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Previous Thread: >>500644279

Happy birthday to Horn and Luo Xiaohei!

[10/25-11/8][Standard]6* Guard Thorns, 6* Guard Irene (Shop), 5* Sniper Toddifons, 5* Specialist Almond, 5* Medic Whisperain (Shop)
[10/10-11/1]Babel - 5* Guard Odda
[10/18-11/1][The Front That Was]6* Supporter Stainless, 6* Vanguard Ines, 6* Guard Hoederer, 5* Medic Paprika, 5* Defender Cement, 5* Medic Vendela, 4* Sniper Totter, 4* Guard Humus, 4* Specialist Verdant
[10/31]EP14: Absolved Will Be The Seekers - 6* Supporter Civilight Eterna, New Amiya Alt
[10/31-11/14][Our Kind]6* Sniper Wis'adel, 6* Caster Logos, 5* Vanguard Fang The Fire-Sharpened
[10/31-11/14][Log-in]1* Supporter PHONOR-0, Savage Skin
[10/31-11/28][BoC, Iteration Provident & Ambience Synesthesia]Muelsyse, Ines, Thorns; Skadi The Corrupting Heart, Blue Poison; SilverAsh, Ho'olheyak, Swire The Elegant Wit
[10/31-11/28]Reselling old skins

[10/24-11/7][Standard]6* Guard Executor the Ex Foedere, 6* Caster Goldenglow (Shop), 5* Caster Santalla, 5* Vanguard Mitm, 5* Caster Harmonie (Shop)
[11/1-11/22]I Portatori Dei Velluti - 6* Specialist Crownslayer; 5* Defender Philae, 4* Specialist Contrail
[11/1-11/15][We Mischievous Few]6* Caster Lappland The Decadenza, 6* Vanguard Vulpisfoglia, 5* Specialist Figurino
[11/1-11/15][Log-in]Sussurro Skin
[11/1-11/29][Cambrian, Test & EPOQUE]Executor The Ex Foedere, Virtuosa, Texas The Omertosa, Warmy
[11/1-11/29][BoC & Iteration Provident Re-Edition]Muelsyse, Skadi The Corrupting Heart
[11/15-11/29][Joint Action]6* Guard Mlynar, 6* Sniper Pozemka, 6* Specialist Dorothy, 6* Specialist Ascalon, 5* Vanguard Fang The Fire-Sharpened, 5* Vanguard Poncirus, 5* Guard La Pluma, 5* Medic Vendela, 5* Supporter Sand Reckoner, 5* Supporter Windflit

>/akg/ website:
>AK EN Database:
>More valuable resources:

Good luck
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Bnuuy love
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the fuck is dolly doing in pastaland anyways
Rape bunny
Walter's best skill is S2, right?
I've interpreted the hieroglyphs, they say sex with sarkaz women.
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Jellyfish (& kots) love
lapipipipipipipipi bros how is le event?
rhodesian light horse
S1 with Archetto support
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Probably the best event since Lone Trail, but not better than LT. A bit better than Near Light.
If you have Walter the best skill is to kill yourself.
How many defective sarkaz are? I know of Vigna, Warfarin and Ermengarde

Those are ascended Sarkaz.
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Pallas love!
File deleted.
I prefer Suixodia
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S1 and S2 are if you want to be "sovl". S3 is the braindead metashit one
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Quick Reminder:

Rosmontis Won.
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Let me guess, you didn't save and now you're sour-graping?
Hmmmm nyes
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>Walter summs are tankier
>Rosmontis compensates by shitting her plates everywhere
Yep. Wbros on suicide watch
Vigna is a kid, she will grow like Lava and Hibi did
The other two are a lost cause
This looks kosher...
So what's the placement like exactly? It's clearly not restricted to Rosmontis' range.
Does it prioritize the tile in front of the deployed operator? A random tile in their range? A random adjacent tile?
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kill yourself waggot
>small stash
recovering from ascalon, i'm not rolling for this pajeet roach
but not halal enough for /akg/
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>There is no need to hide the matter of Wolumonde from me... Don't be nervous, I'm not here to blame, that kid knows what to do. "Lily of the Valley" is not a fragile flower, and I'm not a conservative gardener.
Suzumarriage doko
Adjacent tile to the sniper/mage you deployed.
Her summons have been buffed to be tankier and now they reduce -400 def and -20 Res (WOW) to an AoE around them (8 tiles)
Why no new roguelike rewards?
>gets a free manticore from recruitment
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Yep, sour grapes
Maybe you can spark her next anni bro, don't lose faith
You have done your monthly RA right Dokutah?
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Reminder before you go too hard on Logos that you'll only be able to proc one elemental effect on an enemy at once, burning and necrosis will not mix.
IS#4 is finished now.
New one in 2 months.
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Does Saria still have her uses? Gameplaywise?
God I love Logos S1
Haven't touched it since launch.
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Man I liked these in-stage scenes... but I hate how they can't show up on akgcc...
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>Doctor, have you ever tried to comb 19 tails in one go?
Nope. I ain't playing side shit.
Going to a carnival, obviously.
>Logos does a pen twirl with his wand when idling
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>Exu is nowhere to be found
Holy shit, are they actually doing it? Is she finally deserting to Laterano? Can CNbros verify?
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Do you think Logos' mom can feel it if I fuck the robot?
Her S3 is still a good playmaker.
She's the second best ground medic and she's still ground Suzuran. She's good
>we never get to fight him for real
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Your thoughts on this lupo?
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Thanks, anons. Guess I will buy her warden skin.
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Updated farming table.
Lapp event has manganese, RMA and blue piss.
>nacho solo'd the duke of wellington and solo'd logos with three different asspull powers activated
>continued fighting after losing an arm and having his regeneration disabled
they could've at least given this old man a good death after being so cool
>losing against nikker and bagger
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May I have that kot in the middle?
Bros wtf is is this clicking simulator event
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Lappland released on Nov 1st and the revenue from Walter was pushed into next month too due to timezones. This mostly just says that Ascalon did not perform well.
Woah, ZZZ really failed to pick up?
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they discovered why arknights dropped the furfag market
Stop thinking in terms of limited fomo events.
A healthy game is a game that doesn't have massive swings once every 3 months.
Sir that's a pig
I'm not into blondes
Man, i love Degen
Just me or Doctor looks easily rapeable?
>usual numbers are back
aight, business as usual for standard banners.
Still higher than your bootleg genshin wuwakek
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This is pretty Hype ngl.
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Cute family
>got pinus support in IS
>not a single damage on dodge trinket
Although I should've brought Reed instead of Arturia...
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how the hell do you guys actually enjoy this contrived chuuni narrative
i have to actively ignore it
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What's going on here...
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Semen slurper
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We enjoy stuff like Babelkino, full of nuance and interesting topics.

