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Save us mathfags

>Game Download - Android/iOS/PC

>General Info/FAQ for New Players

>Additional Links


>Update on October 31

>Developer's Note: September 2024

>Current Events
OLD TALES [2nd Anniversary] - October 31 ~ November 21
Solo Raid: Behemoth - October 31 ~ November 7
Full Burst Day - Weekends, November 2 ~ November 18

>Upcoming Events
Co-op: Land Eater - November 8 ~ November 10

>Current Special Recruit
Cinderella - October 31 ~ November 21
Rapunzel: Pure Grace [Free SSR] - October 31 ~ November 21

>Upcoming Special Recruit
Grave - November 7 ~ November 28

>Current Costume Passes
Scarlet: Black Shadow: Longing Flower [Costume Gacha] - October 31 ~ November 21
Isabel: Honeymoon Party [Event Pass] - October 31 ~ November 21
D: Killer Wife: Secret Party Cleaner [Mission Pass] - November 1 ~ November 30

>Upcoming Costume Passes
Cinderella: Glass Princess [Costume Gacha] - November 7 ~ November 28


Previous: >>500593723
Has anyone beaten the minigame yet? How long it take
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are you having fun
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Breeding Brid!
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Is this spooky?
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... Beautiful.
How do I stop getting useless SSRs that I already have more than enough copies of
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*sucks pacifier villainously*
I think you need part 2 for things to open up some more. Just play dailies and streamroll everything soon
Cinderella is pretty funny..
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I love Anis
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Taste the pain
Give them to me
Neon was the least annoying member of Counters in this main story update
Would eat out her fishy pussy
She's had some great lines desu
posted right after migration
she might have not known that brain scans are a thing. She's against it because they would have found out that she's the one who corrupted Cindy, and might be corrupt herself
So 1v1 no-holds barred, bloodlusted, who will win? Marian or Cindy?
She either was lying or was dumb, its hard to read this girl.
Cinderella appreciating my small penis....
>whenever the text has Little Mermaid the VA says Siren
>the one time the text has Siren the VA says Little Mermaid
Neondev is learning
When is babu coming back I want to see my daughter again
nips say cinderella getting nerfed
is this true?
Most definitely current Marian
>Nihilister is mocked for months
>seen as a joke
>Her and Chatter box are literally the only named Raptures to have gotten shit done this entire time
Apologize. Now!
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So who is everyone's favorite Redshoes, Gretel, Hansel, or Siren?
>nihilister's 200 IQ plan to get herself eaten alive
Never gonna happen unless they want to be sued
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Eunhwa WON
We need a side story based on those 3 to see what they're up to. Nihil is in Eden doing who knows what, Lib is just sleeping and Indi is likely to become Marian's lackey.
Hansel & Gretel have big futa energy
not sure if it will actually happen, but a lot of them have been demanding nerfs.
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While I get the sentiment and do think this is good writing in this moment, this plotline in general has been taking too long, and the redhood is dead but not really but now shes actually dead is too much. I know its ending this chapter but god I wish it was sooner so we could move onto the other characters. They are only now really setting up Anis' shit
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Cindy is fairly good, huh?
Siren/Little Mermaid clears
>still boring and annoying
>hurts best girl in her (wasted) screen time
>absolute wank still infinitely gayer and lamer than pilgrim kino
she lost
Wait if you cut off the extended part of her nipples?
>Nihilister got blindsided by one of the strongest Nikkes ever and betrayed by her team.
>Still managed to do exactly what she wanted while "holding back"
You should say you're sorry.
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the doomer Anis was extra bad to justify her incoming SSR Alt, but nobody brought Neon getting an upgrade which is strange since the subject came up with Anis

Neon cracking jokes and being a witty Marvel character and "predicting" the enemy's next move is so much worse than Anis being bitchy
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Red Shoes is just pretending to be retarded
Imagine being Andersen, failing to protect your girls, letting your love interest die, losing to the raptures, ending up as a cripple, and not being there for your son
Failure of a man
Imagine those legs and arms wrapped around you
>makes me wait 3 months to unlock her
>D tier and 20,000 unionbux per dupe
i will never apologize
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Good night smooch
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Why did she have to suck
Siren > big tits sister > underboob sister > redhoe
I don't want more shitty Pilgrims
I want Heretics
>pulled the entire shotgun team
>still no CDR B1s
>still using N102
is my account cursed
I finally understand why I don't like the new Rapi. She looks younger, the old Rapi looked effortlessly cool, the new one looks like a teenager trying too hard. They failed to notice that Rapi should only grow like Ryza did in Atelier.
>open image
>close image
Has an anomaly intercept boss died? If not, then a nerf shouldn't even be considered, especially when that could get you sued.
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good news is that you can easily get Liter now
This is not beautiful
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Since we're returning to the Ark you know what that means
More Underworld Queen time since it's time for the Sixo arc
Counters Up with a new member to the squad when?
>be me
>year of playing
>still no Tove
I can't even run SG teams anon... I feel your pain somewhat. At least you can brute force Liter now, it's all a matter of time.
got 8 vouchers, 2 from shop, got fuck all, lost interest
Say what you will, but at least Andersen left a whole Grimm story for his Son to indulge in.
>only grow like Ryza did in Atelier.
Her tits?
I did 800+ rerolls to get her and Quency, I don't want to hear it
yeah, just need 40 more standard pulls and I'll be good
Somehow, Indivilia was the smartest one in that scene
>Hey thanks for reviving us, let's retreat for now to recover our strength and attack them later because I don't want to die after just being revived
Wait, isn't Oswald also voice by Andersen's VA? It sounds like him at least.
I love ALL Nikkes!!
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Loving Siren personally. Her design is great, its like if Namielle was a cute anime girl.
just pity the liter once you get those 100 blue pulls
I wanna put my penis between Gretel's tits, but i think i like Siren more
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I love my wife Rapi.
Personally, perhaps because I have only caught up recently, but for me it was perfect pacing. Chapter 26 didn't felt like it resolved Rapi for me, it was just the first step. But she was constantly growing throughout the crystal region arc and it still felt like she needed to find her own purpose.
Is Red Shoes the dumbest sack of pilgrim bricks ever?
And thighs, do not forget the thighs.
So what's the gimmick with those new floating ball raptures in the latest chapters?
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Same artist?
You're lying!
Kusogaki heretic...
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Is it her time next arc?
Which character will correct her?
Good lord, what kind of autism is this?
I would join the heretics because monstergirls are my thing. Nikkes are too bland and boring for me.
Rapi with even thicker thighs would be very dangerous
Did this game just rip off Claymoe?
Siren looks the most boring. RedShoes has the most interesting body proportions.
Depends. Have we ever really delved deeper in Anis' past?
Problem for me is that so much of the story has been focused on 2 things rapi and Marian. Marian has been shelved because shes too much of a silver bullet at this point and while I like rapis arc when you get two chapters every 2 months are so and most are heavily focused on rapi it gets repetative. I want to know about the commanders backstory for example, they keep hinting at shit but beyond the brief lab flasback we have nothing
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That shadow...
SKK is just injecting her with vapaus slowly over time.
the best kind
Not really anything much, actually. We only know she used to have a different profession that Nikke are not allowed to have, but was caught and forced to be a soldier as punishment.
Why doesn't SKK keep vials of his own blood to use as grenades against heretics? Or like a supersoaker full of his blood? It seems too effective of a weapon not to use when he's uninjured.
Unless Neon starts pulling an Eizen on us, then the Masterpiece will be next.
I really like this mirror mini game
Are there any games like it that can be recommended? This is a genera I've never played

