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Previous thread: >>500733620

Season 5 - Oblivion
2024.10.10 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Upcoming Extractions

>Current Extractions

2024.10.31 — 2024.11.14
[000] The Priest of La Manchaland Gregor

2024.10.31 — 2024.11.14
Target Extraction: [ Rodion ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

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Moses marriage mating press nakadashi impregnation
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Doncho love
The same people who call each new canto 'Peak Fiction' are the same ones who complain about previous cantos being shit. Funny how it works.
still can't beat flower lady, I'm doing mirror mansion for now, what would outis' canto be like, so much of her lines are just praise for Dante it's honestly hard to imagine her live before meeting him.
4th for the Noble Don Quixote!
Have you taken your time to read her skills anon
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How does one acquire a limbus player /lcg/?
t.sissymael lover
Farmwatch Outis
Dulcinea Rodion
4th match Don
Rhino Gregor
Every sinner getting a W id
I'm right here cutie
I have multiple friends that play it.
Maybe you could go to a convention? I met a few people recently that way.
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Help anons this Abnormality has invaded the thread! How do we get rid of it?
Dyon and Sinclair!
The Dream Ending = The Heartbreaking = The Unchanging > The Evil Defining > The Unconfronting > The Outcast > the unloving
I mean you keep syaing that like I don;t understand what she's doing, I know the petals drain sanity, I know at 5 petals they get bushed, I know like turn 4 (maybe 5?) she has like 3 20 power attacks I have to ego burst, I just don't understand how I'm meant to constantly stop it when her entire kit is basically built to spiral off of a single clash win.
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You think we will get a "courting death" somewhere in Honger's canto?
And they were crewmates!
You're not real, you're just my schizo delusions
Welp, time to use the winter to get beach bod ready then.
We will never get another april fools event as they can never get it in time
We will get another gnome event next christmas though
Use an EGO to clash the big attack.
>>500759437 (Me)
The Outcast = The Unchanging > The Heartbreaking = The Dream Ending > The Evil Defining > the unloving > The Unconfronting
>implying they'll keep using pass on after inferno
Yeah, it's wishful thinking.
Ye it's really fun and depending where you are other PMfags get super hype that someone recognises them.
Good luck!!
Outis has been getting a lot more hints about her past ever since Canto 6. As for your trouble with Dongbaek, have you tried bringing Meursault to the fight? His EGO, Chains of Others is very effective for making sure dangerous enemies cannot bowl you over.
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we might get a different song that's even better though
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and yet, at last, you can finally see.
True. Want to see what they'll choose for the remainder of the game.
Dulcinea status?
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How are we supposed to keep power scaling? We beat a star of the city there's not much left.
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the Sancho ID will be worth the wait. I know it will
>We beat a star of the city
Did we?
A Star of the City at half of his power, with essentially a Star of the City of our own to directly counter him after he immediately killed our entire group with one attack.
I said I know I need to do that. I even do do that, I still lose cause she managed to have half my crew at -40 by then
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>get recommended a limbus company shipping tierlist that is two hours and thirty six minutes
just fucking end me already
I should remind you that star of the city ranges from thumb mooks and section 3 liu generics to fucking Iori and EGO Xiao
I'm so glad I never see shit like this lol
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Imagine being bested by your own Kindred
What did you see on the thumbnail?
We actually start off the centre-right node fighting off Section 2 of the Liu.
>Mad at algorithms
Just ignore it man, seriously. Or better yet, you can use various tools to hide it from you.
Tell me who's your favorite sinner.
That's technically not what THEY are, that's who gets sent to deal with a Library that's SotS level
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Rate ships commonly posted on /lcg/
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Solos are actually fun
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damn rodya's pretty cute
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Very. Too bad canto 2 sucks ass.
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i am officially banning all of you from posting screenshots unless there are at least 10 pixels in it
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i'm going to put actual Yesod filters in my PC until it's barely readable and keep posting them here
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Don't forget you can just click on the three dots, and press "Not Interested", and it'll purge those types of videos out of your recommendations.
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redo canto soon!
All pictures are made of pixels howbeiteverthough.
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Kektone wants to try Limbus; how bad is it going to be? Hope he drops it because he doesn’t know how to play.

