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Venue Edition
>Letter from the Producer LIVE LXXXIV (Friday, November 1, 2024 at 4:00 a.m. (PDT))

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>Moogle Treasure Trove (Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to 7.1 release)

>All Saints' Wake (October 18th to November 4th)

>Fall Guys (Wednesday, October 23, 2024 at 1:00 a.m. (PDT) to 7.1 release)

• Oct 30th, 9:00 PM EDT | Famfrit lavender Beds W15 P20 | Spooky Club: Evil Dead 2 and Legend of Sleepy Hollow >>500104584
• Oct 31st, 8:00 PM EDT / 5:00 PM PDT | Balmung, Wolf's Den Pier | Halloween Theme CC >>497934138
• Nov 1st, 6:00 AM EDT / 3:00 AM PDT | Ravana, Materia | Solution Nine, Residential Radius 9-11 (X:9.1, Y:20.8) | Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIV
• Nov 2nd, 5:30PM EDT / 9:30PM GMT | EU + NA | Cerberus, Chaos | Lavender Beds W21 P27 + Seraph, Dynamis, Mist W9 P1 | Tokusatsu Watch Party: GARO Final Episode + Movie >>500408618
• Nov 3rd, 7PM EST | Ultros, Primal Mist W20 P34 | Blue Velvet and Twin Peaks Season 2 ep 15,16 >>500187609
• Nov 9th, 8:00 PM EDT l Rafflesia, Dynamis l Ultima Thule ( 25.4 , 26.3 ) l Friendless Loser Meet

Previously: >>500792497
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Why are meetups from 4 days ago still here
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need 800 foot tall femlala wife for my femraen
Claire is so ugly lol
Because OP is a faggot. First day on 4channel?
Is Jean awake yet??
Sex with catgirls
what are you even going to do with someone 200x your size?
But this is 4chan, sir.
can you give me a response in normal people words please
Someone here sent me a picture of their cock alongside an image of my lala standing completely in peace at the LB14. Warning the other lalas.
We do not like this.
Is 4chan running slow today for anyone else?
Haha so true my friend! Here on 4chan we like to make jokes such as these, called "memes". Kek indeed!
I haven't been tributed in like 4 months and I'm getting a bit anxious.
honest to god have no idea how people can tolerate PFs or how you're supposed to even get a taste for "content" when everyone has gay cliques and you need to jump through hoops outside the game just to meet people who are just going to be retards anyway.
those aren't normal people words either
kiss her and cherish her and make food for her and sew cute clothes for her and dance in the palm of her hand and whatever she wants me to
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>"Ha ha, why is your pee-pee so small and sad?"
Damn, bro, you gonna take that?
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>clique boogeyman
I'll give you a tip: you're not part of these "cliques" because you're insufferable. They're not cliques, people just don't want you specifically around them. There are no cliques.
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Why is a phone lock screen talking to me?
no one would ever do this to my femlala so I'm safe to afk th-
u-um... on second thought... maybe I should stay in my house...
The future.
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I'm back
brother we are on the fifth or sixth "thread discord" cycle what are you fucking talking about
I will never reveal the Wu-Tang secret.
I have made new characters across 10 years and never had a problem breaking into new friend groups without involving my old ones. You may need to change your approach.
goodnight frens
>generic black catgirl with generic bitch glam 97336284772746372
Who the fuck are you??
The thread discord that's open to anyone is a clique, you heard it here first.
Biscuit moonie here! Making biscuits for all of (You)!
what the fuck...
are malera allowed in the thread discord bros...?
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Hear me out bros. I have a vision. I want us to move to dynamis. I want dynamis to be ours. People don't get it. we're a part of balmung but balmung isn't ours. /xivg/ could own dynamis. we could have entire neighborhoods of xivg. all cc matches would be xivg. it'd be all ours. we'd run that shit.
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My malera on the left.
I have a PF open on Marilith for Aloalo Island. Come join if you need the mount, or just wanna get some potsherds. I'll be going from 1 through 5. I'll do 6 and 7 solo later.
/xivg/ used to own balmung uldah and still could if you guys didn't chase after twitter tourists
meena like this for my feena? https://files.catbox.moe/0xzy0r.png
my malera on the right
I'm not tanking my threadcred by helping you lmao
Convince me to fail NNN
My 800 foot tall femlala would never go out with such a pathetic, TINY femraen. She and her other 800 foot tall femlala gf are just going to laugh down at you when you confess.

Keep dreaming, loser...
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Ready to prog FRU?
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>"With my lives nine, my soles I split!"
Trade offer:
I get catgirls bouncing in my lap
They get stuffed full of my dick
>this character is not a modbeast covered with tattoos
>they're not a special snowflake unlike me!
post your character
I miss Claire...
>posting anyway to be an asshole
nta but what's the point?
i'd help if i had the duty unlocked <3 yarr harr, lala fren. hope you're well
tell me how brother. we sit there camped up in lb14 these days. people don't know about us. balmung is just the server for the hornies now. don't et me wrong we are horny but we're more than that.
>Someone mentions cliques
>Someone always immediately gets defensive
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Do they play anything interesting in the 'cord?
absolutely not, but good luck to you and those that do!
anon it's like week 12 or something. You shouldn't struggle in M4S anymore
Yes, retard. The moment you divide a group into a smaller group for any reason you're forming a clique. You keep parroting the word clique when I explicitly complained they're gay as fuck. Alter is the closest a clique on this thread gets to not being homosexual.

You just have a mental condition Kouhai.
Fair enough. I respect your decision.

