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>Letter from the Producer LIVE LXXXIV (Friday, November 1, 2024 at 4:00 a.m. (PDT))

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Moogle Treasure Trove (Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to 7.1 release)

>All Saints' Wake (October 18th to November 4th)

>Fall Guys (Wednesday, October 23, 2024 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to 7.1 release)

• Oct 30th, 9:00 PM EDT | Famfrit lavender Beds W15 P20 | Spooky Club: Evil Dead 2 and Legend of Sleepy Hollow >>500104584
• Oct 31st, 8:00 PM EDT / 5:00 PM PDT | Balmung, Wolf's Den Pier | Halloween Theme CC >>497934138
• Nov 1st, 6:00 AM EDT / 3:00 AM PDT | Ravana, Materia | Solution Nine, Residential Radius 9-11 (X:9.1, Y:20.8) | Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIV
• Nov 2nd, 5:30PM EDT / 9:30PM GMT | EU + NA | Cerberus, Chaos | Lavender Beds W21 P27 + Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO Final Episode + Movie >>500408618
• Nov 3rd, 7PM EST | Ultros, Primal Mist W20 P34 | Blue Velvet and Twin Peaks Season 2 ep 15,16 >>500187609
• Nov 9th, 8:00 PM EDT l Rafflesia, Dynamis l Ultima Thule ( 25.4 , 26.3 ) l Friendless Loser Meet

Previous Thread: >>500769019
catboy supremacy
That's against the rules
Can I use mods to play a freaky ass monster yet?
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loud mechanical whirring
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anyone got any pictures of that modded green haired lalafell with the tats and beard?
Male characters who are secretly incredible erpers?
Catbox it :3
Jokercord won.
my lalaboy
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posting my veena this time
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New patch just dropped.
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lalaboys are basically like this
and then they have 3 healers off screen keeping their dumb ass alive
good morning sirs it is a beautiful day in thavnair
This is true, my maleroe speared him in half and he was great.
With love Khloe and Ranru!
It's not BLACKED, it's just color contrast.
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Why do cultists never have an actual argument for why their game is dogshit? Why cant they see the issue with a subscription-based MMO not having things to do?
for once im surprised im not on one of these
Elk and Macchi are based as fuck but the rest mostly looks like a standard issue blacklist
I think doomers are a good thing because they actually care and have expectations
Sunk cost and a parasocial relationship with the game director
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now do it without panties and with a small limp girlcock
Val simp
lol and some people will still claim Ranru isn’t a braindead bbc addicted cum dump
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nvm i found him
Pretty good list this time, good job.
My is gonna headpat her.
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does any data center pop mahjong this late
I need my fix
forever games don't exist
>no kyoppi
Verified LT post. Don't even try to deny.
my only /xivg/ blacklist is a catboy who gave me the ick
take rekka and tikaasi off there and you have a solid list
may I see some femroes?
>no weird BBC race fetishism
i don't see a problem with this
in fact, we like this.
>gock ring
Yeah my sunnie+ is ready to pump.
See what I mean?
with other sunnie+?
the game should have more shit in it considering how much money it rakes in, SE is just retarded with their budgeting and they know they can get away with it because people stick around for roulettes and socializing or whatever they do
I've put 1000+ hours into this game and I've enjoyed the parts of it I have done, I just log out when I'm finished doing whatever and play something else
I ironically spend more time in xivg than I do logged into xiv nowadays
no, keep me on there please
JP data centers perhaps. Other places you just need to convince players to queue up all at the same time.
There is no breaks on this pump train.
a lot of it looks like a list LT would have, but it's weird that proxy and magness are missing
big black cocks for my catboy
*cums on ur post*
yeah im thinking based
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I healed so much tonight~
you cant stalk someone as easily if you blacklist them
keep reposting khloe's pics, i want the one where his character is chained and has a (3 inch) red xaela cock splayed across her face
it was an instaloss panel with a cocky page beforehand
Where are the spades and tattoos? Dropped
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That was me
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I'm gonna queue for a level 100 dungeon and single pull, and no one is powerful enough to stop me gyahahahahaha
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hop in brah
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>Wuk Lamat had no voice likes in the trailers
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when are they showing us the pvp skill changes
sure, what's the move?
I miss this fruity fucker so much like you wouldn't believe
i honestly don't care if it's "dogshit" because i've played wow, w101, eso, fo76, and many other mmos (although the others are fully free) and of all of those ffxiv has far more for me to do as an msq enjoyer (i have no idea whats going on i just like killing shit as a rabbit man)
if i want to play ffxiv, i'm going to be on that shit like crack until my autism suddenly decides its boring after 2 months, where i drop it for 1-9 months depending on the other things my brain decides is a good time killer.
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hidden gorge brah.
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goodnight /xivg/
i really love male characters
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All entries are final, don't worry.
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[Marui Don (Marui Maru)] Do H Shiro Mahoutsukai Sannin Tsurete Tabi ga Shitai - Three Ecchi Healer With Me | I Want To Adventure With Three Hentai White Mages!! [English] [ジゲッチ]
Bad edit that doesn't conform to the skin at all
gn bathlala
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moonie here
Miki can you put on the mica suit for me without the hat please please please
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getting it in a roulette kinda sucks but MAN is this fight fucking kino
thanks femlala anon
What the fuck are these proportions
Gorgeous as well as sexy femwa
Relax Khloe
What classes are gonna get the biggest buff and which are gonna get fucked the hardest in 7.1 pvp?
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You can have this slop
shota plebs actually expect healers to do this btw
best you're getting is my swiftcast and one charge of tetra, you'd better pray we have a verjanny in the party if you continue to troll past that
>biggest buff
>fucked the hardest
WAR. I'm going to hurt people. I'm going to hurt people badly. I'm going to hurt them all, and then I'm going to make him fall in love with me when there's no one else.
I will always heal my malelala tank...
He's my hero and I'm his femlala WHM for the duty
I hope PLD gets nerfed into the ground so you niggers using it as a crutch have to learn to play the game.
I can see them completely gutting the shit out of DRK and WHM because they spent all of 6.0 balancing FL and CC around them respectively. If DRK and AST die then FL will be playable again and if WHM gets slaughtered CC will improve immensely.
are we really going to have the blackedfag spamming the thread and samefagging for the next month
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would be better with a small caged girlcock
Any site I can see customize+ profiles or edits?
drg nerfed
ast nerfed
vpr and pct both buffed
>what's going to happen
war nerfed
whm nerfed
the actual problem jobs stay the exact same
explain them all
Why are they both such massive faggots
Ai Kotoba melty!
where do xivgers hang out so I can steal their mods
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sorry, i fixed them for you
my femra started NNN early! she didnt beat off last month either
The Ul'dah mexican Zolzayaa figured out how to fill a captcha recently so yes
>Solution 9
>No mention of Solution 1-8
is it bad if i use my black mage skill speed gear for my rdm? no i don't do hardcore raiding
Very cute. Thank you for the overlay suggestions in last last last... ancient previous thread. And using explosion spells for lighting.
you went through them all in origenics
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say his name
ngl i prefer this completely unrelated to ur other posts. do more of this.
it doesnt matter
even in raids it doesnt matter
>Salted Earth now drags up to five nearby enemies
I don't understand why it can't be fixed this easily
No. Tell me which one you are and I will explain. Include a current screenshot as identification.
I would recommend using spell speed instead
Hey arent you that bitch thats been ERP'ing with lalafell?
>I can see them completely gutting the shit out of DRK and WHM
they don't care about FL, they're not making separate balance for the two modes, FL will just be premadeslop forever because people queue all day for the roulette bonus anyway
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we're dumb but we're happy
yeah i meant spell speed oops
I hate fat miqotes.
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>Netcode BS
Probably SAM for the buff
>Netcode BS
MCH/SMN since you can now react to their LBS
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>portal to the Unlost World is on the twelfth floor of the Everkeep
I love fat miqotes.
fat miqotes
fat fat miqotes
do you like miqotes
fat miqotes
fat miqotes fat fat miqotes
Post more anal on your onlyfans
Can you do some blacked stuff with Khloe?
hey post more
now watch him vpn spam "who?" to the top
you don't even play pvp lmfao
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My subs haul was ass today it’s over.
shan't stop
vote please very imporant
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auggh I'm feral.
It's the Ninth reflection, you're talking about the devs that numbered the garlean legions in relation to what references they take after. VII is related to FF7 references, VI is related to FF6 with the warring triad. You think they wouldn't go the cute cheeky reference route for whatever shard they introduce and go for the more convoluted 12th shard despite it being rejoined thousands of years prior?
Whats a mica suit?

