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rey dau edition

>I have a question about Monster Hunter!

>MH Wilds
Wilds Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/wilds/en-us/
Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2246340/Monster_Hunter_Wilds/
New weapon trailers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7z-ZXbhfoKEO9jJv7a-bG7UcHGTCX5uH
5th Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahy0AO8WwRc

>MH Rise
Sunbreak TU Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/rise-sunbreak/update/en-us/
Hunter Connect: https://pastebin.com/Tp9t570y
Armor Set Search: https://mhrise.wiki-db.com/sim/?hl=en
Monster Weakness Database: https://robomeche.github.io/MHRise-Database/

>MH World
Iceborne Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/world-iceborne/
World is now Steam Deck verified! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/582010/view/3738609511464820653
General Info: https://pastebin.com/uCazCZBf

>Older Game Emulation and Multiplayer/Frontier


>Where does /vg/ play?
Post the game, platform, room code, and password (7243/rage)

>/mhg/ OP pastebin (use this when making new threads)

Previous thread: >>500683293
i love monstresses
I did the capcom survey of Wilds and gave it a 10/10. :)
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r8 plox
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my fuarking hero
Based me too.
How does capcom manage to do it? How do they manage to make such a dogshit game when they already had World and Rise to copy?
Let's settle this once and for all
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>sub 160k
Censored slop
kind of looks like off brand paris hilton
Gunner bros, LBG or HBG
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beat me to it
you have posted this 3 times anon
Rise could have been so good if they didn't force world slop into it. Despite that it's better than wilds
>Putting in actual teleportation for the mons
I need a qt arab gf like alma
I did not miss playing GL without EE.
Focus Mode is good
Focus Mode > Wirebugs > power gap > Clutch Claw
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but why
That's a depressing poll.
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Easy mode game
I remember when it was MONSTER HUNTER: WORLD, I miss it.
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Thanks to the Seikret
>Apologize to this game that looks like trash and the gameplay is the farthest from the classical MH ever.
Nah, I'll stick with Wilds and my non-trash setup.
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LBG feels a lot better this time.
They really need to create new weapons for the game
It's been so many years and still we have the same boring and shitty roster of weapons
>upgraded my pc to play the last unoptimized capcom game
>need to upgrade to play monhun now
il just assume the game will be the worst optimization theyve shit out like worlds and icebornes release
Yuya Tokuda? More like Yuya Wokuda
take me back...
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Think you guys were right about Lance. There's just something about it I don't really like even if I do like some of the changes to it. Maybe if I could spend a lot more time with it I'd get it but this iteration feels kind of awkward to me and I wanna try a few of the other weapons.
2003 it-girl
>The amount of tendies here
It explains why the thread is so shitty.
Its just me or is Switch Axe really weak? Sword mode doesnt seem to be impressive
Also how charge blade power moves work? Tutorial says to hold buttons when powered up but I must be doing something wrong
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>Started messing with settings
>Fucked up something and my FPS is dipping to 50-60
>Ah shit fuck, decide to install the Lossless Scaling thing some japs are shilling on Twitter
>Set it up
>Get steady 140fps with the same amount of shitty ghosting that i was getting from DLSS
>Gameplay is just smooth now

Fucking hell, i don't care about the ghosting, this is great.
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i'm literally having zero technical problems
Crappy looking landscape
bow bros, how we feeling
>please turn on mandatory fps shooter mode to readjust yourself
I literally look like this
Do you have to pay for that?
Im laughing at poors itt. Amazing game otherwise.
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Wirebugs were unironically a great system and I'll stand on that. The whole wirebug economy blending movement, super attacks, wirefall, and wyvern riding was great. It all felt cohesive and not just tacked on. The issue is that if you didn't like it you couldn't escape it because the whole game was built around it. But I personally liked it a lot
How do people have this armor? Is there actually a smith in the demo?
why the fuck is there no hitstop on anything? there aren't any hit effects either. every time i hit the monster if feels like i'm just hitting air, nothing is satisfying at all because there's no feedback on anything anymore.
SNS needs at least a 30% overall damage increase. What the fuck have they done? Everything is so underwhelming
>those fps drops
Actual dogshit game.
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What's his endgame
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All this shitshow reminded me of this. Funny.
>Wirebugs were unironically a great system
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>he has less than 6gb of VRAM
i'm only bitching so hard about my main because the practice dummy (rathian) does not exist in the demo, making it impossible for me to learn my weapon again
Just go into tent and it's in your inventory
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I've never played a Monster Hunter before but have been trying out Wilds. I just killed the chatacabra or w/e it's called. Do all monsters take so long to kill? How required is co-op? I typically like ranged weapons so I went with the bow, does/will it hold up later on? i usually only play shit like Factorio, Stellaris and Rimworld so this is a completely new genre to me.
its like $5
and by the looks its pretty worth it, i dont have to worry about framedrops again it seems
Yes you can read now pookie
>Do all monsters take so long to kill?
It took me 2 minutes to kill it.
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I am very much retarded ty
>I've never played a Monster Hunter before but have been trying out Wilds
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how is the weapon upgrade system? Do we get boring weapon designs like we got from Worlds or do we get crazy shredders just like from Rise?
Do we see Gemma in sweaty action?
Lance status?
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I have 8gb of VRAM and it still happened to me
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bros... i was so hyped for the beta but its just not very good and the new features either make the game play itself or are completely unnecessary
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change your equipment retard

>Do all monsters take so long to kill?
i mean in g rank (end game content) most monsters take 10-15 minutes if you know how to play the game for an average player

co-op is completely optional and leads to you getting carried and becoming a turbo shitter, so solo everything

bow is the easy mode baby weapon in wilds, you literally can't fuck up with it
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Post specs and your experience after playing the beta.

>Ran well enough, averaging about 130fps but I hope Capcom fixes the blurry textures.
My laptop's specs only detect 128mb of VRAM on all games.
prediction: there will be an armor skill that promotes weapon switching like how rise has Dragon Conversion etc for scroll swap.
Don't worry, you'll need all the extra shit in high rank.
the better you get the shorter kills become, for each new monster your first time expect 10-20min hunts as a noob. bow is very good but takes more damage than melee weapons
>played like 3 hours of Wilds
>tried half of the weapons
>none felt good, meh at best
>couldn't get excited to explore the map
>don't even feel like hunting Rey Dau
Am I just burnt out on MH bros ?
why is doshagama so hard? whats the protip for that fucker? yeah i beat him 5 times but he keeps carting me
>Do all monsters take so long to kill?
You suck. It's fine, we all went through there, but you just suck, it's piss easy to kill.

>How required is co-op?
Not at all to essential, depends of how bad you are. But it can absolutely be played solo.

>I typically like ranged weapons so I went with the bow, does/will it hold up later on?
Depends on how they balance it, but it can. Mind that in Rise demo the bow sucked, and yet fast forward it turns out it's just that the builds were colossal shit and it's actually top tier for try hard nerds and speedrunners.
I was feeling bad for the PSX graphics goons but it turns out they probably were trying to run this slop with a card that had less than 8GB Vram

Just buy a RX 6600 and join us Russasia Empire Chads. We might give you virgin ukranian women once Zelensky gets bombed.

This a LR demo anon.
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>>he has less than 6gb of VRAM
i do not
i just think the bug is very funny anyway and i WISH i could get it to happen
wirebugs were the best mechanic they added in years, the people i usually see call wirebug shit like the shitty clutch claw in iceborne or just say "its not like old monhun"
>ran well
>Wirebugs were unironically a great system and I'll stand on that. The whole wirebug economy blending movement, super attacks, wirefall, and wyvern riding was great. It all felt cohesive and not just tacked on. The issue is that if you didn't like it you couldn't escape it because the whole game was built around it. But I personally liked it a lot
it wasn't and you are personally wrong and have not taste
Umm hit stop is only for high-rank weapons... yeah that's the cope I'm staying with.
Weaker than the broken weapons, stronger than the shittiest, you're in the same tier as Insect Glaive, not good, not trash
going open world was a mistake
In my experience, having a X3D CPU makes a world of difference in this game.
>Just buy a RX 6600
I have an RX 6600 and the game still runs like shit, might as well have the 3 polygon monsters instead.
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>hope Capcom fixes the blurry textures
There's something completely off with how they manage RAM and VRAM beyond the requirements (or Nvidia cheaping out on the good stuff). The assets just won't load even with adapted settings or sufficient amounts of memory.
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>all weapons feel like cutting through pillows
>try gunlance
>amazing moveset and feel
They literally sacrificed almost every other weapon to make this thing godlike.
>Do all monsters take so long to kill?
yeah, it gets faster every time you hunt the same monster as you are learing the game. Game gets easier the more you play it
>How required is co-op?
you can do everything solo
>bow, does/will it hold up later on?
usually bow early feels pretty bad, gets much better with proper builds later on
i'm a total noob when it comes to making women

how do you make hot goth mommies???
>ran well enough
>1485x835p internal resolution
Here's the cheat code to understand how good each weapon is