Maybe next time. When you do get it unlocked, post a PF and I'll come join. Guaranteed. :D
I know it's going to be fun for the first 2-3 phases and then miserable progging the rest
I'll message you! I have you added. :)
Huh? You put up a public PF and anyone can join it. They're not clique only.
I'm a huge fan of project zomboid. I love watching people play that.
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Thought it was the mierajeets but then I saw the op and knew where the smell came from
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sisters, is this true? are we really divided?
Just because it's open to anyone doesn't mean it's not a clique, you socially stunted manchild
Does anyone actually buy this stuff anymore? It looks like it's in a constant undercutting war.
by reclaiming the bench en masse instead of sitting hidden away in a housing ward
people used to refuse to go out the side door of the quicksand because "4chan hangs out there" and they were afraid of us
I doubt it.
It's the go-to ticket dump.
>project zomboid with /xivg/
Well, that's something I wanted to play with people before
yes a divide between people that can understand characterization and those that can't.
Jokercord won.
The other two fell off so hard Claire is actually the most based poster in that image.
Being open to anyone literally means it can't be a clique by definition. Once again, the clique boogeyman is not real. You're just unlikeable.
With how easy it is to make seals these days, not really. I've noticed sales increase toward the weekend sometimes but with how huge the supply is, it's just not worth playing this undercutting game. Let the botters crash the market.
this but unironically
hard passionate baby making sex with catgirls
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>start posing
>man, fuck this bullshit. it's too much work
>close the game
many such cases
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After 50 DNC games I just realized Honing Dance grants a shield and DR
post miqittens
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The secret of tolerating PF is not being very good. As long as you're a part of the idiots rather than someone who has to suffer their presence you'll end up having okayish time. And also the flexibility of it is just wonderful.
unironically learn how to use blender instead if you're interested in posing
ffxiv posing is a shambling corpse of an actual 3d rendering program
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Always dress appropriate for the weather, no matter how much your weapon tells you it's fine.
Looking forward to it! :D
my face is also looking and acting like that
Carries an absolute wobblewagon and is capable of addicting those who stare too long.
Having Tuliyollal's best ass, she's able to get any who stare to desire those mocha bootymounds.
Caution is advised when looking- You may become addicted, too.
most thematically boring ultimate ever released
>tfw no xiv friends to play xiv with
>tfw no xiv friends to play factorio with
>tfw no xiv friends to play zomboid with
>that tfw when no friends at all
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You retards are not worth learning blender for lmao.
Yeah honing dance gives you a bit more survivability to stay in the middle of everyone proccing your LB
>we could have entire neighborhoods of xivg
MAN imagine waking up on your house (Hipotetically) and greeting another xivgger while drinking a cup of coffee. That's like, my fantasy on every single minecraft server with friends
Small villages full of life, being able to coordinate ward designs like in JP...
But of course, not everything can be perfect
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well, yeah. you learn it for yourself, friend.
Real investors wait until new housing district day
>begging for people to join his empty pf
My moonie is Jewish coded
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Catboys would be better. Namely because I'm a catboy. Shall we?
Taking this brown lala home.
Sumi is so unbelievably cringe I swear to god
Hop in VC anon we can play zomboid right now
i am a femlala
back from lidl
sorry catboys are gross and gay
I was standing at the darksteel ore node in Coerthas and someone made a joke about me being underdressed.
Cool picture and talkative sword though.
Shabbat Shalom!
those scales look disgusting
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Will they make an orchestral version of Promises to Keep for FRU?
>open up pf
>set description to the content I want to do what strats I want and where I am in the fight
>random people I’ve never talked to in my life join and we play about 25 minutes later
How horrifying anon
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>tfw too shy to talk in vc
I guess it's over for me...
am a male midlander
watching Ohio State vs Pedo State
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Ok now what?
Thanks for confirming that you're on the spectrum and have no idea about social dynamics
yeah true
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My male midlander? Femlala owned.
what did you get me sis
Jealous incel
i dont use discord
built to take me in front of my eb who runs off crying while i get mating pressed
I’ve come to hate the word “wobble” because of gooners like this
What do these words mean
Lamitt post
my obsidian goddess let my catboy worship at your thighs
Being open to anyone is not enough to not be a clique, a discord server needs moderation from the parties within, a discord is also a completely different medium of communication from the thread itself, it's not even a good replacement for a linkshell. This idea you have that this is a non exclusive group cause you hand out invites is insanity, people here are literally talking about making alts just to join that, if that's not "not readily allow others to join them" I don't know what is.
My femlala? Sipping on some sprite and munching on queso dip
its okay we tolerate trans here we wont make fun of you
If you don't want to talk to people why do you want friends?
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my voice is too dangerously sexy to use in VC, i will never get my himcesses off my ass
They look disgusting
You an spooky boogie are the two most atrocious looking whatever the fucks at lb14
do not
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Clarinet? Are you back?
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Do not what?
Ermm based
the longest pf i've ever sat in was a dsr p5 prog for 4h or so before we filled
and in the end i cleared with pf
i'm thinking you're experiencing a skill issue
Maybe you would have more friends if you used some of the more popular tools to find them.
I want you to smash your face into the edge of a table for daring to compare Spooky to this disgusting creature
hory shit it's atomic helion
Just admit you're socially inept and there's not some grand conspiracy against the thread made by "cliques" to keep you down. You look totally insane right now. Join the discord.
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You still have time. But not much.
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>set description to the content I want to do what strats I want and where I am in the fight
>Blind prog PF up
>Takes 34 minutes to fill up
>Markers are instantly placed down
I dream about this too and I've suggested it but it's understandable why people don't want to leave their home server they've been on for a long time
>black catgirl
Time for what? Where are you going? Don't leave me again, please.
i am
a male moonie
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nobody cares msq andy who the fuck does ultimates for THEATRICAL PRESENTATION lol
may my catboy rape
SB’s au ra “thing” is just as garrish as ZN.
>bright obnoxious gold scales on a strange skintone
>porn proportions
Hard spanish accent, nothing to talk about
They're the same vein of atrocity
a maloonster forma de joker???
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It's a cringe gooner from the frencord and twitter that makes retarded pics of their disgusting modbeast twerking
I can relate. The accent tends to make people tremble without having to try.
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You have to correct the timeline.
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>we got a cunny ultimate
>this guy calls it boring
This makes me miss hinganpawg
chips and cracklings
spooky's au ra is dogshit
If you have nothing you want to talk about, why do you want friends?
i like grown women
>You look totally insane right now
Sane people do not have the need to even discuss "making alt discord accounts" to fucking talk to other sane people. Are you on crack?
morning sexy
In every different loop, I'll find you. Wait for me.
i am also
a male moonie
Catboys x femlalas
We like this
Why do you need an alt discord account? Just join on your main.
Sane people don't shill for a discord filled with annoying cunts
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My moonie is looks for people doing NNN to ruin it for them.
Please be real
I wanna make smut so bad but posing is so much work, auuughh...
Just be a mute until you work up the courage. You'll either find VCs aren't for you or slowly work towards it.
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>moocha bootymounds
olive oil and salt on a salad really is BiS
catboys are for catboys
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Yes, I am a pedophile.

Yes, most my screenshots are of underage characters.