shut up chloe
dude what /ourbiofem/ totally doesn't do that and is also a girl
dance, puppet
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Dude got so assmad his shitposting at Khloe got laughed at last thread
The squirrel costume from the last DT area, but just the bottom part
As a who voter I just don't keep up with every clout chaser who posts their naked catgirl in this topic.
Even if it's not premade slop, all it will ever require is someone leading the group around and telling them when to all ambush at once. Aether FL is annoying, but as soon as someone marks a DRK, everyone quietly follows their lead even into the most ridiculous drop down into chaos situations. No ones talking, no one's a premade..it's just usually one DRK that's done this a hundred times that tells everyone when to stay and when to go. As long as there are people willing to follow commands, other teams who are too fragmented and don't work together well will continue to get steamrolled.
They've tried to gut WHM a few times and I'm sure they'll do it again, but short of removing Miracle of Nature and our LB entirely, it's not going to stop us from being annoying to fight. Which I think they said they would remove some skills? But if they make WHM have no LB or no miracle of nature, then it's pretty much just banning some jobs from playing entirely since all that would be left is Glare which doesnt do shit, heals that rarely go off in time to save anybody, and our two other slaps that do nothing but buy us time. AST could also have their maccaroniandcheese attack revoked too but again, what else would they even have left at that point.
I like blonde moonies
i voted yes but its supposed to be endearing
I don't know how you can argue with a straight face that what they've done before can inform what they're doing now, but then try to tell me they won't go the convoluted route.
good one khloe
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I see this thread is still ass during australian hours
any prolific schizos ITT?
share your stories, share your hauls
have you ever been caught/called out?
She's Korean, not Australian.
I'm not buying into this being more than 2-3 highly aggravated autistic people sorry
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Just lost nnn bros...
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But where else would we go, but to share the night with our fallen?
>cute character posts goofy screenshots
>even posts lewds when anons ask
>gets shitposted
Why are you faggots like this? Why do you always hound the most inoffensive poster?
No matter what I do somebody else always ends up taking the blame.
This general is so bad at detective work it's unreal.
Bro why do you samefag so hard, what is there to gain?
The crabs milord. Tis their nature.
very omnious swys
i died 10 times in a EW trial with rotating shit and i'm not even a lala
but also everyone else in that dungeon died at least twice, all the dps died at least 8 times, tanks & healers had a great sense of humor about it
5 people in the duty pop shouted "NOOOOOO" at the opening cutscene
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Kyo Haepora
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too big. maybe as a joke again.
i dont erp
>a top ebin with a powerful, shadowy clique has chosen (You) as their thread enemy and start schizoing you
how do you react? fight back or give in and become their bottom bitch?
Autistic long-standing vendetta
> still not over mimec@
Why are you still schizoing someone who doesn't post here anymore?
Fat hairy greasy neckbeards in their 30s who don't leave their mother's basement want to try and shit up everyone else's fun.
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Start schizoing myself too and do a better job than the clique at it.
Ignore them until they get tired and go bother someone else.
>zt's schizostocks are so low people don't even bother adding him to the worst poster poals anymore
you lost, mimec@ won
I just act really boring so they get tired of me, schizo turnover is usually pretty quick except in some rare cases but I'm not a woman or a tranny so they never stick to me for long.
uhh... bottom right corner on the red beach towel?
May I plap?
dear khloe, from afar i have greatly admired your kino coomer posts with cock in hand. it is clear to me that your enslavement instaloss with steppe characteristics is the way forward. there is however one thing keeping me from supporting you outright, namely the fact that you do not give your characters a cute small girlcock to symbolize an undertone of feminization and further domination. i hope you heed my call and finally give the people what they desire. thank you.
I dislike everyone who perma spams pics of their character, doubly so when it's also nothing but goonslop pics and triply so when they never talk about the game
I knew this name sounded familiar when LT told me it was her previous name. QRD?
This is the alpha powerplay.
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Like this. But truth be told I would probably just stop posting, filling my life avoidable negativity doesn't seem all that wise.
well, luckily i like you regardless and i think ur moonie is cute
what happened with mimec@?
I think I might have killed my FRU static and I don't feel so good.
it simply isn't that deep, the 12th is confirmed gone and we only have so many shards left to explore. One of them is the 9th and DT is the ff9 reference expansion so its simple to reach that conclusion.
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Funny but I can't do it
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good morning
Watching a malera rizz up a fiddie in limsa
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>Just realized I misspelled Mimecat's name
I might be back
this has already happened to me
only its some french fag no one likes
Does this indirectly affect Mare syncing as well?
Done this before, they absolutely hate it. They were crying, pissing, and shitting over it.
It's NNN, please hide those grippers
This isn't good bait, newfag.
big fan of you
12th is not confirmed gone. It's implied gone. Huge difference in a magical fantasy setting with active time travel mechanics.
post catgirl ass
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whoa... thank you...
What is your location?
i just wouldnt care
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damn that's crazy. clapping this cats cheeks on sight..
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you'll come around
Out schizo them and their friends until they go away
is that rare or something? yw?
I schizo'd them back and better til they left the thread
people act like their writing styles and image file names aren't traceable/recognizable
Puzzles with trick answers suck!
-1 rep
hey guys ;)
i'm a furry ;)
anyone else looking forward to the new joke weapons they revealed?
What is your name so I can blacklist you fucking coward
anon asked a question and I answered the question
I think my points are made pretty plainly and I think it's fair to prefer people at least attempt to talk about the game while looking for (you) dopamine
Are you straight?
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not really
post vulpera
I hate astrologian but I like the snowglobe so i'm conflicted
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We get it you are trans
how will they be obtainable?
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my moonie is back because monster hunter wilds runs like trash
no ;)
i'm gay and asexual ;)
Who are the worst posters, cats, rabbits, or trannies?
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Then every other shard is implied too. The 2nd Calamity didn't really happen. Is this what it feels to argue with a flat earther?
I'm none of them but it's fun to hear the drama. Some of these are self explanatory, others are odd
want to play wilds with my moonie?
my femlala is crushed and buried and beaten but she will still fight because even though she hates herself so much she still hates you all more
yes and i've never been suspected
i will not share my hauls
i got 32GB of ram and this shit crashes because "oops not enough memory" so my moony uninstalled it
I love the SMN book. I don't play SMN but I will glam it immediately.
i love that one but I hope it's useable at low levels so I don't have to actually level astro

