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Previous: Invalid due to Tifanigger OP


>Glicko2 rating
>Tekken 8 Character Overviews
>Tekken 8 Important combos and moves for each character
>Fundamentals guide
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alive game
alive general
alive genre
Lili needs to be 135 cm and have braces on her teeth.
I'd still play him even if he was low tier and unpopular
Link the previous thread or face the consequences.
Ok now post Reina doing Ling's winpose.
Flash is a needful evil in this game
you can't argue against this in good faith and only shows you don't know shit about the game
Why are you guys complaining about flash? DSP told me it's useless because it got nerfed and has no range.
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flash is bad because i can't just let the character do the casino and win due to my opponent being forced to take everything i throw at him

omg i just want to win, not play the game
There's nothing more insufferable than hearing Tekken commentators call Yoshi players big brained for using flash after their opponent failed to punish it 10 times in one round.
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but commentators also need to be in bamco's good graces and call anything in this game big brain, when in fact everything in this game is brain dead
Flash is not inherently bad. The problem is that flash recovers way too fast on whiff, making it very hard to punish despite reading out a flash and it simply leads to too much damage. Nerf these two aspects of flash and it becomes a balanced tool.
Attacking when you have an advantage isn't playing the game. I play Yoshi btw if that matters.
if it's a necessary evil how come only one character that already has above average damage, good neutral, self heals and best oki in the game has access to it?
flash should be available in heat only
yeah, flash is brain dead, but so is the rest of roster that it becomes the least evil

same as why everything in this game tracks and clips, because the lesser players need to be able to win against better players.
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chicken legs
Heat buffs are cancerous as fuck. Having access to a readily available heat smash is enough.
flash shouldn't be available
>GM actually putting out informative and analytical content
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Conserte o Devil Jin dos Negros
that's what i call
i want to be lili
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Built like a white girl.
people be like "muh forced 5050" and then against everyone not-mishima the terrifying mixup is a regular low poke or an unbreakable throw that is essentially just a worse low poke
what are you afraid of?
Tekken 7 was torture.
at least my prostate felt good

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in NSS yoshi doesn't have access to his ws2 1 launcher, has less range and can be parried

his main strings are weak as fuck
the only mixups he has are only from kin stance and and most of his launchers can simply be blocked while standing while everything else only launches on counter hit.
He also has nothing that gives him huge +frames.

He actually requires your opponent to make mistakes if you're not using full crouch fd1 and the guard break setup
Spin costs life and most of the roster's moves either tracking or moving the character by a lot even on whiff makes it a huge gamble, not to mention you get ch if hit while spinning.

Other character can just do what the fuck they want, everything tracks and needs to thinking from the player and they do not get punished for anything.

If anything, yoshi should be an indicator of how bad every other character is since he was developed like that.
Whatchu mean what? Gm's been one of the few reasonable people who play this game.
This meme that this game is just casino trash is being pushed by retarded euros who can't play tekken. Especially all those german mishima tards like medusa.
people have been overrating yoshi for years
>Especially all those german mishima tards like medusa
>play casino character like a casino
>complain the game is casino
No they haven't.
GM himself been implying 8 is random trash in the comments of his latest lidia video
All it takes to bait someone is to simply say something that is not true. It is actually that simple.
complaining about flash is like driving a car into a wall and then crying that your car isn't immune to walls because you just want to go fast
i only understand food analogies, sorry
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I was about to write an essay about all the things that were wrong about the yoshipost but I realized the poster is 100% retarded in all possible cases so there's no point
you can never win, they're Tekken Dan players
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Reminder that Tekken sucks just because of its fan base.
you know that sword will be in the next premium bp
i am as sure as saying that flash is the ultimate scriptkiddie filter
Yoshi is top 1 because most characters have a bad matchup against him, while he himself can fight anyone.
last I checked she had the 5th lowest winrate overall and for a character with simple inputs that says a lot
Loves yoshi in 7 but dropped him for paul in 8. Yoshi unique shit was cool, but now the character plays itself and is way too high reward for brainless play.
>female character
round the winrate up by 20% to consider the retard playerbase
i'm so shit at tekken i can make every character look honest
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Love Tifa LOVE LOVE!
will do the final postmortem blow and finish the job
Remake Tifa is literally based on her.
rank inflation is real
I don't get why in Tekken the big reward is for hitting someone during startup rather than during recovery. Hitting during startup rewards flowchart (press when plus) and discourages mashing but also ever contesting plus frames. Hitting during recovery rewards whiff punishment and punishes not hitconfirming your unsafe stuff. It seems like the more skillful thing to reward.
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>kishin jin doesn’t know how to tech roll
sounds about right for the character he’s playing
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patch notes much?
are you stupid?
-4 damage
nerfed tracking to qcf4 (not really)
d2 is now +5 on hit to compensate

keep fighting!
no Hitomi no buy
no peniswoman no buy
I will fix America.
Vote Trump the next week!!!!!
do you have an argument?
what is this game even about? its not a fighter, it's not a gacha, volleyball?? wtf is it
there's nothing to argue about if you have a brain...
dating sim
>jabs in tekken are 10 whole frames
>jabs in other games are 3 frames

Why is Tekken so fucking slow
>why isnt tekken like street "BING BING SUPER MARIO WAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" fighter 6?
*Bull Fighter 6
I'm just asking why it has to be so slow.
3d games have frame data like that
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it's fucking over
So all shitposting and memeing aside. What is your placement of Heichachi on the current tier list?
It's more like driving after the light turns green and then getting hit by an oncoming car.
i'll tell you after he stops being DLC and I stop plugging him on loading screen
i was obsessed with this video back in the days, crazy to see it in gif form in tekgen of all places
kys bitch. Stillbirth flopped. Atlus is the king of JRPGs now.
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come home white man
Arslan plays KoF at high level. Not that slimeshit.
This game ruined my life. I'm not kidding.
kekken flopped >>500157549
I'm brown tho
Metaphor flopped as well retarded weeb
you mean even pakistani saar refuse to eat that slop
wtf is that crop
mid tier, but I hate ff2 tracking in WI
Oh no i can't pick characters with broken hitboxes on infinite stage. Save me harada please.
Not as hard as Stillbirth
Cope. At least ff7 got Sony moneyhats to cushion their failure. Atlus is fucked
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what should I listen to today during my ranked sesh?
keep dream Tifanigger bitch
Did they remove Heihachi's spank and that qcf grab?
the bullet entering your brain
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Worst winrate in the game
Nightcore playlist from 2006-07
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>keep dream
by bullet I meant the blazblue char
I prefer her to Ramlethal. GG's designs are so fucking soulless.
I accept your concession.
worst players too
he's raring to jump yo COTW right?
blud hates Tifa AND consumes fatlus slop

clip dat
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patch notes,,, whre,,,
i want to take a shit but it's not urgent
i fucking hate autumn
Just learned Broken Toy can't be used instantly anymore.
when the GOAT speaks... we must listen
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I fucking love autumn. Comfiness overload
the fuck is autumn, there's only winter and summer
Bryan got buffed.

