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>Game Download - Android/iOS/PC

>General Info/FAQ for New Players

>Additional Links


>Update on October 31

>Developer's Note: September 2024

>Current Events
OLD TALES [2nd Anniversary] - October 31 ~ November 21
Full Burst Day - Weekends, November 2 ~ November 18

>Upcoming Events
Co-op: Land Eater - November 8 ~ November 10
Solo Raid: Behemoth - Postponed/TBA

>Current Special Recruit
Cinderella - October 31 ~ November 21
Rapunzel: Pure Grace [Free SSR] - October 31 ~ November 21

>Upcoming Special Recruit
Grave - November 7 ~ November 28

>Current Costume Passes
Scarlet: Black Shadow: Longing Flower [Costume Gacha] - October 31 ~ November 21
Isabel: Honeymoon Party [Event Pass] - October 31 ~ November 21
D: Killer Wife: Secret Party Cleaner [Mission Pass] - November 1 ~ November 30

>Upcoming Costume Passes
Cinderella: Glass Princess [Costume Gacha] - November 7 ~ November 28


Previous: >>500688568
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... Beautiful.
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The Vatican are good people.
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Breeding Brid!
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Anne thread
500 gems.....
Must protect smile...
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Anne thread!
>Anne thread!
Anne thread!
>Anne thread!
I want Nadia to look at my penis like this
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I'm gonna have sex with an heretic and you can't stop me.
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Who should I go for next?
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I love Anis
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Did you spend $50 on a new outfit for me?
Sure would be a shame if I fucking hated it.
This event's story makes Dorozone hit different.
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Anne Succubus
gamer gf
so the viewing order would be red ash, this, then doro for someone who hasn't seen any of them?
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Everybody do the dinosaur
Let me rehabilitate her,,,
kek no way
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Shift Up sent me a hundred mundred doll parts and kits and I just super sucked 3 Nikkes straight to 15
Has my luck returned? I still have a bajillion blues, hmmm... Should I purple up my whole campaign team?
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This would have probably looked goofy-fun in motion.
Sucks it's just a drawing...
I also don't understand what exactly gretel does to the weapon, it is as if she transmutes it?
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she's so sex
You are a black Nikke.
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Damn, that's gonna be a rough one
Good job getting nothing for your banners later
Which Nikke is for
>pussy fucking
>mouth fucking
>anus fucking
Do it, you seem to be lucky right now.
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I enjoyed the slow exploration and dread of the Unknown from the early chapters of the Crystal Namek arc, these recent ones have been too much shonenslop fighting without even a clear victory
>>pussy fucking
>>mouth fucking
>>anus fucking
Holy fuck. Are you even doing your elysion tower without Diesel?
I already got nothing for my banners, all my gems and tickets into Cinderella and Miranda was the only SSR
This must be my comeuppance!
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Where Solo Raid?
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oh boy sure hope SU doesn't brick me
Bro your marciana?
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Chime! Noooooo!
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Fuck off, that's favoritism. Leave some for the other Nikkes.
My rating of the anni
>New event story
>New Chapters

>Verification not required.
They stopped the count.
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I always loved these kind of past things in games
How everything started and how it's connected to the present. Answering questions and often showing the tragic past of the characters

I think I truly appreciated this concept when I played MGS Snake Eater
So I blame Kojima for this
Doesn't everyone just use Marciana instead of investing into several different b2 that all suck to varying degrees
>just maxed Epinel's doll
I regret nothing treasure when
I read that cinderella was nerfed. how so?
>Ywn be hansel and gretel's commander
My wife's mom is so cool
she whines about the outfit CONSTANTLY
makes my dick hard
No it's Dorozone then Red Ash, watching shit in chronological order instead of narrative order is braindead as fuck
I don't even know what Epinel looks like and I've been playing since launch
that's how irrelevant she is
Finally... the count stopped... the squeeze didn't happen...
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*sucks pacifier villainously*
>They actually stopped the count

I know it says temporary but I really hope this SR comes back.
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It's just like my rape hentais.
Why is reading a story in order braindead as fuck?
I will, actually.
Gib new emma now
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>didn't get squeezed
(that might sound flippant but I'm genuinely curious, I alway read prequels first if I pickup a new series)
from the Mirror Log in Stamp? or somewhere else?

I got the 2nd Anniversary selector today, is that the one?
It's not and you're replying to a retard.
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Would you want to exist in nikke?
Marciana??? She heals your Guillotine, you don't want that. Plus she does no damage.
what is your highest bios setting? mine is 19
t. lvl 250 nikkes
Because I want to be Chatterbox.
Please. At least I wouldn't have to worry about Trump winning these elections.
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Why is this minigame so basic? You can't do anything but shoot and move, plus your health regens like it's fucking cod or something
Are they scared of the backlash from the retards who couldn't do the fishing minigame that they had to dumb down any sort of challenge? This is actually so boring and slow
Because that's not the intended order it was meant to be read in.
The beginning of a story will reference things that are meant to be a mystery until an eventual explanation via prequels and prequels will say something that should be obvious to you had you read it in the narrative order so you'll just sit there confused when they reference something you've never heard of if you had experience it the proper way.
You're not reading a story in order, you're reading it via a timeline which to do so you have to remix the order of how events are meant to be introduced.
Anyone who thinks otherwise is a dumbass
I forgot that part...
Don't you find it annoying to be given redundant information and have potential mysteries spoiled for you beforehand? A prequel is written to precede a story chronologically, but narratively it's meant to be experienced afterwards.
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Trump WILL win and that's a good thing.
Good luck clearing shieldbros without her.
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you've never heard of but you would have if you had experienced it the proper way*
remix the order how events are introduced from how they are meant to be introduced.*
>solo raid closure rewards are more than I'd get for actually playing solo raid
nice I hope they fuck up more often
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The results:
Crown is purple 15'd
Sanis is purple 15'd
Dorothy 15'd on blue, jumped to 10 on purple, and ate the last 100 blues
...Pretty solid, overall! I'm at 230k for campaign now
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Glare all you want, that nerf is happening.
is Rapu Grace any good?

