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Mad Moon Edition

Resources and FAQs: https://pastebin.com/ZU4uUREV
Guilds: https://pastebin.com/zCUYwWF0

>Am poor! What do?
Daily Checklist - https://fast.farming-community.eu/farming/daily
Currencies - https://fast.farming-community.eu/conversions/overview
OW Farming - https://fast.farming-community.eu/open-world/overview
Salvaging - https://fast.farming-community.eu/salvaging/overview
Alternatively, get a fucking job and swipe.

>My build is absolute shit! What do?

WvW Warclaw reimbursement
WvW Restructuring
School girl uniform
upskir- I mean breakdancing emote

New leggies (spear and backpack)
New Raid Wing
Mastery Updates
Homestead decorations, including personal statue
Balance patch

Janthir. It's here bros....

Update history: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/guild-wars-2-janthir-wilds-launches-today/

Latest Patch:

Latest news:

Speed Relics for Turbogays: https://www.elitepvpers.com/forum/gw2-hacks-bots-cheats-exploits/

Previous wipe: >>499593493
Spooky moon
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Started gambling on next patch
Femcharr into abduction
Subspace guard into Tennessee
>WvW Warclaw reimbursement
how is this news? nobody gives a shit
Horses do exist or existed. There's a pony in the labyrinth
I was the one that asked originally and for my purpose, the pony wouldn't matter because the everyday npc on the street is probably not aware of the pony. This is mostly about whether 'the straw that broke the camel's back' is something a character in Tyria would say and the answer as far as I can tell is no.
with the might of his cock and balls, he delivered
absolute champ
wish it my fhd tho...
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>internet crashes during coomvergence
Given anet's history in writing they would say "the straw that broke the shadhavar's back"
Great. Now I can't play GW2 because I'm unable to set up an ANet account.
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Horses have existed in the past, as recently as ~250 years ago.
Orr was the only nation known to have fielded cavalry units but they all got killed by the Cataclysm and raised as undead by the Undead Lich.
It's quite possible that Gumdrops is a relative to the Orrian equine family.
>21k bags
>best drop [Onus]
>someone posts some random christian message in map chat
>people get violently angry, threatening violence and reports
what a time to be alive
good, they saved you the time and trouble
I pay my Asura workforce well.
G*D supports the post-birth abortion of non-chosen children. Support Israel!
futanorn in my butt
fhd what a slut
femcharr sitting on my face
femrat murdered catch a case
salad vag love to chew
cmc cringey jew
Guys how bad is getting a Gift of Battle since the wvw changes?
abysmal since there's no servers to balance anything out and you can't transfer to anywhere
how do you gamble i make alot of gold and i just buy gems repeatedly, ive done so many ecto gambles and made alot of gold
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based holiday bag enjoyer
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>anons bitched threads ago about pick-mes being visually noisy
>now we have pedestalls with neon lights
>no outrage
let me guess, something about 'being for the kids' makes it okay?
Don't worry. When they recycle this for dead troon-month we'll have people bitching about it for days.
Even though Revenant is top tier in all game modes, it feels almost impressively unfun to play. I just topped every category in a PvP match and I felt no satisfaction during or afterwards.
Longbow soulbeast is peak comfy for wvw zergs
its fun singling out and downing cocky chudbenders/troondevils before they can react, but when barrage and signet of the hunt are on cd you miss out on so many bags
>b-but what about this thing that some christcuck might have said except when looked up he said something completely different
Take your schizo nonsense somewhere else. Abortion should be universally banned and anyone who engages in it rendered destitute or executed. You don't need religion for that, child murder is child murder no matter which deity you worship.
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Just meet down the middle: Abortion bad, but killing babies good.
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>want dungeon leg skin but 20 tokens short
>decide to do Citadel of Flame story mode solo for the 20 tokens
>get all the way to Gaheron Baelfire
>DC'd at the end of the cutscene because core story is apparently still notorious for that shit in 2024
>log back in to a contested dungeon entrance
I want to know what it is about core cutscenes that forces a DC at the worst times. I used to get DC'd at the end of Forging the pact and after killing Zhaitan and it would be so fucking infuriating because those are not short missions.
>pick-mes being visually noisy
The whole aesthetic of GW2 is about being as visually obnoxious as possible.
Troons hate Isntreal because if Netanyahu bombs the hospitals, where are the Palestiniggers supposed to get abortions?
Reminds me of the Coomander being "horrified" about bombing enemy engineers in the IBS when a renown heart in Ebonhawke consists of knocking on the homes of dissidents and killing them when they open the door, lel
>Abortion bad, but killing babies good.
After all, school shootings are the US national sport!
Logan confirmed for wearing full Nomad gear.
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All femcharr are my friends and I am going to have fulfilling and meaningful conversations with them.
People hate him because he spams the chat multiple times a day on multiple characters, not because of what he talks about. He's well known and well-er loathed. But you'd know that if you actually played the game.
Holy fuck, is that Maddox in 2024? You are one ancient sperg.
You into umbriel cm
>Whispering Serpents Pauldrons
>Obtained from either prepurchasing Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds or from the digital deluxe upgrade
It's been several patches and this is still visible in the wardrobe despite the description being flat-out wrong. When does it stop being an oversight and goes into false advertisement territory?
Nigga some wvw tooltips still mention armor damage which was removed 10 years ago
They're not fixing shit
abortion is good if the fetus is nonwhite, but bad if it's white, simple as
The benefit of subspace is that this never happens.
>wanting your child to be dead is a justified reason
Uh no, that's retarded. By that logic, every deliberate act of killing a person is now justified. What you're arguing for is for murder as a whole to be legalized. And I'm not sure you understand what that would lead to.
>allows child marriages
like hell they do
a contextless image with no source? lol
Nomad was fun when Retaliation existed, but now its ass. Still funny just how unkillable it makes you though
womp womp tranny lmao
anet make the synthi meta more rewarding onegaishimasu
its fine as it is for a 12ish minute battle in one arena. If anything they need to expand on the meta itself, have the titans move around or some shit
What's the best braindead PvE grindan profession and best no effort heal/support for raids. I do not want to put in effort.
They are suggesting that, if you swipe and buy the digital version, you'll get that skin, which is obviously false.
...besides, why is it visible at all when unlocked? Janthir Wilds came out two months ago, if you preordered you got the thing way back then, and if you didn't it's not like you can unlock the skin in some other way.
femcharr sex
>no effort support build
>PvE grindan
depends on what you are trying to grind
i wouldn't mind the current rewards if the meta actually had stuff going on and if the events that only spawned during the storm actually did something other than draw players away from the bosses, but it do be lowkey mid rn and it's probably going to be hyperdead when the next map drops
They can't do that though. Did you read their "designing world bosses" notes? The way they achieve the world boss's moves seems like a lot of spaghetti code to help fix spaghetti code.
>the creation of another community-favorite world boss from Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds™
Sounds like they dont need to fix what isnt broken. People love it as is.
>it's probably going to be hyperdead when the next map drops
You doomers are really the low end of the IQ curve, you nigger said this for the SotO metas and convergences but people still run both. Stop being so fucking stupid guy.
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Hey babe, want to do some femcharr lesbian sexo actione?
>erping with yourself to keep the thread bumped
miss me with the following screencap that proves nothing
Lmao faggot
with wvw bleeding hemorrhaging players you probably shouldnt be trying to gatekeep the new blood
>i can post from my computer AND phone!
not really helping your case
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sometimes when im on my lunch break i pull up the pvp section of the gw2 forum and read some shit flinging. its really amazing how invested these people are in the deadest game mode of a half dead game. some of these guys make more rage posts per week than there are unique players playing pvp per week. truly fascinating
Oh he wanted to see more femcharr we can oblige
is that the new meme buzzword of the month? some guy (probably you) were shouting it last few threads.
now say that again without filling your diaper in rage
>Decima is so large that her beam attacks couldn’t shoot directly from her arm, as they’d be too high up and off-center.
I had always wondered if thats why the Siege Turtle shoots up into the air as ground targeted AoE than a direct shot like the concept art suggested. Like firing directly was prone to obstructions and missing because they were so high and off center. Its still cool that they programmed the individual canons facing where the gunner is looking though
God this blogpost is an interesting read, and it makes the bosses and their concepts sound much cooler than what most people are gonna see ingame.
>Patty Mattson, who also voiced Peitha, absolutely crushed it performing as the Bog Queen. We love giving her nine-feet-tall monsters to play!
lmao based
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Hows your week been anon? Got the thing you wanted to do done? Tried tagging up a bit?

I started tagging up this week, it's been quite fun to get better at group fights too, not that I am too happy about boonballs but if you're faced with cancer, you do a no voice no sorting fuckitwego ball and harass them.

It worked wonders tonight, took everything in sight and just went on a break.
Yeah. It's cool to see how in depth they went with Greer and Decima and while it may just be me, I literally can't tell them apart besides their male and female VAs. The concept for them is great but it didn't translate at all into the actual game in my opinion.