No, I will not stop.
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Care to prove your devotion?
Go to Zalera's Drowning Wench in Limsa Lominsa and accompany us on our next adventure. You have 15 minutes.
You can't call something a clique if it's open to everyone but you personally have no intention to join. What is this mental illness?
Beautiful women are scary to my catboy, and all women are beautiful.
He is.
>turali clapcakes
>twerk addiction imminent
i'm actually laughing my ass off, do people get off to this?
average male midlander
He needs to go back to lewding his lala
Okay because you are not sentient let me explain on terms a plant can understand so I can stop thinking you are a living breathing ape.
Shade, sunlight, oxygen, water, rain, soil, heat.
ZT you forgot your trip.
All of the catgirls that I want to rape have slowly stopped going to LB14, did we get a new spot?
nta but yes, people get off on being cringe and porn addicted. I know because I briefly fell into that hole.
My straight catboy kneads fat femlala bellies
plants can't read, retard
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3rd /xivg/ Roleplaying Meetup - Character Creation
>Date & Time: -- 09/11/24 1800 BST / 1300 EST (Saturday)
>Location: -- Materia, Zurvan, Yanxia, The Dairyu Moon Gates
>Rules: Don't be rude or lewd
>Host: Domanra

Hello /xivg/! It's that time of the month again!

Time for another Roleplaying Meetup.

This time, the topic will be
>Roleplaying Etiquitte
As well as reviewing the homework from the last meetup!

As reminder; Attendees were asked to try and build a character using the methods discussed during the meet and players with already existing characters to review theirs for any blindspots they may have missed.

Please review the pastebin for the 2nd meetup for help!

As always, these meetups happen on the 2nd Saturday of every month, so don't feel bad if you can't make this one! Although we'd love to have you there.

Just like before, the content of the meetup will be posted in a patebin for those who can't make it, or those who would like to review it!

Thank you for all the votes on the poals! Your effort is greatly appreciated.

1st Meetup Content: https://pastebin.com/X6rD3Kcr
2nd Meetup Content: https://pastebin.com/e0a5fqxN
plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap
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I am an NPC, and I would like to say like that. I do not apport anything to any conversation. I do not take any influencial decisions on the state of the community. I just stay there and do my job. I'm a ghost. A shadow. A nobody. And I shall remain like that.
We LOVE this
wtf they made the crystarium in 2005
ZT's miqittens don't look that ugly
Well neither do you.
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Don't argue with the mentally ill, they're never gonna back down on <group they never wanted to join> being a clique because they're retarded socially stunted niggers. The exact same shit happened with Alter.
>posts a nigger who can't clear anything above uwu
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bro are you really calling t'kebbe ugly?
Unfortunately I am a coward, sorry. Have fun though.
Does anyone wanna join my clique
The 1.0 trailer showcases much of the same. The trailer that has the focus on leves. You can see the tavern owner is also the same guy as in ShB. It was a nice touch to finally give those generic placeholder NPCs from the trailers a formal role.
What's your WoL like?
What the fuck lmao. It looks better in a lot of ways too, except for the color and resolution
Resorting to ad hominem when you get called out for your clique doomsaying is pathetic. If you don't want to join the discord that's fine, but that doesn't make it a clique, nor will your unwillingness to be a part of any group ever make that group a clique. If you're antisocial that's your prerogative but that doesn't mean that you can lash out at other people for being normal human beings.
nta but I did DSR because the mechanics line up with the music and the orchestral BGM at the end gives me brain tinglies
Thanks for reminding me i need to make more miqitten smut. I was going a little too hard on making loli elezen and loli fiddie porn
just saw a really gay catboy in eureka
i'll never understand large /xivg/ discords
i do get making friends and whatnot, but half of you faggots on the discords don't even like each other
kong just need 7 other cheaters and he can clear bro don't you worry
my wife
That eventually happens in the small ones too.
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>nta but I did DSR because the mechanics line up with the music and the orchestral BGM at the end gives me brain tinglies
That's cool.
why is this brat clothed
i don’t remember making this post
>dooms syncing up in doth
>dragonsong lyrics that always play during the p7 transformation
absolute cinema
bro stop replying to my posts with this picture, you're gonna make me sad :(
that's almost every catboy
Bored neets have so little going on with life that they like to join discords like that so they can screenshot drama and leak shit to the thread all day
Yes, keep crying cliques. Forget that it's really the inner circle that runs these threads, not the cliques.
NTA but I joined Jokord on an alt because I try very hard not to make any enemies in the thread, and I don't want it tie to my main discord if I accidentally piss someone off. I keep any /xivg/ discords on that burner.
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I'm as real as the load I'm going to shoot inside you
It's jokerfags spamming it because they're too socially inept to not get banned in-game for their autism
Bros im really tired.
Can someone keep watch so the femlalas dont get me in my sleep?
Insane how I spelled out the issue was not forming cliques but they being gay and you're still crying about that and not addressing the homosexualism whatsoever.
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>is looks for
I'm so retarded it's unreal...
My moonie wife *smooches ur woober*
Just like the thread then.
I really did not expect that revolting looking hrothgar to be so fucking BITTER about everyone else lmao he spent the whole night honestly shit talking whoever he could like he didn't have the ugliest character there.
And yet you're still here crying about cliques.
>orchestra hits every time clones dive in p3
>the entirety of doth
>towers during p7
My catboy won't be seduced by a retarded catgirl, his NNN is safe.
DSR is thematically awesome.
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must be hard being a joyless midwit who can't fucking enjoy anything on this planet
I hope you live 130 years old just to prolong your suffering on this earth
it's okay i find your retardation to be endearing and cute
Getting contrasted by this moonie's woober
Can we go 10 posts in a row ladies and gentleman.
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how is your posing with her so good? all the poses for tall break on mine.
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Added to the blacklist
Your troonie would have more luck if she looked less revolting.
thats a 7 year old image made by emily epperson
>half of you faggots on the discords don't even like each other
And the person who hates me is miserable from seeing me happy there.
worst lalafell ebin?
>Being friends with people that actively post loli shit in the thread
please go
all me
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A shame... we wanted for your company.
Overhyped, never gonna make it, dead on arrival.
my usless and unlovable femlala understands she will die alone
Silence, you got cucked by a tranny lol.
Why was this schizo faggot allowed into the Jokercord?
didn't know you were a pedophile
didn't know you tolerated pedophiles
all of them
I would love to join you but I am preoccupied. Thank you for the offer.
My femlala played project zomboid for over 40 hours before realizing stealth doesn’t work, and you should make a dumb jock character and just slowly clear out your neighborhood by walking backwards and swinging a crowbar
desu ive never been in a xivg discord that didnt have a group of 5-10 people who act like they own the place and get extremely mad if you have fun in the discord without them or in ways they dont like
He helped me set up my bots
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I honestly don't know how you can not be a pedo when SE is putting brats like this in the game.
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Double cheeseburger side of fries side of bacon cheddar potato skins and a large sprite
Don't believe everything you see in this thread anon.
good morning thread
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I didn't know he was Dubsys. He's sent me multiple unsolicited dick pictures so I assumed it was someone who never posts his character
ye game is fundamentally broken
just go firefighter with weak stomach, thin skin and get the +10 str/fit perk. if you're smart you're never in a position to die or even get scratched,
Okay, you got some use out of him. Now kick him
You don't raid ultimates so you wouldn't get it
Can you fuck my catboy
My sunnie is going to order a Publix sub and play Harry Potter today
kong is my favorite moonie
smooch here


