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Previous Thread: >>500616560

Happy birthday to Horn and Luo Xiaohei!

[10/25-11/8][Standard]6* Guard Thorns, 6* Guard Irene (Shop), 5* Sniper Toddifons, 5* Specialist Almond, 5* Medic Whisperain (Shop)
[10/10-11/1]Babel - 5* Guard Odda
[10/18-11/1][The Front That Was]6* Supporter Stainless, 6* Vanguard Ines, 6* Guard Hoederer, 5* Medic Paprika, 5* Defender Cement, 5* Medic Vendela, 4* Sniper Totter, 4* Guard Humus, 4* Specialist Verdant
[10/31]EP14: Absolved Will Be The Seekers - 6* Supporter Civilight Eterna, New Amiya Alt
[10/31-11/14][Our Kind]6* Sniper Wis'adel, 6* Caster Logos, 5* Vanguard Fang The Fire-Sharpened
[10/31-11/14][Log-in]1* Supporter PHONOR-0, Savage Skin
[10/31-11/28][BoC, Iteration Provident & Ambience Synesthesia]Muelsyse, Ines, Thorns; Skadi The Corrupting Heart, Blue Poison; SilverAsh, Ho'olheyak, Swire The Elegant Wit
[10/31-11/28]Reselling old skins

[10/24-11/7][Standard]6* Guard Executor the Ex Foedere, 6* Caster Goldenglow (Shop), 5* Caster Santalla, 5* Vanguard Mitm, 5* Caster Harmonie (Shop)
[11/1-11/22]I Portatori Dei Velluti - 6* Specialist Crownslayer; 5* Defender Philae, 4* Specialist Contrail
[11/1-11/15][We Mischievous Few]6* Caster Lappland The Decadenza, 6* Vanguard Vulpisfoglia, 5* Specialist Figurino
[11/1-11/15][Log-in]Sussurro Skin
[11/1-11/29][Cambrian, Test & EPOQUE]Executor The Ex Foedere, Virtuosa, Texas The Omertosa, Warmy
[11/1-11/29][BoC & Iteration Provident Re-Edition]Muelsyse, Skadi The Corrupting Heart
[11/15-11/29][Joint Action]6* Guard Mlynar, 6* Sniper Pozemka, 6* Specialist Dorothy, 6* Specialist Ascalon, 5* Vanguard Fang The Fire-Sharpened, 5* Vanguard Poncirus, 5* Guard La Pluma, 5* Medic Vendela, 5* Supporter Sand Reckoner, 5* Supporter Windflit

>/akg/ website:
>AK EN Database:
>More valuable resources:

Good luck
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Having sex in the Lappaxi
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Doko just saw the data mine. She... Didn't like it.
Texas into smash ultimate?
Eblana LOVE
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Bnuuy love
Kinda meh
Surprised there arent any combat CG's
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Mudrock IS5 skin
The Crownslayer datamine numbers are even sadder really
Did you get permission?
did you get permission bwo?
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Oh shit it was today.
Ah well got her with the free 10 roll. Now what.
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No black halo behind her head ?
So enlightened buddhahood Mudrock Alter is a possibility now ?
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>The Crownslayer datamine numbers are even sadder really
How so?
any docs playing the monhun beta?
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>4 Logos in a row
this is sus
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The taxi is going to need new dampers by the end of the night...
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Kroos feet!
>Get Logos with my free pulls
>No Walter
>I can now save all of my pulls for Ulpipi
Everything went better than expected, I never had anything to worry about. Now I just have to hope that I get Fang with my remaining free pulls. I don't plan to use her but I would like the tummy horse for proper tummy appreciation.
my pc getting old, 20 fps, lowest settings, 720p
1060 6gb aint cutting it no mo
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Where are you going to have that many potholes? To Northern Yan or Sargon?
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Happy Halloween!
I thought they were majestically touching tips for a second.
Who breeds the breeder?
>wanting a female operator
No lol
Nah lapipi is handing texas a mask or some shit
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No new Suzuran CG?
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I remember when RE Engine games looked really good yet ran well on shit hardware
They barely look any better now but the fps is 5 times lower now, what the fuck happened.
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Happy birthday, Rita!
So Theresis has a wipe mechanic in the first phase, so how did I fuck up there to cause it?
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Hope you had a Happy Halloween
>It's not another dress skin
>Actually something cool and IC
Very disappointing event desu
fuck off then
>studio Montague skin
Hmm? Wonder why M9 didn't make it.
>Crownslayer has 1 for (You) voiceline
Good. We don't take kindly to law breakers around here.
>>Actually something cool and IC
Nothing besides her default outfit is IC
not meant for open world is what i keep hearing since dd2
but yeah i remember dmc5 and RE2make blew me away 5 and a half years ago
Doesnt seem it
If they do a epilogue or something its probably sprites only
Though the lack of a suzu timeskip sprite makes me think its not happening unless they use her old one
Voicelines are out?
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but how?
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Why are people living in this world so nonchalant about these goons walking around?
Post it
Fappy birthday Horn!
It was explained in the PV.
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happy halloween to you too bwo
One of them is a world famous rapper
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Why she's in lobotomy corp bros?
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Whatever happened to the fish CC collage?
What killed the hype?
The world famous rapper and entrepreneur is more than welcome at the carnival.
Module news TL doko?
CG's are kinda dissapointing is all
we got scammed
i ate it
The fish printed it out but didn't realize that paper doesn't work in water
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They're real niggas.
died of ligma
Did Closure just sacrifice 3 pipis for some data?
Damn, what a yapper
whose the VA? sounds familiar...
I can't understand shit bro
What’s their power beside being immortal? Even the wolves aren’t that strong considering they got raped by Lapipi
isnt crownslayer one of the bad guys
why is she on rhodes island
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That is why I trust only the STOAT.
Marcille from Dungeon meshi
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Not a malefag, I just enjoy using operators with fun and interesting kits. And also tummies. Logos and Ulpipi both have pretty fun and unique gimmicks the play with, I'm honestly more interested in Ulpipi for his S3 teleportation.
>Crownslayer module ignores 12% def when blocking enemies
>S3 is 0 block
I don't thin we have others but Dolly being able to "clone" people,
what’s the point of wearing a coat if you’re not even gonna wear it…
>isnt crownslayer one of the bad guys
Not quite
>why is she on rhodes island
Dunno, probably explained either in the event or her profile but she does have a few connections to rhodes
Once a jobber forever a jobber
Her dodge numbers are bad, her damage numbers are bad, her utility is bad, her talents are bad. She's good as a 35% EXP factory passive and that's about it.
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Alright Reedalt and W kinda fucked this stage's shit up. Guess I didn't need to procrastinate so much after all
To have it when you need it, while having your hands free?
Are Beastlord Feranmut level or are they just pest
Wait that's the 5* merchant dude