I liked the exploration and treasure hunting
>that Nikke are not allowed to have,
?? nikkes are employed literally everywhere in the ark though. What job could that possibly have been
I'd just whip my cock out
Redshoes is ugly doe
Beautiful nipples
Would coagulate too fast generally. Really youd want a power washer full of your blood but that would require a anticoagulant and someone to develop it. Cant easily do that without the cg finding out and then milking him for it forever like anderson.
he could also put his blood in a water gun and shoot it at the Heretics
Anus: Pretty Idol will be the 2026 New Year banner trust the plan.
If redshoes was only a pair of tits and thighs, she'd still be hotter than 99% of nikkes.
I feel that Levi is the type of girl that would walk into the Commander's Room, sit in SKK's lap, make herself home, and act like it's normal. PERFECT KUSOGAKI!
Seems like she will disappear for a bit to get her upgrades. Not really sure how it could go, since they usually pull some surprise shit out of nowhere, and our predictions are typically wrong.
I think these last two chapters were the only time i've been right, but only partially
t. predicted that they would upgrade Absolute, kick Behemoth's ass, job to Levi, and unlock SSR Rapi to beat Levi
What Masterpiece?>>500615480
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I just started the game, what should my priorities be now
Can I participate in the event even as a new player?
I'm not rerolling so I'm ok even if this characters are not that good
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You know SKK is a human being, right?
He's not just some bloodbank CG or whatever can use and abuse?
is Anus Pretty?
This song fucking slaps
Definitively lifted some ideas
Still, Claymore is not the first to make up reasons why there are only girls fighting
Not the first to have "corruption"
Not the first to have the super solider relying on incorporating monster/alien "tech"

It's just the whole package got all the things in common
Newfag here. if I start right now can I roll for Drake and Ingrid? Is Ingrid a virgin? Are they good?
Superhuman being thank you very much
So whatever takes over their bodies, gets bored after a while, makes a lil brainwashing and calls it a day?
why are the two costume passes the same price when one only gives standard tickets?
Yes. It came to me in a dream.
What the fuck
Super Metroid from the SNES is the best of the genre
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The Director's own words.
What can we say? the man's got taste.
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Behold my power: Bleeding half to death
Eunwha dev made nuwha better than nurapi.... complete sabotage
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The Admire?
Theres any guide about the metroidvania game?
Stuck at red hood ``lair``area
God I hope so she deserves it. Cinderella gave her an earful of what she needed to hear and now she just has to put in the work herself. Also sexo bond
Hollow Knight
>Is Ingrid a virgin
N-no she's had sex before. She's had sex a lot. She's not some loser 40+ virgin who was waiting for the right guy and is now desperately finding a candidate to have sex with before my eggs dry up
Ponder the aroma of those bandages.
wait if we're hitting anni where's the special purple event at the outpost like last year
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Aight anons bet what Cinderellas mech form would be
>Supersoaker full of your own blood
>Or just whip out your giant dick
I wonder what would work best against lonely women
we'll never see, because it isn't beautiful enough
herself but 20x bigger
Most likely a failed idol. Or maybe she underwent the same procedure Rapi did with Pretty's core.
God I really hope she isn't Pretty for the sole fact that she'll probably be given a skinny form for that "upgrade" since it was alluded to she was in better shape years ago.
The Mirror boss but just more ornate.
Someone post what Vesti has underneath her coat
I want a giantess Nikke boss fight.
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A satellite
Any specific game recommendations?

Don't mind if it's simple or short
Really like the eerie atmosphere in Nikke's mirror mini game

Maybe I'll just go with the classic

Would be cool to try a new game too
I highly recommend Hollow Knight
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It might work if he could get someone to refine his blood into dehydrated plasma (assuming the vapaus isn't somehow tied to the red blood cells specifically or doesn't survive the drying process) which would then mix with a fast hydrating solution to be a spray.

Of course, it'd still be extremely fucking weird to have a blood sprayer in your back pocket, but that's it's own problem.
campaign, try to focus on one team but don't waste skill books on purple nikkes, do the event
>event as new player
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Do you think Whaley's still alive out there guys?
Ingrid is an NPC anon, she isn't playable, sorry. Drake is a unit, part of the standard banner, so there's a chance you can get her on your first starter roll.
Giant Mirror duh. Maybe a butterfly if it had to stick with animal theme.
Unfortunately, the whale starved to death due to Raptilion's vegan diet.
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Give it to emma her upgrade is just pic related
Hansel > Siren > Gretel > Red Shoes is ick
Not him but play ender lilies if you want something with eerie atmosphere
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Stacy energy
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You know blood regenerates right? You don't have to drain it all at once.
we have recently found out that unrefined SKK blood can make heretics stronger. It is why Behemoth can transform and control raptures now. Refined vapaus bullets, like the ones Cecil gave you are the most efficient way to go.
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I don't think that's quite the correct word here
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Anybody got more swimsuits overlaid on normal clothes?
play castlevania. The gba games are fun
so much rapi ass on the new animation
Wouldn't coagulated blood still fuck them up if thrown on them?
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Hollow Knight, i heard Ender Lilies was pretty good too
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RIP Whaley... I knew giving pets a vegan diet was dumb as fuck, but I wanted to believe Whaley would survive somehow :'(
get the castlevania dominus collection that came out recently
comes with 3 of the best games in the genre
Ender Lilies
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
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The goddess of victory.
you have to be a flaming faggot
Anon I dont think throwing your dried scabs at a heretic is a effective battle strategy.
Futakin Valley
that would be bad news for Emma
>Like a wrecking storm I'll go
>World Collapse
>Then one by one I'll strike em down
>I'm not losing that?
>The ways are in your heart??

This is making me insane
Cosmo save me
blasphemous 2
>that animation
How did she lose to a fucking flamingo again?
>Only planned to have cinderella and grave to kit out
>Get surprised red hood and SBS from pulls
Anon, heretics can turn into animal like forms...
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Is this an oppai loli?
Is this a fetish thing?
I don't know but her sister is built for standing paizuri
>can clear SR III with 2 teams
>can't do shit to SR IV
Metroid Zero Mission
Castlevania Symphony of the Night
Hollow Knight
Because one is the skin pass and one is the EVENT pass silly! Obviously they should have different rewards even though they both cost the same
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No. That's a 17yro teenager with fat tits. Brain might be. Not body.
>Randoseru bag
i can't wait for the next heretic to torture these jobbers and humiliate them again
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>meanwhile the Counters
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>got cindy
>built her somewhat
>give her a run in solo raid
>first 30 seconds out-damaged by Scarlet
>"shit looks like she's not beating the allegations"
>She bursts
>Damage shoots through the roof
oh wow, good thing I didn't believe nikg doomposters.
such a silly design but is so alluring
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I don't think Cinderella loves me. 100 pulls over two days and she's still yet to show up. I've gotten six or so SSRs, including my first SBS, which would be great under normal circumstances, but not desired at the moment. I've got about 80 more pulls left in crystals.

