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>Letter from the Producer LIVE LXXXIV (Friday, November 1, 2024 at 4:00 a.m. (PDT))

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Moogle Treasure Trove (Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to 7.1 release)

>All Saints' Wake (October 18th to November 4th)

>Fall Guys (Wednesday, October 23, 2024 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to 7.1 release)

• Nov 1, 8PM ET / 5PM PT | Halicarnassus, Lavender Beds W25 P3 Room 2 the theater room | Simpsons Halloween marathon >>500604516
• Nov 2nd, 5:30PM EDT / 9:30PM GMT | EU + NA | Cerberus, Chaos | Lavender Beds W21 P27 + Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO Final Episode + Movie >>500408618
• Nov 3rd, 7PM EST | Ultros, Primal Mist W20 P34 | Blue Velvet and Twin Peaks Season 2 ep 15,16 >>500187609
• Nov 9th, 8:00 PM EDT l Rafflesia, Dynamis l Ultima Thule ( 25.4 , 26.3 ) l Friendless Loser Meet

Previous Thread: >>500646614
catboy supremacy
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the fuck is this shit?
Post characters that my malera should rape
Let it die, anons... it's... it's over..
Counter strike and gta5 streamers had more viewers than the liveletter
Catboy supremacy
Free fanta's at least, ty
>tfw get turned on when white guys use me as their brown rapebait and shoot ropes me in XIV
Am I gay bros?
Biscuit moonie is going to conitnue to make biscuits for you all!
If not for my plots I would genuinely unsub until 7.2.
>t and shoot ropes me
why was a lalafell dressed like a nazi at the liveletter meetup?
Kholester please let me cum
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Primal PvP Supremacy!
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I want to have sex with this armor set.
I'll shoot ropes you if you are a catgirl.
did they recast gulool ja? sounds like a british kid in the trailer, but this is how he sounded in 7.0
Crystal PvP sisters. what went wrong? I don't wanna go to Primal.
Light, Lich!
Bruh they turned her into the goddess of famine because her ass keeps eating all the food
I don’t like futas wil suddenly switch genders and claim they are male if you tell them you aren’t into lesbianism. Pick a lane.
it's gonna look shit on females, i can already tell...
We don't want you here either.
i can do most of this stuff during the next free 4-day login promo
The zones were the best they've ever done. Every zone since ARR has been so empty, lifeless, and barren.
We got the lived in look of ARR, with lots of intimate features, but at the larger scale of the newer zones. This is the first time I've loved every zone of an expac (I don't like Mor Dhona)

The writing was the easiest to read. It flowed the best and I didn't need to reread dialog.
The story didn't hinge on unexplained plot points and for you to fill things in your head. The whole plot was explained clearly. In recent expacs, ShB and EW, it's like they couldn't come up with something good and expected you to imagine a good plot in your head instead of putting a good plot into words. Now, the DT plot wasn't that good, but at least it was clear to digest.

The fanservice was *far* lower than ShB and EW. I was so sick of it through EW. We got just one Y'shtola and Estinien fanservice moment, and Estinien's was good.
I really adored every character in Shaaloani. I love Zekowa so much. I love how the ShB reflections are portrayed here so much. There's so many great looking NPCs throughout all the cutscenes and the glam they gave them was really imaginative to mix the ffxiv aesthetic with wild west.
I never cried as much in an expac as DT. I don't remember exactly why, but a lot of it was Sphene. She's the best antag they've ever made. Better than Emet and Elidibus, yes. From her introduction, it was obvious she's the antag, and I really empathized and felt for her. I'd have done the same thing in her position and been the antagonist myself. She had real motivations instead of
>ancient retard who doesn't realize what they're doing is stupid because they don't remember shit
>US get housing demolition paused and are free to unsub
You lucky sons of bitches
Trailer - bad
live letter - bad
game - bad_
Good morning /xivg/
Too bad, you're going to brazil
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Bienvenido a Primal Lalafell marrón
Saar do not redeem!
yeah it was him speaking for a bit in the japanese trailer
I guess it's because of the VA strike
I'm black not Indian. I'm low iq not an esl
I do play a catgirl
>sub runs out on april
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Tuliyollal was the best city introduction. Only bad part was the tacotacostacos shit. The way people cheered for the first 3 contestants, then 90% of people left when it was Wuk's turn to be shown, was actually really great. That the trial was to make Koana or Wuk better ready to lead, and not a real contest, was a fine plot.
I love Koana so much, too. I think Bakool Ja Ja needed more character development before his change, but I love him too.
Zarool was cool too, until they ruined him in the second half.
The fucking Elezens, too? Holy shit. Not just Shale, but that other one. My. Fucking. God.
I pretty much loved every character, except for second half Zarool, and Wuk was forced into too much.
I loved how much of the plot seemingly built up to you doing some annoying chore and fetch quest and running back and forth like you would in most expacs... only for you to do a trial and dungeon which solves the problem in a more fun way and you no longer had to do it. That sense of relief, multiple times in the story, was palpable to me and great.
I love how quick the zones fully unlocked. EW was fucking atrocious in this way. Did you forget not finishing unlocking Labyrinthos until 87 despite doing it at 81???

If you just removed Wuk from a lot of story, and made some slight rewrites where she's removed, and if they did Krile better, it'd my favorite MSQ easily. But way too much Wuk drags it all the way down to SB levels.
source? big if true
>I'm black not Indian.
Ah, urn urned an urn urn to you too.
My wife is south of the border so I get a free pass and a translator.
theyve been nerfing the bust on most of the new sets. even more than before. its such fucking bullshit
>VA strike
And nothing of value was lost.
Ask your father if hes proud of you.
Heres your content until April.
That will be 15 dollars a month, please :)
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This is going to be genderlocked isn't it.
>the mierda are Indian meme is pushed by brain-broken thin-skinned futas

Worst posters, worst players
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Best anon!
Who's hyped for the Warcraft direct on the 13th??
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elevenchads we're so back
so what is the point of se killing alts for ranked pvp?
I would expect them to pause EU demolitions due to the floods in Spain...
Bros my stocks are so green after yesterday's massacre
Its been off for almost a month now
Those stockings made my cock twitch...
What does this mean?
He hates Revival.
>I do play a catgirl
Prove it.
I don’t like the gauntlets on the left. Otherwise, solid armor and boots.
So people don't grief on alts or bitch about people griefing them on alts
I don't know about Japan but Crystal alone had multiple smurfs hogging up the top 100, there's one dude with literally 6 or 7 Samus alts and he grinds ranked with all of them.
Hello fellow /xivg/ bros long time no see.
Ranked is probably saved but I still don't think I will play it anymore, I'm happy for everyone who does though.
The map changes are good too but should have happened a long time ago.

Any leaderboard you look at it in any season usually like a third or half of it are people's alts, if there's only one leaderboard per region then they don't want people's alts taking up leaderboard spots.
If you're not an American black I apologize for the association.
Leader boards were becoming an alt circlejerk of who could get the most alts on the board.
making people pay extra so their PvP alts are on different accounts :)
So this only affects the new US-based cast that they picked up specifically for this expansion, right?
>SE kills alts and combines the regions
>ranked now only has 10 players
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veena here
Lich, Light! :3c
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>first day of NNN is Feet Friday
Is this Judas?
>expect ultimate and overall disappointment
>this is first live letter in a very long time that met my expectations
>The writing was the easiest to read. It flowed the best and I didn't need to reread dialog.
Actual proof you need a room temperature IQ to have enjoyed DT
Yeah, they picked worst waifu and gave her a 'we have macherie at home' edition outfit port. Same for Mont.
wish those boots/stockings werent going to be tied to the entire outfit
Who can say.
It’s $13, Claude-Francois. A burger costs more.
I'm american but i am from rural south carolina i dont talk like that and idk anyone who does
>Have to choose between having fun playing ranked pvp on Primal or raping and plapping sluts in my free time on Crystal
Why is SE doing this
this is wife
No, you're an idiot if you think something being flowery, obtuse, convoluted, difficult to read, and using a bunch of words without ever actually saying anything makes it good writing.
Are you still on?
No, I mean, they seriously named a female character "Machérie"? No shit she'd be a waifu with that name, it's like a character being named literally "Waifu" but in another language.
They need to overhauls pvp every 6 months at least, so every cheesy strategy needs to be rediscovered again and again. Not have this lame perpetual DRKies ruining pvp for almost a year.
yes, the other agency they've used since HW is based in London
>ask your father
>black guy