I'm so confused how her weapon works

can't decide whether to use the selector on Rapu Grace or Snow White
Well, it's more that I like to see how we get to wherever we're going. If the prequel tells me all about how Prince Kazlaz had is descent into evil, and the next story has the Prince acting all normal, I'm more "Oh shit I can't wait for the shoe to drop" rather than "Damn, I already know Kazlaz is evil"
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Lucky day! Congratulations!
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Rapi, my wife
Instead, you get to worry about Raptures capable of taking on massive forms wiping you out before you join the 41%
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Should I get Snowwy if don't own her yet?
I'm past 160 wall already if that matters.
they are gifting those for the incoming nerf
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Who are your most powerful nikkers?
Post them.
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You can read it in chronological order I guess
You have to think that certain parts of the story were specifically made to be left unanswered so the next event could give you the hints.
Like in Overzone you ask "what happened to Red Hood", so then you play red ash and boom, you get your answer and not only that but it makes Overzone more special.
But I guess it can go in both ways
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besides cinderella (I think?), who should I use the skill tickets on?
Scarlet called dibs first
Obviously, you can get dupes for both with the normal tickets
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Genuinely though I don't think they could do a nerf after this long without fending off dozens of lawsuits, one of which might actually succeed.
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how do i do the minigame i cant jump up there
Daily fucking reminder that Red Shoes even with her brontosaurus thighs, is weaker than Dorothy with her ballerina legs.
We have Haruhi enjoyer here
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You get double jump after beating the 3rd boss.
You have to get around it.
Sorry, I misread
Crown is at 5, I gave her my purple doll and then forgot to give her more..
Still...! I could probably eat Chapter 27 easily with this power up
Oopsie, I thought that Rapunzel were boxes only.
Thanks for that.
Go down and left
If the prequel is properly written, then it should still do that by playing with the information that you would already know. Reading things out of order just means that you're more likely to have moments like that unceremoniously spoiled for you because the narrative just assumes you would know it. There's some novelty to reading the last chapter of a book first, but it's far from the best way to experience the story.
We need more Siren art.
Dragalia... Lost...
Honestly, this. I love Nikke AGAIN.
anal pussy
What was she even implying here? It sounded like the moment you touch her you get drugged immediately and dragged into her cave where you never get to see the light of day again. I thought she was one of the nicer nikkers
There is a rapture behind whatever this is that is literally invincible and can one shot kill my own Nikkes, I have to wait until it leaves cover to kill it then I time out. What the fuck is this bullshit? no the cover cannot be destroyed and no "Distributive damage" do not kill it. What the fuck. How do I report this?
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I just got Ein and she helped me on a stage I got stuck at
Is this team good for Missilis tower? Can I invest in Quency and Ein with no worries?
Based Chrono enjoyer
The chronological order is the release order
and what's the actual reason to do it, the game is too easy? Doesn't matter how busted cindy is if your cp is low enough.
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How could Glass Slippers withstand the sheer mass of Redshoes' thighs?
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where grave
Did relic poster already post the new relic locations?
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he did. here you go
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My Nihilbro
I know exactly what that spot is and it actually fucks with my tower pushes so hard
I just spam that spot with rockets and hope something hits but yes it's fucking retarded that one spot makes them invincible
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>he went all in
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Oh, I bet she does.
Does anyone have Hansel's live2d?
What do you even use Exia and Soline for?
don't need it, they're all in the left by the Goddess squad/Red Shoes
Both are pretty solid yeah
There's nothing illegal about nerfing gacha units. Companies just never do it because it's a massive PR disaster
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Time to open up
I walk my path without regrets.
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Here you go bro
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Started playing last week into sAnis rerun.
I got Soline maxed out last year. I used her, that's the only answer I can provide you.
Exia hits really hard in some comps.
So how come she doesn't have the red eyes characteristic of all other heretics and corrupted nikkes?
but false advertising though?
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>tongue piercing
Fine, fine I will jerk off to Centi butthole today once more
Yes. If a company sells you a car without checking that there's an aftermarket turbo in there or something it's still your car. It's illegal.
And what would be that supposed false advertising?
Dorothy is cute
I'd be her friend if she let me
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Gretel thinks you don't deserve to have Hansel's l2d
I just needed one RL for Cindy...
you signed the tos idiot
no one sued when harran got nerfed
The fact that they didn't identify Cinderella as the cause of Solo Raid shutting down or potential nerfs. It's one thing if they rushed to shut down purchases once they discovered the bug, but it's been up this whole time and people probably heard about it and bought her specifically because she's busted if they are poor.
shut up Papillon
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You would probably become Pinne Mk II and end up as a tragic memory for her already shattered psyche.
My blade shall render all of you guys asunder
What the actual fuck are you talking about, there is nothing that says they can't nerf a character, pvp gachas do it all the time
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Anis my beloved
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How can flatties possibly compete?
Thank you Shit Up
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Would be better if this frog had Scarlet hat
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Through tactics even the greatest power difference can be overcome
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>pvp gachas
We don't frogpost in these halls, newcutie.
i got a little better than that but not surprised, it is a low ass chance to get high quality maints.
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t. kissless virgin
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by not having dogshit designs
*spits on you*
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she's not that small
Sigh... should I just give her the purple ?
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Ah, I forgot to add. I did got her to phase 10. :)
Soline will payoff one day. They can't ignore her forever.
>Empty your balls into my mouth!
Explanation is trivial and left to the student.
Literally impossible for a flat
they can get pregnant
mad I can't bully her over her 5head anymore
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Is this the blue archive collab?
Don't brick yourself
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she deserves it
Okay nikkers, which new nikke design is THE sexiest this patch?

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she could crush your entire body with those legs
Believe me anon
One tit is enough
It won't let me see which nikkes I can select idont want to press use yet because I have not decided yet who's on it? Everybody or just certain nikkes?
No Rapi?
I don't know nothing about no fucking frogs
wait, I thought they said they gave up on melee nikke
Post the full image please.
I want Red Shoes to stuff me in her pantsu while she accomplishes world domination
Do I get plot armor?
this is so fucked
i don't think i can post this
You were just given a purple doll select box
Where rapi?So i can still vote for Siren
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I really should give Cocoa a doll.
Just Kidding, Haha
I might not be a smart man. But I know what love is.
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Yes. No rapi
STOP THE COUNT the loli is winning
Remember when that fight took place.
this will only matter if they anger the chinese
why did they remove the wings of victory song from campaign?
Nah, not trying to get vivisectioned by a rapture
As much as I enjoy bullying the cunnykeks, she has a pretty obscene design.
Getting vivisectioned by Leviathan!
This floor is kicking my ass, how the fuck did my rival, who should be way weaker than me because I have a 30 floor lead on him in every other tower, get past it?
Red shoes is in second, she's cheating
>*starts dancing*
bros... i think monsieur entertainment is infecting us
Why Gretel so much bigger?
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>die during the first war
>or end up in the outer rim
>or in the actual ark living with constant fear for a rapture attack
>or as a commander that would die in his first mission, probably his third one if we're optimistic