Yeah Canto 5 was hilariously bad other than Ricardo and Ahab
Why were you watching this? Why do this with your life?
canto 2 was good youre all actually just too stupid to understand it
I think people who talk about ecelebs should hang themselves
Mon amour
am i supposed to know who this is
I would give no shits for trying to apply Ruina powerscaling here
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we're just going to see picrel happen again, don't worry about it
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>Eceleb posting
everytime any of these big streamers try Limbus they either stop right at the tutorial or get filtered in some later easy as piss battle
there is also an exceding amount of backseating and "PM PLAYERS DON'T READ XDDDD"
the amount of times someone has taken interest in the series and played from lobcorp to limbus is on the single digits
so stop shilling these fuckers
which sinner
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I don't care about some retarded e-celeb playing Limbus. Stop it.
Isn't this the cracker who posted an 'it's okay to be white' post on Twitter in order to ragebait farm?

Oh also he's bald and divorced.
of the
My friend send me this and wish me good luck if Tectone somehow stuck with the game
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Shipping franchise
thats not a sinner
Who the fuck is Eric Bloodaxe? He sounds like Eric Cartman.
He's a coomer who made it big originally by posting Arknights videos, before he got booted by the community. He doesn't care about plot or characters, he just cares about muh waifus and paypigging. He's not gonna last one day.
it happened again, i lose 1 (one) clash put of 8 in 2 rounds and everything's over, I hate this boss with a passion, I hate that when I go to do luxcavations I see it's literally blocking me from doing the next highest tier.
the fact that you lowlives actually know about other gacha and play them, know gacha youtubers, know vtubers and other such garbage says everything I need to know about why the community became what it became
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The cutest!
A good 50-60% of this entire board is gacha, the fuck did you expect?
At this point i suggest you go to youtube and search for a guide for your specific node, post your team here with a screenshot and maybe ask for more tips but besides streaming the battle for us to backseat you turn by turn there is not much we can do
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*everyone is fucking a cookie
Let's talk about Vellmori
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Let's talk about Sinners.
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Okay. I think she- ACK
Making lots of children with Moses...
cutie pie
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fine I'll give it a go
Here a turn by turn, first turn happened, manage to win every clash
Do you think she's a member of Megalia?
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her charons were very cute
i wonder if heath's sleepiness will ever be brought up at all
just borrow bl yi sang at uptie 4 or solmen lament yi sang at uptie 4
make him clash against the move that forces the duel and you are gucci
bl yi sang cant fail the clashes with either skill 1, 2, or 3 once he is set up
solemn lament yi sang will cripple her sp singlehandedly
switch him in as a support unit by replacing rodion
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muersalt sadly lost a clash but he didn't get bushed so this is at least going better than usual
The relationship between Velmori and Megalia is, in many ways, emblematic of the complex interactions we see across interconnected entities, where overlapping interests can sometimes blur lines that are otherwise distinct. While some might perceive an alignment based on outward similarities, others argue that these are coincidental or the result of parallel evolution in their respective spheres. Such interpretations often lead to speculation, and without direct clarification from either side, one could say the true nature of their relationship remains open to nuanced interpretation.
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What are you doing by fielding LCB Rodya in there.
The other Sinners are going to try and play a prank on him while he's taking a nap.
It's going to end badly.
newbabs really walk around with no ego, no ids, and log on to play with their base rodions (one of the worst base ids to use) and their g corp outises like it's week 1 of season 1
Sinner most likely to draw a dick on a sleeping Heathcliff's face?
Why are you not using Yi Sang again?
Thanks for the word vomit Angela
Isn't this a six sinner fight? Why aren't you using Yi Sang? Your IDs are pretty unfortunate, literally anything would be better than LCB Rodya, but it can be done.
Sinner most likely to shove a dick up a sleeping Sinclair's butt?
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All these people talking about new limbabs, and nobody mentions the fact that in 2017, the United States Department of Justice found that the money used to produce Dumb and Dumber To was stolen from a Malaysian government investment fund.
cause he like the other half the the roster is unleveled, unuptied, and unloved