Crownslayers is reduce accuracy by 25%

NOT EVEN 30%. IT'S 25%
>dodge numbers
I thought she didnt have dodge
Are you talking about her accuracy debuff application?
>why is she on rhodes island
Only for Kal'tsit
From the introduction line we see she's complaining because she wants to talk with Kal'tsit to get info from her so that she can leave cause she can't stand being on Rhodes
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Mysterious Lupo L
Crownslayer bullied again
>Shit cgs
>Trash welfare
>Mid units
Guess I'll save my rolls for Red2
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>isnt crownslayer one of the bad guys
>why is she on rhodes island
bro have you SEEN the type of people we hire?
My soulmate...
Crownslayer, bullied by Doctor cock...
Do you miss random ass never mentioned or hinted or referenced before release 6 stars /akg/ ?
Are you basing this off just that one flavor text from her preview...
Sanguinarch can just be stalled. It's the H-13-4 where he starts fucking your shit up, and even then the main danger is in the spam of elites in the top lane
Yes. Now point the gun at the bad guys and even if they look like civilians they are not. They are the bad guys remember? So you should not think about it. just shoot.
Digimon collab doko?
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are there any playable characters that don't have rock cancer disease
worthless post
Lappland is for (you)
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I want to play with her ears
excellent post
>are you basing it off the text HG showed to introduce you to the character and what they're about?
Crownslayer, bullied by Reds huge cock
A bunch. SA, Gnosis and Degenbrecher are squeaky clean, for example.
How strong is Wis with the power up?
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I wish altknights was less prevalent but I'm also planning on only pulling on banners with alts...
same as the destiny 2 collab
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Like every Vouivre, but Toddifons.
There are plenty.
No, they are rarely they any good
At least say Projekt Red, otherwise I just confuse it for Redblade
NTR Hajimeru
Base and true
>t. Texas
Crownslayer, bullied by Amiya's huge donkey cock.
Crownslayer can debuff the accuracy of an enemy by 62.5% for 8 seconds with S2 with her current module. Not great. Best hope is for her second module to get some jacked damage numbers/passive to use with S3 to bring her into the decent category.
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Damned, linked so fast there's not even auto-tl subtitles.
Shit. I have so much stuff to do at work and play lately. Don't have much time to do the Hell stages or even IS or RA nowadays. Maybe one day
is the anon who wanted to play on CN still here?
Jobs to Manfred 2 v 1
stop shitposting
Shining will NEVER get an alt
Where are you seeing the kit details? I'm not seeing it on prts still

62.5% seems pretty trash, you may as well just use gravel and tank the fucking hits instead
SA is infected
But I want (You)s...
Just wait till Chapter 16
how many times does she mention Texas?
Shitposting is /akg/ culture
Yes. I liked Ray, i liked Narantuya, i liked Dorothy, i liked Pozy. I don't care about Egg2, Siegealt, or Eyjaberry
oh sanjay entered his futafag phase, lmao
S2 increases talent effect by 2.5 and deals 500% at the end of the duration, it's from the dataminee sheets posted earlier.
im almost 2 minutes into the vid and havent heard texas once
No he's not
Goodnight, anons. The monthy reset is tomorrow so wish me me luck on my extra pulls
The Doctor? Fucking Wisadel as we speak
Are you the shitposter?
Yes, I love my fiance Nymph
the anon below me
Can you take your fucking meds?
Any good Arknights fanfic?
Shouldn't it be 67.5% if you include pots (welfare) 22% x 2.5
Fanfiction is for teenage girls
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Pink Devils
Tina is the Daphne greengrass
Let not pretend. There isn’t a single anon here that haven’t shitposted this thread
>t. slut poster
i've only heard it twice so far and im 6 minutes in unless i've missed a few
she says carnival quite a bit, also seems very excitable but not in the "im crazy haha" way
My brigade commander loves reading Harry Potter fanfiction. He's like 50.
Doujinshi are fanfictions, anon
I'm about to shitpost.
Thorns is not infected Im pretty sure alot of the Iberians arent.
Nvm that's the dmg portion of her talent, it's still 20% acc down with pots. RIP crownslayer
Even if the 2nd one is a damage module she's competing vs the 2 degen specialists for that
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>Arturia module gives her 5 (five)% elemental fragile
Haha, oh wow
Where did you find that piece of information?
I don't have chapter 13 completed yet, to get Civilight Eterna am I basically just trying to blitz through 14 while it's open for me?
Why aren't you analyzing this, lappfags?
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Sex with all pink devil
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It was nice, I'm listening to scary music right now. Another year with no trick-or-treaters though... as usual.

...is that wizard Lappland? And ty.
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Yeah? They're trash too.
Because we are waiting for translations?
But just from listening texas is mentioned ~6 times ish
Of course, retard. You can tell from the kit they gave her they never planned on making her increase damage in any way that's impactful, she's only meant for necro damage, not elemental. This way they can at some point release a powercreep elemental supporter that does necro damage and increases elemental damage.
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Her greeting line sounds cute.
Lappfag here. I counted 10 for (you) lines and only one line mentioning Texas.