We skim slop like Ch14.
>Wellinjobber constantly gets his cock polished by everyone
>"The strongest DUKE" they say "He would WASH the Sarkaz if the stiped holding back"
>Fucking jobs against his first opponent
Is this they guy that's supposed to fight for Tara's future? Emanuel should have won that battle year ago, desu
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I hope you spent your Halloween night having sex with a real human women.
Vulpes/Bagpipe new combo?
Good morning. Did we win?
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Priestess is such a semen demon
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Nice, they changed how the RA2 scoring works so you can see how to improve on it.
Stuff like this is why chinks don't think he died.
They even made a sprite for him, so they could have put him in a boss fight any time.
Does it work on walter's summons?
What if he's the IS5 last fight instead of Amiya
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Are we talking about breaking bad here?
Fuck no. That would be a hype killer.
Hmm... he was the person who fulfilled Amiya's tasks in the prophecy, so you might have a point.

Double boss fight Nacho+Amiya
BIGLY. Yurikeks on suicide watch
>Used to enhance the potential of Desolate Lapland.
>An unusually beautiful purple invitation, with a white wolf and a bunch of grapes scrawled in the corner. She invites you to an orgy, but no one knows what the theme is.
MTL better be joking about that.
should work, any "deployed" object counts for it as far as i'm aware. exceptions being traps from trapmasters, i'm not sure of tacticians or artificers
Most likely meant party.
>>Fucking jobs against his first opponent
Nacho ran first. Wellington only pulled out after there was nothing but fodder to fight.
If bnnys are so fertile and sexy why there are only 25mil of them at Terra?
Damn, Siracusans are freaky
this MTL is brought to you by the KING OF PROPULSION
It's party
They live in Rim billy
rim billy rock cancer is a form of natural population control
I know, there's no way they'd have a trust token that's actually an invitation to an orgy
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Your QB status, /akg/?
>Vulpipi invites you to a whole family gangbang
>Lapipi invites you to an orgy
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regrettably, i do not own the jade-like deer
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As expected it looks exactly like normal, a completely boring addition.
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I like SA nyodule, S1 can melt even high def enemies now
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Didi love
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>filthy gaijin woman marries glorious Koashihara priest, how dare she
Higashinese racism...
Are there any requirements to get Medic Amiya?
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Red lost...
You have to smooch her.
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Global is bugged so you have to clear normal mode 14-21 -> 14-22 to get her
Decadenza indeed
I heard crownslayer jobs again in this event kek, despite becoming playable.
tell me about lappland, why is she barren?
>Red no longer a Fang
Literally what the fuck is this development
What shit are the writers on
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NTR hajimeru...
I like the gameplay but I have not read an event or story chapter in years, and it's made me miss nothing of value.
Unrestrained animalistic womb-destroying sex
For me to fertilize
Grandma is giving up custody rights before Kal'tsit makes it to Siracusa.
The Game is Over
But Red was with Kal'tsit for like the entirely of the game
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I mean being a Fang is pretty sucky.

Should've been more responsible like Agnese though.
>its so annyoing
literally me when reading arknights stories
Nigga, the Game is Over.
Read that post again.

>Hong (red) killed all the fangs and won a dull victory
Aka Grandma didn't like this Victory. Why? Dunno we will out in the plot
>by shattering Liz soul
So Nightingale is dead now?
>Redfags cucked out of their alt
>We were impressed by the Kingslayer's arrival in Rhodes. She suddenly appeared on the waterway of Rhode Island, with Operator Red who was held hostage by her beside her. Before the alarm of the ship's security system sounded, SWEEP had already dispatched to rescue Red and quickly subdued the Kingslayer.
>We quickly discovered something strange about Hong. She was not injured, but her eyes were distracted, as if she had fallen into some kind of sleep. Medical operators quickly arrived and conducted a comprehensive examination of Hong. They confirmed that this abnormality was due to Hong falling into some kind of huge... mood swings. From Hong’s fragmented answers, we can roughly deduce what happened during the time when she left the ship and went to Syracuse, and judged that her current abnormality had nothing to do with the Regicide, and even the other party rescued someone who tried to commit suicide. she. During the process, the subdued regicide shouted Dr. Kelsey's name and words such as "Come and take care of your wolf cub", and continued to speak crazily in Ursus and Syracuse. Yelling something. Since Dr. Kelsey was not on the ship, the Kingslayer was temporarily put into a cell and under strict supervision. Information on how to deal with her was urgently sent to Dr. Kelsey.
>A few months later, we waited for a reply from Dr. Kelsey. Unexpectedly, she suggested that we lift the captivity of the Kingslayer and give her certain freedom of movement under the premise of arranging surveillance personnel, including but not limited to being in the main room. Activities in low-authority areas of the ship, as well as the right to choose to participate in the Rhode Island mission.
Good girl Crownslayer looking after Red after Grandma abandoned her.
>the Game is Over.
Bitch she says she's gonna go find a new kid to groom, why would she do that if the game is over
They're all immortal the game never ends you can't convince me in the thousands of years they've existed this is the first and only time a fang kills all the other fangs
The current one is over.
New fang.
Are we getting another 6* selector for the Pepe event? I want both Swire and Ines and am struggling to decide which to pick with the current ticket.
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Would you support handing over arknights writing to JAPANESE people and firing all chinks in charge of it?
There was no originium to use for arts before the Sarkaz slammed the Fuck Everybody button in response to the Elders going for a full genocide approach.
Anything to get rid of the current writers
lowlight is the lifeblood of this game
the Chink who writes the Kjerag events can stay
No, I'm happy with the current level of story quality
No. We get another one on the lappalter event.
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There doesn't seem to be any other mention of her in the event aside from that pic. If she does leave then it should only mean she wants to finish her business, though it's kinda weird she didn't tell the others where she went
Why is Zarro still with Lappland then
And Red didn't kill Lappland or Lunacub, how is it over
Depends if they bring back Mandy
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Did some limited operator had their spark cost decreased in lappdumb alter event? I was happy to get W for 200, its a lot more reasonable cost compared to 300 so I might catch up with older limiteds slowly
Only the main story writers
It's over
Nothing ever happens
That's not necessary. Just fire the dipshit who writes the main story, all other writers range between fine and actually good at their jobs.
>It's over
Unless I see proof of Grandma saying it, I don't believe you
>Reed alter was my 100th E2 op
/akg/ is a fun place where people who don't read the story come to discuss it and pretend that the consensus is it sucking when in reality public opinion has always been that it's quite good.
Got logos and Walter with 4 pulls I got today from the shop reset. 30 pulls total. Now I can save for ulpipi and marcille.
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true: nobody reads the story
true: skipGODS say the story sucks
false: public opinion has always maintained that the story sucks due to the aforementioned truth that nobody reads the story
>when in reality public opinion has always been that it's quite good.
That's not true in any place you go
Heavy chapter. Who knew they could kill Theresa twice and still get away with the feels?
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>logos and walter in 30 pulls

