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/pol/trannies among us - Edition

Previous thread: >>500495276

>Official site

>Fan created content (custom skins, weapon sights, sounds and localizations)

>Wiki with info on tech trees, weapon systems and game mechanics

>Guides to Air and Ground battles + MEC

>Guides on AAM's, AGM's and radars

>Guided weapons statistics

>What tanks have thermals and their generations

>Sale/Event calendar

>Devblog/update when?

>Content creator decal and discount datasheet

>Someone sending you runes?

Thread theme:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDlqNnSH9T8

>a fucking leaf
NAFOtroons are a species of transplant shill and don't count as /pol/, blame /k/ based feds for this one
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i just peepee poopoo my pants...
mentally ill
mentally healthy in comparsion
>this much asshurt in the OP
Well, this thread will surely be on topic
I can't find the hand posting threads its over
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>preemptively chimping out and crying because based schizoids caught on to you
maybe dont be a /pol/troon next time
i've seen your picture by the way, holy fuck i havent laughed that hard in ages after realizing it's you who's shitposting ITT
stop larping
you can check the archive for that board, the brownoid canadian has never hyphenated his Tourette's tic
you're just trying to generate an artificial chimpout
Warthunder should add ground drones and MoW style infantry

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>already going for the desperate damage control
hot damn must've pissed you off getting called out right away kek
>they were both your posts in the first place, weren't they? that's why there was a full hour of hangtime on a reply when your chimpout failed, so you had to samefag falseflag to try to revive it
fuck gooks by the way
Nostradamus anon wins again
tell me who to invest in
war thunder?
not your personal schizo thread bud
invest in anti-NAFO death squads and electric leafblowers, you'll win it big
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>all this cope and effort just to try and pretend it's not (You) being a /pol/troon shitting up the thread
burden of proof is on you lol
every new post of yours will keep proving me right
what kinda drones
Black Knight
Robot tonks basically
why not just play battlefield at that point
bf franchise is long in the grave brother
Battlefield has infantry directly controlled by players instead of squad level control
yeah but you can fuck off and play with your gay drones all you want in there
i can't if it's dead
it's as dead as war thunder, stop the cap
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what do these little rainbow flag marker things on a6m landing gear mean
cap is the thing you wish you had on your penis
country of origin
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weight markers for the landing gear shocks, apparently, indicating how heavily laden the plane is and how much reserve weight remains.
that's a cool idea actually
why didn't anyone else do that
because japs were actually smart
daymn rcsm do be pretty good, love it, thanks for reminding me of it's existence last thread
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ikv 91 10 kill kino
I hate swiggers
Just like me fr fr
>activate 20 round booster
>20 rounds of the worst games imaginable
only one constant :)
eternal reminder to fly the harriers!
i saw who you were talking with on discord
>find cool skin for a plane
>want to play the game, and the plane, a lot more now
was this the secret all along?
I bet you won't even buy the Matador day one
The leaf in the op is a paki, he doesn't reflect real leafs
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>play 25 missions on germany vehicles
Just rev your 288 engine
fuck you're right
went on playing mudshit for some reason
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having to manually turn on the laser for ranging when?
having the laser burn out if you forget to turn it off and let it cool between runs because soviets can't build something that works longer than 30 seconds when?
Gaijin is lazy and retarded when it comes to cosmetics.
11 tanks away from strv 122, any day now…
seems like ap shells with barely any explosive load do way more damage vs paper thin destroyers, how come?
check fuze sensitivity
so guess i'm not gonna bother taking he anymore
I flat out dont understand how to use the AGM-62 Walleyes.
I have had zero issue with any other munitions in this entire game but these things never fucking lock, and when they do, they immediately unlock, and relock an entirely different vehicle.
>it's a "Su-27 radar/R-77 locks a random point in the air for no reason at all" episode
kek, this shit is so bad it's funny
it was me, i spawned some chaff in there
skip to 16:10 omegalol
>1035 was the cutoff point for the po2 event
I tried breaking my gears but I only managed to do it twice properly, guess my best bet atm is to try and be as early as possible
>6.0 criuser can do absolute fuckall to even a 6.3 battleshit
There it is.
Still useful for snagging MGs and just shooting open tops in the track or something around corners.
I killed a Mutsu with a Roanoke once. But it basically relied on him being a retard who was constantly repairing and draining his crew
good point, he should have had that as his platform!
vehicles for this feel?
Strv 122 (all variants)
>I voted for Donald Trump
>so that we can economically assfuck all the fucking slant eyed niggers
Lol lmao, somebody tell him
that you're retarded and underaged?
Can you /pol/ niggers off yourselves and go shit up other threads? I wish I was in charge of the world so I could gas you all and finish the job.
Is there a worse rating band than 5.7-6.3 USA?
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When will we get modern destroyers and aircraft carriers on War Thunder?
Hopefully never, naval missile combat is ARB but without
>effectively moving at all
>terrain masking
Whoever spams more missiles and overwhelms the (fully automated, no input required) CIWS wins. No strategy, no counterplay, just spam.
>/pol/ is everywhere!
Can you fuck off and fix your mental derangement
Plus is they were going to make bigger maps they would’ve by now. Imagine Burkes on African Gulf, not that the conquest maps would be much better
shouldnt smaller ships be on the flanks and defend carriers or chinks have different doctrine?
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Modern naval warfare is about strategic positioning, intelligence, objectives and initiative.
War Thunder is explicitly designed to be about fast-paced, PvP-focused brawling.

I pray that one day someone releases a strategy naval simulator like Command: Modern Operations, but with the autism turned down.
removal of crewlock when?
Why the fuck am I punished for leaving a game after getting 3 kills and dying once when 95% of the premium niggers one death leave.
>groundsissies have to pay repair cost for leaving
you love to see it
where did I say that, you illiterate nigger?
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I cannot wait for China to get the F-CK-1, too.

It's a bit weird to have the J-10, Mirage and F-CK all under one another in the same line, but I suppose that's how they want it.
>I pray that one day someone releases a strategy naval simulator like Command: Modern Operations, but with the autism turned down.
sea power comes out next month
If it's anything like Cold Waters, then it's also going to be a brawler.
just watch some videos on it and judge it idk
hopefully never
I did watch videos and they suggest that the game is nothing like CMO.
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Hooooly shiiiit
if you squeeze your destroyer ass behind enemy dinghy spawn they get instagibbed on arrival, that's hilarious
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>Finally got a job and built a pc
>can finally play war thunder in all it's glory
>glory in question
>dive for a base
>guy clearly sees me diving but marks the same base with a ping anyway
>curses at me for "stealing" his base
why are they like this
>mutt hour OP
>fly to base
>guy follows me like 100m behind, pings base
>don't care, proceed to drop napalm
>he clearly sees it, also drops napalm and takes the scraps
>head for second base, same scenario repeats
>he gets shot down and leaves without saying a word
yeah i dunno
dunno if it still works, but I used to do this with the Skyknight
it's ever so slightly faster than the A2D piggies so you can just go for the bases they're pinging and leave them on a sliver of health
He's probably doing something else in the background.
Whenever I grind with bombers, I just tab out to masturbate or watch anime whenever I can.
It's my version of auto-farming, except it's not exactly automatic.
I am using BTD-1 right now since that's the only premium bomber I have.
Not the fastest plane, but it gets magnetic mines (good for bases) and torpedoes which I love using in air sim.
nah he wasn't afk he tried his best to overtake me
Could have been a kid or a Chinese account seller.
Why were the helicopter brs changed? The a129cbt has gone up to 11.0
ground brs were decompressed
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Happy Birthday War Thunder!
Why do heavy fighter and bomber gunners not have their remaining turret ammo shown?
Hey my message made it into the OP :D
Piggu which pack?
One KEK-A-ROO is not like the other KEKAROOS lol.