My conclusion: Yuritroons lost and will be put on suicide watch.
>She can't stop talking about her girlfriend
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>Lapp post reduces her talent 1 deployment time by -4s for each buff
heh milk those pot5
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pick your pipi
I haven't got trick or treaters in a few years either
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>she's only meant for necro damage, not elemental
Please dont shitpost at me
I dont care about this fake yuri conflict you are trying to stir up
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>Rape you
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Avez-vous déjà reçu vos Logos?
I choose endpipi
>he bited
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Cool tank La"pipi".
Isn’t there only 8 classes…
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Deportation to country of origin...
>they say 1 in 3 people find older partners attractive
>well its not me...
The Disposables
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>W doesn't just immediately win against the map
What did they mean by this?
All me btw
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>Texas gets an alter
>Lappland gets an alter
>Exu just has a million skins
When's it going to be her time to shine and become relevant again?
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That's, "Happy Birthday", to RITA. Stop looking at her butt...
Bros, why does the lapipi keep talking about my chou ai
that dude on the far right looks generic as fuck so him
Don’t forget, Ray or Typhon can mog Wis when it come to single target damage
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Sorry. Loose colon.
>Exu just has a million skins
Not a single conventionally purchasable 18 OP skin btw
Odds 7th anni
Evens 10th anni
0 never
>And that's wraps. Let's go for a drink. Where's Texas, I wonder?
>ugly and short
The one behind Ari
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Her time will come.. when Arknights needs saving. She will be our angle.
Give me the bird
Oh no
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Here's my analysis
its the 3star result line
Threesome sex
it's over
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why is the halloween event italia?
post crownslayer's lines
Italians scare me.
She's talking about texas
Will we ever get an AU skin for Reed where she is a loyal pure traditional wife?
can you shitpost over something with a bit more substance please
yeah it's fucking over...
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>lapipi invites you out to drink
>texas rejects your offer to go out drinking
>Lapipi regards (you) as one of her family
>Want (you) to pamper her
>replying to itself
Unironically you are the one trying to force a character that's always been the face of yuri in AK as something she's not.
It's about time you realize you are the shitposter.
Replying to (me)
it is over...
i told you to stop shitposting
Just eat the spaghetti, anon. We won't hurt you.
She invited (you) and texas for a drink anon-chama....
>always been the face of yuri
>as something she's not
okay you made me laugh
here is your (you)
>This is the team you came up with? We should include some veteran operators like--
>No. It has to be them.
I don't like being the third wheel
well good thing she invited you first?
>Face of yuri
>0 yuri moment in her event
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>Stacy Lapp wants to be social and go have drinks with (you)
>Beta Texas is antisocial and never has drinks with you
Isn't Lappland getting over her unhealthy obsession a good thing? She's more stable and has a new found family and friends and is doing relatively well for herself. She's a lot better and healthier without Texas in her life
yeah thats why it made me laugh
>without Texas in her life
>bunch of CGs with Texas
>lines still talking about Texas
Yeah, I don't think she's over her
Yurikek status???
she replaced texas with doctor so it makes sense
yeah, she's got (You) now, that's the ultimate character development
But did she kill her dad. Kinda weird that promotional comic included so many scenes with Lappdad and he doesn't appear in Lappevent
I honestly feel like if anon had something more substansive in regards to lappland and texas in the voicelines they would've tried to shitpost with that instead of lappland getting drinks with (you) and tex.
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Bad wording on my part, her life doesn't revolve around Texas anymore
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>Clear 14-21 with an Elite 2 Amiya in the squad, and clear 14-22
Did I miss something? Why is her Medic conversion still locked, at least for me anyway
>Bunch of CG's
>only two CG's one of which was her handing a mask to texas and the other was lappland bringing a briefcase to lappland
Coping massively.
*Texas bringing a briefcase to lappland
have lapipi on the mind
And how many does she have in total? 4? That's half her CGs with Texas, not to mention the 3 animations in the stream.
>her handing a mask to texas
>the other was lappland bringing a briefcase to lappland
So she was proposing to her
/akg/ status?
which stage are you farming tonight, /akg/?
that... honestly makes sense
now i wonder what the other mentions of texas is about if the shitposter decided to just go with just the 3* mission complete line
I don't know why you guys are celebrating already. The story could still be full of yuri. We don't have her records either.
it's peak SEA hours so currently it's ablaze
they were holding hands
i didnt see any hand holding?

suzumom voice lines
The story is full of Vigil. Because lowlight needs to shill a two year old welfare op for some reason
whats worse, SEA or jeets?
5 or 6 iirc from what was posted here?
2 of which had texas in them
i actually think those were the only 2 CGs with texas at all
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>1k Sanity spent
>Logos: 43/100 Trust
>New year lines is Lapp and Doc going out together at night
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>0 Sanity spent
>Wisadel 200% trust
>90 pulls
>4 roaches
>0 Logos
Yeah I think it's time to stop
Delete this
I'm not joking
Oh thats cute actually
they do anything special or they just going out for a stroll or something?
>No medic amiya
>No h-14 stages

Where are they?
It's so fucking over...
>Red cert shop has new royal tokens
>Guard and specialist
82 pulls and still no Banshee. Maybe I should let my bird peck at my phone and pull for me...
why is chapter 14 all shitty gimmick """"cutscene"""" stages that you barely have to lift a finger against
atleast exu gets some milage obliterating the shitty floating torches
She just said let's have fun together tonight
is it normal to not have a fucking clue what sarkaz are talking about when they're blabbing on and on about their ancient bullshit or is it just because i skipped some
It's better than the VN style cutscenes
Clear NORMAL mode 14-21 and 14-22 to unlock her.
How's R1999 lately? Did it get better? I remember it being kinda mid on release
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A fun night you say?
Getting up to shenanigans with Lapipi on newyears night!
Sneaking into the cafeteria to get extra snacks!
TP'ing the landships deck!
its over for lappmutt toxic yuri enjoyers
Damn. That's some lopsided luck.
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>She just said let's have fun together tonight
Sometimes I want these really early posts to be true
Man if thats true i can already see the seething from some twitter circles
That's like asking
>What's worse, Priestess or Theresa
It's over yurisisters...
>texas x exu CANON
Good, at least it's not Sora x Texas
Priestess, duh.
It's LT all over again...
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irresponsible fun with lapipi...
Voicelines are not canon
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lappmutt could NEVER
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An ever relevant meme
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As long as you are willing to accept the results of your "irrisponsible fun"
The ship sinking, or people getting buried in whichever 6* Op they didn't want from the limited banner?
First skadi...
Then Muelsyse...
Now lappland...
What the fuck...?
I thought Silence already forgave Saria, and they were together again?
Oh that worked, thanks anon.