brings my fat lucklet face to tears...
Cool, you can return to the place you pulled the "public opinion" from and never come here again.
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If Reddo isn't a Fang anymore does this mean she can actually make friends and fluff every lupo tail?
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vulpisfoglia's Italian voice made me leak precum.
No because she's a vegetable now
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I mean its very good by gacha game standards. I'd take reading it over reading Genshin's, for instance.
then lowlight stays
This is just divorced from reality and history. In the wider AK fanbase there's always been wordcount jokes involving Kal, but the overall sentiment has absolutely never been that the story is bad. /akg/ is the ONLY place where it's the mainstream opinion that the story is garbage, everywhere else has the general consensus of
>the first 4 chapters are kinda whatever and from then on it's one of the best gacha stories
which has stuck ever since around chapter 6.
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What mastery did you do first?
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Suzu age mentioned
Genshin is probably on the bottom tier of gacha stories
i'll take your word for it redditbro
No? She's still a psychotic serial killer. She was ready to kill Ifrit over a minor disagreement, people being fangs or not has very little input on her behaviour when Kal'tsit isn't around.
She'll recover her smile in time.
>A few months later
So they locked her up for months after she brought Red back?
I regret not buying the skin.
>got cut on the joint of my thumb
>bleeding kind of heavily
Bros... where's the sarcop
Logos S1. It's funny pumping up his attack in IS or SSS and just executing enemies outright. God I wish he was a Mystic.
Imagine how many pulls you could have saved if you waited for the free rolls to end
(it's 13)
>but the overall sentiment has absolutely never been that the story is bad
Go literally anywhere and see how people talk about AK's story
Even on Reddit people shit on it
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I kinda feel bad for skipping through the last couple of main story episodes
arknights story sucks, there are no stakes, consequences, deaths of characters anyone would care about (oh no another elite operator jobber died, how original), its slow to the point of feeling static and goes nowhere and endfield confirming doc didn't cure oripathy puts final nail to its coffin
at least side stories that have more interesting premise than muh saving the world feel more grounded have some merit
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Damn does that mean they're living together
Fortunately for you, this one will come back.
I actually like her E2 the most
>80k orundangs
Not even worth rolling
do I m3 Logos' S1 or S3 first?
No.... Dr D bros....
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>Try Logos in IS5
>5 digit damage on up to 4 targets at a good aspd
>Doesn't even have a module yet
Okay, I understand. He really is busted.
>Kal was gone from Rhodes for months
So this is all around the same time as the fishe arc?
Yeah. They're also keeping an eye on her to make sure that none of the RI members who lost someone to Reunion decide in a bit of revenge on her.
>at a good aspd
Is it just me or does his S3 feel like it increases his attack speed too? I doesn't say it does but it seems like it does.
Depositing a semen plug in Susie so no one else can get her pregnant
Red Alter in Siracusa 3.0 is pretty inevitable huh.
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Suzumom origin story
Even CN thinks 80% of Victoria arc sucks ass
Kinda felt like it, but I also had multiple collectibles that boost his ASDP, so I'm not sure.
yeah, housing prices have been through the roof recently so they had to share an apartment
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Kat'tits abandoned us to get swordfish'd...
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Lapp won BIGLY
Jobbershitposters LOST
are wisadel's S1 or S2 ever worth using?
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Whoa she's a wild child.
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Suzugrandma and Suzugrandpa (mother side) are dead
80% of CN thinks your are epic :)
Inazuma might actually be the worst story I've ever had the displeasure of experiencing, probably only contested by some of FGO's chapters.
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>She was ready to kill Ifrit over a minor disagreement
The cute little skamp, I could never be mad at her.
Doctor was busy having a two man party with Mizuki
Lapp wasn't a fang and Agnes may have managed to drop out without getting Lunacub killed.
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just finished my last run so i can do this now, i don't think logos start is very good but he can clear the stage very easily. it's not that challenging. not going to bother refreshing for emergency, because the difference is negligible and logos overkills everything on s3. first wave is of 4 phalanx, you can block two with spot and catch the other two at the tail end of logos s2 or s3 with enough time to cycle the skill for the last wave of 3 phalanx. my logos is only e2 60 no mod no masteries. should be doable even without an e2 start and using s2, i'll try that if i can be bothered. ela start is still the best thougheverbeit.
do chinks love chinky dragon events due to pandering?
It shouldn't. Maybe you just confused because his attacks also slow enemies so they receive more hits and make it look like he attacks faster
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>Red joins the suicidal gang
Writers really like characters wanting to off themselves don't they?
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More than us. Chink events have several references only for chinks, for example the Dusk event is loved in CN while not here.

But some Chink events are not considered good regardless, Shu plot was considered average.
The main story has been shit for a while now.
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>a dozen trilbies, wither casters and ufos running around
how the hell are you supposed to do this map legit? i've always cheesed it with a susie buffbox in the top left corner
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>Shu plot was considered average.
...but that was the only good chinky event so far
In what way?
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>that rapisu image
So what is the deal with the story? Why is Lapipi the boss? Why does Granny abandon our girl Red? Irene Lavazza playable when?

