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>Patch Notes

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>Found a problem or have a suggestion? Use the "Contact" button at the top right of the site.

>SKSE AE Update tracker

>/tesg/'s characters
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>/tesg/ mods
Mazetism: https://pastebin.com/L7cBYDrM
Cira: https://pastebin.com/jerJ7QGf
>Lore and Lore Accessories

>character sheet workdocs (svg + png)

>/tesg/'s sister threads:
>>>/tg/tgesg/ - /tg/'s Weekend Lore General
>>>/aco/teslg/ - /tesg/ Adult General
>/tesg/'s retarded sister thread:

>mega treasure trove of RUASLEEP and pre-AE USSEP patches, as well as OSex/OSA archives

>minimal starting modlist geared towards returning users
>comprehensive combat mod list and guide for anyone
>gear list for gear people

Elder Thread: >>500040438
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I want this mod to be good and not break my game
dream onnn dream onnn DREAM OOON
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Might as well wish for the moon to give you a kiss.
I'd moon your kisser
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Mooning people is rude. Unless it's a sporting match, then the naked run across the field is mandatory.
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How goes your studies of the Imperial Library /tesg/?
Any deep dives?
RIP Scotti
I wonder how many people have done Velekh Sain
Think I got the genderbent one in the fem-skyrim mod
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I never remember how high up Riften is compared to the rest of Skyrim.
I've read a good portion of the primordial myths and MW related stuff. Never got that into the narrative books.
i wasted most of my sunday trying and failing to get a standalone follower to use the textures i give them
how you just replace them?
bodyslide generates meshes
Have you tried editing the "worn armor - WNAM" record in xedit?
Is there any checklist for these, actually? I'd be interesting to see how many I did already.
think it has something to do with Racial Skin Variance. i blacklisted them and it says they're excluded from the spid in console but it still looks like they're using BNP even when i replace their texture files with Fair or Diamond Skin.
>fuck helga
>her assistant does the vanilla dialogue about complaining about her whoring herself out to random people
Emerging storytelling, I kneel.
I would have to just go through all of them all over again.
I don't think that I've read any since the release.
RIP Scotti
that's how Todd has envisioned it
you need to create a new race and change its textures
use the sniffina follower for an example
I should try to scrape their directory to make a toggleable spreadsheet
>sniffina follower
Sounds like a project. I'm just going to use the Notes system in NotebookLM
RIP Scotti
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>he lacks knowledge
>slightly more revealing clothes makes a bit of aureolas visible
aahhh I hate it, it should end right at aureolas
but thats the best part
for me it crosses the "slightly" part
5 second fix in Outfit Studio
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what do I do? never used it before
click the move selected vertices tool at the top, the one with the plus shape on the circle
t.hanks, I have learned something new
also click the pencil symbol on the left side to make it easier to see vertices
shit taste
>Sounds like a project
Nothing an hour with an AI slave can't do
>4 years of tireless work
>only 8k downloads
i downloaded it a couple months ago
i havent actually played it yet though
is it any good
such is the fate of all end of questline quest mods
When are you going to share your waifu.
You must set a deadline.
he will become his "waifu" and come to your home
give him your address
ok mehmud
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Brunette Bretons bearing big boobies.
Played Oblivion a lot before but never really dug deep on the whole levelling system, reading up on it makes me understand quite how fucked it is. I've got a mod that keeps attribute bonuses in a pool so you don't have to minimax every level, is there a better mod I'm missing?
oi bruv post some more of this semen demon
sir do not be posting the bhabibhat
Proud breton with modest tits
I don't owe you anything
Depending on my mood I either use realistic leveling for less aggravating base Oblivion or Oblivion Scaling Unclusterfucked to tone down the leveling system and lock higher tier armor to specific places rather than half the bandits in the game wearing ebony armor.
I owe you everything
Would unironically fuck him if he was cosplaying as his waifu but wouldn't tell anyone about it since that would be gay.
She's cute
Need to see more.
>Brunette Bretons bearing big boobies.
They aren't that big.
he means by human standards, not obeast standards
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>Brunette Bretons bearing big boobies
I support this movement
ended up not editing them, after covering nipples I ended up with pretty much vanilla
Who's the EN VA for Tlazolli in Xilonen's SQ? What accent is this?
>Played Oblivion a lot before but never really dug deep on the whole levelling system
RIP my xbox 360 right triggers
surprisingly last for several million pulls
Post these Bretons tits
leave some room for breton butts
i impregnated her
>holy shit why is my game so laggy
>accidentally hotkeyed the enb 60 fps limit
finally, /tesg/ is healing...
Walking up to Synthia for a hug then planting my face between her massive breasts and deeply inhaling her scent for the next hour would heal me
It's pretty funny doing the MQ and seeing how they put just a bit more effort into the quest locations than all the others.
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do NOT post tits
mad because she doesn't have any
built like one of those Whiterun overhauls that turn the streets into wooden planks
Sounds like you do want it to happen.
*mogs you*
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Too autistic to care about her body, checkmate atheist.
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gonna do it anyway
that's the case for like 95% of games in general
A lich AND a healer? That's amazing :)
Says the titlet. She's never going to catch a good husband with her boyish body like that!
she looks like she fucks wight guys
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took me a while but kek
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Never knew I needed this mod.
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Can anyone explain why people make mods like this?
>Giant new land
>Looks pretty but is mostly empty and sovlless
>Adds no new quest or NPCs to interact with
Because adding content to new land is the hardest part
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Placing random shit around in a map editor is easy
Most people are skillets and writelets so here you go
average reaction of women to my bounteous gut
Maybe they just like making fantasy landscapes. You don't need to go through a review committee to publish shit you mock up for fun.
one day i'll have a cool /tesg/ husbando who i can adventure with and suck off sometimes
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>as big has her head
>not that big

