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Previous thread: >>500554465

Season 5 - Oblivion
2024.10.10 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Upcoming Extractions

>Current Extractions

2024.10.31 — 2024.11.14
[000] The Priest of La Manchaland Gregor

2024.10.31 — 2024.11.14
Target Extraction: [ Rodion ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

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Director love.
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>Reroll until I get 3 IDs and 3 EGO
>Guaranteed from starter banner gives me G.corp Greg
>Luckshit Rabbitclif with a guaranteed 000 ticket they gave away
>Luckshit my way to most IDs until I stopped trying to roll at all and just shard them when after Molar Ish
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Reposting anon's meme
>Dulcinea heart ahoges
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>and nobody knew what was what good and what wasn't
within hours of release people figured out that R heath and W don are the killer ids in the first set
doesnt take a genius to see who has the most coins with the highest values
people would recommend rerolling for either them + an ego
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I love him a lot
Also might be an ID with the highest HP pool at the moment, unless I'm wrong
Father worked on the Bald abno
Brothers, I may have made a rather large, if not insurmountable mistake in here.
How... How "valuable" is GripFaust compared to RingSang when it comes to being viable for newfags?
Moses marriage mating press nakadashi impregnation
Thank you director, very cool.
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Honestly it doesn't matter that much. Just have fun. I always prioritise my favourite sinner over the meta, and I've had no problems
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Why do all gachas get to have cool and unique events/units during seasonals while we get fucking priest gregor and nothing else
It's not fair
I know the setting isn't supposed to be light hearted but the april fools one was a success and everybody liked it
On her own, she's okay-ish. But Ring Sang is 1000x more valuable than her.
Paula survived LmL and as prove it will be revealed she is actually a Shi Fixer, check my 4.
RingSang is one of the strongest IDs in the game right now, period
NFaust is a joke compared to RingSang
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Pacing, maybe?
GripFaust's greatest asset is her SP regen, which can be detrimental towards characters like NClair. RingSang would have been a much better pick.
Dyon and Sinclair!
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No it was more divisive than that with R.cliff, cause everyone kept shitting on his ammo.
The true consensus at the time was ting tang, W.Don and G.greg, cause everyone thought G.greg's near immortality was super good (which it was for the time).

There were those who kept saying R.cliff was fantastic, but there was an equal number who shit on him because "he's shit with no ammo".
I like him too, it sucks that we won't be able to make a full bloodfiend team anytime soon
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Ringsang is effectively the strongest unit in the game, especially if given good support. Grippy faust is strong, but... Well... Compared to Ringsang? Picrel.
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wheres my rodya dulcinea id
where is it director
give it to me already
i want the trio
you arent going to screw me out of this right?
itd be stupid to not include dulcinea out of everyone available
you cant give it to anyone else either
rodya is in the story
give it to me director
you need to tease it already for next weeks release
rodya needs a more consistent bleed id
kurokumo is meh and n corp is gimmick reliant on n corp
you can put rupture on the id thats fine
give me the id already
give me the teaser for it tonight
also you can throw a bone to that cashy poster and release a fanghunter heathcliff too
itd be nice story wise too considering she was going to have romero as the prince
just post the teaser for it director
i dont care if you're asleep wake up and post it
give it to me right now
do it
right now do it
give me the id director
rodya really needs it she has two bleed egos imagine how good shed be in a bleed team comp with this new id
just put it out already
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dont sweat it
if you truly struggle to beat anyone, just add someone and borrow their OP units
this is the first image I found that has my manager ID, knock yourself out
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Rodya LOVE!
Wake up Dantehhhh....
I have a very special mission for you today dantehehhh....
All the sinners have been aged down...
You have to take them trick or treating danteheeeeh.... but you have to get them costumes....
Do it... or else...
People give NFaust a lot of shit, but I've been using her since I got her back in Season 1 and have not stopped. Her in-battle passive is ridiculously strong because Lust skills are very prevalent and rapid SP gain can make difficult battles where you're forced to start at 0 much more manageable.
RingSang shits out damage, like A LOT, but a lot of people here are forgetting most of it comes when he gets Uptie 4.
TLDR keep her, you're fine. Get RingSang later.
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Fortunately it's a slight mistake, but not insurmountable. You can literally at any time, shard ring sang, to add him to your roster. Especially with your Nfaust, they pair very well, so I'd suggest making him your next goal.
What if Paus gets it...
Blood DK fags? In my /lcg/? I love you.
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More sword IDs when
With cooler animations
Don't worry, she won't
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people glaze ringsang way too much
I barely use him because he isn't some exceptional clasher and clashing is what really matters in all the remotely difficult content
how often does "muh dmg" really make a tangible difference, that is asve you turns and/or significantly make some encounter easier? not that often.
You may be correct, and especially so since the majority of anons in here started all the way back in S1, but still... Canto III is where things begin to heat up, and no one would like to get caught off guard.
That's what I thought personally, but I couldn't shake off this concern of mine.
I... I think there's a bit of a misunderstanding in here. I was trying to recommend an unit to the newfag from last thread and I told him to make use of his ID ticket on GripFaust.
I myself already have him, and have been playing since the beginning of the year...
Still, it's good to keep this in mind, the fact that you can shard any of the strongest IDs later down the line.
Also, sorry for mass reply. Didn't expect a multitude to answer to my post.
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i came into this thread to make a semi-ironic post questioning where the dulcinea id is but >>500587686 beat me to it
that said, where is the dulcinea id
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>Outis' canto comes around
>Lots of focus on the Smoke War
>Gregor, who fought on the opposite side of the war from her, and from which an interesting dynamic can be found, gets 0 screentime
watch as this happens in 2 years time
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Mad lad actually did it
Even at her worst, she's a fantastic SP bot because her 15 SP heal can trigger every turn so long as you can provide 4 lust resonance. 3 lust resonance if she's on the bench but then she only heals 1 person.
Beyond that, she's a bit weaker on the clashing side, but provides a lot of bleed count, 20% blunt/pierce fragility, paralyze and SP healing. She still keeps up today which says something.
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Let me put it this way.
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>other game
>Doncho ID, maybe another bloodfiend will be added
>Pregor becomes a walking blood bag
Poor bastard
I can make her weep?
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>anon bricked a newbab's account
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Why would you do that to them
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"I can make her worse" as opposed to "I can fix her".

This is obvious you brainlet.
>butterfly sang top
>ringsang bottom
Alright what's my budget and do they still get to keep their weapons? This will be relevant later for the "trick" part.
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>imagine how good shed be in a bleed team comp with this new id
Not only that but Hex Nail heals herself, plus gives her a passive that encourages getting hit, a gimmick not unlike a certain Princess of La Manchaland has

Side note: part of me was expecting to read "Cashy" or "Heasuclippu" at various points in that post
never trust Faust
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Oh sorry, I can see how that would be misleading. I swapped to Buttersang at the end to fight Sancho and Don Quixote.
Dantehh... do you think I have the power to do this? This just happened to them. I do not wish to take care of your problem children for you, Dantehhh. Now get the fuck out there
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There's only one way to absolve your sins, with this new Don Quixote Hardblood Art
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Why is her forehead so big
Probably switched in the middle of the dungeon so Ringasang is missing damage.
>Giving children weapons
Are you retarded or a warlord?
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I want an Outis ID that looks like this for her chapter
I don't think they hate Gregor that much, he even just got a good ID
I want to smooch her
Made for either throwing gummy bears at or planting smooches on, dealer's choice
My name is Dante, Manager Extraordinaire.
I have no memories and my education is whatever they pre-installed in this clock.
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More target area for >>500589196
Fits more blood
has anyone been able to solo the XP lux? The bleed ends up being too much to solo
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>beat xp lux
>not enough enemies for the kill enemies daily

