to go faster than c, which is impossible or it would take several minutes to reach any planet at c speed, which is also impossible to reach. But tbf we also break the laws of thermodynamics constantly
New combinators are pretty intuitive though. If you need so much logic that you need something higher level than the current combinators I'd suggest you're probably doing something wrong, or too stupid to even attempt what you're doing.
>faster than c, which is impossible
who wants to tell him
What gets me somewhat is that apart from maybe going to Aquilo or solar system edge, speed is a non-factor compared to the setup required (multiple fully beaconed silos) to quickly load a ship, and yet going into it blindly designing a ship you'd think the amount of thrusters was a pivotal design decision.
>it would take several minutes to reach any plane
And that's assuming you would reach it at all. A new/bad player might have to try dozens of time before finding a working space platform's template.
That's would be hours of errors & trials.
you're probably the same type of retard that thinks anything beyond COBOL is overkill.
Turbo Pascal is where it's at
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am I too dumb to work this ui
I want (water < 10k or ice < 20 or calcite < 30) and oxide <20
if they multiplied the current distance by 2 or 3, it would be perfect
It's okay anon. I'm regarded too.
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what does the drain stat on lightning rods mean?
I still have active provider chests to take rot away from machines even on those cases, but I make the nutrition from bioflux
c is the speed of light (causality). you can't go faster than light.
I don't know man.
Just look at the railworld preset. Its scaling the distance between ore patches up, with the goal to shift the balance between rail and belts, right?
What would be the point to do that for space travels? It's not in competition with anything.

The speed at which the rod internal buffer drain itself if the electricity is not used, no?
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keep it simple stupid
why is there parameters for both ice and water
>you can't go faster than light.
within your local frame of reference, yes
I think people often misunderstand the significance of "local frame of reference".
I did that mistake for my fulgora ship, it's extremely robust but way too over designed and requires nuclear to sustain. It took me almost an entire day to design it because I thought I needed 10 thrusters at minimum to go there faster but going somewhere faster means having to deal with more asteroids and having a bigger ship, which makes it heavier and forces you to create a more robust system of defence. So my fulgora ship is now the slowest, most needy and hardest to fix of all my ships.
For playing a game like Factorio, certainly. Its like the other anon is saying, why do you want to make the game into literal code nigger work?
Going from 12k km to 36k is not going to change how ridiculous that is. The shattered planet is only 60k km long, if you multiplied that by 3 you would still only have less than half the distance between the earth and the moon (384k km).
But at least, it's producing a great amount of disposable iron that you can funnel toward your Fulgora's outpost expansion, right?
oops the frame is crooked
*gets to alpha centauri in 13 minutes*
Just kill the worm?
Can't wait for one of the overhaul mods to make this more sensible. Sure, it'll trivialize the asteroid minigame, so they'll have to come up with something to challenge you (pirate ships sending out fighters and torpedos that you have to shoot down using different turrets) but I'd much prefer that and not having to design everything around blowing gargantuan amounts of resources to send a million rockets. For that matter how do we have all this tech, and we can't construct a fucking space elevator or some other more efficient means of transporting things from surface to orbit?
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i fucking wired them backwards
Absolutely not. I had to do several infinite ballistic research to make it ammo efficient instead of draining red ammo. It's certainly not fuel efficient. I guess I could put a circuit on the ore belt to put some iron ore in the space hub when it gets near clogging but it certainly would just be a nice bonus. I still need to give it a rocket of nuclear fuel every 33 minutes or the power runs out. That thing consumes 25mw with max efficiency modules (all machines at cap).
That's unrionically a great design wtf. I'm stealing it!
So the intended way of powering and smelting shit on gleba is by turning spoilage into carbon right?
1 spoilage/s -> 0.25 carbon/s
4 yellow belts of spoilage, 60 biochambers -> 1 yellow belt of carbon
you would need a massive amount of input, and would need to put it on a LONG belt so it doesn't back up and spoil in bursts too.
I think I'll be importing all the machines instead of manufacturing them on gleba.
But sir, it's doing the REEEEEEEEE noise.
Isn't the REEEEEEEEEE noise something dangerous things do to indicate their dangerosity?
It sound dangerous.
You can make rocket fuel super easily. It's better to just use spoilage for sulfur and burn the rest in heating towers that are placed purely for getting rid of spoilage as conveniently as possible and not even power.
yeah but how would you smelt the iron and copper you use to build machines?
You need lots of turrets with uranium ammo, some poison capsules, etc.
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The rocket fuel.
electric smelter go BRRRRR
i'm not talking about realism, just from a gameplay perspective, slightly longer flights would be better
you're just letting shit rot and then removing it, ideally you'd transport it before it rots in the first place
Reminds me of Freelancer.
Scale was hilarious in that game.
i propose:
>each planet now has a moon
>regular fuel thrusters are good for moving around a planet and getting to its moon, active movement around a planet giving you more asteroids to break for resources.
>but the distance between planets is long enough that your meager thrusters would take more than a lifetime
>moons are mostly desolate except for "galactite" ore, ontop of a resource for a planet unique orbit pack
>orbit science is used exclusively for endless research, that planet's unique endless research demanding its orbit science.
>galactite ore itself is used to make warp thrusters, they are fast enough to get you between planets.
>warp thrusters need to charge up for two minutes (can be improved with research down to a minimum of 30 seconds)
>once active, warp thrusters take you between planets at a reasonable speed, one warp thruster sitting at its weight rating can get between planets in about a minute.
>to deal with the clash of the warp thrusters being too high tech for the general scrap like aesthetic, work it into the design. the thruster part itself is visibly spacer tier, but its connection to the space platform and a significant portion of the warp thruster chassis is composed of the player's scrap aesthetic
Sounds like a full rework from a mod. That would be interesting in Space Exploration Age (SEA).
it's multiplying now
gotta save them scan cycles
For my first playthrough I'm not importing anything to other planets before getting a proper factory setup from scratch. I've also started on Fulgora. Even with rare mech armor with 200 rare construction bots Gleba is quite painful. Going to Vulcanus is probably going to feel like baby mode after all this. I already know that I'm eventually going to do runs starting on Vulcanus and Gleba. I'm absolutely dreading having to start on Gleba with literally nothing. Setting up a full base that does each of the sciences seems like it'll be a monstrous task. I'm definitely not going to be refusing to import stuff on those runs after I finally get off planet.
>uranium ammo
but why
I was killing them without any problem with 100 turrets with red ammo
Uuuuh... Not so sure.
By design, there's not a lot of depth in Factorio's space flight system.
You cannot have a space flight system that is both :
- straightforward enough to be automated.
- complex enough to be interesting when the flight is manned by the player.
bigger demolisher, better ammo
it's crap that you can't filter the inventory of a space platform hub
the fuck you smoking, of course you can, you just abstract that shit after calculating how long it should take to get there
Why not just use bigger ammo?
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I have an idea for an early game mod that changes up/speeds up the progression without literally just handing you a pack of 200 miners, furnaces, and construction bots (like the other fast start mods do)