>People say it is broke
Easy to play well
>People say it is bad
Hard to play well
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6zj4W1jw_o it's mid.
Japan hates it so we do too
eye liner and shadow
Map feels smaller because it's just a bunch of empty space
His tells are more subtle compared to Rey Dau or Chatacabra. He also has way more delayed hits. Like that ultra scoop he's got that throws you in the air and takes off almost half your health.
what the fuck would open world even add to monster hunter anyway? what a thoughtless decision.
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>sns has no range
>bad overall damage
>most combos are way undertuned
>bash combo might as well not exist
>perfect rush has similar or lower damage than regular triangle combo
>need to sit right inside a monster to reach a focus attack, you'll whiff at least half your attacks either way
bravo capcom
Try asking reddit
The gun lance is finally more gun than lance.
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>So powerful that he takes 90% of the game's resources
>Ass clapping physics causing other monsters rendering to break
Copy someone else's sliders until you figure out how it works.
It was a logical step too along with the dogs as they were meant to solve the issue of bigger maps. Instead of taking the lazy way out like world did with fast travel they actually put effort into making movement/travel fun
>Watch video of good player hunting in Wilds demo
>Permanent focus mode toggle
Death to Capcom
Wilds Room still up
What's your CPU?
Agreed on everything except bash combo
i literally cannot dodge them wtf
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>Like that ultra scoop he's got
Tilts me every fucking time, it literally just looks like he's walking until it hits you with its awful fucking hitbox
Lossless scaling bros how we doing?
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>world: okay if you hunt down tracks you can start to see the monster on the map, so if you then level up your familiarity with the locale after repeated hunts you can get a mount that can automatically take you to the monster, you have to work for these quality of life features but still have to hunt them the old fashioned way before that.
I'm so fucking done with capcom, first they fucked dead rising and now monster hunter
>sub 150k
no no no no
It really was. Not only did this result in villages with way less soul but maps also became less memorable. The worst part is the big maps are eating a fuck ton of dev time
did japs just lose all their artistic ability in the past few years? why did all their games suddenly start looking so bad? and no im not just talking about graphics im talking about art direction too.
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>6m50s without even using the usual Demon Ammo HBG pre-hunt buff the way other speedrunners for other weapons have all been using
>no monhun language
what the fuck
I'm saddened by the lack of toads to kick
>40-50 fps 1080p high settings
Okay I'll take it. But this game sure is ugly
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>Aerial IG dead
>PR spam SnS dead
>SA ZSD spam dead
>SAED spam CB dead
all of these are good things
you can argue that their current incarnations are bad for other reasons that's fine but all of these were degenerate and fucking cringe. If you liked them, ever, kill yourself
This is funny to me because I remember people DESPISING the tracking in World, so I guess they heard those people.
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it just works
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Why does the game microstutter every time I take a screenshot?
Y'all don't even hunt, shaking my dick head...
I love huntresses
Sorry for shitposting.
I don't think I have it in me anymore to be this retard to other people for the purpose of making them mad.

Go on without me bros. I'm literally too fucking old for this shit.
Everybody is depressed. It's the micro plastics in the water we all drink
You can thank the risies and the portable team for that
>PR spam SnS dead
It's fine to nerf something so you don't use it all the time but completely shitting on the combo so it's not worth using at all is just bad game design
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Glad to know I'm not the only to cart to Dosha.
No real IG player is mad about the aerial shit being gone. IG has always been a ground weapon until world fucked it up. Aerial Style IG in Generations wasn't even fucking good this all started with World.
>>Aerial IG dead
I smile every time I see some tweet going
you can play the entire game not using a single wirebug move. Wirebug abuse turns people into ADHD speed players that cannot deal having to watch a two-second animation of lying on the ground or unleashing their weapon's strongest move which overturns 15years of innate weapon balance. Wirebug exists and turns the map into an arena sandbox.

In comparison to clutch claw, if you ignore tenderizing then you will automatically make it much harder on yourself with those HP sponge monsters. For Rise, you will auto-cart on Amatsu because that's the only monster that wirebug air-hanging is mandatory (or you use a farcaster).
>Aerial IG dead
This is like the most baffling thing to me that people unironically enjoy. Why do people like Aerial IG? It's like the limpest and ugliest way to play IG imaginable. For me, IG was at its best with Valor IG in GU, which was a purely grounded playstyle. Any move the devs make towards keeping IG grounded is good.
This is exactly why I was shitting on anyone begging for an Open World Monhun, I hate these glue eating subhumans that think slapping Open World on everything is a good idea, if it were legal I'd bash these fuckers with a shovel until their skull cracks open so I can rip their shriveled brain out form their skull with my bare hands, peeling off the shattered bone around their head and eat the skin off of their face right in front of their family.
How has NO ONE realized how resource intensive Open World is and how that the WORST combo with Monster hunter PERIOD!?
I've killed every monster solo. There's no need to burn myself out, months before release.
Loot doesn't carry over
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i just cant make her work
Bigger focus on cinematics and story
Weapons feel like shit and move sets are inferior
Character feels like on soap at times
Focus mode, a total joke
Visuals worse than World
Huge performance issues
Worse UI

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Runs good, combat is ass
It's just the same old talking point.
>You control what buttons you press
Yeah but if the game is built around something you're heavily encouraged to use it
Can anyone explain to me how World looks better than Wilds yet runs on 10 year old hardware like butter?
you seem to be playing on dogshit quality settings, that's your fault.
Sunbreak Aerial IG with the Kinsect Slash to build up fat wyvern dives was a lot of fun. The helicopter move is shit and always will be shit.
It's so weird when people bring up aerial IG in generations as some proof that is the weapon's true calling. Cause it wasn't a stay in the air at all times mode.
Try changing her skin texture or whatever it is and inspect her in-game.
Dosha triple carted me when I was learning him, Rey didn't get more than cart on me though. I stand by the opinion Dosha is harder when he's in his ultra rage mode.
I'm playing on a "budget" gaming laptop with a R7 7840HS and 4050 6GB just because it has a 4xxx card for the fancy memes from hell that Mr Jensen has cursed us with. My desktop has an 7yo Radeon RX580 it was barely getting 25 FPS with FSR on.
Medium preset with every meme on gives me around 90-100 (fake) FPS in the tent and 50-60? in combat, didn't try crowded hub area.
I got the polygon bug earlier once.
How do I make my huntress look like she does prostitution without the heavy make up?
world had its own engine. wilds runs on an engine that was developed for FPS games where you spend most of your time indoors or between buildings. it was not made for high render distances and lots of special effects.
Okay... But Rise... Wilds good, WILDS GOOD!
update your drivers
bros i swear gunlance gave me brain damage all i do is go boom boom all gas no brakes
>like butter?
>Vaseline smearing: the game
Basically the assets are lower quality and therefore don't require a nuclear reactor to be loaded in. Sometimes less is better.
They had to try with World, with Wilds the devs got lazy and just thought "whatever people will solve it through just buying better hardware" so they didn't do any optimization of their code whatsoever
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Why? I thought the tracking mechanic in MHW was a great addition that fits well with the series.

>memorizing spawn points
shit, very gamey and not immersive at all
>actually looking for tracks to find the monster
holy shit we are actually HUNTING
>always see the monsters on the map (rise)
ehh but at least knowledge of the map is rewarded due to spiribi-
>always see the monsters on the map (wilds)
jesus fucking christ who even cares about the map design anymore it serves literally no purpose anymore, wow I sure love this big empty open world that my tesla cybertruck just automatically rides through to get to the next themepark attraction
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>Weapons feel like shit and move sets are inferior
My weapons feel great and are objectively superior to W*rld.
>tested all weapons
>focus mode is whatever, mostly used to sim some attacks and use the special attack
>Creating weakspots and breaking them is actually pretty addicting
>Performance is fucking trash and hopefully they sit their ass down and make it better for launch
>I love everything about Rey Dau.
Despite the performance I really like the game, hopefully they get around that shit.
Also think the game will really shine when we get all the systems in place to actually prepare and get items for our hunt.
The iconic Starfield crater
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well that's better than the first 15 minute try
i think i'm getting used to nu-lance...ever so slightly...
Make her black with the afro hairstyle
How do they fail to balance the game after so many titles? Why the fuck do some weapons literally deal double the damage?????? Fix your shit crapcom
You know what worlos at least you're not wilds so you could be worse
Rice and Morlo bros are gonna have sex soon...
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>SnS can actively strafe with every attack
you are willingly hunting that shitmon more than once?
I don't know exactly why, but people fucking hated it that's what I remember.
bros, how do I create my own lobby, or go into single player?
when I finished the tutorial yesterday it put me in single player, but when I login today it forces me in a 100 player lobby?
How do people use the quick dodge into tracer arrow on bow? I can't get it to work so I gotta charge once before I tracer
World and Iceborne ran like shit on launch.
The only bad map in World was Ancient Forest, they couldve improved upon Worlds map design and had the perfect game, instead we are getting fed open world slop
I think it was the flies, but you can mod it so they're less intrusive, besides that it's fine. Least of World's Issues(Zorah)
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PR SnS died with Rise when they made it the "knockdown" combo. Like, it did good damage but you had to do the whole thing.
Nerf it further and it's basically useless. I guess it's okay for mounts or something?