wtf is this??????????????????????
Your Holiday Heathcliff?
I wish they did more too
>I told him to make use of his ID ticket on GripFaust.
Isn't it a Season 1 ticket? He can't use it on ring sang anyways, it was between NFaust or Nclair.
Limbus is a horror game by default and we got these literal vampire IDs.
However, I do want an April Fools next year
Just like el padre you were trapped and betrayed by enemies dying to their own effects
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>Tries to get Priest Gregor
>Instead gets Ring Yi Sang, Blade Lineage Sinclair, and Devyat Rodion
Am I extremely lucky or extremely unlucky?
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you are extremely knew for not owning every previous ID already
I used my season 5 ticket and got Barber Outis, Cinq Sault and like three 00s
>t. brain-damaged
If you didn't already own them you lucked out hard, especially considering Ring Sang is a powerhouse
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Just uptied the bleed IDs i had lying around after getting the bloodfiend duo. Holy shit bleed does so much damage. My team is far from optimal (first mate Yi, Hook Lu, Shipmael and the bloodfiend crew) and they're cutting through MD far faster than my metashitter sinking team. My biggest issue is Priestgor not getting to heal because everything dies in 2 turns tops. Insane.
I didn't see this get released, that's a really neat image they used for the song
Cassetti takes it in the ass
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so cute
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First Mate Yi is honestly quite strong at UT4, his S2 ends up being able to dish out so much damage due to rerolling the last coin
for smooches, duh
>Natural proportions
Hotter than 90% of the shit I've seen
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*new, and yeah I started out a month or two ago. Really do love this game.
Damn, good job. I got Cinq Sault when S5 started.
Yeah I didn't own them yet. I guess I did get lucky, knowing how broken Ring Sang is.
He's doing work at UT3 too. Granted it's MD but his clashes are really good for a 00. I don't understand why bleed gets such insane EGO gifts when they're already tied for best status team
Best voice acting in the canto.
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Shes so pathetic
Wanna flick her big ass forehead and tell her that her shitty attraction will never be as popular as Dulcineas
>Damn, good job
Thanks, I already had them all though
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happened earlier today
and I cant find the tweet that said so again but apparently it's the fastest growing mili release in terms of views ever, donchads win again
She got too many fucking lines. Basically was the only speaker between the bloodfiend trio in part 3.
>no "battle" where you need to stop the young Sinners from touching Don't Touch Me
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Find it really entertanining that no one really talked about him after the warp chapter but are now after seeing more context
Look around for it a bit if you would, I want to see it.
roadmap today? maybe?
Show me another gacha that gives you a dude designed like Pregor.
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i agree
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yargh matey
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Emotion got the better of me and I rolled. But I keep hearing how bad he is.
Any hopes?
Any tips?
I have Barber Outis.
I also have this:
why doesnt don smile during wishing cairn
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here ya go
somewhat vague but yeah. also of course I had to use google because xitter search is so dogshit
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More like not enough lines!
Clean your links
Anyways he's great, ignore anons who say he is bad (they are bad)
Did you try pressing win-rate?
dont listen to anyone he's good, he's a solid tank and feeds bloodfeast to outis and eventually rodyanea and don's id
if anything he is future investment for those two and will probably make them infinitely better, but atm he can also hit relatively nice and can take a beating within being staggered a lot (his threshold is only one bar and its early in his healthbar so once he staggers once he's good to go)
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Heathtent soon(in a few months)...
Walpurgis ID...
Pretty solid if you R E A D and play around ailing heart and his stagger to become immortal, he's a windup ID.
Nothing to smile about there
so how do you keep greg from bleeding to death in MD
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for extra attention as an image
donchads we won
Hey anons what if i blogpost asking for relationship advice on 4chan of all places
Would that make you happy?
Alright sounds good. Think it could be a bad idea bringing them both to Don Quixote's dungeon? It's the sole thing I need to do in this chapter but I'd like to use both the new Bloodfiends in it unless I get royally punished by the mechanics
There are too many don fans, we need to cull their numbers or they'll overwhelm us.
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don't give up hope
he'll get a new id next week or the week after (fanghunter)
>Nothing to smile about there
>Nothing tosmileabout there
>Nothing there
He heals on his attacks if below 40% hp, and his S3 also heals him a lot
He's been a solid support for Outis. Clean your links.
I've only ran regular MDs with him and have had zero issues with him bleeding out
It might be different in MDH, but you could also just avoid the gifts that multiply bleed in general like Smoke and Wires
You know with the way they release the main sinner ID towards the end of the season, Don will still have 1-2 less IDs than literally everyone else
wtf are you saying clean your links, use 4chanx you boomers/zoomers
Don't worry she'll be getting the dulcinea ID and the sancho ID. And the daddy don ID.
I am very happy that Milli is being successful with their PM songs.
I'd hate for them to treat their business relationship with a sense of "oh great we gotta do something for these fucks again".
should I shart outis and or greg or do I use my 3* seasonal ticket and hope for the best

not doing either of those is also an option
Across all Limbus songs or everything? Still pretty impressive, Don's Canto popped off.
Print out a picture of both
Start masturbating
When you finish you'll have to pick one
In that moment you will know.
I would assume overall since that is the natural interpretation, so I would expect clarification if they meant something else
I don't own a printer
i used the ticket to try and get one of them and then got cinqsault this stupid streaming jobber so I sharded outis and will probably shard greg at a later time.
Use your phone and laptop then.
What if i can't pick one when i'm finishing
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>thought that dieci hong was bad for comfy Sinking MD runs
>it ended up just looking out for his S3, choose the skill that is not s3, then press defend next turn then Win Rate with Hongers having permanent 3 Insight stacks
Wow, I was so fucking retarded!
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Then the rope is your friend.
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Why did he do it?
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is it unreasonable to want her to be the savior of bleed but also a really good generalist ID and also have her really cool boss animations and also be barefoot?
>to be the savior of bleed
yes because bleed doesn't need saving in any shape or form.
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The paper cutouts were the best part of the canto.
>Savior of Bleed
But its fine?
bleed does not need saving
Good idea, poor execution. We still love you Don Quixote.
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Was Dad Quixote a virgin
He listened to a woman and his entire family paid the price.
Neck yourself footfag.
Bari the slayer of non-humans

Another notch on the White Moon blade.
>Needs no saving
The actual status outside of MD isn't really the best to build up reliable, or maintain, especially with unbreakable coins. Good luck getting enough count.
profound mental retardation

