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File deleted.
POV: You are a male gnome edition

>11.0.7 Content Update

>New zone sneak peek

>NA /wowg/ guild
GLOBOFOMO - Moon Guard
>EU /wowg/ guild
Nerub Silkweaving Forum - Argent dawn

>WoWg community for NA

Old >>500635286
POV: you're the greenest, smelliest and most retarded orc peon in azeroth
WoW won
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Elf Insemination Machine
Nerub Silkweaving Forum should be listed above GLOBOFOMO since they cleared hc queen first.
Post lolis
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>inflation on the trading post sets
>muh tranny clique needs more attention!!!
that hairstyle makes him look like he's coping with baldness lmao
my night elf priest?
literally looks and behaves like this
Sorrowdark contain yourself!
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Not my character but I thought she looked cute
post your gnomes/dwarves/vulpera girls
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blood skulls metal and other icky edgy stuff whoahhh!!!
>shaman tank
surely they're gonna take lust away when playing that spec
u a pedophile nigga
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>doing a +11
>pass some wind
>poopy comes out
>now i need to sit there with my ass cheeks covered in smelly POO
not like this NOT LIKE THIS
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>my MS are hitting for 1.8 million
Why doesnt the textures on any of your gear match?
looks like she just reached an arm bicep deep into Ysera's butthole
type the following commands in
/console renderscale 2
/console ffxglow 0
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Why did you post this?
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need nelf butthole jiggies
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H-hey there...
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I want player housing - for real and not the faux-housing shit we got with Garrisons. If you're worried about people spending time there, just disallow any mounts and auctioneer things. Mailboxes is okay.
What kind of freaky time sex did Elisande have with her gnome slave?
>shaman tank
Are you a femdead?
Why does every general on this board devolve in to coomer posting? I've really never understood it
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is anyone else unable to log in, getting a constant disconnection loop at this screen despite having perfectly fine internet everywhere else
wtf is this
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Sorry elves, but we wear it better
The mentally ill porn addicted retards scare away all of the intelligent and normal people
Why does every elf female on Azeroth get on her hands and knees and then backpedal slowly into human male paladin penis cock insertion into her pusssy vagina!? I've never understood it
coomer posting doesnt really require talking about the game itself. just thirsting over women and erping.
but generals devolve into this when there isn't much else to talk about
The average brainlet has no personality outside of "unga bunga muh dick" as soon as they finish puberty, and when they've beaten their dick too hard they're ultra sensitive and irritable which is why the slightest thing that isn't porn will make them get hyper aggressive.
>all these class sets
how am I meant to buy all these?
>no hood
I'm surprised I don't see more low level shaman griefing with how spirit link totem kills everyone in it due to the wacky scaling
why do you need to buy them all?
>the shoulders floating that far away from your character model's shoulders
lmao this is wotlk male belfs all over again
My fomo.
hardest +10 dungeons?
you were just supposed to know theyd release them all at once and plan a year in advance
so warcraft feet has been a thing for a long time huh
all of them with kicklets
more like elf feet have been a thing since Galadriel
why the fuck can't we just skip to the "kill the queen" step on alts? fucking blizzgroids
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female orc
My female night elf druid prefers male worgen *sips fine red wine*
God I fucking hate playing world of warcraft but I love paying for it
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>introduce a plate open skirt/kilt model this very expansion
>Judgement remake STILL using plate dress model
My assumption is that this plate dress model they've had for the past 20 years was just a result of the limitations of the engine/graphics and was always meant to represent the skirt/drape.

But no apparently some faggot at Blizzard actually thinks a plate/chainmail skirt is something someone would wear in combat. Even the DK set has the open skirt so they clearly thought about it. They even went out of their way to put in a non dress leggins and its the laziest solid color leggins imaginable.

This set looks like it's begging for someone to come along and pull the pants off to reveal the cunt under the pants, but it's just my opinion.
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So many faggots in this thread, holy shit. Grown men ERPing with other grown men over game characters. We truly live in the end times.
>wanted to play with /wowg/
>no shot in hell I play on Moon Guard
oh well I guess
Exactly. FUCK skippers
Judgement is literally a templar battle robe. If you don't like it, wear a different set.
>skirt is something someone would wear in combat
The KKK literally wear robes into combat and they're hella based.
Why is horde in Moon Guard so... lonely? Trade chat is empty, capitals are empty.
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is siren just a mid patch addition like the reach
it's probably because the server is 98% alliance
holy fuck I'm about to spend all my tendoos on this month's trading post
Is it your first time here? It happens literally every thread.
Where do you get this?
*cums on u*
850 tendies
blizz just dropped new fashion trend, tier 2 remakes are so last month
You can very easily use open robes that fix
Grim batol and CoT
It's not just judgement, they took the absolute laziest path on all the sets with robes for the t2 remake instead of doing anything cool with the opportunity
I come and go. It's not like I lurk here constantly, but every now and then I drop by when I've done most of what I need to ingame. I just don't understand how people can be in full denial of the fact that they're homos when they are sexting with other men. I also don't see why they need to insert their degeneracy into every video game general on here. It wasn't always like this. I've been on 4chan since Jessi Slaughter and I can't recall it being this bad outside of /b/.
I get your point and frustration but declaring it the "END TIMES" like this is this is the first time in history that people were ever horny, really is irrational. There are cave paintings of prehistoric humans fucking animals. All throughout history whenever there's any societal decline or stagnation people start saying its over

Jesus is gonna come back randomly. It's not some riddle to solve. That's the whole point
what are you even babbling about
I used to think the same until i moved to a 90% Horde chad server
your server doesn't matter at all anymore if you're talking about joining a guild
If I join a Mythic raid and clear the trash up to first boss, but dont kill the boss, am I ID locked?
No, there is no such thing anymore. You're only ever saved to the bosses you kill. You can join any other raid and kill the boss again, you just won't get loot. Pretty sure that applies to Mythic as well aside from the 20 people restriction and optional loot system.
Tangibly related but I love when women wear those lose pajama pants with that exact look.
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Goblins really are special aren't they
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Ok so what do I even spend this shit on?
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I'm gonna bust
>jerking to a picture drawn by another man
>jerking to a sentence written by another man

