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>Download (Android/iOS/EGS/Windows)

>Wuthering Waves | Resonator Showcase | Jiyan — THROUGH THE DARKEST OF NIGHTS
>Wuthering Waves Version 1.3 Trailer | The Shore's End


>Convene Tracker

>Official Twitter Account

WHEN IN DOUBT, CHECK: https://wuwatracker.com/timeline
Resonator Banner: Jiyan Rerun Banner [Oct 24 - Nov 13]
Weapon Banner: Verdant Summit (Broadblade) [Oct 24 - Nov 13]
[Parade of Stars - Special Leveling Event] [Sep 28 - Nov 13]
[Gifts of Sea Breeze: 7 Day Sign-In Event] [Sept 28 - Nov 13]
[Infinite Battle Simulation - Featured Arena Combat Event] [Oct 24 - Nov 13]
[Solaris Weather Forecast - Featured Platforming Event] [Oct 10 - Oct 31]
[Lollo Compaign: Rerun - Featured Commission Event] [Oct 24 - Nov 7]

>Timeline, Rewards and Media Contents



>/wuwa/ Friends List


Previous: >>500458490
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fucking intern faggot stop retweeting art and post something REEEEEEEEEEE
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I fucking hate the tourists and normalfags.
It's all thanks to genshit, hoyo managed to get them into gacha with dogshit storytelling.
Turned them into cucks and now they're seething when they see a MC that is relevant to the story with (you) pandering.
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wtf why is it halloween now
I'm gonna wu. I'm going to wa.
>Wuthering Waves General Anonymous
Halloween content, doko? Solon?
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i don't understand...
>>Wuthering Waves General Anonymous
That's why it's WuWA
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I hope everyone here ask for more pandering to counter the hoyocucks
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femcel infiltrators got to me bro... i chose extremely in the survey for story that they have swapped with not at all...
>No super early drip
Did they finally learn their lesson after killing Shokie's banner due to Cammy reveal?
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Psst. Hey. You there... *blushes*
I too want every character to be the same!!
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Drip doko?
That was an intern mistake lol, it was fixed by the time I did mine like 3 hours later in US morning.
Damn, you set one off already, looking at the seething reply.
I'm guessing she's going to wear a rouge and green frilled dress
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I find it so funny that just because hoyofuck drips their next big country patches in advance since their rollercoaster is already set and known 6 years in advance, somehow it's an expectation from wuwa to spoil 2.0 patches in advance too. Some of you refugee fucks are so obvious.
>yap yap yap yap YAP YAP
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I forgot to do the survey when I was playing today. What's the time limit? Should I log back in and do it now?
I played league of legends and come bacn here and no drip? What the fuck?
okay I'm running sanhua and zhezhi on the same team who should run the ice set or do I give moonlit to both
Give me my chun you faggot or i will tickle your anus
>M-Mister solon, p-please leak the next character and ruin your coming banner already!! I NEED TO REVENOOPOST!
It's funny seeing the guy post on cooldown about it.
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Why can I only buy 1 Jiyan copy despite never having bought one before and every source out there+the game notices page telling me I'm supposed to get 2?
Sanhua with moonlit Zhezhi with glacio set
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wuwa !
only one moonlit takes effect, give it to sanhua.if you have s6 baizhi you might want to run her too, she gives glacio dmg bonus
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The only relevant revenooo post already happened anyway in the OP Rentry. 258M~ Yen for this month, which would translate to around 13-13,5M GachaRevenooo dollaridooos.
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i never use these lmao, maybe for camorra
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Jué sex
jurrrrr my beloved, i really hope they make sentinel playable.
Yeah I stopped using them too, I just don't have enough exp even if I wanted to. It's better to just recycle and stop at any double crit echo you get than trying to minmax the shit out of it.
That means you can buy infinite copies anon, there's no limit like the 1/1 Youhu.
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What would the hag dragon even do that Jinny can't already?
Drip market in t-2
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be attractive, like jinny's master
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Time manipulation shit.
Bigger 360 laser.
Can turn into dragon and fly (like SK butterfly mode)
Buff spectro characters.
Have sex with (male)rover.
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have tits
>your hagwife grooms you a childwife
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This will make me cry when I have to kill Yangyang with my own hands
>Yangyang just sent us a farewell letter embracing the cuck chair
i'm quitting. no yangyang no game. fuck this genshin template bullshit!
So what's exact date of 1.4 again? Checking to see if I get paid before or after.
cope, shill
November 14 iirc
i love you jinny don't worry, just messing around
is it a good idea to lower soul phase for overworld farming?
13~ more days for Jiyan Rerun, so yeah, around November 13-14.
no, it lowers the drops. do it if you only care about echoes, not mats
Wuwa hasn't sent a halloween greeting yet, EoS confirmed!!!
Kill Yangyang and revive her
Manhandling this dragon
Thank you for the tasteful censorship
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that was kinda fun, i like how they are experimenting with events, incorporating exploration, movement, combat etc. not bening stuck with the same format of events over and over again
I wonder if there was some Heron usage that could be done for some higher platforms to make the exploration faster. I really just kind of brute forced it all, but I hope if they ever make any movement powercreep it would be in the form of echoes. At any rate it's not like exploration time is that big of a scoring factor I think
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Can these people all go back to Genshin already? It’s literally exactly what they want.
I won't rest until all games become Genshin and Genshin becomes all games. Camera Soul Filling The Heavens
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Double down on the (you) pandering and drive them away.
Well consider this, an all-powerful MC who the whole world revolves around is boring as fuck.
Rover isn't an all-powerful MC who the world revolves around, and I've got no idea why people keep saying it? Rover has been trying and failing to solve the same issue for years now, doesn't seem very overpowered to me.
How does this game mindbreak
>Brown 3rd worlder seamonkeys
>Le powerful lesbian 17 y/o fatherless girlboss
>homo worshipers
it needs to be studied
By having a good MC and plenty of (you)s.
Nikke had the same effect and nikg was getting raided for a long time before those people gave up.
It's going to be the same with wuwa.
There can't be enough (You) pandering, I love waifus and I want waifus to love me too!
How'd Snowg do?
>Nikke had the same effect and nikg was getting raided for a long time before those people gave up.
qrd on this?
If they added shipshit, most of these complaints would disappear overnight about Rover. It’s all they actually care about and are fighting for.
Well just your usual cuck posting, people bitching because there is no males and that the MC is canonically having sex with the girls.
They also tried to pair some girls with other girls, or even the Legendary Commander that was alive before the MC but they got btfo when that Commander was already paired with a girl.
Just your regular mentally ill gacha player stuff.
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One game, I don't know why
I bought into the hype with no (you)s to find
Keep that in mind, they designed this guy to improve cucking times
That's all I know (Know)
Fujo panderings are key
Watch 'em fly by as they ship on the tweet (Ship on the tweet)
Lose pandering at the end of the year
I have no waifus to play, it's so unfair (Unfair)
Didn't look out below
Throw my Kazuha right out the window (Window)
Try to hold on but I didn't even know
I wasted it all just to watch the homos (Homos)

