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holy knight cursed by the demon king edition

Previous Thread: >>500522667

2D Hentai games (Hentai RPG, Violated Heroine, H-Action Games) General /hgg2d/ former /vhg/




>/hgg2d/ Game Archive - IPFS Edition



>Nifty translation tool by Anon:

>RJ Gallery SCRIPT

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Please wait for page 10 before making a new thread.
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That's not Arisu's game (again) you fucking nigger.
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replaying Dohna Dohna with Arisu mod
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How much XD could a Fumika XD if a Fumika could XD?
Does she have custom scenes?
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SEX with Alcy everyday!
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I only play lolige!
Kagura just announced RJ01009083 and it's probably their next release after Kozue 2 since it already has English screenshots on steam
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kill yourself
bumping >>500685194
>if Fumika could XD
I have bad news for you anon...
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Robotge when?
she does it like 4 times in the game, so that many
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Would you kiss a succ?
you have to trigger certain events
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energy drain kiss is top tier more games should have it
Need more games with kissing scenes
Tight cunna
Depends, is she one of those succs that drains your life and turns you into a little boy again?
>mfw waiting for the next roboge
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Have any of you played it yet?
I don't play any of that guy's works
I was actually about to play it myself this weekend, but now I'm going to postpone it again due to the dlc release not being tl'd
no ntr no play
Who is this? She's cute. I love two-tone hair.
If someone like me has poor hand-eye coordination but wants to see all the costumes and more on the final day in RJ01221502 (Kyuuko9), here's the cheat:

And no, it's not a trojan because .NET code is way too easy to inspect.

The cheat unlocks all galleries, changes the second resolution to something less crazy, and extends the default (when your score is too low) 3rd day playtime to 6 minutes. It requires the game to have a previous save.
I'm a filthy EOP, I'll wait for a translation before playing it.
I played the game in the OP a bit. It's not bad. I hope it gets translated quickly as the NTR corruption seems to be well done at a glance, and that sorta stuff relies on the writing the most.
But there is scat NTR.
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Don't bother it's womb tattoo NTR
Versa's roast beef cunny.
>its kino
yeah so tell us where shes from
>scat NTR
does it mean that someone steals your gf's poop from you?
does she poop for the NTR Chad?
Isn't it TS?
>I'm sorry MC-kun...
>I still love you but...
>I now shit solely for the Chad!
the bigger betrayal is obviously her eating the bulls shit
That's supposed to sway me away?

Just give me a name.
But it's funnier the other way around
>Honey, why would you do that?
>You promised that your shit would be mine to eat...
>But now, Chad-kun is the one who's eating it...
So, are you gonna give us a ci-en or....
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What's she smiling about?
She's smirking at your tiny penis.
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I'll update it anon, but first I'll need to make a couple of new ones to keep the image consistent. Please wait a bit.
She is starting to enjoy it
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Believe in Chie!
cute tomboy
>heh, if this guy raped me he wouldnt even tear my hymen
is this real?
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I need cohab games that have full length vanilla and non-consensual routes.
She literally never does tho
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Contribute to eraMegaten.
Does "Go Narukami Occult Club" have any defeat H? There seems to be an achievement you get for losing a battle but since its structured like a roguelike and you can't save anywhere I haven't tried losing yet.
What should be the stats for a Agnis character?
this blob is too powerful
>fumiblob with her eyes open
Ella es muy poderosa... Demasiada poderosa...
Why does she have tranny scars on her boobs?
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The blob production has been kicked into overdrive for the sake for cien articles!
that's toothmarks, anon
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There goes all my excitement...
Did the guy dislocate his jaw to manage to make those marks
he probably just squeezed her chest and made a little mountain to chew on
s-surely it means futanari and not the western shittification that its currently showing...
he moved his upper jaw forward like a donkey
I'm straight, BUT...
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this dev made another game RJ01261558
I wonder if it randomly switches between 3 languages again
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Witness TRUE power...
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Hello, sir. Could you spare a moment to answer this question?

What are some porn games features that instantly pique your interest? HARDMODE: No tags.
Battle rape
It's often shit but when it's done well it's the best experience a hentai game can offer
Instant loss mating press in the streets. Kiara and Kirsten had that.
Unique art style, even if it's a bit 'ugly' or 'bizarro' etc, but there are exceptions, like hackika and notpokemon are both beyond help, and scribbles like bsouls is just taking the piss.
Being able to have scenes with any male NPC on the map, a bonus point when it's tied to corruption and the scenes get even more lewd as the game progresses.

do you mean battle sex or battle rape? When you say "battle rape", my mind goes over to game-over scenarios at worse and molestation during the battle at best.
nice cocks
When the game has an on/off switch for pubic hair and, optionally, armpit hair and it affects not only CGs, but also dialogues.
Yeah battle fuck, not GOR
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>5.5 kg
Do any of you have access to the fabled cracked mtool with chatgpt?