also this >>500593049
He got tricked into fucking Bari
>the savior of bleed
>but also a really good generalist ID
Yes because she's definitely gonna be a bleed-oriented ID. And even then, she's a bloodfiend
>also have her really cool boss animations
I hope so
>And also be barefoot
You mean to tell me women are a threat to people's lives in The City?
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So assuming we get the Bloodfiend Trio and a Don bleed ID as her canto ID, who should fill the other two slots?
I'm thinking probably Ringsang because Ringsang and Red Eyes Ryoshu
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Why are females even allowed to walk freely in the city?
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That sounds right but depending on what the bloodfiends lack, you might swap out ryoshu for a different ID that may have different sins or count app or something. I have a feeling that Dulci and the Don ID won't mix well together, but that's just based off nothing but gut feeling.
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trick or treat
My take is Sancho will be a good generalist that gets retarded broken with bloodfeast stackers, less than bleed count itself. Animations should be good if whcliff is anything to go by for end of season canto mc id. And she probably will be barefoot for lore reasons.
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Is it really that easy
Yeah you're kinda losing me here.
I'll play a very naughty trick on Don
My BF (bloodfiend)
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I hope we get a early floor pack for it
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Would you not?
I'd let Rodya bite me and suck my blood
Just wanted to thank my bros for giving me advice about my shards like 2 threads ago.
I've got Blind Obseesion and W Outis as i've said i would. Really satisfied with both so far
There has to be some law in the City against tricking autist retarded men into having sex with you.
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You guys think some bloodfiends hunters sometimes have their way with bloodfiends
Maybe even make their kindred watch
I have no faith in her being good. Yet I will bear the cross and max her like I do every Don id. Anything for my Don.
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not really no.
He removed the teeth for a reason.
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I don't understand why they make bleed so fucking annoying to actually stack, when it goes down hard with with clashes, and loses damage potential on enemy stagger.
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>Your fish was the real bloodfiend this entire time
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Isnt that like why this whole story started
>looks like this in the boss fight
>still turned everyone into liquid hemobars
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I love Sancho! <3
Because otherwise it gets too powerful. It's a very careful balancing act.
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Exactly, the city could have been a peaceful place without this demon.
Just look at how powerful bleed can be in mirror dungeons, especially against bosses. Once you get a stack going it's easy to inflict hundreds worth of damage by simply clashing.
>Why is the dominant gender allowed to walk freely?
men don't get a choice in this setting buddy
It's funny that this is the exact reason Meursault's WAW exists and someone was asking why did it trigger count when its specifically so you use when they are staggered and still get the bleed damage to proc
The city is a matriarchy run by overpowered sadistic women.
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Since the bloodfiends have a strong reverence for their elders literally baked into their very being wonder what itd be like for em seeing their parents dominated by some stinky puny human
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Yes, just like Wild Hunt. Its not belivable that it will be BAD compared to Wild Hunt even if more specialised.
Animations are a guarantee to be good
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>Animations are a guarantee to be good
Ahab, and wh's animation are all rubbish. Yi sang's are fine but s2 is overlong.
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I wanted to live.
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It was me, Dongbaek
>Ahab, and wh's animation are all rubbish
holy shit taste
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I confess to turning the lights off in public bathrooms while people are still using them
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wtf is wrong with you lmao. are you an avatar of carmen?
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Many such cases.

I have nothing to confess, I was just avoiding events that never happened.
you monster...
Ahab's are mid but WH has a great S3 and S2
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<What the fuck>
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Rodya will save Bleed with her Dulcinea ID and Sanguine Desire finally having a ID to use.
That's like tricking a child (not really)
What the fuck man
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You savage!
So, is priest gregor good?
I hope she has a sizeable health pool to make Hex Nail heal more
that’s funny as hell good job man
Farmwatch Dulcinea news soon.
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alright thats enough, that's one stagger too much
twinhook gregor is getting the boot from the pride lux squad
cinqlair youre back in
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I mean have you seen him
You cant let an opportunity like that pass by bwo
>Farmwatch Yi Sang
Your response?
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simultaneously has the most HP and the least HP at any given moment
T CORP??????
And he would do it again!
the weirdest thing about bloodfiend ids is that even if they released every character in the canto they still wouldn’t have a full team of 6. really garbage canto for themed team enjoyers
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Don't you mean Outis?
Who is Outis? That's a stupid fucking name. Don't say that again.
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Canto V only had 3. Canto 6 barely had any proper faction shit iirc.
ooo ooo you want to use kimsault ooooo
The rope awaits you, footniggers
I wish his inflicted bleed was better. At least he’s not outis
I already use kimsault
good dmg and usually wins his clashes
So you're telling me Gregor has gotten yet another decent ID rather than a good one?
I want Xichun to make fun of my tiny faction while she gets manhandled by her brothers
>actually fighting thread lux
What the fuck are you doing?
>STILL finding it hard to have an ID slot in as a 6th for Mirror Dungeon
Fucking hell...
So far it's just Pequod Trio, Spidershu and Middle Don
Such a shame that Pirate Gregor doesn't have at the very least an Envy evade....
>"N Faust?"
No, she belongs in the N corp MD team
autism compels me to drain this bar that refills daily
robot is one of the faster ones too, I just have an aneurysm if my team flips poorly and doesnt stagger before he enters his defensive shit
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>At least he’s not outis
God that's damning with some fine praise here. I hope the next walpurgis with reusable coin we get some "at least it's not ishmael's".
canto VI has 4 butler ids, linton gregor, and the erlking. you could argue the erlking is off theme but that’s still 5 units
canto V only has 3 pequods and you could maybe stretch it to 4 with pregor, but more importantly it filled out the blade lineage faction and made it useable
so far for canto VII there’s only 2 bloodfiends and a bunch of weird fixers who don’t fit well together. maybe they can finish off another faction during events?
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>see a limbus company video in my yt feed
>is a fucking ESL with a thick dogshit incomprehensible nasal accent
Post it
>having limbus recs that aren't just OST tracks to begin with
Time to stop clicking on garbage.
>enemy hits greg with bleed skill once
>he dies
why can't we have bleed output half as good as the enemy
ESL franchise
Dont post it. It sounds like me and im embarrassed
Lots of clerks this time of the day
>why can't we have bleed output half as good as the enemy
I mean, we don now, gregor on himself
What's your pride lux squad?
I'm curious if it's faster than randomly chosen meta IDs
>Mass replying to hours old posts
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i feel like i got recommended the same video today
its like this one dude who's been shitting out limbus content for the past month
>griest yells about blood when using his S3
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Odd, why did you guys dress up the Priest like Caliborn?
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solemn lament yi sang
kk hong lu
ahab ish
W ryoushu
kim meursalt
twinhook gregor (or cinq don/sinc if I'm mad)
various pride supports