I spend all my time inside
Now that launch hype has died, all I see are gays
Just like the Hoyo, it's remindin' me of a memory of a time when

I cried so hard for sex at launch
But in the end, it's just got no (you)s
Bought Welkin pass and paid so much
But in the end, it's just got no (you)s
isn't this all a direct result of the chinese audience hating the world where rover was mistrusted and treated like a stranger in the early CBT?
so they switched to version where he's an ancient god king steeped in mythos, who probably mind wiped himself so he could self-isekai into his own universe and I guess solve some issue?
i don't know why people are giving kuro so much shit you can't put the genie back in the bottle, they'd have to literally not know anything about him and if that happens it's just the classic
>hey idiot give me those jade beauties you have
>makes no money about to go bankrupt
>Suddenly Katya is realsed
>game becomes hyper for you
>new versions of characters have bigger breasts,
>makes snowbillion in profit
I don't think people can bitch in reguards to snowbreak, only a small % of the launch playerbase kept playing before they went full for you and if you like the game you'd just be happy it didn't EoS.
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You know how to get rid of these fujos? Make a for (you) drill hair loli ojousama and down the line, give her a cute but subtlety sexy swimsuit. A loli in swimsuit is like the garlic to vampire for them.

So Snowg is dead and (you) pandering faggots are parading around its defiled corpse? Sad
if it weren't for pandering faggots I really am not if seasun could have kept it going. You just need to see the revenue before January this year and post January.
Early skins and Later skins will also give you insight, what you've got to realize is these games pretty much live and breath on what the CN audience prefers, we're just along for the ride.
Yeah, also give her a vampire outfit for Halloween
That would have been the plan all along anyway, they just wanted to do a thing at the start where some people don't trust you but probably warm up to you later.
Now was that a good idea? Fuck no, if this was a regular game then it would be fine, but it's a live service game, and everyone would have quit before we got to the later content.
Plus you aren't even a god, that's just some headcanon people came up with.
>That would have been the plan all along anyway, they just wanted to do a thing at the start where some people don't trust you but probably warm up to you later.
That's the fun part, in the CBT they never warmed up to you. At the end, the NPC's still wanted you to die in a ditch.
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They just need to make a loli very blatantly for (You), as seen with blue archive loli is a massive filter for these people.
halloween event?
Oh yeah I really mean it would have taken until 1.2 or 1.3 for people to warm up to you, and I imagine the black shores would have felt like a relief from all the persecution.
But... we would also have zero players left if they went through with that.
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Love me some drill-haired ojousamas
Rococo does sound like a good halloween pick based on her weapon and design descriptions
dont give me false hope anon
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I still think they should release a girl that hates (You).
No, not some gay tsundere shit, just make her hate you. Rover is important enough that it doesn't matter if people like him, he'll marry them by force.
she should also be evil
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Inevitably it will turn out like this, that's just the original tsundere trope anyway, but it is a great trope
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After playing about 10 hours of Ys X in one sitting, Wuwa needs to release a bimbo slut.
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I only ever played the original one on pc88
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Thats just wrong, Chagli's profile literally confirms that (You) are a god.
I don't know how the BA devs does but this cow bitch either makes want to hatefuck her and pat her head
4 star or 5 star though?
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You just want to fuck cows
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Cows are great!
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pink hair slampigs my beloved
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Holy fuarking kino
I forgot to mention it but it also confirms that Abby is the first echo, which is pretty interesting.
You're more like a space janny.
Or if I'm being more charitable, it's like when a failing company brings in a new specialist CEO to try and fix their issues.
hell yes
And a noble
And her dad is an NPC who you get to meet in the quest and he's also evil
And also you fuck him too!
Or maybe not the last one? Haven't decided yet
Oh yeah we are not talking about omnipotent gods here, its pretty obvious that Lucia is above Rover, though I wonder how she compares to Ishmael if she is an Observer too.
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Man I hope Rover gets his old powers back.
I want them to become a T.0 character.
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I like it honestly.
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what is this dude doing in here
Bro that's snow leopard
gave me chills when bell tortise appeared.
Not really.
PGR has tits too you know.
I'm leaning towards Rover being an AI or some other type of construct created by ayylmaos, because you see Rover get turned on and sent down at the start of the game by Not-Lucia. Despite the magical aesthetic, everything seems to be based in "science", so I feel like it's all going to be aliens once we get to the endgame of the story.
I don't think they'll implement too much stuff from PGR though other than a few references.
buy an ad vtroon
Loli Jinny....
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Anon, I know you don't play Aether Gazer but literally everyone has ult animations turned off because they take upwards of 15 seconds each time they play and you activate ult like 10 times in harder content.
>t. Plays both AG and PGR.
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>Rover defeated and imprisoned an echo of the builder of the physical universe
what kind of schizo theories we could come up with i wonder
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Jiyan's slow ass banner needs to bugger off
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>Glad you could make it, Jiyan.
>Watch your tone with me, man. You may be the general, but I'm still your field medic!
>As if I could forget. Listen, Jiyan, there's something about the retroact rain you should know...
>Oh, no. We're too late. These people have all been affected! They may look fine now, but it's just a matter of time before they turn into tacet discords!
>This entire army must stand firm.
