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>Letter from the Producer LIVE LXXXIV (Friday, November 1, 2024 at 4:00 a.m. (PDT))

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Moogle Treasure Trove (Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to 7.1 release)

>All Saints' Wake (October 18th to November 4th)

>Fall Guys (Wednesday, October 23, 2024 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to 7.1 release)

• Nov 1, 8PM ET / 5PM PT | Halicarnassus, Lavender Beds W25 P3 Room 2 the theater room | Simpsons Halloween marathon >>500604516
• Nov 2nd, 5:30PM EDT / 9:30PM GMT | EU + NA | Cerberus, Chaos | Lavender Beds W21 P27 + Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO Final Episode + Movie >>500408618
• Nov 3rd, 7PM EST | Ultros, Primal Mist W20 P34 | Blue Velvet and Twin Peaks Season 2 ep 15,16 >>500187609
• Nov 9th, 8:00 PM EDT l Rafflesia, Dynamis l Ultima Thule ( 25.4 , 26.3 ) l Friendless Loser Meet

Previous Thread: >>500703551
This thread people will post fat tit moonies so I can bust a nut
final fantasy xiv
>only full lv1 sets can be compressed
>dyes are removed
This is a worse armoire for crafted/quest reward glam, right?
>no election meetup
um bros?
would anyone like a mentally ill transbian eb
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Post Lalafell!
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My highlander MNK is like this (minus eyebrows).

What's your WoL like?
That hat cat belongs to me now, sorry lads
did the thread die
Did you make any fwens at the CC meetup
>for example, I finally am geared enough to do M1S but no one does blind runs now so I'm just screwed out of doing it.
the trick to being late to content is to host your own party.
put up a PF saying 'first time blind' or 'sprout's first m1s' and people will join and help you.
nta but pick something and ill queue with you right now!!!
EB a middie
I arrived late, got bullied by a femlala for not having a costume, went like 2-5 win/loss and overall had a good time
No, because I couldn't get in. Sad
no lmfao nobody wants to be friends with a catboy are you kidding me
I'm trying my threadcrush is a tan fiddie
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No one likes female middies……
friends? maybe.
enemies? certainly.
and let the monster RIIIIIIIISE
no, I just really don't like you in particular.
I do if you'd be extremely dominant towards my fem miqo (male)
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need 600 foot tall femlala wife for my femraen
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>Tokusatsu Watch Party
Asking again. Is the host planning on hosting other toku in the future or just Garo and we're done?
A NIN LB'd me during volcano explosions but he snapshoted on the aoe and died too, it was funny
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People can hate forays all they want and they do get very arduous in terms of their gameplay or visuals sometime(bozja) but you can't deny that Eureka was the peak of exploratory feel in FFXIV.
For me at least...
my fiddie says stuff like "im tired" and "the suicidal thoughts are back"
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I require your finest miqo booba
I offer you one (you) in exchange during these trying times
is it me

this is sad but true
That's not true...SIKE nigga fuck your ugly ass catboy LMAOOO
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Thoughts on the Chaotic raid mechanics?
Top 5 male middies
I'm still disappointed that Val was exposed for getting plapped by lalafuckers. I'm ambivalent about the whole lala debate, but I thought it was good that he had a consistent standard and was vocal about it. Turns out you can't trust any ebin.
turn that frown upside down
the ones reading this :)
The ones that like femlalas
No I got called plapcrush or threadcrush by 3 people at one CC meet and I'll never be able to top that so I'm never going again.
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Currently under the influence of 2 bottles of wine, a bottle of cider and a REALLY spicy chicken burger.
I don't want to boost their ego
Val is literally making child porn on baraag
I have done that for EX fights and it ends up with
>people dming me askign to be let in even though they farmed everything
>people lying about being blind trying to sneak in a clear party
>people who saw a guide or cleared trying to just spew the solution at me and teach me from a guide
>dudes teaching a friend and doing a safety dorito
>dudes who rescue me into the safe spot for a mechanic we never encountered before
it's just annoying and time consuming to constantly ahve to vett everyone to see if they're actually blind at that point and waiting an hour for a party, then someone immediately drops that there's light parties, partners, and no clock spots in this fight becaues hector's guide says so is tiring
because I have to kick him, balcklist him, all his buddies leave, and then I have to wait an hour for it to fill with the same result

That's the other part of why I don'tt do this content, you get a very small windo wto run it as intended before people jsut try to shove the solution down your throat and make you clear it out of convenience for them
and that window is too quick for me to get geared and set up to run blind.

>inb4 get a static
I don't parse either and statics require parses for this stuff
Same but a lot of whisky.
Oh right, uhh.. What's your favorite dinosaur
Ass or pussy
>got bullied by a femlala for not having a costume
Please tell me you corrected her after the meetup
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>designated as the shitty PVP server
chaos bros... it's over isn't it..
Poster guy
Meteor survivor
Juan fantasia
John fantasia
"that" guy
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You alright bro?
did you drink any water?
Please add this to the OP

