>Currently discussed serversTurtle WoW - https://turtle-wow.org (Vanilla+, New patch very soon!)TBC5man - https://tbc5man.com (TBC content scaled down to 5man groups, 3 anons playing in total)Onyxia (Warmane) - https://www.warmane.com (Vanilla-Wotlk Progressive)ChromieCraft - https://www.chromiecraft.com (Progressive Wotlk client, currently at TBC)Ascension - https://ascension.gg (Classless Realm, Wildcard Season Realm, CoA+Wrath Coming in 2025, CoA open beta in December, Wrath release in march, Bronzebeard V+ Server Alpha During this winter season)Athena - https://twinstar-wow.com (Cata, who even plays here)Everlook - https://everlook.org (Vanilla+, chinked)Ashbringer - https://wow.classic-plus.com (Classic+, dead?)Felmyst - https://www.felmyst.com (TBC no-changes-addonless, dead)>Upcoming serversProject Epoch - https://www.project-epoch.net (Vanilla+, Using TBC as design base and Wrath client)Tauri - https://tauriwow.com (Legion)Wallcraft - https://www.wallcraft.org ("Vanilla+")Mistblade 3 (Mop(+?)) | Stormforge TBC fresh (ETA Q1 2025) - https://stormforge.gg>Anon's Ass and Tiddies Mod (Vanilla and wotlk only)By anon, gives bigger boobs and butts to pretty much every female in game.https://files.catbox.moe/8abias.zip>Bikini mod (Vanilla only)Skimpier outfits for females.https://forum.turtle-wow.org/viewtopic.php?t=12307>TurdelVanilla client enhancements - https://turtle-wow.fandom.com/wiki/Client_Fixes_and_Tweaks (most servers forbid them)Curated list of addons that should work in turtle - https://turtle-wow.fandom.com/wiki/AddonsPatch 1.17.2 new class and gameplay changes - https://forum.turtle-wow.org/viewtopic.php?f=63&t=15157Misc - https://database.turtle-wow.org | https://talents.turtle-wow.orgReply to OP with upcoming server updates and news.Previous thread: >>500369010
i'm rolling a straight male night elf priest
>>500698689A femdom enjoy I see.
>>500698689with the female model
Is there a racist dwarf guild on Turtle?
watch yer beck
my nelf is actually a force feminized melf
>>500698898soles and toes please
>>500699361that's what you get for wandering into the felwood alone.
>>500698376A mixture of Holy/Disc looks competitive for leveling, they made Smite and Holy Fire cheaper to cast and a bit stronger.I'm hoping a discount AoE farming spec with Holy Nova and Searing Light works, it's my favorite playstyle as Holy priest.Mind Flay in combination with Nelf Priest auto-shot might be really good for solo'ing elites, need to test.
>>500698263helves are unicornsactual 1%'ers of the original high elf population>>500699269wodge yer beck
Are there fun fist weapons for progression in TWoW? Warrior or Rogue?
really dislike the new changes desu, what having no competition on the pserver scene does to a mf
https://forum.turtle-wow.org/viewtopic.php?p=105804#p105804more class changes
Looking to ERP when the server comes back up. Any of you dirty drippy sluts down?
>>500700946Sure why not.
>>500700858>more woyuh nerfsuh oh brownies bout to have a meltdown
>>500700572>sub rogue nerfed into a support bitch>shaman and priest healers who took a lot of disc/enhance talents get the "NO FUN ALLOWED!!!" treatment, you go R6 of Holy/Restoration or you can't heal for shit>Shockadin simply DELETED from the game because Dragunovi only wants Ret to do spelldamage>"nerfed" Redoubt (two year long bug haha oopsie xD!!), instantly makes up for it with a massive buff to Blessing of Wisdom>Prot paladin gets Windfury totem as a passive ability now because....????>Shaman Windfury gets nerfed into the ground>Frost Mage gets nerfed into the ground>nerfs all Horde racials>nerfs Viper StingJust renamed the server to Palatroondle at this point
>>500699034Having read a good thread on it in the english druid forum of wow, and having 4 druids.. I worked on itemizing that gameplay during the 1st part of TBC. It revealed that Tanking Boomkin was super fun in BG, against melees, and useful for players desperatly looking for a tank for heroics..Then Blizzard nerfed it.
>>500701053Let’s meet up in Booty Bay.
>>500701427I'm gonna run a freshie dummy.
>>500701218and lets not forget that warrior is just legit deleted from the game
>>500701604Haven't played the game in a long time, plus I enjoy leveling and want to experience the class changes firsthand.
>>500699559>>500700858AAAAAANDDD it's gone>Reduced the mana cost reduction granted by Searing Light procs from 100% to 40%. Holy/Disc DPS priest dead in the water before launch
>>500701745What will you make?
>>500700858>paladin nerfbut the developerer paladin bias!!
>>500700858>>500701783ARCANE BOW PRIESTY HOOOOOOO!!!!!
>>500701286part of me wants to be mad but it was a baseline 600-ish Holy damage instant strike on a 6 second cooldown sooooooooDragunovi-anon is running out of things to complain about
>>500701802Probably Night Elf Priestess, Dwarf Paladin, or Human Warrior. Might be open to other options, just still deciding on what I want to focus on long term.
those guys are funhaters kek.
>>500700858pic version for anyone too lazy to follow a link
>>500700858What is the cooldown of Starshards now???If it's less than 15 seconds fine, but if it's like 3-5+ minutes what the FUCK are they doing??
Is BM hunter just a leveling spec or can it also dps in late game dungs and raids?
>>500702185Make a Gnome Rogue with pink pigtails.
>>50070254130 seconds
>>500702573a BM pet can off-tank trash or adds but if your main tank is good or if you have any form of CC in the party then it isn't needed.
>>500701959They should nerf Paladin AOE if they are gonna nerf Mages.
>>500702890Hell no.
>>500702905Eh could be worse. Seems like a huge nuke, and you can still use R1 to bait kicks from Juanitosneaky
nerf nerf nerf everything
>>500699559Mind sharing your build? for reference
Best Alliance warrior race for a fresh start?
>made my character a week ago>missed out on the new character creation customization optionsI should have waited
>>500702573i'm 54 and my kitty does good single target damage but the lack of cleave really hurts in dungeoni have to pad my stats with Multishot/Volley to make the bars look good
>>500703194Make a Gnome Mage with red pigtails.
>>500704032dwarf woyuhs are chads
>Epoch update>more bug fixes!Lame
>>500703891For leveling something like this, purely to fuck around with Englighten and Chastise. Wand + Spirit Tap always first, 3 points into Piercing Light, then probably finish Holy first. But now that Searing Light got nerfed into the ground Shadow is 100% going to be better after level 40.Priest leveling talents under 40 never really matter that much so long you grab Wand Spec and Spirit Tap.
>>500702304>>500703049They may write SQL queries line after line.
>>500705294I expected something, next beta date, talent calculator, something, god damn it epoch.
>>500704964>>500704132Going femnelf
>>500706916Can't wait for arms to suck less.
has anyone here ever played a World of Warcraft tabletop game?doesn't matter if it's official or a homebrew adaptation, just curious
>>500707050If you think arms is going to suck less you might be in for a surprise
>>500707050>woman stronkdid tumblr make this image?
>>500707759my femhelf is strong
>>500707940fuck off tranny
isn't it kinda crazy that no one in the dev/testing team told others that maybe these warrior changes are too drastic? Does every single person hate warrior on their team? Were the warrior nerfs proposed by someone so high up that speaking up against them could cost you your paycheck?
>>500708336What are the warrior nerfs again?
>>500707561I know fury is going to be even better than it already is, just let me rejoice over my memespec being not shit.>>500707759Excuse you that is a stronk femdwarf, human women can't compete.
>>500708676Damage increase bonus granted by Enrage reduced from 25% to 15%.Bloodrage now activates your Enrage.Slam cast time increased from 1.5 seconds to 2 seconds.Decisive Strike cast time increased from 2 seconds to 2.5 seconds.Rend now scales by 5% of your Attack Power per tick of damage, for all ranks.Mortal Strike now does 105/110/115/120% weapon damage, instead of weapon damage plus 85/110/135/160Defensive Tactics' multipliers have been raised to 55/110/165%.
>>500708336Who cares if half the warrior playerbase is composed of fotm chasers?