>How can you even consider that? There's got to be some other way.
>Damn it, Jiyan! As your future magistrate, I order you to stand firm!
>You are not my magistrate yet, man! Nor would I obey that command even if you were!
>Then I must consider this an act of treason.
>Treason? Have you lost your mind, Geshulin?
>Have I? Field medic Jiyan, by my right of succession and the sovereignty of my title, I hereby relieve you of your command and suspend your medics from service.
>Geshulin! You can't just--
>It's done! Those of you who have the will to save this land, follow me!
The rest of you... get out of my sight!
>You've just crossed a terrible threshold, Geshulin.
>Sentinel Jue?
>I'm sorry, Geshulin. I can't watch you do this.
This is just shamelessly mid though. This is what happens when you have people at the helm who don't understand what makes a character sexy and coom and they want to sell it to you with "B-BUT BOOBS, LOOK, THERE!!"
So, what is your Hallowing costume for tonight, wuwa?
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I mean Halloween, fuck.
havoc danjin or moonlit danjin for camellya support slot?
Banjarmasin doesn't observe the holiday of white devils
Why, no one really use the MC in gacha games
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jfc I can't get an Aero or ATK 3-cost Sierra Gale to save my life, what the fuck SOLOOOOOOOOOOOOON??!?!?!
Based seafag. Halloween is just another shitty consoomer holiday
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Hrover is good tho.
S6 is going to be a big update too.
Grubbers and HMC? Dragalia lost had a gacha version of the MC too. Besides everyone used Hrover at some point, he's the best DPS for anyone lacking in 5* dpses
use of one the billion echo selectors we get every event, bro...
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i already used 20 and I only got 1 Aero 3-cost and when I 3-rolled it, it gave me def, res. skill and def% this fucking nigger game AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
You need to kill more monkeys
boring af to play
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Kuudere beauty
No one cares, by that time there is going to be a lot of better characters to use as a MainDPS. Also, he is going to get another element and you will have to waste resources again to unbrick him/her. The only time The MC is good is when He gets a support role
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Yeah I'm gonna do a patrol around the Failean Burger boss whatever it's called, just gonna take a little break so I stop malding over the bad drops I'm getting, but seriously tho... All my sierra gale drops are fucking havoc% and glacio% WHY DID YOU ALLOW THIS SOLON?!?! IT SHOULD ONLY DROP THE SAME ELEMENTAL% YOU FUCKING CHINK NIGGER AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
I'm malding I've been trying to farm a set since yesterday and you can't 44111 an aero set.
she is one fat bitch, at least 15 kilos of pure boobs
I wouldn't bother too much if I were you unless you really want to use Jiyan.
We'll probably get new and better sets in Rinascita.
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Fuck I forgot to mention this in the survey, I knew I was forgetting something.
Are you using the new merge system for echos? I got lucky plenty of times with very nice pieces
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Have some official artwork, gang.
>it’s so funny for us to expect Solon to do what they’ve been doing since pre-release
Weird post but ok. People who want camellya will save and whale for her regardless of who gets dripped. Believing otherwise I’d yoimiya levels of cope
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Oh hey Scatman.
Me on the left
Also me on the right
abby sex
>Maygi won the second prize
Also Rexlent doko?
The reward was for the Zhezhi guide video, which to be fair was actually quite good content and released on day 1.
So that's $500 and 500 Astrites going to the pink creature.
Probably excluded since he's an official CC
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I did my part.
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Wuwa is doomed
So what exactly is the prize
Zhezhi's unwashed pussy
>Top 1: 1,000 Astrites & 1,000 USD
>Top 2-3: 500 Astrites & 500 USD
>Top 4-10: 300 Astrites & 200 USD
>Top 11-20: 120 Astrites & 80 USD
The astrite rewards are so funny. Imagine winning $1000 and they also say oh yeah you can get 6 rolls worth of currency as well, pls enjoy.
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>this shit won an award
i am abandoning ship if solon doesn't publicly execute the faggot in charge of this bullshit
To be honest, I'm sure that's a chess move.
They choose "her" or whatever it is to show twittard that they "care" about them even if that's not the case.
I think they probably just got one of their interns to crawl through the hashtags and pick stuff.
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^ lol the cope
Hey guys, I know this might be not the best place to ask, but is there a gacha game with real NTR? I don’t mean the baby stuff like in genshin but a little more obvious. I can’t find any.
I don't know, taimanin probably?
You should ask on /gig/ or /zoo/ anon.
Are the upcomming units, good I'm not sure if i should try to pull for jiyan or save.
I look like this
There's probably some on DMM. Kamihime project was one of them iirc
You are in right place to ask, king.
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>>500543550 (me)
Wow I was right. >>500543854
I didn't even know that was a thing, just went off of taimanin being about some whore being fucked by orcs.
This retard deleted the post btw
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Yeah I already merged about 200 3-costs that aren't matching in that state... *sigh* it looks like I'm just not lucky today.
>Kamihime project
Fuck man, that was a long time ago and I'm still mad about it, like why. And not only that game but a lot of jp porn gacha. Why are they like this?
I remember some buzz about a game with pvp where if you lose, your girls are literally abducted and ntred and then either return or you need to roll for them again or smth (don't remember the name tho). But everybody just sends males in pvp lmao.
Holyshit this is the best franchise of all time.
Wasn't it fake?
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>you create a battalion
>place the pulled characters as the battalion leaders
>if you managed to win against other player's battalion or siege their base, you can capture and rape their rolled gacha gals
>if you lose the siege, your battalion leader is captured and you know the what comes after
>players got a 9000 iq strat
>and the meta shifts to using male 3* common as the battalion leader to prevent NTR if case the attack failed
this shit is unironically funny
You just have to believe harder, manko-chan
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GFL 2 has very subtle, possible schizo NTR.
Sword of convallaria has implied rape for multiple characters.
Kamihime project pussied out a long time ago.