It might work for you too, anon
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I love this Hyena!
>a month left until 2025
>still no good lewd Crownslayer arts
Some people had yuri ships involving Muelsyse that got absolutely obliterated.
Texas has been paired with Sora, retards.
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it's over for lappland (as if it ever started lol)
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first Amiya...
What's the point in getting invested in the characters if they are going to keep retconing them?
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>So this is how you fight. Rush in with a 'woosh,' knock them down with a 'pow,' and finish them with a 'thud.' Very good. I'll keep it in mind.
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Dancing with Lapipi
What about it?
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of course
meulsyse and doctor is canon yuri though
Nah, Saria is hung up on Kirsten bad and olivia is busy with her new job.
They are back on friendly terms though, both get dinner with ifrit who is in sarias custody now on rhodes together when able.
We were always a texu general anyway
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So in the end, Lappland gets over her hangups, is friends with Texas, and is much closer with you now.
>Clear NORMAL mode 14-21
Lowlight you fuck, what's even the point of clearing it on adverse then
Should I m3 Logos' S1 or S3 first?
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lappalt seems pretty playful
>still no good lewd Crownslayer arts
I'm pretty sure it's Yostar EN only thing
Seems it for the most part?
The threesome path is now open haha
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Don't forget that tomorrow the sniper/caster node is open if you forgot to farm chips
Just buy packs like a normal person
Now I'm hoping doctor is part of the
event. Otherwise, this is legitimately a shitshow.
You know, this dialogue is kind of funny with the revelation that Skadi used to be a lighting technician, apparently the one and only in Aegir
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always was
You have an infestation
a shame Lappdad didnt die, then again all his power and authority will dismantle once the war starts
>Shilled characters
>Disappointing story
>Boring event
>Not enough Suzumom
would really like gladiia to punch me in the gut
Dont think he is
>Disappointing story
Huh? Did you finish reading?
I think he might actually, going through the voicelines. That or he's dying. I'll need the actual text instead of just auto generated moon runes.
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>Disappointing story
how did you read it already?
Less than 6 hours until the green cert shop resets... I need the 2 Headhunting permits and the Orundum, dammit.
>I couldn't resist drawing the Crownslayer from Arknights.( •̀ ω •́ )
i wish you did
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Don't forget about your bnuy
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I'm dong masteries now
wait, this is illegal
I did not. I'm just baiting some reaction images to steal
I thought the relationship between Lappland and Doctor was really well written actually.
congratz on harem schizo ending bwo.
Anyone play through the Hidden Front yet? I got up to Emergency 3 on my best run but it failed there. Really sucks that it doesn't even tell you what requirements you need to clear it. Quite sick of it already.
she's mad...
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I can't believe /akg/ relentlessly shilled this psycho bitch as having changed. People were throwing celebrations 2 years ago over how she was finally going to stop yapping about Texas. And now look. Same old TEXAS TEXAS TEXAS. Still a crazy bitch. Still won't shut up about Texas. I demand an apology from every Lappshitter in this general.
>Really sucks that it doesn't even tell you what requirements you need to clear it.
But it does...
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Our heroes
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geez doc, two wuhs?
I must've missed it then? As soon as I clicked Emergency it just said that I was not prepared and it failed. I think if you do have the stats to clear it then it tells you what you needed since you can pick through different routes.
decent bait but bad timing
i give it a solid 6/10
Theresa dying is pretty sad, thankfully she survived.
think there is a button on the bottom left that lets you know what stats you need to clear the emergency
She tanked that btw
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Oh i'm retarded. Thank you! Now I know what to work towards hehe
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fuck these retards
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no problem boblem
I have purchased a draco whore for the purposes of my niche knights.
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Yeah alright retard. Next time someone hypes up a character as having "changed", I'll be sure to remind them of LappMUTT and how she's the exact same fucking character since launch. Alters are a fucking joke.
you stuck to the bait too hard
im deducting a point
Doesn't count
how did people clear JT8-3 back in the day

i cant even clear it now with all my op operators
Actually learning the mechanics
Who should I raise next?
Bring a medics and possibly someone who can take arts damage/gravel.
>place NG
>Thorns facing up
>Guardmiya tanking Talulah
>Active NG's skill during firestorms
You can use Logos S3 now to delete fireballs
I don't care if she's overtuned or unhealthy for the game
W Alter is so fucking fun to use
Are straight men asking for yuri?
Are straight women asking for yuri?
Are fags among for yuri?
Who does this appeal to?
Does W2 need her module or some? She’s not doing as much damage as I was expecting
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what a transparant pair of pants you have suzumom...
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ligma balls
I'd say Texas
Worthless clear
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Hello, Bwos, i have come to this thread to make the most QUALITY of Posts. Here i Go.