i am not

if i remember right it's from mgp like >>500781375 said
I'm currently sexpesting someone into leaving the thread o7
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Honestly?? Cute. Good for them
might be vram
Need a lewd femlala to stroke to tonight...
can i see ur moonie
Why did you list tranny three times?
first and third
i have a 4070 ti super tho...
Mynmoonie is feeling pretty rough, she drank alot yesterday
update your drivers
But he only listed males once?
Cats for utter nonsense.
Rabbits for only posting goonslop.
Everyone here is a tranny so that's too broad of a category.
>fell for the meme
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Wouldn't be surprised if its just the game then, dragon's dogma 2 ran like trash too and capcom still hasn't fixed it
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maybe later
i only have 16gb but it has never been an issue with any other game ever
desu might be this because i'm lazy with drivers
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Care to dance?
does your moonie like face 3 moonies...?
I don't understand why people like you insist that once a shard is rejoined its gone for good when the entire premise of Shadowbringers was that a catboy traveled back in time 200 years before a shard was rejoined to prevent it from happening and undo a Calamity. G'raha even draws parallels to it when you get to Heritage Found.
It's called the Unlost World for gods' sake! UNLOST! Lost and then unlost!
I love your roe
my moonie thinks this is a super cute moonie
Thanks anons she needs this
I just realized there is a mod to put a condom on. Do I need to wear it for ebins.
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my moonboy never uses a condom
my moonie loves all moonies except *******
ty can i sse your moonie
literally my moonie
Non-coded femezemp...
my ebin moonie is clean and on birth control
My moonie eats elezen.
>my moonie loves all moonies
yeah you don't wanna catch the moonie virus
Does your moonie ride sunnie+
can i see ur moonie
>except *******
It's me...
you probably already have toxoplasmosis and have been spreading it. die
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>ty can i sse your moonie
i already posted my moonie but i'll do it again for you
Goodnight *pulls a blanket over you*
If you have a newer Intel cpu that can be it
That was what gave me "no memory" errors until I updated my bios because the chipset has a huge issue and needs to be somewhat undervolted for a lot of games like Path of Exile, WoW, Ashes of Creation
Post futa on female. Mating press would be preferable.
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Fantastic femroe as always.
yes, she does actually
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theyll never catch me as long as i have my portals
Post fat WoLs
And no, having huge tits & ass with little to no belly isn't fat.
My moonie is surprised at the amount of moonieposting
no it's *******
nice moooooonie
my hroth misses your hroth
are you able to solo those as BRD?
Can I see your moonie?
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my femra acts like this
My pov when I find you.
my moonie will work to radicalize all the thread moonies and divide them into cells to work against the gridanians with aetheric bomb making knowledge
can i see ur moonie
Go to /aco/ nigger.
How are you cute poopynose? Maybe we can play wilds later?
That's the same style that my fiddie wears
You've already seen my moonie....
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idk probably not. i mightve beat the first guy as DRK if i fought a little better but i died
my male middie rests
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Sure why not
no, this is a male on futa thread https://files.catbox.moe/uet7y6.jpg
makes me look fat...
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My femra? Like this.
ugly moonie change your tranny hair.
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cute bloonie!
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You can only solo maps as BLU
I'm a twin adders captain moonie, you can't make me bomb gridania
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my moonie misses my hroth
im good. we can play if i feel like listening to my gpu fans roaring while monhun looks like a n64 game
Why are they doing this weird shit with the glamour dresser instead of just adding more slots?
you will be converted and turned into an inside actor
So kind of you anon
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My femra? Like this.
really? My GPU fans don't even get loud when playing the beta but for some reason they get super loud if I decide to play world.
You are asking much of a dev that asks for a confirmation to continue your way forward in a linear dungeon
gonna have to do better than nophica's 2 big reasons not to
i want to know who this moonieposter is...
my moonie is a dirty neet with no birth control
r u a moonie
>Speaks in a normal american accent
>Says "Tuliyollal" in a forced accent
Why are americans like this?
I wish hrothgar were wolf people instead for dog related memes
my 3080ti fans were at full blast on "lowest" graphics. idk what's up with this game, it's kinda sad
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To the people who have characters that are circumcised whats your in lore reason for it?
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Why does E*k avatarfag with ugly images of Asuka anyways?
Farming for full sets suck ass if you do the dungeons that don't guarantee a drop piece like x1-x9 dungeons. Any x0 Dungeons is just a huge waste of time and not worth it. Also it's shit since only level 1 gear will be able to do it.
moonie moonie moonie moonie moonie moonie moonie moonie moonie moonie moonie moonie moonie moonie
I read that as aetheric bimbo making knowledge at first
I really want to plap this roe
Probably because they are still figuring out how to fix it and this is just a little thing to help.

