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>Steam Page:

>Where to give feedback and report bugs:

>Latest Patch:

>How do I git in?
Post your Steam profile and ask. You need to accept a friend request to be invited, so don't be autistic.

>How do I git gud?
Do the tutorial, get a feel for each hero in sandbox mode, explore public item builds, play bot matches.

Additional Resources:
>Unofficial Wiki
>New Player Guide
>Advanced Movement Guide

Vindicta best girl.
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quantummm entangelment
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even ironically putting your rank in your name is just weird
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Sex with Abrams
So are we going to have to wait 2 weeks for hero lab patches too? Or will they be separate from the game patches?
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Eheheh...you see that shit? Heheheheheh
I really did not like magician. I found his gun unbearable and his abilities tepid at best
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I am BEYOND fucked, I am not gonna make it.
The schizo told me to put my rank in my name so everyone knew how shit I was, so I put a rank 30 ranks higher to piss him off
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he's trying to trick people into think he's actually good
Jesus christ, did he really try to tornado into charged melee? Don't ever let someone disrespect you like that.
>buffed Shiv
I'm out
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Dynamo's got one of the best designs in this game currently
Absolutely in love with this character
Shiv cannot EVER be anything but a top 3 character don't you DARE mock his name, this development team is extremely competent and totally not wastes of air stealing paychecks.
The game is full of really good designs if I'm being honest.
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atm its just a mix of everything, im hoping we get at least one more conventionally attractive woman tbqh
yamato, probably
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You live at my leisure.
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When will they change grey talon to not be a fat little grandma?
You can use it to dodge vindicta headshots, holy based
Ideally never, so that they can sell $20 skins that make you actually enjoy looking at the character on screen.
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Welcome to my world, boys and girls.
i dont even know what to do when im behind as gunbop other than roll over
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I asked this earlier but didn't get an answer, but does anyone know if tomorrows rank comes before or after the ranked queue window?
it's 8 PM GMT which i think is the start of the NA ranked window
if you are in EU i have no idea
I'm new to the new and after trying every hero I think my favorites are Warden, Viscous and Paradox. Will I be okay if I only focus on those three or are they shit?
viscous is nearly impossible to kill and probably the most consistent teamfight disruptor in the game
warden is a menace in low MMR but i have no idea how he performs in high MMR
paradox is top tier in comp games but has trouble in pubs
love his design
wish I loved his play style
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His playstyle is a ton of fun but if you're not into supports, he definitely isn't for you
Honestly I struggle having fun with any other character that *isnt* dynamo
Why have they not just removed the urn from the game?
everyone should get their own personal urn
finally someone else discovered this
i know no one in their right mind would buy alchemical fire as bepop but it's funny it took this long for me to see anyone else that noticed this
I've talked a lot with yoshi about urn over the months
I can tell he wants a different kind of cooperative-objective instead of just killing another big monster, and I'm all for it, but Urn is going to require a ton of work to make enjoyable
ok thanks a lot my g
Last week there was an update shortly before ranked opened for the day, I assume it will be the same this week.
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The black woman of Valve unoriginality.
These are TWO different characters.
sure of power on infernus?
>gay man can only have fun playing support
many such cases
I'm unsure
trash, don't even think about it
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Yeah and I absolutely fucking sweep
what like on his 2 to run faster? might be alright i guess
I used it on melee infernus on flame dash to go faster and it was ok
Ancients should drop urns
playable urn character
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They should restrict buying Knockdown on Lash like you can't buy extra charge items on heroes that don't have charges
there's one of these in the console
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Shut up and get bonked, bitch.
How is Kelvin these days?
i could actually kind of see it working on gunbop, place fire, hook+silence+uppercut straight up (which im pretty sure still counts as in the fire), easy 50% more wep damage
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Personally I prefer his VN design, but his game design is still one of the better ones.
>which im pretty sure still counts as in the fire
iirc alch fire isn't a sphere, it's a pancake like kudzu, so no it wouldn't work
Might be a skin later
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normal matchmaking is unplayable now.

