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/ggg/: NONE
NA/EMEA weeklies/monthlies: https://x.com/nafgcto

Queen Dizzy and Major Balance Patch | Oct. 31
Team of 3 Open Beta #2 | Nov. 8 - ???
Arc World Tour 2024: https://www.arcsystemworks.jp/awt2024/

Main wiki with frame Data and information about system mechanics: https://www.dustloop.com/w/GGST
Player Glicko-2 ratings: http://puddle.farm/top/all
Fighting game glossary: https://glossary.infil.net/
Deflect Shield OS tech: https://twitter.com/Precho6055/status/1778514309015826445

>Replay Uploaders

>/ggg/ APPROVED Strive mods
Potato Mod
Frame Data Display
https://github.com/Chitaso/StriveFrameViewer/releases (1.08/Pre Season 4)

>Season 4 Balance Update Trailer, Oct 31st

>Queen Dizzy DLC Trailer, Oct 31st

>Latest Dev Backyard (17th Volume, June 28th)

>Latest Patch 1.39

>Current Balance Patch 1.38 (July 22nd)

>Nintendo Switch Edition Trailer

>Xrd/+R/#R Stuff:

>Guilty Gear Soundtracks

State platform and region when making lobbies for the thread and announce in the thread when you close them. You ft10 anyone you make the lobby. Keep training and keep on rockin'!

SLASHED: >>500009917
Posting family photoshoot Ragna to remind you that he should've been announced for strive instead of Lucy
Xrd was simpler xx but strive took inspiration from smash and added a guilty gear theme. That’s why many strive pros had never played a fighting game prior to entering the scene and came from smash. This is also what caused the community to change and become a parallel to the smash community. Looking at the history of different games is fascinating.
What happened to bestie poster.
Can you make a new thread? All the ones in this thread suck so far and I want to get off on a better foot.
>and came from smash
Honestly I don’t think that many smashers converted. Leffen has competed in real fighters for almost a decade before Strive launched. I guess Zippy did well for an underage smash zoomer turned Ky/Leo player but he really started becoming relevant in GBVSR but SF6 is seeing a lot more smash vets jump on the 2D scene. Recently Fatality got pretty far at an offline CPT tourney and Riddles is trying to become a top player as well.
I'm sorry for posting, anon-sama...
I didn't want to hurt your feelings
Sounds like soiver cope. Don't shoot the messenger, it's just what the people are saying, they're reading your post and saying it's soiver cope.
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Me waiting for the Bedman? buffs.
Imagine if she got frozen in an indecent pose and she couldn’t cover herself while people look
Oh and I also forgot to mention Setchi and Space in the EU scene but Setchi is really the only one that made big splashes and comes from melee. Space is more well known as a Granblue player now. So 2 Ultimate players doing okay in S1 isn’t the mass exodus you think it is.
you have vacuum on c.S nigga thats all you need
i mean j,S
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so torn between "haha yaaaay safe ob turbulenz! i should come play some strive!" and "dizzy looks like cancer and so do most of the changes we've been teased with"
Love to see a Leonigger get humbled
What if they gave HC an assault rifle
also very sad that the only remaining leo is mfcr. i wish tempest didn't go for tranny ass

girl they took my shit away every patch since the game dropped and you're STILL crying. if all leo had was 5p and couldn't do anything else you'd complain it did too much damage lmao
I wonder if Leo’s parry can deflect any of the beams
like other lasers that are in the game it probably just kind of goes through it (eg leo takes no damage but also doesn't reflect anything)
They should make it bounce them back.
Love to see a Leonigger get humbled
finna wings of light
i mean it'd be funny at least. i dont think he can reflect bedman?'s needles for example though so it's probably the same thing here
He can shoot back Bedman?’s errors so maybe he can shoot back Dizzy’s stuff. Would be funny
>Watch the Dizzy starter guide
>"Dizzy has many special moves"
So did they just not show half of them or what? Because I only saw 5.
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First we lost

>Multi-hit Fish
>Big Fish
>Scythe directions
>Bubble directions
>Both FB

Now we lost

>Fire Pillar
>Ice Spear
>Fire Fish (Laser & Shield)
>Ice Scythe (and Fire too)
>Bubble (and Fire too)

