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Previous thread: >>500068021

>Version 1.03(1.04 if you're on console) is out!
>Metaphor: ReFantazio peaks at 85k concurrent players on Steam!
>Metaphor: ReFantazio surpasses 1m sales on launch day
>Now available EVERYWHERE (but Nintendo Switch and Xbox One)

>Metaphor: ReFantazio Special Soundtrack

>MetaphorFix (adds proper ultrawide, things, etc.)

>Kino commercial

>How many hours have you played?
>What day are you on?
>What are your favorite classes?
>Favorite BGM?
>Are you having fun?

>"How should I build my MC?"
Realistically anything works, you won't brick yourself even on Hard or Regicide. Common consensus is a hybrid STR/MAG/AGI is best.
>"What is the best team comp?"
Just about everything works, do whatever you like the most and it'll work on any difficulty.
>"How should I manage my time?"
There's more than enough time in the game to 100%, do whatever you'd like.

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What tribe is Galica?
onahole tribe
What is it a metaphor for though
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REgarding fantasy
Fabienne sexo
Catherina only joins once in my playthrough
Why is she like this
a finished game
It's a metaphor for persona
Metaphor is better than persona tho
Metaphor IS persona
Metaphor is Persona
Persona is SMT
Metaphor = SMT
>start on hard difficulty
>fail to ambush, get ambushed instead
>alt+f4 and reload autosaves constantly
>spend rest days to recover MP
>brick bond progression because no days left
>restart on normal and actually have fun
70% like persona yes
However there's no persona, no high school AND no romance
Some enemies are fucking retarded even if you backstab them they will turn around quickly to rape you in the ass
anon you realize there's a retry battle button right??
anon you realize mage passively restores the party's MP right??
>However there's no persona,
There is. Use the devil summoner mask on the persona master class, they all yell "Persona!" when they summon the demons.
>no high school
Wait for the mage academy dlc
>AND no romance
Could have spent less time writing this and instead told us you're retarded. Would have conveyed the same message.
>hit enemy for 10+ seconds
>finally stunned
>start fight
>first hit I land gets rid of the stun
>no catgirl party member
That's reaching. I know you also call SMTVV a persona game
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me and my dawg
>Persona 6 will take place in the Mage Academy
>anon you realize there's a retry battle button right??
yes, doesn't fix failing to ambush
>anon you realize mage passively restores the party's MP right??
ok but counterpoint, getting mage on your characters and grinding weak mobs every time is autistic and not fun
I don't get it.
Instant retry if that happens, funny rng gimmick
Persona 6 and the Philosopher's Stone,
A character yells "Persona!" and summons a jack frost from the Sea of Souls, and you say that's not a persona?
kys Eupha shitter
>doesn't fix failing to ambush
skill issue
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What's wrong with this girl?
What do I do with Eupha? I'm not sure what other archetypes to go for to get skills to inherit.
Ok it's a persona game...
It isn't
Girlboss localization
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>no Trauma Center references
It's... over...
They got localized out
I pretty much just did the path to get her to Royal Summoner. I wanted to get her down to Warlock as well because I think Hyper would be good on her, but it's too much investment.
Max out assassin so you can have third eye as an inheritance skill and giggle to yourself everytime you see it.
should I play EO if I thought dragon temple was the peak of this game
You can take the girl out of the IRA but you can't take the IRA out of the girl.
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I'd say EO is worth playing if you like JRPGs or dungeon crawlers in general, but if you like the Dragon Temple that's all the more reason to try it.
imma be real Homo Tenta are bad mascot character
should have been Jack Frost instead
Junah has the best lines
Jack Frost is better, but that doesn't mean he should be Metaphor's mascot. Homo Tenta are fine.
Didja hear? Me mate in the palace says the reason we ain't heard about no queen is that our king has him a hard spot for too many of them women. According to me mate, he's got the three-eyed judge in his bed, him and his captain is going at it in the garden all the time, Lady Junah drops in for her own "visits", and a rhoag, Catherina, some truth-speaking clemar, and get this, he says even a fairy!
God above, I'll not say he hasn't earned it but where's that boy got the time to actually be a King, eh?
Well, may be that I'm jealous, but what sane man wouldnt?
Tehn Ga
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fuck u say about that la creatura nigga
making Eupha ahegao with her third eye
>be in NG+ with all the best gear
>still open all the chests even though they have garbage
I'm conditioned
Its not compulsion, it's dedication. If I'm gonna be shot out the ass of a sandworm, you'd better believe I'm taking absolutely everything of marginal value on my way out the (back) door
Which one should I start out with? I know the obvious answer is to start with the first game but in EO's case both the originals and the remakes of the first 2 games have questionable aspects
The succession crisis is going to be insane
I'd say if you have a 3DS then EO4 is a good starting place, if not the PC port of EO3 is a good starting place.
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Louis my beloved...
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>when you're the most social person alive but no wants to hang out
Enough time has passed for Fabienne to grieve, and I want to step up.
wew, just finished the game, that final boss was rougher than I expected. Sad I didn't quite finish all the quests and social links. Is regicide bullshit or fine?
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I did it. I beat Full power Destroyer Charadrius and with that I've 100% completed Metakino ReFantazio.
better than persona 1 at least
>easiest game to read all books in
>I still managed to fuck that up
>even when I had the missable book
I have no motivation to play NG+
Whats good passive setups for the MCs final class? Was thinking of grabbing all the passive Synthesis skill buffs for beeg damage.
Merchant lineage has Almighty boost. Past that it's up to you due to how stacked its base skillset is.
Hulkenberg WILL never let the MC mingle with a papirus widow with dried-up ovaries
Contemplative finger in Euphas butt.
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Overlord's Sash and a special Crossier allow her to make the most of synthesis attacks.
Other than that, I'd suggest the Vid + Debilitate skills to increase her debuff utility.
Did you fight the bosses in the last dungeon? If so then it should have been really easy.
Metaphor is better than persona 3, 4 and 5
Regicide is fine. You're gonna steam roll everything until you get back to endgame.
I don't think this game was 10/10 but it'd be funny if it won goty or at least rpg of the year. Does it have a chance?
You know I'm right
I don't think so. Most people have their mind on FF7R
With chinese botting for Wukong we can forget goty but rpg maybe, Rebirth neM8WDAeds to be cucked.
No way
I beat em, my survivability was just awful. Maybe relied on Hulkenberg’s counters and Heismay’s evasion to drain press turns and not have it happen but I dunno, seemed pretty close. Was probably just a case of not using/unlocking good inherited skill synergies but whatever, got through it in the end. Also I haven’t posted in a while, what the fuck is this 900 second timer to post?
Low IQ post. The press is the one who pics the GOTY, not the people.
I want to FUCK Strohl (or be fucked by him)
IRL men are gross but anime men are cute
Japan is scheming
honestly you're right what am I even thinking the players have a say
Probably has to do with your damage output. I hardly used any tanking or healing and focused on pure dps. Even with a sub-optimal strategy, I was able to beat the first fight in 2-3 turns, the second in 4-5, and the last in a single turn thanks to a lucky crit.
game needed a post game dungeon
This game is too unfinished. Rebirth will win.
rebirth is also using a modern engine
I don't understand how Atlus thought it was worth releasing this game in this state with the worst visuals of any rpg and content missing out the ass. Pretty much everyone is saying it's a complete mess and Rebirth and Reload are both miles better.
And is woke so journos love it
Game seems to have had a very strenuous development period so wouldn't surprise me if they started development so long ago on the P5 engine that they were then stuck on it
soul > slick engines and committee design, simple as
The people have spoken and they definitely don't agree.
The people are retarded so who cares
That doesn't sound fine.
I've played more new releases I liked this year than I do most years, but despite that I can't think of many that feel like game of the year contenders. Maybe they're potentially my game of the year, but they're not liked enough in general to land the actual award.
>the people say
BITCH, what do (You) say?
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I liked that both mom and dad have been guiding their son in their own way.
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>"erm.. I can't you let be king just like that, what about all the weak people that rely on the sanctist church.."
>church literally does nothing except victimize the most exposed marginalized groups

