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>Game Download - Android/iOS/PC

>General Info/FAQ for New Players

>Additional Links


>Update on October 31

>Developer's Note: September 2024

>Current Events
OLD TALES [2nd Anniversary] - October 31 ~ November 21
Full Burst Day - Weekends, November 2 ~ November 18

>Upcoming Events
Co-op: Land Eater - November 8 ~ November 10
Solo Raid: Behemoth - Postponed/TBA

>Current Special Recruit
Cinderella - October 31 ~ November 21
Rapunzel: Pure Grace [Free SSR] - October 31 ~ November 21

>Upcoming Special Recruit
Grave - November 7 ~ November 28

>Current Costume Passes
Scarlet: Black Shadow: Longing Flower [Costume Gacha] - October 31 ~ November 21
Isabel: Honeymoon Party [Event Pass] - October 31 ~ November 21
D: Killer Wife: Secret Party Cleaner [Mission Pass] - November 1 ~ November 30

>Upcoming Costume Passes
Cinderella: Glass Princess [Costume Gacha] - November 7 ~ November 28


Previous: >>500731527
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I love my wife Rapi.
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Breeding Brid!
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... Beautiful.
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Strong is beautiful
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Love rikkers. Caress rikkers. Carry a rikker in to bed. Slam dunk heart emojis on blabla to a rikker. Firmly hug rikkers. Have romantic dinners with rikkers. Launch love and affection in to a rikkers heart. Hold a rikkers hand on walks. Go on dates to the aquarium with rikkers. Look in to a rikkers eyes. Share a warm blanket with rikkers. Play wrestly rikkers. Send cute texts to rikkers. Princess caryy rikkers. Create deep bonds with rikkers. Serenade rikkers over the phone. Cook dinner with rikkers. Tell a rikker she's a Goddess. Make rikkers your valentine. Order pizza deliveries with rikker. Watch romantic comedies with rikkers. Seduce rikkers. Give rikkers compliments. Make rikkers smile. Look at the moon with rikkers. Infatuate rikkers. Tell rikkers they're your world. Drown rikkers with affection. Marry rikkers with a wedding ring. Go on honeymoons with rikkers. Tell a rikker she's beautiful. Fall in love with rikkers.

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*sucks pacifier villainously*
*shoots you*
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I take that data to cores or credits ain't worth?
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So when are they revealing the new favorite items?
A reminder that Asians hate muscle on women.
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Flats won
it's time to chew rats
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Hopefully never
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I like Rapi's new design.
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I love Anis
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>uh.. aahhh.. I.. thin-

how will this work in battle?
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Commander, I don't feel so good...
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I love rikkers!
depends on your sync level, after 160 and on cores are rarer and then after 400 credits start getting scarce too while i currently have 2000 million data
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>trade 100% level of usb for 1% level of core dust
Grave is safe to lick right?
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Do not trust Redhood fags
They want Cindy nerfed.
>Who said Seven Dwarves goes from 1 to 7
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I love Rapi's new design.
the same way maiden controls her kotodama?
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Should I roll for Cindy?
If ONE person says no i'm saving my gems.,
why is this edited
Julia actually looks better without her headdress.
Use freebies and then ticket
Careless Whisper

>If I didn't agree with you than you would never shut up
>111m creds
bro what the fuck
>Siren's lines are just various grunts and gasps with only one bond 3 line saying she loves you
The dream
>Iron vs Lightning
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She still thinks the government is after her.
You work for the government.
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Ok bros hear me out. Let's just say hypothetically I've been doing ultra since super SI came out and didn't realize kraken gives rock boxes until today. How bricked am I? Hypothetically of course because I didn't actually do that.
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How would have Cindy reacted if she won against the goddess squad
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>all in just 28 megabytes!
Oh God BOOM when? How can they do that but have it still be legal?
>kotodama activates
now what
Gonna call Cinderella Anachiro to her face
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I ran the same team but my Liter has 4x ATK% and keeps eating the Naga buff
what the fuck she looks so much better
Are Dorothy memes more famous than Dorothy herself now?
You get married
We're not gonna make it bros.
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Its a neutral test
At least you got a lot of helmets if you managed to reach Stage 5/6. Many fags have said Kraken's a scam, but everyone's farming Kraken because we day 1s have a shit ton of gear hoarded.

Or at least I have my shit hoarded, dunno if there are ACTUAL RETARDS that used t9m's as exp fodder.
what the fuck are you even waiting for? there will never be another nikke that beats RH meta as shes the favorite of the majority of the fanbase and devs
Only if you're at level 200 or higher, I dont see any reason to not trade excess batte data. I bet this is another /nikg/ evil plan like "dont roll on normal gacha" despite dev clearly want newfags to roll there to break their wall.
Grave will kill you
Uhhh I thought they were just straight canceling it for the month
So 2 months of rewards?
man seeing how strong Anachiro is really show how strong Chad Hood is for fighting her solo
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Behemoth? Could work in a restaurant with her impeccable hygiene standards. Dressing as a maid and serving people food with her Pincers.
Ive done kraken every day and not got a single rock
F just reroll
Can you 7 ultra or kraken? Did you need more gear or rocks? If yes to one stay on gear bosses if you can't at least 6 kraken then gear up before tring
Always found it weird how she has this obvious drill bit in between her claws but she grabs us multiple times with them without us turning into paste
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>During the publicity and promotional campaign for the anime in Osaka, a video was posted on ustream of Ichiki along side Kanemoto Hisako. During this video Ichiki is made to play a "punishment game" and the punishment is being electrocuted.

>K: At the audition you yourself said "I want to do it!" so passionately, didn't you?
>I: [Turning away from her] How can you say that when you know exactly what happened?!
>A few moments later;
>I: The people I just cannot stand are Terashima Takuma and- (low frequency shock) ooowwww
>K: (laughing) Chief! Chief, come back! (he fell to the side out of pain)

>Kitamura Eri was not involved with the bullying, but some individuals on 4chan's /a/ took it to spam her Twitter with images of their penises with other hateful comments as someone spread false rumors that Kitamura was dating the producer and that hurting her would somehow hurt the producer.
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>Siren's bond 10 lines
>"I've always used my voice to hurt others, but I can also use it for...other things."
SBS treasure next week as compensation for the Cindy nerf.
I could imagine Rapi or Red Hood saying this to Cinderella.
Gonna gaslight Grave into thinking I'm just saying Cinderella
What do you mean? Like having a playable DOOM clone with a BOOM skin? It honestly shouldn't be that hard since classic DOOM is freeware.
Do the one you need the most because you need the gear before you can use the rocks on it
Honestly it's not really a brick
well I tried it out and data stick to core dust definitely ain't worth it, UNLESS you are really close to the power spike, or some faggot keeps harassing you in arena. Data to credits is pretty good though. The Re energy to console is no brainer
I don't know what to spend it on
Sorry, but I survived too many ASMR for that word to have meaning.
>seiyuu autism
not my problem
t. KR chad
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Stop pretending to like evil women
she can probably retract it inside when she wants to restrain without putting a hole in the middle of the target.
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So, you traded all of your Battle Data for Core Dust, thinking that it was a good deal. Was it? Well, let's analyze.