Same zis.
>rape mechanic
Yep, this one >>500544215
I would rather a PVE game where you NTR the boss.
I personally don't care much since I self insert as the rapists.
i thought everyone did
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No, it is real and is still on their twitter that game died tho
No, it very much happened. The girl in the pic is your attendant or something, during the event she disappears and you get a recording of her being trained into a sex slave.
You eventually go back and save her and kill the dude that kidnapped her but it's the usual kidnap, rape, etc. Also for some reason she was a virgin (despite her alts being her younger selves having sex) so the video recording had her pussy bleeding a little from her hymen breaking.
> I self insert as the rapists.
What if there is multiple dicks on the screen?
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Nah, most self insert as the girl.
It didnt die, they let it die since RPGX was pretty much the same kind of content
Yeah, these kind of stuff never worked on me. Why would I think I am the cuck who is bawling and whining on the floor when I can just think myself being the chad rapeman who is nearly always some buff tanned guy.
>It didnt die, they let it die
what did he mean by this
All me.
Obviously I am all the dicks at once. What is stopping your imagination, cultivator brother?
What's good value in the $ cash shop?
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The monthly 5 bucks
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The tuners.
Buy everything once on the lunite store keep the monthly up and you're set for life
monthly pass via JP VPN
everything else is scam, including BP
Monthly and If you are new, the BP
Stop fucking up jap economy it's rude
It means they stopped updating it until it died.
First off, nyo.
Secondly, how is spending in it fucking it up? If anything, it's improving it.
None of it
Abandon the concept of "good value" and embrace madness
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Someone explain to me the drip marketing melty i see here and on socials i just don't get why it's seemingly so important or whatever.
It's simple anon.
We just want to see the upcoming characters.
Especially since it's 2.0 next.
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I don't get it either
But we already know it's Camellya and Lumi, anything else i'm missing here?
Not even hoyo dripped their 2.0 chars before the stream. All that info came from leakers instead.
Why would they ruin a grand reveal like 2.0 with anything less than a stream?
That happens when your game as a leak "culture" from the start
if the devs had any upcoming content they would be proud of, they would show us early
thus the next 4 months of this game will be pure dogshit
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Happy Hallowee waa wuu waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa wee wii woo wuu wyy waa!!
There's no "we" fucktard i also don't care about le drip marketeeng whatsoever
I think leakers went too far or something.
Quality post
shoki posters a best
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What a retard
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explain it to me i don't read social media.
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is that anko?
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they gave poggerbros loli changli NPC
Monthly, then double topup, after that longterm it's better if you take out the aid packs for 20USD each patch than pay 100USD for the big pack once you need it.
>Aid pack is 20USD for 15 pulls, 75 for 100USD across 5 patches
>100USD pack without double topup is 51-55 pulls
>They took our Changloli
So Yangyang has been sending letters to Rover telling him she's missing him and wishing him luck on his journey
Can someone please explain to me why Rover can't canonically take a one day vacation from the Black Shores, go to Jinzhou and fuck Yangyang silly
You're on a social media right now
Spooky, i know
truly the strongest wife. there's no beating the autism allegation with this one.
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PGR Changloli is so cute.
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You now know why the hoyocucks are going rabid,they lost
wuwa may even be better than the zzzoo this time lol
Imagine the melty
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Busy fucking a sexdoll specifically tailored to her taste.
>Wuwa may even be better than any hoyo game
You can put down that fever dream of yours, Wuwa will never get ahead of either Hoyo game in sales, except if somehow they get doubel the paying playerbase, since Wuwa is nearly half as expensive for whales. It can't make up such a drastic difference of jewing.
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>knows that building taoqi is pretty much wasting mats on a brick character
>the need to always see and traverse the overworld with Taoqi far surpasses the rational thinking
I see, so this is the Boudica (FGO), Reno (AL), and Karin (E7) situation all over again.
ZZZ will die down simply because battle arenas arent that profitable in the first place, its why it has been trending down since release faster than any holo game and doesnt even get half of what the other 2 hoyo games get.
She's decent for holograms
It's ok bro. I used my mats on the monk hag. Lv 90 with lv 8 skills in the important shit.
>we're gonna get more desperate zzzoo trannies shitting out threads in the following months...
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anyone in the thread besides me who hasnt done the battle event yet?
I haven't simply because I'm busy with work. Got some free time this weekend so I'll knock it out then.
I don't have stinky nerd so she'll be good for my magistrate once the content starts getting harder enough to require your subdps be maxed as well.
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It's still a Hoyo game though. It is going down, just like how Granny Glasses Bitch us the third banner making less money than before, then with homos they might make even less next, but it's still a Hoyo game. Wuwa would have to reach a 400-500M Yen per banner to even try to compete with that jewing and Shopkeeper did 280M and everyone knows Jiyan will at best make Yao numbers. I can agree on zkek going down, but Wuwa is simply not as hew to the point it can't compete unless they earn back a gajillion of paying customers.
Lumi is better
wuwa or more like KURO is not a renown name in china to beat Hoyoverse revenue
Anon we got low sales due to zhezhi + free homo, they got low sales with 2 giga shilled female characters.
Battle arenas simply arent that profitable, it wont die because battle arenas are dirt cheap to maintain but itll eventually go down and join the other popular battle arenas in the 1-2m margin.
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Rat and Dragon, the weakes and strongest chink zodiac signs
Lumi is not a rat though
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Waahaaa~! Wuuhuuu~!
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is she coming towards me or away from me? i can't tell
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Okay, but then you have to understand that Shorekeeper made a total 280M Yen that would roughly be 15-16M USD on GachaRevenue. I would be surprised if somehow Cameltoe makes 500M+ when even Changli couldn't do it. (But surprise me Cameltoe.) And even she wouldn't rank high because you need double banners for the actual high numbers like Yinlin into Jinhsi into Changli. That's the reach you have to do to get into the 20-40M range.
On another note, OP Rentry Faggot here, sales update happened so we have the final day for this month too, this is the October number with my estimation for GachaRevenue.
Awesome, just don't be a healer.
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I refuse to believe that someone who wears a frogsuit can be a main antagonist.
I mean, look at this innocent girl. Does this face scream of massacre and deaths to you?
>genshin tier long versions
>long ass patches
> will take almost a year to reach next region
its fucking over.....
I havent done the anko date yet
if you're a wuwu wawa, she's running towards you, but if you do not waahaa, she's moonwalking away from you.
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I hate Wuwa. I consider it a threat to my investment (spiritual) in tech otaku saved the world stocks. Every profit I see is considered deposit (spiritual) in my bank account.
Me, always wait with these until everything is unlocked and do them in one go. Just start the Lollo event yesterday too.
They better release playable human form Jue. Year 5 at the latest
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>2.X will go up to 2.8
Nice, maybe we will finally get a proper lineal story in 2.X and not just a character introduction most of the time
>>500550041 (me)
Obviously I didn't said anything about Zkek game, because I don't care that much, they can win or rot in hell for all I care. But even if it's on a downward spiral, the Hoyo name will maintain it somewhat and their low banner is still 400-500M Yen. So yes, as I said, you will need multiple giga good character banners in Wuwa to be able to compete with being half as expensive.
So 1.x was an extended beta test right?
The game will get good with 2.0 right? Surely they won't powercreep every 1.x limited by 2.1 right???
going of finicial numbers which wuwa is the best wuwa?
is it jiyan?
I do all story content with Rover. I do all companion quests with Rover. I am become Rover.
>I want my shiny new thing now, hurry up!
you sound like a kid
>Main antagonist but recruitable
I can't believe we mindbroke her
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PGR has bosses and main villains playable too.
Kuro doesn't care about that kind of stuff.
>pulling a rerun of someone I already have
I'll pass
yeah but the very same chapter? lmao, we must be bullying the fuck outta her.
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>is the main antagonist
>will release as a playable character
2.8 means 9 patches before 3.0, which is more than a fucking year. No way it's true
JP iOS numbers say Jiyan but obviously he had launch buff spending to it (603M Yen Jiyan vs 544M Jinhsi).
Pull wise I don't know yet as my wuwatracker list is not ready, but I can tell you that a lot more pulled Yinlin than Jiyan despite people spending on the game when Jiyan was up. So the popularity queen is either Yinlin or Jinhsi.
