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Previous: >>500748370

>Version 5.1 "The Rainbow Destined to Burn" Trailer
https://youtu.be/yJ-tllvBvmI (EN)
https://youtu.be/_DqVC77tmrc (JP)

>Current character banner: Hu Tao, Nahida, Sethos, Xingqiu, Kuki Shinobu
>Current weapon banner: Staff of Homa (Polearm), A Thousand Floating Dreams (Catalyst)

>Event "Chromatic Ode of Candies and Roses" live until November 7

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes with Primogems (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
I want charlotte to fart in my mouth
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ded gayme
ded gyeneral
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Her thread, Her game, Her birthday

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behead xiangling, kill xiangling, bury xiangling alive
bitch is the most overrated character in the game. she cannot function without bennett
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klee tummy
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Post yoimiya if you like diarrhea.
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get yourself a xiangling wife
she cooks you food everyday
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Crawl back Dinesh
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>another hypercarry Electro unit
what a disappointment
the electro sovereign looks like that???
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Post Klee if you like pee
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Mororon is going to be a better and more exciting unit than the safe horny ugly elf. Let that sink in.
The shield for the new enemy type has to be the worst in the game and you're telling me there's a boss version that instant wipes you if you don't do it in x amount of seconds?
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Still the best Liyue hebe butt since 4 years.
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Sparkle, where's your saved post?
i'm taking any electro that isn't a disgusting hag or a faggot
I've started thinking about/picturing Arlecchino whenever people post Furina. This is your fault, /gig/.
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spreading those cheeks open for a hilichurl
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we won the monthly gacha war? how many honkeks killed themselves? please say all of them
You missed the part where they posed as giggers and shit all over /zzz/ yesterday
5* DPS option for Electro
4 years old obsolete standard unit
wormed and giga brick
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sustainer waiting room
kek what a retard
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>bully tao
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But keka does decent damage both as an on-field dps and a quick swapper.
post your it cast
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Some poor schmuck actually used my C4R1 Diluc for theatre
what a legend
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happy birthday to Xiangling I hope she is likes her new weapon
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Crawl back Dinesh >>500780424
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So when are we getting credible 5.3 kit leaks? Or do we have some already?
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/gig/ is so peaceful lately.
What went right?
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I don't think the pedos want Iansan. I'll be rolling for her.
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Love Chiori
all it took was for us to be first on sensortower apparently
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we kinda know Hoyo and EPIC were in talks for a possible collab soo... thats something, we FortNite SOON
in 2 weeks
Based Oz.
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Oh, did the salesposters lack bait this month?
Incomplete info doesn't mean shit either way, but it's funny if they turned quiet in the face of a sexy woman banner doing better than usual on 1 of the shitpost meters.
How much do you love her?
I am not feeling mentally ill today
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C6R1 and we are married
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the usual shitposters had to switch from going “haha genshin isn’t 1st therefore it means it’s flopping, eos soon” to “genshin did not make as much money as it used to therefore it means genshin is flopping, eos soon” but they quickly got tired of pushing this narrative so they all went to shit up /zzz/ instead which did tank relatively hard
No one likes Chiori. She is an angry femcel
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ZZZ is our true sister game because it doesn't have H*nkai in the title therefore I support it wholeheartedly like Tears of Themis
Do we have the slightest idea about what the conditions to trigger External Audience Support actually are?
I had it happen three times this month where random level <70 characters on my account triggered it in between theatre rooms, giving me a handful of fantasia flowers to use
Is it just completely random or is there more to it than that?
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my pov
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is there a place i can go to to watch meta content, stuff like speedruns
any subreddit, discord server, youtube channel or maybe something else?
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REJECT worms!
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She is an attractive one though
dangerously based
my mom looks like this
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Anniversary is next patch right?
I feel like I'm forgetting something important.
It was one patch ago anon.......
5,3 or 4
youtube, search for CN speedrun competitions
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A man of culture, I see.
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I like her
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Why are they like this?
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the theatre trial klee is unusable
Doesn't count
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I love my messy cat wife
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why does Sethos even exist? that is most non-character in the entire game, usually even some of the worst characters have at least ONE thing going on for them like Heizou is a for girls who want to be groomed by instagram twinks, Baizhu is for girls who wanna be molested by their doctors, Navia is for autists who have a thing for girls with daddy issues...
WHO is Sethos made for? he has NOTHING, he's literally just the guy who jobbed to Cyno, he has no personality, he has to real ties with anyone, he has no unique way of talking, he has no relevant lore, he has nothing that stands out, even fucking TEPPEI was a better character than this fucking random pajeet.
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You are playing a hag game
Do dusty books hitting the ground really sound any different from clean bucks hitting the ground.
uh oh pagther melty
She's unusable non-trial version too.
Give them time. It took forever for Bennett to be in anything. It used to be a joke that no one knew who the faggot was.
he exists to take my cock
I used Arle/Furina/Xilonen/B. It was pretty fun.
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which genshin would send you this
>Sub level 90 characters
You didn't beat the abyss
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One game, I don't know why
I bought into the hype with no (you)s to find
Keep that in mind, they designed this guy to improve cucking times
That's all I know (Know)
Fujo panderings are key
Watch 'em fly by as they ship on the tweet (Ship on the tweet)
Lose pandering at the end of the year
I have no waifus to play, it's so unfair (Unfair)
Didn't look out below
Throw my Kazuha right out the window (Window)
Try to hold on but I didn't even know
I wasted it all just to watch the homos (Homos)

I spend all my time inside
Now that launch hype has died, all I see are gays
Just like the Hoyo, it's remindin' me of a memory of a time when

I cried so hard for sex at launch
But in the end, it's just got no (you)s
Bought Welkin pass and paid so much
But in the end, it's just got no (you)s
Only if you lack the skill to optimally use her. Klee being bad is a pure skull issue.
>comparing Bennett who you can instantly tell what kind of character he is with SetWHOs
Not that anon, actually interested in Klee. Any pointers on how to play her?
Bennett is a literal "who" and being a one note character like that makes him even more forgettable.
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Klee can be strong and damaging
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>C4R5 with C2R1 Furina C2R1 Xianyun and Zhongli
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Animation canceling, weaving basic attacks in the charge attacks and stamina management. You're probably better off learning this though a video demonstrating it than through text explaining it.
>Triple Kenki
But there was no triple Kenki
No. Her base multiples are simply bad.
This is not a skill issue. She simply does not work numerically in modern genshin.