At level 310, you receive 413,400 Battle Data every hour and 67 Core Dust every hour.

Using the Exchange Shop, you can trade 3,550,000 Battle Data for 100 Core Dust. Is this a fair and equal exchange trade?

Looking at the rate that you acquire Battle Data and the rate that you acquire Core Dust, we can conclude that, no, it's not a fair trade. The amount of battle Data you're trading is about 5.67 times the amount of Battle Data you'd typically need to match 100 Core Dust.

If you impulsively used the Exchange Shop to convert all of your Battle Data into Core Dust:

YES, you fucked up, and it will take months to recover what you've lost.
>Kitamura Eri was not involved with the bullying, but some individuals on 4chan's /a/ took it to spam her Twitter with images of their penises
I was in the threads of the bullying scandal kek. Aside from it, the masturbation confession was the only thing that stuck
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holy shit this minigame shop music is good. reminds me of classic gran turismo
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Imagine if she served with her butthole.
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Rapi is far too nice for that.
EN red hood would though
Jokes on you, I haven't done the campaign in 6 months and am only on chapter 29 right now. I have tons of battle data to collect.
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Alright this is cute. She won me over
I don't understand why people think Dorothy will be nerfed because Solo Raid got shut down. Of all the things that got affected, why that mode when they could have simply release a patch to change her right away?
W-what have you been doing for 6 months?
Red Hood would say it with 0 animosity and without thinking
My wife is so cute.
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Mica, don't go yande-
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If liking the best characters in the game is wrong, then I don't want to be right
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help me
I have read many stories about manticores and i know they won't stop their lovers. I'm assuming Behomoth is the same
logging in to do interception and sim then immediately logging out.
we know, levi
I doubt they would skip SR that features the new heretic boss
Players can't even handle the easiest metroidvania ever created and you want a Doom minigame? I bet nikkers wouldn't even know how to change to guns if they pick up the chainsaw.
Its wholesome. Cindy knows what it feels like to be at your lowest and give up all hope. I think that is what frustrated Anis the most, to her it didn't make sense her of all people would find renewed hope. She helped by pushing Anis in that direction.
Anyone with the right mind will know that trading all your battle data is a dumb idea you should never try. Just because it's not used much after level 200 doesn't mean it is never used. You still need it to level up, and if you somehow go down too low, you're actually screwed.
Cinderella did nothing wrong
Update your wishlist and start using those blue tickets
What site to check if its fair
oh man I went on vacation and missed solo raid, can't wait to do it today
So who is actually gonna pull for Grave?
Cindy looks better and muscles are niche so what was the point in doing another banner?
Guess what? You already won!
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Good luck on your solo raids anon!
Lore fags
Grave is meta and has no bugs.
1 copy with pity
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I agree, fuck pretenders
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I got my small Snow White. Too bad I can’t limit break her.
Well I hypothetically have like 10 of each helmet at this point compared to 0-1 of everything else, on top of a desperate need for rocks for the past few weeks so I feel like I might've realized it a little late.
Pull? I'm investing 200 tickets if the free pulls don't work out. I'll try to make a full fire team.
Yea but clearly Eleggdev is gonna want to do that to prove a point
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Take your slop meds and come back to Earth, grandma.
you will get first place for sure this time
You've missed out on roughly 300 rocks
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Little Mermaid-sama... I fucking KNEEL...
I like Grave and think she is cute. I will probably just gold ticket her since I wasted so many rolls to get Cinderella.
What happens when Snow White reunites with Seven Dwarves II? New alt?
I want to have sex with Grave and caress her muscles and also being a great b2 is nice
>more and more censorship with every new unit
>now adding actual males (female)
what the fuck went wrong with shiftup
we are going to have actual nikke homos before the end of year at this rate
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You got some spare silver tickets? Just keep checking the shop and eventually Snow Lily will show up.
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shes just misunderstood
You can buy her core in silver ticket shop iirc
cute rikker with nice muscles, meta is a bonus and she's free with tickets
>Cinderella burst useless for campaign
Same old meta
No one thinks she's evil
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Now I really want to see a Rapi and Snow reunion after Snow watched that video of Red Hood.
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>So who is actually gonna pull for Grave?
Me. Got enough pity to MLB her.
yeah cinderella's old squad are literally wearing burkas
I got two Cinderellas in 30 pulls, I can spare some from Grave.
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You better not reply to that bait post. Or else I'll have to punish you.
Did I miss it with all the shit here or did nobody actually do Rapunzels alt bonds?
The last one is her future self wearing her old clothes and coming to see (you).
>Get her new clothes
>She just complains about them
Truly an authentic woman
I have only 139 silver, funny because I reached 200 gold and now I have 130 gold so it means I got more gold than silver ever. Wtf?!
post their shooting poses and jiggle animations you coward
So slimy...
can't spell grave without GAY
I hate crapi so much it's unreal.
nobody cares retard
She is only at bond 2
Oh, then why were you even still doing helmet? Just cause you have the team for it?
Why aren't you pushing campaign? Don't you want the highest tier of rewards from your outpost? It's not like campaign is even long
We don't sign our posts here.
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idk bro, this looks pretty devilish to me
With the advise sticker feature I'm not using gifts anymore so it's gonna take few days
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I'm doing it. Still have 4k cases left. I might do it again.
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>Haha thanks for the clothes commander... just kidding I HATE them
>Pay 50+ bucks for lines whining and complaining
How about you fix your fucked up hand you drunken cunt
>excited for new sbs skin
>it's worse in almost every way compared to base
many such cases
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Very nice Scarlet, now show me your feet
how is your exchange rate so high right now?
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Just finished chapter 1-12
Hmmmmm let's see raptures have two sides the mindless hive swarm that KILLS EVERYTHING IN SIGHT or or or the corrupting FAGGOTS THAT MENTALLY TORTURE GOOD PEOPLE IN THE WORST WAYS
And this is just Cinderella's corruption story, imagine if they ever go into detail about every other heretics and corrupted nikke they ever got their hands on.
No, it's not enough to kill the raptures, their queen needs to be dragged from the back of a Ford F150 as everything close to her is taken away and only when she feels the deepest point of despair possible will she be granted the mercy of death
Grave is ugly as fuck with the worst ass in the game. Easiest skip in my life.
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>ugly as fuck with the worst ass in the game.
But enough about Liter.
>Red Hood would say it with 0 animosity
Red Hood is a boomer and 100% say it with malicious intent, followed by saying "You're not that Nikke, pal!".
censored DEI garbage
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Eat some spiders and calm down. Raptures are not your enemy.
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I'm MLB her
And I'm getting her title
But again
I'm messaging Shift Up to let me use multiples titles
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So if I trade all of this its more or less 6 levels worth...
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what does she need a kiddie backpack for?
But will you have data to even use those cores you traded for?
if M E T A I'll roll
if not I'll skip
She's the closest I'll ever get to pulling Pinne outside of the standard product 23 pull.
We need to kill who made them first. Was it humans or aliens?
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I've finally joined the ranks of the triple digit gem count.
Evil OL Behemoth is makin me feel things...
5k boxes got me from 331 to 336 (includes the amount needed to level).
Clear 27-24
looks like that cockroach anime girl
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Thanks for trolling through twitter
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Do your encounters
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>raptures do everything for the queen
>you already do everything for Marian
Commander you are the raptures.
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*431 - 436
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>unlock double jump
hooo boy I'm going to backtrack to the beginning again
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I didn't expect to learn I was traitor to humanity in 4chan of all places
What did you think he meant by
>Marian means more to me than humanity
Luckily that Rapture Queen is dead and Lilith is the current Rapture Queen. Soon our Marian will succeed her.
That is one choice of dialog and its probably not even canon considering one of the good choices you make with Cindy is "I want to work alongside you to reclaim the surface for humanity!" and she likes that.
I don't wanna kill the raptures!
This is why I hate metroidvanias
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>1.5 anni and bits of chapter 27-28 try to make you feel a little bad for the raptures and sympathize with them as creatures of instincts beholden to a higher power
>2.0 drops
>Oops here's a reminder that the queen is actively malicious and wants to twist and manipulate Nikkes into killing their comrades against their will until their spirit is so broken that they willingly join just so they're no longer forced to witness themselves committing horrible atrocities
>Raptures not bad btw