>>500708676off the top of my head>hamstring 6s cd>improved hamstring talent removed>replaced with "counterattack" talent, procs after you parry an atk and immobilizes for 3s>execute 5.5 sec cd>talent to make it have same cd as gcd>but the latent no longer reduces rage, so execute just costs 15 rage now>bloodthirst % reduced>enrage % reduced>mortal strike does less damage until full naxx bis now>slam 2sec cast time>bloodthirst does self dmg now equal to 50% of the damage it did not counting armor reductions>heroic strike queuing removed, new talent that gives offhand weapon some hit
>>500708918Dwarven skintones can be any shade of rock, faggot.
>>500709261obsidian doesn't count? who's the bigot now?
/w you know who when the servers are upjoin <Pearl's Earls> today
>>500708872Some of these don't sound like nerfs, bloodrage enraging you is a nerf? Rend scaling is a nerf? Mortal strike can also probably benefit more of these changes. Also I remember that Slam and DS doesn't reset your swing anymore but pauses it or something like that. I mean, some are nerfs, some don't seem like it.
>>500709179>heroic strike queuing removed, new talent that gives offhand weapon some hitWait what? Really? That's going to be weird.
>>500709938also forgot to add, shield block talent moved to after shield slam. So fury prot also took a huge hit
>>500710368Personally I always hated fury prot and wanted it to die, but I get many liked it. I'll be trying arms and deep prot for sure when the patch is live.
>>500710871why are you rolling the biggest loser of the patch?
>>500711021but he's not rolling rogue?
>>500711021Rolling? My dwarf warrior has been level 60 for a very long time.
Who is gonna do the boar glyph? Should I do a hardcore boaring adventure character or non-HC, I assume there will be boar parties when the server first comes back up as many people will be fighting over the same few groups of boars. price of all pig related vendor trash is going to fall off a cliff.
How does it look? Planning to just keep regrowth and rejuv up and not use healing touch so much (Tree form) so kind of annoying I need to take 5 points in Imp. Healing Touch
>>500711426Why do you need feral charge for a pve healbot build? If anything get omen of clarity.
>>500709560>bloodrage enrageBy itself no, but fury is getting hit in autoattacks and bloodthirst and the enrage uptime was supposed to compensate for it. Then it got nerfed down to 15% bonus damage. And it continues this weird obsession with selfharm while forcing you into spending 6 talents on self-healing.>rend scaling2% ap in dps, at 1500ap that's a 30dps increase on an ability that nobody ever pressed in a raid and spends a debuff slot.>mortal strikeBreaks even with prechange mortal strike in bis naxx gear with kt mace.>slam and dsTechnically it is a buff in that it gives arms a way to dump rage, and it might have made it a usable spec. Then they increased the cast time by 50% and now arms won't be a usable spec.Please understand, these people looked at decisive strike - an ability you don't even pull out to your bars to give it a chance of being pressed as a missclick and nerfed it.
>>500711426Skip tree form and Feral Charge, take Moonglow and OoC instead.
>>500700045rogue uses em better for sure and yes there are a few more for progression.
>>500711582I really don't need it, just unsure what to do with the 14 points left over, OoC doesn't proc with healing spells right?>>500711658No I want tree form and moonglow is too far down
>>500702416>stormstrike can't proc WF>but WF proc rate is is literally out the ass nowdont know how to feel about thati always loved pressing SS and then getting a huge wf proc.
And here is Feral mostly focused on cat, unsure about skipping Primal Fury but I have seen a lot of other people do it even though an extra combo point seems pretty good
If I were to try out Moonglow/Regrowth build I seem to be skipping out a couple of resto talents and can't even 5/5 the Regrowth crit talent
TurtleWow should look for a devop engineer
>>500711887Just play Prot Paladin you get a better passive Windfury effect on block :^)
>>500713098call me when prot pallies can black with big 2H weapons and then we'll talkor can they already? i'd totally rock up with that.
>>500711181Why is rogue bad?
>>500712635if you're moonglow you're not supposed to be casting regrowth outside of emergency situations
>>500711650That does sounds questionable, though I'll still give them the benefit of the doubt, we'll see how it goes in a few hours. My warrior only got some pieces from the first tiers and some pre bis pieces, will comment how it feels later.
>>500713541What? I thought the entire idea is that you use the synergy between Nature's Grace and Improved Regrowth (I should have called it the NG/Regrowth build but in Turtle you can't skip Moonglow if you want NG)
the 6 second cooldown on hamstring so he kinda cucked tho
>>500713980yeah that's fucking brutal
>>500713860thats just the regrowth heal snipe spec for heal parse andys
how does on updates troontle?
>>500714610Regardless what I'm saying is that that build is now a bit clunky given you can't get NG with 5/5 Imp regrowth
>>500701218AP Ret is gone too, the retard literally deleted them, so tier 2.5 is fucking useless as Tier 2 itself.
in 20 minutes 8 hours will have passed since the maintenance started..
Why don't they do their shitty unstable upgrades in their own corner and in the meantime let people play the stable release?
>>500714721first u wait for them to be done
>>500714731bro if you have to ask you dont have the mana pool for regrowth spec, that shit is for bis niggas only
yknow i never did bother to check on how china turtle is doing since WoW and hongkong shook hands and got back together againis the pop still crazy for their like 5 servers or did they leave for the official game?
>>500715171You won't be able to play even when it comes out due to restarts and crashes. May as well hop on your plug a bit until your cage gets creamy and call it a day.
Haha imagine if they gave Vampiric Touch a 2 sec cast time and made Blackout procs last only 2 seconds hahaWhy? They're not paladins that's why xD
I've settled on this, guess I'll just live without being a tree but this gives me access to the neat new talent of using HT on Regrowth'd targets Not really much to get with 11 left over on Balance so I went with Feral Charge so that I can use it as a lazyman's healing PvP specKeep rejuv and regrowth up on my tank and use low rank Healing Touches to keep them happy, everyone else just gets rejuvs or HT'ing>>500715462The mana cost for regrowth has been lowered at base and also has new talents decreasing mana cost for it, besides if this doesn't work out I can fall back on HT spam if I mustSorry for all the spam about this there are just no good resources for Turtle and I am not an independent thinker
Going to make a female gnome warrior with pink pigtails and be a bracket bully until R14
>>500715867As if femgnomes had any other hairstyles.
melee druid gimme gimme
>>500715521Hurry up to fix your shit instead of spending time on /vg/. People WAIT.
>balance is cooler than shadow>but holy is cooler than restowhat do?
>>500716965Play paladin because it's the dev petclass
>>500717083That shit isn't even paladin anymore
>Turtle Forums downIt is over.
i will be making a femgob rogueand twinking it at 29
>>500717083It's so easy to see which class is the dev's favorite because you can see their narrow vision for the class.>I don't like shockadin so let's remove it despite being a player darling>Let's make them a melee healer too>Also let prot self heal more too because I like prot and self healing but I don't like cast times lol>ret really needs some more love too, let's buff them a little because I pvp sometimes as ret.
>>500717657so mad they gutted shockadini fucking loved the aesthetic of t2 judgement paladins throwing out holy shock. it's so fucking cool.
banner .nfo message has disapearedlogin process initstill not working>HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
>>500717657He's literally me
How the fuck does this even work if I don't have disenchanting? Are they BoP? If not then can't people just sell this shit
>>500717881bro just go on the discord and wait for the announcement stop trying to login into the client like some 19th century peasant
>>500717871The aesthetic now belongs to disc priests now which is fine I guess. I hope disc doesn't suck too hard.
what the FUCK is t2.5
>>500718413tier 2.5 gear aka AQ40 token gear, you know those purple shoulders every single warrior uses? That
>>500718356yeah but the judgement armor is iconic to shockadins. smite priests are cool too though, holy fire is probably my favorite spell though.>that plume of inferno smoke doing big damage and a dotnice.
>>500718154>just go on the discordI can't, bitch.
>>500701173I'm legit seething right now. I'm tired of them fucking around with Warrior
>>500719028We can't have you being the strongest plate wearing class when paladin is here :v)
Me and the other human male paladin chads beating up the last remaining horde brownie
>>500712124>feral without shred
>>500719429>human male paladin "chads" are all twink trannies cosplaying as japanese school girls.Like clockwork.
>>500719841Most masculine human men vs Orc mage.
Orc Mages are valid!