Frankly they need to give up on adding more slots and tear down the entire system and rebuild it anew. Every patch adds new gear and makes the situation worse and we don't even have enough glamour plates for all the combat jobs to have one.
you can solo maps as WAR
I've been doing that since ShB
nonsummerjack was actually my inspiration that I used a few years ago to tweak my old elezen.
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do you like my fiera…
I pity that poor fiddie in the background that had to see this firsthand
ratcchi my beloved
where do i find this moonie
It's called mutilated
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You and Unnamed Neko @Jenova seem like you were made for each other with how all you both do is have meltdowns and be mad all day
shes tucked into bed...
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garlemald did nothing wrong
Thank you Miki I think you look super cute in it!!
Glad there's no cunny being posted. I threw away everything I had here for them and loliniggers didn't even do so much as thank me. I just wanted likeminded friends, but I guess it was my fault for looking on 4chan.

Anyways, when're we getting a mod that lets us play as a cool monster?
Yes, I would plap her.
what was the plugin or mod or whatever that let you swap around animations?
Strange I have a Radeon RX 580 series but my fans never go full blast or loud. Although the graphics look like shit but it runs like butter.
my moonie spreads her legs for anyone who asks...
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good night
perhaps an opportunity will arise when i can pet this moonie and thus will be revealed...
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Too much drama this early morning.
Hydaelyn's attack sundered not only the star but its denizens, removing our foreskins.
Anyone rping they have a foreskin is either an ancient or breaking lore.
Don’t you have that other guy that also plays a garloli
you're still a pedophile
fuck off
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tfw no femroe eb
Spread your legs slut
I like this bro
my curiosity is so much...
if there's no penis there then no thanks
I thanked you for the guide, was helpful in creating daughterfu's. I'm just not into lewding them I'm afraid.
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are you a bunny boy…
Khagan here. I masturbated to the pictures of these ffxiv sluts just now. Going to go play the new MH beta. Thanks for the goonbait.
im available for the moment, moonie. i only hope you sleep well moonie and you can maybe try again tomorrow...

>Glad there's no cunny being posted.
I got your premium cunny right here bro

Go to sleep VB
>are you a bunny boy…
No I am a melf
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He doesn't count because he doesn't post here
And he's the only person here who even thought to give me a birthday present
Did you skip the part where I ask for you to at least post them? All of you niggers seem to have skipped that part
this explains trancers so much
Moonies won
why'd you swap back to goopie then? miss the hats too much?
gm to chaos c:
Which one was your favorite

Yep, that's it, that's the post. You like this.
I think rival wings would be better with less players and also no mechs
>schizofag is an msq andy
>not a bunny boy
not interested sorry
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>Posting here is more fun and engaging than actually playing FF14
r u a moonie
everyone here is my enemy. i have no friends and never had friends. i hate you
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*bonk* I posted her once or twice
how many copies?
and I really like your chocolate flavoured femeememzen..
are you the thirsty malezen
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My moonie likes this post
I am a bun boy...
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i can run it on higher settings and keep a consistent 60, but it'll crash after 15-20 minutes. after like 8 crashes and fiddling with the settings, i gave up and picked the "lowest" preset and was able to play for a couple hours without a crash, but yeah it looks bad
i never played a goopie before and missed playing a moonie in general
I remember when bait was well made.
my sunnie has found gock armor.
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My femra
Shows you her buddy
Do you accept
r u a moonie
I busted to the femroe but I have blown many many more loads to Miki and Khole as a whole
kill yourself
ETA until Kong gets himself banned again and has to buy the game + boosts + msq bot subscription again for the 4th time?
this is why no one likes stheno
>are you the thirsty
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Even me?!
/pet for the buddy, /pet for femra
Total lalanigger death
Your face matches the fox
do you like catboys
you again
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Best steer clear of my fiddie...
but r u
Yeah I play on low settings as well but it runs well on the low settings. Only bad part is the game looks grainy+blurry as fuck.
Any other Leviachuds around? Did the server just implode?
this happened to me and i won
I miss this malera https://streamable.com/b2o8xg
anyone have his other funny vids
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My lalafell? Like this.
what r u
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>1 out of 100 is an exception
Why is that image 1024x576
they shut the game down bc i logged off, i can log back on if you still want to play though
Single-handedly raising stocks
>i never played a goopie before
can i /pet your goopie sometime
Would she like to be plapped
Aiiiieeee Shikikan save me
>when the convicted pedophile makes a post criticizing FFXIV for the 10,000th time
World of Warcraft is right over there, buddy. The rest of us are fine here. 7.1 has a ton of new content for hardcore players like ourselves and Dawntrail is Stormblood 2.0, so us content chads are eatin' good. Go rape kids somewhere else.
I unironically enjoy maleras
same... the taller the better
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I am a product of the world (you) that didn't love me back
She tastes more like caramel
by cute bunboys only
want me to make a lv1 plap alt?
I just want to afk in my house, senor.
maleras are builded for my soft male catgirl moonie
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You're doing it wrong, everyone fucking hates Stormblood
Also I'm not convicted yet
Lich, Light!
No, keep gooning
here's some material