>Ford F150
why this truck specifically
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Jesus Christ I am
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I'll put a bullet back in Marian's head if she even considers trying to convince me raptures aren't le bad
The only reason she even feels pain for them is her transformation into a queen candidate aka MORE RAPTURE SHIT MEANT TO DIVIDE HUMANITY FROM THOSE CLOSEST TO THEM
So were pretty much fucked by scaling
are all corrupted nikkes and heretics trapped behind mirrors inside their minds while they're forced to watch themselves commit atrocities?
8 SSR 0 Cinderella kill my family and me
Marian is mine and mine alone
Based on current Cindy minigame notes it seems so.
If such is true, I sure as fuck don't care for that. I'm also remembering when Laplace was corrupted too...
It seems to differ between them. Marian described it as being underwater in the abyss.
Going through hard mode and fighting Material H again. Can someone remind me what his gimick is? I forget what I'm not supposed to do or what I have to do to kill him so he doesn't laser me down.
Raptures aren't bad. They're like the next step in human evolution. There are a bunch of kinks but we can work it out. It will improve humanity as a whole.
Your pity?
Raptures behave like bugs
NIMPH is a virus, and corruption is the vaccine
It's not like you're gonna magically gain enough core dust to suddenly surpass your usb usage.
uh.... delay the circle as long as you can. kill it before it kill you.
Yes I'm sure the researchers were saying the same thing before the machines killed them.
Delay destroying the interrupt circles as long as possible
How do I search the idols in the minigame?
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Is it just me or are there a lot of 40k references in this game?
>behemoth gargant
>crow khorne tattoo
>cinderella being stuck behind a mirror in her mind
do gooks know about 40k?
Bugs are the next step in human evolution. Just look at China.
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wtf are these anyway
I'm not taking it, I'm a pure blood
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If you find them all they spell, "WAKE UP"
One bit says this is a world created just for you. So it probably varies person to person
for Grave
Name a single reason why Ark shouldn't just be destroyed.
You literally can't.
You head to the surface starting from the checkpoint of the latest boss
I'm willing to settle for a Toyota Hilux.
Not all. That's part of the kinks that need to be worked out. We just gotta experiment with vapaus more. Maybe have children with Marian.
Because all my favorite nikkes and cool guys are in there
it isn't like that shitty series is super obscure or anything
It's just you, kid
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chapter spoiler
meh her bodysuit's better
So I'm reading that there is lore hidden behind Cinder's gacha costume where she delivers a corrupted nikkek to RS?
>You want her blue eyes?
>You need to pay for it :^)
Fuck you shitup
Is that enough support for those heavy melons?
Reminder, if you don't have Rouge, you're not a true Cindychad.
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I want Pinne back... NOW!
When you find them make sure you activate them. I had to go back because I only realized on E.
It might unlock a special thing at the end.
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>Spacenoids aren't bad. They're like the next step in human evolution. There are a bunch of kinks but we can work it out. It will improve humanity as a whole.
fuck off dorothy, pinne is not real
Do it you pussy. Follow your primordial desires and fucking pull
>1.5 anni and bits of chapter 27-28 try to make you feel a little bad for the raptures and sympathize with them as creatures of instincts beholden to a higher power
It's a bit more nuanced than that you know. If there really wanted you to feel BAD then they wouldn't have highlighted how cruel and sadistic indivillia and chatterbox were. Modernia's confliction is based on her being a rapture queen candidate. She obviously has some form of mental link with them and is literally part rapture herself.
Red Shoes?
how? what to press?
reset until front turret
avoid killing front turret
Where can you read this?
It’s one of the modules for your Q attack, the lightning ball, lights them up.
It's crazy how Pinne was hiding some fat fucking tits underneath that armor this entire tie..
Thats kinda crazy it wasnt brought up
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Free to play day 1 here, got an achievement for having rolled 6000 times so I wanted to post my progress for others to compare and see. With this being the second anniversary I guess that makes it about 3000 rolls a year / 250 a month?
> Commander rank 450, outpost level 404
> Partway through chapter 28 hard, completed story hours after release
> Tribe tower 461 but I could push, Elysion 325, Missilis 340, Tetra 340, Pilgrim 354
> Can do AI Kraken to rank 7 (just barely)
> Leading my shard, everyone else is dead except one guy who sometimes gets close in manufacturing
> hover between rank 13-4 in rookie arena and 16-11 in special arena (always 2k gems after the rework)
> Have 9/18 rank 3 SR frames (only after they bumped it from 1% to 3%)
> 129 Nikkes obtained, missing: NEON BLUE OCEAN, PHANTOM, TRONY, NERO, ROUGE, RUMANI, GRAVE (she ain't in yet tho?), MAKIMA, POWER
> Have 3 maxed core Nikkes; Alice, Guillotine, Privaty, highest core Pilgrim is Dorothy at 6
Never forget Shift Up closed RUPEE: WINTER SHOPPER's legs in the shooting pose but I still love her. she helped break my wall along with NOISE, RUPEE, MARY & VOLUME (which took two months).
Also where the fuck is the commander overview shit up
Thanks for reading my blog or don't, read whatever Keanu Reeves cyberpunk Vidya sucked anyways
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huh? when?, I need visual evidence
>Keanu Reeves cyberpunk Vidya sucked anyways
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That whore Yan succed me dry yet again...
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You all act like the Commander like he's a nice guy. But he's not. All he does is weet talk these Nikkes. Today he says he truly loves one Nikke, the next the other. He's manipulative. He pretends like you're the most important thing in the world. He says he only loves you. He says there's no one else. Why does he lie? Why does he act like you're the only Nikke in the world for him? Why? Why does he lie? Why lie? Why lie to me? Why does SKK not love me? Why does he manipulate my heart? Why? Why? Why? I love him, is that not enough? Why? Why? Commander why lie to me? He said he loves me the most right? Who are these other harlots? Why does he hide from me? Why does he avoid me? Why? He loves me, he's just confused right? I love the commander, he loves me. So why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Where are you my love?
>still hoarding even though its anni
O great dragon, sitting upon his hoard, what are you saving for?
Now that the song "The Wall" is out, all newcuties under 160 have to set it as lobby music. It's the new rule.
new rapi looks bad
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Thank you please come again
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How the fuck do I choose my wishlist? Any way ingame to test the characters? Or will I need to watch T*er Lists/Gameplays on Youtube to decide?

