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Previous: >>500566690

>Version 5.1 "The Rainbow Destined to Burn" Trailer
https://youtu.be/yJ-tllvBvmI (EN)
https://youtu.be/_DqVC77tmrc (JP)

>Current character banner: Hu Tao, Nahida, Sethos, Xingqiu, Kuki Shinobu
>Current weapon banner: Staff of Homa (Polearm), A Thousand Floating Dreams (Catalyst)

>Event "Chromatic Ode of Candies and Roses" live until November 7

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes with Primogems (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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Post something spooky
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Nahida is really sexy.
we're all here
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Everybody is here
that is the previous thread though
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My first day playing genshin. Hope it's good!!
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no xiexie
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Not using your gay thread.
/gig/ is pretty terrible lately.
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This one
[GOOD NEWS] Xilonen got one fanart today.
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Make sure to get Nahida. Good luck and have fun.
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Reflects the state of the game.
>unironically using x*nyan
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we need more creative cheld recruits
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How come Hoyoverse is appealing to Mexicans so fuckin hard?

Why do they ignore South Americans?
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klee tummy
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Mexican Poorfag here

Thoughts on my Arle?
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>cute art
>ruined by ugly fetish
it's so tiresome
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>Albedo pov:
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Hard shell tacos blows the shit out of those soft wrappers.
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>Be me
>Be from Mexico
>See redditors complaining about no Shenhe rerun
>Already have her C1/R1
>Literally never use her

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Is this little slut useful if built properly? I really wanna ab use her
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paglan flopped
Nothing made me hate Mexicans more than browsing /gig/
only if you have her and Faruzan at c6
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there's no point making more edits, they all just get filtered
What are her prospective teams then
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only for IT
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Can any mexicans itt translate this
Kill yourself you faggot
Furina Xianyun or whatever really Lynette Faruzan work as a core
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We love Freminet and Lyneylove here.
>my precious crush
>the guy who impregnated her
It's cuckshit
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Shoop Taco Bell Cheld onto Chanca.
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i can't stop cumming to furina in her underwear
I love flat women sooooo much
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bros the highest difficulty in the new event is too hard..
Sethos POV
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how is trial Klee?
Girls unknowingly wearing clothes that I jizzed on is my fetish
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Time to accept that Genshin's novelty has worn off long time ago.
earlypedo melty
I'm so tired of generic ai sloppa...
If you have to slop it up, at least use better models instead that overly smooth, plastic looking garbage
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idk I'm talking about the 3 Maguu Kenki
Wait is that vitiligo not dirt?
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The game has just been mishandled. It could've remained the king of gachas, but Genshin team through either incompetence, negligence or unwillingness, has refused to evolve the game past what 1.0 introduced.
Can you believe it's been four years, and we still don't have a third button?
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Good Afternoon.
Friendly reminder that Furina is for you and that you should visit your dearly departed once in a while. That once in a while is now.
give up bro, she doesn't have a single curve on her body
in all honesty i shall not be using the thread made for gays and dirty stinking vagina havers
Just remembered that the monthly sales shitposting is today.
Time to take a break from these threads.
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Dori's theme slaps
Weapons and artifact active skills seemed like a really straightforward addition but we're talking about a publisher who infamously ignores customers, added no skins for years, and still doesn't have a permanent game mode or activity that uses the open world over again. We can't even fish in every body of water which is something even the most retarded indie dev can manage. Besides just being high on their own stench the mobile compatibility has been a disaster for this games longevity anybody who was going to quit did that years ago and never looked back. There's been no reason to change their minds.
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You can say that again.
Dori is just a walking stereotype. A worse, less charismatic Yae Miko.
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As long as I can clear the highest difficulty that gives primogems, I don't really care about anything above that.
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they don't "improve" the game because they can't, they don't do it because they don't have to(yet). they will only release them when needed to retain and get players back. it's the best long-term strategy for a live-service game like this. think back to when a bunch of features and rewards were added recently due to competition (they'll get praised while doing it, too). it's the worst part about Genshin as a gacha
I was one of those that got pulled back recently, and I know some of my friends also did that, so it definitely works
>character's name is Shenhe
In other words, maintenance mode.
Easily the hottest character in the game btw
Yowza... la gata puta...
off model
nah, just keeping the status quo, maintenance mode would imply that the game is not getting anymore updates
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Neuvillette WORMED his way inside your skull and lives there rent free btw.
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Stop posting my Furina with this murderer bitch. Merci.
yanKING's onaho
She never killed no one in game
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No, it means the game isn't being developed. Not that it isn't getting updates.
There is functionally no difference in how the game is played between now and release. A brand new version update usually shakes up the gameplay a bit, but the first and last time we got that was the dendro release two years ago.
The only thing we get are more 2/5/10 primogem chests to open and the same tired old 'collect the orbs!' challenges. Oh, and more Fat Xiao slop disguised as ""content"".
lmao even normies started realizing fatxiao's fetish
Male players ntr obsession is patholigical. You don't see Lumine self inserters talk about their husbando and their husbando's wife.
>kuki finally on banne again
>it's with a functional brick (every old player has Xinngqiu at C6 already) and an ACTUAL brick
>would have to risk losing my pity to Hu Tao or a Nahida con instead of keeping it for Mavuika or Citlali
why must Dawei be such a cruel god...
hate how our community becomes more accepting of whores now
>120 posts in 12 hours
The absolute state of fujos
who wonned
who losted
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I wish our Ayucka could be cute
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did you not see some cheld yumes throw a fucking fit when Yoimiya happened...
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Fat Xiao has a patrician taste then. I guess I really am his "core audience."
>Casually mogs Yae and Ayaka
I hate Inazuma
>hime cut
>fox ears that clip into her head
>omg so cute
You don't know what clip means
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Ask more nicely
>yumes throw a fit when cheld is seen standing alone in a forest with yoimiya
>this never happens again
>male players keep getting similar scenes involving nilou
keeeek a doodle doo!
They throw a fit, they don't make memes about being cuckolded.
A clip is the thing that holds the bullets that you load into a gun
Didn't they already fixed her model?
This IT was fucking AIDS

First time I didn't have any of the starter characters built so I was forced to use trial ones in visionary mode. Jesus they suck so bad.