I should have enough tickets by the end to at least guarantee getting Cinderella and Grave baseline, but my hope is to MLB at least one of them (prioritizing Cinderella).
>randoseru bag isn't the size of her torso
You could always purchase more gems, sweetie
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Are these angles really necessary?
Being a defender, most of her damage is going to come from her S1 during bursts.
they are MANDATORY
How the heck do you counter these ball raptures
God, I'm so glad the Hyullaface is gone (in the Main Story for now, anyway).
I want to have sex with Shifty
gross, she's all human and shit
I clapped
One shot them. Good luck with that if you have red numbers
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She works hard for us she needs a reward
jp MC is voiced by Rapi
Hope u rike
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biblical epicness
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where is the outpost event where we celebrate 2nd anni with the other nikkers
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Oh, I'm thinking about it. It'll be once my stash is all dried-up, of course, but it's on my mind.
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I've already reported you to HR once, Commander. Don't make me do it again.
The design is such a complete upgrade, it's crazy. I'm still getting used to her new voice though, that soft, breathy voice she had grew on me.
Tried to get into this one a couple years ago and just wasn't feeling it after a couple areas. It had great atmosphere and felt soulful but I just never made it to the point where everything clicked.
I kind of want to go back and give it another chance.
Its complete shit, and for this cunt the face was a downgrade.
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What is Anis's deal this arc? Why is she like this?
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With each new chapter my love for Rapi grows even more. She's too cool, lovable, and cute.
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Had to gut my 2B to skill up Cinderella to full and just pulled the jk so she's not ready yet
they had to show this since her in game sprite will be covered now that she has full skirt
Red Shoes
Play any Castlevania game made between 1997 to when Konami stopped making them
Some got a PC port recently but you could just emulate them for free
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Play FGO. Morgan is also voiced by Rapi
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now I keep imagining her destroyed, rearranged gorey face...
I can't be replaced, you can.
Its temporary while some eng va's are on strike, it seems to just be ai which is why the the emphasis is all over the place for her emma etc.
We don't get a celebration event now and that's why this anniversary is literally soulless slop.
what voice changed? JP? or dub?
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Kinda surprising how her damage just instantly doubles when she ults, she's pretty nice and I only have her at 7/7/7 at this point.
I'm sorry Scarlet... I have a new electro BiS now. :(
NTA but she's autistic.
>anniversary celebration
>it's just a "big lore update" like dorozone or red ash instead of something special
Gundam DX
Don't listen to anyone recommending Hollow Knight. It's overrated trash that overstays its welcome. Try out Metroid and Castlevania, particularly Sympathy of the Night, the GBA and DS games.
Ooohh... ooooaaahhh...uuhh...
Does anyone know the artist name? I really like this type of illustration.
Her doomer views and lack of self growth are being confronted and doesn't know how to respond
Ender Lilies has a close aesthetic to the minigame in particular.
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Man imagine if Guilty just fucking lost it one day...
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You ready?
>Cinderella put Anis in her proper place and told her to get her shit together
>Cinderella praised the members of Absolute one by one
>Cinderella told Rapi to stop being insecure
>Cinderella didn't say anything about Neon
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm neonfags?! what is this?
She knows something about Neon that no one else does...
Red Shoes, more like Traitor Shoes
I might be Neon blind by now, but I'm pretty sure Neon kept her mouth shut most of the arc.
Its just not a good metroidvania, lack of upgrades, anything meaningful rewards as you just get badges for combat and currency to buy more shit. Its not rewarding at all. It relies heavily on its bosses which is against Metroidvania design. The level design gets massively repetitive with most of map designs being the same with little variety. And it does a poor job pacing as there is very little linearity with all being so open but like a bunch of romhacks open doesn't mean always good. You can end up being in one of the most dangerous areas and the game being a dick refuses to let you simply leave. Other areas is just a bed of spikes and for what? To simply travel? Those should be used to collect stuff in challenging scenarios not just to go from point a to b. The stupid unnecssaru Dark Souls mechanic of losing your shit after you die and needing to collect your ghost also goes against metroidvania design, hell Blasphemous also did this and in the sequel decided to remove it as it didn't add anything. I honestly dont get why this game got so popular as a Metrtoidvania when it fails to be one.
>Cinderella told Rapi to stop being insecure
That was Grave.
it seems like SBS one shots them regardless of cp
>no side quests for new chapters
The chapters were very good, so i will let is slide for now
>Enders Lilies
short and fun
holy fucking shit this game is good. 60+ hours to beat it.
Castlevania Symphony of the Night.
The theme playing in the mirror world when its red reminds of that one song from Fullmetal Daemon Muramasa
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Neon is too beautiful for words clearly

*selects Little Mermaid - Glass Jaw*

*Clicks Advice tab*

Siren closes her mouth and recalls the past, which has become a blur...

>Aaauugh blaaa *gurgle*

>What the fuck (+100)
>Who the hell are you? Are there any other survivors? (+120)

>Hurk laauurgh

>I (Andersen) have no idea what the fucking is going on

Means Neon is perfect :)
Red Shoes? She's gonna be "Red Pussy" when I get done with her.
Why does it take so long for coop rewards to be distributed? I keep panicking that I have to do it whenever I see it pop up.
the ONLY way i'd accept red shoes not being a massive fucking traitor is if she's been genuinely trying to help and everything just keeps going wrong
Neon died many chapters back and now we are collectively hallucinating to avoid accepting the loss.
All other squads just play along when we talk to thin air.
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>the only war/scifi kino we get is in flashbacks, modern day is all shounen shit
Why are Unfa's thighs so fucking PHAT GODDAMN HOLY SHIT!
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If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all :)
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Isnt Megaman Zero 1-4 and ZX similar to this
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On one hand, I don't use her for anything and I need the books. On the other, rape. Dare I?
Fucking sick of flashback slop
>advice rapu:pg
>reminisce about her time with lssk
what the fuck even is this Shit Up?
My dick hardens in response to small heretics
i think hollow knight would have been better as a megaman like game
how do I get more copies of Rapunzel?
Should I roll for more copies of Cinderella or save gems?
God damn it, that got a chuckle out of me.
Is cindy good at pvp, gameplay wise
Neon is a spy
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to contrast the near unstoppability of pilgrims and noble sacrifice we should get a recurring event of modern rikkers suffering horribly and dying meaningless and unceremonious deaths
Play Hollow Knight and joins us in the eternal pain that is waiting for its Silksong sequel.
Ticket Cindy save for Christmans and new years. More copies of Rapu will be given out throughout the event. Do your dailies .
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I legit like flashback events but shit man
>Anniversary celebration
>No celebration, just a big event like Last Kingdom or Red Ash
Where the fuck is my entire outpost celebration event like last year
Play the event
Save for Grave for now, Cindy's banner will still be up
You want a platformer, this might be the best indie game of all time.
Try https://store.steampowered.com/app/1718570/ASTLIBRA_Revision/
Nonstop outercourse with Cinderella
login 3 days
beat 2-12 (next week)
beat hard 11 (week after)
>how do I get more copies of Rapunzel?
Just keep playing the event, you will get each copies of Her up to mlb
>Should I roll for more copies of Cinderella or save gems?
Save for Christmas' limited & New Year's pilgrim banner
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Goddess squad? More like SEX GODDESS squad
them calling corruption corruption even though all they know about corruption at this point is the paralysis is REALLY fucking stupid and poorly thought out
Why are the Japs asking for nerfs again? Don't people like having strong units?
>nikke got Silksong before Hollow Knight did
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Cinderella got traumatized by glasses
Recommend me a Metroidvania with sex instead
I legitimately hate rikkers so fucking much after Lumi ruined Christmas that they don't even deserve that. They should be relegated to off-screen massacres. They're cannon fodder and don't deserve any screen time, ever.
Nerfs are nips retarded?
Cinderella is fucking dogshit for campaign stages and vs Mirror Container. She need buffs.
>ask for nerf
Source for this?
Just like Rapi!
Why did he choose the bird. A fucking bird.
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>no pan
>oppai loli
>75% of her tits are out
What was the designer thinking?
eunhwa btfo
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i bring you 1(uno) pull basedou can also be a lucklet
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The japanese don't like strong women
>you should be aim surpass goddesses
they can't even bother to quality check the overworld map scenes
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Canon wife
>rapture cry plays when the event map ui loads in
Thanks, Shifty.
Ironically that pretty much sums up my experience with it
>play for a few hours
>find a shop with upgrades that I can't afford yet
>fight a boss that's way cooler than an early boss needs to be
>go on an exploration tangent
>find a needlessly difficult platform/puzzle where I have to attack-jump across enemies to clear a large pit of death
>build up a lot of souls that I want to spend (upgrades are upgrades, even if underwhelming)
>I have to find a warp point so I can go spend my souls
>becomes apparent the area isn't somewhere I should be yet
>die and my ghost is 2 billion screens away
>can't get back to it and lose all that progress
>say fuck it and turn it off