The hardest monster in Rise are returnees from GU you could beat with Guild.
Genuinely, actually, git gud.
Well IG now is just spamming charge attacks, so yeah.
Sunbreak had a good balance imo. Bugmancer, Tetraseal, Descending... Kinsect Slash, you will be missed.
wilds beta was trash
Yeah, I really needed that cycle of going back to base and making armor/weapons and gathering items.
But the foundation here is pretty good besides the optimization of course.
capcom mentioned that they basically balance by internal popularity vote. i think they said that in a rise interview. basically the weapon designers do the initial (proper) balancing. then the everyone else and their grandma at capcom plays them and they balance based on feedback. naturally that results in popular and easy weapons getting all the damage and niche shit drawing the short end of the stick.
This is when the franchise started going downhill, so no.
Dosha has some weird problems. Seems like balance issues or broken hitboxes. Like i guess you're supposed to Guard Point all of he's super attacks but none has worked for me.
Anyone else genuinely worried the MH team has gotten in over their heads?
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What are the optimal settings for a middle of the road GPU?
the worm is just an awful fight
world was peak though
Wilds is made for the cinematic open world story co-op crowd.
Not for 30+ year old MH boomer vets who want to grind the same hunt 50 times in a row for a 1% drop chance.

Capcom doesn't want us anymore, they want the normalfags.
I remember some people being mas that you had to find the tracks and lose time in it, I particularly didn't care at all and am neutral about the tracking or the lack of it.
...classic collection...save us....
Years and years of devs using MT Framework, that's how.
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I'm rusty as all fuck but this longsword literally puts the game on an autopilot, the second you get to red gauge it's all over for monster and you basically never exit it ever
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What was the best way to play freedom unite again? I remember there being some patch for the japanese version that made a bunch of improvements or something?
what do you think of the flies turning red to show you attacks as if you have a driving assist on in a racing sim for braking?
World ran on an engine made for running through a mall with bunch of zombies and a gears clone on a cold planet :)
They do that?
>middle of the road GPU
going to need some more information on this
is this a 1060 or a 3070ti
I just want a game that plays like this, without having half a roster of dogshit monsters.
I don't want some floaty, slidy, "cool webm" simulator.

I want games to feel and play like games again.
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did you fight reggae? he has like 50 telegraphed attacks that this happens with
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Anyone have any luck catching this fuck? Too fast on foot and goes out of the nets distance too much, on Seikret it’s just hard to aim the net as it always shoots off to the right.
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Devs did nothing wrong
I hate deserts
>There were a bunch of playtesters demanding LS to be even stronger
lmao I can picture this vividly in my mind
>Hey guys I keep missing the new finisher could we uhhhh, make it super disjointed?
>Hey guys my Spirit Thrust keeps getting interrupted can we give it hyper armor?
>Hey ummmmm, what if the new finisher did like, more damage than two True Charge Slashes? That would be good I think
Tbh if they just substantially buff the motion value on the last hit of perfect rush, SnS would be mostly perfect for me. Add in burst shots for your slinger and it'd be even closer.
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>he isn't a solo hunter
Gunlance bros how are we feeling?
get a time machine, boomer. the market has spoken and its demands are that of open world, lukewarm sloppa.
Just play PPSSPP with FU.
If you're taking about MHP2G then last I've seen of it is that only half of the game is translated.
Nah, that pogo stick playstyle was ass.
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>he isn't a soles hunter
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>Focus mode lets me hit all TCS with Greatsword
>Each hit does pisspoor damage

Is this the monkey paw? I want to trade Focus mode with Rage Slash.
how do you deal with the fact that you're doing half the damage of top weapons and you gotta spam charged chop?
>Aerial IG dead
Good fucking riddance
I could play that and just fight nargacuga and teostra endlessly and be happy
That's the chatter you hear when you're not in a cutscene. It's all just getting translated when we need to know what they're saying
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>Devs did nothing
fixed it for you
LIke we're gonna get nerfed. No way gunlance stays this good.
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I got you senpai, go enjoy real monster hunter again
maximum brain damage maximum fun the train never stops
>nobody has made her yet
shelling damage will drop off to shit like it always does
Playing iceborne. My first Monhun.

What am in for? Is multiplayer even alive?
No friends???
No blast dash sucks but it's retardedly good otherwise
Im going to fucking kill whoever took away triple poke
Someone other than me plays MH on laptop?
lowest settings, 720p native
it'll still spike to 100% and drop occasionally
no I'm not joking

It's more alive than ever currently and will be until wilds comes out
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I for one am enjoying Origami hunter wilds
blast dash was meme bullshit


Shelling scales with weapon attack now, it might drop off but it won't be as severe as before
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Here's the specs you're going to need to play this game.
Low res
>5700X3D or 5800X3D
>6800XT or 4070TI
Medium res
>5800X3D or 7800X3D
>4080+ or 7900XT
High res
>7800X3D or 9800X3D
>4090 or 7900XTX + upcoming cards high end cards
>SSD required for all of it.
my generic waifuslop is superior
I miss having near-infinite sharpness with skills like maxed out Heaven Sent or Master's Touch.
Hopefully the final game has these skills or at least other skills like it.
Yes. You can pop SoS signals if you want so some random guy kills the boss in a minute for you but you don't want that. LR/HR is probably quiet though since most are in MR.
I do. Both World and Rise runs fine. Can't even open Wilds though.
>an insanely versatile long range reposition tool leading into aerial slam into full burst
Nah fuck off moron
then play FU again you nostalgia slurping faggot
any 3090 bwos getting decent frames?
>no resolutions
ok retard.
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By hoping for perfect rush buffs. I'm not too concerned with how SnS compares to other weapons, but I'm moreso concerned with how SnS's own moves compare to each other. You're right that CC cannibalizes the moveset. Needs some fine-tuning to where CC is good when there's a short opening while perfect rush is the optimum choice for a longer opening.
It's an ugly bing bing move. Fade slash shelling is way better as a repositioning tool.
Here for the mouthbreather
>sub 140k
sub 140k
>sub 140k
sub 140k
>sub 140k
sub 140k
>sub 140k
sub 140k
>sub 140k
sub 140k
lol no
high res requires a 10800X3D and a 5090 (64gb) at 720p (upscaled from 480p)
ssd is too slow so a nvme is mandatory
I'm stuck on gigginox on portable 3rd

>jump off seikrat with attack into field of grass
>5 or 6 small dinosaurs phase into existence and scatter away about half a second after
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>Fade slash shelling is way better as a repositioning tool.
Not even close neither in purpose nor versatility
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I hope we're not getting all the same mantles from world...
>numberfagging a beta of all things
I checked it out for 2 hours and then stopped, I know how I feel right now, why spend more time on it
my goat
Now hold a shield
You can give your feedback on the website on the beta announcement news.
If you're mad about your weapon them talk about it THERE.
I made Rihanna in Rise.
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stop going underground
stop running away
stop making giant fucking holes in the ground i can't get away from
stop running into the desert into the worst slopey areas known to man

dude this demo lance does 0 damage - ok that's a lie, it does like, fucking 12 to 20 on a good day
i think that's my biggest problem, absolutely none of my moves feels impactful, other than the focus strike
charged counter? ooh 20 damage SUGOI
fully charged counter which takes several extra seconds? ooooooh 26 damage it's so GOOD i LOVE IT
there's quite a few moves with a lot of time commitment but they do less damage than what i would have done if i'd have just spammed Y the entre time instead
Not even half are good though.
>every armor has shit thunder res
lmao, they're trying to pad reydau's stats
I hope Capcom gets Kyoani'd.
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Miss me yet?
You know you can change the name manually, right?
XDDD reddit is going to like this one.
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I will try you after the beta
anybody who gets mh hunger after beta ends is going to play micebreak, they will go for world
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I've never lost so much interest in a franchise so suddenly, I quit after the first chata fight, fuck this demo
Wyvern Riding was dogshit>>500700793
Can't miss what I never experienced.