Bogged Queen is kino of course, easily the most interesting enemy they've designed in a while. Out of the three she's the only one whose concept really translated well in game I think.
Haven't played much this week desu wvwratte, I'm very burned out and playing other games in the meantime. Sitting on like a thousand gold and both wvw and pveasy aren't keeping my interest. Probably won't play much until the next part of the expansion drops.
post femcharr players
That's a fair reasoning as to why you don't have to play either. Besides not like anything is going anywhere in the meantime.
preferably screenshots.
>I literally can't tell them apart besides their male and female VAs
Aside from having roughly the same shape, they are completely different. Greer's body is made of giant wooden splinters and he spams boon corrupts all over the place like he's a pre-nerf necro. Decima's body is made of rocks and conductive metals and all her attacks are lightning strikes of some kind.
What I find weirder is that wooden titans that rot everything away are from gw1, but Decima's storm titan design is new.
Also a little detail is that Greer is all about boon corrupts like a necro and rotting titans in gw1 happen to be necro mobs.
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>Greer's body is made of giant wooden splinters
>Decima's body is made of rocks
I never noticed this.
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Maybe not just splinters, that's more his minions, but it's all wooden bark, wooden splinters, wood in general.
I still can't get over the fact that they both just happen to be made from the most basic crafting materials, it can't be a coincidence. I hope where they're going with this is
>Ura is made of cotton or some plant fiber like that
>3rd map has Ura minions in it
>2nd content patch also introduces a mastery that causes titanspawn to drop homestead materials. Greer's minions drop wood, Decima's minions drop metal and Ura's minions drop fiber
That would also explain why they've been weirdly silent about the whole homestead material cost thing.
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I made a costume for the Vatican's new mascot Luce!
hmmm me in the middle
>Vatican's new mascot Luce
I hate it, and I hate this heresy the Catholic Church is truly cooked and inhabited by evil.
dead game
dead general
Yeah naming her after the devil was a bit on the nose. Everything the other churches said about the catholic church is completely true.
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Why though? Get with the times gramps. It's not like they are changing Apostolic tradition or catechism, and it's not like the Church hasn't done this before adopting other cultures into its umbrella.
>got kicked out of a guild for saying to stfu about politics
probably for the best though
It's evil. Look into that little doll's eyes and don't tell me you don't feel Satan's presence.
You dodged yourself a bullet.
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Bro how thick do they need to lay it on before you catch on to it?
What's the point of trying to save wvw at this point? It's been absolute trash for so long that most people have never played good wvw and most that have don't remember shit about it.
>the Catholic Church is truly cooked and inhabited by evil
Always has been. Popes and bishops have been corrupt since the Middle Ages.
>talk about kikes
>no mention of cmc
Do you even /gw2g/?
>It's been absolute trash for so long that most people have never played good wvw
When did it turn to shit?
With the warclaw? The desert borderlands? The introduction of pips?
>matched against nu-mag
>they (red) ally with green and it takes them literally an hour to capture langor and bravost despite working together
>despite multiple pushes together to get our keep they cant
What compels a man to become a magumma faggot, and what compels a nigga to ally with them
When they restructured it with WvW rank nonsense that gives longtime players the advantage over newcomers with stuff like "more damage with seige weaponry". Its a classic mistake that makes life difficult and unfun for new players, so it bleeds dry the population
>faggot furfag charr seething at based christian poster
it writes itself
>this retarded bullshit
Tell me again how you've never played WvW.
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>gives longtime players the advantage over newcomers
>"more damage with seige weaponry".
>d unfun for new players, so it bleeds dry the population
Dumbest shit I've read all day. Cheers to you my man.
>I deserve to have more advantages than a new player because.....because I played for years!
>im entitled to curbstomping stomping those trying to get into wvw!
>wtf why is my game mode dead and unupdated for years??
I didnt expect you to get so flustered about it, sheesh.
>schizo enters obvious "garbage mode"
not reading, stay mad forever newfag poorfag
Bro I got a few hundred wvw ranks and I can get all the stuff I actually use just fine. Additional ranks don't actually make you stronger, they just give you more room to max out different stuff and that different stuff doesn't affect you at all unless you do specific things. Say a guy has dumped 80 points into catapults and you haven't. Unless you're actually using a catapult yourself, this does not affect you in any way, shape or form.
>suddenly im new and poor because ???
You know i'm right about the wvw rank system being the culprit when I get this kind of weird overreaction to it.
HoT. Elite spec power creep, 4 stat gear power creep, desert bl, zerg meta lost its frontline/backline split while roaming got overloaded with shit that made vanilla d/d ele look weak. Everything about it just sucked.
the wiki has a decent list of proof for horses existing in this universe, including random Krytan citizens talking about horses and ponies https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Horse
"horses aren't real!!" is just a bad meme that ANet picked up from dumb GW2-only redditors
so it does affect you then, because you cant do anything without ranks
>Similarly, Elonians have in the past enslaved centaurs to work them in the same manner as they worked horses.
Lol tough
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Good morning!
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Good morning fellow sipchad
>a bunch of cool homies hanging out being cool together
more GW2 slutwear pls
e621 is a godsend
after applying the appropriate filters at least
how do you enable autoattack on a signet? i see priscilla daintypaw auto-activating a signet to permanently keep her weapon drawn while afking but nothing happens when i click auto attack on a signet
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Does your character have a theme song bros?

cool but where are the dragons? Aurene..Soo Won..Cunnywang..
There are far more furries than scalies out there.
>how do you enable autoattack on a signet?
The tooltip literally tells you how...its like cntrl + mouse button 2
>whole acc filled with bags
>big brain idea to send them to my old daily login acc
>send 2 mail
fuck you anet
Could be an autoclicker
It has to be an instantcast signet
So, Muk or Darens?
where do you even use heal herald?
it sucks ass in fracs because of lack of stab.

Why is this socially acceptable but my beautiful healzerker isn't?!
I sure do hope I wont be a total feeder in PVP on my free account!
why are asua and charr in the game but not dwarves as a playable race, thats how you know this game is made by faggot jews
youre a feeder? umm... tmi? you want foody beauty here?
Because herald can extend boons
Go play WoW or LotRO if you want playable dwarves
GW3 should make it so charr are the ONLY playable race.
I was being sarcastic. Of course you need to buy the latest expansion and grind out the new elite spec for your class to stand a chance in PVP.
>nearly extinct race
>and you want players to be able to be said race that will make it look like its extremely common
>15% bonus reward track gain due to the donation event
>0 queues and 0 public tags

dead gamemode?
asura were nearly extinct faggot, and charr were unable to have a functioning society and now they can some how work together for friensies :3 what the fuck dwarves are bad ass, u can tell everyone in this general are faggot kikes for not actively defending dwarves the instant they are brought up, straight white men play dwarves
gay manlets with an inferiority complex play dwarves, go back to your shitty rock and stone XD game you faggot.
That would be too based for normies to handle
playing dw0rf won't make your balding and söybeard and manletism any less embarrassing
uhhh dwarves are incredibly based, the writers couldnt fit them in the dogshit story to cater to
faggots like u, 1 because dwarves are so fucking cool they had to make room for their shitty fucking pedophile race
and their dogshit furry race, they couldnt compete with dwarves. 2 fantasy is just not fantasy without them, they are smiths and fucking legendary warriors, and they are fucking cool as shit, you a dog fucker would never understand how cool they really are
they are the epitome reddit race featured in multiple reddit games like Deep Rock Gaylactic and Dwarf Forttroontest
barely kept alive by GoB
don't you have some wood to pray to, knife-ears?
I was friends with a bunch of manlets in high school who all played orc/human/nelf in WoW. And the only irl friend I knew who played gnome was freakishly tall irl. I would bet money that the average dwarf/gnome/goblin player is taller irl than the average human/orc/elf player.
holy seethearooni Elorshin, is the average Elf REALLY this sensitive?
if you like your trash generic fantasy tropes so much go play wow
Are there any elves in the Guild Wars setting, though? Their gimmicks seem to be split between the sylvari and the asura.
>inb4 some retarded humans are le elves in gw2 nonsense
dark elves have been called dwarves before
>barely kept alive by GoB
This, and even then it isnt enough to get people to play it
The precursor to dwarves has been perpetually at war with the elves' precursor since before those grimm style fat beardman dwarves were even a thing.
>Where do you even use Heal Herald
You're right about fractals since its a stability nightmare but for most strikes and raids its fine
WvW as well
how funny, i have all the leg welfare boxes plus 4 precursors, mats, gobs and clovers (+ mc and gold) but im missing the fucking retard exploration shit
>pveasies will walk around a map for 8 hours and do tedious chores
>suddenly this is an issue when its wvw

>ancient ambergris doubled in price
>mursat runestones are back up
member when the runestones were like 10s? lmao
does this msura play with msura in wvw
Less people bother fishing and the nerf to droprate got the runestones back up don't think they ever went below 60s
>dead gay mode?
Not yet.
I'll need to make a character first.
i only play core...
>Autist that keeps posting his Playlist
>Schizos that argue with one another

Being allied with mag was a mistake
Any reason to get a lounge pass over wizard's tower? Was thinking of getting mistlock.
Faster loading, fractal access in mistlock, more condensed and more available services, less poor people
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>that art style
Copycat or the real thing?
Luckiest human ever
>long shaggy fur
gacha shits
gaycha is gay
NA [DORF]: Tarnished Coast, whisper Edarkness, Reignofpain, Unwarrior Chicken
NA [SS]: Fort Aspenwood, whisper Jakey Gyllenhaal, Ayo Girl Cmere, or Double A E D
EU [FUN]: Seafarer's Rest, whisper Farfelu, Aktium, Nalynea, Mo Zing Miko, Togo Hornblower or Kealdrix
NA+EU [USA]: Fort Aspenwood+Seaferer's Rest, whisper Squatfu, Buzz Spankleaf, Togo Hornblower, Vuncia, Kerolastic
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femcharr friday btw
My character
will just be a background extra.
its the real Tom yeah
Do I need to play GW1 to understand GW2?
As far as the lore not really, though you may be like me and be confused as shit as to what's going on in LWS3 and parts of POF because those were a really a (failed) attempt at pandering to GW1 fags. If you're talking about gameplay no, if you play GW1 first you'll actually more likely hate the changes they made in GW2.
No. However if you want to defend the second game's lore against its critics, THEN you have to play GW1.
It's basically an entirely different game except the writers continually trot out something veterans remember so that they can take a big smelly doodoo on it.
lol page 10 femcharr friday is dead
Ah, I see. So I'll just pretend it's on Final Fantasy rules (ie. completely different worlds with some thematic links and mascot monsters.)
Is there a reason to play vindicator when chudbender seems to fulfill the same "heavily armored ninja" archetype but better? I am considering which one I should make.
Dont play either, only fags play chudbender and listening to two schizo weirdos in your ear as vindicator is cringe.
You don't like listening to Liam O'Brien tell you that he "can feel your rage"? What are you some kind of fag?
Best day of the week
I have a feeling this femcharr steals
I'm terrible as a gamer. I only want to do open world stuff and maybe a bit of WvW (for the legendary armor). What profession should I choose? I've narrowed it down to Guardian, Revenant or Ranger. Guardian for the active defense and the flexibility. Revenant for the easy boon access with Herold and the passive defense through battlescars. Ranger for the pet and also I like nature.
Neither, you go with engi.
Why is there so much personal story baked into the character creator? Aren't you supposed to just be a generic adventurer that's taxied as a viewpoint for the player while the real story is done by signature NPCs?
She is a Thief apparently yes
I've narrowed it down to Guardian, Revenant or Ranger. Engineer is probably the profession I'm least interested in, aside from warrior and necro.
guardian is the easiest one
If you're a shit gamer then play Deadeye, allow me to state my case:
>rotation literally set for you as pressing 1, 2, 3
>aren't expected to move around much because of kneel, so nobody makes you do mechanics in metas
>can kill pretty much any open world enemy before it ever even reaches you and solo group events
>Cool exotic rifle skin that looks like a fantasy gun actually should look
>Once you get into raiding, you're pretty much a mandatory pick
The only downside is that you melt like a boiled popsicle under damage but not if you're playing right.
We get the worst of both worlds
Time to break a few of her fingers then.
If you play Guardian you'll never have to worry about nerfs and will always be viable and top-tier because it's ANET's favorite class.
Her fingers will be on your cock before that happens
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There's elves in this game!
They occupy the stereotypical position. Or used to. Now that literally all of the major cancers left to hinder them have been excised, and the charr cucked themselves with ebin civil war, they're pretty well off. And that's before we get to Cantha.
So it was a waste for me to download the free trial, then?
just dont bother with the story. they originally intended to make it a pseudo rpg experience but gave up towards the end of the base game and never tried it again in the expansions. you can skip the entire base game story and skip the cut scenes in the expansions and the only thing you miss out on is cringe kino
No because you still get to experience the maps and combat, the story is the most "mid" of the game's systems.
They wanted to make something kind of like SWTOR's class campaign system where the backstory of the character you create determines what happens in the main story, and it does for the first 30 levels, but then it does the same thing as the mass effect 3 ending where you get the same 3 choices with the same consequences regardless of what you did before. And after the core game the whole system is dropped, never to be used again. It becomes exactly what you described expecting after the core game.
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Happy femcharr friday! Finally managed to tear myself away from Rivals of Aether long enough to put in a little time today.
sorry but femcharr friday has been cancelled
I so want to play Necromancer, but none of the five hero races seem like they're morally bankrupt enough to take up the dark arts.
Just go the route of how they wrote Marjory and be a wacky big tiddy goth who summons skeleton friends named "Boner".
Not as long as I'm breathing, it isn't.
I dunno man, asura seem like they'd be into it.
if in question, always pick femcharr
asura definitely dont care, humans literally have a god of necromancy, and charr probably dont care either. one would think that sylvari would shy away from it but trahearne is the most heroic/legendary sylvari in the game and hes a necromancer. norn is the only race that might look down upon it
Bro human necromancers in the GW universe are basically Saturday cartoon villains.
The class trainer quest for necromancers in GW1 is that your teacher created an experimental, rapidly evolving creature made from pure death magic and accidentally unleashed it in the catacombs.
Even in gw2 when they summon minions they say stuff like "Live my puppet, live!"
>norn is the only race that might look down upon it
Jhavi Jorasdottir, most norn necros are affiliated with raven