If so, links?
I probably should play this
flat chests
pregnant bellies
sex status screen.

>shows the state of her sex organs
>shows her "title"
>shows her body-count and 'feats'
>bonus if it shows what she thinks about herself and how she feels
I always knew she was an evil blob
scenes that start as molesting and require you to mash buttons to escape but if you don't resist the molesting gets more extreme until it turns into sex.
I've once thought of this as a mechanic but with a twist
>if you win the button mashing, you become the dom of the scene EX: you matpress her
>if you lose, you become the sub EX: she rides you cowgirl
games for this feel?
Played The Cat Eared Slave Lives On (Fumika dev)

I reached the 150k goal and got the ending.

Is there more content past that like an alternate ending, or is just a single end with a certain amount of time to get through the late areas to see all the scenes?

I see there is a lesbian experiences count for instance.
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futakino soon
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Bathing wiith my sister.
show proof that you're not fat
Why does your sister have knife ears?
Me on the top left.
me as the teddy
Hope this one is a bit longer than than the previous one
Cohabitation with sleep molestation.
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phantom thief girls are so hot when they're caught and captured
rararafag is so hot when he gets mpreg
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Someone got any good 2D games like Imouto Life/Fantasy Monochrome
or if we look at weg things like Daily Lives of My Countryside?
So I guess grooming / relationship games, sleep molestation welcome.
Competent, orthodox gameplay if it's on RPGM. I was trying to play /weg/ prison and Ryoka After and was bored or frustrated the entire time. If there's a game with a JK who looks like an OL, I will play it. Plus, non-combat statistics that are acknowledged like penis size in later BBQ Lover games or how used up your character's pussy is in VH
Highly agreed. I swear japs were already using AI before the AI boom, I have no idea how can people like those anime ~ugu soulless samefaces, chicks with the same face but different hairstyle.

I blame touhou for this.
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Are you talking about RJ272169? If so there are more endings that are unlocked in new cycles (for some of them you need to purchase special items from the points merchant before the cycle begins - new items will unlock once you've seen a specific ending)
consider reading VNs
themes like that are a dime a dozen
Oh man I remember playing this when it jut got translated, but stopped halfway through my first ng+ cycle. I think I couldn't be bothered to figure out the alternative route conditions.
>with artstyle this good
>the game features a nun/miko MC
>it involves yuri/futanari
>has at least one stuck in a wall scene
>Competent, orthodox gameplay if it's on RPGM
So the usual turn-based RPGM slop?
I'm vomit, I can't honestly be assed anymore after hundreds of rpgm games with the template battle system.

In recent memory, the only game that I enjoyed with this was Goblin Conquista because it was stripped down.
No leveling system and fights should be avoidable but the fights themselves require player intuition. The heroine would say something based on the enemy type and you would need to intuit what was the best action, in a sort of "predictable" rock, paper, and scissors. Very engaging.

Unorthodox is the way to go.

Something about this description makes me think you are talking about a very specific game.
good gameplay
Multiple endings
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I unironically only like NTR when it's femc
That's just corruption.
Still waiting for Gehenna.
What if you're getting cucked by another women?
A silhouette toggle, but I've only seen it from the upcoming Blue haired witch ge.
What the fuck is that supposed to be, otome NTR?
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why is my translation doing this? I can read it, but it's kind of weird to look at.
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what am i missing? got the plank from another room and hit a switch that activated 1 platform for the middle path
where the fuck you use the plank?
Probably something to do with Japanese Unicode if I had to guess.
Your life value is at 42 at the moment, you should return back...
I'm using a locale emulator, maybe I need to tweak the settings a bit
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>Top 3 tags are NTR and Futa
Do you have the original line it hooked? There may be invisible string values its reading that you don't know about.
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foreheadge doko?
Just switch to Japanese Locale
meh, I've been slowly moving away from hentai and porn anyways, its getting too weird and once you've seen it all its just rehashes of rehashes at this point with 1 or 2 gems a year.
I presume this is by user search, because there are way more games involving tentacles than futanari.
2 genres for homos in denial
That's it, I'm going to make an NTR game where otokonoko MC's wife is fucked and impregnated by futas and he can only submissively watch while crossdressing with his tentacle friend and waiting for his turn.
that's a common locale problem
how the fuck is reverse rape above rape
you're right - submissive man and reverse rape are also in the list
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Femdomchads always win
Yeah, I switched to Japanese locale and it fixed it. I just didn't know if switching locales would fuck up anything on my system so I was hoping to get away with just using locale emulator. I guess I'll find out if it breaks shit later.
And otoko no ko
>most popular genre
>still no real good ntr title
we are literally getting cucked by devs
I wish I had learned earlier in my life how much better it is to fap while listening to music you like
Those two must affect the same parts of the brain or some shit
We almost had it with NTR Legend, and then the dev fucked off with an incomplete game
>otoko no ko
Nice, maybe we'll finally get some good femboy/trapges that aren't totally gay.
>switching locales would fuck up anything on my system
it only fucks up shitty software not using unicode (aka Japanese dev tier of shitty).
Most software that's not ancient should run fine. Some software may also be stupid and think you want Japanese gui text now.
>still no good *bad genre*
to be fair it was somewhat "completed" by ntrholic. still bizzare how pretty much 1:1 copy of the same game was made, even character designs were the same. it spawned a whole genre on its own but all titles are mediocre
it being bull MC is another thing
Talk me out of playing Living with my Aunt again.
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Do you mean those "portrait always display", sometimes with different levels of opacity as you roam around the world?