I have over 400 hours in the game and I have seen more ragequit disconnects in the last week than I have in those past 400~ hours. It's actually insane. Not only that but since ranked dropped i've seen an alarming amount of actual shitters in my matches. I mean serious shitters. I have not had this much trouble with teammates lacking map awareness literally EVERY GAME. If i'm not lanejanny, we will lose. It's so fucking absurd like i'm seriously mind boggled by how bad my normal matches have been. I played 8 games of ranked last night and it was almost night and day, even the matches I lost were due to more minor issues than just everyone on my team not knowing how to look at the map and just ignoring obvious ganks or knowing when to rotate to a lane etc.
I honestly don't even understand why they buffed Shiv again. He felt fine to me after the recent nerfs, still really strong even.
unplayable, the beam is a lot worse than your gun, so you only have 3 skills
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How do I win lane against Seven help I paused the game just to ask this question
Question for Bebop players

Usually when I'm in a teamfight and Bebop hooks someone, while he's doing his combo if I have Stake up I Stake them to Bebop's position so they don't fly very far away, unless he's obviously trying to throw them into a walker.

Do you guys like this or should I stop messing with your combo?
Shoot him until he dies.
no that VN look is atrocious
the disconnected head is much better
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i love these chat bubbles
Too hard to build up rage. If they're gonna make it so he can hardly build rage from minions, then buffing his general rage build up is fair.
Mirage would totally say this.
It's an extremely soulful UI choice
i think gunbop would invariably love that, bombbop probably doesn't care either way since they often run away after the combo and the enemy being pinned there doesn't affect their ability to do that
Nah if someone gets hooked just fucking throw everything you have at them to kill them ASAP. Getting that pick is often the difference maker late game
Shoot his head
Play smart with covers, (don't stick to them, ball can still hit you)
Buy barriers/hollow point ward don't rely on regen
Stay away from your creeps so his 3 can't poke you
If you're not in solo lane save your partner from stuns
not in all caps, not lore accurate
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>playing vindicta
>win lane handily
>most kills on my team
>feel like i'm a threat, and whenever i press 2 enemy team has to scatter like rats
>took down a walker or two while the enemy wasn't looking
>usually top 3 in most souls in the game
>buying items that counter the enemy
>still missing some lethal ult shots and could probably avoid some deaths, but overall feel like i'm playing pretty well
>lose anyway
i dunno dude, do i just have to play her perfect or something? my current record with her is 6 wins out of 22 games
I don't know whats better, Lash shittalking you all the time or hearing Mirage yell ''FOR NASHRALAH'' while laning next to you
maybe try clicking buildings
yeah anyone with a brain is now playing ranked and the bong squad is on normal matches
Unless you're 6x better than the entire enemy team, you can't carry games to victory yourself and you have to rely on your teammates to help you. You're going to lose games a lot.
yeah if youre crying about shiv you havent seen mole buffs dude. i swear people look at kill #s and think that's the only thing that matters when evaluating who did the "most". He has an execute ability he's naturally going to have the most kills unless he's total ass
backliners dont control initiations so if your frontliners suck you lose. that's the problem
6/22 is really really bad youre probably not itemizing correctly honestly and wasting your early lead.
Ward his jungle
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one of the best things about this game
I'm not crying about the Shiv buffs, he's my main and I just think he was fine before.
>shiv uses decay and actually lands a knife
the devs are disconnected from actual play and understanding
>be shiv
>build punch damage
>for some reason shiv punch scales really hard with weapon damage, harder than abrams
>punch people for literally 1k damage

this is stupid
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thank you for liking my drawings here's another one in works
It's just that his rage damage bonus applies to his melee, he doesn't scale any harder with weapon damage on his punches.
they're cute
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Vindicta is not a playmaker, you can't 1v6 like some other heroes, you need team to start a fight, protect you and push lanes. There's simply nothing you can do with shit team
Someone post the one where Warden is talking about Vindicta's feet and the Haze is the next lane DC'd
If you're just stealing kills and getting exit frags you're not doing anything

You want to be changing the fate of 1v1s that were going to be lost and removing people from team fights that would have escaped/healed so that your team gets advantage, and then pushing an objective off of that advantage