>its another 'thread is void of organic discussion so i'll larp as a new player' episode
its STILL femcharr friday
no its salad saturday
ackshually its saturday in england or some shit you disabled zogbot nigger
what has subspace ever done to you
>has an identity
>on an anonymous imageboard
hes an insufferable faggot who whines like a liberal when you make fun of him, he belongs on reddit
this is /vg/, having tripfags,avatarfags,namefags etc. is normal here
>tripfags,avatarfags,namefags etc. is normal here
So put on a faggot assed trip then you coward
gotcha brother, here, for certified mcharr lovers like you
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good, now keep it on
nah I wont to keep you mad
>oh you hate thing? im gonna do thing
4-year old mentality, shit like that is why I believe you when you say youre disabled. hey I hate breathing and slitting my jugular, dipshit
copeth and sneedeth
>never posts unclothed subspace charr's
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This is an MMO you ratbrained fuck, of course people are going to post their characters. Cry about it.
the lgbtcharr defense force is out
do you even play the game, you whiny faggot?
that's paywalled content only
Yeah I play the real game, its called World versus World you shitter lgbtcharr defense force soldier
plenty, its why I even posted >>500757941. imagine not knowing that one of the most famous norn is a necromancer
femcharr friday more like gaycharr freeday (get it? because the day is free of gay charr posters)
>turns out the faggot shitting his pants for hours is a wvweasy masochist
Anon you are obviously miserable, otherwise the subspace charr guy wouldn't bother you this much. Try doing pve. Unlike wvw, anet actually adds content to pve over time.
You mean like raids? dungeons? strikes? fractals? Wheres this new content over time bro? You probably just jack off looking at your character than even play pve, porn addicted furries
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>he has to play dumb because he knows how badly wvw compares
Let's see, what did pve get since core?
>5 expansions, each with 3-4 zones with their own resources and map currencies
>4 seasons of LW not counting S1, each with its own maps totalling more than a full expansion in most cases
>7 raids, an 8th raid in 18 days
>13 strikes, the majority with CMs attached
>20 different fractals at 4-5 different difficulties each
Now let's see how wvw compares
>1 additional map
Wow, that sure is content.
All that new content..those 4 remaining dungeon strikes and raids players will really thank you for it.
Even deader playerbase than sPvP LOL
>dungeon strikes
>dungeon strikes
Do you legitimately not know the difference between a dungeon and a strike or are you just going full schizo mode confusing shit you made up for shit that's actually in the game?
>4 remaining (a number literally pulled out of your ass)
>players will really thank you for it (no discernible context)
I'm thinking it's the latter option.
I love femcharr.
I love spergs. There are always mega retarded, no exceptions.
Threadly reminder the sperg's soul is vantablack.
>discord clique content only*
cute femcharr
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>posts from a human city
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>its another 'thread is void of organic discussion so i'll larp as a new player' episode
Even if that's true, there's nothing to be done about it. It's not like there's nothing to talk about, I blogpost or ask oc related questions or questions on what to put in my stone house from time to time and it doesn't really create discussion because it doesn't get replies.
>samefagging and shitposting is fine, the thread is dead anyway
>doesnt comprehend that the samefagging and shitposting is why the thread is dead to begin with
a vicious cycle
isnt the desert borderland map the worst map, before ive need seen any invaders make progress on it compared the alpines
Slow/dead threads are usually some of the best on /vg/. Just be glad /gw2g/ is nothing like /ffg/.
>Slow/dead threads are usually some of the best
dumbest fucking poster on this site
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>Scarlet got accepted into all 3 Asura colleges + the Inquest
Is there a funnier piece of official lore in the entire GW universe than this? It's Coldsteel the Hedgehog tier but it was greenlit by the official writing team and was the focus of the main storyline.
>all boards are the same
Welcome to /vg/ newfaggot.
Me too. I wouldn't play GW2 without them.
>all boards are the same
>making up arguments for me so you can attack them
I wonder if they have a name for that. also with that logic the very totally alive and not dead GW1 thread on /vm/ or wherever is the best thread on the website, you should fuck off there indefinitely
Then don't cherry pick, faggot.
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It sure is.
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Pumpkin Salad!
drained the dressing out of my balls all over your ass again
i love salad saturdays
Untamed is so broken just facerolled the mushroom queen HP
I missed the sale on Salvage-o-Matics two weeks ago, do you know when they'll be on sale again?
Just buy it you're losing money every day you don't have it
Maybe black Friday, but there's no real way to know
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I get what you're saying, and it's why I was thinking about it, but I would save about 400 gems or about 150 gold if we go by the current exchange rate... Quite a lot...

Thanks, sadly the wiki is updated manually, and there's no online tool which tracks sales.
SO MUCH HECKING VALUE, bro it is litterally just the convience of not having to buy a bunch of kits for different varities, this games entire monitization model is fuck pve players and im ok with that bc i just play the game and somehow i end up with thousands of gold per month bc i just play to play not do chores like you pve retards and wvw dogs who cry and complain about shit not getting added, bro your entire game mode is shit.

wvw is bad bc compared to wow open world combat it just devolves into simple numbers and like blobs arent incentivised to have a large scale battle unless its that main structure in the center of the map, the people who designed if werent sure how to motivate players to murder eachother so they put in pve shit, i think having forts manned on an entirely different map without siege weapons or any of that retarded bullshit, just having logistics that provide a buff or two, wvw is shit bc its full of retards trying to do chores instead of actively trying o murder eachother out of the love of it, wow has it in open world pvp but gw2 doesnt, and roaming is gay and boring half the time theres no one around so you may as well just play a 1v1 server
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Suppose it'd be this one if anything, was always one of the go to's when I was younger before a rave or a good night out, goes well with wvw
>song has children in title

yep child coded thinking
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>anon has complete brainrot
>brainrot argument
yep it's brainrot, there's nothing to do for this retard
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I did it
Now 300 more gold for the mordy variant...
based i love my plant hammer
>aurene's weight
like that one of the only porn pictures of aurene
What is this rat thinking about
Meds, schizo
i wanna eat a salad's butt and put some italian dressing and crutons on it
i commune with the spirits and they tell me this truth, youre affraid of it because it breaks the miserable illusion you surround yourself with
always thought that this is the best looking set for rattes but i rarely see one wearing it
I am paralyzed with indecision regarding what my first GW2 character should be.
/gw2g/, please order me to make a character to your single specification.
I normally don't find asura attractive but I would this ratte
norn male necro just random story shit doesnt matter no one can see it, go for whatever cosmetic shit you want
max height obese male norn ranger with a muslim beard and 2 bird pets
Unable to comply.
-Multiclassing not allowed
-Multiracing not allowed
-Multigendering not allowed
transgender human revenant then. revenant is a combination of all classes and human is the sex slave of all other races
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Human Male Guardian.
That's just what the voices in your head tell you rev-kun.
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Salad Saturday !
human male warrior
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This is so tired, people are allowed to be good at things without being a mary sue. Of course she got accepted into all three colleges, the Asura are snively little fucks who constantly bicker and it is well within their character to fight over one of the greatest minds Tyria ever knew so they could say *they* made her that way. She had to be super smart because some retard normie (like yourself) would have never broken the code of reality. This idea that characters who are successful are based off of someone is so childish; what would a character based off of you look like? You have zero media literacy, zero intelligence, zero bitches. I'm not even a Scarlet stan but how else was she supposed to be written? Weak and stupid and directionless so you personally could have connected better? Get fucking real.
Massive cope. It's not tired, it's common sense because it's immediately obvious how retarded the whole concept is and only becomes more retarded the more you think about it. The Asura are hundreds of IQ points above the other races and the Asura colleges are extremely protective of their research. A non-asura being intelligent enough to get into one college is already lore shattering, but all 3 colleges letting in an untrustworthy outsider who is also working with the Inquest is just outrageous.
>how else was she supposed to be written?
At the very least she should have been an Asura. Even then she would still be a Mary Sue and you would still be coping hard with babble bubble of a defense.
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>enough time has passed since the scarlet saga that there are now anons unironically defending it
Just hit 80, what now? Do I go scrapper or holosmith? Mechanist sounds more interesting but I don't have the expansion for it.
Scrapper 4 life
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>You have zero media literacy
Mechanists are this game's version of Yasuo players or retardins
at least they retconned it to her cheating her way into two of them
What to do better next time she tags up and that playing support chrono with double gravity well is hilarious for catching enemy groups
I still can't figure out how the fuck Scarlet turned into Mary "fucking crazy is my entire personality" Sue from an in-depth look at the eternal alchemy. But maybe the writers couldn't really figure it out either.
does femcharr flat chest make them more or less appealing
less appealing to normie furries, more appealing to zoophile furries
>unironically defending it
He's just shitposting to bump the thread
I always took that as them giving her a chance at taking the entrance exam as a joke (asura have some history of fucking with Sylvari or testing them after all) only to be surprised when she somehow passed .
Naturally the other heads of the colleges would think the one she passed was a fluke, and she managed to subvert their expectations again when they threw their tests her way
If they let her study, its either because they begrudgingly lost their gambit and didnt wanna look worse for it or they wanted to see how far this goes
More appealing to chads
>tfw no femcharr gf
no futa femcharr gf
its so fucking over zoobros
That just begs the question of how she was able to pass them all. Was she cheating, or did she have the test results downloaded into her brain or something?
shes just 100 IQ points smarter than the next smartest sylvari because shes special for some reason :)
No, she's just that sooperpoopersmart.
Anon, Angel's a woman, you've already dedicated more time and more braincells to thinking about this than she did.
She just wanted an omnipotent harley quinn ripoff mad scientist villain and all the asuran college/omadd's machine lore was added after the fact to rationalize it.
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This one is especially funny, you're so assblasted that you're just sharting your anger all over random people now. You need a friend so fucking badly, I actually feel super sorry for you because its really evident this is one of the only times that anyone has taken time out of their day to talk to you in probably the last ten years. Maybe that's why you whine so much, you just want one more reply to feel seen. Here it is, buddy.
We'd never get to hear stories about kings if you had your way because you're constantly wailing about the peasant perspective. Shut the fuck up, not everyone needs to be as boring as you. Let me guess, if it was Logan it would have been okay, right, since he looks "just like you" (lmfao)
There are twenty different justifications for why Scarlet is how she is/did what she did, but a bitchmade whiner like you who never leaves wvw wouldn't know the first fucking thing about the story. Tagging all these because its the most blatant samefaggotry in the world btw. Get a fucking life, all of this schizophrenic babble is time you could spend actually playing the game and learning about the story so you don't look like such a retard. I'll save you the time and do your first reply:
>Schizoid babble
>That post
Your move, NPC
>virulently anti-furry in the year 2024
oh so he's 12 lmao, that explains a whole lot
holy obsessed
You sure are you meal mouthed nigger, you've been arguing over whether or not plants are smart for the last five hours. Get a fucking life, everyone wouldn't hate you so much and you'd probably have a better attitude about yourself and others.
>meal mouthed
good morning sir plese do the needful
Nigger, why are you attributing shit to him that he didn't say? Yes if it was Logan it would still be retarded. But let's be honest, with the kind of people involved, if someone had proposed turning Logan into a gigagenious who can get accepted into all 3 asuran colleges when actual Asura fail to get into one, that idea would have been vetoed at the drawing board. The part that makes this tween fanfic writer tier is the fact that the same didn't happen with Scarlet. That idea wasn't just not vetoed at the infant stage, it made it into the final product, nobody at any point thought 'wait a a second, this makes no sense at all', the entire room was filled with idiots who shouldn't have been there in the first place.