Is this KV-7 worth the grind at all? Better than TOG?
same as smk but casemate
never gonna cost anything
You can't sell the dreams come true vehicles
what is the fucking point of an event then
shits and giggles birthday event
emphasis on shit
Anon you're describing yourself
Where is the lil guy in tge dock? Did they just leave him out this time around?
It's probably a meme at the BR it's at. 4.0 is rough for a KV that's worse in every possible way. It's sort of has the same balancing issues as the Churchill7 tho, where in a full downtier it is probably on the edge of unkillable with weapons(s) that are perfectly adequate for anything it can run into, but anything else it starts to fall apart.

Kind of wish we got the KV-13 or even the KV-8 instead.
you can't tell me 288's defensive armament is not artificially gimped in some way
i can kill more shit in an invader or something
what's this schizophrenic op?
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Sit still, gweilo
Haven't played it in forever but how so? Are you using stock belts?
that accuracy is just retarded and when it does hit it seems to do no damage
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>people everywhere always say that Japan's F-4 Premium suck dont buy it
>get basically everything you need
>get flares
>decent missiles, 20G IR, and 7E
>has internal Vulcan
>but its at 11.0 a step below F-4E
the only downside seem to be that you get the exact same plane on the tt
why do people give it such a bad rep?
your sparrows are only as good as your radar, and the radar on that plane is shit.
its 1.3 BRs too low for a jet piggie to make effective use of it
spend it wisely!))
no slats
>decent missiles
9Js suck ass
not even 7E-2
>>but its at 11.0 a step below F-4E
which was not the case for a very, VERY long time
The sparrows you got are absolutely useless because of your radar. Enemy has to be some serious glue sniffer to die to it. Rather fly the g*rm phantom with agile eagle
i spaded a burger tt one and it wasn't a particularly good time
you basically don't have a radar if the target has any ground behind it
and i see it doesn't even have the upgraded dogfight sparrows so good luck killing anything before it's too late for you as well with these
The radar is dogshit and you don't get agile eagle so you're also a bus
Good morning sir, 1 hour until the needful
Elaborate, sirs.
9j goes into the ground after a single flare pop
What pre-9L IR missile doesn't?
How do I beat T29 in my Tiger 1?
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I'm actually going to grind this out as it's rank 3. Can put it with another couple of 4.0 russian premiums and you'll be able to seal club and complete future events with it.
true but at least something like r-60m is all aspect
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anything russian
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in for what?
lolpenned by swedebvll
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Nice MiG
unfathomably based leaf
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What are you using to grind out todays task?
fucking nothing, 35k for this
probably my german 2.0 sealclubber lineup
modifiers may not be great but its piss easy to rack up big scores and pretty funny to boot
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maus back
absolute eyesore of a decal
some sort of KV7 tournament
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the AMRAAM Viggen is a premium lmao
Why did they call it a maus when it's really big?
kraut komedie
you wouldnt get it
F-15/16 food
what isn't in this mutt powerfantasy of a gamemode?
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Real life has a mutt powerfantasy issue
germans are just quirky like that
is the update out or just the shitty event vehicle?
Just using my Pak Puma to get both the Maus, Special Tasks and the weekly tasks whil doing the event
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i am that one guy who just circles above his airfield to win on ticket bleed
say something nice about me
ok shartinez
whatever you say shartinez
something nice about me
New war thunder trailer:
better or worse than the original?
gonna be way way better to grind the tree with than the garbage heap that is the draken though
Cringe kino
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Eldenhet 98 to compete with the OSA soon
gonna be real nasty to paypig it at full price but god i want it
Wow this trailer is epic! Anyone who has teamspeak wanna try it with me?
>spiteful passed to developers
>when it's already fucking in the game files
>when it was shown in a fucking update trailer
>and then just not activated
god I wish people were actually arrested for being russian
That song makes everything 10x as cringe, especially since she can't hit a single not right.
I fucking hate the mi28a spam
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But... why?
Did the BB just fire the Whole Shell Casing and All?
They make it out to be so serious which is a mistake when actually WT gameplay is quite comedic a lot of the time.
China is the best nation for busy people.
You get to sleep around with every other nation and experience their unique playstyles.
Anyone who uses smoke in naval should be keelhauled.
Battleship guns don't use casings because it would make the ammunition monstrously difficult to handle, the projectile and the propellent are separate pieces. That's just what the shells look like.
this fucking sucks
victory is ours and even the beast inside you thing was miles better than this
So what you're saying is the chinese are sissy sluts?
Kind of sucked but making it clear it was the same guy in each vehicle representing an actual player was kind of neat.
i unironically just flew out of my chair and screamed "KINO ALERT!!!!!!!!!!" 3 times in a row while stomping my feet, i am not even joking
all these event vehicles that gay jinn will never rerun
how are they not lynched for such behavior in the current year
fucking micniggers how about instead of some completely unnecessary increase to penetration you instead upgrade your atgms (that already lolpen everything) to actually fly in a straight line instead of needing to be fired at the moon to avoid nosediving into the dirt
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can I make it?
I got like what one week?
I gues I can get 3 panthers
one tiger2 and 2 SPAA?
Why does it have a primer like cap on the ass?
slavs not knowing what shells look like?
base fuze?
maybe they did model it after a one piece cartridge?
nobody knows
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>when most game modes haven't evolved 1 bit in over a decade and are stagnating indefinitely