tourist go home
I was surprised when he sent me one and it was so fucking big
>No, you don't understand! I act like a scumbag retard 20 hours a day as a joke, you can trust me!
i didn't make it but I use an expression library mod to fix broken bones and then tweak them myself so they look right because the expression library can only fix so much and wasn't designed for the different meshes of the loli mod
Kyoppi and it's not even close.
>why was an annoying person allowed in the discord of annoying people that has multiple schizos in their fc
gee, I wonder
>it's okay for schizos to be in the 'cord because they help me
jokercord on suicide watch
Just need one more! Healer preferred but we got a confident WAR so another DPS won't hurt either.
He literally sent a message in the general channel of the 'cord just 2 miunutes ago. Fucking gaslighting bastard
Firing up project zomboid for the first time in over a year, late to join the server but I'll manage
joker loves reddit
go with all 4 DPS or you're a coward
I told you to get out of my DC faggot
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Can we please steer the thread back to the topic of miqittens and the pedos that love them?
bro you don't even need a tank for this shit
you can solo all of these on dps
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>tourist go home
>coming from the brazilian twitter gooner who only came here when val linked the thread in frencord
uh oh! the pedophile is angry! this cat touches little girls!
It's macchi posting the lolis, by the way
they dont call him long dong kong for nothing
Literally me, without any irony or sarcasm
t. catboy
It's like a law of physics at this point that ESLs and tourists always cry ESL and tourist first.
btw stealth only works if you break line of sight
you can lose hordes by walking around a corner of a house to break line of sight, crouch, stand and walk to the other corner and they lose you
works in treelines too, as long as you break line of sight and then crouch, you will lose the horde.
i usually break LOS and crouch once or twice and im scot free.
nobody calls him that
Stealth does work and a lot of the negative traits are actually kind of postiives.
Inconspicuous does usually suck but you can play stealthy without it.
I checked the channel and now 15 years later, he plays xiv.
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ignore the drama posts for a while
look at this rat for a sec
Tell him to keep doing it so the frencord retards leave
stroking my 8.5 inch bwc thinking about his faggy little hands typing the posts and uploading kitten images
Isn't it faster with 4 GNBs with Spirit Dart?
what the hell are you talking about? aloalo variant can be solo'd it's a joke
you don't need 4 people, you don't need 4 different roles.
C o n t r a s t
enjoyers in the chat?

Why would that be upsetting?
i see it
seeing people talk about zomboid so much is surreal when i stopped playing that game 10 years ago
loved seeing this fat binger lolcow fall off
this rat is deceased
i do
I guess but at the same time there's people like Kyoppi in there. I thought the two had a near life-ending beef before that got Kong kicked from the Appalcord?
thanks for admitting you touch little kids, pedophile
may i smooch
God I love getting contrasted by BWC, best part of playing a brown girl
>pedophile hours
I'll come back later
game is totaly different now but still shit with incompetent devs.
they got lightning in a bottle with b41 and then shit the bed
the quads are a sign that you may
Nice armpit!
i killed this rat the other day
I just want to the femlala WHM to a hero...
>you can solo all of these on dps
I know. But it's more fun with friends.

I refuse. Despair.

Says the guy who refuses to join my PF because he fears losing "threadcred." Begone from my sight.

I never said I needed 4. I want 4 players. It matters little and less to me what job they plau, everyone's playing what they want. I'm just here to have a good time.
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It was honestly pretty fun doing it with joker but they just immediately moved on to the next thing asap.
Chloe also plaps lalas. Go figure.
tourist go home
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>who only came here when val linked the thread in frencord

unlike you I'm not a schizo keeping tabs on whos posting what, I've been shitposting in godforsaken website for the last 16 years whenever I'm bored.
You act like a serial killer, this isn't about thread cred. You're genuinely a creepy person.
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i stayed up too long and find myself browsing eu xivg, quite grim
what makes you think i'm not in your PF right now
Never hid it, retard-kun.

Return to reddit, faggot.
How many hours? The lads don't lack for stamina but even they have a limit.
We're a nice bunch, right?
nah you're surprisingly tolerable all things considered
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>reddit spacing
>says he's not a tourist

double dose of irony here
The pedophile... It's seething...
does this suncat sleeve lowlanders?
please sign my hrothgal's titties
which one?
Why have I not been invited to the cord
odds queue for roulettes
evens queue for mahjong
Between md5 shuffling and randomizing the names of every image to make sure every single person sees your ugly black creatures I think you're pretty annoying.
Love this lil nigga
which one
most of them you have to ask or do content with them
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*countersmooches you for 2x damage*
one day you're going to get caught and pay for your crimes. you can't keep getting away with it
can i join the cord to othergame if i'm not subbed to xiv?
my thighlander looks ready to throw fists in every cutscene
lol, you really expect any ebin to have consistency? kong probably did that because he was mad at appal
Cause you're a nobody
>EU hours
>no pedo shit or lala spam
>NA hours
>lalas spam pedo shit
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Yeah sure.
Thank you sis.
Yeah but you have to stream project zomboid if you play it
jokercord is constantly being advertised. just ask for an invite.
Go back to twitter already, you annoying pedo ESL tourist FAGGOT
Do you not have friends? Why are you wanting to 'cord with these fucking losers?
maybe like two of you
ah the redditor frogposter calling others redditors, nothing new under sun I guess.