• Nov 4th, 6PM EST | Zalera, Crystal Empyreum W5 P4 | The Terminator Trilogy (The Terminator, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines)
for real though, does anyone wanna have an election watch meetup
i could do it at the 'oker 'ouse but i'd rather use someone else's house since i have negative thread cred
Have you ever dated a malexaela
>people dming me askign to be let in even though they farmed everything
so? wait you want an actual FULL blind party? that's not gonna happen, probably ever except day 1 attempts.
absolutely not lmfao
only if you're nude during it
no I would rather do content instead
why was there a crucifixion at my house
Thinkin of posting my fiddie...
dont make me force you
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not true you can trust me
Anon, that's not how being a normal friend works.
I just bullied her back about something else.
Don't care about americans
I accept
No, pick a better picture next time.
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Same but vodka and some long drinks, don't ask me anything though
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She's not allowed to pregnant. It must be ass unless it's with her husband.
Yes. Got a bottle ready. Currently hydrating. Thanks bro.
No they are filthy Steppe savages. The bloodline
pic very much related
What kind of an election?
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My Highlander MNK is like this (minus the door)
Femlala Fan #1
Femlala Fan #3
Femlala Fan #5
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If the devs are so incompetent as to give us hats, then using mods on Hrothgar and Viera should be fine, right?
If the devs are so uncaring as to give us more than 5 hairs and a color wheel for AT LEAST HAIR when NPCs have WAY BRIGHTER hairs in Solution 9, then colorbeasting should be fine, right?
These are natural, logical conclusions. The game engine can clearly take it, so why isn't it a thing?
Why should we be constrained to 5 hairs and 3 color palettes? We shouldn't.
We should innundate the internet with modbeasting and colorbeasting like the ones they've never seen before, fill up every single hashtag with modslop and colorslop, and FORCE them to listen.
(They will never listen, and we'll never get hats)
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my roegryn like this (minus the human skin tone)
Vote 4 more years of middie!
>domanra confirmed to be anal only
No you don't like dark brown catgirls with fat lips
Gimme a preview as a deposit
>election watch meetup
That might actually be the single most retarded meetup proposal I have ever seen.
It's 4chan you have to take my word for it because I say so. now keep cancelling them.
Yeah, you're modbeasting anyways so a little bit of color correction and a simple hat fix won't hurt
I'm sorry you had to find out this way
this is a fine opinion, devs are lazy and overpaid.
pay a fucking intern to do hrothgar viera hats and hair and colors for like, 3 months.
pay his ass minimum wage but he'll do it. it'll cost like, 10,000USD after it's all said in done which is not even 0.00001% of yoshida's salary
I wonder if this is subtle enough?
no I do not want to ick at the chuds
Thread will spam hate but it would be all the more memorable for it. Should be fun.
you can try but you will not succeed
it'd be kino but the thread would never admit it
domanra is a buttslut... no...
so you're still trying to push this >>500518365
true im not a fan of blacks
I will definitely have all social media and the thread closed for the election...
My catboy has a man crush on you
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go look for it if you want
We are doing an election meet of some kind you no fun allowed children.
i will be there
I am a
posting my
OC cringe
Yeah so it's not you. It's the one from last thread.
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>trusting strangers on the internet
you buffoon
>It must be ass unless it's with her husband.
oh so you're telling me i can smash so long as we do it in the pooper?
good to know
Don't worry, it sounds like they're trying to top you anyway.
No but I made friends somewhere else and we're playing a shitty game together in a couple hours
guys just unsub from this fucking game already
i need to get a house, stop logging in
>another free fantasy
Do I dare revert back to malera from thighlander?
Do I change into a fiera for peak degeneracy?
Do I go miera to get female attention?
What to do...
i dont know their page
>You're modbeasting anyway
All my mods are vanilla-adjacent though. Stuff that should be in the base game, like picking what pupils you have regardless of subrace, and wearing hats, and having more than 3 copypasted color palettes. Using mods and modbeasting are two complete different things.
I ran the numbers using the average salary of a 3d artist and a QA at Semi Senior salary in Tokyo a few months back, it'd cost something like <1k subs revenue a month, it's ridiculous.
Then I guess you just have to take my word for it.
It would be kind of funny watching their reactions when things start turning bad for them though
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Do it and make it on balmung for maximum shitposting.
I would be willing to larp as a blind player but the amount of time/boredom/hassle means i would want compensation for it, or for a friend only
no, i dont think i will
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I know what those are
>Do I go miera to get female attention?
if youre even considering this then its too late
do the needful sar
>you want a full blind party?
that's the point of blind parties, what's the point of making a blind party if people just vomit a guide out at you?
what's the fucking difference vs just making a prog party?
Even if you assume he didn't know (which is hard to buy, he knew the guy was a gooner who literally owns goon island, and knew him as a lala before even meeting him), this was inevitable. Val is gullible, autistic, and manipulative, but he's also easily manipulated. If he's into someome who happens to be a lalafucker, they can just tell him "I've changed, baby~", and he'll believe it so they can plap.
>accidentally leave dalamud launcher open
>get a vac ban across all valve games after launching tf2
oh cool
auto-demolition is paused on na because of the hurricanes in the u.s.
Yes. It'll give me a chance to report some people I don't like.
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Stay strong during NNN bros
why are you in the water
get out of there
No. Votes are fake anyways.
You still lost that match.
he's going to win it has already been predicted on betting sites, the most accurate polling pundits
a femra is trying to bully me about it but i shant falter
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>picking what pupils you have regardless of subrace
Done with mods
>wearing hats on a hrothgar
Only possible with mods
>having more than 3 copypasted color palettes
Mods lmao
You are a modbeast, your entire appearance is based on mods. Accept your fate or die like a dog
talk about my lalaboing
the only thing that would make me smile is unattainable
I decided against doing it today because I realize the clarity always makes me feel shameful. I want to be stronger.
then don't join blind parties?
I don't get this conversation
>I say I don't do hard content because you get a short time to get geared and then prog before you can't blind prog
>"oh you can blind prog whenever"
>I say I want to be able to work out the solutions myself or with a group who doesn't already know the solution
>"oh wait no you can't do that past day 1"
ok so then that's why I dont' do Extreme/Savage/Ultimate
this was a successful loop back around to the original reason why I don't do this content so I was perfectly reasoned in not doing it
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We also need to be married. Sorry. :(
In case of emergencies!!!
It's OK mieraanon none of us are perfect
No that's clearly not what I said!
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alright heel/bootfags, recommend me a pair of modbeast footwear to use with this outfit otr if I should just stick with these modded 2b boots
No Ninjas November, god bless FL and RW
the only reason proxy didn't get away with the same shit is that he's retarded and left his fulala lewdslop on twitter even after the fanta
sorry bro. if you are in or around balmung, you can stay at my place though.
is it true prishe is coming back?
that being?
Thanks for boosting my ego.
You're on thin ice.
What's with this new moralfag outrage over loli? Do you not realize which website you're posting on?
it's been over a year since we got craftable trial weapons with shiny effects
i hope they didn't forget about these entirely
>Ultimate comes out on Thanksgiving
>Chaos comes out on Christmas
so then you have to skip a holiday to be able to do this before guides come out?
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I'm putting my boots in warm water so they fit better!
The rest of me happened to follow
Tw*tter tourists
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Your only valid point on this entire post is the pupils thing, which I will concede. The rest? Should be in the vanilla game. We could debate back and forth whether the skintones/palettes should or shouldn't be in the game or not, but you cannot excuse No Hats and only 5 hairs (hairs without highlights, BTW), that on top of everything, are FACE LOCKED
You literally cannot defend this, not even ironically, not even maliciously, there is no way to defend these practices.
you guys are that one scene of the sopranos where carmella invites all of her friends over to watch and discuss Citizen Kane and then the conversation afterwards instantly devolves into gossip about what some friend not currently present was wearing
We're just in that part of the fag cycle. Give it another month or so and we'll be back to "UOH LALA CUNNY SEXO" every single time a lalafell is posted, followed by death to lalas posting.
it's different with val because >>500630384
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next time for sure
Computer, open the thread regarding "A Reminder to everyone about generational differences"
He doesn't have the keys.
How can you read this drivel and stay sane?
free kupo nuts
free kupo nuts
free kupo nuts
free kupo nuts
you can’t do that in a private venue
and if you can, then fuck this shitass game, we’re gonna drop another fat one on the japs
when ww3 starts my homies are gonna enlist and break all the “rules” of war just to get those shitty little tojo faggots
he'll have two
Times change.
Someone got cucked by a miqitten
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It's about gen-z not knowing CW/CCW.
I don't. Stay sane, that is.
Can i transfer gil between characters without having an fc or a house/apartment
>you can’t do that in a private venue
you absolutely can
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>The rest? Should be in the vanilla game
They're not, hence why you resolve to modding. There's nothing you can do about it and no amount of Tw*tter hashtaggering or weird shitty movement will change that
YoshiP ain't gonna do shit until maybe the next expansion if we're TOO lucky
>It's about gen-z not knowing CW/CCW.