Also, the general info on the OP says I should mark at least Alice, Privaty, Liter and Naga... does that remain correct or is it outdated?
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very tactical
Just 1 more colony drop bro, this time for sure
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wait a minute...what are those?
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>selection box only lets me select 2 nikkes
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He keeps trying to jump to the ledge but he always fails... I feel bad for him
Oh one more thing
I have never played on PC, only my 3 year old moto g stylus 5g. Wish I could but I haven't had a computer in a while homeless for a bit but I got better
Anyways with time, you can make it too
Without the headdress she just looks like a sober and un-edgy Scarlet.
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bros, what should I do for Cindy? It's my only ammo roll.
>Oswald says they weren’t on the flight plan
This means Abe made two oppai loli twins for the hell of it using VTC resources and told nobody
>2nd anni selection only has 2 nikkers
It's a mystery
Christmas Rupee MLB+max core, of course
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raptures are mindless robots. stop feeling bad for the enemy
More collab slop. But not Stellar Blade.
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Not him but I'm in the same boat with almost 130k gems and I'm saving for Christmas because I'm gonna have like 6 banners to pull on. I can ticket both Cindy, Grave and new years so I'm not in a hurry to spend unwisely.
And that's a bad thing how?
I love my grey haired autists
Not a bad progress for a f2p phonefag, thats more than some of my unionbros who whaled
This, they're just ants.
Both are shit. Aim for either ele or ammo on the second or third slot, so you can lock and reroll. Atk being on that slot is suboptimal, since atk has a lower priorty.
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They're not huge by Nikke standards, but they're a lot bigger than the armor let's on.
The Four Nerds who were shoved into lockers at Heretic high school.
You saw nothing Quiry
Oops, I mean Cinderella...
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leave em alone. they're just tryin to survive too
What's this guy deal again? I only remember him from the redhood event where he gives her a ride.
Do you forgive Dorothy?
He drives.
Dorothy really really likes him
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just doing his job
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How to reach
centgov lapdog that maybe stops being so much of a lapdog as time goes on
Put some respect on Chadderbox's name
Dorothy very anal with him. She basically saved them but Dorosussy want nothing of that because she want her glory
I honestly have a feeling that raptures aren't bad INHERENTLY, but the Queen is an obvious malicious entity that is the cause of the issue. Rapti got Mother Whale to go vegan and it's not blowing up in anyone's face yet.
We gotta kill da queen.
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Oooh like the guy who wrote 1984 by George Orwell
So while all this crystal shit is happening, the Pilgrims are busy fending off Indivilia right?
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How can I forgive someone who's done nothing wrong?
>How the fuck do I choose my wishlist?
Press the wishlist in normal banner
>Any way ingame to test the characters?
Union shooting range has the current banner units for free and scopelock puts them at level 400, 10/10/10 and lvl 5 gears
>Wishlist Alice, Privaty, Liter and Naga
Correct. Privaty and Alice you get for free on the diary thing. Liter, Naga and Alice just got new pity system that's going to help newcuties break the wall and they're all meta units.
I feel bad for them, also Behemoth cheered up more when she had Levi there.
I wonder what the other two are like.
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hehe, ass
need to roll at least 40 times to unlock wishlist first iirc
i think the shooting range lets you try out the current banner unit, but as a new player that probably doesn't help much
alice, privaty, liter, and naga are all good. alice and privaty can be gotten for free, liter and naga are now available from standard pity for 100 rolls
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We should replace the counters with the four beasts desu
Double jump, spam dash
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Then what? Leave an entire species of murderbots alive in hopes they dont do it again or no one else tries to exert control over them again?
And that vegan part is a major issue as well, we're going to be sharing world resources with an infinitely spawning hivemind that can go apeshit with one rapture being unstoppable without guns specifically made to mow them down
cp2077 is one of the best games ever made, fuck you
>raptures are good bois that were tricked into being bad
Its Warcraft orcs all over again.
Don't be mean. My wife is a rapture queen.
At the end of LK I believe Pioneer said they found a lead on the Queen, so that's probably what they're working on as we dealt with Cindy, Behe, and Levi.
but raptillion is cute and we got new friends because of him
If that's the area with the cliff that you jump off of. Then you need to: Jump - Dash - Double Jump - Dash or Walk off the edge and fall forward slightly - Jump - Dash - Double Jump - Dash. Can't remember if you can throw in a 3rd dash at the end.
Woops my bad.
I'm not well versed in Nikke lore, but I really wanna make a timeline.
If Raptilion were a girl he'd be a pitmommy
What a cute smile
Who says they gonna keep infinitely spawning once queen is dead tho
>Shitty looter shooter they lied about being a true rep of the table top game
>Just kidding its just a limp dick Deus Ex without the great level design and boring ass skills with you following majority of the time a Hollywood actor
Yeah fucking based man. Fuck CDPR
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I could've done without the brief little cinematic desu
felt too snappy and like some kind of ad for a turn-based four-nikkers-in-a-row game
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Remember that all bond stories, random encounters, and events are canon
>How the fuck do I choose my wishlist
Roll 40 times, click wishlist, ask your dick then choose 15 nikker