Nah man I'm good
Unless I'm born with the Unchained blood.
I want to FUCK Emma.
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Levibros, we're winning
but seriously she stands out when everyone else is a ginormous tittymonster
He needs a blue one you dumbo
Stay in the ark then
It’s just Small White or New Rapunzel, not a legit selector.
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Finally 190k+ Eunhwa
This shit took 100+ crack rocks to accomplish
I blame the japanese artists on twitter who kept posting theirs, it made me feel...like a FRAUD
God..imagine, probably the best orgasm you'll ever have.
let's go Gretel chads we can win this
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>leviathan has 7 votes
>red shoes and gretel has 5
>little mermaid and eunhwa has 3
>grave and emma has 2
I didn't know we have a lot of Blue Archive Senseis here...
You enjoy them portable, huh SKK?
>literally says subject to change on all promotional material
>keeps using the same threats over and over
You got no case, bro.
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Absolut brick
But I respect you as a true SKK
Congrats bro
Well done broski
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>Ark already got invaded by Nihilister and raptures in chapter 20s
Nah im good.
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Is there a point where a Nikke's boobs become so big they are no longer beautiful?
See, this is the kind of response I hope to see when I make any post.
Don't worry. Be entertained. Don't think. Eat splendamin. Don't not fuck tetra line nikkes.
only if you're a fag
>Instantly think about BA rent free
Schizo nigger, 4cunny is home of cunny
I don't like these choices....
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R-rabbity...why are your numbers so big?
>SKK tried to kill this
certified faggot
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Stop wanting to betray humanity
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Is S.anis obsolete now? I need skill reset unit suggestions
So it does happen.
It's not just a myth.
Hansel status: MOGGED
Sniffing Centi's ass
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They literally released an imouto tsundere student with nothing but bandages as a mummy costume for halloween with no panties, of course it's natural to assume, retard.
And while what you said is true, /l/ was killed ages ago by that fag moot.
Gookmoot needs to bring it back.
Just in time for her to get nerfed, congrats!
I can't remember which schizo crystals I've seen and which I haven't
Are they added daily or from story progression?
>Putting Hansel and Gretel on separate choices
For shame
>R above a Pilgrim
>SR not far behind
either im taking this game too seriously or you are retarded
Are the Cinderella nerfs in the room with us right now?
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Siren canonically stinks of fish
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haha n-not me!
>Red Shoes has nearly the most votes
Yeah? Call noir, she's still crying that only her sister got a frame. Bitch.
>from story progression?
Does anyone actually care about any of the favorite items besides Laplace
Did you forget how we had to dance a door open early in the story?
Brown girls just can't compete
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Uhhh yeah
Not everyone is a BAGGOT NIGGER!!! I don't even play BA and I enjoy my lolis, lolibaba, oppai loli, hags, etc.
>Inb4 faggots start having a melt down
>/I/ was taken down
Yeah because m00t is a glow nigger that hated lolicons for being pedos despite being part of board culture.
Final note, can I have sex with you shifty?
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Rapi is for ___
Being kicked in the stomach on by an evil woman's feet...
Being crushed by an evil woman's thighs...
Being smothered and suffocated by an evil woman's buttocks...
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Watch, I will show you the face of someone who is about to finally get Centi.
Why Abe made secret oppai loli twins?
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Fucking finally, a SKK with good taste.
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everyone else is shit.
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Based red blooded male
Enjoyed the characters
Enjoyed the story
Liked new boss