You retards deserve everything coming your way.
You care more about new shiny vehicles than being able to have fun with the hundreds of vehicles you already have.
>Apache cockpit doesn't have this MFD display and the pilot models do not have the HMS set up in game
I only know this because of a Chinese player who spergs out about U.S equipment not being represented properly, why are so many Chinese players so autistic about U.S kit?
>even the cinematics have Russian bias
They dont even try to hide it anymore
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Whatever it is it looks like it's supposed to be there.
naturally, wouldn't be playing this crack simulator otherwise
you're the one in the wrong here if you still have hopes and desires
Nigger the average player can't handle 3 cap points and we lost historical battles because morons couldn't figure out a menu.
And you want more complex game modes?
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why all the seethe?
pretty nice trailer. wonder how expensive cinematics like that are
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>muttnik predictbly sucks when going up against an auto targeting anti apfsds 2010s mosnter in his 1980s mutt barge
Do you even know how to speak english
>anti apfsds
proven rubber and cardboard
i don't have respect for taht language
Leo2 or Christain2 pigger?
Sweden is superior to Germany is literally every way
>Nigel is back
how nice of them to honor the GOATs
god imagine wiring half a dozen of these bad boys up to a casio f91w and leaving them in a van parked outside the ariel rios federal building
>flaring a strela
they really don't play their own game do they?
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>show in slow motion german and american vehicles being destroyed
>cut right as the hellfire is about to hit the T-72
Naval is for retards
showing russian tanks destroyed gets you jail time in russia
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damn boy
actually not, compare it to other kraut tanks
>panther flakpanzer is 0.3 br higher than panthers so can't make a lineup
why is it so high anyway, ostwind 2 is a whole digit lower
>moving the goalposts
Sissy swedecucks
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>i still have the same amount of research from the first time they made the maus available again
>have had years to research it fully
>never did because ???
I always wonder but does the camo netting on the high tier premiums really do anything?
does it ever make it harder to spot for you?
with no thermal obviously
Are there going to be a shitload of these about later? Might not play 7.7 USSR as planned for my event.
It has a roof and can't get overpressured
Also a rearranged version of this seems to be the main menu music now, minus the vocals
>finally reach brit's 8.3
>keep getting max uptier into TAMnigger
I thought 9.3 suppose to get uptier into russian 10.3 black hole
a 5.0 sherman is a better all around tank than a 6.0 panther, think about it
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Vehicles that you love even though you shouldn't?
Britain gets extra uptiers because we're Anton's favourites and he wants to nurture our talent.
I might get it next sale, now it has nice camo nets on the dev server
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>37D AMRAAM ticket
lmao you WILL goy up swigger
They're not really good, but you can use the good old British method of finding a hill crest and playing sniper and with the gun depression and reverse speed they just verk. Turret will bounce rounds most of the time but sometimes your breach can eat a round and you'll lose a crew member. Most efficient way of grinding RP and SL in the British tree. Would recommend getting at half price.
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>buy wyvern
>get tk'd instantly in half the matches by another wyvern or do335
Worst £12.50 i've ever spent
>TKfag gets instakicked after swearing in chat
Did reporting work or was this him getting beamed by chat filters or smth?
what the fuck is activity anton answer me motherfucker
i spent an entire match driving around and i get 50% the fuck is this bullshit
doesnt happen on eu server
Pz.IV F1 in arkaden, the only reason why i feel like i shouldn't is because it's the fucking ultimate sealclubber and it almost makes me feel bad
i doodooshart on faggots
you only get activity for hitting people, getting hit and caps
I swear there is a driver_confusion value somewhere in the code and for olifant mk 1 it's set to 2
>turn left?
<oh, you wanted forwards
>turn left?
<okay, full stop, turn left five degrees, forwards five km/h
>turn left (neutral steering)?
<ah, yes, turn right, stall for two seconds, then get killed by cas?
why are bolides so dogshit?
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Think these will make a big difference?
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I wonder why)))))))))))
baby missile for little girls brimstone when
You can fuck with the radar by launching a lot of them but that's about it
Brimstone is in. But they've taken the radar seeker off it so you can only guide by IOG or terminal laser, kept it with Hellfire's draggy as shit flight profile so it's slow as fuck and takes forever to hit, and kept the 60 second battery life. So it explodes before reaching targets half the time and has significantly less range than SDB
They'll be borderline useless for GRB but very neat for air sim
gaijin would never be so scummy
is there a way of knowing exactly what plane killed me? the killfeed only says some vague shit like Spitfire F without specifying the variant
it shows you in the few seconds after you die and the camera follows your killer
This is just shitty cope and not a solution.
What goal post, Naval is literally the gayiest shit in the game
>shitty cope
reading is too much to ask, lol of course.
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where are india-made jets personally blessed by Modi himself??
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It's not perfect because I had to manually HDR tonemap it but man ray tracing does some cool shit
chinese planes are the ugly ducklings of air
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99.9% of the area of those images would've looked exactly the same without RT, it barely does anything in this game.
do you anons make bug reports? have any of yours been approved or ignored?
I have literally never seen godrays like that
>do you anons make bug reports?
>have any of yours been approved or ignored?
all of them have been hit with "not a bug" despite showing first hand sources
Is there no dude to walk around with in the ship hangar?
i reported one bug in 2019 and it got fixed in the next update
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>can't be bothered to grind out the maus right now but I put 6GE worth of research into it so it'll be there forever
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>swegros are getting a pay to win AMRAAM slinger
I don't want to hear those swarthy snowniggers call any of the nig-3 gluttonous after this.
yes nig-3 players are gluttonous, sweden players are not
how the fuck do you reverse people in prop planes? is it just not possible?
>2 3
>3 3 8
why do you think its not possible?
i'm so tired of su27 flying like ufos around me
when are those niggers getting nerfed for good?
You team will run out of tickets faster as I farm all of the npc targets 20 at a time with gbu-39s
Mutts had a melty that it wouldn't just die when they staffed it with fiddies
They have been in the game since 2020, disable RT and they won't go anywhere. RT only really improves the shading of the plane, slightly.
because i can easily reverse players in jet games but i dont think i have ever reversed someone in a prop
my guess is the lack of airbrake
doing it in props mostly depends on your plane
zeros and bf109s using the prop pitch can do it relatively easily
Applied to WARTG first letter _ last letter y
>he doesn't know how to make people overshoot without throwing energy away with an air brake
You're in, _ranny
you're in _gay
>every tree is getting a "New" plane added this patch
kinda odd, haven't seen that since apesex predators
man i love copy paste
the funniest part is that the snail didn't do 1:1 copy pastes either lol. every derivative plane has some minor detail added on to its model
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>they nerfed R60 again
>noooo you can't give 141 it's R77s
>we'd need to uptier it to 13.3 at the very least. Can you imagine a supersonic fox-3 finger at 13.0? Pure Russian fantasy
meanwhile SWEDEN
anyone know if the ray tracing is implemented for linux as well?
i heard about that but i dont wanna learn and set keybinds for such a finnicky thing
I don't know about you but when I went from my shitty laptop to a decent PC, the difference was fucking worth it
Despite both running at 1080p, I feel I do better now without all the sudden lagspikes and fps drops
you'll get eaten alive by Mig-23s and Su-27s (uptier)
wt graphics are all over the place
>gorgeous, intricately modeled vehicles
>ps2 objects
>N64 terrain textures
none of you niggers are talking about the massive rwr nerfs incoming
get ready for your favorite planes to be stripped off their threat identification
good thing my favorite plane lives well below the grey triangle skill dildo meta
Maus is a free kill/score farm for any HEATFS/ATGM slinger or HE lobber
im still coping thinking it will be optional (it wont)
I wish the smoke in game looked as good as the smoke in that video.