jesus christ
yes, you have the account you want to give it to list something for an absurdly high price, then you buy it on the other character
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as a zoomer I want to clarify we did learn about CW/CCW and analog clocks in elementary school. This person is either from backwoods kentucky or just retarded
>Stop making Ultimate, Savage, and Unreal content
Jarvis, bring up "Stop making Ultimate, Savage, and Unreal content" on the big screen.
I agree with the Roegadyn here.
I don't know a single person that plays actively pvp and nobody ever mentioned CC. Without this thread I wouldn't even know it existed.
Has there even been a good post from these animal posting shitskin knuckle dragging niggers?
stayed in bed until 5pm again
kill me
The forums are not real people they are all malera and miquote
What the fuck is going on in the forums how to people not know directions? Don't you need to be like 16 to play this game or something?
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I like it!
if you can't do either of those and you can't find someone to help, you list something useless for the amount you want to transfer and just buy it with the other character
you'll lose at least 3% in taxes depending on where the retainer is
Thanks you too
Fair enough, carry on
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Wake up earlier you stupidhead
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then tick tock motherfucker
I’m gonna draw a big fat dick on the next nuke so yoshida can personally suck it
dumb buckteeth faggot
that’s what you get for disrespecting christmas AND our rights
it's a person being overdramatic and then a bunch of other playres saying they need more content exclusive to casuals since they don't seem to ahve a problem with a lack of hardcore only content
i was awake since 9am
Sorry but my discord friends need me
I guess that's whatever I'll just go do that
We know what clockwise/counterclockwise is. We're just wondering why the fuck is it an acronym.
Very bratty! I'd love if you were a mesugaki too
Its very funny that people think official forums have any more legitimacy or any less trolling than 4chinz
Tribes are random mission generators.
you can check universalis to see if maybe your server has a city where the tax rate is 0%, but that's been rare since after 7.0's launch and 0% in tuliyollal
Ok but they should actually do this.
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Wrought from the rock that stands upon old
With heart of black and a stare that's cold
Cold are the hands that grasp at your soul
'Fore the graves are dug and the death knells toll
Tempered in the flows of the mountain's core
Where the rage runs red twixt shore and shore
Shorn from the world 'neath the blazing sun
Bound to the dark, for the light I shun