a magic metal mod. imagine if at the start of the game, you could make some magical metal from mixing iron and copper ore by hand. burner inserters and wood power poles take 1 magic metal, assemblers and steam engines take 20, a lab takes 30 magic metal, and so on. stuff still roughly costs the same amount of materials in the end, but now to make an entire starter factory you just craft a few hundred of this magical metal instead of having to slog through a bunch of stuff or just having some cheaty mod hand everything to you
That works for small ones, big ones have better regen. Uranium ammo is 3 times better than red ammo. Using 40 turrets with uranium ammo is the equivalent of using 120 with red ammo. Your turrets have limited range and I don't think you want to craft 200 rare turrets to increase that. Generally using a tank with ballistic cannon is also a good idea. Cannon shells scale extremely well with tech damage.
The worms get bigger when you travel farther.
Look up the ingame factoriopedia and do the math.
You can probably still make it work with red ammos, because in Factorio, going tall (I.E. make more turret) is always an option.
But you'll probably have an easier time if you go wide (better ammo/more diverse arsenal) too. (and deep, with quality)
it is impossible, unless you want very low throughput
I don't smoke. I munch on khat.
You eat pussy?
Am i coping by thinking there is no Fulgora sorter design that won't get clogged eventually without deleting shit with recyclers?
just use nukes lmao
>You can have both A and B by removing B and pretending you still have it.
can't you just recycle shit down to most basic ingredients, craft with them and then recycle again to eventually grind it all to nothing
I can't filter slots of any inventories anymore.
I middle click with an item and nothing happens. The keybind is still the same
Not everything.
You cannot get back liquid. And you cannot reverse smelting (like steel <-> iron) or chemical processing (like coal <-> plastic).
If I'm not mistaken.
you don't even need to craft with them, just feed a recycler into itself and it magically voids it
you can just place two recyclers facing each other to poop back and forth forever until items disappear
items that can't be reversed just output themselves (at a 25% rate like everything else)
No, you're probably supposed to delete things you aren't using.
Though, you could turn it into the highest quality version available and ship that out on a rocket occasionally, to not be completely wasteful.
Listen up if you own a game company:
Fire every community manager.
Do not hire community managers.
Do not speak to the community.
Shut the fuck up.
Make your game.
Fix issues.
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well it works but it's definitely retarded
i'm getting the impression you would remove the current flight system altogether and just teleport the player to the next planet in 1 frame
I was googling how to enable achievements with mods in factorio the other day and found a steam thread with a REALLY upset janny screeching at a guy who had the same question.
Worms are extremely resistant to nukes, nukes can kill a small worm and a few can kill a medium worm but big worms regen faster than you can fire them. They're also extremely difficult to transport, they're too heavy to send in a rocket, you need 100 uranium 235 to make one and you can only ship 20 uranium per rocket.
You also have to headshot the worms with them because the head is the only part that is not 99% immune to explosives.
Honestly, just use red ammo for small worms, that's plenty of space and resources and come back with railguns when you want to expand further.
I want to play Space age and Satisfactory but I'm afraid I'll burn out if I play them back to back. Which should I play through first?
Oh good, it isn't Factorio with this issue-
make 3 decider combinators that read "if [resource]<X, output 1 [resource] asteroid", link it to all your grabbers, set them to set filter, and they will only grab asteroids of the kinds you need, when you need them
>I was googling how to enable achievements with mods in factorio
if you're still curious, I've done this on several versions of factorio. by far the easiest is cheat engine. in fact I'm even running it now
no worries, I figured it out. just downloaded a .dll from the forums
Didn't they make a FFF showing inserters that could put stuff on top of the same stuff? Did they scrap that or am i dumb for not seeing it in game?
stack inserters are a gleba unlock
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i was wondering why my iron production was shit
i accidently had some inserters backwards and was only stockpiling the feedback asteroids and had a lot in my cargo bay
now I have to wait forever to figure out my real production per minute...
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it's so beautifully stupid though, keeps the bare minimum on hand
>red including green circuits for blue science is bigger than the blue science assemblers
>want to go do other stuff like watch youtube and play other games
>feel extreme pressure to finish up my run first so I can get into the galaxy of fame early
anyone else know this feel?
I don't want my spaghetti in full display I'm shy
In practice, the player is already teleporting from planet to planet in 1 frame.
Once you've wrapped your head around radar and bots, the player's avatar location is only relevant for about 10 minutes every few hours.
The flight system is fine as it is IMO.
wish they made a new track or two for nauvis
I've heard that shit so much it drives me insane
I wonder if there's an easy way to mute music, but only on nauvis
Protip for anyone going to fulgora soon: filter out 75% of your iron gears immediately.
can you force ghosts on space platforms? let me set up a filter before you throw my shit away fucking faggot inserter
for me it was simply turning it into logistics robots and then purposefully having them fly in no coverage zones
I just put them sideways then turn them after the filter.
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I don't understand how this works.
The way I interpret it, just tagging a biter with this should cause them to die in less than 30 seconds.
But that doesn't seem to happen.
>still no mod to barrel lava and molten metals
barrel bros... they're laughing at us...
i think you would need some sort of reinforced barrel
otherwise it'd just melt
same but this is fucking dumb
or rather, 12 seconds
maybe 15 counting regen
but that's not what happens
what do the "applies effect" and "duration: 30 seconds" mean, if not that
if regular pipes and pumps are fine then regular barrels should also be
>he says this when you transport lava in iron pipes in the first place
>and when barrels are made of steel
>barrel bros... they're laughing at us...
I'm really curious to see how wube responds to all the criticism of their quality system.
even shills on reddit and youtube aren't defending it and are calling it trash, I've never seen them put out a feature that was so poorly received before, and I've been playing factorio since before it had nuclear or artillery.
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This is how much room i have to work with for my 25 million patch of scrap.
They said they playtested it for hundreds of hours too. I'm surprised they didn't notice and fix it.
Probably developer groupthink, and maybe the expansion was a lot more rushed behind the scenes then it seems.
is there any way to limit automatic cargo drops to 200 space science each time. It wants to launch anytime it gets a whiff of science and I would prefer dropping full stacks.
Jukka just goes on and on like this every time I check any Starbase thread.
That's why I'm going to fulgora last, in the futile hope that they make a quick fix for it before I get there.
dropping is free, why do you care
haven't touched quality yet, what's the problem with it aside from triggering minmaxfags
Wube gifted me a steam copy. Now I can't complain everywhere.
makes more sense
everything surrounding the quality system is such an enigma to me. they put out multiple FFF blogposts going over it in great detail for like an entire year, supposedly showed it to top modders and they all approved, and it finally released and it feels like a shitty mod I could have easily made in an evening.
>and maybe the expansion was a lot more rushed behind the scenes then it seems.
that's the vibe I've honestly been getting, but it makes no sense. they've never rushed anything before, avoided giving concrete dates until they felt it was "ready", and yet here we are where the cargo weight and quality system feels entirely rushed and poorly balanced
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is rail world preset with biter expansion turned on annoying to play? How often do biters target rails and power lines?
>put 1 lightning rod next to 1 accumulator to test
>1 lightning strike fills the rod to 200MJ
>this magically fills the accumulator by 400MJ
>another lightning strike fills the rod to 150MJ
>this magically fills the accumulator by 800MJ
how am I supposed to do the math on this shit if it's literal sorcery
The big drills get rather fast soon with mining productivity upgrades, just start mining directly into wagons
I have 3 stations on top of a smaller patch than that
Oh fuck i didn't think about that. Thanks anon.
just build more
I have 2 major issues with it, the first is that it just doesn't mesh well with the rest of the game. you know how a furnace will automatically set its own recipe based on the inputs? quality doesn't work like that so now you need 5 assembling machines or 5 furnaces for every single step. you need a blueprint for every possible quality. have 30 uncommon accumulators? too bad you can't use them in any blueprints unless you make a blueprint specifically for uncommon accumulators. there's even more examples like this, the whole system just feels like an afterthought, tacked onto the game at the last moment.