Sethos and Emilie were made by the absolute bottom of the barrel members of the dev team while the good ones were busy running against the time to develop Natlan, notice how they both came out of fucking nowhere at the very end of 4.x, the F team legitimately had no idea what they were doing.
they shilled him in cyno's story quest but no one does story quests
he wouldn't have flopped so badly if he released in natlan because natlan introduced fomo rewards to get people to actually play the game
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Wrong image kek
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I understand the animation cancelling, but I've never found anyone who explains her playstyle in detail. Like when to ult, when to use her skill, how many normals for every charge attack, etc.
You're not just wrong you're stupid. She does more than enough damage and has the ability to knock a lot of big annoying enemies off their feet and keep them from getting back up.
>. Klee being bad is a pure skull issue.
Nah she's pretty bad.
Her and Ning are characters I try to work with because their moves are cool, but while I can do it, i don't have much fun in it. Smooth characters who can do cool exploits are more fun than characters who need those to get going.
Unless you're a potekmin player. RIP his Kara cancels.
Most nerds would say to hold forward while timing her NA throws to cancel them faster, but most of the time you're going to be spamming CAs. Her kit is built off of that with the free CA use charge that she can get from her skill.
Some guy got enjoyment out of running CR and FUrina, so there's that with supports.
Honestly her energy regen is pretty good too.
You can do mono pyro with a VV swirler or zhongbedo, or the aforementioned two
Oh, I don't do events until I can do it all in one day
ew roastie
Reminder that any clear with >B and Trannycchino doesn't count.
Remember when we could go entire threads without ai sloppa being posted?
Sethos is me
>She does more than enough damage and has the ability to knock a lot of big annoying enemies off their feet and keep them from getting back up.
Why would you need that when the ideal is just killing said massive enemies in a couple seconds?
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nothing wrong with ai masterpiecepa
you failed
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What killed zenless zone zero
Open with burst, skill, charge, skill, charge as for charge and normal it's based on her passive
>When Jumpy Dumpty and Normal Attacks deal DMG, Klee has a 50% chance to obtain an Explosive Spark. This Explosive Spark is consumed by the next Charged Attack, which costs no Stamina and deals 50% increased DMG
I'd recommend going charge, normal, normal, charge, but charge, normal, charge is easier if less reliable.
>It took forever for Bennett to be in anything.
He only took until 1.4 and his gimmick was instantly established (Muh luck, not-Adol with adventure autism).
Sethos is weird because he technically had more screentime in the same amount of time (Cyno's SQ2), but nothing special came out from the post-Story Quest interactions.
He's kinda just there as another desertshitter.
does this homo even play any games
>griefing yourself for "sovl"
Nah, i'll stick to my B, XL and (somebody else's) bweeh
Why would a genshin send me the video of a random woman?
Forced pick, trial version. Mine will stay at lvl 20 just like all the other homos
His wife
I see, I see. Getting it now. Thank you.
There are enough character options to not use him at all.
Skill issue + you're gay
Because it's more fun to juggle huge enemies than it is to blow them up in half a second and bitch about no content until the reset. We both get 36 stars and the same amount of primos only difference is I have fun doing it and you do not.
No idea
if you catch me watching his streams, call an ambulance - i had a stroke
>geo in geo shill abyss
Doesn't count btw
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>She does more than enough damage
This means nothing. Enough damage in what context?
She does less damage at C6 with 4 years of artifact farming than a C0 arlecchino.

You can't clear abyss with her solo. You can barely clear when you carry her with a team of supports that are actually good characters and could just as easily carry any 4 star in the game through.
It's sad because her gameplay is fun, but it's just been powercrept to oblivion.
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It's more fun to nuke things off the face of the map.
Which genshin do you relate to the most and why?
Doesn't count, try again.
Why is dehya censored?
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>brown, somewhat pretty but useless
Enough damage to 36 stars clear.
>Second half
That's just a pure skill issue.
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>likes lolis
>doesn't really give a shit
>smug about it too
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>utter fucking zero depth perception causes their legs to look tangled up like motherfucker
Who allowed women to draw? This would literally be solved by showing the area where Lumine's medial knee is. Just have wanderer's legs go more straight but nooo we needed the picture to be a fucking square for stylistic reasons because thats totally more important than readability.
I fucking hate women so much its unreal.
>That's just a pure skill issue.
Show me your solo klee abyss side then, since you're so insanely skilled.
Imagine unironically writing "theatre" like an euro faggot instead of "theater".
none. i only relate to myself and my own thinking. i don't need to self-insert as a 2d character.
>boohoo, this event is only for whal-
Xiangling never misses.
>not using Bennett or Arlecchino in the piss easy IT counts as "griefing"
I am secretly a predator
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>arguing over IT character picks
Just go outside and play Mahjong at this point.
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She will save Cryo and Genshin.
You show your solo clear without Klee first.
>doesn't count
fuck do you mean doesn't count fucking cunt
I get the same amount of reward as you retard
Sight issue. Looks perfectly clear to me.
I rather discuss IT than getting farmed in mahjong
>uses Nahida, Fish, Xiangling and Chevreuse
Why are we so dead
too bad it doesn't count.
Klee doesn't need to solo things because she has loads of friends!
Relating is not the same as self inserting, we know you're a third worlder but there's no need to overdo it to fit in.
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This bodytype is coming with Varka.
You forgot to post your seething Bennett wojak.
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Can't wait to run Chasca, Mavuika, Xilonen, Citlali for the ultimate hag team
Just like it was for Capitano?
>Nahida, Fish, Xiangling and Chevreuse
All of these characters have alternatives, while B is the only decent option for attack buff. Mavuika needs to kill this shota faggot.
Kneel to the f2p pyro archon
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Unless she's a cryo turret with her Skill and enables Melt, she's not fixing shit.
>all of cryo's off field supports are burst users dedicated to freeze outside of the ugly elf
>Pyro only has one good universal burst off fielder, with Thoma only working with Wanderer or Burgeon and Dehya needs dendro or C2 to not feel like ass
Meanwhile Emile drops when Dendro is stacked and fucking Electro gets like 10000 new easy to use off field dps and supports
What the fuck is MHY thinking?
15 minutes cooldown for phone posters, pags and jeets automatically BTFO'd
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I need pyro Loom to be meta so I can finally get rid of the son of 2 dads
There seems to be a misunderstanding here. I never claimed I was skilled.
My claim is that:
1.) Even if you are skilled
2.) Klee still sucks, in 2024

