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Previous: >>500677873 #

Version 1.3 "Virtual Revenge" Special Program
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWZKv08DRvs [Open]
Agent Record | Tsukishiro Yanagi
Agent Record | Lighter Lorenz

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9N_o6OwOyd0 [Open]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcjFp9_0flo [Open]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFnc00wpAPg [Open]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykVaoakTKJY [Open]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NQPMTJ9rh0 [Open]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvuV365VO6Q [Open]

>Upcoming Events for 1.3
Full 1.3 details and events: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/126603
"En-Nah" Into Your Lap - Check in to claim 10 free Boopons! - 10/16 - 11/05
Roaming the Ether - Complete minigames and recover lost data for the Cunning Hares - 10/16 - 10/28
Advanced Bounty: Routine Cleanup - Double drops for all Routine Cleanup stages - 21/10 - 26/10
Vicious Dogs Within - Earn Doggy Vouchers exchangeable for various rewards by playing Soul Hounds III - 25/10 - 11/01
141 Friendship Fair - Help Sjal with the Sixth Street market fair and earn rewards - 27/10 - 11/04

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
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>Yenless Yen Zero
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in the end, was he right?
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Reminder: only 2 of us are rolling for Tsukishiro Yanagi.
First time doing SD with Burnice and really enjoying it.
Now give me tower for the longer fights.
This character is a cuck
gooncels lost
make that 1, i changed my mind
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Post soul clears
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Same nigga
make that 2 again, I think her playstyle looks fun and I like jiggly boobs
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is this true bwos?
hoyo still keeps tears/hi3 going and they're old shit that make no money, are we okay?
(I don't play tears/hi3, are they actually in a "good" spot? do they get the same amount of content and updates?)
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im rollin i got 140 pulls hopefully only one pity needed..
no. burnice flopped horribly and cut the sales by half
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Nevermind, we're so back
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depends on whether miyabi getsdripped today and how good her animations are in the beta
i don't know
Actual previous: >>500690040
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I have arrived to roll for yanagi
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>shitposting ramps up
>retarded Nicoleposter and his vandalized OPs return in tandem
Nobody is rolling for a boring pink haired hag when we have a spunky pink haired cutie in the game already
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SHOOWHODHSUSHIII <- this is the sound of Miyabi running at light speed in your direction
They should let you borrow a friends unit for hard content.
What are the chances of Sharkboo ever getting fixed?
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Need to see Lucy's bare chest...
this schizo has more than 800 images of nicole
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hold my condom
it's incredibly based. true dedication to his wife
I think I've seen him use that file naming for Ellen as well, so it's not all Nicole.
Still have never had to use a Fire or Electric team for Shiyu
great game Mihoyo!
Anby sexually assaulted Soldier 11 during her time in the military.
This is a good thing
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Gro your Lucer
yes, zzz is now 3rd bitch instead of number one
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why are so few of her fanarts on-model...
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Well, he wasnt exactly wrong.
>jane flopped
>caesar flopped
>'nice flopped
>office lady will flop
game flopped
if anything they'll get spooked into putting in more effort
Try flopping yourself off the nearest bridge
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This general made me horny for blue pussy
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yanagi's floppy tits
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Nagi's red bean buns
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If ZZZ does not want to fall off, they need to refine the combat system.