I guess I'll have to but it's awful that this boss fight is basically "never lose lol"
Or they just introduce another set of 12 sinners into the roster and we have to go through all their retarded stories just to hear more Koreans sing Pass On
What if Doncho's seasonal ID isn't from a mirror world, and is just LCB Don using her bloodfiend powers?
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The Investment fund? 1MDB.
because it excepts you to read and think about which sinner you can reliably clash the best
and you can ALWAYS borrow support units to make any fight easier, that is literally what its for
you can do it for every story node and story dungeon and it's FREE it costs NOTHING
use it, I'm pretty sure this fight got nerfed too
if you can't get past it you will have a much harder time at ahab and ricardo next canto
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I really want a Liu ID that uses weapons bros. Like Concept art liu Hong had. hopefully they redo the association IDs like they did with Sinclair but as a 000 instead. Liu are my favourite association. Burn still not having a full 000 team is getting to me.
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I actually managed to stagger her for once, meursalt is going to beat my ass this turn but this is probably the best run I've had so far
I'd gladly take that desu
Wait for Liu Assoc. East.
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Hey, Anon...
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Cute & Canon
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My Maestro...
I Did Not Know You Swinged That Way But I Must Admit That You Kiss Like A "Faggot"
Brush Your Teeth
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They better look cool
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Please, send the best Fausts you have.
I know it in my heart of hearts that they will.
You should focus on leveling a bit, i know it's tiresome to grind but your current team while doable is very much not good for that fight, Support is made for ocassions like these, it's not that much of a crutch and at times it will be necessary to either grind or borrow a support
The fight might actually be more doable if you used 2-3 sinners but that would require you to really know what you are doing so just borrow a Yi Sang at least
Also learn to build EGO resources, stuff like Sault's Base EGO is really good in fights like these in which you need to lock down one specific enemy
Also if you didn't know you can offset an enemy defensive skill if you outspeed them with your own defensive skill, which is useful in this fight since her defensive skills can fuck you up if she evades too much
I'm not seeing the vision in putting Outis on one of the first slots, you'll want to put stronger sinners in there like your middle Don
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aaaaaaaaand every one is in the bushes now, feelsbad
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this is the only one i have to offer
Read the passives
Don and Dongbaek have a special buff right now. Keep going.
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I put her there cause she's my number 1 anon, but alas I feel I have to sacrifice much for victory

also managed to win the next 2 clashes and everyones up, non brainwashed, and she's shattered again, I can only hope this lasts.
Kill yourself if you genuinely restarted here because you didn’t know this is intended
Sinclair (at the rather forcible behest of Ryoshu)
Right in this turn would be the perfect moment for Sault's EGO since you guarantee winning clashes next turn
come here newbab im gonna give you a big kiss
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I kept at it, I'm so close
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It's actually really funny when someone complains about a fight being unfair and when they show it to you they are missing a core mechanic of the fight
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Meursault's base EGO is great anon, use it. It will help you clash with bosses better etc.
NTA but I really hope you haven't been restarting when you hit that point every single time before, that is an intentional part of the fight. The turn immediately before it happens, she's using a special skill that forces the sinner that clashes with it to 1v1 her for two turns. Yi Sang gets a special buff if he's the one Dueling her.
proud of u anon
i look forward to you posting here when you meet ricardo
Why is she doing that to Faust
Just wondering, but you DO understand how enemy attack redirecting works, right?
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Good job newbab
Congrats! Good job.
Call us again when you meet Ricardo i guess
How's BL Don benched vs on the field? I want to add Ahabmael into my team, but I can decide who to replace between Don and Faust.
I swear I used egos, muersalt and Outi's mostly she nearly got the killing blow but she lived with 12 hp rodion finished her off and I won't complain considering this was attempt 28 or something like that, I lsot count after I got below 19 energy and took a break
Good job anon
Good job!
Fun solo, can’t wait to see how he works with the rest of the season 5 IDs!
Super cool.
I've not dispensed him yet. Can you give me a brief rundown on how to run him?
On the field, she spreads the Poise that she gains to the rest, giving the team a somewhat steady supply of Poise. Her passive is easy to proc since it only requires 2 Pride reso.
Mainly the same thing, except it applies to *one* person only and it only procs 2 times as opposed to 5 times when on the field.
She's also a pretty ID in my opinion, but I didn't tell you that.
OOC nigger reposter
Yeah I really feel like keeping her on the field is the right move, but BL Faust is literally the only good Poise ID with Gloom, and a shit ton of strong EGOs require Gloom
BL don is best on the field because she can give poise to multiple members on the field in one turn and unlike BLsalt, she's nit restricted to BL.only so she's a great buffbot for the pequod/cinqs
Uhh what's your team
BL Don, Faust, and Meursault are usually kept together no matter what I think
between Priest Gregor and Zwei Ishmael which is more worth sharding
Those, plus Yi Sang, Maidshu and Cinqclair
Pirate Gregor also has Gloom on his S3 if I recall.
Actually, mind telling me your team comp?
>cyclops check
>blaust flunks the check and eats shit
Faust you stupid sow.
Pirate Gregor rolls are shit outside Bleed team. This >>500765928
like when I attack an attack I force them to clash with me? Is that what you are talking about cause otherwise I have no idea
They have very different purposes, Priegor looks like is going to be a mainstay in bloodfiend teams and maybe in some bleed teams
Zwei Ishmael is one of the best generalist IDs and also willing to take hits for others but she's not particularly strong outside tremor teams
I guess you could swap out Maidshu out of the team and put in Cinq Outis. Her S2 is Gloom and she's pretty handy in general.
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Are you gunning for a bloodfiend team?
Do you have a functional bleed team?
Do you enjoy suicide strats?