what did she mean by this??
>the church is bad
>make not-satan the final boss
What did they mean by this
you mean not-lucifer?
tomato tomahto
A game that looks this shit will never be GOTY
they're almost perfect opposites
a game that isn't 1000xresist(which looks much worse) will never be goty
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Metalsday night in the king's private quarters.
Those who have to rely on religion are weak of heart.
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I love my silly Hulkin wife
would alonzo be devil arcana
why is she always drawn huge when she's barely taller than Will
sure, but that doesn't answer the contradiction at all
It's like this isn't even a AA game. It's got worse production value and content than a Gust game.
What's the best use for free days and nights in the last month? I've maxed bonds and royal virtues already, just missing some dungeons.
for people that play very suboptimally or don't quite get the grasp early on to have a chance. you can always increase hp or mana or stats
you can watch plays at the opera house with your waifu gallica
>They're not the same
>Lucifer wasn't even in the bible
Huh, you learn something new everyday. Thanks anon.
You lost /v/ schizo, because metaphor is better than your favorite game :)
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>Cheat my level to max early on
>Gets 2 shotted anyway
Do levels mean nothing in this game
get fucked cheater
no? did you just set your level to 99? because you need to actually level up to set stats
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Are there mods for this game yet? I'd like one that let me do shit on days I have squat to do, like enabling the runner facilities or what not
there are mods but they're focused on restoring hulkenbergs butt
I use exp multiplier and yes I set stats
well yeah stats matter. but the game still revolves around not letting your enemy have a turn at all, most of the time
You can tell a game is broken when it still sucks after you make yourself max level
I admire the courage to make yourself look this much like a fool. even anonymously I don't think I could do it.
Fair enough
I might as well cheat the items
or just look up a strong rotation and completely nuke 99.9% of encounters
>metaphor with 4080s and uncapped caps at 170 fps
>smtvv with 4080s and uncapped caps at 500+ fps
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>MC is just the prince's OC
Guess the heterochromia should've tipped me off.
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>when she has a better pokemon than you
Jokes on them, Rhoag/Ishkia is a potent mix.
The developers of this game look like fools when every competitor and the younger staff at their company mog them endlessly
>unscathed victory
>mfw the schizo probably didn't even play the game
Why does the island savage Eupha have a perfect manicure
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>completely covered
I get that she plays a religious role and her clothes probably reflect that but it still seems a little odd to me that she doesn't show ANY skin at all. Like, she's even got fucking leggings. She must be sweaty as fuck.