Even though this Nikke minigame feels a lot more barebones (as I'd expect from a minigame), but it got the fundamentals of a metroidvania at least. I like having areas I'm gated from and coming back later when I have the means to traverse them and seeing what was hiding. Or autistically finding ways to get into a place without the key item, only to be cucked because I can't get the treasure anyways when I find it
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All it remined me of was my childhood Ryona awakening Videl and Spopovich
>eng va's are on strike
Why are the trannies on strike this time?
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I thought people were blowing it out of proportion, but Cinderella really did verbally nuke Anis and then told her to do better. Damn, it hurt to read and Anis could do nothing but sit there and take it while feebly attempting to deflect and make excuses. She can;t even manage to fucking seethe because she is aware Cindy is right.
you have my support but not my pussy, go fuck one of thoses nikke hussies you love so much
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The minigame is boring ass shit its gonna get mogged by Scarlet Turtle Hongbugi game
i cant believe you can damage boost up to a higher ledge
this game is such nonsense
silly minigame
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>level infinite pass

I did like 80% of Bloodstained out of order because I missed the double jump (it was down in one corner of the map I forgot to go back and check) and thought pogo-ing off of torches with the dropkick was the intended path forward
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This cannot be true.

Skypag pls confirm.
is there a universal best campaign team?
or something that can at least get me through the trash levels so I can make more focused teams for the bosses if I need?
metroid was the wrong call, they should of just went full castlevania instead. I'm falling asleep playing this.
Neon's worthlessness is self-evident.
She has been knocked out of so much promotional material at this point I think she is going to die and stay dead.
All Cinderella did was spit facts. Cinderella came back from being a Heretic and an enemy of humanity while Anis pisses and moans.
Cinderella is very straightfoward so it comes off rather blistering but I noticed she's pretty consistent in trying to get them to be and do better. She's not coming from a bad place saying all this shit.
It's simply too slow. Speed up everything and it would play decently.
Elegg reminds me of this dude I knew in college who had the gameboy pokemon games on a usb that would just wait until you hung out with him in person to download it on your computer. he even did it to girl's laptops. based
monsterhunter chad
Liter or D wife or Rouge Or Redhood if it is a short stage, Crown, SBS, Alice, and naga.
Don't worry I'm sure she won't be useless like harran after they fix her.
Uh, I knew a guy who did that too.
Anis is gonna either undergo some like doomer to gloomer arc where she realizes yeah life sucks but we make it better each day and someday we’ll get to see it not suck anymore.
>literally just her summer skin
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>went on vacation right as anni started
>got to roll cindy and do 2 story events the first day then went out
>suddenly nikker stopped letting me log in both from the hotel's shitty wi-fi and mobile data
it's over
>inevitable nerf bat
Its over bros.... She's Harran tier now...
>Neon's worthlessness is self-evident.

So we’re just gonna forget Neon making mother whale come down from the air when it tried to run away. Her smoke bomb plan and tricking Viper with her fake tracking device? Neon does shit but does it silently like an actual fucking spy but people forget either she’s great at this spy shit or people just don’t like remembering the past
Rapi "waaaaah Red Hood is too big of a stacy" repeat itself for like 5 times I don't think SU cares.
Johan's plan would have worked anyways.
Uhhh Cinderella sisters, our status?
>Harran tier
Huh? She was good before?
Maybe both of you know the same guy
>Cinderella passes on her legacy to Anis
>Anis becomes the second dual core super nikker
>Neon gets nothing
lots of people seem to think so
we likely wont get to that arc any time soon
maybe after we help rapi man the fuck up
Why couldn't Dorthy's squad handle mother whale? I forgot. Other than them not being real "pilgrims"
He complimented Noah/Neon’s plan because Mother whale’s raptures were becoming too much and it was messing with their hooks. Give them credit you nignogs.
so is shifty staying at the outpost?
oh of course she is what am i saying, how else will skk breed her everyweek
she was the best pilgrim at launch due to bugs
I haven't read any story yet because I'm on chapter 26 and never did Red Ash or Overzone but Red Shoes bc thicc
shut up big J i know its you!
Wasnt it SnowWhite due to double burst?
I've never seen an anus I'd consider "pretty".
Our time is next Anisbros...
Mother whale was too high up, the hooks were broken, they didn’t have numbers and when they tried mother whale almost broke free because she almost pulled herself away but Neongodsama and Noah 9/11ed something important inside of it forcing it to lower itself within range
>release character bugged
>tell community you will leave as is
>nobody asks for buff anymore
They learned from last year.
Is there an alternative to Alice?
Harran's and SR/RL bugs were more consistent, Snow White you had to time it with Liter's buff to run out
yes, pull alice lol, all thoses fags with low CP macro that shit with her
can you have over 100 of the same equip?
but she is free
sixo arc more like sexo arc amirite
i've seen lots
No, she supports other nukers and nukes herself.
Neon was Sixo all along.
>save during bait banners
Is it worth giving Blanc an AR R doll? is it worth giving Rouge and Blanc an SR Doll?
Honestly I wouldn’t mind just because niggers here don’t respect her enough and don’t recognize that she’s useful and does things
What's Neondev endgame?
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Something something crashing this plane with no survivors
this is why i've been upgrading nothing but move speed since the start
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Didn't think I'd see my wife on /nikg/
What does SKK do with all the rikkers he keeps getting
Eats them.
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is this shit worth it? i have some battle data cases that i could use to get core dust, or is it better getting the console pack?
im at outpost lvl 279
What SKK cum taste like?
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Thank God I used pity on her. I hope she dont get nerfed cause Mirror Container is still a huge bitch. Ein needs help.
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He uses them to power the Ark.
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Professor Pinne
I haven't been following a lot of the Cinderella meta stuff. Is she broken? Why is she if so?
>Anis asks Cinderella why the 2nd Fairy Tale models was created
>Cinderella is confused but politely answers; to defeat the raptures and give humanity the surface back as Nikkes were meant to do
>Answering this question makes Anis angry
>Anis's says that she believes winning against the raptures is impossible
>Cinderella calls that a horrible statement and asks why Anis is there with them in that case
>Cinderells says that risking your life for something you do not believe in, essentially looks like you're looking for a place to die
>"I don't know your story Anis, but I suggest you try and find your reason for being"
>Cinderella finds a crystal that has a mirrorlike surface and asks SKK to stand next to her, so they can be a pretty picture together
>This triggers Anis and she goes on a rant against her about SKKs safety
>Cinderella just proclaims she'll protect her prince
>This triggers Anis x2
>Cinderella looks at Anis quietly (...) and asks her why she's been "trying" to pick fights with her
>Anis tries to justify her self-worth and actions toward Cinderella by disapproving of her outlook on life in the current world
>Cinderella quietly listens to Anis and correctly infers that she is projecting
>Cinderella calls out Anis's reasons for acting this way; Cinderella's outlook on life makes Anis feel inferior about herself when she sees someone who can so confidently value what she used to hold dear. This stings harder coming from Cinderella since she has gone through far worse. This discrepancy makes Anis feel inferior to Cinderella who can still proudly hold onto that which she values while she cannot
>Anis admits she is taking her anger out on Cinderella
>As Cinderella says: "Sometimes shit just goes south but we can overcome it" and tells Anis she can be beautiful again too if she wants to
I wonder why that one Anisfag got so mad at Cinderella when Anis is the instigator here and completely in the wrong for acting this way
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What fucking flavor of Soda is Anis even drinking anyway?
It's a greenish can she usually has so it's either lemon lime, ginger ale, or a fucking melon flavor
just say its now a feature
im still upgrading idoll ocean. almost full tier9+5 so far. and if i get an epic smg doll from this months soloraids it is 100% going on her and i will dump maint kits into it
The anti-Anis rhetoric...
>i have some battle data cases that i could use to get core dust, or is it better getting the console pack?
Uh... both?
It's just carbonated water
But I can't and don't want to macro I need something that can be done more or less on auto
uh, the Admire?
Some people are in denial that Anis needs some character growth.
>time for Neon's upgrade
>her existential crisis is she adds nothing to the conversation and the plot can move on without her