Foreigners really have no idea how America works
Letsa eb
Femra hera
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To-night the part of Odin shall be played by a rabbit man.
Dead game, all I'll be doing is ultimate progging and gooning. Fuck.
>and using a bunch of words without ever actually saying anything
...I'm sorry NTA, but are you talking about the rest of the game, or about DT? Because DT had by far the largest quantity of completely unnecesary and pointless, self-repeating dialogue of any XIV expansion. They literally made us go HOURS of listening to repetitive shit.
My free use Crystal slut will come to Primal for you...
We're still going to be getting drk shit until they add role actions in 7.2 to FL, which is just going to give every tank draw in.
What did you like about it?
I never end up going back to see myself as Odin when I get the last hit :/
I hope randos have fun killing my kage bunshin.
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He expected an ultimate and disappointment
And they delivered on both
Nta but my dad's in my life he taught me how to fish and is currently teaching me how to properly cook a steak
One of my favorite plaps is on Primal, so this works out for me.
Primal sluts are horny af bro, just hang out in Limsa on leviathan or excal.
Fuck now this tranny is back too, with your crusty ass hair kek
no im at work. i also lied about going to the LL because i forgot they’re at unreasonable times for working americans.
Are you 12?
The plump veena arrives again..
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I just woke up are they removing the restrictions for weekly lockout for the chaotic mode or is it just "More rewards on certain days"?
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It has been said a million times but I don't like Wuk Lamatt as a character. Even just seeing her on screen in the trailer annoyed me, there is something so off putting about her entire character. I play in JP so it's not the voice. We really are stuck with her for the next two years aren't we? fucks sake
may i sniff and plap?
DT repeated all the plot points 3-4 times in the writing, which is what's so funny when people missed the plot that was the clearest ever. It wasn't needless.
I am a fan of YA, and yes DT was written like a YA novel. YA is a good genre full of good stuff and it's better than their usual MSQ writing.
It means "my beloved" in french btw.
Luckily nobody posts their feet here so we are safe.
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Am I allowed to post pics of Twitter miera here
I think that set looks quite neat
Primal PvP is comfy though. Frustrating sometimes, but I feel like more people know what they're doing which makes it a funner challenge
Also, they need to bring back Secure. Yes it sucked, but just 3 in rotation sucks too.
I'll call you weird if you sniff but yeah, you may :3
my moonie is kinda fucking annoyed at her past actions that were brought on by stress and other factors but highly pissed at people who seek to exploit me or in other ways harass me over it.
>using a bunch of words without ever actually saying anything
Those nefarious twink bunnies...
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Drop a link to the account
So this is a nothingburger patch if you dont sweatmax in raids right?
wait so primal is the latino server?

i've been in the wrong data center all this time
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Doing this to a femlala in missionary.
No im 19. I'm just a shitty cook. I usually dress my lalaboy as a chef but i nearly burned the house down when i tried cooking last time.
Shut up, plapmeats aren't allowed to talk.
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This is who got the last hit, I have no idea what they look like and Odin's not going to wear this costume at all.
Cut the self hate man, it's unsightly.
I disagree with you on most points, and am slightly offended by your clearly muddled understanding of shb and ew. But I'm glad other people the zones are the best since ARR at least. They carried hard.
In fact, because of the zones and the dungeons, I'd probably give the expac a high score, if not for living memory. I had a profoundly negative reaction to it. I think that they should re-evaluate their current abilities and keep the story comfortably bland, let the art and music carry the experience, and try not to draw the reader in with emotional storytelling. Because if they do that and don't absolutely nail it seems manipulative and distasteful. Living memory is the worst chapter in the msq and the worst zone in the game.
That's 2..
Need to breed this moonie
''My dear'' would be a more accurate translation.
i'm going to kill you
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My femlala’s thighs are chaffing
I remember the time you said you were going to steal an A10 Warthog and mass murder random people using your flight simulator skills because someone in Canada rejected you
That was it?
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Could you repeat that? Can't hear you if you talk with a + in your mouth.
>self hate
I don't hate myself I'm just stupid as hell It's not a reference to any racism im genuinely fucking stupid bro stop looking for problems where there arent any
can a healer queue leveling roulette in progress? were in tamtara deepcroft missing a healer on crystal
that's great, i'm sure i've said many things and posted all sorts of pictures as well but really i'm done
I'm not sure what you mean..
Don't worry, it's a much smaller marker.
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I'd you don't do extreme+ or PvP it's just
>FFXI 24man
>Beast tribe
>Role quest/misc quest extensions
>QoL stuff
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pixeldrain com/u/J3mXJtoF
pixeldrain com/u/J3mXJtoF
oh yeah, i've posted a lot of sexual pictures and such but hey it's not like i grew up repressed in the middle of nowhere and got hooked to validation from strangers online and probably got unironically groomed on discord like 8 years ago already
Ffxiv womb tattoo
Based milleniathinker watcher
what are you guys talking about
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Where the fiddies at
The useful veena shows again...
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Go for it, people post twitter stuff here all the time
Yep or play PvP. Remains to be seen how extensive the changes are
Nigger lol
My parents have been married for over 30 years and my dad has been there the entire time though
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"Turali Travel Agency"
Right here bro come around the corner
*anal vores you*
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Just make it so casuals have to lvl up alts from scratch to play other jobs so they can feel like their time is sufficiently wasted
Can anyone post that wheelchair cat pic?
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why is he such a hot topic lately?
You're never going to grow and change as a person if you keep blaming every awful thing you do on your parents even as you approach 30
>Super excited for XI raids because of the cool and colorful gear
>They give us the evil bad guy clone bland black armor
How the fuck do they keep shitting things up. I'm about to go try WoW because holy fuck Yoshit piss is not even dropping the ball he's pounding it into the earth
>Camping shit
>hair dye shit
>promoting other games shit in the XIV live letter
Just fucking step down Yoshit
no one talks in game, everyone just sits in discord in every FC I have seen.
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This patch looks fucking empty
i don't think so.
You're not stupid, fuck off nigga
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do people really play mmos for the gameplay?
I see a lot of people on xivg saying that hanging out and chatting it "not playing the game"
but that's exactly what people play mmos for: to socialize and hang out
Yeah yeah, every black guy on 4chan has a father, and every neet is WFH making 120k a year.
Lich, Chaos.
i cant post mine but im here
im always here
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indonesian kino
I'll keep subbing if they keep showing Sphene's armpits in the game
Yo I bought some Pandemic off yo ass that shit was laced I ain't taste right in a week
the latter was true until the tech layoffs hit and nowadays the incidence of "im wfh browsing 4chan at work' has dwindled down significantly
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I’m retarded the link isn’t working, name of the mod?
Wife but I shan’t reply with my fiddie to this one.
>to socialize and hang out
do people even do that anymore? Its all discord now
Damn niggas cant even have low IQ anymore without whitey trying to take it away
I used to mainly play mmos for pvp and the social aspects. I play XIV for the same social aspect and housing.
>Log in when 7.1 drops.
>Grab the Barreltender mount.
>Log back out until 7.2
>do people really play mmos for the gameplay?
Some do. I do.
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I do that!
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riiiiiiiiight here
I'm bad at socializing and making small talk and people generally tend to not like me as a result. Though i've had a lot of people say 'you always seemed so cold and distant that i didnt expect you to actually be nice' so it's entirely on me apparently. I just raid a bunch and stand around by myself because I don't know how to talk to people without sounding annoying.
Silence Dawnsperm. If you don't know who this is then do no engage.
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dude put a dot between pixeldrain and com
come on now
But alts in WoW only take 6 hours to level to max.
Making a whole entire alt character in WoW takes 1/10th the time of just leveling a job from 1 to 100. Leveling jobs in this game really sucks.
Ehhh you have "ma chère" for that. You usually don't use "ma chérie" for anyone but your significant other (or someone really close like your daughter) while "ma chère"/"my dear" are also used in greetings.
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This is really fucking problematic, please delete this.......
When I want to socialize I talk to real people in real life about real things.
I don't talk to gooners in an MMO about plapping.
I play video games to play video games.
I hope this clears things up.
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wait if so many people play mmos to socialize, then why must the thread be focused entirely on ontopic gameplay discussion?
discussing ebins and social circles should be the focus of the thread, not purely and exclusively gameplay only
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>Make an alt in a game where you can play as ANY job with one character
>I used to mainly play mmos for pvp
I feel sorry for you.
Told you I was retarded
I think Zero would have been a far more compelling character if she was unfixable.

