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>Game Download - Android/iOS/PC

>General Info/FAQ for New Players

>Additional Links


>Update on October 31

>Developer's Note: September 2024

>Current Events
OLD TALES [2nd Anniversary] - October 31 ~ November 21
Solo Raid: Behemoth - CANCELLED
Full Burst Day - Weekends, November 2 ~ November 18

>Upcoming Events
Co-op: Land Eater - November 8 ~ November 10

>Current Special Recruit
Cinderella - October 31 ~ November 21
Rapunzel: Pure Grace [Free SSR] - October 31 ~ November 21

>Upcoming Special Recruit
Grave - November 7 ~ November 28

>Current Costume Passes
Scarlet: Black Shadow: Longing Flower [Costume Gacha] - October 31 ~ November 21
Isabel: Honeymoon Party [Event Pass] - October 31 ~ November 21
D: Killer Wife: Secret Party Cleaner [Mission Pass] - November 1 ~ November 30

>Upcoming Costume Passes
Cinderella: Glass Princess [Costume Gacha] - November 7 ~ November 28


Previous: >>500656243
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*sucks pacifier villainously*
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I love my wife Rapi.
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... Beautiful.
>give out free gibs to silence the sheep
>stealth nerf Cindy
all according to keikaku
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where skeletons?
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The CCP got us. It's over.
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The AZX?
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Plapi forma rojo new SSS tier character?
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>cancels your shit raid so you can focus on her event
thumbnail tricked me
don't have enough jims for that sadly
this cinderella looks much better
is this sex?
Man Rapi looks fine when she doesn't have hyullamouth
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The Admire?
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Does Anti Aliasing even do anythin with the 2d sprites? Neon hair still looks flickering weird during standing animation no matter what I choose
>shit raid
I liek Behemoth theme
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>as soon as i pull my first broken pilgrim shitup decides to nerf her into the ground
it's not fair...
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Her smiling makes me happy
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Phases. The idea is after 2 phases (starting from phase 5 or phase 10) and you still didn't super success, your gold will have some pretty decent chance to proc it.
Make teams for whenever the SR comes back.
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indivilla theme was better thoughbeit
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I love my wife Rapi too!
I want to believe she is safe...
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There is no words that describe how hard this makes me
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Solo Raid is really canceled??? What do I do?
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anyone got the sleeping and woke up behemoth pictures?
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>Indivillia theme
First raid I had to mute
It's not permanent. After remains of Red Hood vanish and she loses her Rojo form, she will get upgrade from Cecil.
That would be SSS tier.
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>45mill downloads
>5 mill phone
Reminder phone fags are now the minority in players for nikke.
I actually think this is happening to most big gatchas nowadays.
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>not investing into the lobby waifu meta
I’m sorry I’m still too stupid to understand. Does super success have some kinda pity or something?
it's not canceled, it's only delayed AND you get a full solo raid's worth of mats on top of the delayed mats we'll get.
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No more Admire for you!
I'm admiring Cinderella from now on!
you`re coping,
Get In the Mirror Moron
So how does Nikke's OST work with their albums? Is it just vibes for each album that new music gets added to every update based on those vibes?
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Rapi is finally getting an SSR alt
But is she ever getting the commander's heart?
the more levels you do "normally" the most likely you are to hit super success. Percentage chance go up.
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The real goddess of victory.
She is even stronger than the inherit pilgrims.
Imagine her power when her memory is fixed.
But it's so buggy and not fun
No. Sakura owns SKK
This whole event does things to me. The last event I was like this is Dorozone. I see some people actually don't like it, but personally it's the best one so far. Not only the story, but all the additional details too
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That belongs to Marian and always will.
Do you understand?
What am I coping about again?
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no for (my) heart belongs to Blanc and Noir
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Do this game have SSR selection box as a newfag? I'm willing to drop a few buck for the scarlet skin but I don't know how to get her. Will I have to wait for her re-run?
So i'm running cindy in campaign and her damage is good but nothing insane for the deficit. Is it just the solo raid that was problematic, not her?
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I like Indivilia's theme
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I love Anis
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I am the Commander. She got all of me, just for her alone.
Your proof?
why do women wear thongs
isn't it just a bother because it eats into your butthole?
We know, no one.
I'm confused. 2.5 is obviously Nayuta but who's even gonna be the 3rd anni character at this point?
i only love nikkes that show the butt
>how to get her.
>Do this game have SSR selection box
maybe, but its almost impossible Pilgrims being in that selector so yeah you would have to wait for her rerun
Honestly, I have really not noticed any actual bad reception at all. Seems this event is prettt universally liked.
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She does since chapter 26.
As a phonefag I can understand why. It’s actually not all that friendly given how shooting works. For some reason they don’t allow you to tap and instantly shoot, it makes the Nikke slowly move the crosshairs over when you do that. I’ve read that is not the case for PC right? But for phones, if you tap and drag your gun fires, so doing QTE with white circles is a pain in the ass I’m guessing most people get filtered. 15 circles red and white on a phone screen while finger is bigger than the circle itself, it just doesn’t play well.
I'll paypig this outfit if they manage to fix her bug withoit nerfs. Please, John Shiftup, it's not even that hard
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>befriending the raptures?
>you are an ugly person modernia
>world war nikke 2 starts
Is it Absoult or Absolute?
>it's an Aoi Yuuki sends chills down my spine episode
She's a Pilgrim who had a rate-up last year and probably won't get one again, she's not technically limited but your odds of getting her are not good, to say the least.
I'm nobody though, no one quit after the cindy nerf announcement.
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? They did announce 45 mill though
This. /nikg/ is just close minded. They can't get down with the kpop youth
My mom said not to trust no Nikkes... but now she's a Nikke. Do I trust her?
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We are Old Tales
What announcement?
Agree with this. I like all the recordings across the stage map too that add to it.
The main story is getting worse. I'm turning into a slipchad now. Yikes
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Dunno, ask your female relative.
Stop this meme
Indivilia is a rikker
maybe Christmas will save us..
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>Cinderella getting nerfed to Nihilister tier
Red Hood remains the most powerful nikke.
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She's not you mom any more. She's just a rust bucket(my child)
Send me pics of your mom
This one is the weakest imo. But it's primarily cause the event cast isn't very likable.
Every time you increase one phase, the chance of super success goes up. If you are doing all blue from 5 to 10, it might take a lot of kits to do so. The idea is balancing chance to trigger super success and how much the super success gives you (i.e. super success from phase 14 to 15 is not too great compared to proccing it from phase 12). So for going from phase 5 to 10 and phase 10 to 15 you can dump a bunch of blues and purples to get two phases ahead, then your gold kits will have 40% or 45% of super success and give you a super success that's worth 3 phases of XP.
Sixo in the back
Neon is legit the best thing about the main story right now and that feels weird to say.
Repeat after me: TOTAL DRAKE DEATH!
So question should I max the equipment on red hood first or Alice? Or would it make more sense to max like two of their equipments? I’m asking because I was told that I should max level all the equipment on Alice first vs red hood because of Marco?
Nah. We dipped under 10M. It's fucking over.
Mamabeasts wouldn't stand a chance
i'm considering do it it to drunk scarlet since i never use her anymore outside of PVP.
The maintenance notice.
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>shounenshit, Nikke
I screamed HOLY FUCKING KINO when it turned into a drill
ngl, former nikke player here
its fucking hilarious watching this game crash and burn
but in all seriousness, we should all just play Blue Archive
Thanks for the reminder. I should probably reset Drake and Laplace.
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She has it all
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Red Hood.
Red hood first
but that website is a literal lie.
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>Is it Absoult or Absolute?
It's BLACKED actually.
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how did she do it?
Cindy's armpit tastes like lemon and white powerade
Bros... I lost no nut November to Vesti...
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Drill you say?
I don't see anything about a Cinderella nerf there.
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China release doko? Only the chinks can save us now...
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I clapped
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>blue archive
>Hello Otoko
Maybe Behemoth just needs to stop being shy and just admit she just wants to get dicked by SKK
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>resetting her pre her treasure in december
Honestly I have to agree. Anis and Rapi are annoying. Cinderella and Grave are extremely annoying. I think the vapaus storyline expanding will only get worse.

