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Previous iM@S Thread: >>500096798
Official website: idolmaster-official.jp
Japanese news: imasnews765.com
English wiki: project-imas.wiki
APKs: apk.ksmz.moe
Old archive of materials: sites.google.com/view/yukipobackup
Old FAQ + Resource Links: pastebin.com/icRtaLvv
Material translations + Music downloads: pastebin.com/DebHdukE
Character birthdays: pastebin.com/cLdezeDu
Next thread OP: pastebin.com/A5UGxTuB
>Event/Gacha Dates + Links (Oct 28th): >>500154731

>Archive of >>500038683: archive.is/FV8gO
- Previous News: >>500097069

Oct 29th, 7PM JST: Million Live Anime 1st Anniversary Retrospective stream (with TD news): youtu.be/TXfCcuIgg7w >>498741731
OCt 29th, 7PM JST: VL Cosmo members-only halloween drawing stream: youtu.be/Rcz4Y-whImo
OCt 29th, 7PM JST: VL Cosmo plays Armored Core VI: youtu.be/qyEsSUgQsyY
Oct 29th: iM@S x Suntory Iyemon 20th Anniversary acrylic stands: >>499586242
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- GK Gacha Update "Kokon Touzai Chochoi no Choi" featuring Saki: >>500166993 >>500167084 >>500117443
- GK Support Cards (Oct 28th): >>500167158 >>500141656 >>500167251
- GK x Animate Stage Event (Oct 28th): >>500118214 >>500120645 >>500166871 >>500142664
- GK Extensive Updates (Oct 28th): >>500116867
- GK Support Card Uncap Tickets: >>500117259 >>500117678
- GK Memory Synthesis: >>500125656 >>500125874
- GK Tutorials (Oct 28th): >>500133224
- GK P-Level cap to be increased to 60: >>500142932
- GK 4koma 46 raw: >>500141795
- GK Outfits Chart (Oct 28th): >>500123807
- GK Saki can make normal food: >>500160312
- GK Ume is immune to poison: >>500160593
- GK Temari is Temari-chan: >>500135705 >>500135874 >>500133319 >>500133393
- GK Sena was acknowledged by YouTube: >>500148939
- GK Open Circle: >>500124474
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>Cinderella Girls
- U149 Manga chapter 102 TS: >>500154091
- SS Upcoming Event with Asuka/Chiyo on Oct 30th: >>500135267
- CG Riamu's VA is happy about beating cancer: >>500104294
- CG x U-Neru Onsen collab photo (Oct 28th): >>500105249
- CG Miyabi's birthday tribute 2024: >>500144651
>Shiny Colors
- SFP "Midnight parade (anime ver.)" added: >>500128813
- SFP illumination STARS OurSTREAM (Oct 28th): >>500128813
- SC Maintenance on Oct 31st: >>500134661
- SC CoMETIK are Hana's dogs: >>500107915
- SC Kogane is Standing By: >>500113445
>Million Live
- ML Kuji merch at the Official Shop on Nov 1st: >>500124950
- ML Deramasu x Yukiho Tea: >>500125232
- M@STER EXPO Mascot Greeting will now feature Hatsumi-chan: >>500141592
- M@STER EXPO Circle listings: >>500141696
- iM@S Exam example question (Oct 28th): >>500144127
- iM@S Exam will be taken by the staff: >>500149747
- iM@S Exam books can be taken home: >>500149910
- GK Ume/Hiro/China bed massage fancomic TS: >>500153626 >>500153695
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Oct 29th, 8PM JST: VL Cosmo plays Armored Core VI: youtu.be/qyEsSUgQsyY
Mikibot has lasers. This is canon.
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>SC Kogane is Standing By
Standing Bai*
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I want to marry Minami Saki.
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>boot up GK
>"oh shoot it's a circle event, I should join one"
>already have one
>a dummy circle I made a few months back and forgot about
>"oh ok let me just quit and join an actual one"
>I can't let you do that Producer
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Loving this dork!
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Circle status?
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These are strawberries
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>thought this was chie in the thumbnail
i'm sorry iku-chan my beloved....
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Chie, Mai and Iku without my glasses.
Both are sluts so it's understandable
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Iku (13)
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Baby Jesus
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All babies are ugly
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You wouldn't date a tint.
reminds me of this
I don't think any /@/ circles are getting top 100...
You are correct, it would be wrong to.
why are they selling themselves in an anime shop
do they know they are anime irl in-universe
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I prefer dating the Hanazakaris myself.
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Love these minxes
Hana my beloved
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Hana LOVE!
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It's sad that SfP has better MVs than GK now
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My sexwives.
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What did he mean by this?
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Yo she hungry sonnnnnnnnnnnnn
Where's our wheelchair idol?
He's asking what's in our pants?
Nana in ~10 years.
...a gun?
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none of your business
Chitose in ~2 years.
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Two guns!
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Oh you got to see the new Uma huh?
And before you ask, no she doesn't run
her avatar does
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/@/ sucks...
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...on Mika's nipples.
...on loli nipples.
mhhh yes Mika's deep black nipples
>>>>>invalid race horse
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Shin's VA?
not cool man you take that back YOU TAKE THAT BACK RIGHT NOW YOU SHITTER
Cute lil apple.
I want to be friends with uma
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Letora's birthday stream on 11/11 will start at 21:30 JST.
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Uma delicia
Fumika should have done a birthday stream
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I bet if there were any circles in LoS or GS we would be in the top 10
Is that a pokemon npc?
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... On Ume's breasts!
Kitty mouth~
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happy monday
Sweet nutrient rich SSD milk
Madoka has too many popular gimmicks
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Cumdumpster body
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Guess I'll fall in love now.
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oh nyo, I did it in the last thread
>loose socks
Ahhh, the good old days.
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sexy fox
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Why did they surgically remove Koz's tummy?
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Lovely canon wife
They look so flat
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My cool bitch wife.
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Imas Expo News