Also somehow didn't get Xilonen at all during the entire run.
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I don't fucking know, I don't play it.
Man I wish I was arle
actual shitter moment
know that your opinion doesn't matter
>I don't fucking know, I don't play it.
AFAIK they did already fix her model and some guys in /zzz/ are complaining "Mibibi lost sovl."
>make chiori a guest character on a month with no geo characters to activate her second doll
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But why is it only Nilou?
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>This IT was fucking AIDS
For you
This is probably the second easiest IT so far
just waiting for her body to be modded into Ayaka
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It could've just been Albedo, his EM steroid would've at least been somewhat useful.
But I guess he can't even be a guest character.
lol why is nahida so tiny?
What happened to collei and emilie…
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>spend weeks of resin and millions of mora on building a character for IT
>don't even get to use her
nice endgame
Bitch I already said it was aids cuz I had to use trial characters and had absolute shit luck getting the right dpa early

Still 10* no problem
i didn't ask, lil bro
To destroy your morale
>they don't do it because they don't have to
>I was one of those that got pulled back recently, and I know some of my friends also did that, so it definitely works
I'm a returning player too, but I disagree. I've done 300-400 hours of exploration since coming back and I'm nearing the end.
Past that point there's not much reason to stick around because none of the repeatable content is compelling. The daily 15 minute artifact farm for a 1% chance of something good gets stale after a week or two if there's nothing else to log in for. All the endgame combat is just dps checks. IT is a decent concept but the implementation is a mess.
Respawning/rotating chest were a popular request even 4 years ago. Changing the resin system has been a long time request too. The combat and puzzles have actually trended towards getting easier over time since Inazuma, rather than harder. Local legends are the one exception.
Well they've certainly destroyed my image of Nilou to the point I want a refund.
They have to watch Chelde job like a little bitch
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Eula bros rise up!
I will rape you
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HEAVEN'S TO BETSY!!!! SETHOS, you asked NAHIDA to INCREASE your FERTILITY to UNPRECEDENTED levels NEVER seen before in THIS Universe and for ALL of your children to be born moments after conception? AND you want to USE NILOU for BREEDING purposes? WHHHAAAATTT?!?!? She'll be popping out babies every 10 seconds?!?! And you want to ABUSE her body since Collei's body wouldn't be durable enough?!!? EEEHHH??!?!! NILOU ALREADY ACCEPTED?!!? And you will force ME to pay for and take CARE of ALL her children? And I will be RAISING them ALONE, so that when they reach ADULTHOOD they will ALSO want to breed NILOU, THEREBY spreading your genes many times over?!?! I'LL BE REWARDED WITH A LIVESTREAM OF HER BIRTHS??!! Golly GEE!!! I'LL GET TO WORK RIGHT AWAY SIR, TO PAY FOR ALL THE DIAPERS I WILL BE CHANGING! YABBA DABBA DOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
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I'm just glad I never got cons or her paddle.
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Ugly art
my FUARKING heroes
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Nilou is pure.
Sethos is the true Deshret resurrection, therefore Cyno's rightful master & bull
I could never imagine being this pathetic
beautiful art
Thread is so slow that you guys are using 2 threads at the same time.
>you're pathetic if you don't want your girl cahooting with a new male character every other event
You will never understand what men want.
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Deshret destroyed his entire civilization for some trick. Fuck simps apologists
She's not there for you. She's there for me, so I can use the C6 character I just paid $300 for.
take meds
Remus was the better man in the end. Deshret did it for Seelie pussy, Remus did it for mankind.
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Cope on Cynokek, your dog stripper will never be Deshret
Snowbunnies are too hard to resist...
I'm a man, which is exactly why I said that you faggot
You are definitely a woman or gay. In gacha terms, Nilou's a fucking hussy
Nabu Malikata never let Deshret hit BTW.
Nah, you're just a pathetic faggot that imagines himself getting cucked by fictional characters
Well you did spend 300-400 hours on just exploration alone since coming back, I would definitely says that it worked...
For me, I only just came back to the game since a few days ago
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>Nilou is whored out left and right
>Faruzan is kept pure and chaste for Kaveh
How is this fair. What do the writers have against her?
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Cute and canon
But he looks like tall male cyno?
tsaritsa will use manlet model
You are the only one making it about cuckoldry though. I don't want a trick whose entire personality is innuendos.
The writers are purposely taunting me and I would refund Nilou if I could.
/gig/gers are cucking me by looking at genshin girls.... nyoooo
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How does Clorinde deal with the size difference? Does he crush her?
That's not official art
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We won, dehyathambros
That's how every gacha is. At least here you still -play- the game while doing your chores unlike most gacha.
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this is a shitposter who doesn’t play the game
this is fanart
You literally said your image of Nilou is ruined because she's always with males lmao
Neuvillette's sexy legs...
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sustainer waiting room
Point still stands
Well? What’s the verdict?
Me in the front
ZZZ is fucking weird
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Where's a can of bug spray when you need it?
this isn’t king deshret either but one of his followers
What if 5.2 archon quest was postponed because mihoyo realised that ENtrannies won't be able to voiceover in time?
xblankey xbroke you
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Why are they like this?
I literally posted a screenshot I took from the game.
Candace knew in what direction Nilou and Sethos had gone because she was able to see the past and heard voices which she assumed were those of Deshret and Malikata. Nilou being the usual Malikata stand-in, this is the first time a parallel has been drawn between Deshret and a playable character, shattering Alhaitham and Cyno headcanons to the delight of those who play the game.
Do we know the rough heights for any of the playables? I want to see who’s tallest.
Nta but what parallels are you talking about here. In what world is Sethos more likely to be a Deshret expy then the General Mahamatra
Sethos is Tyrone coded ngl
Diona is taller than Klee
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Kinich is cool, I have a predisposition towards liking characters with shirou's voice actor
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>two five star males just had their relevancy shaken to the core by an irrelevant 4 star male
>and people got cucked out of Nilou again
Sumeru just continues to be a soap opera for women.
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>gigameta whalebait femorrhoid
>0 tiktok hours
>0 fanart
femorrhoids flopped bigly and killed the game
In the world where Candace found Nilou and Sethos thanks to the Wedjat Eye allowing her to hear Malikata and Deshret's voices.
stupid nigger sethos had the gem too and he didn't have any visions because he's not related to deshret like candace is
Did your 13 hour thread get deleted sis or were you tired of talking to yourself?
Cyno is too much of a beta male to be Deshret
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Is Candace with Nilou a meme? I'm too fucking lazy to farm Candace to max and experiment only to end up with a downgrade. If she's worth then how do I build her for Nilou? ER-Em-Em + Bane/Fav??
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>people seething at Sethos are Cynofags who thought HE was Desret reincarnation
KEKYPOW first Alhaithamfags now Cynofags
Literally don't exist. Just like Sethosfags
They even said Kaveh was a Deshret reincarnation at some point
>your girl
you need to touch some grass my man
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Kinich is fine but no one here really cares about him on the level to start avatarfagging or spamming fanarts. He got the least lines among major AQ characters, and even his tribe quest was mostly about you filling in for him. He just shows up at the last minute.
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wrio love
his month begins now…
i hate shitposting niggers like you so much it's unreal
>Sethos : By the way, Miss Candace, I noticed you're carrying the other half of the Wedjat Eye.
>Sethos : That's right. So you've read the legend, too.
>Cyno : I only know the basics. I never thought these two gems could be connected to the relic from the legend.
>Sethos : I only bought the gem because it seemed like there was something special about it. The legend didn't come into play until I checked certain texts back at the Temple of Silence.
when you start growing hair on your peepee you'll understand bwo
And where does that say Sethos was unable to see visions like Candace? Because the dialogue I posted tells a whole other story.
You lost cynokek stop coping your stripper will never be Deshret
>Tighnari named after the tighnarians
Why would you call your son newyorkio or lasvegaslio
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why is he like this?
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i like him
Italo is a name used in Italy.
where does it say that he had visions? where does it say that he can resonate with the gem like candace did? where you illiterate shitposting cuck?
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Sethos is describing who can see visions, not saying he actually saw any himself.
However, it's likely he's capable of seeing visions as is Cyno. They are both desert born, people of Al-Ahmar.
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Nta but your dialog said descendants of Deshret can see the visions but that means Candace has an equal chance of being Deshret going by your logic.
Bros over hoes
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just because he's from the desert doesn't mean he can see visions, only certain people born in the aaru village can
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day1 player, finally got keqa'd
account bricked forever
Okay so you are definitely an ESL.
>"I was surprised it still has the power to record events after all this time", meaning he learnt it prior to meeting Candace and learning about her experience with the Wedjat Eye