Is this shit on sale? SHOULD I BUY IT if its cheap? Never played and on PS5
Velk's a fucking meme in Rise because she functions much like the same in World except for like 2 new moves and you get so much shit to offset what she does.
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Yeah sure, let's farm anomaly quests until we reach lv300 and then go beyond so we can Qurious Craft our armor until the end of time
No, how?
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idk how you're dealing with the moveset changes
it's so stiff and weird compared to... literally every SnS I've ever played. SnS was "snappy", here you swing and you shimmy a bit here and there and it's like, idk...

Sunbreak SnS was fucking perfect and no one can tell me otherwise. The classic combo, reaper, falling shadow (my love), the shield zoom, even shoryu.
I loved lance because in sunbreak because all i had to do was loop leaping thrust forever or shield tackle and charged sweep and just doing that was good enough 8 minute hunts.

Now i need to fucking memorize a goddamn flowchart of optimal moves and counters for every different conceivable situation at once. It's too much. Wilds turned lance into a spreadsheet weapon like cb it's so fucking over
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Come home, hunter. Play the last real MH.
Test your mettle, face the challenge.
Tried to reply this game after a long break since killing primal malzeno. God this game is such fucking dogshit
>mfw milds
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I just don't get it, World was insanely popular and a big mainstream game, why do they need to dumb it down any further? What fucking non existent audience are they trying to please here?
>Hunter Arts
You're lucky no one has actually played you to complain about it.
bloated mandatory hp monsters for 4 people because solo scaling isn't in isn't hard it's tedious
If this was on ps5 I swear to god I would only play this. I don’t need anything after this one. This right here was perfect.
Is this game just badly optimized for the Beta?
Better than mantles and focus mode
japanese casual normalfags are even worse than in the west and always have been.
can you not turn off auto run for the sekiret, i just want actual fucking control of this thing like the palamute
the auto run off button makes you basically stand still and if you speed up it forces auto run back on
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Leaping thrust spam was fucking gay as hell
Nah, I fucking hated the styles back then. But if only I knew how worse it would become, I probably wouldn't have been so picky.
People so busy shitting on gameplay no one's noticed that the hub is just a refugee camp now
yeah but it was easy...and it did a lot of damage
and i loved it
It's clearly a temporary hub for the beta retard
The hard truth is that the success of Monster Hunter Now showed that a more casualized MH game will sell like hotcakes to normies.
bros I love the brown shota. I need a harem of them!

I'm a woman so it's OK to feel this way towards shotas.
I'm still at AR 150 and I'm kinda okay with it so far. But shit like
>Need Monster Slogbone
>Apparently it's only from a LR shitmon at level 101+
>Have to kill it multiple times in order to level it up enough
is grating.
Mid poke isn't even good why the fuck do you care that you automatically go into sweep (a good move), guard thrust is there if you want to mindlessly poke for whatever reason.
I prefer this over the themepark mmo endgame of iceborne
>A fucking Gacha beat MHBoomers

My fucking sides
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gonna do my first Ray Gun fight. Any protips?
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Jump pkpkpk Jump pkpkpk hop poke poke poke hop
Poke Poke Poke pokepokepoke hop Instablock

It's not different at all? What are you memorizing? There's literally nothing in this Beta you can't Instablock.
You can Instablock Ray Dau's mega railgun ffs
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>could run world at completely max graphics 60 fps 1440p with little to no issues
>can just barely stay above 60 at medium in wilds
seriously what the fuck did they do with this game
it just feels completely fucking different
it's so slow and unresponsive
Don't overcommit to attacks...
>2 weeks ago
>anons spam original spyro characters to shitpost
>now we get ps1 low poly monsters in beta
you fucking memed this into existence lmao
>the weapon was better when i only had to use one or two moves
What the fuck is wrong with bingers
I think landing charge counter is optimal, but it requires monster knowledge to land consistently
If you don't actually hit the guard point the triple poke is better
Even the 8GB GPUs recommended by Capcom are having this issue. This game is just made like garbage. Same problem as DD2 but worse in scale.
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I have a theory that studios have deals with companies like Nvidia to deliberately gimp performance on highly anticipated games so people upgrade.
>silky smooth 10fps
>game plays itself
>monsters are ugly
>environment is ugly
>game plays itself
>even cats speak english now
Yeah I think we've got our 2025 GOTY here
eat for elemental res
It's so fucking over, I wanted this to be good but it's actually worse than Asscreed
>actual fighting polygon teams in Beta
truly returned to the Nintendo 64 era with this one!
SnS will still have great ele damage,
You're telling me we're in uncontacted mystery land and everyone speaks English who writes this
Big zap make face a weak spot.
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bros leaked image of the elder dragon boss fight
MH3U > MH4U > MHGU > Sunbreak > Iceborne > Wilds
More like bitch slut damage.
Everyone speaks the same language in MonHunverse.
nintendo lawyers are typing out the lawsuits as we speak
>returning to my childhood
god...this game is gonna be so good...
gonna be so good we'll actually see hitboxes!
if the windward plains weren't so horrendously ugly this beta wouldn't be getting half of the criticisms it's getting.
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>Turn on focus mode
>Get in Axe Mode
>Hold those buttons until your hands go numb baby
>Keep holding those buttons bitch
>Hold those buttons if you don't want the hunt to take 30 minutes
Charge Blade is so FUCKING SHIT
Stop trying to SAED. Get your gigaphials and go ham.
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Focus mode was a mistake
>so weak he can't even hold a button down without crying
No thanks. Played it twice and that's enough. I have hope Wilds full game will be decent enough.
Its already better than World with the monster variety.
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>Inflicts Epliepsy on the player
AAA companies outsource the majority of their work now so you get retarded third-worlders making shit with no care for optimization whatsoever. Add that ontop of Capcom's shitty RE Engine and it's a disaster.
Where the fuck are all the Wilds choco soles?
>pctards shiddering and pooring all ober the place
>If the game weren't shit people would like it more
You're a fucking genius.
Nvidia doesn't care about consumer cards or gaming. Their main focus now is data centers and AI accelerators for them.
>Stop trying to SAED
I'm not, retard, SAED is useless
Focus Mode Savage-Axe-Only EDspam is so unfun with the goddamn button holding shit
I would might even argue that I like this version of CB if all they do is bring back the World savage mode that felt so much better and didn't make me feel like my fucking game was lagging
Is it supposed to take an hour to compile shaders?
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Cecilia in 30 minutes, and we're all watching!
Reminder to bring a Hammer for highest wakeup damage in the game!
>actually wanting solo scaling
holy casual
>snoys happily eating up their blurry 480p sub-30fps slop
like half the moves have no tracking so you can just walk to the side kek
I hunted the Alpha dog beaver thing and I am now extremely worried for this game's release. Are the other mons better?
If Nvidia wanted money they would lobby the US gov to remove sanctions on China
i've been watching streams of this game can someone tell me why there is absolutely 0 feedback?
Is there a censor mode or something, the monsters aren't even bleeding when you slice them and do not even react to damage?
>extremely worried
worked on me
I upgraded from a Fury R9 to a 4070 for tekken

your computer probably isn't rendering half the effects
I just don't understand why they led with it. Every other starting zone in MH is gorgeous.
>all these low poly scenes
>gemma is always the only one looking normal
capcom simp baiting conspiracy theory in full view, they hard coded here to take priority rendering
>SUB 130K
SUB 130K
>SUB 130K
SUB 130K
>SUB 130K
SUB 130K
>SUB 130K
SUB 130K

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Steady 30fps at 1080p minimum. How's your 20 poly 120fps going?
Everything good was removed because apparently you're not allowed to copy the good things from your own game
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Does anybody here genuinely think this is going to be another Dragon Dogma 2 case?