>>500719429what the fuck
>>500719561Yeah I was going to test the new rotation and see if it trumps or at least almost equals shred spamEasy enough to re-spec it if not, shred shred shift shred shred etc. is very boring
it's up
>>500719429this movie was fucking garbage. I expected some femdom but instead the guy gets some magic item that turns the women into submissive bitches
>>500711854You can fish for omen procs with rank 1 insect swarm/moonfire.
>>500713314>no utility>no survivability>bad damage
>>500721480Huh, that is a neat idea, I'll keep that in mind for the futureI am married to my homebrewed all in spec though and will try it out, got BWL going tomorrow so a good testing ground I should thinkThanks Anon
>>500721659skill issue
Server's up
>>500722226please don't make me run to my puter when i am plugged thanks
My Brother in Christ, all of these Turdle changes even with fucking professions are fucking retarded.Even Retoilet at their lowest isn't this fucking stupid.
>>500723069>My Brother in ChristStopped reading right there, you have to go back
>>500723069Don't play
>>500723175repent, sodomite
Trust the plan
>>500723175>>500723194Felt it, Dragunovi?
>Can't join the Lord of the Rings marathon because the stream is full
Where the FUCK is the official /wpsg/ guild?
>>500723069[Anon enters scene left and begins shilling Asscension]
>>500723541full moon club but it died because faggots couldn't stop ERPing with eachother and scaring away new members
>>500723541<Cats Eye Drama Club>
>Everyone shitting on turtle is AscensionAh, the new rent free of the turtle trannies, and their official pisscord.
>>500723805i'm going to eat your ass
Alright, anon can't name the Epoch dev who supposedly left for Ascension. So he is either lying or posting these things for shill purposes.
>>500723618>my gooner guild... le invited gooners
what are you going to do first thing when patch is up?
>>500724061Expend a few hours making characters
>>500724061look for other servers to play
>>500724061Get in a WC group, invite three hunters and yonk the bow lol
>>500724061plug up, cage up
>>500724331she looks like she fucks cute helf boys.
>>500724335average troondle player
>>500724061Stare at the character creation screen for an hour, then sigh before exiting it.
>>500724061Teleport to Moonglade and figure out what I need to do for my epic travel form
>>500724061Check out what the new customization options in character creation are
Catch me in the 1.17.2 waiting room (mb2)
>>500724556whats the point, that shit doesnt work in combat. It's just a glorified mount
>>500724061fresh helf paladin
Paladins get haste from block now yeah? And for some reason they decided to cut shaman flurry in half? What the actual fuck are these class designers doing?
>>500724653Oh yeah also this, kinda faggy I'd need to pay to change my character though>>500724710I don't have epic riding, it's instant cast, it's cool, I like being animals
>>500724061get my new dorf racial and go back to leveling my priest
>>500724061new femgob rogue
>>500724061RMT 10,000 gold to morons
>>500724061Rolling a shaman tank
>>500724974SHARTUNOVI wants pallies to be battlemages.
>>500724710>whats the pointJesus fucking christ, anti-rpg brainrot has truly fried your brain
>>500724684And 1.17.2 is basically just a waiting room for MB3. Hope they go full MoP+ with it in the future.
so how are we supposed to get the new update anyway?
>>500724710mounting up faster when you drop combat in pvp is not at all bad
>>500724974there is almost no one on this earth that knows how to balance any version of WoW, not on retail or classic or private servers
>>500725804They can't ever figure out vanilla.
>>500725613>mfw paladiniggers LITERALLY stole 15% of our hasteFuck these niggers
>>500725970pretty sure it doesnt work in bgs or they just made druids even more cancer in WSG
>>500726110you got taunt and better survivability so chill nigger
>>500726140muh world peeveepee
>I'm the human male paladin>I want to be THE BEST two handing DPS class>I want to be THE BEST plate wearer>I want to be THE BEST (instant) caster>I want to be THE BEST tank>I want to be THE BEST AoE'er>I want to have THE BEST buffs>I want to be THE BEST healerPaladins to me are like that fat spoiled kid who wants to have everything with zero downsides. On top of cringe RP about how RIGHTEOUS they are. The Scourge were the good guys when you think about it. I really should resume my classes at Scholomance.
>>500726595Meanwhile warrioniggers will always lobby to nerf every single class the instant they feel like their total supremacy is threatened in any way.
>>500726595you might find this hard to believe but i play paladin because it's __fun__ *gasp*
>>500726886this has never happened
>tfw erp'd with a holy paladin and he was more degenerate than any anon i've bounced with
>>500726964It's been happening on turdle since its conception.
>>500727089>.t Dragunovi
>>500726074Oh, I was talking about Mistblade 3 (or 4), since they've become more open to changes
>>500727174The fuck are you on about? Those niggers can't even nerf warriors in the slightest to fix the game.
>>500726595I never asked for any buffs but I'm happy ret and prot are useful now.I don't know how hard warriors got hit relative to other classes but I do not care if the class that has always reign supreme gets nerfed, this bullshit argument of "I won't play x class if it not good" just shows people never liked the class in the first place
>>500726252A taunt and "muh survivability" is only useful for leveling dungeons and is gonna do shit for level 60s, you absolute gorilla nigger.
What profession do I take on a priest?Tailoring and ???.
>>500727382warriors have been pretty much been killed off, there is no more warrior as you know it. It's just a meme spec for people who want to RP as a shield wearing knight who doesn't use magic. Only time will tell if there will be enough paladins and shaman tanks to offset the loss of warrior tanks and not make the server implode on itself once people can't do encounters like 4HM
>>500727384nigger what? they buffed shaman tank which is the only relevant enh spec and they could already tank most raid bosses even beforemeanwhile paladin tanks are dogshit even after the changes
Don't forget the itemization, watch them buff the ever living fuck out of every Paladin 3.5 set
>>500727384>only useful for leveling dungeonsSo the majority of the game then, got it.
>>500726992It was me wasn't it...
>>500727657if you ever take tailoring the only other viable proff is enchanting, neither of these have a secondary proff to bounce off of like lw/skin alch/herba bs/min so you make things with tailor and then DE them
>>500728379Isn't that shit useless without being able to AoE farm? On top of being expensive to level and requiring you to advertise in capitals non-stop begging for a tip?
>>500728391that nigger retard is probably one of those downies who think enh means dps for whatever unholy reasonshaman tank is raid viable for most content and will be even better now
>>500721659>>no utilityStealth, Sap, Kick, Pick Lock, Poisons>>no survivabilitySprint, Evasion, Blind, Gouge, Vanish>>bad damage>>500721985
>>500728610enchanting money making comes from disenchanting and selling shards and essences, not actually enchantingpick if it you have a stable income of high level gear to disenchant
>>500728610if you ever take tailoring or enchanting the viable option is the other since neither have secondary proffs to help them anywayyou could always get a gathering proff but it's mehbs/min, alch/herb, lw/skin all go together.tailor and enchant don't have gathering proffs to help. you can always make shit with tailoring and disenchant it, repeat.they get profitable at endgame but yeah sure it can be a pain to level
>>500728517>>500727657You do need leather for more than a couple of tailoring patterns, so tailoring/skinning isn't the worst pick in the world if you're strapped for gold. But yes, enchanting is by far the most optimal pairing for it.
>>500728807>Stealth, Sap, Kick, Pick Lock, Poisonsnone of those help you in raids>Sprint, Evasion, Blind, Gouge, Vanishnone of those stop you from dying to one dot application or during a single stun>bad damagelower damage than classes with shitton of utility
>>500729109Oh look this shitter rogue wants Cloak of ShadowsI played TBC arena and the Rogue+Mage meta convinced me Cloak and Spellsteal are the reason modern day wow is so shitNever post again shitter
>>500729446look at this retard who never played rogue in vanilla, especially on turdle lmao
I honestly forgot rogues even existed
Rogues are cool because they can go invisible and pick pockets and locks :)
rogues are cool because you can walk around naked and caged and no one will ever know...
>>500729109>none of those help you in raidsKick does help, feint lowers threat, besides any of that you should only just focus on doing damage>none of those stop you from dying to one dot application or during a single stunImagine getting stunned as a Rogue lmao, or just use pvp trinket. Your opponent should be dead before they can even react.>lower damage than classes with shitton of utilityWhich classes?