>anton probably spent a fat mil on this video instead of paying artists to make non-copy&paste tanks for the game
Very pidor?yespidor! of you Anton.
>literal discordtroon assembly hall
>need a whole second worth of cannons to take down a jet 400m away
>crying about a Viggen airframe that sees top tier and no datalink
>am comfortable using the rwr on the f4s and f14a
>it only tells me EXACTLY where the threat is and how to notch
>the mutts on my team are shitting and farting that their rwrs will no longer provide the social security number and mother's maiden name of their opponents
You wouldn't last a fucking day using a plane with something like the spo-15. You don't know suffering.
what jet are you flying that makes Su-27s look like ufos?
Su-27s are pretty much the worst flying jet of their BR, both of them. So I am curious
it literally doesn't affect most of the relevant planes anyway
literal nothingburger, as always burgeredditors crying for nothing
I don't use the data link when making 70km kills with my f14. I've done fine without the data link on the harrier. I don't use the data link on the flankers.
>I don't use the data link on the flankers.
well no shit, you don't need the datalink since R-77 barely works in anything that isn't pitbull range
You gave him a (you).
the only annoying thing about f14 rwr is that it doesn't have iff
only a mutt could lose to su27 in an f15
They're adding the Premium Viggen to Sweden so they can advertise it to people next month when they announce the Finnish F-18
Su27 is a UFO compared to the F-15
Where the fuck is the mechanic?
In a meeting with papa Daniel
is it better to use one single toptier one and done or grind the full line up at the same rank if I only want max RP gain per hour?
just need finish rank4 so I can get Maul
I'm willing to buy Leo2 now
There are only 2 air tech trees worth grinding: USA and Russia

USA excels at BnZ and high-altitude fighting.
Russia excels at turn-fighting and low-altitude fighting.
Also very important, both nations have by far the BEST early-mid-late jets in the entire game, especially for their BR.

>What about Germany?
Germany is a noob trap. They live and die by the Bf-109.
The FW 190 is a one-trick-pony and can't do anything well except for rolling, yet makes up the other fighter line.
Germany's heavy fighters and strike aircraft are also sub-par.
Not to mention, they have the worst hydroplanes in the game (including NO tech tree single-engine hydroplanes), and this might be a weird niche, but it's a niche nonetheless.
They have some wacky aircraft like the Ho 229 or Schrage Music or whatever else, but they're bad in actual gameplay.

Also, don't get me started on their jets. Their WW2 jets are either overtiered or auto-lose when they try to turn mid-battle.
To give you a point of comparison, Germany's 7.0 jet is the Me 262, while USA's 7.0 jet is the F-80A-5.

F-80A-5 beats the Me 262 in,
>Turn time
>Climb rate
>Primary Armament (Yes, 50 cal. is better than the shitty 30mm that doesn't hit anything)
>Secondary Armament (They both get rockets, but the F-80A-5 also gets 2,000 lb worth of bombs)
by a large margin.

>What about Japan?
They're just a worse version of Russia and share Germany's weakness in jets.

>What about [Minor Nation]?
They usually have one or two excellent planes in a sea of mediocrity per rank and can't do much right.
Reddit spacing post
>swigpig doesn't see the bigger issue of GETTING A PREMIUM AMRAAM SLINGER
let me explain why that's bad
at the same BR there is the AV-8B+. it has no DL channels. and it still absolutely fucks despite being a subsonic airframe that shits out all of its speed regularly
what happens if you get a maneuverable SUPERSONIC AIM-120 slinger at the same BR?
holy shit the Su-27s are HUGE
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Sorry to repost my question from last thread but I didn't get an answer. So, questions about russian trees so I don't waste my time.
Are late russian light tanks worth it?
Is t64B worth it or do I go on for t72b and t80b?
Is chirzantiema S worth anything or do I just abandon the TD line?
If answer to q1 is yes, is 2s25 worth anything or is bmp3 good enough? I don't have any bonus slots, so there's one slot for each line (until 11.7 because t80UK gets stuffed there).
Thanks in advance
Viggen is everything but maneuverable
>RB 74
>No IRCCM at 13.0
>"pay to win"
well if you only care about WWII props and early jets, sure but anything past the Mig-19 is just trash
We don't know its final BR dev sever is always subject to change retard. Even if it stays its BR the Harrier gets 9Ms instead of the Viggens 9Ls. Either way I don't care I have the entire tree complete but its still going be a shit airframe for the br at top tier no matter what even if it has fox 3s.
>Not Pay to win
swegro gluttony knows no bounds.
never won on fire arc
not even once
one minute in and it's a spawnrape fest
counterpoint: scamraams are dogshit
>AMRAAMS are suddenly not the best Fox-3 in the game now that swiggers are getting them on a premium plane
Everyone at the BR knows how to deal with them now (except the piggies who will buy this plane), once the initial spamraam joust is over you don't have the tools to compete for the second phase.
Viggens radar is always shit for its BR, plus no HMD
>swigpigs defending xheirs handholding THIS hard
>Worse than Russia
Okay ameripiggy. Too bad nobody takes the shitter nation seriously.
Bug report accepted, we will be dropping every single Russian jet BR after the Mig-19 by 0.7 points.
are you retarded or did you buy an account
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Hmm, should I spend hours grinding out the event to get this cutie, or work 1 work hour to pay for 5000 gold birds for it? Also, why not add this version since they didnt bother to add the functional rear DT? Gijian, model all the mgs god damnit!
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F-18 when?
there is nothing good about the gripen
it's the worst top tier jet
christmas patch
This won't fix any of their actual issues, Gen 3s rinse their Gen 4s because the latter are artificially gimped THAT bad.
>are light tank worth it
this is light tank game
Retarded obviusly, i played arcade up unitll 8.0 :)
>the most rational sweden main
>points out how sweden getting a premium plane with Fox-3s is bullshit
>Is t64B worth it?
idk I never bothered researching it
>Is chirzantiema S worth anything or do I just abandon the TD line?
The Khriz is still decent but not ridiculously OP anymore since atgms got nerfed
>is 2s25 worth anything or is bmp3 good enough?
Yes, the Sprut is one of the best vehicles in the game. It's an empty box that gets access to 3BM60 and Gen 3 Thermals at 10.0
Hope this helps anon-kun
it is bullshit
the tech tree ja37d should get them as well with no br penalty
Just carry on playing arcade, unless you're interested in playing light vehicles.
T-64B is actually usable compared to the A version, personally I wouldn't skip it. It is amazing at that BR. One of the last russian tanks that give you the niggerbunker feeling
Don't bother with the T-90 line before the T-80, T-72s all the way down to the T-90M are all mediocre.
T-80s have better mobility (specially reverse) and protection overall.
TD line peaks at the 775, you can skip the chrizantema
BMP-3 is fun, BMP-2M is amazing, 2S38 is gigahandheld if you paypiggy. Apart from those, Russia top tier light tanks are kinda mid. I never see anyone using the 2S25s, and personally I never managed to make them work.
Make sure to get the strela ASAP too, one of the best if not the best IR SPAA, that way you can also be ready for the Osa when it comes out, and then you can start grinding the 2S6 which is amazing too
>one of the best vehicles in the game
lmao nigga
just take another t-80
Don't forget to gamble, I mean play to (have a chance to) win your free IS-7 pidors )))
>Get told why its fox 3s on a shit airframe with none of the tools that make fox 3s useful
>choose to ignore this and resort to baiting
>It's an empty box
didn't get the memo?
also why is everyone shilling the sprut now? last time I asked you guys told me it sucked plus I don't see anyone using it nowadays, and from the few times I've used it, it feels clunky
>piggie swedesissy premium pilots playing against much better players in much better planes
I don't mind the free food, knock yourselves out
>Fox 3s at 13.0
if you wanna know why that is horse shit. i will point you to the AV-8B+ which has the downsides of the niggen and is subsonic. yet still assrapes things regularly
didnt gaijin say that they wouldn't add paypiggy Fox-3 jets?
Experienced Yaks beat Zeroes because Yaks have better energy retention and top-sped, meaning they can BnZ Zeroes.