I think neondev won
Mobile only.
Only 5mill of the 45mill downloads
Wonder how Cindy will react to those 3 considering she was meant to meet up with them.
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Who should be reset in general?
I have like 30 skill reset things.
those new bouncy ball enemies seem to negate blue numbers. they do insane damage and near impossible to hit while activated.
Same except for Maxwell. I'm tired of rape.
nice try neonkeks
I play mostly on phone and I have the opposite experience. The aiming/crosshair feels really great on my phone's touchscreen. Shooting and aiming with the mouse feels like ass (ironically enough, because I always use a mouse for fps aiming and swear by it).

But the resolution (at least on my phone) is fucking dog shit, I basically can't do some bosses properly on my phone because important parts are off-screen (like cores or shooting circles). Keyboard controls for nikke swaps/cover and bursts are a bit snappier on PC too but its not much different.

In a perfect world I'd have my PC resolution, with my touchscreen for aiming. Otherwise unless there's a boss/content I need to be sweaty and tryhard, I just use my phone.
read better.
>Glass Slippers. Full contact.
She don't need to anymore, she already unlocked her beast mode. She'll want the other 3 to get dicked down though.
Uhhh... uah.... ouhh... ouuuu....uu..
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I hate SR so much it's unreal
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What did he ever do to you?
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I love my wife Goddess of Victory: Rapi.
I only buy on PC, so I don't show up there.
Eunhwa putting the Abs in Absolute
>My eyes are up here, Commander
Nikke for this feel?
And she probablyb
don't mind sharing with levi.
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does anyone know how the spare body shop schedule work?
God centi
Does everyone get rewards as if they fully cleared the SR?
so even a shitter like me who never even gets close to the final stages can get all the rewards for once?
>She don't need to anymore
Her wanting to get dicked down by SKK was not about the power-up. That would have just been a bonus. She just likes him since he is cool.
They should add a nikke with thick eyebrows
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countahs :D:D:D
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Show your roster.
K-On collab would be pure kino
Zwei must be pretty tall if she even comes close in height to Centi
my calisthenics wife
Neon was really cool when she flipped over the rapture and blasted it. I'd like to see more animations that show how the Counters actually fight.
Who are you spending your skill books on once Cindy gets nerfed?
Everyone gets them. I didn't even play SR and got them
I want a basketball uniform skin for Centi
Is this Hansel or Gretel?
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You don't get to choose
I can see why they needed a scarlet skin to package with this anni. These new characters have negative charisma.
its sex.
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>even a shitter like me who never even gets close to the final stages can get all the rewards
not egg
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Reminder that if you don't care about Cindy after she gets nerfed you're not beautiful and don't deserve her
Because men love it
Oh my god the new chapters are AMAZING
sorry, couldn't help it its just so good
>play bbq minigame
>helm is the only one who orders 4 pieces
Why is she so FAT?
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More like "confess". She already wanted to ask this in chapter 32. Just ask it for it. Who knows how he might respond.
I hope she leaves the main story in a little bit tbf. I'm fine with not having her.
she's a queen, but nerfs are NOT beautiful. She would be repulsed by them.
i wish they update that minigame then snow white just appears with like 5 pieces
If it does come out I reinvest, I do not have books and I never use her, she is just rotting there
Why would she be nerfed?
She's useless.
The only good thing about her is the shooting mechanic. The pewpewing without having to spam click is oddly satisfying.
Where does it say she's getting nerfed?
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how many people do you think sefhi has killed?
She's not yet, but the OP said that I should still find her beautiful after them. She would not find herself beautiful after them.
Mirror container is such a dog shit fight that every clear of it iv seen of anomaly interception doesn't interact with its glass slipper mechanic.
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What caused them to cancel SR completely?
Why would anyone play this shit on a phone? You lose DPS.
ngl bros this event map is spooky as FUCK
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She's not, Since she burn a lot of calories with SKK every days.
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I agree, Rapi was great, and I'm glad they are hinting that Anis will finally get her chance to shine too. But when will be Neon's moment though?
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>Shows up and compels everyone to nut
You're mom
ShiftUp HQ is in shambles rn. They don't know what to do, Hyung is screaming and Tae Kim's wife is asking for the divorce papers. 3 lead devs already commited seppuku. There are chinese trucks outside and people holding signs with angry doros. Neondev is sending free gibs like a retard without looking at the resource distribution table. The japanese started a petition and it isn't looking good rn.
The overworld music makes me feel sad and uneasy
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No clue. But they gave me more rewards than what I can earn by playing, so I'm happy.
Also look at Cinderella's armpit cleavage.
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Pretty... will be back!
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I still care deeply about that meaty belly of hers.
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So...is red hood dead for real this time?
what if I shove my dick in her mouth huh? hows she gonna order me then?
literally never saw a single lag on my iphone, androidfag
I hope she doesn't. Shes good and a very good addition to develop the others.
There is no good way out of this because it's not just some random banner unit they'd have to nerf, it's their gem of the year, the Anni unit. I think the best way out for them is to consider this the next campaign difficulty nerf (like how they nerfed combat requirements or buffed us with dolls), and call it a day.
I still don't see where it's saying Cindy is getting nerfed or bug fixed or anything
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What happens if she commands people to cum?
Are spontaneous orgasms possible?
>crash and burn
things that didn't happen. if you're referring to the revenue report, it's deceptively low because everyone was saving up in anticipation for the anniversary this month. this happened before and it's fucking obvious. also, rumani is a shit tier nikker
>blue archive
jesus fucking christ, that game is pure garbage. it's like nikke iterated upon it, improving every single aspect, minus the hyper predatory monetization. everything in ba is a snoozefest and a pain in the ass to play. imagine leveling up all of the students individually. man, fuck that.
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Surely bro
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I don't want your carrots anymore, Alice
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She will always have a tendency to pop out when you least expect it.
This story triggers my fear of the locked in syndrome
kinda wish the insta-win option from harmony cube land was available in campaign for when I'm nearly double over the POW rating
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Red Shoes > your moleless wife
It's not a nerf its a bug fix. Her ult does double the damage when bursting with her weapon fully charged. Harran had the same bug back in the day and they fixed it, so the same will happen to Cinderella.
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This story triggers my fear of transforming into a bulldozer in my sleep
Dude, you gotta wake up!
Snap out of it, man!
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She will appear again when Rapi needs another power up and they will butthole bump each other.
Mirror, mirror.