To me is when the game has it built in the hud instead of obscuring the map. Bonus point if she changes emotion, reacts, or is even somewhat animated.
>cracked mtool with chatgpt
this doesn't exist, you got memed
I vaguely remember some anon suggesting a plot for a scat themed NTR game with no sex.
I was disgusted with myself for finding his scenario hot.
Same. THP brutalized me to the point where i can't stomach any serious NTR.
It's gotta be somehow funny or it doesn't take itself so seriously.
Okay, but where is the Seidr blob?
1 full month of playing ges without jerking off...
Sex is part of the core gameplay. Like imagine Sequel girls getting real buffs from manatank.
Revenge plots, all of them seem interesting to me but rarely done in hentai games.
There are some interesting wegs out there but none of them are done right now. If your looking for something and you don't mind slumming it for a bit, you should at least check some of them out. I'm just playing old games that I've already beat again.
>also bringing in wegshit
>but none of them are done
i know it's a given to say these things but when are wegs ever done ?
I'm not gonna lie, i enjoyed some but jesus western devs take their time.
>still no bad *good genre*
its literally just a portrait mod so no
>wegshit out of nowhere
this game was such a letdown
any jpGOD can tell me why some old game use sempai instead of senpai
Maybe in planet contrarian
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>More than half the girls are cute
>The combat is fast, lethal, and fun
>Tons of achievements with rewards like fumika
>Virgin clearing seems like an appropriate but possible challenge
>No male cuck
Serena tight pussy adventure 2 doko?
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something like that
I don't remember that sprite in the game
surprisingly good taste
It was disappointing for people like me who want more than rape and crying.
it's a mod anon
the modder is surprisingly good at intimating the game's artstyle
her father rape her in the mod and she look more cunny
t. black
>femc, multiple girls
Should have played the happy sex Serena mod. Corruption never because midwit fag fetish
More glory holes and confessional sex content is what the industry needs i say.
>Corruption never because midwit fag fetish
next you're going to say something like NTR is for intellectual
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No hentai ge is ever for intellectuals.
The closest intellectual take is that YURI has no place in this medium.
pic unrelated.
>nsfw scene become sfw with one simple filter
>gets me harder than ever
I blame nnn
Completely forgot about that and already failed it kek
whats the point of the other post then
ge where the girl is a flat, 180cm high woman in her adult age (25 maybe), male mc that isn't a little bitch and allow me to actually express myself instead of being forced into a tranny of a shell, romance vanilla, 100 hours long, good gameplay, good, cute heartwarming story, supportive cast, no harem, and we marry at the end?
Anon, that sounds like a visual novel.
Julius' game.
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he said good gameplay
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games with genitalia statuses that progress with use?
Not just a counter but pictures that change like in vh/vp and lonarpg
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>tranny of a shell
I don't get this fetish...
Radiant Victorias has an issue where it freezes on battle end, having to minimize it twice in order to unfreeze it. It's very annoying, does anyone know how fix it?
if the ん is placed before P, B or M it gets pronounced closer to an 'm', then an 'n'.
But that's pronunciation, the accepted way to write it now is just senpai. Tempuraてんぷら is an example where it gets an M.
ge where the girl is a flat adult woman?
No rimjob = no spoonfeeding.
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So NTR silhouete?
sigh, stick out ur ass
The most annoying thing about finding roboge is when you see "machine sex" but you don't know if they mean the girl herself is a machine or if she gets fucked by a machine because I've seen games that just label roboges "machine sex" and not even include "monster girl" or "Android" in the tags.
ge where the girl is a woman?
Doesn't have to be, but the good lord has seen fit to curse me with a fetish that has nearly 100% overlap with ntr
Plus silhouette scenes are usually just that, silhouette scenes, you can't browse an exposed/regular version usually, let alone swap from one view to the other with one button press
Any femc prison ges? there is no way purple cop is the only good one
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We're waiting on that right now.
Have you tried RJ01064403? It has a couple of nice silhouette scenes and it's pure vanilla. Sadly it's not a game, just an animation viewer.
That looks like it could be a 50/50.
What's the plot like ?
what's stopping her from just running away
Yeah, short and sweet. Kinda made me wish I knew more about the Touhous, but I'm not going anywhere near that rabbit hole
what's stopping her from just holding the chain?
This game just isn't fun to play. It's too clunky.
Sequel fucking sucks as an hgame. It's borderline unfappable unless you go all out and just crank it to a scene. Why is it so popular? Are the newer ones better?
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Aren't those pornography?
Breakthrough just got translated
Just play nukiges bro.
I am patiently waiting for a translation of Holy Knight Liana
This circle usually makes pretty good games.
RJ295803 and RJ01106652 especially former for the H and the latter for the gameplay.
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For me it's Sheila
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i'll be the nuki to your ge if you know what i mean
Be a good person.
Play a bad evilge.
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I'm very interested.
Be good to some and evil to others
>look up the translation
>it's mtl
>dl anyway
>check the menus
>several broken < > tags indicating no QC
Thanks for baiting.
Got through like 3 chapters and it felt vanilla af. Don't know how they managed to do it with that premise
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She's still the best Colmana and the best blowjob giver in the series.
>She's still the best Colmana
Not the most impressive title considering the other competitors are:
Battle fuck, I would also say GoR but only in certain games like canela's since you don't have to fully die to see the scenes, just knocked down.
That screenshot is not the TL on fag95 I just mtooled it. The fag95 tl didnt even fix the text wrapping.
google yandex ascii2d iqdb wait saucenao
Heh, anyone managed to patch the abortion bug back into the latest versions yet? Kinda sad it got removed cos of some shitters.
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Really wish there were more games like Kirstin
Nuns or Mikos?
but there's plenty of kusoge?
Both with each other
Silence human male
Purplecop becomes a lot better once you mod out all the ningen
can you mod in good gameplay yet?
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/ss/GODs are about to win.
I'm guessing most people here haven't played Euler's game since the english TL comes out this month, but basically:
There are collars in Euler's game that work on verbal contracts. Refusing to fulfill that contract causes your body to just kinda go numb. So she's stuck wearing that until the end of her prison sentence. And during the whole while, multiple people are trying to brainwash her or make more contracts where she is their slave.
>shota ugly bastard
Ugly bastards don't get the bad rep they deserve, this shit is distracting, gay, and ruin any scene.
Oh that's fair. I usually pass on mtool as it only allows for low quality mtl unless you got the paid plan, and the dev is a jew and explicitely disabled translation sharing.
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>hard mode