And is it good? Ignoring the yuri shitposting and the usual crap.
In every way, disingenuous faggot.
I don't think genshin ever recovered from inazuma
I'm at my fucking limit
Grandma abandons Doko because she won. She has no more use for her, she served her purpose
The best or Uncle, and either Irene or Ch'en.
Lin can take care of the UFO from the right if you're fast enough.
The left will be taken care of by either SA or Uncle.
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>stops Red from killing herself and brings her home
>gets locked up for months
No good deed goes unpunished I guess.
>She was ready to kill Ifrit over a minor disagreement,
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If you are in this image I owe you clues
Abyssal hunters are basically incapable of dying in this stage. They solve most fortresses easily
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My favorite piece of Red content
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Bird tights?
She really is Scarface.
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Missing tailfeathers
You know what, I don't want to fuck this one
She can have Suzuran back if she wants
Scarface never really tortured anyone, he's a guy he's dumb he does drugs he's impulsive he's into his own sister
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Chapter 14 worth reading through?
Post the Mudrock outfit, please.
If Typhon is about 1.3m height does it mean i could carry her around like an onahole using handlebars on her head?
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suddenly, Ursus
It's hotter if there's risk involved.
Skip the Victorian parts and it's worth reading through.
Read the Trillby Asher parts though
Keep Lappland away this time
Fuck no
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check this panties-on-head hentai rat
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So Red really did go after Lunacub but Crownslayer treated her wounds.
Red a shit.
They add new busted relic for him in IS5 too
They keep bringing up Ursus through bits and pieces but never actually doing anything with them for years
yuri gods won
None of you have read it to know.
>suzumom :)
>Kal leaves for a month or two
>Red has already attacked 3 wolves
Cute retard
Erm, Koschey was the most important Russian thing and he was in the Ch8 climax?
Not your credit limit though sister
My nigga. I'm actually considering doing Eben next
And then the nation of Ursus proceeded to vanish from existence but remain in memory....
Suzumom :)
I just finished 14-10.
That was supposed to be epic? This whole chapter is very disappointing
Y'know I'm starting to think maybe Kal'tsit is just as bad as we used to be.
she fucking won so hard bros!
I'm sparking cuddlemontis!
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>kal'shit will somehow excuse this again instead of just getting it over with and killing her because no operator is actually allowed to die
Kal is going to KILL Red
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>I only hope that when you return to Saint Steed Castle, you can list my merits to His Majesty and let me participate in the capital's reward...
>You mean, you want the empire to know that you buried the insiders of each mining accident in the collapsed mine pit, and thus created a record of no accidents in the mining area for ten years?
>You want to let the empire know that half of the 10,000 so-called bandits you killed were actually refugees who starved to death in your territory?
>Or do you want the Empire to know that you are a loyal executioner like the previous nine dukes?
>The ''Imperial Envoy'' held a sword in her hand, and the priceless night-shining pearl had been thrown to the ground.
>She lifted her hood, revealing her fiery red hair. The Duke saw her eyes and remembered the recent legend - the "Crownslayer" a few years ago had returned to Ursus.
>If the Imperial Envoy really was here, if the Empire knew about your merits, maybe they would really give you new rewards.
>It's a pity that the Empire can't hear your call.
>The "Imperial Envoy" raised his sword.
>But don't worry, the Crownslayer is here to reward you.
Me but small pp life
>Grandma dumped Red like a sack of garbage after the game was over, leading her to be suicidally depressed
Holy kek, eat shit murderhobo
...it .. hurts me. I will still raise her and try to use her as much as possible though.
Looks strong but I think Ines is still stronger. Also I notice she has that old Japanese lady in her voice. I guess she isn't native to Siracusa.
I thought S1 was able to attack only idle enemies. But to see her being able to attack blocked ones feel great as well.
S3 looks idiotic in the current scenario but looks decent as soon as the fatties arrive. I guess she will be able to deal a lot of damage if you can tank a boss and elites or beefy trash next to each other.
Suzu was nine years old in 1094, meaning she is 12 in Wolumonde and 17 in Suitent
She has no reason to keep killing with Grandma gone.
>another operator is getting violently involved in global politics
When will this backfire on RI?
this but with monie.
Kind of lame that they had them all on auto skills so you couldn't fuck it up, might've been more interesting if you had to actually play an unwinnable level with a pre-built squad instead of it being an overly long cutscene.
Isn't that blocking everything outside of her range? Can she attack enemies blocked by those slabs?
>The Duke saw her eyes and remembered the recent legend - the "Crownslayer" a few years ago had returned to Ursus.
is it over for me?
The problem with retroactively writing the story for the game is that giving a list of deeds done by Crownslayer feels really out of place with her in the early story of the game
Phew, good reason they didn't show any new image for her.
It would destroy her appeal
The original Crownslayer was whoever shanked the previous Emperor.
expired suzuran...
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>and 17 in Suitent
Yes, we kidna knew all of these characters are around the same age
What the fuck were they thinking?
Green cert monthly reset
RA2 monthly reset
"Event" shop
Nah, Kal is exceedingly sick of Red and Grandma's shit
>Also I notice she has that old Japanese lady in her voice. I guess she isn't native to Siracusa.
She is, but she spent last 6 years in Higashi
She specifically DIDN'T kill Lunacub though (ignore what would've happened without medical intervention).
Elementary school Zuo Le...
>Phew, good reason they didn't show any new image for her.
>It would destroy her appeal
Lolicucks really are the shallowest fucks
>RA2 monthly reset
Looks like save reload abusing is back on the menu boys
All waifufags are.
It's the name of the game.
Red is a fucking pitbull, and NEEDS to be put down
>Kal tells her to only go after wolves
>Red only goes after wolves
I don't see the problem
She was not supposed to try and kill anyone even with grandma around and she's an active threat to everyone around her even without fang autism as per Ifrit's vignette story.
This right here is what I am talking about. She's "fed up" but there will never be a point where Red pushes her luck too hard and dies for it because no operator is permitted to die. She was given a warning, she tried anyway in lapipi's event, kalshit will be fine with it.
Good morning
Where can I read Lappalt's voice lines?
Scarred to shit post feral Red attack Lunacub skin when?
Red is based. Why are people seething at her killing literal whos?

This is Arknights, we laugh when Blaze chains down poor reunion infected mercilessly.
expected, I hope we get a aged up version like Ifrit did.
>she's an active threat to everyone around her even without fang autism as per Ifrit's vignette story.
She's a dumb kid
What the fuck is this? Techno Sarkaz?
Prease pull for Wisadel/Lappalt/next mega broken limited because the welfares are 4* tier
Kal'tsit would never betray her kid like that, no matter what
UNLIKE a certain someone
Not techno, hopped on that good shit from the Nacho King.
If there is a hittable object on the map or Stainless' turret, Lapplands wolves lock on to it until her skill ends lmao
>skill issue at a utility operator
>ignores the stupid pink ghost hologram lady we just get
>poor reunion infected
sir we call those vile criminal scum
6* welfare tax strikes again
That could be an advantage in some cases, like gelato stands on blood blombs
Her skills are attack scales, still not great but trying her S3 within Skadoo/seaborn range might help significantly. Warfarin works too but if you're using Warfarin you're probably better buffing someone else.
they made clownslayer lore accurate, i thought that's what you wanted
Fuckers didn't have the balls to make her put clownslayer down for good
>Projekt Red's Token
>A pointed baby tooth. Hope you can take good care of it.
Didn't think this would come up
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>Want to take off my mask? I suggest not - you might be choking on the smoke. You see, I always wear a mask for a reason.
Is Crownslayer a walking smoke machine?
And we laugh even harder when Blaze jobs to a random faceless Sarkaz
shut up weeb
That Sarkaz? Me.
>Clownfags can't even kiss their wife
What a sad existence
I can't quite tell, that s1 didn't even look much if any better than Red's. S3 might at least be funny in IS if it scaled with attack speed, but that would be fun so it probably doesn't.
Was it really necessary to give Crownslayer such a long cooldown tho? She can't even hit air
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>100 /akg/ frens
>only 1 walter support unit


I fucking need her to clear some bullshit stages wtf are you faggots doing? PULL FOR HER AND LEVEL HER UP RIGHT NOW I'M A POORFAG I WAS COUNTING ON YOU GUYS!
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one of us
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Lyudmila really is a good girl...

I would've stabbed Red right then and there.