It seems you are unable to dispute this.
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>they made the loli blush and gave her the sex expression knowing that she'll be placed next to the male model on the concept art
They knew. I kneel.
In what universe?
>15 minutes cooldown for phone posters
It's universal for new IPs posting on the site on any device though.
It still noticeably slows down shitposters trying to evade
And I never said solo clear because realistically you don't solo clear you moved to goalpost there.
Citlali will be a T0 Melt DPS though
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>Cryo DPS
It's already over.
There is no such thing as an f2p character. Genshin gives more than enough pulls for everyone to have the entire roaster and then some without spending money.
Genshin sales made me play again
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Making new enemies intended to promote certain characters is hardly something new, but there's one thing that perplexes me...
Was there really not a single guy during the testing phase who expressed concerns about players not feeling adequate feedback from their attacks when they're tasked with essentially depleting a shield that counts the quantity of attacks rather than damage? Isn't this rather counter-intuitive when one of the main appeals of this genre is to constantly improve your characters' damage output?
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>burst increases base stats of all party members by a percentage of lumine's base stats
>picrel is used to increase her base stats
>nearby characters affected by lumine's burst are considered to be in nightsoul blessing state and continously losing nightsoul points
>skill is generic off-field pyro spam
U rike?
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Is hardest difficulty on the new combat event possible without whaled characters??
my E2 Nahida hyperbloom team wasn't even close
Who will be Natlan's standard 5*?
Well, you could always dispute the math that shows klee does less damage.
But the entire time you've been trying to shift the topic to whether or not I can personally perform the inputs that maximize Klees damage. Which is entirely irrelevant to the fact that her optimal damage is still bad.
You always had the choice to not use Bennett but you just couldn't resist. You only have yourself to blame.
Kazuha alternative on hyper Raiden
Any Pyro on-fielder for dps, Thoma and Dehya for off-field application
Some literally who released in 5.7 or 5.8 when they suddenly remember they promised to expand the standard pool
a handful of 1.X characters who previously had been thrown to the chronicle banner (Klee, Albedo, Eula etc) since they said they'd expand the pool, not add brand new characters
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I rike
pls gib
How old is Citlali?
and it will count even less
he told you that klee can clear if you play well, but instead of just saying yeah she can and move on your autistic dumbass started sperging about solo clears
i hate you and your kind so fucking much, all the characters can clear the content in this shitty game just play them in a good team
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>putting neonazi signs into the game just like that and thinking that nobody would notice
How do we report Hoyoverse for hate crimes?
See >>500784218
You really need to one-cycle each of the 2 enemies in order to clear it in time. Hyperbloom also cannot be buffed with food unfortunately.
>Enough damage to 36 stars clear is bad
Got it. Enough damage to max clear the game's hardest content is bad. Yeah, that makes sense.
Do you ever wonder what the made up fruits in game would taste like?
I miss the non-retarded frogposter
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>game's hardest content
You mean the current event's max difficulty fights?
Yeah, Klee's not clearing that.
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Spiral abyss is not the games hardest content. There are more difficult events.

Since there exist characters that can solo clear abyss, using them leaves 3 slots for other characters to ride along for free. Anyone could include klee in these 3 slots but that doesn't make here good.
The yellow berries look like they burst the moment you take a bite so you end up spraying juice everywhere
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Seeing a hitcount shield melt to Klee, hyperbloom, Yelan, etc. is fun in it's own way
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Most of them have real life equivalents though
Sunsettia = java apple
Wolfhook = gooseberry
I hate all frogposters. Stop using pictures that have nothing to do with the game in its dedicated general, trying to be a thread celebrity is shameful.
At least the Cheldposters, Neuvposter and ritualposters stay on topic.
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>Back on the you have to solo the abyss or the character is shit
Man, if only this game was build around reactions and team synergy... Wait a minute...
nude version please
Asian pop dancing is so dorky and ugly, holy shit
It's almost like anon wrote "made up" to exclude the ones with real life counterparts, crazy.
That's the funny part, Klee sucks for reactions too.
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Why did Xilonen fail to captivate the masses?
Klee is great for forward vape and burgeon!
>Kazuha alternative on hyper Raiden
Fair enough for one team when she's still generally her own thing due to the overload gimmick
>Thoma and Dehya for off-field application
Those aren't alternatives, those are straight up downgrades or just niches in Thoma's case
It is for people viewing tiktok to copy
Any routine over 20 seconds constitutes as harassment
klee has the best pyro app in the whole game
Plastic girls moving suggestively on stage is the closest thing Koreans have to porn, that's why it's a big industry. Nothing to do with good music or quality dancing.
>Enough damage to 36 stars clear.
That's a pretty low bar.
She still blows to play
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What would've happened had the gang not shown up
Maximizing your hit count also improving damage output.
which genshin girl takes the HARDEST poops where she has to REALLY PUSH and GRUNT and she gets SWEATY and it TAKES A LONG TIME
Vape buddy. It's one of if not the best reaction in the game. And Klee is great at it, Yelan, xingqiu are great at enabling her vapes and kokomi and Furina also aren't half bad.
I vaguely remember one particular abyss during sumeru when burgeon klee turned out to be one of the better teams to deal with whatever monsters there were.
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What killed Tectone channel?
her pussy would get destroyed by his bbc
Genshin dying
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There's none
Fuck you
Ceremonial copulation to celebrate the archon of life.
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So like the funny abyss mimic enemies, what's the best way to deplete their shield?
I wonder how these guys would feel like in Abyss.
Now I remember why they've been trying so hard to kill freeze the 2nd day of the combat event gets completely invalidated by Ayaka.
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Was it that hard?
There was a floating Karen beside them
He'd shove his dark meat in his mouth
Me on the right
Probably 3.7 second half
Finally someone made good use of AIslop
night soul
It's pretty strong though, but that was relevant as a con when we had less diverse hydros.
Now you can run whoever
>a floating Karen
That's... surprisingly accurate.
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You won't have to wonder for long
Multi-hit dkills, or use a Nightsoul character
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>Enough damage to full clear the abyss is a pretty low bar
You dumbasses have your head too far up the asses of meta charts. Come back where your powercreep characters are earning you primos my Klee can't earn.
Why was Sethos even there? Is his presence necessary for Sorush to teach Nilou a dance?
Ayaka's burst
Capitano a beetch. This model is reserved for the TRVE gigachads like Pierro and Varka.
This fucker can change into basically whatever boss it wants, no?
imagine running neuv/mualani team and it turns into the hydro tulpa
>Enough damage to full clear the abyss is a pretty low bar
Bro 36* is like the bare minimum you can do with most of the cast if you build and do their teams right enough, hence all of the esoteric clears.
It's not AI though. Some pajeet painstakingly pasted and shooped each tattoo by hand for several hours, just so that he can get banned on an underwater basket weaving forum.
I only transforms to perform 1-2 attacks before it changes back, its resistances don't change either
File deleted.
Demoralization campaign
>Open event menu
>Select Feast of Pursuit
>Opens the list of stages
>Select Go to Challenge
>Teleports me to an arena
>Approach the pedestal in front of me
>Opens the exact same list of the stages that I was browsing two seconds before
Capitano is the strongest being in teyvat though?
He would have otherwise been completely irrelevant in the event
Take your medication
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>new post
>automatically hidden
>morbid curiosity and lack of foresight cause me to click on the little plus
you can see the same pictures with brown women and white mens yet you loser never post it.

