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>Game Download - Android/iOS/PC

>General Info/FAQ for New Players

>Additional Links


>Update on October 31

>Developer's Note: September 2024

>Current Events
OLD TALES [2nd Anniversary] - October 31 ~ November 21
Full Burst Day - Weekends, November 2 ~ November 18

>Upcoming Events
Co-op: Land Eater - November 8 ~ November 10
Solo Raid: Behemoth - Postponed/TBA

>Current Special Recruit
Cinderella - October 31 ~ November 21
Rapunzel: Pure Grace [Free SSR] - October 31 ~ November 21

>Upcoming Special Recruit
Grave - November 7 ~ November 28

>Current Costume Passes
Scarlet: Black Shadow: Longing Flower [Costume Gacha] - October 31 ~ November 21
Isabel: Honeymoon Party [Event Pass] - October 31 ~ November 21
D: Killer Wife: Secret Party Cleaner [Mission Pass] - November 1 ~ November 30

>Upcoming Costume Passes
Cinderella: Glass Princess [Costume Gacha] - November 7 ~ November 28


Previous: >>500752127
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I don't get it...
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*sucks pacifier villainously*
Git gud
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Can I exchange these to blue or purple please...
So this is how Cinderella's boyfriend looks like...
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cute brat
Dude... She's her mom
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Woops sry you're that guy. Carry on.
why the fuck would I roll for cinderella if I can't even use her on something difficult
so what was the problem that made them shut down solo raid?
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Stop being afraid of commitment and take things from 7 to 10
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Don't forget to attend to the next funeral
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I coomed on the server, sorry
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this exchange was cute as fuck
>Niggers think Cinderella's bond is yurishit
>It's actually about Cindy showing off her boyfriend to her mom
>Who said Seven Dwarves goes from 1 to 7?
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Don't worry about it
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Which rapi will be used for the non story events now?
It's not like there's anything stopping Snow from just making more guns
I got these two, not sure if I keep drawing as I have lots of time. I am at 330 golden tickets
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smol rapi
>Leviathan... the only reason you're still breathing is because I haven't lynched you dead you knuckle dragging melon munching niglet.
Okay, I know that Cinderella is from a different time, but did Shift Up really have to make her say that?
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>I got these two, not sure if I keep drawing as I have lots of time. I am at 330 golden tickets
ops, I forgot the picture
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smol rapi of course
ok i give up where is the double jump
3rd boss.
which is where? everythings a dead end
Just encountered Leviathan
Who's her JP va?
I swear I've heard that voice before.
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You need to clear 1-12 event to unlock a map that lead to 3rd boss.
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>Jap artists are weird because they never would before it then suddenly they just do
true, I had to block plenty of ntr/blacked fags that would suddenly start to repost that shit, despite me liking their normal art and them not drawing that kind of stuff.
Isn't it Syuen?
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>Cindy from free draw
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I love Nikke.
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stop making me feel bad game
>rapi feels inferior to cindi grave and absolute
>cindi and grave make everyone else look like jobbers
>Absolute have a fuckton of upgrades
I get it, but seriously, you don't have to be first rate to be worth something.
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Only a few days in and I'm already losing all willpower to even boot up the minigame. I hate 2d platformers and I fucking hate metroidvanias.
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Now do this on mobile. It's fucking miserable lol
I wonder how Commander is gonna react. He is gonna be confused as to where Yuni is and see in horror as to what they did to her.
>Now do this on mobile
Skill issue. Ez on pc and phone
Commander is probably going to be pissed at missilis and the half sister.
>I-it wasn't me... it was... *Points at her half sister*
we get like 8 chapters per year right? Or is it only every half a year?
are we getting more tickets next week
Give me a controller and i'll speedrun it. This is horrible trying to figure out which is jump and attack
Cindy’s the one most supportive of those trying their best even within their limits though. She can’t help but make the others look inferior simply because she had so much work put into her to begin with.
im trying to break the wall can these pilgrims fuck off already
when they recover Yuni she will probably become an amazon and retain that level of height which gives me very conflicted feelings... what I love a lot about Yuni is her being a small Nikke that can beat me up and that power dynamic with a larger body diminishes the feeling greatly
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Okay, this shit is pissing me off.
What are you supposed to do about the spherical raptures that zip around at lightspeed?
>git gud scrub
yeah okay but is there like a specific nikke that is best for killing these?
MG core hits
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[spoiled]I liked the touch of Cinderella losing her composure briefly after seeing Rapi transformed.[/spoiler]
your Babu?
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oh i figured it out
to get the height you need to make this jump you have to let yourself get hit by the tiny flying rapture

im sending trucks
Babu. They can't escape forever.
They're shitposting. It's actually cute how Cindy is treated like a child from their interactions.

>here's water for your bath
>here's a hairdryer for your hair

>are you still watching TV? Get out of your room
>wait this is the best part
ahh uuhh babuuuu
This intern definitely played Mario Maker before he created this masterpiece. Pshh overachievers
Just progress with main quest and unlock double jump lmao
theyre not, yuriniggers are insane. the bond is shit anyway
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toots please. 100 tickets to get phantom.
You're insane for pulling it off lmao
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I like to think Cindy is completely aware of the Commander (us) standing behind them all and she’s constantly giving us the selfie pose because of that.
...are you nikkers telling me this isnt the path to the double jump
Alice does it too but smiling. It's cute.
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I made a small MTL edit for other retards like me
Old Timer!! :D
Between the event and the new chapters, it really drives home the tragedy of her getting corrupted and never getting to fight with the Goddess squad. She's so goddamn powerful, they would've cleaned house.
Is this Anniversary a good time to start playing?
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Good luck
i think they just won't have Rapi until she's actually released
Hope you have better luck than I have with Zwei lmao
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I love my wife Rapi.
Phantom gives you a wink every time she is reloading
I actually did something like that at some point but I went back because I got scared to bugging the minigame...
Also you can reach certain places if you dash and jump with the correct timing
I hope they give us even more small details like this in the future.
>Hansel and Gretel are combined into Liberalio
this is the dumbest fucking theory I've seen this thread come up with yet
Hmmmmm I want to fuck Lil' Maid
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She definitely is, look at the smirk
when is that gigantic titty red booted bitch going to be in a banner?
i mean god fucking damnit, guilty is no longer in first place
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Excuse me shift up this isn't a "minigame" it's a full fucking game I demand compensation orbs for having to learn how to play a game in my gacha game
Hansel and Gretel are combined into Chatterbox
negro just follow the purple icons
>when is that gigantic titty red booted bitch going to be in a banner?
More like a body bag
NIKG #1!!!!!11!1!!!
>intern-kun gets to say he made a full metrovania game in his spare time
it's that easy
Nikkes are definitely looking at (You). That's why, when Bay goes back to her shooting pose, she takes a glance at the screen, gets nervous and starts avoiding your gaze while blushing.
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The people love Bonk!
Adding my 2 cents on the whole exchanging Battledata for Coredust/Credits discussion. While many are focused on if the two exchanges are fair, in my mind the important thing is to figure out how much a level costs in Battledata as this actively shifts the worth of battle data boxes in stuff like the coop and event shops.