Fuck Red, she deserves everything.
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is there something to save these for or can i just go ham farming LMD?
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I just got W, but now I'm without any rolls left...
how fucked am I?
I don't even know what else is coming...
Nor if the new W was worth it...
Thucman feels pretty good again with his new module. Is Silverash module good too?
Have they released him yet or is Agravain still in limbo NINE years later?
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Kernel banner on November 5th
So why is Logos such a silly guy anyway
it's interesting how the Japanese are not scared to write real bad characters with really bad opinions. The Chinese always make everyone hold the same ideals.
Should I skip Victoria side of plot? I legit don't care about dukes, tara, siege and nu-reunion..
I'm not gonna miss anything important, right?
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>Tactical Acumen: Excellent up from Standard
>Lappdumb is Lappsmart now
Good girl
W is goated fr fr, but your Ulpipi chances are cooked on god.
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God this dudes art is so fucking hideous
Why not?
He had a much happier childhood than the vast majority of Sarkaz, and then found good friends in Rhodes
sorry buddy I'm waiting for the free rolls first
Surrounded by pussies since birth makes you immunue to worldly desires
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The Sarkaz blood should compel him to be race supremacist though
Imagine if we actually got her to stop being a murderhobo and Grandma just had to sit on the landship seething while all the remaining fangs were stuck trying to figure out where the hell the 2 that disappeared but aren't out went.
Is Grandma gone with the Lapipi story?
His extended family raised him right and then he found a bunch of silly adults to learn from.
Was it really necessary to give Crownslayer such a long cooldown tho? Was she really going to break the game with a 4 second stun? She can't even hit air....
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Consider for a moment how many times he's been raped by his banshee elder sisters
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>the flying blocking ops let rosmontis hit airborne blocked enemies with her s3
wait we hate red now?
dont you remember that crownslayer is the reason for why misha and skullshitter is dead?
since she killed their father dont you fucking forget what this whore had done to the civilians she aint your baby girl
Oh I've seen that manga.
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That shit is a meme.

Here's how Rosmontis actually WON >>500661059
god, put me in a banshee coven
There are no meta banners in the next 6 months. You can wait for the lappalter verdict
Misha....now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time...
Better times...
Killing Reunion in the streets....heh...those were good times...
flying wraiths are being dispatched to your location to remind whos boss
Love me Red. Love me crownslayer. Simple as. They're sisters now and good girls
And that is why I don't put Wuh up ;)
Here you go anon.
Stupid ugly bitch
>Finally got and beat emergency manmade carnival
It feels great to be alive.

what is?
>that many older sisters
This looks like hell
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Lappland is the Lord of Wolves now. Grandma may or may not be following her, but all the other wolf lords agreed that the Fang game is over. There are more pressing issues at hand. All the Beast Lords are spooked by something.
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>lappland is yet another damage reduction boss
eat elemental damage nigger
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why did they make suzumom sound like a grandma
what were they thinking
It's been a while, but I'm pretty sure one of them sold out everyone working on the sarcophagus to the government and Crownslayer had no involvement.
What crisis happened around 1100 that could have caused that feeling?
He's probably the kind of guy that always has tampons and all sorts of pain medication on hand
It feels like it might be a throwback to the rot eater from the start of the chapter. How the old giganiggas die for the young to eat and get steroided by their body.
But enough about Typhon
Is this a form of irony considering this would be Lappy would essentially be embodying Siracusa in spirit
she smoked too many ciggies
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A stacy waking up.
she looks rather retarded there...
She can't escape from Siracusa
He gets to block and his turret each grant 20% physical damage reduction
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It's up
Probably the same crisis that has been getting brought up again and again. Originium going haywire.
She's going to fight the SEA
>can kill both phases of Jesselton, including the 70 res one
Pwetty good for an arts unit. I remember Eyja didn't even kill the first phase.
>since she killed their father
Nigger, Skullshatterer straight out lead CS to his dad's location.
For what it's worth they were nerfed for the stage with a third less def. They only reach 1,250 def on A15, 1,100 on A12, and 1,000 base. While silvertrad is also getting the metaprogression buff.
NTR Hajimeru!
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>people think Crownslayer is anywhere near as bad as Lessing or god forbid, Vigil
sometimes I forget that most people who play games with a gacha model aren't the most intelligent individuals. she's no Gladiia or Lumen but definitely no Vigil. she's as mediocre as Silence Alter and that's good enough. not surprised since it's the same playerbase who thinks Viviana is a brick among bricks as bad as Quartz
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burnice flopped
Zarro already lost, and agnes just gave up.
Lapipi has always been the very embodiment of Siracusa, even she knows it
To be fair Eyja sucks
6mo cycle on rape tickets. Get ines and friend support swire2.
please try ZZZ, save our general
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>we have /zzz/iggers here
what the fuck
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Thank you for the flower
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Alberto asks to speak to the manager, gets Lappland instead.
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Dreadnaught, he's good one but there's a reason why Skadi lives and dies on AH buffs with NTR being a psuedo-FRD with true damage. the class itself is a joke by virtue of having 1-block without anything to compensate for it
hate pinks
>Fishes on land
>Originium spreading
>Collapsals collapsing
>Observers observing
Terra has so many world ending scenarios that it could be all of these at once
Don't forget whatever is sealed underground.
>the dancing skeletons are gone
1-block is a benefit, not a negative. You don't want fodder absorbing all your attacks, which is too common with Crushers.
>Kal finally comes home from tard wrangling the retarded fishe
>come home to see Red catatonic when she's not actively suicidal, Lunacub nearly got murdered, and CS got imprisoned for months after rescuing her dumb wolves
Kally Wally's Very Bad, No Good Day
>world ending
you mean world fixing
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Collapsals are getting uppity, sky was was torn open a new asshole by a columbian dog, fishe dream of the ocean above, australia's about to fucking get it from priestess
There's plenty of reasons to be anxious if you are terran.
The evil twin in Leithanien may or may not be plotting a war against itialians if Blitz is to be believed, too.
Lappland WON
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I better get Red mental health correct and Red alter as compensation after this
>sealed underground.
They're just sleeping Feranmuts.
They're mostly harmless.
Think of them as mountains.
I sleep
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>outsmarts Alberto
>puts him in jail
>didn't resort to patricide
>Alberto is a Karen
Damn, no wonder Lapipi the Taxi Driver overcame him
i just woke up is lappalter the most broken unit in the game yet?
Wasn't her whole power coming from granny?
Nyo, but as expected she's the 2nd best caster
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Better invest in an eye mask.
Only the anti-Lupo spooky effect, the knifework was all her.
Didn't Demetri outsmart him? Lappland just came to laugh at him.
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It's time for rosmontis gaming
Quartz is better than Viviana. No I will not elaborate.
She's VERY VERY strong
But not to the point to get called SOVLLESS
Only the fear aura, otherwise she just got trained to be a killing machine like the other fangs
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Ouch, Lappdad got owned so hard. Stuck in prison for a very long time and also alive long enough to hear that the entirety of his estate is being given to somebody who was formerly from a rival family. One can only imagine the amount of seething
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From now on, don't hurt Ch'en's feeling okay? She has heart too.
It's hard to tell how good she is because everything in her event that she can hit has insane damage reduction and everything else is invisible. So basically she eats shit in her own event and god forbid you don't own silverash or ines
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>Lappland just came to laugh at him
Looks like we need a new version of this
Shouldn't have been a cop, Chen
>but as expected she's the 2nd best caster
Unlike Logos and Nymph she gets walled by RES
Where does Nyarknights rank
>Think of them as mountains.
they can hold my line for the low low price of 10 dp?
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I'm going to be the first to Max out PhonoR-0's potential.
After reading chapter 14 I can safely say I still don't give a shit about Siege and Nine
Huh, that's a better ending for him than I expect. I was pretty sure he's gonna get offed. But yeah good for him and good for Lapipi for not having to kill him.
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>Both of these girls have pure sexo skins
A dangerous combo
Imagine if Alberto got extradited to Columbia and end up in the same prison as jobberton.
I'm afraid Dr Banana has you beaten, sis
Too late bro
Where did grandma get the fear aura?
qrd on pasta2?
Modules gud?
What numbers did Figurino end up eith?
0 DP.
They deploy themselves and will only heed your order if you say "please".
>he doesn't know
>Mazda Miata car bed
Lmao you can barely fit 2 adult men seated in a Miata, let alone reclined.
I'm glad he's alive but sad he's still insane.
>Where did grandma get the fear aura?
beast lord hax
I thought that this is actually even worse for him than dying considering he lost everything and some of it can be attributed to karmic payback for what he did alongside Lappy rubbing it in his face.
>SuzuMom has to beat the ever living shit out of everyone in the temple each time she comes to visit her husband
>the local fox feranmutt who actually likes her, loves and thinks it's the funniest shit
Holy kek, now I really need to see Suzudad join Rhodes too
Why are all the bad things happening now anyway? The doc has been asleep for thousands of years.
Let's say the initial impetus is the Sarkaz civil war (the reason the Doc was woken up 2 years ago). Theresis started the originium processes putting in motion the world-ending originium cataclysm. Doc almost died, was put in the Sarcophagus, and was awakened 2 years later to deal with this.
Why now? Is there a connection to the Sarkaz civil war?
>Seaborn speed up their invasion
Why? They are being poked by the Aegir, but neither of the two really interact with originium or land races at all
Entirely unrelated to anything happening on terra
>Sky hole
Kristen has been working on that since she was a child, there is no reason for her to finish her rocket specifically at this time
>Whatever the fuck is going on with the durins
We know nothing there, maybe it is caused by originium activity
>The Sui is beginning to resurrect
>got Walter
>already max trust