I like that Gallica is so underdressed compared to everyone else, though.
How is this game "the future of jrpgs" when it's just a low budget persona ripoff trapped in p3 reload's shadow?
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Damn lil bro got that vegan speech going on
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>no short hair Hulkenberg from the flashback
>no swimsuits
this game is trash
>no short hair Hulkenberg from the flashback
>no swimsuits
finally a kino atlus game
>Atlus is the future of JRPGs
>Larian is the future of WRPGs
Square Enix and Bioware need to get their shit together
Am I supposed to finish the 3 dragon tower quests before heading for Skybound Avatar? The difficulty spike is ridiculous.
How exactly is Metaphor transformative? I liked it but it just feels like a slimmed-down Persona/SMT. The combat feels really reductive, especially once you get some proper tools to play with. It's only engaging at the start because your arsenal is so barebones that you can't really do what the game incentivizes, which is to one-turn every fight. And by the mid/end of the game this goes from being genuinely difficult to laughably easy, especially once you unlock Prince.
Mountain of basic things the game is just missing so innovative
No one even talks about the story of this shit
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I control your strings.
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They need to burn to the ground first and then we can talk about new beginnings, too much filith can't be purged otherwise
what does refantazio do that rpgs haven't done for ages? I like it but that article headline just gives the impression that the author isn't too familiar with the genre
And? Look at wukong and tell me how this game was a success
Again no one talks about the story or the characters other than to complain about how incomplete it all is
but it made people seething so it's funny
Fucking wild how a Saga game is doing great. Hope they go back to their roots instead of release more half assed action games.
maybe the author makes the case that the future of jrpgs won't be transformative and we only have derivative works ahead of us
Personally, I can't play it because I don't think the visuals can compared to the remastered 2D version.
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I like the game but that's a real baby's first jrpg take.
You can take the fan out of Persona, but you can't take Persona out of the fan.
>b-but what about wukong
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oh, it's wired, no wonder
>what if humans... le bad
>such depths
I can see Gallica's feet
so basically this games plot is a ripoff of nier replicant/gestalt
All these boys will grow up with a crush on Maria, only to get cucked when they find out she's getting dicked by the king.
>Louis' plan is to reverse the function of the Royal Scepter, dumping all the magla and anxiety onto the populace so they transform into humans, expecting the best of the best to be able to control themselves the way the MC did (even though that was from fairy magic, not any inherent strength the MC possessed, as proven later)
>he's doing this in apparent pursuit of a world where people don't burden others with their own anxiety and master themselves
>ending reveals he could've achieved at least part of his goal by just destroying the scepter
So is he just crazy or stupid or what? Obsessed with power via persecution complex from being elda/PTSD from the burning of the village?
Barely noticed anxiety in the game outside the status effect tbqh
So why was the late king so impotent? Isn't the royal magic supposed to be godlike? Was he just so burdened with everyone's anxiety that he lost the will to live, or did that have more to do with losing his wife and child? Surely he could've used the magic for something more immediately useful than becoming a giant floating face?
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A little girl running off to "befriend" only boys unsupervised is used goods
She only tries to befriend boys because the girls her age in sunshade row are too busy being some nobles cum dumpster
I mean halfway through his final encounter it turns out he can't even handle his own power, so he definately comes off as too crazy to really consider anything else. He's so obsessed with his idea of power that he can't comprehend the idea of being able to peacefully guide the people to a better tommorow the way Will and (You) do.
He has the motivations of one of the lower level gang characters from The Wire, but not the honesty to admit it
Honestly I think Louis' whole plan is bullshit and he's just a megalomaniac who wants to destroy the world as we know it. What stood out to me is when he tries to transform the MC into a human again before the final battle, if he expected the MC to be able to control himself then why would he even bother with this in the first place? It really comes across as if he knows that no one will be able to control the transformation, which means every single aspect of his plan is bullshit.
Since the party decided to psychoanalyze him it sounds like they think it's unresolved PTSD. Since the heroes said it it has to be true. But they didn't show it well in the game. All the anxiety stuff didn't get across well to me.
>Hulkenberg butt mod
>Junah pantsu mod
>Eupha poncho commando mod
Which other mods are on the must-have list?
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Gallica should have a fresh one-piece for every day of the week. Washer should have a fairy drum.
It would have been cute to have her wearing a different color corresponding to the day.
i hope they play one of the monk songs in goty awards thing, team ambush hopefully
you might as well ask for radiant historia or steamboat chronicles references if you want that.
I'd agree, especially since he's apparently able to consistently create humans for him to slay, with zero mention of anyone he tried to transform controlling themselves. It's kind of funny the party approaches his plan from the "your world is one where the weak get culled, that's not true justice!" angle and not the more fundamental "this plan makes no sense and just sounds like an excuse for you to kill everyone" angle. Kinda missing the forest for the trees pointing out that omnicide is unjust.
I don't know the point of the whole charade in the first place, considering there's two endings where it fails. There has to be an easier spell to get your son the throne. No one else had a real chance and it was only people wealthy/lucky enough to have a gauntlet runner who could compete. The civilians rejoice once they hear it's the prince as if they never had any problem with the royal family anyway.
Asuna and Karin vibes
honestly the entire back half of the story is pretty sloppy, everything after the opera house feels like it was written by someone else.
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Its wild that physical gets all this helpful shit like gamblers manual, boosts/surges having higher damage bonuses than the magic ones, a cheap full party power charge by endgame, and they can crit. Magic gets nothing in this game really :((( not even a full party hyper without items (unless I missed it).
How did you feel about the relationship between the Prince and Will?