>Any way ingame to test the characters
You can test the current pick up nikke in union shooting range. You can also check all avaible characters skill description in nikkepedia if you're autistic enough

>I should mark at least Alice, Privaty, Liter and Naga
Yes, they're meta and easier to max limit break to help newfag break the wall
man, the queen is a cunt. Really makes you wonder how Red Hood thwarted the corruption with just sheer willpower for that long
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What's the kinoest kino of kinos in Nikke for you
>Cindy and Laplace both kneel
>Both have twin tails
Could... they be?
Can't corrupt the brain as fast if you don't use it as much
Its all thanks to Liliweiss
bros... where's my Solo Raid? where's the bull?
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Holy shit SBS doesn't fuck around
Got her when rolling for Cindy, and even though she's not as fully invested in as my other Nikkes, she's already doing comparable damage.
hood had low tier nikke flu, cinderella had full blown aids
Liliweiss is still a big mystery in the story.
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You just missed it
They sound like adults who still hold grudge over not being invited to the cool kids table when they were in school
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Just ignore it bro
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She isn't team 1 material for nothing
i lost my shit when skk mentioned SIXO and what Moran did in her event in the main story
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imagine the paizuri
damn the song was so cool now I have to listen to it on the youtube
She's the nain heroine
Why is this nikker posting art from X (formerly twitter) on cooldown?
A little disappointed.
Hansel should've been flat with a really big ass to mirror Gretel's massive honkers
I know how it's done, I was talking about how to decide which units to choose (besides dick tingling). I guess I'll read the wiki like an autist...
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It still is one of the best games ever made, no other game has night city. And the gameplay is so addicting especially after the phantom liberty update
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>Mabeasts show up to confront the Offsprings
>Offsprings are confused and ask who they are
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>Scarlet complains about her clothes the ENTIRE day
>Eyes you like this later with her sword out
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So happy to have a naturally super strong team member like Cinderella!
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Good morning NIKKERS
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yeah i would too explode like that kek
for me it's still the chapter 13 boss rush
>let me do an impression of you guys: ENCOUNTER
>there's another train following us!
>"cool bike" "thanks"
>*ptui* i can't believe you shot me!
>a wolf has to die at the bottom of the well
Watch as they somehow shove the schoolgirl slop plot into the camaign
I went through Red Ash and don't remember seeing that once
Where's it from?
Is it tied to mog?
I played ex but not the one in the event
These no good kids with their loud complainin' about corruption. Back in my day, we powered through corruption and fought for years while a spooky red eye and ominous voice tries to take over our minds. We pulled ourselves up by our bootstraps.
I will never forgive the Raptures for what they did to poor Cindy, I can't imagine how Babu and the other Heretics must have went through.
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Chapter 26
Gomenasai if I spoiled u bro
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The progression of the map music was also good
I no longer support Matis or Missilis but the end of ch18
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>Marian probably had to watch from inside her own head as she impaled us in the stomach
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But like, holy moly
She has like 15k less cp than my RH, and she's just doing slightly less damage, and that's because she's killing the boss before fb ends.
Anyone's got the in the mirror version of goddess of victory?
La Blue Girl style
we only knew each other for 10 minutes
I'm in 33, so I must have missed it
Adding that to the stuff I have to reread, I guess
Skipped her's, Crown's, and Kilo's bond since I started right at Crown's event. Currently reading through that event in downtime and man is it a funny one. Those bananas are coo coo
>>there's another train following us!
Loved that. Need Alteisens revenge.
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>event shows (you) the pov of how a heretic is made
>story shows (you) that heretics also have feelings? dreams? or at the very least are more "human" than you thought
>we never knew her before corruption
>the Marian that we got to know and love was the corrupted Marian the whole time
I wonder if the real Marian would've loved SKK as well...
I remember that, it was the first time I actually struggled to progress in the normal campaign. Just Chatterbox, Alteisen and Modernia all in the same chapter, nowadays we just get Crystal Chamber, Crystal Chamber and Crystal Chamber
You could have worded it better. Either put meta or just what you have to make breaking the wall easier.

Tetra: Alice, Blanc, Noir, Rouge, Volume.
Missilis: Ein, Liter, Naga
Elysion: Dwife, Privaty

These are the most important ones.
Sounds like someone trying to make male nikkes, I won't have it
>Rapture Queen gives her a choice: Surrender your mind and she will turn off your "eyes" so she wont have to see what her body does or dont surrender and see everything in 8k wide screen
Not gonna lie, it pisses me off but damn does it make for a good villain. Rapture Queen is pure evil and I dig it.
In canon who is stronger?
Laplace or Red Hood?
How is doro tv handling the tea allegations?
Humans were created by Raptures. We should obey our masters.
Well in canon RH is dead, but she'd probably be stronger than Laplace
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>Nihilister tried to betray the queen the moment she got shot by the vapaus
She's a good girl after all
With bad intentions that is, but still a good girl
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>hurrr Cinderella is bad against the mirror container guys
He's also going to need Tia, assuming he didn't reroll for Crown
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i hope it turns into a cute girl(s)
Good, bad, don't care, I just want them dragon tiddies in my face
They won't do male nikkes but might do human + rapture hybrids which chatterbox will be revealed to be
The Ark hasn't surpassed any of the Fairytale model yet. Laplace is probably the closest to them tech-wise though. I can see her beating a non-combatant like Rapunzel.
aren't heretics formerly nikke? Therefore they formerly human.
Ein-bros... not like this...
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Each sword is a flash, each shield a rock
Each arrow's a clock that clocks on to crash
The coup de grâce be dealt by a knight
Who valiantly battles in the sunlight
>Just max core her guize
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I emerge the days when it was everyone's struggle.
of course it's MidHood
so WHO is the queen anyway?
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uhhh anus bros???
Currently? Liliweiss
In the future? Marian and other candidates
Which of the Rikkers still doesn't have a backstory? It'll be that one.
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so is it possible to complete the mini game now or no?
*remember the days
You need to -20% of that bro.
Laplace is the equivalent to an old world rikker
Nope, need to complete the entire event
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After the nerf is out it's gonna be our time again...
she is, try it vs tower or hard mode. Not the meme gamemode
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>There are fags who skipped through the text

