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Previous thread: >>500617457

Season 5 - Oblivion
2024.10.10 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Upcoming Extractions

>Current Extractions

2024.10.31 — 2024.11.14
[000] The Priest of La Manchaland Gregor

2024.10.31 — 2024.11.14
Target Extraction: [ Rodion ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

Which one...
Some emo guy does more damage than a third kindred with barely any setup, good one director
Director I kneel
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Is el director good at the game?
I rate him 3 out of 5
Can read
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>Faust lost the clash with fucking bloody mist
Moses marriage mating press nakadashi impregnaiton
This thread was announced first, made first and posted first.
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He thinks about RingSang every nights
What the fuck is he streaming?
>Ringsang NERFED
>Bloody Mist NERFED

He streaming his md run with bleed
>that rodya
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>The director sucks at the game
What does this mean for the game's balance...
Happy Halloween limbabs
I'd like to see his crawl through 7-36, too bad he probably wants to avoid spoiling it.
>using egos on hurtily
teddy paus my beloved...
>responds yes
>director saying yes he loves the city
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You wouldn't get it
Link to the stream?
I'm glad art is already being made.
>circles over Ringsang again
I'm fucking cackling
He's just like me...
why is his vtuber rig so scuffed
it's charming...
the best augmentations he could afford
This doesn't look like the director of a limbillion dollar company
Nice aggie limbabs
>He's swapping stuff around
First noted instance of anyone using this feature
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why did anons take the spitebake
He's humble, it's a good thing imo
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We just don't know.
Spitebaker should just use Xichun instead of Sinclair from now on.
I have no idea. Feels fishy to me honestly.
Probably because of the sperg from last thread. He's probably 35% of the posts himself.
They're retards.
Changes the MO slightly and they fall for it. First threads first if everything is clear with the OP this is basic 4chan board etiquette.
Can't wait for the elections to end desu
>all tails
>ishmael gets starbuck'd
Usually people are good about not taking the spite threads but not today apparently.
Imagine struggling this hard with Bloody Mist and this much EGOspam
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What the dog doing???
>Ishmael dies first
Shitmaelfags, you are an embarrassment.
I'm shocked just at HOW much he winrates.
This is why he needs chain battles from now on, our Director can't keep his sinners alive
Don't you remember?
El Director's least favorite Sinner is Ishmael
This shouldn't be a surprise
he's not really paying attention attention either though
just smashing mostly
Your guess is as good as mine
They're anons who hate the drawpiles
Bro uses more EGOs in one run than I've used total in a few months time.
There is like one guy that seethes about the weekly aggie.
No one else ever gave a shit or they participate.
it's gooners and the one autist
Happy Halloween /lcg/
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(angry circling around Ringsang)
he'll never recover
>lvl 51
I can't wait that long...
plenty of newsu~
>First announcement is a delay announcement
We are so fucked.
Honestly I'm ok with that. I don't need it right away.
>Please Understand
I'm not
Wtf do you mean we're gonna have another DELAYED season?
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pleasu understand onegaishimasu
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>7 months to release canto VII (longest time yet)
>MD5 STILL delayed
yeah I'm thinking its over
At least El Director is saving the blue crayon for me like I asked
I just don't care of MD comes out later
>its a delay announcement
Its so fucking over...
What did he mean by this
Collab... nyo
Bwos what kind of collab could it even be
Powerpoint announcement powerpoint let's fucking goooooo
Surely it's just another Ruina walpurgisnight?
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it's just going to be a ruina collab again
Here's your translations bro
i was thinking it could be something for the cafe but if he's showing it there, it should be for the game
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hmm yes I understand completely...
damn, squinting it looks like walpurgis
3 dead weeks... it's over
>Top left corner of the center box
He took a bite out of it..
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>draws an empty box and circles it
kawaii director
it'll go by quickly
He's such a weeb
Bai bai...
truly the machinations of his mind are a mystery
Wanna bet
Cashy cameo
>"Also, I want to change MD to have the refill system from Canto 7 so that the sinners can retain their buffs from an extended fight"
What system?
cute stream, disappointing news
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Catchiest song to date
It kind of looks like a bus. A Limbus if you will.
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>we will focus on less dead weeks
>removing VA from intervallos will help us avoid delays
Surprise stream was nice at least.
Did he say what caused the delays this time? I could understand during canto 5 when they were dealing with the dramatroons but when we lost VA for intervallos and then he rerecorded every single fucking Faust voiceline, my faith is wavering bros.
Don's VA really gave her all in the canto so I can understand wanting to giver her a break
He said they were working hard on 7 right up until release.
He made people work overtime for Canto 7 (WHICH HE HAD 4 EXTRA MONTHS TO DO) now he wants to give them break days
no particular reason
all the manpower went into making the canto so no one as working on the new md
Yeah. She even mentioned they were finishing up her song middle of October.
This is the mystery to me, granted I know he wasted some of those rerecording Faust like anon mentioned
I guess Chain battles and other random Sinner mechanics/animations just took too much time, but you'd think 2 years in they'd know that by now.
The last game you played will be announced as the Limbus collab. How well does it go?
Anon please, use your brain
Voice Actors aren't coders.
Since it looks like anons went to the second thread made, please make sure to whomever bakes next to link and number the threads properly.