It would have been so interesting to see the Power of Friendship gang run head first into a brick wall and deal with someone who has no real emotions of any kind, and is thus impervious to their talk-no-jutsu. They'd have to figure out some new way to find common ground and work with someone truly alien to them. And to see Zero process this untainted world through the eyes of a ghost from a long dead one. Not assimilate into it, but observe it and reach conclusions about herself by taking in all this new information. But no, a mince pie and some curry and she's human again.
the ultimate alone can easily last you until next patch why are you guys so doomer
>literally primal post
Its telling us things...
do you also need a biologist to define what a woman is?
I don't feel like raiding as a part time job for 3 months anymore
Fuck you nigga i'm stupid as shit. Don't tell me what I am and am not.
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No cap, this liveletter was horrible. Holy fuck. the community has never been so blackpill. Also the trailer sucked.
qrd on the pvp alt changes?
Do you assign one character on your account to have access to ranked?
>a mince pie and some curry and she's human again
just like me
yoship says trans rights, sisters
You just like me I love white boys
Yeah we really need the foray earlier desu. They spiced up pvp I guess
Can you give Mona a hug for me
you mean ffxiv gameplay only? i.e. the thing most people who play mmos don't care about?
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the wuk mmo
You're not stupid, but I'll slap you stupid if you don't stop
cute confused thighlander
You arent even black, you are white.
Even the usual bootlickers/shills are silent, that's pretty bad.
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Guess I'll remain unsubbed until mid 2025.
Time to boot up Skyrim, bust a nut, and sleep for a bit.
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I’ll post mine if you post yours
we should start showing appreciation for pvpers since they're always around and never quit and help keep this game afloat with alt accounts. 1, 2, 3, lets go pvpers lets go. you guys rock.
I liked the gameplay (prior to EW) and being able to interact with other people despite not really interacting with them, or being around people in a virtual space.
Please stop posting for a few days or something i had another dream about you femra
I know how my brain works im going to start falling in love and becoming obsessive
I don't even know who you are your femra just keeps invading my dreams and now my waking thoughts
You can queue on them all, only highest is shown on the board.
then just do it casually in pf?
That's how these stories always go, there's always light at the end of the tunnel because it makes normal people deeply uncomfortable if everyone isn't the same and both the writers and audience are normal people
this is where i would wake up after getting my kidney kidnapped
Food is a central staple of culture that brings people together, but it is simply one aspect of it. Japan - being an ethnostate - has no personal exposure to external cultures except through cuisine that is warped by their own hands, so it's importance is elevated.
>moonie mount
>ultimate housing
>fairies relic

some great ideas in here
Normally in the past people didn't login to MMO specifically to sit around and chat. Socializing in older MMOs took place 'while' doing content since it was often slower paced. Like in XI you'd be sitting down for a minute or two between each pull to get MP back.
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''My beloved'' would be ''Ma bien-aimée''.
When Skyrim gets a real stable online mod with goon mods we will migrate
Are you okay bro?
they could just increase the armoury bonus from 50%-100% to 500-1000%.
I see. So tt doesn't stop the griefing problem at all, like not even a little bit, but it removes the incentive to grind multiple characters to top 100.
Where's your proof I'm not stupid?
I'm black stop trying to unblack and unstupid me. Let me be both for fucks sake. I like being stupid.
Why pay $15 to do that when I can do that on discord while we play other games?
Genuinely asking btw. Just seems MMO type shit is outdated.
do you only care about hanging out with others in an mmo?
why do you not care about gameplay, the most important thing in an mmo?
are women really like this
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Yeah bro amazing content
how much of the story can be just explained with the japanese being retards?
I’m also playing modded skyrim
did the trailer even have a single fucking vocal song?
What was better about 6.1 live letter? I missed it.
Road to 90 bonus being on all servers would be fine. The leveling pace feels okay that way.
well do you know why people like cosmetics in games?
Doesn't the game play itself like this? How could you die when cheating this bad?
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>Cross region DC Travel not mentioned
>Not even planned for an 7.1x patch
>Sole good thing is chaotic raid getting gear
>No memorable music
>24 man XI raid set looks FUCKING AWFUL
>Ultimate looks kino but will be cleared by <5% of the playerbase
It's too long to wait until the next forray, at this rate we'll get it for february if not march
>Just seems MMO type shit is outdated.
Who do you think the target audience is? Dudes in their 30s and 40s so obviously it's outdated.
>6.1 live letter
Check out some reddit thread 2 years ago or something huehuehuehue
Correct. But having everyone condensed on one DC for ranked should hopefully make griefing/win trading a tiny bit harder at least, but mostly this just opens more spaces for top 100/300
Brother I fear you might need to take a break from this game/general
yes, people play games for the gameplay
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The proof is that you're here. You're already better than your hoodrat peers.
have you tried this new game called webfishing
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a wife to many it seems…
what kind of femra…
>plump and useful
what do you guys take me for? goon material?!
it’s ok it’s the weekend soon so I’ll be on more maybe if MH doesn’t take me away
>at this rate we'll get it for february if not march
Who's going to tell him?
The Japanese aren't being retarded, it's their lack of exposure to other cultures. It's why Zero is "fixed" after eating spicy curry and buns, why the two cultures in that dawntrail region settled their differences over food, why it's the ONLY reason why the underground forest people would reconnect with the others because of their special soil...
They are not BAD reasons, but it's basically the only one Japan can understand because they like the intercultural conflict to have nuance about the variety of topics that can arise.
No im not the problem that femra is the problem.
no because the gameplay doesn't interest me
Can you post her holes please. Those massive tits too. Thanks
Please bro, I suffered enough, just lay it on me
If I see a single crystaloid ebin in my primal ranked games I will be running it down posthaste
>What was better about 6.1 live letter?
it had a decent trailer with good music that actually made people look forward to the story and content.
>cheating with plugins
>still wipes
Actual shitter lmao
good morning
Then I hope she haunts you even more! >:)
My favorite bun <3
This legit looks like more of a clusterfuck than the actual phase itself.
If cross region dc travel is ever added it will NEVER allow to Japan. Japanese playerbase would quit even if foreigners could only visit for a short time like an hour or two.
This fiddie wishes you a good morning
Catbox? I need to cum
Same. I look forward to being blacklisted by all of you to save myself the trouble of filling up my own.
Bro we aren't seeing the forray until like summer
Why is the jokercord so fucking gay? Feels like I'm on /lgbt/ browsing that shithole
Is it over? Are we officially at dead cope game status? Is there anything to do in this game besides modbeasting?
The foray is in 7.2.
I keep forgetting to meet you
thats because its ironic
Just stop posting for a while
thank God I'm a nobody
>they like
I fucked up. I meant they DONT have the intercultural conflict.... etc
>what do you guys take me for? goon material?!
Umm... yes?
why do people do this again?
what does breaking the link even do
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>30 minutes of content for the next two months
>afterwards, another 30 minutes of content until March
>forced raiding on Christmas
All evidence points into a single direction
It is officially over
I'd have said hi to this bun at the meetup for i've yet to see her in-game, i'll catch you yet..
uohhh, i want to rape the femlala looking at the aetheryte
They're redditors
It's okay anon
you can just take a break from here
4chan blocks certain filehosting sites from being linked
>Is there anything to do in this game besides modbeasting?
I am officially tired of reading the japanese perspective on life food and diversity in entertainment and especially fucking jrpgs
for how many decades are they going to deliver the same old shit
If there is a single nip on that godforsaken island that has a shred of rebellious or anarchic spirit in their body every major company should be bidding to hire that guy
A ton of Japanese people already complain on twitter about NA and EU players going over there and hitting on them in broken Japanese, not respecting boundaries of relationships with their partners and trying to get them to cheat.
It would only be 10x worse if those same people could freely visit without financial consequence.
>Is there anything to do in this game besides modbeasting?
Plapping catgirls?
Fuck it I'm leaving this general and going back to play hoi4 and sparking zero
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god i love fiddies