the big time save is obviously getting the stagger before the robot gets his hook off (which this team usually manages)
You usually take 1-2 turns to clear a node of MDHM if you got good units and gifts, which is way too little time to get the Bloodfiend IDs going and rolling. They may do better in more demanding content, however.
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>we don now
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>turn off the light in public bathroom
>this motherfucker busts out of a stall
what do
Rape and kill this secondary now.
Presumably MDH5 will have chain battles instead of single nodes so it won't be as much of an issue
Fucking die I guess?
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>blunt excavation
>Nclair deletes a full health enemy in one s3
Feels good to see it happen again after not using him the whole canto.
You can stop now.
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Show him a picture of Dulcinea's fat fucking bloodsacks.
>Turns on phone camera
Oh no?
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Imagine if MD5 is just one long chain battle with shops/events every 10 enemies.
make fun of his bristly hair
>10 enemies
Make it 20. 30 even. Let my Erlking and Barbtis reach their peak.
Dulcinea and Priest seemed to be too depressed to want to talk that much.
Honestly, going by the flashbacks, it seemed like Dulcinea, Priest, and even Sancho didn't really seem like particularly enthusiastic conversationalists. Barber and Don probably had to carry 90% of the conversations before Bari otherwise the castle was probably just filled with gloomy silence all day.
I got 3 egos in a row from the gregor banner I'm actually going to fucking end it all.
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I'm doing a pierce run with the new meursault and it's actually unreal how dogshit the damage-type gifts are. These better get overhauled with the new MD.
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Which EGOs atleast?
Yeah they suck ass, the ammo pouch is just for rabbitcliff
That's 600 crates right there, be grateful.
>EGO Gifts
Not happening considering all they've added in the most recent MD are that kind of garbage. There's a reason why you only pick the first 2 options in any EGO section because the new 3rd ones are positional garbage.
Ego UT5 will give 1 unbreakable coin, no other changes
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dimshred sang, telepole don and uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I just realized the other thing wasn't an EGO, it was tingtang Hong
Like yeah both the EGOs are good and hong is alright, but I WANTE DFUCKIGN GHFREGORTE
Priest's obviously more a listener and Sancho and Dulcinea are both dead inside
i'm going to suck that cock
i may die trying but i'll give it my all
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Ricardo is getting F.I.T.A in canto 9
How does Ring Outis fare against Barber OUtis?
Literally all of the tremor ones are worse than t1 gifts. It's great.
>Gregor, the cope station attendant
That first line is brutal, poor Greg.
Where the Cassetti ID?
>how does a 00 fare against a 000
idk man
TRAPPED and MILKED by the Rodya ID.
Slash gets good ones
Blunt has like 2 good ones
Pierce is uhh defense down on the turn kek
He will be the first 0 and a half ID
Alright, but who's getting TRAPPED and MILKED?
>Slash gets good ones
Who wouldn't be dead inside from doing things like spending weeks and months finding the finest magical thread only for your dad to lose interest in a few days.
i run a burn team with outis and sinclair in the first two slots and a burn potency guy and a high hp guy for the last two slots
i was able to 4-5 turn the last pride lux for a while but i think i need to level up my units again
Having a tailor made Shi EGO gift doesn't make the entire line "good".
Pierce has the ammo one that makes asssang even stronger;
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Those two EGOs are great, and while gambler hong has aged a lot, his support passive is one of the strongest. Not that bad desu
His lines and uptie story add a bunch of context on how and why the Lamancha bloodfiends rebelled against Don(real). I imagine it was so painful for them to struggle against the thirst.
Though it makes me wonder just how many bloodfiends were there in La Mancha land? Dozens? Hundreds? From what I understood there was barely any blood to go around, the hemobars did jack shit nothing to allevate the thirst, and storing blood in blood packs would cause it to become "stale", and they couldn't drink bloodfiend blood either.
I never said all of them were good though
Yeah it has been said before
I think we can easily assume there were several hundred beacuse we killed at least that many of them
>no tattoo
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>fuse bm
>turn off brain
lickable creature
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someone needs to TL this
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>Sinclair having the Cassetti ID
/ss/ galore
That's what I thought aswell
Even without Sancho's children, the number of bloodfiends grows exponentially
2 3rd gens, 4 4th, 8 5th, 16 6th, 32 7th, 64 8th, etc.
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I'll finish this someday
tbqh we will not get sancho herself
it would be like if she stopped pretending. it makes no sense because she would be really powerfull all the time. at best we will get this near canto 13 but theres no way
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Can't wait for Uptive V where he reuses his S3 if he has 3+ insight or something
I bet there was a lot of /ss/ in LML
But who did the most? Nicolina? Dulcinea? Curiambro?
You can finish it in 7 hours.
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He had to listen to bloodfiends confess about how they dream about having /ss/ with Nicolina and Dulcinea, whom are his sister and mother respectively
In other news The City is man hunting a jackass who mocked them
>Think it could be a bad idea bringing them both to Don Quixote's dungeon?
for greg maybe, as later on in the fight getting self bleed can be a problem
but worth it to try out at least, not like you wont be able to change the ids at checkpoints
Home wrecker.
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I have lost more 0.2 kilos and ate a really greasy cheddar burger with fries and coke.
How do I build a good bleed team now?
It's just sinking in for me how comically unlucky cassetti is to run into his great aunt and get obliterated right after escaping literal hell.
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wow rude
Is this a normal thing to do for a father and a daughter
Why is the lizard that gives you thorny path gift such an asshole? All the options are garbage.
We've mentioned it a few times but Cassetti apart from not being the brightest just has fate fucking him in the ass. Who in the world would assume the 0.1% of the 0.1% bloodfiends that also happen to be your family be there.
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Kneel mudblood scum.
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wemyembyur tyuu dyuu yuur daiwies nyon dyis spyoogy nyighd wimbyabs!!
zenya wiww shyawe zenya's cyandyee wyif yuu nyif yuu dyuu nyehehe~
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Unless they're vampires
then it's a classic trope
Maybe you should just give it a command fool
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Sancho, I have conceived an idea most ingenious after Bari told me about this "Global Liberation Army!"
That jackass? The poster below.
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theres no point in posting this tomorrow so today is the last day
can someone explain to me the blood things on top left? all i did was prevent enemy from doing and having blood
Imagine if it was actually Sanson pulling the strings behind Casetti being able to escape, him escaping to that warp train and getting Limbus Company a contract to deal with the incidents on that warp train as part of his vague Blue Man Group plan
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reminds me of that one walking simulator game where a guy lives like a hermit under his house for like 40 years and the moment he works up the courage to leave he gets hit by a fucking train
On one hand, I wanna use Priest Greg but on the other, I've had Pirate Greg for so long it feels wrong to switch him out.
What Remains of Edith Finch I think.
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yeah that one
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Oh wow what the fuck? So the Withered debuff was in SPITE of having some blood once a while
Bari's more popular than Xichun
He can make Barber Outis hit tier 3 scissors within 2 turns. The only real limit becomes how many times she rolls her S2.
The only blood they have had in 200 years is all the new people spilling into la manchaland in the past 2 months
they were also sealed away by don quixote (real) for over 200 years
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I think they probably stopped getting blood after it was sealed for 200 years.
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rumao even
Who knows. It never really made sense for them to be "hungry" considering it did still get consistent visitors be it people and later on, invaders, to drain blood from.
>nameless fetus, button, or plague doctor
waht the fuck am i supposed to do its only day 11
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Oh shit. So not even donations work. They have to straight up drink from the source
>Full Stop Office when they see don quixote hardblood art - La Bomba
he thought his children could stop being niggercrack addicts for 10 minutes.
He was only correct about Sancho.
man gregor's va went hard for priest
the hunger isnt satiated by blood only, theres something missing with the blood donations formed into hemobars, the feeling of getting it directly from the source
outis herself even mentions it in the uptie art, that the stagnate blood does nothing for their hunger
La Manchaland being sealed kind of fucked them more for a while, even if they got blood later its hard to recover
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<Thank you for reminding me to do my dailies. Have a fun Halloween, Zena!>
He was impressionable and sweet/naive and a rotten evil blue haired harlot groomed him.
He should have been kept safe.
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Oh. That said, even with them killing and drinking new visitors during the Canto they were still Withered. I'm starting to buy the idea that there is either something Psychological involved (like their fear of water) or an extra factor.
Yeah I just got to the part Gregor mentions Hemobars are better than blood packs but even then not enough
Might be, blue people somehow know everything
Don Quixote wants you to find a hobby for Barber, Dulcinea and Priest. What do you propose?
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Who are the most annoying sinnerfags now?
These past few weeks it’s been a toss up between Rodyafags, donfags, and shitclairfags (though they’re always terrible)
nameless fetus and button are a non issue
from what I understood donations work, they just can't store the blood for later
Sancho I have an idea most ingenious, let's make an RTS focused "net cafeh", C&C generals, Starcraft, and the like. Ah but we will have to go to the city to get help with the set ups. I know people there.
I think given enough time the bosses could have probably drunk enough to recover, they didn't think Sancho would come back so soon and end them all.

>Barber: Gluttony Lust Wrath
>Priest: Gluttony Pride Lust
Lust is a given for bloodfiends, Gluttony for Fiends that can't control themselves (Pride is unique to priest, Wrath to Barber)
>Dulcinea: Gluttony Lust Envy
Envy being her unique sin given her relationship to Sancho.
Regarding Sancho, I think she'll drop Gluttony because she can control herself, but she'll trade it for Sloth because she gave up on her dream. Her unique sin will be be Gloom and she'll keep Lust. Maybe she'll have wrath as well.