Who am I?
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Sirens kotodama is shit, more like koto-dumb-a
I'm going to tell you what my psychologist told me when I said the same about breathing manually.
Are you locked in?
No? Then you can stop thinking about it.
ngl, former nikke player here
its fucking hilarious watching this game crash and burn
but in all seriousness, we should all just play GFL 2
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You are sex
Nothing happened so far so stop being dramatic
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>and they will butthole bump each other.
Pubes doko?
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I thought Kotodama only worked on nikkes with Nimph but I guess it also works on humans too.
Unless Maiden's thing is different.
Forget the DPS, every loading into battle screen being like 15 seconds long is the real daily grind, and I can't fathom why it's so long when it's basically complex pngs with a couple of low poly models.
The loading times in the mirror minigame are also pretty unbearable, almost as the load times for falling in the void or getting knocked back in the previous room were an intended game design choice.
>pasta in favor of GFL
man at some bullshit
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ngl, former nikke player here
its fucking hilarious watching this game crash and burn
but in all seriousness, we should all just play Epic Seven
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Chocolate chip
Cute woman. She's good or evil? I'm really behind
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I thought Rapunzel is for Andersen bros? Why are we suddenly cucking him??? I feel so disgusting...
It's ripoff from Siren lips, kek.
>2 months passed with no help whatsoever
So, you mean to say that no one bothered to double check the Elysion facility where the 2nd generation models got smashed?
Dorothy was right about Oswald
what sound does a butthole bump make?
Maiden got the nerfed version because the government got buttmad
That's bold after they just closed GFL1
What the fuck is a kotodama?
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cindybros...was she just the bait banner? was grave the real anni nikke???
Maidena works only on Nikke
Anon, Goddess squad literally did and all they found are hordes of Raptures
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So far she's good, cute, sensitive, and adorable. But this event takes place 66 years in the past, so she could be evil in the present.
ngl, former nikke player here
its fucking hilarious watching this game crash and burn
but in all seriousness, we should all just play goddess of victory: Nikke
Traffic was a nightmare
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what did shifty mean by this?
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Like pic related
Whe does it say this bug exists?
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The SOOVERS win again. This is so embarrassing for us pullers...
It's a thing from Japanese mythology related to words of power
If you say 'stop' things stop and so on
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That's impossible, their butts are too big. A butt bump would be cute.
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How would Leviathan and Behemoth feel if they knew she got run over by a horse twice and then pulverized into the dirt before being decapitated by a midget
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She's genuinely a kind girl. She held nothing against Cinderella because she knew it wasn't her fault.
No way! I want to see her and maiden kotodama'ing each other to have orgasms, until one of them passes out.
The known issues tab litterally doesn't mention that Cinderella is doing abnormal dmg.
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>SR closed early
>get the loot we would have gotten either way
>probably got slightly more out of the deal since I did my hits earlier
>all my girls are slowly getting their R dolls
>may start stacking up R dolls soon
This was inevitable wasn't it?
You are all a bunch of overreacting drama queens.
And yet she's alive and well.
They need to stop doing this bulshit. There's no fun in knowing that whatever happens in a chapter has no weight and no consequences.
Why? She is strong af
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I want to wear Rapi's ass as a face mask when covid-2 hits.
How come Red Shoes has all those pizza slices around her
TODAY I'm going to corrupt a team mate so I can take her spot
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Well /nikg/?
She is no longer asking give her the dick NOW
It's the equivalent of glossolalia in Christianity except Kotodama is a real power, well at least it's real in the context of Nikke universe
Thanks Moranposter!
I thought she was from the present
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oh you mean like this
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I like Elegg but its sad that she isn't very good so I have to replace her very soon.
They would laugh fucking hard
who even thinks of these combination of words
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mating press
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Yes we are.
Based and Red (shoes) pilled
69 with Shifty uooooohhhhh
>Siren innocently presenting herself
Crow will be the first dead (true) Nikke. Red Hood will keep going away forever and then surprising us with her return in new and exciting ways.
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Not this nigga
>This is for my boobies
>This is for my boobies
Nobody wants characters that could be playable to get perma killed off
>Muh steaks
how the fuck does anyone find hyullaface attractive
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Bros I've done nothing but watch Levi-tan's nipples for the past 5 minutes
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I don't know where these relic songs play but I dig it a lot
What is a better OL line for Cindy. ATK or Charge Damage?
Never trust a girl with huge shoes. The only ones you can trust are pink haired girls.
She already lost weight and got a downgrade
nikker you know you can use your browser right?
I think his attention to detail and small things are out of this world, but faces are just so bad
Even 5head is bigger...
But that indiviliia is litterally dead.
The current one even mentions she's no longer herself
atk before nerf and charge damage after they nerf her
that's light
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I really have to ask how many pies he had a hand on. Dorozone, Red Ash, and now here. He *has* to be some kind of big shot.
You think she got those curves randomly?
oh no, not the multimillion dollar company... woe is them...
Heretics are downright impossible to kill. Unlike Nikkers, they don't need anything to regenerate. Indivilia was a pool a came back once you fed the pool Rikkers. They need vapaus and you can't keep gutting SKK for that.

SKK already said they will go to Eden since he's not getting a response from Cecil.
>he got so salty at getting kotodama'd that he kicked the goddess squad out of the Ark
Are any of the cash shop deals a great value? I bought the 10 ordinary ticket pulls for $1 already.
Solo Raid
Sniper Rifle
Super Rare
She is the hottest thing SU ever made
Indivillia's theme grows on you. It just happens to be mogged by Headless Angel( that does the same job, but better )
What the fuck is a glossolalia?
They wouldn't kill off prime chocolate sexo
Sex Rapi
Lmao so it doesn't exist thanks. The notice tab doesn't say shit so it's coming from your asshole because you don't want to follow the burden of proof
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Summer Rapi
>get rid of Hyulla
>revenue collapses
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The Special Dehyullafication Operation is proceeding smoothly
Shut up retard, I want characters perma dead like Red hoo- wait not like that noooo
They are not nerfing her, give up already
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>smartest nikg dweller
Waiit until you see the singer
She already got forcefully recruited by Babu, so she's joining us.
Now that I think about, couldn't SKK just kill her by slicing his hand and mixing his blood into the pool? Ofcourse he will never do that, but it is an option.
>Rapi Roja is now real
>Anis forma de Pretty soon
>Neon shows her true form and becomes the new antagonist