Bow down overdweller!! (Under the weight!)
Bow down overdweller!! (Under the weight!)
Bow down overdweller!! (Under the weight!)
Bow down overdweller!! (In hell I wait!)
Bow down overdweller!! (Under the weight!)
Bow down overdweller!! (Under the weight!)
Bow down overdweller!! (Under the weight!)
Succumb to the fate that corrupts your fate!!(To the seventh gate!!!)
nobody thinks that
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>The problem in this situation was that no one was wrong
im so tired of this relativism
when are we getting back to reality and accountability
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bro zoomers dont know how to read clocks
my moonie is like this
hi shoro.
Ok, that's it.
Post the UWU clear party right now!!!
>who is the 24 man savage for
>tfw we will never, ever EVER get a raid where you fight a boss in a room that is not a circle or square and then a door opens, unlocking the path further into the raid where you then have to fight adds and avoid enviromental dangers and perhaps solve an enviromental puzzle, and then we fight another boss, this time in am aesthetically similar arena
>mfw fucking warframe does this shit better than the literal mmo
It's getting some gil onto a balmung alt, I'll just pay the tax
parsefags did this
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my femlala wears a skirt that's this short and she calls it a tunic but it's not a tunic
standalone boss fights are better than time wasting trash packs and "puzzles"
based roe
Is that one female au ra here with the really flat horns and bluish black hair
The millisecond any puzzle is solved in any game it becomes braindead content
I'll just repeat my statement. I am 19, we were taught how to read clocks in elementary school. So these retards either watched so much tiktok that their brain melted, they're spics, or they're from a shitty school district full of poor people.
i feel like these days people are more nonchalant about lewd lalas
unless im retarded
my femlala has a gorilla's grip
we will never have a karazhan style raid
builded for my sunboy
I expected 24man "raid" to be that
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>want to get an oil painting commission of my male midlander
how do I go about this bros
my femlala is in her mid 40s and cant take being around this place anymore
I can't remember the last time i made a friend at a meetup
>inb4 just talk
I do people just don't reciprocate
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Same... My femlala is like this...
>femlala fotm is over
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Do we know yet what we're getting for Christmas event?? I hope there's a cute housing item, as in a useful one and not yet another plate of food
my moonie is almost done with her kegel exercises
u get a snowman that melts
Salted earth

They have to kill this off in the 7.1 changes if they want people to play this mode
this kicks ass
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Lalas are so last season. Real chads love lolis and miqittens!
i'd try etsy unironically
kara was a lightning in a bottle raid experience that will never be captured by any mmo ever again, sorry anon
People tend to ignore known schizos. And if you're not a known schizo you'd already have friends.
My threadcrush has logged on.
Femraen fish
no it's the 2nd most fun part of playing DRK
the 1st being limit break heal to full hp after a kill
You're gonna summon that guy who constantly post the CBT heels, you know
we're getting a 5 minute long story based in gridania amphitheater
a glam vaguely based on santa but not a santa hat
a housing item you can buy
and that will be the whole event
I'm not a known anything let alone a schizo
i'm more of a gaia/alisae age enjoyer.
My middie is the Alan Wake of /xivg/
Where the FUCK is malera you dumb whore
Thinking about 12am and 12pm again and starting to hate my own existence in this plain of space of time.
So a kid?
Its you again... Keep posting you brat!
Don't you love when 2 of the 4 Shadowbringers bypass Guard due to the way netcode works in this shit game? You can leave Salted Earth untouched: fix hit detection so you can Guard after being pulled and still block all 4 Shadowbringers.

This kills the DRK.
the only thing my lalaboy has had in the past 24 hours is spiced rum
If they actually manage to make pvp more responsive people are going to be able to react with guard/sage lb/whatever even after the drk plunges
It shouldn't be a reason to kneel down and take it like dogs
FemHroths are queens. QUEENS by the lore, god damn it. We should pick up our weapons and DIE FIGHTING even if nothing comes of it.
I was really hoping they'd show one of the new hats on Hrothgar OR Viera as sort of a big "gotcha" reveal, but once again my blood boils with resentment and disappointment.
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Honestly same.
I will do so later today.
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Ahem, I DO believe I used the word "useful"!!!!
-Are we really???
Yes but which one. II SAY we now need a floating christmas thing to match the energy of the floating pumpkin thing from halloween event!
Please look forward to it
it will be the same as before. nothing ever changes
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Thoughts on Ryne and Gaia?
The you should already have friends. Why are you trying to make friends at a meetup? The whole point of a meetup is to go with your friends and hang out.
Was there any pvp in 1.0 or ARR? I can not imagine they made this game with the idea of people playing against each other.
>me red
>yellow is about to win with big ice
>"fuck it we roll"
>bard LB, jump in and hit ice to try steal points
>yellow is slow on the uptake
>finally, they focus me one by one and ignore big ice
>my team kills small ice
I should have stayed to get full comms but I instaleft.
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i am posing this with my femzen
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i bet yoshi did this
Good, keep shit like that in the garbage game it belongs in.
I'm more of a garloli enjoyer
I'll need to see more to formulate a thought
My sunnie is the Limit Cut of /xivg/
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not shoro but he did help me a bunch awhile ago

i did just gather uwu bis for smn to fake melee...

ty friend
Jerking off to this as we speak, so, hot?
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they're good pals
>Thoughts on Ryne and Gaia?
I love yuri so much
PvP is still way too netcode based and ping based
and the fact they removed client side hit reg means it fucks over high ping players even more
get ready for your hits not registering because you hit your ult and they guarded before the server said you hit because they're on west coast and you're not
this wont happen, what will happen is they speed up animation -> damage/effect timeline.
so now warriors jumping in will immediately stun and do damage on activation, before the animation is done
viper's LB will do damage immediately instead of waiting for the 3 second long animation to finish
stuff like this is what they mean, there wont be a netcode improvement to make reacting to say, a MCH casting marksman spite possible.