Very late game you can be the merchant of death that just straight up deletes strings of people while your team follows you around like your posse, but most of the time your goal is making sure Abrams gets deleted before he gets his next healing punch off, or Haze melts before she gets your entire team down, or Wraith/Pocket/Mirage get Staked before they can teleport to safety and come back in 15 seconds.
Sounds good, thanks
he was fine if you never fell behind but if you did you could go 5+ minutes without getting rage up and dying over and over it was too annoying. The ult range reduction was a bit too much as well. The original range was super stupid though you could use to to jump snipers and double knife them lol
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How do you guys build Magician and Wrecker? I've been enjoying Calico and Slork a lot, but I can't figure out how to make those two effective.
>The original range was super stupid though you could use to to jump snipers and double knife them lol
I miss being able to do that. Now I just buy knockdown every single game. That feels like a buff to me though because knockdown is super valuable to have on Shiv and I never should've neglected it lol.
two OP things being combined
>Vindicta is not a playmaker
I feel like me being present, not getting picked, and securing at least 1 kill on a hero that's difficult for the ground plebs to deal with (Abrams, Shiv, Haze, Infernus, Dynamo, Ivy, M&K) is regularly the difference between my team winning or losing a team fight

I agree with the rest of your post tho you basically have to play it like a support role
good frogg
I tested it in sandbox when I was trying to make a meme flame dash build, and you run the same distance with and without Surge, so I think the run speed during flame dash is unaffected by it.
The problems with urn are that it's carryable, binary, and it's shared between teams. So

1. The max speed is however fast someone can move in the game, which leads to a bunch of cheese
2. It's possible for one team to put in a ton of work getting it somewhere and get nothing out of it
and 3. It's possible to steal it at the last minute by sneaking in or winning one teamfight

Instead, it should be one personal objective per team that moves at a constant rate and has checkpoints along the way that give souls, to force the enemy team to fight it the whole way through.

Make it like, a slow-moving ghost carrying an urn, and he drops unsecured souls behind him as he flies around, but denying doesn't give any souls, only securing. And then it's even better because the method of interacting with the objective is still "shoot it", like a big monster, so you're not forced to stand still and defend one spot in a game about movement. And each team would have one. And he'd just fly from like, your outermost objective still standing on the leftmost lane to the enemy's outermost objective on the rightmost lane.
LMAO she is a playmaker
she has the softest movement-restricting CC in the game
I've just switched to mole it's more fun and less difficult. He plays basically the same way where i run in like a giga tard except I only need to land one button this time
read it in his voice
>get comm banned because russians spam report you
>can't play ranked
>sent to the shadow realm of unranked
you can put it on catalyst and treat it like ghetto fleetfoot.
Cute keep up the practice
htanks !
Hmm I think will play lash
Pocket and Yamato? Explain this ship
How to fix Deadlock:
>Shiv passive replaced with Armlet of Mordiggian
racial segregation
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None of those are bad things. I've told him the same
All of those things are present in other mobas;
>the max speed is however fast someone can move, which leads to cheese
Heroes can and should be allowed to have these strengths. That's why Ursa/Huskar are some of the scariest heroes in Dota, because both can take Roshan on their own if you aren't careful.
>Its possible for one team to put a ton of work in, and get nothing from it
>It's possible to steal it last minute
These are also present in other MOBAs. That's why when you take objectives, you need to think "can I take this, AND secure it"
Aegis can be stolen, Baron Nashor can be stolen via Smite, Rejuv can be stolen with a good dive, etc.
These mechanics are in place because losing teams need a means of attaining some form of comeback. Otherwise, the second a team begins to lose, you'd never be able to come back ever. Games would be decided in 10 minutes and the next 20 minutes are just the losing team praying the winning team makes some world-ending-tier mistake.

The reason I suggested melee forcing enemies to drop urn (which we eventually got) was because Urn had to be capable of being more reliably stolen.
That way it shares more similarities to these other objectives, despite being a sort of payload objective instead of a straight up neutral monster boss

I still have a lot of ideas for urn to change that I've been communicating, I just hope he gives them some thought
how do I stop warden from just activating ult and walking towards me until I die in lane
>just dash away lol
I already spent it all escaping gay baby jail + that means he gets tower for free because they die in 2s now
>win 1v1 against Haze because I stunned him out of his ult
>he buys Slowing Hex just for me
The Hazecel fears the Chadbrams
his ult takes two seconds to channel, you got time to run
it's a 2.5 min cd just dont use your ult and go kill him after he uses it
I was wondering why the lash in my team was fucking useless. That's the first time I see a lash refusing to buy majestic leap.
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In this experiment we make Warden meet his maker.
Lash doesn't need Majestic Leap.
i think they're neat
also both are like "prince" and "princess" to powerful organizations that they had to run from
>a warden buying shields
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>active reload
>...on dynamo
and they're both asian
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>spirit lifesteal
>...on haze
dont bully
it's an early buy so I can easily kill many neutrals
But other MOBAs are shit (well, this one too) so I don't know what your point is. Overly binary objectives """"balanced""" around the theoretical possibility of stealing them has always been one of the biggest sticking points in the genre. It was just hard to do anything about it in games that control as slowly as MOBAs. You have to create objectives that fit the limitations of the genre, the limited camera angle, the clunky controls, the slow movement speed, the inflexible gameplay.