General sales starting 11/11.

The VAs of Chihaya, Ritsuko, BaneP, and GentaP will be roaming the venue as exam staff after explaining the process. Apart from GentaP who will be taking the test in the afternoon.

In addition, these Imas staff members will be taking the exam (comments in the news post):
Umeki (Imas Events)
WakachikoP (ML P)
Fechikawa (Sound Director)
Kashitani (Columbia Sound Producer)
JUNGO (MyNote Director)

Imas Exam goods featuring new art of the 6 brands' officer workers are in production.

Watch a video of the process:
They're children... Child idols.
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That's kinda hot...
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Oh, so that's what Asari's name looks like.
No one told me there would be a test.
>Kassy: "Just fuck my shit up"
I think he's getting bald...
You forgot to study and are in your underwear during class for some reason.
Aren't we all...
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If you've been taking notes and not slacking off like JASON then you will be fine, Timmy.
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when did kamille swap from team nao to team minako?
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I still have those nightmares.
is this a motherfucking Grand Blue reference
idk, the guy next to him looks likehe eated a bees
He has always drawn plenty of Minakos in between his usual Naos.
>Chihaya, Ritsuko, BaneP, and GentaP will be roaming the venue as exam staff
>mfw I won't be able to be there to get "the stare" from Mingosu or Kami
why even live
This happened to me once but I went to an all-boys school so there were no girls to laugh at me.
Sticking my finger in her mouth
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Kissin' on Syuko
> BA has wheelchair girl
> Uma has wheelchair girl
iM@S really should get on that.
Does everyone get these post-college "you never actually graduated" nightmares
I've been done with that shit for over a decade and the nightmares still come back occasionally
Only those worthy of the demon lord can see it.
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early nap so we can watch baseball game
You can't dance on a wheelchair
On the CG side he seems to quite like Sanae.
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Not with that attitude.

I sometimes dream I'm still in college and having to manage my schedule but then I remember I'm not there anymore.
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There's also his entire "relatable Chihiro" series
Yes it never goes away

Oh yeah that too. Overworked OLs.
>"you never actually graduated" nightmares
Well I didn't
My college themed recurring nightmare is that I get wrong the date of an exam and when I get there no one is there, only the realization that I failed.

Well go back to school then you fool
Yes, every once in a while, it's always about me being a week away from graduating and out of the blue I get a notice that I flunked 1 or 2 classes.
On the GK side his favorites appear to be Temari and Ume. He likes his idols meaty.
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Very relatable indeed.
He even occasionally draws SCs, though it's rare.
>I ate the last slice of pizza
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I appreciate the love for OLs. We need more of them
Does anyone have the 4* flip side illustration (not FES because it's a support card and Takayama will NOT be getting my money)
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Once I dreamt that I rawdogged Mami inside a classroom at my old school, it was pretty cool.
I want to get into lucid dreaming to manifest something like this but I know it's a meme at this point
Whenever I manage to be aware that I am inside a dream I wake up like 5 seconds later. I must be doing something wrong.
embarrassed madoka is so cute
> Lucid dreaming
Like in that episode of Star Trek Voyager?
How does that work? Is she like 2D/CGI and you're realworld, or are you also 2D/CGI, or something else?
>no she doesn't run her avatar does
What does that mean? She races in VR?
She pilots a robot, clearly.
Kind of like mixed media, I remember Mami was 2D but halfway through the backshots her ass became three-dimensional.
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Pastel cripple Yuriko horse
He draws sexy Chihiros with a fat ass and hips which I appreciate.
Yuriko could always get into an accident.
But then she'd get obsessed with her doctors and murder them.
The only accident Yuriko would get into is the condom breaking
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Wow, an official Akane-chan branded personal computer!?!
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That's Kotoha's thing.
I'm usually aware that I'm dreaming but I can't create anything, just choose to wake up if it gets too shitty. Probably for the best; if my dreams were better than real life I'd just want to sleep all day.
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No Yuriko was the actual villain of that event, she would pretend to be sick and then kidnap and murder her handsome doctors.
Don't make me want to fuck a computer
Napping with Kozue would be divine.
The one time I had an im@s lewd dream it was a foursome with Kaede, Sanae, and Nana. I'm not even particularly into any of them but my brain chemicals decided hags needed dicking.
I'm still wondering if the top piece with the 8-bit chibis is translucent or just a solid gradient color.
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Too late.
This sounds fun, imagine being the token gaijin
What a plot twist!
But I'm already over30
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It's never to late to finish school. See: Billy Madison.
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Stupid sexy Lily.
Nice AI text, Fuyu