trying to tell yourself that you are not a manchildren cause you still enjoy games and have never grow out of them is retarded yes im a kid and i want my shiny right now and im throwing a tantrum too, what will you do about it? complain while shit posting or telling me im a retard?
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EoS bros...
Whats confusing you? Antagonists are playable all the time in gacha
No one said what 3.0 will be though. For all we know, it might be 2.0 Rinascita, 2.X Huanglong expansion, 3.0 New Fed, 3.X Huangling expansion, 4.0 XY
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It says during 2.x so not 2.0
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>3.0 after first anni
Nice planning.
They never said anything about 3.x
2.8 will be the last patch
only the astrite sub everything else is complete trash
>He didn't watch the 1.3 livestream with "2.0, 3.0 and Beyond"
>1.x only has 4 parts
>2.x has 8 parts
what's the point of of the first number then this powercreep is too hard to follow.
hopefully the slow pace in 1.0-1.4 was in preparation for 2.0-2.8. Looking forward to see what Solon cooked for us.
They're probably on a very tight budget and time frame would explain the lack of marketing recently
>Show us early
Not a single dev in the world does this.
slow pace how? If you expect faster than 6 weeks per patch that's not gonna happen
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>Already established that wuwa will not EoS at least until before 4.x finishes...
either 2.0 is massive or they're baiting us with lots of side content
yeah, chapter 2
We're going to abandoned goth castles in the latter half of course
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>3 week patch
>1 banner per patch
This is the way.
Same banner pace (6 weeks 2 banners).
Also just in time for one year anni when 2.8 ends.
They won't release new story every patch.
The illusion of faster new content.
>Phrolova the main antagonist
>Joins you after she jobbs immensely
Scar sister...
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> kuro said 2.x is going to reflect what the community wants
>goes turbo-jew because of people complaining about revenue
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lmao, I guess some anons didn't believe that Kuro makes the villains playable. I can't wait.
I need bitchy Jinhsi
are they really implying they just ditch Yangyang entirely in 2.0?
why Solon?
is Ishikawa Yui just too expensive or something?
what's even the point of the journey without birbwife?
It's uncanny seeing this as a newfag playing PGR and seeing how creepy Luna is early on
Yeah, and CN is getting Lilith next for free.
hags with twin tails is not a good combination, it looks dumb
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Oh don't worry, she can still be creepy when she feels like it.
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jejibros...why do they hate us?
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Not a hag
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3 outros, coordinated attack that never ends, easy and cute air combos forever, best subDPS in the game, the list goes on. Maybe because they want Camorra but skipped the best girl so now she's gonna be a brick
Rumors of new gacha system better be true or else it's over
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Would you rather reincarnate as:
> Achmad Dendy Aryadi from Banjarsamin Indonesia
> Level 84 Havoc Warrior on Sea of Flames
jejie is so busted, barely need to dodge with her teleporting around constantly
>mental age 16
that goes for all women
Now post Goku's version.
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This thread will be fun in about 18 hours.
If only she was this creepy in-game.
do a backflip
This same thing was said a day ago and yet there is no drip. There wouldn't be a drip in 18 hours either, you guys just bamboozle yourselfs by believing they would spoil a 2.0 so early when the focal point will be showcasing the next patch, not 2.0. If it would time to an anniversary stream I could understand, but this is some serious copium.
Hey she has the same birthday as me
loved playing her in the coop holograms cause of that
This, no way they put out major 2.0 drip marketing before cammy is even out best hope leakfags do the needful
he's talking about revenoo newbro
i think he is talking about revenoo?
Go to sleep SEApags
The thread wouldn't be that fun in 18 hours because of revenooo either. Maybe giggers will come over for a bit to shit up the general but >>500550041 already shown that the exoected revenooo will be around 13-14M which is fair. It will be lower again if they fuck with the numbers like last time and fix it to the right one later when everyone hoyocucks laughed at low fake wuwa numbers to stroke their ego. What I want to do is laugh at Reverse trannies, because they deserve it.
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Where's my drip?
happy brithday anon.
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Halloween skins doko?
Oh definitely. The more evil they are, the more likely they regress to childish habits.
Wait for Rinascita, it's gonna be a goth themed region no?
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alongside gender swap one can hope
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froglover bro our response?
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we need more men
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I love flat evil women so fucking much
im trying to get back into the game but im clueless.
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>dat sword
Any hope we can get it in a future banner? Because fuck me, that sword has a cool design.
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Hi wuwabros! Just finished Failure Frame, it was a pretty okay revengeslop anime. Hope wuwa will get more angry Rover moment later on, I like it when FRover is angry, she is so hot.
>genshin tier patch cycles
I see myself dropping this game too if they don’t do more to keep the game fun and interesting
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>Muh patch cycle, the one determining content quality
You retards are so retarded sometimes. Retards.
about what
This is literally based on nothing because drip marketing always drops before the new patch is even out.
What exactly is going on?
What is Tower?
How the hell are you guys managing to fund 3 teams?
Stfu cuntcunt no one asked you
It's pretty much just 2 teams and only the main dps matters for those. I just solo lower tower levels with Hrover or XLY
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Is it over? Is it done seething for today?
Phrougloughver is not a frog
This is a fact
oh nonono, pogger bros, i thought solon hunted and banned ship artists? why is one of your most liked fanartist is a bianca x watanabe
I still wanna know the context for that
kek, this clip always cracks me up, but i can't find the original
>finally got the save the world save the cat achievement
Jesus this takes way too long.
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just started playing who do i pull for?
Rover better get a skin for the new region, it'd be lame if they didnt
Is there something specific you have to do, or are you just at the mercy of the game giving you all the quests?
What is Tower?
A challenge mode where you get roll currency after beating it. It resets every 15 days
>How the hell are you guys managing to fund 3 teams?
I don't, I just have 2 fully build dps and the rest are mid-build sub-dps and supports. I have to admit shorekeeper made things easier as an extra support
Try to got Verina on the beginner banner. (busted support)
Then with the free 5* ticket get a DPS (Calcharo or Encore)
After that you're good to go.
The current banner character is also a good DPS but you can skip him if you don't like males.
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Verina as your free pick. Encore as your guaranteed roll pick.
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Sanhua sex
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>How the hell are you guys managing to fund 3 teams?
by playing it regularly. f2p btw
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As a Gundam fan that scene made me chuckle.
You wanted sufferkino no ?
All those cats will starve and rot in you're game
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Cammy in 2 weeks
Verina and Encore then save for Camellya in a few weeks.
Or Verina and Calcharo then roll for Jiyan if you're a sister or gay.
Or maybe get Calcharo and Jiyan anyway if you think they look cool, you don't actually have to be gay, that's optional. Encore is still cuter though so you should roll for her instead.
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Is monthly + all lunite packs just once for double value still considered F2P ?
Yes + relatable
Don't be silly, anon. Cats don't starve. They don't even need to eat. They're little demons that just find it amusing to see humans waste time and money on food for them after their constant begging. Why do you think they'll bug you if their bowls aren't completely filled 24/7?
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The 5* lolis are powerful, some of the stronger characters tend to be flat girls. On an unrelated note, cowqi is a complete brick and Yinlin and Changli are subpar compared to other limited, it's kind of a shame
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Supports are core for most players unless you're really good.
I also recommend sword (not broadblade) characters. The standard 5* sword is strong.
You should save for Camellya. She'll be the best dps in the game once released.
Im not sure. Once I started getting that repeat quest to feed the cat I just started feeding a different cat each time and then I finally got the last quest
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Jinny the wife
Thanks wuthering bros.
Wuwa with a womb tattoo (or tacet mark) when?
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Happy WuWaWeen bwos!
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i LOVE bigyap
why do all yapyap cosplayers have perfect legs
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Ankobwos don't open
Cute cow
big tits really fix everything
I’m so glad for this homo banner, now I can save up for Cumellya
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Somebody once told me the world is gonna wu me
I ain't the sharpest wa in the shed
She was looking kind of wawu with her finger and her thumb
In the shape of a "Wa" on her forehead