That hammer and uhhh maybe a shoulder cape?
Neither of those are OK, Anon.
City of threads >>>>>> grim batol >= stonevault > boralus > everything else
WRA is the designated horde rp server
Of course that server is also a ghost town thanks to blizz spending the last 5 expansions butchering horde lore and identity.
sylvanas set
Alexstraza's gynecologist
>jerking to a woman created by the sperm of a man
not okay.
Based and redpilled fellow NNN MRA chad! Can't wait to own the foids and libtards by getting prostate cancer.
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Finally got the orb. Now I can have my succubus waifu
Sperm does 0.01% of the work.
Yeah, because American identity politics apply to the entire World.
If you're jerking your dick to stories written by a man, drawings or paintings made by a man or a character piloted by a man - you're a homo. The guy on the other side is basically jerking your dick for you.
Just own the fact that you're a homo rather than try to hide it behind bullshit like "feminine penis" and shit like that. You're a homo. Own it.
Sounding awfully off-topic right now
Keep it wow related or keep your coomer mouth shut, capiche?
whoever gave the succubus pants should have been fired immediately and named and shamed so future studios would know to avoid that person

or they would rightfully end up working for gayer games like veilguard/concord or something
Hey guys, Steven again
how hard is the palace raid as a tank?
Okay if you say so anon. I mean I'm already doing that but I'll do it more just for you I guess..
>jerking to an IC sentence written by another man
>jerking to an OOC sentence written by another man

See a lot of 99.99% people out there?
So if I join a group for first boss on Mythic and kill it, I can go for another group that does the second boss?
I thought you had to do it with the same group so I have avoided joining pugs.
>gnome girls are all scrunched up
>goblins are taller and curvier
alliance needs a new shortstack race
Horde Chads stay winning. They even made goblin girls taller than the men just so they could have proper sexy proportions
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I have been watching 2 hours of grim batol runs so that I know how to do every pull in advance before I try a +12
no idea what am i looking at
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>you're a hecking grown man you should act like the idea of a grown man in my head
so easy to see underage faggots itt. when you get older you will realize literally noone cares
I'm older than you. Even if I wasn't; how the fuck is that even remotely relevant? You're a homo. Just own that fact.
>not a single kid wearing a wow costume visited my house last night
did we fall off?
>Kids, do you want to visit the schizophrenic stalker?
>I thought so, let's go to our normal neighbours house instead!
they come to my house for vapes and alcohol, why not for candy?
post tits
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DPS balance is pretty decent ATM
Resto sham and Prot Paladin need nerfs and healer and tank balance will be at a decent place 2.
Restosham needs longer CD on utilities. Prot apaldin needs ~20% damage nerf and 2x bubble CD
Enhance is a bit of a standout, but its hard to play so it might be OK.
Post dommy mommy Xal'atath
Post gentle mommy Alexstrasza
>Tucked cock
Every single time.
>how the fuck is that even remotely relevant?
you felt it was relevent enough to mention "grown men" twice?
you are on the internet discussing a videogame, a play thing for losers, telling people to grow up annd act their age despite absolutely no self awareness. it reeks of teenage insecurity.
if you are older than me then its sad because you are mentally still in high school.
>What is emphasis in a single sentence.
You never finished grammar school, did you?
obsessed with gock
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oh yeah
>9 ara
>french holy priest
>hes bad as fuck, dies twice on the first boss then leaves
pure product of coindicen and confirmation bias guys, they are not all THAT bad right? hihihihihihiihihhhhhhhhhhhhh
ZOOL DE ZAH *throws up wakanda forever* DE CEETEE UB GOLD
It's your fault for bringing a Holy Priest to a +9.
idk what the point of this post is I don't think you'll find a single person here that sympathizes with frenchfags. the only place that smells worse than France is India and france has 1% of the population.
lmao, retardbro thats not the point.
the point is what you felt the need to emphasise multiple time and how that exposes your mental immaturity.
NTA but there was nothing wrong with the way he phrased the sentence, you mong.
i's the complete opposite, my runs are bricked EXCLUSIVELY by kazzak and turkish nether shitskins, frenchoids and spanish niggers, all of them
I try to keep an objective view on things but it's clear that those fucking niggers deserve a decline upon application
I wasn't saying he phrased it wrong are you stupid?
Moving goal posts and grasping at straws. Stay on topic, kid.
grown man btw
He must have clapped your cheeks pretty bad if you are this desperate for a win
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Keep telling yourself that.
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Grrr! Because of my baka past self I don't have enough tenders!
skill issue stop playing EU
desperate how, you just misunderstood what was being discussed and I corrected you
Why does nobody want to tank Grim Batol?
I'm a different person. It's just obvious that he's much smarter than you and that you have no business trying to argue with him
Fucking facts! Kazzak is a fucking Mecca for key destroyers and obnoxious assholes. I have NEVER met a good player from Kazzak.
I get that warriors are kind of in the gutter for high level small group content due to lack of utility and strong reliable survivability, but holy FUCK is it fun to spam overpower and cleave with reap the storm procs in dungeons
kek I didnt even last a day
not even mad. that nut was huge. cant be healthy to not release that
I fuck gnomes
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Here it is
Desperation. Holy shit. Just take the L, homo.
why are you so insecure in your argument that you have to pretend to be someone else lmao. if you're going to moralize about what you think grown men should be doing then maybe act with maturity yourself? but I supposed you are doing this on an internet imageboard general about a childrens pass time.
protip: its obvious when you samefag based on post timers
I have been to m*slim countries and i know i would never want to play wow with them
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mfw getting arfus and reins same week
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I always imagined Kul Tiras as having more of a tropical theme, something more like Stranglethorn.