First convert the Credit cost and Core Dust cost of a level into Battledata:

>At 451 to 501 a level costs 13000 Core Dust, 7441k Credits and 67170k Battledata
>Core Dust to Battledata: (13000cd/100cd)*3550kbd=461500kbd
>Credits to Battledata: (7441kc/197kc)*3550kbd =134089kbd
>So between 451 and 501 a level costs a total of 662759kbd

Now divide that by your hourly battledata rate to see how many 1h battledata boxes are worth a single level:

>At outpost level 390 the hourly battledata rate is 487.66k
>662759kbd/487.66kbdph = 1359.06 battledata hours

This mean at outpost level 390 ~1359 hours worth of battledata boxes are worth a level. If you are sitting on 4077 1h boxes that is 3 levels you are sitting on.

This changes the value of things like event shops and coop shops. Before the addition of the trade shop 1250 currency wasn't really worth it for 30 battledata hours as those 1250 event currency were also worth 250k credits or 120 coredust. Now those core dust boxes are 2% or more of a level.

Something to consider when you think about how to spend your event and coop currency.
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>That pink bitch I played like a fiddle was encased in a pain machine and deprived of all her senses?
>damn that's crazy
>**Sips alcohol**
Is that why he's such a snarky bitch?
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i cant even beat 40k in for the king anymore
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It's funny though, Cinderella is the first pilgirm to directly look at you in her reload animation.
alt version fucking WHEN
>2 Noise
>2 Soline
Show those girls some love they are no longer asking
>bunch of anniversary free rolls
>free welfare unit that helps newbies much more than experienced players
No, you should wait for all anniversary rewards to expire and start during a filler even to maximise your suffering.
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Ouch, that's rough. Anyways you should buy the special recruit pack 3 to recoup those losses!
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Anyone got room in their union for me?
Just fyi I only play on auto mode.
Finally someone that knows what they're talking about

Worst part is that I always skipped battle data boxes, but having 4000k+ of the 1H ones as a day one would make anyone think buying them was a waste. At worst they can actually just serve their purpose to just cover the battle data cost itself after doing some converting to reach the core dust and/or credit requirement. Outpost gives too much battle data for what it was worth until now.
So how's Cindy? Worth coming back for?
Nope. She's SBS sidegrade
>I only play
>on auto mode
Then you don't play, you watch
So strong, but not worth if you got sbs decked out?
Yep. She got fucked because she's defender
I molded and got Rouge. Now what does the rest of the team look like along with Cindy?
Apparently has really high dps, I would just login and do daily stuff for then blow it all to decide if you want to comeback or not
She is SSS tier, so many are crying that she is too strong.
If I have Liter + Centi + Modernia + Scarlet, who's the ideal fifth member for the team?
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i still dont see how this is supposed to be possible without the bullshit rapture assisted jump but at least i can PLAY THE FUCKIN GAME NOW
as if class means anything in this game, plus she gets bonus attack scaled off hp
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Boomer or Mirror
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Lads, how to we save Vesti?
>"Idols" boss in the minigame
you autistically attempted a sequence break despite multiple other paths being open for exploration
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it's not so bad, both Soline and Noise are one of my strongest nikkers, and they just got another 5k ATK boost.
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They are definitely aware because of what other anons mentioned.
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>open youtube
>see this
>instantly doro in front of the screen

Exactly. I have been dipping into my battledata boxes lately because the battledata income from outpost defense was insufficient but was still gain a bunch since the Sim room hands them out like candy every day.
>multiple other paths being open for exploration
doubt it
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They don't have much HP, distributed damage works even when they start sperging
That's not Cinderella :(
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Little mermaid when?
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Yes. It was necessary for the lot.
cindy nerf
cindy's 'fix' incoming bros
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the nerf...
How do you leave the minigame?
why do cinderella and modernia have red eyes but other heretics don't
A few arcs from now. Cindy and Grave went off to track her down based on the Dark Matter Four Beasts uses. Next arc is likely focused on Sixo with Liveryn trying to steal Hammering's head. That probably will lead to Liveryn, Hammering, Drilly and Fragile getting out of NPC jail next year.
By hitting esc then title
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Press pause and choose to go to title screen
Unfathomably based
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no............ no........................................
what about leviathan
? I heard we're gonna help Cindy meet Snow White and gang
the only heretic we've seen so far without red eyes is levi
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Oh yeah, that was a thing.
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Not bad.
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Need Leviathan footjob expeditiously
I wanna smooch her
Scarlet's feet...
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I will FULL BURST! on Scarlet all night.
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well you know what they say
around heretics, watch your dick
>play asian game
>the vatican are evil
damn it. why can't it be protestants for once?
>Rapi is finished metamorphosing into Rapi Rojo
When will we finally get Anis Amarillo and Neon Azul
theres no protestants in this game
Because they don't even know what the protestants are.
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You mean those secluded isolationist hobos that doesn't want anything to do with the rest of the world?
Chapter 34 ends with Counters and Absolute going back to the arc to talk to Ingrid about Vapaus while Grave and Cindy leave to follow up on a lead on Little Mermaid.
>east asian writers
>knowing about christianity enough to even know what protestants are
I'd like to say that it's because Shift Up are in the business of retconning and making shit up as they go, but even though that's true to an extent, many other characters who haven't been corrupted also have red eyes, like Quency and SBS. Red eyes isn't anything special. The quintessential question is what the difference between the core and the brain is.