I thought they were secret twin brothers or something.
The king even says something along the lines of "my gamble paid off" at the end. Bro, that wasn't a gamble, that was a fucking miracle. If his wife hadn't asspulled herself into fairy magic this shit would've gone down in flames. Why did the king make this "gamble" and leave almost nothing in place to help the prince win?
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>Brawler is my favorite archetype
>Elite form cockblocked until the very end
There was a point I wondered if we were going the Deadly Premonition route or the Breath of Fire 4 route. Turns out it was a bit of both.
I liked that reveal but I think it's odd that Will just completely overwrites the prince including all his memories and is still made of pure magla. Makes me wonder why the merge had to happen at all
I was also expecting something like that, that way they'd both be princes. What we got definitely aligns more with the themes of the game, I just wish it had been foreshadowed and explained a bit more thoroughly. They could've done this pretty easily through Gallica, hinting at small discrepancies in their memory throughout the story instead of right before the revelation. Same with the whole "open secret that the prince was an elda" thing, the game drops these concepts as they become relevant rather than setting them up, which makes them feel like asspulls.
I liked the twist and thought it suited the theme of the game well. I never really gave a shit about the prince though, the situation allowed me to just view Will as his own separate entity from the prince even if he technically is himself the prince, so I didn't feel any more attachment to the prince from learning Will was born from him.
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Dominating Louis Guiabern in bed!
The Prince was dead and had spent the last 10 or so years in a coma, so it isn't like he was going to be able to lead. The merge does seem weird since it seems like the MC pretty much just had the Prince's looks imposed on top of him, but everybody seems to view it as the Prince coming back. The MC was born of the Prince so I guess it is all the same.
Thanks for the input Reid McCarter, I'm sure everyone really gives a fuck what you think.
>leave almost nothing in place to help the prince win?
do you forget late king summoned (You) from a world beyond to guide the main character? i swear half of the questions people write here can be answered if they just read
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Louis is too good at hiding his emotions by now. I'd say he still has them but you rarely get microreactions that show some sorrow about it. Eg the moment Strohl mentions his hometown he has one sad portrait and then doubles down right away. Same with Basilio and Fidelio "faltering, he sounds a bit more disappointed but still goes for the kill. He is so deep into his plan and reasoning that the moment he falters all he did was for nothing and then he couldn't justify all his cruel acts anymore. That's why Basilio comparing him to Forden triggers him most, his acts are all means to an end for him but Forden just acted selfish for power.
They didn't hate the king because of his ideals, they hated him because he was ineffectual. It's why Louis gets by in spite of openly being a sociopathic murderer.
the elite form sucks, half of its moveset is taken up by fucking shitty healing skills for no reason
half of its moveset literally invalidated by one heavy healing skill or an item
What did you do about the Archetype XP? I've half a mind to go to Skybound Avatar, grind the shit out of it and then go down and clear out the three dragons.
That's all fine and dandy but I'm talking about tangible assets the prince could utilize. It's sheer luck, or """""fate""""" that the MC encounters Hulkenberg, who happens to still be in touch with Neuras, who happened to keep the royal runner in a functional state, without which the prince would've been immediately disqualified. Like I said, he left almost nothing in place to ensure his gamble could even have a chance of working. If (You) were that special then it wouldn't have been a gamble in the first place.
Thanks for the spoilers bros
The fuck are you here for if you want to avoid spoilers?
This reminds me of when P5 launched and we had people in the general almost 24/7 very adamant that the game wasn't doing well, Goro was not popular and P4 was still king
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>how should I build mc
Support since Basilio is the real damage dealer and Heismay is the tank
You need to work on your tolerance
Sex with Our Del
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atlus general when
I'm glad we have no Kasumi schizo here, let's keep it that way
Not going to happen. Each fanbase hates each other. /pg/ even kicked Metaphor out despite them just being a schizo central who are starving for content.
What's the worst highest tier archetype? My vote goes to Martial Artist or Warlock
>they removed Mara
GOTY canceled. Game rating dropped to 1/10
Junah on royal dancer with Revitalise 3 and the Full Moon Medal only gets 6MP per turn. I cannot figure out what is causing this. No matter what combination of equipment and skills I inherit, she's limited to 6. Does Royal Masked Dancer have some passive that overrides MP regen abilities?
I did notice when Basilio calls him out in the opera after the deed all the theatrics drop and he just leaves. It's a far cry from when Strohl confronted him.
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Soul Hacker
Check the synthesis skills bro...
>its not a spear wielding class
Huh. Final Fantasy bros?
>youtube forces you to sign in if you're using a VPN now
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My two favourite Atlus games ;)
>just discovered Dynast Formation
Damn why is this not in any royal class
>/pg/ even kicked Metaphor out
That didn't happen we left willingly because the demo happened and /pg/ was just a complete dumpster fire
Weren’t there rumors about the Hushed Honeybee owner too?
>the animation for Masquerade Charge
are you fucking serious, that's hilarious
how can this shit be anyone's favorite anything game? it's missing too much content and it looks like shit
There is not a single P5 reference in the persona master job because p5 is shit
the fucking job icon has Joker's mask you blind retard
the same can be said about your favourite game
Healer and cleric are both better than saviour
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It's Dragoon like the gun.
How did you not finish everything unless you were actively trying not to?
That probably just means that you can’t stack the accessory effect with the passive since the accessory is literally the passive. Just use revitalise and shield blessing so junah can actually use her masks, particularly the one with light and dark spells.
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Isn't the icon the symbol that's on P3 and P4's tarot cards?