What we got

>Miguel's word

Alotta improvement huh?
Love to see Dizzyniggers get humbled.
It’s evolving… But backwards…
There are Strive characters that lost literally all their old specials.
Chipp top tier next patch btw
he also gains 5% dmg up against black character
>Strive returning cast member lost options just like literally every other one
it's ok guys they're working on a really amazing instant kill it'll look super cool and each character get 3 new special in season 5
>Activate wings
>Chip's HP evaporates
soive tuah
hmmmm bubble? double dash? fire moves?
Dizzy players don’t deserve nice things
Wrap it up with these shitty dlc characters and announce your next game arcsys, this one is going to be good I CAN FEEL IT
They're making more DLC because they don't have the workforce capable of making a game from 0
robo ky WILL save the game
Or Pantsu Queen! Oh wait...
Remember people saying 3 stars and wings would change her moves?
surely Gamma Ray is viable now
I mean Strive already has so many installs. The HP drain is more interesting
gamma gay, like the band
we need rib cage
at least it's not a Nier collab
Somewhere out in Space was a cool album thoughbeit
ok just got raped by Dizzy, now what
>freezes opponent
>makes wb
>gain pb
>cast wings
>round 2
still better than fighting the black niggermurai
>uh actually oki vortex is based
kill yourself
>1 fish.
>hits once.
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All we really lost was bubble, but I can see why they didn't add it.
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I just want real Necro and Undine back.
>once fish.
>hits 1.
why the new necro and undine lost their unique color bwos...
I think they want to tone down the scary parts of designs because more girls play strive and they can frighten easy. That’s why Necro and Paracelsus got changed.
Playing Strive is like learning a new fighter and you only know that one combo you practiced in training mode, not too complex, mid damage, so you keep doing it until you get better and learn more advanced combos. Except in Strive there's only the one combo and the whole game is based around landing it.
just watched the guide myself and it is really funny how much shit they cut of like god DAMN. feels even more so than other soive characters. dizzy looks and feels like ass. sliding ice and wings are garbage compensations.
it's a Venom homage, you wouldn't get it
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God bless Katano
But the guide specifically said that she has many special moves, so what's the issue?
Hey this is exactly how I felt when playing Granblue. I picked up Cag and immediately did her hardest combo on what was apparently a difficult character. Who do you play in Strive though? They've basically all got very tricky combos that are still useful. Nago? Even for brainlet characters like May you have to figure out on the fly how best to turn any stray hit into optimal damage or positioning. Ram has her rekka rekka dash cancel rekka rekka shit. Hmm. Sin?
>Strive already has so many installs.
It has 0 that are good
i’m not a dizzy main but isn’t fire spear hitting crouchers new?
Lmao are you actually fucking retarded? ABA is like galactic +++ super saiyan god level 3 tier while in jealous rage. Did you think for even a second before making that post? Did not one of your withered neurons fire for but a moment?
You're the one whos retarded. ABA's install is integral part of her kit shes useless and unplayable without it. This shit isnt even proper install lmao.
But hold on
a) Is an install
b) is good