Louisoix, Chaos!
small medium or large? turning the servers on aren't cheap you know
>want me to make a lv1 plap alt?
Sure but my Bunboy is kinda unlevelled
watching im fox go from relatively normal coomer to unhinged whole personality gigagooner has been a ride
Large. What am I, poor?
Dunno man, dogshit shader I guess
that’s alright, do you wanna post him/does he have a house/apt?
alright fine, you get to afk for one (1) hour before they get turned off again until active hours (11 EST). hopefully your subs are back by then
Not yet, we can meet in game and see if we are all good.
Light, Alpha
my femra wants to knock up a neet moonie
Thanks hermano. I knew I could count on you.
kk lemme remake her rq, I’ll be in gridania
yeah, i guess it runs well, but it's tiring to look at when i can be playing something nicer looking
yes, but she WILL flinch
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my catboy? like this
Whatever happened to kawaii nightloom? Did she get dumped and left /xivg/ to hangout at the gooner bench?
Sorry bitch but they belong to Sunnie+ shestuds. Get that pathetic gock outta here lol!!!
my moonie will do anything for another gaelicatnip fix
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please post your femezens
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the fate of all gooners
Post paws.
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>people unironically criticize FFXIV when it’s still better than WoW
We are NOT going back to Torghast. Got it?
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I still hate you and think you're a fucking nigger, I begged for people to post lolis for a month and got nothing
Not to mention most people who play lolis are insufferable
If it weren't for having a persona built here that I can't use anywhere else I'd never post again
my moonie has uncovered documents that the adders are distributing gaelicatnip among the tribal moonie communities to keep them complacent
Yeah I was talking to a friend that this game is not worth the $70 price tag and I will only get it once it goes on sale for more than 60% off
Here's my bunboy. Is he cute enough to plap your fiera
Same Black hair rava
What's the 7.1 battlepass reward going to be?
Rob or Remus?
may i have a lick?
well since we got a mount last time it'll be armorset this time they switch between the two
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My blocklist is completely empty, would anyone like to be on it.
Can you post your name so we can be mutual blackies.
That's fine, as said I'm not really into lewding them so you wouldn't get much out of me posting them.
we just had a mount so probably some good gear for once since it has to have 2 dye channels this time
i did
>she WILL flinch
Was your goopie abused? :(
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A reminder we couldve gotten corsair but instead they gave us a less edgy reaper.
>Ne Ya
lol this guy wants to be a gay butt pirate hihihi
I wouldn't get much out of you posting because you play at 1024x576 and your pictures look like I've suddenly become farsighted
Not to mention that's just sunnie Khloe
very cute lala
it'll suit a phys ranged more, where instead of 1 gun it's 2 gun. it'll also match the theme of phys ranged cannibalizing each others themes.
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wew, vanilla with some caramel on top really is quite tasty
I'm asking a qrd why they are on the blacklist what do they do?
Give double gun the "gun fu" animations and give machinist back theyre more grounded animations
Yup, my cum would keep this bitch permanently pregnant.
Yep I have to plap her
>Tally Cat in that FC
So that's their alts and they became a schizo?
fine if you want some loli cunny so bad here you go https://files.catbox.moe/nx5s72.png
an adder intelligence officer is using my moonie's gaelicatnip addiction to coerce them into committing a false flag attempted assassination on kanne-e-senna and therefore justify further incursions into the twelveswoods
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Halt. It's November.
Better yet, turn MCH into a rifle user. They already have a ton of guns that are rifles and they even hold it like one in PvP
being a moonie = consent
This is nyot true
if ffxiv had any creative juice left they'd add flavourjob subclasses like sharpshooter for mch and ranger for brd
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i might hold off on it too if it's not fixed on launch
no she just doesn't like being touched
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I don't want it anymore, I want you people to suffer and to be ostracized like you used to be. Like WE used to be.
This game would be better if you could date the NPCs
I can fix Misija, and also train Cyella back into fighting shape
No thanks, Corsair doesn't fit for a myriad of reasons.
okay but why are you always posting Shen Gaoren
>No thanks, Corsair doesn't fit for a myriad of reasons.
You being a troon isnt a valid reason.
>flavourjob subclasses
*flavourful job subclasses
this is true

t. mooner
yes but only for my eb
I doubt they can change the whole engine and the way the game looks in 4months. This is just going to be dragons dogma 2 all over again. Capcom never learns except this time they'll be forced since like 80% of the playerbase can't even run the game lol
>no she just doesn't like being touched
That's fine, I don't mind respecting boundaries if it's that off-putting to you, I'll give you a mental /pet instead, it's the thought that counts
I deleted all my avatar images
good night moonies, moonieposter is going to sleep and will moonie ur moonies tomorrow.