Savior gets Exorcist Light which is good.
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pls Hashino-sama.. no more bonds.. no more power of friendship pls...
I want to empty my balls in Catherina's dumb, sweaty cunt
>crit build
>needs 3 more warriors to take advantage of crit passive and crit buff
>incredibly unreiable, he never crits, damage is underwhelming despite having three different sources of slash boost damage
>completely outclassed by heismay
>has potential as a mage nuke but class relegates her into debuff support that gets outclassed by prince synth skill with royal summoner
They weren’t very good at balancing the game, wanton destruction is kinda retarded and Heismay is mandatory
That's not the job icon bro
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Looks like it's Metaphor vs. Rebirth for RPG of the year.
You can just inherit that and pen patra to cleric which gets a more efficient heal and magical injection which SHOULD have been a savior base skill but no fatlus thinks pen patra is better somehow
Making half-breed paripus princes and princesses in the gauntlet runner covered in blood after killing a bounty?
This is a pretty compelling argument
So the ideal mc build is
>accessory that reduces synth turn cost
>reverent crown
>magic link
>arcane unity
>buff/debuff skill
>buff/debuff/heal skill
I thought almighty boost would be good on him but the damage is severely underwhelming.
Emerald Vortex might be cool if you grind mc out you get a way better sword than the wind one.
Radiance is weaker than Exorcist light so its not worth using.
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She has big tits
Gonna be disappointing if the DLC or eventual Royal edition doesn't have content beyond the epilogue

I wanna use the King's archetype and have a genuine national crisis to contend with as King
overlord sash is mandatory
it triples your damage unironically

strohl/warrior line gets a 2h sword that also triples damage
Grius will survive on metaphor reloaded right? And he will come with a new archetype that uses one handed swords right?
I wouldn't mind just getting a new scenario like Vengeance, but it's a bit of a tough call. I say I wouldn't mind having that because I think it worked so well for SMTV, but the base scenario was already weak enough in SMTV that maybe it wouldn't be as appropriate in a game where the base scenario is already good.
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Every time
Fabienne bond in reloaded or dlc?
Youre talking about the subarmor that greatly increases slash damage
Combine that with slash surge and slash boost
Now the problem is how you boost his crit to max to take advantage of the gambler accessory and so he can at least not look like a second rate basilio who generates press turns while dealing fucking 4k damage per turn and this is without charge
Is strohl just meant to be used with junah and bas? Cause that just seems worse than using Eupha for free press turns with mc. Plus that setup has no Heismay which is a critcal disadvantage
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I'm still not going to be surprised if EA just buys it for Veilguard.
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you really can't beat a pair of big tits
Looks great to me, honestly. What do you mean missing content?
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no I'm talking about the accessory that "sharply increases (triples btw) damage and MP cost of synthesis"
Take picrel for example this was a low roll and also not a crit with that item equipped. Combined with Acrane Unity (Increases Synthesis damage), Almighty boost, and Critical trade, and I think my last skill was one of the 10% damage boost skills like kinship
What if the pair is not on an obese woman though
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You can get the same effect on Strohl with this sword, since at endgame he is just a peerless stonecleaver bot anyway
Yeah that's the sword that triples synthesis damage thanks anon
Magic gets nothing like this LOL poor magfags
This implies giving up the gamblers accessory though, unless you think 2 turn cost synthesis is viable, in which case strohl is just strictly worse than bas
People thought Goro wasn't popular?
>wind sword
>emerald vortex
Phys is still better but learn how to play the game faggot
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Yeah, it was the Full Moon Medal overriding her skills. Weird, you'd think that if they don't stack it would just proc the one that gives the most MP. Apparently the item just makes it ignore whatever skills she inherits.

Full Moon Medal only = 6
Shield Blessing only = 10
Revitalise 3 only = 6

Shield Blessing + Full Moon Medal = 6
Shield Blessing + Revitalise 3 = 16
Shield Blessing + Revitalise 3 + Full Moon Medal = 6
I used the 3x sword with gambler manual and my crits were doing 60k on Strohl using this skill setup >>500174892 but with slash boost instead of almighty ofc