So now, because she is proof of the above, Scarlet and her steampunk-obsessed hambeast creator are getting shat on instead of Logan and rightfully so.
>complaining about the thread being slow
>is single-handedly 500 of the posts
just like, post more? weird that you'd call others obsessed
I know your autism makes this literally impossible to comprehend, so I'm gonna say it nice and slow, go ahead and put some crib mobile music on in the background so you stay calm.
>When someone writes something you don't like, it doesn't mean its bad writing.
I know, let's take a second, I know. A room full of professional writers actually does know better than you, that's why they got the job. I bet they're probably hurting for employees right now, why don't you apply with your super cool stories that everyone wants to play and are really good?
>I know. A room full of professional writers actually does know better than you
Can we drop this nonsense? Get a fucking grip. No, they clearly don't know better, a fucking blunder like Scarlet would not have happened under a professional's supervision, that shit would have been killed off at its inception. Scarlet alone is proof that nobody involved was a professional. Not a single person that was there at the time, should have been there in the first place. Yes, I know it's atrociously bad, you know it's atrociously bad, why are you trying to pretend otherwise?

And to emphasize that again, it's not just bad, it's bottom-tier-2000s-tumblr-fanfic levels of bad. They could have pulled up some DA profile of a child who makes sanic donut steels and they'd probably end up with a better story than the turd that Angel delivered.
>no! y-you're wrong because i say so! professionals don't write characters who are good at stuff!
It all makes so much sense now, you're this angry ball of hate and vitriol because it was just someone you didn't like who wrote it. That's the third time you brought up some bitches name that nobody else is talking about. Who the fuck is Angel? We're talking about Scarlet. Holy obsessed.
>There are twenty different justifications for why Scarlet is how she is/did what she did
Yet you can't produce a single one. You've been fired for 7 years Angel, it's time to accept that your character was shit and move on.
Writing a character that is good at something is one thing, Scarlet is in a completely different dimension than that. This is in the same realm as Mary Sue. And I'm not talking about the very real trope named after her, I mean the actual character, the teenage girl that casually knows more about every specialized academic field than crew members with PhDs in those same fields, because she's just that sooper pooper smart. Mary was part of a parody, the point was to take the piss out of badly written fiction which was prevalent at the time and still is now. Scarlet is the same shit dialled to 11 but without a shred of irony or self-awareness from the retard that came up with her.

And no, it is objectively bad. It has nothing to do with 'I don't like it', it would still be bad if I did like it.
>He doesn't know who Angel is
Why are you defending this shit when you don't know the first thing about it? Why do you defend Scarlet when you have no idea why she was propped up?
>That just begs the question of how she was able to pass them all
>"She found that convincing the three great colleges to let her in was the hardest part. However, the Arcane Council begrudgingly granted her provisional status as a Dynamics student. She completed the Dynamics coursework in under a year as the highest-ranked student in her class."
I guess it was less "take this test and you're in" and more "finish this course and we'll award you your certification
who is the better cat mom between xiv and gw2?

crecia or y'shtola?
one's a cat, the other is a human with cat ears
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>>as the highest-ranked student in her class
the gw2 equivalent of a tribal from papua new guinea going to harvard and graduating at the top of her class. imagine the suicide rate among those asuracels who got brain mogged by a salad
You are at the depths of pathetic, sit the fuck down, you got btfo lmao
sorry not joining your schizo samefag war, just laughing at gw2 cringe kino
>"god i don't even care anymore, i'm just laughing with you bro"
holy shit assblasted. how many colleges did you say she got accepted into? you fucking retard lmao
>In 1316 AE, the councilors gave her the same opportunity in Statics, where she achieved similar results in a similar time frame. It is likely during her time at Statics that she discovered holomagic and asuran holographic devices, with which she started using to record her life, failures, and successes.[3] According to Ley Line Theory #671 written by Verzatt, a member of Dynamics, Ceara also found proof of the existence of ley lines sometime during this year.

>In 1317 AE, the Arcane Council were intrigued enough to see if Ceara could do the same with Synergetics as she had with Dynamics and Statics. Around this time, she simultaneously started looking into the potential of golems by combining Dynamics design with Statics versatility, and using contacts within the dredge black market to acquire scrap iron, she started to build steam minotaurs.
Pretty much.
Most Asura we see are out in the field doing their labwork so everything is mostly practical with a dash of theory when it comes to their Colleges.

Another thing people forget is that most Asura, despite being really smart, also make incredibly simple mistakes that make their genius inventions go awry often to balance it out. They're also often too insular and egotistical to combine knowledge from other Colleges or outside sources (other races) beyond certain initiatives (Pact, Consortium, Inquest)
While the likes of Scarlet, Joon and whichever Elonian set up Holosmithing are outliers, its definitely possible for others outside of their group to be on the same level if not a bit ahead
Wait so you have been seething about people laughing at Scarlet all day and you don't even know the basic lore of her getting into all 3 colleges? She got into the Inquest too. One look at her wiki page would have saved you the embarrassment of this post.
good lord
have mercy
stop that
How do I ask subspace femcharr out on a date?
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I actually sat down and tried to fill the room in the back. I set up some semblance of a kitchen. The fire and the sink on the right need to be where they are because they cover up the rock and the grass that's clipping into the 'room'.
>what is this room
I turned the exit in the back into an extra room with stone walls and a stone floor. The walls are technically just a mausoleum flipped upside down, with another mausoleum flipped upside down beneath to make the floor. So because this is technically not an actual part of the house but merely a scaled-up decoration, there's some red rocks and some grass clipping into the room right where the big chunky oven and sink are. I'm wondering if I should flip them around, rearrange all the parts of the kitchen to surround the area around the entrance and then turn the back into storage for wine and shit. As it is the front is kind of empty.
With lots of meat.
>and then turn the back into storage for wine and shit
Yeah do that.
I've got lots of meat alright ;)
kek what a thread, the scarlet tranny is in absolute shambles
What happened to gw2style? Will they come back?
If I level a character to 80 and save 250 hero points, can I unlock an elite spec straight away or do I need to unlock all regular specs first?
You need to unlock all the base specs first.
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Thanks, that actually rounded it out. The downside of these mausoleums is that because of the round shape, there isn't really an angle from which you can screencap the entire room. I put some scaled up crates and a scaled-down stack of barrels in the back and now it actually looks complete.
I might put down one pedestal with some decoration to cover that bit of rubble on the left. No you can't remove it, it's part of the scenery.
>Nobody mentioned how they tried to backpedal on Scarlet being little miss perfect at everything when they rereleased living world season 1
>theres mentions of people doubting the legitimacies on her actually graduating from all 3 colleges
Clearly the damage was already done and far, far too late to mend. What the hell were they thinking?
You can't unlock an elite with the hero points you get from leveling. The closest thing you can do is get core hero points. For every 10 core hero points you can skip one more HoT hero point.
Ah shucks. But good to know I can freely spend the points I have. Cheers lads
I know that you have tattoos as an option for player characters, but do the Norn use war paint? They strike me as the kind of people who would. But it's not like they form formal government structures, even the war with Jormag's icebrood is treated as a very large 'hunt'.
what bewilders me more is how or why asura get a mary sue "automatically smrt" pass when they do nothing but prove time and time again that they are actually functionally fucking retarded, there is not one intelligent asura in the entire game, they're literally all fucking retarded as fuck, from zojja in crucible of eternity, to the asura in timberline falls who thinks the nearby skritt are going to start making golems and gates, to gorrik, not a singke one of them have ever displayed a single shred of intellect or critical thinking
It was never too popular, so it died
The people who created golem and waypoints are really pulling that weight for the Asura.
nah scarlet was good, just because you can't grok it doesn't make it bad, it just means you're a fucking retard
it should be obvious, but scarlet found out that the sylvari are literally just dragon minions, and that humans are invaders from another realm who have subjugated the other races in tyria to be under their thumb and are upsetting the balance of the world which is why the dragons are trying to correct the human problem, and scarlett being plunged into the astral plane by halfmad's machine exposed her to mordremoth's direct influence, commanding her to do what she did in order to rouse him
but we've been over this before, and you can't accept the obvious because "nuh-uh!" while you stick your fingers in your ears and sing retard hymns instead of admit that you're wrong and a faggot, so fuck off
No. It was atrociously bad. The kind of 'yeah she exceeds at everything without even trying and also knows everything about the main plot and also succeeds at everything she tries including the bad stuff' shit is not just 'unprofessional' levels of bad, it's 'writer needs to be tested for mental impairment' levels of bad. If a thirteen year old girl wrote this, I could understand. But we're talking about grown ass adults here, the latter has made stuff that befits the former. These 'people' claimed to be professionals but delivered work that's on the level of a teenage layman. Yes, it really is that bad. Yes, we can expect better from them, no that is not unreasonable.
Asura are the classic smart people written by dumb people. They are in every way that matters dumb as rocks but can pull the solution to any problem out of their ass with some technobabble.
>can do science/have technical smarts
>completely retarded every other respect
>easily misled, can not see through any scams
>cannot anticipate larger problems coming their way until it's too late
It's not unrealistic, we got something like that irl, they're called boomers.
there needs to be a way to prevent guild invite spam BESIDES having to make 6 guilds in order to fill out all of your guild slots, which takes at least 3 weeks
literally just a tickbox somewhere in options or the guild panel to allow guild invites, it would take 3 seconds for an actual programmer to implement, i know faggotnet doesn't have any of those but i digress
Have you tried repping a guild tag?
>daylight savings happened
>all metas are shifted by one hour
The only real problem with Ceara is getting into all asura colleges before the machine. What should've really happened is Omadd capturing and forcing her into the machine under inquest/official testing, and then they keep her around as a trophy to assess the effects.
Now she gets a link to mordremoth, and obviously the eldritch being of mind manipulation would easily know more than any asura colleges. Hell, make it an imaginary friend of hers during the college days that always seems slightly off.
I agree, so did basically everyone who played from S1 forward. The fact that laymen can come up with a fix almost immediately where 'professionals' failed should tell you all about whether the credentialist cope is justified here.
>anets been sticking interesting skins behind lootbox rng
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>Think about doing more homestead stuff
>put down a table with chairs, a carpet and some statues on the ground floor
>Decide it's time to start with the upper floor
>Already did the whole table with chairs thing
I got nothing. What would I even put here, some kind of study? All the available bookshelves don't have any books in them.
i shouldn't have to, and players shouldn't have to deal with unsolicited guild or party or squad invite spam, in a real mmo such things are applied to by the player and then dealt with by the respective guild/party/squad, not the other way around
>i shouldn't have to
Well its a solution to your problem
Wardrobe, Bed, fuckpit for the Charr, Open bar, plants.
it's not a solution because it doesn't stop it, i still have to fill up my guild slots in order to prevent something that shouldn't even be possible in the first place
where is that?
>4 day old thread only at 370
dead game

anyway how many more days of halloween event left?
And yeah, this place has been slowing down
Femcharr can't post here because they're in my basement. You're welcome.
Haven't figured out the subspace lock yet, but that's what the asura echoes are here for
bladesworn status?
i liked topping every chart by getting really good at timing at positioning
found it, statuettes, did my own research and hacked it away on myself to have a look at it with a particular armor piece
sufficed to say the result was nice, so I spent and got it
the chair has the same animations (at a first glance anyway), just stationary, and provides the same effect to said armor piece
will show screenshots at some later point
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>leave zerg to single out a [TRNS] player and kill them
>succeed but get ganked by 10 people immediately
Worth it, I'll do it every time
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got my plant hammer
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good lad
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Pondering my stacks and how long I should let them grow.