but its november anon
Island Sanctuary update dozo????
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I've not joined a discord nor talked to people besides specific meetups. Socializing's nice, but I'm sort of just here for the story and screencapping said story.
Too many actual gay people in this general, the other generals weren't like this
wanna play france and ill be the ussr
forgotten sanctuary there will be NO updates
Gay webm. And you're even gayer for posting it.
Are you giving it to me?
Why? Why should I take the break when the problem is your femra? Your cognito hazard lizard is the problem for me and probably other posters too.
Your ultimate clear? Your 24 man savage?
I just woke up
What's the status on BLM, bros..?
its actually a really good webm
It might be but more than most people who have clears for ultimates play in a manner similar to this with the same if not worse mods.
two charges of leylines
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Oh yeah I liked this song during the mission a lot, forgot about it immediately though
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right here!
Still vandalizing and looting
I can't cum to it
instant cast despair and 2 leylines
my femezen is like this
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Just reminding you he won.
He warned us and everyone laughed at him.
Nerd fiddie
my femezen? she's like this
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saving my cum for next month
tributing a
>not an ultimate raider
>Yoshi unironically gives me 10 minutes of quests until Christmas
Thanks gook nigger
my fhakaiwjamnql looks and acts like rjsiuabsqjlqpsnba
>it's a circle
I came to this fiddie's pussy before and imagined myself plowing the feminine faggot behind the screen piloting her.
August the earliest and thats not even certain
I'm so sick and tired of this miera circlejerk meta
Apparently the Dawntrail MSQ ends in 7.3, but who knows if she'll follow us back home or to new lands. So we could be rid of her in a year maybe.
i wanna join jokercord
Because his main complaints were raid logging complaints when the vast majority of the player base are casual story enjoyers and the story enjoyers had a good time with Endwalker.
He didn't do a good enough job to distinguish his complaints and for the average player they'll see his catch up complaint about Endwalker being the worst as bait.
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my femra is like this
sorry for the weird question but do you top males
Plapping my catboy
Once again, gorgeous
that doesnt contradict what he said
Does anyone have all the slides for the liveletter? I just woke up...
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I see something
dont the japs constantly cheat on each other IRL?
my femlala is listening to nightcore and playing other games while she waiting for her reclear party to come online
God I fucking hate you futafags so much. None of you deserve the live you've been given.
>consolidate all of pvp in one region to one DC
Imagine if they add back Feast tier top 100 rewards again
Even the shy ones who tend to be awkward and introverted?
...Is that a nipple?
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futa is genuinely offputting
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stop being transphobic
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especially those ones
7.2 is in March which isnt summer
giwtwm on the right
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I love it.
The rewards not being account wide means that doesn't fix ranked. People will still grief on alts a ton
Good. Fuck the slant-eyed nips.
Your fat nigger body is offputting
I don't know how every femezen managed to look like my wife, but they do it.
Yeah maybe but im pretty sure they dont wanna do that with morbidly obese pig men from the west
I think it would be fun to have a trans friend in this game but all of my friends are gamer chuds
Is that actually true?
Sometimes I play the Bad Piggies theme when gposing and it make it more fun.
She is a perfectly perfect SCP and you have to live with her
Does she like femra
Never did, probably would, case by case basis - most male character players are weird
>11 days to get a few jobs to 100, beat M4S, and get decent gear for the ultimate
May as well give up and wait for Shinryu Ultimate.
Unironically start making friends with femlalas
They said rewards for ranked will now only be given to one character per account
yeah he showed it during the alliance raid
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life* esl
You have an album of all the weapons he has shown?
The Forays have never released earlier than X.25 - which will be several months later.
Anything's a dildo for the brave...
only because they tend to go size crazy
when it's kept normal proportions I like it
If only YoshiP actually understood what happened in his gamemode. He has to actually forbid alts from queuing in general.
futa is the fetish for straight white men
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That's fucked up yoooo
Between the overly rude posts when trying to participate on the threads, alongside failed attempts to interact with others at lb14 has made me give up completely on trying to make fwends
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That's a really easy thing to do, to. Limit a single character on your account to have ranked enabled. This isn't a problem because a single character has access to every single job. Allow players to update which character has access every 30 days or something, for the weirdos that want that
I think you are trying to gravitate towards ebins. Talk to the non-popular folks.
>California is not only based but ahead of the curve again
>trying to make friends in this hellhole
He also mentioned the formula is breaking down. Which were seeing in real time.
They do not. The few interviews vids you've probably seen were taken in red light districts.
This is an insane thing to do and no dev would ever do this
i made a schizo mad by making an alt that looks like an ebin's old fanta and giving the mcdf to a lala to use
now the schizo is convinced the ebin i'm "skinwalking" is a pedophile
North Dakota being incest is so fucking true
You know all of these are fake, right?
Like even if the """""""""""""data"""""""""""""" is true, all it takes is the barest of nudges to massage the data into saying whatever the maker wants
I would ruin you sissy bitch.
That would have been interesting, but the whole point of that story arc is the greater context of "Yes, the void is fucked. What has happened to you is tragic, and not your fault. But there is still hope that it can be fixed, or at least made less worse." Which is very much in keeping with all of our previous adventures and similar problems.
If you've done the Eden Raids, it would be foolish to write off the void as truly unsolvable.
>Does she like femra
you already know the answer...
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So are we getting non joke weapons also?
No I don't think Sena was in the game in 6.1.
I looked it up and it seems like even less than we're getting in 7.1...? https://imgur.com/a/ffxiv-live-letter-69-nice-18zxpPm
Friends are telling me that .0 and .1 are always pretty bad and we don't get much until .11 and later, especially .25 and later.
We did get DC travel in 6.1 which was big and hype, true.
That's pretty sad though that the best content is a year after an expac comes out, and then you have a year after it ends before another comes out. So it's basically 2 years between really getting content every time.
Wait... really? Those get people hyped for 2-3 hours of boring MSQ because of a 3 min trailer? That's cool I guess... I've only really gotten hyped like that by Halo trailers and a few others.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSjTEMCVIx8 idk I don't think it'd hype me at all but cute dancer. The only cool part is about Y'shtola looking for ways to go to other reflections which we're only really getting closer to now.
Watching the 7.1 now. Wtf is this the alliance raid? That is so cool.
And more Sphene stuff. I love Sphene.
And databank thing and people in jars... wtf this looks so cool. And they can't forget her death like the others.
They added some cool things to the new dungeons like that buster into donut mechanic is an awesome mechanic that's used in other game a lot and I don't understand why they didn't put it in one of the extrials or savages or anything.
They also had the ladders in a dungeon that were really fun. There was actually a lot of excitement the first 2 weeks of people going through the MSQ and seeing some novel new interactions and mechanics for once that just died when we got the high end content. Why no savage raid with some verticality? Even if it was just like O2 but with climbing ladders and jumping down instead of a duty action that would be a lot more fun imo.
A single character doesn't have access to every data center, though.
Ah I know which SMELLY this is...
Those shark gloves are cute though...
lets all love sena
Nah, I don’t think so
i didnt watch the live letter
did they fix my face 2 catboy's shiny beard?
it's true
t. texas futa lover
which ability is despair

the final one of the rotation that uses up the rest of your mp?
did Sage get anything good?
Stay in your DC, stinky gaijin
I think the DRK one was the only non-joke weapon in the lineup.
All the cutlery weapons can be excused by you taking too many drugs and using a Roegadyn's eating tools for fighting.
no these are the only weapons until april besides the ultimate weapons
There are some good FCs out there which are friendly and which play the game. Like they'll have weekly maps, weekly helping people with older extremes or savages, things like that. Fun stuff if you're struggling to find people to have fun with.
Do you need blue mage stuff done?
muh russians are rigging the hentai usage statistics
>This isn't a problem because a single character has access to every single job.
A single character doesn't have access to every single region, though. What if you don't know ahead of time which of your alts is gonna be luckiest this month?
Of course Futa is for straightchads.
Fags don't get hard to tits.
single target flare, yeah
xenoglossy and foul are the polyglot spenders
ranked? more like rank and you have erectile dysfunction
>literally just most popular tags
>released by site owner
>n-no da joos is massaging the data!
the fuck they need to falsify this shit for? evil joo futa propaganda?
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I want the hat, lamp, collapsible cart and one of the chairs
Are lewd lalas allowed in jokercord?
Can attest, and all the ones I'm friends with are incredibly kind . They're good friends to me
Straight men dont get hard to dicks
Unironically if you ask gays about futa they hate it and aren't interested. In the same way I'm not suddenly gonna be interested in a big burly dude if you slap a cunt on 'em.
What about flatutas
May I see you're armpit
Can I post my fiddie
You don't need to rank in different regions. One region is enough.
did they say if it's still going to be top 100 or will it be scaled to be top 500 or whatever higher number?
Permission granted
i dont like spiders
Foreign players have been on JP servers the whole entire time the game has existed. Those who care enough to be there are already there. Opening up full DC travel would cause a temporary surge due to the novelty, but those players aren't gonna be hanging around and it'll return to normal levels soon enough.
Top 300. Don't ask why when there's four data centers.
where's the smart white catgirl I can shoot ropes to
I love how people think i get shot down a lot, yet cockwatch me to see who i am "niling" next.
I like how scared Indians are of futa because no one wants to fuck their miera
I implore you
300 service accounts per region
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finally, after ten thousand years...
>Top 300
Everyone is a winner! We like this!
Ok you have to say you like this now
Personally I think changing top 100 in one server to top 300 in 32 servers is a dumb decision
I think it'll be easy to get top 300 rewards then. top 100 was filled with 30-40% alts and with that gone I could see getting crystal rank being enough to make it into top 300.
I do like that tho
Depends on how many alts are getting filtered out of the leaderboards.
I have contemplated fanta'ing to a more popular race to farm (you)'s
>looks like shit
>in game earnable though
>looks great
>"coming to the store!"
Ok I'm going to go and try to recreate that picture with new look if I can find that venue again.
How are we going to get this weapon?
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Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated?
I see the way you're acting like you're somebody else, gets me frustrated
>looks great
Get your eyes checked
250 tomes
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this is our fault for always saying queue cc "casual" and not ranked....
You are up against every single NA player from now on instead of a small group so I sincerely doubt it will be any easier. Also nothing is stopping people from win trading on a single other service account in a month and then discarding it.
dont do this to me bro, I dont want to go bi
saar the data has been massaged
I’m scared now I won’t
Need to plap this moonie with her big tits
Finally us transisters got a weapon perfect for us!
lol rent free
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Noooo, now I have to listen to it again
what's the erp spot on famfrit?
But if the leggings stay on, my character is just a girl...
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this went insanely hard for no reason
Thanks my moonie is crying now she was looking forward to seeing your fiddie
draenei have ruined an entire country
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it's super nice. naturally it will only be available for real money. keep coping as your b2p subscription game goes f2p without actually being f2p
Can we see an evil Hildibrand?
Yep, that was my favorite thing.
Instant cast despair sounds really nice. I always thought either that or flare star should be instant
Femlala catboxes?
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What are (You) going to do with your second free fantasia?
The WoW posters are in a meltdown from how good the live letter was. FFXIV wins again
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Need a black face 1 femra gf
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Yoship said the paizuri unlock is delayed until January
Change back to Miera we need more Miera
My house. You're not invited.
IT WAS SO COOL. The graphics update really helped this trailer.
That's just a white mage af we already have
I like my meena a lot
I got an early access
builded for having ass bullied
>make despair insta cast
>not changing anything about flare star
people were consolidating on a single dc to make it pop anyway, if crystal/primal/aether was popping for a night it's because everyone decided to queue there that day with their alt. the single character getting rewards will free up a lot more slots than people think. it'll pop off for the first couple seasons but it'll probably be easier than before to get top 300 rewards.
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Okay fine
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>wowbucks fuck off to wow again
>tfw XIV becomes a comfy game again
Thank you, YoshiPuta, this feeling is a throwback to Stormblood era.
Unironically built for my thick 5.2 inch BWC
>WoW gets an entirely new foray style zone added to their expansion already on top of the new raid tier and dungeons
Why cant we get a foray in 7.1?
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>a 2nd fanta
Nice armpit!
Why not...
I need fat tit moonies to bounce on my dick
Changing bust size to 2 and making eyes darker.
Nothing but I might turn my NA alt into a Malezen and have the other free one as backup.
nothing unless they change how I look then I'll fix it
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Thanks she is happy again
Because we always get them in 7.2?
Kekkkkkk I'm the biggest ITT
I actually had fun playing the game in Stormblood, how is this a throwback
This we can't divert from the formula.
Stormblood had content
why do blm players cry about anything and everything? no other job bitches this much
absolutely adorable
Based retarded shit eater
Okay it's official. The ffxiv glam team is truly creatively bankrupt at this point. Honestly why even bother making that garbage it looks just like every other uninteresting piece in the game that nobody bothers with. So disappointing.
All of which is no longer considered content after it was run once. Just like every time.
drained* an entire country
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my maliddie looks and acts like this and he is sick of racism
They save the good ideas for the cash shop now
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Niggermages have always had it good since they are the directors petjob.
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put it in my saddlebag next to the other one
Maybe that should change.
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The biggest thing for me in this patch besides chaotic raids (not until Christmas fuck you SE) is the glamour dresser update. It's a good start but I hope they go a step further and make collecting entire dungeon/raid sets rewarding by saving space.
I might go from catboy to catgirl.......
They hold contests to make the players design the gear for them
>white mage going through dungeons
>tanks keep saying nice heals
how buck broken are these tanks that me mashing cure is enough for them to type out a compliment