He now has more 2 viable options up-close.
>hasn't won anything for a while
>starts blaming the game again
Let's spread it, you know?
wait a minute is Bryan ducking and launching me that quickly????? what fucking move is he using it looks like a while rising launch
these niggers can't even post patch notes
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he's lashing out
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the fuck is this shit? i thought spamming qcb1 and qcf 1+2 was supposed to be enough. why come you can side step both options in the same direction in this party game casino kusoge masher.
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Fix Azucena, nigga.
Heihachi electric is literally word by word, broken
Too slow and barely any reward
>qcf 1+2
Great move.
Pretty slow and gets beat out a lot

Correct me if I'm wrong, his best move is actually D4, resets you back into mid distance and pretty fast.
lmao dude is actually seething and malding like a greenie begging for nerfs
all that's missing is him @ing harada and murray about it (not nakatsu though, arslan doesn't even remember he exists)
>have to guess at the wall
Doesn't this apply to all characters?
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>Heihachi's heat smash wallsplats for ridiculous damage, blocking it puts you in a 50/50 where BOTH options wallsplat you
>Jin's 21 is retarded
>Azu's 21 is just bad, but when doesn't Jin have the better version of a move?
>Jin's uf2 is safe and not -10, because fuck you
Arslan is 100% right on all counts.
don't ask me for shit...... you rike shoe?? you want buy Nikeys?
>heat smash on wall is ridiculous damage
Shouldn't it be if you get heat smashed against the wall?
>Jin's 21 is retarded
Can you show prominent examples of the move dominating games completely and being broken?
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Fix Lidia nigga
yeah d4 is amazing in this game it puts you right where you want to be as bryan in terms of spacing and it's 0 on hit
reminder that when he was winning before defensive patch that fixed most of the problems he is blaming in this post he would say that the game is good and other players just needed to adapt
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>Shouldn't it be if you get heat smashed against the wall?
Sure, but that in itself is dumb (but that's more of a system complaint), and it sure as fuck shouldn't have a busted 50/50 AFTER you block it.
>Can you show prominent examples of the move dominating games completely and being broken?
I didn't say it completely dominates games or that it's broken, I said it's retarded. It's an incredibly strong autopilot tool that takes zero effort, and it's dumb enough that pros take issue with it.
Jin is dumb, anon.
I genuinely sigh of relief when heihachi heat smash gets me because that means I don't have to guess for my life on the retarded 50/50 that would come after if I blocked it
>can you show how it's dumb
>I can't but it just is, ok??
jin is mediocre at best, you've just been watching too much mailman propaganda
>jin is mediocre at best
get better bait
I mean if you get hit by most things against the wall, it's gonna lead to a lot of damage anyway and it is a heat smash so....
>it's retarded because it's an incredibly strong autopilot tool that takes zero effort
If it's an incredibly strong zero effort auto tool, then that's broken. Show me examples of it dominating games then? Post footage.
hei smash 50/50 is pretty whatever unless your back is at the wall
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>I mean if you get hit by most things against the wall, it's gonna lead to a lot of damage anyway and it is a heat smash so....
Most things don't force you to guess on block, where both options will wallsplat you
>Post footage
Go find it yourself, or better yet, play the fucking character.
Jin takes no thought whatsoever to pilot, and you'll redeem your free emperor with an 80% winrate in a day or two.
>hei smash 50/50 is top tier
ok thanks for the info
Why is she looking at me like that?
She knows you didn't lab
sidestep jet upper launched someone for the first time last nite it felt amazing

also im better than arslan and still like this game so don’t worry guys tekkino 8 is still alive and well (please disregard any potential contradictions between the first and second halves of this post)
i don't care about arslan. that nigga can fuck off and spam broken pokes on infinite azure until the day he dies.
that took longer than I planned but I finally came
never losing to these whores again
Reminder that you can get to the highest rank in the game by mashing like a retarded T7 Genbu nigger with Lidia.
Anyone defending this game (especially that ugly americhink PhiDX) needs to kill themself NOW.
he has better defense than you
>mailman already jumped ship to T7
it's never been so over
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haha no way
Dilate tranny nigger
On a second thought Tekkino 8 ain't that bad
>let’s go back to the slop with even worse movement
This faggot needs to die
>t. tranny nigger
Based faggot voice terrorist
he went back to tag 2 during 7 as well so what
why is scrubman playing blokken 7?
now that i think about it, nigga's kinda zesty
>worse movement
off-axis 8 mid af fr fr
>7 has worse movement

How so?
forced to kbd to do anything with backdash and they did buff sidestepping a lot from 7 to 8
Backdash was better in 7 but I don't think anyone misses T7 sidesteps
*use movement to shut down mashers and make them seething
Say it with. altogether now.
you got your wish
I've got a secret, I've been hiding under my skin
My heart is human, my blood is boiling, my brain IBM
So if you see me acting strangely, don't be surprised
I'm just a man who needed someone and somewhere to hide to keep me alive
Just keep me alive, somewhere to hide, to keep me alive
>tekken 7 fans when they can't korean backdash away from their alcoholic dad
Imagine when you see 5DR/Tag2 backdash
I went back to T7 for a while recently and I've been having a lot of fun desu, even if Kazuya is like 10 times more cucked in that game then in 8, at least it feels like movement and stepping actually do something and not every string tracks automatically. Granted the majority of its dead player base is just scrubby pajeets playing Lei, but still.
>wanting m*les
I want chloe or jozie
didn't he make a whole bigass video about how much t7 sucks compared to t8 and how he can never go back? i swear something like that was posted here and i skimmed through it a bit
>Temu 8 players hate any defensive options that forces them to think about what moves they should use instead of brutemashing with their pachinko character that evades and crushes 99% of defensive options also due to tracking and huge af hitboxes basically the game not really allowing you to fail
*clap clap clapclapclap*
*clap clap clapclapclap*
*clap clap clapclapclap*
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Senator Armstrong would be cool desu
>Quit game due to bad gameplay + netcode
>Battle passes added
>Balance ignored
>Matchmaking changed
>Pay2win character assassination
>Ranks nerfed to make climbing easy
>Tekken King is the new Fujin (holy fuck lmao)
>Even fraudulent aggro evo champs are complaining
This is the worst fighting game out right now.
I cannot believe how bad this game fell on its face.
Tekken 7 had no backdash. Just some characters had broken hitboxes coupled with abnormal backdashes. If you played regular characters like paul or kaz for example you had no sidestep and no backdash. In 8 everyone has sidesteps.
The universal 2d mechanic bar was the first thing they showed, you nothing could be worse than that
I would trade a sidestep for a back dash in a heartbeat and so would any other competent player.
Tekken 8 feels like shit to move in. You niggas are hype to sidestep a move that hit you with the back of its hurtbox. This game is trash, everything tracks.
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sidestep this
One single Cammy 2mp whiff punish has more dopamine and skill than anything you can do in two hours of Tekken 8.