Since I started tagging up and picking fights I wasn't supposed to win the bag yield has increased as well
Give them to me and you don't have to think about all that :)
>see mesmer
>getting filtered by a MESMER of all classes
lmao'ing at your life rn bro
overall damage in pvp and wvw gets nerfed down to the point where it's like 50% of what it was on release and engineer turrets which have been untouched since release still aren't even remotely good. quitting this class has been the best decision i've ever done in my life, it's unbelievable how much every other class just gets to do shit with 1 button that engineer can't do if he presses all his buttons. pvp is so fucking easy when your class isn't fucking starved for stability for some fucking reason while every other class gets more and more of it every year. too bad because engineer is by far the most fun class but the class is honestly just 80% mechanist retards now which seems to be the only supported way to play the class.
>presses signet of the hunt
nothing personal
>presses cunt elite
You're already dead.
Fuck Norns and fuck Norn zones
I have one candy corn cob. What do I spend it on?
Shove it up a femcharr's butt
What's the point of having the UI hidden outside of screenshots?
>eu eb
>server time almost 8 pm
are ya deadgaming, son ?
the worst part about core map completion is doing it completely alone because 75% of the core maps are fucking empty.
>LFG says commander's map isn't full
>Join squad
>Map actually is full with a queue of 3 :)
About to be as dead as GW1.
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>it's not a solution
Yes it is, I rep a single guild tag and never get any invites. People will spam guild invites to tagless players. Simple as
>wvw with my wb
>no idea what i'm doing
>spam all the butans
>almost any skill crit 7k+
>for some reason my hp go back full
>some ppl run away when they see me
>just press one of the teleport skill they die
Game is called Guild Wars
Game has Guilds
Cannot do Guild v. Guild

Nice game catfuckers, enjoy your EOS soon.
>he's been saying this for 10 years
>pounce 19k on tower lord
>pounce 1864 (crit) on wb
>wb hit back 23k in a sec
how the fuck f1 lance 4-3 can land at the same time is a fucking mistery
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nice fractions and decimals, very math
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A nice surprise for my Elonian neighbors

What am I looking at here?
>What am I looking at here?
wvw k/d ratio, thanks to both the amazing *WR algorithm* and *class balance*
>wvw k/d ratio
You couldn't have given that context with the post?
>pleeeease ask me what these random contextless numbers mean!
Fucking faggotry expected of the wvw dipshit.
>thanks to both the amazing *WR algorithm* and *class balance*
Cope, youre just getting worse at the game.
All KD are over 0.7
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>playing vindicator for the first time
>go underwater
>after every dodge, my character is locked into a 3 second long channeled cast, during which i cannot do anything, and it can't be canceled via weapon stowing or using another skill
>google it to see if im doing something wrong or if this is a known issue
>mfw seeing 3 year old forum posts from the EoD beta talking about this issue
Good lord, I know underwater content is rare but this issue makes the spec unplayable underwater and it's been known for 3 years. ANet is a fucking embarrassment.
The sooner underwater combat is removed the better the entire game will be. Gang-raping Taimi to death would also be acceptable.
The underwater expansion SOON
They will make skimmers greater and make underwater combat more fluid!
But I'm a femcharr and nobody ever invites me to basement parties.
Is it that time of the month already? I heard sitting on a pillow helps.
you would know all about bleeding between your legs
Why was UW combat needed? It's such an awkward system that feels like a second-thought to the more invested and tuned on-land combat. If they stripped UW combat to make it more streamlined and simpler, detached from Elite Specs and maybe even Classes, they could save time that would be better spent elsewhere. Like Taimi's inevitable vivisection by the Inquest. I personally think she can survive at least three before another one would kill her.
The game would be more awkward without it. I think underwater combat could be much better if they touched it up.
Similar to the RPG aspect of the personal story, it was an ambitious gimmick that they came up with to make the game more distinct from other MMOs. Most of the core classes function well enough underwater because ANet still had full faith in underwater combat when they were designing them. The majors problems arise with elite specs and the whole revenant class, because ANet had already given up on underwater combat by the time HoT released. They put less and less effort into it with each expansion, and eventually we end up with stuff like Mechanist not being able to use a robot underwater, effectively making it unplayable underwater. For the most part it's not an issue with new content but it's annoying as hell when you do older content with a lot of water like Orr, or when you occasionally end up in the underwater fractal.
There really is too much underwater traversal and enemies to just strip it out entirely isn't there? Seems like the main problem is the EliteSpecs not having a secondary requirement during development that included they also have to work underwater, which makes up a lot less of the game than actual combat. The best way would be to force all underwater combat to only use base class abilities/Utilities. Won't solve everything, but it will help reduce the scope of what they can do to make underwater 'better' instead of something one has to endure from time to time.

If they ever actually find the devtime to do all of this and the testing to make sure nothing gets broken by restricting action skills on transition, I'd strongly suggest Lion's Arch celebrates with a live show of Taimi being waterboarded. Scruffy 2.whatever can be the one to hold her down as Zoija pours the water over her. Doubt she'd last long but its the thought that counts.
Do you wanna hang out in game, you sound like you need someone to talk to. I'm down, where do you wanna meet?
>hanging out with 4chan posters
I'd rather 41%
I'm really sorry to hear you feel that way anon. If you ever want to play the game instead of sitting here seething, alone, by yourself, then you're more than welcome. I really hope that you find something that makes you happy, you seem like such a hurt person. Poor baby.
As someone who plays with 4chan posters, most anons aren't really bad! In fact, most are helpful!
in game im actually ok, its only when you dont play the game at all or like do things intentionally to ruin the game obviously intentionally not precieved, will i tell you to kill yourself, if u want we could play together :3
Sylvari Necromancer?
i actually enjoy underwater segments i enjoy swimming with fish
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/gw2g/ is one of those rare occurrences where playing with 4chan posters isn't mostly detrimental to your existence. ie I got pulled into a discord clique over some faggot having a melty and they've been pretty damn cool so far.
i hate furries my gf whos a furry hates furries, anon furries are just weird and retarded
Only after HoT when the Mother Tree gets PTSD and start shitting out children with pre-installed memories of magic 'nam and rape daddy.

Swimming with the fishes is okay. Some puzzles are even enjoyable. Extended underwater battles are not.

Really hope they redo the system for mid-air battles for GW3.
>faggot having a melty
You can't say that and not share
Dangit. Once again, my character ideas are lame.
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>say I dont wanna hang out with 4chan posters
>4chan posters come out to defend themselves
Y'all are weird
The big messiah npc being a necro was so out of left field to me, I figure it has to be because Zhaitan was the death dragon, and core-era anet had this idea where for every elder dragon, you prop up some messianic hero figure with a class that matches the dragon, but trahearne was so badly received that they scrapped this idea.
>Zhaitan -> Necro
>Mordremoth -> Ranger
>Kralkatorrik -> Mesmer
>Primordus + Jormag -> Ele
>Steve -> Engi/Guard
At the time, some guy named Sleepy was recently kicked for being a complete ass with everyone in [guild]. Every time you mention the guild, he would come out of nowhere to play victim and I somehow got on his radar. I got picked up by one poster for fractals and then soon after invited to a guild. And since then we play some games together. Best experience hanging out with 4channers tbdesu.
>be on 4chan
>say something wrong or ignorant
>get corrected
This is normal.
>say something wrong or ignorant
I fail to see where I met that criteria
Oh wow, we have thread guilds? Do you guys do content? Are you okay with accepting newer players?
Our EU thread guild beat HTCM a few months ago.
He's not very necromantic though, other than the mission where he raises a little army he's not one to use the associated skills
If they didn't want him to be a necro, they could have come up with some other explanation for how he helps the coomander escape that cave. Like summoning a bunch of spirits as a ranger or releasing some huge blast of blue light as a guard.
They obviously wanted him to be a necro for a specific reason.
>He's not very necromantic though
>he's not one to use the associated skills
He mains a scepter/focus using necro skills until hes given Saladbalg. Necro greatsword didnt exist so anet had to give him other classes greatsword skills. Hes necro before he becomes the chosen one, which happens almost immediately for most players so I guess it makes sense you feel that way
>I fail to see where I met that criteria
Which is why you got corrected.
That would be right here >>500991031
Here's my contribution to those responses
>nooo 4chinz are le baad
>they disagreed with me and refused to tailor their opinion to mine even when I tried reporting them, so now they need to be shunned and avoided at every turn
Fuck off back to the upboat site you came from and while you're at it, kill yourself you ignorant niggerfaggot.
honestly this^^^^
based and charrloverpilled
Yes. Usually, depends if someone wants bodies for something. Yes, but it depends how much you like femcharr.
I got no problem with femcharr at all, I like them a lot actually. But I'm a pigdog American sorry, I don't know if its possible to play together with EU players.
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>saying I'd rather kill myself than hang out with 4chan posters is wrong or ignorant
This level of over defensiveness is just proving me right, this behavior is exactly why I dont want to hang out with you. Why do you guys get flustered over the most inane posts.
>sprays his asscheeks wide and shits all over the room
>everyone gets annoyed because of the smell
>"oh my god, why do you guys get so flustered?"
I pray you get some introspection before you die alone, I genuinely mean this.
ngl you are right hanging out with 4chan posters generally is a bad idea
However, you are wrong in assuming that every thread/board is the same. That's where you're being corrected, and you should stop being a faggot about being told you were wrong.
>saying i dont wanna hang out is the equivalent of a poop-smearing analogy
Yo you're telling me a 4chan poster wrote this?
>you are assuming every thread/board is the same
Thanks for telling me what you think I'm assuming so you can get assblasted and write lengthy posts about it.