The 80% being poor pajeets just like it was with DD2
but why not? i thought you like cunny and i made it just for you
Rest well moonieposter
this is your brain on 24/7 tranny porn
I'll keep going at my usual rate of a couple times a day to make up for everyone else.
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>I get baited and switched for 3 fucking months
>Anonigger thinks its gonna work again past the first one
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Seek professional help, your life doesn't have to be like this anon.
I'm not gonna last another day like this ffs
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gn mooner
Mad that he called you out?
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least obvious samefag of all time
stop venting your guilt of gooning to tranny porn to the thread
hips made to plap
>cute moonie is a racist
don't know if based or not
I thought you left?
mhwilds lobby doko
I'm not afraid to say I'm a catboy
I'm not so sure about that one lol
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>professional help
>get signed up with a therapist
>so busy I have to wait 6 fucking months for the first appointment
>finally get there
>old guy asks me "whats up?"
>"nothing much, generally just feel dissatisfied with life"
>so little happens I don't remember anything else
>as I'm leaving he tells me to get a note card and write 5 "I am" statements
>he explains that my "homework" is to write 5 statements about things I like about myself starting with "I am"
Don't waste your time or money, therapy is a fucking joke
balmung limsa bench
I already hunted everything
khloe please come back and post your slampig moonie but this time with a cute little girlcock
>Can you post your name so we can be mutual blackies.
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for some reason dragon's dogma 2 ran perfectly fine with the same setup for me
she will tolerate your /pet
im not going there, throw up a lobby code or something
yeah but you can hoont with different weapons
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/pet /pet
Then it's probably the frame generation or whatever it is called that they are using as a huge crutch. /hug
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one day she'll be happy to see me
I don't know did I?
I'm sorry officer, I fixed it accordingly
I'm rooting for you anon
the cringe NIN naruto run is kino actually
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It looks AWFUL on tall races bro
You aren't helping your case.
may I see your tummy?
Fuck off nigger, you had 3 years to do that in game
Mating press
does this cat like other girls? and if so what races
breeding sex with hatcat
yeah but then I'll just burn out
if actually they let me craft gear and weapons i'd keep hoonting but since they're not I'm just waiting
Is it true you've become a femlala now?
Need xivgf who doesn’t mind I play as a femlala
What case? Why post your epic blocklist if you're gonna hide your name while you do it? Too scared to back your talk up? Little bitch boy.
Damn you still post here?
That’s great news, I like your posts
Yeah I'm at balmung goblet w11 p3 if you wanna plap
You are the gf
the beta's leaving tomorrow, you'll have plenty of time to be burnt out then
sticking a finger in there then putting it in everyone's face making them smell it
my moonies beard is wet
(she was eating soup)
I was rangebanned for like 6 months for no reason and it just ended last week also for no reason.
alright I'll make a lobby
How can you make posts like this and not understand why you're blacklisted?
it was an act of god
What a sissy doormat lol
No one was talking about "why". Post your name or fuck off.
I hate you vapid cunts so much and I hope mimecat killed himself or died from whatever stupid fucking disease he pretended to have
I bet that nigger was trans and tried really hard to make needing to dilate sound better
true but i play catgirls so it's kino
Can we go back to moonieposting instead of you being little girls bitching at other?
ok based, booting up the game rn
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No I’m a strong alpha male who loves his laladaughteru very much
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Are there any good glowing yellow paladin swords in this game so I can larp as Mlynar
I won't be doing either regardless of how much you kick and scream. Fitting that you play the toddler race.
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Hey wait a minute.
my moonie will be sneaking in
my moonie has been successfully set up by the adder intelligence officer and will now be taken to a blacksite and liquidated and framed for the attempted assassination of kan-e-senna
Never mind, I respect that.
I still talk to him daily
ESL chama...
the moonies are doing the bitching
My moonie will be saving this moonie from that terrible fate
See >>500784858
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yeeep, they don't make em like they used to...
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Post BL, Moonies, or post nothing at all.
They would never...
try dyeing the moonward sword
I lied but now you have to put up the lobby for that moonie
whose side are you on?
Of course you fucking do, you cretins flock together
Relay everything I've just said to the waster
/petting this moonie until she loses her mind
>dodged the list
It's another great day and another great victory for me!
hard left
What is BL?
I'm team able since it doesn't matter how hard you are if you can't do it
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Yeah sure RK my name is Youwillnever Beawoman@Malboro.
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god damnit, fine i'll put it up since i wanna play. join this one and post your hunter id so i can add you, or add me instead
and disappear as you are hidden in the thread as well.

I got you on my other character, don't worry.
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Your ass is SPECIFICALLY going on there now bitch.
my moonie is so wide they call her moontwo
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oh fuck that's my hunter id, the lobby code is this
You know what? Maybe I do have beef with you. Your posts fucking suck.
Also, Saelonu Kaelonu met my loli alt in a proposition to ERP and out of nowhere started talking about buying her from slavers to do whatever he wanted. There was no possible prompt for this plot except that we were talking in camp drybone.
Your roe makes me consider doing that sort of thing. i won't i'm a chicken
>1 boss fight made for the top 5% of the playerbase
>a couple more hours of woke lemutt
>this is supposed to last 6 months
the absolute state of this game. 1k items on the shop and they still can't release actual content more frequently
wise words
my moonie will join after brushing her teeth
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Boys Love
do me do me
alr lmk when you get on
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Thank you to the anon who posted his fiera, I just cum to this
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Moonie it is
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>t. redditor discovering atheism for the first time
have you actually played through EW or are you a contrarian sperg
I literally nutted in my sleep on the morning of November 1st, it was over before it even began
EB'd another thread bike and fucked off to be trannies together. Good End.
Nice. Can you show us that list too?