if its cute, I sleeve.
All of them
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7.1 won't make you happy
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Getting vored by this semen demon.
link is in the op
its been posted in the thread before, or you can ask king pin
are you european?
NTA but is this real? Why?
but maybe finding my Nhaama will...
>nothing new under sun
Pablo, maybe instead of touching kids you should go back to English class.
Fair enough, I've been here for the first time in EU hours for month and it's just very... slow.
Oh no, I'm caught!
>Took the PF down
That's a good little bitch.
Know your place.
yea, but my friends have jobs and lives outside of video games so they're not always available
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i will, because i'm bad
but i'll still have fun with it
no it's not real lol
Because I'm in there and I like watching it
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>nothing new under sun
esl tourists man every time
what dc are you queuing on
i will destroy my fellow face 4 in mahjong
Utter Shit
Slightly less Shit but still Shit
Or maybe it filled
Don't worry, sis, she's going to be very nice to him.
Just like his mouth with shit like good little turd sucker he is.
your making new stuff? I though that mega from ages ago was all you did.
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I just miss the days when the only pedo shit posted was just lalafell.
I don't like seeing this pedo shit made with the chidren character models.
light, but it just popped anyway
>an SK PF filling
good one
I need a list of every single femlala into femlalas so I know who to sexpest
it's over
Tranafell for my catboy
DSR and 4 hours? Lucky guy. Took me 6 hours to fill for a doth prog.
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>i only like the toddlercon, lolicon is too far for me
I am a Marui Maru femlala
Oh, you're mad MAD
do you know what the word pedo means
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My middie on the right
Someone will eventually dislike you for whatever inane reason, don't be a bitch and just join on main
but i am a n00b
Here comes Leviah for his daily MAP vocab lesson.
I'm not aware of any mega, but yeah, I've been doing stuff on and off up to now.
Who are you
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Holy moly! Nice pics, sis.
>spend hours posing, setting up preset
>saving backup poses, crashing, setting up lights
>taking multiple pictures, crashing, upscaling images, crashing
>edit and finalize photo
>maybe search up photoshop tutorials and cross ref with ref photos one last time
>post to anchor
>realize errors too late
>"lol its dogshit"
>rinse and repeat
Holy fuck I just wanted to complete the game. What new hell did I get addicted to?!
fart in spanish
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Lowlanders amd Mikittiens count as pedoshit.
My moonie is cooking some boiled eggs, she's fed up of moqueca all the damn time
I do not want to speak to any ESL individual, unless you are Dutch, then I love you and you're adorable <3
To be completely fair, my character is a legit pedophile.
my alcoholic wife
sucking this retarded esl faggot cat's cock
uh oh esl melty
had a ton of images of your highlander in suggestive poses, folder was called "implications"
my femraen says “Welcome to Uganda” before she 100-0s you on MCH
The true endgame for masochists. It's fun though if you make something you or someone else likes.
I don't mind the jokercord members except the Crimson Chin troon. Genuinely a horrible transgender NEET who needs to slit his wrists.
My femra is still seething about Dawntrail MSQ, someone take me out of my misery
>Futranny calling anyone else a tranny
My sunnie- looks and acts like this
futards can't use that word
cum at me bro
Sadly I'm really shit and lack self awareness to quit while I'm not ahead. Oh well, back to the grind. M-maybe I'll complete the MSQ next year haha...
Sorry bro, he only wants little girls to suck his cock
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Who likes the Kääsköpp?
I mean as long as you improve, no matter at which speed it's fine bro. And having fun, that's a part too of course! Show me something you made!
You are literally a tranny
It's hell but it's fun. If even one person says something nice about what I made it's worth it. If I learned something new its worth it.
Yes I can because y'all are actual trannies with autism that do nothing but try to shitpost about others for some weird ass "threadcred" bullshit you mongoloid asswipes
it was for nothng, all of it was for nothing, my femlala understands now
I threw everything into a catbox album after imgur purged porn, but I didn't upload anything to mega. Funny to know someone else did.
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Moonie feet

What a... uhh....
Ew a moonie melting
have you tried moving on
That bitch's foot flora formed a whole city
only gay futa gams like you do that althougheverbeit
>call anyone else a tranny
>when you admitted to touching kids
you aren't fooling anyone
the fact that a literal schizophrenic brazilian huemonkey who play as a futa catgirl said all this is very comedic to me
we hate this
They thankfully just stick in the MtG containment corner
What the.. I mean what the scallop?
I am having fun learning since I like learning new things for niche hobbies. It's not like anyone's putting a gun to my head obviously, but the realization hit me like a truck.
>show you
I shant, they're all poop. I might eventually when I can do one I'm proud of (slightly). Thank you though.
id kill myself if i were you
Do you guys wanna play ffxiv or are people too busy calling each other pedophiles
Third worlders really did ruin the internet.
a lack of self awareness is the xigger’s defining trait, an avatarfag doubly so
I've played enough XIV for today.
Probably better to check back next thread when they've got it out their system
i play ffxiv to pet moonies
ok I'll come back later tonight maybe, take care
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Reminder that if you're a femlala that neglect other femlalas then you should explode
there's a reason why every relationship is femlala x femlala and you should stop trying to be a unique snowflake
>but I like catboys and miera
too bad
>I like lalab*ys (KKKKKKKKKKKKKK)
too bad
they're all weird and hate you anyway
either fanta off the race or embrace your local femlala NOW
Mhm, I hope you continue to have fun bro! Hope to see something from you some day!
Yea I touched your underage ass and you're still butthurt about it so you have to call your tranny discord friends to shitpost thinking its gonna have any effect on me at all
>I threw everything into a catbox album
soooooo you gonna post it or what?
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Based. Saving this as a react image incase I find cringe.
How many moonies have you pet so far today then anon
Whoever this Anon is, he's my soul brother.
Why do trannies love being in VC all the time?
Sneaking is bad because the zomboids have an absurd tick rate on their LoS. They can pick you out in the thickest fog and rain for the same reason. Lightfooted is actually the sneaking tree as it makes you produce less sound so you can get around them if their back is turned
How long since the femlala left you?
none(tragedy) i just woke up
im moonie poster...
go nuzzle on a bbc to calm yourself down tourist
>this many people can't dislike me! no it must be a discord raid!
uh oh! melty!
I'll ask you too, how many moonies have you pet today?
One day you'll pet my eu moonie, moonie poster
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That's it, I'm going to transform into my ultimate form.
i think i will start wife posting random people in game
just sending tells like "yup, that's a wife" and not elaborating in any way
Voice practice.
sadly the good old days where you could call people the hard R are gone, long live that retard moot