In Chinese:
>When I first got it, I was also very surprised. I hadn’t expected that after so long, the legendary 'Eye of Ujat' was still recording everything it saw.
if bros over hoes then why did he dodged me and let me get c2 nahida instead
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You were the hoe all along...
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>Sethos : Its power seems to only resonate with the people of Al-Ahmar, also know as the descendants of King Deshret.
>descendants of King Deshret.
from candace's character story
>"Aaru Village is the final refuge for King Deshret's descendants."
>And so, generation after generation, the Guardians take up their duties in silence, defending countless villagers until they pass on as the "descendants of King Deshret" and gain eternal peace.
there are several people disagreeing with you because you're genuinely retarded, it has nothing to do with "being muh ESL"
>meaning he learnt it prior to meeting Candace and learning about her experience with the Wedjat Eye
Except that is not my reasoning. That anon moved the goalposts to being able to use the Wedjat Eye (which both Candace and Sethos are able to do).
My reasoning for Sethos being a Deshret stand-in is the fact Candace found him with Nilou by following the past voices of Deshret and Malikata.
post line where sethos says he can see visions right now you cuck
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Cynokeks are in shambles.
So how does he know the Wedjat eye is "still recording everything" if he merely read about it in a legend...? Do you realise how retarded you sound?
Besides, you are a lorelet. All Eremites are called descendants of Deshret.
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feels good to be dendroGOD
easiest IT yet
But Candace isnt related to Deshret outside of being a desert nigger, the whole descendant story is a stretched white lie as part of tradition, read her profile
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>cynokek is still at it
why are they in a cathedral?
Citlali is going to murder Layla in cold blood like how Fat Xiao murdered her village
because temple of silence you are so fucking retarded it's unreal
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Pre-Wormveh and pre-Pagthos Sumeru...home
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It sure is another great day to love Alhaitham
Looks too gay ngl
>Citlali is going to murder
Well, she's already proved herself by being at least ten times more useful than Mona and Layla combined, the useless whores.
Mexican alcoholic granny is just too powerful for these academic prostitutes.
Nope, that makes zero sense. I will repost both the Chinese text I posted above because you are huffing on copium at this point.
>When I first got it, I was also very surprised. I hadn’t expected that after so long, the legendary 'Eye of Ujat' was still recording everything it saw.

So Sethos was surprised the LEGENDARY Wedjat Eye, which he indeed read about in the Temple of Silence, still had the power to record events, WHEN HE FIRST GOT IT, i.e. prior to meeting Candace.
The fact that "descendants of Deshret" is a moniker used for all desert dwellers only reinforces my point.
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Did you fags actually pay attention the Shitmeru event? I had it on auto the whole time
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>gay character looks gay
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god I love Natlan women
Where in the game is it stated or implied that he is gay without bringing your headcanon into this
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Lumine aka Hotaru aka Ying and Wanderer aka Scaramouche aka Balladeer
sethos saved sumeru doe
because it's usually paimon that is dancing there
this but unironically, alhaitham or cyno as deshret would have been gigacringe
If Xilonen makes less than 60m she's a complete flop
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Just bros hanging out
Basis for the 60m number?
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>Aaru Village is the final refuge for King Deshret's descendants.
This isn't referring to literal descendants, but the desert people in general. It's metaphorical. Did you speedread the world quests?
When everything went to shit, Aaru was the primary endpoint of the migration.

The people of the temple of silence are also descendants, as they were part of the sect of followers of Hermanubis.
You didn’t reply to >>500646343
More like ruined beyond belief, even more than Kaveh
>still had the power (EN)
>still recording (CN)
He read about the Eye's powers in the legend, then found out it STILL had its powers when he FIRST GOT IT.
Are you willingly fooling yourself, or are you actually unable to understand clauses of time and aspect? Both the CN and EN versions make it clear he experienced the Wedjat Eye's powers for himself, the former even more so.
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Who cares whether sethos or cyno fucked nilou, she was conquered by desert scum regardless
There is no reason to get this upset. It's ok to accept that you're wrong.
What was the point of the clairvoyance stone anyway?
Felt like pure filler
What kind of fucking legend do you read that leaves you with the impression you obtained knowledge about how something "still" works in the present day? He said that because he was surprised to learn first hand it was still functioning when he obtained it.
That's because this event, like 90% of other events, are pointless filler
>lorelet has a melty because he got humbled by loreGOD
Tale as old as time
60m is still a flop for a kit like that lmao
it was. Everyone dicksucking the Kavehdev's self-insert was the true plot of the event
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>wanderer fucked Nilou!
>no, Cyno fucked Nilou!
>Nuh-uh! Sethos did!
>no, Cyno!
for 4year old game it won't get higher. I doubt Genshin will reach higher numbers than HuTao/Raiden/Yelan/Nahida banners
Why is king deshret's mausoleum so close to natlan? I was playing kinich's sq the other day and it took up the entire background
But it's filler tacked onto filler, if you removed it the Candace shopping side plot wouldn't change much
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>Wait, you claim to like [characters that I don't like]? You even dare to post them in this thread? Heh, I don't think so, kid. You're obviously a trolling shitposter and my very own personal boogeyman, and also the person behind all the negativity [characters that I like] receive. I can read you like a god damn book.
It was filler. It's good to understand that anything that is temporary is probably filler or at best tangentially relevant to factors that only lorefags care about.
If something in an event coincidentally becomes significant to a later plot point, it will be explicitly repeated within that main story context. Take the fake sky, for example.
Literally impossible to suffer in Latinx America.
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>borrowed hu tao is the strongest character of my IT run
my roster really sucks doesn't it
Probably because he's from natlan
>rolled 12 times on the standard banner
>get layer
Thanks for the blessing!
did he scrapped/yoinked some of ancient Dragon Tech and made his own machines, etc based on that? Reverse engineering or something like that.