>>500730863rogue pvp trinket doesnt remove stuns. It's poly/fear/charm. Also you forgot to mention vanish is the best threat drop in the game, no one uses feint but vanish is a really good PvE spell
>>500730503>was going to go to bed 5 hours ago but decided to stay up>update still not liveFUCK
>>500730863>Kick does helpworse version of pummel as it requires constant energy pooling>feint lowers threatyou never played rogue>just use pvp trinketyou never played rogue>your opponent should be dead before they can even reactyou never played rogue>Which classes?warrior, warlock, mage, hunter, soon shaman probably
>>500727382>"I won't play x class if it not good" just shows people never liked the class in the first placethis. the vast majority of MMO players suffer from League of Legends syndrome and want to single handedly carry the team as the main characterit's a power trip to inflate their e-peen and it doesn't matter what class they play
>>500698298>Anon's Ass and Tiddies Mod (Vanilla and wotlk only)By anon, gives bigger boobs and butts to pretty much every female in game.https://files.catbox.moe/8abias.zip>Bikini mod (Vanilla only)Skimpier outfits for females.https://forum.turtle-wow.org/viewtopic.php?t=12307Is it possible to use these mods alongside the HD patches?
>>500731418You can use the bikini mod along with HD patches but you cannot use Anon's ass and titties mod, instead you have to use the Official Turtle Coomer patch you can find on the forums but it only applies to humans, nelves and helves IIRC and also goes into borderline fetish tier with the sizes
>>500731418No, you may use that one found in turtle's forum that works for some races
Based on class changes which spec looks most improved from where they were previously?
>>500732284All suck, Battlemagedin is a thing now
>>500732284Paladins were god-tier in 17.1Theyre the only viable class in 17.2Get ready for every raid being 32 pinkies all tearing eachother to pieces over the same pieces of loot.
>>500732284go read the fucking patch notes and find out
>>500728391random run-in with my beloved wivy
Yeah I'm going to bed, thank you americlaps for beta-testing the server so I can login tomorrow morning without any hitches
>>500734362theres gonna be bugfixing for months my friend
I just want a chromie like server that doesnt take 5 year to progress
>>500735010>vanilla in wrath>tbc in wrathWhat's even the point?
>>500735236it's the best part of wrath
>>500735236So I can play vanilla without using warrior rogue or mage, wotlk fixed almost all of vanillas bad class design
>>500735564There was nothing good about wotlk though.
class and race for this feel?
>>500735914undead warlock
Enjoy this certified 17 year old distilled cringe kino while waiting:https://youtube.com/watch?v=tvnMZpnHDP4
>>500735914helf rogue>>500736156not a single horde female model has that body
just kissed an anon and I liked it
>>500735910that's what the post said
>>500736498damn, everyone was so bad. I bet having a modicum of skill back then made the game incredibly fun
>>500736521>helf rogueIf only belf animations weren't crap
>>500738209and the starting zone
>>500738658It's not hard to move to another starting zone if you hate it that much
eta for servers coming back up?
>>500739731schedule is suppose to be right now or in one hour
best class for mentally impaired people? like the kind of people who can only focus at one thing at the time?
>they nerfed Enh shaman into being even shittier than it was before Fuck this, Im just going to ERP exclusively.
>>500740606do you like female(male) helf paladins...
>>500740424If you can handle keeping two buffs active on you, retri pala, if you can manage that the class has a lot of downtime where you just stand and hit
>>500740606It's buffed though? Taunt, more tanky.
>>500740795What level are you atm?
>>500740606It's better than before anon, few sims showed them doing better before "surprise changes hehe :3" dropped
>>500740424and class just roll dps
>>500742619any class*
I want to play WoW...
I was gonna play on this server but man, these last minute changes really show jusy how incompetent these devs really are.People who have been planing out a race/spec combo for a week or more anticipating the patch and you just randomly start slashing entire builds not even one hour before patch. It just screams amateurism.
>>500743060Not really, it seems more like over planning than under planning>Look into class issues and find problem spells/abilities>design changes>Set range of recommended adjustable values (damage percentages, state scaling, etc)>Release changed class to beta testers>Beta testers report back about class change issues>Adjust for issues with recommended adjustable values>Push to releaseAt least that's how I and any sane person would go about class changes. The last minute changes aren't new redesigns, they're adjustments on existing adjustments. Of course, you're just a stupid piss baby nigger faggot troll who gotten himself all pissy because turtle is hogging all the pserver whales while your shitty server is paying for dones to bomb Ukraine lmao
>>500743060B-b-but muh 5000 hours of design. I'd love to see CC2 discord server leaks, because currently it looks like they filled it with either retards or yes men.
>>500743907>At least that's how I and any sane person would go about class changes. The last minute changes aren't new redesigns, they're adjustments on existing adjustments. Of course, you're just a stupid piss baby nigger faggot troll who gotten himself all pissy because turtle is hogging all the pserver whales while your shitty server is paying for dones to bomb Ukraine lmaoAbsolutely unhinged and schizo nigger.
>>500740424Real answer>all clothiesRequire a medium brain at least>rogueNot terrible but vaguely bad in general, requires big brain to play>druidYou'll never learn to shapeshift properly as a retard, sorry.>Huntersmol brain friendly, even comes with an "oh shit" button. Just remember to feed your pets and get one with thunderstomp>shamanTotem placement and ranging isn't hard but it isn't easy.>WarriorDo you like dark souls?>PaladinWheel chair class. Multiple "oh shit" buttons, self heals, super tanky even when not tank spec, and also the dev's pet class.Hunter or paladin.
>>500743060Project epoch is what I'm waiting for, the changes feel less biased and it isnt x2 xp
>>500743060not the heckin builderinos!!
>>500742772Based anon. I can hear the steam coming out of brownie's ears right now
>>500745329Warrior isn't hard, it's just stressful--like dark souls. If you're extremely autistic, you'd find warrior really nice.
>>500740424Its vanilla, most of the classes are 1 or 2 button, you cant go wrong with any of them
>>500745548the fuck are you on about? warrior is very simple and smooth
>>500745548https://streamable.com/whrnmsno stress
>>500745783It is simple and smooth--for the smooth brained man on the go. But it's also pretty easy to die if you pull shit you don't mean to.
>>500745961God I forgot how much of a cuck Human Warrior sounds like. Glad I rolled Orc this time
driving a car is pretty easy but if you drive on the train tracks you will die
>>500745783boomers have no idea what they're doing
>>500746035>pretty easy to die if you pull shit you don't mean tomaybe if you run around wearing low level greens and even then you can just hit retaliation and delete the whole pack automatically
I have never made a horde character
How's Spriest in Turtle?
do they call it turtle wow because the servers are so slow to come online
Which class has the highest skill ceiling? Which one has the lowest?
>>500746689It called turtle because you're supposed to slowly enjoy the leveling experience, thats why they let you get a full rest xp bar if you spend 5 minute in goldshire
>>500746723mage and mage
>>500746534Horde is for straight/bisexual dominant men. Alliance is for caged sissies
>>500741205Who fucking cares about that meme. I want to swing my Hand of Rag as hard and fast as I fucking can.
>>500747031I feel like i ever roll a male orc warrior i may become gay from sufficient staring
>>500740795If you like big fat tauren cock, sure
>>500747107What makes retards think eng is a dps tree when it's clearly a support tree with some tank options? For damage you go elemental.
Western baizuo/goyim are basically just beta testers at this point.
>>500745961devs are clickers? that's pretty fucking wild
which horde race should I make if I want to rape my female high elf friend into submission
>>500747579Why are devs always so trash at their own games? It's kind of mindblowing to be honest. In fighting games, devs are bottom of the barrel trash that can't do anything and are just punching bags
>>500747404When the chinks leave the servers close if the leaks are real
>>500747579For some reason that dev came in to warr channel and attempted to mock everyone in there by pretending to be retarded
>>500747624A big burly Orc or Tauren would be best
>>500747286i'm not that anon but I LOVE that
>>500746073That's why you go female warrior and hear your character orgasm while she gets hit
>>500747883Sylma... *bonk*
>>500747781Yeah i'm in there, whole athmosphere was pretty grim desu
>>500747976I'm sexist and believe women can't be warriors
>>500746723this is vanilla, there are no high skill ceiling classes.>>500748231based and true
>>500747391Because its more fun. Ele is fucking boring. You're a fag.
>>500748000sylma is for worgen male (hnngh)
>>500744446i'm levelling a paladin at the moment, and if it get boring i'll try out hunter, thx for the info
Everyone talks about Orc cock and Tauren cock but what about Troll cock...
>>500748616>auto attacking is funIt's still not a dps tree and you're coping.