I know for a fact it is a discord raid of a certain tranny circle xddd fugg
Oh I've posted. Just not exactly the best content.
Agreed! I think this is the only place where you can get really immediate responses. Even not getting a response can act as a form of critique.
>how many moonies have you pet today?
One! The best one I might add. With a cute snoot and soft ears!
what ultimate form, it looks pathetic
you know im always ready to pet your moonie... if only we knew each other during the auction meetup...
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Don't you touch underaged kids.
How jealous I am of that moonie
The next one surely
Here you go
It's not porn though, just varying levels of suggestive.
I am just a helpless miqitten wandering by herself in a dark alleyway in Ul'dah
I found it! pays to never delete my search history! you're stuff is in the implications folder
Farming dungeons for glamour gear is such a shit experience fuck this
Otis you pose this all the time though?

>It's not porn though
make another
you are actually schizophrenic if you think this is a discord raid
do you like femlalas?
Leviathan, Primal
i dont remember what dc we we hopped to, to be able to do that...
>holding hands
>fingers intertwined
Bismark, Materia.
autoduty it up
you can even set it to stop once you get the specific piece of gear you want
Lucky boys...
yeah you could say my malezen is sexually active IRL :D
Until someone melts and reports you
no fun allowed post ShB TOS changes
I will out a collar on you so others don't take you home by accident
I play like a fucking rat so my team can score free kills while everyone else is on ascooby-doo chase following me around the map.
why are they black
qrd? is it a plugin?
grim. take your meds.
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Yeah, that's what was in the imgur album. I've made quite a bit more since then.
some of my best friends are there
Continuing the asahi x yotsuyu
What country is this? I've never seen a shower like this and I've never seen it in the corner of a concrete slab floor
File deleted.
repostan from last night
nta but when I called you faggots bingers you said it was a discord raid from genshin impact and wow
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Is the H&S just there for a size comparison or does that go up your ass too?
Very cute femlala. Are you by chance a tank looking for a femlala pocket healer?
this is full on shitter cope
I want to fanta to Au Ra but my highlanders ass looks so good with the mods I have
bookmarking this
>anyone that disagrees with me is an (ebin) I don't like.
>Censored CC scoreboards being posted
I shan't be queuing for CC
sex with this femra, right now
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i went in 4th place because i got too cocky last round and got ron'd for 18k
>asahi dominant
yeah naw
im pvre aryan swede
Yeah but as a highlander everything else looks bad.
Is this another secret code I'm not aware of?
neat, thanks anon
Today is the day I finish two DT FATE zones and work on a third
Waow how nice of you. I hope it has a cute bell on it that jingles so you know when I am nearby
I know who this is just from the plate pose... Welcome back lol
No, I'm a femlala who mains healer. I'm looking for a tank wife to berate while progging ultimate with
I thought that was your irl pic ;^)
I am mid-Plat at best
Unable to git gud because I am actually retarded and live on the East Coast (Canada)
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Good meowing
Did you photoshop in the messy strands of hair? If so, what brushes do you use and do you use a stylus?
LAN, my wife
t. totally not a 30+ years old failed tranny attention whore who lives 24/7 in a garbage thread on a shitty taiwanese underwater basket weaving forum

bruh at least clean that drain before it gets clogged up and floods your room.
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>Macchi brought about the downfall of this esl pedophile
Forgive me macchers, maybe I was too harsh on you before
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How's your fitness journey going, fellas?
>Chill campaign as Gridania
>Xaela khanate appears on turn 120
what the fuck
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>see other people's femlalas
>they're super cute
>see my own
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The key new features of Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail patch 7.1:
- Jokercord
- hating “Dubsys”
- hating Uchi/Jean/other mieras
- accusing other people of being pedophiles without merit
- gawking at modbeasts from Twitter despite being a modbeast yourself

Yep, this is FFXIV and we like this. 30 million players. If you don’t like this, you’re a pedophile Filipino and transgender and you’re going on my blacklist. Yep, uh huh, my blacklist only has blacks, because you’re black, because I disagree with your opinion regarding Final Fantasy XIV. Zing! Take that, pedo.
> Ameliance
Holy based
Do melfs really?
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Nice armpit!
I like jean a lot actually.
fanta to dunesfolk sis
aiiieeeeee im going insane
>a 30+ years old failed tranny attention whore who lives 24/7 in a garbage thread on a shitty taiwanese underwater basket weaving forum
you literally just described yourself, faggot
i get this with my fiddie
neato! my thanks
>That drain
>That soap scum
>That dirt and crud on the door track
I see it
i guess whoever posted this is a miera since literally no one else cares
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>"no u" response
You lost!
average gigachad malezen
just finished to lolis and miqittens about to go again for a second round
>wake up
>get to watch a 3rd world porn addict in his mom's favela that can't go 30 minutes without jerking off call other people losers
Man this is already a comedy filled day
im not clicking on that
grapecat post your lowlander please
well, im waiting
I've been told I'm ugly by a lot of people, don't let them drag you down and you'll be fine. I do, however, get the urges to fanta away sometimes................................................................................
UGLY ass cock and bawls
see what? I see nothing...

yeah sure buddy, go suck off your tranny gf off for that genius retort.
to moonie? also ur lala is cute
>32GBs of Raen porn
WE DON’T LIKE YOU. GOT IT?? Look, we have certain purity standards. And you’ve just been convicted of being Brazilian. That is NOT okay. We don’t like that shit. Got it, pal? You’re not in the ‘cord, you don’t hate Jean, and most importantly, you wouldn’t rape femlalas. So what’s the fucking point of (You)? You’re non-compliant. And if you don’t want to comply with our consensus on the ‘cord, then why are you here?? Just do what you’re fucking told to man, it’s not that hard. Just follow orders dude.
i think im gonna play osrs today
God I wish this was me
Why are futrannies like this?
builded to bully my catboy
Maybe don't throw stones when you live in a glass house, retard. Oh, I'm sorry. You're an esl and are not going to understand what that means.
Is this Joy Sazu's alt
but you do that every day...
>futatranny still seething
what's the grind today sis
>click expecting femras
>it's a filled with gay male raen porn
Just because english isn't my first language doesn't mean I don't know what it mean when you say throwing two stones at a bird you failed tranny
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how do people even find this remotely attractive?
its so true, the stance is such a limiter. If they changed thighlanders default stances to any other one they would be S+ tier
i want to make a lowlander now
Hellp TransFaggots. What's the latest thread drama, ebinism update or cockwatch status?
need a grown ass man playing a female character to help me cum this morning
>I know you are, but what am I?
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Who's Jean and why should I hate this person? also I totally would rape a cute femlala and I FUCKING HATE order followers. They're the biggest scum in existence.