What's this? Tick and tick? Get the fuck out of here.
Bedman?’s super install is not that bad. Not like installs need to be good to not become a tired trope in a roster
Yeah again you are retarded subhumane nigger thats it. ABA's "install" in Strive isnt proper install
ABA is still mid tier even if you refuse to activate please stop propagating ABA propaganda. She's not feast/famine. She's like; reasonable amount of food/Las Vegas buffet.
Oh please wise retard enlighten us as to what you think an install is. This should be good.
Show me gameplay of ABA being semi playable without her jealous state. Bedmans kit fully works without his install thats the difference you double digit IQ baboon.
>Las Vegas buffet
das gawdlike
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breadly sin
How crazy how everyone suddenly turned into legacy Dizzy scholars that are addicted to her playstyle.
hahahahaha. You just want me to find gameplay footage of someone playing deliberately wrong to prove your point? I think that might be a tad tricky?
To get to a more sane point, if ABA was garbage in her regular form, then she'd never reach JR. Strive isn't a game where a garbage tier character can even breathe. Regular ABA still has whoops no hurtbox command dash, keygrab is still plus, she's still got rams 5H.
Bro I am RESEARCHING this fandom page like you wouldn't believe.
>she’s not semi playable without her jealous state.
do you own Strive?
I honestly struggle to see how anyone who has played even five seconds against an ABA in Strive could reach this opinion
>tfw sol is THE character that was first to have install in fighting games the "instal" term in general comes from his DI
>he lost it in soive
Drysuke tongues my anus
Daisuke will have his divine punishment in purgatory, don't worry
Yeah bro it's CRAZY that people in the Guilty Gear general played Guilty Gear before Strive
Where are they all when I post a +r lobby then :(
Too much work which is why Ky's install has minimal changes
So I can boot up +R and see Dizzy fags as far as eye can see, no? Man leaving her out for so long was a dick move. ArcSys should be more considerate.
No, the game is dead
dizzy theme is lame I admit
the sex with her however
nigga they already have new DI model and transformation animation and they used it for dogshit useless grab they decided to make not completly useless after 4 years. no wait its still going to be useless. sol getting DI as his "new" move back would be perfect but its drysuke and nu arcsoi after all.
Fuck off Ky don't you have anything better to do?
jealousy rage
>Bedmans kit fully works without his install thats the difference you double digit IQ baboon.
Yeah, it works by being the literal worst character in the game also I'm like the only Bedman player that actually uses the install at all.
Dizzy new design is better or worse?
for me it's better, the horny part can just simply be replaced with mods, I don't like how lame undine and necro look right now however
Moroha is a textbook example of an install, what the fuck are you on about?
Am I the only one that finds Strive Necro breaking his jaw cute?
Is this bait
Doesn't ABA have 2 AWT events wins under her belt already?
why woman characters greatly overpower male characters
https://youtu.be/BrkCMvGpf38?si=MSorvxZVFieYTGrR Abba?
I think the point of the post wasn't if A.B.A is good or not, but rather that A.B.A is borderline unplayable in normal mode which is categorically false
Dizzy looks really fun to fight against!!
Awe of She is not in the game (yet) right?
His original argument was that JR wasn't an install. And then when humiliated he tried to pivot to that argument.
her wing disappears if you hit her right?
then simply hit her, not that hard
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I know, that's why I posted >>500155580
>Watch Starter Guide
>Mikhail Sword
Guilty Gear's gone woke...
Reminder Bedman's errors still dissapear even when you block, what the fuck were they thinking his unique mechanic barely works against people with a brain unless you use the install (which sucks).
We watched the dizzy starter guide together last night!! :3
Why does Xrd feel more difficult than +R to me?
Sure did! :D
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>pot buster has armor now
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>one fish
>hits once
maybe you play a braindead char in +r and a technical char in xrd
>go away on block
That’s the whole point. They didn’t design him for bitches.
>install this install that
Nigga who gives a fuck, give me the patch notes
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Who the fuck is Unika
and is anyone here even excited for Lucy?
They could've done a crossover with BB and added Rachel, Hakumen, Kokonoe, Susano or Jubei
Venom is cool but also another annoying character to fight against but I would rather just see someone new instead of someone that we already know is going to suck to play against
Nah, Blazblue can stay dead.
>Who the fuck is Unika
We just don't know
>and is anyone here even excited for Lucy?
Probably not. Even a friend of mine who is a huge Cyberpunk nerd doesn't seem to give a flying fuck
Lucy is such a random pick, literally popularity mogged by the loser heroine in her own show.
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>an entire season of BB characters
Absolutely not, I don't even want one. GG doesn't need guest characters.
Squashed bug
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> Who the fuck is Unika
Main antag of Dual Rulers I guess. Gear-hate assassin or smtn.
>is anyone here even excited for Lucy?
Monowires dude.
If GG has a crossover character, something as completely bizarre and random as Lucy feels like it fits.
I will never get over them putting the cyberpunk character in the series where technology is banned to the point of non-existence though.
Susan and Hakumen are the only ones you listed who wouldn't be totally gutted to fit into strive.
BB characters are all so fucking lame dude. The only design I really liked was catfucker, but we've already got a projectile vomit wizard.
But we already have a blue weirdo with double guns in roster
BB characters are better than the best GG characters when they’re the good ones but when they’re the bad ones they’re really bad. GG is more consistently likable in characters but you got Terumi and Hazama for example who stand out and are cooler than most GG characters.
I cannot believe people think Hazama is cool
Susano'o or something I could understand maybe
Doesn’t Pot use black tech? Although the idea of hacking “magical energy” or the nervous system of GG characters does sound stupid.
Lucy doesn’t feel that out of left field. Edgerunners is popular around the globe and hosted on the biggest streaming platform. Gacha or Isekai characters would fail to appeal to westerners and western IPs would filter most japs. She’s one of the safest 2020s choices I can think of. Not like arcsys is a stranger to referencing sci-fi anime
>Gacha or Isekai characters would fail to appeal to westerners
You know what game we're talking about, right?
Hazama is cool, but Terumi is an unbelievable faggot even though I like edgelords.
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This looks cool to you? He's wearing two belts...
>He's wearing two belts...
Wait until you discover Sol Badguy
He’s not about to get caught with his pants down
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I don't like Sol's design, I never have. But at least one belt seems to be functionally holding up his pants, and the other seems to be a trophy from his Holy Order days.
GG is kinda dorky but some casual weebs have a hateboner for isekai and gacha since SAO. Even anons here dislike BB designs. I don’t think a lot of fans would be excited for Cid Kagenou or Kafka
Susanoo is my favorite edgelord character, he's so unapologetically over the top edgy it's hilarious. Hell, his song is literally named MUST DIE.
Sol is having sex with me while beating my ass up with his belts
Bro the anime crowd are already in. They don't need any further persuasion to play Guilty Gear. What Arcsys are trying to hook are normies. People who don't normally watch anime but maybe saw edgerunners because it was on netflix and had a recognizable logo.
Lucy should have a move that strip her naked and let the opposite character have sex with her to remind edgerunner that their show sucks
I bet you can avoid wings of light by using FD because it probably counts as chip
>the move is unblockable
That would it make it a waste of tension and wouldn’t give her a niche. Wings of Light is supposed to make commentators go crazy like Last Horizon “OH SHIT IS THE OPPONENT GONNA CHALLENGE IT”
As opposed to just accepting death? Why in the fuck wouldn't you challenge it?
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>evil dickhead with spider-man gameplay and a funny frame 0 command grab
whats not to love? hes basically a male version of i-no except that writer didnt pussy out by giving him a tragic backstory and a "noble" goal at the 11th hour
Or super jump out of the way
I act and look like Terumi irl
What? I-No's motivation was that she was supremely bored.
Susan looks cool, but his coolness factor tanks massively when you learn that instead of being some kind of a monster he's just a fursuit for the main villain's fursona.
it is called an armor
He's got face shoulderpads man. Dude looks like he's wearing WoW raid armor. Susan does not look cool
maybe she has enough knockdown advantage so you have to wait for a bigger gap
Armors don't have tails.
wasnt her whole thing that she was actually a manifestation on mankinds fear of the future or some shit, and that she wanted to become god to make a better world?
i probably misremembering some of the details but i think it was something to that effect
I'm manifesting my dick inside Dizzy
I like cute ladies in bikini's in my games, it helps me escape into a world that's clearly not real, so Dizzy's design here is why the GG franchise is now something I no longer support. It's too bad, because I genuinely liked new character designs like Nagaroyuki, but Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2 will be the last game I ever buy from this franchise. I'm glad I waited to see how they treated my favorite gal before buying this game.