Go back to /pol/
Nonsense, it's just for contrast so it's easier to understand i'm sure.
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This is how you know the election season is coming up
And that's not an option, because?
Couldn't he have showed up at the end for the jewel anyway?
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>Clearing the game's endgame content is the bare minimum
Again, come back when powercreep has locked Klee out of primos. Otherwise rolling for powercreep is just a waste of primos.
In brown countries?
Cryo can't be saved anymore at this point, you'll just get devoured instead unless your name is Tsaritsa
>/gig/: heh conquering brown women is so based
>Cryo can't be saved anymore at this point
Still getting 36* in abyss though
Okay but that doesn't count when it goes against my anti-cryo narrative campaign to get cryo element buffed
I don't care who Nilou is with, it's just gross seeing her jump from one to another every event.
not just /gig/ but every other general and board
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Not so fast! *blocks your path*
>implying hoyo cares to begin with
If they did they wouldn't be deliberately creating mobs that are designed to fuck up freeze
/gig/ is white, so yes.
>/gig/: heh conquering brown women is so based
one spammer is not /gig/
You won't find these in korea or Japan, so if you consider than every country that isn't an ethnostate is a "brown country" then yeah
I used eula to kill these guys she's still technically cryo
why are whites so insecure
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real /gig/gers don't self insert and certainly don't treat videogames as a replacement for their sex life
Just like how hydro slime fuck up Neuv
its a good thing that they are teaching kids about the future of europe
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Name my band /gig/
Not what he asked.
>>Clearing the game's endgame content is the bare minimum
It's the flex everyone uses for "underperfoming" units, even if there's better ones out there for their roles (and pyro DPS is literally a case of musical chairs).
bbc lovers
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>tfw missed Halloween posting
Maybe next year...
I can't believe that I half assed my Yaka's Artifacts all those years ago.
Strongboxing BS is a pain
why do cuckposters crop out sorush
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The key was to say Fuck Xilonen and her slow ass application and just use Fischl and XQ to break the barrier, and have Arlecchino with Bennet to be able to 1 cycle the enemies.
I never use my Yaka anymore
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Don't care, show me the primos your pyro DPS is earning that Klee can't earn or stop coping.
>or stop coping.
I'm not coping about Klee sucking to play as, anon.
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you will again when pyro loom + himeko = permanent pyro aura
you can use mh with furina now instead I guess
What is wrong with Nilou why does she just go somewhere with other boys even though she has me??
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They should let us borrow characters from other players for these kind of events.
it looks kind of wrong when a sandy is with a whitey it's like a chimp breeding a pig or something
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>fuck xilonen
on it
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Nope, you just suck so you invested in characters that skip any skill check in the game with pure numbers. Keep coping though.
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Yay my Mualani is now finally in the top 1%. Time to leave these mines until Mavuika releases.
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xilonen is a milf
Has anyone else's performance completely cratered? I used to get 60fps and now I'm getting 10-15 on the character selection screen and some menus
clean your ram retard
I.. I don't know what this means, anon.
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No noticeable change on my PS5.
Why did they create a character as ugly as Chasca?
And 2 of XQ, Yelan and Fischl can break the barrier in 1 rotation by themselves.
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take out your ram and clean it with soap/detergent
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no change at all on pc
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I assumed he was meant to be Cyno's rival but they don't even keep up the rivalry after he loses. They're just vaguely passive aggressive against eachother but that's it
He's pretty nice to play yoimiya shouldve had his kit it's fucking bullshit
No one is coping but you.
You've been coping for an hour because someone said the buddypoke you find sexually arousing is weak in a videogame
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Take your ram sticks out and scrub them with a toothbrush that is damp with rubbing alcohol.
I just unbenched Sayu for friendship farming.
Holy shit it's fun, why didn't you fuckers tell me?
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/g/ is my main board I'm not dumb, guys.
He’s the worst filler character of all time, well at least he’s 4 star so it’s ok but characters like Emilie are fucking 5 star and are only slightly more interesting than this jobber
HOMEstadt event when?
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Nothing because Sorush is there lol
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just bring it to your local computer shop and ask for a cleaning, xis
/g/ cant even build a pc i know you're dumb as them
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>"/g/ is my main board"
>png without transparency
stop lying anon its ok to be retarded like the rest of us
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You're the one seething because some had the audacity to imply the investment you made into powercreep was worthless.
oyakodon with xilonen and nepecha
>why didn't you fuckers tell me?
I've been telling /gig/ using my abyss clears for years now
>skill check
If only.
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this nigga really thought we were joking
Klee is so cute here
You might actually be dumb >>500787310 is true just don't put it back wet make sure it dries off.
That picture is from like 2009, anon. I didn't give a shit about fuck back then
With all due respect sis. It was Xilonen, the best character in the game + hag sexo vs Rappa the worst selling character and an uter brick. Even then genshin barely beat hsr.
The real players don't post on Akasha, 1% of a few retards?
Nobody looks at those.
Believe it or not there are skill checks in the game. Assuming you don't blow up the enemies before they can pop them.
>ou made into powercreep was worthless
But Diluc was day 1?
The newcuties do
>Believe it or not there are skill checks in the game
Yeah I don't, it's more stat/element checks if anything.
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God I wish I was a Children of Echoes shota scavenging gold nuggets to pay Xilonen to pop my cherry...
But you took out a second mortgage to C6 him day one.
I'm an oldugly.
>actually getting his cons
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Stop trying to argue with a metachurl, they literally have 0 thoughts in their brain besides tierlists.
goddamit zoomers...
If your Klee has any constellations, you have also invested in powercreep. Likely a larger investment for inferior return vs investing in a character that doesn't suck.
If you're running any supports that didn't exist in 1.0, you've also invested in powercreep, purely in an attempt to keep your subpar character in the team past her expiration.
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i used a planner for all the characters i want to build and it's telling me 166 days, that can't be right
Ruined it
when is the mare jivari patch?
It's probably taking level 1-90, all talent levels 1-10 on a different screen?
Bad news bro
I'm taking about bosses like the ruin searpent and it's stun or the wenut and it's stun or beasts and their stuns.
>Stat check
I guess kind of. You could consider it a stat check to avoid the skill check.
I haven’t logged into Genshin for 3 days, feels good to escape from the cage
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nevermind i made a mistake, i didn't set up the correct world level and adventure rank, it's telling me 82 days now
Nahida puts me in a cock cage too
mine is 103
11 more and you can get a nice reward
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All I hear is cope after cope.
You have not seen how the average player plays this game. Most people can't clear the Abyss, and for like 99% of them who are at least AR 57, it is because of skill issues.
c2r1 is f2p and common sense for anyone to ave.
Does anyone actually goon to Xilonen?
Sounds like they don't put the effort into it considering how they build their characters.
That's your delusion talking to yourself.
>I'm taking about bosses like the ruin searpent and it's stun or the wenut and it's stun or beasts and their stuns.
You're talking about the gap you have to do damage to them while they're stunned?
The skill there is probably just how fast you can do your rotations, but it's still a damage gate
some people have acceptable build but can't do rotations, but yeah it's a matter of effort now mechanical skill
please I need traveler, mavuika, and citali kit now
Not playing gachaslop is also a common sense
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Whats the point in getting the 10 stars in the theater?? Just to show off?? You don't get more rewards for getting them not like in the abyss
come back in 2 weeks
All 3 disappointments
there, saved you some anxiety
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What the hell is this? I'm sure it's featured in some quest I did a hundred years ago but I don't have any recollection of it
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I'm at five cakes now
Chi of Guyun
How do I stop playing gacha?
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As someone new who has no sacrificial sword/favonious and no plans for rolling for the rest of the year should i level up this thing to 90? or should i try to skip to fontaine and farm their fish association weapon?
The skill is also being aware of the totem they drop and taking it out fast they can disappear fast if you aren't paying attention. Same for the abyss lectors.
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post your Klee abyss clear
There's a one time achievement for getting 10 stars but aside from that the primary purpose is just for you to show off, yes
Gaining stars also grants an additional amount of the flowers you use to buy upgrades/characters with inside the minigame
why Dawei love to rape Anemo slime so much, kill other slime you got nothing, kill Anemo slime you get loot
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Our numbers are dwindling, but we heterosexual men still do.
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reminder mualani is the most fun character mihoyo has ever put out
Why did Genshin fail to capture the lucrative markets of America and India?
>some people have acceptable build but can't do rotations,