All future events foreseen in a dream
Why is she like this bros?
Magical Mumble Rap for Christianity
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I like lipstick Rapi
I want to see new Pepper
>not getting a response from Cecil.
Is it the other 2 new jobbers having fun or did jelly wake up pissy?
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Fucking finally. Not enough mesugaki suffering tho
He is "THAT" guy.
So that means neons power up is next right
They released a SBS gacha skin for a reason. It was to say she was still #1. Only tards that wanted a new waifu thought otherwise.
What are the changes on the field for day 2?
Why doesn’t he just jack off into the pool?
""""Killing"""" off Red Hood was a fluke and mainly Rapidevs fault. There's no way in hell they'd kill heretics like Behemoth before they're playable. Especially Behemoth. Especially her.
Emma is too fucking sexy
We need to hurry up and get to the "Raptures are actually the good guys" plot twist so we can have more playable heretics
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Just woke up. Why the FUCK is Solo Raid closed?
wait I was actually right lmao
She looks so tired...
Would take too long, he is a sex veteran when it comes to heavy machinery
I was testing my powers. Sorry.
t. paid $5000 to max Cinderella
This Emma is making me feel very stressed
That's as retarded as believing that creatures like the Zerg or Tyranids are noble or have anything other drive other than kill and consume.
enjoy the power boost cutie
What am impressive lineup of pure garbage.
Are they seriously going to nerf the anniversary Pilgrim? ISTG Nikke is successful in spite of Shift Up, not because of Shift Up.
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I look at Cinderella the same way I look at Alice. They're so precious, and seeing them get hurt makes me cry.
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It's ogre boys
I didn't get Quency from 100 standard vouchers
>If you can't handle me at my worst, then you don't deserve me at my best
>What is raptillion
yeah, that would be a terrible plot twist...haha... Oh, wait a second...
Red hood “died” 1 year ago and this place would not shut up about how they killed her too quickly and it was a massive fuck up. The 3 months before that were complaints Viper wasn’t killed.
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I love it when /nikg/ makes shit up, and then cries about it. This is why I always come back.
50/50, ShitUp is very retarded
I want to get to the Rapture civil war arc already. Babu and the Four Beasts (and us) vs the Queen and her Offspring.
I want to roll on the Rapture pet gacha.
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>Anis forma de Pretty get released
>She become skinny because something something Korean twisted idol culture and standard of beauty
How do you even spend that kind of money on this game.
no but seriously why is solo raid closed?
Cindy looks like she could breastfeed (You). She's the anniversary char
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>that blush
Emma asking for another dicking
Should I put Rapunzel on my squad if I don't have any Cinderella units?
No, its a bug fix. The bug is her doing too much damage.
Kill yourself you waste of space
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i don't care if they nerf Cinderella
she is the first character i saved up rolls, skill upgrades and overload gear shit for
No one knows. They just said due to something un expected
The 5 dollar gay tickets 15 dollar blue ticket+selector are good and then it jumps into whale territory. 100 dollar pack has decent dollar per pull value but it's hella expensive.
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Just spin bro
in that case they should fix RH too
kinda weird that central is having double standards when it comes to corrupted Nikkes. They literally have Red Hood who's corrupted and could snap at a moments notice and she gets away free, meanwhile the rest of the second gen are all branded immediately and had a full suppression squad waiting for them
Doll and skill status?
>Alice/RH as DPS
>missed the SR doll 7 times
nope, no power boost for me I'm afraid
No mention regarding the bug. Not happening.
Point out where it says her burst is bugged.
I don't see it in the known issues tab
>giving Heretic RAW Vapaus
Hmmm yeah, nothing could go wrong.
What i like the most about this event is how we saw at first hand how the corruption works from the Nikke's POV
Being forced to watch all that awful shit while being unable to stop it... Eventually the Nikke starts coping and just accepts whatever the "voice" tells them to be true
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don't get mad me for getting yourself triggered over nothing :p
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How far can one be in the minigame currently? I feel like I should get some sort of double jump, a lot of pathways are too high for me to proceed.
>red dot on skills
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wake up in the morning feelin like p diddy
No one knows Red Hood is corrupted and the Goddesses are are a PR masterclass. They can't afford to let anyone know RH is dying/corrupted. That's partially why they plan to let her die in combat rushing the Elevator.
Cindy got corrupted and immediately broke out and started nuking entire areas.
Well red hoods corruption didn't killed thousands of people and impede crucial missions.
And Cindy went full terminator
Worked on Behemoth though
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100 gems
Classic shitup employee, telling everything is fine, then bam, nerfed! with no refunds after the whales have been sucked dry.
Did the Central Government knew that Red Hood was corrupted?
Wasn't the scrape and bruises he had the reason why the black sea became inert? I figured that's why Leviathan noticed right away.
your selector? your free SR doll from Alice's Diary?
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>core +7ing a dead nikke walking
Behemoth's rapture form looks fucking disgusting.
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Thank you Shiftup
>They are nerfing Cindy!!!!?!!!
>uhhh you ever heard of Google????!?
Classic shitposting
How much of a nerf is it to fix Cindy’s bug without any other changes?
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She really has clairvoyance
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Who at Shift Up approved this shit?
T-too powerful!!
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still would though
No, that's incorrect because you're forgetting one important factor. The unlying difference is HOW they got corrupted.
>RH got corrupted fighting Ultra
>Cinderella got corrupted without ever participating in battle
The natural conclusion from that is to follow that one of the squad corrupted Cinderella, so naturally they'd be put under suspicion. How could Nikke who never went into battle get corrupted.

That is the difference in treatment
Meeting up with Cinderella and going up to space elevator was supposed to be Red Hood's last mission where she was supposed to die as a hero aka "suicided", which obviously LSKK wouldn't allow under any circumstances.
Also you have to remember Abe hiding Hansel and Gretel, and if they did brain scan on her, who knows what kind of scientific secrets she has in her head.
why are her eyes still red
Which Nikke would look best pregnant with your child?
Is it not a brick to equip an SR doll without leveling up a R one first? That's what /nikg/ told me before, anyway.
Charge damage is double. So she loses half her power.

Just look at how Harran went from Scarlet killer, to one of the worst nikkers of all time.
genuinely braindead if not baiting
>how the corruption works from the Nikke's POV
Being forced to watch all that awful shit while being unable to stop it...
Yeah I didn't know they had this level of awareness, so it definitely paints a new picture.
But I think Cinderella is quite weak-willed, or at least very easily to influence.
Redhood was able to stave off the corruption for over 30 years just through sheer will-power, and Marian was able to re-take control briefly, through some encouragement from SKK.
This goes back to when they said specs aren't everything about a Nikke, which is very true in Cinderella's case. She's insanely powerful, but lacks mental fortitude.
No way the guys that JUST put out red shoes would fuck that up. If anything she will only get fatter.
oh you're lacking the blue ones
yeah, it's a waste of good kits to not level a blue one to 15 first
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Maiden, Sin, and Siren walk into a bar..
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Young Rapu is pretty bad only useful for pilgrim tower if you haven't gotten Doro yet
mfw i still dont have noah
Where you getting all that?!
there's an objective locked behind an item you get from story 1-12, so unless you bought tries (and i didn't explore fully) completion is at 34% and track hexagon until today's reset
Yes, it evolve her.
All of them.
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After 1-12 I remember speculating with anons why she was smiling here and now we know for sure
I jizz in each of their mouths.
Phew okay, thanks. I thought I was behind.
Where does it say she's bugged?
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It's really a perfect double haha...
You mean cum
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You're seeing ghosts. I made a passing comment, and you got heart palpitations, and elevated blood pressure. Open a window anon, get some fresh air <3
What if Siren said "jizz"?
Would every soldier and Oswald have cummed in their pants?
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Yes, high-ranking VTC and CG members knew that RH was corrupted and still alive. Officially, she died in combat. But Oswald knew she was both alive and actively corrupted when he picks her up - this is how RH realizes he's a high ranking CG member.
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I actually haven't finished 32-33, so I assumed based on the little spoilers I saw.
I'm wrong then
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>solo raid canceled
>my figure arrived today
>food came out good
what a great day
Go test it in game.