also, the fuck is the point of freecure talent, who uses cure1
I normally jump between high/midlander or an Au Ra
love this moonie with good opinions
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Once again our superiority appears to have caused some controversy
May I bleach you with my 5.2" throbbing white male midlander meat
Why is someone poking its tummy with a rubber glove on?
Add it to the saddlebag to join the other free ones
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I just woke up. How fucking over is it?
The serious ranked griefers already do it from alt accounts, you can't escape it entirely. There will be a lot less alts in queue now just because people will actually want to sweat on their mains since there's a lot more ego attached to rank when you're against all of NA instead of only one DC.

It was top 100 across 1 DC to 300 across 3 (Dynamis doesn't count).
The only issue I have is that I think they should've chosen Dynamis instead of Primal, because there's a chance Primal will be too full to DC travel to but that wouldn't happen to Dynamis.
why must you always be so negative
You’re welcome
Thanks :3c
that's the blanket you blind fag
I'm a sprout who says 'nice heals' when I don't die
and 'not my problem' when I die
By throwback i meant the fact the game wasn't flooded with wowkeks crying on the forums and here. It was a different vibe back then.
my femra is like that
is this supposed to be young godbert?
same face but with different facial hair
I am a femlala queuing on Primal Ranked...

Is that you Reka? Are you back?
I'm a meena who says "keep up" at the start of the instance and pull everything. They usually don't even have to heal me
Why the fuck would I care about official forum and reddit posting? I'd rather have the game be fun again
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did u just talk shit about me ingame? going to do this to your house. da fuq u gonna do?
we fucking won
I just finished my work stuff for this morning, what did I miss? Anything cool in the extra slides like extra glamour dresser slots or other QoL updates?
That can't actually be it.
Might be my favorite, but she keeps changing
>there's a chance Primal will be too full to DC travel to
Has it ever been too full to travel to? Like, all eight servers full?
I'm in love with someone from this thread but I can't tell them
is this in addition to the quest one? Do new characters get 3 fantas now? One from MSQ, one from this NPC, and the other from the quest?
Multiple games even older ac games had exactly this. Why are they acting like it's new
watchu waiting for
>I'm a meena who says "keep up" at the start of the instance and pull everything.
Hot. Will you spank me if I fail?
im pretty sure my moonie knows
nta but I would care because the kind of people that play the game influence what gets added to the game. It's no coincidence that not long after the wow refugee influx, "savage" dungeons got added.
I'm going to get into Guild Wars 2 as a side MMO.
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Is it possible to get pvp ranked rewards on both NA and EU or am I getting cucked?
>There will be a lot less alts in queue
There will still be a ton of alts in queue. Nothing bars me from using an alt, climbing it to grief. Especially because unranked-gold is free and it's so easy to get to plat that's where you can start hardwalling people you don't like.
but she is with someone else...
you can only get this one in 7.1, it goes away in 7.2
Is there even a point of staying subbed if I'm not an ultimate raider until April? The chaotic raid thing sounds fun but I doubt the content will last long
they're not a moonie...
My opinyan is that the incessant whiners should unsub and go play WoW
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>spamming dungeons on my WAR
>lv 93 dungeon
>see picto sprout
>do a /cd 6 for him before boss so he can pre-cast rainbow drip
>he doesn't do anything until the countdown hits 0
>then proceeds to hardcast rainbow drip anyway after the pull
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>20 years worth of armors to give us from XI
>they pick the ark angel shit
what were they thinking
Tell me. Crushing your heart sustains me. Don't you want me to be happy, hurting you?
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It's over, anon. Look, I have people all around me tell me that it's over. And the worst part is, you know, it's not gonna get better. We have this game right? And this game is made by incompetent japanese people. And now it's dead because of that.
Billions and billions of dollars just completely wasted on nothing instead of improving our game. So when folks tell me that it's over, I tend to agree with them
hi but my femra is not a cheating whore
Had what, an african american entrepreneur engaging in peaceful protest?
Unsure if I want to stick with meena, go back to fiddie, or something else
This is the alliance raid gear?
doing countdowns in dungeons is cringe
>the kind of people that play the game influence what gets added to the gam
You're actually retarded if you've been playing this game for more than a year and unironically thing that the English community on the official forums or reddit have any sway on the dev team, they only listen to JP
Why do you cucks act like this in every fucking game you play then cry when your shitty game mode turns to shit?
moonie bulge, what a treat
that sounds like something they would say honestly...
>ffxiv rose under trump
>ffxiv fell off under biden
I know who to vote for
I'll just EB you then ok.
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All fiddies should look like this
So the japs are the reason why the game designed around raids now?
I want to request lewds of this fiddie
Know what's funny? Johnny somali isn't even a Somali. He's a jareer amerimutt who was never taught consequence because his dad's rich so he's a spoiled rich amerimutt and a jareer nignog the worst of both types combined. If he came here to Somalia like he claims he's from he wouldn't survive a day. I bet even in america if he did that one of his jareer brothers would gun him down. He chooses to pick on docile people. He is the worst kind of rat. I hope they lynch him.
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the alliance raid better be fun as fuck because i sure wont be running it for glams
worst part is i got my hopes up from all the ff11 fags telling me about how colorful and vibrant their game was
we would need a covid 2
>no friends to do holiday gposes together
>no friends to pose niche fetishes with
>no friends to gift random gpose ideas to
the ugly autistic lalaboy life is a hard one
Is it me? I’m actually single
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nice fucking shadows nerd
Seems like it.
You better hurry. I'm finding an EB before the foray comes out whether it's you or someone else.
Fiddies would go from a favorite to my most disliked if they all looked like that.
>Has it ever been too full to travel to? Like, all eight servers full?
it's happened a few times in 7.0
that's nyot a bulge that's just how that area is shaded....................
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Skill issue my boy.
I shan’t because I’m a tomboy with small tits.
please god let the femzen be aiming
Their DCs have been structured around raiding for a decade now and they always have higher clear rates than any NA DC, their population cares about raiding more than anyone
low test
What would have been a better ff11 gear they should have used for this alliance raid gear?
it will sit in my inventory taunting me every day until i eventually crack
Probably, I'm sure the limitation is only within regions.