i really wish there would be a netcode improvement but i don't think there will be.
Both my bratty daughterwives.
>post male character
>zero yous
>do it a lot
>no one notices me
I wonder if people are aware of my existence and simply don’t say anything (which is entirely normal) or if I’m filtered out of their perception
Need my femlala VORED
You wish giraffes looked even half as good as in that image.
>so now warriors jumping in will immediately stun and do damage on activation, before the animation is done
are you retarded, that's literally how it is right now
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they should raise the cap by now this shit takes way too long to get
built to service black ravas+
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our time is coming, blombros
Hey....do you like kemonolalas.....
lmao who told you that you can say whatever you want just because you're in a housing instance?
playing my male alt just makes me want to fuck the npc female cast
Builded to fuck my catboy
>he says, playing a wowclone
>no EB to bite my femezens ears
>see a friend in eureka hydatos
>just finished my island sanc grind and don't know what to do, decide to chip away at pyros for a bit
>in pyros for so long I finish it and they've logged out by the time I leave the instance
it's nyover...
To get attention as a male you have to be either super autistic like that hroth guy turning yourself into a meme, be a freak like that muscle lala boy johnny or whatever his name is or be a default human male character hanging out with ebins and be associated with them.
Wait, are you Otis?
dont worry they're raising it :)
11 more days :)
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I’m a fiddie watching halo lore
what DC?
No I stole the mods though
It's going to be a nerf to a few jobs that aren't meta and change nothing about the jobs that are. While the lagginess is part of the problem it's not the source of the balance disaster in PVP. You're still going to have two Dark Knights leaping in and staggering their un-resistable succ, popping their LB and being unable to die for 10 long seconds, while killing 18 people.
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Don't smooch me, I'll spiral
You have to speak first, lot of people here are shy. They will stand and sulk alone all thinking what you are thinking. SOMEONE has to make the first MOVE anon and sometimes it's you, can't always be them
ARR had the FOLD and your PvP kit was the same as your PvE kit and PLD/WHM dominated because of Holy Stun and PLD having FLASH
They're cute what they are!
Have you considered a non EB h-ha ha
Ah, can you post her or should we meet up?
>miera tells me my femra is cute
>was about to tell him his character is cute too
>remember it's a pajeet irl who probably wants to have esex with me
>get an immeasurable ick irl and blacklist him
Gross, these people shouldn't be allowed to play the game!
What's wrong with otis? besides being black?
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what if it had been my fat cocked lalaboy that said it
What if I want that? To dive headlong into a passionate exchange with you?
Ear biting before marriage is a sin
Besides we all know what that leads to...
are we talking 5 incher or tripod
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can I get a qrd on this? do you actually have to dc hop first to queue ranked?
It was Crystal
Almost as bad as a pajeet
can you do the dance?
my moonie thinks 8 inches is small
Three-legged mutant.
I love femezen so much it's unreal
I hope a white tranny bleaches me
Yes but unfortunately Primal is stepping up their border patrols.
your moonie would love my fiddie
You can only be ranked on Primal and there is only a single top list, only your main can place in PvP
you must be on primal because there are so few people queueing for ranked that wintrading is becoming common and they are starting to see PvP attrition the way it always does once the shiny new thing wears off
Meant for >>500723060
My favorite bit of halo lore was the first person to test the suit of armor, breaking all their bones whenever they flinched and the pain causing them to flinch even more
I love unreals so much its femezen (this isnt true I've never done an unreal is it a good place to jump into PF content?)
I found a clip from 2013 with fold gameplay.
Doesn't look too bad to just throw a couple of players into an arena.
>Mount Tilt Feature, motion sickness and a plea for an on/off toggle
I hate snowflakes
It's Myron
yeah it's like extremes but easier cuz old content is usually easier
you can start with current extremes as well
Usually yeah, unreals are just old extremes and usually have easier mechanics than modern fights.
>i did just gather uwu bis for smn to fake melee...
haha... unless...?
i wish unreals were always available
okay, lets say you do. what next?
how do two male characters erp
it'd be fun to have us schizoing each other over political differences, do it macchers
/xivg/ is a kamala thread btw
An idea: what if leylines buffed the whole party while the BLM stayed inside the circle?
they're pretty easy, yeah
we're getting the stormblood side trials this time around which are all pretty fun too
I liked the Fold but it has a lot of issues back then. Unironically current PVP kits would make the Fold work again.

The biggest issue was the fact matches ended in 30 seconds when you had two teams that knew how to play. It would normally take 1 minute for a match to start.
I don't know but I think they should let my femlala watch
Nyot me who made that post,,
But hehe c:
No, start with extremes.
Unreals are usually easier mechs but the dps check is way harder than newer extremes\ where you skip half of the fight and never get close to enrage
It seems i'll have to be a little devil on your shoulder..
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it's too late for me bros.. I saw a cute naked femezen and had to touch myself
rylai only likes getting blacked
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>take a break from the thread for a few days
>miss a CC meetup
bro your tabs..