Well, the wuwus start coming and they don't stop wawaing
Fed to the rules and I hit the ground wawuing
Didn't make sense not to live for wuwu
Your brain gets wa but your head gets wu
So much to wu , so much to wa
So what's wrong with taking the wuwu?
You'll never know if you don't wu
You'll never shine if you don't wa

Hey now, you're an all wawu
Get your game on, go wu
Hey now, you're a rock wawu
Get the show on, get wa
And all that glitters is wawa
Only shooting stars break the wuwawu
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deader than wu boringer than wa
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AI cover of both when?
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so like i don't it, is this game a chinese cultivation fantasy or some hyper future scifi?
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Wasn't Jue supposed to be a Rover x Jinny shipper?
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Is this brand new kino?
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She had enough.
She's gonna fuck Rover first then do the special Oyakodon so he can fuck and impregnate Hsi.
I thought stepleaks wanted to stop leaking, was that a loljk or did I get memed by a fake tweet
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cultivation fantasy
>black shores
hyper future scifi
detective x gentleman thieves stories
I'm dumb
Whats a good site to check builds?
how will camellya cuck yapyap this time
what's a good place to find tier lists? I do all my rolls based off them.
this one or prydwen with some salt
much better
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What does this expression wants to mean...?
I should really pull Jeji for my Jinny/Camorra, but I really want the bird...
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Also, there might be a better buffer eventually (since zhezhi only gives skill amp, not spectro amp.
Who's the bird?
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Your first wife.
Zhezhi is not that good to be worried at all
>things jejilets say to cope
I kind of dig the boob wraps desu. If only they had a toggle for her old design. She looks kind of fat without them in her current model
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Not for jinhsi maybe (the best but not that much ahead of the competition), but I doubt there is going to be a better support for camora anytime soon.
>he actually rolled Zh3zh1
Lmao. Nice 2.X funds, retard.
>he has to save to get the characters he wants
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There was never any 2.x funds anyway, it was all camellya funds.
>not for jinhsi
wha? you can duo the hardest endgame content with just those two
Why are (you) so poor?
Stealing is so ridiculously easy
You can also just do endgame content with only Jinny and verina, or even without them. There's nothing that warrants rolling exclusively for meta
I'm just smart with my money, If I want a character I roll for it. But oh man, just happens that zhezhi is not only a brick but ugly too, Sorry!
You can clear anything with Fedorabro and Jinhsi, Zhezhi is literally a dead roll unless you really really like her for some reason.
Like I said, she is best for jinhsi but jinhsi only uses half the buffs and while she has coordinated attacks it doesn't cover what jinhsi needs most (mob cleaning). I can easily see another support being better for jinhsi, but what are the odds of another glacio skill buffer anytime soon for camora? Unless she has some special mechanic like jinhsi with coordinated attacks.
>levelling males
teach me
zhezhi does damage and has a 25% buff to her nukes, cope more
I don't need to read your cope about missing Jheji and bricking your experience
Go cry alone in a corner or something
Be normal
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>using m*les
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>All it takes for him to destroy his masculinity is level up a male character
What do we call this kind of people ?
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>Camellya rape in 1.4
>Phrolova rape in 2.X
We are eating good
mindbroken faggots
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>he needs a fugly megane to clear tower
>he resorts to m*les to clear tower
>the melty.jpg retard really is the scatfag
Holy fucking shit actually kill yourself you disingenuous retard. Stop trying to change your fucking avatar fagging already. Actually no, keep up with melty.jpg so we can all auto [-] you're stupid gay ass.
That or finally get a trip and with the name " I'm a stupid bitch gay retard nigger lover."
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its called being based, its a collect waifus simulator in case you forgot
Camorra on the night date: "Rover, we have to rob my father's bank, you have to help me."
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HOLY SHIT MY HERO... And Calchud...
Are you really smart with your money if I am standing here, with only monthly+BP and have all the limited characters so far? The game is piss cheap if you can luckshit some with them giving you 100-130 pulls per patch, it would be weird NOT having most of the characters.
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Uh oh melty
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Stop fighting.
Not rolling for the brick ugly nerd
wait the singatroon is here now?
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Alright Lucia
Yes my wife
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>Play a game where theres both male and female characters
>Gacha have both male and female characters
>Call it a waifu collector
Im trying to figure out if you are either a closeted homosexual or you like getting cucked
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No unless you groom me a hebe.
Hanying my wife...
Males can also be wives, he isn't wrong
and im trying to figure out how the homosexual is calling me a homosexual, or a cuck for that matter.
you realize they added males and a fem rover for the female audience yes?
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I am the God Emperor. Is it gay when guys sucking up to me, as they should? Of course not. I am just THAT good.
>using the omega brick fedorafag instead
lmao, enjoy it while it lasts
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You didn't need them anyway.
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Maid outfit and jiggling butt would save all the male characters
yes mommy
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>not rolling your wifes best female support
what do you call this faggotry
Only if they identifies as a woman, and that is against Huanglong's laws
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Because I need to s6 my hebe wife, lil' zis.
anything for you baby
if you use m*les you get kicked from /wuwa/ guild
>using shitwu
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I can't see this slander on Yuanwu, the literal only good guy in the game. He is a gentleman, owns a gym and has style. Yet you call him shitwu and a brick. I would call you a retard but I know my bro Yuanwu would just wave it away because he is that kind of guy. He could beat the shit out of most but doesn't. Shame on you.
I dont mind if you just say you skipped cuz you're a broke ass nigga, just don't come here all coping calling Jeji a brick and not expect to get called out
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jejilets don't deserve camorra
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>jinhsi worse than green homo
>yinlin bad subdps
Who isn't a brick according to /wuwa/?
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Harry Potterlets already show that they aren't a collector, with their limited funds they will at onr point will miss someone they want and will be the biggest crybaby ever, while me and my collectorbros are chilling playing everyone.
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Denny grow some tits !
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formidable aura
>Best braindead gameplay with variation thanks to ult
>Funny faces
>Best sex animations
>Has a hot as bomb mother, will be a sex bomb herself
Who could even compete. No one. Exactly.
if you don't have these or m*les you're good
I love how my wife is so meta and popular with her companion qwest now she's gone so far.
Jeji posters used to be chill. What happened?
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never understood that meme and I don't even like zhezhi that much
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She killed her parents
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>best standard dps is a loli
still in awe to this day
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there used to be just 1 Jeji poster but they are multiplying
where the FUCK are my Camorra/Rococo design leaks/announcements
Zhezhi is literally the perfect sub-dps/buffer unit. There is literally zero reason to countersignal this unless it’s a coping mechanism for not being able to roll her
megane ugle
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I don't roll ugly. Sorry bwo.
I just don't want her bro
kuro does not make ugly girls. fuck off homos
She gives Skill damge and glacio. If camorra scales with liberation or basic attack, That glacio buff is easily replaceable
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>kuro does not make ugly girls
He's ok but my favourite male is still sephiroth and honestly Mortefi right after
Here you go
Taoqi JP - Saturday Night Question
so how long has this fag been melting?
>Camorra and Youhu will need Zhezhi
I regret not rolling for Jeji Lawrence
two days
I have sent in my survey guys. I asked for these.
-More males
-PoC representation
-Non-binary character representation
-No more lolis
-Make everyone for (You) immediately
-No interactions between other characters. They should only be interacting with Rover!
-No more co-op
-More tower content
-Reduce the rewards. Character building is way too easy!
-Reduce the 3 COST Echo drop and increase the 1 COST Echo drop