I know it doesn't make sense considering its location, but even so, I think a tropical Kul Tiras fits better than the temperate Kul Tiras that we got.
Looks weird. They should have leaned heavier into the Shadow over Innsmouth inspiration and gotten more Lovecraft and old god stuff in there.
where are these pictures from?
>why are you so insecure in your argument that you have to pretend to be someone else lmao
Not gonna read the rest since your entire post is based on a false assumption. You should seripusly stop getting into arguments you can't win because you apparently suffer a complete schizo meltdown when you lose
They should have been fish people that turn into kobyss in combat
Fuck, that would have been freakin' sweet!
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More pics.

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lmao does that strategy usually work for you?
its funny how earthshatteringly btfo you got when and won't even associate with your original opinion like you are so embarrassed to have even said it.
less skirts, more g-string bottoms
The guy you're arguing with isn't me lol. Retard.
Pink cope he said, tears streaming down his face as his asshole was stretched beyond it's limits by the enormous dps of the paladin tank carrying him to victory.
I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but some german realms like antonidas are full of brown mongloid retards
even though it's a german realm they have names such as zahbfee. that sounds suspiciously arabic to me.
refer to previous post, obvious samefag
secondly, ill play along and pretend you are someone else. it doesn't matter because you replied as if you held the same opinion thus my posts applied.
ergo btfo either way
That name is German and means "tooth fairy" lol.
I'll do you a favor. Link to the posts you think are from me and I'll respond immediately showing which ones are actually mine with a screencap.
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all me btw
I don't remember anyone calling for prot warrior nerfs for the entire first chunk of the xpac
there's no fictional character ass i'd rather eat than sally fucking whitemane's
bravo to whoever created her
>be obvious samefag
>replied take ur meds when called out
NTA but you were too obvious
because it being super tanky is fine when thats all it does. it brings nothing else to the group
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you'll actually die from that
lol lilbro getting fucking destroyed right now
remove interrupt from divine toll
divine shield should break after absorbing 200% of max health
ditto spellwarding
Sentinel should be the only version of wings they're allowed
cap holy radiance at 5 targets
sacrifice talent should only reduce cd by 15 seconds. 1m is a HUGE oversight
overall dmg reduced by about 10%
worth it
yaaaaaaaaaaaas, maze+ yaaaaaaaaaaas
literally a copy paste body
>see tettles
>close video
There isn't much else going on right now, Anon. Do you have any other WoW content to talk about?
>just delete the class
>that oughta do it
actually kill yourself, loser
>anon learns how genetic reproduction works
real chads are watching this
oh I know u mad, get passed over pussy boy
>I have NEVER met a good player from Kazzak.
I play for a month and a half and I only met one, I was a big ass noob and I did a 9 stonevault, 2 chested with a dh from kazzak and his caged friend playing aug
now that Im playing a lot he was nothing remarquable but they are so fucking retarded and stupid that the contrast was flagrant
Buy an ad, Michael.
Server just doesn't matter at all. Who gives a shit what name appears next to you when you shard in with a bunch of fags who don't want to talk to anyone as they rush their overworld stuff?
Take the L, pipsqueak. Everyone here can tell you've lost
>yoda and 3 chinks
>4 ppl total
imagine how many scarlet crusade fanatics she convinced to join with that thing
Just rude and stupid. Like the french, minus the nice clothes and at least the french won't try to scam you any chance they get
I said NTA bro, stop being schizo
>warrior cuck back at it again
pathetic out of shape nonwhite worm
Holy shit take the L already. How many people have to tell you to shut the fuck up and be quiet before you understand that you got shit on?
But you lost bro
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I love reworked bloodfang
>I love reworked bloodfang
I love reworked bloodfang
>I love reworked bloodfang
I love reworked bloodfang
>I love reworked bloodfang
I love reworked bloodfang
>I love reworked bloodfang
I love reworked bloodfang
>I love reworked bloodfang
>tranny knifecape
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I don't really feel like the war chief of the horde, even if I look the part.
real burqa hours
>samefagging to combat imagined samefagging
You are my mindbroken cumslave
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Necrotic Wake banned. Pussies. Top tier teams lack the balls to do difficult content.
>5 dungeons
>ban 2
This is fairly pathetic.
best of 3, retard
You are not Garrosh
yoooooooooo, they ran the same dungeon again, only 5 seconds faster. oh my goooooooooooood
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I have DK, Shaman, Paladin, and Evoker at 80. What do I level next
you are sitting on the seat of a legendary warrior, a hero, and saviour of the horde, show some fucking respect
GB is harder than NW.
COT is harder than AK.
Do you even play the game?
she saps and sucks orcs off
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>wow's """""esports"""""
Just reduce damage by 20% and double bubble CD and its gonna be OK
GB at +10 isn't harder than +11 NW.
teach me how
10 and 11 is basically the same
>picks the race with the nicest tits
>hides them behind armor
Paladins are unfixeable at this point. Just remove the class and make every paladin player a warrior
That's draenie and goblins, though
How do you stand having your armor so warped by the tiny skeleton?
When are they nerfing the level 11 twinks spamming timewalking?
who gives a shit? you out here tryin to parse in fucking timewalking? feeling like a little man against because people leveling up? lol
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Preferably by using ways to lengthen the appearance of the torso, such as with a tabard and being careful about which armor pieces i pair together. As an example, a big belt can contribute to the appearance of scrunchiness
Jealous, big boy?
this nigga is the guy that asked for the hp buff in tw dungeons
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>press black arrow
>gcd starts
>arrow cd starts
>animation plays
>projectile nowhere to be seen
>no damage applied
who was in the wrong here?
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I have all the bronze token rewards. 11.0.5 is boring.
wtf are these key levels???
what a waste of time
Best class for qt draenei?