fishing minigame, virgin routes that alter the story more than just not having the scene(s) in the recollection room, nonstandard leveling or exp gain
>easy mode
pic rel
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Unironically, I do think the newer games have a lot more QoL stuff that makes them not only more fun to play, but also way easier to fap to. Blight is pretty much the only game where the h-scenes are scarce until you reach the postgame. The other games handle scenes much better since they’re all in the hub and have easier requirements to meet. Every game from awake onward lets you get a ton of scenes in a row, which is easy to fap to.
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For me, it's Egyptian priestesses.
>shimaidon + raising simulation
There are no ge like this
I'm thirsting for a translation.
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im in the opposite camp, i like sequel more as an actual adventure game with fun set of characters and i liked having h scenes spread out like in blight.
post blight you just need to grind relationship level by giving the save gifts several times and you go from the first scene to being able to propose to them.
i never actually saw any in-base h-scenes in awake and colony because i just wanted to play the game, one i reckon was in the flooded city or whatever it was called, where there was only one guy with tens of women and he was getting too old to fuck them.
you call that QoL, i think of it as a regression
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I'm glooing for a game.
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If it makes you feel any better, thirst actually brings back blight's system of needing to do events for the girls to get scenes with them. The relationships aren't just dialogue sessions anymore, you get a full side story with each girl and the side stories are outside of the hub. There's no favorability grinding for scenes anymore either, aside from getting the girls' sexual desires to 100 for their final mini-scene and the soul portrait change.
nice, i always wanted to play that but i kept forgetting about it
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There are not enough Egyptian themed games.
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ntr body
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Need more girls with scars.
It's not well proportioned enough.
What was the jav code that was based on rpgm h games?
I love cghunters
I hate battlefuck
I love battlefuck
I hate cghunters
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I get why MTLs happen on file sharing sites but I'm always baffled at the thought that people are paying for machine translations on Steam these days like come on that can't possibly be worth your money
is the milky quest 2 in the bin decensored or do I need to download the decensor patch?
I can't self-insert as cute shotas, but ugly bastards are my niche
they're getting scammed
where on the steam store page it says that the product had been machine translated? they just see an english title and buy it. even if you wanted to check how do you do that? make a reddit post and hope someone there knows? unless you already know places where people discuss h-games it's impossible to know
The one in the bin is the DLsite translation I'm pretty sure so it's prob censored
Fag95 should have the kagura ver which would be untranslated unless it's banned there for some reason
>be uncensored unless*
I've been absent for some time
Have any good plotge released in the last 6 months
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holy knights always LOSE
Post uncensored cunny and I will tell you.
Sad how rare it is for a Holy Knight to get the title Unholy Knight in their game.
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>losing your virginity can make you lose your power
Holy knights are lame
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Finished RJ01282013
Pretty decent minesweeperge.
Gameplay generally involves around item management and tactical attacks in addition to minesweeping.
Decent amount of status effects too, some more invasive than others. Although that's also most of the H-content there's only about 10 scenes tops, some of which are just continuations of others. General themes mostly involve corruption and tentacles. There's also a marathon mode once you finish game, which lets you rush through all the levels in reverse, pretty neat. Has an optional virgin ending for that mode too.
It also has an inbuilt English translation so that's nice
Some achievement seem to be bugged though, might want to wait for a bugfix version. Luckily there's a full unlock for it if you CBA to grind them out, but I suggest leaving that once you finish the game.
I'm glad this is a blue board, this image has truly prepared me for the workplace
I prefer the theme of slowly losing power as your lewdness increases over instant power loss on virginity loss.
holy fuck
translated tentaclekino out of nowhere
male ningen lost again
Had fun with it, I had a game over as the ending though, good with me
Bro she's just sitting in a chair, what's wrong with it?
This girl is so cute, I love her ears
Yeah, one of the reason I couldn't get into saint chevalier
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her what?
is this the general to ask a question or two about Corruption of Champions?
I don't think there's any decent place left to talk about that game as everyone moved on from being sick of the dev's bullshit.
I wanting more, the tentacle suit and big bobs debuffs only happened in the last stage, there should have been at least 5 maps
oh RIP
i couldnt get the first run to run properly and I just started the second. was looking for a text-based h-game with some decent fanart. lot of people seemed to enjoy the first one so I figured Id give it a try
unironically the best place is probably reddit.
i guess you can check f95 if they have thread there
why is every chinkge a fucking cardgame
What was that game again where you fight mesugaki mages at a magic academy? It had some sort of timeloop mechanic where you first get beaten, but could level up until you could eventually beat them up.
It was a 2d ACT.
I like it as an idea but in practice it usually means a game where you have to throw in order to get content. Much prefer the games where whoring it up shortcuts you to mechanical victory and playing pure means playing on hard mode.
>Lose once
>Immediately become a dark knight/black magical girl
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There's usually some sort of incentive to slut it up in a well designed game. Recently, for example, I played RJ01102951 where you start at level 99, but are cursed so that you can't regen any MP. And the only way to regen MP is to chug bottles of cum holy water. Which fills it up again but slowly drains your level and corrupts you. Although the game itself isn't all too great, that premise was pretty well done.
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Don't remember the title.
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Nvm. Here it is
if you can make her a buttslut.
basically play in a way that has its liberties on how to lewd the girl. not being forced into certain scenes to continue and shit
Games that let you pick the hole are few and far between, but I always appreciate it.
that was it thanks
Multiple endings with a good ending
I just feel compelled to propel stories to good endings
Body modifications in the form of debuffs or curses or straight mutilations
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>or straight mutilations
I rather assume you wrote "mutations" and auto-correct turned you into a guronigger.
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Captivity segments.
When the girls actual like to have sex, also if one or two girls corrupt each other.
What's the context to this?
NTA but Guro is based.
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The one in Kiara's game was kino.
>fucks her roommate
>fucks the guards
>fucks the guard captain
Why is she ugly
This is nice, goes along the lines of choosing "creampie" or "facial".