I am satisfied.
She thought it would be cute and/or funny
none of those
based, too many loli haters in this general
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Whatcha got?
Uh bros... I thought this was a hag milkers general???
dump them onto cindy and have her carry you through the campaign
it's what I did with my newbie SBS
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Bros why does this game hate me so fucking much? I was missing 3 nikkers before the rumani banner. Maxwell, Ade and Centi. This week I got maxwell and Ade. Why the FUCK is centi, the one nikke I NEED for my pvp team still refusing to come home? Why?
It's a one-yuri thing, you wouldn't get it
Im sorry I couldn't save you...
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Oh right
The burst stuff
I can fix her
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I live for evil women
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it's all about the nikke they are attached too. If you like the Nikke, you will like the boobs. If you don't like the Nikke, you will also like the boobs.
I'd focus on Cinderella for now, really
All your other units will be benched once you roll better nikkes
Also for lineup I'd go Volume(CDR)/Base Anis(burst gen)/Smol White & Cindy for DMG/ flex slot, probably Rapunzel for healing
Diesel is a Walmart Crown. But I reckon, being a Walmart Crown is still a great role to fulfill.
None of them are good enough to warrant investment just yet. Use them on Cindy and when you get your pity Liter and Naga then put some into them.
Give me gems if you want me to answer your survey idiot.
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Shit Up taunting me with what would have been a god roll if it weren't for them "fixing" Cinderella in the near future
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Pilgrim sex when?
I don't even use Centi anymore in my pvp teams what are you running?
NTA, but isn't TOS not above the law, because they recognize nobody reads it?
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Okay time to masturbate. Good night Nikkers.
wait a second, that tail...
10 votes for loli over 40 for milk
What an absolutely toxic floor. Also what the fuck is the point of the silencer Raptures constantly respawining? Just make thee fuck off tough, serves the same purpose
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Now that everyone has settled down and had some room to breathe, has any autist done the math on the new material exchange shop? I got over 13k RE-Energy mats and I want most of them gone and I have too many BD boxes sitting.
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After my wife gets hers
you broke nikga
fill in the blank
If Shift Up will nerf Cinderella I am going to _________________
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kill gooks
I'll take that as a yes!
For a second I thought I was going to get shat on, but instead I am called based by my fellow brothers. Too many trannies, redditfags and schizos thinking everyone is a baggot. Glad to know not all of us are the same or baggot niggers
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I unlocked anomaly interception a while ago and am only now able to get to stage 2 of the helmet boss. I don't need helmets though, but it's the only boss I can get to stage 2 on.
Should I keep doing the bosses for the gear I need, or start only doing the helmet one since I can stage 2 it?
loli milk, though..
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Look at this selfish behemoth. She takes up the entire fucking lane and pushes everyone to the side while she slowly floats through the outpost. What a fucking bitch
Nikga that's what happens when you tune your paths
Dend three truxks
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Why is that girl's name Little Mermaid (on the top) in japanese they pronounce Litoru Merumeido but in english dialogue text they call her Siren?
So, never? fuck this is rough,
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Ordering Siren to make Gretel endlessly lactate
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Rapi(wife) will be the first UR unit.
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How bad will be the nerf be?
I just wanted her to be usable for mirror container hard boss
Uh oh, someone mixed up Hansel and Gretel and
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Keep running rikker, I'll catch you because I have more motivation and money than you!
no content... time gated... dead game...
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>I'm sure there is at least one commander out there who likes how I look...
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I'm zooming through hard mode with 20k power deficit, while even with blue number (150k) I die like a bitch on that fucking whale,before I can activate 2nd burst
Even, if I kill first wave of adds fast enough to cancel shield on the boss, 2nd wave of adds just kill me with regular attacks. And I'm not talking about those gigachad adds from later in the fight, just normal ones
Using some meme MG healer without dolls and skills would take me back to red numbers
I don't have any Nikkes who make this fight easier like Doro or Modernia
I know that better gear farm unlocks after next chapter, which makes it even worse
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I would never mix them up. Gretel's milk makes that impossible.
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wow this is just like dark souls
you know how you put veggies in meat dishes to cut the fat and enhance the flavours?
I know they are supposed to be underdogs, but Anis and Neon getting constantly slammed into the ground is grating. I cannot see a plot reason why they would still be alive considering the increase of overwhelming odds against them.
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To this day this is the hottest drawing even made for Nikke.
Cindy is made for /ss/
Do the respective boss of the gear you need
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You'r boring shite lost to D tier nikkes first lol
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free doro, neat
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It's probably just a few vocal shitters.
I hope Grave will be better than Crown in pierce team.
This is my only cope as Crownlet.
wtf are these challenges...I'm already 1st in my union too
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>Guess who's who!
Gretel, your tits...
She will be equal to crown in peirce
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>17 lines
>hmmm a 17 character response, what could it possibly be!!??!
If Shift Up will nerf Cinderella I am going to shitpost about it !!!!!!!!!!!
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Mobile controls are bullshit! Can I connect a keyboard or controller to my phone to play the stupid Metroid Vania? My computer is too old and shitty to run the pc client
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Any recent phone should be able to, yes.
She looks like one of those kancolle ships.
Sniffable Nikke's?
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How bricked are the people that didn't clear soloraids first two days now that soloraid is canceled
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if nu-rapunzel's shield is only for her why does it cover the entire fucking screen
Poor Hansel. Completely mogged by Gretel.
They should try swapping outfits, just for fun, to confuse people who is what twin
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she's a big girl
Missed double rewards, set back a whole month
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You miss the 1 time rewards that you could have got
and the daily clear rewards, of course

not a big deal
Send them bug reports everyday until they fix it.
Of course do the boss you need something from. No point in wasting limited daily hits on something that doesn't benefit you.
Thanks. Should I go for the LB3 as well? She's not particularly my favorite (I like ballistic weapons more) but who knows... don't know how generous this game is.
Does it make any sense to hold a sniper rifle like that? Snipers in XCOM (2012) did that and I always thought it looks dumb as fuck
No way Gretel would just have underboob showing
The difference between stage 1 and 2 is like 1% extra chance of drop so you can just hit quit instantly. Stage 3 (and 6) are where the big bumps are.
The rewards have a significant jump at Lv3 and Lv6, getting Lv2 isn't a huge difference from Lv1
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>first W
>now K
what does it all mean
cope that this was a "FIX™"
this is what reddit would do
If you have nothing else to brace it on
Firebomb Shitup HQ
She's fucking French.
>Wake up
there's one with her crying
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2 atk 4 ele
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While you do need your MLBs for the lv160 wall, Pilgrim banners are only 1% so it's very hard to MLB them, I wouldn't go for it
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The nerf wouldn't even be that bad, bros. You're all acting like the world will end.
So once I'm able to do helmet boss at 3/6, I should keep doing that one regardless of the gear I need? or should I still keep doing the bosses for gear I need regardless of the stage I can get to?
Westerners truly have the worst fetishes.
Yes its a good way to stabilize, you should give it a try when you go out and do your weekly shooting reps.
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But I have Gretel's live2d.
Why is she being jealous?
No its always best to just target what you actually want, improve your teams as you go.
>absolute min requirements to run nikke PC client is a GTX 750
>it came out in 2013
How do you retards live like this, even literally the shittiest modern prebuilt can run this garbage and you don't even have that
I'll take that over any asian "fetish"
maybe your doing your test wrong
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Newfag here
Can someone explain me which Paid Deals aren't a scam?