Her gimmick will be her unique blood resource giving her haste alongside the offense level up, think she'll heal on hit like the barber. I think she'll be massively bloodfeast greedy but become very strong form spending it, true DPS boss. Dulcinea will be the Bloodfiend team support, buffing other fiends with spent bloodfeast.
CatGAWDS run PM threads in secret
Mon amour
Barber and Priest already had hobbies and possible dreams with making clothes and helping others relieve their woes, Dulcinea just needed some support to be comfortable as a diva in the infinite parade
when should I ever use the christmas egos
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I have dreamed, yet the dream only woke me to a heart impaled by stakes and this fetid stench of blood. <b>Look at me, Sancho!</b>
Wife, Brother-in-law, Mother-in-law
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Nice, finally hit 6 figures in lunacy after finishing my MDH for this week. 95% is free and the rest is for future battle passes.
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How do I find the will to leave neetdom?
That'd be the Exiles, though.
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This part in particular is fascinating. They didn't feel [happiness] eating hemobars. They get even less from voluntarily donated blood packs.
It reminds me of something, some sort of Energy Vampire or succubus from some other game I played.
The bloodfiends have powers over blood, control via blood and feed by blood. But blood itself isn't the substract they need, or at least is just a minimal factor.
I think the blood, which their powers are tied to, is used as a bridge during the bite. And it's in that moment they are connected to the target via blood that they are draining what they actually need. Which is lost in a blood pack or a hemobar.
It's kind of the inverse of Mary Skelter, where Jack's fresh blood could cure the Blood Maidens from the berserk Blood Skelter state, but they note that such trait was rapidly lost unless his blood was fresh so they couldn't just extract vials to conveniently use and Jack would have to join the danger himself.
by realizing you will never be able to consoom on neetbux alone
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>I'm starting to buy the idea that there is either something Psychological involved
one anon did an effortpost on this that i can't find any fault in
Shut up Sancho. You are just envious.
how do you have the will to not pull?
Yes and no.
If they drink the donated blood right away, it'd probably be fine, given how the bloodfiends in L Corp operated, and also how the bloodfiends there would do things like try to lick the blood off the ground or from discard syringes which is 'indirect'.
You just can't donate blood, store it in a bloodpack, and then snack on the blood a few hours later because then it'll have lost all it's 'flavor' going by Priest Gregor's uptie story.
Rush that Plague doctor ofc and day 1
...you are not reading a wiki, right?
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dyank yuu!!
zenya nyops yuu dyuu tyuu!!
And the fact that a single bite means rapid mental degradation into a bloodbag makes coexistence a truly impossible dream.
Whats this new meme
That'd be the perfect sin line up for Dulcidya
Maybe with a gloom or wrath defensive skill too
Memes aside, the way he says ''LOOK AT ME, SANCHO!'' with such a betrayed tone was phenomenal voice acting. Really liked the fight dialogue.
Holy shit how lucky did you get every walpurgis to have that much free lunacy
I'm only at 56k, granted I pitied 3 walpipi in a row
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Uhh Greg buddy
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>skip Intervallo 4 because Intervallos are mostly just fun character building moments that forshadow the next Canto
>as soon as Canto 7 starts everyone is saying "Man isn't it wild Don is a vampire? I can't believe Don is a vampire repressing her vampire urges. I sure am glad her boots prevent her from Morbing out!"
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Vatican created an anime mascot
It's why its so hard for bloodfiends to settle, there's no real easy way for them to get blood that actually sates their hunger in a way that both does not permanently maim the person drained, and is consistently doable or storable.
>Skipping Story Chapters
>Be surprised you skipped the story
Only the Walp ones are largely irrelevant.
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whats the purpose of this when theres only like 5 ids that have discard and yi sang has two of those
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How do i get good at library of ruina... i wanna experience the whole game but i just got past urban plague and into urban nightmare and i feel like ive used all of my brain juice... this is my first deck builder and im just kinda trying stuff until it sticks but its geting hard at this point?
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There he is!!
Making Rodya immortal
Solo Dieci Rodya runs
In case someone didn't quite gather the state of starvation of the bloodies
>See what the strongest guy you've fought that you can now use is using
>Throw out stuff that looks weaker than what you have
>Balance out light and draw cards

Its on spotify now :D
buddy, it hasn't even started getting hard.
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>the tiny red eyes
oh nyo...
>the bloodies
somehow this feels like a racial slur
as mindbroken as demian with his sheep
take it slow because between the floor fights to unlock new abnos, how long some receptions get and the staggering amount of cards you start to accumulate? it gets out of control fast. like that other anon said, don't attach yourself to old stuff as newer, shinier cards are overall better with a few exceptions. don't forget about general receptions aka just throw random books and see who bites. you get a pretty good one in urban plague so try it out
Just make sure your decks aren’t top heavy and have good draw. After Olga start sending shit out for general receptions. Stack strength. Ungabunga wrath of torment smash
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i guess you are kinda proving my point there...
i mean thats what ive been doing, ive heard that the queen of hatred was a filter for some people but i beat her in 2 tries after i beat urban plague, idk it just feels like a lot of juggling keypages for their attriputes and stuff...
Carmen isn’t a bloodfiend
She slit her wrists and fucking DIED
You deserve to be impaled for skipping story content.
my bloodies aint that thin skinned, you allright bloodbag, you can call them that
Kiss Bloodfiends!
Make love to Bloodfiends!
Impregnate Bloodfiends!
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>I know people there.
Listen, hag detectives just seemed really lame and boring!
ok ill leave an eye out for that thanks anon!
>You can have the B-word pass
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Silence clerk
Scarecrow duty NOW
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i really hope we get a bloodfiend trio rematch : HARD MODE for this railway.
the one in the story mode really didnt feel that satisfying because they gave the trio a debuff that gives them fragile every turn that increases every 3-4 turns.
a rematch without that debuff would literally make the successor to ahab trio
>still samefagging
>In 1:03 there's a fucking Roblox "Oof"
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Yeah it pretty much sucks that bad. I remember, a long time ago, stories of vampires we saw in media were simpler, direct like that.
Whoever is bitten becomes a vampire, and they had to control their urges or kill lest they risked the exponential spread and therefore lack of humans.
The media evolved, the stories became more complex, or rather, some returned to the origin. I remember in old tales like Carmilla, a bite didn't signify becoming a vampire. Our fiction changed for some infusion to be necessary for the victim to become a vampire. This got popularized, the issue passed.
But Limbus, Project Moon, runs on that more primal, simpler take, and due to that there is a huge unsurmonable barrier for coexistence. Whoever is bitten will inevitably become a bloodbag. A human bitten is one less human to feed on. Bloodfiends like Don that can sustain themselves beyond that are exceptional because they are the exceptions.
The only way to solve this would to be either develop a vaccine that immunizes a person from becoming a bloodbag or develop a safe transfer method.
I'm fully on board. Gregor's uptie kept repeating ''Happiness'' and ''Joy''. The Manchalang bloodfiends tried really hard to coexist and in a while were so successful the Fanghunters wanted to believe another group had attacked there. But fundamentally if you lack this for a long period then it's only a matter of time until the hunger or the insanity takes over.