Her new dress design is bland and uninteresting. It's clearly tailor made for people who are think: "Why is that attractive woman in a bikini!?!, it's TOO revealing! Cover her up entirely so she doesn't have the slightest bit of feminine beauty on display! Woman showing any vulnerability is WRONG!"
He's a snake, it's a scalesuit
No? At the end of Strive she became a god. And instantly found it so boring she thought to give every last human her godhood. because that would be at least vaguely amusing.
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soulless burka fan vs. SOVLful heavy metal slut
Only Potemkin is allowed to develop
potemkin should become white
I don’t get why that was a bad thing.
Do you realize that Dizzy won the vote for new character in Xrd?
She’s a difficult character but you’ll see some.
If it’s dead so is Strive because it’s harder to get into a match in Strive.
>waifu fag poll meaning anything
And? Those gooks just play Sol 24/7
Wow did all 5 people who played Xrd vote in it?
I wouldn't consider either game dead, but I like my chances of getting a match in Strive better than getting one in +R, it's just that if I'm able to get a match in +R the process of getting to it will be smoother and quicker than it would with Strive.
It’s not really a chances thing with either game because you’re never going to load up +R and not be able to fight someone. The same is true for Strive but an abomination of an online mode and buggy stations makes it more frustrating for no reason. I will admit Strive has the benefit of more new players but you shouldn’t need that if you care enough about the game to post here.
You're not going to load up +R and see literally nobody, but I have loaded up +R at certain times of day and not been able to find good connections, and of course it has less variety in skill levels too. The design of +R's network mode is still better, but I don't think it's a simple case of it being flat out easier to find matches in.
Does anyone care that Dizzy's ribbons that were given to her by Jose (implied in by "village children" in the Forest of Demons GG World entry) are now gone from her hair? I mean she still has one on her tail but now it isn't cohesive with the rest of her design. And I think it's sad that she would remove something related to the first nice thing humans did for her after she was found out to be a gear and called a monster and driven into the forest when they have been setting up gear-human coexistence since Overture and are clearly planning to get really into it after Another Story and the new stage that had a Dual Horn + rider in it within Illyria.
what if they give each character a new 100 tension move as a instakill lite? I think it would be better. IK always had retarded requirements and you never saw them for how much effort it took to animate. This seems a better solution. Less flashy but more usable
Sin is a character that while I watch I almost feel bad for. There's always a few occasions every set that I think "wow that's unfortunate". Please don't buff him tho
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Dizzy actually received more votes than the entire S4 Strive poll. In the TGS stream they said 32079 people particpated vs pic related but her arcade usage wasn’t that impressive
I don’t think it being replaced with flower symbolism is that bad
It was replaced with burka symbolism, more like.
You're never going to force this meme anon, sorry.
I’ve genuinely never had that problem and I can play at some odd times. I don’t need to fight people with under an hour of playtime so I don’t mind there being less new players either. The online being designed better makes it quicker and less frustrating to get into and find matches in +R. I’ve seen other people complain about Strive’s lobbies so I know it’s not just me that has issues with it.
Not for lack of trying at least
my only problem with strive is that i cannot find people in celestial eu at 4am besides one faggot pot who does nothing but megafist into ass slam and one slayer but that's me being a neet degen with whack ass sleep hours
Yeah, I'm not arguing about the design of Strive's lobbies or its online in general, it's bad, but I've had more experiences of having trouble getting a match in +R than I have in Strive still and if I was playing at a bad time like 3 in the morning or something, I think I'd like my chances of getting matches in Strive more than +R. You can still easily get matches in +R at most times of day and it does have a better designed network mode, but just having the number of players Strive has goes a long way, even if the design of its online makes it more arduous than it should be to get a match with that number of players.
Testament has not a single new special in common with his XX kit.
Strive not having ranked matchmaking is unironically its biggest draw to me. Matchmaking is fucking pure evil designed purely to make you unhappy and nothing else.
Thank fucking christ
Same. I fear for the days when arcsys eventually cave to the retards crying for a misery simulator with arbitrary numbers.
being able to pick my poison in the tower kept me from dropping the game in s2
>3 women and a gay man
Season4 already the worst selling SP kek.
>Muh ABA, muh hot bitches
Most played character are Sol, Ky, Pot, Johnny, Slayer, Nago. Strive is a bara game.
I mean in most fighters and games guys prefer to pick other guys. Sex sells is usually a meme unless it involves gacha slop
That’s fair I guess, like I said I never had a problem finding people with good enough connection but that could be my region or the fact I don’t often play around 3 am. Sometimes I boot up Strive and get stuck on a station for 5 minutes because the other person left right as I clicked it, which does put me off from wanting to play it.
I pick women in fighting games because i get an erection controlling handsome men while i don't have the same problem when i'm controlling women.
the point of a good ranked mode is to match together players of a similar skill level. If everything works perfectly then most players should have 50% winrate, execpt the extreme outliers at the top & bottom.