It would explain why lots of key buildings are close to Natlan.
If you have to borrow to win, then yes.
Fujos are so annoying he’s not even implied to be gay
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>condense 4 for my daily points
>forgot the daily reset isn't for another hour
>still have to wait an hour for IT reset
it's so fucking over.
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Sethos might be Deshret, but remember that Malikata never gave him a crumb of pussy. He will die a virgin
>alhaithamfag mysteriously reappears
Who are the invited characters for the new IT?
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That was easy.
None of them are Deshret. Deshret was a god.
They would know if they were walking gods.
Kill yourself Xinyan defending Rosaria schizo.
>He said that because he was surprised to learn first hand it was still functioning when he obtained it.
>then found out it STILL had its powers when he FIRST GOT IT.
>Both the CN and EN versions make it clear he experienced the Wedjat Eye's powers for himself
you are now making up literal headcanons to justify your cuck fantasies holy kek
he got the eye, he read the legend and got surprised that it still has powers to record memory AFTER PAIMON TOLD HIM THAT CANDACE HAD VISIONS
>Paimon : So, Candace actually saw things recorded by the Wedjat Eye!
>Sethos : I was definitely surprised it still has the power to record events after all this time.
>neuvillette is the reincarnation of an ancient dragon lord but gods can't reincarnate mmkay
Oniichan no baka
Freminet no baka
Tabibito no baka
Paimonu no baka
best post itt so far
He's probably from the upper sanctum. That's where the sage used to teach people how to use phlogiston
Lynette would never say this
Candace shouldve had a cool bird transformation to fit as the Horus to Cyno's (Herm)Anubis.
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>they would know
Try reading the whole post next time. I understand it's difficult.
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>think theathre is gonna be easy
>My Xilonen is glued to Klee because she is just a fucking brick
>hardest round was the first Round with Klee

Yeah its bad.
Overall this Endgame is a big Support & Energy Recharge Check
isn't it confirmed that Candace is descendant of Deshret? I doubt he reincarnated (if he even died in the end, we know that only his body was consumed by Apep but his soul/mind ended somewhere else) but he probably fucked many women and in end Candace is his grand grand grand grand grand daughter
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>See a lv80 C2 Kinich in my friend list with signature weapon so pick him
>notice him doing 30k per shot no crit
>look inside
>80/80 lv6 talents with 30/150 crit ratio and deepwood artifact set
It's okay to be wrong bwo let it go
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take it back...
No, "when he first got it".
You're free to head to search for the Chinese text I posted above https://homdgcat.wiki/gi/quest/10209?lang=CH and translate it yourself.
I've already made my point; even without the extra adverbial clause, the English version makes it aspectually clear that Sethos is referring to his experience prior to meeting Candace ("I was surprised", not "I'm surprised"), but sadly you're too much of an ESL to see that.
Thanks, but damn those opening characters are ass and I need to run Chiori with Xilolen to get her second puppet despite the fact that it does nothing for her
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>isn't it confirmed that Candace is descendant of Deshret?
it's just a thing the eremites say, like when christians say they're the sons and daughters of jesus christ. pretty sure they explained this during the sumeru archon quest too
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Truth nuke as the kids say
klee was interesting to try, the CAs do hit hard once you land them but my first instinct is always to spam NAs
without a shield she's a megabrick
>Neuv is gonna be even stronger with the 400% ele damage increase in 5.2
Why is nobody melting over this? Him and Raiden are the only characters that can realistically reach that number without whale investment
Xilonen lets C0 Chiori have two tomatoes? That doesn't sound right since Xilo doesn't spawn a construct
i had a dream where i molested ei
Is it elemental damage too? I thought it was just physical
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you can't whale for brains
What ele increase in 5.2 ?
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>Why is nobody melting
because who cares
how does it affect you
your account is just a whole brick without neuv
Yeah I realized that right after I posted. I don't know why I thought Xilolen had a construct, I'm probably tired or still tipsy
because the game is already easy, 1.0 4* characters can clear the hardest content in the game and what's meta in a singleplayer video game made for chinese children is completely inconsequential.
Hu Tao/Arlecchino
Full Dendro/Electro Buff and Tighnari & Yae Miko where they still hit him when he is underground
>Dancing Robots
Raiden Overload with Chevreuse (Ousia for Shield)
They did. Not sure why it gets taken so literally.
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>gnosis system just forcibly redirects elemental authority to the designated holder from the dragons, thus copying their birthright
>Deshret copied the dragons
>then it will turn out that Khaerni'ah ruin robots and Khemia were based on Dragon tech
>then it turns out that Remuria's system and Fontaine Meks were inspired by Dragon tech
>the abyss dragons were actually in on the plans to fuck up teyvat under their sovereign masters
>then it turns out Celestia was run by a bunch of dragons in disguise
>candace plays the same instrument as deshret
>plays the same role as him in the event
>while nilou plays the role of nabu malikata
>is his descendent even if it's not literal
>erm but sethos is actually the reincarnation because I'm an ESL (and I refuse to concede) and apparently he's the stand in for deshret
>despite the fact that candace thought that she MIGHT have heard deshret and nabu + sethos and nilou not even TALKING about the things candace heard
might as well claim kaveh is the reincarnation because he took the photo because deshret did so too a billion years ago
maybe you were thinking of her DJ turntable thing
should cap it to 200% to fuck everyone
I've never not been able to clear any content without neuv since he released. He's completely unnecessary, just roll for who you like.
Probably not, I was using Ning in the overworld earlier and was thinking of her kit for some reason
kinich was OP against the worm, the grapple follows it as long as it doesn't go fully underground
throw in a dehya E for burning and it's dead really quick
there's more reasons to claim kaveh is deshret's parallel than that. but really the thing is lots of parallels are drawn between old sumeru figures and various (multiple) modern day sumeru characters. there is no one single sumeru character that is "THE" modern day stand-in.
why would anyone get mad over a neuv buff?
the massive backlash after he got nerfed already established his popularity and proved that trannies who hate him are an irrelevant minority
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I did it bwos! Foods were used to clear under 30 seconds
Dsmn, it's almost like there was a tradition that groomed children to undertake that role despite none of them actually descending from his bloodline or something.
>400% ele damage increase in 5.2
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>reptilian conspiracy theory is real in teyvat
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trial Klee.
Hu tao.
Hu tao and Emilie.
>dancing robots
Emilie and Nahida with Bennett infusion and rank 4 fire dendro buff.
after seeing the leaked dragon NPC I'm kinda curious how the fuck advanced high tech dragon-race managed to lose and primitive humans took control over their planet

either HP is on tier of Aeons from HSR and just by farting he destroyed whole race of dragons or just Nibelung went full schizo mode and just unleashed some double edge weapon and nuked whole planet in hope it would kill HP but instead he killed his race and almost destroyed whole planet ley lines

now everyone (that are dumb as Mond and Liyue folks) are just reverse engineering dragon tech. I bet that Ei probably build Scara and Shogun based on some dragon tech mixed with other ancient stuff
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Like that mural in Natlan that shows dragons digivolve into humans...
What's external audience support im IT?
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Are you gonna roll for this Mexican Genshin?
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>wants the Ayame figma
>check out which other Genshin figurines are there
>oh there's official Eula's figure
>announced in works 2 years ago
t...thanks Mihoyo
>candace meets sethos and notices he has the other half of wedjat eye
>sethos says he bought it because it looked special, doesn't mention anything about having visions (not even in machine translated CN version)
>at one point he and cyno read the legend from the temple of silence, an institution that compiles historical documents
>gets surprised legend is true after finding out candace could see visions
>says only descendents of king deshret can see it
>nothing in his character stories or in the event or anything related to sethos says that he is a descendent of deshret like candace
the "x is deshret's parallel", x usually being one of the sumeru homos is just fujo cope, simple as. there are no parallels between the old god trio and most modern sumeru characters, and if they are they are explicitly shown (kasala and cyno, hermanubis and cyno, hermanubis and sethos, rukkhadevata and nahida, deshret and candace, nabu malikata and nilou). genshin is not a game where it excels in subtlety and foreshadowing
This maxican spam gonna make me skip chitali
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borrowed hu tao
kinich burning
>>Dancing Robots
kinich, cyno, thoma, xl
monolith defense was the most annoying stage again
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if you have friends, you can steal their characters
i stole c1 kinich from my friend personally
>>here are no parallels between the old god trio and most modern sumeru characters,

>sun symbolism includes his bright disposition, passion, golden hair, red eyes, red cape, white shirt
>white is also the color of his darshan
>darshan animal is the lion, long associated with the sun, 'the king of beasts'
>has a very public and high-profile life as a renowned architect/builder
>demo takes place during the day time
>arguably associated with Ikarus - outfit is named "gold pinions in flames bathed", has a tendency to fly too close to the sun with his ambitions and suffered for it

King Deshret
>aka al-ahmar, literally 'the red'
>aka amun, the egyptian sun god
>Egyptian god amun also known as creator of the world, a builder, as well as a champion of the poor+troubled
>similarly, flew too close to the sun with his ambitions and suffered for it
>known for his constructions/architecture
A. The CN text says "still... when I first got it". I shouldn't need to say more if you weren't an ESL (and I won't)
B. All Eremites are called descendants of Deshret.