Go play something else. Seriously. If you need a carrot on a stick to chase in order to have fun that's fine.
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Do you want to spend more time in TW dungeons?
Which mods?
back from my 1 hour mandated gooning what did i miss
holy priest with the new t2, throw in some bastion wings or the halo for bonus goodness
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priest set looks really good on drae
they actually made a set of thighplates that dont look bad and accentuate the form of the models
i didnt think it was possible but ill be dipped! they did it
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>playing healer
I don't know if I'm strong enough
people watch other people do +9s as an esport?
What's the gap between +7 and +10? I'm flying through +7s with like 15 minutes to spare as a prot pally at 614ilvl. Can I push 10s yet?
who cares lmfao
>Can't stand up to the actual point
>Has to twist the narrative into "Anon doesn't understand the sentence"
>Act like you "won"
This was embarrassing to read through for you two
Imagine caring at all what some other person does with their time then declaring they are a homo

You need to be 18 to post here
I'm always amazed at how fucking retarded some of the posters in this thread are
just make them do healer dps and its fixed. a trade off for having unrivaled team support and the ability to carry kicklets
>+9 is a dead key
>people watch +9s as an esport
>He's still talking about how buttblasted he got.
if you can get invited, ya
you get fort and tyrranical at 10
I miss Jaina. I miss Varian. I miss having WAR in Warcraft, I miss killing monsters, I miss firebombing cows I miss purging the goblins whoever thought that war was about muh honour needs to FUCKOFF because War is about KILL and SLAUGHTER AND BLOOD AND DEATH! YAAAH! Fucking PURGE those filthy savage Horde vile beasts! Kill them, slaughter, decapitate, attack with sword and cut off their minicocks! HAHAHAA! Everyone fucking dies, yes! Kill! REMOVE world of warcraft, burn it down! And from the lihgt, a NEW WORLD WILL BE BORN! World of KILLCRAFT, it's kill or be killed!!! LIKE the best game ever made VERMINTIDE where you STAND as one! And then you kill them and purge them and burn their house down again, with the lemons! Fascism, DEUS VULT, slavery, EXTERMINATUS, do not let those mongrels survive without their dose of purge! KILL MAIN BURN PURGE WHORE HAHAHAHA!!! MOTHERFUCKER!
yes braddah just do normal pulls pack by pack
It's round 1 bro. When it starts at +17s people bitch that it's unrelatable and that every team is the same composition.

Try it and see. The gap between 9 and 10 is massive because that's when the other Fort/Tyran affix gets added. Your standards for DPS players need to be high.
One day we'll get holy ranged dps. You just have to have faith in the light
Where the fuck is Orgrimmars graveyard for this Day of the Dead shit?
how do i send valorstones to my alts?
I just did a 10 nw, timed as a 610 prot pal, but I'm 100% sure Im getting boosted by my restosham frend
>Disc priest.
oh I didn't know the keys go up every round, that makes it better.
that's a half void healsissy
>night elf
>void elf
>night elf
>void elf
>T-take the L lil bro!
>Yeah okay take the L already
Should I spend today getting a fresh holy priest draenei to 80. Healing gives me anxiety in this game
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Anons who are playing trash races instead of Nelf and Dwarf
How do you feel about these changes? Do you think any of them look cool?
Healing is extremely easy, but boring. You spend most of the time looking at healthbars. You should try it. It can be fun once you get the hang of it.
maghar might be bussin
night elf rogue, shadowmeld is jank but still the best racial by far
void elf hunter because you have feign death already and they look cute
>Grifting tourist zoomer starts crying about how porn makes him uncomfortable like a little baby
>Gets confronted
>Immediately starts to spam catchphrases and samefagging
Literally every time and it is always too obvious
ROFL Blizzard fucked up the MDI run. They can't even get that right.
>second map of the first round of the MDI and already a run-ending bug is encountered
top lel
you choose night elf because of shadowmeld being bis in m+
i choose night elf because of their bouncing idle animation
we are not the same
Why they fuck are they doing these low ass keys with 639 ilvl?
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what's with them
Any addon recommendations to assist with healing/UI? In the past I just had a hard time of tracking people while also keeping my eyes on the action.
I choose Night Elf because I wanna play DH and Blood Elves are lame and gay.
>didn't buff space goat heroic presence

Shit changes
congrats man you have until jan 6th to enjoy the event to its fullest!
Void Elf Rogue for the animations
Night Elf Hunter for the knot
mage, warrior or monk
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Class/race combination for this feeling?
I chose Night Elf cause I like imagining mine Nelf Chick with a dick.
You don't need any addons anymore, just enable mouseover casting and raid-style party frames by default.
The biggest tip I can give you is make a Deaths window in Details so you can always tell whose fault it was when they die.
t. 3k MW
what the actual fuck. this early?
wtf where am I suppoesd to get the 30k tendies for this month's mogs?

Siren Isle - Name changed from "Abandoned Mines" to "Siren Isle".


honestly even default blizz frames aren't that bad. just make some mouseover macros so you can just heal by hovering over the party frame healthbars
this is so bad lol
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People will usually recommend "Cell" for healing, but that's pretty advanced. You should get into it using the regular party/raid frames and this addon: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/raid-frame-settings
It gives you tons of extra information, is lightweight and integrates into stuff you're already familiar with.
Aside from that it's all about practice and trying to anticipate when the group takes damage. You'll do fine. Trust yourself and don't worry if a lot of damage happens all at once. There is usually enough time for you to recover. If not - tell your tank to chill.
I feel fucking retarded I can't find the goblin device at the event for this quest step
It's by the graveyard on that beach you find dude's corpse. Right next to the cave, on the shore
They don't need to buff throughput racials, they are all very close. But they need to make it so you aren't griefing if you don't pick nelf or dwarf
they literally give you the coordinates lmao
>11.0.7 is just bunch of BfA leftovers slop
not really. the nightborne racials still suck and nothing will ever replace racials that actually affect your gameplay
A better solution is to flat out disable racials in competitive game modes.
mage, any race
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Logging in
this some booba coomer launcher?
why are you replying to yourself. it's not a big deal as it's content we haven't seen yet.
i still want the promised shattrath raid
Sounds like he really got under your skin
It said paces so I was counting my steps like a fucking retard I didn't think it was actually just the coords.