I seriously hope you guys dont do this
I've started playing the game recently and I'm really enjoying it so far. What are some things I should look out for when squad building? As of right now I'm just throwing stuff together and calling it a day, but I want to have thing be a bit more cohesive.
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I just don't care about Cinderella.
simple really, i rolled x70 and did not get Cindy so playing the event and pretending i have her in all the cutscenes doesnt feel right so i skipped all of it including the new chapters
Show your SI mirror clear faggot
I took a break from the game during her banner. What exactly makes her so tough? I saw people saying she powercrept OG scarlet?
coomander's childhood friend
Is it possible to get the first letter collectible from the first area in the minigame, or do we have to wait until next week?
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Why does Eunhwa sound more joyful?
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What lore and/or storylines do YOU want to actually read in possible future events?
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Who existed first anon
The first Nikke or the Rapture Queen
Mirror boss happened and Ein was built to deal with it
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what's the damage on Cindy?
Anything that involves cute or interesting interactions with Rupee.
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Ein is better than OG Scarlet against bosses in general.
according to Marian's bond, Marian's nikke and rapture parts were apparently compatible enough to seem like that was the original intention
she is so bad now that people are calling her Miderella
More heretic mental torture kino
Oh yeah I completely forgot about Tia as I'm so used to Crown
Unfortunately she's Harran 2.0
I finally realize why old tales is not as interesting as goddess squad

Its because Old tales exists only to prop up Cindy who has never fought before while goddess actually has interesting team dynamic and personalities other than Ayanami Rei clone, Rapunzel clone, Mute retard, and 2 ayanami rei clones.
Bros... I did it.
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What the fuck. I've been failing to manual this for the past 10 tries whether it's by suicide raptures or silence raptures. I alt tab and come back to find I've won. I must have clicked retry and forgot. How the fuck did auto win this.
good job newcutie
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>1-12 cutscenes
>the same song continues playing through the cutscenes and combat
ngl this suffering "kino" is getting old
The AI was probably ignoring the silencer behind the building because of no line of sight and since it had no LoS to you it couldn't spawn any silencers either
I remember back in the day we have to lag out gravenigger just to beat him...
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Check your mail
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Nice, hated that fucker until I learned not to move the cursor too quickly. Today I unlocked EX and beat it.
I'm sorry this post apocalyptic dystopian future isn't bright and cheery enough for you
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Every other gacha is just so boring compared to nikke even if I actually like the characters a lot.
The gameplay and way skills work make me not want to blow my brains out unlike the turn based slop shit and chibi garbage that infests every other gacha.
Having good design and bonds for your characters is important and all but iff I dont want to actually play the fucking game what's the point.
I love you SU
Cucked lmao
But leaving any silencers means no way to burst and that should have been an auto loss right? Or do silencers need to be looking at you?
I dunno of this is correct, but just shove whatever other SSRs you have in the wishlist even if they arent meta.
there's a reason dystopian novels are either one shots or a good series that crash and burn later on
It wont spawn any if it can't see you. Realizing that was my winning strat for that stage.
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When will Rapu spare bodies be available in the mileage shop?
I'm assuming you're not talking about crystal chamber? Man I really need to catch up.
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KEK, cherry on top.
As I said, try using her in Hard mode and come back
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I lost...
chat is this real???
what the heck... Vesti is a shortstack?
that's a big gun
>Sugar enters the story.

Award Winning Performance
It's not a fair comparison anyway. This is just their introduction and first event.
From launch, we already knew about Scarlet, SW and Rapunzel. Then we got to know about Dorothy in OZ, then RH in Red Ash.
I'll wait until we get more events about the second gen, before making any calls.
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>Asuka dies immediately, lucky RNG on most enemies targeting only her
>Red Hood bursts, infinite ammo so unaffected by tentaclefag
>Liter CDR not good enough to be ready by next burst, B1 hood -> Rei screenwipes
>Silencerfag dies from out of burst MG damage after AI targets it last, boss wave doesn't start until all the minifags are dead
>Red Hood bursts on boss phase and autotargets stage boss
No that's a different boss, mirror is 32 boss and is also in anomaly interception
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Even ourselves in game noticed how Rapi has been different since Red Hood went away,
Like all games with a large roster, there are restrictions in place to make team builidng not so daunting. First one is you need a burst 1, 2, and 3 character since full burst is so powerful. Next is you want to burst in cycles of 20 seconds. All B3s have 40 second long cooldowns, so you need 2 of them to do this. For B1 and B2, most are 20 second cooldown, but a few are not. Stick to the 20 second ones. Next you want burst cooldown reduction if possible. Very few characters have this, off the top of my head: Liter, D: Killer Wife, Dorothy, Volume, Rouge, and the last one Summer Helm is a limited time so you can't get her until next summer. You should be able to get Liter very easily since they added the "pull 100x and get a free Liter" thing. With 2 B3s and B1 and B2, you have 1 free flex slot. This should be someone who either supports the others with buffs or does good damage, either of these without bursting. Some examples are Naga/Privaty for supporters and Scarlet/Modernia/Guillotine for damage dealers.
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I actually got to Limit Break two girls so far but I cannot POOOOOOOOOOOOSH. I have Cindy and SBS but don't know what to do with them and the NGE girls are useless until I break the 200 wall. I'm also a booklet currently
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you take it back, Gretel is perfect
Asuka must have tanked both the suicide raptures in the beginning. Who knew having my strongest Nikke die in the first couple of seconds would be the key to victory.
Hansel and gretel's voice acting is so cute
Vesti has become serious about winning SKKbowl
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I want to see the carronades on a mission doing cool shit with artillery
I want more pranks and kisses from belorta
Is it worth buying re-energy from event shops now?
Pull bunny Alice out of Synchro so you can level her
>can see under skirt in chibi casually shooting
>not when her live 2d kicks up in the air
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And which one of them supposedly acts like Rei? Are you retarded?
It'd be suffer kino if we had to kill Raptilion when he is in the way of our revenge against raptures when something happens.
Also forgot to mention you want to build burst back as fast as possible, otherwise you won't be taking all or maybe any advantage of cooldown reduction. This is done with a sniper or rocket launcher character. You want to manually control them and fire into large groups of enemies, or try to pierce/splash as many objects in the environment per shot as you can as each counts for building burst. With the meta team, this is done with Red Hood or Alice, but if your 2 B3's are not a RL or sniper, consider using your last flex slot to put one in to fill the role of burst gen. Centi is a really good candidate for this.
Battle report doko?
>Leviathan transforms because of nakama power
Probably not, the conversion rate for other shit is really bad and the boost you get from them are negligible at best.
No Caller ID is such a weird event
>Rapi freaked out by some skeletons in a room, very out of character for her
>SKK apparently flew a drone or the like before? This is never mentioned again.
Holy shit I forgot about that. Good times.
>the first event ever
They had no clue where to go with the game friend.
I just got done with chapter 24