Also these new captchas are ass and I hope hiro gets chink aids
when's the update
after winter
inb4 a bunch of blue rank faggots ITT think they know better than Ar-

Oh wait I was too late
>clown costume
Ummm blue rank is the second to last rankings. I’m sure they know a lot about the game, they’re almost done with the laddering system. Right?
just give me eliza avatar and stickers
i will be content
they cant do that in t7 either, idk what retards say t7 kbd is good
buy a pass bro
T8 blue = T7 red THO
i bought forza horizon 4
Just found a tekken 8 review that's not completely misinformed and dick sucking and in fear of ruining business connection. Pretty well informed for some YT dude.
T7 red = TTT2 yellow THO
TMM is such an unlikeable dweeb
hes just autistic swede
he's green rank with DJ and thinks t7 ss was better than t8 ss
ok don't care though
I disagree. T8 blues play like T7 yellows, I don’t see these players touching greenbu
I think it’s time to stop doomposting for me. Tekken is dead and there’s much better things to play

Later guys
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When is tekgen tournament?

When is tekgen movie night?

When is tekgen T5DR lobby session?
>d8 ranked is too stressful
>find new game to play
>wizardry daphne, pretty new game
>shit is 10 times more stressful
im in despair
TTT2 yellow = T6 silver THO
when is tekgen orgy with the tranny reina cosplayer?
I couldn’t hit green tanks in tag 2 despite having 300+ games played on my main
I am now a 80% winrate god rank player lel
they'll give away 500 free coins and then make the premium battle pass 900 coins
When I bought the game and booted it up, some cool teenager voice called me by fucking name, which was saved in my MS account somewhere telling me to go on a fun ride. Wouldn't be too bad if those upbeat quirky teenagers weren't standing for everything I hate in this world.
Green Ranks TT2 = Tekken King minimum in T8 and they did not improve in all these years btw
It's weird. He also has tekken 1 tas combos in it, and his doa analogies are right on the money. Also his t7 analysis is better than 99% of tekken retards. I'm confused as fuck.
>PhiDX playing devils advocate on twitter
Listen here you dumb chink
You are a fucking Noctis player who appealed to the livestreamfails audience
You are not an authority on anything
You are not even a notable player
You have no say on anything
I know you browse here
You aren’t gonna lose your shitty job gaslighting people into thinking this game is good
So shut the fuck up pussy ass nigga
He has a girlfriend and you don't.
Oh yeah here we go. Greenies were a term from TT2. A lot of 10.000h people were stuck in green hell. They still play just as shit. I know a lot of them over the years. Legit trash players are "gods" now. Like big nose.
I’m dating two girls at once irl + e dating desu
I'm dating 10. Both of our posts have the same amount of proof.
Yea cool story crabba, sorry that you didn’t improve
Have you niggas never heard of frame whisperer?
Electric Underground is max ranked at red ranks and tried making a guide on how to play tekken I throw anything this guy says in the trash.
>shitty mobile wizardry game
>a gacha with perma-death
>Later guys
I'm considering leaving the game for a while as well. I keep trying the "right" way of playing the game (movement, punish, etc) and I'm better than I was when I started, but I still get destroyed by the usual suspects with 80 dmg 50/50s after plus frames... 50/50s on strings... 50/50s after this and that... It's just tiresome
Also I forgot to mention that his editing sucks, hate that guy
You got in that 50/50 scenario for a reason.
Why does his analysis sound profound then? Frame whisperer is fucking mental and he doesnt even try to hide it. Link the guide.
Tekken 7 has Marduk.

There is no contest.
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i'm moving to japan so i can marry her
Yeah, because he gave bamco money.
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Sorry bro didn't want to trigger your PTSD. You are valid, we love you and your Tekken isn't ALL retarded.
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>slime mashers has 66k (!) viewers on Twitch
>huh damn, must be some big event
>it's literally just a big circlejerk of vtumor streamers
it’s all g bro I wipe my ass with this thread you are literally all terrible
Zesty Steve
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The slimetroonies streaming experience is watching some anime avatar tranny mash slime button at the training stage, every day, for an entire year.
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here's what winning looks like
show me your set with a pro bitch nigga
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here's what selling out to troonies looks like
2bh would fit that pink mic up my asshole if i could
imma boot up kusogen 8 and pick leo today
>be up at japan time
>be mad japan is streaming
>Kekken lost to this
This is revenge for Tekken 7 always having more players than SF 5 last gen.
You dont know me bitch nigger. I wipe your ass clean in ft10. Blanco clean - no matter how black you are.
Says a lot about the Tekken community how Mainman is called scrubman after all he’s done to help the Tekken community. Talk about biting off they hand that feeds you.
Tekken 7 did not have more players than SF5.
It didn't even have more evo viewers.
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it looks even worse now
>frame whisperer
Did he ever got TG with Zafina? Or did Mashen 8 buck broke him before that?
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keep slurp on that Jap Capcom dick, slimers. Surely that means Capcom will make an actually good fighting game soon right?
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Capcom is mogging Bamco in every single way, anon.
Now compare to Dragonball.
it's either slurp on capcom dick or eat shit from bandai ass.
i'm not into scat, sorry
I remember always checking Steamcharts and Jive will always have less than T7.
>all he’s done to help the Tekken community
You mean psyopping thousands to play one the hardest/least rewarding characters in the game instead of promoting actually fun and viable characters for people to main?
SF5 had crossplay + rollback. Tekken 7 had neither.
they have poison at capcom cheer up crew cut
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they'll never invest that much money into tekken ever again when they can just make cheap-ass dragonball and naruto games that generate 4x more (in just one week)
Except making a game that doesn't suck dicks