How does she get past this?
>Rapunzel's advises are completely sanatized interactions with LSKK
the incels won...
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So pretty much Cinderella is best wife after Silver Gun Marian. In other words the current best girl.
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She is still T0 pilgrim tier without cheating
What are Smol White's advises with SKK? Is it the same flashback slop? Thinking of whether I should build or even put smol white in the syncro tomorrow.
Deletes things during burst. Deletes things off burst.
File deleted.
soda water cans don't theme much, I drink Blueberry Pomegranate in a light blue can, but Watermelon, Lemonade and Cranberry are in green, red and yellow respectively.

it looks like Heineken (beer) but I know it's not alcohol
>I tried to roll for Rouge but didn't get her
It's so over....
I love Anis but she needed to be called out so she can grow to be as beautiful as she was meant to be
I'm gonna...
>tfw no Ein or Anus
Raise your arm
I'm an Anisfag and even I know Cinderella is in the right. Anis being confrontational is good is some instances like Privaty but it was bad here.
better than SBS (with Alice buff) but currently her burst is bugged and is dealing double damage
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Is that reddit
>underneath the OL outfit is a jacked woman with an olympic athlete physique
So Im assuming Red Shoes fucked with the tea she gave Cindy and it caused her corruption?
For Mirror Container, would it be better to burst with Ein or Anis? The formation gg has made here boosts Ein instead and requires manual burst control. There is no immediately clear reason to me why Rouge isn't in the first backline slot instead to make things easier.
But I asked a while ago if Alice was worth it if I can't macro and people told me she was mid
>watch her impostor destroy everything she hold dear
>asleep for thousand of year
>wake up almost brainwashed again
>with her mother guide she manage to get herself back
>vow to rewrite her story together with her mother
Truly the gigastacy. No wonder Anus seethe at her.
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Summer Anis is already super strong and is meta
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>The Church is evil
Just like my JRPgs
Bravo Shiftup!
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lmao faggot
When asking questions on /nikg/, it's better to ask a couple of times to get a clear answer. You don't know if the time you were asking it was filled with shitposters
Is Anis had showed up to fight looking like this, Would Cinderella have called her beautiful and there would be no drama?
>windows 11
I am sorry about your disabilities
>be game company
>every game company today
>does not test latest product for 15 seconds on shooting range
>does not notice bugs on core gameplay mechanics players interact with within 15 seconds
>her burst is bugged and is dealing double damage
what are the chances they fix(nerf) her? I would love to see people sperg out after burning their stashes for dupes
Wow just like real life
What is the bug?
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can't unhide that you're a plebbitor even if you delete your post "m"
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so it's not that mass-produced Nikkes are based on her, she's just of them
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>we spent a lot of time working on this
>we really wanted to get it right
They're fixing the shitty laser tracking for core hits so they might actually remove the bug, who knows if they'll give a compensation buff for it, it'll depend on how hard the japanese cry.
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>The ones slandering Cindy are redditors
Embarrassing post
It's true that I killed my Squadmates... and yet, I am not their murderer.
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Buy her costume.
Can you stil play classic MOG?
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That felt really fucking good to curbstomp MW in the Ch 33 EX stage
Yeah probably. But I guess the real question is was Red Shoes corrupted before or after Cinderella. If before then perhaps she is less guilty than we thought and maybe the real mastermind was someone else. Whatever the case the event is through Cinderellas eyes. But if Red Shoes was the first to be corrupted then the rapture used her to experiment on how to make corruption more effective.
In the archive though red ash
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Dude has the neck of an f1 driver
I think she's the first one since she retained all her memories.
i will, even though i don't have and might never get her
really regret not getting harran's
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>Anti-Cindy post
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>cindy doomposters are reddit faggots
>Built Isabel because I though she'd synergy with Vesti as a "burst timer reduction" unit.
>She's so bad I immediately regret it.
>See this outfit and considering reinvesting in her skills
>see dive
>huh I will show you my secret Crown tech against the elite wave
>whale died before big wave
No, she says it was just dumb luck, and she's a top nikke researcher, so I'll trust her.
>negative Cinderella posters are Plebbittards
Figures. Not beautiful at all.
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Calling anyone who has an opinion you don't like a doomposter is peak reddit thougheverbeit
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I want 200 LGBTickets as compensation for the nerf
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Just admit that you love your wife
kim and yu have gained quite a bit of weight since nikke's release
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>Calling anyone who has an opinion you don't like a doomposter is peak
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Yeah, Neon is getting the boot eventually.
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Well if the 2nd part of the event isn't a schizo dream then maybe they weren't dead. I guess they are on a space station?
Ein because true damage is too good against it.
Wheres my wife Red Shoes?
>No Red Shoes
So... she was a traitor ;_;
disgusting traitors get the rope
im broke but lets go!~
i have like 10 chapters of hard mode i forgot to do
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She's taking the picture
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>battle starts
>fire up RH/Crown/RH with Maxwell's S1
>mfw pods are straight up melting and nearly destroyed all six in one burst
>Neon has a chance to be an actually good friend do someone who is clearly having a crisis before a vital mission
>lol your fat dawg lol
Holy shit. Just kill her off already, or make her have a mindswitch.
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Traitors get the rope
I'll forgive Red Shoes if she smothers me with her tits and ass
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I use shit nikkes that I really like in nuSI
My best team for kraken is "close" to level 5 rewards
But if I use 2 shit nikkes that I like I can still comfortably get level 3, which are basically the same rewards as 4 and even 5
So I can use them every day :)
>Red eyes
>Using the space elevator
It must be a fever dream, unless at the end the corruption was still going strong and so they toss her in that casket.
too bad she mindswitched lots of time while protecting cindy's coffin.
Good. Anis sucks balls so bullying her is funny.
Great thanks
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We forgave Viper
We forgave Liveryn
We will forgive Red Shoes
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Small thing, but I like that we got a justification for the term "Heretic". I've always thought it was weird since there largely isn't much of a religious grounding in Nikke and figured it was just one of those quirky Eastern things where they think Abrahamic religion is interesting without much actual thought to it. Old Tales establishing that the label comes from the not!Vatican is a good reason for it.
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How come I haven't seen anyone discuss Flora?
I didn't forgive Liveryn.
>Let her live but leave her in this state
Yep, she is alive and out there. But she is no longer considered an ally, hence why Cindy doesn't say her name as someone she wants to save.
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kino is coming, we just have to wait
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Buff and favorite item SOON, trust the plan
Does anyone else's transactions keep getting errors? Keep getting checkout errors when I try to get gacha tokens
I didn't forgive Viper.
>wasn't the Aizeneon post
>No ascencion to Hueco Mundo
skip before the christmas and pilgrim banner
I will be planting my seed in her
>Well if the 2nd part of the event isn't a schizo dream
It is 95% likely to be a schizo dream since it makes no sense. In part 2 she attacks Red Shoes when she visits her with tea, which is a literal alternative telling of what actually happend. I think Cinderella saw a vision where she never got corrupted, which is where she attacked Red Shoes.
I didn't forgive either of them.
Or Syuen or Yuni or Privaty.
God I hate Crystal Chamber. Why did they reuse this fatass roadblock THREE times?
Is this what Neondev been working on?
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She's been brought up here and there. I'm looking forward to her, personally, though I don't think I'll have any gems or rainbow tickets left once Old Tales is over.
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The reason we have these flashback events is because the writer needs an outlet for writing suffering like all Koreans. Otherwise the main campaign would be Destiny Child tier suffering and Rapi and Anis would be dead.>>500623771
Don't worry bro she doesn't look completely dead. Her body isn't completely destroyed. And we all know heretics can survive bullshit.
I guess the RQ thought the names were cool if they officially went by Modernia Nihilister or the bible beasts
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could be that she snaps out of it temporarily, and helps them prove their innocence by going up the lift, failing, and then going evil again before getting point blanked by RH. There was some time between goddess meeting Anachiro, and them beating her, as RH still had her shenanigans with Oswald and Freezia
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Johnny Shift Up saw your bank history and wants you to stop and get help anon...
Just use Cinderella (pre-nerf), Ein and SAnis
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Ok, Cinderella is so based. Instantly blasting.
I'm such a fucking jobber...
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Enough with these 90 second wave defense stages
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I don't know mate. We do know Cinderella was the first Vapaus test subject. So maybe this space shit is real and Cindy and others got damaged in some other way.
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Why does it feel like older Raptures were more threatening to the Goddess. These two basically just jobbed all the time. Even the other Heretics honestly.
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Whatcha looking at on reddit, Mike?
ok *plops down 30b hp chainer*
first gen is no nonsense soldier. its just peace dull their sense of dangers
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>no more "..." from now...
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Older raptures had to eat things but may have been more threatening.
Also if this event is any indication there are less Raptures on earth than before. The sign no longer says infinity.
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with how Raptures operate , it'd make sense the ones during the height of Human civilization, who are fighting Humanities goddesses, would be stronger than raptures produced during the 100-200 year periods of humans being underground. Remember a bunch of Bosses are literally repurposed transportation vehicles, terraforming machines or mining tools.
So, why did Mana brake Grave's helm's face plate when giving her upgrades?
>Anis is my favorite character
>I loved seeing her get torn apart by Cinderella
I want my wife to grow, even if she's got to be broken down first. Looking forward to her character arc
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i dont know the deal with these rapture balls zigzagging across the screen but they scare me
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>it's a base defense stage full of tank and healing raptures
>you're at an extreme deficit
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man i hate this minigame, platform games are my nemesis i still have traumas from Yoshi Islands...
But just like 40k, it is a misuse and the appropriate term would be Apostate instead. Heretics are people who still claim to be of the faith but have (intolerably) divergent views on the subject.