I saw there's stuff like
>$5 deal
>Battle Pass
>Make your own pack
>2000 gems for a SSR
and stuff like that but I don't know if some of them actually offer good value
Of course you will, Hans.
Gotcha, thanks.
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Is this some creepy sex thing?
Nope, asians made NTR, love NTR and nurture it like freaks which in turn made more of that garbage like bbc memes. This will always be a black stain on them FOREVER
guess she doesnt floss
no ammo?
>rapi got an upgrade
>anis on her way to get one
>neon doesn't even care
They are all scams
Rule of thumb is the cheaper shit is better value, gets worse the more you have to spend at once since its all whalebait.
Just do what you need and eventually all of your teams can reach stage 3. Just getting manufacturer gear is like having level 3 normal gear and OLing is the biggest power spikes you can get.
>This will always be a black stain
no ammo
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Nice try Mr.Shiftup employee, but I only trust my favorite Nikke streamer.
stop projecting, mutt
What's better to have? An account with pilgrims or limited summer units?
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Why would you spend money on a F2P game?
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The Yuni noodle topper is pretty cute and her small titties are kinda triangle shaped which is just :)
This is what a 25k account looks like.
They are all garbage whalebait and you can get all your value from nikke being f2p
If you are going to spend money, only buy the season pass or monthly gem pack, if you truly want to splurge you can buy the costume gacha for a specific unit
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bros I'm at the 160 wall and feeling very discouraged. how long did it take (you) to get past?
I was kind of retarded and swapped my wish list around to try and get everyone not knowing I needed dupes, and have spent most of my gems on limited banners
That boss fight against the 4 God Ass raptures was a little spicy.
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Neon was jelly of Vesti's upgrades
Within 6 chapters Neon is gonna be a pile of guns with an ass sticking out
>Chinkoid seething
Truth hurts huh
Took no time at all. I was never walled.
Nikke has been like the most F2P friendly gacha I've played so far desu. Which is surprising since it's a Korean gacha.
Blue Archive in contrast are so fucking greedy it's actually unreal and if you're F2P in that game, enjoy your single free student once every two months lmao
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The whale filtered me...
I'm having a bake-off with a pink fairy
why am I fighting Raptures between the dishes?
Setup the wishlist for the regular banner and invest in that. You have three easy MLBs with the new selector feature. Maybe save 100 pulls for Grave as well.
Like 3 months. Rolling a bunch is the only way forward. Use friend points, rainbow tickets, and everything.
Rapi didn't use her upgrade data from Ingrid.
Neon will get it.
SKK has psychosis
>cindy with cores
You were the real whale all along, anon
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uhhhh now what
The normal best rates are 1.2 blue tickets per dollar and 1 rainbow ticket per dollar, so use that as a metric. You can rarely get better deals, like Rupee's 1 dollar offer for 2 blue tickets, or the beginner bundles they just added.
For like a month. I had Rei ready to go but I didn't want her to be locked in my Synchro forever so I waited a little longer until Diesel saved me.
Like 3 days because I luckshitted everything
Hi /Nikg/ I recently started back, is there any nikg union with a free spot ?
Even if you are walled I still would not spend gems on the regular banner because gold tickets are too valuable but do the daily discount. Change the wishlist to whoever has the most dupes no matter who it is and then roll as much as you can
In the meantime, go level up your equipment, dolls, skills etc which all boost your power walled
you should pay your shrine maiden more
It's not that hard to test. Just press a right before Cindy bursts so her burst goes off while she's in cover. How about you stop listening to youtubers like a sheep?
btw, i noticed behemoth has mecha form has a white and blue scheme like the raptalion's converted motherwhale, silver and blue, as oposed to rapures standard red and black
i really think vapaus is what allowed her to achieve this form
NA? Global? SEA?
Go to purple exclamation points. There's little reason to explore because most of the time you'll just be blocked by something you need an upgrade for, and the upgrades come from the purple exclamations. My 1 pro tip is upgrade the far right attack upgrade first. It gives you double shots when you fire.
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There's a list that shows the value per purchase and only the Rupee $0.99 2 tickets and the gems every day are decent. Battle pass a close second
>Andersen wrote fairy tales
>Nikke Andersen commanded a squad of Nikkes who's names are based on fairy tales
Bros I'm kneeling
I want to run SBS + Cindy but the burst generation is ass
So how many gear pieces do you actually get from this? Their ambiguous wording is already a borderline scam
Cool observation, you might be right.
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Anis upgrade should make her fatter,
behemoth is vegan?
Aaaaw that is so sweet... still going to kill her though
>Beginner packs
Good up to 20 bucks
>Battle pass
Good especially if you like the skin and character
>Make your own
Whale bait
>Newcutie SSR
2k gems normally gets you 6 pulls and doesn't guarantee anything but you might get unlucky and get a shit character.
>Monthly subs
Best deals in the game
>Poopee flash deals
I put max 10 bucks on those for blue tickets but never touch manufacturer tower deals
>20 dollaroo event pack with 15 rainbows
Best value gay tickets that is offered every event
>Step up package
Good up to 20 buck

I think you're seeing a trend here that up to 20 dollars the value is decent to good and beyond that it becomes whale territory. It's by design to get low spenders spending more.
Does this mean Nihilister is going to go super Heretic too?
behemoth just wants SSK dick that fucking badly and is doing her best to get her friends interested in SKK dick. I imagine behemoth would be the type of mother to have her daughter "learn" how to please a man with (You).
based nooticer
What server?
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>doing anything useful
Anis upgrade should make her 7 foot tall, with tits the size of watermelons
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Mine too, brother
None, unless you want trash skins you don't need to pay a single cent.
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I think this kit makes her synergize really well with both Doro and Cinderella.
>behemoth is vegan
That explains why she was kind of nice...
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Can't believe Neon was Land Eater all along
but there's no way to reach the purple points
I'm not well versed in metroid is that a super jump? how do I do it? I have double jump but the right most point is unreachable and the left most is a fire wall
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Global, I've been at the wall since the shitty Re:zero collab
>No challenge mode today
This isn't tight bwos, I should be calling anons shitters today...
I feel empty inside...
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>beasts will still like us, maybe even more despite ch34, for helping behemoth unlock her potential
>Rapi will sperg out and kill her super-dead with her drill
1 of your choice
But vegans are the most miserable humans on the planet???
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Because you are a moron who is still incompetent after 430 levels
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Rapi time?!?
I hope she does, make her less popular.
I should draw something....
Shinespark is from Getter Robo
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Imagine the smell...
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You can call me shitter :D
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>Hey Human
>Lets evolve together
>All those votes for the 2nd grimm girls
Huh... guess Shitup knew what they were ding after all. Should take the time to make them important enough to go fetch them all in the story.
the og design yes, the new design is dogshit unless it's uncovered during gameplay
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>Hard mode Mirror Container
>Not even close to breaking the core even with pre nerf Cindy
Its owari da.
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>all the Heretics learn that Vapaus can make them stronger
>they also learn its most concentrated in cum
>all of them are fighting to suck and jerk you off for their next power up
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I seriously can't believe SU was intending to making the exact same mistake as last year, accidentally unfucked themselves, and are now contemplating breaking their legs anyways like they planned. Peak gook.
lets pilot the heretics like actual mechas
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It's time to roll
cindy says she wants to find mermaid, hansel and gretal at least. guess she sees red shoes as an enemy
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sure thing, commander Gendo Ikari
doro if she used super in an arcsys game
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The truth is, the commander wasn't made for the nikkes. He was always meant for the heretics.
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this, honestly best a anni since Overzone

Overzone > Old Tales > Red Ash > The Last Kingdom
Red Shoes did nothing wrong
Too many VN faggots here
no she was eaten
>Double jump in the minigame finally
200% improvement
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Quite the way to word it.
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This smile makes it easily the best one for me
She made Cinderella cry, commander will give her a beating for that.
I pray for the day imbeciles like you will stop bringing that shithole into every fucking conversation.
Will we ever get a anni unit that's just dtf
>Dorothy is a kusobaba that just wants to kill oswaldo
>Red Hood coward bitch uses Rapi as an excuse
>Crown and Cinderella don't seem to be with it up there for that yet