Skypag has a video on it, and I'm sure every other youtuber too.
Pooshook status?
>didn't know they had this much. Awareness
Last kingdom litterally tells you that's how corruption works
Thanks cutie
Red Hood was definitely something else. She shows her willpower again and again during the whole arc where she replaces Rapi, even with Dorothy tempting her with a second chance in life.
That said, i bet even she would be more susceptible to brainwash if she watched herself hurting her friends( specially Snow White ). Poor Cindy never stood a chance.
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Did you roll the wheel of Yan for her?
All these Heretic bosses make me wish we had scale models for them
I want a 1/44 Nihilister/Indivilia/Behemoth
Emma, ready and waiting for another SKK dicking.
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Check your mail
What fig did ya get dawg
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>Marian was able to re-take control briefly
SKK's encouragement didn't work, she came back to her senses right after rapi hit her in the head, skk was almost dead at that moment.
I'm not supporting any flashback content with money
Yeah, that's pretty cool. I remember thinking her smile was just her sadistic tendencies showing up, but now we know there was lots of things heppening inside her
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Is it worth it to waste an SR doll on Alice someone I don’t really use just for these materials if I have other Nikkes I could give it to?
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I haven't played it yet, I'm new.
I stopped reading after 'Replacing Rapi'. I knew that was the case already, haven't seen it for myself in-game. I'll screenshot your post, and read it later.
it's not a brick brick, but odds are you'll have to spend a bunch more kits than you would otherwise
Corruption at that time was different. The effects varied a lot per Nikke.
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I'm so proud for my autistic 80+ years old socially awkward wife. Can't wait for the next summer to get her new swimsuit skin
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I think I showed it a few threads ago, but it's this one.

And why haven't they put this in the known issues tab?
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scammed even
Thanks to the Anon that told me I can set each lobby with music. It's almost perfect, just gotta change Scarlets music. Also, I'm glad I only pulled 1 copy of Cinderella before the incoming nerf.
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stop noticing things
No point in wasting kits and dolls on someone you're not going to use anytime soon.
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>flashback scarlet got a skin before current day scarlet did
don't even touch her event rewards. You don't deserve her
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>Solo Raid cancelled
>game has 0 content now
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>shitran garbage
>the worst outfit ever
Same reason why they don't show you what bugs they fix in the patch note and only show it after the maint. They don't want to make everyone aware of the bug and abuse it.
Sorry for the spoiler anon, have fun with the chapters!
Yeah, that seems to be the case
Drunk Scarlet is getting my dick so she already won
Bro your mini game? I’m sure you didn’t farm enough gold yet for one of the challenge quests
Too many sea monkeys out of her
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Woooooooow pretty sexy dude
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I NEED to see the dude who's been making all those comics reaction about new Rapi
I'm glad i got solo raid to lvl 6 with all the free shit they gave
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>my arena rival actually bought more arena attempts to take my spot
cute CUTE! first time hes done this too as far as I know
So is this 2nd anniversary event as hype as the previous ones?