Nothing would ever bar you from that since you can already do it from another account.
Holy shit they could have just given us Ivalice recolors with 2 dyes and everyone would have lost their minds what is this ???
Maybe? I don't know
Give me a sign it's really you and I'll pour my heart out
Its easy and lazy, like most modern SE decisions
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One of my old fantas, but I can't decide what I want to swap back to. I'm currently bottom right, but some won more than others with the graphical changes that I saw in the benchmark.
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Yep, it’s official: we like 7.1. If you don’t, or if you have ANY criticisms of DT content, then you’re a wowkek who’s just here to troll. Stop complaining and just fucking deal with it man. It’s not like $13 a month is a big deal anyway. And if you don’t like it, just fucking unsubscribe man. Like, you don’t have to be here dude. FFXIV is the world’s most popular and critically acclaimed MMO and we like this.
No I like small dainty women like Ryne
hes not bantu hes oromo
you can tell by the occipital shape
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>if chaotic raids perform poorly we wont add more in the future
>release date 24 dec
what did they mean by this
this must be the most low effort dogshit i've ever seen in a video game. an amateur can make these in an afternoon
what the fuck
i know...
sorry my femra is already seeing a moonies...
I'm not convinced
They aren't even trying anymore jesus christ
What race are they….
Anyone want my gil
I've lost all my faith with nu-ff14
only shiteaters will still play it
is it true that you were the person reporting people at LB14
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Nothing or become grey
Bro its completely flat since EW
Are you finally going to unsub, or just keep bitching?
I do. World/Location now.
There's no way it's a Balmung bunny
it's true

it's nyot true
I can't say that or they'll know 100% and I don't want to get hurt...
I'm not sure what you guys are crying about this is a normal X.1 patch
EB status of that cat on left?
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Explain this to a femlala who didn't watch the liveletter. What's being added?

Did they say how much the GC bracelets would cost?
I don't need to unsub because 12 dollars a month doesn't break my bank, if anything it's boosting my credit score.
I'm going to change my eye color by one square
We like this, WoW shill. TWW flopped and M+ is still as shitty as ever. And isn’t Blizzard still being sued? Don’t they have trannies as devs? You don’t realize how much better FFXIV is. At least we’re not woke. Your game lost and ours won. Get over it.
Oh it’s not me then. I’m unlovable
another free fanta

some gearset glamour thing to save on slots
Do you not remember the nier raids? They haven't been trying since shadowbringers. That just had a good story so it hard carried them. That's the main problem. They've been this lazy or around this much for a long time. They've just not had such an awful story and lame leading character even the japs don't like for years.
may the wind comfort your bones,
may the seas whisper forgotten names,
may they always remember our faces,
below the docks,
inside bins
burst with trash.

My femra wrote this to taught the crime scene investigators.
No thank you.
I still dont understand wtf is that Guitar Hero shit
You don't sound like them but what race are you...
they mean they werent going to look at english feedback either way
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>Chaotic raid releases the 24th
>Alliance raid set looks like ABSOLUTE DOGSHIT
>PvP is the only actual "change" with ultimate
>Yawntrail will have NO proper content update until atleast April
This is a fucking joke right?
We have to wait 10 month to get a glimpse of updated content and even then the forray and DD will be minute and cleared within two weeks alongside the new tier.
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Yeah buy happiness juice on balmung for 60mil
And people are getting sick of it
I've been unsubbed for almost 2 months already and probably won't be back until .25
That's actually fucking grim.
Thanks for the 2min meta, you slant-eye'd fucks.
What do you play
holy shit she is so flat, thats fucking hot
>all the ebins i see only do lewd with female characters or futas
>they recoil at the thought of hetero stuff with male characters
are they all transbians or prison gay?? then again there is no difference
Nope, not you
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>more time to modbeast and carefully calibrate the penis size and angle on our female characters
Any... gameplay?
>ultimate raids on thanksgiving
>chaotic raids on christmas
yoshida's chosen people
remember, final fantasy 14 is a game that respects your time
You fags talk so much shit about FFXIV and YoshiP's decisions and yet you always come back for more
If Kong hates the game enough to do threadly shitposts, then why doesn't xhe just unsub?
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>Chaotic raid on Christmas
>you don't want to fuck a man? you must be gay
amazing things are happening in this thread
no that's because male character players are weirdos 80% of the time
So did yoshi talk about the next batch of graphical updates?
>looked up his heritage
>he is
Don't care he isn't one of us anymore. I'm revoking his card. He's a jareer bantu now and he should be hanged like one.
I like men th-
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Fiera- for my fiddie+
>Miera gets turned down once
>instantly seetheposts about how everyone is a transbian
Like clockwork
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People raid on Christmas? I’ll be watching the NFL nextflix games that day.
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So no new hairstyle?
>pretending you had shit to do on Christmas
You spend your time here and/or on XIV, don't kid yourselves.
saar please do not redeem the futa cocks!
>miera seething because he's even lower than a fucking potato
See >>500685394. You will raid on Christmas and you will like it.
So you would plap a male character if he was normal, I take it?
its locked behind the chaotic alliance in december. They didn't show what it was.
they are giving another free fanta because they know they will fuck it up again
if i permanently have a Fem Roth named W'ke Lamutt in the play dead emote in Limsa on a free trial account how fast will i get banned
Depends on if I like em or not
I've posed with a few male charas from here
Post gock
SE doesn't give a shit about western faggots like you, because you will happily continue to eat their shit , pay for it, and defend it online
Hi Adamantoise, and yes
Considering most thread drama stemming from female characters, I would disagree.
my catboy is craving futa cock..........
No one will notice or care and you'll get bored of the bit after an hour
You aren't playing femhroth on a trial account.
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nobody unironically likes fiddie+
>nobody will even notice your gimmick
>tfw no foray date with your crush
They won't. They specifically said they'd only touch things like the corners of the mouths having weird smiles on many faces, the space between the upper lip and nose, and how fucked some textures are like how there's visible jagged lines on a lot of hairstyles
Like 90% of female characters at least on here are played by men. And men obviously only want to see women. They most likely failed to attract people as a male character so they went female under the guise of "Haha I just like looking at hot girls". But then they start with "lesbian erp" and of course the occasional futa because they still remember they want to be a male character but failed at it.
can you even buy the mogslop emote on a free trial acct
It's because most ebins are men who aren't attracted to male bodies. There's some ebins who do let males hit but I only know a few who *prefer* men.
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This is so fucking grim for XIV
>WoW literally added a whole new fucking raid for it's birthday event alongside redesigned T2 raid armor
>A week after said birthday patch releases, Blizzard showcases it's next patch and in 12 days we'll get an insight into the next season
>All of this came out 3 month after their expansion came out
>Game updates weekly to fix bugs / adjust the meta slightly
>5 month into Dawntrail
>Single raid tier with the same two extremes since release
>Not a single proper change since Endwalker
>Except now the story is dogshit
I don't check Normie forums / leddit but please tell me the playerbase doesn't try to justify XIV's lack of content and openly complains about it
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They are mazed rats from WoW. You need to understand they are completely buck broken by those californian trannies, these guys need stimulation ALL THE TIME from the game they play. They spent 15 years playing only WoW, crying to Christopher Metzen that there isn't "enough" content, so they added M+, and all sort of gay nigger shit to WoW to the point where if you didn't play the game like a job, you will be at a serious disadvantage. Then Asmongold came to XIV and brought with him the fucking buckrats who thought XIV would be the same as WoW. If you see someone crying about "not enough content", just be aware that's a wowbuck, and wowbucks are less than a nigger's shit.

TL;DR Play another game, buck
I want a serious answer here

If I hosted a chaotic raid meetup on December 26, would you guys be interested?

The idea being a full xivg alliance and most/all of us probably not having even attempted it yet. And we likely won't succeed, but just experiencing the raid together and figuring out mechanics would be kino I think
Doing NNN to give a femlala the biggest load possible
If your fiddie+ like dudes...
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You go do that. You go have a DT race on a free trial account.

Did he mention more items getting dual dye channels??? Or is that also going to be a "never ever" just like Viera hats?
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>mutts think rest of the world gives a single fuck about their "holidays"
lmao even
just do it dude at worst you can queue with 12 at best you get all 24 slots filled
I play a female character because I can dress her up like a barbie and I don't care about self inserting as my male self or edating in an MMO
then go play WoW
stop giving SE your money and attention
Can't rape the willing.
Isn't the world Christian? Why aren't we getting a break from the game on Christmas?
I do straight stuff with male characters but it's all femdom
The world literally imitates the United States you salty little eurofag
there's a femra that only does things with maleras, but she's rarely around
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I will suffer through anything for it...
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Looking forward to seeing the first post-AAC Lodestone survey results.
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Yes I would be interested but I want to discuss my schedule so there won’t be any conflict
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>tranny is incapable of understanding that xhe's paying a monthly tax for literally nothing