It's too boring and repetitive, it gets annoying quite fast.
ZZZ is solely focused on combat, and one should expect it to be at least DMC level.
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Ellen's fat butt...
soicaca is so lucky...
Can't stop thinking about fucking Ellen's ass since I saw that video a few threads ago...
diaper zone zero
M-maybe he just has that many wives?
I will roll Yanagi and Swipe on Mibibi
Skip the ugly whore
ur mom?
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hey bros i just finished jane does quest the r and b one. do i have enough time to do the calydon story and main event in time to get the tapes?
I am jerking off.
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artists too horny to see straight
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I suppose I'm the minority that instantly finds a character offputting if they get shilled like that, I'd much rather have the story stay foxused on scoundrels, low level mercs, cops, truck drivers and other misfits
Raising the stakes by raising the powerlevel, instead of unveiling some grander design that regular people have to work and solve, is BORING
>they don't have infinite money
they literally do
Void Hunters are not that out of the ordinary and were mentioned from the start.
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>Flops of Calydon
story yeah but the cheesetopia event is slow as fuck, it will take you hours
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Victory... but at what cost...
This was a bad post and you shouldn't have screenshotted it
>Mobile only revenue ESTIMATES
Wheres the PC and Sony figures?
I have not seen one person play this shit on phone
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Probably could have played a little better, but Ellen just isn't carrying her weight anymore.
Am I the only one who feels Ellen is kind of weak? Or is that because I don't have Lycaon?
The game is powercreeping incredibly hard with anomaly
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But she is also weaker than Zhu Yuan.
No ice weak enemies and anomaly shilling will do that to you.
guys im confused is yanagi on the 4th or 6th??? please reply
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>Powercreeps your Ellen
Nothing personal, Blazing Crustacean
Sell me on Yanagi.
Why should I roll for her?
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Hoe much seething will Anomaly Miyabi produce?
She's strong with Burnice
Only for metashitting
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>kemono revives
>still barely any zzz
bros... it's so over...
Cuz the vast majority of artist were and still are drawing other gacha girls.
if she pairs with ellen I will be the happiest man alive. If she's an attacker that's cool too.
>yo yo banana nanana ninjanana story
>unvoiced event
>only one new banner character
HSR should be doing well and this is what we got. Revenue doesn't matter mihomo will do as they please, don't worry about it.
I don't have Burnice.
im pretty sure even with ice weakness and on neutral buffs shes straight up worse than piper now
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I'm still building her sis...
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Only 3 days left, don't forget to claim your free child!
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>kemono revives
Lol lmao even
She's when the patch drops. So count the days from however much time is left on burnice's banner, and then add a few hours to it
Unfortunately anon, it's pretty true. Go back and watch a cutscene from 1.0, they're so smooth compared to the cutscenes in 1.2. It's like they are half the framerate now. So choppy and crappy looking. I really wish this game was doing better. Genshin is going through a really tough time lately too. They're gonna have to start tightening their belts even more.
She has beautiful large breasts and her best team might be the strongest team in the game.
She will be strong with Mibibi
You can say that once fanbox or patreon is back
No reason to pull Yanagi I guess.
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Me B.B.
thank u
>slower than my Billy clear
>two pink cows
>three basic blondes
Nice character design zookeks, very riveting
Have you already prefarmed for Yanagi? Which artifact/disk set? Which main stats?
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>still replying to sales post after it's been debunked for the thousandth time as totally unreliable garbage from a shitty website that admits to making up figures
>also it's from fucking reddit
Bwo, help.
I don't know how to build my Yanagi
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>canonically stacked
that's a fully developed adult, bwo. she's safe horny.
idk, I like those because you can have higher expectations for them and either they turn out to be true, then you have good character or they are totally wrong which lets you to meme and shit on the failure for the next few weeks
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So how will we/zzz recover from this? What will hoyoverse do if we just keep going down. We are on the way to Wuwa numbers
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congrats now get her engine
It's pretty simple
When numbers are high
>Haha, alive game, take that Wuwa
When numbers are low
>Nooooo, that's a fake website with fake numbers
Isn't that just mobile? I don't know about anyone else, but I feel like this game is best played on PC. Apparently there are a lot of Playstation players too. HSR is just built for the phone since it's turn based. Genshin is always king.
gwats bwo
i only have enough for 1 roll. don't care i already got grace'd last week and this was just 9 rolls after. i have to save for another future character
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It's what gacha vets have been saying for ages. Good game or generosity never equates to higher sales. The truth is that ZZZ is just the 3rd game in hoyo's catalog and people are just tired of gacha games.
Yes but it shows the trend for sales of the game.
You can get a free one? Already got to M6 from the Burnice banner so I guess I'll get a free roll instead...
>Fill out your Electric core
>Fill out your busty theme team
>Chaos Jazz target with Lighter
>Workaholic-2-shoes who loves her team like family
As many reasons...
Why is the thread split into two with almost the same replies?
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bretty good id say
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Poowa flopped so bad it burned gamers out on gacha and torpedoed the entire industry. We're going back to niche coomer games for degenerates now. It's over!
How are damage units supposed to compete with this? Is anomaly just completely broken? It's even faster on crit shilling weeks.
Dead thread
Dead game
Nicoletard just gave up on samefagging and astroturfing this thread after the other one passed it in replies
don't even give it the credit. xhe literally doesn't contribute anything aside from sabotaging the OP.
Lucy would say this
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i started playing again yesterday to get burnice, got her, and might quit bros... its sometimes so peak(victoria housekeeping main story quest) but thinking about slaving away in hollow zero makes me wanna kms... also, idk why, but this game makes me sleepy...
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Who should I focus on building after Burnice?
holy bricked and also seth i guess
I started a week ago pls forgiev
>Good game or generosity never equates to higher sales
That's true for generosity, because giving more free pulls isn't suddenly going to make people spend. If anything, the more generous a game, the less people will spend. But people will spend on a good gacha game. The important thing to make people spend is having more than one reason to open the wallet

>Hyped up character
>Conventionally sexy/"Safe Horny" design
>Useful in non-combat situations

Usually having some combination of the above will lead to higher sales of a peculiar character.
This is the first gacha I've ever played and I'm wondering what made them land on their pricing.

