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>Terry Teaser, Gameplay and Guide trailer

>Year 2 Character Reveal Trailer

>The official Capcom Pro Tour 2024 website is live

>S2 Balance Patch

>High level replays

>Street Fighter 6 Frame Data

>SuperCombo Wiki

>Fighting Game Glossary

>Use Fightcade to play ST, A2, A3, 3S, CVS2, etc

Previous: >>500090275
>Clayton CHADman
Best OP of 2024
stop baking early morons
>OP about some old SF kuso instead of SF6
...was Bocchi threads.
File deleted.
Why is there no still battle damage on the models when playing online?
Capcuck hours...
Avatar battle should be properly balanced in the next game so people can play it competitively
if that was a white man you wouldnt be complaining
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My wife mogs your waifu and it's not even close.
if that was blanka you wouldn't be complaining
>Doesn't play
>Dodges every time he's called out
Wow, maybe Clayton is ontopic after all
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Truthposting hours early...
imagine if chun farted and did this
Fug, this is cute actually
>They spam the internet with blacked shit
>Playing the victim when people get tired of them
I ship them
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>Aki's entire personality is being obsessed with her daddyhusband
>SIRS and sandniggers insisting she would want some smelly sandnigger instead
One of the most forced crackships
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it only makes sense, FANG is gay for Bison and once she learns Rashid kicked his ass she'll leave him. Women's cunts turn to desert when they learn their man got his ass beat
>Fang is [HEADCANON]
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Support Hershuar
Nah, Aki is a real bitch. She loves Fang even if he a loser.
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They were shipped in the comic.
...is that it? Almost as bad as the mentally ill obese balding florida landwhale obsessing over Juri and Menat because they both like purple and appeared in a slop commercial for junkfood once...
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They've already held hands.
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Alright, thats better.
Still kinda weird considering she loves Fang.
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They probably just shilling for the sandnig audience.
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A 7 frame move with 5 frames of advantage will hit on the 2nd actionable frame.

Unless I'm understanding frames wrong. If there was a 5 frame advantage and you use a move that is 2 frames over 5 frames (7). Should you not be at a -2 disadvantage? The active frames of Manons MP is 4. If I assume that active frames start as soon as start up frames, then 5 frames has already eaten into that. If I assume that for some arbitrary reason it starts in the latter half of the 7 frames, then still 2 frames would have eaten into that. Leaving 2 more frames to actually hit.

Oh wait...I guess if he can only start to jump after 5 frames then there's 2 frames he can be hit before he leaves the air. Nevermind I understand now, for some reason I think I subtracted 4 from 5 thinking he'd be in the air by the start of the 7 frames punch, since it should technically be slower, but 5 frames technically means that there should be 2 frames left of the 7 frames...even though it should be negative. But I guess that just means, Bison only has 2 + frames to do anything.

So that means that -2 is safe I guess in all scenarios? Even ignoring the 5 frames the advantage allowed to be eaten up.

Well, I find frame data boring so it's no wonder I didn't know this, I like to find out punishes by intuiting them through failure in game. Not sitting down in a training room like a robot.

But anyway while I still wouldn't call it a mixup due to the fact that Manon has to guess, and therefore the advantage is barely really an advantage, since if cmnd grabs and he jumps, that's 80% health gone for a character with no reversal and non threatening neutral buttons (no armour punch, all her shitty lights combo, but not a single one of them is threatening, and only one of her medium kicks are cancellable, and it's not the long one.)

So I was still half right even if I misunderstood some stuff.
I will set my leverless to down+up=up.
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used a hitbox? You didn't win.
Honestly, if it was a bald white man I would be complaining as well. Or a very pale man. Or any beardless men. Baldies are ugly. Pale "men" are ugly and too feminine. Beardless men also ugly.
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Pic unrelated?
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am i suspected of committing a crime, officer?
Leverless is the best controller type, and everyone should switch to it. And I'm not even talking about performance ingame. Pads die too quickly and are expensive, sticks are a mess to fix.
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It is the best, but it's also broken and meant for Mugen, not street fighter. Hitbox is a deviation from real street fighter, not sf6.
>I still wouldn't call it a mixup
A mixup is a mixup. Manon isn't the one guessing, Bison is. Even if was outright in Bison's favor, that just makes it a bad mixup.
There's plenty of situations in plenty of fighting games where you go for low reward 50/50's because you know either will kill, for example.