>Beloved sequel
>Takes years to come out. Budget and graphix
>Hyped by nostalgiafags before game even comes out
>Game tried to reinvent the wheel because suits don't give a fuck about old fans they just want to pull in new customers with pretty grapix

I'm not even going to doom if it ends up happening. DD2 desensitized me already
>abusing rocks run
literally nothing to do with the weapon and it's all environment damage
World will be over 7 years old by the time Wilds releases. That's like wondering why your PS1 can't run a PS3 game.
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I don't have any incentive to play this all, I've been watching dozens of gameplay from different people and so far I haven't seen a single monster even react to getting hit.
Poor snoy is blind and retarded
>can't just aim AED normally anymore
>can only aim with focus mode r stick
>but you also have to hold the buttons to spin the blade
>so now you have to use some kind of unholy N64 crossgrip on your controller just to aim your attacks

Genius Capcom
Yes, stop hoping for anything good. Blah blah blah
the solution to big weapons having unsatisfying impact was to even the playing field and remove feedback on everything
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snoys will never know these joys
freedom unite is back
>>Game tried to reinvent the wheel
World reinvented the wheel. Wilds is doubling down on it.
Sounds like projection since you don't need 60 fps.
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>Big ass monsters flinching from your attacks sometimes is one of the most satisfying parts of MH combat
>Wilds nearly removes it entirely because well that'd just be too strong when focus attacks are a guaranteed flinch
it keeps getting worse it keeps getting worse it keeps getting worse
You hold down the attack button in axe mode to get the savage axe effect. Dunno what it is on controller but on M+KB it involves holding right click.
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CB Bros I'm retarded...
whats the new activation method for Savage Axe
What software is this
>second doshaguma kill took me thrice as long
Did it scale to multiplayer or something or was the first one you fight just easier?
>Monsters don't flinch now
What are funny lies will people make up?
stupid dishonest retard software
amd adrenalin
the worm is worse
raygun is nice
frog is a punching bag
finally, the one hardware fag who knows whats up
uncaping your fps fucks up the game unfortunately, welcome to REengine
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Enemies flinch from the hammer like every other charge combo
You don't even need focus attacks to break wounds and cause a flinch/topple. Just keep hitting them.
Try gunlance, it's like the one weapon that actually feels like they tried to make it feel good.
Too many polys
Perfect Block > Y
Focus Attack a wound
Mount Finisher a wound
Yes, if they don't drastically improve performance the game just isn't going to run well on the majority of player's hardware. That's just the way it is, we can see it happening right now. We have the steam data to know what most player's rigs are and we can clearly see how the beta is performing on 30xx-series cards and below. And after DD2 people already have enough cause to fling shit at Capcom for this stuff so MH's positive legacy won't count for much.
>press the focus mode COOL button
>my switch axe did 1313 damage
this is some bug right?
theres no way you jump from doing 20-80 damage to fucking thirteen hundred
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Stand right in front of his face and move slightly to the left or right to avoid everything he throws.
The frog barely got any attacks off on me because I kept knocking him back and on the ground.
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I don't even want to imagine how broken this LS will become with quick sheath
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And poorfags will never know this feel
It's bugged yes. There is also a bug with CB
blud genuinely played with framegen on :skull:
As a Switch Axe main is it worth it to learn the Charge Blade instead?
It seems like it's better at dealing damage in the long run but the phial mechanic seems confusing and I can't rip myself away from unga bunga ZSD gameplay.
Wilds is a GS humiliation ritual
>Nooo I want every hunt to be 5 mins!
This but GL with evade extender
Hope it works on sidestep shelling
I killed the Doshugama, what else is there to do in the demo, i assume just kill random stuff?
why do u do this
am I retarded or do I have to stand further away for my focus attacks to hit a wound on lance/gl
So, uh, how do I unlock more quests, do you habe to find the monster in the wild first? I only have quests for dosha and the frog.
how do you check the average fps like yours?
>Le heckin 60 framerinos
there is 4 large monsters you can hunt in total
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>high settings
>frame gen ai bullshit OFF
>dlss or whatever other fake bullshit OFF
>motion blur OFF
>volumetric LOW
>depth of field OFF

i have a 7800x3d and a rx7800xt
i hope this helps
>do you habe
ja du musst
There's only quests for four monsters: chatacabra, doshaguma, balahara, and rey dau. You just have to find and kill them.
>main IG
>try my best and barely get under 5 minute kills on chatacabra
>grab hammer or GS and mash buttons
>easily under 3 minutes even with sloppy play

IG bros...not like this. Any tips? IG genuinely feels bad to me. Should I be focusing on charged attacks or mostly ignoring them? I really feel clueless on how to play this weapon now.
Doesn't run well on my 1070ti. Guess I'll wait for Itchynose's next game.
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Bless the Ryozo and His A-Team.
Bless the coming and going of Him.
May His release cleanse the world.
May He keep the mainline for His people.
I was originally happy about the idea of open world but man it feels like garbage
This man had the dirty sprite
That's terrible given the specs.
Pretty accurate actually
there are going to be more biomes right?
>>depth of field OFF
that's a bit confusing for me
does turning it off help framerate or not?
Sucking your cock in public is very rude you know.
If you don't like fighting monsters, then why are you even here?
god I can't wait to get my 7800x3d
They showed off the forest and the oil basin, and there's gonna be two others plus arena maps.
DoF is awful and should be disabled immediately in every game just like chromatic aberration
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>That's terrible given the specs.
thanks capcom very cool
so long as i have stable 60 (i do) i'm happy honestlyi have a 240hz monitor but it's cool, capcom can keep shitting out unoptimized pieces of garbage it's whatever what can i do about it eh

no i just hate the look of it lmao
motion blur OFF does give you an unironic 10-12 fps increase thoughever
No. This is it. This is the whole game. Monster Hunter is dead.
I hope they add monsters with infinite HP in the future.
Gunlance gawds, what are the combos for it in Wilds? I've just been using the typical fullburst combo while sprinkling in the stake sometimes.
Why did they make Offset Melody so god awful? What does capcom have against HH?
Honestly pretty funny seeing MHfags shit on DD2 then ending up in the exact same situation copium included
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i really wish i could play this
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lossless scaling fags i know you're here
does it work? can i get 60 frames if the game's running at stable 30?
Are there quests to find them or do I gotta go track/hunt them down?
SAED spam has been dead since Iceborne, why do you fuckers always bring up SAED spam?
it works but it will have a performance hit
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>was lazy as fuck with the sliders and just modified one of the basic presets a bit
>got MGS2 Raiden
i didnt ask for your opinion about it you troon
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its mah boi dogurr
I can only use it against the super telegraphed rey dau wing attacks.
Every other mons are too fast
What is this retarded open world seamless hunting wannabe shit?
Just give me a fucking room and a fucking quest menu and then load me into the fucking area.

God fucking damnit.
I've been compiling shaders for 40 minutes
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love me some black sclera
Framegen of any kind is going to look terrible if your baseline FPS is below 60.
I still love the head shake
Worst part is even though you have the whole open world loaded, posting a quest forces you into a load screen.
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Not quite
I'm worried the beta is going to kill my computer or something
why does the fucking lizard just endlessly gather potions for you
is there no more quest counter? do i just kill shit? i hate this.
its bussin
Hold on a second? SA is fun in Wilds? What the fuck?
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I haven't had any technical issues because my pc's pretty beefy, so I think the game is great.

I wish the colors were a bit more, well, colorful. Like they could make the bones more bleached white, make the green deeper on the shrubbery, and maybe a bit more blue for the oasis. Maybe stud in some of the electric crystals throughout the areas. They won't, but it'd be great if this map wasn't nothing but greyish brown.

I think Focus mode and wounds are actually great and I don't understand why everyone is hating on it. You generate wounds naturally throughout the fight without having to play some minigame and you get benefit from even if you don't want to use focus strikes; it's all the good parts of Iceborne's tenderizing system without the tedium of constantly needing to clutch claw.

I think the monsters may run a little bit too much; I'm not sure what dictates that, but it seems like they run after less than a minute of fighting a lot of the time. It does feel pretty fun to chase them though; running and gliding and grabbing materials on the go with the wire snatch is pretty fun.
I feel so despondent at myself for being unable to play any MonHun at any decent level.
Probably not. 4070ti can't carry my ryzen 5 1600x any further.
It's called MONSTER hunter not quest hunter. Go play an MMO if you wanna quest
To the future of gaming

100 million copies sold Day 1, all Streamers agree it's Epic.
Are the muddy textures direct storage related?
This demo map has barely any foliage. Can you even imagine how badly a thick jungle environment would run?
7900X/7900XTX @1440UW- Runs like shit. I get like 50 FPS in the town and 65ish when out hunting. Full of stutters too. If performance isn't at least 50% better on release (it wont be) I'm not buying this shit.
no idea which SA you are playing, but Wilds SA is terrible floaty and sluggish. no fun at all.
How do I know if I found the weapon for me?
It's like that scene from harry potter where he picks up the wand and light and wind surrounds him and he cums
>rey dau edition
Why? It's the biggest disappointment ever, animations suck, can't aim, piss easy damage sponge
The lizard doesnt gather anything, he just holds your supplies as they arrive. Brainlets.
If you don't have a monster marked, it goes into "explore mode" with default settings; it just wanders around from collectible to collectible.