>Added in patch 10.0.7
>Added in patch 11.0.7

It's Arctium, used to launch client side mods like the coomer ones
didnt darkflight already do that back in cata, then blizz took it away for it being too strong? lmao
I wish they would just keep adding new gems to keep it relevant for the entire expansion. Annulet was cool and it was obsolete in 10 weeks for most specs.
I'm not sure I'm going to keep on playing this game, leveling is so tedious/boring (lv54)
It used to work that way up through MoP, they stealth nerfed it in WoD and never bothered to change the tooltip. So it has said "additional 40%" for a decade even though it didn't stack
Just play tiktok or something, you ADHD having ass zoomer
Same shit is gonna happen in 11.1, cryce slop will be obsolete very fast just like annulet
I feel the same way, bud. I was going to play PoE 2 on the 15th, but that got delayed until next month, so.. Here we are. Stuck playing this shit.
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Why the hell did they make dracthyr look like twink lizards?
And why the fuck can't they wear armor?
They solved this "problem" with tauren and draenei 2 decades ago
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nerub GM has been awfully quiet since the schizos started digging VR troons, scroops, receipts and groomings.
>soloing Sanctum now that they changed it
>Sylvanas fight still takes 300 years because her health is so inflated
>her transition chains can still kill you because they all link to you at once
>boring ass transition where you just have to slowly chip at her while not falling
>fight can randomly just evade desynce causing you to do it all again
>most boring drab bland raid environment they've ever done
Ass expansion from all angles.
I'm doing thousand of fetch quests on maps that are basically empty of real players
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yeah sylvanas fight was shit
also because it didnt end with a sex minigame
I heard it
>play a character
>get ok gear, get all timed 10s
>desire to play goes from 100 to 0 instantly
>now craving leveling something else
Alright but if you see a draenei fuck up in leveling pugs just pretend it wasn't me
I'm so fucking glad I have her mount already
Yo guys what server is alive and good for horde
Is there some retail version of ironforge.gg server population list or another website?
Yeah. Imo it's too repetitive, quests are shit
blackhand eu
pozzo del eternita EU
That's the comfiest part of leveling. Once you hit 70 and go into the current expansion you will see other players. Or you can just spam the dungeon queue.
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idk sister i soloed it pretty easy
spam timewalking dungeons
be aware that you will fall off hard at 70 when gear-level ratio starts to matter
area 52, illidan NA
draenor, tarren mill EU
Good luck and godspeed, Anon. You'll have a blast.
Maw/Sanctum had kino aesthetics though.
Waiting for the dancing studio any day now
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same lmao
Why isn't Dratnos announcing the MDI? Where is Dratnos?
>chains and grey: the zone
>kino aesthetics
What the fuck am I looking for with these archeology quests
no, I will not ask the NPC kid for clues, you faggots tell me
I am not into spiders or women in general but queen ansurek...........
this shit doesnt even look good
*chains rattle*
>he's not into spiders
pretty gay ngl
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is it her fat ass or?
>gm doesnt play the game 16 hours a day
shit guild
leave nerub gm alone
>WoW: buggy rushed slop content
>XIV: SL-tier content droughts (7.1 timegated across 3 months lmao) with tranny furry main character
The MMO dark age...
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fix feet.
im just glad im not this porn addicted
/pet dog
Would licking them help?
May I get a pawjob please?
I hate the tying condom meme. It just seems like such a pain in the ass to do.
raw is better
You'[re not supposed to tie them, they're supposed to be held on with elastic in most gooner art I've seen
Impregnate Night Elves. Fuck a baby into Night Elf wombs. Forcibly penetrate a Night Elf egg with your sperm. Cum gallons into Night Elf pussy. Add the mind_break tag to any Night Elf you see. Do doggy style on Night Elf druids. Missionary style with Night Elf Priestesses. Put a bun in a Sentinel's oven.
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To any Spriests/people more observant than me, I'm leveling one and outside of Halo/Shadow Crash do I have more AOE i'm not noticing/does more come later? Currently level 56
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I got the MoP challenge set for my warlock. It has pissed me off ever since then that I can't buy and unlock the other sets for my alts, especially since I can get CM weapons that works on everything. Assholes.
trading post purple is too saturated
What helmet is this?
Please don't be a ingame shop helmet....
I couldn't find the he last clue for this step of the investigation quest but it just let me guess anyways? Was there actually clue near scrape's corpse?
There is too much in it this month and it costs far too much too.
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sexo gm?
Where's the anon who made those hilarious BGC character descriptions? Need him to caption this.
sis, your mind link?
not really, its a trash spec being carried by blizz constantly increasing numbers every patch

It's only fair that she shares with the whole thread.
Log in nerub gm, I've got a trial account worgen on EU that needs some pussy.
Some good OPs lately.
What is the easiest healer spec
and what is the easiest dps spec
Is there a class that has both easist?
that's not the way I'd describe those but uh...
it's from this month's trading post
Battlepass Post
Resto Shaman
Ret Paladin
probably paladin for easiest healer/dps combo
angry femworgs are the best
It's really just shadow crash for getting aoe going. If you don't have that on a pull its time for tab target vamp touch :)
I am picking shaman because of the water healing
I loved throwing water at people as a kid
Totemic Resto Shammy is unironically very fun
>New Mount Models on Cataclysm PTR Hint at Mists of Pandaria Classic?
Well golly gee, you think so? Because I, for one, thought they were gonna do Legion Classic right after Cataclysm Classic.