*rapes u*
I would fanta to a female character for a futa EB
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Malezen stocks will never recover from this...
This sentence reads like something Shoro would write
crippling porn addiction
Do you like femlalas desuuuuuuu??
this meltdown you've been having has really made my day better. insane to see how much you seethed over being called a tourist pedophile. i hope they dont cut off the power to your shithole favela.
No, I have a bigger shower
This sentenced reads like wroted to be builded by my maleroe
This is a cute lal, the viera ears are a nice touch
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true... why stop now

im not really sure i was doing some slayer last night, might continue that but i probably should be doing more quests
i just really REALLY hate MEP2
this boy is circumcised
We hate Jean because he’s the most non-compliant ebin in this whole thread. He speaks when not spoken to, he has a modicum of personality, and most importantly, he doesn’t hate all the usual shit that we also hate. We do not tolerate non-compliance. This isn’t some casual fucking imageboard thread for discussing a video game. This is serious fucking business. And if you’re not with the program, then fuck off.
I've got a porn addiction but I feel nothing but revolted just looking at this.
>has been posting on cooldown for the past 2 hours
>this doesn't affect me!
Keep posting through it buddy
Of course! Wouldn't want anyone to be surprised by a miqitten coming their way.
Is she though? It's like impossible to make an ugly femlala
Yeah, that is the only bigger thing you have.
I have never noticed the green and pink dude in the background, literally distractingly good looking
computer, show me lalaboy earfucking
Try making this post again but in English please!
Only the nonnyposting femlalas
i'm not doing that
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It's that time again, sirs. Anybody want something crafted up for them? It's free for /xivg/!
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>the poop on the dildos
>can't even write a proper Shoro sentence
It might be over for you, ESL-kun
My femlala doesn't wear the donut earring anymore because of people sending her weird and perverted /tells
computer, OBEY ME
Wait, have you guys contacted the moderators about this? I thought that Brazilians were allowed here? And isn’t racism against the rules? Has there been a change in the 20 years I’ve been here? Look, I love raping lalafells, and I would totally rape Schezuan Complex and all that shit. But isn’t this a little too far? I don’t think we should be racist.
Dare I start to make solo lewd images to put in catboxes? I need something to kickstart making images again.
can i have some manor housing items?
my femra on the bottom
>I don't know what it mean when you say throwing two stones at a bird
The saying is "Hitting two birds with one stone" you illiterate third-world ape.
If you hit two Birds with one stone, it means you did twice as much with half the effort it would normally take. Hitting a bird with two stones implies the exact opposite.
Nah, 99% of lewds are boring
The mods are gone. Mods haven't checked xivg in months. People started breaking the rules because of this. Thats why so many people don't talk about ffxiv anymore here and talk about their raceplay fetishes and random off topic bullshit.
Depends on what you are. I say that, since I am only interested in certain looks and not your gposing desire
i really want to take gpose requests so i can learn more without making my character the center of attention every time
schizos would probably submit me other people's characters and i dont wanna be involved in drama
It's always the esl anons trying to blame others for being esl. You don't even understand the phrase.
what was that one mgp farming plugin
I am
A gay maleroe
I'll get right on it and make some of each item unless there's some you're not interested in. Is there a specific amount you'd need for any of them?
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I love feet
i'll risk it
post you're gay maleroe
wait no nevermind, i realized i need too many of them
Being a gposer at a venue has helped me a lot with that. Requests aren't usually too wild and I get to work with characters I wouldn't otherwise..
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hey uh hey wait
i forgot what i was gonna say
wait don't go i just logged in
gimme a sec pls
bro, that's just contrast
Ser I may be a Leaf, but English is my Mother Tongue and something I studied extensively in School.
Language in general is incredibly easy once you learn the Grammatical patterns and nuances to the language.
Some of you are just genuinely awful individuals.
How are you posing at venues it takes me like 6 hours to be satisfied with anything I make.
Is there an official list of things we’re supposed to hate? I already hate Jean and Brazilians. I just want to be in compliance with /xivg/.
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What kind of risk are we talking about here
doesnt sound like my sort of scene unfortunately
At least we aren't lalafells.
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>afk botnigger plugins continue being developed
>at one point there will be nothing but botting niggers playing the game
Ah... so we're reaching THAT phase now, huh...
*rapes u back*
don't worry about it
sorry bro, leveling and gearing is dogshit
i'll let my bot do that while i play a game i actually like :)
Xiv am become Osrs
You don't have to gpose an entire comic each time. Most people are fine with 1-2 single shots
oh no...!?
i wish i could take this to heart, but i keep making 4-8 panel poses EVERY FUCKING TIME
Not everyone is like you, Kong. Virtually no one uses cheating plugins, and if they do, they’re just Brazilians or Filipinos. Plugins are literally a non-issue and everyone here agrees with that.
Imagine how comfy it'd be to huddle around a firepit there....
it is the natural end stage of all mmos, its a miracle that ffxiv survived this long without widespread botting.

oh yes
You can't fool me, that's DS3's Anor Londo.
What happens is I sorta make a rough draft depending on what the person wants, but the customer is usually fine with that rough draft and wants to stop and pay me right there.

You could also host a PF offering, otherwise I'm not sure how you'd get people offering you their characters.
stop posting this ugly cat
I know, because I am you.
pickle chips?
I don't mind if there's a lot of them I'd have to craft! Can't be that bad, and if it is I can still make a dent in it to help out.
Any tips or tricks you've learned?
what if I refuse?