Drive rush is annoying but none of these interactions ended the game.
This is the last reply you'll get out of me because you can't take a round off me in Tekken OR Street Fighter
>claims to be better
>doesn't make a lobby and runs away

kek he got scared
I will make a lobby in either game.
he doesn't have sf6 nor t8, he always asks for lobbies but he has never posted a single pic of him having the game running or joining any lobby.
he's just spamming out of boredom
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>still no lobby
Stalling till the thread 404s to run away
You are scared.
alright man lol
mod link?
make it and post proof then maybe i'll bother to boot this turd of a game again.
if you challenge someone to fight, you're supposed to be the one making the lobby
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anyway it's not bad
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I absolutely 1000% cannot wait for this game to die, fuck these devs
The constant bad press is making me horny
Chavish, vulgar, cheap, zoomey, pathetic ways of compensating for a person's lack of real scars/life experiences.
>compensating for a person's lack of real scars/life experiences.
but that's just some ink on your skin
tattoos are a sign of insecurity
i agree that they want to look like they're experienced things
imo people who have tattoos are easily influenced and very impulsive people
unintelligent, easy to manipulate, etc etc
saar you're the insecure one
tattoos are a sign of self expression and incels hate women who are confident enough to express themselves
god i wish a man hugged me right now and held me tight
gotta go outside my g
talk to a woman and see how stupid they are
then become gay
Yeah but we had paid frame data. Your move.
not my fault you only talk to stupid women
>Implying there's zero meaning (or attempts of it) to that blob of ink deliberately placed on an specific part of one's body
Sure bud
>stupid women
as if
i have fucked more woman than you will ever even engage with
men are better
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>make a few leo customs with female stuff
>forgot that i have akira mod
that's gintama tier of gay and arousing
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Oh yeah? I have fucked one woman and she came everytime. Your move.
i'm not even leo main, just circling between leo, reina and nino
watched the video, the only unique thing this guy does is make retarded comparisons to doa and soul calibur.
all the other stuff that he manages to bloat to 50 minutes is just what everyone else has been saying. it's not profound to say that the monetization in this game is dogshit and has potential to kill the series.
As for the guide, I'm sure you can find it by yourself, you're a grown man. I refuse to link any of this retard's content.
They are also the sign of STDs and parental failure.
Are you seriously giving weight to someone's analysis because it "sounds profound"? How fucking manipulateable are you?
correction, it wasn't 50 minutes but man it sure felt like that was the case
i random person on the internet is still more trustworthy than a stinky 4channel neet
But saar, I have bath every morning and looking for job currently. I'm no need, saar.
Post literally any other review making his points where you dont get the impression they did 10 minute research on reddit and just copied other people.
No, LTG saying "I hate niggers" and "Tekken is ass yo" doesn't count.
I wait.
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>lagging hard
>somehow my opponent blocks everything and has all the reads
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what Tekken char unlocks this dialogue?
Lmao, triple level of waifufaggyness over here
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>scared capcum slurping bitch runs away when gets BTFO
L*o and L*dio
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>alt account got so many hateful profile awards that i can buy an animated avatar
holy fucking lmao
i'm still here bitch nigga
Why is it always with L?
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>wawang kicharging
ok lobby is up

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holy shit lol
nahhh nigga really made a lobby at 8am like im not in bed with my shorty
i'm done
is this baldurs gate, and is this a mod or edited?
no, it's not baldurs gate
play baldur's gate instead of posting in shitty 4chan threads
there's no lobby btw
it's the new Dragon Age, imagine not knowing Bioware wheel that killed RPGs
i used to troll by baiting lobbies in other threads so im not even mad
you're not going to fool me to join an alisa-ridden lobby, no no. not me
Tekken 8 is in a garbage state but Arslan is a sore loser. He only complains about the game when he loses. He can't be trusted.
Lobby is empty btw lmao
i was gonna play bg3 but the last larian game i played was divinity os2 and that game stretched for too long and made me impatient
imagine when you see Knee
We say this every time and then he wins evo again
Just look at the color of his skin and the tone of his accent lmao. Pajeets and pajeets-like deserve no trust.
Tekken is unironically the only video game that I play. Most of my game knowledge is second hand or learned through porn
nobody cares that it's panda's birthday? :(
panda? really?