You're talking about the average person, bro, I've seen those and it really isn't for the most part
>skill is just how fast you can do your MMO rotation bullshit
I'd say fair enough but at the same time this game is designed to annoy/waste time with how enemy invuls and movement work
How are you not getting 10 stars anyway without trying?
Desperate times call for desperate measures so you can just level it up as a stat stick, the amount of domain pieces you need to level up weapons scale with the weapon's stars so you won't need *as* many pieces since it's a 3 star
Once you get the pipe from Fontaine (no need to rush it) you'll just have two stat sticks for two characters
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Nah, that's all you btw.
They already captured it with ZZZ
Sadly they don't buy shit kek
it's the quest where you had to protect the shit from the ruin guards and finally a hunter where you didn't even have a bow character in your party causing you to restart
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Fuck off Cyno.
>The skill is also being aware of the totem they drop and taking it out fast they can disappear fast if you aren't paying attention
Huh, that so brain off unless you got fucked with an element that doesn't fill that bar fast
Lectors probably less so because of dealing with that + the shield and all
I found her clunky at first but I've definitely warmed up to her playstyle I kinda even want some of her cons now
floating ruin guard
I remember I was struggling hard as a newfag because I don't have any ranged character aside from amber.
My Name Is Amanda, I Have Autism And ADHD. I Was Born On November 23, 1994. I Was Born With A Very Special Gift. It's Called Being Autistic. I Live In The USA In New Jersey. I Love Going To The Arc Program And I Collect Baby Alive Dolls And Other Things. I Also Love Art, Drawing, And Painting. I Love Shopping, Hanging Out At The Arc Of Hudson County Program, Special Olympics, And Lots More. I Love To Read, Sing, Dance, And Many More. I Love Disney, The Reppies, Kids Stuff, And A Lot More
>reminder mualani is the most fun character mihoyo has ever put out
Can't beat UNMATCHED...
at least post non-western art
Nope. There's no sound on this image board, at least not natively.
Anything you're hearing is your own internal monlogue. Most likely a projection where you've imagined a reality in which the stranger from across the world posting simple facts is somehow a bigger loser than your pedophile self.
damn nigga I kinda... don't care
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trial Klee does 10k CAs my Klee does 23k CAs unbuffed
You can also get fucked by the beast using an attack that knocks you off it or stun locks you like that roll attack one has. Which means dodging skill may be needed.
No one cares
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No matter how hard I try to remember it I can't recall the quest itself or fighting those ruin guards, but I recognised this area almost immediately once I stepped inside. Iirc it was full of treasure chests like some real treasure hoard
Stumbling across this cool little mini dungeon was nice even if I already had cleared it out
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really sad
would you suck citlali’s dick if she asked you to
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If you love Xilonen you love even her western art
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But my internal monologue the posts I'm reading from you. That means they your copes.
I got them, thats why im asking, you can get 9 or 10 and its the same
How would you save Eula Lawrence?
guys i have 600k adv exp saved up cause i cannot beat the ascension quest 4 am i dumb?
this event is too hard it's impossible
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>Which means dodging skill may be needed.
I'm sure there were funny webms of people having their shield busted against them and getting one shot
so you're shitposting i get it
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you don't even know what her cons do they don't make her CAs stronger only her c2 does something but I have her at c0
how many days until the sumeru event ends i can’t check right now
And that's shit compared to Arle and Hu Tao so I don't know why you're bragging about it kek
Yeah you use Furina with cons, no need to be coy about it
remove hitlag
I would get her pregnant and continue the Lawrence clan, like the breeding mare she was always meant to be.
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There os supposed to be a dragon down there, right? Some dragon that fought against Zhongli
furina has no cons only pros
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my Furina is c0 as well
Euler can't bear children
Have kids with her and hope the kids become 5 star and meta
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wtf why is it so short
>tons of energy
>constant electro application for superconduct
>significant off-field dps
>40% or more phys shred
>ATK/Crit buff
We basically need a character that does all of these things at once.
>51k HP
>that ER
What the fuck are you doing anon
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Eula FUCKED her BBC slaves btw
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what happened to our soccer team?
i care
My slave owner is an autistic white bitch???
nothing happened
Ohtani won the world series and everyone just forgot about it
>white woman fucking blacks of her own will
I don't believe it
I don't have much energy problems because Klee makes tons of energy with crits
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Diona easily the best healer in game
Diona easily the ugliest healer in game
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thoughts on homosexuality?
gig rn
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I cleared the new challenge with Kokomi DPS and basically, you're fucking stupid.
Diona is easily the 5th most incontinent healer.
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wrio love
What's the latest dps build for Kok?
How so? She heals far slower than many healers.
ugliest healer is charlotte can’t stand that bitch
i know kokomi and barbara piss themselves but who else is more incontinent than diona
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Which DPS Koko? Critkomi, EMkomi or classic HP burst probably with Furina?
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>ugliest healer
someone called?
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Babala was better her skill procs those elemental shields faster
1. Qiqi
2. Furina
3. Barbara
4. Kokomi
5. Diona
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Mono hydro or hyperbloom with Furina, but I used double hydro double geo.
HP/Hydro/HB, hence "DPS".
shit taste, her armpits and side boob are based and not cringe
oh yeah fufufail is a healer
South americans experience this daily any time a white tourist visits their country. Most cope by getting horny to it
no one even remembers that this guy exists especially since xilonen removed him from his only party
where’s cheldsis
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hu tao sex
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just 15% to go in each region
great work, slave
ur not kokohomo
stop, it’s no nut november. I’m gonna make it
Bro, you haven't even finished your Fontaine.
I forgot about this guy
>Koreans outta nowhere
Okay Hiroshima
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wdym it's Nut to walNut November
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Good morning /gig/!
Why are we this slow? Not that I mind some comfy threads
Tectone’s laughablely small sclong
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Kokomi is the cutest healer.
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looks finished to me
60% average is passing grade
AQ done, Snoremeru event done, IT done. There's literally nothing left to do they really need to start shortening these patch
No you won't, you're getting haunted
tits too big
Most must still be on /zzz/ shitposting about their revenue chart or they’re shitposting on the cheldsis discord
are lizards "person/people" now?
Your fountain is screaming at you on the top left of your screen. It's not finished.
Koko looks fluffy here what a dumb fish
gacha is dying
They need the time to make content anon, you don’t get fast releases of the same quality in non-hoyo games.
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this took me 30 minutes of attempts and I feel like I wasted my time
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and the cutest trans girl too!
A lot of people are spreading their investment across multiple games and getting burned out. Hoyo's profits have been going down despite having more games.
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Lizard people are people too.
what if players are moving to PC and Console
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fuck that fountain
Are the cuckposter, the trannyposter and the bbcposter the same person?
Are oceanic same as Lizard people
Whales aren’t on PC and consoles generally.
The hoyo profit thing came from their company annual reports, not the shitty revenue charts (which are just educated guesses over “top grossing” placings in stores anyway)
i think people have figured out that they can just coom to gacha girls without spending any money
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I'm gonna piss in your fountain.
>whales aren't on PC
Wat. Pretty much every single whale showcase is on PC, who the fuck whales on mobile
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The only oceanic character is Mualani
You tell me
honor of kings players
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sex with xiangling
This just shows how dogshit Akasha ratings are.
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get ready because we get a boss like that in 5.2 abyss
molesting xiangling's flawless and shapely legs after drugging her food with sedatives
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i love iansan. she's my target to get. other than mavuika of course.
i find she's adorable.
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Wait you can use food in the event? Why the fuck was I trying so hard?
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I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of xiangling. I try to play diluc. My xiangling deals more damage. I try to play yoimiya. My xiangling deals more damage. I try to play Hu tao. My xiangling deals more damage. I want to play Klee. Her best team has xiangling. .
How many Sanctifying Exilir people got now
>Most must still be on /zzz/ shitposting
they are
line an hour ago we got sudden influx of really CONCERNED fellow zzzbros asking about the state of the game and its revenue downfall
Who is even meant to be good in the second stage? I just used Hu Tao
That's chairman Mao's daughter you fools
8 from 5.0 and 2 from 5.1
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impregnating chairman Mao's daughter
I used Mualani and Kachina for double night soul, no idea if it actually made a difference
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I want to play raiden, childe. They both want xiangling.