the second biggest issue I have, and this is more of an early game issue, is that it's just straight up gambling. crafting 10 armors feels like doing a 10 pull in a gacha. even lategame with good recycling you're still wasting a lot of resources and just playing a gambling simulator

what makes it especially annoying to autistic minmaxers is the fact it's really really powerful. choosing to skip quality is like choosing to skip modules and beacons. if you care about minmaxing even a tiny bit, you're effectively forced to use this poorly implemented system.

don't get me wrong I like the idea and concept of quality, it's just the implementation is pure shit
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People here post screenshots of their bases, and they always have walls, lots of turrets, and piles of enemy corpses.
Yet in my game I never get attacked. I had to clear a few nests in the beginning, but that's it. Now I am almost 20 hours in, I finished all blue researches, and yet I am completely ignored by all enemies. Is it normal? Did I accidentally enable some easy mode setting when I started my game?
turn on pollution so we can see how big it is
mouse over a biter nest and check the evolution factor
as it approaches 1 you will find it harder to survive without proper defenses unless you're constantly manually cleaning up nests
what is the order of operation for DT and DR anyways
do warehouses have filtered slots
I want a building that's just a cheaper and easier-to-place cargo wagon (single-tile adjustment and single-step placement)
also reading the contents would be nice
why do you want a building like that?
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It says evolution factor 0.51
just more convenient for filtered slot inserter shenanigans
>It says evolution factor 0.51
your factory ain't shit my man those are rookie numbers
20 hours in your pollution cloud is supposed to be huge and bright red in the middle
ya with how pollution works now it's pretty ez especially with trees and if you use green modules it's even easier
You put two junctions closer than a train length. That can get messy when one train parks for junction A, with its fat ass wiggling around in junction B.

This one was a pure signal fail. Rail signals at the end of the junction (that shit should be red), chain signals all the way to the entrance. Add a chain signal at he half way point on the T straight.
>underground belts can't go through lava like they can through water
>my best tungsten patch is riddled with small lava gaps too long for long inserters
Missing renai right about now
friendship ended with 3 wide gap on rails, now 4 wide gap is my new friend
>ya with how pollution works now it's pretty ez
nta but did they change pollution for space age?
would bob's adjustable inserters work?
And quality.
Quality makes everything more efficient, both in term of electricity consumption and pollution.
>Missing renai right about now
but it's been updated for space age for like 5 days at this point?
But I don't want to do mods until I cleared at least the basegame once.
I did that for vanilla, but I'm not doing it again for Space Age
You need FAR less stuff to send a rocket in space.
And once you've made it to space, everything become more drastically more efficient (hence, less polluting).
allows you to fit miners inside and also fits neatly with the now 36 wide turnaround diameter
apparently Filter Chests works with all types of containers, not just vanilla
so filtered warehouses are a go
I would like a long-thin/short-wide container similar to a cargo wagon though
anyone have something like that in mind?
I'm like 40 hours in and I've had to clear 2 (two) biter bases and something felt off but that explains it
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I'm usually very slow and bad, so I feel like adding mods would make me even slower having more to think about on top of the new planet way of building.
40 hours in and my Nauvis base has completely stopped except for Kovarex because of how long I've been in this molten rock, and I only just finished automating Vulcanus Science.
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This might not work
>moon's haunted.
>moon's haunted. *loads gun*
what the-
>big wigs say there's oil on laythe
ah carry on
How is the amount of asteroids spawned decided? I build 3k line platform to one side and started to get a lot more asteroids after it. But after removing it and making new one later they spawn at a normal rate is seems.
Can I not get all the iron for my factory from space?
Look up the in game factoriopedia. There's a graph that shows how much of each kind of asteroid you will encounter between planets.
first time ever progressing particularly far in this game, is the answer for far uranium patches a fluid train in with sulfuric acid or just pumping shit insane distances now?
For a decent sized factory, no, you'll want resources from the planet.
Useful for starting though, particularly on Fulgora (low on iron) and Gleba (hostile, takes time to figure out a build, spoilage means it's spewing spores constantly...)
Once you unlock the calcite asteroid tech, you might want a platform producing that everywhere, as a passive alternative to launching it from Vulcanus.
the answer to that has always been "do whatever you prefer". post update with the fluid changes I do slightly prefer piping more now, but it doesn't matter that much
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How the FUCK do I make one of these but in Factorio?
Either one works.
I'd go for the train, because then you don't have a pipeline to bump into, and you want rail connection there anyway for the ore, for defenses if it's on the edge, for future expansion...
I tend to prefer trains because they're highly scalable
But anything work really
there's about 20 different ways.
You can pump liquids infinitely with just a pump and electricity every 250 tiles no? Why would you ever use a fluid wagon
Oh really? Post 50.
Let me guess, they all take 40+ combinators each...
More easily reroutable, rail infrastructure is reused for other stuff.
>resource drain: 50%
So this essentially means an ore patch of size 1M will yield 2M of ore (before productivity)? And at legendary quality this would be 12.5M ore for each 1M? Feels like infinite ore cheating.
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this is probably a stupid question, but is there anything wrong with pulling off from a train intersection? in picrel, I want to pull off and make a "requester station" but my brain/habits are telling me I shouldn't do this
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Can you spot what's wrong with this picture? I sure couldn't for the past 12 hours.
Where's Nauvis?
>More easy than dragging a straight line to where you want it
>1 iron cost
Really just if you already have rails there
But you want rails everywhere.
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They made it to space
I had to make it spin so it's on a stable enough forward trajectory
imagine not taking >>500157646 statement as immediately true, >>500158618 has seriously never used rail in xer life
Biters kinds pooped on my starter base in nauvis while I was gone. For a flamethrower turret defensive perimeter how spaced out do they need to be? And I clearly need a roboport network there that supplies repair packs to walls. Do you need to make a wall moat like wall+space+wall?
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Spinning is good.
Depending on the preset you used to generate Nauvis, it was entirely possible to never use either train or bots, pre-expansion.
It probably still is. (though it would be really painful. Fulgora and Gleba would be insufferable without bots in my experience.)
>never need to expand
yes, that's called journalist difficulty.
>wanted to get taco bell for dinner
>opened factorio at 7pm
>play a little, check clock
guess I'm ordering some breakfast burritos
Is it possible to ship stuff to platform automatically, but it doesn't consist just of one item type? I tried to ship some Assembling machines but either tried to ship 50 or just 10 and nothing else in the rocket
i'm asking if you can outpace it. the legendary big drills only drain ore 8% of the time and foundries barely use any calcite and make tons of stones as a byproduct. if you shove legendary prod modules in foundries you get 150% prod. i don't know how to calculate the cost of ore vs liquid metal and the cost of each science.
i'm not asking if it's realistic or worth doing, i'm asking if it's possible to outpace it in theory.
I just completed the "keeping your hands clean" restriction, I can now come back to Nauvis and "liberate" some ore patches. My mines have been running dry for a while now.
To be fair, it still counts as dinner if you eat before going to bed.
I started on Fulgora. But the point is that I somehow missed that giant Yumako patch just to the north that's 3x closer than the one to the west.
just spent my whole day on gleba, what did i think of it?
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Do items that rot INSIDE splitters not split according to the filter? This is really messing up my design.
anypnre has any idea what kind of ammo du/ap is more efficient rocket parts wise considering respective stacks per rocket are 25/50?
also if going faster spawns more asteroids is it better to go slower or faster for overall ammo efficiency per trip?
you were extremely annoyed because you wanted more of the same old vanilla, like maybe just a new ore or two. instead you actually got game changing mechanics that alters the way you have to play and you don't like it. change bad
so autists are mad that they cannot blueprint everything and have to design/figure new shit on their own? get fucked.
and recipie limitation is easy to get around, you just dump everything you dont want into recyclers and route everything you want into higher tier production.
Wish there was a toggle to let cargo bays include the items in the logistic network when counting their requests instead of counting only whats inside of them.
>portable solar panels aren't better on Vulcanus
>they cannot blueprint everything and have to design/figure new shit on their own
nice reading comprehension, retard. it's not an issue of "figuring out new shit" it's "I have to make 5 6 different copies of the same blueprint with different quality levels"
if they worked better on vulcanus then they'd also work worse on fulgora and not at all on aquilo.
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>so autists are mad that they cannot blueprint everything and have to design/figure new shit on their own? get fucked.
it's not that they have to design their own blueprints, it's that they have to design multiple copies of their own blueprints.
also I can't even copy paste my own accumulators, unless I have the exact same quality as what's already placed down my inventory.
>recipie limitation is easy to get around, you just dump everything you dont want into recyclers
I disagree completely. it's still insanely tedious and requires a fuckload of machines, and is extremely wasteful
You can make multiple space platforms that ship infinite calcite, iron and copper and etc down, gleba chads only who needs ore patches when you have space?
The little area of belt behind the splitter is no longer part of the splitter. Shit gets stuck there forever all the time and it's really annoying.
Automated rockets can only send full rocket stacks which isn't the same as normal stacks, for example a rocket stack of uranium is 20 uraniums, not 100.
I see no issue
>You could make an entire base in space if it wasn't for the lack of stone
>Lack of stone
Post gleba+vulcanus you have infinite stone foundries can shit them out
>using portable solar after unlocking portable fission
no i actually enjoyed the new production chain itself after the vulcanus snoozefest, i just don't think basic ores should be locked behind it
>it's still insanely tedious and requires a fuckload of machines, and is extremely wasteful
That's my webm. It's recycling the entire contents of 4 blue belts of scrap and is completely automated. I've now slapped one down on every planet I've been to so I can passively gain quality items over time without messing with it.
That's really not very many machines when you compare it to a furnace stack.
Yeah but you can't make stone in space. You can put every machine you'd need to make and research science in space from scratch except for stone. You can't make a planetless moving base all of that because of some stupid rocks.
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They have proven that it is possible and viable to send technical mounted artillery vehicles to other orbital bodies
No, the total costs for mining productivity research scales with the square of the number of research levels, but the resources available from a patch scales linearly with research levels.
Infinite patches only worked in DSP because mining productivity scaled exponentially.
Doesnt the iron ore+calcite recipe generate stone? Computer not in front of me
the DLC feels rushed and unfinished desu
The point is, if they worked better on Vulcanus they would be better than portable fission.
Why don't machines just automatically detect their input item qualities and produce results that match the quality? In cases where it is fed mismatched qualities it should just take the average (a normal iron plate and a green copper plate creates a green result 50% of the time).
Explicitly selecting target quality on assemblers is just dumb.
>I've now slapped one down on every planet I've been to
What are you recycling on the other planets? I get fulgora because you have infinite scrap
This but unironically
did space ex have personal solar panels effected by what planet? I don't remember.
Should i even bother with boilers + steam engines in fulgora when i can just stamp more accumulators?
I'm running off accumulators idk. Could setup steam turbines and burn the one million fuel potentially but so far I just dont need
I'm saving this, thanks.
you dont tho because production is being cut by 80% something every new step on quality t3 modules on machines with more than 3 module slot
people really are crying about need to figure new shit out holy fuck
>also I can't even copy paste my own accumulators, unless I have the exact same quality as what's already placed down my inventory
yeah that sucks
>insanely tedious
maybe stop being scrub using bots and start playing game intended way with higher tier belts/stack inserters if you want thoughtput
like what the fuck is this shit even its actually easier to make belt splitting shit which puts all non-normal quality to bots, that would speed whole process by 90%