Rangchu: no, it's Kuma *stabs* *stabs* *stabs* *stabs* *stabs* *stabs* *stabs* *stabs* *stabs* *stabs*. Give me a proper prize now Murray, your boss is done
nah i dont yiff
who benefits the most of twt final being in nippon? besides the nippons i mean. they dont count lol.
there’s a single good dragon age game. why do they choose to desiccate its corpse?
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That's an awfully specific request anon, it's almost like this guy watched a bunch of other videos and compressed it into this one. It sure as hell isn't the case that he played the game at any significant level. He says he's been "following the game" and thus I assume he watches retards like phidx and tmm.
^Frame whisperer talking about the majority of the points he made, with comments pointing out that live service models are incompatible with fighting games. Sound familiar?
Also electric underground completely misused the lecture about gacha models, since the monetization do not replace the progression in tekken 8. In the lecture, he says specifically that skill cannot coexist with payment as a form of progression. You could make the scrubby argument that paying for DLC characters nets you more wins, and therefore counts as a form of progression, but you would be mistaken.
>Checks latest /tekgen/
>No lilianon/leoschizo/josieschizo/asukaschiso/reinaschizo/azuschizo/maskuschizo
>Checks previous 3 /tekgen/ threads
>No lilianon/leoschizo/josieschizo/asukaschiso/reinaschizo/azuschizo/maskuschizo
Dead general.
the other pakis seem cool. honestly i think it’s just arslan
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No such thing. Don't think there's a Reinaschizo either, though there has been a fair amount of Reinaposting in the past. Leoschizo is unironically a bot.
>t. Josieschizo
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i honestly think the reason arslan has been doing so badly lately is the twt elder council finally figured out how he's cheating and made adjustments for it.
only lilianon was tolerable. all those other faggots GOOD RIDDANCE
we need a new schizo
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>no tekken for 3 days
>play one game today
>it's dragunov
>barely win
>next match
>can't whiff punish shit
>accept wifi(5 bars)
>it's hwoarang and it's not 5 bars
new schizo here, what's up
i think vamosposter qualifies as azuschizo
what up dog
just finished my conversation with tupac
where's the gran turismo schizo
fair enough. then again that other dude is more a variety game kinda guy. i dont even like him i just found that for a review from some random yt guy it surprisingly profound. i never watched any max videos but you would suspect a yt video about tekkens problems be like 'tekken fans are not happy, bla bla paid stage *hits 10 minutes* stay tuned and hit the like button!' i was expecting the shallowest shit video and it proved surprisingly good. you dont post random tekken 1 tas videos.
i'm here all day, what do you want?
>Azu and Hwo only today
>they all play the same and run ch scripts
i fucking despise this game's playerbase
>t. Josieschizo
Prove it. Say something only the real josieschizo would say/know...
Did Arslan ever complain about season 3 and 4 when he was the top dog?
I miss Lilianon so much bros... :'(
gran turismo 4 is the greatest racing game of all time
*Carmageddon with Reina model swap as civilians
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yeah desu I just have a hate boner for him cause he seems like a very casual fan but has the audacity to make a guide. A very long guide where he just yaps incessantly.
If I came across the channel with this video I would probably have a similar reaction to you.
Nah you see the game was good actually when like 5 characters could even touch zafina or kuni
>playing TEKKEN 8
I haven't played the game since 1.04 I am just here to jerk off to the scat porn of all the females and leo.
i'm not complaining but why i'm forced to fight endless stream 300k+ prowess fucks just to get out of garyu, this is getting tiresome when every nignog got 90 attack and 90 defence and you just playing backdash simulator or do retarded thing and die for it
where are my patch notes bruv
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Epstien didn't kill himself
how are you fighting 300k people in garyu?
not your first character?
My dad has them. He'll return any day now.
>i'm forced to fight endless stream 300k+ prowess fucks just to get out of garyu
Literally how? All characters get auto promotions to Fuijin when you hit TGS, and you don't get to 300k until you hit GoD. Either matchmaking is really fucking you, or you're fighting HARD carried retards on their alts
he just copes with being not good at the game
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i do not know i don't even have 200k prowess or promoted to blue ranks, i use 2+ rank restriction, i'm just purple(ruler) timmymasher
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Were you exaggerating with the "endless stream" then? Because something doesn't add up...
Tekken 7 or Tekken 8?
Tekken 5
This. Haven't passed Kishin yet and the top prowess I fight when trying new characters on red ranks is about 250 at most. Maybe he's fought hard carried TGSs that get turbo demoted from Fujin when they try non pachinko characters?
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tfw when i'm in a lying competition and my opponent is a tekgen poster
>mashes into duckable string
These damn cheaters and their counterhit scripts!!!
Tekken 8. d8 has many issues but t7 is literal garbage
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let's say on 4 eternal greebu like me there 6 high prowess cunts
maybe they got demoted
my previous match was 126k
then i waited 6 minutes and it's 256k, not that high but still, usually it's alt characters so you can win
>lose 1 match
>win 2 against same player
>end up at lower rank
>do jab
>ra on f1
*vomit or feces?
nothing makes me not watch a youtube video like seeing its title change when I reload the page
another one of Heihachi's bastards
You know, I used to hate Lidia vomitposting. But with T8 Lidia, I kinda get it.
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>anything keeping players invested into the game is DLC4
That's the norm on blue ranks and up. You don't climb if you don't get 3+ streaks consistently. The fat chink on YT demonstrated it.
game ends in blue ranks
it starts in evo top 8
I hit fujin and got to 200k prowess and now i'm not having any fun anymore
i keep getting matched with tg
The fact that half of my opponents in blues move like they are green ranks is depressing
you can't move in this game
They move according to you.

fuck you mom
the fact that 9/10th of my opponents rarely guess wrong is incredibly tiring
bout to conduct a satanic ritual to bring jin octa bro back to this wasteland
That they win over my 10/10 clean kbd is even more depressing
i can't even attempt to side step and half of my opponents just instantly do homing attacks
>its that t7 retard who backdashed himself to the wall every time
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i lost to 150ms orange yoshi..
lmao he dodged
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man fh4 is kinda ass. i don't even care about the cringey ass talking, there's so much content but all feel same.
shame blue ranks are a bunch of giga scrubs who have no idea on how to play the game
why do i always fight kekken kings and above who never press anything until you do?
downroad comprete, noob
uh....don't press em?
what did you download? scripts?
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i'm so fucking in love with her, i just think about her all day at work
i suck reina's dong so hard, but i still want to learn her but what can i watch except yoj nigga and adderall devil dongpal
what did arslan lose? i saw him being salty on twitter
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>drowns in pools
>has a twitter meltdown
some big tourney in pakistan
one azucena nerf was not enough
Azucena was fine, other than wr3,2. She's been nerfed all the way from top 3 to bottom 3, leave her alone.
arslan is right about garbage masher 8 btw
azucena gets to have the most visually confusing moveset plus mixups plus stance auto counter like leroy and a low launcher that goes into mix up with a mid or low launcher.
What the fuck were they thinking?
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Why is that nigga still playing? Didn't he already won like two twts already, each one with at least 200k$ profit, right? That's a ton of money, even more durable with his country's shitty economy. If I was him I'd already be retired, owner of land and balls deep inside some cutie Russian golddigger, Tekken would be the last thing on my mind. Oh well.
cheaters aren't real and if you say so you're a schizo
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These are the most green rank complaints I've ever seen
I hope you're being ironic
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i wanna be balls deep inside a jap wagie
>lust provoking image
man, just shut the fuck up
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1.09 will save tekken 8
for real this time
hes spitting facts, even aris said that top level matches in tournaments look the same as a random online match
I'm hardstuck blue because Tekken 8 is random..........
now watch for the horde of gambling addicts to spam insults
Ironically, T8 high rank = 100 aggression, 50 defense lmao
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>P.s even TWT final rles is perfect for 50/50
>We are all in Las vegas first floor
the entire world yearn for 5DR in UE5 with good netcode, it's so obvious that it hurts my soul Harada & co. refuse to capitulate
Id take kokkomas opinions more seriously if he didn't play 50/50 characters in 7
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>now that the eceleb pro gaymer streamer says it everyone agrees
>every fucking time
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eh this tattoo is not good
with how fed up everyone is with 50/50 gameplay, VF6 won't stand a fucking chance
People have been bitching about forced 50/50s since before the game released, 24er-kun
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T5DR Chads tried to save us, but we didn't listen.
It looks like a sleeve from some cheap shirt.
i wanna be her clingy one-night-stand-turned-boyfriend that she eventually settles down with
i hated the game month 1
That's a man. A heavy filtered man.
Yet all you did was say sKiLl iSsUe, veteran-san
ok but how exactly do you fix the 50/50? make every move launch punishable on block?
>Tats... again
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bed-breaking sex with men!!!
>Yet all you did was say sKiLl iSsUe
No, we shouted from the rooftops that the end was nigh, now that 2D mechanics had spread to every character in the game.
Heat always has been, and always will be a mistake.
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it's perfect time to host a lobby
i want to cry in chat about losing
I genuinely hope this bug fucks up both wrists this time around
King is giga based and anyone who doesn't find joy looking at him needs to touch grass and learn to throw break.
i hate every "heihachi" nigger and i want to see them in gas chamber
Everyone just goes back to T5DR.
>dominate backdash7 with zafina and 'mitsu on infinite azure
insha'allah tekken 7 is the greatest fighting game on the market. Allah favors me as his champion
>have to deal with pressure in 50/50 8
bismillah tekken 8 is casino game and gambling is haram
>Quick pokes that high or low crush but don't launch and don't track
>Every launch is slow and launch punishable, but they track ok
>Heat is a 5 second thing that never stops running once you activate it / also gives a unique move per character, a fast launch, a ch launch poke, etc.
>No rage or any other gimmick hail Mary mechanic
>No guard breaks, power crushes, mixup strings.
There, the perfect Tekken.
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dlc4 is Hachi mounted on a robot body he built himself while Lee was busy with the battle against G corp. His mission? To kill Heihachi, cause there can be only one.
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i wish pic related was tekken 7 vs tekken 8 instead of mk
Kino idea
Sorry, you are wrong and a scrub.
You have to wait until the famous pro gamer ecelebrity streamer twt finalist says it to have any sort of validity.
if men all looked like that i'd be gay
but they don't
I quite liked getting boosted by Lili’s heat 50/50.
Nothing worse than losing to this bitch and seeing this outro, fuck her
>losing to Ling
Just back off and look on as they kill themselves doing their retarded hops
>homing fc sweep launcher should be launch punishable on block
Doesn't apply when it's unblockable :^)
Well the Xiao Xiao could always taunt at the end of the round, that makes it worse I'd say
The absolute state of modern Tekken.
That's very kind. If only Hwoarang had the same treatment.
just backdash it like in T7 smile
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I never finished the P.T. demo because it was too scary. Actually, I didn't even get to anything scary happening before I had to turn it off, I just freaked myself out by expecting scary shit to happen.
Waifu character outros are based because they give you a few seconds to get hard out of anger
There is nothing visually confusing about her moveset. Every single move of hers in the game is very easy to understand if it's a low, mid or high. Maybe 4,3 but it's not an often used move.
Patch in 7 hours…we need the patch notes already Murray
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so when are h&m resigning?
michael murphy is sabotaging my job applications
>we are all in Las Vegas first floor