Uh, when does nihilister liberation and the bonds take place?
>harem game
>Toyota Hilux
It fits.
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sometimes overall DPS means very little, especially for the cancerous parings like the tentacle elites with silencers and a bunch of spread out raptures that can all one shot. Grats anon.
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good night bros
It was the first event. Helm was the banner Nikke for it btw
During invasion SKK operates a drone
Usually the first event is planned out along side the plot. This feels more like a chapter of the early game they cut out and put here.
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Man Im burning out with the minigame
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Red Hood is my kind of woman
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We can go a bit further
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Yeah I can't play more than 20 minutes of it before my brain drifts off.
Nihilister liberation is not canon to the story
Calm down Vesti, you have my permission to kill your classmates
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The chibis are what the artists really wanted to make before "Chinese sensitivity" forced them to censor. They're always 100x more sexual than the actual live2d model.
I'm sure they had some idea. The first leaks showed that they already had designs for characters like Crown and Chime amongst many others
you're supposed to do a segment at the time. If you keep going you're just gonna hit the wall that meeds story 2-5 to open anyways.
It's wild all this is modeled below the coat, most characters just have nothing in the texture file. Really makes you wonder if they had to censor her for some reason
Do you check for chinese people under your bed every night?
What's the latest in nerf news? bricked?
what are the songs from cindy's event? this event menu soundtrack sucks
Give her her own body please shift up.
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This is literally like the final confrotation between sakura and Rin in the Fate heavens feel movie, Holy kino....
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Yep. Another rousing Elysion success. You're welcome, /nikg/.
Of course. I don't want insects in my house.
2 more days
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Ingrid's smile looks uncanny.
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t. fed dog shackled by gravity
Get rid of the Japs too, then.
Need a doom music soundpost to this
Ingrid please make some useful nikkes and not just sex I have enough of it already
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Nothing is happening?
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Newfag here

Do the english translation ever stop referring to the Commander as "they", because seeing this >>500763067 the SKK is clearly male.
I'll let you have D. Wife. You're welcome
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I did it bwos... The whale is dead. Thanks to the anons who posted tips earlier
trannylators have an agenda to push
Yes they call you a man. Actually quite a good looking one as well if Rupee is to be believed.
They better release a statement soon saying what they're going to do with their Cinderella fuck up. I'm scared to pull in case they decide to nerf, but I need her to kill Crystal Chamber and Mirror Container.
i mean there's no reason not to let wamen self-insert too.

Why did Anachiro not immediatly kill Abe?

From her perspective Abe was just a regular Rikker
Yeah, they drop the pretensions later on.
Anachiro likes to toy with her prey.