Is Lessing 2nd mod better?
>Lappland is the one driving the Killdozer
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No, but I would support hiring non chink editors/supervisors that bash in writers skull when they go off on a tangent in story.
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holy fucking based
Honey! It's time for your monthly rape!
Logos sisters... he's not the best caster anymore...
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Depends on which jap
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This body was made to bear multiple children
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Logos' module is way more important than W2's right? So I should have him in the head assistant position, right?
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>Why? They are being poked by the Aegir, but neither of the two really interact with originium or land races at all
Upcoming fishetent explains it, but it's essentially picrel
Doesn't she get even more nutty with just a Skadiva boosting her attack?
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How do you get different endings in IS? I'm currently at braving nature 5, but I haven't seen anything other than the big slime boss.
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get FUCKED pink devil
>he's not the best caster anymore...
She can't even kill Patriot with a mine in one skill use
Logos does it without a mine
Same with Mandy, Lappand needs to use the pillar
Logos does it without
what makes you think she isn't already being fucked by the doctor?
I mean, ok, but why now? Is there a relation to all the other disasters happening in the same 10-year timeframe? Are all of these things connected to each other or is it just extremely bad "monster of the week" writing?
>SuzuMom has to beat the ever living shit out of everyone
Why are Italians like this?
Depends on the IS. 2 is a RNGfest, 3 is a slightly less terrible RNGfest, 4 is just a matter of going to the right nodes on the map
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Are you enjoying your Wis?
The thing that destroy Sankta's satellite.
when's lewd snek bird woman going to get her module?
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>wake up
>check the Suzumom voicelines
>her battle selection line is literally picrelated
Lowlight, I kneel
What are the main skills for the new 6*s to M3? S3 for Wishy, Logos and Theresa?
She's still at level one
It's the nips fault for trying to separate a woman from her husband
Yes, she benefits the exact same as GG from Skadiva.
She's basically modern era GG.
Immortals are scheming and this probably isn't the first civil war Kas tried to instigate. Pure coincidence

>>Seaborn speed up their invasion
Coincidence. They have been trying to break into the surface for years now. Aegir defences gave out. Also,. probably, maybe explained in Ulpipi event.

>>Sky hole
Why not? If it's finished its finished.

>>The Sui is beginning to resurrect
Because of fishe and collapsals. A sect of cultivators want him back to beat those two
At least in IS, she makes the game boring because her damage+area wipes entire waves of enemies leading to sitting around waiting for waves to spawn much more often.
No they should let me use her OG unit as a skin so I don't have to look at this ugly as fuck street hooker outfit
Japs are racist and don't want to let her see her husband
But that won't stop her
She will NOT be cockblocked in the name of racism.
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Aren't girls cutest when they're nearly retarded?
she's staying benched until I feel like leveling her up
An option to mute specific operators voice lines completely would be good
Is it just me or is the game a lot easier when you use wisadel?
hagbros, we're feasting.
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Yet another N**ke ripoff...
They can't keep getting away with this...
>Is there a relation to all the other disasters happening in the same 10-year timeframe?
Short answer, yes. Although it's related to one specific event.
The big bulky enemies that keep turning up aren't really harmed that much by her so I'm not feeling the true Meta yet
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Post "it"
>nasu at the helm of Arknights
what would make you think this, her 40s skill deals less total ST damage than his 30s skill and it takes longer to cycle
the difference in total damage output on the skills is negligible at low res, but once you get to high res you can really see her damage output lagging behind his. she's not a bosskiller, which is a good thing because we already have logos. she shits on everything with ridiculous output on a global range
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Doctor hates devils
her 2nd module or delta module will fix her...
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arknights is not a waifu coomer game.
It's Maria competing at the tournament isn't it? She has Blemished everything
arknights is a hag coomer game
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Barring the obvious "Because plot demands it"?
One way or another, you'll be able to track the chain of events back to a certain dog blasting the sky.
>4 is just a matter of going to the right nodes on the map
What kind of nodes?
>Doctor, Mr. Tsukimi Ye is twisting Mr. Spot's neck, and Miss Zilan is beating him... Aren't they fighting? As a Sakaz, being able to establish friendships with other races...is it because of Tsukimiyo-san's charisma? Huh? You want me not to imitate him? (Upgrade to Elite Stage 1 to view)
>Manfred has two big tiddy Sarkaz Officers after him
>still longs for Hoe's crusher
>the local fox feranmutt who actually likes her, loves and thinks it's the funniest shit
It's a fox Beast Lord
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Except that most of these events happened or were set in motion before Kristen
So nice of Penance to help Vulpisfoglia prepare her divorce papers so she can leave her husband and have sex with me instead.
>120 rolls
>no wis
You niggers stole all the wis from my account
Hoederer deserves a brutal death
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Actually anon, they're talking about Vigil...
Shut the fuck up Wishy
arknights is a hag waifu coomer game
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That's 120 rolls completely wasted.
Do you like it?
He only got them to be foils for Ines/W
Midnight, Spot and Orchid
Sorry anon but she likes Vigil
you're such a weirdo
Ending 2 go to lost and found, and use the special foldartal it gives
Ending 3 go to Scout, pick the Valarqvin option then on the next floor choose the bottom route's special prophecy node
Ending 4, buy the horizon item from the shop and pucker your asshole whej you reach an encounter node after buying it
You don't take extra damage from other melee enemies while a frozen cuora has to put up or shut up with additional enemies hitting her with arts/elemental/roided meme phys like ice weebs. duelist/dreadnoughts reduce the healing load.
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Doctor's canon lupo wife
She accelerated them by putting observers on the picture
Oh, should have guessed that from the tsuki bit
I'm still waiting to see what the actual fuck Victorians are going to do about the hole.
For some reason they act like they're still in the game.
The only thing they're going to do regarding other nations is get invaded.
Probably by refugees. What with the 'People King' at the helm...
It's the Observers. The Observers are responsible for the timing of all these incidents because we, the players, are the Observers, and we demand entertainment even if it costs Terran lives
>literally my only sniper trainer
Who the fuck else trains snipers?
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I'm gonna piss money down Closure's throat until I reach pity to get my Wisadel so Ada'd better become playable next event, Lowlight you stupid faggot
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Full Nelson Penance
Mating Press Ingrid
Irrumatio Ascalon
1-7 solo list, you all know how this works by now.
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They're not wasted, he got 120*6 parametric modules!
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Logos is already deleting shit on sight without his mod, you’re telling me it gets even better than this?
she's a sniper trainer (yeah)
>Priestess and Doc gave up against beating the Observers
lmao even, Chad Terrans WILL surpass the rest of the universe
worthless posts
Who's that fine felatio fiend?
Mental illness.
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They can't and wont really do anything. The steam knights are dead, their everything is in ruins. Caster's busy running around killing everyone else. Siege is busy pissing the nobility and parliament off with reforms.