Don't @ me with your incelcore shitaste.
I don't like guro or blood, but I like permanent damage, cutting their limbs off with magical devices or whatever is fine too
Captivity is nice but i wish more games would have the MC to be the one in power. Give me the amerikek experience where i exchange goods for blowjobs in female prisons.
amputee is peak actually
Oh but mutations are good too, like turning human girls into monster girls
If it's somehow cute. Like a cohab sim with a crippled waifu.
It's gross. Pure ningen bodies are already the peak.
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Ningens purely exist to be upgraded, either by magic or science
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Not like that, I'm not doctor Moreau
Not a JOP what title
>play handyman legend because it's in the bin
>it's shit
>realize after the fact that steam recognizes it somehow
Am I cooked?
I won't tell you!
Get cucked!
*rapes you*
Used goods bitch!
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but there should be
cooked how
Q4 2024 trust the plan
Meant discord. My normie friend ostensibly could see I was playing it.
I dont care for gehenna, looks shit imo
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Just uploaded RJ406400 to the blob bin.
Get seedin'
Should I play law or chaos route first?
Can i whore it up but keep the boyfriend in the end? I kinda feel bad for noface kun.
Her game is best played fucking everyone in town except the designated NTR guy.
You'll know who he is when he shows up.
>non -virgin protag
>only fuck other humans
whats the fucking point?
- Chained Corruption - Where after one girl gets corrupted, she helps the other girls fall as well
- Multiple endings - A happy and a complete fall ending at the bare minimum. The happy end doesn't have to be a zero corruption end, but at the very least the villain's plan must be twarthed.
-Infiltration Segments - The heroine must infiltrate a base pretending to be corrupted and must finish the job before she's no longer just pretending. Also a great scenario for chain fall, as if she fails and gets corrupted, she returns to her own base, now pretending she's still normal.
- TS NTR - After getting NTR'd the femc decides to turn her previous boyfriend into a girl (or a trap) to become the bull's slave as well. Subset of Chain Corruption
nice ideasguy post bro
Yes, just never give in to the blonde NTRman. So always keep like 30% of her sanity up before talking to him.
Customizable FeMC appearance/alternate costumes.
Fourth wall breaking/meta shit.
Big numbers.
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Fuyuko got brainwashed by the antagonists so she captured Rio (brunette) and then got a random villager who likes Rio to sexually train her.
The hot part is the existence of a third party who threatens the two captured people. The dude is usually a pansy but with Fuyuko forcing them to breed, Rio has no choice but to surrender to such a spineless man.
What is the blob bin