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draw me a spooky sheep.
lmao i can hear it
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retardo kun.
90% of this thread plays other gachas alongside limbus.
pretty sure half the people IN THIS THREAD are playing blue archive.
please don't act like a fart sniffer when someone says they play another gacha
>given how the bloodfiends in L Corp operated
Wait, there were Bloodfiends back in L Corp?
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Manager shut the fuck u-
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citation needed
gacha is garbo
Fuck other gachas Limbus Company forever!!!
her doobs aren't that big
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i just play limbus
To be fair, a lot of tech in the city like K Corp's reversion or R Corp's cloning would solve it easily enough but those didn't exist 200 years ago and even if they did fat chance of those wings helping without enslaving them or something.
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screw limbus for being another gacha.
still would've rather we got a single player game
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Owari da....
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no. i only play limbus.
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What the fuck
I only play limbus, sorry fren
I blame ruinababs
Seriously? Why?
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limbus is a single player game
Surely they have to post roadmap or teaser in the next week.
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how would you feel if you didnt eat breakfast this morning?
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I play Limbus and Dokkan battle
If twitter seethed that hard over this, IMAGINE their reaction to rape
You're literally me
>He hasn't unlocked mirror pvp yet
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what the fuck
Yeah, it's revealed in DD. They run a hotel and siphon some blood from their guests every night directly from their veins which I guess is enough, and in exchange they provide 'protection', which is currently useful given that the state the Wing is in.
There are 'safe' transfer methods, one example someone used was you could just cut your hand and drip the blood into their mouths and that should satisfy the conditions. It's just not particularly a practical way to feed an entire family of bloodfiends though.
Basically it's a logistics problem in which you can't store your product so you need to get it to the consumer (bloodfiends in this case) ASAP on a large scale.
i dont eat breakfast
I'd feel like youre making shit up, gachabrain
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>makes your most looked forward too ID's skills be all +1 coin values with no modifiers to increase the coin power with
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i only played limbus until very recently, i've got some inheritance i'm intent on blowing
They'd really delete people like pre nerf wet trio, main story just has all the bloodfriends be debuffed for lore so they do get smacked around much easier but a proper trio fight would rock
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oh god it's there what the fuck
also, gn /lcg/
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Shut the FUCK UP Carmen
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>KJH inviting death and obliteration by slighting Tommy GODllarico
Tbh I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if it turned out that one of the Wings was actually run by a bloodfiend family and that their CEO was that family's Elder, and they were using their singularity to keep themselves fed.
In DD, the bloodfiends their managed by culling their population to the point that they could live in relative peace. Though they didn't mention how many bloodfiends were in that hotel I imagine it's a far smaller number than in La ManchaLand.
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>I'd feel like youre making shit up, gachabrain
you're in the general for a gacha game bud
>Whoever is bitten will inevitably become a bloodbag.
So we're going with the literal "one bite infected" interpretation instead of a less literal implication of bloodfiends being unable to control themselves?
I don't mind either way, just asking for clarification. Though I wonder how Fanghunters aren't all bloodbags since they clearly get wounded all the time if they all carry styptics on hand.
Don should have taught Dulcinea about birth control.
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and I'm not happy about it
Anon don't you know he made the music for everything Project Moon made
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I already have one friend, why would I want another?
but we are CULTURED and SOPHISTICATED unlike the BRAINDEAD BRUTES in the other generals
>we get Dulcina Rodya
>1 bleed so hex nail does more than shoes doubling bleed
I wouldn’t even be surprised at this point
Yeah, the 'problem' is easier to solve if you have a smaller number, so the method that they used couldn't exactly be replicated for La Manchaland. La Manchaland would need a different way to manage to feed all the bloodfiends fresh blood indirectly, which is much harder considering the number
You speak only for yourself, whore
Limbus is the only gacha I play
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>Have sex with bloodfiend lover
>Teeth accidentally scrape skin
>You both know you're doomed to become a mindless bloodbag.
How does the scene continue?
>Though I wonder how Fanghunters aren't all bloodbags since they clearly get wounded all the time if they all carry styptics on hand.
The coagulated blood weapons that the bloodfiends make to attack and defend?
I imagine that's because although bloodfiends fight primarily by making opponents bleed, they don't actually do that by biting into them. Even Elena, if I remember correctly, mainly used her claws and blood manipulation, not straight up biting.
His mother was very proud about it.
Lore question. It was implied that long ago EGO and distortions also existed and only the events of lobcorp/ruina made it happen again. So does that mean that eventually the light will run out and people will be free to sperg out without getting gaslit by Carmen distorting?
Why is this general always on the front page.
Wouldn't that also infect them? Since they drain blood pretty readily with their blood magic powers?
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i like gambling
Where does this implications come from? I don't remember anything like that from ruina or limbus but I might have missed it.
Bloodfiend sex
That's why
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I play limbus DESPITE it being gacha. PM captured me with real games and I AM better than anyone picking up a gacha 'raw'
Don Quixote leads us to the top
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>kindreds follow a parent to child relationship
Something something ''who is your mommy?''
No, Lobcorp made the light self propagating this time.
Rodion Hindley objectively couldn't bet all her property away, it's like the one consistent rule of the multiverse. Rodion isn't special and she's good at gambling.
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It plays twice even, after "Raindrops wash down the facade"
i know that Kali manifested EGO before Carmen got into the light, but besides the whole mess that is happening with bloodfiends i don't know if any distortions were mentioned before WNDD
I don't hear shit. You sure you're not just all schizo?
No, it was more along that it was technically always possible to distort/gain EGO, just very difficult. But the Light made it so that it's easier now.
To use an analogy, imagine before there was a tiny stream of water and it was difficult for people to get enough water. Post Light, that tiny stream has now become a large river, which in turn made it easier for people to get more water to do things with.
when next limbipipi walpipi? missing lobshu
Bloodbags are excluded from the family though, they're literally less than even humans to them.
They also don't have sanity scores ingame, they're objectively mindless.
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girls frontline
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i still don't understand why the fuck did they put rupture in priest gregor's kit
>200 years ago there were peasants living in little peasant downs with outdated tech like windmills and shit
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The only clue we have towards such a thing is that Dias knew how to forcefully make Moses reach an emotional breaking point to unlock her distortion seeing eyes, and her smoking pipe, otherwise there's no indication of such.