Maglet LOL even the magic passive skills are better on phys users
Level 99?
If so i dont care
nope level 70 with like 89 strength
is it really unbelievable when there's a sword that TRIPLES YOUR DAMAGE retard
There are still people who don't like him now, people who didn't like him for the same reasons then voiced that opinion then too. Disappointment that he's an edgelord, being mad at the sympathy the Thieves show for him and reflecting that on their opinion of the character, thinking he's an Adachi knockoff, whatever. With opinion not as settled on the game and characters there were just some that believed their own opinion reflected the general opinion of the character.
So you’re telling me that your strohl was doing 20k with just slash boost
Trusting Hulkenberg to find a suitable queen for MC seems like a bad idea in general. And for the most part given the main options the game throws at you are from the more discrimnated races things prolly will be messy for awhile
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slash boost, slash surge, arcane unity, and short range boost yes
>3 turn cost stonecleaver
>have a chance of not critting
Was it worth it over just spamming wanton destruction and getting a free turn every turn for the measly cost of one turn?
So is your entire setup just having everyone setup buffs debuffs for strohl? How do you get press turns?
Both of his options are discriminated races
Do you have the MCs ultimate class anon??
That's how
Blackguard requires eupha and eupha can’t generate her own press turns, you are getting press turns twice at best unless you’re using the generals ice skill on someone
Metaphor is alright, but if you say its yours favorite you either
a) have played no other games
b) have shit standards
c) are trolling
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So Louis is like a sephiroth
heismay with fakers roguery
Favorite game of all time?
Favorite game of this year?
I don't think that is unreasonable.
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wrong pic
>Non-stop yapping
>Shitty combat
Why this game highly rated?
theres nothing else released this year that was remotely interesting or good anon
name 1
favorite game released within the last two console generations easily.
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>prettier than his dad
the Kingdom is SAVED
I ended up liking Faker more than I initially imagined, they did good by giving it Free Juggling and Roguery to make up for its inherent lack of offensive power.
Having a playable version of Beast Eye feels so fucking good when you need to clutch for a couple of press turns.
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>top will
>Just finished the castle dungeon
How far am I into the story? I'm already bored of this shit the battles are boring, the story is boring, the characters are boring, everything is boring. I wasted my money buying this kusoge
>check metaphor streams just because on twitch
>the one with the current highest viewed is an Asian girl with her tits nearly out
I really want to respect women, bros, I really do...
If it's Kaho she's literally an ex AV actress
Don't know about you, having their tits out makes me respect them more.
We need a person to unite all of the generals into one.
If the game gives me a playable dragon eye (without hacks) I'm gonna use it I don't care if it's rng and 100MP that's what makes it fun
There was a castle dungeon in Persona 3?
You're gonna get a far more reliable version later too
Atlus philosophy with the gameplay this time around wasn't balance, and that's cool. They really want to see how much you can break the game before it breaks you.
Is there any reason not to just set your entire party to backline on the off chance you get ambushed?
Just destroying the scepter just means that people will not have their anxieties sucked up by the scepter anymore. Whether they can overcome it or not is up to the individual, but failing to do so isn't a death sentence. The average person won't have anxieties bad enough that they would turn into a human in their day-to-day life.
But Louis doesn't want that. He wants the decision made immediately. "Can you or can't you" and if you can't, then you don't deserve to exist. Anyone that can't overcome their anxieties right now will cause problems in the new world he's trying to make, so they need to be culled. And, of course, there's the added bit about people needing to overcome it alone, whereas MC's crew is all about bonds and helping each other.
They really should've added a boss/superboss that messes with turn icons somehow (and also has the defenses to not die to a 1 shot phys setup) once you get "that move" the game just falls apart in terms of difficulty. Even the NG+ superboss can be 1 shot with those setups on hard (idk about regicide but probably)
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>They really should've added a boss/superboss that messes with turn icons somehow
The final boss has a one turn removing move, but lol
I'm much more likely to forget my physical character is on the back line than I am to get ambushed.
I kinda thought Elegy of the Soul would've done something similar considering it's whole gimmick. Kind of a missed opportunity
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Unfortunately for him, he couldn't handle the setups long enough for it to matter
there has never been a more disappointing game and there's still retards that think this will be goty lmao lmao fuck you
no one cares about this game because the final boss is too easy
Cute Hulkenburger
poison is fucking useless
>no content updates
>no balance patches
I'll take the bait
Are you that much of hero shooter comptard that you need balance patches in a single player JRPG?
how dare a company release a complete game instead of cutting out parts to drip-feed over the course of 6 seasons passes
But anon, she would die. Don't you played black souls?
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Finished the game, I love that Heismay is still somewhat racist to the paripus even after a year.