You start a hunt by just attacking a big monster out in the wild or you can just talk to Alma at any point out in the field or back in base camp to start/join a quest.
Focus mode takes away the ability for me to aim my attacks normally, for one thing
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Definitely incentivized to deliver with "features' like DLSS or Ray Tracing bullshit
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Game ran absolutely fine for me on whatever default settings it gave me were, think everything was high. I turned off the frame cap, that was about it.
can confirm. this exact thing happened to me with GU SnS
You can spin the big map but you can't reset the orientation so north is 'up', this really bothers me
>inb4 they take this into stride and make layered armor from it
The bingbugs were mostly good the issue was not having 3 felt shitty and wyvern riding was hot dogshit
The seikret stuff is so brain dead the entire map might as well just not exist at all
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she's live
>Balhara DB was 23mins
Where can I hit a barrel to see all weapon mechanics?
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Why is everyone joking about the shitty performance and low poly monsters?
I don't wanna pay $70 for this always online unoptimized piece of shit
why aren't people mad that the game doesn't run well? I don't get it
is all it takes really a couple twitter microcelebs to set the tone early for people to not even care that they're carting at 20fps?
>almost 100% usage running high settings

I guess I'm giving my kid this GPU and upgrading to a 7800 RTX with 16gb VRAM.
do you actually get wounds with DBs? i feel like i got like 1 or 2 each hunt when i played them. then you swap to GS and you get a wound for just holding your weapon at a slight angle...
If you're a veteran the only difficulty in Wilds comes from getting used to all the stupid changes to your weapon. Or multi monsters.
You don't know how cardinal directions work, do you
literally everyone is bitching about it, even l*ddit
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I managed to find the best settings for my 3060 and my 1080p screen.
>Upscale to 1440p with DLDSR and then Downscale to 1080p DLSS quality
>This will give you a more clear image than Native TAA/FXAA+TAA
>Mix of med and high settings (all of the draw distance configs on med) and all of the post processing shit disabled
The game looks better than it does on my PS5 and it mantains 30 fps for the most part, but it's not perfect, there are some dips to 27-28 if I turn the camera around too quickly and I think it is related to some texture streaming issues (some details in the background take a while to load) as soon as the texture loads, the game goes back to 30FPS, what a fucking disaster.
I'm running the same settings as this video despite my CPU being newer (7600)


This slop defaulted to lowest everything despite not even using 50% of the VRAM.
I don't know where you're getting that people aren't mad. Japanese players are pissed and everywhere everyone is bitching about the performance, including here every 5 minutes.
Focus is unironically requirement because they did some weird shit to the game where otherwise you drift around way more than past games
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Is there some secret to unfuck the controls and movement or is every weapon just dogshit now and moving around monsters feels like a fucking tarpit.
My DLDSR resolution doesn't show up in the list otherwise I'd do 4K with DLSS Quality on my 1440p.
Why would I be mad? Monster hunter ended with GU. Everything after is just a "pick it up if it looks fun" game. I don't give a shit if wilds sucks. I can just play old monhun in the mean time and then pick up the next monhun if it sucks less
kek. good one
The focus mode is awkward but yeah generally the movement and stuff doesn't feel as snappy as the 5th gen games.
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Nah bro I'm just sleepy...
You'll get better. My last one was 3 minutes.
I think you'll only get a few wounds solo. But I have almost never created wounds in multiplayer. Personally think this is intentional and a good thing, so it makes coordination meaningful.
>other weaponfags with not as good focus damage create wounds
>DBfag exploits the wounds for free topples

How the fuck do you upgrade your weapons and armor? already talked to that smith btich but she just says a couple of dialogue lines and that's it.
I would much rather turn off focus mode and get pre nerfed TCS damage
I had the same issue, x2.25 DLDSR doesn't show up but x1.78 does
i want the game to give me quests one by one or in packages. i don't want to ride around in this open world and start "quests" that way, even less so if it doesnt throw me back to the lobby. the pacing is shit. also i'm getting WAY to many materials. this feels designed like a game people play for a couple hundred hours, not a couple thousand like past MH
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Here saar have another
You don't.
You don't. Wait for launch.
i hope you named him rayman
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Anyone else having trouble capping the fps? that option 'capped' to cap the fps is not working since i keep getting like 90 fps
Why is there no option to use your fists as weapons?
The secret is to make focus mode a toggle and leave it always on and instead of playing monster hunter you play some weird melee third person shooter
No MH game takes more than 500 hours to complete if you're going at a decent pace and not wasting time grinding mats for half the weapons and armor sets for each weapon.
4070 does not have enough VRAM to run this game in 4k.
that is all.
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>can make the game look like this and it still runs like shit
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>all this talk about gpus this and gpu that
>bend myself inside out fiddling with the graphics settings
>realize i'm cpu capped instead with my 3060 and i5 11400
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I keep waiting for the textures to load in but they just...don't
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Do you think Japanese games will ever have Sexo Armors again?
grinding mats and making builds with various sets and decos is the whole game anon
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>DD2 walked so Wilds could run
My fucking as the demo run worse than DD2 aside of towns at the launch

Darkest Dungeon 2?
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>It's over
They used the desert for this demo because it's the one that runs the best. EVERY OTHER ENVIRONMENT WILL RUN WORSE THAN THIS DEMO. Something to think about.
i'm so happy we can finally crossdress. you will make fun of me but i wanted to be able to do this in mainstream games for literally ages
>Dosogasha one hit carts
i hate this fucker one biggest artificial flavor since MH1.
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Lance just feels fucking awkward. Trying to line up combos so you can counter thrust with optimal charging is extremely jank and I just miss adept guard and cross slash.
>one biggest artificial flavor
Uhh anon did you have a stroke
drakedog 2
delivering pure warlock skill at 1 shadowbolt every 2.5 seconds
idk why they chose such a shitmon for the beta
didn't play, what is this? monsters always were able to crawl into a hole and appear somewhere else in the map.
The game works offline, I got kicked for AFKing earlier and it put me in offline mode with no one in the camp for the whole rest of my play session.
>Due to unforeseen circumstances with regards the game's optimization, we will be postponing Wilds release until late 2025. We hope you understand as we strive to give you the best hunting experience.
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The character creator is good? Okay, then recreate this.
Not even his biggest attack was a one-shot for me. It did like 80% of my hp at most, which is still alot but not one-shot territory. Did you remember to eat before the hunt?

Rei Dau on the other hand, he definitely has one-shot attacks. Thankfully they are extremely telegraphed and simple to avoid.
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That's what I don't get. It's a fucking desert, there is nothing. Why is this ugly game so demanding?

It has nothing to do with what you actually see and everything with the spaghetti code under the surface. Dragon's Dogma 2 all over again. And you shouldn't expect big improvements
Good it clearly needs the time
Best case scenario, won't happen.
that is never going to happen as it would lose them money lmao. they are gonna ship this POS as is
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My favorite part of Dragon's Dogma 2 was ogres sexually assault my twink self-insert because I was wearing girly clothes.
I think all this polygon shit is just a glitch a/o you mfs just need to keep loading shaders.
too soon bro...
If it makes you feel better all the up time melee feels like this, shit is just “off”
bro i bought a new pc before worlds was even announced and i'm playing wilds on max settings, get good
Malzeno literally teleports when you fight it mid combat. Primodrial does it even more so. It unironically does
>Teleports behind u
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I already had to wait a fucking year to play World because lmoa exclusivity, that wouldn't even phase me
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How do I force the retro poly mode? Genuine question. I'm curious if the low poly actually matches the hitboxes.
Anjanath only had ONE 50% move in he's arsenal. I'm talking about Tigrex or Barroth shit here. Like why does Dogashittoman do more damage then Thunder Dragon Gun? What an abosulute nigger shitmon like i rather fight Rathians in Ancient Forest then that slamdankshitnigger
Coomer mods ruin characters.
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pls respond
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None of the vegetation even moves when you come in contact with it let alone being able to cut it like in Crysis or Zelda or w/e. Feels like an elaborate troll. Picrel was 20 years ago, runs at 200 fps.
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remember how world launched?
multiplayer was virtually unplayable for the first solid month
they straight up dont care
Okay but shitposters were kinda right. The only time of day I find myself liking is when the sun is out and its nice and colorful. Inclement/Fallow is just awful all around. Just grey sludge.
In game fps cap worked for me. Try using rivatuner instead, it usually works better than in game fps caps anyway.
am i missing something or how is the dog difficult at all? is there another version of him thats harder?
I'm this anon >>500710419 I have the same build, from what I've seen the game doesn't run much better with our GPU even if you use a 7800x3D
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Thoughts on my hunter? what vibes he giving? also post your hunters!!
bro you really think people are shitposting this game is actually cooked, shitposters undersold the pre beta doomposting
Anon you literally still have adept guard, in fact your guard comes out almost immediately after poking
>filtered by the alpha monsters
I killed every mon in an hour with weapons I've never used before on any game.
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the sad thing is people will defend everything because they are weebs and fanboys. this is why nothing will get fixed. capcom and reviewers get paid by the same people so don't expect them to punish the game with honest scoring
Maybe try capping them with Nvidia Control Panel instead.
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thank you kind anon. have this twin
I tried all 14 weapons, and that never happened for me.
instead of hunter he should be called predator
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I will cock your clock off
In modern game development this is the best possible thing that could happen to ANY game, which is also why this will never ever happen.
SA just gets worse and worse, disappointing.
Angewomon is that you?
He looks like a twitch streamer that's going to be cancelled in the near future because he was messaging underage girls on discord.
Fuck no
i'm not shitposting i just don't think this game can possibly be shipped like this. you literally need to be a 1%er rich ass nigga to play this right now
I don’t actually think so, the biggest fanboys are already reeling from DD2. capcom has a high shill budget but that can only protect them for a couple of months

Remember when everyone was gassing up re4 make as being this epic godlike game….yeah it’s harder to remember re4 make even came out
Kek I hadn't even thought about that
I wouldn't give a fuck about focus mode if the character controlled anything like the previous games, but it doesn't, it's like they made it stiff as fuck on purpose to force you to use it.
wtf i'm not a pedo
That's why they have the the ridiculous system requirements though, so then they aren't obliges t fix anything
are you freaking kidding me? does this mean I am stuck with the shitty IRONED hammer from world?
poorfags still seething huh?
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>i hate non-classic gameplay
>i will stick with Wilds!!!