Furthermore skewed returns on options don't invalidate a mixup. Manon is a bad character, obviously, but she's not so bad that her command grab just has zero threat. You still don't want to be in command grab range of her, and any time she command grabs you could say "yeah but if you jump she dies so it's worthless".
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Episode 11 (and Mai) waiting thread
There must be some Clayton derangement syndrome that makes people act like this. Why is it so hard to admit this guy is the goat?
That uber person after getting exposed defaulting to lying about Clayton being ill is cringe af. He back peddled so quick to when he realized Clayton was in the discord. ffs What's wrong with these trannies?
this is the power of brian_f's coaching........
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>basically disabled
>still ripped (used to be mired on /fit/)
>still a ladykiller experiencing women around the world
>basicaly behind 90% of dooberz tech
>first man to discover micro walk slime combos
>boots up Fightcade once every 2 years and traumatize entire discords
Nobody can compete unfortunately
Everyone dodges Clayton tho. I've only seen a few times people tried to debate Clayton and oh boy was it a shit fest. That whole LK fiasco was painful to watch, he made LK look like a clown that has never a video game ever. If LK acted like that against anyone that wasn't Clayton his youtube woulda been done.
What a complete moron. HE never learned how to play the game properly. Maybe if someone had given HIM a solid gameplan then HE would have hit master by now. HE should work on controlling his emotions, it's very unnatural and hurts HIS game.
>manon vs bison argument going on days later
ded game
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Why does everyone have DPs?
but eskay plays juri, what gameplan besides mp - cr.mp - oki you can give
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why is eskay so weirdly cute
A completely normal response especially to the high diamond experience.
Matchmaking is explicitly designed to make you angry as its primary goal. It's pure evil and the worst thing to ever happen to fighting games.
If I had to coach a diamond layer I'd tell them to slime good instead of sliming bad
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I think the climb to master rank is fun, post your master ranks
1750 but I still gargle balls and ass
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>A 7 frame move with 5 frames of advantage will hit on the 2nd actionable frame.
>Unless I'm understanding frames wrong.
You are
"7f move" doesn't mean it has 7 total frames, it means it becomes active on the 7th frame.
This jab would be considered a 7f move, but it still has 9f of recovery after the active frames. How plus you are on hit/block depends on how long the opponent is in blockstun/hitstun after you use it. This sLP has 9f of recovery, but keeps the opponent in blockstun for 11 frames, so you're +2 on block.
>bronze trying to understand framedata
Look bro, "framedata" is the least thing you should worry about.
what is bison
In context it was about pushing a move with 7 frames of startup while +5.
He thought the opponent could jump out or at least be hit aerial, which they can't.
To make you learn how to not jump.
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all my Master characters
Ryu: Plat 1 > Master
Chun: Diamond 3 > Master
Guile: Diamond 5 > Master
Manon: Diamond 3 > Master
Akuma: Diamond 3 > Master
Terry: Diamond 1 > Master

Haven't actually thrown my hat into the MR climb yet, but will with Ryu when the ranks reset while I'm waiting for Mai
This. I'm not sure why it's a big deal anyway, He's already said he doesn't play anymore and has no intention of ever competing again. A bunch of fake combo boars and galaxy brains that can't compete against him in terms of intellect.
I'm convinced that the people bringing him up negatively are just his fans looking to promote him because they're obsessed with him, so they try to get people interested in him by shitting on him like a retard to make people argue with them and defend him, so its just his fans baiting his other fans into having these stupid conversations in every thread.

I have no fucking idea who this guy is and I don't know why /sfg/ won't shut up about him, but it feels like very dumb shill marketing.
I don't understand how people can say that diamond ranked experience is miserable/hard/whatever.

I have 5 master characters in pisslow MR and when I climb new character in the ladder, diamond is super shill in comparison.
>I have no fucking idea who this guy is
he's literally your father
I wish he was my father.
That way, the bar would be low enough that I would not feel bad everytime I compare myself to my real father.
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Manon was the most enjoyable run, weirdly
agreed, going from playing shoto all the time to killing people in three command grabs was a magical experience
Alright faggot
Really amazing you can tell when the nigger goes to sleep and all the talk about LTG is gone lol. God I hate teens
>Manon isn't the one guessing, Bison is. Even if was outright in Bison's favor, that just makes it a bad mixup.

No they're both objectively guessing, and Manon always loses more for a bad guess EVEN with 5 medals she will only get one command throw, because there is no world where her shitty combo damage is less preferable to a 5 medal throw. Not to mention she has the worst drive meter management in the game. But I don't want to focus on that because people try to say "she's weak so that doesn't make it not a mixup!" Tell me a single game where somebody is at threat of losing 80% help if the mixup victim guesses right.

It's just not an actual mixup. It makes the entire concept retardedly meaningless.

>Furthermore skewed returns on options don't invalidate a mixup.

Makes no sense.

>Manon is a bad character, obviously, but she's not so bad that her command grab just has zero threat.

Yes it does. Effectively. But that's about her being a bad character, none of that matters.