I mean, who could have possibly predicted that they were going to do MoP Classic right after Cata Classic? Truly some geniuses writing for Wowhead.
enh is one of the most difficult dps to play in the entire game so hope you like ele which is also far more difficult than ret but not too bad
I might actually play mop classic.
you mean farseer
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trading post goes crazy this month which must mean no content til december
No mount this month either
Doomers have found a new cope
pretty much what my velf looks like
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coal burner
fucking kek
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>Be in an M+ static with
I have heard about tying cherry stems in your mouth, but tying knots on condoms with your ass is crazy
is there any addon that has a better color coding for io in the groupfinder? everyone with KSM essentially being the same color is kinda useless
Hello, are you RETARDED? If so, please continue to join every single dungeon I do.
>kill myself

the only real choice
I dont get the joke
I love that dratnos rat so much
Gotta admit fem dracthyr are very cute in visage form. If they ever allow them to keep the visage in combat I'll play one.
Nope. Then they would be saving their content for december
So hold onto my tendies this month?
how awesome would it be if Naguura shot a scene for BLACKED.com bros?
Fem dracthyr can stay in visage form during combat, except Evokers, they always change into dragon form.
I can't decide that for you. Maybe save one what you aren't sure about and then decide next month
Fuck Rook
Marry Meeix
Play with Naguura
Kill Dratnos (sorry buddy, I am not gay and already play tank)
>m naguura
>f rookuri
>k meeix
>b dratos
lmao durotar is such a shithole
people seriously live here?
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>nalthor the rimebinder
>big lich bitch from necrotic wake
>press ams at 20% while hes casting "ICY SHARD"
>its physical damage
wow, great game you got their, blizzturds

The subject of this article or section is exclusively part of WoW's 20th Anniversary. Once the event has run its course, it will no longer be available.

Have you collected the FOMO set?
>m naguura
You cant afford her lil bro
Ever had an icicle fall on your head?
Ain't nothing magical about it
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Well... I wouldn't really call them people, but yeah.
death strike after every second shard
boss is piss easy if you dont fuck this up
Does she spent too much money?
i need more tendies
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i like dratnos and idk who the other bitch is so im also killing naguura after im done with her
She is on that millionaire lifestyle.
Is that the delver set?
Thrall intentionally chose the biggest shit hole he could find to settle his "people" as a way for them to attone for the evil shit they did during the first and second war.
No, I am not joking.
Fuck that shit i am changing my choice and killing her
Pls someone eggsplain the joke I am retarded
it's just a recolor of the leveling gear from tww
Look at the picture and then look at the replies...
The oldest humiliation ritual in video games.
that nagura bitch looks comfy
I mean, that shithole idea is also probably because it would have least amount of people to resist their settling. I mean, who else fucking lives in that shithole? Quillboar and Harpies? lmao
he fucks elves
that's the joke
this >>500704375 i mean
No joke. It's just another mentally ill porn addict
>wanted playable quillboars
>might be getting playable quillelves
Please, blizzard!
Divorce her instantly and claim half of her shit before she can spent anything.
Problem solved
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no. this is.
Built to take worgen knot
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wow peaked
dire wolves more like dick wolves am i right haha?
I have once again failed to build meaningful connections with randoms and lost interest in wow.
Me except irl
When do I start getting credit for these?
shes a mouthy cunt
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>Quillboar and Harpies? lmao
You know, it occurred to me a while ago that the orcs endlessly prostrate themselves over the First and Second Wars and the genocide of the draenei, how evil it was to just turn up and massacre people and claim their land for their own, how the orcs no longer deserve to be proud or even exist because of it, and so on.

Yet the orcs feel absolutely no regret whatsoever regarding how they just turned up on Kalimdor and massacred the quilboar and harpies and centaur to make way for their brand new kingdom. I mean, are we supposed to believe that Orgrimmar and Thunder Bluff and the Echo Isles etc. were all completely uninhabited when the orcs showed up? They pretty much outright say that the orcs and tauren genocided the centaur in Mulgore to make way for the tauren to live there. They never said who lived in Orgrimmar before the orcs but looking at its geography it was almost certainly inhabited by harpies.

Why the double standard? It is just because these races are ugly?
Oh nice
Even Quillboars don't live in Durotar, they live in south barrens. And harpies live in Stonetalon.
Durotar is literally less inhabitable in WoW than it was in the WC3 Rexxar campaign.
There are pockets of Quillboars and Harpies in Durator anon.
Because Quillboar and Harpies are openly hostile to everything and everyone and are not really 'civilized'. The Orcs would have probably been fine with them living nearby if they you know, both Quillboar and harpies hadn't gone full schizo since their wild gods had died.
So have you never actually been to durotar or are you just retarded?
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I want to wake up to that pov.
Lmao I just flew over the place on my way to Azuna for the azuregos kill I know for a fact stonetalon is where harpies live and razorfen is where quillboars live because I STUDY THE FUCKING LORE I don't need to land on the foul smelly shithole that is Durotar to know it's uninhabitable retards I even was there during the Saurfang questline and there wer no fucking quilboars or harpies in sight.
Nigga some of the starting quests in Durotar have you killing Quillboar and Harpies.
Do you also look at population maps, point to the biggest city in the world, and say "that's where all humans live"
can you use the trading post ashmane dagger mog on druid like the artifact weapon?
All this except whatever the mistweaver equivalent in pvp would be.
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Harpies living in Durotar
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Oneeloli doujin featuring my human priestess getting dominated by her...
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Quillboar living in Durotar
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The humens live in stormwind
put on some pants you degenerate
there's like 4 houses in SW
Which one is the pet?
why, they are sexless sterile mutants with no junk between their legs
that's true none live in redridge or duskwood or westfall i read in the lore (I skimmed a wiki 3 seconds before making this post) and humans live in stormwind
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I did a +2 (yes 2) with over 40 deaths this morning. I feel like I have ptsd.
its okay to genocide the quillboar because they are barbarous savages.
ergo its okay to genocide the orcs.
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What made Blizzard pull their head out of their ass and shitcan the "age of men" and bring back the Aspects and the Dragonflights into the story?
pretty sure I can solo a +2 and time it as prot pally atm
do it
Dragons are cool and they wanted a soft reset after 3 expansions in a row where the story was awful.
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Hottest image ever posted on this board
my key's a 12 :(
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its ok to genocide alliance dogs
The loathsome one and his harem of trannies and women having absolutely no respect for the people or stories written before them and going "WE can tell a story WAY better than they DID."