Unless of course it is actually correct and Raptures are a creation of humanity's folly blah blah blah blah blah church bad.
>could be that she snaps out of it temporarily, and helps them prove their innocence by going up the lift, failing, and then going evil again before getting point blanked by RH
Anon, that is literally not possible and reaching a lot. Anachiro at the end of part 1 tosses Abe's body away like garbage and almost killed her squad if not for Cindy making a deal with the "voice". The next objective is fighting the Goddess Squad, so that they can kill and stop her.
There is no time for them to go to the Space elevator. Cinderella is gone here. It's Anachiro and she loses to the GS squad and is used as a test subject for Vapaus afterward.

Her killing Red Shoes during their tea time (with red eyes) should make it clear its fake. It's the same scene but it transpires differenly.
>"please make me white too I hate being asian."
lmao, Yoshi Islands is so easy, it's a kids game
i like that they textured the creases at the seam to make it look like an actual balloon
Just use SBS to nuke them
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Oh we're definitely going to space
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It ends on a sweet note
Interesting, this means either
>we're killing raptures faster than the queen can replace them
>no raptures being produced at all anymore maybe outside of new Heretics being developed.
Either of the two presents very interesting lore implications and generates more questions than answers
Didn't even notice that was an edit at first
What would change if the Ark was in Finland?
Is it the same scene or did Red Shoes try to corrupt her a second time like what Chatterbox did to Marian?
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What does this womb tattoo mean?
i don't use that character
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Hey Wapi
That or maybe the counter only keeps track of the old style raptures that eat animal life. But yeah there's only a few things that sign could imply.
>People complained about Cindy not aiming well
>Devs realize it was a bug and fixed it
>Nips now complaining she charges "too fast" at 200%
>Koreans are now seething they may nerf this because of idoitic nips
kek this whole thing is retarded
apparently the summer event takes place before the invasion arc which makes Viper look even worse desu
The main mothership probably fucked off to another planet to harvest at this rate.
So are females carriers Rare++?
Anon, lets be real here. Abe was beheaded. Cinderella was turned into swiss cheese after her battle with the GS squad and used as a test subject for vapaus. Above all, she is declared the enemy of humanity. You saw how Oswald acted toward just the other Grimm models who were held under suspicion.
Where would the story have time to set all these events in motion for them go into space. The elevator is guarded by 100.000 raptures.

It seems really unlikely it happend.
The first areas would be a snowy wasteland instead.>>500625081
I guess after the Johan war both sides took it way too easy.
Her "rocket launcher" is unique to her. What is it about charging too fast? Compare to what?
>Absolutely mogs everyone while buggeed
>They fix the bug
>She mogs everyone even harder
This is pretty funny
True, but it's better than agnostic organizations calling something a heretic. And, at least in both cases, it can be justified by terminology changing with the passage of time (it's probably not intentional, but it can still work).
I mean if fucking Red Hood is allowed to wake up 20 years later after dying to meet Rapi(feels forced as fuck) then I am not putting anything past this writer.
The aliens that made the Raptures wouldn't want them to make infinite copies after the job has been done.
The crystals are likely the way to collect the energy the Raptures have so they have an energy source when they come to colonize and to remove the Raptures from the planet.
But, I don't think they planned on Nikkes becoming a thing and also them becoming Heretics that are able to control their Raptures and other tech,
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They're multiplying...
I will have you naked dogeza when you are wrong dream schizo.
He put it on quotation marks so it's probably that nips are retarded and didn't understand her skill 1.