The best BnZ plane should realistically always win, but the issue with ARB is that ARB is a fast-paced game mode with barely enough time to climb before half your team is dead, and everyone has an indicator, making ambushes not very likely.
The Yak's versatility makes it much better for this game than 190s, for example, because while a 190 may win IRL, in War Thunder ARB versatility is what matters the most.
Again we don't know if its staying at 13.0 its the dev sever retard.
The Harrier is not a premium, it has IR missiles with IRCCM, more ammo, and it has a shit load of counter measures.
My counterpoint is as follows...
tank game.
World of tanks is better
Ship game
And the 70km kills with the f14?
Ostwind II or Zerstorer?
>t. f-15 with 50k pounds of bombs (and full fuel ofcourse)
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you can walk the guy from the tank hangar down the road, this seems intended as straying too far from the road will start a 3 second return-to-bounds countdown but staying on the road itself doesn't, for me at least
I am talking about the Su-27s and R-77s only
>premium niggen gets BOL launchers
>it doesn't get missiles that you realistically will launch maybe once every 15-20 matches due to how air RB works
>more ammo
okay? and?
Nigger Japan has more aircraft than Zeroes and unlike Yaks the Zero can dive at higher speeds than 650 kmph.
Yak is so versatile it can't fly higher than 4000, can't dive faster than 650 and can't out turn anything more nimble than a 109 G6.
What are you trying to say here?
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Vehicles for this feel
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thats just wrong
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hey you guys said swed and germ are instant win
People watch trailers? I haven't watched a single one since getting burned by Watch Dogs and becoming jaded over a decade ago.
I routinely get 70km kills with the f14 without using the data link
Bhishma saar
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that's the same fucking BR as the shar, what the fuck
>be a punching bag for cheating chinks
yeah maybe next time
defensive turrets move in sync with your camera when walking around
I don't know about you but the KV-7 seems far more usable to me than the nog II or the sturmtiger
reminds me of the SAV in terms of handholding
Something something Russian bias
the game is biased towards russia
Racism outside of /b/
We already knew that.
I wish.
explain the horrific state of russian air after the MiG-21SMT
your 10.3 mudshit bro?
Ive never used the rwr. I turn it off at the start of the match because it makes too much sound and it gives me away on the radar. I only use my eyes while hugging the ground.
>gives me away on the radar
in the same way closing your eyes makes your invisible retard
>Dreams come true
germany: Sturmtiger
britain: TOG II
ussr: KV-7
usa: ?
japan: ?
china: ?
italy: ?
france: ?
sweden: ?
israel: ?
>said the top pilot for America
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>it gives me away on the radar
not amount of video game bias will make up for soviet engineering failures
Where the gamba box at nigger?
I don't see no gamba box.
i wont make any predictions considering Russia's dreams come true is an unknown kv variant no one wanted instead of somethng funny like s51, object 878 or such
so there IS no russian bias, gotcha
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>game panders to its biggest paypigs by artificially gimping their main adversaries
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event reruns when
people that missed out are not happy and are the majority
American pilot with 70000 pounds of bombs
>Uptiered into 11.3 Jap
I would be for it, but I don't think it's that well known. What about the palmaria instead?
>swiggers get a gripen (read: handheld ufo) slinging AMRAAMs at a BR where most jets barely have working RWRs
Japan: O-I
Bear of Kinmen
see >>500685158
St. Chamond
SAV 20 gun strapped to 240 Turbo Estate
im sure theres another flavor of Magach
just TK every other wyvern first
Mig-21bis is still a criminally undertiered all aspect slinger
Mig-23s get two guaranteed kills per game no thinking involved
Su25 still has a massively borked damage model that ignores SAMs
Mig-29 is the biggest UFO of its rank
Su27 has the best sarhs in the game
Mig-29SMT gets R-77s at 13.3 because??????
Yak-141 is total paperwaffe that was never armed
Su-27SM is the best top tier jet in the game
Su-25SM3 is the best ground attacker in the game
Su-34 will be the best ground attacker in the game
All Yaks beat all Zeroes. This isn't even up for debate, this is just fact.
>event reruns when
>people that missed out are not happy and are the majority
Not Gaijin's problem.
but russian bias amirite??
Doesn't happen to me, you must have negative aura.
fucking racist RASSIYA SUFFERS give us another uncounterable cas bus)))))))
>All yaks beat all zeroes
Oh no. Now if only Japan didn't have another 2 lines of aircraft that can ROFL stomp all Yak shit there might be trouble.
How do I know whether I should use rolling scissors or flat scissors?
Which stat is relevant for either maneuver?
>Viggen is the same as the gripen
I know your baiting but jesus man. Its like saying the Crusader is an F-16
>racism outside of /b/
If you keep repeating the copy pasta I'm sure you will convince the people that actually play the dogshit aircraft you claim are OP but never touched.
>akshually we're not handheld because we're just not okay????
rusnigs are just as bad as swiggers
Why are you obsessed with making everything a racial slur. Racism isn't cool
Scissors benefits the aircraft that rolls fastest.
Rolling scissors still benefits the faster rolling aircraft just to a lesser degree.
Taking an extreme example a FW190 should do regular scissors against a P47 but an La-5 would do better with rolling scissors.
>game made by slavs
>slavnation prints money
What were you expecting anon?
But.... that doesn't make sense.
Are you implying that an FW 190 can beat a Spitfire in a flat scissor?
the post that buckbroke slavcord
>another week of devserver
what are they planning
I agree with you. I'm still mad that my friend will never be able to seal club with me and my pakpuma
IRL and in flight sims it can.
In WT the FW190 is so stiff it can't beat most of anything.
And no matter how good your roll rate is you still can't out roll a shit elevator.
all me
Viggen, not grippen. But yes it will be giga handheld
why are you such a russophobe?
>be retard
>call objectively an anemic missile bus without the "missile" part "UFO"
>cry that THE worst ARHs in the game by a long shot are "only" one step BR below tip toppest tier (forget that mutts have THE best ARHs in the game 0.3 BR lower yet)
>call objectively the second worst top tier jet in the game "the best"
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i tired to gain impact from tow2b
holy buckbroke
damn son how much nutella you ate
>uhm it's actually the worst because... BECAUSE I SAID SO
>ignores the absolute fucking state of Sim EC at top tier
I'll bite
>Mig-21bis is still a criminally undertiered all aspect slinger
*one taps flare*
>Mig-23s get two guaranteed kills per game no thinking involved
"whoops you looked 1 degree above the horizon, your radar is now shit!" or the special episode
*one taps your R-24T*
>Su25 still has a massively borked damage model that ignores SAMs
funny how reddit claims the Su-25 is handheld not because of it's effectivity (the 10.0 one might as well be useless with WWII era dumb rockets) but just because muh stingers dont one tap it *crashes anyway*
>Mig-29 is the biggest UFO of its rank
if by ufo you mean an actual city sized mothership then fine
>Su27 has the best sarhs in the game
what is a 27ER to an AMRAAM sent from stratosphere?
>Mig-29SMT gets R-77s at 13.3 because??????
R-77 might be worse than 27ERs at this point
>Yak-141 is total paperwaffe that was never armed
never seen the Yak-141 doing well enough to care
>Su-27SM is the best top tier jet in the game
>Su-25SM3 is the best ground attacker in the game
>Su-34 will be the best ground attacker in the game
>full CAS payload F-16/F-15 says hi
thanks for the laugh
>slavcord on full damage control
you love to see it
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Since we're entering the golden age of CAS especially with muttjets, how will SPAAs evolve from here? I mean even the pantsir is pretty helpless when up against a CASnigger that has a few braincells. Patriots / S300s seems ideal but with how fucking tiny GRB maps are and how these things even function, they're not really good options right? I personally pin the blame on shitty map design that gives CAS an ungodly amount of playspace to hide and strike from while SPAAs have barely any space.
what brought this new slav melty?
Yak-141 is steaming pile of shit tho why even bring it up
i think we can't have any sam kinos until they properly implement electronic warfare into the game. aircraft have no counters against the big radar missile systems
>y-you handheld because... i say so!!!
>your arguments don't count because.... they just don't!!!
It's the best 12.7 in the game that doesn't get fakours if you're looking for handheld kills on the other hand I completely agree because it's not the iranian tomcat that gets ARH 27ER's
I hate all of you
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Why are you a redditor?
I accept your concession.
>funny how reddit claims the Su-25 is handheld not because of it's effectivity (the 10.0 one might as well be useless with WWII era dumb rockets) but just because muh stingers dont one tap it *crashes anyway*
They're good rockets and it has great air to surface missiles, but it completely lacks the optics necessarily to properly leverage either. The best thing that people can cry about is that sometimes it doesn't die to a stinger when it has to fly balls deep into air defenses.