Im just, ugggh not gonna hang out with 4chan posters is all. HAHAHAHAHAHA
what if we kissed in dr...
I mean, if you want to pretend you're a retard go ahead.
i love femcharr but i dont play, do you guys roleplay at all i have several accounts and 1 on eu, i dont usually do content outside of pvp
>pvp and erp main
you know what, honestly based
i love sex
with femcharr
and femsura
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you dont have it though
I do though, im a femcharr, they all come to me
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>poor job of censoring
I saw her eyes multiple times, its over for her.
Please don't tell on me, all of the human men will know I want to have sex with them.
human men? No...my basement has...something else.
unlock your homestead in 5 hours.
I can't believe you're reporting people ITT, you are the world's hugest bitch. Just so everyone's aware we have a tiny-dicked snitch.
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Mistlock or Thousand Seas?
Did you just admit to ban evasion? who the fuck cares if someone got banned other than the banned fag himself?
subspace or sandy beach?
>ban evasion
>on a mongolian weaving board
Get fucking real.
Mistlock is neat since I am still working through Fractals (Only tier 2 right now) but Thousand Seas would get my access to Cantha for cheap which is why I'm conflicted.
Is that where the 'reporting' nonsense is coming from? I couldnt understand wtf they were talking about reporting. I haven't been reporting shit.
Mistlock's center terminal lets you go through two dialog options to immediately teleport to Arborstone
>doesnt play the game
>doesn't want to hang out
>reports people having actual conversation
Why are you here? Genuine question. Why do you bother coming here?
I play the game
You are a cringe motherfucker
I dont report anything
Kill yourself
See, this is what I mean. All you ever do is just be the angriest little thing anyone's ever seen. Why do you come here? It doesn't make you happy. You don't like us, and we certainly don't like you. So why are you here, do you think that getting angry at nothing needs to be part of your daily routine? Do you really, truly have nothing better to do? What is wrong with you?
a certain someone was openly saging the thread and now he's seething that someone noticed and got him banned
If we're not talking about the game I'm not helping bump your little schizo meltdown, tranny.
lol seethe
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Okay, that's enough.
This is you.
Shitposting is one thing but reporting posts you don't like is some serious redditor shit. Get the fuck out of here, good luck showing up at any future meetups.
Mistlock. You can pretend you aren't a poorfag there.
How to get a femboycharr
downstate is retard.
>loves femcharr
Send a mail to haywire.3495 and see what happens
you will make a big mistake, they will make you submit, you will never be the same
do you play human?
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>Shitposting is one thing but reporting posts you don't like is some serious redditor shit
Nigga if youre making posts that get you banned that your own fault. Consider reading this handy guide instead of being such an insufferable fucktard that even the jannies will banish you.
suck ass, tranny
your character looks like shit btw, nice to finally have a face to all the angry cuckposting
I know who this is and you know you love it
Ebonhawke portal scroll
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Story/content speculation time
I wonder if my previous speculations on what the next patch's content is were all wrong and it's actually this.
Context: The first content patch adds the raid, but not a new map. So the new raid's entrance has to be in one of the first two maps, presumably in JS.
My previous assumption was that the 8th raid wing would be Bava Nisos and the third map's meta event would be an easier version of W8. What if instead, its much more simple and obvious than that and the initial focus on the titans was a red herring?
So in EoD and SotO, all the end content consisted of strikes and strike CMs and all of those were just more difficult versions of story instance bossfights. What if W8 is basically the same thing but with multiple bosses in the same instance?

>story resumes

>story so far: the titans retreated behind the steam wall into a cave
>coomander and others find a way to get through the steam vent and into the cave
>what follows is a long story instance in a series of giant underground caves where you kill 4 bosses all in one instance
>first you kill greer, then decima, then Ura and then another fourth boss that's something completely different and teases what the second content patch is about
>W8 is the same cave boss gauntlet but more difficult
How many months does it take to get through the main story of the core game and it's expansions?
how long till the update so i can return for my 1 hour of content?
I've been playing for 3 years and I haven't gotten through the whole story yet, but that's because I've been distracted with metas and other things
I'm not that anon, please don't confuse me for that guy
Well, it updates on Tuesday and I think at 7pm est now.
I'm 100 hours in, maybe 20 spent towards side stuff. I just watched Eir die in HoT. Honestly surprised at the value I'm getting.
Good afternoon. I hate Taimi.
That would be cool. I don't believe Anet would lock the mursaat city behind an instanced raid/convergence, given how the average player would shit themselves over theoretically being walled from lore they pay no real attention to.
Alternatively, we fight them in the sulfur fields, and Ura plays into that hazard a lot more than the other two do. I'm not really sure what to expect from Arenanet, really.
Good afternoon, I skip every cutscene in the """personal story""" and alt-tab all dialogues.
no, norn :/
Im a human male
who should I have a relationship with?
Other human males
I didn't mean IRL. besides I don't find men attractive IRL
Greer and Decima were basically already confirmed to be featured in the raid so that leaves one more boss who basically has to be either Ura or some surprise twist villain. Either way it definitely looks like the initial Titan plot is wrapped up there and the second half of the story is something new.
no ive been reported in these before, the snitch has been here
no one, human females only want sex with charr males.
>Greer and Decima were basically already confirmed to be featured in the raid
Wait, when and where did that happen? Actual confirmation that they will be in the raid and not in the convergence seems like too important a piece of information to ignore. I need to know where that's from.
Norn women(men)
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>general is gonna be a week old before it post limits
Jesus christ, its over.
HoT is the best expansion after all
i have 1 human male character you could rp with but hes kind of edgy... he looks almost exactly like i did at one point...
>HoT is the best expansion
only people who eat glue believe this
>Finish getting my weekly homestead materials
>time for homestead stuff
>For lack of other ideas, make plans to turn basement into some kind of torture chamber or ritual site for blood sacrifices
>get a bunch of candles since I got an excess of fiber
>one of them takes molten sliver
>No problem, that's a t1 material, it'll be like 30 copper
>It's at about 50s rn
>the t1 ones
Holy fuck there's got to be a way to exploit this. Where do I find lvl 15-25 embers?
Don't waste your life grinding pennies an hour on a video game, idiot
despite being a t1 its still a rare drop
Only people who don't eat glue believe this
Glue eater here, can confirm.
It's from the blog post from a few weeks ago where they talked about designing the titans for the world boss event. They mentioned their mechanics will be more advanced in the raid. I guess technically you could interpret the phrasing to mean there's some new other titan bosses that use their exact same mechanics but I doubt it. The raid and the convergence are also the same story with the same bosses, so they'll be in both.
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Still needs some fixing of the bugs related to Dragon Slash - Boost not hitting as far as the animations move you due to the 0.5 second delay on Dragon Slashes triggering, which has also been fucking me up by me hitting my dragonspike mines within that half second after hitting Dragon Slash and playing attack animations but not actual damage.

Overall I still love the spec even though you have to put in 200% of the effort of other warrior specs to deal 90% of the DPS, and if you make a mistake you just drop to 60% of their DPS. Still hits that dopamine shot when you get big numbers.
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>a platform with no collision that elevates the player above head height
Its tempting.
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im bored of the game again
do something else then
go find a femcharr
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>mounts are now disabled when you use jade bot
They went out of their way to do this
>32557 (over 32k) bags
>one 4g weapon
>3 30s weapons
>thousand of shit
>tfw i was opening bags as i got them and got an infusion once a day from just doing dalies
Farmcucks get what they deserve, chads operate on the conservation of ninjutsu principle, so the less bags we have the luckier the drops.
I see that now, but where do you get the convergence having the same story as the raid? I hope that's not true.
>story has you going into that cave and killing the 3 titans
>raid has you going into that cave and killing the 3 titans again
>congergence has you going into that cave and killing the 3 titans AGAIN
I guess Zeus will be pleased with how much the titans are getting rekt but other than that, this sounds really lame.
a boss! a boss!
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>since you hunger for my power, have a ta- I warned you, did you think I was joking?
don't forget to cc the anomalyman as he walks over the fire puddles
Taimi needs human dick correction
another boss!
Haven't played since Path of Fire. Fell out of the story and I know it just gets worse. I like doing my t4s/challenge motes and testing out builds, doing raids, metas, farming for fashion and legendaries. I played a lot of ele and mesmer.

How is the new housing system, the raid, new specs/weapons? I thought the raids were mostly OK. The first 100 cm toxic fractal was really well done imo too, but I fell out of the game after. I did some WvW and PvP for gifts and occasional fun, but I'm not huge into either. Would it be worth it for someone who enjoys all this to come back to the game?
Man, you're definitely out of the loop
Its fine, but a bit resource intensive. Could definitely use some improvements though
>New weapons
It depends. you've missed End of Dragons specs/weapons (most of which were good or ok) and Spear for JW is solid for some or a non-factor
>New raid
We got Wing 7 with PoF (not sure if you did it) but havent gotten Wing 8 yet. There are several strike missions with comparable boss fight difficulty in challenge mode though
Fractals also got new installments (Sunqua Peak, Silent Surf, Lonely Tower) replaced Shattered Observatory as 100CM
>Worth it to come back?
If you enjoy the gameplay and can find stuff you enjoy doing, sure.
The housing system is pretty good but still limited. The raid is coming SOON and the new weapons are hit or miss.
skyscalies win again
Bored? Add femcharr.
>used to spam male charr
>now spams female charr
glad to see the HRT is coming along nicely. you are so heckin valid!
there are hundreds of subspace femcharr and mcharr
>hundreds of subspace femchar
it is my life goal to satisfy all of them
I don't think you can handle it
i will try
This sounds like projection to me.
Can't believe we failed OLC...
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More come
stop, you'll make footfags cum
nigga youre the one making all the posts. its sad you have to turn this into a /trash/ general just to keep this dead game's thread bumped.
take a page out of OSRS's general, THAT spammer is classy
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>nigga youre the one making all the posts.
I see a lot of people talking up Armistice Bastion. Is it really that good? I already have a bunch of these (lava lounge, airship, pisslock, etc).
Been away for a bit, wtf happened to LLA health did they nerf it at some point?
The story is most likely gonna have a "play the convergence to get this part of the story" step, so you're only playing it twice. And they did mention the covergence version has more emphasis on story NPCs etc and the raid is more about your squad so maybe they'll feel different enough.
I don't get it, what do you mean?
Remember that in SotO the story introduced the convergence through a solo version where you just fight the big wyvern demon, kind of like dragonstorm before that. I'm thinking itll be something like that instead.
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ANET panties
How long have you been gone? Between the power creep and the slight lag fix from a few months ago, yeah, LLA gets burned fast as fuck now.
they technically didn't fix the lag but make it worse. It only seems otherwise because they gave us the option to turn off the eyecancer and the eyecancer was what was causing the lag.
Since Dragonbash, I've seen it die this quickly in 50 man open world trains, but it was rare rocking up with just randos. Now it doesn't matter who shows up, it just splatters when that minute timer hits zero.
Dragonbash is still a thing once a year. Also they brought back trinity and introduced wow style raid gameplay with dpsmaxxing and shit. Also legendaries have been changed to where there is an actual practical purpose to them.
If you're saying you've been gone since the first Dragonbash, then yeah... powercrept to hell.
>Dread Pirate
That perfect position to grab one leg and the tail
Anet please... update Charr textures...
>nigga youre the one making all the posts. its sad you have to turn this into a /trash/ general just to keep this dead game's thread bumped
Are you new here? Haven't you noticed nearly all /vg/ post are like that?
>finally got all IBS masteries and master achievements (except for Forging Steel, fuck that shit)

im free (until I want to pursue the dragonscale cape)
>Not doing Kino Steel
my only interaction with forging steel was playing only 1 other player who left near at the end and I had to solo the final boss all by myself