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If you're not busy
Lets do something lame but maybe fun
Queue for the Everkeep (Extreme)! Make sure Duty Complete is selected for Matching Requirement and purpose set to Duty Completion!
I will not be corrupted
I must remain pure for my future EB
I wish they'd unrealify old ultimates.
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>BBC raceplay
>eternal trap/femboy
They can have one ear, sure
but the other one can be surely treated with a light lick
>gay tabs
>hates males
Yep, that checks out.
Anyone into ryona want to beat up and rape my catgirl? I play NIN
Did I make this post?
Why are NIN players always like this?
At least you got trips, cutie
Into this but sadly I only take it, best of luck c:
gaia moonie for my ryne femra
idk if this is gonna work out bro
Femlala yuri EB for my Femlala
I think it'll work out. People will queue. /xivg/ popped EX1 earlier
Gaia's lips...
sorry i cant leave aether for only the chance at this happening
a mommy dom
Repost the image blease
Taimanin ruined the whole genre of ninjas.
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Has anyone ever considered middiexmiddie?
anyone got an album of the joke weapon renders?
Ninjas were ruined the minute they were overused for anime, same with samurai, maybe I just hate anime
All male players are gay, so yes they have
>But hehe c:
It's so over for me and my modest 5 incher.....
very organic deleted screenshot meme
queue the laugh track
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The momentary high you will experience getting involved with me will not be worth emotional turmoil that I will proceed to put you through for months afterward, rest assured that this distance kept is absolutely for your own good
Do my Frontlines daily with me
i can think of a few pics but miera are the fujobait race sorry
it should've been me
>The average /xivg/ poster
Not surprising
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Nope. I have been away for so long I went full shy and just stood at the Aetheryte while queueing up. At least I got to greet/wave goodbye a bunch of CCbros.
All miera with this face take it up the ass
Dead game
Dead general
they're alright, I think I prefer the 2b ones
Not with this epic superpower
most of the posters here are so new they dont even realize its a meme
Seriously talking, 5 is fine c:
I'm just a silly bitch.
elk already trying to play it off lmao
good idea desu even if it was just 2%. Even better if they made leylines 1min CD.
most of the posters here don't even realize that t
you and me both brother
my otokonoko moonie needs a taller muscular male adventuring partner to embarrass him by treating him like a lady in front of the other party members
If 5 is fine my lalabvlls's massive 4 incher should be fine too, right?
Make a poll of all femoids and trannies
>Frontlines daily
If you don't mind absolute pvp deadweight then sure if there's a PF.
I will choose not to read whatever conversation you were a part of though per your last message.
they are all on that list
>forced to dc hop to play
kek what the fuck, everyone was going
>yayyy no we get cross dc DF!
but instead it's somehow worse than what we already have
Eb status
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uh . . .
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I hate people like you that cannot read.
Just look at that damn face. It's asking me to push it on to a bed while gripping its waist or pulling its ears.
Cross DC DF is a multi-year undertaking and they're cutting down on content this expansion to make it happen in 8.0, he said as much, but until then they're absically reisgned to making aether the raid DC, Crystal the RP DC, Primal the PvP DC and then Dynamis the nothing DC
they should just work on this until it's ready and then remove cross-dc travel
cross-dc pf was all we wanted/needed, cross-dc travel has killed multiple worlds.
i must fashion more robust femlalas...
>coming soon stay on alert no date announced but maybe someday
Sex heels, if only they weren't floating
dicaprio lookin fox
I'd be okay with this as long as cross dc travel was still open on Wednesday
Any femra+ (non-sizebeast)
I just want a kemono lala fotm
I want to plap but ERPing takes tooooooooooo looooooooooooooooongggggg
the urge to samefag until kong is #1 is unreal
do you want 5 hour queue times?
>designated visitation hours
i guess that's fine, get your cinderella on until midnight when you're forcibly zapped back home
So its basically a test for cross-world duty finder?
i am
a drunk meena
queueing aglaia
>/gif/ selfsuck
we're all here
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Which maps should I use to cheese the mogtomes challenge?
Then find people that don't ERP.
Plenty just text fuck and use animations
They are, it's a combination of not being easy and them being retarded and not fixing things sooner when they realized it was a problem.

>FFXI can only be worked on via PS2 dev kits
>PS2 dev kits are becoming a rarity hey maybe we should do something about this?
>NO LMAO let's ignore the situation for a decade haha oops guess we can't do anything now
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They are not
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Well that Live letter was a shit show any of you who play the game and not goon think otherwise convince me to sub to the game. Tell me what was good about it enough for me to get excited about FF14 again
seemingly...and then lets do them together
thats still erp
i am
a gay lalafella
It's harder as a lala, we barely have mods around
this is a falseflag but it's a good falseflag
im about to resub to wow so im not sure what to tell you
snake scales should heal more if ur getting 1v5d
>saw this femezenqerb with pink lolipop

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Trying to erp with a miera is more of pain than trying to catch a Chansey in the Safari Zone.
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Sexpesting again i see
its fucking crazy that they are removing the casttime from despair
why is no one talking about this
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yeah the falseflag is obvious but funnily enough it gets elk down perfectly
>tfw all the good lala mods are hoarded for private use
why are lala lewders so petty
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Finally cleared m3s after being hardstuck in it bros
It's not the same at all. People who like one HATE the other.
we're here
No one plays the game around here
Are you retarded?
where's the green bird lady post
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Ok I made a PF, it is under PRIVATE and the pw is 1234

If anyone else in Aether wants to Frontlines daily then please join also, ty!!
Me and my EB are too lazy to actually sit down and ERP, but we like discussing scenarios and brainstorming, and then letting AIslop do the job, as we then fill up the gaps.
However, ChatGPT is been SHIT lately for this, as they enforce more and more their stupid rules.
Are there any good goonerAI for generative text ERPslop? Nothing fancy, really, just something to shoot the shit with
nice work bro
cracks me up every time

what plugin did they use to do this?
gz bwo
i bet that malera plays golf on his spare time
my moonie is here
>open /gif/ to see whats up in the nsfw version of /wsg/
>it's basically that list repeated adnauseum
I think you should be an adult and form your own opinions and do what you want. I personally don't want to hear you whine.
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i hate niggers though
i would not be in any nigger threads
if you weren't excited for what they showed then there's nothing for you to get excited for
what a stupid post anon
give up, play something else
being reminded of this disappoints me everytime
How is 45 minutes too long? That's like 2 or 3 dungeons.
You get mogtomes from maps?
Yeah you need to run it locally. Ideally with at least a 16GB GPU. There are no other good websites anymore for it. I tried looking.
it was a dead meet dw, the retards kept changing which server it was on and it sucked
you used to post blacked porn on your twitter
you can hate niggers and love bbc at the same time
You can't make Femezen sexy.
Always, gotta do it for the love of the game
Now excuse me
I prefer
I dunno, have you seen this one?
>hate blacks
>obsessed with bbc
>hate fags
>obsessed with tranny cock
unironically this is how it always goes
I never played WoW, FFXIV has been the only MMO I've sunk thousands of hours into.
I've played ESO, Guild Wars 2, SWTOR but FFXIV was what hooked me.
Now it hasn't.

