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Previous >>499984246

>Persona 5: The Phantom X pre-registration started in Japan -
>Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis -The Answer- is now available on all platforms - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9eXHaH_9vI

>P5U.jp (Arena) Expires: 2025/04/30
>P5B.jp (Unknown) Expires: 2024/12/31
>P5M.jp (Unknown) Expires: 2024/12/31

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>New and improved Birthday Chart
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First for Ken!
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Why did she do it?
But why
They might hate the difficulty...
but admit it, all ex-protags should be treated like this as far as being superbosses
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Need to love her.
floofy ken
gimmick fights like his aren't fun
Go ahead, pee
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Claiming this amazed apricot.
Best model.
Most compassionate.
I'm so proud of Ann. I love her.
>I prevented a rape today.
>Really? How?
>I convinced her to say yes.
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YUCKari is filled with STDs.
very yum
>Dude just spend hours grinding max stats just so you can fight a boss with 20 hidden rules because the devs struggle to come up with actual creative boss fights

No anon, Demi-Fiend actually gets good fights but every ex-protag fight in NuSona so far is just different flavors of terrible.
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it's funny seeing atlus realize how broken you can make personas and so they just gave the bosses 5 different rules
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>someone has been voicing lazyprocrastinator's videos recently
very nice
Need pegkari…
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Only thing we need in life.
why were all of the persona animes so shit bros
p4 anime was good
4 was ok, too bad it brought in tons of anime onlis. Haven't seen golden or the 3 movies. I could tell 5 was so bad at ep 1 I started laughing at the gym scene and dropped it.
door squared??
What's she checking for, huh...?
video game adaptations can't be good by definition
turns out condensing an 60+ hours game into a dozen episodes doesn't work that well
I mean, the P4 anime and the first twoP3 movies are so much better than P5's anime
Sumire is lesbian for Futaba.
Checking to make sure her ass didn’t get even bigger
It did
p5anime was low budget
If she's not careful, she might surpass her older sister...
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such a cutetaba
This but the whole quadrilogy of the P3 movies were better than the P5 anime Hell even the Golden anime was better than P5 anime.
zoom in on the spats
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that's a really low bar
all persona animes are full of mischaracterizations, but at least p4 and p5 didn't butcher the plot
I didn't like the last two movies, but yeah the P5 anime as a whole was that bad
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Threadly orbs
smooth orbs...
Can I just say I knew it was gonna be shit?
P5 literally cannot be told as a short anime series. Because the stories are more intricate and there's too many of them. Like in p5 you HAVE to go into detail with the s links, and you can't tell that story in 12-24 episodes.
I miss him.
I almost feel bad for the P5 anime staff because they were genuinely given a terrible project for their format
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Nicely Fuuka'd.
is there any koromaru cosplay
Ann has a cute smile
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its was posted in last thread
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its cool how the phase of the moon in the sky is consistent with the calendar
coat spotted
It's the same image
Chihaya but she's your new neighbor
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to be fair this scene always takes place on 7/20, so the moon is static
i find it cooler that you can see the moon at tartarus roadblocks and it changes phases correctly
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fuuka's husband is so cute!
He looks like he fucks teal-haired women
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But I am Fuuka's husband
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Fuuka looks so dorky
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What could have been...
Fuuka...more like...Pooka...lol...
What a cute dork
She's Preguka.
Good afternoon lads
>trying to find a large pair of gloves to go with my Plague Doctor cosplay for Comic-con
It should not be this hard
why don't you cosplay persona charas
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Not quite that confident in my body just yet to do that. while i have lost plenty of weight, theres still some areas i need to work on
Plus, I like cosplays in which I can wear a mask.
Good evening TanKa
persona 4 models are peak sovl
ps2 chibis are garbage, i cant wait for p4r
before everyone meets fuuka they make a big deal of her having a weak constitution and getting sick a lot but once she joins it's never brought up again
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I like them, lower poly but unique
Both being the big and small spoon sounds fun.
now that you brought that up... even I forgot that was a thing with her lmao
I'm sure even the devs completely glossed over that aspect whilst making the game
wasn't it just rumors and/or cover up for bullying
I'll build her stamina with horizontal cardio
what did you mean by that...?
It's mostly sine there is a whole thing with her home life with her parents that gets 2 lines implying it's bad for her and the dorm is much better overall. Ultimax sort of goes into it, Reload added one line about it saying it was fixed off screen, mainly so her family can pressure her in Ultimax.
Post-pegging aftercare
I'm going to make her lie flat and then bench press her.
Then we're going to do planking.
Persona but the party members have a chance to have a romance in and out of the party all done by random chance. You only get to romance the girls if they rolled "fuck MC" before the game begins.
oh okay alright then
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let me pair the spares instead
like FE?
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This is real. I can personally attest to having witnessed the Phanntom Danncer one moonlit night.
Persona character for this?
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The general.
P3 the guy who turns into a doctor
Females must wear naked aprons only in the kitchen.
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Oh hell yeah
Not just the females
Dogs are real?!?!
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Rape rape revolution
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Wheres the big?
those are c cups
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could be based, i think last time i played, I made some of the girls lesbians without knowing
Imagine rolling Junpei and Mitsuru together lol
Me and my wife
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I have a coffee addiction I can’t go one day without drinking coffee, reading Door fanfiction and thinking about shuyuka it’s too late for me.
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would it be much different from chidori
i think junpei would be appalled by mitsuru's lack of concern for herself
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Contained within
Chihaya's MASSIVE, SLOSHING breasts.
is this new
Imagine dating her and being able to get smothered in them each and every night. You wouldn't go one day without waking between her comforting bosom, or at least with it pressed against you in some way shape or form
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Post character and track you think they would listen to
Na I saved it from the thread a while back
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Persona 5 should've had a KH3 tier reception as opposed to the 'le jarpig of the decade' it had on release.
The door and yu boss fights aren’t bad it’s just jokers that is stupidly Liz tier.
P5 only got that reception from normies/journos that didn’t play a lot of jrpg. Now they moved onto metaphor because it doesn’t have the “problematic package” persona has to them.
KH3 is bad while P5 is really good at the start
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sounds nice
Which persona girl would wear the thinnest g-string out there?
Day 5 of P3FES, Jul 3 to Jul 9