Meanwhile mutts are about to get a literal stealth bomber with high resolution thermals and auto tracker at the same br and they're crying that it's not good enough because it's not litterally invisible at 2km with the bomb bay open
There is Russia bias in War Thunder
Case closed.
>I-I *sniffle* accept your c-c--BAAAAAAWWWW
sprayed him
>he just found out the pidor meme isnt from here
I don't even know what that means.
>posts retarded shit
>gets called out
>refuses to have an actual argument
>It's the best 12.7 in the game
Since when?
why are you on reddit?
Validate your claims.
Unhinged wtg posters kidnapped me and forced me to run their reddit accounts.
this is the intellectual elite of this game's community, think about it carefully
Russian Discord War Thunder Internet Defence Force status:
>attention span can't exceed more than 4 words
>refusing to argue and insisting on blatantly retarded talking points is a sign of intellect
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i just want to fly Su34 i dont care about bias or shit
Stop being evil guys it's just a game
>factually incorrect bait
>"exposure" of anything
How badly are they going to gut the su-34's radar before release?
>didn't wanna do kv-7 event
>but it's 4.0 and rank 3
you dont even have to mention the nighthawk
they have had shit like the TRAM for ages at the same BR as the Su-25 which can just hover in stratosphere and outrange strelas
based janny get fucked lol
The tram at least finally got sent to a higher br in ground RB. Meanwhile Russia doesn't get thermals until the very end of the line and their their thermal pods are still awol
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>noooooo why isn't my mentally deranged obsession being validated!??!?!! jannyman get that random pic of a random dude posted once RIGHT NOW!!!!
>off topic shit shouldn't be removed because... ummm.... SHUT UP YOU HURT POCCNN THAT MEANS YOU ARE WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by all means they should be deleted, just don't cry and piss and shidd when your shitposts of the same nature get rightfully deleted as well
>it's only off-topic if it's against me :^)
that's my point retardo, my ON TOPIC POST gets deleted for supposedly being off topic, but actual off topic shit DOESN'T get deleted
both are offtopic, can you not read?
your crying about le boogeyman in the walls isn't any more on-topic than his crying about le boogeyman in the walls
>hyped about finally getting the germ BMP-1
>remember the cancer that is keyboard aimed ATGMs
The TAM's spanish crew sounds are just adorable
it's not a boogeyman if it's true
called it lol
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>Ka-Chi GAB for events
Do I feel good? Does this require any skill at all? No, no. And yet gaijin has forced my hand
>same insane schizo cope as always
>4 WAR THUNDER planes in the image (not "planes that are in war thunder" but actual war thunder PNGs)
>WAR THUNDER related reddit
>screenshot from WAR THUNDER featuring a WAR THUNDER player
yeah, it's on topic
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here's the resident vatnig btw
ummm off topic much?
Low tier is honestly the best place to grind events since there's more enemies that spawn more than a single time and you can easily pull 4-5k points and if you club hard enough you'll get people who started playing this shit game to go away and save them from the skinnerbox. If gaijin didn't want us to do this then they wouldn't have made low tier event vehicles count for tasks.
How the fuck do I manually control engine radiator, there's no binds here...
so let's see >>500687651 that you cried about earlier
>WAR THUNDER related reddit comment
>by WAR THUNDER player
>using lingo only used by WAR THUNDER players on WAR THUNDER general
on-topic, right?
Do you guys reckon Italy will get a squadron vehicle in the December update, they're the only tree without one now
ummm no that's off-topic because it's only on-topic when it's about my boogeyman
>posting leddit in any form here
You deserve to have your kneecaps blown off just for that alone.
so exactly as >>500693598 said
VERY weak cope, get better mateial
>post off-topic shit
>off-topic shit gets deleted (not even all of it, janny missed >>500692905)
Exactly. I'm honestly doing the world a favor by clubbing at 2.0 arcade, literally the entry point for the game
coastal monitor
the one they passed to the shredder
>U.S mains demand and howl for improved engines for their F-15E (it'll become the best F-15 in game)
>Su-34 constantly gets nerfed and shat on (this is somehow accepted)
gluttonous pigs wouldn't be happy with the riches of the heavens
this shit is so bad is funny
they screeched about the meme Grom-1s but said nothing about the Kh-38Ts that will inevitably fuck them up in a supersonic platform
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That boy needs therapy.
>VIDAR is still 8.0
what the fuck? I swear it at least had gotten upped to 8.7
>ta-154 dunks on people bringing inferior planes to the br
whats the issue
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>US players ask for historical accuracy
>RUS players screeching and shitting over their planes being historically accurate
watch them screech now about the Su-34 radar despite it not even having HMD and despite R-77s still being useless
artificial nerfs to Soviet Gen 4s aren't "historical accuracy", as aren't artificial buffs to mutt Gen 4s
>RUS players ask for R-77 model accuracy or fixed Su-27 FM
>"nuh uh, we not model dynamic drag or accurate FM))))))"
>US players bitch about new thing Russia gets, no matter how good or bad it is
then go file a bug report. like the US players
Prove it
If you think Russia has bad jets, just play America.
Where is the problem?
Who is papa daniel?
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its over
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>still playing Russia in 2024
it's obvious they got scared shitless of being seen as "russian biased" after the terrorist support scare and the economy review bombing
they realized reddit (aka nafotards) and the chinese (bot) community hold too much power
that's why you see them bending the knee at every opportunity to burgers and scared shitless of making Russia seem good
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That's seven low tier retards who have hopefully been scared away from this dogshit game
vehicle for this feel?
>get 10 assists task
>spend hours and still cant finish it
saar T-90S
bradley m3a3
this might be the most pathetic webm I've ever seen in this general
>get any task
>dont touch it because im not a fucking slave lol
feels good
papa's gonna give you creamy WcDouble..
This is unironically a better trailer than that shit
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nation for this feel?
>giant wide open map
You better believe I'm leaving the game
I'm just not going play your shit map!
every nation now :(
what's a rank 5 lineup for germany
worth getting a talisman from the BP shop for the 8.0 leopard?
Kill yourself jews
nobody know u must choose this itself
personally i dont like leo1 no stab no armor heat and shit bullet
>no u
should've thought before fucking up your face like that
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the mark of cain is upon me
>ask for nation
>get nation
What did xey mean by this?
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anton fix tow2b
>leo1 bad
holy bad