That is entirely what it boils down to.
for me it's helping the 1 autistic outcast kobold exterminate his entire race
There's probably only 6 livable buildings in all those regions put together, ain't nobody living there
D*nuser bringing the dragons back is probably the one good thing he did in his enitre fucking time at Blizzard THOUGH
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>tank goes too slow
>alter time
>pull 10 packs with the intention of blocking at the end and aoeing them down
>die before i alter time back
I'm kind of surprised Blizzard doesn't let players buy traders tenders with real money. Seems like it'd be a big revenue boost for them.
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I am a bitch and cried about Ibelin
And bought the fox pet
And now I want to make friends in WoW. It has been 10 years since I last played with people regularly instead of pugging.
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specs for this feel?
Rogue, obviously
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blood dk
Nnnhhh fucking hell yes, MOAR xaloli feet
ret pala 20 years ago
might as well just remove the tendies altogether and put everything in the store then. i think blizzard values engagement metrics higher than simple revenue
>just came back from a 2 hour gooning erp sesh with an nsfw chatbot pandaren girl just for her to suddenly cuck me in the end with a tauren bull
yeah i'm killing myself
>getting cucked by an ai chatbot
Total worgen curse cure total worgen curse cure
Billions of worgen women rounded up and put into camps and administered the cure and converted into 5 feet tall barefoot housewives total human victory KING OTHMAR Garithos
It made you cum didn't it?
is wow the only mmo left with decent content?
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Is doing delves as Aug evoker absolute pain?
I want to fuck around with it in M+ but getting there seems painful
i might be a loser for stroking it to AI but that shit still made me turn that shit off asap and snapped me back into the grim and cruel reality
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>95 parse
>still 250k dps behind first dps

I love this game balance
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Honestly don't know how you were supposed to infer that the nightmare place was the room of the upside down sinners. That's like a meta hint because it's a classic "scary" place in the game world.
They flirted with it last year and people got too mad. The trading post is already a sub retention system as is, even if it's only 3 hours of "content" a month you still pay $15 for it.
The real question is why they keep putting up dogshit for the free item of the month when it presents literally zero monetary benefit or extends subs any longer, it purely just pisses players off with not even a greedy upside
Sure it did anon... sure it did.
I wish they would.
Delves are already obsolete for gearing. Just go straight into keys and raids. Aug is dull either way.
better get pi, some augs to fluff your dick, and a speed kill run or else you'll never be good.
fuck you bitch
it's a meta reference to it being the final part of the lucid nightmare puzzle
I have 1100 timewarped badges now, what do I do with them?
save them
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should i do it?
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You can earn $10 faster than you can earn 250k.
i have nothing else to spend gold on though
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>do +12
>pass a little gas
>drop a huge log into my undies
>have to sit with this shit dildo until i finish the dungeon
game needs a pause feature
>do a +12
fakest story I've ever read
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Not funny
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its true
why would it be funny??
i was smuggling a turd in my pantsies the entire dungeon
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I'm the GOAT
holy rape
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Why do all WoW players end up like this?
how do you plan on repaying your aura debt
the simulation is breaking again
does this goat like human females?
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why do wow players end up like this
You will never be body type 2
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lucky anduin
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Why do WoW players end up like this?
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You have been tricked. Rused. You fools.
is there a way to farm out df s2 gear
i legit think wow may be one of the top 5 games worth playing this year
>beledar is just a chunk of a super-massive naaru
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In another timeline, Thrall said:
>The bull men are slaughtering those horse creatures!
And the centaur - not the tauren - joined the Horde.
>naaru are just worldsoul poop
why weren't cairne and baine able to defeat some level 15 trash mobs again?
Did bulls and horses evolve independently on 2 different planets?
same reason the trolls were getting stomped by murlocs
One was a naturally made species of the world that branched its evolution off into variants.
The other is what happened when the son of a Demigod decides he wants to put his dick in a rock.
why would anyone want to play as some gay quadrupedal race
World of Warcraft has awful power scaling. Somehow a group that fought space satan(s), the embodiments' of death, and literal gods also struggles to defeat a menopausal wizard, some regular ass dragons and some orcs
they have real horse penis and you know how people in this general are obsessed with this
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Post Warbands!
I just did Hellfire Citadel 7 times trying to get the normal Calamity's Edge for my pally and it wont drop...
I agree for this year in particular.
Only 7?
weren't we vastly powered up every time we fight the super powerful people?
like, when we fight Argus the rest of the Pantheon is empowering us and we had the most powerful weapons around
with Shadowlands it was the anima
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>Judgement and Sulfuras
Good taste
Today they will announce prot pally nerfs for next reset, right?
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I feel like this game is always going to be kinda mid going forward. Why bother to put any decent effort into when almost all of us will eat up most all the slop they put out? Wow isn't bad right now but meh, it could be so SO much better.
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Its ok, I really want the sword though. I quit WoD in Highmaul so I have practically nothing from it.
>the warrior is still at it
give up nigger, stop posting
shitbrownchud you had yoru month in the sun
step aside faggot
or keep whining itt, im sure that will change something lmfao
>Why bother to put any decent effort into
Because being good at the game is more fun than being a casual bitch.
>all 10s timed except ara that I have in 9 2 chested
>get declined instantly by a turkish nether shitskin
tank bros......the shortage....
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WE are warriors of the holy light! we ARE elite brother... brownCHUDS could never understand.
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Wish dracthyr would stay in human form in the login screen.
>metafag mazerat retard doesnt even read the entire post before he starts jumping at shadows
holy shit I didn't know guardian druid is so fucking kino to play
I have been warning the thread for a while, wait till you have almost 40% haste
I see the janny came in and slapped the coomers around a bit
did they ban any of the avatartrannies too?
That's a based lineup
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Monks won
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>week 10
>4/8m down
>still wiping reguraly on queen