Again, busy with work so I could only fit in a full moon operation.

Chihiro is missing! She's not outside the Student Council Room even though I don't think her SLink is broken or reversed. Who would have thought missing just 1 conversation 2 months back would have had such a knock on effect.

THe 7/7 Full Moon op was pretty fun. I already posted pictures in the thread, but I benched Junpei for the lulz and seeing Mitsuru blush when I asked her what happened was totally worth it.

Not much else to comment, except I'll have to grind soon.
Which persona girl would go commando?
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dont miss out on cute lil 'hiro!
A. In his defense, she went from cute to beautiful.

B. Now that you mention it...yeah... Imagine, from calling her senpai to calling her wife. I think even Akihiko would congratulate and/or bid him good luck.
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I find this specific face on old Yukari hot. Must be the added lip emphasis.
Yeah I'm trying to close the deal ASAP but Maiko's coming up and I don't know if she counts as a female for the cheatometer.

Old Yukari is great because of her scared/confused face that looks like she's afraid of being raped by the MC.
Maiko is built for marriage
Its more of a bruh face that I posted lol. Interesting way to look at the scared variant tho...
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I revisited Skyclad's "Parliament of Fools" (a friend of mine was into their older material--that song would probably fit a P5 character better) and found this number through the sidebar. Some of the lyrics definitely seem more fitting for his arc--especially at the police station:
>Well I could wring my hands, I could pace the floor
>If I could write a letter or file a report
>In a world of deception and loathsome lies
>The disregarded mob now have hate in their eyes
>And I want to condemn them, want to make it fair
>A silent scream as you punch the air
>Words fail me
Start sexualizing Chie and Naoto.
P3 was a mistake
They should just delete the game from my memory
The only mistake was your mom giving birth to you
>Brap GIF
Ai moment.
Changing the topic, what Persona have been your mainstay every run? Mine would be Oberon and Quetzalcoatl. Especially the latter since it first gave me a -dyne skill.
At least we got Chihiro and Saori.
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We need more spin offs that has the protags interacting with each other.
Akechi is a dweeb
Also stop samefagging
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No she's one of the cutest things I've ever seen.
THAT date is coming up btw.
Considering you post the same 2-3 images and nothing else I'm going to assume a majority doesn't care about her since she barely has any fanart
nanako, take off the cowkini! I heard Dojima pulling into the driveway!
That one is my favorite and I don't need anymore.
If a singular image of saori made for a fanmade mode is your favorite then that's kind of sad
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Hey, how come Morgana doesn't drive as fast anymore?
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I agree but it needs to take more inspiration from Q1 than Q2
saori 's social link was a wild ride they should have replaced uemitsu's link with her in reload
>you want me to take it off? Mmm Naughty girl...
I love me daisojoo
I would throw my short over nanako to cover her up and then explain she spilled juice on her clothes or something.
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shes like 12
she could probably go around in just trunks and nobody would notice or care
and I wouldn't have it any other way

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