Hansel and Gretel? Unless they aged up and turned to ara Ara mommies as heretics, no way we fucking them kids.
It's still too early to say where Old Tales belong. It might have a shit ending.
Pics or it didn't happen
>We'll just reclaim it again
>Rapi: So cool
heh heh...
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Cindy doesn't drop her charge damage until she completes a reload
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btw, seems shit is goin down at eden
wonder if it was before or after picking nihilister
if it was before, chances are nihilister is still under the blanket.....
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>too many VN faggots here
The entire story is in a VN format you stupid nikker
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Do i want a copy of smoll white if i wasn't around the first time?
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Do all the running around to get the keys to beat Hexagon and he gives it to you
The Vaupus... it was meant to be...
I can't believe you retards still fall for this. I had too much faith in /nikg/. Overzone was good though
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>You thought I'd let you cum in me, you manwhore
Turn off bloom.
I haven't logged in in a couple of days. The new chapters kind of put me to sleep and I didn't play on mute. Is the event actually that good because I'm just going to skip it. Cinderella kind of sucks
Neither is super good but snow is better.
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is it really that hard to just make the anni unit broken and be done with it
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>anis flustered by cinderella in new chapters
Wasn't anis an idol or some shit before? So that means it's actually canon that she is a fatty fat fuck who can't get back to her glory days and gets even fatter drinking soda and dooming
Because that's real fucking hot and I hope she becomes even more insecure and fatter
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>no transforming heretic ally who we can climb in and ride everywhere
please behemoth... become Counters....
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It is not becoming to rush
I will go slowly .w.
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Skip it, it's just flashback event again.
that's a lot of berlotas..
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wow I just checked all the other replies and I'm the only one with Cindy as number 1 right now. I guess I really haven't done a lot of re rolls on my other girls but with Cindy I spent like 50 rocks rolling
Why did Project Pretty fail again?
If she spends enough time with Mustang, she'll probably be an idol. Let alone have a SEXO upgrade
So did Cinderella get nerfed, or was it just speculation?
I like flashback events. But I don't like Cinderella or old tales. They look so stupid.
I'm like antihyped for them to be in gacha
Am I supposed to be able to get to that objective without double jump somehow? The one behind the door that is unlocked with the 1-12 key. I thought I already cleared everything else.
>story 1
does that mean there will be a story2, and story3 and story3 hardmode?
save gems for the replays until s3hm?
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Remember that Behemoth went to say Hi near Eden
She probably left a crystal there
And you know...
The most technological place in the entire surface (that we know) can vanish in a few hours with a single crystal shard

ALL of this may be an excuse to make the Inherit nikkes join our Reclamation Site 01.