Leo 1
M48A2 G A2
What kind of mental illness leads someone to make this?
df105 bretty good
like papa daniel shizofrenia
>MiG-23-98 with R-77 is now inevitable
bongs not allowed R-77s on their curry MiG-21 though
>>US players ask for historical accuracy
no they're not. the F-15E we see right now is from Desert Strorm, therefor it shouldn't get HMD, modern GBU's or AMRAAM's. US players are begging to be the most handheld nation in game
They did. Several, like yak141 missing it's R77s and r73s, have been accepted. But silence
should've... ummm.... made the report harder!!!
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just big European Province things
I still never bought XM1
is it still worth it on its final sale?
I imagine all the American one dead leaver all move into 10.3-11.7?
I'm honestly surprised Russia managed to get the kh-38.
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evidently the devs decided that giving more weapons to a plane that never carried them would be a dumb idea
infact I think the Yak141 should be removed just like the Maus, theres plenty of planes that fill that same role so its not needed anymore
why even play non white nations when Sweden and Italy exist.
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Hold up, why can it fire its atgm on the move while you cant do it with rat bus?
HAHHAHAHAH DEI and sweet baby inc has finally gotten gaijin

next patch will have pronounces and non binary users L FUCKING MAO
Exactly because.
>play germany 8.0
>good mobility, can get into kino hulldown positions and have fun
>play USSR 8.0
>slow as fuck, clunky, most maps feel like shit, get onetapped by darts/DM12
Zulu magic
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no such thing
sam gepard should go down to 9.3 same as the sam shilka
Stingers a better than Iglas
This statement is five words too long.
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sex tank
based, and don't let any tranny tell you otherwise
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>meanwhile butchat 25 8.0
from 6.7
I was tempted but that shit round turned me off. I'd rather get the KVT.
>frogs crying because they got to enjoy an 8.0 handholdmobile at 6.7 for years
never enough for you fuckers
At least it has a gimble. If some meme is within 200 meters of you without one you're just fucked.
>USA (Air)/Sweden anything
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>nation that focused on speed in exchange for less armor excels at speed based tactics
>nation that focused on armor in exchange for speed excels at tanking contemporary rounds
>former enjoys the meta being built around speed
>latter cries because armor stopped being the meta in 2018
you are literally the exact same as the germutts crying about the m18 in their tiger 1s back in 2015
this game is making my irrationally angry
factually wrong at all brs except 8.7
>the somali swine screams out in pain as you call it out
Somalia isnt in the game though?
there's no somalia in the game
thanks for proving my point, discuck circlejerk
Prove what?
>noo you are le crying!
I am just stating facts. I play both, why would I cry?
the brain of burger mains like yourself should be studied
I do not have that discord you keep talking about you buffoon
if you arent crying then what was the point of posting what everyone already knows?
disingenuous bitch
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sweden isn't handheld, not even a tiny bit
stating the contrary is a sign of maining any of the nig-3
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>play 25 games as with german vehicles
I'm not going play Germuttany
>somali gloaters suddenly switch narratives for the sake of contrariarism
dont you have a fucked up cartoon tank to post?
why is it so low quality
everything snaps and twitches like some amateur project
the camera moves like it's from fucking sfm actually
Does he think Somalia is in the game? Does he have undiagnosed schizophrenia?
we had budget for six additional (copy pasta) jets or a bollywood trailer
>USSR 8.0~8.7
>the BR where it has to face most gokarts than ever while having the shittiest mobility
I don't know why would anyone touch that mediocre tree nowadays, powercrept to hell and back
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>all these fake swedenposters itt
SveriGODS they hate us cause they ain't us
from the funky reserves to the improved exports, Sweden domination is inevitable and irrefutable
>no boats
>I am so le jaded I don't watch vidya trailers!
how's puberty treating you?
And thats a good thing
Fascinating that Sweden is 72% gay while France is ONLY 62%.
>VIDAR still at 8.0, meaning it can be downtiered to fight late WWII heavies and T-54s
>now getting an AIM-120 slinger at 10.0 with ufo FM
sweden is playing on easy mode at this point
Swedish players are objectively better than Frogposters
This isn't surprising at all
how do I sell my war thunder account im sick of this shit game
If you linked to your steam you're fucked
Otherwise go to Ebay
am i autismic or does using ATGMs in the T-55AMD feels like they have faster reload?
It's probably some psychological thing were your brain doesnt "count" the seconds you spend guiding the ATGM as reload time
it really feels like the reload is super short, very funni. shooting it feels very cool
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It's Friday /wtg/
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ya got any games on your phone?
Why does Gaijin never give America any good tanks?
M1 is good.
France Friday?
that was like 5 years ago
stop saying kekaroo, it makes me angie
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France's subtree Friday*
They are chomping out all over the place, I think the big banan has triggered the great monke.
no racism, only banan
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>is the best helicopter in your path
Trannycord raid sure is funny
>One 12 year old retard spamming about how he thinks he's trolling everyone
Glad to see wtg is as good as ever
the post that buckbroke trannycord
man I love that chinook you posted
Many armies train their crews to only fire wire guided weapons from stationary positions to minimize the risk of the control wire snagging on obstructions. It's not that they can't move and shoot, it's that they choose not to. Gaijin models this doctrinal decision as a hard restriction of vehicle capabilities. Aircraft don't have such a doctrinal restriction since there are fewer obstructions in the sky. ATGMS with laser guidance or radio control don't have those restrictions due to the lack of a vulnerable control wire.
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Thing is those missiles ARE laser guided, in a document gaijin used to alter the missiles at some point it even stated the missile is fully capable of firing on the move and gaijin just ignored it.
No one asked
>ural+AT gun
gaijin pls
I asked
lol i killed sekrit dokuments
>the mod isn not a reflection of any political situation or a specific military-political conflict
>w-we aren't support th-those NAZIES invading Ukraine! S-Slava ukrani xisters!!1
lol, lmao even. I though russkies were more based than this... sad...
I'm not familiar with that vehicle. The other doctrinal decision that gaijin screws some vehicles over with are ATGM launchers that can swap between being stowed for travel and deployed for combat. They screw them by forcing them to stow the launcher in basically everything over 1st gear.
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Why's there never any free roam on Christmas? I wanna goon to the hangar elves.
Can you play as papa daniel now?
why are slavs so thin skinned?
>singleplayer mode
Why not just play Arma instead?
>terrible HORRIBLE optimization
>HP-based vehicles (lol, lmao even)
unfathomably based decals
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>as big as a panther
>but no armour
>solid shit
>not hat fast
defend this piece of shit NOW ))))))
>Playing a normal game as Germany 6.0
>Teammate: "Okay guys, this is going to be my last game. I am just about to unlock the Me 262 and I wish you guys the best of luck."
I didn't have it in me to tell him.