What did he mean by this?
all that windup time for 1/3 the damage of GS counter
My excitement has been tempered.

I didn't expect it, but Focus Mode ruins the combat experience and I feel like a fool when I try to simply ignore it. Both of my weapons got really cool shit (GL/SA) but it feels like garbage to never have to position properly to land anything.

The performance is obviously fucking terrible. 5600X/4070ti/64GB RAM and I can barely eke out 50-60fps at 1080p/medium/no frame gen/no upscaling. The game isn't unplayable, but it's really fucking close. I really hope this is resolved - I can get over Focus Mode being boring as fuck, but this will really hurt.

I still pre-ordered it directly through Steam so I can refund if they pull some shady shit before release. Thanks for reading my blog post.
I mean RE4 did very well for them financially still and is considered to be a very good game by general audiences.
If you actually accept a quest rather than run around killing random monsters in the field, it'll start you from base camp and return you there when you finish. I don't understand your issue.
it's amd software adrenaline
Like nvdias gforce experience shit
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fucking germans man
>RE4make bad!
For the purposes of fun, Switch Axe won bigly in Wilds and Charge Blade lost bigly. For the purposes of speedtrannying, you should play Charge Blade.
>look, wilds is THIS piss easy
thanks for showing us
lmao how do you CPU cap it's half a dozen moving agents and 20 moving hit boxes, they had this working in games in 1999.
No one remembers or cares about
I'm generally curios why the hate for framegen.
I use it and have a massive boost in fps and don't see any negatives to using it.
>look guys CB is so good in wilds!!
>look it up
>literally just savage axe looping 24/7
why lie
Source? Pretty sure it will just have Denuvo.
Multi monster obsession is the worst thing that happened to this series. It immediately sucks all fun out of it and forces you to do navigate around it in annoying unrewarding ways
>fell for the open world meme
>it's not even open world
>entire map is just pointless scenery
No more SAED spam.
>play on lowest
>can barely see wounds
Which setting do I increase?
not him but the demo has enigma and obsidium right now
why would they pay for several DRMs?
>All these shitters carting to doshuanga
I cannot believe you. I literally never carted once against him. You guys are literally scrubs loooooool.
>load open world
>begin quest
>get load screen
I don't get it
oh ok thanks
I've been able to SAED spam just fine
Doshaguma will be the pleb filter.
>game wants me to set up a popup camp
>literally nothing prompting me to do anything
>tutorial went away and no information on what to do

Fuck sake
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Anon.... it tells you its in your item bar... scroll through your item bar.............
Sounds fucking awful
well, guess I'll go back to emulating generations or something
the map has like 50 small monsters constantly moving for no reason
just... dont begin a quest?
Yeah because they didn't want to pay for Denuvo for the beta. There's no reason to stack anything on top of Denuvo because Denuvo actually works to prevent piracy these days. They haven't stacked DRM in their other games. This is 4chan FUD right now.
I think it's the same with World where the quest needs to reprocess the worldstate to actually have the mons function properly.
Coomers will be the ones to crack the game so they can make Gemma nude mods
are you serious, it’s replacing essentially 1/3 to 1/2 hour frames with interpolated AI slop and your inputs are delayed
I can't wait for coomer mods but on the other hand I doubt they can keep the varying physiques which would suck ass.
>that one dune with literally 20 massive sand dog turtle things huddled together doing nothing
so that's where all my fps is going
Stop talking about things you know nothing about.
Switch Axe felt pretty bad so far. SnS, DB and Hammer all felt better. Sword mode just goes away so damn fast and axe mode doesn't charge it fast enough. It felt kinda gutted compared to SA in previous games.
You use focus mode.
SAED spam is extremely unoptimal in Iceborne. It was good in base Rise, and then again unoptimal in Sunbreak. Is that all you're trying to say with your short shitpost? Otherwise hello pot! Meet kettle!
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switch axe
Perfrct guard lacks cross slash so there's basically jack shit for payoff on it though.
This will be Wilds' legacy. I hope Ryozo is happy.
uoooohhhh dany sexo
I never doubted it, awesome game with many new things that just worked
>everybody is pissed at wilds because it sucks
>next monhun not for 2-3 years
It's so fucking over
>unironically having to ask about learning a weapon or not
Bro, this is MH, not a fighting game character. You can learn every weapon in the game in one day.
A) that's retarded
B) the tutorial basically vanished before i had a chance to read it because it pressed a button

but thanks, done now
Pc version def needs to be delayed for another year or so to optimize, ps5 can just release since snoys eat up any slop anyway
I won't. The base game is too frustrating in it's core loop for me to justify shelling out for the DLC.
I'm still playing it now.
I already decided from the first 2 non-trailers and the 1st ACTUAL trailer that i wasn't getting wilds, so I'm getting my fill reading all the posts about how un-optimized it is.
I can't disagree more, I think this is by far the most fun iteration of Switch Axe they've come up with. Being forced to morph for sword uptime along with much faster fade morph/fade slash is really good. The counter is fine, offset rising slash is fun. Getting to morph like 6 times during a single Focus Strike if you mash the morph button is fun as fuck too.
GU is calling you
Wilds 2025
Wilds High rank 2026
Wilds G (M) rank 2027

What does that mean?
i apologize for buying it
Honestly the game runs surprisingly smooth.
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>people post their bad experiences with the demo
>QUICK, spam coomer shit
Ryozo is the face of MonHun. He is the Shogun and thus responsibility falls onto him.
There are several monsters where SAED is optimal, such as Namielle and Luna, clown. It's a PvE game anyway, who cares if it's the most optional option or not.
too many fingers
is it just me or does the game have 0 audio queues for attacks?
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Why are shield users such angry chuds?
>sees 1 image in over 670 posts
what did the /mhg/ discord mean by this
not liking the demo but i think the series might be for me anyhow, what games should i start with instead? i can emulate anything
4-5 years you mean,.
Sound design in general feels wrong in Wilds. Very few things sound correct to me.
wtf did they do to this weapon, this looks like shit
forced to play in focus mode 24/7 for extracts
retarded ass gameplay loop of get triple buff > spend it instantly on your 1 op move, rinse and repeat
collecting kinsect buffs is not fun why would they double down on that
Not feeling the lance this time around. Is it over for me, lancebros?
Post the Namielle or Luna SAED speedruns that are faster than Savage Axe. You're the one that said
>Stop talking about things you know nothing about
in response to a dude who said something that was absolutely correct. Honk honk.
yeah it's over
4 Ultimate or Generations Ultimate
well he's gonna be ceo by nepo soon so he's never gonna commit sudoku
The game doesn't cost $70. It costs $70 + (what ever the current market price of RTX 4090 is).
>pretending to be two different anons
Go as far back as you can stomach starting out with
>Freedom Unite

>but what about generations ultimate
not a great starting point at all, it's 100% for already existing fans
they turned it into flippy cb because that's what the kids like
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They can smell the shit I'm taking on them
i apologize for ever installing this shit
food and sex should never be mixed
hate that shit
Coward's response. I knew you couldn't pull out a single example of SAED being stronger than Savage Axe. You have absolutely no fucking idea what you're talking about but you think running your greasy little fingers across your keyboard makes you a big boy.
>less than 60
Portable 3rd is the baseline, its the tightest game in the series without any bloat. Play P3rd
>If you want more endgame style grind and a more mysterious RPG feel, play 4U
>If you want an expanded moveset and more action elements (and a sequel to P3rd in terms of feel and themes), play Rise
>If you think P3RD wasn't old school and vintage feeling enough for you, play Freedom Unite
>If you think P3RD wasn't "omg my childhood was filled with 2007-2012 nintendo hits" for you, play 3U
>if you like the western bait combat, presentation, and graphics of Wilds but want a game that actually functions, play World.
Just play World
Oh boy I really do miss staring at dog ass every mission.
Such an improvement over staring at bird ass.
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>Gore Magala, Kut Ku, Gravios, Congalala coming back
>Game starts in a dessert, with a team like the Caravan
>Frenzy is rumored to be back with Gore
>Game runs at 30 FPS with some dips to the mid 20s here and there in most devices
The real MH4 experience is back! Game feels like a remake already
Risebreak is shit and I'm glad a real game is coming out with Wilds
the falling rocks did more damage than the weapon, if we banned environmental hazards we'd see LS and Bow be 4x faster than SnS or Lance
This beta was a retarded move, marketing wise. Capcom utterly stomping out any hype for the game
That looks like baby Ridley.
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>Hold Block
I just use the Gaismagorm layered to turn it into a spooky ghost.
Pretty sure rocks only do like 600 damage which is 4 charged hammer hits.
Not buying Wilds because they're continuing the trend of being lazy by offering fewer voice samples and a horrible pitch system and doing the whole Body Type A, Body Type B shit. Not buying. Get fucked Wokecom.
and cpu, and ram
can you dye ur armor in beta?
running the game in 1080p though, but yeah game runs like ass.
>Pretty sure rocks only do like 600 damage which is 4 charged hammer hits.
And you get like 6 of them
Damn you must be brainrotten
I managed to catch it by chasing it to the end of what seemed to be its roam area. It doubled back into me and I netted it.