Refuted in two points. It's time to let go.
wtf is that fanart
>use kinich e
>half of it is wasted because he hides underground
nice enemy design genkeks
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In noelle/furina/yunjin/gorou, would yelan be the better pick if gorou isn't c6? Would c0 kachina be an option too?
t. didn't get c1 chiori
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Kachina can use the busted artifact set so yes she's a viable option. She herself does absolutely nothing but hold the set though, her damage sucks and she has 0 support functionality.
it hits as long as its back is on the surface while it travels around
oh and tighnari and tighnarians, hell even dori has ties with the old god trio, the rest of the cast doesn't
>literally posts a snippet of a fujo fanfic
i could make arguments as to why someone like faruzan is deshret's reincarnation right the fuck now
not only you are using machine translator, you are also ignoring the rest of conversation. the eremites are not called descendants, they are called al-ahmar followers. you can always prove me wrong by posting any line in the game that says they are descendants, also ignoring the fact that not all desert dwellers are eremites. is sethos an eremite?
Why did Neuv go to an arts and crafts class?
How can we make Xinyan's kit better? 4 years passed and she still sucks so much.
Borrowing the character is not " external audience support". This refers to a random event when one of your unused characters gives you additional flowers.
It's not this >>500648678, it's >>500649006.
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So I recently pulled for Nahida, but I realised I have no idea in what teams she does well in (I'm relatively new)
Can anyone suggest a good team for her with the characters I own?
Characters not in the pic which I have: Xingqui, Xiangling, Razor, Barbara, Lisa, Kaeya, Amber
>i could make arguments as to why someone like faruzan is deshret's reincarnation right the fuck now
I understand and I agree, as that's what I said earlier. I'm simply laying out the ways in which Kaveh is similar to Deshret. I do not claim he is the ONLY modern character with similarities or parallels, as I said here:
>>but really the thing is lots of parallels are drawn between old sumeru figures and various (multiple) modern day sumeru characters
Trying to claim any single character is THE singular reincarnation or parallel is silly when most sumeru characters are a mishmash of the old sumeru characters.
Meanwhile you claimed
>the "x is deshret's parallel", x usually being one of the sumeru homos is just fujo cope. . .there are no parallels between the old god trio and most modern sumeru characters
I sometimes use her with lyney, works better than thoma and is a shittier alternative for dehya
used her in this IT too
who cares
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How does Raiden reach 400%?
this is what i call "reaching" and "cope" because my homo isn't lore relevant. parallels are explicitly shown in this game and i've already mentioned several examples. saying "kaveh has parallels with deshret" is on the same level of delusion as "childe is guizhong's reincarnation". you are a fujo and your iq does not reach double digits so it's pointless to argue with you about this
Nahida/Xingqui/Kuki is hyperbloom core, you can add 4th character as a flex/driver like Fischl/Dendro MC/Barbara/Sucrose
cute rat
>cynofag is still at it
yes but Mauvika is top priority. Skipping whole 5.2 to have more funds. I like the flying gimmick from Chasca but maybe I get her during rerun. Unless Citlali will have also cool as fuck flying ability
built for it
You're responding irrationally because it's a character you don't like.
How's today's combat event?
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Hyperbloom is probably your best option, build kuki for as much EM as possible and use her with Nahida and xingqiu, then the last spot can be almost anyone. Keep in mind Furina does NOT buff hyperbloom damage, so there's little point in using her with that team.
they put ruin serpent there to shill c6r5 hu tao
>absolutely NOTHING from the free monthly fates
this will not be a good banner according to this omen
I translated it using ChatGPT which is more than proficient enough in living languages to translate a mere adverbial phrase.

>the eremites are not called descendants, they are called al-ahmar followers
>Pathfinders' Log: VI
>We are the descendants of Al-Ahmar. We are those who are fated to follow in the footsteps of the king of the crimson sands.

>also ignoring the fact that not all desert dwellers are eremites. is sethos an eremite?
Eremites aren't an ethnic group, you retard. They're mercenaries; the text above refers to desert dwellers, which Sethos is. Pathfinder VI was written by Jebrael, who was a member of the Tanit tribe in the desert...
>got c6 mona from monthly blues
1.0 f2pGODS we're finally hitting the big leagues
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Wormilettebros I cant cope...
at least I got a bronya cone in hsr
I was thinking of the actual event not theatre
Amberbros... Sigewinnebros... won...
nowhere in my post am i acting irrationally but you are definitely upset that people don't think your homo has secret ties to deshret, especially after posting copes such as "well they both represent icarus!!1!"
>I translated it using ChatGPT which is more than proficient enough in living languages to translate a mere adverbial phrase.
>thinking chinese is easy to translate like that
jebrael was not a desert dweller, he was an eremite that had bad blood with another faction lmao. sethos isn't an eremite either, why are you backtracking now
what the fuck
>I translated it using ChatGPT which is more than proficient enough
hahaha how about using your brain and dictionary at least
>jebrael was not a desert dweller, he was an eremite
>Jebrael was not a desert dweller
Lmao what was he then, a Fontainian? Are you completely retarded?
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Fast pyro application with elegy
You know that coping about a translation that is most likely correct doesn't help your point when the English version is already enough to prove you wrong and make it clear that you're an ESL
I'm done. That dudes trolling 100%.
That mural makes me think that some eugenics programme went on and resulted in humans who could manipulate dragonic realm energy without a medium like visions, abysmal corruption or deshret tech.
Xbalanque and his Saurian might as well have been them engineering their own downfall, or a failsafe when celestia came knocking
Waited til the last minute to do the IT theater thing and I was 1 fight away from finishing
It's over, my account will never recover from this
>cyno is Deshret
Where did this forced meme come from?
Most of the time lorekeks talk abou Hermanubis or any of the other Deshret priests.
Did you guys find some literal who theory to shitpost with
I'm currently entombed in the Primal Fire.
Now do this in multiple waves with more than 3 monsters
>alhaitham is deshret
>cyno is deshret
>sethos is deshret
it's all a cyclical meme
>caring about the lore when we are four years in and it's abundantly clear they just make shit up as they go along in order to promote upcoming characters or to drag out the story as much as possible by avoiding any and all kind of consequences for the characters
This is why the self contained quests with a clearly defined beginning, premise and end are the best
I got a Frem, uncertain what sort of omen that is
>Now do this
He hasn't done anything to begin with, he posted someone else's run.
>CN text says the same thing as the EN text except it adds "when I first got it"
>"nooooo translating this small adverbial clause is beyond ChatGPT's abilities, niggerman save me"
baseless fujo cope as usual
Feels great to finally see furina booted from top meta.
I will wait before shitting on them until end of Act1. If it will explain everything and it will all make sense then I will applause. I heard that even in HI3 they had to retcon some of early stuff close to the end of Part1 and then it went full "what the fuck is going on" with Part2 and HSRxHI3 collab
how do i get my free monthly fates?
Depending how good Mavuikas pyro app is, Furina could be added back to Mualani teams in speedruns and oh boy thats gonna be great.
Because in the new event Sethos could interact with Deshret's jade. They mentioned all desert people (sandniggas) are children of Deshret
Paimon's bargains, you buy them with stardust.
How do you even hit 300?
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Is she actually an old hag or is she joking?
Muttolani flopped btw
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it is rude to ask
I think that's unlikely, but I can't say it's impossible.
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i don't feel like doing IT
On reddit
same, shit content
That's not even it btw, the seething ESL moved the goalposts because he can't understand simple English.
The reason I was claiming Sethos served as a stand-in for Deshret is because Candace found him with Nilou by following (what she assumed were) the past voices of Deshret and Malikata.