What is the best way to farm MAG late game? First time this has ever been an issue i need line 120k
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It's my goty so far and I doubt Veilguard will reach the same heights
Just got the dragon lance and am finally looking to start the Louis assassination plot. Am I close to the end yet?
There were already those braindead people in the slums with the scepter wouldn't there be more now? Can't solve nationwide unemployment in a year
lol nop
Will/Hulkenberg brainrot is ruining my day
i cant work with an ever-constant boner
>is already good
But this game's story is shit
even in japan ffbros hate it lol
>unicorn overlord
>romancing saga 2 remake
The year of we wuz kangz. At least Alain got to keep his mom alive.
>release a complete game
Where did they do that? You mean the other team in February?
The story isn't done, the gameplay is not even close to being in a playable state, the graphics are all alpha assets
I still am not sure how the King split himself into More
I know that Prince's will(lol) is a manifest of magla coming from the book (that Mom managed to help in its creation) but what about More? I know that the King's magic played fault there but I don't think he knew that his son was alive through a tulpa, and if he never was, would he have locked himself in akademia deliberately?
>asking questions about an incomplete story
This is just elden ring all over again
The book itself is a divine relic that materializes the soul/ideal of the user. In this case, the Prince's feelings when reading it created Will, the King's feelings when writing it created More.
And then what about the villain
Nothing because the game didn't launch complete
More was locked away not as part of the royal magic gamble, but because the King gave up on his hopes and dreams.
Did something happen lately to cause us to pick up these shitposters?
So /v has completely moved into these threads after their shitposting friends moved on to the next game, huh?
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Wait wait but Louis had the same book, doesn't that mean that was also a relic and he can survive easy that way?
>Japan thinks the game is worse than compile heart slop
Nah leftovers from /v/ who haven't moved on to shitposting about Veilguard
Those retards still spend money on it, the jokes on them then.
Wait when did they say the book is a divine relic, just one specific version of it is OP enough to make tulpas?
Show the good story and gameplay if it exists but it doesn't
>it's another shitpost raid episode
I almost believed that too but I think It's only due to the original book, MC's book was the first book the king made so it holds that special power
Goborn King is fucking bullshit on hard. Nonstop AGI+ spam and no way to clear it this early in the game.
Novel Louis will obviously be the dlc expansion antagonist
Hmmm most likely but still an interesting thought that helps me to be more delululu about him still being alive
Why are you even in this thread? Post your playtime so I know you've actually played the game. If you don't post your playtime, then I accept your concession.
>worst thing atlus released this year
>a shitty remake and a cashgrab rerelease/port
ok sure ryong
Feels like something that was wrote by someone who spent the major part of his life in a room that's entire cut off from the world.
Both vastly more complete and better written games
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In the anime cutscene during the awakening.
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>JP audio
>use Brawler ability
>character clearly says "Monk"
the moment I saw the royal spell in akademeia I fucking knew more was the king
feels good to be vindicated
go back to /v/
cars kill people and therefore are bad btw
I don't know why they felt they had to change some of the archetype names but it is what it is.
Do they think American audiences don't know what a monk is?
It's so weird coming back to the thread after finishing the game and seeing this one /v/tard doing his one man shitposting campaign.
What is this autism
Still waiting on your answer. If you don't reply in the next 15 minutes then you're admitting to being a shitposting coward and your concession will be formally acknowledged.
I don't think that's the case since "monk"'n'shit are vastly used in pretty much any media that portray martial artists in a fantasy light, even western-made.
I just have no clues man.
It's possible since I'd assume a lot more people associate the term monk with a bald guy who lives in a religious temple than someone who fights with their fists. But DnD has been using monk forever so who knows.
It's because the other version of "Monk" is already used in referenced to the Sanctist church.
What are they called in Japanese then? Mage or some shit?
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In a fighting context if you say "monk" the first thing people will think of is a shaolin monk, a master of unharmed combat.
Look I don't like americans either but we don't have to pretend they're absolute fucktarded and ignorant to the point of being unable to fathom these concepts.
This game is actually pretty hard...
I'm in Mausoleum Catacombs right now and enemies hit like a truck and also very tanky. It was fine at first I could spam weakness, but I'm running out of MP. Mage's field MP restore isn't enough.
each battle feels extremely unrewarding since they barely give any EXP. at least give me some MP potions ffs!
I hate that there's literally no full restore point in a dungeon, like in the safe zone or when leveling up.
also fuck that blue ball demon that can self-destruct and summon allies.
Are you on hard or normal? You're not supposed to clear dungeons in one day. See how far you can get while conserving MP, and once you run out retire for the day.
>You're not supposed to clear dungeons in one day
what's the normal pacing?
I'm on Hard, but thinking of just lower the difficulty. the number of enemy + dungeon length are too overwhelming
I'm on hard too and I was doing like 2 save points/shortcuts per day or so. I think I spent a total of 3 days in the catacombs, but I also did the side dungeon before clearing the catacombs for better gear/EXP.
How do I get to side dungeon?
Ignore this anon >>500187430
and just run by all the overworld encounters until you get to the boss to conserve MP, you don't have to fight every single thing on your screen
In accordance with the conditions outlined here (>>500185369, >>500186419) your concession has been accepted, and all credibility of your criticisms has been revoked. No further replies are needed, and the concessions contained in any future posts of yours will be implicitly accepted. Have a good day.
I cleared every dungeon in the game in one day on hard with no grinding. I really don't think you should have to be spending multiple days.
Make friends with the brown elf (you'll need wisdom which you can get by sitting on the bench).
On hard you do need to do some grinding, running past the enemies straight to the boss will be a bad time.
fight the mobs you can 1 shot in the overworld then to save MP and still get decent EXP/Levels
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does the game end when i finish this quest? or can i still mess around doing other stuff until the last day on the calendar
They say somewhere in the game that the book functions as a holy relic, and its likely that it makes your heart's desire (your dream) come true. The prince wanted "Will" since his was taken away. The king wanted "More" from life for him and his people. As all he experienced was pain, suffering, and anxiety, which multiplied when he became king. Not to mention all of his biggest fears coming true with literally everything getting worse under his rule. Given that the king wrote the book during his trip to the Eldan Sanctum, it's likely the book runs on the magic found at the Elda Sanctum, or fairy magic or some shit. Which isn't too out there, considering all the "holy relics" need an energy source. This is probably why Louis couldn't make the book work, because he could never return to where his life was burned down.
Every single Persona game expects you to spend multiple days on a dungeon and Metaphor is no different. I do not believe your post to be honest. You'd run out of MP or arrive to the boss under leveled if you tried doing it in one day.
no you get the remainder of your free days after skybound until the 27th where you get locked in the final dungeon permanently
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cool, thanks
The game does not end.
The game gives you plenty of MP items and ways to regain MP passively. Also none of the bosses are hard enough that you can't overcome level differences with proper planning.
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Doable but unlikely, especially earlier on when MP items are in short supply.
No it doesn't. I didn't use any MP items for the first dungeon and I had maybe 10 of the +20MP items total. That's not enough to do the entire dungeon in a day on hard, where exploiting weaknesses via skills is required. Did you really play on hard, Anon, or are you lying?
I miss Basilio.
I think you might just be bad anon, I've never spent more than a single in game day dungeoning across all the Persona games, Metaphor included
>inb4 you're playing on easy mode no way that's possible otherwise
No retard I always pick the hardest difficulty because it's a color matching video game
The localization is this game makes the average Ted Woolsey script seem quaint
>got the 'all quests' achievement
Neat, I assumed I missed some.
What do you gain from lying on the internet like this? There are actually not enough MP items that early to sustain a full party through the entire dungeon.
Not really sure what to tell you. If there was some way to let you investigate my save file to see dungeon clear times I would show you. I used a lot of Monk/Kung Fu Master to save MP and rotated party members often.
>The game gives you plenty of MP items
mage class gives you full party MP restore
Reminder that the meta is bas, eupha and heismay.
You originally claimed you beat it without grinding, now you're saying you spammed a skill that requires you to repeatedly fight enemies in the overworld for a small MP gain. Dishonest.
MP is an issue when you have 3 or 4 party members. Unless you use the Mage trick its pretty much impossible to clear a dungeon.
>b-but I can just skip everything to fight the boss
Yea no shit if you know what the boss do. most people want to fully explore a dungeon instead of rushing