Your overton window has shifted out of the norm, my boy.
So there's two types of modders. The nerdy dev modders who know how to make compelling gameplay but they lack creativity.
Then there's the artistic modders who know how to write or design pretty things, but lack the technical skills to make anything of substance.
It is rare that you get a VICN or Brehanin who knows how to do both.
>random word wall broken
if I want to remove parts of an armor do I want outfit studio or nifskope or what?
I want to make some low tier light armors topless and as those are only for CBBE so me a BHUNPchad need to do it by myself
you'd probably have an easier time learning to convert those CBBE outfits to BHUNP
Sharif don't like it
the jannies on this board were never this quick before
you'd think they started paying them
bosmom is based in my book just cause she makes janitors work
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and here I thought they got me too quick 2 days ago
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>do NOT post tits
sacred blue...
Maybe he still think he gotta get paid if he's quick
the leveling system is not bad
level scaling on the other hand filters builds and playstyles and breaks immershun if you like to do a lot on a single character and/or refuse to gitgud with enchants and effects
>Maybe they just like making fantasy landscapes.
I'm fine with this but don't put a door on a building if you can't go inside of it. This Elden Root mod is style over substance. A complete cocktease.
sorry bro, npcs still end up looking like Koreans
Guess I'm stuck with vanilla

I actually liked how Oblibion did it with its charachter overhaul
That waifu owes me sex.
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Very gimmicky mod mostly focused on adding extra PC characters.
I installed it to play and upgrade NPC followers.
It does not allow any of this, the "take control of NPC" option only allows you to use the camera and wsda keys. You cannot even attack using the NPCs.
I'm fairly certain that I could just use the console more quickly and efficiently to manipulate NPC attributes.
Retard here, how do i actually install this shit in synthesis?
Do you need help figuring out how to install that patcher, or do you need help figuring out how to add any patcher?
So wait, I went for the jarl to Redorans Retreat to kill the bandit chief and now I have to do that again for the companions?
Are there "random" quests really random?
I thouguht they would at least have some list of locations that you already cleared to not send you into the same dungeon every time
I wish there was a skyrim skse mod that allowed you to sleep in anyone's bed. It makes no sense why that hasn't been made yet.
>npc is dead
>npc isn't using it at the moment
>bed is owned
It's frustrating

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