You shouldn't talk about your friends that way, Anna.
Is that a Wacom?
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I'm a cigarette?
You are smoking hot after all
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You can't say that word!
Which Mochiwhat have frowning faces?
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Anna is branching out with various ways to make money these days.
Bro has like 5 play buttons!
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Luca, Mamimi, and Madoka
Madoka, Luca and Mamimi should be in a unit.
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Getting naked in art class?
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MMK you're a good girl.

Mamimi would troll the fuck out of the other too.
What's the unit called?
do they actually lick the mic? wouldnt it smell really bad?
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Gotta show your nipples and butthole gurl
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All that trouble for me to draw her like this.
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They probably clean them well before/after use or use a protective liner. I suspect the latter, the materials used for those heads-on-a-stick can't taste very good.
I like the implication that Luca isn't able to leave the room
Hana it's not Halloween yet you don't have to look that spooky
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The mic is inside the dummy head. They just clean the ear attachment afterward.
Kill You ?
But naked and with an X-shaped belly button
wait the hana vs chiyuki catfight memes are canon?
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Who's spooky?
You just clean it you know like an onahole
*Butt naked
Hana scares me.
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why is yukari holding her stomach like that
Because YukariP is phoneposting while driving and she's so scared she's gonna vomit
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Are all the /@/ circles fighting for top 1000?
Yeah top 5000
>Hana’s face when you ask her to join the /@/ Hana gangbang
The /@/ Hana gb where everyone dresses up as Hana
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Mirai's appeal is gap moe between being the usual silly daughter and "wait, does she know?" moments.
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Too much baja blast
We were above the 1000 cutoff before reset, so I doubt we'll actually make it. Especially if the trend of only 3/4 of the members hitting continues. Best we're gonna manage is top 3k.
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As long as Shiz continues to play her role as a helicopter mom, Mirai will never know.
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Sh-she's fast!
We've got slackers
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Mirai and Matsuri giving birth at around the same time.
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Danchou sorry I wasn't aware we are literally doing Clan battle now and missed my hits. It will get better from now on.
> Danchou
Which Granblue cosplay would Kotone look the best in?
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I am not playing thios shit until multipliers
Actually, with GK being a CyberAgent game, doesn't that mean we could potentially get a Granblue collab at some point? Or is Granblue too old for that at this point?
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Did Idoly Pride ever get a Cygames franchise collab?
The hair certainly fits but I don't think Kotone would enjoy having to get naked. https://gbf.wiki/Beelzebub_(Summer)
Danchou here
I WILL find you, WILL humiliate you, and then I WILL kick you out if your lazy ass ain't gonna give us enough honors
No, they got two Mikus, LoveLive, and a K-On collab.
K-On collab when? I want Ritsu.
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> K-ON
I'd ask how but then I remembered CG got a Haruhi collab of all things.
We already have Azusa.
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I love that slut
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filia from skullgirls
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Mio is unforgettable.
The Skibidi Toilet collab
Is it me or master difficulty in GK kinda dogshit?
I'd rather get the AG2 collabs like TLR or Yuuni Yuna...not ReZero though even if it's more likely.sicme they Collab with everything.
We are so back
Yuuki yuna collab, Kaho is a hero and she gets a lewd transformation sequence
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Sometime in April last year.

I think it helped that two of the Idols are seiyuu in K-On. For those curious, Yui is Kokoro and Tsumugi is Ai.
I mean look how she stares at you while sucking your cock
Yummy Yumi

Nah it's great, S ranks all over the place.