how THE FUCK do i do a fast electric with heihachi? i've done a million electrics and they're all slow.
end of service within 5 months
At least we know Drag and the sexbot are getting nerfed. It's a good fucking day honestbros.
do an electric, but faster
no need to thank me
You need to think faster. Imagine being Sonic. He would never say im to slow. Become the fast.
You not only have to think like masku, you have to become masku! MASKU!!!
What a shitty ripoff post. My son analogy was already perfect.
4 pointo damage nerf too hard on doragunobu
we revert change.
500 tekoin. spend wisely gozaimasu
>remove heat, power crush, guard break, screw, RA
Ahh, tekken...
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bad morning sirs
the murray paycheck is running out, hes not pretending to like the game anymore
>Even the Goatslan hates the game
it's ova bruvs
and so the house of cards falls......damn....
anoo nakatsu do dogeza
So basically go back to T5DR?
>chip damage, 2d movement, installs
Told you guys to play T5DR with me on RPCS3 lobbies. But you didn't listen.
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what was his problem
i mean it, the electric animation is 3 times longer than the normal one. aren't electrics supposed to be better?
Knee loves the game now that he's placing high and winning stuff
dont care tekken goated with 8
Knee only loves the game because JDCR isn't winning anymore.
guard breaks in a casino game where you're constantly guessing and get heavily punished for guessing wrong is only a design decision either an extremely dumb dopamine addicted zoomer would come up with or a genuine psychopath
>Arslan Ash reposted
Damn so I guess this is why kokkoma is a parish in the Korean community cause he's butt buddies with the Pakistanis now
>Tekken 8 is the best Tekken ever -MailManSWE

So how soon until he buckbreaks himself?
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ayo this game is not good
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Going fat really fucks up your face. If you're single, don't go fat.
Do people post knee reaction pics in /sfg/
>multiple pro players voicing their opinions about the game and making waves on social media
>suddenly tmm decides to boot up t7 and shit on it the entire time for 2 hours saying how tekken 8 is so much better
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>he's butt buddies with the Pakistanis now
he's been taking it up the ass from pakis for the past 6 years
Geniunely why are you still whining when T5DR exists for free and has online play?