The problem with fighting games is that people play different characters with different matchups. If you actually wanted to make things fair you'd have to have a different skill rating for every matchup.
Have you not played for a while? They fixed a lot of the getting stuck in limbo issues
nobody is playing happy chaos so i am happy
i just hope dizzy will be fun to play against because there will be a lot of them for the next month
It’s been about a month since I played and I remember it happened around then too. Might be less common than it used to but it’s still annoying when it happens. Unless there was an update in the last month that fixed it.
That's not the problem. It's the actual matchmaking format itself. Endless anonymous bo3's are not what fighting games were ever made for. It's a literal arcade genre designed to make you and someone else physically near you keep dumping money in to keep playing.
Long sets are always more enjoyable. Rematching someone over and over and over again while you both adapt and counter adapt is far more fun and better for learning than killing someone with your gimmick or dying to theirs.
Additionally a game where you're so directly interacting with an opponent's choices becomes frustrating when they're just another automatched opponent who may as well be a bot. Something as simple as walking up to a player in an arcsys lobby and challenging them forces you to cognize them as a person to at least some degree. Something as minor as that can massively change the way you perceive the ensuing match.
Look at this grandpa who enjoys getting better at a skill rather than getting that dopamine hit from a number going up. Get with the times ojisan.
You are not wrong and I really hate ranked.
Hidden MMR I get, but I think if they shift the focus to badges/challenges it would be better.
Fighting games is also one of the few pvp games where losing i expected and feels less bad as you have to take it on the chin (or plug (lmao))

I just don't like the lobby system, but Granblue has a great one and I hope they copy it 1:1 (with maybe the ability to "rent" your own password protected world/larger lobbies)

The problem with having the game split into
>Player homes
>Quick start
ect. is that there are too many seperators for players.
Granblue with it's world hub where you just vibe regardless of what you're going to do is great

Fighting games are very social games too
Sitting on voice and being backseated by 2-3 friends or we're fighting against eachother while we're just shittalking is infinitely more fun than random celestial matches.
Oh, yeah, Strive is far from perfect, but a lot of the blanket complaints about it is just people who don't think and want matchmaking because it's easier for them in the moment.
I actually like it a lot.
I think there is also always the additional metrics such as time spent on the character or wins vs X.
You do want some sort of metrics to show, perhaps the offense/defense/heart/technique being ingrained into your account/character and something that just increases over time.
The bounty is cool but it should've just started with 1-10 and not 1000000 and just increase based on the bounty of the person you beat