Based on the story it seems that the Heretics don't really need their brains intact in order to regenerate, only their cores. This means that they are no longer human in any capacity, whereas ordinary Nikkes seem to require both or maybe that's a lie, maybe they're only told that they need to save the brain as their last human part, for the sake of avoiding a mind switch, when in reality even that is unnecessary and they're already 100% machines with only cores as the relevant parts? Not sure.

RH, for all intents and purposes, remained as a separate entity within Rapi by merely retaining part of her original core, so her brain already didn't matter.
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I don't know Anon, you tell me.
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Are they ever gonna go somewhere with all this teasing for Anis's backstory / her getting an upgrade so she doesn't instantly lose every fight?
Just like real life? Imagine my shock!
After Rapi Dorada, Rapi Pink and Rapi Blanco
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Save for what's really important.
We're not putting Mustang through reversing Anis' mind switch back to Pretty, SKK.
you seem knowledgeable, explain this:
>mod and cindy still have red eyes even after they are no longer corrupted
>laplace drake and maxwell don't have perma red eyes even though they got corrupted
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>after 100 pulls finally get an ssr
>thank god, finally my hunt for cinderella is ov-
>when in reality even that is unnecessary and they're already 100% machines with only cores as the relevant parts?
Exia uploaded herself to a backup, somehow, so yeah the actual brain seems superfluous at best.
I got her from a single pull too... They definitely increased underboob's rate.
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>get to mother whale ex
>sbs dies in the first few seconds
>still manage to bumble my way through the fight thanks to RH
Still got it
well you know what they say
around heretics, watch your dick
uhhh cindy has big ass and tits and laplace and drake don't? (same for leviathan)
It seems that for most Nikkes most of their personality is in their still living brain while only parts are backed up to their cores. A big part of Anne's story is the fact that she finally manages to backup important memories somehow when the NIMPH is mindwiping her every night.

Exia seems to be an unusual case having prepared the backup before hand and having no worries about a possible mindswitch.
Post "that" image. I know you have it.
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Oof... I just noticed this minigame is pulling a Spec Ops: The Line on us.
Fuck man, this event feels a lot more depressing than Overzone. I mean, sure, Dorothy was betrayed by the people she sacrificed everything to protect and had to kill the person who was her emotional support, but at least she still had the rest of the Goddess squad by her side.
Cinderella, on the other hand, is suffering all alone. She’s hurting the people she cherishes against her will and hoping her role models, who now look at her with disgust, will put an end to her misery.