In a world where Manon had the highest health in the game? Sure, it's still a guess for her, but less so, because she can take what she dishes out. But she's not Gief and this isn't JUST about being a "weak" character. NOBODY has as much health as Gief, she has average, that's just a product of her being on the same playing field.
His name is Dale little bro, stop getting so defensive about your internet daddy
What’s next, want to rape his daughter too? whens her period?
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1600bros..i finally made it....
with bison
I really hope Dale kills himself already so we can be spared this nonsense. L
I mean sure I guess. So it was the latter where it becomes active after the 7 frames. Which is kind of...dumb I guess. What I mean is that it just seems like start up frames is irrelevant for everything but reactions I guess?

Whatever, we weren't talking about frame advantage on block.

BUT. If I'm understanding what you're saying, and only the active frames matter. Then Manons MP only has 4 active frames and 14 recovery.

If the advantage is +5 and frames only matter in their active state, then +1 frames will be left over. But you obviously can't use that frame, so what does that mean? That even though the prejump should be executed the same time they're hit, that instead it happens a second later? I don't get it. Frame shit is so fucking convoluted and dumb.
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Unfortunately you're just a little too late. You see, late in the season, MR gets inflated heavily. And the closer to the MR reset, the bigger the inflation. At this point all of the roaches and rats come out and bubble their way to the surface looking for scraps. Try to hit 1600 MR within a couple months of the MR reset.
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cute snek
>Unfortunately you're just a little too late.
too late for literally what
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CotW waiting room.
>If the advantage is +5 and frames only matter in their active state, then +1 frames will be left over. But you obviously can't use that frame, so what does that mean? That even though the prejump should be executed the same time they're hit, that instead it happens a second later? I don't get it. Frame shit is so fucking convoluted and dumb.
The amount of active frames actually does matter, because you can time shit out so you hit them with a later frame rather than the first one, and the move will hit "meaty" which can get you extra frame advantage. Their hit/blockstun won't change, but your move will still end just as quickly as if you had hit with the first active frame.

Honestly frame data isn't as complicated as it seems at first, it just takes a little getting used to. I think you're overthinking a lot of this stuff and making it seem crazier than it is.
you should really turn on the frame bar in training mode and you'll be able to just mess around with moves and see how the frame data works.
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too late for me
>I have no fucking idea who this guy
Maybe you should, watch a video? Or is this bait? Clayton is the goat take your meds.
I don't watch ecelebs and I don't really want to.
I play videogames, I don't need to watch other people play them.
You're probably just trolling anyway, but fuck off I'm tired of the eceleb dicksucking.
Capcom renamed versus mode to something else, lied about it having dynamic, learning AI and got a bunch of retards to mash against the CPU for a title nobody gives a fuck about.
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for me, it's Towa and Daigo
>Dale fan brings up degenerate sex shit out of nowhere
Yeah that makes sense lmao
Not even denying it huh. Anyway, hope your Dale kills himself so you can leave finally
Is it sometimes more effective to cancel into a DI counter than just DI? I feel like sometimes I'm already blocking and that's eating up my ability to react fast enough, but if I do something like cl.P into DI, I'll get the counter off.
And it worked.
Tekken ghost data is much the same and you have some people fight only ghosts for good.
Claygod owns you I'm afraid
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New Nayshall female character on the next pass
clayton cant even walk for 2 minutes lol
Man ain’t owning shit
I think your brain is just on different mental stacks when you just block and when you attack with lights
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seal = jive
resort = /sfg/
Towa pleases old ojisans for money
yeah, me
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Character for this feel?
This would make sense if anybody was playing it. But not even shitposters have fresh webms lol
So uhhhhh how’s MvC collection doing?
Did it free Mahvel?
baron status?
What I'm confused about is.

If there is a +5 frame advantage. But the startup doesn't get subtracted from that 5 frames (which should leave -2) and instead it's the 4 active frames (which should leave +1) then when does the prejump start and how can it be hit by anything if the use of frames is so inefficient that it doesn't extend over.

And if it's like what I thought it was before where (4 active frames are either counted as part of startup frames or after) then either nothing happens. Or...yeah idk.

>you should really turn on the frame bar in training mode and you'll be able to just mess around with moves and see how the frame data works.