But still makes me wonder how will Doro react by the fact that her Paradise is destroyed again. Paradise Lost (v2)...
nothing happened yet
Sixo is Red Shoes
Cinderella status?
you'd think the CEOs giving us upgrades would just be a matter of course but we're out here praying rapi will have another flashback in her head and get a powerup to save us
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Dont worry guys, Nikke will receive imaginary numbers with the China server opening up soon
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I am going to explode.
They have been calling her Siren the whole time even though it said Little Mermaid but the first time the text says Siren she is called Little Mermaid.
The latter, they never said they were gonna fix THAT bug. They fixed one of two bugs that are actually hampering her, the one where she couldn't aim well at all. The second which they haven't fixed is her being able to aim well against cores. The bug that everyone thinks will be fixed that will hurt her is the one that effected Harran and its because of their dogshit coding they can't truly fix because its too embedded in it, like technical debt.
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Gretel is my favorite
Why did they name her anchovy?
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Go through the boss room nikka
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Pretty lucky with the new ones considering now I am only missing Phantom, Rumani and Ludmilla from wishlist pool
This never happened
Wasn't there a daily login reward thing? Did they stop that too?
Look at the challenges, we're getting Part 2 and then hardmode.
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Gretel's fat fucking tits!!!!
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Shitup is already at sub 10 million revenue, they can't afford to nerf Cinderella
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spending 1 hour a day playing the minigame is fun.
just got the double jump, and now ready to thoroughly scour the map once again and getting gold in the process after fully upgrading health regen because they keep hitting me.
No, all they did is pause solo raid while they figure out what the hell to do.
this fucking minigame was made too big. I'm getting bored out of my skull walking from one purple dot ot the next
it's in the event section
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>mfw I tried Doro+Crown+Vesti bursting for fun
Oswald status?
lmao even
So that's why I kept seeing old updated claiming Harran was good, I thought she was just powercrept.
>1st chapter was good
>2nd turned into slop
>red hood is dead and new rapi is a downgrade
>new designs are pure slop
>other than the surprise grave release it only gets worse from here
Is it finally time to drop?
>Poli after 3 JKs
Teacher what did you do to them?
who here rolling for cinderella's skin
Fuck me, the bottom route just looks like a dead end on my map.
alternatively you can toggle easy mode which turns you invincible.
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Hansel's butt.
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I won.
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Poli had to arrest the three girls because Shikicum was on the brink of death after their orgy
>go this way
>can't actually go because no ability
>so give ability
>noooooo not right now because...reasons okay
metroidvanias are absolute fucking dogshit and I cannot believe they have lived this long as a genre
Why did shiftup forget how to use word wrap? I thought Phantom's event was just rushed but its in anni too?
kill yourself you fucking casual
I just posted proof.
MOG>For the King>In the Mirror
Good ones are hard to come by, the standards for them have fallen so hard.
>Rapi Roja before the new chapter
>wahh wahh she is shit
>After the chapter
>omg yes Rapi is my favorite
Bunch of fakers
gacha games are made for casuals thoughbeit.
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The map doesn't really hide any paths, sometimes it might get cut off a bit I think
Even secret stuff is always visible on the map
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it's more fun for me since the event will last for 20 days or so, might as well take my time... also, I didn't know that, I feel like a fool now.
play vampire survivors
mog is utter shit
I can't I have easy mode enabled
Fuck no
I turned it on so I can finish this faster, its a god awful Hollow Knight clone which was never a good Metroidvania anyways.
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I tried to do this dance and hurt my back. Hurts a lot.
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Rapi has always been the best
Depends on what John Shiftup decides to do. If he nerfs her into the dirt, I will not. If he leaves her be, I will. Good actions deserve rewards.
the minigame is very buggy for me
>Q/M/pause only work once on button press per screen
>screen starts angling up while shooting and standing still
it's very annoying
Why does cinderella only deal 1 dmg in hard mode?
anon you need more exercise
So can they make dailies less? I hate interception
She looks like dogshit now.
Dave's game>In the Mirror>>>For the King>MOG
MOG and For the King suffer from RNG lottery
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There is no going back
oh god the nerfs hit harder than we thought
yeah there's a surprising amount of bugs in it.
I also dislike how the glass slipper flips aroudn wildly when aiming close so you easily miss things right next to you.
She looks like shit and the main story is slop after the invasion killed it
no one said this
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wait! so it wasn't only me!? I thought the game was designed that way so I just went along with it...
I hope they patch this soon.
>My favorite
You wish, her new CG is so bad. I honestly thought it was just a prank here, like AIslop, but no its real and its fucking awful.
So like I was expecting more Cinderella fanart but I guess goddess squad, elegg and summer anis are exceptions....
What are the odds we get levi anytime soon? Rehabilitation seems completely abandoned by shift up, but it seems like she'd by one who was put in there
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This random dead end here needs the Story 2 key too
MOG is okay but there are a million vampire survivors clones that do it better on steam and they are all dirt cheap
For the king is actually a good kingdom rush clone and I love they put it in arcade so I can play it everyday
Mirror is trash yes
If the anniversary event doesn't give them a revenue bump we'll be looking at EoS sometime Q1 2025.
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Ok, people were calling me retarded.
But, it does look like you stop being corrupted and become a heretic when you accept what the corruption wants you to do.
She can turn off the transformation.... right?
I agree though I'm enjoying in the mirror more because I already played Dave the diver to death a month before that collab.
Also all the lore in the mirror is great
Wow you are actually not even close. Is this why you quit in the first place
lol! lmao even!
sadly no, red nikker tainted her for good
Hansel and Gretel should be the first duo unit (fights together but takes up only one slot).
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She's so cute, how do you not like her?
Cindy's auto attack does a stupid amount of damage once she's fully stacked
I know this is old, but would the weird rapture hivemind inform them that Behemoth got a buff? Even if it doesn't, won't Behemoth blab to the other 2 beasts, putting SKK directly in their line of sight?
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I can't find any Mother Whale clear without Dorothy, Red Hood and/or Modernia
Could someone tell me, what would be the best team I can slap together from this?
Nta but I wish she had Rapis old pelvic flaps instead of a skirt
she's stacked alright
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Should've given us Marian forma de queen instead of fucking cinderella.
>generic red hair anime schoolgirl design #94867294052
look so dopey now, is that what Red Hood does to you? make you look retarded
So, Marian interacts with a Heretic, that Heretic would acknowledge her as a Queen and follow her orders?
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>Levi toungee piercing keeps reminding of this page
She is perfect! Fuck all the haters in this thread. I hope your next 10 SSRS are Noah.
Popular thing bad. Reddit Hood bad. Stop liking things.
I didn't like rapi from chapter 1-25 or whenever her personality changed, I fucking hated rapi afterwards and the new rapi looks even worse. I hope she will shit the fuck up in the future when I'm about to administer vapaus directly.
I mean, it's Red Hood
I need Noah so thanks moron lol
So.... we haven't fucked Rapi before she got all red? We didn't get to plap her in her plapping ass no skirt military uniform?
>RIding a heretic
Holy shit, I forgot you did that when Nihilster kidnapped SKK. That would make getting around so much fasterAs long as we avoid being sighted by anyone in CG..
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>All of the 2nd gen Grimm models were shitters
>Except Cinderella who is like a walking nuke
Tia, Liter, Alice, Cinderella and Naga. Try to immediately burst down the Core. Its what gives the trash units the shield.
It’s like how everyone hates Mashu from FGO because she is plain vanilla and cockblocks the MC from every other girl.
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My wife is beautiful
I dont get cinderella's argument to Anis. Literally the only way someone matters in this verse is to be a fairy tale unit or a heretic. Fuck that cunt. I know Anis is a bitch but she is my bitch.
Crown sex
Sex with Crowb
Mermaid is actually quite dangerous, and her power did effect Cindy. Its just can't last long against her as her upgrades from the Rapture Queen was just too much.
jesus christ this minigame is getting on my nerves. the new area after you get the double jump is just screen after screen of enemy spam. like every screen is 2 big enemies and 2-4 little ones over and over. what the fuck were they thinking?
EN Hammering sounds like a smoker
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>SEVEN(7) rocks
She sounds like a man
What is it like to be gay?
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i don't get it
Man, they must be really thinking anniversary is going to make them big bucks if they release fucking flora right afterwards. I would think that dropping below 10 mil would finally send them a message to delete all the fucking trash, but apparently not.
She's cute, she just needs her old skirt
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>that mouth and teeth
Will Hansel and Gretel be a dual unit nikke? It would be a nice mechanic addition to the game.
>Does this mean Nihilister is going to go super Heretic too?
Have you seen the leak? Eden gets swallowed by the crystal Behemoth left there. At the entrace is a crystalized dragon head from Nihilister
Have people here not 100% every Metroid game?
>Will Hansel and Gretel be a dual unit nikke?
I sure hope not
rapi looks bad but no talks about the massacre they did to emma
I want Rapi to look at my penis like this
I played Super for an hour and it was super boring.
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It’s a very well know and common tactic. When prone isn’t an option
Hollow Knight inspired baby, the game's environment and level design were piss, its like I was playing Metroid 1 on NES at times
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I need a refund
>Reminder the goddess squad didn't beat her, she wanted to die
>Also RH bullshit
>randomizes hashes so people can see his epeck drooling edit
Any datamines for story part 2 yet?
Should've of hav ve built more Glas Slippers, desu
Yeah it's a retarded argument. This game loves to hand out shitty moral codings and presenting them as correct. The only way Anis is going to go anywhere harder is if Mustang just outright puts 2 trillion worth of weaponry in her ass.
Lore accurate.
Zoomies can't play metroidvanias, not enough yellow paint and you don't start off super powerful.
all i did was save that anons image and post it, glad it makes you seethe though lmao
I can't burst core right now, with 10/4/10 Alice with 15lvl purple doll and Blanc burst at 9lvl
Question from a newish player : If you're meant to play Nikke casually how the fuck do people know SO much about this confusing ass meta? You literally have to study a character like you're studying for a fucking exam to understand they're kit.. But it's a casual game? I just don't understand how someone could have enough time in their life to have deep knowledge of SO many of these Nikkes. Help me understand bros? Also, are they nerfing this bitch or nah?
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>the gold raptures respawn every day on the same spot they spawn from
ah... I thought they die permanently...
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They don't really have a hive mind, just that they can sense each other's locations. Interestingly they make a point of saying that Behemoth and Leviathan can't be sensed. They assume it's due to being covered in the dark matter, but it could also be because they're janky half heretics. So maybe when Behemoth powered up the others would notice, but I assume the dark matter theory is correct. It doesn't really make sense for the story to try to gaslight us on that particular detail.
Legit the only old tales we would have had a shot at sex with is shoes and she is VILLAINZONED
Mindswitch territory.
I love Rapi
>lol seethe lol i didn't do anything lol
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Burst. The. Fucking. Core.
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You know, I thought about that with all of this but
It doesn't look like Eden at all
That doesn't mean it can't be...
But man...