The charge bug should be fixed ideally, but the shitstorm is gonna be monumental even with compensation buffs if there are.
babu to babu communication
babu to babu conversation
Nothing, they are under the impression it multiples her damage by like 100x
So what is Based Chatterbox, the workhorse of the Rapture Queen, ranking around her subjects? Is he higher or lower than the beast? What ever he is, he has done more than any other Raptures for their cause.
>The aliens that made the Raptures wouldn't want them to make infinite copies after the job has been done.
I sure as hell hope this doesnt turn into another Darling in the Franxxx
If they want to nerf but appease everyone
Turn her to an attacker
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I don't think that's true. Why would you even complain about a good thing anyway?
That's why everyone is confused, even if that was true, why complain about a good thing. Oh no a defender does good damage, that's awful...
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I love the wacky shit being a day 1 player let's me get away with.
But I already locked defender gear to her.
so cool
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SKK blood kills nanomachines so what would SKK cum do? How many Tetra Nikkes are upgraded unintentionally?
Which Nips are even complaining? I'm not looking for this myself.
>900k pow
This anon is going to be a top 200 for the upcoming solo raid
Delta's bond confirms he uses condoms.
Its on twitter, where brain cells go to die it seems. Usually they never care about this sort of thing.
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I swear Nikke intern is in /here/ and gathering unfiltered ideas
when SKK puts it in the wrong hole
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Luce-inspired nikke when?
No its just tranylators shoving memes in scripts as always. They have done this since the 90s and never stopped.
I forgot how to do motherwhale, What do I do?
It's just a harmless reference, SEAbro.
I can make all those teams I am blessed...
Theres a difference with Darling pulling it out of its ass, and Nikke stating that this has been an alien invasion the entire time. I find aliens more interesting than oopsie humans did a bad. Would just be God Eater all over again.
>Doing story for today
>Cinderella is forced watch Anachiro's actions
>Suddenly that scene from Good Will Hunting is playing in my mind
Maybe I shouldn't play this game while drinking
I just finished the new chapters, and I can't believe we got Kubo'd.
>Who said Seven Dwarves go from 1 to 7?
>all these newcuties
so thats what that feels like... being a senpai
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>20% damage down the drain if Cinderella gets nerfed.
wreck the core
I think it's a super robot wars OG scenario. Aliens decided to test humans with malicious intentions and gave them a. Fucked cube. Humans then created raptures from the fucked up cube.
So, do I want to keep powering up the resilience cube after 10?
No for real, what the fuck am I supposed to do at motherwhale ex? I remember dorthy coming in clutch last time but now she is doing nothing.
I have completely forgotten the overarching plot of Darlifranks.
Why is Hwa's voice different?
Did trannylator suicide himself or what?
what no charge / with charge mean?
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I need a bloody Cindy skin
Nips better not cause a nerf. Thats all I am saying.
For me, the best feel is having all these skins that will never be rerun for newfags.
Ooooh I love exclusive shit.
Nta, but I have no idea what they even do. They take 1 dmg and fly around and then sit very close to your nikke. It's making me nervous for HM.
Cindy's burst does double damage when she is at full charge
why are you so obsessed with trannies in a game that doesn't even feature them
I would be okay with a Super Robots scenario
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you get a bit more element damage, but the main thing is more slots
They were fighting Dino monsters and they were about to beat the Dino queen then the Dino queen did a 180 and revealed they were keeping everyone safe from aliens, the real enemy all along. Then they team up with the Dino people to go into space.
Nevermind Whale ex killed. I just needed to DPS harder.
You got any more of them pixels?
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>Behemoth doesn't have a core anywhere

Total Naga death, I think this might be the first time everyone'll bench her.
ooh ok I thought she need to charge her cannon (reloading) to do big dmg.
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More like Chinks
Because character voices getting changed every time some faggot kills himself is breaking my immersion.
i almost made a reply to you about the story before i realized you meant the fight
>there is an explanation for how world ending crises are constantly happening on Earth
I love that meta shit
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if I open that image will I really die
Why would it be a scam when the bug is not intended?

I know it's gachabrainrot but come on.
Technically its a bug with damage calculation so its not a nerf if they fix it.
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yeah, the first time i opened it i died
I've gotten 7 fucking SSRs and no Cinderella.
It's time to ask, do I use my tickets to get Cinderella or Grave? Grave looks better imo since she could play from for my alice/asuka team and I could use crown elsewhere during raids.
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There's too many questions that I don't feel like answering. It feels like im a day one player when I joined during bunnies
Coo coo
Challenge SR is tomorrow so they either keep it for now (or permanently) or fix it outside of the challenge SR period.
Let's see what Kim ShiftUp will do.
you should probably stop playing with the en dub then
Shifty is a Nikke or human?
I don't speak Korean or Japanese and I'm not autistic enough to use a language I don't understand.
How many pulls have you done so far to achieve 7 SSR's without Cindy?
ch 28-34 have a bunch of electric weak bosses and Mirror Container is a nigger, you will need a electric carry
80 or 90. I'm coming off a drought so I have the winner formula currently, it just isn't giving Cinderella.
Have sex with her and find out.
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He is heretic level
i wish moran was "good"
at least i can add her to the HP tanks team
s.marry moran and now Cinderella
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you heard it here 2025, year of elysion
If it’s not Cinderella, it’s worthless imo. Nothing more rage inducing than seeing endless TETRA and ELYSION logos when the gold light appears.
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Have you guys ever beaten someone so bad at a game they quit?

I used to have a rival in my seed. He was ahead of me for quite some time then I caught up and started challenging his ranks. We used to switch ranks often. Then I finally got ahead of him a big enough lead on him that he'd never catch up.