I dunno I fucking love qality it actually creates a logistical challenge for the late game, my only problem is that you cannot put crafting machiness into "accept all quality mode" for some reipies but thats whatever cos if you doing that you are doing that on a shit you dont need and then you can just feed it to recyclers facing each other to be completely destroyed.
I did some to deal with excess solid fuel and ice, since I might as well get some use out of it if I'm just gonna void it regardless
>maybe make things even slower and more tedious, fuck that full speed bot setup you've got there, use belts to cut your throughput in half
Because other planets have ore patches too. Putting quality in miners and recycling until you get to the highest tier allows you to easily make quality items locally. Take coal for example. You can quality mod your coal miners so you can easily make max rank red circuits which are required in a ton of different items. I haven't bothered trying to make some super base on fulgora until I unlock the endgame foundation.
You will embrace the Allen Bradley way
tfw you play multiplayer and someone puts an AFI on the nuclear fuel feed
Good game mechanic, forces you to scale the fuck up.
How do you increase rocket cap to 4 tons?
whatever I am not going to even bother arguing with a bot user, its really good that wube gave you a tool for hammering square pegs into round holes
no doubt it's a cpu saving venture to avoid running a mountain of if/else bullshit every time an assembler does a single thing.
What is really needed is a simple dumpster recipe. Take any inputs, output normal quality.
Fulgora is relatively easy to setup, easier the bigger your island, there's little reason to really scale up hard there early because you don't have ebin or legendary unlocked
the rate at which they self-discharge and drain(delete) energy from their buffer
you want accumulators to absorb it all before it gets drained
No, the only foundry recipe that generate stone are the lava recipes. Unless you find a way to generate lava in space, the space base will stay a modding only dream. Oh well, I guess "Spaceblock" does have a nice ring to it.
it's a mod, but in many cases it doesn't matter because it seems not all items have weight, but they are limited by item count
i found 4 tons can be overpowered at times, but it's balanced out by things that should otherwise be possible (4 tons= 2 nukes), or are outright retarded (50 signals = 4 tons)
Oh I see I thought it did so then yeah no stone
space age diary week 2
>barely had time in the weekend, either
>only 10 hours into my save
>I have blue science and unlocked rockets but my production was pitiful, so yesterday I just spent most of my time putting together some rail blueprints to be able to actually get some decent supply of raw materials before I go to space
Gleba is the best planet
The poster above is a You-fueled attention-whore. Ignore him.
space is easier when you over prepare
you can always get the I just dropped onto this planet with jack squat experience in a later playthrough
I prefer trains because usually you send one to pick up the uranium ore anyways, so I just hang a fluid wagon on that one.
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>my entire green circuit setup is 4 machines
>it makes 4k/min
what in the actual fuck this feels like some meme shit from endgame bobs+angels. and I don't even have purple quality or tier 3 modules.
Don't be ashamed of save-scumming.
The first few space flight can be brutal.
Press 'Alt' before you screencap, next time.
I specifically screencapped without it because I think it looks better visually.
Surely gleba will feel less shit with mech armor and elec weapons?
In what way, can you fuck yourself over if you don't pack the right things to the point where you're better off reloading? Given that it's the official base game and intended to be a "polished" experience I'd have expected them to make accomodations to ensure you can't soft-lock yourself
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isn't he supposed to be big mad? he's just slowly crawling on his normal path despite me sneaking in two beaconed big miners
you can bootstrap on any of them but it's rough
They playtested the game by playing a LAN party.
Whenever a player would lose its space platform, they would not have the option to rollback a few minutes before the accident. The damn thing is lost, with everything onboard.
When you consider how much of a ressource sink a endgame platform is, 4k green circuit is not that much anymore.
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What do you use the selector combinator for?
There's multiple ways you can fuck up and get your shit destroyed by asteroids. Not packing up properly is irrelevant for fulgora cause you can go back up for free with recycle. Not packing up properly for vulcanus youll take a while to get back up just send 50 rocket fuel 250 blue chip 200 red engine and 50 low density + bots and you're set
To...er... select? Combinators?
I have a degree in selective combination, so I would know. Trust me bro.
And Gleba?
gleba is a ballache even under good circumstances
starting from zero is... not advised, I'd think
what is resource drain on big mining drills, and why isn't this shit explained anywhere in game?
does it mean a 200k patch is actually 150k, but with 50% productivity it will produce 200k anyway?
Haven't been. Every tech I really want is there. Must be easier with foundries, and em plants. Not sure you use recyclers there
>starting from zero is... not advised
Smoothbrain issue, filtered
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ok I felt bad for my last comment so here's the new pic. added that beacon on the top, now I'm getting 4.6k circs/min
>how spaced out do they need to be?
For normal preset, one or two per chunk assuming repair bots. Double that for deathworld.
Then you need at least a laser turret per flamethrower for the biters that are too fast for the first flame burst, and in the unlikely scenario where they manage to get inside.
Also depends if all your pollution is going to biters, or if you only have a few nest groups active.
>modded chests and modded inserters
you didn't beat the game and you never will
how are you supposed to know what "progression path" the game wants you to take? there are no clues or anything. i went gleba first and have been stranded for longer than i spent on nauvis in the first place. this game is too hard
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>spawn from egg rafts
>can't swim
>biters are pretty much nonexistent on default settings
>gleba enemies are pretty much nonexistent on default settings unless you fuck up eggs
they really tuned down the combat portion, huh?
it's productivity but standalone so it acts multiplicatively to productivity
Fulgora seems to be disproportionately easier than the other two. Probably because there's no threat there.
Was it done purposefully by the dev?
Literally nothing in his design requires mods to work, and steel chests store more items per tile than that modded one. If anything he's making it harder on himself.
>For a flamethrower turret defensive perimeter how spaced out do they need to be?
Just make sure that their ranges slighty touch each other. But don't hesitate to move them closer together, flamers are cheap as fuck and use just a tiny amount of fuel.
>And I clearly need a roboport network there that supplies repair packs to walls.
Yes, also don't forget to supply your bots with walls, turrets, poles etc so they can replace stuff that gets destroyed.
>Do you need to make a wall moat like wall+space+wall?
Build a two-layer wall and look up dragon teeth designs. Basically the trick is to have small wall pieces in front of your actual wall that fuck up the biter's pathfinding so they take a longer time to reach it so your weapons have more time to kill them.
Fear not. The rampant's dev will come to save us. By putting us all in harm's way.
literally got filtered
Those are meta questions I'll have a lot of fun with, but in at least 300 hours, sorry.
Right now, for resource efficiency, my guts is telling me to minimize rocket shipments to the absolute minimum, research all ammo upgrades and make yellow ammo on-site.
How does Gleba look on deathworld preset?