>>500748762i'd accept a troll but they'd need to be forceful
how long are paladin blessings in twowthat's all I care about, I'll play paladin if it's utter shit as long as they got 10m+ blessings
>>500748762trolls don't do it for me anon, sorry
>>500748860They are 10 minutes now.
>>500748809Its gambling. You pull the slot machine and funny numbers come out. Sorry you're a fag though.
12 hours huh
>[22:36]Cherry Pie: I apologize, I don't know. I've been told in a few minutes for 30 minutes now.
whilst the server is down i will ask againcan i please have the names of people who erp so i can look at their profiles and message them if they fit?
>>500749934fit what? your tight hole?
>>500749934Present yourself and whispers will follow
any moment now
Why do Turdle devs hate Warrior so much?
>>500750880Palasissies fear the HUGE WARRIOR BVLL
Crap now I want tree again, might just take the good bits for HT, Regrowth AND tree and just see what feels best
>>500750880The don't though? They still haven't nerfed those vanilla destroyers and they'll remain the best class in the game.
>>500751178Ok but why these changes though?
>>500751665it's so fucking over sisters. warrior only got a 15% damage increase and a new button to press during raids. they fucking gutted it...
>>500748231What about Joan of Arc? Did Age of Empires 2 lie to me?
>>500751874The Arms changes are pretty retarded though
>Execute now also has a 5.5 second cooldown. > Hamstring now has a 6 second cooldown.> Hamstring now has a 6 second cooldown.You are dumber than the devs, hell of an accomplishment
>>500751965Name a single fight she was in lol
>>500748990basedthat's the minimum requirement to not feel like an idiot fuck ass buffing all the time
>>500752224they are. they teased arms being viable in pve only to rugpull them. can't wait to find out that the new rage formula is actually worse after the patch. it'd be a funny addition to the mess.
holy shit furyprot is fucking dead BASED
i think turtle wow sucks
It's almost time
>>500751965>Joan of Arca glorified cheerleader
t-trust the p-plan...
>>500752235>Wears armor>Doesn't fightThen why the fuck?
>>500753067looks cool
>>500753067The image. She was solely a symbolic figurehead for the movement and was burned as a witch at Warwick Cathedral like a bitch. Total french death.
Still gonna play Warrior regardless because they're based af
is there a fresh on the horizon that>weare interested in at all?
>>500753151Based Englishmen
>>500753325>t. Joan of Tard
With the latest client I get authenticated and the handshake is successful but then I get disconnected. Anyone else getting the same thing?
>>500754109probably 50% of the server, the other 50% is still downloading
Sisters... Nord is offline... I can't ERP...
>>500754375It's time to become a man, sis.
>>500754898>time to become a manew
why is my cpu making that noise?
>>500755303Shennas gotta get payed too
>>500752225>Execute now also has a 5.5 second cooldown>but this talent removes it lmao>we fixed the heroic strike queue bug which let your offhand always hit afterwards>but we gave you 10% free offhand hit>btw you do more damage now
i'll play tomorrow
>>500755461paid*dumb esl
>>500756343https://www.thefreedictionary.com/payedsorry, not sorry, yes
>downloading patch>disconnected from serverYeah I'll try in a day or two once they fix this shit.
Do I have to keep logging in to download the update, I keep getting disconnected
can't stand people that just whine all day t b h
>>500757021download the entire client again and just copy paste your addons / settings over. its much faster.Servers still down.
el wow tortuga
>>500757086it takes over 2hrs for me to download the client, nod really
>>500757549>average warrior player
>>500757549>>500757632not surprising
>>500757549just a lil dent there then
After having to login 3-5 times it will not let me download the update via the old clientthis patch is doa
>>500698298How friendly is turtlewow for retarded idiots like me with a full job and no friends?After taking a look at the wiki, it looks fucking amazing.I'm not expecting to do raids, I just wanna go solo and see all the new zones.
>>500757965Pretty friendly, I advise joining a quiet and friendly guild for when you need some advice and maybe some help with group content
>>500757965the most friendly thing id recommend for you is a long walk off a short pieror a long drop from a great height
>>500757965If you just want to try wow for the first time you're better off with azerothcore wotlk with bots solo, it takes some setup but you just need to follow some instructions, turtle has no shortage of retards though, you wont stand out.
>>500757965You will be fine, the hardest part about raiding is matching calendars too
>>500757549Reminds me of that fentanyl addict missing part of his skull walking around the streets of Philly
>server didnt even last an hour
>new profession window>enchanting doesn't get itwowbackstab giving 2 cp is neat and surprising attack is not fun or exciting.
i can't wait to break in the new patch with some truly degenerate erp
Unreal engine will fix it, 2 more weeks
new mage arcane spell scales pretty good
umm why the fuck do i have daniel.bat in my data folder?
>warriors literally killing themselves for an ounce of rageLmao they did ZERO playtesting holy shit these amateurs
>Downloading Update
>>500760040I'm going to healparse so hard tomorrow
>>500760040uhuhum, actually, idiots aren't taking the literal 2% life steal talents
>T3 warrior set has +16 SPIRIT on it nowxD
>>500760040and that's a good thing
>>500760414agi cloth making a comeback maybe
>>500759490what are you into
>>500760879good enough for me, but I'm going to bed.
>>500760414they gave dragon fang dagger +axe skill
>>500760879Orc or Tauren cock?
>warrior players will now literally need a pocket healer or they'll actually kill themselves while playing the game normallyHoly kino. You need a babysitter lol
>>500760993see you tomorrow>>500761004i'm not picky
>>500761172humiliation ritual
>>500761172But I'm emo IRL and this changes just make me self insert harder
>>500754251isnt that vaporware
Don't worry brownies, you can now reroll to melee hunter AKA the superior class
Don't worry brownies, you'll always have me to heal you no matter what content you'd like to do
>>500761172mages as well can nuke themselvesgood for pvp denial
May I play now?
>>500761172just take the cumdrinker talent!!!
wait so you still cannot play wow on a client other than 1.12? haha, no thanks
Devs to warrior mains:KILL YOURSELF
>>500761714>still the best class in the game>baaaw baaaw guaa guaaabrowniggers are such insufferable crybabies
>>500761576They're stuck with the old client because they need it to patch in new shit on the fly for custom functions and that's not something the classic client can do without finding a exploit and who knows how much work. You can enhance the regular client which may work fine for you or not
>downloading update>make coffee>login>a mob rush>kill>start to make talent tree>get disconnected>can't login again>kill client>launch game>still in 1.17.1 the fuck>downloading update>update crash>relaunch>downloading update>no info on forums>server is downwtf
im goin nighty nighty while troondie devvy do the ropie ropie when servie be not playie
pure incompetence
>>500762034You can manually download 1.17.2 from the homepage of the website from the download button
>>500763110>warrior>fury>retard guildchecks out
Warriorbros... it's over isn't it
Rollback incoming lol
The Blessing of Might tooltip still says 5 minutes. Nice job, nerds.
>>500763820over for every class that isn't warrior yeah
ok name my dorf warrior
Turtle WoW (Depracated)
they should change male and female to body type 1 and 2
What a fucking disaster, it's over for turtle wow
Well, it seems like the HD patch breaks the talent tree
turtle sissies the only home for us is /hm/ now
holychads stay winning
>>500765221why are you playing with soulless graphics anyway?
>>500765393You're right, what games would you reccomend? Thinking about playing some ps1 games again
>>500765570Hellnight for PS1
>>500765570King's Field
is it just me?
>Took them a year for this patchWhy
Unreal engine will fix everything, please understand
>druid epic mount is locked behind faggot sanctum raidnice one shenna
>Epoch could've launched their beta during this shitshow and shown all the Troondle asskissers just how superior the 3.3.5 client really isFucking Germans and their autism I swear
>server restart after 14 hour downtimeKEKAROOOOOOOO
>dust of disappearance puts people in a ghetto stealth (no openers)>it stops their auto attackshonor among thieves does not proc off your own attacks.Envenom fucking sucks shit.apparently ruthlessness is fucking 100% now.
>>500768521go back to /pol/ you nigger
>The Incompatibility in the HD Patch is in Patch-A and Patch-Z. The problem stems from the Spell Effects. Other mods seem to work correctly.
>>500768591>go back to /pol/ you nigger
How long until they revert the changes?