I gave you a chance yesterday. I was on Balmung for like 30 minutes. I suppose I could come back but.... I gotta Bozja to lvl my MCH now. So ciao!
fuck off then
>nutted in my sleep
How? I haven't done this in over like 14years
insane way to find out your house is haunted
Girls are great
Hope you like abs
Hey you can't do that in November
What a bully
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No, I don't think I will log off and switch characters, making it glaringly obvious who I am.
Decent attempt thoughbeit.
Impregnating mating press
Not sure about this one. Can a femra wife expert identify if this is a wife?
>just saw a free trial player with the accursed title
why doesn't my sonar go off for all datacenters and only the world I'm on?
sex with Claire Hearthbarrow
Not a wife.
Plap and move on.
botted, the same as everyone else
I'm a cheevo hunter but that is just botted territory.
>nearing 1000 followers
>not on the list
im ngmi....
Korkana Ryubi obtained that title completely legitimately and if you disagree you're a jealous nobody who wishes he was as popular an she is.
I want to this roe so bad I would fanta to whatever she wanted for a kiss.
this. so much this.
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my moonie could not join
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well it has been a while, it probably filled. try this one
Couldn't join this one either, I'm going to bed now
my moonie got in
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Anyone got these two middies' twitters?
it's so ov-
we're so back, my hunter id should be the same if you wanna inv
hope you like futa and bbc
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nvm fixed it thanks for nothing
Only when it's NTR.
I do, that's why I'm asking
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when's the next freak off
i think i did it right
When you click Exit Game.
>Didn't make the list
Its over
Imagine Brute Bomber and Honey B rough sex
Next one is cat buffet.
New Dragon Age is really boring
Is there anymore things to do in the beta beside the four monsters by the way? I'm getting bored already
The signs were all there bwo... Shame, I really liked the first one.
are we going to get another monster hunter collab?
I was hoping the combat would at least be something, but even on the hardest difficulty it's really easy, it's just... slow
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/pet for Rabi!!!
I know right it's amazing, love this little dude
Always me, till the foxes turn to sand.
They made Aymeric a Femra's pet fox...
Mods could probably somewhat fix it but that's really sad to hear.
Fat Cat Fact #337

Fat Cats are a lot more powerful when they are holding a Fat Cat themed weapon
Fat Cat Fact $338

Fat Cats c
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We like this.
no we dont
fATc at facit #3789

Fact Taacctsts ar
The other issue is the dialogue is just fucking awful, and it's very hard to play Rook as who I want to play them as. Trying to be a ruthless Duncan-esque Warden but I keep getting semi-sarcastic and snippy dialogue even though I only pick the stern options. Game is very pretty though so at least it's got that going for it
for real though who would buy tacky looking video game beads
Requesting a shot with the sleeves on but no chest drapes!
you know somethin, god bitch is what
Fat cat facts?
More like
Fat cat TITS
I don't like contrast
Cats are canonically small titted. Sorry, chud. But you won't take my lithe catgirls from me.
Good morning
There I am. I only retweet quality stuff though.
The world has left you behind
The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem
Guten Morgen!
My femra's chest is flatter than an autist's affect.
Are you okay, anon?
what the hell, my femra feels targeted
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me right n
My lalaboy can't find his balls
My moonie feels like this currently
My sunnie is a big cummer
I want to plap and impregnate her
the rocks falling after the monster crashed into the wall crashed my game lol. im gonna log off for the night, thanks for the little bit of huntin heh
You're probably not as obvious as you think, but I can respect your desire for privacy. Keep on keeping homie.

I think you're confusing me with another lalaboy. We've only met once, and that was in Gridania, like two or so years ago, on your black haired WAR. That or you're making up stories for clout. In either case, I'm sorry you feel that way, but I'm gonna keep being me, and you should keep being you.
How so, sisra?
I wish this roe would flatten my femlala..
just the 4
lmao unfortunate, the beta's been really buggy in general so that's not far outta left field honestly. i had to tweak the settings a ton just to make it playable for example and the insect glaive dude died immediately after, followed by me dying because my food wore off and got greedy with an SAED from a parry
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Hello saars
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my meena looks like this
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I would be cheeky and say something somewhat in relation to these but I accidentally fell asleep and just woke up again and I am simply too disoriented, hellow anyway though. Can someone wake the queues back up for me now
is this the dude that sang that bury me song
I'm jealous...
you're thinking of jared leto (30 seconds to mars) who's also a prolific actor
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My meena looks and acts like this
jared leto? the morbster?
He's not an actor, he's really Paul Allen and The Jocker in irl life.
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no, who sings that is Jared Leto, that's Gerard Way

don't be

My femra can speak upside down english
>250 bucks for some cheap plastic bracelet
the meena WHM in my party doing his best to ignore the instructions of the biofem piloting him (she wants him to wipe the pull because she got him killed by greeding earlier in the fight and we're 1 mech away from clearing)
i dropped enochian again
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i had a lot of crashes earlier, but switching to "lowest" graphics seemed to fix it, but i never saw that falling rocks bit so i guess "lowest" still isnt enough to prevent crashes completely
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chest as flat as any affection she's capable of feeling
My femra can take upside down throatpies
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your computer must have come down with a special strain of the beta virus, for me it was the much more common origami creature strain but it came around after some tweaking. my best guess is that your computer is trying to avoid loading something, i can't offer much more than that since idk if it's exclusive to the rocks though
My catboy can't walk.
That's it, that's the post.
i know who this poster is, and i hope they step on a lego
My femra you ask? Taking her ass to bed
didnt ask ugly
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This is who you insulted. The meena's have been alerted and are on the way to bite you.
Akemi, it's almost sunrise.
sleep tight bro
My moonie was in a lot of pain today but now she's ok
I reel scrolled for fast too long tonight....
Thanks bwo
I'm glad you're better, hope your moonie has a great day today.
This will be DoA
Thanks you, my moonie hopes you have a great day too.
100% black me too
Where’s your Fat Cat? Are they having a good nap too?
>hates being called a gimmick poster
>is still doing the "oops I stayed up late xD" gimmick again
I think these are neither horrible nor all that great. Will probably find use for some pieces but from what I've heard XI has much better sets to offer and I don't doubt them.
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Fools! Its was a trap! YOINK!
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why must it be 100 wins
Why do people who like contrast do not like this set?
Finna bout to give this plaphog 100 pumps
You will never leave Finland
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Bros we've been had... It's over...
that's unfortunate, allow me to tease you a bit more at the end of the thread with some yuri

Because they know little piggies like you chase any carrot on a stick
>when femroe finds miera husband
Thats a FAT miera
I wish I were finnish bwo
work on your stamina
you're the piggy
palmraping my shit to this
bwo why are your tits so big
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Just like your FAT tits now post them so I can bust a FAT nut, whore.
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He is just like me...
I store aether there
Just because you're asking me to? Fine..