Cindy alone seems pretty boring
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Thanks man
The birth of a new schizo. You shouldn't be praising this
It's less hype than the 1st anni event, but story chapters make up for that
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Einbros we are SO back when this bug gets fixed
As a day1, I see it as a cash grab anni.
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Man, leave me alone. She looks so fucking retarded, like you can tell she has like 80 IQ
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I think veindev and moledev realized there's strength in numbers and teamed up to take control of the office
Red Hood's corruption was just slowly taking her out of commission and to that point it was just something that paralyzed the nikkes. Cinderella was the first instance of turning a Nikke into a crazy killer.
So how good will be Cindy afte the nerf? SBS levels?
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Which cube should I try to max out first? Playing for 2 months
The first 60% of this event was just a waste of time retelling of red ash's ending
why is the minigame so slow paced?
>Cinderella was the first instance of turning a Nikke into a crazy killer.
Not necessarily true. Most Nikke turned instantly and were put down or outright died from corruption
If they nerf cindy i will straight up reset her skills and leave her to the trash
Thanks god i only upgraded blue doll to 15 and not purple doll
No, this one is pretty shit, even the map from 1st anni mogs this one. The airship was pretty cool, seeing all those rikkers jumping off was kino.
beat the first boss asap to unlock dash and then gun for move speed upgrades, it's not so bad after that
drunk scarlet levels
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Thank you, and don't worry about it. I stopped reading at the perfect time.
Litterally everyone is doing it though so it's being abused by everyone even unknowingly.
So if randomly after a patch Cindy is does significantly less dmg people will notice that and not that it was a bug.
In fact it will look like a giant scam if the don't tell us right now and only tell us afterwards.
How many times are you going to spam this? It's literally the same traction as the 1st Anni and the only difference is that the shitposters don't have material.
Last Anni has constant shitposting and shitposters for weeks on end.
>boring Cindy
Not even remotely.
So far it's schizo kino.
what's the gimmick of the next collab singer?
alright, I'll hold out that long at least, thanks
Thanks beautiful
Bastion and Resilience
Anon, if they fix it without telling anyone people are going to think they got scammed.
They can fix it but then they will have to essentially make it part of her kit.
This is a situation where depending on what they do they risk losing a shitload of players.
You don't choose the batteries, it's random. Just open all the boxes.
I fucking hate mirror container, the dumbest fucking fight
i got my core dust to 60/h, are you proud of me mom
Bros...I dont think my manhood is adequate enough for Red Shoes...
Resilience to 7 and then bastion 7
I think you haven't read Red Ash since the first 60% of this event is not remotely similiar to the ending of Red Ash. This event is quite fucking good actually. Red Ash had a way bigger negative reaction.
When is this updating?
I need my high-resolution screenshots of the thigh veins.
What tower level is that so I know how much further I have to go
Haven't touched the minigame yet, what rewards does it give?
It's not a select box ny bad, but thanks for replies anyway, it will help with buying batteries from Unioin shop
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I fully expect them to simply just make it a part of her kit and hit us with
>there was an error is Cinderellas kit description.
rainbow tix and profile stickers, in addition to the usual daily handful of consoles and jims
Imagine if your name was Big Cock, and you were in the room when Cindy went schizo mode.
2k gems daily
Who is taller, Guilty, Centi, or Grave?
>Rainbow tix
fuark I need to get on it then
1st anni have Dorozone build up
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>Run em up, hit em up
>Hit em with another shot
>Run and cut, in the breeze
>Hit em like a netherbeast
>Moving in, crackin in, howling wind
>Obsolete, all the armor that you been connectin' in
>Hurricane rain, the interest to my reign,
>Dark clouds, the sky traces my name
>When I scatter all the ashes
>Try to lock me up but I'm breaking through another chain
>I show you my wrist as I crumble you down
>Like a wrecking storm, (Can't block the vision) oh yeah, (Obsess the mission)
>The world collapse (All the world with no need to make change, It takes pain to maintain)
>Then one-by-one, (Pull through) I strike you down
Exactly, they cannot nerf her. They sold her like this. Changing it is going to hit them with massive backlash.
>bug happening after release and fix
This is fine
>bug happening on release and fix
>not fine
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I can see both from behind
full completion is time gated until the end of story 2 anyways, so unless you want the daily stuff it can wait
probably better for the pacing of the minigame too
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>6 months of this
This event so far
>Flashback to young Cinderella, who cares
>Goddess wank
>Take this vax, I mean tea
>Corrupted in 0.2s
>Cinderella is evil now (Not new information)
>Corruption leaves the original self intact (Not new information)
>Cinderella beats everyone up (Not new information)
yawn when does it get good
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What stats does she even need? Feels painful to roll this
Her armpits are beautiful.
The question is who will be the 2.5 anni Nikker that replaces her? assuming the game hasn't eos'd by then
My peanus weanus
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Yep, that's veins.
While the story itself is good but it doesn't invoke "I want more this shit" feeling for me. All in all, good story but not good enough for anniversary. The new chapter update on the other hand, is more hype invoking for me.
>Chemistry between Levi & Behe
>New Absolute
>SSR Rapi (and probably SSR Anis too)
Love Behemoth
Nayuta, Chime, Liliweis, some heretic or SSR Rapi.
>They sold her like this.
No they didn't. Falling for youtuber bullshit doesn't mean they advertised it as such. Her kit ingame says nothing about getting double damage if you hold your burst down. Heck, they even make a point on Rapunzel's kit about holding down charge button. So there's very clear instructions with no room for ambiguity.
about to finish chapter 28, halfway into chapt 13 hard
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Best launcher
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you can't destroy mirror container circles in the second phase if you didn't destroy its shield? I'm so tired of this shit fight bros.
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thread theme
Exia just ambushed me with this deal.
10 RGB tickets for $5. Is this good value?
question for paypigs only
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i hope my fellow nikkers get blessed rolls too
happy halloween
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cindy? ammo, element, charge damage
atk for charge dmg is ok too i think
No they did.
It doesn't matter what instruction they have now. Because even if it's justified it lt doesn't matter. Fixing the bug or whatever will cause people who do not get 100% full refunds of gems and money to outrage and quit. So they can't risk that. Even if they have the right to.
Still their fault tho, the bug clouded our judgement on how good Cindy are when testing Her. Even more so for whale who spent money to pull multiple copies of Her
Red Shoes? More like traitor!
In Anomaly the shields don't regenerate so it's best to remove all 4.
In story it comes back before the red circles so you're fucked regardless.
anyways 2 for $1 is generally considered a good deal for blue tickets, and those are lgbt so yes
Laplace treasure true damage bypasses the shield. You don't even need to worry about it.
Red Hood + Laplace just lets you kill it.
Her pits looks better than a car with a new paint job DAMN why can't real women be like this....
No. OZ shows a bit of something you're wondering a lot about but know little of in a very dramatic way. RA shows a lot of stuff you've been wondering about and know some stuff about in a cool, but not as dramatic way. OT shows a bit about some stuff you kinda already have a general idea of and it just can't be dramatic in the way OZ is because you know too much going in and it just can't be cool in the way RA is because there's honestly not that much going on. There are probably a lot of cool stories you can tell from the 100 years before nikke but grimm shit is not gonna be cool anymore. There are only two gens and the 2nd gen didn't do shit (before MAYBE becoming heretics). How is that gonna be cool? The Cindy mental state idea is cool but they don't push it far enough for the execution to actually be entertaining
Sorry you'll get apolodick later
Wait so, if I can't survive that phase I'm just fucked? Cinderella can't pierce those circles no matter how hard I'm trying, but circles in the first phase she does without a problem, so it's not an RL issue. Fucking niggers at Shiftup don't want me to play the game.
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Guys, what is this? and why my pp hard
I want to but AI fingers creep me out
Thanks, and I'll flagellate myself for getting her name wrong. I need to do better...
Her abdomen?
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I'm not building Laplace and spending a few months waiting on her doll to kill one boss.
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I can't believe they got distracted by a cool dance.
Oswald is the Wizard of Oz.
But what does that mean for Nikke?
How will he undo all the "magic"?
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Is there anyone here that doesn't have a small dick?
Womb bump is so fucking erotic
You like em a bit chubby anon
Bros, how do I train my face to constantly have Oswald's mewing expression 24/7?
beautiful Breeding facility
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does Cindy make plastic squeaky sounds when she moves?
I have an impressive cock
We all are between 4.5-6.7 inches.
>Nerizzler and green mutsuki
It’s objectively the best deal in the game. Only second to the 10 blues for 99 cents. Which you should also get.
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Chinpo feels good
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apologize by buying all of shifty's top picks
Maxwell RAPED you
>ticket Cindy
>use her for story
>see her ass and lose it
>get nothing
>do it again
>nothing, jims are gone
it's over
>Verification not required
Is Nikke coherent enough to support a season-long anime?
This is one of those bosses where you need to stack a lot of ATK to actually do damage and deficit will hit really hard because of it. Cinderella should've been really good against it but for some reason I feel that her damage still doesn't go through.
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Those twerking practices with Volume and door-opening dance cards were all crucial to the plot in the end. I kneel, ShiftUp-sama.
Is it still rape if I enjoyed it
Why is everyone creaming over Cinderella’s design. She doesn’t look that special. She’s just white hair twin tails with big tits. Is that really all it takes.
>gacha skin
>flashback lines
you wouldn't get it
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So liberation is just gonna be a forever dead mechanic, right?
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Shifty's top picks? More like Shifty's top DICKS!
And I liked it
I got a 9 inch monster
Gain money, power, and women
Play nikke for free TODAY
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Next /nikg/ match when? I want to see how Anus scores once again.
How do you introduce Nikke's world in anime format without infodumping dialogues?
prologue through chapter 14 is a slam-dunk of a 2 cour season
though i don't want it cause it'd definitely get fucked up somehow
>Shifty keeps popping up after beating a campaign stage
Mirror Container's defense is insane, Cindy is strong but only True Damage really helps on that fight unless you already have blue numbers.
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Bring me Gretel
Yes, that's my problem, it feels like half my damage goes fucking nowhere. Hate that boss. It's too specific, which just fucks over 99% of nikkers with deficit.
package deal, like the bunnies. take it or leave it
Kek'd. Where did you get that story chapter 37 leak
Nikke is really brief when it comes to dropping worldbuilding, especially early on
I like Oswald
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Thank you. In that case I'll get it as well.
I got lucky with the blue tickets deal, so here's hoping this one pays off too.
Very well. Sorry Shifty, I'll buy all the deals...
Which one is that
A Hans is fine too
the slit throat oneI think
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So nikkers, how was your Halloween and how much candy did you get if you went out.
So much for solo raid
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The no-pan one.
They could make cash if they released someone viable instead of b2 no dmg no utility ladies.
The biggest one
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THAT small?!
nikker bros...
Do you forgive Oswald?
he hasn't done anything wrong other than be a messenger for bad news
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>barely cleared stage 6 of Solo Raid, because newfag
>didn't get dolls I needed the most
>they close Solo Raid early
>get both dolls I needed from compensation
Gooks are ok
Did they remove the 4999 gem option from the infinite thing? I don’t see it anymore.
no, he'll die like a dog
Is it possible for women to love or even lust after a small 4 inch pp. Or is sudoku the only answer.
Tactical Up!
You better get good ar munching box
Bros I just got to the desert area in the minigame and can't seem to able to do shit from there. My objective is to get the four idols or whatever but I'm pretty sure the map was filled from top to bottom, can't see any blank sides.
In general yeah but that anon is having problems with the second red circles part where you don't need to one shot anything and it's just pure ATK check. I think it's more of the fact that breaking circles require actual normal attack damage and Cinderella normal shots actually have low normal attack modifiers, it's the S1 that bump it up quite a bit and it doesn't affect red circles. She still should've done some damage though because of the HP to ATK conversion.