Irene, W
>runs away to Talos-II
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Lord of Friends...
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Got it.
We told you he was the strongest caster on RI and his gameplay delivers.
70% better, in fact
>pucker your asshole whej you reach an encounter node after buying it
why did they make that stage like that
I can't think of a reason, other than they just wanted be huge dicks
Logos' mod is where most of his power comes from. Modless Logos is not that strong.
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Very worthful post
kill yourself
s3, m9, s2
>Modless Logos is not that strong.
He's already better than Eyja and GG...
Haimao heard the chinks calling IS4 too easy
I can't buy that.
>The Doctor has already been awakened twice
>The Sarkaz civil war is finished since before lonetrail
>Aegir kicked the hornet's nest long before lonetrail
>Kaschei just randomly got the means to ram Lungmen a few years before lonetrail
>The Sui sister was killed long before Lonetrail
>The collapsals felt the approach of observers on Terra and... decided to invade, instead of running the fuck away?
>I haven't finished telling the fairy tale last time...it won't last long, three days and three nights at most.
Oh no, Philiae is a yapper
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Worthwhile posts
>2 characters I've skipped
It really do be like that sometimes...
She's from Minos what did you expect
I'm gonna worthful my semen inside Ascalon's womb
What the hell is this? Some kind of mothman?
Lacks a splash of cum.
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>Medicmiya doesn't heal Rosmontis slabs
That's fucking lame, why? She can heal summons
Unfortunately your retardation is terminal, much like your permanent account damage
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Deggy Weggy...
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Splash of Asky tail sweat. Take it or leave it
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It's not-Lappland riding a Bulldozer
Amalgam of what various Sarkaz originally look like.
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I hate how they made Bagpipe unintelligible just because
>haha she's a SCOTT get it lol
I hope Yostar devs die
>Walter's remnants count as summons for summoner relics
Everything about this character is just ridiculous.
Smooching press
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it was all a ploy to recruit clownjobber so that red can just rape her all day
This is unintelligible to you?
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bros i think i have a problem
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Moth operator soon??
It's just like real life though
Part goliath, part wendigo, part diablo, all jobber chimera.
Who is the best schemer in Rhodes after Doc and Silverash?
the initial hit is the only bad part of that, an ifrit cleans them up easy
walter's clearly overpowered but I haven't found her as earthshatteringly broken as hyped so far
do her masteries make that much of a difference?
Bro... Red is mindbroken... whenever she passes Lappland in the hallways she mutters "Grandma..." to herself
I wouldn't count the sarkaz civil war as a big event that we got to witness against all odds. Sarkaz are always on a civil war or getting their shit kicked by other nations. Same thing with Kaschey, immortals are scheming rats and he's being doing these kind of shenanigans for centuries.
>>Aegir kicked the hornet's nest long before lonetrail
They're starting to go psycho mode now because of observers

But, still. You can say that all of this happening now because the plot needs to happen and we need a variety of new enemy types besides the urban hobos
>tfw all the Red NTR jokes actually came true, but in the funniest way possible
Devs definitely lurk here
It can't be Halloween every day bwo....
Red Alter in the future? Funny how I remember one of Doktah's lines to her is wanting her to decide for herself what kind of life she wants to lead
>earthshatteringly broken
Pasta Wolves Part III
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>pull Walter in 20 pulls
>get to spend all of my saved OP on skins
aw hell yeah, Projekt Red and Silverash skin time
>pot2 mudrock
>no penence

Why is life cruel?
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Were the skill numbers for Lapp2 and Vulpis posted somewhere already?
like how the mastery guide guy spends a million words sucking her off as the second coming who will destroy the universe and remake it anew
I'm trying to read a fantastic story about aliens stuck on a planet with super AIDS, not go to downtown Edinburgh and listen to the crowd
Sorry not everyone is bri'ish, lad
Why do you want used goods?
H-hajimeru.... Doko....
>Can't buy the horizon invitation in the first shop or you get raped at the next encounter
>But then you're gambling for a shop that may never come
>Scunt node is guaranteed on 2nd floor for routeweave net > endless flower
>But this forces you to take one or the other lane on the 2nd floor
>Then getting the net forces you to take the bottom lane on the next floor where you have to go through an emergency battle to get the prophecy for the endless flower
>So you've lost all control on two floors and the first floor doesn't have a lost & found
>And you can't take any third floor shop/lost & found cause you have to go to the bottom of the next floor after you take the net
>But you still need to get a Lost & found so you can get the foldartl set to replace a node so you can get the prophecy for the treescar helm
>But you also can't see where the Lost & found is unless your index is crazy high
>And you still need to find a shop and an encounter node to take the horizon invitation
>And sometimes you can't get to the shop and the lost & found
>And even if you do, you scrambled your index stock to get to it
>And even even if you did get to the shop and bought the invitation you probably have to buy index
>And now you're like ah yes today I will find an encounter in 0.5-1.5 floors haha
>And maybe you were feeling cute and thought you count get that it invitation encounter at the end of a bosky if it's not the gamble but you can't actually override the bosky end node encounter with the invitation
>So now you've beaten sami and you're standing at the start of the 6th floor staring down your payment deadline with no solution
>>>>>Getting the snowball
>You don't have 3 index so you have to eat the stat penalty
>You don't have the treescar helm or 50 ingots so you get raped for -4 squad limit
>You had brain damage so you didn't get the endless flower and no self-respecting doctor has 20 hope so you get raped for -12 max life
IS4 hate.
fang looks all grown up and shit
she looks like she developed taste in men and got fucked a lot
makes me feel jealous and shit
that's probably not the case
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>bring GG
>bring Lappalt
>bring Ptilo
>alternate global skills
We're gaming
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Where do you think we are?
Those are a bunch of retards sucking themselves off on social media.
Ty anon, all of Logos' skills seem busted but I don't know which to main
M6 OR M9 for my girl Pallas? Also is she able to heal Mudrock or Zuo Le?
I got a dupe of the goddamn shark in 12 pulls, all free
I think my second fucking dupe of her
shit, I got so excited for wuh
NTR... hajimeru...
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More for me then
This is... Kjera and Pram in sexy dancer outfits
Hey /akg/ can you tell me why these posters are so mad?
>M6 OR M9 for my girl Pallas?
None, don't raise a brick
>Also is she able to heal Mudrock or Zuo Le?
how is penance used goods
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Penance isn't used goods. But she will be
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Arknights is a yuri game
Mod 6 M9 lvl 90. No.
She is cute and makes me happy
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lmao even
Because after all the shitposting last week, they ended up losing hard?
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m9. You can skip s2 if you want. 85%/1s Microstun memeing for sustain is something you'll never be forced to use. The range extension lets her spawn camp sometimes but realistically you're going to just typhon and zzz
I don't remember it working