She grabs me by the throat. I fish for her. I cook for her. I give her the catch. She isn't satisfied. I pull engulfing lightning. "I don't need this much er" She tells me. "Give me more field time."

She grabs bennett and forces him to throw himself off enemies. "You just need to funnel me more. I can deal more damage with homa."

I can't pull for homa, I don't have enough primogems. She grabs my credit card. It declines.

"Guess this is the end." She grabs gouba. She says "Gouba, get them." There is no hint of sadness in his eyes. Nothing but pure, no icd pyro application. What a cruel world
t. battlepass fag
It's meant for Kinich
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anyone who can summon turrets or nightsoul users who can attack fast and for a long time (kachina and kinich)
slipping my rape powered cock up her shorts and tainting the fabric and her ass with my cum
you basically just want a fast attacker
Clorinde wiped it pretty fast for me since her E fills up the ele.skill count very fast and she can make use of the buff.
>hoyoverse had launched an invitation to test something in LA, with strict confidentiality contracts
>rumors are that it could be Genshin 2
could it be?
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yoibros... is it time??
Anyone who thinks that it's Genshin 2 is genuinely retarded
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it's the gacha stardew valley
>which will make zzz look like a smash hit
it teleports
For free?
1 from the anniversary
3 from the tribe fragments in natlan
2 from the tablet which is the sakura tree of natlan
2 if you recycled artifacts in 5.0 and this patch
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m-maybe next event
teleporting is good because yoimiya auto-tracks.
Not sure if she has the fast application to destroy the abyss shield though.

Plus you need to use a lot of ele skills first to gain the buff.
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Boys in tight diving suits
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that boar image....
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>teleporting is good because yoimiya auto-tracks.
It's Genshin: ReLInk (Offline game version/no gacha)
the second stage boss doesn't teleport like that, don't be disingenuous
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>genshin 2
I would bet that at least half of the current playerbase is only playing because of FOMO. A hard reset like this would just let most finally be free.
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Someone explain to me how this new shield WORK................
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>auto select skips over Kaveh and Sara
see >>500791456
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I need Loom milkes
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I love (elf) children
isn't bennett + TF and sac sword goated here?
i love children, period
what team did you use
your favorite character fucks hilicuhrls
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if she's had her period she's no longer an children
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There are people who skipped Lumine for a literal gay twink in this very thread
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your mom is my favorite character
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Why do Fungus give two types of drops?
How do I get the one that I actually want?
Electro and Pyro changes their drops, so don't use them to get the ones you want.
Just don't use pyro or electro bro!
Probably the artifacts
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this is fucking stupid
fontaine region locked bullshit was already bullshit, but at least it was "get a bonus if you have correct fontaine" and not "get dicked if you don't have natlan"
slut opening up for hilichurl cock
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There are people who skipped the canon mc for a literal non canon mc in this very thread...
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because fuck you that's why
fungus gives 3 types of drops
affected by pyro, affected by electro or affected by neither
9 times out of 10 you want the affected by neither, so make a team with no pyro/ electro
I'm not sure if it is multiple people or if it is one person.
When /gig/ is remarkably good, /zzz/ is trash and filled with saleposts.
When /gig/ is completely trash, /zzz/ is quite good and people are actually talking about the game.

The best solution to make this board better would be to ban sale discussion on game threads and create a /gachageneral/.

The quality of discussion would improve a lot. What I see is that saleposter(s) make good posters leave and when saleposter(s) leave, the thread slow down. Without saleposter(s) we would actually have good discussion.
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>pick male MC because i am male
>expect typical power fantasy male MC shit
>turns out he's a massive jobber and a joke
i regret picking Pagther...
salesposting isnt even in the top 3 worst topics that get discussed here on the daily basis lol
it's trannies from hsr general raiding both threads on repeat while their game autos in the background
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The irony of posting that statement with Furina of all characters in the game
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Everyone that is level 70 in that picture has no artifacts and shitty weapons. If anything Kaveh should be higher since I have him on a 4* weapon because my account is cursed to drop way more claymores than any other weapon type.