Not sure if there's a place to check what endemic life you've caught in the demo, but I'm sure I'll have to do it again in the full game. It's a bummer that ghillie suit doesn't seem to work for sneaking up on it.
What is the PC room?
Why is the texture resolution so low? The game doesn't even seem to consume that much VRAM.
To be fair, now is body preset 1-20, in a couple of years, the hunter won't be labeled as human anymore, maybe attack helicopter?
Solly waito piggu, pelfect brock onry. You rike?
I really check more gameplay other than hammer since I've only seen them use those once to stop it from fleeing.
They nerfed regular guard in order to make perfect guard somewhat reasonable. You're either going to have to time it better or stop playing guard weapons.
You're retarded, don't post in my thread again.
>the monster hunter potion of the game sucks so this is the shit worldfags are obsessing over
it's world all over again
>rey dau leaps back and has 100000 range 1shot
what's the counter play here for greatsword? a roll doesn't put you far enough away. you need to already be sheathed and running.
See >>500714748 I'm trying to set it up
I have nothing to apologize for, Sunbreak was great.
Except for the LS cuck circle that wasn't cool.
Idk either, Textures even on everything max just look extremely poor, and even the geometric density is really low.
So this is a public beta test, huh? I guess I'll stay out of it, because my feedback will be worthless due to my lack of experience in the franchise.
Relies on AI upscaling for the intended look.
it takes like 4 seconds bro
This game makes World look good
you don't have to leave feedback
now is the best time to play it honestly
try this demo out now to see if you even like how it plays
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This game makes Rise look good, I already miss the buttery smooth 144 FPS
Providing feedback is not mandatory. They also don't care about franchise vet's opinions, this game is made for YOU, not for us.
Why? Sunbreak was giga kino
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Obvious graphical glitch aside,it's pretty good.

My only real criticismare
-I miss Rise's truly open map, it's hard to reconcile Wild's riding and focus on the environment with having blatant invisible walls.
-The wyvern you ride is so much harder to control than Rise's wolves

2nd is hopefully fixed by release, 1st guess i'll have to wait for the B team game.
Still a step in the right direction,which is what Capcom has been continuously doing since 2018.
Even if all I've played is 25 hours on Rise for Switch? I don't even think my PC or my PS5 are strong enough to play it.
>it's pretty good.
no it's not, weapon changes are mostly retarded and the monsters lazy rehashes that aren't challenging
>They also don't care about franchise vet's opinions, this game is made for YOU, not for us.
Anon, don't say it like that...It hurts
>big attack is coming
>press rt to sheath so i can get out of the way
>oopsy you're still in focus mode because you had to toggle it on because nu lance is impossible without it being toggled on
>waste time doing a focus attack
>remember to turn off focus mode
>press rt again
>get sniped by ray dau and die
the authentic lance experience
Is there an MH language setting like the felyne language one?
It does make Rise look good, but if you're getting 144fps+ on Rise you can land similar in World without it looking like a Switch game.
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I assume that the difficulty was lowered for the beta/demo.
How i get a huntress wife?
the demo will let you know if your pc can handle it or not
don't worry, wilds plays COMPLETELY differently to rise (worse, imo)
again, try it, it's free
see if it runs see if you like it
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So whats the point of making the maps bigger? It's not really an open world. It's a map from World, but bigger. It's not seamless hunting like the Guiding Lands because joining a quest still seems to load an instance for you and the team members (loading screen included).
I haven't seen any new environmental interactions yet. It's mostly dropping rocks on monsters or making them get stuck inside vines. Stuff that was also possible in the smaller maps of World.
Is this truely just World but bigger? Am I missing something?
I am. They're a tiny red spot, barely visible.
>but if you're getting 144fps+ on Rise you can land similar in World
Not at all and Rise unironically looks better than the messy diarrhea that is WIlds
Just set it to one of the languages you don't speak. It's going to be basically the same gibberish to you.
It's so people can make posts saying they like Wilds and you should suck a dick with an image of their character standing over some vista attached
MH demos are always made harder than the acutal game though
>t. doesn't know how slow greatsword is
um sis it's more immersive like this stop being a hateful bigot and accept plus sized maps for the beautiful queens that they are
Sure, Wilds does look and run terribly.

But do you just mean if you turn the settings down? Rise and World at max settings require basically the same specs and World is definitely the better looking game of the two.
The dynamic sandpits in the desert are the big part of this map it seems, plus there's a lot less "walls" inside the cavernous zone / you can jump on top of things (kinda like a zonewide Upper Coral Highlands)
Or maybe because it's the first area where the first chapter takes place you fucking retard
>meanwhile seikrit automatically rides you to the monster
I hate modern gaming so fucking much, fuck capcom go sell the megaman IP to inti creates already
So far early game Wilds is looking like World again, imagine how piss easy Rey Dau will be when you bring a water element weapon and electric resistant gear.
it's not a tank, and you're not blind
I've had 6 hours playtime with no low poly glitch though, how
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you made luke smith
thank god for upscaling and frame generation. just turning them on native res gives me +60fps for free. game still crash though idk why
>But do you just mean if you turn the settings down? Rise and World at max settings require basically the same specs and World is definitely the better looking game of the two.
NTA but no it doesn't. I can play Sunbreak at max with no issues but I have to play World at mid settings.
I love graphics like the Switch games
>you can land similar in World without it looking like a Switch game
I know, I said Rise because I was playing it before the Wilds beta, I have 3.2K hours on World, got tired of it maybe because I only play Solo, I don't like the Online experience in the 5th Gen games.
that's just how sunborne is anon
Usually the demos are considerably harder…
it lets them market the game as something it isn't AND it gives them an excuse for why the performance is shit
>sorry guys we're still inexperienced with open world
it's a genius swing really
>t. doesn't know how to dive-evade
>implying Rise had no invisible walls
Yeah, I fear this. Happens a lot where a game is known for linear design but the next entry is open world with no gameplay justification aside from looking pretty.
Kek. Made me laugh.
We had sandpits that got triggered by Monsters in World as well :/
You know I never really thought about how retarded that combination really is
At 1080p?
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>better swipe
>instant leap thrust
>fourth follow up on both mid and high thrust
>instant retaliation on perfect block
>one of the best wound breakers
Fellow lancebros,
We are back
>gives me +60fps for free
lol you did not "get" 60 frames
frame gen is fake bullshit
It did, but only really on some of the outer edges of the map, you could go anywhere within the boundaries, and half of the boundaries felt natural.
then why does it feel so jank and clunky and responsive now
cause you shit
You're best off starting with FU, 3U, or 4U.
because you're not playing it like a bowgun, what? you don't want to play a melee weapon with a target reticle on your screen 99% of the time? too bad the zeitgeist has already decide that this is good and great and incredible and the best thing evah you silly contrarian
>no bing bing wahoo wire skills
>uhhhhh wheres my instant counter reversal into mega damage ahhhhh this is so clunky

retard kill yourself
50 critters? Well sorry let me bump up my estimates, 2001
>sheathing as lance
Deserved but required
SA or IG? i cant fucking decide for main weapon
Press the item button you fucking retard
I am also enjoying nulance
>third rey SOS in a row where we get to the nest without a faint
>all three players proceed to get one shot because they didn't grab +elem resist food
man I really want to help people kill it but they're making it hard
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Why the fuck do I need to hold LT to change my attack direction just fucking let me pivot with LS if you're going to allow it at all
genuinely how can someone manage to get hit by any move he does its so telegraphed. i beat him with random 1 pixel sandwalls blocking my view completely half the time, while my seikret was shaped like a bowl of spaghetti from hell.

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