What we have now is an FPS, where you can aim at things on a dime and travel up a building or across the entire map in a few seconds. We don't have to limit ourselves to the same design paradigms. Consider my ghost idea more and you'll realize how good and flexible it is and how it makes use of all this game's strengths.
But it's the only one that works through teleports, and she has the strongest "Remove player" ability
Saw a spirit Haze in ranked.

We won_
why are you lying about your rank? People know you're in alchemist
I just build like basic mag, high velocity, close quarters, kinetic dash, get 2 points 1, 2 points 2, 2 points 4, 3 points 3. had no difficulty farming.
>But it's the only one that works through teleports
i don't actually know what this means, does it stop people from teleporting?
>and she has the strongest "Remove player" ability
yeah but her damage is primarily single-target
how are you making plays with an ult that kills 1 guy who was already low
anyone else getting random stutters since the last big patch?
shit sucks and i don't know what's causing it.
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I get what you're saying anon, but these objectives exist in this manner for a reason, and I already gave it to you. Your perspective on the whole issue is a little narrow-sighted
If a team grew ahead, every form of objective would be uncontestable. That's why losing teams lose buildings and can rarely defend them from the stronger winning team.
If you couldn't steal things like Aegis or Baron, those mechanics wouldn't exist at all, because they would only exist for a winning team to make an even bigger uncontestable advantage for themselves.

And these objectives make the games interesting and provide more niche strengths for heroes.
>Some heroes can take Urn really well (M&K/Ivy/Kelvin)
>Some heroes can take midboss really well (McGinnis/Haze)
just like how some heroes are good at farming, or good at teamfighting, etc.

And lastly, the point of these objectives is to create opposition for both teams. They're things that force teams to interact beyond pushing buildings. These objectives exist for both teams to approach on even footing, even map terrain, and nothing like worrying about buildings, map advantage, or creep waves to get in the way. Its instances like these where strategy plays a much bigger role and individual players can really make a difference, instead of winning via raw manpower and items.

Its these things that make the genre diverse and much more interesting as a player and as a spectator.
this happens after every big patch
a random segment of the playerbase will just get shitty performance for no obvious reason
hasn't been happening to me this time but has happened for multiple past patches
I have 254 hours and i never played Geist and Paradox.
File deleted.
I have 500 hours and I haven't played half the cast
Dude I've only played like 5 heroes in 600 hours of playing
Dynamo makes up at least 550 of them
they should add a new neutral objective that requires you to move and fight on rooftops
>that comic

that sadistic fuck of an artist should be burned
Begone furfag!
spirit meta would be so aids with just multiple AOE and cc
hope Ivy gets her gutting soon
I've been getting stutters for 3-4 weeks now. It's bad.
was he in your team?
Hello, my name is wraith, I press 4, then hold M1 and still kill through return fire because for some goddamn reason, some nigger dev thought it was a good idea to let her throw card while firing her broken gun. I am very balanced.
low IQ post
i had the opposite just now, played lash and suddenly, for about 3s i was sailing through the air with buttery smooth fps (like i should have all the time at lowest settings and 144hz but its alpha)
>If a team grew ahead, every form of objective would be uncontestable
I am not going to accept your proofless mathematical statement that no form of objective can be contested by the losing team save for specifically what we have now.

Like I said, the ghost idea is good. A ghost flies around dropping souls that you have to secure. You know why? Because it follows the basic principles of laning. For the losing team, it's the same as focusing on last hits and secures, it's something they can do from relative safety that they can't be overly punished for. For the winning team, it forces them to focus on something other than the enemy team, waste time, ammo, and map control over a prolonged period on an objective that doesn't immediately advance the game state.