now imagine me needing to repeat that 10+ times to complete the achievements, yeah no thanks
>tfw no rytlock-lookalike chad to be chuds with
it's just not fair
Even with superspeed it's not worth doing
wvweasy and deadthrea
femcharr into trapdoor
Armstice bastion is good for if you wanna do duels and wvw stuff in general. You can also get the catmander tag there too, I think.
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Anyone bored enough to come to my crib and give me furnishing advice? I'm at the tailor shop in DR.
just do the dragon response missions, the allies are really good except for tengu, ebon vanguard, skritt, theyre pretty bad, ebon vanguard are only in specifc location, tengu gives you a bow that has ammo you have to collect off the ground, and skritt can be hit an miss between getting a posse or instantakill land mines
that's some serious schizophrenia
There's multiple cohenschizos, so maybe there's multiple subspace charr posters too.
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>pajeet cohen schizo
>chaim cohen schizo
>cohen schizo hater schizo
why do none of the revenant builds use kalla scorchrazor skills? even the renegade builds dont use the renegade skills. is this anti-femcharr bias?
There is only one subspace poster. But there are multiple subspaces.
>be on my willobendo
>cant teleport on ppl if they are on the broken space of a wall with stairs
>stand there with my pewpewranger
>wb teleport on me
last 2h of lab only one 15/50 squad with map full
halloween felt soulless this year

they need to spend some of the extra development time afforded from mini expacs to freshen up the festivals

unfortunately, it doesn't seem like that extra time is being used for much of anything
Willbender Relic :^)
>is this anti-femcharr bias
>play mhs
>see femcharr
>left click select model
>she ports
Can't run forever.
have you ever looked at the skills yourself? they're pretty...mediocre and since metaslaving is all about being as most efficient build as possible, you won't have a single person using them
Wait, really? I've been using my renegades all wrong. What stances was I supposed to be using instead of demon/charror assassin/charr?
Maybe people finally realized that running in circles is boring as fuck.
>halloween felt soulless this year
Yeah once they added a "frozen" clocktower I knew ANET was cooked.
>new build
that's it?
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>mecha skyscale
pegasus still yet to be topped
>more garbage skins for a garbage mount
noble skins feel way too small for big races like charr and norn
Looks like SHIT lmao
>Dapper Suit skins
they always have the coomer skin break inbetween
hoping for a nice winter slutwear...
I totally know what this means of course but maybe you should explain it for those unfortunate folks that don't hehehehe
bikini is back on the store in about 4 weeks. very wintry
That's clockwork not mecha
ackhsuallly its steamwork
>recycler bot + lab crap drop
had more than half inventory of porous bones the client crashed when the bot triggered the conversion
that's funny
time to buy mystical beast torch skins
>halloween over
>eb still outnumbered
>k/d still 0.8
rip wvw
it's crazy how some black lion skins sit there for one ticket for like half a year and those got barely a month
>best time due to the gay donation event giving wvw buffs
>still dead

what happened?
these aren't even BLC, they're a gem store bundle only I believe
>has been a fringe game mode for most of the game's existence
>continues to be a fringe game mode
not sure what the problem is
>what happened?
they killed servers, wvw guilds have too much ppl at the same time so huge queue but for a short time when th boonballs
borders are now boonball vs boonball (gvg)
they dont ban SPEEED RELICCCC (c) TM users
wbs killed roaming
and is faster to swipe and buy a leg weapon than get a gob
>for a short time when th boonballs
>how i fucked up that lul
for a short time when the guild leave randos cant do anything vs boonballs
Kinda cool, honestly
Not as flashy as the other mechanical one but still pretty nice
wvw is a shit game mode
Kinda ug.
ye i kinda dont like it desu
if i liked it id swipe but i prefer the dark monarch skyscale
honestly just looks like a bad reskin of the dark monarch to me
even the gemstore content is getting lazy and half-assed
ive swiped a few times in the past couple months. theres some good items on the store.
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im voting for Malice Swordshadow as the next Khan Ur
Malice into my room
This. Crecia is a shit.
>dodge burst
>dodge burst
>dodge burst
>dodge burst
>finally land one cc before the block
>down him
>someone inc
>press [F]
>mes invisible
>press [F] again
>instadie (me)
>check log
>downed by 12k hit from mes downed skill
>9001 10k hits by wb
i want to recreate a femcharr into malice
Its almost certainly gonna be crecia isnt it
>Was the one to help organize the war against Dominion
>Basically the face of Blood Legion and the Charr in general as they picked up the pieces and negotiated with other legions
>Pushed for better human relations in Ebonhawke during the Dragon Response Missions
>Rep in the Tyrian Alliance Initiative
Not to mention:
>Malice keeps going on about how she wants to be in the field and hates the idea of being Khan Ur
>Effram's too effeminate and Flame's too raw off of re-intergration for it to fly if his daughter was old enough, the writers would have killed him off to have her take his spot
>The girl they replaced Smodur with is too green for the task
>start consistently playing any class for more than 5 days
>immediate sweeping nerfs of that class ensue
>play exclusively guard for a month straight
>no nerfs
Anet what gives? If you're going to stalk me and nerf whatever I play, at least be consistent about it.
With the acknowledgement that most RP stuff in MMOs tend to be lewd stuff, how is this game for normal RP? I ain't looking for a massively expensive system, just if there some fun stuff you can find if you look
I feel like normal RP can happen, just gotta find the right people and guilds
Malice is just secretly pulling the strings like a true ash cat

trust the plan
its not a meme, anet's balance devs are guard players and shameless about it. every other player you run into is a guard because their old class got nerfed too many times and they want class stability, not because its their first choice.
Leading from the shadows is hot and unironically my preferred method of leading.
>hit machine and loaf around
>probably likes grilling
>Living world, hot, PoF
>smodurbro stays cool
>gonna ask him to help build fuckoff grill
>schizos out in drizzlewood
>shot like a dog by an inbred retard
>replacement too distracting for grill
It's over.
charr politics, not even once
>he doesn't know about Ash's grill
The point of Ass legion's grill is that you're not supposed to know about it
is this Ash grill in the same place as the Ash orgy room?
let him get schizo about it
basically permaban anyone with mystical torch skin
lol LA and DR melting down rn
What use are the Jade Slivers? I mostly keep it on just to keep my bag clear of junk.
Nice. I wanna see.
There's a vendor in arborstone for them.
I mean I miss Halloween too but it can't stay around forever
They need to grow up
Someone in LA was getting chastised by non-americans because they were shitting up mapchat with abortion stuff. Not super, but I'll take it.
>Next Season will include Abortion Rights Renown Heart
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>miss playing my necro asura
they add anything to the class since path of fire release?
It was upgraded to an actual player class on par with other classes.
>now deals damage comparable to other classes
>now applies boons
>now has decent mobility
feels like it's the devs' second favorite class, but it doesn't have the same bubble of immunity that guardian gets and still gets bonked on the nose from time to time with nerfs
>2nd favorite
That title easily goes to mesmer, it's not even close. I'm glad necro isn't in the cuckshed with warrior and ele anymore, but that's still a far cry from being a dev favorite.
very true
I try to forget mesmers exist
Yes, but Reaper is still the best spec
already have them and they've already killed billions of my sperm
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You didnt used to have this effect when operating a jade bot
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thank you mobile and korean slop for giving funds for the GW passion project
yes thank u sloppa players for giving us our comfy game
>Aion still neck and neck with GW2
fucking kek
Anet is not a serious developer
What that's lineage 2
I'm colour blind and retarded
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Hello, Human Male. We are looking for small, portable husbands. Please do not struggle.
I humbly volunteer
check out the 4 and a half million won drop between q2 and q3, alliances are already paying dividends, and that's WITH releasing cashgrab coomskins
>19k players
That's not players it's clearly labeled as sales retard.
only active players bought janthir wilds
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Holy fuck you're actually retarded
>misreads the chart
>thinks the word "sales" applies to Janthir Wilds only (didn't know it was named "Guild Wars 2"
>actually too fucking stupid to realize that makes his point stronger, since the numbers include Janthir Wilds, gems, and all other expansions and purchases you can make
>calls other people retarded
Kick Americans the fuck off my game.
>This is the 10k dps deadeye main amerifat fucking your raids
>They literally can't even read anymore
Didn't Americans make this game?
Haven't played in a while, I've only really played Mesmer over the years, but I'm looking to dip into the game again. Necro and Herald look like they have some fun specs, any recommendations?
necro, they have an easy immortal build
QUESTION: When will the GW2 sale be? Will the two new mini expacs go on sale too? Asking again because when I asked two weeks ago no one answered
>comfy giant tree chair where you can put your feet up under it and meditate
>ruined by a dumb reddit looking cartoon duck
welp not wasting gems on that then
Whenever the next steam autumn/winter sale is
The next sale should be in 3 weeks, coinciding with the Steam sale. SotO started to be on sale this year, so JW should still be full priced.
Any addon that reduces visual clutter? Kinda new, but I am already done with having no real way to distinguish the angry red circle that is going to tickle me and the angry red circle that is going to 1HKO me, which is just made worse when they all overlap. Not to go all "GW1 better!!11", but at least there the AoEs had visual effects throughout, I can decide to stand in a firestorm and facetank it, while choosing not to stand still in and endure the asspain generated by a meteorshower, searing heat combo.
Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying the game, but I feel like whoever was in charge of the vusual design of skills/combat dropped the ball really fucking hard; "red circles, red circles for everything!", like, come on man, apply yourself...
in a game in which people whizz around by the hundreds on painfully color mismatched dragons and in purposefully flattextured "outfits" with glitter wings, this is what bothers you?
it's fucking 19k million korean won in sales not number of sold units you illiterate neanderthal
The deadeye problem is due to the chucklefucks at anet adding ranged options, but then not making them viable, probably because one of the chucklefucks gave input along the lines of "range discourages properly ENGAGING with the content". So now there is 1 semi viable option left in deadeye, so anyone who wants to play ranged dps has that as their only option.
I still find myself using a bow on my warrior simply because it looks cool, but it is beyond shit compared to playing essentially anything else. Rifles and bows, but no real way to use either (dragonhunter is about the trap memes, not the bow, ranger bow is for smoothbrains as much as deadeye and shortbow on teef is just for mobility). Anet has a track record of adding cool stuff, then making it extremely useless but still leaving it in the game as some sort of spiteful reminder of what could have been if they cared.
They added things to the class after 2012 release? The immobile tanky caster class that dies slowly and kills even slower while it crawls from location to location? I have tried them several times for allthir dfferent specs, and all kf then are some flavor of the above. The most idioticly stupid part is that there is no necromancy in the necromancer outside of some extremely dated shit skills which were left in the dust by powercreep.
Don't even waste my time with this stupid shit.
>dude there's garbage in the streets, so why don't you like rolling around in garbage and smearing garbage on your face?
No, I can tell you exactly what the issue is. The people in charge of class balance play mostly spvp and maybe wvw. And in pvp game modes, having a ranged weapon gives you a massive advantage. They then take that massive advantage in pvp game modes and assume it translates the same way in pve, completely forgetting that bosses don't run away from you in pve, so you can just stack on the boss and whether your weapon is melee or ranged makes no difference.
either just avoid them all, or learn what skills a mob/player uses and memorize which ones are instakills or not
literally play the game
You're both wrong to be honest, the issue is low IQ monkies (like >>501305883 for instance) flock to the class and ANet hasn't simplified it to catch up. They clear most pve content with kneel + three round burst so why should they? It's meant to appeal to the kinds of idiots who look at a high fantasy setting and go "cool, but it needs sniper rifles" and it needs to stay appealing to them.
server crash, server crash, server crash. The fuck is happening?
daren is probably doing it for attention
>memorize the difference between several identical overlapping red circles
How about instead, devs don't do the "one step forward and two steps back" dance within their own franchise? How about that?
>high fantasy
how about you stop complaining and play the game
I'll admit that my social circle in-game is pretty small, so this is purely anecdotal, but the enthusiasm for the game right now seems really low in said small circle. Have you guys found some ways to help others (and yourself) to make your own fun or otherwise rekindle enthusiasm?
The red circles are poor design, simple as. If you were to give a lecture about poor visual design, the GW2 threat circles would sit comfortably in the "how not to do it" collumn, alongside yellow doorframes. The only thing being conveyed is "red bad, get out", which in and of itself isn't bad, but it is when you tie that vidual to quite literally hundreds if different effects/outcomes, ranging from doing absolutely nothing to when you stand in them to wiping your team. In isolation you as player can learn sone of them, especially on lower and weaker mob count where there are only a couple of threat circles at a tine, and the variation is low. But in bigger fights it just turns into a visual mess and it just becomes a case of nkt giving a fuck about the difference, at which point why bother tying them to different effects?