there is no distinction between affected by pyro and affected by electro, both drop the same stuff
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>Without saleposter(s) we would actually have good discussion.
We have 1000 thread derailing shitpost topics.
why are troomine xissies dilating all over the thread this time? what triggered them now?
so true luminexis xhe's very strong just like us right
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I do enjoy Yuri pandering with loom
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Cowrinde daily milking sesh
Hips too wide
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>5.2 releases on my birthday
What did Mihoyo mean by this?
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wrio milks this (2 different ways)
i look like this
I love playing as loom because i’m a girl. The female characters are my friends and the male characters get added to my harem. Yup i love genshin impact.
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Don't worry. The big twist is that the sibling is made up in your head and it's actually just a schizo delusion shown by the loom of fate. At a certain point you'll be allowed to switch from either gender.
t. works at Mihoyo.
The worst poster is the saleposter. If he got permabanned, /gig/ would improve tremendously. Or at least if people made the thread completely inhospitable to him and made him give up
wrio is the one getting milked
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I did my part and gave money to Dypoli on fanbox so he can draw more Demshins
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>picked Aether
>all the girls are for (me) while he watches
Feels good.
Perfect for reproduction
Early pity double 5*, happened to me when Nahida released, lost the 50/50 though...
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Reminder: there's nothing wrong with picking Aether, he's super cute and has some really hot interactions with Tartaglia
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> E2 Nahida hyperbloom team
Should've rolled the T0@C0 feeble scholar
I hope pic is unrelated because otherwise I would ask for a refund
me too seeing loom in cutscenes just makes me feel special :3
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And cute ones with Xiao!
I don't understand why SEAgods got branded as self inserters. I'm brown and fat, how could I possibly self insert as a blonde twink?
fischl nahida kuki xingqiu is a good team for the second stage
Unless you're a mentally ill black incel who can't self-insert as a white guy, then picking Aether is probably a bad decision because seeing Aether in-game every single day will mindbreak you and cause you to spam the thread with gay and cuck shit every single day to cope over your horrible choice. And you can't even reroll because you C6ed Raiden on that account and spent 2 years farming her artifacts!
Probably because healer

This isn't HSR, you can clear with garbage teams.
this is an oddly specific obsession you have anon
I can see it
>The worst poster is the saleposter
Not really.
At best its Femerwhatever guy holding up the sales posting past banner starts/ends and sensortower, but that hate extends past sales.
We can go back to
>MC shitposting
>loli v hag posting with /pol/ on the side
Even sales are just a part of the overarching doomposter archetype, and those still work without sales (see stream numbers, shitting on the game itself due to x or pulling Ytuber and twitter screencap opinions out).
we need the hoyo boards so that all the garbage is confined to the respective threads
why do you have this saved gro
the worst poster is the kaveh x alhaitham poster that just spams gay pics all day
>Beat the triple fuckers with ArleFuri
I guess it is kind of hard
she wants a taste too
Don't flatter yourself, the moment you stop shitting up these threads is the moment I forget about your sad, miserable existence.
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/gig/ are boring these day
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nobody replied to my feather
post skin
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Why does the canon MC still make you seethe after all this time?
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Our English Genshin
Aether really mindbroke him
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This is Varka
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Lmao, no chance.
>sad, miserable existence
>says the schizo crying on 4chan
Finally, a skin where the textures aren't complete ass
thought you were my friend, sis..
they getting cucked. loom are his bitch
That's a knight hospitaller, which had headquarters in germany.
It's a german genshin.
It is the same poster who does this, who spends 16 hours a day here trying to destroy this general.
How is that even possible?
>says the retard using the same pics over and over again to force his "Aether is gay" meme
Really ironic
what a shit mod
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Yes, sad, miserable existence.
Ok coomer
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Oh hey I recognize that ai art!
Why aren't you dead yet, Ivan?
multiple gay aether images get posted here every day and I didn't post a single one
do you really think it's some psyop by some singular person you don't like
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thread be looking pretty gemmy fr
Then that's not about salesposting, it's just killing the people involved.
And even then I doubt it's one guy, more like a couple guys overlapping and doing multiple of these things.
Every other week some dox happens and a new guy gets pinned for the current brand of variety shitposting hours, so I wouldn't be shocked if it was a raid.
Who the fuck made these combat challenges for the Saberzuz festival. These are so bad and so difficult to complete with the trial characters.
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>canon MC
Every official source states there isn't one though, you're coping for having pulled a manlet in a tank top with the gay sub signal earring just because you saw him in a poster.
You choose which character becomes the main character and anyone above a room temperature IQ picked the character they liked better.
>incel making fun of another incel
This must've hit too close to home for you.
>loomxis still seething
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>Still the best Liyue hebe butt since 4 years
>nothing wrong with ai masterpiecepa
>Are oceanic same as Lizard people
>I need Loom milkes
>your favorite character fucks hilicuhrls
>/gig/ are boring these day
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Because he's a manlet homosexual that hasn't won a single fight since Liyue
there's something awaken in me when i see a supposed-to-be long haired genshin's character having her hair cut short.
Pathetically sad that nobody in Teyvat would willingly go to Neuvillette’s birthday party unless out of pity or obligation.
Now thats an odd way to project past experience onto the game
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Killing saleposting would destroy one of the best tools of thread destruction they have.
And quite frankly, saleposting is boring and we would lose nothing of value if that was contained in another thread
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[Suspicious News]
It’s a fact.
Your loom still want his dick btw
oh nonononono not sony again
I don't care about either of those things
All of that applies to loom too.
i don’t understand what this means
>Killing saleposting would destroy one of the best tools of thread destruction they have
I'm not denying that it helps, but you act as if there's a massive gap compared to half of these when these threads just get really really terrible no matter the tool.
You don't take half measures, you just do it all at once and hit the source or everything.
>used as protagonist in 99% of advertising
>used as protagonist in both anime shorts, the 4 year anniversary one and the one for the newest interlude quest
>used as protagonist in numerous character teasers e.g. Navia one that made troons dilate
>literally every other patch splash art has him featured on it
>is 100% going to be anime protagonist
>n-n-no he's not the canon MC see this one time a tranny sent a ticket to customer support and they told him both are canon that settles it
lmao troonime cope
I'm cheldtrans
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pretty nice feather
Isn't Sony the biggest distributor of anime in the West?
That said, they won't affect production, right? Sony has people who like woke trash.
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based transformer cheld
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yeah, me too. Short hair is really underrated. it's very strange cpncept to me.
Woman are supposed to have her hair long, but why short hair good?
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New xinzoruo
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>if you post Aether being cute with boys, you are a specific black incel that wants to make anons mad
the narratives here keep evolving every day to such random degrees, i love it
Do you really think people who feel good about themselves would feel the need to self-insert?
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what if they opened up a real money trade auction house where you can buy good artifacts or sell your good artifacts for real money
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By this reasoning, all the times where Xiao flirts with the Traveller and he clearly reciprocates are canon to the male MC, making him canonically homosexual you retard
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that’s mygo so nobody here cares
>offtopic xinzoruo
This would be a huge help.
Of course permabanning the one or two trolls would be the best, but if it is not possible, this would help. This would help not only /gig/ but /zzz/ as well, who got inundated with this trash.
koko trying to steal her boobs?
I would sell off everything I have since even a halfway decent set is overkill for this game's content
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>game lets you choose between qt shortstack blonde and crossdressing link
>pick the homo because "I saw his picture in an ad"
You are beyond help
they ignore Xiao entirely because he alone destroys their narrative effortlessly, but hey, let's mention Navia's trailer for the 99th time
is trans
i'm interested. post more
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…has no real friends. Nobody wants to hang out with him and if they do, it’s on because they work for him or feel bad.
neets would make 100 alt accounts to farm artifacts and sell any 50cv they get
also lyney, but they probably like that he is gay so..
>all schizos came back
holy, welcome back everyone
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transformers robots in disguise
I used food and 1 phase the mobs on day 2.
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Reminder that this is how every male loomfag thinks
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Here's her back view.
Cold neck, ig.
>I'm not picking a teenage boy because that's kinda gay, instead I'll play as a girl, that's totally straight
still can't believe autogynephiles convinced themselves this is a killer argument lol
broke you
>anti neuv schizo is now just spamming how neuv is friendless and disliked in teyvat
Low energy, sleepy terrone
Xiao is my friend. You see his interactions as flirty because you're a homosexual.
>b-but Lyney
Lyney is flirty, but not serious about it, it's only jokes.
well im glad i live in a conservative nation
we don't have gay/tranny parade infecting our youth here
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>meek, weak, and completely unable to be assertive
This perfectly describes Aether by the way
yeah bro let him suck your cock just as a joke haha
I like Neuv. He’s a Gary Stu but I like his lore and his voice. But he is a loser with no real friends.
Men are supposed to be 190cm, have a lush beard and be strong.
Not seeing any real men in /gig/
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he WON
>it's a homo because uuuhhhh... he just IS and I'm an expert on gay fashion and signals.
You project this hard while blaming "fags" for picking the male as normal people do.
Your mental illness is the only problem here.
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>yeah what a bro
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I'm 192 and relatively strong but I prefer to be clean shaven
Good thing he's not real, unlike loomfags
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I'm not a scrote or a sex pervert, I simply have zero respect for "straight" XYs playing as a gay bottom because they put so much importance on fucking adverts that they are unwilling and unable to make their own choice.
The truth of the matter is that Lumine is better for both roles.
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>playing as a girl
i bet you like taylor swift and play healers too lmao
I instantly filter any Ne*villette image regardless of the content of the post
i have lush beard, also strong because of carpentry jobs.
but i'm 170 cm, are those counts?
I like how after this post debunked the false claim that both MCs are canons, troons immediately dropped that argument and instead pivoted to "I'm attracted to Aether therefore he's gay" argument.
>xhe can't use salesshitposting
>so xhe changes the focus to try to divert attention
>friendless virgin autists discussing social cues and what they really mean
please don't, I've had my cringe fill already
The thread went to shit the last few minutes
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>taking away mobility abilities from the player to monetize high mobility characters
>doubling down on region exclusive mechanics to sell equal units who perform better only because they are from current-region and even better if they are in current-region, with top tier gear that only functions if unit is from current-region
>then introduce enemies who do character checks pretty much like Arkhe except they mean it this time
I hope you're all using Natlan to save for next region, because this shit is going to be magnified aids come Snezhnaya.
i picked aether because id destroy his bussy
Loom pussy belong to Aether btw
this post broke my cringe back
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dragvillete getting uppity today
In your dreams manlet
see >>500793410
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Should i be concerned?
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>already missed one season
After 4 years, the boredom is finally hitting me lmao its so over
No one cares about you or your life, doomposter.
>my drag queen tranny is more masculine than your faggot twink!!!
you will never be a real woman
Getting NTR by manlet, that your fetish ?
also, Aether' cock belong to Loom btw
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We're signed up bwo.
>That said, they won't affect production, right?
Correct, the production of the Genshin animay will continue unabated. And by that I mean it won't continue at all lol
I don't know. Is it calling you a nigger? Translate it, bljad.
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Tragic news everyone. One of the OG /gig/gers, Cleo has sadly departed our world due suicide. Apparently her suicide letters said the operation left too much pain and that she felt like she'll never look like Hu Tao
Aether in the middle...
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It says that Russians will only be able to play for 30 more days due laws banning foreign entertainment being put in place
I would have picked Aether even if he wasn't the canon MC because I'm a straight cisgender male and naturally prefer to play the male protagonist. It's kind of hard to take you seriously when you claim you're not a pervert when you go on expanding your elaborate sexual fantasies over the canon MC, my I'm 100% cis female friend.
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Loom is for everyone but aether
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>his mind is so broken by AIslop because that's all he can get of Aether these days that he thinks random people are him now
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Browsing through the IT emotes because I just remembered they existed and man these are so shit
Isn't this literally just one of his idle animations?
loom is handcrafted for bbc
Tell them that China is your ally.
the captain is for me
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New xinzoruo (on-topic)
/gig/ is for bbc