y3 s1 2157x2, s2 2,022x25 for 50.5k with 3 tile range and 85% stun chance, or s3 2,466x30 to up to 3 enemies for 74k x3
x3 s1 2,500x2, s2 2,300x25 for 55.3k with 3 tile range and 85% stun chance, or s3 2,750x28 to up to 3 enemies for 77k x3
60 s1 2,389x2, s2 2,205x24 for 53k with 3 tile range and 85% stun chance, or s3 2,626x28 to up to 3 enemies for 73.5k x3

960 def______X_____y
s1/skill dmg 3078 2394
s2/skill dmg 32.3k 26.5k
s3/skill dmg 50k-150k 37.7k-113.3k

1500 def______X_____y
s1/skill dmg 1998 1313
s2/skill dmg 19.3k 13k
s3/skill dmg 34.9k-104.6k 21.5-64.7k

Y module Healing
0pot PallaY s1m3 is 240/3s or 80/s
0pot PallaY s3m3 is 180/360/540 or 60/120/180 hp/s based on groups

0pot PallaY s1m3 is 400/3s or 133/s
0pot PallaY s3m3 is 300/600/900/3s or 100/200/300/s
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Local Pallasfag here telling you to M9 her because cowe love. S1 is a strong AFK, S2 is good for the range extension and interrupting enemy attacks, S3 is great for crowds of elites. And no, she can't heal enmities.
Trons, yuricucks, and shipkeks are spiteful creatures. They can only exists by trying to make everyone as miserable as them
huh, what is this, some non-canon ship?
who's that, I'm a skipGOD
I'm Australian, you just suck at parsing accents in text.
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you're right, it's a husbando game.
Vigil is for Demetri. COPE
Her wolves are slow to change targes, so unironically GG-chan is better if content is easy (her droids change targets instantly)

Also watch people using her on CN IS5. Her wolves are too dumb and keep targetting constructions/those Sarkaz spikes that look like Walter summons and stay there until the skill ends.

She's worse than I expected desu. (also her lines suck, guess her VA wanted the paycheck and dip fast)
Her healing is pretty insignificant anyway, as much as I love her. She shines in IS with some absurd damage with her S1, especially if you get one of the relics that boost her atk on skill activation. But since it recharges on hit, it also scales really well with aspd, so she can deal some incredible damage to ground units.
I got 2 Shark pots...
She was already maxed...
Holy crickey you're an aussie
The constant losing drive them insane
Goddamn... Logos is literally me.
Would be nice if Arknights actually made new background music, listening to the same themes every new event and chapter is getting boring.
Hmm I was going to use her behind Mudrock or Penance if she was able to heal them. Guess I will stick with plan B and Chongyue. Which module is the better one?
This samefag is so obvious it has to be deliberate irony
>I'm Australian
Bro you're just a South British...
I like the one that let's her deploy on high tiles.
nice mom bro
>Who the fuck else trains snipers?
Schwarz, Platinum, Erato, Ch'en the Holungday
>Shipcukc is Mindbroken
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Ch'en mentioned
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post the logos mom gif, you know the one
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We need a new version of this but updated to reflect actual reality
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First module is overall better because it's just more damage and a better buff for herself, the second one can be useful if you want to put her on high tiles, or if for some reason you need Pallas to sustain herself and a tank without a healer.
I use X with great success. You can also place her behind Chongyue to kill enemies before they reach him.

Also to put it into perspective, she only heals 40HP per hit. Mudruck is at over 4k HP, so she heals less than 1% of Mudrock's health per hit. You don't get nearly enough tanky enemies to make use of that talent.
Pram is not fat enough
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Why do you want to see red catatonic on the floor?
The better question is why DON'T you
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Unlike Logos and Nymph she'll work with burn, which is probably going to be on a ritualist specialised in res shredding.
>wanting to kick Red while she's down by having Crownslayer NTR her
How cruel
Irene Lavazza ... onegai
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operators for this feel?
I cooka da pizza
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Lappland thinks she's going to die soon.
I am the Qalaisa fucker.
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i cucka da rossa
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go fuck yourself, for real. i cant with these people anymore. i hate you all from the bottom of my hearrt. ignorant pieces of shit
>Try to kiss Crownslayer
>Your mouth fills with smoke
>Choke and fall into a coughing fit
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i cant find IT...
its so fucking over
Doesn't she forcefeed Doctor pineapple pizza in the latest batch of stickers?
am I the only one who feels like this? shit actually bothers me
wtf she's supposed to be a cute kouhai
she looks like an experienced, worldly woman
fuck, so this is how dads feel
She's barely 1% more infected than her 5* version according to her profile. She'll be fine, especially now that she's getting treatment from Rhodes again.
You think they use her like a smoke machine
My arknights pic folder is so big it takes a while to load do you guys sort your shit?
> Walter was pushed into next month too due to timezones.
I keep hearing this, what do you mean by this?
that just means she's already as bad as it gets, bro
Carnival date with Lappy in the Ferris Wheel
lemeow even
Least obvious falseflag
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>so assblasted he stopped being able to type in coherent english
Power levels:
>Random jobbers (Victoria/Sarkaz)
>Sarkaz Royal Court
>Chad mob with Sigh of Kings
Falseflag or based janny?
why is it called sighs of kings? dumb name lol
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Lappalt is where the red dot is. There are much worse cases and this chart is years old.
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just thought you'd like to know that I have still not failed to get a single operator that I rolled for, since I got W just now and logos yesterday
VIP card only btw
Lapp2 operator files, doko
Because it's just a symbol despite all the talk about it.
Probably a myth to past kings as well, considering nobody except Caster knew about it.
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