If you make objectives that force the winning team to stay on THEIR side of the map to make use of them, they're tacitly giving the losing team map control while they do those objectives.

The majority of your post is needless overgrandization of a really shitty mechanic from a bad genre so I don't feel the need to address it.
high iq post wraiths broken
spirit haze is legitimately really good until like 18 minutes into the game, then it's bad. Rush melee items + echo shard. sleep -> heavy -> sleep -> heavy -> shoot and you fuckin' murder people
We could have had Nightwolf. We got Oldwolf instead.
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Who do you think is the strongedt 1v1 laner? Who is the weakest?

Pocket I think

wraith is strongest
idk about weakest, probably paradox
>the ghost idea is good.
no it isn't
you're asking for the game to come to a halt every 5 or 10 minutes while both teams follow their respective ghost and ignore the enemy team
or maybe you want it to be done by only 1 member of each team? in which case the player who's lowest on souls goes and does it and maybe gets a +25% bonus like from the urn while the rest of the two teams fight over a real objective somewhere else and enjoy their stream of free souls
there's nothing to fight over here, it's more like a tormentor than a true neutral objective - but even tormentors can be stolen
>get Dynamo and end up 1v1 Vindicta
>"aw shit this is going to be terrible"
>actually mildly win lane until I get gankers from our lost lanes
I was pleasantly surprised desu
Post your confessions

When playing Bebop I intentionally hook my team mates sometimes on purpose and say it was an accident if they ask. I do this to all my team mates once per game
Strongest is viscous
Weakest is ivy

>probably paradox
You are fucking retarded paradox is literally one of the strongest laners in the game
I think wraith isn't that bad. I've only gone up against her a few times but I always buy reactive barrier and survive all her ults. I think pocket is infinitely more cancer because he can juke a lot of nukes and CC easily
I think Gray Talon players should be sodomized with an industrial power drill.

t. Alchemist
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I shouldn't have entertained your stupid argument.
How embarrassing for both of us.
why echo shard when you can just use knockdown instead?
I think Gray Talon players should be sodomized with an industrial power drill.

t. eternus
>my teammate has 10 hp and is about to get gangraped by the entire enemy team
>hook him out
why not both
No thanks.
>Who do you think is the strongest 1v1 laner?
in terms of "winning" in the sense of getting more souls and shutting the other guy down? paradox
in a literal 1v1 fight? probably abrams
Because the dart is most of the damage
>i have no stamina, 20% health and i'm in the middle of 4 of the enemy team
>bebop hooks me and uppercuts me straight into our fountain, and i live

i was in awe
>teammate bebop hooks me out of dynamo ult
>"play safer u retard haze"
>"y-yeah sorry m-my bad..."
While this is a ragepost it is true. Wraiths is overloaded as fuck while being easy to use. She's got a fast charging spirit nuke, the greatest escape skill (other than Goo Ball), a solid gun steroid, point and click stun that becomes a Dynamo ult lategame for some reason and a great gun. The only thing her kit doesn't have is heal. But since she shits outdamage a little bit of leech is enough. Honestly the most disgusting hero of the current cast.
>paradox is one of the strongest laners in the game

explain (not a meme)
It will bring Mirage Tornado/Wraith/Pocket back to the stake after they try and jump
>It will bring Mirage Tornado/Wraith/Pocket back to the stake after they try and jump
damn that's fucked
when are they adding the surrender option?
Unplug your internet so that people think you crashed
>pauses the game for 3 minutes
carbine, wall and grenade are all insane during laning
never, lolbab
>paradox strong laner
the bomb is bad, the carbine has an insanely long cd and wall just doesnt do anything earlygame, ult is also kinda lackluster when you dont have a teammate nearby
idk but ive only ever played vs one good paradox and while he hit almost all of his carbines he had to work his ass off to draw the lane
meanwhile wraith shoots you to get more damage while shooting you, idk
Valve game. No surrender button. If you can't take the heat don't queue. 90% of pro Dota 2 games seem decided after 10 minutes so...
Nobody actually wants this, especially not in a game like this that is so come backable