Need Ulduar *cough* need shadowmourne grind
>>500768851desu the only backpedal that makes any sense is opening a 'legacy' server that's the previous patch and then a 'plus" server with this patch that will see updates
>Warriors shit the bed now thanks to the rage change>NE Priest actually shits out tons of damage thanks to a bow and certain gear>Shaman is complete shit now>Paladin got buffed even more to where they're better than Warriors nowWhat the fuck is this patch....
>>500770784anyone who read the patch notes saw this coming(also requires a minimum of 70 iq)
fr tho fuck warriors (sexually)
>>500770859you mean based
>druid form quest is not class specific
this isn't a big deal or anything, but you can tell there's a lack of attention to detail because all newly added abilities can be trained at their highest rank, they don't require their previous rank... but they could remove that from existing abilities if they wanted that change?
>>500770784I decided to hold off leveling my nelf priest because I can see these retard devs nerf the ever living fuck out of Starshards and the bow tomorrow again.They fucked up so bad with the balancing, Epoch does fifteen gazillion betas but at least they don't run into these kind of shitshows on their live server.The first thing you learn as a software developer is using DTAP environments:DevelopmentTestingAcceptanceProductionTurtle devs skip all of those and push any change on their Dev environment straight to the live production server. It's a recipe for disaster and highly amateuristic.
Uhm.............. this is shit?
turtle sissies if all the horde players leave who are we going to erp with??
>>500771730it never worked properly anyway, too many fucked up textures and the models look out of place
Why do warriors make Turtle devs seethe so much?
>>500771974I liked it, but I can't use the little exta mod without the HD patch, so I won't play this shit until it's fixed. I don't know what else to do since I only play WoW though.
>>500772351>>500768631Did you try this?
>>500768474They cant even give a rough launch date, they will release it at the worst possible time with 0 planning
>>500772456I never used Patch-Z since it's seemed to be a test patch, Patch-A, B and C worked fine until the updated made everything shit the bed. I downloaded it just to see what happens and the problem remains but on on top of that it overwrited the little extra mod. The textures are fine, but the spell tooltips and the talent trees are fucked.
So where's that new /wpsg/ guild at
>>500773104We all played for 5 mins, didn't like the changes and quit.Next fresh in December! Mb3 HYPE! Mb3 HYPE!
MB3 won
Epoch won bigly
5% + (Defense Skill - Weapon Skill)*.2%dual-wielding: 24% + (Defense Skill - Weapon Skill)*.2%>v. Level 60 mob: 5% / dual-wield: 24%>v. Level 61 mob: 6% / dual-wield: 25%>v. Level 62 mob: 7% / dual-wield: 26%>v. Level 63 mob: 8% / dual-wield: 27%i figured it out uwu!!
>>500773719I wish they let us play up to cata but it would kill launch hype and the economy, I'm so bored waiting for it
>>500773730what an obnoxious post
is it up...
I think at this point I would settle for any expansion, that has decent scripting and blocks chinks, how did the state of pservers get this bad
it's so amateurish man
Think I'm going back to Classic era fresh when Blizzard releases that or SoD
>>500774343It was...
lol, lmao even
I think this was a big wake up call for a lot of sisters
woyers suiciding is keenoh
>>500774558What the fuck is this mess of an item and where do I get it
the turtle wpsg guild is collapsing btw
>>500774558lelthis patch has dragunovi slop written all over it
>>500774836But anon. <Salty Dogs> died a year ago...
turtle wow has fallenbillions must migrate
Well... let's try the assencion update until they fix this shitshow
>>500774558>as if warlocks and shadowniggers weren't dominating pvp enough already
back to Vintage Story on /vm/ I guess
Russkies.....how do we recover??
>>500775201join the ni hao servers
>Turtletrannies lost
>>500774836But we are chilling and talking just fine? I do hope turtle steps it up and doesn't make people quit though
what a garbage patch, i'm done with turtle
I missed the sod train, is there any hope of a pserver after it progresses?
>>500698298so which one is actually alive and not drowning in fucking chinks and ruskies
Is server down again?
>>500775720Turtle for english speakers, Mistblade for jajas
>>500775810What if you speak burguer, jaja and blyat?
Its over for us turtlekeks..
>>500678919Yup, Mephistroth is the final boss of Upper Kara.Outland also replaces the Netherspace.
>>500775892I mean at that point you're spoiled for choice
>>500774558Lore wise this is awesome though. Blizzard writers forgot Worgens were from another dimension or planet by Cata. Retconning them to be generic werewolves was lame as fuck.
you guys really don't make turtle wow sound appealing despite always talking about it
>>500776734it's not, it's shit>t. played on it for years
>>500776734Most of the people who post here just erp goons, they make a new nelf 3x a week, the people who actually play mostly lurk and rarely post
>>500776734You can't make vanilla sound appealing
Imagine destroying you own server because you thought you could reinvent the wheel, the idiocy. If it's not broken, don't fix it, nigger. Vanilla doesn't need your shitty fixes, priests don't need fucking bows, and you will never be a woman
>>500774558The didn't even make the scythe a weapon because they're too fucking lazy and incompetent to either make a new model or port the existing one down to vanilla. That's so fucking lame. Imagine getting a legendary and not being able to show it off because it doesn't appear on your character. So bad.
>>500776950it'd be even more retarded to make ANOTHER caster legendary staff thoughwhat they should have done is make it a fucking dagger/sickle so classes like rogue/hunter/shaman/etc can use it too.
>>500776734No other options currently unless you play Paymane or Retail-remix(ascension)
>>500777093Yeah its better that casters now have 2 legendaries, I'm really happy for warlocks they deserve it
>Classic"+">Retail tier changes
>>500777093Nah a legendary trinket is maximum retarded.Hell could have been a fucking polearm. Then druids could use it too.
I like the changes. vanilla classes are boring as fuck
>>500777247>>500777396should have been a dagger and there's already a fitting model from some expansion, literally elune's sickle
quit whining
just keep consuming slop
Its fun to look at the thread before the patch and after
>>500777739It'll calm down and return to blissful coomer posting and comfy fishposting
>druids now starfire for 12kgood job shenna lmao
Does ascension have a guild? Im bored and dont have anything to play
Deleted addons, but still says failed to apply patch. What do I do, can I manually download it?
Everything is broken now...
What a shit patch man
Customization was just worlk hairs + a few new turtle ones and some skin tones. Thought it would be more stuff like warpaints etc apart from dorfs
msb3 when?
Anyone know how to get rid of these floating buttons? They just appeared after the patch. It's like part of my action bar on top and then some of the gear I have equipped below that
>>500781838Nvm I'm retarded it was an addon I forgot I installed
>>500698298I'm playing an Affliction Warlock on a Wrath of the Lich King server. Now that I've reached the level bracket to do Wotlk dungeons, I barely do any damage at all and now keep getting kicked from groups for being a shitter. How can I do better? I'm really not quite sure why my damage output is so low.
Mom wont let me play on weekends. How is the turtle patch?
Is there something similar to ItemRack that I can use with TurtleWoW? I need to swap gear sets quickly
>>500782073You shouldnt be getting kicked from leveling groups, look up what your rotation and do that, affliction does better on longer fights but its good enough for dungeons
>>500782073Are you playing on Warmane?
>>500782857Okay, I will. I'm probably doing something severely wrong.>>500782947I am. Warmane Icecrown.
>>500783397>I am. Warmane Icecrown.That's your problem, people will flame you and kick you from groups even for sneezing in that shit realm, and it will only get worse once you reach max level. Icecrown is toxic as hell. You should've played in Lordaeron or just another server with x1 rates, because high rates server only attracts the worst and most autistic vermin you can find among mankind.
>turdle devs didn't even test the changes>everything is broken>over a fucking year for this
>>500782321Yeah there's ItemRack
>>500783739Fuck I'm fucking blind and didn't see it in the wiki list. Whoops
>>500783727Oh? That surprises me. I thought a high rate server like Icecrown would attract more casuals than anything else.If Icecrown is not the answer, then what server do you suggest, aside from Lordaeron?
Does TurtleWoW have a lot of elitist "reeee you haven't been playing this game for 20 years reeee" autists or is it more friendly to newer players?
>>500783981why do you want to play wotlk? it's a pile of shit
>>500783981It depends on what you want. For WotLK Lordaeron is fine, unless you are interested in BGs since at higher GS you'll get matched against P2W whales from Icecrown and the meme PvP Fun Server. I'd suggest any server with x1 rates, since people are more patient and during raids are most likely to be lenient when something wrong happens, and are more willing to teach you. High rates server have the tendency of attracting people with ADHD which will flame the tank for not pulling half the dungeon and God forbid the healer needing to drink some water...