If Kuro listens to me, this will make it the best game ever!
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since the beginning
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She’s confirmed skill damage.
Keep coping, zhezhilet
since it was born
I don't get youhu's cord attack buff. Does the buff go away when zhezhi (for example) activates the ability and then fuck off or it last the whole 28 seconds for who activates it
I can’t wait to buy Camorra and her weapon and play her bis support, zhezhi, with her weapon
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>resorts to lying
nah it works like a snapshot buff would
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I'd like it for another excuse to use this sex creature
Why is Zhezhi bullied so much anyway? She is best teammate for Jinhsi right now who is the best dps in the game.
because broke homos skipped her
Hear me out Danjin but huge milkfilled mammaries
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coping mechanism employed by jejilets
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People just don't like her aesthetic, zis.
I regret rolling Yinlin Lawrence, the inferior sub dps.
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Jinzhou concubines are so lucky
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Jeji's game!
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All subdps are bricks in the game, zis. Including Changli, no matter what the swappaggers say.
Because she is easily replaceable, And people are mad about reddit-man being more effective
False. Zhezhi and Jinhsi are the fastest team In the game. You bricked yourself not rolling
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Shitting on a character makes it easier to skip them, and some lucklets actually lose 50/50s (lmao, imagine losing a 50/50) so they couldn't afford her.
in an alternate world he was the limited 5* instead of jiyan and wasn't a brick to play
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I still regret skipping her, if I win the Cammy 50/50 I'll probably roll. I have 214 rolls + 26 more from coral shop, could I feasibly guarantee them both + Camorra and Rococo?
Jinny/ChangChang is pretty much the same speed
Zhezhi is actually main dps tho, zis. My argument was subdps.
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imagine passing on jeji (and jinny)
Nice, thanks
Lol it’s so embarrassing.
Zhezhilets should be IP-banned from the general
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Yinlin also works with Hsi tho.
>No jinny
what now, jejipags?
Anon.. she's literally the "gets bullied" type, so what do you expect?
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I'd rather s6 Cammy. Only attractive characters are allowed in my roster.
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That sounds like a (You) problem, not mine.
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Roll on ALL twintails
>No jinny
You roll for Jinny.
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How are you clearing tower? S6 Yinlin?
M*le? Skip.
Elf? Skip.
Megane? Skip.
I will. The moment I tried pulling something not twintail (Yinlin, after getting Encore her Stringmaster) I got double fucked going to soft pity twice for that useless bitch.