I haven’t reached the chapter where she reunites with Grave yet, but I really hope that their reunion is as warm and happy as she deserves.
NTA but at worst, I expected them to use synthetic brains with NIMPH to literally do a copypaste of their latest saved memories into it whenever they blow up and the reason why corrupted nikkes can't upload their corrupted brains is they do annual timed savings and scan to see if there's corruption in their mind before logging them into the memory banks server.
Exia's brain wasn't destroyed, there was only ever superficial damage to it from the burn. NIMPH patched up the damage and reinserted lost memories from a backup.
I am baffled as to how people still get this wrong.
nta, they did not fully convert into heretics and they were put into stasis until the corruption was cured with vapaus.
we also still dont know why corruption turns their eyes red like rapture cores, it seems that corruption can be delayed for quite a while like red hood by sheer self control or purposefully like with marian since she was corrupted by einkk when she had that deal with chatterbox to deliver him nikkes to feed to indivilia/material h
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I need to check that part of the story again but I swore Privaty shot Exia in the head.
This might be the retcon part of them making shit up for dramatic effect, I think. Note that the corrupt red eyes have bits of what seems to be some kind of computer code or text in them, they don't look like plain red eyes. None of the characters eyes remain like that, regardless if they're Heretics or ordinary Nikkers. Also, Modernia now has at times Liliweiss-like star eyes. I think they just lifted this shit up from OnK or some other anime. Eye powers are pretty popular and too many to even list.
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>Only Pilgrim I own is Crown.
>Spend 140 pulls on Cinderella banner.
>Get a Pilgrim on my last 10-pull.
>It's a fucking Crown dupe.
If you pick the "I want to know" option in the text convo you have with her afterwards she tells you that Protocol's braincases are reinforced, so a headshot isn't necessarily lethal.
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would you be okay with your tax dollars being used to fund weapons of mass destruction if they looked like this?
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welcome to the club... I could say the same, doing 150 pulls on cinderella only to get spooked by the doro herself.
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>oh man, the goddess squad it's in the minigame!
>but why they are raptu-
how much charge speed does cindy want? and do i dump the rest into elemental?
What does it mean, schizobro?
gimme a Noah arena team pls
She finally came home
>charge speed
none, you want ammo, element, and charge damage
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Now read the loading screen advises after realizing the Queen's Optics.
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How important is having a healer on the team nowadays
why did cinderella give up
marian did not give up, she broke free from corruption
So they ditch us already? Jesus not even more than one chapter.
Depends on the fight entirely, shields can be a fine substitute for heals if a boss doesn't ignore them or have tons of rapid fire attacks
Crown likes having heals since it gives full uptime for her damage buff
huh good to know. they should've made her AR or something, shit's confusing
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>marian did not give up, she broke free from corruption
we don't know that, we've never seen Marian pre-corruption, she has always been corrupted even during the tutorial
They've been doing more weird shit with weapons, not surprised the anni character would have a gimmicky one
She probably did give up, without the commander's voice she would have kept allowing the Rapture Queen to basically control her body without issue. She wanted to no longer see herself kill and destroy others, commander's voice made her try again.
fucking Cinderella in her beautiful asshole
in chapter 13 or 16 whenever it was, marian breaks out of the modernia thing
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cool detail
depends on the boss, like you really want a healer for motherwhale, because its a longish fight that has a lot of avoidable damage, so just need to be able to survive the second one
Hello found this from far east bye bye
Easy vs nightmare mode. Babu got her hand held and saved in mere moments, whereas Cindy got thoroughly mind and tentacle fucked (she mentions how she can transform, just doesn't want to because it wouldn't be beautiful - meaning that she got tentacle raped once they captured her) for way longer. We'll find out in a few days how long her nightmares were. At the minimum it was a few months as she rampaged as Anachiro.
Bros..I'm tempted to impulse spend 80 dollars on Nikke..15 dollars for monthly supply pack..Packs1-3 of the Rookie Packs 21 dollars...Step up 2 and 3, 25 dollars..Special Recruitment 1..20 dollars..plus tax because I don't want to give the chinese govt my info so I buy via mobile.
>Abe wasted Taxpayer money and illegally made these extra nikkes not registered as actual Old tales squad members
what was her plan?
do not
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>meaning that she got tentacle raped once they captured her
What are you talking about? Cinderella had never even seen a rapture in person when she got corrupted. Laplace was the one who had PTSD from getting penetrated by tentacles.
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Give in already
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I'll laugh if you spend that and got Crow.
I wouldn't even roll..I would just hoard them and delight in my gem and ticket stash going up. I just want to buy them because they are good deals
Are we getting a refund since they nerfed cindy?
Just buy a gift card lmao
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They didn't nerf her though
Use mobile wallet retard
He means that cinderella got upgraded by the raptures after she got corrupted.
I got 1 drunk scarler, 1 doro and 2 cinderellas. At this point i think that pilgrim banners are bugged and they also increaso other pilgrim odds
You're right. They didn't nerf her. They just fix her.
The chinks already have your info if you've bought anything online ever
No, really, they did not thing to her. The only thing they did was fix her targeting bug that was actually screwing her up three days ago.
Have you been skipping text? It's mentioned how she was in the presence of the Raptures and they did nothing. The first thing that she did after becoming corrupt is to call them to her. Also, it was stated that the Raptures (we still don't know who precisely, be it the "Queen", or some other entity or plural direct them or are in control) have upgraded or modified the Nikkes with their own tech. Imagine corruption as a remote control. It doesn't fundamentally change the entity, only who controls it. This means that she was directed to whatever lab or place to undergo relevant modifications in order to be able to transform, like the other Heretics.
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Sharing a friday whisky with my wife!
How would Snow White react to being raped by SKK?
Is like a virtual credit card just deposit the money there and use it, i dont know your contry but pretty sure there is gonna be one. Paypal, amazon idk.
Wow, getting Doro or Crown is actually almost impossible
"I can't do guard duty like this."
"Do I get food after this?"
>new pilgrim is only 1% rate up
>but all the other old pilgrims get a secret 1% collective rate up
I fw it
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Cinderella is overtuned as fuck as a Nikke.

Like Liliweiss I can't believe humanity actually built her without bumblefucking the process and it just somehow worked out.
Yan owes me sex for all the money I've spent on her overpriced crap
thats kino
Cindy a cute!
But the CGI is terrible, looks like PS2 graphics.
Don't. Close the game and instead either buy some other game or don't spend your money at all. Nikke isn't worth spending anything on. The cosmetics are useless because you don't even look at the characters in combat and everything else is just buying power in order to skip playing the game, cause 2 things happen if you buy enough power. One, you don't play the game anymore, it's on full auto. And two, there's nothing to do anymore cause you've cleared all the content.
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I got spooked by red hood before getting cinderella and got SBS after trying a few "might as well" pulls.
why the fuck do they keep showing space on promotional material if the story has nothing to do with it? I want my money back
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>I would just hoard them and delight in my gem and ticket stash going up
Oh, you're one of those...
Unsurprising that some shithead want to take control of her leading to corrupting her.
Now they need to fix her targeting on cores, I know its screwy and not right.
Use a fucking mod in stellar blade to make the 3d animations retards is much cheaper kek
>he finally got core 7
I hate you but I also envy you
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don't buy and remain F2P like me, I haven't spent a cent so far
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sniffers at the ready
That's just her boss theme, right? Some have already uploaded a version of it. I'd rather get the full release of Unbreakable.
so who's the wind MG?
minnow-sama I kneel....
I stopped spending on this game after I lose my first pilgrim mold early last year
>getting charged tax
I have no clue how I've been avoiding it? Does it spoiler on location?
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>Reminder they needed a Red Hood asspull to beat her
Which account do I pick?
Dorothy, Crown, Red Hood, Cinderella multiple copies
All limited swimsuits, Asuka and Rei, but no pilgrims
It's all coming together.
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>sugar herself showed up relentlessly without stopping for 8 times
I guess you are her Master and Coffee Kisser.
Newcute please ctrl+s
The pc payment method is from HK
A if you're a metafag