except me ofc
Protip: snipping off your ballsack doesn't magically make you a real girl
perfect for mualani or furina
level it bwo
How much would they charge for a threesome?
IT emotes are one of the most blatant examples of devs not giving a single flying fuck about this game anymore
reminder that in your non-canon universe where you picked loom as the protagonist and she met all these men from her harem she still begged aether to leave teyvat with her and abandon all these chumps because she only cares about aether and no one else, not even paimon LOL
Enjoying your end game content?
nice piece
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good luck
free if you have a BWC
xhe's so cute
free for churls
free if you are a shota
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I didn't need to see ads to pick literally me (white blonde prettyboy). Faggot projections aren't my problem.
>uses all those cocks for the only thing they're good for then twincest ending
holy based.
You'll care in about a year's time when your shiny toy no longer works, slopeater.
Crit! Crit! Crit!
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ take my energy ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Incredible how men must always make it about skin colour to trigger men of a different one.
/gif/ is entirely useless thanks to the modern man as everything is about cucking each other
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>not for (you)
>not for (you)
>maybe for (you)
>not for (you)
>for (you)
>not for (you)
>not for (you)
>not for (you)
Hello, I was thinking of picking this game back up because I want another gacha game to play whilst WuWa is on its downtime patches and was just wondering, does Genshin give you any anniversary rewards for your account age? I played it when it came out for around 10 days before stopping, and would rather just make a fresh account now to start over if possible and if I wouldn't be losing anything from my other account
>ugly trails
>paused idles instead of letting us have a good photo mode
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hey i'd take that
absolutely zero benefit. you're better off re-rolling. but the current banner is kind of ass. in either case try for nahida as hutao is powercrept.
>does Genshin give you any anniversary rewards for your account age?
No, you can freely make a new account
you are not white, blonde, nor pretty lol
you can brag about having a low uid with your old account
holy cute
Did you even look at the build? It's 250CV with over 2k atk.
Paimons harem
Sony are the people who put Shitloy in your game btw
Uh, based?

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