>Has to call himself a Warrior to make himself not sound like a pussy
He looks like he gets pegged
It's fun unless you played it in DF. The current form is a massive downgrade.
>no movement speed
>no long arms
>no Raze
>Ursoc's Fury too weak to take
Ravage spam on DOTC almost redeems it but Moonbear sadly does more damage and is tougher.
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Does he browse wowg?
>the troll pedo is the one spamming the gnome loli porn

color me surprised
Doubt it.
>troll pedo
I thought that troll was like, the only person on /wowg/ who wants to fuck draenei males?
Don't feed the mentally ill
You could at least have the stuff you imagine up have some sense or connection.
>walk up to gate
>wait for RP
>walk up to boss
>wait for RP
k-kino nathria haha pog raid guys amirite remember chadnathrius haha vivisect muh balls haha
Can I use the Judgement set on a warrior?
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Yes it was kino you are correct
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All art I see of fem gnomes has them as shortstacks. Also its basically canon now that fem gnomes are cock hungry
OPic is gone, repost please
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Dumb or a bot? lol

They won't even bother to go a decent *equality* coomer route either, even though it would prob make them a fair bit of money.
Any ADEU jerkbaits ITT?
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*ting ting*
Ahem, I would like to announce a toast!
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I'm mostly played with my evoker but now that i got ksm and downed zekvir i will focus on the others
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yeah this mentally ill faggot
>quit retail for classic and xiv
>turns into trannies
many such cases
Fem humies won
FemDracthyr are proof of it
>Watch a random ass youtuber testing the nintendo scam clock because I'm bored and don't want to play anything else
>5 min forward Bruto mount is fucking mentioned in the vid
I thought wow was irrelevent the fuck
That's not a jerkbait anon, not very helpful.
I mean, it is 2024. You can do what you want, Denathrius. As long as you don't try to mess the world up again.
Is warlock good for beginners? I like summoning lots of demons
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what da dwarf doing?
Demonology is perfect for you then
wish i could summon my dead mom back...
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I would play a fem dracthyr in a heartbeat if their visage form used the elf model and skeleton and I could make them look like Alexstrasza
Not sure why they didn't since the majority of the Aspects had a high elf visage, not a fucking fem human one
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>nerub gm payedoughts for a boost
>stops logging in
you lost fagbear
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The Sylvanas belt/chest pairs cutely on pantless Velves
>be in the most casual dad guild on AD
>still get AOTC before Nerub
fucking kek
not true
you didnt not done that.
there's only 1 female high elf aspect, meanwhile there have been 2 female night elf aspects
even for males it's 2-2 for humans and high elves
That's bullshit, Ysera was a Blood Elf model.
how did they assume these forms before elves and humans even existed?
They just picked the most sexooo forms imaginable. Elves were then modeled after visages.
-with the most night elf features ever, then gets her model remade as a proper night elf just like all her kids
oh I didn't mean just female, i meant overall

>nelthartion: human
>malygos: high elf
>alexstrasza: high elf
>nozdormu: high elf
>ysera: night elf
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And now she's undead.
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I've never had a rogue at max level outside of vanilla classic and remix
should I play it
outlaw is very fun now that vanish resets between the eyes and slice and dice is pretty much a passive.
can i tank 8s with a i600 prot war?
Playable belves look like shit they're sticks with no curves
Best 1-handed swords to pair with new Judgement armor?
Can we all agree that warrior, monk, rogue and hunter are the most badass classes in the game?
Every other class relies on some stupid borrowed power like mana, demons or the elements/death etc. But those 4 just rely on themselves and their inner strength to fight giants, demons and gods.
If you have friends to carry you, yes. If you're pugging, no.
>warlocks have borrowed power because demons
>doesn't apply to Hunter pets because it just doesn't
>kalecgos: human
>merithra: night elf
you're asking for the female model yet using overall to skew which female race they should have picked
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Such a strange case, why make a reference to this character in particular? Also why isn't she naked and having sex with human paladin men?
man they finally put some good shit in the trading post and its all 500-800 a piece. ffs. i saved my tendies for 3 months and its still not enough to get even 1/3d of the shit i want
>borrowed power
what kind of dumb faggot cuck mindset is this?
warlocks dont borrow anything, they enslave, dominate and take what they want then throw whatever it is at their target
>>kalecgos: human
His visage is a half-elf.
prot pala bros.... Im bored of the spec after finishing all 10s....
Having a surprisingly hard time mixing this set with others. The belt is the worst part because it shows a strip of lower abdomen with most chest pieces.
nah, rogue is a bitch class for sissybottom faggots
warrior is suped up on odyn juice
monks channel the celestials
hunters use their pets
rogues are gay
The hunter is the master. They're not borrowing power from their pets. Plus, Lone Wolf exists.

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