You're right priest you're right. You were always right. I shall head home now.
Good job
I have, that's why I said >>500726769
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Rude but true
ive been thinking about taking a break for a while im not good enough to do ultimate and probably the chaotic raid too
Because people on twitter will stalk and try to kill you if they find out you use lewd lalafell mods
there was some sperging but we were consistently doing cc for 3-4 hours wym?
Nice armpit!
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my fiddie is now enjoying the holidays
I'm about to fail nnn again thinking of fuddies
Wait a minute... red hair, rust colored eyes, scar on her face and a mole, im hunting you down for the tank role quest right now!
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>my bottom heavy tomboy fwalala walks into your doorframe and then your room because she lost her glasses and places this on top of your keyboard by accident and it perfectly falls onto your desk
Well? Eat it
Can you spoonfeed me on how to do this, or point me in the right direction to start it out?
il voe you korbo
>3 hours for a cc meet
same but middie
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my catboy is like this
How can you have been through multiple .1 patches and not seen that they're all bad and that this is nothing new? This one is more content than we usually get. Why didn't you quit in 6.1 or 5.1 or 4.1?
Stinky Fujo
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maybe CC isn't so bad after all
i need utensils you stupid faglala.
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My malezen is like this
*places a hand on your head to headpat you and thank you but the weight of my iron fist accidentally crushes you into the floor*
>been through multiple .1 patches and not seen that they're all bad
Don't make me tap the sign

why does your malezen have tits?!
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you can certainly try
I might have done the Chaotic raid at least tried it out if they released it in the .1 patch but releasing it in December is in my mind a cynical move to have people stay subbed for another month and I'm tired of feeling like I'm being milked for every dollar.
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live middie knight reaction
people gotta sleep i guess but it was the only cc meet i've gone to (i mostly showed up for the halloween aspect) so i don't have much to compare it to
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why not?
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All that growth hormone they put in the waters in sharlayan
Rylai do you like rimming?
if you're having this much mental anguish over the game and devs who run it maybe you should step away
Because I liked the story previously and that feeling of belonging and liking the world definitely gave me rose tinted glasses for running roulettes, extreme mount farming and raiding. I feel completely disconnected with Dawntrail's story and characters the first time I've ever felt this completely nothingness to the game, I saw this as someone who was hooked almost instantly back in ARR I mean how could I not be when the first thing I saw was Answers Cinematic and then finally doing Coils raid to round out the cinematic was amazing.
how did heavensward niggas let them go from this to the x.1 patches we get now
I've been to 3 and this was the shortest by far
a shbab is speaking, be quiet and listen.
My femlala LOVES rimming
Miss my dommy mommy miqo so bad bros...
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Hell yeah!
Thank you! (:
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What if hildibrand was more of a traditional detective
Who even is this
Imagine this is a garuda post
how do we feel about gock
Is that a reference to popular media but replaced with your avatar? omg we like this!
>3 hours on a school/work night is bad
*wiggles ur balls* hehe :3
My guess is Hildibrand's 9th Shard. Would be extra kino if he is also the villain of the story.
I shant be posting my character or music since ive shitposted too much in this thread and don't want the mods or jannies to know who I am
this year we should do another middie christmas movie night where we all dress up in winter gear and recreate the music video for that song
breaks my immersion
Hey, you exploded my balls one time... Can you do it again?
immersion is a weird thing to call your asshole
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Yes I'm EU
No I'm not +
Only if you call me mommy
*Repairs your balls using Flex Glue*
do you promise to listen to my song if i post it
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haha uh oh, watch out khloe, I'm learning to use brio!
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If you insist
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It was fun seeing other people's costumes
my femra became a misogynist and a racist after playing veilguard
yes, its that bad
Yeah I think you're right, when I think about the game at the moment it just annoys me a lot so I'll give it a year or two and see how it's doing I just uninstalled the game to stop me from being tempted to resub. I unsubbed a month ago but kept the game to see if there was any hope coming in the live letter but as you say a game shouldn't give someone mental anguish as it's only entertainment meant to be a positive experience.
This dialogue option has opened you up to the trans identity path

I have to show you my glams mommy
breaks my immersion
any good glams got shown in the live letter?
they usually go for 5+ hours any night of the week
probably for the best, you wont miss anything.
there's some sweet games coming out that can keep you occupied in the meantime. if you're not enjoying the current content or lackthereof, and not enjoying the social aspect, there's no reason to play ff14.
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bis malera glam
Same place in a couple of hours if you can, miss!
it's wine o'clock and also 30 minute dps queues to level my femezen
go on
you again
Interesting, I'll make a note of it
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there was some funny stuff in original pvp
My femra loves rimming...
My moonie loves rimming too...
pvp actions were peak
they cater to retards way too much
Yuri Femlala for my Femlala to do Frontlines Roulette with right now...
How do I make mine look like this?
Party couldn't get past 1st boss of origenics, this game deserves to die.
Giving or receiving...
can someone who watched the live letter explain to me why there's an ARR dungeon in the 7.1 trailer?
maybe you can start a new hip hop collective kings
i miss fetter ward
like rims on your car? haha
didnt someone just post a frontlines PF in the thread?
positionals in pvp sounds so fucking dogshit with the netcode im gonna be honest
They made it Duty Support compatible
Femlala for my Fulala
yeah but you used to actually be able to sneak around as a ninja to dick someone from behind then poof away
oh right I forgot they were adding trusts to non-MSQ dungeons now.
we're out of content, please understand... covid-19...
Only take pictures from myspace angles to hide your freak ass giraffe face
Y-Yeah..that's what I meant, clearly.
Rylai rimming my fem+lala
>ai image
yeah, you basically live in those blacked threads
Okay allow me to rephrase it for you
My femra loves shoving her tongue deep into BUTTHOLES and THRASHING IT AROUND