If you answered NO to any of the above, shard Blockmael
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Zwei Ishmael. 100%.
>replacing 000 AoE ID with a 00 okay-ish ID
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She sounds fantastic on paper but the truth is that thanks to how bad the options for a full poise team are, she will likely give her poise to an ID that barely gains any count and will they waste her poise on some random crit
Hey, Kimsault is also AoE... once he loses the Clash, that is.
However, it's your best bet if you want to have a steady stream of Gloom in your team.
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You'll just have to accept it, ina lineup of
>BL Salt
>BL Sang
>BL Don
>BL Faust
>Capt Ish
BL Faust is the weak link. Easily.
You could make an argument to bench BL Sang because he needs poise and Nebulizer to make is rolls not dogshit, but yeah, gloom requires sacrifice
nta I was making an astute observation
You’re gonna wanna use his Guard skill for a few turns to ramp up Ailing Heart for some extra Offense level up and healing on hit at 10 stacks.
From there? Use skill 1 and 2 to build up Bloodstained hand and Bloodfest via self Bleed. The lower your HP before you use your skill 3, The more healing and damage he’ll do.
If you stagger once, He’s got a crazy amount of HP, a passive that stops him from dying that turn, and His Guard skill also consumes bloodfeast to heal HP.
If you know how to use Queecliff, You’ll catch on quick how to use Priest Gregor
So I know this is >leddit, but with the current discussion about powercreepng IDs and newbabs getting OP IDs early on that basically let them clear the story easily:
A dude wanted to prove that a literal fresh account from week 1 or so can clear all the story content without grinding at all, pretty funny to see. I guess most strats revolve around support Molar Ish evade
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I may be retarded.
Haha, very funny anon
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I'm using QQCliff as we speak.
Very cool, thank you anon. Seems pretty straight forward.
it happens
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>gacha game story content is easier for people who come in late
wow what an insightful post
I can't beat Dongbaek.
>Haha,very funny an-
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>50/50 as to whether Wei actually held off all the Bloodfiends and lived along with Xichun's faction or if they all died and only Xichun lived
Time to rebuild
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poise pride with a side of rupture is pretty fun
not as big numbers as full BL but still enjoyable
Ask the other newbab, they just beat her.
my heart is breaking into a million pieces I wish I could resonate with a golden bough
Why tf does priestgor hit so hard with his s3
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>poise md
>bl faust with 3 skill 3s comes out with 100 more damage than #2 slot cinq OUTIS
How are you so fucking shit paus?
someone make a newbab guide for dongbaek, ricardo, and kim specifically so we dont have to see them spamming their questions (all answered by reading and thinking a little bit) every thread
Using a fully leveld team with multiple EGOs sounds easier than using a single ID, but sure anon
reread the post and try again
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Is Sinclair even top dog in anything anymore besides the disaster status that is burn? I think sinclairdev might have actually gotten executed for causing the walpipi disaster.
canto 3 was always a joke and balanced around worse coin values all around and worse heads odds
aida was nerfed
dongbaek might have been nerfed
everything was nerfed, as long as you spend your resources somewhat correctly, read, and level everything in the story should be fine until this newest dungeon
>gacha game story content is easier for people who come in late
You either can't read or don't know English
Deals up to %90 more damage at >60% HP, two different instances of Coin Power+1 and a Reuse effect if it consumes 20+ Bloodstained Hands
Admittedly I do not run Sinclair IDs very often. So unsure. He does fair in a full BL run.
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i've never run yi sang