Could've argued that I was reading too much into this instead of going on a thread-long tirade and proving nothing except his own retardation. After all, Candace only made an educated guess. For shame.
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the game is ambiguous on her age as of now
too many contradictory statements
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Didn't they say they were going to improve it? What happened to that?
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regular domain drop btw, not from the transmuter
I don't mind the atk rolls since I don't use bennett and have her sig, although more crit would've been nicer still
Holy fucking shit fuck this triple kenki fight
Raiden OR Neuv + Furina + Kazuha + Xilonen + lots of constellations for everyone + elemental goblet + lots of ER (if Raiden)
He said he was surprised the wedjat gem still had memories inside (He saw them), he also said it reacts to the people of Al-Ahmar (sandniggas), specifying that such people are known as the descendants of Al-Ahmar.
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>He didn't invest in the strongest team in the game
It's literally just that one line Xilonen says that makes it confusing. You have to throw literally every single other line from any conversation she in or mentioned in to interpret it as a larp.
a quick pre-knot picture
>IT hands out bennett, kazuha, xilonen, nahina, chevy
>somehow ended up with rational for last fight
That shit was way too easy
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dunno at this point
she probably made a pact with Wayob of her tribe or with someone else so her soul is tied with Night Kingdom so she can maintain young age despite being immortal/almost immortal + she can see those visions of future

she is older than Ororon since she saw him as a newborn baby, Inn owner said she could be her "grand grand grand granny", drunk Citlali mentioned something about 200 years, apparently there is no other Shaman in her tribe that can mimic/do the same as her while she can easily master other people tricks fast and people in her tribe as scared of her powers/potential
All xilonen did was buff him further lmao
Yeah my initial point wasn't about Sethos' ability to use the Eye or lack thereof.
But both the EN and CN text make it clear he was in fact able to use it. And claiming that "descendants of Al-Ahmar" excludes Sethos is just lorelet territory.
>worse than nilou bloom with 4*
there, caught up with all outdoor set primogems
Damn you guys weren't kidding about the buffs carrying level 70 characters
Or so I saw on keqingmains, I wanted to try it as well
They've already applied the changes they were referring to when they said they would improve it
It's the 4th difficulty mode and the buffs for various elemental reactions
Which is why Theatre is easy for most people, if you have enough characters to get all the free buffs, it's a cakewalk.

It's only challenging if you can't fill in the character quota.
>The reason I was claiming Sethos served as a stand-in for Deshret is because Candace found him with Nilou by following (what she assumed were) the past voices of Deshret and Malikata
NTA but how does that correlate to Sethos being Deshret? She only found out about the lore behind Wedjat's eye after Sethos told her about it, which then she proceeded to make an assumption that she heard Deshret and Nilou. Since she saw visions of the past, by using your logic you could also argue that every character that appeared in her visions are stand-ins for Nabu and Deshret, she just wasn't aware at that time.
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How are we feeling about our first English Genshin?
we already have wrio
>add dendro (grass) element
>add a massive forest in the same patch
>the game's representative for the forest elf archetype is a goblin reusing the animations of a toddler from the game's launch
I mean, that makes sense, even the temple of silence were part of Deshret's civilisation before they split off from Arau/gurabad, weren't they?
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Yeeei my dps can hit hard now!
We must repopulate Natlan
Correct, but she made no such assumption for any of her other visions, and most of them can't, by design, be related to Deshret (like the crate falling or the stove catching on fire, since the Eye just records events in general)
Fontaine is France. He’s a frog
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>dendro is the element of life and fertility
>hags are ugly decrepit decaying walking carcasses
the dendro hag is inherently illogical and contradictory QED
Nahida is really sexy
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She didn’t make assumptions because she didn’t know Wedjat eye was made by the gods at that time. For example, why can’t Alhaitham and Kaveh be considered stand-ins if Candace had a vision about a similar conversation happening in the past?
>red cross on white background
If he's a Knight Templar, then he wouldn't be English by design. They were unironically French.
I find it more likely they're just using crusaders in general as an inspiration, meaning he's to be linked with the Teutonic Knights, who were German.
Dude! C6 Nahida that I borrowed from my friend is very broken!
Perhaps they are stand-ins. But there is only one scene where the possibility is raised.
>the dendro hag is inherently illogical and contradictory QED
Rana has a vision and Dendro using nightsoul warriors.
And Nahida was a hag for a good chunk of her life in the retcon tree revised recorded timeline despite the Rukha clone still being what truly happened.
And you still have two old men using Dendro.
>life - water (hydro)
>"fertility" - eath (geo)
>wisdom - trees (dendro)
>They were unironically French
What the fuck no. I’m shattered
Why can’t we have just one character. France has like 15 Genshins to call their own
After she gets told that she was witnessing memories of the past, yes. What makes you think she wouldn’t have made the same assumptions had she known about it way earlier?
Navia is italian
Fontaine borrows the most from France but it has other cultures mixed in too
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Welcome to the team!
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Probably going to kill myself by the end of the year. Do I pull C2 Nahida or hold out?
I do agree with your reasoning. Like I said, I always entertained the idea that I might have been reading too much into it.
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What are your teams for the new event.