I also miss unlockable colors in strive from winning/playing the game
Call me a boomer but I like having a generic thing item boogaloo to slowly work towards
You're wrong
Fighting games are about completely destroying your opponent, obliterating their will to fight and leaving them as a barely recognizable empty husk.
Back in the arcade days you were also playing for money pretty much, so you also aimed at economic destruction. If they didn't have enough money to take the bus home, all the better. The loser was left humilliated. Completely and utterly dominated
Why do you think so many fights broke out in arcades during the old days? You were fighting for your life, quite literally
So get the fuck out with this 'adapting' and 'countering' nonsense. Kill or be killed, that's what fighting games are really about
New generations are so soft they are unable to get this
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What buffs do you think and hope are coming to your character and what nerfs do you think are gonna come with it? This patch has the potential to either make this game better than ever or just cause it to rot even more and I like speculating
>back in the arcade days
bro you're like 19
you have never touched let alone seen an arcade machine in any capacity except maybe on wikipedia or an AI generated one
>? This patch has the potential to either make this game better than ever
No, it really does not have the potential to do that.
I dunno, A.B.A is good enough as it is
So shouldn't you want to rematch them until you destroy them properly?
Do you really want them getting away from you with some mental write off like "oh he's just lucky" because you had some shitty little Bo2 matchmaking set?
Hell, that's assuming they even fucking care about losing the random set (they don't, they've already forgotten).
>I just don't like the lobby system, but Granblue has a great one and I hope they copy it 1:1
i agree but part of what makes it good is you can see everyone's rank (which is way more accurate than Strive floors), as well as how many games they've won. This means you have a reasonable expectation of what you're up against when you challenge someone. For me this makes the game way more chill even when I'm getting beat up by someone way stronger; it's all about expectations.
Hopefully HC will get a meterless reversal
also small things like stickers and customized player profiles all go a long way to making the game more fun. They remind you that you're playing another person which alleviates the gamer rage somewhat.
a character should never do more than 50% in a single combo (even with resources & played at perfection)
A minimum of 3 turns should always be played
>immediately putting yourself in the shoes of the loser
This is exactly what I'm talking about man
'Destroy the properly'? Fuck off with that zoomer nonsense. A win is a win is a win
I disagree. If I play a character that has to play their hearts out to get in, then I deserve to get a game winning amount of damage should I manage to not only get in, but land a decisive attack. If I manage to deal with Testament teleporting bullshit and gravereaper retardation then that 70% combo they eat in the corner should come with fries too
>A win is a win is a win
Oh, you should have just said you have autism.
I thought I was talking to a person.
I saw that Strivers on twitter seem to be confused about some of Dizzy's names and thought "how could that be? You can see a pretty clear pattern by just looking at all the move names" but then I realized that the majority of moves in her Strive kit aren't named like that so no wonder they don't get it.
Testament of all characters?
Testament is low-tier at best
What does he even have? An obvious telegraphed teleport and a slightly above average 6H?
Large combos should exist but should be rare, either from being hard to confirm into or require specific starters or whatever.
Variable threat is important.
Yeah, large combos that get you at most 45% should be rare and hard to get, I agree.
explain slayer.
A mistake.
A shameless attempt to sell DLC
he has the bullshit demonstrated here >>500164237
The fact that Sin can now simply convert a wallbreak of far slash from fullscreen with only 2 stamina bars and 50 meter makes me wonder how ArcSys thought people would react from this.
It's pretty nuts, but then I remember that half the cast can do that shit with 50 meter. The only difference is that Sin gets a super wallbreak instead where, thankfully, he doesn't get a safejump
why they made slayer and HC again
>that half the cast can do that shit with 50 meter
from round start position perhaps but I don't think many can do it corner to corner like Sin does in the trailer, especially from a non CH fS.
Probably Pot with giganter kai, Slayer and ABA JR can do it.
Dont know how it is in celestial but I'm constantly ranking up and down every few matches which is annoying as hell, maybe I should just play in the plaza.
There are certainly many characters that can if they have that meter on deck. What makes Sin special here is that he can build a good deal of meter during the combo to get to the meter for the wallbreak. Just think about it, if you land f.S with your back to the wall, you can just RRC pop and wall switch. So the wallbreak isn't the part that's absurd, but what makes it strong is that he can confirm into a combo that builds more meter into a super wallbreak and knockdown. It's a huge change, but it's better for reasons other than what you think
this, having to play against s1-2 nago or now slayer and most likely dizzy is not what i paid for, pavlovian dogs with 20 iq can go draw their own virginity tally on a piece of paper if they want
Born to be celestial, forced to be floor 6
Some characters are made in mind to be strong. Don't think Sol, Leo and Nago are exempt from this, you just didn't mention them because they're base roster.
>Sitting on voice and being backseated by 2-3 friends or we're fighting against eachother while we're just shittalking is infinitely more fun than random celestial matches.
Lots of people don't care about the social aspects unfortunately. Makes me sad seeing people try making lobbies for popular games like SF6 or T8 only to be met with "why would I join your lobby when I can play ranked lol" like it's even looked down upon.
Playing with friends is better than ranked. Playing with 4chan randoms is like playing unranked but with a 5% chance of picking up a stalker and being forced to say "yeah gg man" after playing some third worlder half a planet away on stolen wifi.
HC was never as broken as Slayer.
No, little timmy, being super low execution is part of what makes Slayer broken.
Don't you feel embarrassed typing this out? It just makes you look like you have zero clue what you're talking about. C'mon I know you can do better.
ranked (random npc who youve never played against or never will play again) has always been fully random arbitrary mashing until someone randoms someone out with something
its not even remotely the same genre as playing a friend in a call who youve played 1000+ games with and constantly get soul reads on and hear each other bitch and moan over another perfect read. mmr shizoids would happily play bot games 24/7 if it had an e-penis measuring score tied to it
Little timmy I am sorry that people make fun of Slayer players for being retards but it is true
You never played against a good HC, lmao.
A character being easy doesn't make them broken, it makes them easy.
A good HC, where you literally could not fight back in any way if they did not make a mistake, was broken.
Who the fuck is timmy?
He was strong but not broken like Slayer is. Little timmy who got home from school can kill you by mashing random buttons into super. HC required some thought, and now is much harder and not as strong.
yeah ok i figured strive would be a slayer mains first ever fighting game lil timmy
I have been playing fighting games since 2011 and have no idea what you're talking about
It's negroid zoomer slang, don't even try to understand
That's the same logic that Zato players used to justify how bullshit he was in previous seasons. Execution requirements don't make it OK for a character to be stupid broken. Slayer being easy to pickup and dominate is retarded and Slayer players should get their fingers broken, but Chaos players are just as carried even if they have to practice a bit more to be as bullshit
Based fucking retard
ayyy, struck a nerve there, huh lil timmy
Schizos and blatant shitposters usually dodge lobbies like the plague because most of them probably don't even play. Pretty rare to run into someone in a 4chan fighting game lobby who isn't chill.
Random black twitter term the dedicated /vg/ fighting game schizos picked up on and spam incessantly.
I thought it might be something stupid like that. Easily filtered I guess
/fgg/ lingo
I don’t get where this low execution Slayer meme comes from. I know its Strive but I have a way easier time with most of the cast
/fgg/ has reached incomprehensible levels of schizo babble after even Street Fighter players left for their own general
TERFs use it in a derogatory manner. It derives from their acronym for trans women, a TIM: Trans Identified Males.
If that Anon is a TERF, all I can say is based and kneel. I won't even argue about HC being difficult to play being more fair
Patch notes when?