i've never run meursault
i've never run hong lu
i've never run heathcliff
i've never run sinclair
i've never run gregor
So how you use Priest Gregor? You Guard then attack to build bleed on yourself then selfheal right?
This but with the f*males
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Hmm based
i need to eat pussy
i beg you
You don't have a mouth clockhead
You lie
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Hmm based
You guys are so dumb
no u
i know you are but what am I
pretty ;;
I love Outis so much...
Man that's dedication, I've avoided faust, heath, ishmael, and hong, ryousha and yi sang. I don't really use sinclair much but on the occasions I need a 6th slot filled I have him there in honor of kromer.
you're stinky
i sincerely can't believe he went in with that little faith
Who could hate such a cutie
Ain't no good topics for intellectual conversations at this time.
Best just to give into silly and base urges.
Cute father and daughter. Thank you for bringing lofter images.
Show me your dedication with a run that triggers none of their paasives.
>Waaah powercreep!!
The very nature of PM learning from their previous bad design ideas and fixing them in future ids will result in better ids as time goes on. You'll just have to deal with it
I remember back on the day here when another anon and I did runs using only guy or girl sinner teams. Was pretty fun.
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I've been a NEET for five years.
This isn't about new IDs being stronger. Its about the new player rewards banner.
Incredible, you are retarded.
You would lose if she kabedoned you and invited you for coffee
Thanks, he seems fun and I hope Dulcinea turns out to be fun.
I am a bachelor's degree holding neet who has taught my brother calculus and has a massive moral block against lying on a resume or job application so now I'm hopeless
made friends with an obsessed psycho who takes everything too seriously and the only way out is to crash and burn
champs for this feel?
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>dispense greg
>his lip quivers in the cutscene close up
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>Its about the new player rewards banner.
.....which still means nothing when they can roll IDs that can outclass the golden child of S1, Nclair. And this is going to get worse to the poibt just giving a tenpull will make newfags overpowered for the early seadons. Get over yourself
Pics or didn’t happen
stinky and sad :(
>Comments still have nothing to do with anything
Average powercreep supporter.
cute little grandmas
>Waaaah powercreep bad! All new IDs should be like BL Sinclair or launch R Ish!
Cry me a river, loser
What's the point with Cinqsault being Poise. He has next to no Poise synergy. He's an extra damage modifier on one of his coins, like literally one coin total, and he gains haste based on Poise for some reason
I mean ideally everything would be balanced but it almost feels like your asking for every new identity to be worse than the last, or at least you'd be okay if s1 identities were strong than the new ones
Ahab... go to bed...
oh god the retard that was seething over the thought of a newbie using new IDS to clear shit faster is here
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The newbabs... will suffer...
As i have...
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He's a shining example of why you DONT paypig in gacha games. Seeing his hard earned money slide off the tierlist to irrelevance has to sting
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I genuinely dont understand since you can just FARM all the IDs
I don't give a fuck about powercreep as long as the animations and ID designs get cooler and cooler
It's not something you or I will ever understand, anon. Just laugh at his seething envy and move on
I've got a masters by the way. Same problem as anon, just unable to perform.
i am dumb
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Bros why couldnt they just stick with season 1 unit design with 1 status and sub 10 power skills?
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As one of the older and least educated anons in the thread, I.
holy shit a banana

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