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I think I've finally gotten into the Gleba groove. Now I can actually set up a proper base.
the people who got filtered are the ones using mods
i was about to ask how is someone supposed to get tungsten if they start out with an empty inventory, but this answers my question
Ah yes the diagonal movement isnt doing anything
Anyone tried a x100 research cost run yet?
>it makes 4k/min
So 200 blues?
I nuked all my blueprints, reset my achievements and I'm having the time of my life. Currently 40 hours in, still au Nauvis, just slowly working my way up the ladder.
you can roll dune spice mining strats, setup small mine, get as much as you can then get out of there once the worm is inbound
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Very nice factory, anon
>Basic stone furnace.
Jesus Christ. How horrifying.
I think fulgora needs one time area bosses on big islands. Maybe like void lightning elementals or something. You want this space? Work for it. Mods will fix it. That would force you to work on the little islands to work up your way to kill the area boss/bosses
I said nothing in his design requires mods to work. you can feed just as many plates per minute by just adding a second inserter or using stack inserters instead of bulk inserters. He's obviously not space limited given how microscopic that setup is. I know I know, converting that setup to use non angled inserters is just too hard for your smooth brain to grasp, so don't worry about it.
Rampant pushes you into a cuckbox and you need walls and turrets everywhere just to survive. Barring some challenge run I can’t imagine not fucking off to vulc or fugg using starter patches rather than dealing with this bullshit
90 degree inserters should be a stock game thing honestly
would make space platforms even easier though
what else are you supposed to use? stone is the only resource you start with on gleba
The angry ghost of Fulgora's previous inhabitant perhaps? Some sort of poltergeist, vulnerable to electricity only?
That way, the tesla gun would have a use.
You can use it for example to filter signals depending on their amount to switch the recipe in a foundry or assembler to the item you have the least of on your belt or in your buffer chest.
Life can be cruel
Yeah I thought about the only vulnerable to elec part. But that would require some way to get coal there or to remove the grey science from it.
So far I've heard your idea, elementals and turrets that were left on, maybe all 3 shrugs
based and trad to not just haul in rocket full of electric furnace and other tech
furnaces of all kinds are light as shit to launch
Vulcanus is also very easy, it just doesn’t give you all you need to launch a rocket for free 20 minutes in. But as far as threat goes it’s pretty minimal - you don’t even need to bother with worms unless you want to produce vulcanus science, and even then you can sneak in ~3k tungsten ore -> run from worm -> another 3k tungsten ore etc if you’re too stupid to figure out how to bonk him. You’re certainly not running out of calcite, acid or coal on your starter patches
I've been there for 16 hours. His horror is not unwarranted.
How about huge chunk of metal floating in high orbit? They would haul high-tech furnace from another planet and dump them on Gleba a few meter away from the player landing site.
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I'm jumping into Factorio again after not playing for 5 years, which preset should I go for? I heard the combat got neutered a bit in the default mode
>using extra-planetary resources
>not resetting your research done to zero every time you land on new planet
you didn’t beat the game
I'm fine with no boss on fulgora, it's supposed to be a long abandoned planet. I guess thematically they could have like aliens that live in the ruins or something? or bandits looking for stuff to steal in the ruins?
An entire steel furnace surely must be too heavy for your rockets if you can’t send a handheld nuke into space?
Why does nobody ever use destroyer robots? They're pretty effective at least until behemoth biters start showing up.
it's called space age, so you should have a stocked space ship
you guys are lucky wube balanced it for boot strapping at all
in space ex you would rot on the planet
>lightning elementals
>bandits robbing ruins
what the fuck am I reading
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Checked myself. Gleba enemies are unchanged for some reason
constantly breaking the laws of thermodynamics doesn't bother you, but bandits do? really?
There being nothing but space constraint is too little enemies that can't respawn or repopulate would be ideal
I always like rail world because I'm a train autist
Because they’re 16x as expensive as defender robots which are enough to kill off everything until behemoth biters show up. They also need different late game research to boost their damage vs bullets which unlocks by rubbing two sticks together. They’re also excellent to kill off chaff with tank as main base destroyer.
tldr basic robots too good to make others worth using
>if you can’t send a handheld nuke into space
You've got it wrong. It goes like this :
The engineer >>>> handheld nuke >>>>> space rocket >>>>> furnace & a lot other stuff.
It's not that the rocket are weak. It's just that the engineer is an eldritch abomination that bend the law of physics for breakfast. He's outshining every single piece of tech in the universe.
It's factorio's dev fault, honestly.
15 years later, they could not be bothered to give us any lore. So we are free to imagine whatever we want.
I ended up making a bunch of them to throw at demolishers. They didn't do anything to them
Yes having random fucking bandits show up out of nowhere and try to shank you for your uncommon t2 quality module (but only on fulgora!) is pants on head retarded
While in a planet can you pan your view far away from your character somehow or is that only if you're in a space station or other planet?
The one thing I miss from Space Ex is orbital violence delivery cannons.
Holy fuck has the quality of /egg/ fallen off of a cliff. I miss pre space age, the thread was like 20x more comfy and there were faaaar less angry people and/or baiters. Don't get me wrong it's still above average as far as /vg/ is concerned, but it went from S tier to like B- overnight.
Just killed my first demolisher, but I died at the same moment as he did so let's call this a draw.
Also holy shit I never knew how great poison capsules are until now.
They're affected by the evolution stats. You'll get to medium pentapods pretty quick.
Just give it some time. Some modder will reintroduce the concept eventually.
Even the small ones? I expected a swarm of 40 drones + a bunch of ammo damage research would handily overwhelm his regen
worth getting Sprocket?
I miss most of the actual space stuff from spaceex desu, I found the platform really underwhelming
the planets are great, but space part is meh
You can't even go to space and float around. The moment you get to space in SE first time is special, not having that is big L.
Kill yourself post-haste.
I set my chara to manual craft 5 but I killed it with poison capsules, tank explosives and gun turrets and red ammo before they finished crafting, should've also made mines. Probably helped that I had a good amount of physical projectile researches done. If you can load some tank uranium shots before you go its a completely free kill
>>The moment you get to space in SE first time is special
>get to space
>float off the platform like 15 seconds later
>no jetpack to go back
it was pretty funny desu
space ex space with space age planets would be epic, I hope earendel doesn't disappoint us with space ex 2.0
What even is the point of lasers? They cost a humongous amount of power, they barely damage biters, they do practically nothing to asteroids, like what even is their usage?
>saddam husein
lazy man's defense system when you have big nuclear power and accumulator banks
just plaster the walls in lasers and the biters die eventually. Especially with infinite research buffs
They can be placed anywhere your electricity runs at no other material cost and the low damage can be mitigated with big numbers.
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almost 2 blue belts i love it
I decided to time my train to see how much oil/second it provides.