And if someone has announced they are baking please do not make a second thread.

If the OP is clean and it's not made early, let's try and not have thread wars please.
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>Delays so that we can experience the quintessential TT2 protocol
th-thanks director-nim...
Sorry people are retards. Appreciate you for trying to keep the op straight anyways
Not recycling?
>This is the mystery to me
Half of his last stream was explaining this. Their schedule collapsed trying to get MD4 and walpurgis done at the same time.
Just recycle retard
City management minigame in Limbus at last
It'll be better once the amerifat circus is over
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This was the first thread I saw when I searched for it in the catalog, I didn't realize it was a spitebaked thread... being a sinclair fan is suffering
The other thread is the spitebaked one, this was first.
Just make sure the threads are linked properly for archival purposes.
Be mindful of the thread number. Not too long ago, someone wrote the wrong number and it was repeated for 10+ threads.
Retard, this was the first thread made
>no reading comprehension
sasuga PM fans...
dumb sinclairfag
>t. xichun tourist
This was the first thread made AND posted what the FUCK are you talking about bwo
You could also just look at the timestamps.
Funny how most of the other thread is mostly just coom posting
Why are you all still here retards
Just to suffer
You're the retard for using the spite thread.
Then you're a double retard
>he's using a spitebake
Sorry I am not a villain.
I just went to the first thread made. I didn't even know someone made another let alone people were using it
I'm surprised jannies don't delete that kind of thing.
>I'm surprised jannies don't delete that kind of thing.
/vg/ jannies care about their own specific general and try their best not to actually moderate
>this is all because of Sinclair and Pilot being on the drawpile and the other thread having touristbait as its OP
You said this exact same thing last time you did this.
Why don't you just announce you're going to make a thread?? Why always do this dumb shit that's unnecessary?
Nah it's because the threads are run-over with off siters and newfags. The other thread was clearly made later but gooners went for the form Xichun thread because they don't know 4ch protocol.
It's crazy. I've seen threads get wiped for baking too early. Hyper vigilant moderation.
This is like the wild wild west in comparison.
>dead weeks incoming
jannies don't give a shit about /lcg/
I was sick and slept for 10 hours, what did I miss?
as long as the OP is correct, I don't really care which thread is used thougheverbeit
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You will eat the hemobars. You will endure the dead weeks. La Manchaland had to wait 200 years, your 3 weeks is a drop in the ocean.
They really don't.
Director did a little stream while running a MD. He gave a few little updates.
Dog streamed his weekly MD and then said we're getting another stream on PM's 8th anniversary. Also MD5 is delayed because he had people working overtime on Canto 7.
Stream. Another stream will happen for the anniversary that will give us info on upcoming things/roadmap/collab etc.
I just wish people weren't dumb about it. We don't need a million threads. If you want to bake, say something. Rather than waiting for someone else to, then doing it again for shits and giggles.
Nyo. I'm not using a bunny faggotclair thread.
I don't wanna
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>half the thread is just complaining about anons naturally migrating to the thread that has more replies and it snowballing from that point
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They also going to do some special conference talking about their development experience.
New ID teaser next week.
what's the collab going to be...
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Gainax collab confirmed
Donqui's drill will pierce the heavens
Look forward to plugsuit Ishmael
Call me cringe but I'd dig seeing art. Nothing more than that though. Maybe an animation.
The collab will be with HHPP
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gainax is dead.
a limbus trigger anime would be SO COOOOL
doesnt even have to be limbus related.
i'd be more than happy if trigger made their own story in the PM world
the other thread isn't any more interesting desu
>gainax is dead.
Anno took all the rights from their corpse, I believe in him.
Cutie Honey Donqui...
Mid 2000s Trigger would be cool.
You weren't supposed to point that out.
Cute idea
>Early IDs have low coin values, but as I'll explain in the later livestream, these IDs have lore to them
WHAT did he mean by this
everything is canon
>Khm uh-huh they suck because it's lower sections
>please understand
His autism is so powerful
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basically justifying powercreep
early IDs are low tier jobbers in the story.
that should be pretty obvious
>Future IDs are going to have higher coin counts rendering older IDs useless
>abotic factor
would be kino
chaos happening during quiet hours?! how odd.
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What's the lore explanation for Nailsault being the way he is?
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is that supposed to be a bad thing?
i really enjoyed how ruina progressed in powerlevel the stronger the characters we got.
and also it kept the gameplay fresh as you progressed.
way better than limbus where rabbit cliff is stuck as the top tier meta "use in every fight" from the launch of the game until today.
so yes director!
please make new IDs stronger
He never drank the goop, he never believed in the cause.
Thus he has no synergy and doesn't preform as well in NCorp.
He was named Guido the Persistent not Guido the Wins Comfortably
Yes, its bad.