B if you're based
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>...this early?
>make sure to finish in my mouth
>you've been eating pineapple like I told you to, right?
Cindy manage to hold Anachiro so GS can finish her off
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Does that mean y1 swimsuits too?
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You'll cum and stop playing after
Your choice bucko
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Makes sense, it always felt weird how Anachiro lost to one Nikke even if it was Red Hood
If you're a paypiggy, go with B cause you'll eventually get everything else of importance. If you're F2P or don't give a fuck about cosmetic nonsense, go with A no questions asked. It depends on what you want from the game. You wanna read the story and play it? A is the choice. You want to collect stuff and admire it? B is the choice.
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There's only one right choice
I can't do this anymore
Please send me to the alternate dimension where corruption doesn't exist
I just want to see Cinderella smile
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God I can't wait to get my first max core unit someday...
It's either gonna be Quiry, Bay or Rupee
It will likely be Rupee since she's in the shop
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You can't apply logic to power levels and bad or inconsistent writing. That's all.
I hate neon
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Rei got corrupted WTF
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>All the GS Nikkes have special abilities or talents, so whats yours Red Hood?
I think its just for emergency credits incase you are losing alot of credits boxes from upgrading equipment
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>S gets powercrept in everything except arena
>Refuse to replace her, my love for her is that great
>She's likely getting a treasure soon
I won.
>Rei.A got corrupted
Imagine the Ark tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down
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If Cinderella uses lasers as her weapon, why do they curve and why are you able to follow the projectile with your eyes when she shoots?
So is Cinderella any good for pushing campaign? Or do I have to wait until the "bug fix" to get another judgment?
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wtf is going on with revenue? it's all times low
out, chink apologiser. we have the real revenue from shiftup which is 3-5X as much as that monthly
>"I'm an idea gal. Why don't they just make an infinite magazine?:
I've failed every Pilgrim Mold but 1 and I'm at Floor 4XX but I'm too lazy to fish through 12k screenshots

I'm paying Leaf prices +tip using Google Play cards. Google cards are the only way I can curb my spending. I spent several thousands when I was really into FGO and still had my CC.
So it looks cooler when it hits the enemy instead of being some 0.00001 second animation
Awful for campaign, godlike everywhere else
Depends on "campaign", she is really good for the bosses.
is red hood in the common ticket pity pool yet?
Small White grunts, then makes it anyway out of Cubes, Capture Cores, and Duct Tape out of spite.
>gacha game spending rate goes down right before biggest event of the year

wow I wonder
Rumani killed this game...
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Damn, well that's fine
I just want to start building campaign pushers already
Nadia left a bad review and it killed the game.
*Rapture Cores
Why is she bad for campaign but good for everywhere else??
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Gee, I wonder who this Red S person is.
Blue Archive...
Red Stool
Show me a cool lobby, /nikg/
She is good against the bosses but not the best when it comes to the mobs.
Gacha fatigue, many people ditching mediocre games for tried and true staples, like Genshit Impact and whatever homolust title is on top. But also because Nikkers knew that the anniversary was nigh and saved up for it. I expect the digits to be similar to September levels or a bit higher, in the 15-25m range in any case, but still in a downward trend as observed from the 2 year chart on the gacha revenue site. It's still fine. Game's raking in millions. It will outlast hundreds of other gachas before EoS.
Slow, inaccurate projectiles and her best partner, Rouge, is meant for boss fights and not for short campaign stages
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>mfw thinking of all the spaghetti you can fit in there
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when will they bring back nier collab? they did like 33 million that month
Cinderella should've been MG
She needs Rouge to be retarded strong and Rouge's buffs take about a minute to fully stack up
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>Red S
Why would she do this bros....
Red Shood
>for tried and true staples, like Genshit Impact
Yet that game is also going down so nah, that game has hit its peak a while ago. Glad to see ZZZ and its fall so hard. Mihoslop cannibalized each other.
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That's a fake memory implanted by The Queen.
The Vatican would never do this.
They're good people.
Nier and stellar blade collab pls john SU
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Which NIKKE (TM) is The Drink?
What the fuck is wrong with you Nadia the Vatican is evil!
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Liliweiss, Red Hood and Cinderella were beautiful "accidents" built by humans.

Why else do you think Raptures keep trying to corrupt them.
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You're not even cup.
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Not bricked.
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I can't that fast
Red Shoes... Fucking hell, stop making it obvious
They're doing that next year iirc
>good people
What's your current stash after getting cindy?
I'm at 51k gems plus 74gay tix + 160 golden mileage
for the first time ever i got a major banner unit with 10 pulls
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I hope they dont nerf her phase 2 is a nightmare.
sexiest nikke
I hope she's the 2.5 anni nikke
She's been there since last Christmas.
Guess that's why Oswald wanted to do those brain scans.
rewards aside which are alright, is this the worst anni so far? I remember 1st and 1.5 being huge
I'm stuck at 52% i got the double jump but there is a door that is blocked and says I need to beat hexagon. What am I missing?
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This isn't actually Anni, the game came out on the 4th
So if there is no celebration event at the outpost in two days, we have reason to riot
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Oswald had everything investigated, and Red shoes probably lied about the brain scans to turn everyone against him.
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now that you got double jump, start exploring and you'll find memories and modules, and it'll help you complete the area for some free rainbow tickets as well
Coming home to this is the definition of happiness.
Post least sexiest Nikke. No Crow allowed.
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"Naked King, a weapon of mass destruction......."
>Who built it?
>"Some traveling monk I dunno."
Its obvious she did, she intentionally provocative
Wasn't there a datamined of a Lord class Rapture with red legs? Is that supposed to be story 2 boss?
Guys how the fuck do I get anywhere in the desert after getting the Double Jump from Hexagon? The way from Broken Ego III is blocked by fire.
This one is huge too I think
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There will be a key randomly sitting next to that locked door in the room way above Hexagon's boss room in Broken Ego
Its the one time the game doesn't give you a big [ ! ] telling you where to go and yes its retarded
What's the 3 meta teams for arena? I'm starting to get attacked again after maybe a year of just collecting.
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DFrag in Nikke when?
No drone show, then it's shit.
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very tactical
why is the arm holding the launcher so low res
do i need 10/10/10 for ein?
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smooch the besti
>Red Sweater
Oh my god...
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Nadia will NEVER be a Nikke.
why is nadia there?
>added the cripple
She'll fucking die and get turned into a toaster, her anger over her membership fee will keep her hatred going to the point where she turns directly into a named nikker instead of a rikker.
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Not Red Sneeds Feed And Seed, Formally Chuck's. Dios Mio.
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scarlet enjoyers are EATING
>All of these fuck buckets
Get working Shitup
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This still going?
>anime aired 10 year ago
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drunken sexo with my wife [spoiler[after a long, thoughtful talk about her sister, where I symphatize with her loss while promising Scarlet she'll never lose me like she lost her sister,[/spoiler]
S is the Melee, weak in general, but fast and lethal enough to compensate

Rapunzel is the Shield / Defender, likely weak in both short and long range, but since she's the Shield, no need to be strong

Snow is the technician, High IQ but shy. Usually makes mistakes in the battlefield while fighting, but if you need a repair/maintenance, she will get it done in no time

Doro...I really have no idea what her role is in the squad. AoE I guess...