It could be a similar case to Kali where Moses was given EGO equipment from her partnership with Benjamin, and the emotional breakpoint forced her to awaken her EGO, by not giving up.
I detonate the bomb lining the walls of my stomach. If I'm going to die, I'm taking that cunt down with me.
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Not sure on it but the whole point of Ayin's plan was to cure the ''Diseases of the Mind'', and that their humanity had lost something, which is indicated by majority of them being sociopathic and dreaming behavior being unusual, odd.
Abnormalities also happen normally, that's a fact, and Gebura awakened her own EGO BEFORE the Seeds of Light thing.
If we add all the above, then that would mean a long time ago, before Project Moon's human race became the Orokin Empire, they should have been capable of all that, with emotions and willpower strong enough to develop EGO easier. Distorting is only an emerging phenomenon because Angela botched all that up, but that very fact means there is nothing stopping natural Distortions from happening.
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I just wait for TL anon to translate the events for me, I don't actually play Girl's Frontline Line.
They cause bleeding but even in the fights you have to use a separate skill to drink the blood that's on the field. So I assume no the hardblood weapons don't directly drain blood.
I used to play Guardian tales, but gave up on it after the account upkeep just became a gigantic fucking chore, especially the PVP. The story is still fun though.

Playing more than 1 gacha gets really annoying unless it's insanely chill like Limbus with side stuff you have to do to maintain resources in your account.
I'm Limbus only. This is my first gacha.
Make it be your last. all the other gacha stories are kind of ass I cant lie
Probably because they wanted more status but were scared of bleed getting out of hand, so they use rupture to have more indirect damage but not as easy to snowball in the expected team.
Probably to help Ring sang trigger his conditional on S2 or Outis? Or any units/EGO that benefits from an enemy having tons of debuffs.
Don't worry, I am not one that enjoys gambling. So I do not expect I will ever play another.
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Did you think about Dulcinea Rodion today? I did. What about yesterday? Yeah, what about yesterday? Did you also think about Dulcinea Rodion? Of course I did. Then how about tomorrow? Will you think about Dulcinea Rodion tomorrow? Are you sure? No, we shouldn't. But can we not think about Dulcinea Rodion? We're Limbabs.
>just wait 6 turns to inflict one rupture on hit (no count)
Magnificent design, Director.
and PC
and I'm hoping I got in the Exilium beta
there are a lot of questionable additions everywhere
they're ok on IDs because they activate gifts in MD
but what the fuck is up with Hex Rodya passive for instance, 1 defense level down (once per turn)? Why even bother adding that? It's literally not worth the computational power spent on it
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Make your bets niggmabs. Trailer tomorrow for new ID or EGO? Or break week?
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I don't want Dulcinea Rodion! I want Dulcinea Dulcinea!
So like, if Don needs to suck some blood... Dante can just reverse the clock after so they don't get bloodbagged.
Math is hard.
>1 Defense level (Once per battle)
>200% damage mod? (Forever active)
it will be a break week because the director hates us
That's gay bwo
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I want… Dulcinea Rodion… no. Don't even think about it. Ah… where is El Director now, I wonder? Did he find the amusement park, the Relic?
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Feeling a little parched?
halloween shenanigans
then some sneak peek
as much as I want the teaser, it's prob gonna be next week when we see anything
something hilarious about rodyafags going from seething about Barboutis to gleeful lusting over the concept of Dulcinea Rodion.
Let us cope
They didn't want to see if pallidification could be reversed in Canto V and I think being bloodbagged falls into the same category of processes that do not kill but transform.
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Meursaultfags, please explain how he resonates so well with Carmilla that it's a WAW for him.
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>I lost weight. Not your fault, okay?
Emergency embrace so you can keep your individuality
big penis
205 - 5 is still 200, anon
Yearning for human connection.
also big penis
the sun, thrirst, bloodbags and arabs are all the same
It isn't healthy...
anon you do know rodya is tall right?
>Diseases of the Mind
was that something specifc or just like you said just being massive assholes that get nowhere like crabs in a bucket?
Ameritard, im using KGs
I have this thing on the window that gives me a bunch of shards if I uptie 4 someone, but I don't know who gains most from it. Can I get some advice? I have G corp gregor, w corp don, r corp heathcliff, grips faust and r corp ishmael as choices as 000, only ishmael is unleveled but i use the others regularly
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>Not emotionally dead
>At points something happens, where I barely have a reaction at all, despite feeling like I should have some visible reaction, or stronger feelings to it
>Feel like there's something wrong with me
>Sometimes wonder if I'm not forcing my emotions or if I'm reaction genuinely
Is this how Meursault feels?
he's got a really fat cock that needs a lot of blood
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You are right we don't know the extent of the time rewind, but we do know dante can reverse mental damage as well as physical, so it might be possible for transformations. Honestly it's probably just a case of "We don't want to test it", which is fair.
Head invented Disease of the Mind so that Bloodfiends wouldn't feel "Joy" from biting humans anymore.
It was all an elaborate ploy to make all Bloodfiends go cold turkey and finally coexist with humanity.
But Carmen couldn't stand that, so she hatched a plan to make her foo- er fellow humans able to feel emotion and empathy again.
No, because Meursault is a fictional character.
But you might live in a severely emotionally unbalanced environment (i.e. modern society).
>Sometimes wonder if I'm not forcing my emotions or if I'm reaction genuinely
he doesn't think about this sort of thing at all
you're just a normal dude that is self-conscious and unsure if you're acting normal in comparison to others
Nicolina forehead sweat… there is… so much Nicolina forehead sweat… overflowing… Give it to me! A sip— no, even a droplet of sweat! Even if El Director will never forgive me for it… I need this!!
why are you using poverty units?
ZAYIN thread.
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Been having a discussion about dongrang with a newbab friend:
I say he's justified and it was his own right to take his tech and develop in the city and that dongbaek is a bitch for making him burn his dream away.
He's in favor of dongbaek and hates dongrang for leaving the 9.
Who's the wrong?
W Corp Don is the better ID and benefits a lot from the upgrade
R Corp Ishmael is borderline unplayable withupt uptie 4
the rest barely benefit
I think this is just what modern society (and childhood trauma) does to a man.
i'm assuming you mean the automatic UT4 that you get from the new managers event
out of those options, i think R corp Ishmael get's the most from the uptying since she stops having to spend all of her charge on her skill 3
It's not really specified on beyond Carmen being able to apparently scientifically and mathematically prove that this thing existed and would lead to humanity's extinction eventually if nothing was done to cure it.
i don't remember the plot of canto 4 that well anymore, but didn't dongrang sell out the league?
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How do you think a fictional character would feel if he didn’t eat his breakfast that morning?
Objectively Dong rang was in the right with hindsight of the Time killer intervallo
what compells someone to do this
it comes to a point where it doesn't even sound like "one" to my brain anymore
Based but also why tho
He probably fit in well with the city before that stupid beam of light made everyone start acting weird.
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Dongrang was a jackass but it's not like he could have prevented the league from falling, T Corp would just have tortured another member until one of them told them what they wanted to know, and good luck enduring torture when T Corp can use time manipulation to make it worse
You can't blame him for selling them out, and I don't think Yi Sang cared too much about him stealing his tech
You can't defend him trying to kill Yi Sang to get over his issues though

Dongbaek was also manipulating a band of nerds into thinking they were doing shit for the greater good but she was being completely selfish, a mix of wanting revenge and going back to her good old days
Reminder that his main sin is still pride.
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they really should rework the fucking kqe fight
it's not even hard whatsoever, but its sooooooo fucking boring
>Distorting is only an emerging phenomenon because Angela botched all that up, but that very fact means there is nothing stopping natural Distortions from happening.
also didnt that end up being because of Carmen/it would have happened anyway even without Angela?
I mean, Dongbaek could be wrong for making Dongrang burn away his dreams, and Dongrang could be wrong for selling out the League of Nine. It's not like one of them has to be right and one of them has to be wrong.
Yeah. The Bloodfiend IDs do make me question this idea of Dante not being able to bring them back if they fall out of humanity, so to speak, because otherwise we'd have this weird situation where these non-human variations of Sinners are acceptable IDs, and can even be rewound.
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Did you think about Dulcinea Rodion today? I did. What about yesterday? Yeah, what about yesterday? Did you also think about Dulcinea Rodion? Of course I did. Then how about tomorrow? Will you think about Dulcinea Rodion tomorrow? Are you sure? No, we shouldn't. But can we not think about her? We're rodyabros. No, sorry, I shouldn't think about her. Even a drop of her, just a teaser, please just a screenshot. No no I'm sorry I can't, I must endure. The director has tasked me to endure, what else can I do? Just a bit, please I can't think about anything but Rodya. I'm sorry, I can't let this take control. It's just a fleeting hunger for it, I can endure it. Did you think about Dulcinea Rodion? No of course not. It's going to be okay, I will take my daily dose of fanart. But the fanart doesn't do a damn thing, of course not! It's never done a fucking thing! No no no I'm sorry it works it works I can endure.I just have to save more images, I have to look for more I need more. They will sustain me, the director isn't wrong. I have to live on, I can go without the fanart is working. Did you think about Dulcinea Rodion? Of course. What else can I do but think about Dulcinea Rodion? I must endure, the director has tasked me to do so. The fanart is working. Forgive me director, I need Dulcinea Rodion. I know you won't forgive me, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I can't endure, the fanart does nothing. The fanart is working. Did you think about Dulcinea Rodion today? I can't not think about Dulcinea Rodion.
Thanks for the info anons, I'll do one of them
Lcorp's singularity comes from a River of humanity's potential.
Yi Sang's mirror similarly also shows the possibility/potential of the individual.