My femra acts like the laughing man.
>he/she absolutely has to do content day 1 hour 1 minute 1 second 1

thats totally wrong though
do you mean the wannabe nazi one
>no that's because male character players are weirdos 80% of the time
>When 90% of the drama comes from female characters
based based based based
>wow chuds not actually playing their own game but moaning about xiv in xiv places.
Its so tiresome.
Are you a venezuelan or what? Go jump a bridge, nigger. A couple dollars are nothing to me, and if it's a big deal to you go find a job.
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>I don't check Normie forums / leddit but please tell me the playerbase doesn't try to justify XIV's lack of content and openly complains about it
You should check the normie forums more. You get an account to post there since you're subbed, and it's fun to watch them go at each others throats. Set an alt character as your display one though, or you'll get forum warriors bothering your main in game.
if you didn't clear content the first second it was available you didn't truly clear it
you have to remember a lot of the people crying about no content do the msq then run back to lb14
i dont have the picture but i distinctly remember someone posting the recent sales of the new criterion emote when Mount Rokkon came out had a few ebins buying it for like 5-6m even though it only takes two 10 minute runs
You can just do a quick Google search. Almost every xiv content creator is heavily criticizing dawntrail
For example
Many more on twitter that are big accounts that AREN'T gooners or modders are complaining
There wss a recent article about how xiv doesn't respect your time and it launched a new avalanche of criticism aimed at the game from normalfags everywhere. Even jp forums have been complaining for a long while.
You'd only have concern trolls here defending the game or people tired of the hourly doomshitposts shitposting against complaints out of spite.
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I wanna play with Edda Vincents udders
no, a pvp one
>say they're weirdos not that they create drama
>male character players are so angry they instantly start coping
this is what I talk about retards
this game deserves decline
>No you don't understand, you have to wait 4 months to play the game and then you aren't allowed to do any of the new content when it comes out you have to wait for that too
>I do straight stuff with male characters
>Sodomizes them with black dildos
>Sounding rod urethral insertion
Yeah, okay lol
Rubbing myself with LB14 femlalas
My moonie gargles erenvilles cum
It's about the principle, you shit eating trannoid, not money. Never has been. Nobody gives a shit about 15 bucks.
The fact that you're spending that to get absolutely nothing in return, nay, actually get shit on with low effort crap, makes you a retarded tranny.
But if XIV gets good again and you left, you'll never get access to player housing ever again
people who play males are self inserting, so anything you say about their characters they take personally
A lot of female characters do hetero stuff with male characters. The difference is that you don't see them posting it for the world to see. Gabe has fucked 90% of all the good female ebins, for example.
I mean, yeah?
The game is scripted, and the fomo is real. If I don't do the content the day it comes out, or at least the week it comes out, then I'll always be behind and I won't be able to easily join a pf for it later because I'll be stuck back here with all the other deplorables who haven't cleared yet. I canceled my christmas vacation when I heard the news. Some things are just more important. I don't like it, but it's true. This christmas, I'll be staying home to raid.
Nah reddit is dooming pretty hard lately
bro your apartment? your fc room?
We know chinese moonie
I will literally transfer to Balmung to eb you
>muh wow
>their whole patch is literally just mogtome event
>it's heavily timegated
>so heavily that you are literally cucked for first 4 weeks because you don't even get full rewards
>even the biggest blizz cockslurper Taliesin is shitting on this patch
but yeah sure grass is always greener and all that
Can I get a serious answer as to wtf SE is doing with this game? With the amount of money this game must make them, you'd think they'd be pouring resources into it.
What are all the devs doing all day? Working on other games?
>Accuse someone of something
>Person says "No I dont"
>See there you go again being defensive so that means its true!
Just get a house on WoW. Surely they added it by now after yapping about it after all these years right?
Majority of ebins are guys who think of themselves as straight. I do mostly stuff with male characters and the only nsfw poses I have are with them, as well.
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You haven't fucked anything, Gabe. You enable animation mods and do an emote while you jack off with a man on the other side of the screen.
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Leave it to Troontrail apologists to act like an MMO giving you enough content to justify a monthly sub fee as a bad thing
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Name one that isn't elk
No no no, you don't understand you damn jungle ape. I do get something in return from the game, if you don't: just unsub and fuck off back to your containment game, simple as that. Also i doubt you did everything the game has to offer, but anyway, eat shit and die rat.
May I see some of your pics?
Hating male characters unironically is a bad look. They're like gnats. Mildly annoying at their ABSOLUTE worst.
If WoW is so good, why do you care about another MMO?
There's literally 0 femlalas at LB14 right now
>i like oranges
>why do you hate apples
NIGGA those are TWO completely different sentences, LEARN TO READ
Yoshida already confirmed the housing changes wont apply to apartments or rooms. You'll be stuck with tiny 10x10 rooms while actual house owners get mansions with 800 item slots in 2-3 patches from now.
Here's my favorite example of this

>Bi - female preference
>Fave: Au Ra (Female)
>No: Au Ra (male)
Tl;dr damnit SE give us more relic weapon grinds
So true, sis!
We love paying yoshi p to goon, rape and cum~
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Bringing Wuk Lamat to MHWilds
And what do you get in return, shithead? This shit is more low effort than what gachas put out, and they're free to play
And it's released on top of holidays
Actually kill yourself
i can't goon in wow
Normal people create constant drama, weirdo's do. All I said is that I would disagree that male players are weird.
Legitimately, stop giving SE your money. If you are unhappy with the state of the game, unsub. Whining on a website the Japanese dev team doesn't care about will not help.
>b-b-but muh house will-
People like you are the reason the demolitions need to happen. You don't play the game, you take up space and then run to 4chan to cry about how bored you are with doing nothing
WoW is slop of the highest caliber. The trannies that play it rush through every update and feel compelled to go to another thread to defend it because "our piece of shit game is way better than your piece of shit game
SE needs to see large numbers of players unsub to wake them up. Crying on 4chan isn't helping
I'm still mad that a cross-job whm looking dress got released, complete with thigh gap aesthetic and tights, and it's mogslop limited, while the actual in game XI crossover gear looks like black vomit.
Fuck you yoshi p.
Play a female nelf???
No they LOVE male characters just flat futas labeled "femboys". That's why they label their toons bi
>maleoid is so upset he scours flist for random quicksand profiles
not beating the allegations
>male characters try not to be insecure challenge: failed
>i can't goon in wow
This but unironically (not the vacation part). The only time alliance raids could have ever been considered fun is during week 1 when no one has any idea what's going on and it's pure chaos, afterwards it's business as usual. And EW was so easy that wasn't even the case in week 1.
If male Au Ra want to be treated better maybe they should stop committing more crimes than the other races
They think constantly bitching and praising wow will bring the people who quit back but it does the opposite and I never want to go back.
There are things I like about XIV that isnt possible to replicate in WoW. But XIV 'can' steal WoW's content design.
Then go play those? No one is forcing you to play XIV, please leave, we don't want you here lmao. Stop bringing so much shame upon yourselves.
>Takes 4 months to kill one monster
She's a xivgger, anon
Man, I wish there was a way to browse profiles on f-list. I saw a profile where a guy coined the term "stroller skank" and "thotler" and I've never laughed harder. That site is a comedy gold mine.
No catgirls can't goon. I can only cum to catgirls and femra
He is right tho, can't/won't goon to weg-tier shit.
beggars cant be choosers
and youre doing a lot of begging
90% of the people who use xivg only use it as a pornhub subscription retard, stop arguing with them. there's no point in trying.
bro just let people vent. they're not actually looking for a solution. xiv is where they go to edge, goon, plap, and cum. they'll never quit. they just wish it were better, so sometimes they get frustrated. it's like when my girlfriend (male) complains about her day. she's not looking for advice. she just wants to get it off her chest while I listen and agree with her.
That's not in game, The game does not look like that...
Sorry, I'm a bit too shy to show them, I just mentioned it since it was relevant. And they aren't made by me anyway, just with my character in them (and with my consultation). I prefer erp over animation stuff.
>Main DNC in pvp
>en avan buffan
>the second i pop my LB i am instantly one shot and the LB never appears to have an effect