You've been saying that every year, just save up pulls for something better.
>Navia, the macaron-eating demoiselle whose father is named after a French protestant who was unfairly tried and executed
It’s OK, theorising is fun as long as you don’t sperg about it like someone did
As the embodiment of what the element represents, a sprout fits much better than some mossy geezers.
Wriothesley is 100% English as a boxer who drinks tea, they couldn't make it more obvious.
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That was a fun theatre. No males used as always.
Geo is inertness. It's the element of neetdom and bureaucracy, nothing to do with fertility.
part of life is getting old, the cycle. the maiden, mother and crone are all essential parts of life
prisoners in meropide also have english names like wolsey
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this time for sure
so it's basically australia
holy fucking shit I fucking hate this game I only got 7 fucking mystery caches in IT
I just want the fucking cheevo
good lord when Pursuit Providence triggers my Kokomi instantly dies from all the bloom damage because of how strong it is, even when autoing during burst.
fertility goddesses have always been related to the earth
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damn that was fucking lucky. got the cache that restores 2 randos with 0 vigor to be eligible again.
You don't hate the game, you hate yourself.
Why do you care about 2 primogems and a bigger number in your achievements
PAGhida goddamn flopped
Swapping from sac frags to prototype amber fixed it.
Remus definitely was a better person than Deshret
What is Galaghher doing at the bottom?
But he’s an orphan, possibly not even from Fontaine. He has lines about not knowing where he’s from. They wouldn’t put those in if he was meant to be Fontanian. He’s not English IMO
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trying a friend's c6 clorinde was pretty neato. she just dashes around all over the place
As a 1.x player, watching spectacle events steadily go from Challenges to Menial Tasks has been the biggest source of disappointment over the years.
In 1.x we had festivals where you were launched up high in the air and had to gradually descend, collecting points. We had skill shooting archery competitions. We had an entire domain that copied Fall Guys in co-op, selecting random challenges that determined how many buffs you and your allies got against the boss at the end. We created elaborate shadowpuppet scenes through light and object manipulation.

In 2.x we had theater mechanicus, We scavenged props across a mountain to build our own snowmen with, navigated obstacle courses across Dragonspine, fought souped up versions of bosses with new mechanics.

These are all this I would consider Challenges, a limited selection off the top of my head. The Genshin event team putting in effort into designing memorable minigames for the playerbase.

Somewhere along the line the events team either gave up or were replaced by people whose specialty is the types of fake clickbait 'games' you see ads for on mobile phones, culminating in this first Subzeruz Festival where everything boils down to being lead by the hand to primogems to satisfy the playerbase with no investment whatsoever. Flower carriage? Press left, right, done. Combat event? Same as fifty others. Dream event? Go up to the obvious props floating in the air and press E. If you take longer than a few moments, the game will create a giant beacon to guarantee you can't possibly miss it with zero option to disable this 'help' mechanic.

We used to have web events more intricate than the events they are hosting for us these days, like navigating across the ocean to Inazuma or using a swinging claw catcher to dredge treasure from the bottom of the ocean.
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Go doompost in ZZZ or HSR threads, we over here like our game.
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As a 1.x player, it's safe to say paghida flopped
fuck you
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I hate metachurl events
that's criticism, this is doomposting >>500652621
I've asked but I didn't read and don't care
I'd say he is definitely from Fontaine, if only because he can dolphin jump. There is a correlation between this ability and water affinity (only former Oceanids/Fontainians and the Hydro Sovereign can do it).
There is more circumstantial evidence in the sheer number of orphans in Fontaine (Penny, Molli, Lanoire, Lyney, Lynette, Freminet, all Hearth members). The nation just has an orphan problem.

Ultimately, if you're arguing that he's not a "true Englishman", then that is pretty autistic since Fontaine characters are not "true Frenchmen" either, they're just inspired by French culture, the same way Wriothesley is presented as a stereotypical Englishman from his name to his fighting style and his obsession with tea.
How much health do they have?
1.3 billion
but i like genshin
Can't help you if you don't want to help yourself, anon.
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Did you watch any horror movies for halloween? I usually do but didn't feel like it for some reason.
He's right you know
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this is the best i could do, i tried to do it with Alhaitham but playing vs those 3 in melee range is ASS i just used Neuvillette as a hyperbloom driver
do you guys think any natlan character is making it to top 10 in terms of popularity this year
sales when?
ifa's gonna be lit
Citlali is the only one with a chance.
Yeah the change occurred in 3.0 when the overwhelmingly negative reaction to Inazuma and GAA2 puzzles led them to completely give up on interactive minigames, instead choosing to focus on more and more textslop, culminating in the 13-hour long Aranara quest that was the portent of a tendency that would eventually bring the game down to its current level of popularity.
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>Bajillion HP
>3 vs 1
>FUCK YOU freeze floor
>combo'ed to death
>Bennet circle will instantly kill you
Mavuika has the same amount of fanart as HSR 2.x Space China characters, so no.
Ok I concede. He is British. I’m just mad because I just wanted a cooler character like a knight
and that is a good thing
They already made everyone hate her with how much she was shilled in 5.1
Well Mondstadt has a monopoly on knights (without horses) sadly
And that IS a good thing.

You're not everyone, anon.
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i just got hu tao
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The summer event this year was so much better than GAA2
>easy puzzles
>short and quick story sections
>easy singleplayer minigames
>easy to travel area
>treasure compass meaning I can actually get every single limited-time primogem
>fun storybook vacation
compared to
>insanely difficult and long puzzles
>fischl's birds
>no compass meaning I lost primogems for refusing to comb through the gigantic map
>no Klee
>worst of all primogems gated behind forced co-op
>tedious chores
I rated this very highly unlike 2022
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>roll sethos for sovl
>get c2 nahida and lose all my sovl points
defend this
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bro just use dehya
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what part of getting combo'ed to death you don't understand?
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hu tao a cute
Just dodge retardbro
ruined events

>>no Klee
based, cringe buddypoke
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it's almost like dehya is invincible and provides infinite stagger resistance
>janny is nuking posts
>20 hour old duplicate is still up >>500566690
Life takes many forms, youth or wizzened longevity works
Even demeter had the maiden matron crone thing
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This is the best i can do as i newfag...
post result then
As someone who started late and had the luxury of being able to do all the regions back to back the jump from Inazuma's non-archon quests and areas (chasm, enka, seirai and tsurumi) to Sumeru's jungle was a severe whiolash
AQ and even regular side quests felt like they had gotten two to three times as dialogue heavy while the otherwise beautiful jungle area had several sections and puzzles that I was denied access to since I needed to quests in order to unlock the ability to solve basic puzzles, a trend they also brought into the desert
Thankfully I didn't mind the aranaras and the overarching desert storyline is probably my top 1 or 2 quest series in the game, but I can EASILY see why it turned people off, especially if they were the type of people who might have just 'put up with' the game's quests because they liked other parts of the game
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is this part of a quest? the thing isn't lit up
Nothing wrong with that, you still get some cool rewards
Levelling up random filler characters (provided you even have any) for IT might seem like a wante of resin or resources if you know you likely won't use them a lot, but keep in mind that it's a one time investment that also carries over to future months
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First try. Could easily shave like half of that time off if I tried again.
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skill issue
NTA but I thought anyone could dolphin jump if they got their Vision from Fontaine? So hypothetically someone like Xiangling could despite being from Liyue had she gotten hers in Fontaine
Same anon here.
I actually think the Aranara quest is very endearing but could have been told in half the time. Dirge of Bilqis and Narzissenkreuz are my favourite overarching stories in the game so I am not criticising long quests in general, I just think they shouldn't be made at the expense of other aspects of the game when they weren't actually the main draw to Genshin back in 1.0 (that would be the characters and the open world exploration).
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I don't know, that is never stated. Neuvillette is not a vision holder so I don't think that's the case.
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Can you only do Visionary mode after beating hard mode on each cycle of IT, or did I just do both for no fucking reason?
If I fucked it up two months in a row, I might have to stop doing IT at 5am on reset, because I can't fucking read the UI when I'm sleep deprived apparently.
you can do visionary mode right away
sitting at 161 standard pulls now
surely it'll pay off?
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fugg I'm dum
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I only have 4 fingers on my left hand, so it's hard for me to do fast paced content like Theater.