sex voice
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Sorry, buta I only speaka ina Pizza.
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Maybe that should tell you something of what she thinks of your fashion sense Amiya
can Sarkaz and ancient/elder crossbreed?
For S3 not having module means what is otherwise a 175% is instead a 150% multiplier.
So soulful to use no module?
Yes, A Sarkaz got a Liberi pregnant before they both got lynched.
A sarkaz and liberi couple got lynched for it iirc too
>does [operator im using need module]
yes you fucking retards what goes through your dumb ass retard pea brain when you say fucking stupid shit like this if you are using an operator get their module
yeah its looking grim
Who says that sentence
just woke up, did we win yuribros?
they completely ruined charge blade so i lost interest
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I guess? She still has the 180% ATK increase and 220% attack multipler.
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>Hello. I've always been curious about what the "Great Doctor" that Lisa mentioned in her letter looks like. Today we finally meet and I would like to discuss her studies with you. Do you have time?
He's going to get whacked, I know it
Yes, pay no attention to Anti-yurischizos.
I am 100% certain you did not just wake up nor is this your first post itt
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>Are straight men asking for yuri?
>Are straight women asking for yuri?
>Are fags asking for yuri?
i dont think so but maybe
No, that's a huge cope
Waifufags didn't win either
as a fellow charge blade user it does feel kinda weird, i don't like the focus thing and they made it annoying to get into savage axe mode
I don't really understand anything. Lapp is for (You)?
Who lost?
Who won?
She's not
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Post yfw its a doc free kino event
Can I get some (You)s too?
Of course
Love roach.
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(You) are for Lapp
And suzuran's mother?
Seems to be on better terms with texas for the most part and significantly closer to (you) than she was
Has a couple mentions of tex in her lines but nothing as fixated as her original version, just stuff like asking to get drinks with you and tex it seems
She wants to take you out for some fun on newyears night though
Which stages are the most efficient to grind for the event?
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>do some quick maths
>A single Lappland Wolf does as much damage as the entire GG skill (but 40 sec duration vs 30 sec)
Weren't we supposed to be getting birthday lines? Why do none of these operators have them in the videos posted?
14-12 time-wise
It's just neutral shit that doesn't please anyone but also doesn't offend anyone.
The only losers are extremists who either said she will stop caring about Texas entirely or on the opposite end, that she will go all-in on Texas.
the birthday lines were a lie
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Happy birthday Horn
I almost went to sleep without greeting her
>Doctor, what is your experience regarding brushing 19 tails in one go?
suzuran (9) + suzupapa (9) + suzumama (1) tails
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I did not read chapters 11 until the latest

Can someone summarize what I needed to know before reading through this event?
Weren't we supposed to catch up to CN? Why haven't we caught up to CN when the arknights discord still proudly states in one of it's very first announcements that CN will be caught up to
I saw chinks saying that 1 wolf was equivalent to 1 goldenglow earlier this week, so your calcs seem right.
Doctor confirmed for fluffing the whole Suzu family?
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I was born for this moment.
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Horse Horse I love you Horse!
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So when is his banner?
>do a quick read through of the thread
>complete retard nigger hours
Stop obsessing over PNGs being for you. The plot isn't even out. Also some special CGs do not show up in datamines, like those Lonetrail one had many missing from datamine.

Now for actual news, Rosmontis buff was (-400 def, -20 res) to 8 tiles around her special Slab.
I am so sick of long-awaited NPCs being utter dogshit. Crownslayer is a day 1 NPC, an OG Arknight. And they did her dirty. HG has no respect for its characters.
i can clear anything with dogshit ops, why cant you?
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Tail bros we won
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>mfw same

So whats the verdict on Lapp2?
Does she completely kill GG?
I don’t get why anyone thinks it’s worse than BB-S4
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Its fine that she isnt the best
She is getting raised to max from me either way
Alberto doesn't die but he ends up rotting in jail
Yes but we knew that from the start, in the showcase.
GG would have just leaked the first 4 enemies in that showcase
BB-S-4 is actually impossible if you don't have a few good ops, even with supports
I love you too, Mon3tr
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>Does she completely kill GG?
how could she make another operator worse?
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Very good, I'll be sure to Lapp it up for him.
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Is it normal to pass out after eating food?
1 support Horn solves half that stage. S-1 is the most insane DPS check a standard event stage has ever had.
Mon Mon is so cute
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It feels like I'm just playing Monster Hunter World 2.0
I preferred the high mobility and movesets in Rise.
So the family is getting dissolved?
Depends on how much you ate.
BB-S-4 is even more of a dps check because the assassin's will melt through any blockers if you don't have Shu
It's. not. about. clearing. content.
It's. about. showing. respect. to. the. OG. ops. by; making. them. good.
Never. utter. the. words. clear. anything. again. in. my. presence.
Logos main skill? S3 generally and S1 sometimes?
Wishadel main skill? S3 always?
>short WHITE hair
pink theresabros...we lost...
Do you legitimately feel like passing out?
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Asky, Doc, Amiya and Savage are so cute together bwos...
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>deploy surtr behind boss
>deploy silverash infront
>use both S3s at the same time and think she cant tag both of them at the same time
>ping pong getting stunned by gayass floor transfer so zero dps is being done
>silverash gets put in gay baby jail just as surtr timer runs out
i hate being retarded sometimes
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How do you feel about this
Crownslayer was a day one jobber who did no damage in story too, W managed to at least almost match Tallulah with so prep
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Suzudad pic leaked
>every event for the past like 8 months has had stealth enemies as a main feature because they can't balance letting us do damage anymore
Alberto is taking all the inmates cocks…
>so prep
>rigging the entire building several hundred times is either some or no prep
Press the "go to main theme stages button" retardbro
I felt kinda tired and went to lay down after eating, then woke up 3 hours later this is at my home don't read into this too much was just a normal dinner
almost match not-serious talulah you mean
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I think you just ate so much and put yourself into a food coma bro...
Selfcest time
Post bmi
>It's. not. about. clearing. content.
then it's not important
cry about it
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Food comas might be an indication you've eaten too much too fast, but they aren't something to really worry about.
Importance is subjective. You're clearly part of the problem by not considering it important in the first place.
1.8m and 75kg
Where is this from?
Columbians kill this creature
11 - Siege recovers the royal sword. The old Steam Knights were killed except one.
12 - Rhodes and Siege get forced out of Londinium. Logos "kills" the current Damazti. Eblana shows up.
13 - Siege and military remnants form The Exemplars. Sanguinarch activates vampiric magic that powers up the Sarkaz army. Sanguinarch gets shadow realmed by Amiya and Logos.
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You will now level diamante
Pretty good because that was me
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will reading the fandom wikis for 11-13 be enough to get myself up to speed