Yes, Thank you

Guess I have a bit more catgirl in my future.
I don't know but I've resigned not to ask because these kinds of things should remain hidden. Exclusivity is good.
Just turn off the dumb thing on discord that shows what game you’re playing
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it is a mystery
Just turn off recognition for the game in discord settings. Chances are, if they're properly normalfag, they'll think it's just some eurojank simulator or something at first, and if you turn off discord's recognition, he won't think about it again. If he's not, well then he needs to explain to you why he knows why Handyman Legend is porn, which he won't do, and won't ever mention it again. Stop being a paranoid bitch. Faggot.
how about you stop using spyware you retarded zoomie
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After tonight your childhood friend will be mine!
spyware board
spyware website
my childhoodfriend is bob THO!
not this stdridden whore lmfao
but I'm fucking your childhood friend...

So if I'm fucking her
And you're fucking mine
Then who's driving the boat?!?!
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don't worry, I got it. you crazy kids enjoy yourselves
Yes, that was the best part unironically
I never imagined that a corruptionge would use avoidable NTR of all things to kill my main issue with corruptionge
drug ge?
any armpitge?
drugs are a turn off especially needle shit
It's a shame they're so poorly done, too. I get that it's an hgame and drugs are always in the most extreme cases so they feel as if they gotta push everything to the extreme in those contexts. Could be nice for some more realistic/recreational examples here and there.
I always liked the Japanese shorthand for someone who you should either hate or feel bad for is:
>messy room
I don't know why but that shit always makes me chuckle when I see it. Its like their version of a character with an eye patch.
So has anyone played Otaku Plan's translation of Nightmare Knight? Is it the usual quality expected from them?
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Why is he fapping instead of fucking his wife?
To assert dominance
About to flip the blanket over and show her his hard hog so she can pounce.
NTR requires at least one character in the triangle to be retarded beyond disbelief. Otherwise, the situation cannot exist.
what game is this
Bazed tl is better bit neither can fix a kusoge
Because NTR is fucking retarded
Why are NTR games like this?
I think we already had this discussion.
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fumika fantasy 2 should be called fumika fantasy deluxe (DX)
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without retarded cucks, ntr could not exist
Imagine my disappointment when I found out that he also couldn't be mindbroken/corrupted. Even after the whole turned into a literal girl episode. Shit was apparently just temporary I guess.