A month or two ago he stopped playing. Could've been some other thing but it does feel like this was the case. The guy was from Japan btw, used Japanese language. I kinda feel bad making a guy stop doing something he enjoyed.
Genuinely don't know if I can choose, I actually like them all.
Rapi spotted!
Can't wait for Ingrid to release more garbage that gets beaten by release day units
Fuck I knew Talos reminded me of something, now I'm mad again about no MG Rebake/Full City.
further proof that he's chatterbox
thank god I can save my jims for pilgrim banner
Well she released a good B1 in D: Killer Wife maybe she'll release a good B2 and B3 next year...
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>Hiding your name
>Meanwhile based snowbro proudly displays his name and his quest to take the top of all towers for small white.
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These threads are going over the speed limit, I don't want to do it, but i have to write a ticket /nikg/. Slow down!
In reality he just lost interest or found another game.
Oooh! Oaaah! Ouhhhh... uh... oaahhh...
Had a year 1 whale dominate the board til I caught up with luckshit pulls, and slowly took away manufacturer spots and tower placement. He quit a few months back and I've been kinda sad and lonely ever since since no one can catch up now aside from some new chinaman who's climbing sort of quickly. But then I did all those pulls after maintenance with regular tickets and the gap increased immensely again. I'm begging for a server merge.
This is why I just stopped caring instead of getting into a whale war with a guy who got really pissed and started buying arena attempts and levels when he couldn't break my teams. Sure, he won easily after gaining like 40 levels and I just stopped interacting with him. But now I think he's pretty much gone since I'm catching up to him (and he's out of his union) so I wonder if he ever realized the dumb thing he did.
Why Cinderella keep the red eyes?
We don't know
corrupted nikke can't undo their eyes color.
Chad Hood
Like Babu she's still corrupted, even if she's back in control. She even implied she could transform like the other heretics.
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She's high as fuck XD
I don't get it
Nah she says it outright. She even says she doesn't do it because it's an ugly transformation
wtf I didn't buy the data box all these months
how bricked am I
i got the cool girl
i know im not going for mlb
but does that mean i just save untill newyears?
Eunhwa's butt is going to be diry if she sits on the ground
Winter, dude
I would fuck giant mirror vehicle Cindy tho...
Which is honestly kind of odd, considering Babu seemd to have needed a entire body upgrade to do that. Meanwhile Cinderella was barely active as a heretic before getting canned. Honestly with Rapis thing this chapter I think nikkes (and heretics) probably all can transform, heretics just go for big mech shit
Chad Hood never got corrupted though, she resisted this whole time.
also should I buy them with the event now or just transfer directly to data?
Maybe its just me but the queen sounds like Seibah.
People pulled assuming she worked as is without any bugs, Imagine they placed it there for pulls then fixing it right after
Can't she pick a beautiful form herself?
Marian is a unique case though, she didn't even have a form, she had a mecha suit with cockpit and could make tentacles appear from the ground and shit
I rather have the bug fixed but SU has to buff the dmg as compensation
I hate that I have to manual her so much
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Would be pretty cool since Rapi is voiced by Morgan
Chad Hood resist it to the end.
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This pose is very interesting
The fuck is wrong with Section 24? I don't get it.
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part of me want sot blow it all to mlb cindy while the other part wants to save for christmas and new year's
looking at her prince at all times
After blowing my saved up molds, blue tickets I ended up with MLBs for
My entire lobby was destoryed
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So Offspring are Heretics and descendants of the Queen and Beast are??
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>At some point during the first Rapture invasion, Red Hood became corrupted and slowly but inevitably began to suffer physical and mental degeneration. Towards the tail-end of the of the war, she decided to retire from Goddess to return to her hometown, in hopes of sparing her comrades the burden of executing her when her corruption inevitably turned her into an Irregular.

Odds that Redo Hoodo also got corrupted by not_a_rapture
red shoes' creations
Only if you are fine with her getting a potential nerf thats like 20% of the her total damage
Didn't she say that she was somehow ambushed by Ultra in Red Ash?
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I can see both from behind
Hmm yes, sex
>tits so fat you can see them from behind
based. imagine the paizuris
>miraculously keep her corruption in check until rapi find her
how did she do it?
Wait until after all her 21 free pulls are done to decide. Personally I'm not touching my gem stash at all before christmas.
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I keep forgetting Vesti is voiced by Rie Kugimiya.
Our Dad is so cool!
she got hit by an ultra

it was still a very early version of the corruption code, i think
We know she got corrupted by Ultra
>how did she do it
you answered it yourself.
Heroes like Red Hood and Laplace are just able to resist it.
Requesting emotional support.
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just ignore it bro
like just do it bro lmao like
just say no bro
>almost killed himself to prank (You)
i still can't believe chapter 25 made this so much funnier retroactively
Mr. Andersen...
Did they ever explain why he has that apparatus on his chest?
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You can do it! Go! Go! Victory!
to succ the vapaus out
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you don't corrupt her
she corrupts
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>44 tickets, 15k~ gems
>start drawing
>finally down to last draw
>a pilgrim pop ups

I don't know if I get mad or happy
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Cinderella's mind was weak.
Red Hood's and Laplace's minds are strong.
It's that simple.
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True, she ruined Rapi's amazing design... you suck Red Hood STAY DEAD
anon who takes pics of nikkes behind foliage. I am still here, watching.
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>nearly messed up the mission by leading the SKK to a trap
>got PTSD
Red Hood is gone, but not Red WOLF
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Impregnation sex with Small White!
Grave's reload animation kinda looks like she's farting
I don't like it
>Resisted corruption like no one else
>About to make the ultimate sacrifice to protect us
Yes, strong.
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Are you telling me that I spent 25 minutes autistically lining myself up on that flying rapture... FOR THIS!
I fucking hate the progression in this. I'd wait for stage 2 hard mode to unlock before playing but IT HAS FUCKING DAILIES
This looks like that chainsaw man character
holyshit thanks for reminding me
yeah, that "wait 7 days for a new stage" is annoying as fuck
Grave still a super nikke scientist or she have too much brain damage?
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why hasn't a dataminer uploaded unbreakable anywhere yet
She's High IQ but kinda autistic
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never drink Doro's tea ever!
*slosh, slosh, slosh*
she supposedly fixed Cindy didn't she? But at the same time she couldn't fix up her voice module and didn't understand what Mana did to her when she started talking normally. Inconclusive.
She started posting here
she's still smart and a great engineer, but she's developed turbo autism over the years
she suffered mind switch
Mind Switch, ahoy. That said, I suppose it didn't take away everything. Or maybe it's as simple as Grabe having a spot of brain damage.
What I want to know is if Snow White can still engineer up super weapons, or just eat rats now
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Genuine question because I've never heard an answer in the 6 months I've been playing Nikke:

Why are the loading times so bad in this game and so frequent? Doesn't matter if PC with an NVME or phone there's so many of them and they're long. AAA games load quicker and less frequent than this, same with shit like HSR even on my phone is way quicker.
Thought that it reminded me of CSM too, but Behemoth is drawn too good for it to be CSM lmao
More like Doro pee
She got an early shitty version of corruption. It's not that impressive as most of the early cases were slow. The refiner version may have actually been made by red shoes. So yeah Red Shoes is super villainous.
in that outpost event with eunhwa, snow's using her weapons down to the breaking point so i doubt she's got any gunsmithing knack left
Unity Engine is poop
Pretty sure I already posted it before
>brain damage
I'd say that is likely because of everything that Cindy did to her in 1-12, but is there even possibility for brain damage when you have NIMPH? If you get enough resources it'll just regenerate your brain as I understand.
The answer is always Gook's kimchi code
Unironically reroll until you start with Cindy + another pilgrim or 2
She got brain damaged by mind switch but still knows certain things. She even says she isn't a scientist anymore probably due to some loss of knowledge.
Fair point. But doesn't that also mean someone else would be needed to operate on Grabe?
The engine is just genuinely shit and it does unnecessary server side checks during loading as well
That was a dream.
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oh thanks, must've missed it since i was dodging spoilers during the maintenance threads
>bunch of incomprehensible lispy engrish
hell yes, this is the nikke music i live for
Should I just golden ticket Cindy? Dorothy probably eat up my luck
It's actually bad network coding too and it's not because your internet is slow.
Personally, I say yes. One percent chance is asking a lot, I feel.
Just use gold ticket bro.
if you're trying to do well in solo raid you don't have a choice
otherwise wait until the very last day after all the free daily rolls
HSR uses Unity too iirc
What the fuck, is this singer eating cotton while singing this? Do they not feel embarassed about their english after hearing themselves?
>7 SSR's
nta but I did 150 pulls and only got 4 ssrs without her...

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