theres so much text in-game for me to bother
>things I should be doing
Finishing the last few stages of Babel.
>things I'm currently not doing
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>favorite op
>the house they'd end up in
Just skip Victorian parts
Platinum is just like me
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You can redeem yourself by picking up the liberi of balance freezing
>hidden front
wtf they made a new game mode just for ch 14 and it's better than SSS?
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>things im doing
loving theresa
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>thought Irene would have good synergy with levitate ops like hool
>can't melee enemies in the air without using skills
Any CNbros here?
My download is throttled to 100 kb/s on bilibili
Worked on my machine
it's a mix between everyone downloading the update + you live extremely far from china
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Now that Siracusaslop is finally over, we can focus on some actually good plotlines.
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So what's the response from Mandyfags now?
They're imprisoned in different countries
I did the good old "pause and continue" trick like it's 2010 mediafire and it... worked
Back to 1mb/s
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I'm taking it easy with the stages because reeding walls of text is really boring.
Why does Bagpipe talk like that? Ch'en had to listen to this?
...bros I think Mandy actually died.
What happened with red and granny? Wasnt that set up for part 3?
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Is DoTKnights with Logos viable?
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Mandy just faked her death and is now living in iberia
She's Scottish
Being buried doesn't mean she's dead
She crawled out once before
>teleported miles
Simple, fake.
That was fast.
From what I've seen the event ends the Siracusa stuff but will continue with Beast Lord stuff. There's a reason why Lappy has more than 1 wolf drone.
Maybe it was a metaphorical burial, a burial of Mandragora's hatred. A burial of Mandragora's past. Now she's ready to embrace her potential as a good girl.
she needs food and water, and socialization. Put some metal crabs down there.
Hopefully they make it a beast lord arc instead of siracusa tied then
damn, that ines chin looks so bad
that angle does not work for anime girls
jesus, what the fuck is that chin, looks pretty masculine, too
Stuff like this really shows how clueless the devs were during Victoria arc. Just throwing shit at the wall and trying to make a story work with lame ass political undertones.

Remember Misery? He did nothing after Ch10 anymore.
I really love Ascalon
Anon…she literally have Gargoyle Art. She’ll craw her way out
I am enjoying the lobby theme immensely.
Is there extended version?
Made me check just to call you a chinlet
ok but what if mandy is ACTUALLY alive
He saves Horn and then in ch14 he saves Closure.
>keep introducing Sarkaz npcs
When are we supposed to hire them if the Victoria arc is over?
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Vicky arc < Reunion arc
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Do Not Open If You Are A Crownslayer Bro.
Could just loop this
CE is the doctor's phantom pain...
Where's the party where he saves mandy? They can't just have that bad of writing can they?
It is. Lapp is set up to show up in whatever Beast Lord event they do later, but all the Siracusa stuff is behind her now, including Texas
Yes, there is no yuri unironically
Don't know why they kept the Siracusa fsction on her. Gameplay purposes I suppose
i dont get it
Crownslayer doesn't even do bad S3 damage. It just shows how utterly degenerate the other 2 are
Who is Night Blade?
Night Blade = Phantom?
I don’t get it. Didn’t an Elite OP saved Mandy? How can she be dead? What if it’s an originium art similar to Mumu water clone but with rocks
they probably didnt have another faction to shoehorn her into since she is but isnt really a rhodes body
>Lapp is set up to show up in whatever Beast Lord event they do later
>Texas works for a Beast Lord
Interesting. Very interesting.
>but all the Siracusa stuff is behind her now
Nice means we could get red-alt sooner than usual then. Since it wont be another siracusa content, but it's own new arc starting
I think the anon is more talking about a wolf lord event rather than a beast lord event.
Probably gonna go all in on the fangs and shit with red.
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Skipping all the story and reading it later
First you must get Siracusa 3 ft Demetri.
He did. They're just joshin you.
>Comparing a freebie unit to the one of the game's most broken hyperlimiteds before the age of Wuh
Are we really doing this now?
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He's busy having gay homo sex to get content
that chin looks like shit though, regardless of my chin status (prominent)
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And we are going to get another kernel locating banner after November 5th

6* operators: Siege, Angelina, Silverash, Skadi, Ch'en, Schwarz, Hellagur, Magallan, Mostima, Ceobe, Phantom, Poca
Every time Delphine's sprite pops up in the story I get reminded of how shapely her big ol boobies are
Kroos vs Exu is an example of 19x more DPS
Not 6 star vs 6 star
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My cuckqueen Ines
Should i get spic thorn or shopping thorn?
Get the cheaper one, he's getting an alt in December anyways (CN)
None, default skin is better
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...she named the metal crabs?
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just get both
Lord guards be shopping.
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Cowboy thorns has a cool kick animation
Shopping one has meme shopping bag attacks
Also cowboy one will be more fitting to his alt design
this but i never go back and read it
No, Beanstalk did.
>Theresis in truth never gave a shit about the Sarkaz need to seethe
>he was in fact betting on his sister to defeat the originium plan even if it cost her entire existence
>now he plans to confront the precursors and their myriad ancient plans himself to wrest Sarkaz destiny back into their own hands