There's also other resources on these sites. Just pick whatever's at the top, is all. That's literally it. Top B1, top B2, top B3 and whatever flex Nikkers, and you're all set. Tab out, let the game resolve the combat, tab back in, queue another fight and repeat.
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> "idols" bossfight in minigame is a reenactment of the final battle vs goddess squad but with her seeing them as raptures

yeah, I'm thinking kino
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>Actually seething because of it
one of my wives
But I am a 25 year old zoomer.
You already know how it ends.
this nikka's mad
is not that complex
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Mating press
just pull and play with your dick
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lmao newfag doesn’t know about SS ludmilla
Good post. Too bad we'll have to wait a few months to find out, maybe even longer than that. Perhaps the 2.5 ani is gonna be about saving Eden?
Sir that is christmas cake boomer territory.
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>It doesn't look like Eden at all
Is it Crown's Disney World?
This was from the game? I thought someone made this to mess with me
I don't really care about Eden or anyone there
Literally who else am I supposed to give Elysion defender gear to?
Noguns here, I guess that recoil doesn't work like I think it does
Diesel and Poli
It kinda is complicated though... Maybe it's just people playing the game for 25 minutes a day but engaging in discussion of the game on other platforms for 4 hours a day?
But I don't even remember 9/11.
>go on tier list
>use any of the nikkes at the top of the tier list
or you can just view what team comps other nikkers used to clear levels
I want Mica to look at me like that after she smelled another woman's scent on my dick
Okay boomer
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Oddly similar, it's missing the weird moon + star at the top
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>pull aria
>last bullet mechanic with a fucking MG
>literally only 5 people

They killed all Eden hype or relevancy with that reveal. Its really just 3 people: dorothy, cecil, and Johan. The rest are pilgrim fillers
Oh, so shit will be fine. Got it.
What the fuck is that?
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Less than that.
I don't have Diesel yet so I didn't even know she was defender
I guess I'll just save this set on Anchor until I finally get her, thanks
It's not about controlling recoil. It's about stabilizing your aim so you land a shot. That's a bolt action rifle so trying to keep it completely steady after firing isn't even an option
nikka its about aiming not recoil
Red Shoes is such a retard but she's cute, hope we get her as a Unit soon
Bro your IRL autoaim macro?
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Cindy's assets have carried me through three hard chapters
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Yes I love your new Baiken costume
Red Shoes is evil but sex, I hope we get her sex soon
She is not though, she is EVIL. Everything she does is deliberate sabotage.
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I said a few times that the 2.5 may be related to eden because I thought grave was pinne and would save doro again...
but now that that's out of the equation. I still believe the 2.5 anni will be related to eden
unless we got that Absolut half anni
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I literally can't kill the core anon, even if I ignore rockets
Red Hood looks cool and fun. This Rapi looks dumb.
She's the only one of that group I see us getting sex from
Bros...I just started playing this game today and pulled Cindarella on my first free pull of the day.

is this a sign from the gachalords?
should i play this game?
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This anni is kinda ass.
>cinderella getting nerfed
>solo raid so bugged they had to shut it down
>leviathan more interesting than the anni units / story
>minigame is kinda ass
>not even yearly recap report that we had last year
It feels like a worse red ash.
Treat her assets well anon
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Johan flashback
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If anyone noticed, the music that was playing during the Four Rapture bossfight for In the Mirror was a remix of this:
The fact that wall jumping isn't a thing you have from the start in the mini-game makes it a mid Metroidvania.
Mother Whale is the most retarded boss ever, I got stuck if her stage for 2 months on 3 of my towers
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I'm a savage, I'm a king
I fought deceivers
I conquered evil
I want Cinderella to look at my penis like this
Bitch, that's why I told you to use tia / naga, not the fucking bunnies.
>2.5 Anni is Nihilister
Yeah but SSR Rapi is awesome, and cool, and cute, and
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It's not that hard. You just have to understand the acronyms LBRSBSN

Liter, Blanc, Redhood, Black Scarlet, Noir
Levi was the best part, though she was ruined by more rapi slop, easily the worst part.
Kek she is the worst part
I swear this thread just started how is it already at 700ish
>can't kill the core
nta but why bunnies? you have JKs dumb nikker
Is it really? Is that going to be a big reveal or was I too dumb to notice the subtleties?
I'm not done with all the story yet
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this loud rapikek is annoying
But do you even count SSR rapi for the anniversary? She appears in the story, not in the anni event.
SSR Rapi is the new year Nikke
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>can't wall jump
>can't bomb jump
>can't shinespark
>no charge beam
>no wave beam
>no ice beam
>no plasma beam
>no spazer
This minigame is worthless
It does look strange and not right for Eden, but they keep dropping hints that something's happening there. First Behemoth apparently going over there just to chat, which seems nonsensical if everything there is normal, but would make sense if it was taken over by raptures. Then there's the constant mentions of how you can't get into contact with Cecil.
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Nope still worse
is there any easy way to find the little sparkly shit on the ground in the event? this area is too damn big I can't find it all.
Rapi, Noir and Anis are the best, in that order
Nah its Mermaid
They spent a lot of time on this apparentely
no leotard no loincloth
Ask your dick instead
>Cocoa refers to Mustang as Boss Mirrorball
We need to save Cecil, she is way too important for our vapaus bullshit for her to die. Johan is very likely dead though. We have no idea how much of Cecil is organic but Johan is almost a Nikke.
You have to wait for relic slut to come into the thread.

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