With Jinny I won all my 3 coinflips.
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Jeji is the rarest girl in the game
Imagine not having the rarest girl in the game
>You need jinny to 30/30 tower
Holy skill issue
The outro buffs like sanhua specifically says or until the resonator switches. Youhu doesn't, so even if you outro into zhezhi, swaps her again with another character before going back and then use liberation the buff will still work (if it didn't timeout). I don't think there is snapshot in this game though, so you need to refresh.
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That's certainly youhu at this point.
no, you don't
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What the fuck did you roll for
I regret using 80 coral on Youhou Lawrence
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>More males
>PoC representation
Fine, so long as they're a minority, as the name fucking implies
>Non-binary character representation
>No more lolis
>Make everyone for (You) immediately
Already are, but they can keep it up
>No interactions between other characters. They should only be interacting with Rover
If you mean romantically, sure. But they can talk
>No more co-op
This game has coop?
>More tower content
>Reduce the rewards. Character building is way too easy!
Lol no
>Reduce the 3 COST Echo drop and increase the 1 COST Echo drop
Lol no
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Not for jinhsi (true concept).
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Post clears without
>any 5* with sequence > 0
>Zhezhi and Elf
Brick hours?
It's F2P2.
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kek fuck off Bricklin posters
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Why did she fry my prostate
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That's not a clear. Where's your 30/30 with mentioned conditions.
>no zhezhi
It’s brick hours
To make it stronger
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Zhezi is ugly.
Sorry I kept pulling for her but never pulled out, please send help I'm in a sticky situation, you must understand it frustrates me from time to time.
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Same question.
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here you go
For elf impregnation you need a strong prostate
>open gamebanana
>summertime rover
>recolored noan coating
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In honour of Phrolou getting some story time, I've looted more gook chibis and added them to the OP mega
We now have 348 Frogloulous
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Post sequences.
Almost there.
jiyan naked mod, when?
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I'll make it if someone pays me $150
kek the only mods I want are GeshuLin outfit Rover and Camu's New Life coating on Rover
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Any expectation about what kind of creature is going to be the sentinel of rinascita?
Sis you forgot shorekeeper
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A fuckable female creature with a human form.

Pick your wuwas
Hard mode, don't pick any males

>Ma Xiaofang
What's the point anyway? If she's using sig then does it matter if you use Jinhsi. I'd rather roll for a character than a sig.
Changli fuck
Shorekeeper wife
Furry kill, hard mode Zhezhi kill
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Fuck, Wife Cammy. I'm loyal.
Kill Jeji because she's fugly.
the rest
Do better
add more interactions between characters beside the MC too
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do NOT kill the yapyap
I'm not. She's gonna be my secondary concubine after Ma Xiaofang (I'll only refer to her by this name btw). Hag lovers get btfo.
We need more Chixia, Sanhua, Baizhi, Youhu and Danjin sex
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Hsi Rinascita skin ETA?
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Aren't these the flowers from her trailer?
Surely the drip marketing will happen this time right guys?
I think it's gonna happen near the end of 1.4 (on Yinlin's banner) or they will showcase the characters in the 2.0 stream.
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did phrolova steal the scepter
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Elf love.
No content and every update is underwhelming.
Don't worry anon, next region is coming soon.
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She looks like she'll get cucked by Yangyang.
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is this how clang bangs are born
tsubaki doko
Is Jianxin useless bros? I need aero and dont want to roll the m*les
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She's good enough to clear content if that's what you mean
she's a brick but I'm sure you'll get 1-2 anons coping telling you then can use her on some very specific content/setup
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Don’t forget to make it a halloween bread next
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Danjin is spooky all year
"She looks like she fucks Rovers" sounds like cuckposting but is the peak of (you) pandering if you think about it
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I want to fuck yapyap in her tacet slit
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Now that the Jiyan banner is here, I'm feeling quite smug about my previous statement.
It would have been a better move for Solon to just put Yahoo on the Shorekeeper banner instead of trying to salvage a sinking ship with a heavy brick.
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You look like you fuck Yinlin
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Who shall I sacrifice
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Not true, I don't fuck Yinlins.
I refuse to have sex with women who don't have good quests.
They should do multi-reruns every time really, like jiyan+yinlin.
male rover canon confirmed? since female rover is the mirror reflection while he's real
Danjin since she can practically kill herself
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It was Aalto, I sacrificed Aalto. But I also avenged him since Aero bwos gotta stick together
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Shorekeeper would love sacrificing herself to help (You)
If you told her that you had a fetish fot flat girls then she would throw herself under a bus
Considering you're supposedly going to be able to swap freely between both in a future patch they're very likely both canon. I doubt they'd add that as some general feature and would rather wrap that into the main story somehow.

They've also done more advertising with F.Rover in general, F.Rover is more animated than M.Rover, people were given F.Rover even if they picked M.Rover for one of the DoIR events, and only recently have they started to do a few more focused M.Rover things. The main thing that can push for the M.Rover side is that their storyboards are done with M.Rover, but considering they make two versions of the cutscenes I don't know how much that holds water considering stuff like the Yinlin placement feeling purposeful, not accidental.
Sorry but I already told Shorekeeper to LIVE
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Male Robler looks in the mirror and fantasises about being a cute anime girl in a slice of life show, but then reality kicks in and he remembers that being a dude is way better.
He's just like me...wait...I AM Rover!
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He has a wife, you know? You know what she's called? It's Higa Dadrip
As long as Changli is around, Jinhsi's getting NOTHING
I'm married to both though
Considering how close they are with each other in lore, it's possible they're willing to share you amongst each other. But so much as sleep with another woman that isn't them, you'll be severely punished.
how fucked am i that i missed the free 5*?
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If you're a homo, sister or fujostacy then you lost
Otherwise it's whatever
He's not a bad character or anything, but there's no reason to use him over one of the girls if you prefer female characters.
You'll get him next year, you can't escape from the Yaoi
Kamehameha and KICK PUNCH THROW (cubes) put him above the wahmen
I prefer the girls.
I doubt he'll be free again and I don't see myself rolling for a male. It is what is I'll just stick with KalKaro
so far he is only useful for the right side of overdrive zone(which you dont even need to clear to get all the astrites)
You make his moves sound cooler than they are. His attack animations suck eggs and were so disappointing
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Just get Loomi on the Yinlin rerun banner next patch, then wait for a 5* electro girl to release.
she looks very cute.
>on the Yinlin rerun banner next patch
Wasnt Changli instead on the beta data?
>chief post office lady is a hamster with a lightbulb for tail
bravo solon

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