There is a better alternative out there you just refuse to play. You're all dumb faggots.
limit the fucking combo damage to 60 wall included and get rid of that bitch ass tornado faggotry
when he gets BLACKED again by LTG
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butterbob GODS
TTT1 and T5DR should be the only Tekken games with active playerbases. The other games aren't Tekken.
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>older game worse than new game
>therefore new game criticism is invalid
Tekken 4 was the last true Tekken
Tekken 8 was the last Tekken
just limit combo damage and your gachumuchi heat mechanic damage and frames
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knee isn't as funny as daigo
actually i don't think any notable tekken player is the same kind of unintentionally funny as daigo except for maybe father
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>be me
>play yoshi
>never do crazy combos
>never abuse spin
>never exploit fc df1
>never flash
>never use heat smash or rage art
>always let my opponent play
>my opponent abuses everything he has to just not play tekken and win
>i start doing the same
>i win
>play Yoshi but not actually
Ok but why?
what the heck is going on in this pic
thats what happens when you're swedish (gay)
Daigo playing one of the worst fighting games ever made
i legitimately kind of believe this.
Not something so controversial. TTT perfected the PS1 era of Tekken games. T5DR perfected the PS2 era of Tekken games. The games that followed T5DR weren't adding mechanics of worth. Just gimmicky 2D shit while story and character designs went to shit.
yeah i am getting drunk with smirnoff ice tonight
>In Patch 1.08.01, all characters with the Electric Wind God Fist can now perform a Perfect Electric Wind God Fist.
harada-san why...
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where can I get .iso for T5DR? vimm's lair got whacked
google you mong
ctrl-f "ps3"
whats with all these brown people on youtube making kekken content with like 25views
I got hooked up on dress to impress. Continue without me niggas- ACK
what's the point of playing a 2 player game if you're going to play by yourself?
i play real dress to impress aka making asuka customs and posting them here
I've been fighting Azazel in arcade mode and i can see with t8 went the way it did
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this is me after set losing to nigga with cavalry level of play spamming cheapest shit with grabs and power crush
every victor ever
i wanted to make fun of anon for recommending the ps3 version ..
i seriously memory holed that there was no 5dr ps2 release and we played the shitty psp version.
next time keep the glasses on so you really learn and it won't happen again
patch notes......................
>Getting a gf
Bros I'm having problems with that matchup, any tips?
Just be yourself and don't be ugly and be charismatic and be rich
yoshimitsu d1+4
i think they changed the input in t8 did they
just be tall and not autistic bro
>every single interaction is forced 50/50
just plug
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saar dropping hot facts
Jin got a girlfriend, just copy his homework.
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so am I supposed to just not punish this?
keep your eyes open while playing so you can see what distance it's done from
if it's done at a -9 distance you should be able to low parry it on reaction even
Finally made it to Fujin, bros...
With King? Buddy, you're dogshit & carried.
how many hours
always go for ws4 and call it kusoge when it doesnt work
Is reina carried?
am i into men?
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>you're dogshit
I don't disagree, I've only ever played Tekken EXTREMELY casually on consoles from various friends like 20-25 years ago as Eddy, but I'm having fun and that's all that matters. Have never even bothered with T7.
Fuck no, reina is top 7 hardest characters in the game
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722 hours garyu here fuck you
Stop trolling
This would be brain damage tier
I'm not trolling
why did he bog his shit up?
Show your stats or you're trolling
You know people can check that guy's replays and find you through that? If you're so concerned with your identity. Anyway, yeah have fun abusing King I suppose.
only to nearest volcano
what site is that?
tekkendocs, honestly should be in the OP its by far the best frame data website
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T7 mogs d8 so hard
anyone autistic enough to care or was it just the whole you found in his defense which you felt obligated to point out?
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tifa isn't asian
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I'm not white
My condolences
i'm zesty
You know how SFV and SF6 are called duty fighters?
Tekken is the same shit at this point
shat so hard earlier that i stained my lidio
I refuse to believe he's less than 35
im brownish
How zesty?
mishima buying paracetamol tier zesty
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I want to fuck young Winona Ryder and i wish we had a young Winona Ryder character
wow I knew about that site but I was too retarded to click the moves so I didn't recognize it. will use it more now
you'll believe it once you'll see how he will look at 35 (he'll look like an early 60 yo)
the search function is really good and if for some reason you ever need to compare moves from all characters you can pick mokujin
Alisa is asian in spirit
I didn't look him up at all. I just saw a King posting about being in blue ranks. 25% of blue ranks are Kings and not one King in blue ranks can break any throws. It's tiresome.
Maybe she is possessed by a spirit of an asian girl that tragically died young.
did they do something in the last patch to jun's d3+4 because it seems to an unblockable launcher now when it wasnt before
nothing changed
it breaks neutral guard so you get launched if you don't hold b
or obviously you get launched on CH / ki charge
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Uh oh
looking for hot men in my area
no you're not
Very cute
Is it just me or does Heihachi feel kinda bad?
is 13f launcher, 100 damage per combo, self heals on block, and his bad lows issue removed not enough for you?
Lidia sucks lol. I don’t know why she’s in the game when there’s a plethora of better characters to choose from who aren’t even in the game. Lei, Marduk, Armor King, etc. I’d rather even be kunimitsu than her
He feels bad until you realize you can't play him like the old Heihachi, then he's top tier
lmao get rekt
This study investigates the behavioral and identity effects of four distinct video games—Tekken 8, Starcraft 2, Dress to Impress, and League of Legends—on a cohort of 205 young adult males over a period of 6 months, playing an average of 1-2 hours per day. Employing a mixed-methods approach, we utilized standardized metrics, including the Beck Depression Inventory, the Big Five Inventory, and academic performance indicators.
Participants engaged with Starcraft 2 exhibited significant enhancements in long-term thinking (r = 0.65, p < 0.001) and academic performance, with average GPA improvements of 15% (p < 0.05). Those playing League of Legends showed a 30% increase in scores on the Internet Gaming Disorder Scale (p < 0.01), indicating a trend toward addictive behaviors.
In contrast, participants engaging with Dress to Impress reported notable improvements in emotional regulation and calmness (p < 0.05), along with a positive shift toward a more pronounced feminine identity. This change, evidenced by a 40% increase in Gender Identity Questionnaire scores, reflects an enhanced self-perception.
Participants playing Tekken 8, however, demonstrated a statistically significant increase in suicidal ideation and grandiloquent thoughts (p < 0.01), with a moderate to large effect size (Cohen's d = 0.75). Reports of violent fantasies, including thoughts of mass shootings, were markedly elevated in this group.
These results underscore the complex interplay between video game engagement and psychological outcomes, highlighting the need for further research to explore the long-term implications of video game content.
>watch any Steve streamer
>complete meltdowns every time they stream
He's not even the lowest tier in the roster guys chill
-Anna Mothercuntress Williams
-Christie Monteiro, the better capoeira master
-Kunimitsu, the mother, specifically, the daughter can fuck off - this is the adults talking now
-Lucky Chloe - the bane of all dudebros
when the tekken coin deposit hits. you'll never see me again
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I really, really want Josie and Chloe to return.
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who was first again?
It's citizenship again lmao
ilias tk or something
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i just played a raijin kang who did the usual passive shit into the usual flowchart shit you've seen a million times into the usual epic ch shit every 89IQ kangs do.

i'm so fucking tired of this slot machine simulator.
is it because ilias doesn't even live in africa but registered in the north africa region for the leaderboard points
>we want fair play
>but not in our game so anyone is free to cheat themselves to max rank without ever getting banned.
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>"Thank you for your understand."
>I actually have no understanding of any of this
>tifatroon still at it and getting BTFO
anyway I just did a bunch of quickmatches and didn't see heihachi once, what gives?
>beat some guy's ass
>he leaves after one game
>get matched up with another xbox 5-bar
>they decline
>get matched up with another xbox 5-bar
>they decline
this exact sequence has happened like 50 times. am i getting matched up against the one 'n doner i just spanked? if so, how do they know it's me?
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>lie about country of residence to place higher on an easier leaderboard
>when given the chance to rectify the mistake choose to double down instead
>banned from participating in eatsports for the next year
what an idiot
ronaldo SUIIIII
Ilias/Ronaldo Sui is some Belgium morocconfag who lied about staying in Morocco and participated in both EU and Africa region shit
negroid game with a negroid audience and negroid levels off the scale all the way to the very best players
lmaooooo fucking idiot.
You on wifi or live in some obscure region like Spain? If so they can tell in the matchmaking.
shut up it's not funny
games mid I dropped it
Still the only good fighting game with a playerbase