Is it similar to other gachas? $1.25 per roll ($2.50!!! without the doubling bonus) seems absolutely batshit crazy to me, a normal human being. It clearly works out for them but I can't help but think they'd make more of they targeted non insane/addicted people to spend more. But maybe the nature of gacha is it can only work this way I don't know.

Targeting mentally unwell people for 90% of your income just feels unnecessarily difficult to me.
its all designed to make it unclear how much you're actually spending. In your example $1.25 doesn't feel too much worse than $1 but after 4 roll purchases you've actually spent $5 not $4 and it keeps adding up across buys and across the paying playerbase. You can see similar systems in other areas, how completing one set of challenges gives 150 polychromes but its 160 for 1 roll so you always have 140 left over after a roll and think you just need to chase another 20 for the next roll aka keep playing.
In other words they've had plenty of experience to utterly optimise their pricing strategy to extract maximum profit, these numbers are probably all calculated using massive datasets of spending habits across all their games.
They can't. They require less stats to function yet can carry so hard, easier disks to farm, crit isn't useless on them once you meet needed stat values, scales harder AND scales better off supports than damage. Way more flexible team options to go with like Dual support, support+stun, disorder, dps+support. Damage was basically married to support+stun comps amd will be in the foreseeable future
Every person I know plays on PC but maybe use the mobile for easy and quick dailies/arcade games. Not being able to do defense assets to the previous agent sucks ass.
I was at 80 rolls and really wanted Burnice, but got some Koleda instead, fuck this shit.
HER game
Objectively speaking, this pricing model at the time of genshin's release was considered tame for gacha games. Only gacha newcomers, whose only experience with casino games was 5 dollar loot boxes, thought it was absurd to charge 300 bucks for a 5* character. In truth, the lowish pity, the coin flip toss pity, the only jewish thing was the weapon banner. Now, most if not all the popular games outside of hoyo games are more forgiving on pricing because they have to be otherwise they get roasted by gacha newbies who're used to the genshin model.

To some extent, generosity can probably increase sales. Changing the weapon banner in genshin to function more like the character banner probably increased sales. Maybe. A large part of revenue is determined by the overhead and the hoyo model has objectively a higher overhead than most games nowadays.
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Flopice Flopice Flopice GO!
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Too lazy to upgrade Piper and Grace's cores to F, this will have to do for now. Probably the most painful Shiyu so far because I skipped Jane, Yanagi isn't out yet, and I was just building pity on Burnice.... Haha! Fun teams thoughbeitever.
This game can only be saved if they sell out to the west at this point, which means it's time to jump ship. It's undeniable from the start they wanted western audience attention more with how they were whoring themselves out to all of Geoff Keighley's events. But they wanted to have their cake and eat it too trying to appeal to japs and chinks so a lot of tropes that make westies seethe made it into the game even though they're not going full blown blue archive with them. They couldn't commit to one side or the other and now they're paying the price in low sales and no one wants to talk about the game.
Why is our thread so dead now?
>S'd Shiyu
Qingyi/Zhu/Nicole is still the GOAT team.
That's not a bad account. You've kind of got everyone all over the place though. Soukaku/Corin/Lycaron is probably your easiest team to put together. Burnice, Ben and Lucy isn't too bad, though Burnice will have to pull more on-field time. Those are all decent characters to build anyway.
its over
we're getting lame characters. yanagi/harumasa is going to kill this game.
They started off so strongly with the variety too, robots, onis, furries and the girls had more variety in outfits and color scheme. This was supposed to be the experimental game, but theyre not being experimental enough. just sliding into old tropes but way worse because its a superficial gacha game. things are going downhill so fast
I'm running Blitz in difficulty 8, with Qingyi, Caesar, Zhu.
And I just barely made it through thanks to Caesar.