Can mihoyo please remove this content?
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god please my kinich really needs this. almost all his artifacts have heavy EM rolls
Do you own Neuv?
Omnipresent Cat,
This time you can do it right away.
I guess we could say that you're... no visionary
Jean also cleanses the lightning debuff and doesnt apply any element on you.
flat def, every single roll
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>In 1.x we had festivals where you were launched up high in the air and had to gradually descend, collecting points. We had skill shooting archery competitions. We had an entire domain that copied Fall Guys in co-op, selecting random challenges that determined how many buffs you and your allies got against the boss at the end. We created elaborate shadowpuppet scenes through light and object manipulation.
Mate, those were "menial tasks" that retards like you mocked at the time for being shitty mini games of no value.
>fast paced
10 iq post
also, you only need 2 fingers for controller
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YOOHOOOOOOOO artifact mines have been pretty nice to me these past 24 hours.
Congrats, that's a nice piece.
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does nahida work well with sethos
congrats kinichsis
yes obviously
use a controller? unless you're missing your thumb, then gomen...
How was I supposed to know?
Even if I had a good night sleep, you gotta admit the interface is hard to read.
Like for real though.
Perhaps they should consider reworking the UI to make it less cluttered.

My two cents.
Even still, I know you'll still call me retarded. Whatever.
Yeah i barely have resin nowadays and i already used all my fragile resin to level up my 5 stars
This is my second time doing IT and i like how they give characters to try+ you can borrow characters from your friends
Yae sound design when using her burst sounds really cool, zhong li tier.
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sorry gwooo
Hkvh love
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So is there a cold region in Natlan or is he just choosing to cook himself
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Why are moms like this
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>"matting press"? what is this new slang you youngsters use, is this some form of massage? care to show me? I feel a bit tired after too many drinks
it’s a fire resistant jumpsuit
My brain is too smooth for IT
no go to bed granny
Hot and tasteful
Disgusting porn brainrot
Remember when they said AI was going to be good?
The only thing it gave us was a spam of blacked shit and shit tier art
his tribe is located very high in mountain part of Natlan. He is also delivery guy and the next tribe is located somewhere very high from I recall from leaks
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I am a big Citlali fan. She is honestly the only character I'm actually looking forward to right now.
Design, personality and voice all hit the sweet spot.
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am I cursed?
Off model
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Poor Kinich. Born to be comfy, play games and call people slurs online but forced to live in a South Afrimerican shithole and be in a tribe
>got the second best standard 5*
Could have been worse
>ugly as fuck feet
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>using deprecated paimon.moe
Is that Yasuke on the right?
What should I use?
I'm handicapped and trans
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>the 15 seconds hilichurl
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I'll do normals over time.
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I want to kiss Furina's tiny tits
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>doesn't use her as his main dps
What a pleb
Send me some gold po
Based flat GOD
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Do you have enough characters?
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I can - I just wanted to get these out of the way first I have plenty of swords she can happily use.
Unless you started this year I don't think anyone will be short of characters.
It's literally previous run but with dendro instead of geo
I need to build like... 2 dendro characters and it will be comfy.
if this was suddenly cryo+hydro+anemo then It would require more grind for me
Nailed it
How many extra pulls again from normal to visionary?
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time for some boba n genshin
Citlali is gonna be Zhong sidegrade at c0 and powercreeps him at c2
Source: uncle /gig/
>electro dendro
thank fuck for easy ITs
>opinion about new players
Good job stranger
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This, just bloom.
Saving my blue pulls for Citlali
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blooming makes me feel good
yeah because I rushed a bunch of pyro and electro shitters last month
was actually way more comfy because my dendro roster is strong as fuck
Clean your keyboard and paint your wall, you animal
looks like ai slop
good morning i hate the ruin snake
Felt a lot easier than last time. Must be because I've finally learned to not burn all my best characters on the first fights.
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I love it when they shill my favorite team!
the fight was just yae and nahida killing it off screen its a shitty fucking boss
I tend to use my worse then scale them up and pick a team for 8 and 10.
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Klee felt a lot better than last time. she really works well with Emilie.
>place the lamp
>watch everything burn
yeah I love that
burn klee is based
This artist has to be a pedophile
wish I had boba close to home.
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she is
I still don't understand why they put the 15 uses limit to your support characters
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To prevent you from selling clears and other dumb shit. No legitimate reason to go above 15.
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I hate sumeru's censored designs like you wouldnt believe
probably so they can stop the one guy with every c6r5 from just handing out his uid to everyone
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>Genshin is stagnant as fuck
>HSR is a nongame VN for Asiatics tired of FGO
>ZZZ has no redeeming traits aside from picrel
Mihoyo status?
so where is the sales?
>borrowing characters
evil filth
kill yourself
none of you disgusting subhuman psychopaths will ever touch my Klee
I refuse to participate in in cancer like this, I will never defile my account by using some subhuman random's trash character
fuck multiplayer as a concept
isnt IT super easy to clear? why would anyone pay for this? you dont even have timers. and you only get to use one supporting char
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What's so censored about this? Coomer.
Bloom is not even good against those kenki if you're not a whale
Frost fucker always slows you and you're perma staggered
phasing out of the scene to make way for the real games, Project Mugen and Azure Promilia
nobody wants to touch your filthy emaciated cum encrusted klee
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You have timers retard.

It's good because bloom isn't reliant on normal attacks.
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zero(0) cleavage across the whole cast
literally censored ass and crotch
arent timers for the stars only? I wouldnt know as I get all the starts every time
okay, but I still think 15 is too low if your friends do IT
the sooner you realize that there is more to life than playing multiple gachaslop, the better your life will be
>I..I wouldnt know as I get a..all the starts every time
They're all the same. Other companies are worse because they don't release content at the same rate.
Welcome to live service games.
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I love these
You don't need to star any acts the actual timer is long enough to be a non issue.

For the defense act you can abuse the ai I normal do ruins because you can keep them stunned for as long as you want.
>design carried what prerelease hype existed
>zero story content unless you went 30 hours in, on her own patch
>barely appeared anyway
>powercrept in the same patch
>never appears again
She deserved a better game, holy fuck
where is the monthly sales, nigga? post it
That's just different lighting environment lmao
The stars are for rewards the same way as Abyss... The 10 minute timer in Abyss is also a non-issue if you're not going for stars, just survive.
there werent any sales
nobody spent a cent on mobileslop
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The part that matters the most isn't censored, so it's fine
You can tell these people are retards because Nahida on-field is not the way to go.
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this event is so dumb lol 3 stars for the win
whale nahida onfield isn't bad but you need to double up on good healers.
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On-field Nahida is actually better since her personal damage actually matters unlike Kokomi. Ofc you have to get the healing from somewhere else.
Good thing about her being a burnt character is you can just uninstall and enjoy the art without missing on anything
You reminded me I need to do the survey, thanks
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it literally isnt
her crotch and ass were literally censored

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