if you want to play a game that caters to your pissbaby ego go back to league
Run eshift she isn't top 5 most cancer in the game
>Comparing Wraith ult to Dynamo ult
Ooooh you're really shitlow huh. Some other ways to avoid her ult include Pocket briefcase, Viscous cube, M&K burrow, Infernus run, Dynamo orb, Yamato ult, McGinnis wall, Kelvin ice path, Abrams charge, Lash grapple, and Ivy statue
>time wall lets you dance around the opponent because they can't run through it repeatedly without dying
>carbine + grenade is insane burst damage and carbine can be used to zone while you last hit
>grenade area denial
>swap (le worse bebop hook meme isn't even true because carbine sets you up for a free swap)
Her entire kit is very flexible for winning lanes but I'm sure Bug Shaker or one of our 2 or 3 resident Paradox downplay spammers will come tell me this is all wrong and she's trash or whatever
definitely not in an alpha
i remember one game where my team randomly decided the game was over and I was like "dude wtf guys we're stronger just group" and then we won every teamfight. I thought they were fine farming up their items solo but they were just mentally boomed for no reason lol.
my favorite way to dodge wraith ult is just turn around and leave
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i did everything i could but it wasn't enough. all my souls were from pushing.
i bullied the shit out of their badass haze in lane and she avoided me for the rest of the game.
i was even dunking on their ivy after that.
they just kept feeding right out of spawn,
i told them to stop dying but they wouldn't listen.
at a certain point there's nothing you can do.
Wraith just gets to giga poke while hard scaling, the ult in lane is the least of your worries until later.
According to people in this general it's completely unavoidable
warp stone and 4 roll charges and bait her into my rape tunnels as shiv
Enemy team had vindicta so you just lose, sorry chud, should've played better in hero selct.
That isn't really on Wraith, that's more on the devs for making some heroes broken in lane only to fall off later game. Ideally they make certain strong laners less oppressive, but give them better scaling.
if the wraith is good it is because her blink is longer than anything you can do. She can't ult in certain areas where blink might not work, but skilled wraiths know where the guaranteed ults are
But wraith doesn't fucking falls off she just gets better and better.
>Lash has 10k more damage than her
but sure, it's Vindicta that won
dying doesnt matter you basically made the game a 5v6 and had 1/3 the building damage of wraith, you cant out split a wraith you should have just brooled
>the bomb is bad
it hits through walls or at their shop for a long time and its also really good for farming your early camp without actually wasting any time because the stacking damage amp works per wave meaning it boosts itself. it forces people out into the open very well and if they're being unga its still good
>carbine has an insanely long cd
because you buy basic mag + mystic burst and now carbine does 120 with no falloff (1/5th someones lifebar) + however many bullets land while their stuck - if they hide to wait out the cooldown then you've forced them to stop shooting at you/most of your creeps and then you just get a free creep kill or hitscan soul deny instead. it's also good if they hide and good if they rush you down
>wall just doesnt do anything earlygame
besides completely stop all the characters who just want to shoot you the entire fucking lane from doing so. it prevents you from hiding in a cuck shed when snipers are flying overhead because you can just put a wall in the way instead. if they're playing safe from a distance you can put a wall up to slow their bullets and deny souls.
>ult is also kinda lackluster when you dont have a teammate nearby
you can still swap people into your tower and swap into wall and swap into carbine are both a nice grip of damage and more important a large chunk of healing on a low cooldown.
My theory is that Pocket was originally a woman who after faking her death decided to contract a genderbend spirit and also a shit ton of spirits so she can keep track of every human in Earth like a schizo.
Vindicta has 13 kills and 13 assists, a fair amount of those kills printed souls for her team, swap that vindicta for some shit like yamato or viscous and would you actually tell me with a straight face the result would be the same?
Wraith scales well but she's squishy for most of the game
>But her TP!
Slowing hex
who cares if it's a guy or a girl, I want to fuck them
They actually silently nerfed decay on shiv. It used to build up rage at any distance but now it seems like if a player is X distance away from shiv, decay doesn't do anything. The same PROBABLY applies to any DoT but it doesn't feel like it happens with knives.
Additionally, shiv doesn't build up a ton of rage through spirit damage until late game.