Nice corruption/betrayal kino in the game though. More corruption games have actual corruption (and not just sluttification) where the girls become willing participants to the bad guy's cause while gleefully betraying all their former friends.
What game is this from?
You might find it if you lurk for the futa RJ list.
I'd marry that cat (boy)
because god forbid anyone ever want a straight answer
based newfriend
I'm still baffled that the literal sex demon rogue love interest in a district of prostitutes is a virgin until you deflower him
Sounds like my worst nightmare.
Giving me Thung Hero Party vibes and shit.
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It's really such a missed opportunity that there's no SLGe where you can nut inside your sister right before she goes to school so she has to spend the day with her panties soaked with cum.
Futa...straight answer....ehehehe straight..ehehehe..
It's a FeMC game though.
If it's a corruption FeMC game, it should give me the option to completely submit to the bad guy and even help his evil plans instead of only just turning into the town bike.
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All FemMC games should have a male self-insert character that can fuck the FemMC.
Idk about self-insert but they should definitely have a nice boy who you can H with zero corruption so even if you want to keep the girl "pure" you can still see H-scenes
This takes place in a bad end timeline though. Where the girls never even got the chance to escape and are now stuck as disposable whores where you can just make a literallyme self-insert as a customer.
It's better for your literallyme to be the only reprieve and moment of lovey dovey peace for the FeMC in a world of horrors that want to kill and/or rape her. Like in Kirsten's game for example.
Femmcge shouldn't have your gay self insert
Finished the game. It felt like it would've been really good if it wasn't the dev's second title but it's pretty janky as is. Not terrible at any rate. Strange design choice for the true end to require maximum corruption.
Nta but can you recommend some?
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>Big numbers.
Send the idea to the monochrome dev, maybe he'll put it in the remake
That's nice too. A self-insert who goes vanilla on the girl or one who treats her like a sex slave each have their own appeals.
like a 1000 soldiers gang rape
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>Expected to be bigger content than the last game
>Ends up being smaller like the first game
>Took the same amount of time (4 years) to make the game

Man, im a fan of jumble strikers dev but making the "easier to develop" game with way less content and took the same amount of years as the 2nd game feels weird
I'm not feeling it buddy.. You play as the armor instead of the girl and she really doesn't want to get raped, it's such an awful grind, I really wish we got Jumble 3 instead, fucking loved those 2 games
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it's still gonna be a god tier game for x-ray fetish people
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Summer countryside itokos are the best.
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thoughts on x-ray vision.
Do you turn it on or off when given the option?
Gotta be real, the only good thing the dev did this time was adding "monster type" pregnancy, no more eggs for every monster, each monster will have their own birthing scene(?)

However, i think we will only get like 10-9 enemies (Human, Slime, Rat, Worm, slug, Goblin, Ghost, Octopus,Spider) No dog or fly this time, a shame
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Can the armor at least transform into ningen form and have vanilla lovey dovey sex with her?
>No dog
i knew this game was going to be a fart
I unpacked the demo's cg folder and there're definitely egg variants of xray cut-ins
Maybe we just haven't encounter any egg laying enemies yet.
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...This doesn't appear to be Manueled properly...
Look fine to me, comrade.
It's a multipolar world
>he can't read English, Japanese and at least one Slavic language
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Hm, if only the art was better

decently high effort but fairly ugly
For me it's 師匠
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Ge for this feel?
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Give me your best voyeurism games.
too big
Chad can have her.
>NTR cheating count: +1
Pathetic, my childhood friend pulls bigger numbers
>Strange design choice for the true end to require maximum corruption.
more like peak BASED design choice, antifun virginniggers get the rope
Is Chigusa the perfect h-game heroine? No other girls come remotely close
I don't even know who Chigusa is.
I like her but I think it would be better if she was even more of a loser. I was annoyed when they trimmed her bangs at the start.
That pissed me off too. Why would you fuck with a perfect design?
Are those... breasts???? On MY Etna??????
Your Etna? I've had her so many nights dood
>Early November: +2022
She's a late bloomer.