I'm just gonna leave this here, just in case some anons are not being ironic
these niggas soivin!
i thought timmy was just a generic white boy name
This has literally been an informal way to call someone a child since like the 80s so I don't know what all the schizos who replied to you are on about.
See you... Wednesday.
>blocking doesn't remove wings of light
>Beats your wife's wings off
What now, little Kiske?
theyre joking : (
why do people pull the plug
it's like the best win you can possibly have
imagine getting so upset you completely force emergency stop the game
you could go like "ah ill fight this one out but take a break afterwards" but imagine being so upset you instinctively alt-f4 when there are no stakes at all
Showing Necro a good time I see
muh rating
It might surprise you but I defended Zato the same way. HC is nowhere near as strong as the top tiers now and he’s even harder due to the nerfs. Slayer is absolutely more broken than HC or Zato ever were and him being the easiest character in the game only reinforces that.
I still can't fathom why any BlazBlue "fan" would want their characters in Strive. Why would you want your characters to lose everything that makes them fun just to say they're in Strive. You would hate that. Everyone would. But the reality is, anyone asking for BlazBlue characters aren't fans of BB or Strive and are just the same audience of nonfans all guest characters bring.
guilty gear general gang i'm going to use this OP image for my haute42 leverless
i'm excited
what am i in for
For me it's people complaining about lag when I feel nothing on my end just because they see the 200 ping, they just use it to justify their loss and bail out.
>It might surprise you but I defended Zato the same way
I could tell
If you play both games it’s enjoyable to have your favorite character in both. Putting a blazblue character in strive won’t make them patch cf and change them.
Anon I highly hope you're joking
The way fighting game communication works is that when there is 1-sided lag, it's always at the fault of the opponent and is usually tied to FPS issues because the person with the functioning PC is being "halted" forcefully to play reverse catch-up with the "lagger"
There is also a bug with arcsys games (strive and granboo) where if you are alt-tabbed during matchmaking in windowed fullscreen sometimes it causes stutter

if this is a repeated thing and you feel nothing on your end, the problem originates from you, it's just that the problem is experienced by the other party
I replayed Elphelt's Episode Mode in Rev2 and it really sucks how she just didn't seem to grow at all from it in Strive's arcade mode. Like why tf was she doing all that shit with Faust and Nago, did the stuff Bedman said to her mean nothing? Did she not reflect on it and grow as a person at all? I'd be fine with them entirely dropping the marriage stuff but they just had to half-ass it.
Execution requirements has no relation to tier placement bro. Tier lists are a theoretical of "if two players of the greatest skill possible pick character x and character y, who will most like win?" You cannot factor in execution to this, as these theoretical people are the very best.
>Something as simple as walking up to a player in an arcsys lobby and challenging them forces you to cognize them as a person to at least some degree.
Unless you use training mode match making like be because you're tired of getting ducked and DM'd slurs for your character choices, bot.
It does to anyone with a brain. If you can mess up your execution that means the character is worse. A Slayer isn’t going to do that but a Zato or HC could. This is relevant for all skill levels including the top. Your lack of higher thinking skills shows the education system has failed, timmy.
zato's execution requirements were not very stringent thoughever because he had so many plus frames it didn't matter
You clearly have no clue what you're talking about, please go back to /fgg/
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This is a really really simplified version of it
You're talking about average skill level, which is entirely fucking meaningless to discuss balance for, because these people are not optimally using their character.
You can absolutely mess up your execution on every single character if you're a retard like yourself. Hell, even top players often drop their combos even in non-execution heavy games. Hence player skill should not be taken into account when talking about character strength or tier lists
Me on the right
stop it Sneed
think of the children
Dont think too hard about strive arcade stories, theyre not canon. Bridget’s literally called him a girl when his whole thing is hes actually a guy.
do you like ice physics?
It's funny that people who sprinkle insults into their posts like this are often really stupid themselves. Like somehow your opinion is less retarded if you add some vitriol.
No. A basic BandB should not do 50% in a single combo. Strive should have more rewarding combos that do more damage for mastering the system mechanics, not less. Damage scales so damn quickly when you diverge from the intended strive experience of two buttons and a special.
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i think hc is the coolest mf arcsys ever designed, aesthetic, lore, concept and music wise. Gameplay maybe not so much tho but god he is cool. More than that terumi cringelord
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agree with most things but the gameplay isn't a "not so much" but rather "this is one of the worst designed fg characters ever"
I should play baiken
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>think of the children
if you insist....
he should've been a girl
nah, we have enough waifus already. An actual cool male that is not just your generic strong and just protag is rare
They don’t take kindly to their dandy boy being called easy huh
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Why are your people bad at the game?
>muh zato and hc mains drop combos
Nigga those routes are pure flowchart. Even Slayer has to be more mindful with pbloobs depending on the starter. HC players win majors doing bnbs into super wallbreak repeat. Zato players like Tene drop fucking Sol bnbs
too busy playing blue archive
Most don’t take the game seriously yet. Delilah ain’t playable.
They're hiding their power levels unironically
Well the difference is that I'm a ryonafag so I can get behind beating up girls, while most other lolicons like to be stepped on by girls
so are the wings like nuclear radiation?
gg lore is so kookily
Strive Dizzy's Gamma Ray animation is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. It's a fucking masterclass on "show, don't tell" in regards to character growth and conveying a story through details. Dizzy losing control and shrinking back in fear, Undine reassuring her and then steadying her, Necro restraining himself and contributing a single finger, Dizzy's surprise transitioning to acknowledgement of their support follow by a closeup on her now resolute eyes, then pulling back to show them standing firmly together— every step of it is amazing and done with extreme care.