I've unironically stopped using decay on shiv, it just does not feel like it builds up rage much at all now. I've switched to running slowing hex.
If vindicta was swapped out with Abrams then they would've won faster
My theory is that Pocket is a gay man and that's why his player-base is all gay men
>Pocket I think
Pocket gets raped by any hero that deals good spirit damage. I think M&K vs Pocket is literally an impossible match up for pocket unless the M&K is shit
>both teams follow their respective ghost and ignore the enemy team
This is like saying that the game is going to come to a halt every 5 or 10 minutes while both teams farm their own jungles and ignore the enemy team. That obviously doesn't happen, so why would it happen here?
Kinda crazy how every mo and krill I see is always wildly out of position miles ahead of the team. Why is this?
ranked is up
not haze, i meant to say wraith.
the hero names are so generic in this game.
well it kinda does matter when there are only two people alive on our team.
since when is wraith a better pusher than mcginnis?
i couldn't really take any objectives later in the game because i was the only one pushing, really. my deaths are from trying to take a walker and getting ganked, and also at the very end.
i still have the most objective damage on my team.
i can't really be everywhere at once.
cause he can
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souls don't matter, damage does, if she has 50k but lash with 39k outperformed her it means those souls were wasted on her. You're fucking mindbroken
They're all stoned 24/7
you better get over here and kill who i stun or i break my items to buy magic carpet chud
Because the ghost is only in one place at a time while the jungle is spread out over the entire map.
braindead mongoloids getting carried by their broken hero
Yiff in hell dogfucking tourist
>why is the tank being a tank?
The idea is that either you push lanes while the enemy is distracted with the unkillable landshark, or maybe you can even kill the enemy while they are distracted with the giant unkillable landshark(if you decide to help your tank, he can even hold one of the enemies down for you while you shoot them!)
Laning is all about cover and Paradox plays around cover the best. She has a grenade to flush people out, a wall to create her own instant cover, a bit snipe shot that she can pop out of cover to use and which keeps them out of their own cover, and a swap that switches the relative positional advantages of both players (i.e. if you're not in cover and they are, it's now the opposite).
because those faggots know they can get away with it
Geist feels like shit to play
her damage is comparable and she can avoid ganks better. mcginnis is better if her team is somewhat nearby because she can hold her ground with turrets

mcginnis is just a better laner and can snowball off of it. I really think you probably misplayed this game cause i've seen this type of mcginnis play in my ranked and despite them being their best player I know if they showed up a bit more in fights we would have lost.
You have to actually explain why that difference would change anything.
>while the enemy is distracted with the unkillable landshark
*knockdowns you out of burrow*
*shoulder charges you into a wall and slaps you for 1/3rd of your hp*
*assassinate you for free 850 souls because Mo has 0 resists without burrow*
also wraith has a built in counter gank tool, 2 people show up to defend walker? wraith blinks to the teleporter and quickly rushes the other lane with ult to kill the enemy team with her stun while they're out numbered

she takes advanntage of the skewed map way better than mcginnis does, which is why if youre against a wraith you should just group more than splitpush
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Maybe a good time for an inhouse 6ZTKQ
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Shiv bros, do we pick up duration? I did the testing and "rage buffer" by default is 9 seconds, imbued duration brings that up to 12 seconds. You COULD imbue it on knives for an extra 2 seconds but personally, I feel like that's somewhat redundant since if you use knives correctly you'll be stacking 2-3 knives on one person which refreshes it's duration.

I actually like duration a lot for the stats too. +175 health, 15% weapon damage, and 4 regen + the 12 power since it's a purple item. It pretty much gives shiv everything he wants.
If you're at the skill level where people buy Knockdown then you're also at the skill level where people will actually follow up with their tank, so you just get team-wiped after wasting all these crucial CDs on the enemy tank :)
If the ghost gives enough souls to be worth doing then it MUST be done. That means at least one player has to drop what they're doing and go do their team's ghost. If you don't, then the other team will just do their ghost and now they're ahead on souls.

If the ghost doesn't give enough souls to be worth doing then it won't get done ever, because you'll get more value out of pushing towers.
Probably if youre not dagger build , but if you ARE dagger there are better items IMO
i grabbed curse early but it didn't last long enough for me to finish anyone most of the time.
usually i do use a teamfight as a distraction to push but the problem was that my team would only push one lane so it was hard to capitalize.
i bounced between the solo lanes alot to keep them pushed but if i got close to the guardians they all rotate on me.
nigga i die 15+ times a game with mo and krill and have won all but one of my games because of apes like you wasting stuns on me
this guy is right, you either kite me efficiently or you lose. and I will do my best to cuck your carry with my stun if you do ignore me.

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