Red Hood... Long range and fast? Her burst and Rapi using her implies that she's really fast (also her duel with S)

And Lilith... The Goddess of Victory...
>SKK and Nadia
>Replace chick with human
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Reminder Solo Raid circle phase is broken
It was not about Cinderella nerf
are we the baddies?
So who here actually has a reasonable chance on being this year's Christmas banner
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Hey does anyone have this gif but she's eating grass instead?
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> [spoiler[
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Sure, sure, laugh it up
but my excuse is that i'm drinking, like S would
so, I'm not ashamed of such a silly mistake.
Nah, not yet anyway
Christmas? None of them. Christmas is the time for alts, not for new characters.
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would someone fucking get this guy outta here
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it doesnt matter, Cinderella is BUGGED, she is doing things that are not par of her kit. It WILL be fixed.
>Another Cinderella bug was found
holy fuck ShitUp get it together
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>play on a shit phone to get bugged
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W-wait when's Soloraid coming back..
Hot take: all story mode mobs should be reduced to 1 fight instead of clusters of 3.
What if they end up making her better
agreed. she's better as a benchwarmer
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>created old tales squad
>absolute sexo designs
>created Cinderella herself
>saved Cinderella

>100 years later and now she's able to predict the future using the harmony cube

Amazing character development
Keep seething lol
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>Nikke is corrupted
>she causes actual game bugs
It's all according to plan. They totally won't fix her.
Why would I be seething, I wouldnt mind having a strong character that annihilates bosses
What bug?
About all rewind is good far as it stands, unfortunately
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Has anybody found this one in the mini game? It should be called 01.wav
>100 years later and now she's able to predict the future using the harmony cube
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【Archives System Update】

Scarlet's Past Story - NEW YEAR, NEW SWORD
Modernia's Short Story - First Affection

Both events have returned to Archives!

Enter the story event via Lobby - Outpost - Command Center - Recollection - Archives.

*You may use the item [Memory Film] to unlock an Archives event.
*You may obtain [Memory Film] via the 「OLD TALES」 event.

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The womb tattoos will light up when they completely submit to SKK and feel his love enter their bodies
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Don't let SKK cum in these heretics.
doomerbros... we keep losing...
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>day 3
>no cinderella decent guides
these guys are so useless
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>Want to be friends with Black Scarlet.
>Every bond is a cuck show.
>No other Nikke is like her.
You win this one thing, cuckfags.
>amusement park anne
man these minigames are spoiling all kinds of shit
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2 annes?
KR bros got a fucking ZEPPELIN
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Yes, it's me.
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NIKKE(TM) with a neo-noir-style that has her narrate the events around her in a cynical, yet poetic and sometimes hopeful way, and that also has the ability to perceive danger in such a way that reality itself seems slowed to her (almost as if she could perceive bullets in-flight, so you could even call it Bullet Time), and thus uses this advantage to leap into the air to both dodge enemy projectiles and fire back at them in a rather acrobatic way when?
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Sky is finishing up the video right now
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Did anyone post this?
im too drunk to entertain your fantasies, retard
Other side
But Genshit is at the top of October's charts. It raked in over 50 million and is doing unfathomably strong with 0 changes, 0 freebies, and 0 fucks to give from Mihomo. But even Shit Up earn so much money for what little they do for the game, that it doesn't even matter anymore. Do you think that this 2. ani update cost more than $1 million to create? I mean, look at it. A few cheaply made story maps, both for the event and the current plot. A group of interns can make them. A few character PNGs and their spine models. The tech is already there, Cinderella's assets have existed for over a year already too. Most effort went into the cheap platformer mini game. Most other expenditures are likely on the music end and voice acting, but even those combined shouldn't amount to all that much. It's all a scam.
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That was during September and that during their anniversary kek, their glory days are over. GENSHIT is fucked.
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Oh god, I'm gonna, I'm gonna doom!
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>first a satellite
>now a zeppelin
Cinderella then gets ganked by Belorta and Isabel before she can open the door
I can't wait for Cindy to become humanity's official coat of arms when aliens find the satellite.
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>Elysion specializes in tactical units and civil servants
>Missilis specializes in....umm....
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What's the original CG?
Starting this game, what am I in for? I wanted to just make squad of hotties with the fattest fokken tits, but my friend said the story is also A+.
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Actually, that is a blimp not a zepplin.
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That's why a lot of fucked up nikkes are from there
You cant rape a rapist anon
Man, who gives a fuck? All gachas are inherently a scam in terms of content to revenue ratio. The worst part are the rabid fanbases, defending the multi-million to multi-billion dollar companies, cause they could do no wrong or what the fuck ever. Garbage.
Suffering kino. Play overzone in the achrive first.
Child Nikkes to be sold for commercial use.
science without ethical restraints
>made up numbers chart
i sure hope you don't believe in that shit
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>"Who said Four Beasts only have 4 members?"
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I found it myself, here it is in case anybody else wants to know too. There's a hidden path and you gotta drop down a couple of times to get it
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the setting takes a huge amount of inspiration from cyberpunk genre, story has hints of nier, evangelion, and for some reason the michael bay transformer movies
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Gurren Lagann
I will be the man who defeated over a hundred "4 mabeasts"
virtual insanity nikke?
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If you plan on sticking with it, I highly recommend checking out the new player info in the OP.
It's pretty generous as far as gachas go. If you play regularly you'll be able to pull mostly everything you want.
The story range from kino dogshit to dogshit kino.
And yes the breasts are large.
Red Shoes is evil but I will still shoot Liveryn first
Um okay? I know Corporations suck you don't need to tell me. But its fun watching that fanbase shart itself. They are the worst.
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How much further can you progress in "in the mirror" after getting merked by goddess before you hit the wall where you need the story 2-5 key? I stopped right at the save where you get the beam shot.
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But for real though, we probably shouldn't let SKK's cum go anywhere near Heretics, specially ones with Womb Tattoos.
Whatever plans the Rapture Queen had involved making children sick to filter out something and the only ones that survives have their blood permanently altered into Rh X, which somehow miraculously interfaces with NIMPH, the uncontrollable nanomachines, into erasing it entirely or shutting them down.
We don't need Rh X/Vapaus blooded Heretics that can keep evolving on their own naturally as Biological Machines and can now live as both Machines and Biological life forms.
Do NOT Cum anywhere near Heretics, SKK.
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I need my tongue in Sin's cooch n' ass
I think that's the end for now, you can only make sure you actually got all the memories up to that point since some are easy to miss and some you need to buy from the store
>SEVEN Dwarves "0"
Hah, I already knew your trick Kim. It wont work.
No Poil No!
As opposed to being a contrarian and only believing in the opposite? No thanks.
Considering some of the seven dwarves snow uses are broken, i don't think the numbering matters much.
New nikker here. Am I suppose to be taking advantage of the 2x simulation room and intercept?
no its a trick
Retards like you are the reason we can't get real character development in these typa games
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>story is A+
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Tips for this stage? It's hard
If you do them while the 2x is up your account gets banned for 10 years.
Dont do that it makes mustard gas
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Okay! Thanks guys!
Look man, we were all new at some point but this is just retarded
Translation: I don't want to do dailies. Unfortunately it's not that type of game so he snooze he lose
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Damn I have like no images of Cinderella saved
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The minigame is too much for me, where are the hints and waypoints?
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>the inverted crosses didn't stand for her being the antichrist
>she tried to kill herself fighting against the goddess to save humanity
I do my dailies but I've just been ignoring these 2x events every time they have come up. I want to take the game more seriously now though.
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Let me fix that for you.
she probably felt happy losing to the goddess at the end huh
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this but unironically
Is the handout rewards they gave as compensation for SR closure the same amount you'd normally get for doing it? or did they give a lot of extra to make up for the inconvenience?