Poor design from an objective pov, a in principle good design ("red circle bad") pushed beyond its limit (same red circle for dozens of things at the same time) becomes shit design.

But hey, this is what you get when basically none of the bigbrains who worked on GW1 had anything to do with GW2 (while the handful of smoothbrains of GW1 were heavily involved in GW2).
I stopped playing in 2012 and have now returned with 3 mates. We plan on playing through all the content in order. We won't get burned out on any of it as we won't have to sit in 1 expac for months on end waiting for the next.

So,to simulate that, get your circle, randomly generate new characters and play from scratch.
>none of the bigbrains who worked on GW1 had anything to do with GW2 (while the handful of smoothbrains of GW1 were heavily involved in GW2)
Simplest and most important reason for nearly everything wrong with the game.
The one that always stumps me is Izzy, a guy who just openly admits tot not knowing how tot handle balance in GW1 and essentially went "haha, ya, dunno, just make the skill useless cause I have, like, no idea, LOL" and making GW1 a worse game every step of the way, and yet he was given MORE control during the development of GW2.
Have a goal. Like we had a goal to finish all the raids by the time the new raid came out, and that was really fun!
>plays dumb mode
>surprised when dumb things happen
What did he mean by this?
What you're doing right now is hanging out with 4ch posters, not sure what your point is.
The amount of CC added since release is so stupidly high. You either play at range, or you play an "in and out" burster that gets kills during moments of stability.
Anything else and you are just asking to get demolished.
Doesn't help that pvp has been left untouched for over a decade now.
saw thief and mesmer having so many skills but how many are actually used?
The legs are too thon and too long, and not in a "eww, look at that supermodel, she's too thin" jealous housewife way, but in an "the ayys got to her" kind of way.

Thicc born set to smallest height is best way to go.
Okay, please slaughter a large calf so I can judge your hunting skill and leave it on my doorstep. I'll call you.
Do things you haven't done before, it's that simple. As stupid as it sounds I breathed a bunch of new life into this game by going into dungeons I hadn't done before and experiencing all that. The things you thought were boring in the past might just be the spark you need to get going in the present. Even just going around filling out maps can be like road trip bonding time with you and your friends.
About a third (a rough and dirty estimate), this however is true for all classes and is simply a continuation of Izzy's fine work in GW1.
Depends on build. On my mesmer there are too many staple skills for most builds to bother with the majority of skills. Thief has more freedom, because everyone is already disappointed in you from the outset and expects nothing from you, simply not dying before the end of the content you are in will have your fellow party members struck dumb and applaud your achievement.
average wvwdrone situational awareness from your team lmao
Someone help, does anyone know the feel of making a character because they think it looks/sounds cool, then playing it for a day or two and then thinking to themselves "actually, XYZ looks a lot more fun" and then rinse repeating this process? I am new to the game but can't decide what I really like.
In most other games I like the high mobility quick hitting characters, so I picked thief first, but after some time it just seemed like I was doing feather tickle amounts of damage. I switched over to warrior, played that a bit longer and got to some dungeons, and the only thing asked of me was to plop down my banners. I also didn't really like the lower mobility. So a friend goes to me "play elementalist, they have lots of skills to move around with" so I do that, and it feels like 200% effort for 50% outcome, like I am playing the "Salt Bae" of professions, lots of flailing around like a retard where another character presses 2 keys and gets the same done more effectively.
But I didn't mind the casting, so I go on to try some necro, which lasted two hours after which my eyes got tired of watching legs go slow. I then created a mesmer, and while it hits many of the spots for what I am looking for it just looks so terrible, like aesethically this has to be the worst class and after three days of somewhat enjoying the kit I just couldn't bring myself to log into another session of pink barf all over my screen like some gender reveal gone wrong.

I am now at a point where I think my initial choice for thief was probably right, but then some cursory glances here and elsewhere online seems to indicate that thief's are the "dead weight" class of the game.

Help me help myself choose a character.
Not reading all of that, but for what its worth, I enjoy thief. A big reason for this is because I can play a female character without it looking retarded (twigs for arms holding a big ass sword defending allies as guardian will forever look stupid), or looking like an Only fans add (95% of female human light classes)

There, done.
Might as well try out every class and stick with one to level 80. I haven't been playing for too long, but it seems like elite specs are what actually matter. You'll probably unlock all of your skills by the time you hit 80, so you might find some that you like more than you expected.
Doing the combo of this. Female asura thief, up until 80 (and beyond if I still like it)
>like I am playing the "Salt Bae" of professions
rubbing femcharr thighs
My personal fav will always be guardian, it (for better or for worse) can do everything. I can heal, boon, damage, burn stuff, shadow step, trap, tank. I can be a person competing for top DPS, or O can chill in the background enabling top DPS. I don't have to play keyboard piano, but it is also not 123123123123. It also fits all formats, spvp, wvw, open world, raids, fractals, doesn't matter.
It does struggle with high mobility though, if that is an absolute must for you.
Theif is fun and deals a lot of damage, it's just that the game doesn't really teach you how to play it and how you make your numbers go big. Theif is also probably the highest mobility class, maybe willbender. Stick to their and learn how to make your damage bigger!
Can you guys describe the aspects of the canon Commander?
go to the PvP lobby and equip a berserker amulet from the PvP equipment screen and go smack some training dummies with various classes, everything feels shit at low levels but you can try anything with everything unlocked at max level for free at the PvP lobby
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hey thats me
The canon commander would be a charr.

>trained as a soldier since birth, well versed in warfare and strategy.
>large and physically strong enough to handle the various big and strong dragon minions.
>able to handle the mental strain of losing many comrades and constantly being at war.

Do you really think any other race could handle it? No.
canon Norn can fight entire warbands and destroyer swarms alone, they're the only race who could actually accomplish everything the commander does in the story
cant play apex on that
norn have the physical strength, but don't have the other attributes and in lore are generally more solo.

The whole "norn could singlehandedly fight warbands" was more a thing 200 years ago when charr weren't as advanced . I don't think they'd stand a chance against a modern warband with all their technology.
i installed apex and idled on the menu just long enough to leave a negative review
skill skissue issue
Do these fit the canon Commander's personality across the core game and it's expansions?
see the chart >>501297942 gaynet can/t afford to keep the lights on anymore
since 7 out of 9 classes are dirty magic users (8 if we include the spellbreaker's antimagic) being the biggest and strongest doesn't really matter for the average player character. a 3 ft tall rat can cause as much devastation with death magic or fire magic as a 10 ft tall giganorn can with a hammer
Magic is dirty? I thought this was Guild Wars, not Warhammer.
>THOSE pants
You just know she into hidden sex. Getting pounded behind a desk in the casinos. Up against a wall inside the Pact Base. Rawdogged staring at the entry portal for WvW, which is not as risky since its done.
Based. Slay the humanoids.
40k universe game when? And no, not another lame B studio dev turn based schlop, I have the actual TT for that, and it is superior in every way.
Yaknow, Koss(kosm?) would probs do a whole lot eye granting if his readers came here every so often.
You want a species that can ultimately be very detached from much of the old feuds that defined guild wars in gw1 and in the centuries up to gw2.
So sylvari, norn, asura in that order.
Charr commander ultimately can't be the edgy cunts their society demands, humans honestly could pass very easily, unless you want to roleplay as a true ascalonian. Certain 'societies' you join in a certain living world season make the most sense for a human, and the least for a charr.
Sylvari are as close to blank slates as you can get, so they get a free pass here.
Hey, man. I just want to bulge a cute Asuran cunt and try to make her scream as people walk behind the wall we're fucking against. No need to invoke the Old Ones to gain insight.
I have eyes and must scream
>time for some spvp
>asuran calls me too tall, demands me to carry them and threatens to slap me in the face, then hammers me on the head with a bell
>walks of playing cruel angel's NGE
Which one of you cunts was it
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Give me your spear
Man this game is ugly, not the gfx, but the "art" or design is terrible. Everyone just runs around like a sparkle fairy, tackier than a f2p Chinese mobile MMO gacha. No direction whatsoever, no theme, no nothing. Truly succumbed to the micro T (t for test and transactions)
it's like TF2, the original art style at launch was distinct and consistent, and within a few years it was ruined by loot boxes and the dregs that they attract
what's with Silent Surf that its still somehow difficult with pugs in T2?
People still don't understand how to play their own classes in t2
To be fair, the game does a pisspoor job at explaining anything about fractals, what they are, how they work, how they fit into the game as a whole etc.. I only really realised this when I had a newfren friend play and he had a bunch of questions about it. Shit's really quite vague, and it doesn't help that there a dozen vendors with staggered progressive currencies.
Compare this to EotN, in which the dungeons had an important narrative for the main story, and then had a non-story dungeon mode for loot. GW2 basegame tried to do a poor man's version of this, as the stories of the storymode dungeons aren't related to anything, to the point that I never really understood why they even bothered splitting it into story and adventure mode.
A lot of GW2's stuff suffers from not having a red thread tying it together, nothing is coherent. Ironically it plays more like a lobby game than gw1, with its "lobby outposts", ever did. A big overarching open world to kill time while you wait for timers for a plethora of unrelated minigames. I mean, I enjoy it, but it can be confusing as fuck for new friends and it doesn't play like an MMO in any shape or form whatsoever.

On an unrelated note, the heavy moderation and lack of proper guild management of this game killed a lot of momentum for any typical player generated MMO stuff. WoW, for all its flaws, has people still roleplay (and/or ERP), in GW2 people just rush past each other to get their daily lootershooter shit done like this is diablo. It is by FAR the most autistic antisocial MMO I have played, and at this point I believe the only function for this game being online is that whales wouldn't buy all the slop if they didn't think they had an audience.
the story modes of the dungeons are there to give you the backstory of diversity's edgelords version 1, nothing less, nothing more, it is the entirety of what they all revolve around, if you had ever pkayed them you would very clearly see that as it is made obnoxiously hamfistedly clear from the outset of each one

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