I think I'm not good enough to play without Caesar.
yeah designs are getting more and more boring
literal 4* looking ass
Yea I know about all the obfuscation techniques. The 160 to a roll and you buy them in bizarre quantities like 6835 or whatever. But I was thinking more of just the raw math to a roll.

Reason being is in a thread the other day some guy was talking about subbing, but said he'd never buy anything else because "I'm not gonna spend the price of a cheeseburger on a b rank engine". And I had a laugh and thought yea me too.

So I guess ultimately they target guys like that with the sub/bp and then just leave the monochrome market as whale bait. Clearly works for them but I can't help but wonder if sub people like him wouldn't be more willing to dump an extra twenty or thirty bucks in every now and then if the extra money net more than just fodder bullshit.
Caesar definitely makes it easier. I needed to use Caesar on my Piper/Lucy team, so I couldn't use her for Qingyi/Zhu. Nicole still got the job done.
I prefer this slow and dead thread than whatever it was last time when the /hrtg/ niggers kept salesposting. Newfags kept replying and samefagging
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This is what happens when the worms, /trash/fags, salesfags, and tourists get tired of shitposting: comfy hours.
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>Look at /hrtg/ earlier
>Its all people seething at women, bitching about women cosplaying character, wearing makeup, etc.
>But they start simping when Chinese femboys do the same and start saying boys make better girls and start having bigger emotional outbursts than the average woman
Damn, /hrtg/ wasn't a meme after all
Man it was like three super fast extremely shit threads.

I managed to one shot s rank all the Shiyu, 7 was close with only 8 seconds to spare. Pretty happy with the results considering I couldn't abuse the burn/shock thing really. Thought I'd end up needing Burnice or Yanagi since it's clearly a shill run for them. So it's cool to know that they haven't, at least yet, turned the screws on us to force us to roll.
For the last stage I managed to get the clear with S11/Koleda/Ben for the fire weak, and then Qingyi/Zhu/Nicole for the Electric weak. Only had like 23 seconds to spare though. Still, I'm pretty happy.
Is it bad to skip NPC dialogue for the commissions? Some of them get really wordy for a small mission that rewards only 200 credits or something and I got tired of it.
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Theyre massive
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You are not ready for the storm that is approaching
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Whaat? Mibibi is just A-rank?!
if girls frontline 1 is still going on global ZZZ will be fine
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Pulchrafags & OBOLsissies are going to get BTFO'd by GODabi
i dont get the myabi hype
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cute fluffy fox
anby mcchicken and billy fries
what do i make nicole in my hypothetical promotional meal
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Whaaat?? She's ice support?!
No drip?
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Nice drip marketing ZZZkeks
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strawberry milk
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>h-hello... pro--xy... It- is me.. Hoshimi.. Mibibi...
>1.4 Haramusa and Ellen rerun
The game is fucking dead holy shit
Sad to say but she's scrapped bwos...
>Harumasa is the only character in the patch
we literally dont even know what their story is going to be about to assume if its going to be about power-levels, in the end mibibi will just end up renting videotapes from patheon in the end, so i doubt it will go into chip chong power levels
but i agree that their faction doesn't interest me, im more interested in obol because S11 even being an autistic weirdo ended up being very charismatic to me so i cant wait to see how she interacts with the rest of her faction.
>no drip
It's over miyabibros...
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Nyews doko?
Get out of here, Limbab
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"Roll for Yanagi W-Engine, gweilo"
What about kot
Disgustingly sweet pink slushy
Miyabi 2.0 confirmed
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>Shiyu fully shilling shock
>Qingyi + Zhu still clears every electric weak side on the sub 1:10 ~ range
perfect now i can keep saving for obol and idols
>solo male banner
So what are the chances we get drip marketing on monday for a second character?
/hsr/ is making fun of us, bros.... what do we do????
nicole strawberry shake and nekomata barbeque sauce
is there any scenes where wise is attracted to someone else
belle need not apply
Closest is Nicole
Wise will fall for Miyabi, aka ZZZ's Firefly in the story
Yanagi buffs?
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No Miyabi? Then you're going to be with me the whole patch~
Nope. They would never do that.
I'm surprised they decided to reduce new banners to 1 per patch so soon considering how small the pool of playable characters is at the moment
Where’s MIYABI
No but he clearly has the hots for Caesar
Owari da...
Trying too hard falseflagger.
No one is attracted to anyone no matter how much of a whore they dress themselves like as thats just how the hoyoverse works.
I can't wait for reruns middle of next year when I can finally roll...

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