If her attacks only do 1 damage even with all buffs on and in full burst then there's not much you can do except levelling. If she does some damage then you could maybe try to get some elemental OL lines on her if you haven't done that.
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I can't...
I'll buy Shifty's bottom picks
i genuinely don't think he did anything wrong
red hood's still asleep while this is going on, right? my theory is that this situation is what will end up souring oswald on centgov and leads to him being demoted to mellow truck driver by the time he finds red hood
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Wait, Cindy got nerfed? Isn't it literally illegal to nerf a gacha character because people already paid money to get her?
Red Hood's ass in that red dress is ludicrous, I get an erection every time
He's my nigga. Can't wait for the plot of Dorothy trying to murder his grand-grandson or something out of pity spite though
What does sex with Shifty feel like, bros?
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Abe is grave
Grave is pinned
Pinne is product 23
Product 23 is abe
I just don't know whats going on anymore
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Is Purepunzel good for anything other than just being a 20s B1 in pilgrim tower?
I don't like metroidvanias
>Is it possible for women to love or even lust after a small 4 inch pp
Only dominant, degenerate women like that sort of thing. And they'll probably lock you up in a chastity cage, and peg you. So you'll never get to use those 4 inches.
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Having one twin be huge tiddey oppai loli and the other twin be HUGE tiddey oppai loli was a really interesting design choice
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she's so cute bros
Money helps
Just don't ask questions and put your dick inside her.
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I have a theory on why Cinderella got corrupted and started going sicko mode on her teammates, Grave accidentally installed break stuff by Limp Bizkit to play when she woke up that forced her fuck everything up in sight.
yeah imagine being the dumb cunt voting for biker shorts
people who didn't vote for the dress are mentally fucking ill
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Metroidvania slop is the worst genre on earth. There's nothing I hate more than exploring the same map 7 different times, because I unlocked a new ability that lets me reach a new platform.
Do I need another skill to reach that platform?
technically it's a bug (and one from launch, at that) but there has been zero mention of it officially and there have currently been no changes to her
so we just have to wait and see how shift up will play it
Doro gonna freak
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My boy Oswaldo don't gets swayed by big titty bitches
double jump
I'm glad you want more anon
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Hansel is popular!
He sounds kinda gay
but it does exactly 0 damage, I don't even see healthbar of the circles move. I'm talking about the second barrel roll, when it puts up a second shield. Maybe it's auto aim bugged idk? But it works fine on the first set of circles, before all shield bullshittery
This theory doesn't make sense since Pinne was introduced after Red hood got corrupted. Abe is just a mass produced model, there's other Pinne looking nikkes
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*powercreep Chudmilla*
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Goddess of Victory: Rapi
I love how she obliterated behemoth.
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are bushes too boring? is this better?
why are all these nikke's creeping on me...
If I ever pulled jackal on my account I'd reroll and start over.
Could be like how some weapon types had trouble hitting Land Eater's red circle at the start of phase 2, the projectile isn't lining up how it looks like it should
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'Cause we don't, don't give a fuck, and
We won't ever give a fuck until you
You give a fuck about me
And my generation
Wait, what is the thing? Where do I find it?
Is cinderella still bugged? Can I push hard mode now? or is it joever?
What's the team for Cinderella if I don't have Rouge?
Her ass would look better in biker shorts though?
ass cleavage >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> biker shorts you fucking retard
>Flora finally got new animation
so does this mean that her banner is coming out soon?
I'm thinking so too, but then again I had an exact issue with scarlet, which shouldn't have that problem.
There's no bug. It's a feature. SR cancellation had nothing to do with Cinderella. People weren't getting first time clear rewards.
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that was ez i don't know why people complain
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>NOOOO you can't kill the evil psycho terrorist that bombs everything!
>because then you'll be no better than them!
Banner after Anni
Level Infinite pass shit, you can find the link for it in the bell menu.
It costs 200 a spin but with the coin rebate going to 10 spins for the gems is better than just buying them with coins outright.

According to the previous patch datamines Flora's the filler between anni and Christmas.
Old Tales? More like ASSSS TALES. What a shit load of fuck
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Well atleast the revenue for this month is good so far and we are also getting both Grave banner and Cindy Gacha skin later so we should reach more than 25 mil but its concerning that Nikke doesnt make that much money on mobile outside of limited banners/gacha skins but its what they get for limiting everything to lvl 400 and giving no incentive to leveling up.
Where did this vote take place? Is there a design prototype I can see of Redhood in biker shorts?
wait, it's not going to be Drilley?
Is there any way to make the jumping easier in the mini game? It’s so fucking cancer on phone, maybe it’s cause my hands are too big but I can’t finesse that shit.
The shit grave gives to nu-rapi is clearly stated as “7th dwarf”, not seven dwarves, as in multiple. Is this what snow white calls her shit or is hers the multiple one?
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>noooooo Shitkickcan! When a killer is murdered the number of murderers remain the same!!
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was it a foursome?
The worst part is after I fell for it the 4999 option disappeared.
well, can't argue with that
pretty average, 5.5 or 6cm on a good day.

I want to have sex with Noir very badly
Kill 2 killer, the number of killer become -1
I'm black so no but I'm also fat
Drilley & Hammering Elysion duo next year prob
Quite the homosexual post you made there
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Every time I come across this trope, my whole day gets ruined. Some people just need to be executed.
yo my boy zxous
in kr and jp it's "sebensu dwaafu" because engrish
So did you kill the CEO or let him live
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I want to look at Noir's penis like this
which nikke was built for baby making sex?
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/nikg/ dick measurement Google Forms poll when?
None. Nikkes can't get pregnant.
Is Grave based on The Grave Mound by Grimm?
All of SWhite's weapons are Seven Dwarves [number]. Her sniper and assault rifle are two, her rocket launcher things are five and six. Her now-lost autoreloader was one. We were missing one, #7, but that might be the drill-gun, but Rapi calls it Seven Dwarves Zero
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Spooky Anus
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How was Abe able to make a Nikke out of pure Sexium?
Why are all fairy tales made by fucking Grimm brothers? Were there no other authors???
...yeah, that's the stuff. Being looked down on by sweet and shy Nikkes is an intoxicating feeling.
what level should i be pushing resilience cube to as a newbro? its level 6 right now
ive heard level 7 but not sure i get why, isnt level 8 better because it boosts number of slots?
Hans Christian Andersen
Vigor, Onslaught, or Bastion cube for Cindy?
they really should put up the champions arena already
just make the rewards some shitty frames or something so that no one cries about it
Centi is 2 meters tall so Zwei is 1.90
At 7 you get the last upgrade to the main effect
Does Missilis provide quality healthcare?
>ch 33 pretty much confirms Anis being part of an idol group or something similar
Anis idol alt when? COME ON MUSTANG, COOK.
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>guy watches over a grave for a while
>right near the end a soldier offers to join with keeping watch
>they stall and trick a devil come to claim the soul of the one in the grave
>just as it seems the devil will break through a beautiful sunrise drives it away
yeah i buy it
Before this Anniversary I thought Cinderella was MAXIMUM SEXO but now I see that Gretel exists.
Because they were one of the first to go around and actually collect them together into a book. So they became to defacto reference for fairy tales
She's so blatantly Pretty that it's not even funny to joke about anymore.
As good as the hospitals in Raccoon city, yes.
didn't Pretty die?
When she becomes Pretty she will be beautiful
Yeah, she "died"
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Yeah just like how Red Hood "died", like how Anachiro "died", and so on.
>In nigge
jesus, you people got mindbroken hard huh
Grimms Models is EN fanfiction, they're still Fairy Tale Models in KR/JP.
Who is Pretty??
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cope, Hyulla is the master of anime
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>Rereading all of the known Grimm fairy tales
I feel like I am spoiling myself for plot points, but I can't stop.
Missilis Healthcare Coverage Plan

>Primary Care
- Annual Check-Ups: One visit to a certified Missilis-approved clinic, *up to a maximum of 10 minutes.* All additional time or questions will incur a surcharge.
- Exams: Basic visual exam included (up to 30 seconds of eye contact with the doctor). No diagnostics or follow-ups are covered.