I think both are hard limited to keep you within the bounds of humanity.
immediately decapitate myself, then have my bloodfiend wife put my head in the p corp preserver cooler box until she can put my head onto a new clone body
That makes sense, humanity as a quality being a gradient.
Just think had it all been converted to more bleed
>3 more bleed on the s1/2
>+2 count on the s3 and up to 6 extra bleed on the s3
Shit sucks. Expect dulcina to have this too, and probably Sancho too because fuck you.
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Believe, we will get him as a fanghunter
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Give this man some blood, he is losing it
Sir your daily hemobar, you need it
can someone do an edit of that one RE4 fanart of leon going NO WAY FAG but it's cassetti
Nah, he'll the Prince of Parade and live in constant fear of being smothered by Duclinea Rodya's massive exposed milkers
Anyone mind dropping the drawpile link? I wanna draw Halloween stuff too
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hampter :)
Can anyone explain to me Bari’s purpose besides being a living plot device? I think I realized why I dislike her so much, and that it’s because she’s a tool used to get from A to B.
I feel like PMs writing team sat down and said that they need to get Don Quixote and Sancho from plot A in the past to plot B in the future, and the result was this nothing character designed to push the story in a certain way. Oh, she tells stories about Fixers that gets the bloodfiends interested, oh she knows about the river of oblivion, oh she filled Sancho’s room with fixer shit. She feels like they equipped her with plot patching glue and sent her out to piece together story ideas.
Any Bari fans out there care to pitch in?
>He probably fit in well with the city
I really wonder, he has knowledge about clubs and streaming and all sorts of cutting-edge modern trendy shit.
it should still be up but idk
if someone else doesn't draw it I will
All characters exist to move the story forward. I'm sorry you had to find out this way.
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>Papa Don
>you can technically count Sonya for Rodya in the future Canto
>all going to be or is dead
I fear for Marie and Penelope (male) bros...
it's pretty full but there is space on C2 I think
are there archives of previous drawpiles? i wanna look at all the artsp
How do I test if a team is shit or not? I'm trying to figure out if I should keep trying to make this bleed shit work but Don's Canto makes me bring Don and her lack of real Bleed IDs into fights.
Padre probably had the most resolve to go without blood after Dons but got mindbroken by having to consult not only every Bloodfiend but also humans, every single day.
Imagine having to listen to some addict tell you how much he misses his fix in the most desperate and poetic language he can conjure while you are struggling with it yourself. That he lasted so long is amazing.
They probably won't, the rupture gimmick is present on enemy Priest, so Gregor has it too, I'm more worried about Dulcinea having that dog water buff skill, sure it's a new mechanic but it's so fucking worthless even the boss variant of it is completely ignorable, now imagine a watered down version on a sinner
What's the verdict on priest gregor?
there is
You know that’s not what I’m getting at. It’s just that this character sticks out as a sore thumb as a plot device. Her goal is to… find a specific river. Okay. Why is she helping the bloodfiends then? Why did she go to Don Quixote’s castle besides convincing him to pick a side? Who sent her there? WHY is she looking through these rivers?
Canto 7 just feels very underbaked in terms of story for me.
Papa Don was too cool to live
Good but you need to manage his status, he's a slow burner that ramps
We will get more about her later, she is obviously among the top echelon in the PMverse.
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>Oh, she tells stories about Fixers that gets the bloodfiends interested
Because she is a fixer and Don asked her about them, this really isn't that much of a stretch.
>oh she filled Sancho’s room with fixer shit
She was taking care of her, it sounds pretty reasonable to me.

The only truly plot device parts are her knowing about the river and maybe the reason she wanted to befriend a bloodfiend so hard, and I expect both will get explained in the future.

The river thing is also likely related to her backstory since in the korean myth she looks in the underworld for the water of life(that Xichun is also looking for), you could think it's too much but considering Dante, Outis, Charon, and Beatrice are all relevant to the rivers of Hades in the source material it is likely they have some big stuff planned with it in the future.
that and nicolina telling him to give in (idk if dulcinea also tried mind breaking him too), the fact he lasted as long with these factors and still felt immense remorse for it can only speak to how much he loved papadon and/or wanted to believe in the dream too
currently just ok
will be great/needed when Dulcineadya and Sancho drop due to the bloodfeast he can gen
Can anyone explain to me Sancho's purpose besides being a living plot device? I think I realized why I dislike her so much, and that's because she's a tool used to get from A to B. I feel like PMs writing team sat down and said that they need to get Dante and the Sinners from point A in the backstreets of P Corp to point B at the Golden Bough, and the result was this nothing character designed to push the story in a certain way. Oh, she's obsessed with Fixers so she gets excited about La Lamanchaland and causes conflict for exposition during the meeting, oh she's secretly somehow connected to all the Bloodfiends and makes Sanson not kill us, oh she's actually a Bloodfiend and Don Quixote's best friend, oh she somehow is strong enough to kill him and give us the Bough even though he's a first kindred and she's his kin. She feels like they equipped her with plot patching glue and sent her out to piece together story ideas. Any Sancho fans out there care to pitch in?
great battery for the bloodfiends, solid tank on his own really
you need to pay attention to his gimmick status but he can still hold his own, maximizing him can shit out good damage with his s3 and keep aggro with enemies and actually manage to stay alive with it
is Cinqsault practical to use in a rupture MD team?
Dulcinea had to be complicit from the start. Barber may have been very vocal and actively searching for avenues but there's no way she could have operated without consent, if not orders, from her mother. Even suggesting Filial Piety could have gotten her killed on the spot.
>those ids
are you a season 1 player that got put through a time machine?
More than that, she presented a solution that just barely bypassed his addled morals. From the conversation they obviously had the same discussion multiple times and he didn't give in until then.
anon we literally dont know jackshit about her but we will down the lane
that's like complaining about some character that showed up in a backstory when its clear as day she will play a bigger part of the overall plot later
Sancho fan here
>Canto 7 just feels very underbaked in terms of story for me
Because it was. Director bit off more than he can chew with all of the subplots he jammed in and the main plot is suffering for it.
The skill names say enough, he endured some ridiculous stuff and still was ashamed of himself for losing faith. Donpapa tanked the starvation sure but Padre was also incredibly dedicated considering his status and work, even at his worst he really just wanted others to be well despite the hemobars and people taking a toll on his mind
I thought the trio and Sancho were all Don's Second Generation. I swear I was not speedreading.
both her and Don Padre have a thing of killing themselves to free the person they love but her death rests much more on her own shoulders than Don's on his
but enough about canto 5. What about canto 7 is underbaked?
>WHY is she looking through these rivers?
she is based on a mythology
she is a very Korean centric character
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>Don's Carmilla ego has a bonus for blood absorbed
>It can't absorb blood meaning she needs an ID to do it

What bloodfiend ID will Don get?
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Anon, I'm gonna be honest with you. Your recount makes it sound like you and I played completely different versions of the same game.
Are you retarded?
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>retard crying about how a character doesnt just lore dump their entire motive and backstory on screen
Did you forget how the director wanted this to go on for 10 years?
the thing i find the most dubious about Bari is how she showed up just in the nick of time to portal Sancho away from Lamanchaland. That was too convenient
Wish I could watch Don (real) and Bari "duel".
Bad ? This motherfucker is unkillable once you figured out how to use him. Not to mention his bloodfeast buildup support for other bloodfiend Ids.
Faggots really look at this unkillable god of a gigatank support and say he is bad ? Skill issue lmal
Not really? I thought it was stated in DD that they were able to 'coexist' through running a hotel that sucked the blood out of them through some straw implement or some shit. That bloodfiend in Hong Lu's uptie seemed honest about the not drinking from humans and just scavenging instead (barring that guy he turned into his kindred). I thought the whole thing was that they needed at least some emotional goal to give them some degree of fulfillment and none of the Manchega's were happy being theme park employees long term
sancho, with a small possibility of it being papadon
ideally, it'll be sancho staying behind to fulfill what happened to papadon while he goes out to adventure as the don quixote of limbus
He had fAith more than anyone, even the voice shows it was the breaking point for him and it hurt him so much. Major part of the canto was dreams being lost and found, he had the tails coin here sadly.
>read Outis and Gregor bloodfiend story
>both say Papa Don went on an adventure
>no-one else
Mirror Sancho...what are you doing...
Kind of feels like that. But if I bring it up, I get dogpiled and screeched at.
it's probably going to be a Sancho who did not believe in the dream
Some people have the reading and comprehension skills of a brick, please understand.
does the absence of mentioning Sancho prove that she didn't go? it's not like their plan had anything to do with her
Me. She's doing me.
Bad end Sancho incoming. Despairfags will win for once.
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Indulging in her 'fondness' for youths.
The issue I suppose is the level of 'coexistence'. The bloodfiends in DD and Hong Lu's uptie story tried to not harm or kill humans, but Don wanted a step beyond that, a world where humans and bloodfiends could live side by side out in the open.
maybe be smart and understand Bari is a long term character
she will pop up and explain shit in ten years this is how gacha characters work
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less ishy don
Probably both San and Dul. Mirror Don leave his children to buy some milk lmao
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Prince of the Parade Sancho in our future. With hot sweaty rodyon sex fanart
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Danteh... how do you even skip that much... danteh your clockface doesn't excuse this mistake danteh...

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