You understand now?
catboy glands?
>losing on NNN

what do I do besides fates while waiting for DPS duty pop
you should grind your femezen against my femezen... that way we can level our pleasure numbers..
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>potency not affected by distance
wait was this actually a thing
It's called "Shatter" because I shatter my hands whenever I play in this shit map.
so... Briarden? Especially in Scholasticate
I am pretty new and got to 70 and finished Storm. Now I wanted to level a warrior. I was hoping to do side quests to level thinking they would be as interesting as the main quest, but it seems lacking. I have difficulty finding quests and the exp given, isn't great. Should I just be leveling through dungeons or something? Would I be missing out on fun side quests at all or are they just "Kill six boar, come back" with no cutscenes or fun?
Nuhns only.

pop open a video.
Horrible concept, horrible word.
Losing to nonny-calling femlalas this NNN...
you do what i did and mod in the pre DT face 3
i guess you were too late, sorry sis
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Lets me know not to ERP with you because if I see the words
"Cocksnot or Ballbroth" again I'm blacklisting them
I meant this cute, like does he have a hair mod or stuff like that?
dont you want my femras gockbroth in your pleasure dungeon..
Hearing someone say "gock" unironically is probably one of the least appealing things in the world. I don't care what character you attach a shaft to, just don't call it that.
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>fending: diabolos
>maiming: blue diabolos
>healing: white succubus
>casting: black succubus
There is a VPR and another job on the left, any idea what those could be?
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what the fuck is a nonny
>leveling through dungeons
basically ya, do your roulettes once a day too (leveling,MSQ,frontline) maybe pop some fates if your waiting on a queue
that shit makes me laugh every time someone sends something like that to me. just say cum or whatever
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this middies name is kevin
or maybe thomas
or howard
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male character dick > futa character dick
No random questlines are worth a damn about being fun or interesting?
You got dangerously close on one of those but no
Are my nuts supposed to make noise? Im worred now
futa erp with male irl dick pics between > male character erp
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Next thread I WILL get an EB
what if it's a female character with a gnarly male dick
This. Throw in a couple of cumshot vids and now we're talking.
femlala post
SCH BRD DRG WAR VPR PLD PIC WHM from left to right
This is a pretty reasonable time for me, I think I'll be there.
why not just be gay at that point
getting my futa friends to just goon to male dicks!
wish Fox would do that with me
futa isn't gay
Thats boring
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Post femlalas for me to tribute
nonny is >>>/cgl/ and lolcowfarm slang for anon. lcf is a site where only biofems can post so i'm assuming we have a rare woman in the thread
>t. used to shit up lcf for fun
hot bunboy holy fuck
getting off from dick pics with other dudes is pretty gay
Futa is the straight mans fetish
Fags don't get hard to women
A-any meenas in the thread?????
going to blunderville square for the first time what should I expect
i do this but it always turns from erp into straight up gooning and begging
They're all dead sis, this is a catboy general now
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Actually - Crystarium, Alpha. I've got time to spare now.

what if one of us is in voice doing soft-faggy effeminate moans
that seems pretty straight to me
>swing below her feet
is this bitch levitating?
the worst net code known to mankind
What makes you so certain?
based crystarium enjoyer
too bad you're EU
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the player is the cock
the gnome its attached to is a different entity
it’s been awhile since I heard a “veena here~”
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raid finally over, i can grab a snack
fucking starving
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Cockwatch update
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What is this coat?
>le taps le sign
>literally the only .1 that didn't suck ass
>purely off the virtue of adding shit that isn't already in the game
>who is the 24 man savage for
Me, it's for me.
eb status on that femra
just ditch that dogshit, install ktisis test and learn something decent
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idk i don't care for women so i haven't asked
proxy is plapping while in vc right now? ugh
shb af for blm
>bretty good
>other player is typing slow so jack off
>now have to finish the scene and feel ridiculous
>sunset xiv
god no
Can I get a qrd on the live letter?
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*ruins your thread by posting my cool husband*
Yeah. He likes femlalas.
Idealized Wicce Coat
Where the fieras at hello????????
Just edge lol
>enter thread
>kanchelle has still won
eb status on your femra
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bro is literally afk, he's at work rn
Don’t post my wife thank you
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Single, and most likely forever doomed to be so.
I don't play this garbage game.

I just enjoy the wild west feeling of the thread.
How do I tell which alexander raid is "gordias"? All my wonderous tails says is alexander gordias.
Then who was plapping him? Hmm...
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I figured out who makes all the fucking twitter screencap posts.
Rylai won
Is it based or cringe to afk pvp roulette
Which DC has more reasonable potd queue times?
if its your matches based
if its my matches cringe
>raids used to be like this back in coils
>people would skip adds using nin hide or joining "skip to boss" pfs to for people to just quickly go in and skip all the trash
I raided during ARR, killing trash weekly is a fucking chore that most of us would outright skip if given the chance to. A lot of you just need to be buckbroken by this weekly bullshit to stop begging for it.
It's fluff that adds nothing to the raid, it's boring and it feels like shit.
Is there a way to replay the adventure guild trials and get a new ring? I deleted mine and I am new trying to level a different class.
I am literally un-EBable, who are you?
the retards who call into 911 with no valid complaints are who fuck me daily anon
time to bring civilization to the new world
Is it me?
I'm so based...
>No afk symbol
apologies, it won't happen again

How come?
I'm home and drunk
What should I do in FFXIV
Secret admirer even
Slob on gock

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