If that's the normal amount I've made a huge mistake by never doing SR before now
It went all according to her plan, she outplayed the corruption
As far as metroidvanias go, it's on the extremely easy side of things. The regeneration you get is insane.
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>"Who said Grave had abs?"
What do I get the double jump?
Keep advancing in the story until you beat the big Rapture boss.
I love Cindy and everything this anni is except the gameplay for their shitty metroidvania is awful, which sucks because the whole letters spelling out WAKE UP and the snippets of lore are actually good.
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>four pointed stars in eyes, like Marian
It's like that power system in that ecchi magical girl anime that aired recently
Surely they will leave Cinderella alone for their
fuck up right? they wouldn't ruin the Anniversary would they? Just look how they have Cinderella's face on that blimp
im new to this game, are there Christmas events? i have very few diamonds and banner tickets to pull for anniversary and xmas events. Nope, i cant spend a single buck on this game, too poor for that shit
I didn't even notice that Rapi has a flesh fang now.
yes, christmas and new years
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It is the normal amount Holy brick GOD
yes, the Christmas event begins somewhere early to mid December. So you got a month so save up from now.

but how do you guys deal with so many banners? you people told me that this was the most f2p gacha ever, this is starting to look like fgo again
after new year, from feb until summer (like june/july) is a huge dead period where you build up rolls and pity. and the pity carries over which you blow on anni/christmas/newyears.
most banners fucking suck and most of the nikkes are easy to get through the standard banner
We get Christmas and Summer for limited banners.
It's only that particular expression
not as big of a dead zone since half anni is in spring
So this is where the money goes instead of improving the game...
I wonder how many people don't realize they can do this
Anybody that isn't a pilgrim or summer/Christmas limited just skip and put in your wishlist later
Rolling on pilgrims is rough but if you get lucky hell yea if not you better have enough gems to get to 200 gold mileage
Mileage can carry forward so the day 1 Chad's could have hundreds or thousands saved atp
I've unlocked the dash and block move, but no double jump yet. And the next objective seems to require the double jump no matter which path I take to get there
This en va for Cinderella is pretty good. I wonder why they chose a shitty va for redhood when they can actually hire someone who's not afraid to put emotions when talking
By not rolling bricks and not falling for the lb3 meme. Most standard nikkes are unusable garbage. Imagine spending 100+ rolls rolling Rumani, congrats, where's she gonna make a difference? Nowhere.
seasonal and limited units are trash, Pilgrims are the only units that have staying power save for those
>Is the handout rewards they gave as compensation for SR closure the same amount you'd normally get for doing it?

Only if you aren't a whale or over level 400.
>you people told me that this was the most f2p gacha ever
It's quite the opposite. They gave (you) lots of pulls, but 90% of the characters are either garbage or powercrerpt.
Basically how it goes is
>one banner that may or may not suck
>Christmas (god help you if you are missing anyone)
>New Years
>long streak of shit units
>half anni
>gauntlet of limited/meta banners (god help you if you are missing any summer units)
>one shit banner
This period is basically the Nikke equivalent of FGO's anni and summer banners being put so close together. Only difference is that we can build our pity and most Nikkes aren't must haves.
Nikke dont have limited characters outside seasonal event. Most people skip less important characters and just wishlist them later. The best part is pity in this game never expire.
They also give free stuff and stable gems income.
You need to go all the way around from the left side. Instead of double jumping there you're gonna go back down on your way back after you beat it.
My highest lost sector cleared is Sector 17 and anything further is blocked behind campaign progression (I haven't really pushed the campaign since I got walled but I'm stronger now)
According to the UI there is 5 new harmony cubes I get from 18, 20, 21, 22, 23. But it doesn't let me see what the cubes do.
Are any of these last 5 cubes really good and worth pushing campaign for?
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Gracias a todo los que pasaron hoy al local por su promo 2 Jumbo x $85 y unos dulcesitos esperamos los disfruten mucho !
not that guy, but what about collabs? I lost my entire stash pulling for all three eva girls.
La Doro...
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Lyrics are almost here
>Part 1 of Cindy story ends with an exposition of the other Fairy Tale series before they got bodied.