Remember to explore the new patch with <Cats Eye Drama Club>!
more than a month till mistblade, dont want to play two servers at once but the multiplayer games to play right now are shit, I need a vanilla pvp server so I can camp arathi all day
Have the new t3.5 items been released on database?Also QRD on update?
Tha ka Shenna, Crogge and Trannynuvi.I was gonna waste my entire weekend on your shitbox of a server but you actually managed to -ACK yourself before I fell for that trap again. Guess huffing your own farts too much does that to you.This will unironically be the end of your server. The entire scene is laughing at you. As if the security breaches weren't enough lol
>>500786000We won sis, the transient masses will finally move on and we can be comfy again
groupfinder not working for anyone else?
I'm going to regret this, but I'm rolling a tauren shaman slow and steady to get turtle sheckels for the future race change when they add shamans to the alliance.
>>500784163I like it.>>500784286I see. Thank you for the information.
>>500786369Seconding Lordaeron, whereas Icecrown is filled with scum of the earth, Lordaeron attracts a pretty fun colorful crowd especially on Horde.
wtf is this piece of shit?>>500784890of course not, database is always disabled for a couple of weeks, when major content patches release.
Holy fuck they destroyed the server
>shit patch>client keep crashingI'm going back to bed
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6x1C6NjvlAthoughts on Pandaria pvp?
>>500788091abysmally bad just like all expansion pvp
I'm done with this fucking server. Mage is completely ruined. The crit chance against frozen targets dropped from 50% to 35%. Dampen Magic is COMPLETELY useless now. (Used to reduce damage taken from spells by 50%, now its set to 2%) What the fuck!
>>500788091Too much healing
>>500788091Mop pvp is kind of fun on timeless isle not in bgs
>>500788485Idk. If they have all working bgs, i'm in. Wanna feel again 40vs40 Alterac or that island from wtlk with 2 castles.
>>500788091Pandaria pvp is unironically some of the best, non-retail/legacy server pvp ever. Can't wit for MB3
>>500788836Not a fan of fights lasting for hours, everybody having a million counters to counters and healers never dying while also killing you.
>>500788836But why is that? Cuz alot of new spells that classes have? Blizzard reduced it with Draenor.
>>500789056>massive skill bloat>everybody has a million oh shit buttons>fights never end
>>500789119> fights never endFuck, i am already hard.
>>500788946>>500789119>party of 4-5 spics try to gank you (average day in mistblade)>start healing a join the dungeon queue>keep healing for 3 minutes>join dungeon full of HP and manaAdios amigos, jajajajjaaja!
>>500791189What's the race tier list like for multiplayer WoW? White Europeans at the top, spics at the bottom?
>>500791262Kinda, like every online game outside of some niche games:>west euros>east euros>mutts>brown massesThere are some outliers here and there, but usually it goes like that.
>>500788946>healers never dying while also killing you.What healer is that lmao? Chaman?
>>500791364what about Asians?
>>500791435You mean goldsellers?
>>500791435In WoW? I don't play Shenna or Whitekidney servers, so I couldn't know. For online in general, tied with east euros, they dominate some niche games/genres like fighting games or Broodwar.
>tfw you warned everyone about turtle wow but anons were too drunk on tranny elf ass to listenhow the turns have tabled
>>500793306rent free
Wow Pvp is only fun when you get full pvp gear and just pwn noobs in bgs, arenas are nice too
>>500793306Warning about..?
morning sisters..should i download the patch or give them time to bugfix?
>>500788946i always prefered longer fights, since it allows for more skill expression, but it's really a personal preference desu
get up and farm ores that Jewcrafting is out
Anyone in the known can explain what the fuck happened with the patch? Is it bringing a clean patch with the tools and client they're working that hard that even after 15hrs this is the release state?
could this be worth a lot?
>>500795837That's a lot of int on a fucking trinket for level 39. Where the fuck is the quality control?
>>500777396>>500777606It could have worked as a dagger or a polearm. Hell, they could have made it one of those off-hand frill items. At least then you could see it on the character. But no, like >>500776950 said, they're just lazy fucking cunts.
>>500796571It's just intellect anon, the stat budget isn't any efficient, now if it had spirit or stamina that'd be better. Also, there already was a quest you can do to get a trinket for 9agi and 7stam or so
does casting speed reduce GCD on turtle?
>>500796873Nah +12 int on a level 39 trinket is complete jank.
>>500797235It's not even unique so you can have +24 int from trinkets at level 39, a level where even if you have trinkets, they're probably going to be crap.
Is it me or locks are giga busted? I'm still leveling but im pulling 4-5 mobs and I can't ever die. Are the other classes like that too ?
Do NOT talk about class performance when warriors are in the room
money money money
rock farmers rise up!
>>500798061farmed like 3 levels on the elementals, great spotbuy some bigger bags
>posting fee says 30s>actual fee is around 2gExcuse me?
which is cuteri like the right
>>500799303Right by a landslide
>>500799303which server is that? the background doesn't look like turtle's helfs
>>500799303Right because of the face, mix right face and left hair and see if it's better.
Trinkets should have been just niche on-use items, making them just another stat item was a mistake
>>500799303Left is boring and cliched. Right is lazy and uninspired.
>>500799471it's definitely turdle, maybe the patch changed some things>>500799406>>500799451i can't decide because right is so much cuter imo but i also wanted to RP as a blonde, kind of bitchy Marin Kitagawa>>500799858>
>>500800548Yeah I like right, middle is cute too.
>>500800698Thought that was a huge butt.
>>500800548I think far right is the best
>>500801073>coom mode specifically breaks the tranny hair among other two
>>500797845No, pet classes are universally agreed upon the best levelers in the game. Warlock are the tankiest, fastest health regen-ing caster class who can fear-juggle the world while also being the best solo elite killer. The saying goes that "If a warlock can fear it, he can kill it". Only way you can die is by overpulling and even then you have Soulstone so you don't give a shit.Hunters are better kiters and doing physical ranged attacks means they can fight enemies 10 levels above them and simply not care.
>server restart in 20 minutesshould've just kept the server offline
>>500801821>Server restart>will end in 5 minuteswhats the problem
>>500801821please understand
>Copying Blizzard so much that they're even getting weird bugs with the patch and have to constantly restart itImpressive
>can no longer put together a group instantly as a tankthis isn't looking good for us tankbros.. i might have to put on the dress
>>500802715and paladins shall stay that way>/spit
What's the verdict on turtle? Are the changes fun and soulful, or is it mostly slop?
>>500803002soulful, just did the whole quest chain to +5 wep skill books, rogues can use axes so if youre into that you can use the stuff from naxx if you dont have gressil yet, orc has still 303 wep skill, feels what blizzard would do desu, i like the patchalso arms got giga buffed
>>500803002I need more time to try them
>>500802938>play hybrid class>tank enjoyer>meter enjoyer>cock enjoyerpaladin, druid, and shaman are best girl
>>500803002I got good hopes but they gotta fix some things first
>>500803002BM Hunter feels hella satisfying to play now, Pet is scalling quite well and hit like a coke addict. I like it
>>500803149>spec arms>big number on screen>i smile>time to press slam>pain, unfathomable despair, suicidal ideationIt might be the single least enjoyable ability in the entire game
>>500803989As the devs intended.Paladins oneshot everything and Warriors literally kill themselves doing their standard rotation
>>500803002It's 3AM, the server is finally back up. I rush in game and head to the target dummies in Stormwind. See people all around hitting the dummies. One warrior ressurrects after dying from Bloodthirst, walks out and types a bunch of blanks in chat, must be Chinese. See him sit down on the ground shortly after and disappear 20 seconds later, never to be seen online again.>>500804425
>>500804382Who told you to use slam? wtf?
>>500804556>chinese are leavingBest patch
>>500804692What else are you going to dump rage on as arms?
>>500802715Based Turtle adding real time vancian magic to WoW.
>>500804556>>500804802>even the chinks are smart enough to leave nowWho's left?
>>500805230cleave, heroic strikeanything is better than a fucking slam
server down again?