>way better than limbus where rabbit cliff is stuck as the top tier meta "use in every fight" from the launch of the game until today
Who the fuck is using Rabbit Heathcliff?
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>made ringsang utterly broken on accident
>yeah he's uhh actually he has the potential to uhh be a maestro, yeah
Thanks, Director
Early IDs are weaker because when Dante got them the sinners couldn't adjust to their full strength, as new upties are released, their bodies adjust better and better until all the IDs do 5+6+6+6 rolls. Trust the plan.
Rabbitcliff hasn't been meta since chain battles were introduced.
He's mental
Director forever tormented by ringsang
I stopped considering him 'meta' long before that to be honest
>is that supposed to be a bad thing?
No, not really. But if you invest resources in old IDs and they will never get better. Yeah... You sorta get the idea.
I wonder if RingSang keeps him up at night.
Shouldn't have given Philipclair THREE (3) separate fucking buffs just the week before then
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This party seems to be quite strong. Maybe with el vompyr Don they'll get even stronger
The threads on that day are my treasured memories. It just kept escalating.
Three buffs and now he's useless for chain battles because the moment he falls to -10SP he'll never get back to 40...
He got 3 buffs and he's still mid, director rightfully FEARS the burn team which is my headcanon for why we still dont have a full burn squad of good 000 ID
Im still butthurt over that. Why does he get buffed to hell and back and not other IDs that sorely need it
I got him right away and maxed him out and don't really ever use him. He's on my burn team but I hardly run them.
There is something about the ID that just isn't fun for me. I dunno why.
that and ringsang will always make me laugh
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All the buffs were warranted, I guess he didn't want the 'lip walpingas to be a flop.
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limbus is not really like other gachas.
you can get every new unit easily for free and only need to do lux stuff for a few days to max them.
it's really not that much of a investment.
even more so if you're someone who grinds MDs and has limbillion shards
So are we not getting a new id?
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walpipi privilage.
they're the most hyped IDs right alongside the big canto IDs.
making them weak will be a major flop
>I'm not like the other girls
Makes sense...
I'm glad you can grind for anything. Only reason I'm okay with it.
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i dont remember anyother gacha letting you shard a new unit the very second they come out.
espeically not fateGO or blue archive
There's still the twitter announcement in a few minutes
The stream did say something about the 11th so maybe we'll be getting something then instead?
Hard to say
i'm a grind autist so i appreciate being able to have whatever i want
When will they buff the IDs that ACTUALLY need it?
>driving for 300+ kms
>open YT as I take a quick break
>>>Director streamed 1 hr ago
Excuse me??? This feels unannounced
It was sudden. You didn't miss much.
>For 11/1 ~ 11/8, there'll be a new ID
He said he didn't announce it because there was so little to actually announce.
trailer doko?
He showed off his skills by doing an MD run.
The trailer is next week
Next week
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>Best collab scenario: Arknights
>Worst collab scenario: hoyoslop
>Realistic collab scenario: Local Korean restaurant
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Fuck you, I cast beast.
Was this a fluke or will the spitebaker move on to using flavor of the canto characters from now on?
it was out of nowhere
Director win rates and abuses egos kek
He's just like me
it was wild to see because i never use ego...
I feel like the other statuses are just infinitely better to run unless you luck out and get glimpse of flames early, or I guess spend starlight on glimpse of flames.
Trailer for what
True. I hardly ever get glimpse so it never feels satisfying.
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Glimpse and Thrill are OP
I was doing a solo and ran into Thrill, shit's cracked
google translated, original here. https://x.com/HyangHwa/status/1852273452767662527/photo/1
>bullied by Ahab trio
fucking kek
I'll always support Burn because Philip and Xiao were sick in Ruina. That said Burn needs Hugging Fire, Sitting on Brushwood and Force of a Wildfire back. Maybe Overheat/Supraheat.
>i don't like it
Nice Halloween Pile
I think powercreep is obviously inevitable, but we talking about IDs that left behind. Sorta. At least I can use them in MD. But honestly I would take rework for older stuff. Even if they are not as powerful as new IDs.
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I like director's nipspeak
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It's awesome. I wish I had better ego gift rng kek
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it's pretty moe
>luce dogrector

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