nation for this feel?
I remember someone making porn of them last Christmas.
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>Same thing but Kv-1E
>need more kills to get less points
>same event modifier for rank 1-3
Guess they really do want me clubbing at 2.0
Fast reload, good reverse gear, and good gun depression. The pen is good against anything that isn't german at that tier funnily enough, so if you can queue with a germ bro, this thing claps
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bait used to be believable
just play a panther then jesus fucking christ
the maus spam is kino
WWM when?
it's still fuckfest friday tho
It's Saturday in China.
It must be Saturday somewhere in the world
you HAVE a k/d of at least 3, right anon?
>is good except against the most popular tech tree at that BR
so not that good
>no counter argument
I accept your defeat
>frog seething over just 1 post
holy FUCK being right never felt to good. absolutely FELTED lmfaooo
The vehicle that made me lose my nuke virginity, I'll always remember you my first nuke :)
im masturbating rn.
should i do a cumtribute for /wtg/?
My K/D has never recovered from WW2 BR german teams.
3/10 try harder next time
i dont even know where to check it
fuck you
in my case it's from when I was a newbie playing germany
at the bottom of your statcard just select Air/Ground Realistic Battles on the drop down menu
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The fucking radar altimeter made me realize every other tree is at least 40 meters tall in this game.
You're JUST realizing this now?
fixed months ago btw))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
>See enemy contact on radar
>fire missile
>it was an npc aircraft
My kd stats are now forever ruined
sar, copy paste broken sar
Are AGM62s just fucking terrible or am I a complete shitter with these things? I've never had more issues with a guided weapon
4channel shat the bed
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The mega trees used to be even taller.
>frogloater is a bot coded by pajeets
at last i truly see
Ferngully is the setting of Warthunder.
am i going schizo or did a janny expose my troll post kek
>playing ardennes with a cap close to each spawn
>tam2ip near the edge
>push him out of the cap, block him from reversing in
>we get the cap and he doesnt
>spends the rest of the match bumping into me and shooting the back of my turret
>gets agm'd by some frog heli
nice blogpost
nobody cares
cared enough to reply
cope and seethe, thanks for the ego boost
Isn’t that kills per spawn and not strictly kills per death
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Kills per spawn i'm assuming
Vehicles for this feel
from what year is the T-55AMD-1? it feels like a time traveler desu
I feel bad for marders and allouettes wasting their toys on me
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lynch all swigpigs
>forumnig with his pigjekt 279 can't get more than 3 kills
>dies to a gepard
Yeah it’s a weird way of phrasing it but that’s what I’d assumed it was
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>tech tree Viggen AMRAAMS
Sweden won
>tfw my k/d is absolutely fucked because I played this game for 3 years without realizing you didn't have to use historical gunsights and I always wondered how people got really good shots on me
When is this shitty update coming?
1981-82, so yea i'd call it a time traveler but that BR range is so muddled anyway, you've got 1950s heavies like the T-10 vs 1980s IFVs with thermals
Sweden won
December 18th
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devserver until the 6th
id guess the week after that, unless they plan to launch it a day or two after shutting the dev
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Tell me abot this jet
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Post salt.
Imagine if your mother had wings and two jet engines
>reddit made up laws for war thunder
show username pussy
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>You're supposed to let the other team win!!11
A nuke doesn't count til they've dropped it, so fuck them.
>kill amx player
>dm's me "bro why?"
why are war thunder players so fucking weird
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rank 4-5 game
Is this the equivalent of Gold Nova hell from CS?
not necessarily a screenshot of mine but the fact some nigtards will play top tier and bring their butt buddy in a shitty prop then get mad when it gets teamkilled is personally my favorite type of salt
The Merkava's are so unbelievably shit its amazing
Skill issue
It's my highest k/d tanks
I sincerely doubt that.
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Sweden won
mosquew jews lost
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Why would i lie on the Internet?
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I don't know if i'd call it salt, but this is one of my oldest WT screenshot and it makes me laugh every time.
expectations subverted
holy kino
>I saw "Target Destroyed!" and clapped
holy cringekino
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Why are they like this?
It's like the whole retard thing of
>"no you can't kill an M-22 that's in a game 4BR's higher than it should be!!!"

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