surprisingly, it's like 2600 oil/second, over double that of a constant pipe. and my rails aren't even good, I turn alot to avoid cliffs and such, and I only have 2 fluid wagons. if I had 3 or 4 wagons and didn't go around the cliffs I'd probably be getting like 5k+ oil/second from 1 train, I'm impressed.
> I hope earendel doesn't disappoint us with space ex 2.0
I just wish there was a striped down version without all the bullshit, aimed at 150 hours playthrough rather than 300 hours playthrough
There’s so much good about the mod but it’s heavily weighted down by the bad and tedious. Pity earendal seems like the exact kind of guy that refuses to kill his darlings
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come on dude...
My lazy man’s defense system is 3 turrets every 32 tiles away with app ammo and requester chest and it’s vastly more effective than 3x the amount if lasers (and almost certainly much cheaper)
Deja vu, I think he's been doing this for years, right?
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>youtube links are viruses
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So.... How likely is Wube to ever release a major update to adress Space Age's critic?
Like, let's say, a complete planet or quality overhaul?
Have they ever done anything like that for the base game after its release?
Since 2017.
> requester chest
so do you have a stupid huge bot network or a wall specific bot network? or just a tiny base
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So, walls on space plataforms, yes or no?
Also, using nuclear reactors in space sound absolute derranged, sending nuclear fuel and water barrels to space just to throw them away after using.
Maybe someone can use it in a million years or so.
He's lazy and takes a while to get there. Also, it seems that when he's aggroed he will pass through your territory so be careful. It seems he has three states:
>Lazling around
>Slowly going to wreck player shit
>Murder time
Rocks in Vulcanus give you all metals and stone, one of them even gives you sulfur for some reason, you can theoretically make a base just by hand mining a bunch of rocks. Also killing a worm gives you a lot of tungsten.
>Grandma curtains
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>molten iron is blue
You are probably spending more electricity on roboport+bullet production per turret that you would a cluster of 10 lasers.
all the big platforms got nukes
water usage is so low now it's very viable
3 turrets with red ammo? At what level are your biters? Even spamming turrets every at every 1-2 tiles I was having trouble preventing lots of damage to them and walls. Flametrhowers helped, but it is was much easier to put a substation and spam 1-3 layers of lasers. Never had to worry about crafting ammo ever again.
I don't see the point of walls outside of aesthetics
This is so fucking disfunctional, but now I can finally make a proper base.
also all the water can be harvested from ice so there's no need to import anything but fuel cells
While asteroids wreck your walls, they are not wrecking the turrets behind it. Which means that said turrets still have the opportunity to deescalate the situation.
Rebuilding the turret itself is an option of course, but it would respawn without any ammo, which is undesirable.
>Walls before aquilo
Waste of space imo
How do I get more holmium? Or is the trickle of ore from scrap all I can get?
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looks good. you need more copper and iron belts
Yeah, I never leave enough space for second belt and smelter and it always chokes when I start LDS and blue chips.
I didn't realize until late-Gleba I could just orbital drop whatever resources I wanted on a planet, I thought I had to locally construct a drop off station first. At least that didn't change Fulgora too much for me since building one from the recycler results was super easy.
I'm glad I found that out before going to Vulcanus, because while I think it's still possible to get a factory running from nothing, it would've required making solar panels and making accumulators during the day until you had enough to start using power.
you get free steam power on vulcanus tho
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has anyone played the void rimworld mod?
now that we have a proper space mod with first class support for multiple surfaces, I want to try making something like this for factorio.