It almost made me tear up.
its up
so true sis. have a reddit gold.
It was cute I guess
I'm sure this is copied and pasted from somewhere but I don't even disagree with it. Going from Necro doing it on his own to Necro starting it and then Undine joining him and then Dizzy joining at the end but not being able to handle it to Dizzy starting it and Necro and Undine helping her stay stable is cool. I wish the same care would've been put into having her moveset properly reflect both Necro and Undine working together or at least have Necro doing more so it's not so Undine dominated.
imagine getting dunked on by strivers like this bro lmaooooo
With the exception of "CunnyPounder92" these look like throwaway accounts.
Let me know when THE GOAT makes a video about it
Wings of Light should suck the life out of the opponent in real life to simulate how cancerous Dizzy is.
Michael Sword just throws the opponent full screen AND guard crushes lmao. And look at that chip. You better be able to just crouch it.
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it won't be disjointed at all and you will be able to 6P it
it must be
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If I was the Bridget you'd be so fucking dead
Based + deserved + gapped + gaped
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Rev 2 lobby is up.
Name: gilly gear.
Password: no pass.
Lobby connection req: 2 or greater.
Hosted in: NA west coast.
Sorry for being an hour late.
Halloweiner strive lobby is this thursday.
better player won
Don't do it Slayer! You're going to get the T-virus!
We'll see. Even if it's not disjointed, it still seems insane. Way better than Scalpel.
These are all /ggg/ accounts 100%
Let Baiken PRC a whiffed parry again
What are the odds Unika is an adult Delilah? They kind of look similar.
I like the weaknesses of my mains. I want to see Bedman?’s 236S follow up get some new properties though and less wall damage
Literally zero what the fuck are you talking about
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Which dude with long hair is he talking about here? Sol? Axl? Bridget? Testament?
You can't refer to them as dude, so probably Venom or Axl.

Just rizz she was mogged
that is the gyatt of that guy who was hated
by the god of mogging
Just rizz

No one here is rizzing that gyatt
Gronk is dead now skibidi is here to edge all day
It is a edge who failed
Because he didnt rizz hard enough






which GG character is vulnerable to rape?
Leo Whitefang
Name one good character who couldn't do this much damage with 2 bars
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millia is literally getting nothing from what i saw in the trailer. im just hoping that they dont nerf her AGAIN through system changes.
how will you improve if you dont have a metric to base it off of?
>yeah im winning a lot in celestial
great youre winning against either shitters that got boosted in OR actually good players. whats the difference? nothing until we have a number to base off of
anyone that isnt a top tier
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She looks exactly like dizzy.
Even Millia could kill with an anti-air cS
So why does Bedman lose his stocked error if he blocks an attack but Dizzy doesn't lose wings of light?
Slayer mains are honest and is loved by Jesus Christ
>how will you improve if you dont have a metric to base it off of?
you do have a metric to base it off of. numbers are folly. you think it's a competition with others to improve, when the reality is that you're competing against yourself. are you stronger than you were yesterday? did you adapt faster? did you ib and punish those strings?
She needs it
how to get better at FG? just block and raw super when you are used to the weakness and gaps of their offense
14th volume of “Developer’s Backyard”(8/2 Release)
Why is this the only modern fighting game with no frame data display?
Are they holding features back so they have stuff to entice people to buy a re-release of the game? nothing else makes sense
Costs tension vs just use a special :^)
Wings of Light does no hitstun or blockstun so it can't threaten you with an attack while Dizzy holds down back safely. Even if it activates and starts draining health it doesn't actually stop you from doing anything and her turn is over if you find a gap and make her block something.
Bedman errors have real hitboxes so if they didn't disappear on block you would get physically punished for pressing and making him block. Is that a flaw he actually needs? No idea, I don't play Strive, but that's the obvious reason behind the decision.
Sorry anon you have to decide between that or IKs in the last poll, if you want cool stuff then you're gonna have to sacrificed QoL
Probably because they couldn't figure out what should happen if you get Bedman to block something as an error is about to come out.
>Wings of Light does no hitstun or blockstun so it can't threaten you
Yeah draining 50% health is not a threat. Makes sense.
What are the odds Unika is underage?
This is very important
Dizzy is 9 years old in Strive, you've already got your underage character.
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she wouldnt understand anything if she were coerced into sex or touched so its either never rape or always rape depending on your view
>frame data or IKs
frame data please.
intentional brainteaser uphill battle kino vs 1, 2 buckle my shoe popular waifu mandate
>I also miss unlockable colors in strive from winning/playing the game
Granblue implemented this is a neat way
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wat da hell
chat is this real
Yeah I voted the same but it's really strange how they make people pick, it's pretty clear they don't know what they're doing at all.
>why is everything half-assed besides art direction
Welcome to arcsys fighters. Rollback wasn’t even planned
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Was that cosplay segment really necessary during yesterday's GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- livestream?
Well it was to help advertise the cosplay contest I guess, so this smaller amount of advertising would hopefully create free advertising all across twitter
The polls are just for fan engagement. How many times have they put "Fix lobbies" "Add rank matchmaking" "Add more gatlings" "Add" Jam" on these stupid things and not one of them was addressed? Your vote doesn't matter. Their minds are already made up on what they're going to add. Instead of things to make the game better, you're getting 'meme of 3'. A mode no one asked for and will only play for a week.
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Gooners don't buy games though

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