Still the only alive fighting game that isn't dependant on literal trannies (Strive) virtual trannies (SF Dix) or mongoloid dudebros (MK1)

Still the only 3D fighting game with an actual playerbase
since i'm watching plantedmedusa we should discuss conspiracy theories
>I tried to convince them that I did live in morocco
nope, west coast US and wired. no disconnects either. but now i'm remembering there was some korean software in 7 that let you log the IPs of everyone you've connected with so you could duck anyone who was a threat. maybe there's still something like that out there.
why is bryan the only character allowed to have a an audio play in char selection before being picked
He was probably just denying every wired PC player to avoid the matchup then.
women are a jewish psyop, tgirls are the one true path

On T5DR, everyone must pick Mokujin
I scrolled past a tweet saying Phidx is the reason Namco makes the Tekken 8 worse right into a tweet saying Phidx is paid to lie by Namco.
>the highest pachinko standards
LAMO the audacity of these faggots
nigga why is your first thought korean software instead of the dude dodging ps wired until it gives at least one different connection
because if he wanted to do that, why not just turn off crossplay? but also because i'm paranoid about cheaters since i keep running into them.
mokujin will be the perfect cheater filter
He's on console. It's exceptionally hard, if not impossible to cheat on console.
because nobody plays on xbox
it’s easy to dodge like that cause the game loves to give you the same guy over and over if you deny a match, I got the same 4 bar america 2 like 3 times before the game realized I’m not accepting that shit
>Tekken 6
>Knee vs Genius
>Aris commentating and calling the other commentators faggots
take me back

I swear he had a similar video where he was also calling people faggots but it was fightinggm vs knee
can't find it anymore though
didn’t see the last line about constantly running into cheaters
you’re full of shit and really really bad
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>be nigger
>fuck up
>make outrageous dindu nuffin lie
coming clean isnt part of the nigger script though. i respect that.
I am watching this Steve streamer have a mental breakdown live.
you can still cheat on console. it's also possible to spoof your matchmaking profile so that you show up as a console player instead of PC.

yeah there's nothing suspicious about a player who can go from db to df in 1 frame, bypassing both neutral and down. cheating is made up and it has never happened.
>tekken 5dr multi continent tournament on ps3 emulator
sounds so retarded and shit i would be up for it. even train a week to get back into it.
I'm so glad that faggot quit tekken
cant hitbox theoretically do that?
obviously cheating exists but it’s not as prominent as this general would have you think
brown people cheating again I see
> I see
it is and us integrityfags can do nothing but watch like a cuck in his fuckiing cuckchair. maybe if i report blatant cheaters a hundred more times they will implement a function that actually does fucking all before s3 or eos.
I play on a sofa
hitboxes haven't been able to do that for years. even if you had a pre-SOCD hitbox, the game's input interpreter forces SOCD cleaning so that you always have one frame of neutral at minimum.

idk man. i'm frequently checking replays and seeing impossible inputs. and these are just the guys who are obvious retards. if you have more than a couple brain cells to rub together, modern cheating software is basically impossible to detect since you can configure it to randomize input timings to make them look human.
thanks for answering. i was legit curious.
>downplaying the absolute state of cheating
either genuinely retarded or brown wannabe progaymer
I'm still having fun
They will implement it s3 and demand 5$ for it because it isnt part of the 'character & stage pass' and demand being hailed like kings for adding another basic fucking function.
i'm out after dlc4 then i got wait i paid for
Well you know when you've been defeated
i'm green
Just like my turds, because I'm a herbivore.
Patch notes doko
i'm out after EoS then i got wait i paid for
i've never encountered a single cheater once in 500 hours but i'm also not EU
i never encountered a cheater. because i am the cheater
But how do I do that irl bro? Can you link a YT guide pls
I can't even watch tv without reminding myself about all the potential employers that have rejected me
Yeah there are some guides to make really cool crystals using bleach and ammonia
You rub the crystals and it plugs irl
I just got a job last week
cheaters eos cheaters eos cheaters eos
‘24gen is looking pretty grim
it's up
buck status?
take a screenshot or make a webm, I don't want to go on xitter
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Can you still get this Nina dress?
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>n-n-n-no guys the game is fun the game is fun the game is fun the game is fun! shut up schizos the game is fuuuuuuun!!!
imagine being so mindbroken you have to go such lengths and make memes to ignore reality
Ignore the haters I'm having a blast!
the game is actually fun however
I like the game
but I also liked 7 when every burnt out stockholm syndrome mf was screeching about it
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This game is very fun
The forced 50/50s are very not fun
Hope that clears things up
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>noooooooooooooooo the game is fuuuuuuuuuuun stop talking about the flaws of the game in a space where you talk about the game EVERYONE HAS TO THINK THE GAME IS FUN!!!! ARENT U MAD THAT I THINK THE GAME IS FUN?!?! THE GAME IS FUUUUUUUN!!!! IM HAVING A BLAST!!!!!!
it's funny because that greentext describes the complainers more
they get incredibly upset and aggressive whenever someone dares say they like the game
At this point just rename rage art to “empathy power rush” for fucks sake
Forced 50/50 is the biggest cope. You simply got outplayed if you blocked a heat smash.
what about cocks and hairy pussies?
says the lili player
her heat 50/50s are cancer
it's up
why are tekken pros so ugly
good looking people go outside and don't play games
fucked up the input of a guaranteed hit and dropped a game to a 60 def kazuya
danielmado, sephiblack, lowhigh, nobi are all decent looking
>lost to a cheating Claudio player with a GoD Lidia and defense 76

Kek you want me to think these players counterhitting dashblock inputs over and over again somehow have such high I that they can do that and guess every timing mixup properly but couldn’t be arsed to learn throw breaks or punishment? Defense 76? GoD? You counterhit my every move and dashblock? What kinda script you running you little disgusting “empath”

Also these docksuckers are discounting points for plugging eddy on loading screen I got -1200 for losing twice or is it because I’m Tekken king

Funny how all my theories about iq and empathy where all wrong and dogshit and it turns out everyone is cheating what an embarrassment of a franchise and genre

Put vanguard and give our anuses to the Chinese Id rather give them control of my pc than make the game a complete joke fucking dogshit company of niggers
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kane is cute as fuck
what do i do when dragunov does running 2 into heat smash?
it's up

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