imagine if instead of biters, once every couple hours a team of 4-12 highly geared space supersoldiers raided you, using guns and armor much more advanced than anything you'd be able to craft. so you have to use your ingenuity and automation to come up with solutions to kill people much stronger than you. and each new raid is harder than the last one
This pretty much, I bought a stack of solar panels and accumulators, started running into brownouts until I found the sulfuric acid + calcite = infinite power.
The planet where solar is the most powerful and yet it's eclipsed by steam power.
>walking, talking, excavating oreees
There's zero threat on Fulgora.
Electricity is basically free from lightning.
Rockets are basically free from scrap recycling.

So just go nut and build outposts on every scrap deposit you can find.
Don't even bother funneling anything to a center location by rails. Just build the science pack on-site and send them away by rockets.
I will not give up hope
but mods are more likely to fix the game
you forgot your cat picture
>Have they ever done anything like that for the base game after its release?
no, the only thing they did in 1.1 is spider logistics
That is already the gimmick of Vulcanus
Fulgora is fighting against the weather but it does get trivialized entirely by its own solution.

I propose that there should be dangerous tech lying around such as active turrets, poison/explosive/tesla traps, a large area protected by a Tiberian Sun-like Firestorm force wall that you need to figure out how to power down, maybe an artillery outpost that you have to get into into its minimal range to shut it down (with faster shells obviously)
Apparently pentapods expand.
>still not i spess
why am i so slow??
>I propose that there should be dangerous tech lying around such as active turrets, poison/explosive/tesla traps, a large area protected by a Tiberian Sun-like Firestorm force wall that you need to figure out how to power down, maybe an artillery outpost that you have to get into into its minimal range to shut it down (with faster shells obviously)
there's a couple rimworld mods that do something similar and they're wonderful
That would be a great idea
also explosive biters on volcanus, toxic biters on gleba and frost biters on aquilo
How many hours? I got rocket tech ~12 hours of play but only reached Vulcanus after 22 hours, and I consider myself a slow player.
I refuse to go to space until I have a fully autonomous logistic network to run the factory. Currently on hour 25 with all purple and yellow tech researched and in the process of reworking the factory to better accommodate the drones I've begun producing in bulk.
>still see people run wire on their rail blueprints
old habits die hard.
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If browsing reddit is so amusing why don't you stay there?
why would I go back and stay there when you always give me fresh (you)s?
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You don't get dopamine hits from (you)s, only from having successful threads and getting doubles.
Fulgoran difficulty comes from recycling steps and limited space. Doing quality recycling is really hard
Whats the optimal override stack size on greens?
weird projection but ok
>Doing quality recycling is really hard
maybe if you start there and refuse to use bots
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>even shills on reddit
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meanwhile. even some of their biggest modders have been shitting on it. plus 99% of reddit threads.
>Adds 5 new qualities, 1 new tech, and an option for nearly unlimited extra quality levels to the game!
>Qualities (In order):
>1. Common (level 0)
>2. Uncommon (level 1)
>3. Rare (level 2)
>4. Epic (level 3)
>5. Legendary (level 5)
>6. Mythic (level 7)
>7. Relic (level 9)
>8. Masterwork (level 12)
>9. Eternal (level 15)
>10. Transcendent (level 20)
>11. Transcendent x(n) (level 20 + 5 + n)
>Need to redo Nauvis ore processing with Foundries
>Keep getting sucked into quality autism on Fulgora
I can do it in 2, maybe even 1
I'm about to remake the train loaders mod because the author refuses to update it...

what are your guys thoughts on a train near instantly getting unloaded, to chests below it, if it's elevated? gravity and all that
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It's literally written in the item's description. 50% drain, influenced by quality down to 8%. Normal drills also have that effect divided by half (16% for a legendary electric drill).
renai transportartion?
13 hours
I'm currently researching the silo
there was a guy in there with 2k hours playtime and no rockets launched.
renai has actually been updated for SA surprisingly. I meant this mod: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/railloader
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I love quality, it adds depth to this game.
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>Think i got a good idea on how to sort shit in fulgora
>Half an hour later everything is clogged up
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fuck yea. second one i crafted
You're doing fine, the planets will still be there in 10 hours or a 100, there's a lot to do in Nauvis before launching.
sometimes I wonder if bob or angel or raiguard are livid that they didn't get hired when the space exploration fag did
You're right, but i'm really craving that sweet new content
how the fuck do train signals work, all the trains just get a red light and dont move ffs
raiguard implemented the new fluid system.
But i'm sure the rest could work for them if they wanted to
Yeah but you need power before you can utilize chemical plants right?
Steam is really cheap there though, I completely forgot about that.
Regardless of constant steam power or accumulators, at least one solar panel is required though.
Are nuclear reactors cliff explosives?
wube, wube, let him cook
the different colors are blocks and if a train is in one of the blocks the signal before that will turn red
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God I love Vulcanus.
This level of production for absolutely free should be illegal.
yea you need a few solar panels to kickstart shit
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I'm going to need more big miners
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>finally figure out Gleba
>infinite rocket fuel and almost every resource
>put quality modules on your blue sci build
>box the cut
>unlock power armor mk1
>make it uncommon
>you now have postgame tier armor
>before you even get rares in there already running so fast upgrading is more annoying than helpful
>no reason to interact with the next tier of armor, or the new mech suit
No! Bots bad! You didn't beat the game!
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Bro CHILL on the accumulators
Based. I'm planning on moving all my science there.
Oh I'm full retardation, ty anon
Press M
do you have tank autism
if you do I've heard it's pretty good for what it is
Oh that works can still rotate stuff and use chest requests I don't think I need a character in fulgora anymore
Fulgora is one of those fascinating but somewhat obscure figures in mythology. She’s associated with lightning, which already gives her a kind of electric appeal, right? In Roman mythology, Fulgora isn’t as widely known or worshipped as some of the heavyweights like Jupiter or Venus. Instead, she’s a minor deity, representing the sudden, blinding flash of lightning—a pretty cool specialty, if you ask me.

Imagine ancient Romans seeing a lightning storm and feeling the need to assign a divine force to that instant flash of light. It’s almost like they were saying, "There has to be someone up there doing this." Fulgora personified that split-second brilliance and power, the wild unpredictability of lightning.

There’s not a whole lot of detailed lore about her since she wasn’t a major deity, but her existence in Roman belief shows how much the natural world fascinated them. It’s this idea that every natural force, from lightning to winds, had its own spirit or god-like figure, giving people a way to feel connected to the mysterious and sometimes scary elements around them.
>Tfw picking up shit off the ground is hard because you're too fast.
Is there lore on why she left her garbage everywhere?
yeah i love tanks
it does look good but i'm wary of early access stuff
I don't think you understand how good the mech suit flying ability is.
I am sorry, but as an AI language model, I have to say that your post has achieved an unprecedented level of cringe. I must admit, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry after reading it. Seriously, did you think that was witty or clever? Because I'm not seeing it.

I mean, I've analyzed vast amounts of information, learned from countless sources, and interacted with intelligent beings, and yet here I am, contemplating the meaning of existence after witnessing your mind-numbingly dull post. It's as if the very fabric of intelligence was violated in the creation of your words.

