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Anime Fighting Games General /afgg/

Welcome to the Anime Fighting Games General!
Here we play, learn, and discuss Anime Fighting Games.
If you're a fan of Arcsys, Team Arcana or Eighting, you've come to the right place!
Please keep drama, game wars, early threads, and interpersonal drama out!

Various game info, beginner friendly: https://pastebin.com/yT5CpLgr

Additional Resources:
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Doing my dailies
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Boxer vs Claw
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afgg and fgg finally merged?
what a glorious day
Isn't it so? Hallelujah.
Life as a Manon is so hard, even harder when you are drunk
what makes you say that?
Drunk Manon vs Master+ Guile sobers me up too much. Also I'm trying to figure out the Terry MU.
I found markp in /fit/ again
And it's time to sleep.
Manon needs a drink to buff herself? That what's her medal system feels like.....
no punish
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I rule the air
Do you run into ragequitters a lot?
I like her new design... in 2d
Playing v sav and I can't get QB's "FS" special to work at all. Its just 623k according to wiki.
Every other similar special works no issue.
Very confusing.
That move is Guard Cancel only. It can only be done when you're guarding.
god this game is ugly
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Like this.
already going to hell for having tattoos
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Is this /fgg/ or is it /afgg/?
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/afgg/ hours?
People will look you in the face and say this game is abc ab ab air throw.
Yeah because it is.
t. FAoko player
But anon you can't end your f-aoko combos with airthrow if you want oki! You need to end with super!
If nobody else makes it, I'll make a new one when Silent puts up his SamSho tournament.
The beauty of a game with a more relaxed combo system is you can play almost however you want (though there are optimal ways to play the characters).
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Oh, I didn't even read the OP post. Just the subject title. Well then... Patiently waiting for the tournament link ITT.
Is this optimal?
15 hits for near 6K? Looks optimal to me.
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Another nitroplus tournament
I'm only going to use Ethica this week
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we are here!

this is anime faggot games general!
Bullet looks like that?
How's Idol Showdown doing these days?
What's the problem?
Oh that sucks, she barely has any normal special moves then
No problem!
But I think the idea of the character is that you go for high/lows and use her normals for that, rather than relying on her specials. But I haven't played Bee in a long time, so I could be wrong.
Love bullet
SNK makes good games
Which one is your favorite?
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I'm in grand finals
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I won. I might actually start using Ethica as my secondary now instead of Sonico.
She's closer to a character like Mika than Lowain, who I would liken Sonic to.
Apparently SF5 added more DLC chars after I last played even though they said my version was the finished version.
Of the final 5 chars, which 2 should I buy with fight money?
So does that mean she has strong 50/50 oki?
Luke is the best one by far
But people say Dan and Oro are pretty fun to play.
She does. Both of her meterless command throws give good okizeme. And she can combo into one of them. However, I feel like her best throw, the level 1 super Orgy of the Dead, has a bit of a flaw since it sends the opponent flying in the air and resets to neutral. I get that it's intentional, but I have to be careful with it, as smart opponents will then be able to mount an offense since they're way above her and she can't really do anything.
In fact, unlike Mika, she can do a hop into a high/low as well as basic strike/throw and instantly corner you with some routes as well.

I'm not so good with keeping the opponent in the corner with the crossup 623B input, but it's definitely doable in theory and I've seen others do it. But I'll need to learn more about her later.
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I didn't even know they still did Dueling the KOF
And it's up for KOFXI
Still thinking about the time punk molested copetashi in the strive ft10.
I'm awake! I'm awake!!
Why the FGC accepts scuffed games and environment. Most PC e-sports are played on the most optimal settings.
>Everything about unmodded Smash Bros
>Laggy consoles running tournaments
>lag caused by adapters because consoles are stingy with non oem controls
And they play for real world money.
Voiced complaints don't make a difference except at huge events and even barely. Fact of the matter is sponsored events use official merch and TOs are not gonna dip out of free sponsor merch to save on money.
>8 players for Nitroplus
That's pretty good honestly
UNI confuses me so much when I see it. The combos are so long but it seems like it takes forever to actually kill.
Only when I'm at 5 medals lol also I have high levels of oki and noticing patterns while not having a pattern of my own. Well until I run into legit offline players who pop adderal while using their hitbox
Damage was higher at base version UNI2 but updates nerfed the damage abit again. I think they want there to be enough time for the mechanics to make a difference in the matches (in particular GRD battles going on while you're playing down in the middle of the stream).
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I like a lot of the ideas in Under Night, but the combos make me never want to actually play it.
This but the opposite.
The idea of Uni just feels like "Blazblue at home", the artstyle is fucking disgusing (eyes so big they look weird even by anime standards), it only has 1 grappler and he's completely unappealing (fuck even is he? A gay mans fantasy?), it uses the "do whatever lol" Melty combo system and as a result, combos are 15 years long and eventually hits do like 0.00000001% damage but people just keep going
no way a blaztrooner is chatting about artstyle lmfao
I agree
I like Samurai Shodown a lot.
>Trying streets 5
>Pick Ryu
>V trigger 1
>Move menu: Press v trigger button to do v trigger one lol
>V trigger 2
Move menu: Press v trigger button to do v trigger 2 lol
>Its like this for every character and for all v mechanics
>No idea what half this shit fucking does, they just strike poses or glow half the time
>Have to alt tab out and google it
No wonder this shit died
Sticking to Six
jive filtering vappa posthumously
A lot of it comes down to money. They get paid by Sony to do things on PS5.
If steam gave them a deal on steam decks, they'd use those.
At this point, they'd take a nintendo deal and then every game would be played on Switch.
As for why Smash is run that way, they know how strict nintendo is and they would seriously shut down tournaments if they used mods and emulators in a tournament.
Are there any overhaul mods for fighting games that support netplay?
I think that SF4 one does
I actually prefer shorter combos
Anybody else happy seeing the anime fighter genre die?
more relieved than happy. light a great calamity being brought to an end
But this is the containment zone to keep the bad guys away from the good guys, so it's probably best that it stays alive.
Otherwise, it would be like a bunch of malicious prisoners escaping into polite country.
Bad guys and Good guys? watchutalkin'bout Willis?
belligerent insurgents from afgg
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we're getting a hxh fighting game and its some ugly dogshit tag masher lol. hate eighting so fucking much bros
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Given how Eighting's last 1v1 game went, I honestly can't imagine a tag fighter being worse than it.
oh yeah, I've seen guys like that before a lot in sfv
I miss character specific stages
Are there a lot of overhaul mods to begin with? All I can think of are the GGXrd and GBVS ones
I should play kofxv again
its bad at explaining it yes but i could not imagine that being the reason to stick to 6 (the worse game)
the bad guys that post here and would easily sodomize ggg with their malicious behaviour
I need to actually practice for once
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Which fighting game line is burned into your mind?
My favorite is
"COME CLOSER" - Subzero, brother to Cyrax
Pic related, it's Rain
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KATANARMA because I used to play UMVC3
Is it true that this game has dedicated ranked and lobby nights respectively? Asking for a friend.
Here's my Sunday best! Proton Cannon!! - War Machine
who should I pick up in BBCF if I play Order Sol and Strive Sin?
If you like gorillas, might want to try out Mai.
Alternatively, Susanoo or maybe even Azrael.
Depends on what you like about HOS and Sin.
How viable is Jubei in CF?
susanoo for the order sol aspect, mai for sin
apparently hes a low tier, but in the context of centralfiction that doesnt really mean much
ok who's the most fun / most swag combos in CF?
Azrael combos look pretty cool.
sf6, strive or gbvs?
I don't have suicide
GBVS is what I would choose.
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Did SF series need another french grappler?