Cool, in which chapter? Cause Im already annoyed by it and I barely started chapter 4
Yeah I'm sure they can really relate to the scene of popping a boner around the bunny girls when they show you their dance.
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that's cheating
Wasn't there some chink game where the self insert player character was retconned to have been a woman the entire time? I guess they might have been worried about something like that happening, but there's no ambiguity about it any more.
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Cute raptures... i love them so much...
Probably after chapter 10
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Grats cutie
Abe's perverted heavy breathing fogging her glasses as she tirelessly works on the new Grimms sex godesses!
Congrats bwo
Are they still seriously deciding this?
The orders were to kill and mock [Goddess Squad's] enemies, so she got more sadistic
She's lonely.
She's scared.
She's Maybe we'll learn more in Old Tales.
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>has to imagine her heroes as raptures in order to summon the will to kill them
Cinderella didn't deserve this......TOTAL QUEEN DEATH!!!
>Why did you build two oppai loli with our government money and technology?
If Scarlet and Abe and Rapi managed to upgrade their Rikker bodies why cant every Rikker do that?
who is the best in designing nikkes?
How will this help us with fighting raptures?
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because t-they... just can't okay, stop noticing things
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A reminder that the Goddess Squad (without RH) lost to this.
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Thats why RH is the 2nd strongest!
Why do Scarlet and Rapi have unique faces despite being Rikkers and Abe is generic Product 23 ?
Abe was already strong due to homelessness, and got experimental shit from Mana
Rapi had to merge with RH to get the strength required to punch Hammering's head off
Scarlet was a last man standing situation
Rikkers can't because it's expensive, and they die too fast
Willpower, aka the difference between an SSR and regular shitter
The difference between someone who can core clash with RH and evolve to Rapi Rojo and a rikker
The difference between the last surviving members of the melee squad and those who died along the way
The difference between a genius who succeeded in seeing her goddess of victory shine and one who's death leaves hers forever scarred
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holy fuck it's been 15 years since I read that in a Barnes & Noble
Cindy and Gretel tits and Red Shoes ass makes me think Abe should go back to making Nikkes
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I wanna know how a rikker became a heretic
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Why is no one screaming cuck in these threads when Red Hood says this
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because RH is a boomer that can say things in any political climate with no repercussion and is immune to all criticism.
She talks a mean game to Rapunzel about sex but hasn't had any. It's one of those characters that act cocky but can't back it up.
Its somewhat inconsistent, I think it way less per year than you think. I've been playing since April, just after Syuen April's fools, and I had 2.5k tickets achievement just few days ago. I'm f2poor too
WAIT WAIT WAIT just saw the chapter 22 intro
Who else is a boomer that cant be criticized
Would you be okay if Rapi SSR is just red hair rapi in red hoods outfit instead of whatever we got
look at your parents.
It's like you didnt even read the story
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i dont know shit about nikke but white woman hot, installing now
Noah is a Rikker
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No, I prefer what we got.
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Kek. You'll fit in quite nicely newcutie
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You forgot Noah and the reason is that they either need someone to invest the resources into upgrading them or have the knowledge to do it themselves like Grave. The CG isn't going to be arsed to upgrade rikkers unless they're special cases like Rapi.
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Fuck. Guess I'm the retard now.
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both of us are retards bwo dont worry
Who here likes actual Maxwell not just her meme raepist version
Maxwell is a sociopathic cunt so not me
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>It's actually the power of friendship saving these two retards.
I'm going to cry bros....This is beautiful writing.
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Some people relate to her workplace struggles(working with idiots).
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Hot girl with tragic past and you are her prince
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trying again for attention this time without the forrest bump quote
level 15 purple doll
almost maxed tier9+5 gear
just finished skills today
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Kino just dropped
All hail the queen of pits
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okay so I just reached this boss, is it possible to auto this?
Who was before Liliweiss though?
Laplace and Drake are lovable goofballs. So when Maxwell snaps at them she just comes off as a bitch.
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A true commander who loves his nikkes
You are the legendary commander
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Holy brick
God Cinderella sucks at hitting qte circles
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>Rikker love
how? teach the ways of the proper firepower master.
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Don't forget to push Hard Mode now that you can dump your excess battle data boxes for credits or cores. You don't have a choice. Danchou will kick you if you don't push this weekend.
you press auto
Auto works fine because shooting ports even with aim assist is awful
*breaks ur dvd*
what now lapshit?
but i dont have enough time retard
anyone has the webm in high quality of Cinderella costume?
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>on the cliff
Yeah this is why I only traded 40% of data. And to trade credits you have to be actually an idiot
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fucking nigger kys
I actually managed to do it on my 5th try with Noah and Biscuit just have to manage the invul timings
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Use gameshark to increase your nikkers to level 400
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You did finish the new chapters at least? Right? Right?
how much selection boxes are they giving? trying to break 160 but not sure if theres enough for a snow white
What's the fight like?
I traded half of my data to credits
I got like 200m
And I think I'm never recovering from that...
But at least credits can be used to OL units so I'm still happy about my decision and I'm not coping at all
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>no longer sees you as a human
>snaps you in half with a smile on her face
Another villain vanquished!
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Hey should I try to max limit break this Rapunzel Pure Grace since you can get multiple copies from event boxes? I was thinking it would speed up getting chars to 200.
3 which is just enough to MLB Rapu. Rapu is in mileage shop so you can skip one to get loli and use your silver tickets.
I think you can only 3 get copies in this event? Two selectors and the login.
Yeah helping break the wall is the intended purpose of free SSRs like her. It's best option unless you want to also get loli Snow White
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Yes. You can always yoink Snow Lily with silver tickets - maybe.
is it worth picking small snow white?
Only spare bodies not the unit itself
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>605 days
Do you think he bought this 20+ times just for the 24k gems upfront? What compels a person to do this.
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I dont get it
i mean, i'm probably never going to pause that subscription. Probably not *that* much of a difference but yeah I let it run out then replenish when its a day away from being gone.
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She's a good girl and wants love. You don't want to break her heart right?
The american nightmare keeps the servers up, I don't care why he does it but only that he does
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That intro was...something
scary stuff
He makes a shit load of money from programming and has poor self control
If you think that’s aids, just wait till you get to 26-25
I wonder how angry Snow would get if she kept getting perved on
With just that face I would move mountains to keep her safe.
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ninjin-san, tsukamaeta
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get lucky
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Red Hood Who?
The primordial being
pilgrim julia doko
When Pilgrim Aria happens.
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What the fuck was his problem?
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R8 my pilgrims
Red Hood - Boomer
Anis - Doomer
Neon - Nerd
Rapi - NPC Rikker in the background
Cinderella - Stacy
I don’t remember seeing this. Is this in part 2 that’s yet to be unlocked?
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>no sw
union id?
chapter 34.
only 333? I bet you have 100k dust saved you fag
What do you spend it on? Cores or skill books? I’m tempted to get it too but not sure for what
Anis no!
just endless 10 boxes a day.
I meant 1000k lol
So you’re just hoarding them and not even using it?? What is the point
... no i'm using them every day.
Actually, I skipped the tutorial part about the synchro device and wasted all my dust the first 10 months individually leveling every character I liked.
Marian - Perfect
What do you use it on? Like what are you actually selecting everyday. 10 boxes of core f
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Been playing since launch and haven't pulled a single Snow White.
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I haven't even hit the 160 wall lol. Basically trying to avoid spoilers is like dodging bullets in the matrix.
yes, 10 boxes of dust. which I then use. along with what I can get from event. i'm getting a third more dust per day most of the time than not.
I'm using mine on books since that's the biggest bottleneck in the game
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>make the mistake of checking twitter
>flashbanged by a retweet of Tove taking a shit in her baseball pants
You might as well give it up. It's one thing to avoid event spoilers, where you just have to watch out for dataminers and the retards buying tokens on the first day, but avoiding main story spoilers is nearly impossible.
>tongue piercing
>womb tattoo
How long until shift up lets us correct this brat
What did she mean by this?
She wants everyone to know that she won
>Following people that retweet scat
You get what you deserve
wait how are people progressing the surface section in in the mirror?
all the walls and platforms are too high to double jump to, am i retarded?
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Sounds gross. Give me the sauce?
I don't know why people in /nikg/ meme on this guy so much when 90% of dudes here probably look like him
She’s saying she’s practical and doesn’t mind saving you money on less expensive material for the walls. What a perfect conscientious wife.
Today is when you would be able to unlock the double jump, if you weren't spending gems to go through the event stories even earlier.
>entire 2nd anniversary promotional material is related to space
>story has absolutely nothing related to space
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your gonna carry that weight
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Tell me about Snow, why does she wear the mask?
See you space cowboy!
it was a promo for the livestream. that's all it was. What the fuck...
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jap artists are weird because they never would before it then suddenly the just do
I called her cute and now she is hiding behind the mask
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Based, thanks.
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turns out i'm retarded and missed the other route up to the surface
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The only reason the ark got even remotely damaged by Crow's plan was because Drake wasn't in the building at the time
its weird how she was a scientist who hadn't so much as lifted a gun to...this.
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You forgot your pic
The mechanics of the minigame are so shit. It reminds me of Mario Maker speedruns so you have to get hit midair in order to "double jump"
But Matis and Absolute were sent to the surface to guard Mighty Tools
>forrest bump

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