Guess that's how he's joining Rhodes Island. Also
>Sarkaz seethe is literally due to Originium preserving them in eternal seethe since that's all they knew and it keeps resulting in more seethe as it makes them Devil out resulting in a crippling seethe cycle
Priestess hate.
Priestess was right, it's not her fault that a bunch of pets turned into people.
Originium gets fucking wild, it consumes Rim Billy and keeps going, Theresis will fail or he is far more fucked up than we could imagine
Her name is Natalya Andreyevna Rostova and it was her birthday.
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>287/300 to spark
Should i wait for free pulls to get 300/300 or just pull now for trust and whatnot? I'm not in a rush.
But Priestess did nothing wrong?
Now give her a computer and WiFi to keep her from getting bored
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post teams that you're using
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this skin goes hard
5* operators: Texas, Franka, Scepter, Blue Poison, Platinum, Skyfire, Mayer, Silence, Liskarm, Croissant, Provence, Istina, Nightmare, Swire, Glaucus, Broca, Hung, Leizi, Leonhardt, Ayerscarpe, Asbestos, Tsukinogi, Chiave, Beeswax
If only Kally Wally could be like this again...
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I'd do it eternally.
spend three and call it there, you don't wanna end up like those weirdos who wait until the last day and end up forgetting
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post halloween clue parties
>two Cantabiles and an Absinthe
This party is fucking downer...
Well everyone else left because there was an elf
I've already seen an anon forgetting to roll and spark an operator on Shu's banner.
In my opinion I'll try to go for the spark now, unless you are sure you won't forget to roll every day.
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Speaking of elf, what's the deal with her lines in the costume? I'm hearing some of them hint she's just a larping Muel
My mom and dad is fighting again…
>14 rolls
>2 logos
it's not looking good
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Rosmontis Buffs:
+90 atk, +7 aspd, +100% spell damage as aftershock

Tactical Devices: 6750 HP, 850 def, 35 res (buffed)
The effect of "def lowered by -220 when blocked" changed to "surrounding tiles get -400 def and -20 res(!!!!)"
Tactical devices auto-summoned when a sniper/caster is deployed, near them.
Muelsyse talks with what's left of her dead god and attunes to it
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The devices are just beeswax pillars? They don't actually buff the sniper/casters?
Holy dogshit
For the Lappfags

Texas took the mask.
White Wolf let go. Without a sign, without a trace of nostalgia, she turned around and walked towards the depths of the landship
[name="Lapland"] By the way, Texas.
[name="Lapland"] The fun you brought me ends here
Yoinks Scoob
cute family! Cuddlecore and stabbing core!
Read more carefully.
Enemy debuff = OP buff
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>gatekeeping Logos E2
Wait for free pulls, spark a day early.
Oh I misread it, they debuff too. Not bad not bad.
Hopefully their range is large enough or they have smart deployment targeting
I'd like to see the misadventures of mont3r and doctor
I'm done with AK
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>mon3tr clinging to you
he's not so scary
Kal spine is spooning you
Max level your wife, then we'll talk.
Glad that HG didnt reneg on the whole dropping her fixation on texas thing.
Would've honestly been a shit move imo
Though i still gonna hold my final thoughts till i can look at the event/profiles/lines in their entirety
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Returning for daily smooches.
Show your pot12 now
It's peak
It's fire
Fr fr no cap
It got rizz
>e01 on the 5* slot
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My balls are drained. I can only pray Marcille comes quickly...
>lvl 1 Toddifons
Okay, that got me.
See you next Tuesday.
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I can't believe Lappy fixed herself and came back on her own
>Pot 6
>Pot 1
Why is lowlight allergic to QoL updates?
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guys i dont like W and i'm not gay

whats innit for me in this banner????
She becomes Muel's herald/prophet
We literally just got a massive base update in CN that allows us to set up presets for the base
A suspiciously high chance of obtaining Toddifons.
off banners and sex horse.
It may be a Sui situation honestly and she just doesn't remember being Muel, it is pretty fucking weird that she is the only Water Elf left
So she's like Pramanix?
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Am I good to keep using drones on LMD or am I eventually going to run out of Gold Bars?
I got Muelsyse. It's fucking over.
people use drones on gold bars?
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>All trace of Her walking our land, all the names She was praised by… Everything is gone, evaporated like morning dew... Across our clan's recollections of Her, 'Muel' is the only thing that remains. A syllable now carried on in my name.
>She's gone. She dispersed all Her Elves... then time carried Her far away, to a place farther still. But you know, just a hunch, I think She simply got sick of being a Feranmut. And just like some special Rhodesies we've got, now She's probably living up the human life, maybe? You think that sounds right, Doctor?
>To get the information in this crystal, you have to 'communicate' with it. Yep, that's right, just like the kind we make when I hold your hand. Oh, actually, lemme borrow your hand a sec! How's that, can you sense Her feelings? No? Not one teeny tiny bit? Oh... Okay..
Is Muel actually dead or not?
Grim, the day I get m*elsyse will be a sad day
Daily/weekly quests as well as the credit and cert shops will supplement your gold reserves. You might need to switch up your base and rotations if your gold is getting too low.
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Hubby wubby?
Muel and all the other elves have melded into something
What's wrong?
I've come to the conclusion that there are no real Wfags in this general.
either that or it merged with her
Feranmutts can't die
Muel split into different pieces which made the elves so yeah they're dead essentially
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Morning Dew mentioned!
>But you know, just a hunch, I think She simply got sick of being a Feranmut. And just like some special Rhodesies we've got, now She's probably living up the human life, maybe? You think that sounds right, Doctor?
Hinh hint
Who is she referring to? Doctor? Amiya? Hoe?
Sloshiest Sarkaz
>The ever-wakeful spring wells from Her back, that its currents caress Her like silk cloth. And in sweet rains it waters the parched land, that it nourishes all life as it grows...' Your kin left that passage to Her in your recollections. It makes me think, I should draw Her. That way, others'll be able to see Her
What did the Precursors mean by this?
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Skadi outfits look kinda samey.
She's gonna sober up for her operator role.
Wtf has happened since chapter 11????

what is this bony thing and why is hoederer talking to it
That's why I keep the original
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Manfred's Slut no.2
gladiia dresses her
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Which operator is pretending to craaaaaazy
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I value skins more on their chibi and animations. And this ones got some really nice effects with the wings
It's Lock and Key
Fuck Ishit'mla for stealing Skadi's content and having 3 L2Ds while Skadi has none.
I demand justice, give Skadi a real alt NOW.
Walter? Pulled
Game? Easy
Sanity? Cap raised