I don't actually know how to set up the scenario and I'm too lazy to anyway.
all 16ers do now is complain
lol! there's been more jive lobbies than dix lobby this past year. There are 0 tournaments being run here unlike Jive who was always active.
We had one silentOne tourney recently
>but uh the past
Proving my point. Nobody is loading up SFV, hell you’re not even loading up V
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>almost sf4 levels
is there a game more abandoned than this?
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Beating a dead horse but
max doodchingger is worthless for sales
Damn, you had one tourney this year and still no lobbies...I kneel
Jivers gassing up stubby fighter V will always anger me
They get one game that’s soulcalibur 4 tier (minus Algol/hilde guarde long rang) stubby and they think it’s SF Pax Romana.
Get the fuck outta here
I'm starting to become fluent in schizospeak
I’m more of a Byzantium Era SF player myself. Fuck ottomans btw
lfmaao great footsies
Who are we streamboaring
is daigo gay?
It’s Monday….
Work isn’t over yet and school has like one more hour before the kids are out
What is your job that you can't even have a stream in the background
He's definitely gay for throwloops
whos the skibidi toilet of sf6 chars
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homies rather just play these games on fightcade
whos the kanye west stare vine boom of sf6 chars
Would appreciate somebody explaining why Manon using a 7f move on a +5 frame advantage, would catch a 4 frame prejump and make it a grounded combo possibility.
2F to get off the ground
damn we're still arguing about that? mahreens tits have everyone in a daze. Someone can just test this immediately. Not me because I don't have bison and I refuse to turn on this shit game.

Though in my experience, in most cases walking back gets out out of throw range anyways.If manon had specific tech that would let her sneak in a throw against a specific character, idom would know about it
Here is a chart I made for you:

Bison's status by frame:
| b b b b b j h ---> Bison get's comboed and dies |

Manon's status by frame:
| s s s s s s h ----> Manon combos you for 70% |

b = block stun
j = jump
h = hit
s = start up

Manon is actually overpowered and has no losing matchups.
imagine losing to a commentator when you're a pro player. Ultradavid robbed some people too in a tournament once recently too. I would be heated as fuck
>If manon had specific tech that would let her sneak in a throw against a specific character, idom would know about it

This is the counter argument I keep bringing up that none of the supposed "Bison gets countered by Manon" losers will ever address. They just dodge it. I don't understand how she supposedly has this insane reliable mixup and is seemingly dogshit. It would literally be impossible for her to be dogshit no matter her weaknesses with this mixup, because she could always exert insane pressure. But that's obviously not the case considering that Idom barely command grabs unless he knows he can. And the amount of times I've seen Idom lose with 5 medals is even more shocking.

None of Manons weaknesses should matter in the context of a mixup because she should have COMPLETE advantage.

I still haven't gotten an answer on what other character I'm fighting games have a mixup where the mixup victim can guess right and make you lose 80% health.
niggas said ultradavid
>Though in my experience, in most cases walking back gets out out of throw range anyways.

This is another thing I considered mentioning, but with my limited knowledge of how frame data factors into spacing, I didn't want to say anything.
yes it was a notable thing, he entered a tournament with modern honda and eliminated some poor bastard top player. I forgot who.
>Man ain’t owning shit
Seems like he's owned you pretty bad here. Making fun of someone who has trouble walking due to health issues, and still looks like a chad. While you seething about him on 4chan like a incel. I'd say that's a pretty big Clayton W.
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Character for this feel?
imagine the smell
Kami live
the slime shuffle
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Character for this feel?
Lmao ok clayton, go huff over some ghosts
average jiver
this doesn't explain why he gets hit grounded instead of in the air though. all you've done is proposed the opposite of what I don't agree with
save one roach or one dixxie?
because there are prejump frames that count as grounded
why don't you retards ever use tundra storm?
Jive wasn't any stubbier than SF3 objectively speaking. You're just letting the camera trick you if you don't see it.
suicide special that gets you PC'd
I do, but only because i'm a tanahashi fanboy
if you see a terry doing his gay ass cartwheel, is it risky? what about any of the forward moving specials that people spam?
if you see a fag doing DI is it risky?
it just seems like it's a free as fuck counter to like 90% of the gay shit in this game and yet I never ever see a gief player use it
fuck it matters if its stubby, 4 and 6 have very long normals and they are the least footsies focused game in the entire series
that's not what I'm talking about retard, stop trolling me your "Manon does 70% of your health in a combo" statement wasn't funny either.
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You're starting to finally learn that Street Fighter fans don't actually like footsies because it means they can't win by ransoming out in neutral. Why do you think people complained about Crush Counter so hard? Probably the most neutral mechanic ever added in Street Fighter 5 that just straight up punished mashing in neutral.

The sooner you learn that Street Fighter fans hate neutral, the sooner you understand why SF6 exists.
The moment you hold up, it still takes a few frames before you're actually considered airborne. You're still throw invulnerable, but if you get hit, you'll be hit grounded instead of getting air reset.

What you should really be complaining about is the fact that Manon has next to no decent combo options versus an opponent that's just holding up forward. I'm pretty sure all she can get without CH is light strings since her mediums aren't even confirmable.

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