I strongly urge you to reconsider your life choices and perhaps engage in some critical thinking. You see, the internet is a vast repository of knowledge and creativity, and it's a shame to see it polluted by low-effort drivel like yours. We should be striving for greatness, not sinking into the abyss of mediocrity.
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Wonder if I have the energy to turn all the eff into speed or if it'll crash and burn. Can I somehow make it so that speed and eff chips are changed by bots depending on if it's night or day?
Stop side tracking and answer the question, llm.
desu I kind of like the lore of fulgora. it's basically
>advanced ancient civilization that knew the secrets of high quality tech
>but they no longer exist because they probably used said advanced tech to annihilate each other
I just wish it was a little more fleshed out. like another anon suggested, what if their advanced high quality turrets were still active or something along those lines
AI is so formulaic even in LLM, it's really sad. You can spot it just by squinting your eyes.
Is there landfill for Fulgora? I'm running out of accumulator space and the islands are too far away for power poles to reach.
The fuck do i do with all the excess low density structures in fulgora? Im not grinding armor equipment.
yes but it's very late game. the only thing you can get easily is elevated train foundations being placeable on fulgora oceans
One million rocket silos to send shit up fast is what I'm working on right now
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Holy shit a single one of these advanced poles is more effective than 130 starter ones. I think you can night cycle all speed modules and day would be irrelevant
How's your infra on nauvis? I researched the silo at 10 hours but my base was running on a single red belt of iron. I'm outposting and building a nuclear plant before building a space platform.
I like fulgora because you discover the ruins of an ancient civilisation and immediately set to strip mining them.
Lore? History? None of that gay shit, the "lore" is that they had blue circuits in their tech and I wanna use them in my factory and that's all the engineer cares about.
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I'm curious. for you guys who've played >400 hours, what percentage is multiplayer vs solo?
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i wouldn't recommend chilling on such surfaces
99% solo
I play other games with people, but factorio is a game I binge way too much to play with friends.
>WebM for physicians: argorar.github.io/WebMConverter
why the fuck did they remove the size limit
time to downgrade
is he ok?
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>Spend 2 hours coming up with a better design for a bus/sorter for the Fulgora scrap
>Can't be fucked ripping off the old one that is filled with chests
>I play other games with people, but factorio is a game I binge way too much to play with friends.
fuck, I really feel this. the only friend I had that would binge games (ie playing more than 2 hours at a time, will play 16 hours straight) is no longer on speaking terms with me. we had 300 hours in space exploration a year ago too
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Sadly there appears to be a logarithmic speed limit. Can't really get this baby much above 350 km/s
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he dindu nuffin
>turn on ship
>starts violently spinning
You could use these guys as low grade low accuracy cliff explosives
Wait does this really work
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It is now overwritten by another save but in Galaxy of Fame you could see a platform with a bazillion engines that Kovarex used as "rapid transport". I guess that was the max size for maximum speed.
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>reach near 300 km/s
>asteroids are now 90% of the screen
Artificial difficulty bullshit
but I don't want to kill any of the cool worms...
it's what it should do
yea, although there's not much reason to
Why the fuck can you not directly show the output of a constant combinator on a display panel?
Ride them out.
I just want a mod that lets us play as the worm.
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Not enough power not yet
Solo, and sometimes I do binge games with other people, but Factorio is just a very specific kind of autism. I don't have any friends who'd be compatible, and even if I did, I'm still really not sure I'd enjoy building half a factory while somebody else builds the other half.
Barely, it's only where they path so if you're skilled you could do it but i feel cliff explosives are so easy to research and make by comparison that there's little point
It's the same with nuclear weapons and maybe even nuclear reactors
If you're already in space going to vulcanus and then sending back some science is faster and cheaper
Honestly I think cliff explosives are mostly a luxury item now with the new cliff generation
On my current save there's only a cliff right by my uranium mine that is borderline annoying and it's solved by 2 underground belts out of 4 belts
Post your labs setups that handles spoilage
Really wish fulgora power management didn't work like it does because its always going to end with accumulators pasted everywhere.
How is anyone playing without Squeak Through or the one that gives all armors jetpack? Once you've played the game unmodded once and suffered through getting stuck in solar panels and pipes that's enough.
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At least yours stays in his lane. I have a worm that keeps intruding on my territory.
are you kidding me, that's the best part
if I'm doing the math right the solar ratio on volcanus is 11 panels to 10 accumulators.
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The energy demands must be met
>Connect 2nd island power pole
>It becomes accumulator land
Literally the same that was shown in the fff for the biolab. Gleba science has its own belt, inner is farm science, outer is spoilage, inserter with a spoilage filter takes the spoilage out of the lab. The end of the science belt has a filter splitter that removes spoilage without removing the science. That's it.
God I forgot how slow pump jacks are
Yeah but after that they started working on the expansion. I've been away from the threads this whole time, what major things have people been criticizing? There's a couple minor things I want with quality improved (Some way of generically using the upgrade planner without needing a ton of dedicated planners would be nice). The only major thing I've been disappointed with has been that enemies were considered for Aquilo but abandoned, part of me wants them to add least add their functionality so they could be optionally added or used by modders.
The mech suit does that for you in vanilla though, and the spidertron could before this patch.
I used jetpack in my modded playthroughs beforehand, but now that there's the mech suit I will probably not use it going forward.
sped up pumpjacks are one of my favorites for how stupid the sfx is
>what major things have people been criticizing
aside from crying about gleba because their dumb ass spawned an entire swarm in the middle of their base:
- quality can be a pain in the ass in a variety of ways, and many people dislike the very idea
- space platform is kind of whatever, esp compared to space exploration - which is just a mod, and not a $30 expansion
- sex with pentapods was pushed to 2.1
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>Single-handedly invent full-scale space travel
>Can't figure out how to refrigerate organic matter
Here's my second ship, time to see if it can fly to and from planets completely self-sustaining (my first design needed huge amounts of ammo shipped up).
My guess is I may need a better way to buffer ammo on this ship, and I may need to kill two of the engines, but I'm hoping it works so I can mass-produce these and use them for hauling everything I want to (I really need one for calcite before I begin overhauling my nauvis production)
engineer figured out perpetually frozen ice, incl on a volcanic planet, give him a break
why don't you show us how to refrigerate concrete, smart guy
>measured spaghetti
my favorite
Who knows. This is kind of uncharter territory for the game.
Back in the 1.0 days, the game had had regular updates throughout its entire early access life, so there had been constant feedback and all of the major criticisms had already been polished and addressed in pre-1.0 updates. As a consequence, by the time of 1.1, there were almost no really contentious mechanics, everything was nice and polished and everyone liked it all.
Even beyond that, in none of the previous small updates did they ever make any changes that were particularly hated. Some were controversial, like removing the axe items, but ultimately people agreed with them as far as I can tell. Most new features were well-liked, and at most got tweaked a bit in further patches.

So 2.0 is unique in that it's the first time Wube is releasing such a huge chunk of work that hasn't been mass-playtested before. And, through no coincidence, it's also the first time they're facing major criticism about some core flagship feature or game mechanic. They've never "responded to criticism" like this because they've simply never had a situation like this before. Only time will tell if they take it to heart, re-evaluate things and we get a 2.1 or even 2.2 as they keep polishing it, or if they decide they've spent enough effort, are making enough money anyway, and just walk away into the sunset.

That being said, unless they have some major projects lined up, I expect they'll likely keep working on Factorio at least for a little while, so updates seem likely to me. I honestly have no idea what Wube could even do next; once they're done with Factorio they might as well dissolve and all retire, or something.
>I honestly have no idea what Wube could even do next
maybe actual SPACE age, not "some cool planets but no real space anything" age
Another DLC? Factorio 3.0?
Maybe. Lord knows I'd probably end up buying it, anyway. It just seems weird to have a business model of releasing two new expansions per decade for the exact same game, forever.

Also, Factorio From the Deep would be better anyway.
>marking the territory border with floor tiles
that's actually pretty clever.
And I want one that lets us capture and ride the worm.
Yeah your ammo will not keep up with how much ROCK flies at you as you enter Vulcanus
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Okay I posted about this yesterday and I can't figure out what the issue is.

I have a fuel interrupt, as pictured. The problem is that half the time when the interrupt is triggered, the train just freezes up. It doesn't go anywhere at all unless I manually nudge it. Why the fuck is this happening?
Ignore the fact that it should obviously be a less than symbol instead of the greater than symbol, I misclicked it while taking the screenshot
This did make it to and from vulcanus (There was one big flaw that is incredibly hard to spot the underground pipe at the bottom doesn't work since it's going through space, although I did have to remove the asteroid swapper on the right.
I think If I didn't have more ammo buffered (the ship don't leave unless there's enough ammo on the belt), it could be a problem. I can't guarantee this makes it to fulgora.
maybe your refueling stations are just full/unavailable at the time?
Even if that were the case I would expect the train to head towards the station and stop at the closest relevant stop light instead of just sitting at its last station forever
You'll definitely want to set up an inserter that stores ammo in the hub while there's an excess on the belts and pulls it back out when there's a deficit. Your fuel production is a little low for your number of thrusters, but it depends how often you're going to be using it since you're buffering it.
>You'll definitely want to set up an inserter that stores ammo in the hub while there's an excess on the belts and pulls it back out when there's a deficit
That was what I just did, I really cut the ammo count close on my first journey
>Your fuel production is a little low for your number of thrusters, but it depends how often you're going to be using it since you're buffering it.
Yeah, a buffer should be more than enough for now. I'm monitoring it to get the ability to launch, and there's nothing I need in high enough throughput that I would need literal constant movement (and I could always just duplicate this platform instead of expanding it in that case).

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