So is this the famous MCH botting? or is the DNC lb so fucking so that im dead before the netcode registers the button press? i feel like im better off just never using it as its the only time i die and its always instant.
>Then go play those? No one is forcing you to play XIV
And here we have the typical dickrider cultist deflection technique. By saying other games exist, its therefore okay for FF14 to be a pile of steaming goat shit.
they really need to just split orientation into masc/fem and cock/pussy at this point, shit's too complicated in 2024
my eb is really pissing me off
Every other post in that thread is literally talking about jerking lmao
Aww I wanna see it and maybe we can do some poses
>its therefore okay for FF14 to be a pile of steaming goat shit.
Simply move on bro!! There are many other better games, right? Move on! Old dogs can learn new tricks!
Yes actually. That's the exact thing. Leave it as a steaming pile of shit and segregate xiv players into their shit game. That's what we need to do to people irl.not just bring back segregation but expand it further
>Can I get a serious answer as to wtf SE is doing with this game?
Siphoning the profits to fund their flops.
Stay meena, he's cute.
Welcome to FL PvP
Your LB needs a full 5 seconds to activate there
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Give me AF from jobs that don't exist in XIV and put them in as random sets
If I can't have corsair as a job then at least let me larp as one
drama is starting up in my solo FC again ,i'm so sick of this guy
yeah I meant the first part unironically before I decided to poke fun at nolife raiders a bit. alliance raids in particular are really bad about this. if you dont clear it in the first hour, then every group you meet afterwards will be moving in a pack to all the safe spots while some mentor gives himself a safety dorito to make it extra braindead. the window of fun closes fast on these things. in the past, I'd take the day off from work and wake up at 3 am to do them, but after thaleia and euproshit disappointed me twice in a row I stopped giving a fuck.
Skill issue.
Hey can you rapefugees stop coming over to wowg? It was comfy doomerism several months ago. You fags made your bed back in SL, ShBabbies, so fucking stop coming over and making the thread about avatarfags and coomers. Stay in your quarantine zone with your tranny cat.
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>erm, dude, why are you eating shit
>dude, it's like.. literal shit
I wish my eb pissed on me
i may make lalafell porn, but im still primarily here for the final fantasy fanservice
>dash face first into a wall
i am literally this
its embarrassing how some people dont even try not to look like transbians
>Arguing against the game getting better
Do cultists really?
Yes. We unironically like eating shit here. Half of the ebins have diaper kinks even the males. Think it's a coincidence? No. It's like going into a FIM thread and saying how weird bronies are. We know. We don't care.
my femlala is much like this too
at the end of the thread nobody will know
that i am
a gay catboy
maze+ literally saved wow
prior to it there was nothing to aside from leveling alts and raidlogging
Move on, please. We don't want you here.
Suck my cock and take Tina back with you.
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>then go play those
bro what do you think people are doing lmao
Welcome to /xivg/ hope you enjoy your stay for rest of the evening.
you should ask the fc leader to kick him out
There is no saving catboy stocks LMAOOO
i wish i could be a crafter main
Nah, I want him here. I'd like the game to improve, and it needs people pointing out flaws of the game to improve.
Yes. Because they don't give a fuck about complaints here. If you actually genuinely cared about having your voice heard you'd have a better chance at talking about it on the forums even the jp forums. Macchi does exactly that. It's why he's objectively the best poster here he doest just whine on 4chan but does his best to bring attention elsewhere too which none of you do, because you don't care about the game, you just want to shitpost
so never ever use and stick to the purple en avan combo with the bird and finisher cooldown to just one shot healers, got it.
She's your problem now. Fake nice is a XIV specialty, MSQandy.
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no one uses steam
XIV would never work with true m+ because the devs are scared of jobs having more utility like aoe stuns/slows/poly or making kick interrupts important. They want to dumb everything down to SMN and RPR
the FC leader is siding with this asshole, can you believe it? i'm probably gonna have to leave myself
The futalover "catboy" is actually a malera trying to crash our stock
>that gif
lmao what wii game are those amiibo looking freaks from? shit looks hilarious.
Good, i told you old dogs can learn new tricks! You are improving, good boy! *pats head*

Just take him to Aether at least, wowbucks give me the ick.
It's the end of the thread and I'm asking if a lalaboy can also use QoS tattoos or is that a femchar thing?
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I wish Claire was here to get everyone even more mad..
Halicarnassus, Dynamis
anon, you might be the problem
ok but what about the gay catboy
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Well, at least the game is still good for making lalafell porn
okay but if you don't play enough that you want to unsub except for housing then why do you have to have a house
tomodachi land
dont look at the overall numbers. look at the trends. nothing inherent to steam led all those steam users to drop the game over the last 3 months. it's happening for everyone. xiv is cooked, so people are playing other games.
how are you so stupid that you cant read trends
why does cbu3 hate it's casual and midcore base so much?
Good. There should be less players. I hope more play other games soon.
It's the only actual indicator of what's going on as the census site is unreliable and bancho rarely updates. The closest ro sumize data is from steam which has gained popularity in usage. So yes it is an indicator.
It's clearly not all as there's unironically more mare users than steam users but that's still useful to gage. The game lost a ton of people like it or not. I'm not a doomer btw that's just an objective fact
Why would you stay subbed for 6+ months for a housing change when you don't have fun playing the actual game
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>i can't goon in wow
Male bros they're laughing at us again..
My femra just completed Stormblood post-patch content and is ready to experience Shadowbringers. She is having a blast.
I can tell when I'm not wanted!...
t. falseflagger
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ffxiv in 2024
Imagine just barely being ESO
her tighty whities aren't very white.......
They can be used universally. When I did bleached with a dark-skinned femboy I used Jack of Hearts but that's a bit nitpicky.
It's a good thing xiv is cooked. It deserves it. Now go play your other games and go post in other generals. You'll have more fun.
Gotcha, wowbucks stopped replying so that means i won. Hopefully you find a new better game to play, bucky.

Much love

-Rob Chidori
It is known that rubbing a femlala’s belly is good luck. My femlala’s belly is particularly lucky.
>tfw new player so I still have tons of stuff to do
feels good
>grrr I hate fan service
>shaaloani was my favorite zone!
Comically retarded post.
>this is wow's goonfuel
>meanwhile we have hatcat
It's clear which game is superior
He's based
yeah i thought it kind of looked like th
bro wait what
no way
Tiber Septim when?
>Doesnt know what optimization is
There's no content to do because the content isn't out yet. This happens every expansion.
Because housing is the most important and lucrative thing in the game. It just cant carry on its own thoughbeit.

I have fun, but theres no fun content anymore beyond housing.
Based same. I haven't even subbed.
>can't give examples of how to make it better
>just references wow and gachas as if having the game be a second job or mindless grind for FOMO events is an improvement over sparse updates
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>Disikes disabled by Owner
Didn't even know that was a thing but it makes it even funnier
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ok but to be fair
male aura look fucking retarded
i want to rub a femlalas coochie instead, i bet it brings even better luck
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THIS is actually ffxiv in 2024. This is why anyone plays. You see the 200k people on mare? That's most of who's left on NA. They all play for THIS
arent they always disabled for sqeenix
>implying they pander to hardcore playerbase
job complexity evaporated, removed dps checks, short raid tiers with excruciatingly long gaps between releases, inconsistent ultimate release schedule(original plan to have 3 per expansion)

Also FRU will be probably last ultimate we will get given how things are looking.
I could say the same thing about femezen, bitch
Why are male character players even more sensitive than libtard Kamala voters?
It got fixed already and grants over 4 times what it gave per week alongside now having a way to farm it with no cap though.
Good, people used to worship Yoshida like a fucking guru
I want XIV to be good though
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So what's stopping you from playing another game?
that fat ass will get me through the drought to april
you have to take responsibility then
You've never actually read the garbage macchi shits out on the OF, or if you have and still believe what you just said you're even dumber than he is
nta but no you can't femezen are fucking sexy
+Fino Fantasy XIV Social Credit Score
I'm tryna clear UWU
Rubbing my femlala's womb would bring even more luck...
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theres a woman who looks like this at the end of my street and every day when i leave for work shes out in the yard in a bikini wobbling around with the imax 16k octuple HD cellulite on display
that's fine with me, i will eb her and make her my pocket sized wife
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If I tell you Trump lost in 2020, will you stop what you're doing and write me a 4 paragraph speech again
crash bandicoot lookin ass race
imagine being such a loser you stay subbed to a game you complain about all the time because of virtual real estate
I don't think I could come up with anything more pathetic
This fucking thread.
I'm in a static, we're going again next week, but I've been trying to practice in PF
I feel like I'm close but I may not get to practice tonight... sucks...
You should marry and produce kids with her
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Nothing, nothing at all!
that's a pillar
>look up the flist of the transbian race
>it’s a transbian
Nigga are you surprised?
I uninstalled Baldur's Gate 3 because they kept giving 100gb patch updates and I needed more room for my moonie'sAB body mods and lewds.
I regret resubbing before watching the liveletter, holy fuck what a nothing patch
>macchi forum posts
his posts are actual satire, I've read them while I'm at work and they make me laugh. the whole "we like this" shit that we do on vg as a joke, he writes there and people take it seriously. bro's posts are funny, but he is not actually addressing any concerns. if anything he makes the most unhinged retards there feel validated.
shes married with kids
and id never touch that even if she wasnt
cellulite makes my stomach churn
nice post?
Eb status
I don't really understand why some players get so defensive when you criticise the lack of content. It's not as if they'd lose anything if SE put more resources into the game.
I'm going to play monhun beta after this youtube video.
Not to the wily schizophrenic it isn't.
macchi my fucking hero
I hate how alliance raids are basically fomo. Either you run them on launch or live with the fact you'll never see half the fight mechanics once it's overgeared.
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I see
most people here are genuinely too low iq to realize macchi posts are shitposts
parasocial relationship with the lead dev. they think yoshida is their friend, and they get upset when you criticize the game because it's like you are criticizing their friend.
they also made this game into something of a lifestyle choice, so when you criticize the game it's like you're criticizing their lifestyle
add to that just general fanboy bullshit
i miss playing my Dracthyr...
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iv' been othergaming akchully
Hrothtroon hands typed this
i've been playing factorio when I don't want to play ffxiv
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i am
>posts a retarded looking femezen
Automating science production with my wife..
ya' lookin' big
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But I am.
They probably don't want to do that because they still need to add new jobs in future expansions. They might not have done Corsair in DT, but they probably still want to leave the door open on doing Corsair eventually.
XIV is good though
If it wasn't good then you wouldn't be playing it
the game and structure it has right now is similar to what it's been for 10 years
if you don't like the game as it is right now and that's not enough to keep you subbed, then you've never really liked FFXIV, except maybe when you start playing and you have multiple expansions of content you haven't done before
I like mmos but I don't like the people that play mmos.
>laced thigh-highs
Mandatory buy. I hate how YoshiP has us vanilla glammers by the balls.
I've been playing turtle wow while playing fl games at times
thank you sah!
Because the game is going to get better soon

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