- Emergency Room Visits: Covered only if deemed an *extreme emergency* by Missilis—examples include being struck by a comet or attacked by a wild animal. A 7500 credits copay applies.
- Inpatient Hospital Stay: Limited to a maximum of 6 hours. Additional hours available at 1,000 credits per hour (no medical services included).
- Surgery: Missilis covers up to 10% of one procedure during your lifetime, provided you apply and are approved six months in advance. Anesthesia not included.

>Prescription Drugs
- Only generic, off-brand medications are covered, provided they cost less than 5 credits per dose. Patients must purchase prescriptions exclusively from Missilis-affiliated outlets.
- Brand-name drugs: Not covered.

>Vision and Dental
- Vision: Coverage extends to one vision screening per lifetime. Glasses, contacts, or corrective surgery are not covered.
- Dental: One cleaning per decade, provided by Missilis-approved facilities.

- Anything considered "out of the ordinary" by Missilis standards (tooth fillings, skin treatments, basic immunizations, common surgeries, physical therapy, mental health resources, etc.).
- Treatment for pre-existing conditions, injuries sustained in “risky” activities (e.g., walking too fast, standing on chairs), and any emergency medical expenses outside of Missilis's “standard business hours.”

>Additional Notes:
- Coverage can be canceled at Missilis's discretion without notice.
- All claims are subject to a 500 credits administrative review fee.
how hard would it be just to add a large DoT to Epinel's burst to make her relevant again?
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>Queen's elite Heretics are unrepentant monsters who destroy just to destroy
>SKK tries to save them
>Mabeasts are passive and merciful, clearly fighting for something and protecting one another like family
>SKK wants them splattered into pulp
die john shit up, die.
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I love this narcissistic autist.
Let ugly Nikkes fade into obscurity
I thought Mustang said some ambiguous shit like "remember what happened to her." Did he actually say that she died?
>>Mabeasts are passive and merciful,
any nerf nyues yet? hoping not.
forgot to say I'm gay, not sure if that matters
Behemoth could have killed SKK like 15 differnet times in the cavern if she wanted.
I'm pretty sure that there have been other references to Pretty that stated that she 'died'
shes back in the coffin
Oh, I guess that's why you want Epinel buffs. Carry on.
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understandable, they hurt his precious rapi
>Behemoth keeps making excuses to keep SKK around
>Even when it directly leads to them getting their shit kicked in
>Still making excuses why they should not kill him
>wants to do everything but kill SKK
Recrutiable Behemoth when?
Well it's not entirely that if I read it correctly, Behemoth and Leviathan really wanted to fuck us up this time instead of running away.

But yeah the entire row row fight da power inheritance moment was kind of wasted on someone who... isn't really all that bad?
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That sounds like absolute hell. So what you're saying is in order to survive the Ark you need to do the following:
>Don't fall ill
>Don't get in fights
>Don't get in accidents
>Don't be born with bad vision/teeth
desu she has only been merciful to Nihilister. I mean, look at those tits.
I don't know why I keep replying to myself, I just like being a faggot
They should have released Cindy's skin straight away. I really want it
In THREE days...
Party in the outpost
With my nikkes
This anniversary is so fucking shameful. Can SU do anything right?
I said carry on, not pretend to be your superior.
Behemoth does actually try to kill SKK this time, but the row-row-fight-da-power moment didn't hit for me because Levi was just crying her eyes out that the Beasts were going to fight back and take back what they lost and Behemoth was swearing to her last breath to protect Levi
under the light of the kingdom
all shall kneel
All of you retards just gonna ignore that Syuen flipped her shit for what was done to Anna and she provides service to Nikkes like Anna for fucking free? Missilis healthcare is probably good and affordable because Syuen is actually trying to be good to humans. She is the Arks Little Idol for a reason.
I just really like being a huge faggot and replying to myself like this, sorry bros
Technically, anniversary is in three days
so we're not celebrating anything yet
If there isn't an outpost event like last years on the 4th I'm going to be pissed
Well, you are succeeding in being a huge faggot at least.
Indivilia already got her comeuppance from Crown and Liberalio has literally done nothing. What do you think would have happened if Behemoth was successful in bringing Anachiro to Mabeast's side? They would have killed them all.
Calm down just having a bit of fun mate
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no matter what I do, I can't get my RH to outdamage cindy in campaign (newcuite)
Where is the last relic in chapter 34
Drop a truth nuke.
>t. Laplace
I also like to pretend I'm talking to someone else when replying to myself, god I love being a faggot
Anniversary outpost event is cancelled so they can fix all the damn bugs
Right at the start, circle area to the right
We can see that you do.
Lib threatened to kill Nihilister if she fucked around any more. Compare that to Behemoth and Leviathan trying to protect one another
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I will not allow Syuen to be slandered in my presence!
Anyone named "Karen" is to be avoided and reviled. I would not be surprised if it turns out to be Sixo.
Don't mind me bros, just gonna keep replying to myself
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For the last time high self esteem is not narcissism. Do you not love yourself?
I have that one
Snitches get stiches, also she gave Johan and that a chance to retreat instead of fighting.
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She is the inferior human anyway.
bro she looks in the mirror and says "i'm so beautiful today". It is literally the narcissus story except the water reflection is a mirror instead
There are a lot of Karens in Grimms fairy tales?
This thing is a walking sex doll.
Bro that is literally the first 5 episodes. There is no plot point to spoil.
/nikg/ is not very beautiful today....
>Cinderella is beautiful
>Knows she is and is not afraid to openly love not only her own beauty but the beauty of others.
Narcissist don't acknowledge the beauty of others like Cinderella does. Well unless they are doing it in a way that actually makes themselves look better, which Cinderella does not.
It's the name of Grimm's sister, whom he despised. Apparently he based a bunch of his female antagonists on her alone.
you don't look in the mirror and compliment yourself...?
Narcissists don't beautify other people.
You mean Andersen's.
Women, amirite fellas?
Sex with Shifty
Best wife. She will bear the most beautiful, and intelligent children.
Silly moran, we can lessen the number of murders by killing another murderer. Therefore we are at a net negative of murderers for as long as we keep killing more murderers.
>Cinderella compliments every member of Absolute obe-by-one
>Compliments Rapi
>Acknowledges the effort Anis used to go through for beauty and tells her she can reclaim her former beauty again
>lol she is a narcissist
This needs to be nipped in the bud.
>80 IQ
But she's one of the smartest Nikkes though.
A cunning businesswoman who knows the simp power and the power of social media
Cinderella appreciating my small penis..
she looks like she would die while giving birth
>gretel has a schoolbag
>will probably not have the same model by the time we finally get her
Im going to commit arson, I fucking hate you shift up
What's with the Shifty popups?
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>slash, burn, decimate
>protect the goddesses, protect the queen
Shifty is actually offering you good deals, unlike RooPee
Shift Up is bleeding money and is using illegal-stream-website levels of popup ads to try and get any revenue to keep the lights on
Rupee is just not it
they know what the people really want:
human women
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Banner when? Event should about Behemoth and Levi bullying one of the heretics.
It lost.
She won.
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