LazyGODS won this year.
the 24op skins kicked ass this rotation. it's kinda a shame arturia and egg only got to take over the godcube and create hivemind states in their image, i think skadi being a fairy queen and muelsyse forming a connection with her feranmut is cooler.
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>Amiya wants to play with you
I love Amiya so much you wouldn't believe
is this the final chapter for londinium shit?????
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>11 Six Stars in 300 pulls
>still had to redeem W2 and spark Texas2
Londinium Sarkaz shit yes
You still get regular Londinium Fuckwit Dukes content in Siege2 event
I hope we didn’t just leave Victoria only to end up back to Zhangslop and Russian sloppa
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The selfcest would be insane
Technically, but Siege's event is effectively chapter 15. Real chapter 15 won't be out on CN until probably April.
Depends, is Yan one of the countries that looks to be getting nuked by originium in the pv-4 trailer?
Why is Lapyoung scared of Lapold
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>decide to turn my gold certs into pulls in hopes of getting a chance to get Rogusu
>wild orange bag appears in the last 10x pull
>It's another Walter copy
Fucking hell, man... That's already 200 pulls.
What are the odds of getting the same Limited operator 4 times in a row?
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>tfw people who thought Kroos shot Fang are wrong
>tfw people who thought Beagle was dead are wrong
>tfw Fang alter assblasts so many doomsayers its unreal
fucking hell
I got Logos 8 times. No W...
zaaro made her insane (real) instead of insane (larping as cope because she was abused by her dad)
Threesome with Lapp and Lapp.
they need a bath first
I am literally 1 pot away from full potting psycho roach but am reluctant to use my Originite Prime
>joining rhodes island as a reserve pipi usually guarantees you getting a cute reserve pipi gf
You wouldn't segregate Closure would you
you become the cute reservepipi gf
NTA but I'm jealous desu. I wish I could trade you my roach alt for one Logos.
I would segregate her to my bedroom.
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Hugging both these lapps
Name a character cringier than W
casterpipi is the purest, most perfect pipi. an encapsulation of the word
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Never! I love that nerdy vampire.
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I'm so sorry
I'm guardpipi though
In the bath then?
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i prefer specialist slut pipi
specialized in sex
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Agreed, this is a certified pipi.
My statement stands
Is it worth pulling any more than this now that I have Wishy and Logos? I don't think I have enough gacha currency to spark anything except Wuh (original).
nice crotch harness straps
Time to save.
Enough about your mom.
you only need 1 pot
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We're never getting out of the dog house with this one
Lucky anon... If you already got them both and can't afford to spark anybody good, you should probably stop pulling on this banner. May as well start saving for the next limited banner desu.
>event comes out in 40 mins
>prts.wiki is still barren
Are they having trouble datamining or something?
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Is Qiubai and a 10-roll worth like 90 minutes of work?
>Revenant Dullahan loved Kazdel and his still living kinsmen so deeply he turned himself into kindling for the Sarkaz's furnace and when it wasn't enough, gathered and dragged away almost all of his fellow Revenants who were busy wasting time being depressed to use them as kindling too
Hot fucking damn, that is beyond metal.
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what he doin?
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Weird way to spell impregnate but yes I would.
Too bad she fucking died when Closure sent her out.
So who is the boss for the Lapipi event?
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Ultra easy mode unlocked in 8h.
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you're not going to believe this...
Lapipi super
Lapipi the taxi driver
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La Pipi the Taxi Driver
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I dunno. Nothing wrong with Arknights, I just feel kinda burnt out.
I have bad news for Red bros
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>the Chimera forced to wear the crown
So this confirms that the crown didn't turn her into the chimera but was one before
Should I calc Lappland's max damage?
can you change Irene to shorten it more?
Doctor and Closure can be physically frail geniuses together.
Don't take yostar MTL babble so seriously.
How could Salus know that this rabbit was a chimera BEFORE?
Was she spying on her in Australia?

And if she was, we would know in Babel event during her treatment.
That would require doing math
>Don't take yostar MTL babble so seriously.
It's official TL, moron
Why the fuck do W's summons do more damage than most operators while drawing ranged aggro AND giving her camo
lapipi. very interesting that Adam Gubman predicted this without being privy to such details, as he stated clearly on his twitter!
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>lapipi driving the taxi
>doctor gets in
>it's actually fake taxi
>proceeds to rape the doctor
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A little crowded.
Almost like the trailer for it was her being a general menace?
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She's really good if you have no one else more important to spend the voucher on. I use her all the time as my main lord whenever I can't use Lappi due to silence immune enemies, and her S3 DPS can be incredibly good, I also use her a lot in RA2. I wouldn't say she's necessary to have but if you want her badly enough then she's not a bad choice at all for the voucher, and the new module just makes her better.
saar do not redeem twisadel
Lowlight's OC please understand.
These things happen
Doctors fault really
If you're going to make a boss theme for a boss you're going to need every detail about them desu.
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She has done nothing wrong.
Stop being mad at her over the actions of a pajeet or a SEA.
If he got in willingly then it wasnt rape
we told you arknights was stingy
Is it worth burning these for the story event (not babel)?
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My luck has been pretty good actually. Just not on limited banners.
hate fuck W
will we get an event in 24 days?
Meh those maggots could never make me hate W, the impact Wfag prime left when the poor guy was waiting for her to release on Global way back then was great.
those were the days
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>if you have no one else more important to spend the voucher on
Unless I would use it for a pot, then I have no one else to spend it on period.
Didn't the Sanguinarch say that he couldn't sense any trace of Sarkaz blood in Amiya when his blood ritual buffed all the Sarkaz in the area? So... We still don't know exactly what she is, huh? Cautus and... something Chimera.
So why did Lapipi do it? Why are we fighting Lapipi? Is Lapipi still a virgin
That's why it's stingy
why not just let the originium spread

priestess would've liked that

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