>rotated party members
By that time you have enough shit to get through anything
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>enter room
>fae sight
>all the enemies here are blue
>ok i'll swap to mage and clear these before moving on
It's that simple. You don't have to sit there and farm them forever. This happens very often in this game.
>all the enemies are blue
>but I didn't grind and avoided combat
Admit you are a liar and we can move on. Anon was looking for advice on clearing dungeons on hard, and you came in here spreading misinformation for internet tough guy points.
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Youre supposed to use mage to recover mp early game.
If you’re not a fucking retard you will have 4mp recovery accessories by the time you hit martira, which will make mp a non issue until you get shield blessing.
Seriously, the game is not that hard how the fuck are people getting filtered by resource management
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Love this guy
Never said I avoided combat. You made that part up. Pretty much every dungeon will have blue enemies in it if you are following the level curve and killing everything.
>Never said I avoided combat.
>and just run by all the overworld encounters until you get to the boss to conserve MP
Sorry let me correct myself, after you recruit heismay you can get those accessories and you can get 2 as long as you’re not a retard and save the faker unlock dungeon until after you unlock heismay. The only major dungeon between that point and when the game formally starts is the grand cathedral which you can easily run mage the entire way and keep strohl and hulkenburg on brawler
That's not me but that anon is also correct you don't have to fight everything.
mage only recovers 1 mp per enemy killed though, there's no way you got enough mp to sustain yourself on HARD in a single day without grinding (going back to farm blue enemies)
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So I spent 100 hours+ and just beat the game
Overall it was a fun experience

Gameplay is fun, although I hate how everyone gets a unique archetype though. it makes experimenting less rewarding
Battle themes are good. the rest are pretty forgettable. Kinda reminds me of FFXII osts. Good ambience but not really memorable like persona
Story starts off really strong but kinda fizzle out after dragon island. Louis is still a great villain by jrpg standard

sorry but atlus still can't top P3
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Why is he such a chick magnet?
>Grius: I'm sure it was Louis that attacked the prince, I saw it with my own two eyes
>Grius's journal: I'm sure they have the formula for the spell written down somewhere, we just need to find it

Fuck you Grius, you led us on wild goose chases for half the game.
Hulk didn't actually say she likes you though?
For all the Hulk fanart I'm seeing, she had the least hints of romance out of any girl.
It's kinda funny how they went after the wrong target despite all their efforts
That was not his fault.
The build of the person who casted the curse implied it was a 12 year old child with ties to the royal family.
Therefore it made perfect sense for him to assume it was Louis since Rella would not have made sense given how she was and Grius didn’t know Forden was evil.
People really don't care as much as shipperfags here care.
too sexy for the modern audience just like Hulk's initial ass
We got the better Paripus.
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>all the anons blatantly lying about doing hard dungeons in a day with no grinding
Sauce please
All the Louis fights needed to be wayyyyy harder like I'm talking a 10-20 level increase for all his fights, he's a pushover in every fight except maybe the final boss form. Also imagine how much of a spectacle it'd be to scan Louis in the first fight to see he's level 70 when your party is only 40-50! That'd be badass and actually give some merit to him being the big bad of the game. It's my main criticism with Metaphor, Louis needs to be scarier/stronger.
skill issue
There's basically none. If anything she's closer to a mother figure than anything else. Junah is openly flirty and hints at wanting to pursue romance at the end, but Eupha goes way further than that, basically initiating romance all on her own. By the end she's doing shit wives usually do for their husbands on the island.
>Sukundas your ass
Ooh wow, how did I do that?
Probably because I stopped to talk to people, got Faker, and learned enrage mechanics
Unfortunately between the game's sloppier writing in the latter half and how powerful you get by the end of the game Louis is doomed to just not be that cool. In the first half he's rad as fuck and that's on full display right up to the Opera House, but once you're past that and you actually hear Louis' plan it all kinda falls apart.
Thank you. Fuck I miss being able to search for art on xitter through Likes.
I don't have Faker yet but I ended up beating him by just leaving one of his gobbo allies alive and sleeping it. Seems he only ups his evasion if he's the last one left.
If a sequel ever happens, I need a scene of warrior monks and humans beating the fuck out of each other.

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