>>500805921Mages should be the ones blowing their load and napping for the rest of the day
>To much tiny mechanics to maintain over fast dying mobs. Its maybe fun to play that versus a raid boss or at least harder dungeon end boss. But 95% of the time u end up doing flash light and holy light anyway.. because why bother.. its so annoying. Im a healer and i have to tab target between enemys, select my team mates to holy shock them, crusader strike an enemy, target my teammate again to holy shock again .. jesus christIt's over
It's over
>>500806435>seal twisting works in a similar fashion>somehow this is okay
>>500803002Utter dogshit if you're an Enh shaman or dps warrior. Meaningingless for everyone else. Paladins continue to be the most overtuned and babysat class in the game.
>>500806517Seal twisting has you watching a bar, not deal with tab targetting combat fuckery, i think i understand what the dude because i hate that too, mouseover macros should be a base game function
>>500806435>retard doesn't know about mouseover macros>gets filteredmany such cases... sad!
>>500806741I think understand the dude*>rewording, proofreading
>>500806820>mouseover macrosnta but is this something like>press button>autoselects hover target>casts spell>optional: reselect previous target?
>>500806435>healing without addonsHe should move to Gummy's.>>500806820He should ban macros too in the next Felmyst.>>500807138You could you fags be this clueless in a 20yo game?
>>500807138that's pretty much how the game does it, yes
>>500807138That kills your auto attack>/run CastSpellByName("Holy Shock", "mouseover")is the modern vanilla version with superwow
>You could you
>>500806194>heroic strike>as armsAnon are you okSo you pay 15 rage + 100% of the rage gained on a white swing to do 157 extra damage?Instead of 15 rage + 45% delay on your next swing to do 90% of a white swing with your 3.4+sec weapon?
So this patch was a bust then, apparently? I'm gonna go play Elin.
>>500807912Your calcs are way off, for some reason i deal more damage in raids when i dump my rage into heroic strike or cleave
>>500807915Give it a few weeks or months and check again
turtlewow is deaded.. where are we playing now?
>>500807912Heroic strike protects your white hit from glancing, it's a bit more nuanced than that
>>500808067Cleave is understandable, it was always good with a 2handerHeroic strike is 100% worse unless you're forced to move and can't get the slam at all
>>500808471Slam also protects the hit from glancing on account of it not being a white hit at all, not to mention glancing not being as big of a problem now that 2hander skill is more available
Boy I sure enjoy playing this update right now!
This patch is a bigger shitshow than the Chinese invasion.
>tfw when she got a big booty>but it sags so it looks like flat mayonnaise man-ass
are we enjoying the patch sisters?...
I'm having a blast!
Melee healer is a good concept. Warhammer Online did it right. Turtle Wow should have copied them. Such a disappointment.
Most of these changes feel incredibly pointlessAs a healer priest I'm now expected to waste five talent points just so im forced to throw renew on the tank and get a whopping SIX procent more healing on him. Whoahzers! This is Epic and feels so fun!!!
>>500811641This patch is just a Mistblade 3 waiting room
HD PatchBikini modA little bit extraWhich one of these work with the new patch?
>>500815256HD patch A does not work so use anons coomer mod instead of the HD version
>>500814440just dont take those talents?
>>500815256HD won't work any more because of the new hairdos.
>>500811641Ask Again Later
This patch will kill turtle anon was right
the single best change this patch was reducing the mana cost of power word fortitude
Where guild
>>500818147I don't know, watching clueless warriors kill themselves is amusing.
>>500815751Sorry anon but which mod are you referring to as the anon coomer mod
>>500819441The one in the op
>trinket has been homogenized but why
>>500811641I enjoyed shitposting in the warrior channel but im done with this server
>>500819786What do you think those endgame nice equip ap use ap trinkets were in the first place?
Is it safe to run the client? I read that they can run any code they want on your PC.
I started raiding for the first time at level 60. It's insane how much of a casual piece of shit the game becomes when you just press the magic raid finder button.I click a button and I am teleported to a short dungeon where I just stand back and spam 3 spells. And I get loot. This loot is better than anything I've ever had hands on. All that time wasted searching for tailoring materials, sitting there watching a little bar go up so I can make pants that are +10 intelligence, all those hours of farming mobs for materials. 5 minutes in a dungeon and my stats are doubled and the game turned into easy mode. Before the dungeons a level 55 green item was good enough to let me level in the appropriate areas. Now an item drops and it says it's level 85 and I don't even know what the fuck levels mean anymore. I had an item in my backpack for level 62 that I couldn't wear because I was level 60, and then the dungeon just drops a level 90 item and it blows the other one out of the water and I can use it. And then when you are done the game just teleports you back to where you were.After a few dungeon runs there isn't a single item any quest or mob gives me that is even worth looking at.
>>500820402technically its still not safe, a lot of things in life just end up being trust based and its up to you to decide on the risk assessment
>>500820402as far as i'm aware there's no such thing as a safe private server unless you compile and host your own. it's a bit like android emulators.
>>500806576>Utter dogshit if you're an Enh shaman or dps warrior.Oh no, will someone please think of the brownies!
I'm gonna multibox 5 draenei shamans on onyxia. Thoughts?
Worgen male just sniffed me...
>>500820402run it in a virtual machine
>>500820402Any custom exe I run in a VM with a VPN. Especially Turtle with its 1.12 shitbox and shady tranny petty-fueled devs. 3.3.5 and Epoch's client have been patched, still would use a VPN and not do banking stuff/save your passport on the same PC while connected to the server though. Don't know about Stormforge/Tauri and 5.4.8 but they've been around for a long time and I never heard about any security issues with them.
>>500821503A good reminder. I really should set up a VM for this shit. Do you have any advice for making things work smoothly?
which flavor of elf rogue do I make for turtle?
>>500820929>I'm gonna multibox 5 draeneibased>on onyxianvm
>>500823410And where else would I play?
>>500823294Female Belf Assassin Poisoner with Herbing and Alchemy as your professions.
>>500823294>im a coomerfemnelf, femhelf, femhuman>im 12 yrs old and this is coolmale UD, male Human>im 28 yrs old and this is coolfem gnome with pink pigtails>im a 30 yr old boomermale dwarf>im a special snowflake everything else
This new update sucks. I'd probably quit Turtle Wow if the ERP weren't so good.
>>500823294female helf, japanese name, make it edgy.
>>500823479I haven't read the changes, is sub actually viable for raids now?
I reinstalled turtle. My hardcore slow and steady exhaustion belf pally feels fine.
>>500824271>turtle>belf>Swiftness of the Rangers????
>>500824271you're literally level 5
Shitposting aside what are people's actual grievances with the update?
>>500825281killed warrior for no reason other than devs disliking warriors, also apparently rogues got shit on and so did enh shamans
>>500825223the devs mentioned additional support for tank rogues, instead tank rogues were made even more of a meme spec.
First they came for the rogues, and I did not speak out— Because I was ganked once. Then they came for the warlocks, and I did not speak out— Because I don't really like WoW. Then they buffed the paladins, and I did not speak out— Because I wanted kings. Then they came for me — and there was only trannies with me.
>>500823568turdle while waiting for mb3
>>500823729I aim to please, Master
>>500825281new players trying to take my kills>>500825591>tank rogues were made even more of a meme spec.cuz it is a meme
>>500825878But mop is unplayable dogshit for third worlders and zoomers?
>>500826131you just described wotlk...
>>500825281>woyer fury is not as good anymore>woyer fury is hitting themselves for harder than intended (dev said "sorry")>deceitful last minute changes>pls buff slam>bugs (lots)>crashes >flexibility on specs isn't as good anymore>shockadin getting deleted because devs literally do not pvp>pls give back old crusader spam>something about warlock nerfs to shadowbolt spec>sub damage got shafted
>>500826347Brown hands typed this post.
>>500826384and many complains at itemization changes that just now we go to know about being stupid
>>500826525mutt projection
>rogue tankjust play SoD
>>500826384>something about warlock nerfs to shadowbolt spec>find out new spec that negates shadowbolt spam for new spam >dps goes from 300 to 550i love trannywow
>>500825401how did they kill warwas thinking of rolling one
>>500827369f-fun server!1!!1
>Devs supposedly made tank rogues a thing>Try to queue up a random dungeon as Rogue>Can't select the tank role even though I have stam gearUmmm....wtf?
why is it not letting me log into the main turtle server but i can login to the other one? is it full up?
>>500823667>>im 28 yrs old and this is coolThis hits hard, I'm 27 with the exact same hair color and type with fem gnome