I hate Jean now and have always hated brazilians, am I cool?
Use golems, that's what I do
I'm still watching the League world final and still have no idea what's going on. Why were chat and the audience losing their mind over this Faker guy
leveling is really fucking easy to do you guys are just very retarded and physically cannot stop yourselves from AFK
they pretty good
i already do...
My moonie is drinking again
no shit it's easy
it's boring as fuck and takes way too much time for the pay off
i'm going to bot my jobs to 100 so i can spend 15 minutes looking at its rotation and opener and play it in actual content like an ult or savage
Dang. Not much else to do then if you're afraid of the schizodrama...
*poisons your drink*
East coast ping is not an excuse.
Don't drink too much! You'll get out of hand
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Why are you shit eaters still subscribed to this dead piece of shit?
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>yeah I'm gonna use a bot to skip the gamplay.
>So I can bot the raid
maybe ill just ask any followers on socials. but i know /xivg/ would have more fun ideas than them...
my femlala will be drinking as well
>blaming ping
Judas got top 100 on eu while playing from California
Hail good sir, would you be so kind to share the source for this fine doujin?
*fucking dies*
Drinking more now :3
Hell yeah you little goblin
Calm down Ursula
sex sex sex
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he's californian? lmao
Yeah he's a San Fran queer
builded for my catboy
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>it's boring as fuck and takes way too much time
It takes two months of doing roulettes (skipping Main Sceario) what a fucking nightmare.
And you will not use those jobs, you're like a dumbass saying if you took steroids you could run a marathon without training. You're not willing to get off your ass around a block and you think you would just get up and run? Get real.
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My meena falling for every slut he sees
Someone should make this with the pajeet miera
welcome to your average sub 100 IQ "gamer", they somehow think they """deserve""" to have the achievements and that the cheats are only helping them get what already belongs to them, same shit as the eloboosters and cheaters in competitive games.


damn why is 4chan so fucking annoying with the "anti-spam" system now
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my miera is like this
I don't know about that one chief.
i've got dill pickle flavored chips
miera players be like
>spend an hour+ on queue times alone for dps roulettes every day to reach max level in 2 months
>or spend 3 days with my computer on while im asleep
hard choice :^)
my catboy is more like Oner though, a Poppy main
my sunnie only plays dota because league is for literal children
my lalaboy is making steak burritos
there is more than enough to go around
It is when you are using internet that might as well be an LTE cellphone connection. I fucking love seeing people Zipping through fucking walls and clipping my GCD anytime I try to double weave. The middle of bumfuck nowhere in California will have faster speeds than just about anywhere in Canada that isn't Toronto.
imagine clearing UCoB using a drawing tablet
Why are YOU so annoying now is the question. Having a manic day or what?
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My sexy daughterwife
My miera does this too but now I just play Deadlock
This may be cheeky but I don't suppose I could have a suit of Fending with a Gunblade?
is pshene a loli or a young woman
i need to know because i don't like lolis
I wish sphene had huge tits
alright i got my naked lalafel mod, now i gotta ask, where can i find the lewd clothing lalafell mods
So do people not realize that leveling/MSQ is apart of the gameplay and fun or are they so end game brain rotted that they need to SKIP the massive chunk of the game so they can play simon says>
There are people from the other side of the planet who make /xivg/ queuers piss and shit their pants. You're coping my slime.
deadlock is one of the most fun games i've played in recent months, but icefrog making it is pretty much a guarantee that it will be a fotm OP abuse game where if you care about winning at all you have to be a metaslave to the current patch
My catboy is logging in
do you like deadlock
same place usually
my lalaboy hasnt opened dota since 2014
lala sekrit clubs. people dont usually host lewd lala mods on their websites and when they are up they get taken down
her image is of her princess self when she was pretty young
I already told you nyagga, I'm a bored motherfucker on vacation with nothing better to do other than jack off and I've already jacked off multiple times today. Maybe you should stop being such a sensitive tranny threadcred chaser for a second.
>you should be happy to run Sastasha and the same 3 MSQ instances where you can't use most of your job's kit every day for months
Why are you like this
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its over for you
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the only good moba was heroes of the storm
>Playing ASSFAGGOTS at all
Did you hear her talk? She has the voice of a 30 year old woman.
>Playing the game is le bad
busting on asukas flat hebe chest
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lmao. it's fucking over
league is even worse than dota for this lol
You spelled Heroes of Newerth wrong bwo. I liked Hots too though
not in jp dub
>playing a dead second life clone
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Not cheeky at all, I've made plenty of those sets already. Where would you like me to drop it off after I finish crafting it?
HotS was shite it's all about SMITE.
Sastasha isn't that different to reclears tbhdesu
Was that the one where Tyrande gets plowed by worgen
If it's not then you're wrong
Theres nothing for my femlala here or anywhere but i have nowhere else to go so i will stay here
>queue times
You had your chance to level up when everyone else was leveling up, not my fault you're a lazybones and a loner on a MMO.
>or spend 3 days with my computer on while im asleep
I ran into people botting Aglaia a total of 25 times while leveling.
I got them all kicked out of my parties repeatedly, four of them mysteriously still have a few jobs left to level and haven't job changed from their level 92 characters in months (Because I was also reporting them) but you do you anon
Deadlock is ass and I'd rather play dota since they're essentially the same game but I already know how to play dota.
are you My Friend
The eyes and mouth kind of ruin it for me when I love everything else.
lalafells have deep voices and they are still toddlers. It doesn't mean anything.
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You are very good looking
She has the character of a cornflakes mascot.
i got them from... here
that's the problem, ive even tried sites like all the fallen, pain in the ass finding mods for canonically adult characters!
i do always forget that game existed
it was simply too hard for everyone so it never got off the ground. was cool to play back then though coming off of the original dota

smite is like the worst aspects of every moba rolled into one, the characters were cool tho and i liked the arena mode
>thinking im botting anything other than trusts
for me it was dawngate
Zurvan, New Gridania Aetheryte!
>smite is like the worst aspects of every moba rolled into one
Pure garbage just the way I like it. I am a XIV player after all.
just join the archive
oh it's not you
It's over..
u gotta join the lalafell modding discord and dm Moonie for nsfw access to the website
requires sending a screenshot of your lala naked to them and sometimes a small payment is required
Alrighty, I'll try to finish this up asap so you don't have to wait too long.
Popezen posed these right? Good stuff.
i seriously hope you mean the original wc mod otherwise you're a fag
I would fuck loli sphene
>forced to send literal child porn to access the lewd lalafell mods.
I'll hard pass.
Hiiii do you like femra?

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