How long was it?
it's short, too short, wish there was more to it
ningen scenes?
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these tags can't work together;
>hag & rape
>loli & ntr
devs can try forcing them of course, but It will almost always end up milquetoast at best
>i have a retarded opinion please listen and respond to my post
no thanks
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I don't like how aphrodisiacs are often used as simplistic plot devices (excuses) to make a character horny and have sex but I like needles in h-games because they are repulsive and menacing.

t. I hate needles in real life
Good doujin
Amputation is so hot (when there is no blood or gore)
Ditto. I hate needles and that dislike of them makes them better in H.
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Give me some good loli NTR games.
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Never, since her pussy ain't gonna be tight after her first adventure
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You love to see it.
Who the fuck is Aeru? i'll kill him
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>my first post didn't get the attention i thought it might have
>i will try again and hopefully someone will give me the attention i believe i rightfully deserve because i am lonely and desperate
I would laugh if it wasn't so sad, especially considering how regular this is becoming across the internet lately
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Games with plug cords?
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Me, I'm Aeru.
male mc I sleep
there are only two now. Guignol and the other game from the same dev. In one you play as a shota and your mom and loli gf get NTRed, and in the other you play as a man, and your wife/ loli daughter get NTRed.
I miss her...
Wat do?
My point exactly.
Ahh, this is by the Nightmare Knight NTR game dev, yeah?
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>loli & ntr
That's where you're wrong kiddo.
Man. Lutnak Quest sucks.
>Girl fights in arena for money
>Is publicly humiliated and raped before the crowd

Bonus points:
>It's an underground arena and she's forced wear an extremely revealing costume, but as mask to hide her identity
>She's raped by the victor and the monsters
>Eventually, the mask is also taken off while she's being raped in order to expose her (she's famous, like a princess or something)

>The crowd joins in on the rape, turning it into a gang rape
Improve your accuracy or use undodgeable attacks.
I told you she was great. She's a loveable dork. Her, Erina, Kurone, and Liz are some of my favorites, all for different reasons.
Never seen monogatari but her NTR doujins by that artist are KINO.
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>weg-hating general
>entertains ideaniggers which are weggers in the making
doesn't count
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>tfw no wholesome slime GF who loves animals and is proactive about sex
Why even live?
looking to be an interesting horror sidescroller with a pleasure gun to subdue/fuck everything(?). very cool
Suina my bowling ball wife
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I wonder what goes through a Japenis dev's mind whenever they have to parse English like this.
i go back and coom to this game every now and then
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I just hope the game is a little more fleshed out compared to Lutellaria, that last stage felt so rushed
I don't hate wegs, I shilled NTRd by Clumsiness here before.
Huh? Green hair? So unappealing
There will never be a shinymas h-game...
Any new loli games got translated?
Even though the art style was crude I really loved this devs game. Here's hoping next one will be longer and with even more branching paths
what is that style called?
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>2 Rin ges on dlsite
>both rape ges
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Btw are there any hidden gem touching sim games with great art and animations like >>500787963 and the more popular ones, e.g., Dog Hime and Mount Batten's Doris game?
You are retarded. You don't understand why /weg/s are hated, it's not because they're Western it's because they're literal trash quality both in art, plot and gameplay. It benefits us and /weg/ consumers if we help Western devs understand what makes a Japanese H game good and why we enjoy them. Your mind is pure brain rot, you prefer division over unity, why do you hate yourself and your fellow man this much? What 3rd world country do you live in that brain washes you into hating everyone around you? If I can help a Western dev make a game as good as a Japanese dev can then I will do so, gladly, any day of the week. Why would you want them to continue to be bad?

Improve the quality of Western H games and Japanese H game devs will have to improve their quality too, it's a win/win for us but you don't want that for some retarded reason

Yes I am mad
RJ01260344 remind me to play this one of these days.
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Why do they hate vanilla sex?
That one was really hot, and the art is superb. Too bad the dev didn't make any more games.
absolute waste
Just play it now.
I already fapped
I need the dog princess update so bad
Thank for saving my time in not looking up yurishit anon. You're my nigga
I played that game and agree entirely with that review. I played up to the first H-scene and knew it was gonna be disappointing. The gameplay is pure ass as well.

Also, nothing wrong with Vanilla. But vanilla totally sucks when the MC is a generic self-insert.
I like yuri, but this character design is atrocious.
self insert = in the trash it goes
Do sukeban gyarus exist?
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good night
Non -humans babies
I want to wrap Canela blob in a pillow sheet and slam it over Polca's sleeping body
Are you shit-eating motherfuckers ready for Kozue 2 coming out in 7 days?
Do I have to play the prequel to enjoy the sequel?
Some fucker spoiled me and all the girls except from her imouto went past premium age so not too much.
>no yuri
bruh it's been weeks since a good game released...
Onee-sans helping shotas discover their sexuality
Knotting if the game has bestialtiy
Battle fuck (not necessarily rape)
Girls helping the MC (male of female) corrupt other girls into enjoying sex
On the other hand I dislike netorare and forced rape, I really like happy sluts enjoying sex
First game was absolute shite, so no
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MGQ Paradox part 3 just came out yesterday

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