BMI 100 bunboy...... go diet!!
Congrats on the win, i'm surprised you can even run that fast
looking good miki
Something about tributing /our queen/ Miki feels so right bros
*rapes her and then goes to bed*
I’m sorry I missed your post but yeah he’s 101% plap my fiera material
They don't care as they waste their time complaining in a place square doesn't read so none of their complaints actually do anything
built for my purple xaela warrior
Should I stay up to fix my sleep schedule or try to sleep right now?
I am also taking her ass
Anon are you new? We've been posting for literal years now half a decade about how much xiv makes and how little money square puts in by comparison. Do you know that outside of gacha it's he only game making them money anymore especially with how poorly xvi and the recent vii remake game sold and the genuine slop like forspoken and avengers.
Xiv has long been a "low expense high reward" game for square. And with shadowbringers success it showed them that yoshi could bring in players with less dev attention directed at the game which is why even now many of them are getting pulled away to other projects or given even LESS to work on for xiv.
It's not entirely squares fault however, as yoshi and team have equally clearly gotten way WAY to content with their success and fandoms parasocial relationship with yoship. It's clear by their reactions to wuk thinking they did a bad job at selling her instead of recognizing she's the problem not their selling, that they've reached "arrogant I know what you want more than you despite your complaints" portion of every semipopular game dev studios lifespan.

TL;DR yoshi, the simp community, and square are all equally at fault for the state of the game. You can't blame just 1 as they all are a problem.

Maleras... post him if you dare!

Uhh, good night anon
Mikki I showed your onlyfans pictures to my fiancée and she said "if we ever break up I'm going after her"
So I'm no longer your friend kys
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>go diet
>Maleras... post him if you dare!
This is a trick. Don't fall for it.
At the end of the thread nobody will know that I miss mimec@ a lot and I hope she's doing okay wherever she is.
it's okay, anon. He already plapped your fiera
hi do you like femlalas
I miss memec@
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We had it so good. I have so many gibs stored for memc@...
Fatty soda bin bunboy.... useless.... no willpower....

I wont tank their stocks i swear
Great Jagras
Nobody misses memecat they were a faggot who would ruin threads and samefag none stop.
me irl
do you still make poses?
tiny jagras
That doggy begging for rescue….
the fuck? why am I on there
Hypothetically if you got a bf you genuinely loved but he told you he was into cuckolding would you oblige him?
That dog is having very... RUFF time.
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Killing this Anon dead. I do miss memc@.
That's not Miki. That's a character made by cbu3 and modded by other people. Miki is an aging Asian prostitute.
They brought nothing of substance just derailment.
I do, just a bit slowly

he's doing fine look how comfy he is full of cushion

I would, relationships a two way street
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He's not kpop core
>Miki is an aging Asian prostitute.
wtf i love miki now
What's the unironic appeal of playing a generic cutesy catgirl/femra?
There's just something about au ra's scale that turns me off and makes me don't want to plap them
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Anon, that's 90% of the thread and it least memc@'s derailment was a genuinely cute and harmless gimmick.
I'm tired of the thread being a negative coom infested lair of despair.
>filter miki
suddenly half the posts are gone
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>be me
>rest in sharlayan for some reason
>flow starts playing 2min in
>starts crying over how fucking bad dawntrail was
what happened..where was the emotional impact from this expansion? where was THAT scene everyone would love to see a reaction from. dawntrail had nothing and i feel this emptiness or sadness within me. what happened ???
Memec@ was an alt of a avatarfag here btw
I get to watch a cute cat girl do cute and cool things. Simple as
They were an alt and never played the game. All they did was spam their shitty pictures and reply to themselves.

I know because they never played the game
Miki if someone kicked down your door and said CURRRRSE YOU BAAAAAAYLE and started to chase you around your home with a spear and trying to throw rope nets over you and shouting reptile/dragon themed slurs at you, what would you do and how would you react/feel?
dont cry over the fact dawntrail is bad. just be happy you got to experience the entire saga from start to finish.
people like cute stuff
We're no longer friends. Kys bitch. I hate you
>reply to themselves.
That was me though, I always gave her gibs!
What does that even matter? By not being a coomerfaggot that tries to drag everyone down to their level they were already better than the majority of the thread.
I don't understand the appeal of catering to xiv guys but you do you miki.
Then why not play a femlala?
Yeah because it was artificial ebinism. They hyped their own posts up plenty of times because you would see all their posts deleted when they would get banned. Based Janny exposed his samefagging.
Have you guys had your daily snacc?
goblin server more like goblin nuts server
this but akemi
I am a malezen.
I want to plap that one white haired femroe.
That doesn't matter to me, I think memc@ would have been precious if she'd only get a single reply, mine. I would have sustained her with gibs.
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Don't want to + I'm a pervert

simple as.
Bet you the instant you get Bomber outside of a wrestling context he drops the persona and turns into a carebear.
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I've been considering it after being left hungry by dinner but I think I'll just make another serving because it's cold outside and I don't want to pay for a snack
No it was fucking annoying seeing every fucking thread being spammed with the same shit and there goes half the thread being unusable.
Just reupped my onlyfans sub to you babe, send me spicy DM?
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Ate the SHIT out of a whole bag of cheetos today while watching the LL with some friends.
it made me feel horrible and I'm worried that all my stress eating is gonna make me a fatass eventually down the line
same desu but I've already done it
You dislike memc@, I dislike the coomerspam that constantly gets tons of you's. You can't please everyone but you don't see me seething at the coomer, I just scroll past and wish for better times.
lizard girl sexo
Do they hang out at LB14...
>you don't see me seething at the coomer
I just saw you seething replying to the other anon lmao

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