Reminder that Yuuna and Momoka have the same VA

Same VA as Sachiko/Azunyan or something?
Bocchi the Rock for GK
Girls Band Cry for SC
No we need Tenka the Rock.
Temaribros... are we the shittiest circle in /@/...
I would roll for Nijika.
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Yes, and it's your FAULT!
Fan G didn't do his hits.
>Nichika rojo
more like CRINGEacle
not my fault the leader isn't kicking month old accounts from the circle
Fleshfangs on figures look wrong.
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Fine, I will get better ones.
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the trainers
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Mochis being silly
It looks wrong in any context.
why she crying
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We have Girls Band Cry at home.
Yes Roco, it's for the sake of art, so it's OK.
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Remind me why I'm not there?
Based Koito
Kok gets kisses
When is ML 11th?
Next next weekend
Sorry, Roco, I can't help it.
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trick or treat
here, it's an adult umaibo
Uggggh Ms. Hakozakiiiiiii
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This man loves his 13 year olds (gyarus).
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Just wait for danchode to see it!
Now come and sit on my lap Seri (Kaori)
gyaru serika is so dangerous
ugh Kotone’s cheesy odor foot
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Tags: Corruption
They look so huggable.
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happy belated birthday madoka
also hi again how its going
I can't wait to marry Kaori and make lots of little Serikas.
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Playing with Chie and Arisu!
If Chie and Arisu were my neighbors....
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>This man loves his 13 year olds
I fucking love those too
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forcing lilja to watch regular ordinary swedish meal time
bad men only
Unironically why is it ALWAYS Chie?
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why is chie like this?
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Chie was genetically engineered to be a p-word magnet
Isn't that Risa?
sex with haruka
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I think his first im@s porn
She is an organic lolicon magnet, Chie was created artificially
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looking big, risa
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plap the shark
>lace skirt
i wonder if she's not wearing anything underneath that skirt
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For me it is Haru
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I used it
Risa isn't like that, she's not some filthy street chie
Why are you gay?
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That innkeeper definitely KNOWS what's going on
That's Momoka not Chie
I like iM@S
Don't be ridiculous it's not until November, it can't be that cl-
>November is in a week
...what the FUCK
Today, Iku Nakatani is in the mood to take the lead like an adult.
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I am attracted to boys.
I stalk bozos on Twitter.
Side effects from self medication.
It probably happens often
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managed to clear the one from november 2021 (EVERLASTING) yesterday
the koreans posted that game on their main board
Would you pimp your idol for a million dollars?
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tamaki will know when she's older
Posting my wife and the mother of my future 2D children.
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it happens a lot
I wish SfP had a photoshoot mode. Only then it will ascend to kamige.
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Remember to set your favorite idol for spooky Halloween activities. The Theater BGM is also in a special state again.
Imagine breeding Koume for an entire weekend in a ryokan
oh it's one of these types of games
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When did you realize Ayase is composing the SyngUp song they're going to release with Misuzu?
Guys I think that Koharu is an actual zombie.
Yes, and then I dump that whore for saying yes and take all the millions with me to soaplands in Asakusa.
miria's koharu is a vampire
that's a picture of my wife tho
Yep, I'm gonna have to use the Sae/Shuuko doujin now
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Why are there two Koharu? And that bad man deserved it.
I love when doujins do a few pages of fixed camera point
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Love and kisses
Cute useless things.
Onsen trip with these 2
So now that the dust has settled, how we feeling RinhaPs?
Why there specifically?
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All the weight is going to Nao's thighs.
I can't, being alive is fun.
I can shoulder that weight for her.
Cautiously bullish. I expect a big marketing campaign for Misuzu when they release her around New Year's Eve, and I can't imagine any marketing push for her that doesn't involve SyngUp.
He is drawing Nao increasingly fatter.
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mai, an honor student
and ykm
Yukimi-chan is a real beauty. She has the charm of her age, but she also has a seductive expression that other younger idols don't have. Her skin is also beautiful and absolutely soft and smooth
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I need to use that Koume
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Oh no, Shiho is teen pregnant...
Give me some sad/melancholic songs
It was just a matter of time.
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Under the shining crimson moon, she smiles faintly, exuding the contradiction between her youthful appearance and bewitching aura!
Yukimi-chan is so pretty and already has a bit of a bewitching charm about her, and the atmosphere she exudes is not that of a 10-year-old, I love it
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Hanamuke no Tori
I've come to make an announcement,Rin Shibuya is a Bitch-ass motherfucker.
Reminds me of Grim Aloe...
koume's body was built to be used
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Is she still voiced by OG Yukiho?
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No reason, I was told there were spots there.
they get harassed by youtubers and tiktokers, have to do their business quick
For now.

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