Where's the actual story I should care about?
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why tf they didn't paint that wall?
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i wish there was an easy, free way to automate xitter posts
I believe that was Counterside.
its literally a run down cartel city
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>inverted crosses = antichrist
that is just something hollywood came up with but the inverted cross has nothing to do with satan, its a symbol of humility if anything
its the inverted star of david that is the problem
t. non-practitioner catholic
Yeah like that guy said you're coming at it from the other side
>collab bricks
Mari and Rei down, Asuka soon.
The first thing you did with dash was to not find out if you could dash in the air?
>inverted star of david
It's a six sided star it would look exactly the same
I felt like part one was nothing but fetish fuel. Breaking Sirens jaw rendering her helpless is going to generate some good doujins.
You can use gold tickets on collab units too, which is nice
I just forgot to mention because depending on the collab it's more on an individual level whether it's "worth it" or not
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>got the boot just in time for grave
Siren is literally Maiden at home
Here? Because this place seems like it needs a double jump too.
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We NEED more Nikkes with this body type.
is it required to reach phase 3 for parts? i reached the same number but i only got rocks
I want Maiden to Siren me up at home
if shes a heretic why are her eyes green
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I love how Mexico just doesn't give a shit about copyright. Every time I visit, there are multiple mom and pop shops that are named after some Dragon Ball character, and they have artwork on the wall. It's actually sort of wholesome in a way.
When are we getting nikkes with big boobs? We have only got medium sized boobs at best.
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You don't know shit LMAO
It has to do with some priest being crucified upside down because "he is not equal to the lord" or some shit tall tale like that
>inverted star
Woaw... such hidden evil...
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Abe is just too dumb to give her a mask. Like Maiden/Sin uses to filter theirs out.
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Vapaus sperm right in her womb
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Are you high?
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>we forgot
>no Saddam
what do if I don't want to play the minigame?
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Oi vey antisemitism!
it's not just mexico, dumbass. most countries in latam don't give a shit about copyright either
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How the fuck do I get up there. And why the fuck are there so many enemies
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Its all RNG. There's always chance even at stage 1, it just gets a little better each stage you reach.
At 3 and then 6 it gets a significant increase to the % though
It's like instinct for people who play video games seriously to test everything given to you.
Like trying if you can wall climb, ledge grab, goomba stomp enemies or timing for perfect block. Other people don't do it, people have noted the differences with how differently normal people think with video game rules.
get the dash cooldown module (3k coins btw)
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Play Metroid.
Fuck sake. This fucking game is testing my patience. What a shit load of fuck
NTA, but what's the benefit of doing the harder version of SI?
New Cinderella bug just dropped
Doing and then instantly quitting out of AI gets you better rewards than fully completing EX.
way to out yourself as an anal faggot
it's so good
This mini game reminds me that Silk Song is never ever
Run around and shoot something to get your dailies and dip
Whoever thought to add those fucking sniper niggers to the minigame should get castrated and put in a brazen bull
Sooo uhhh.. Cinderella is just Dorothy, but
>no mental illness
>no deep grudge against humans
>no dead Pinne
>not a daughter of a politician
>not humiliated by Anis
chances of shitup nerfing the minigame?
New? What is it this time?
Because she's a rikker heretic, i guess. Behemoth needed power of friendship to reach full power, something all heretics are supposed to be able to do.
Just throw an orb or two at them
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>Confusing asses and child bearing hips
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As in anomaly intercept vs just regular SI?

My understanding is that even stage 1 in anomaly gets you better rewards than killing the any of the old rotating SI bosses.
On top of that with anomaly you can choose the boss you fight and they each have a corresponding drop, so its a lot easier to try and target farm specific pieces you need (like I did with boots). And if you need no gear you can just do kraken for extra rocks.
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>I show you my wrath as I Crumble you down
>Like a wrecking storm, oh yeah
>Your world collapse

>And one by one
>I'll shred you down

>I am your dead end, erasing everything you hold
>Destruction, Annihilate

>A unyielding onslaught
>Another bloodshot
>That's how it ends

feels good to finally understand the lyrics
>cindy is just doro except not at all
>no mental illness
enough to be nothing like Dorothy
If they weren't tucked away somewhere off screen I would
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I'm sorry your impoverished mother had to raise you on stolen formula but there's nothing gay about wanting to take every hole on a woman you love
Hell I love paizuri too but those who like tits over ass are always so weird about it
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>>no mental illness
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ShitUp have the best programmers in the business
Yeah, but she's hotter. And not a stuck up scheming bitch.
To play a game without a tutorial narrative could only work if there is a large enough world to explore for your new equipment or abilities. That is why Kojima is God.
>no dead pinne
50% false
What's with the hidden letters around the minigame?
wish paizuri was real
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I love these two idiots
Chime when?
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Just get a woman who as both.
You are exactly correct, friend
Add a dick and you got the perfect woman.
How many tickets have you wasted getting fucking nothing so far? I'm at like 100.
Enough about yourself.
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so she's going to be even more broken
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>new Marciana from daily free pull
Is she worth investing into for Elysion tower?
lovely how personal you took it
go ahead focus on the ass like a retarded gorilla nigger that you are
i will take both and ensure not that my wife can not only deliver an army but also feed it
>Laplace final form
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My wife made me a snack
>lap lass
>la plus
Which one is it?
That's a big jelly donut
Team Offsprings or Team Four Beasts, /nikg/?
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She made me a snack too
A jelly doughnut?
plap ass

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