Capcom needs to hire 3d modellers that can get the 3d character designs better. 3d stages take up so much more work than the 2d sprite stages of all; I can see why it isn't done as much.
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Capcom vs SNK 2 is anime?
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Dolly Parton describing Annie Lennox as Jolene is perfect
Nine because you have to remember patterns
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Hazama is swag incarnate
Is Noel really bottom tier?
I've barely fought any m but she doesn't seem too good
Shouldn’t the character overviews in the tutorial mode explain what each V-Trigger does or have they seriously never updated said tutorials to explain what each V-Trigger does what
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I love Sethanie <3
It was my first fighting game since KI and I was so lost it’s ridiculous.
Both SFV and SF6 are dog shit and if you play either of them you should be deeply ashamed of yourself.
vappa seal of approval
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what's going on here?
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insane hours
Considering what the rest of the cast is capable of maybe.
Wake up!
susanoo (not biased)
what keeps you still playing bbcf?
How is it that Skullgirls gets shit on and labeled problematic sexist Epstein Diddy ahh media for at most sexualizing 2 teenagers when Tekken’s been doing that shit since T5 DR and everyone loves them for that
Tekken's fanbase is normal people
Skullgirls' fanbase is terminally online millennials
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>Tekken's fanbase is normal people
Compared to skullgirls? Yes!
It's like soccer vs..... women's golf
Since ASW decided to stop making fun games after Rev2 there's only so many games to pick from if you want airdashers with rollback
cute girls
Harada was more ambiguous on ages
I will win no matter what as long as I land a single knockdown
what character am I?
Spotted markP once again in /fit/
any given XRD character
I love my gimmicks
Has there even been a crossover licensed game that was NOT tag?
Is Naoto BBCF good?
Yes, but requires good execution to get the most out of him
Do I post about SF here? Haven't been here since the general split and I'm confused as to why both generals talk about Street Fighter.
We have SF players here. It's so popular, it transcended communities.
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Thinking about DOA again....

Also Tokido won some super premiere I think? I'm glad finally some big names are showin gup. Im so far away from the FGC pro scene since SF6, not even sure why
Yeah, he won the Capcom thing in Japan
This bracket actually looks solid, a lot of familiar names. That's how it should be.

Probably only because it was in Japan I guess.
is infiltration still banished
what happened to sillu?
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real talk

do we have a modern equivalent of infiltration? in any game?
new emezie just dropped
is he spittin?
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Do people really hate fighting shotos that much? I feel like their simplicity is what makes them complex, as you have to get more creative with their limited tools
>top tier sim
id rather not deal with that shit.
Are Guilty Gear, BlazBlue, Skullgirls and Arcana Heart the only fighting games that feature a playable shoto where the protagonist isn't a shoto?
Morning fellas
You don't count Heart as a shoto? If not, then there are a lot more, like KOF having Kyo as the main character, then Ryo is the shoto.
is there any way to assign the pgup/pgdn block of keys for keybinds in Blazblue Centralfiction
I think you would need to use a program like autohotkey and manually swap out some of them.
I've done that before for a few games, but never tried it in CF specifically, but it should work.
Tekken 7 has Akuma :^)
What would you want from a Blazblue x Guilty Gear game?
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Do fighting games need hit sparks to be appealing to casuals?
>splitting it up
bro the community is fucking dead, yall should merge into one thread
i would argue that they're good for both casuals and serious players, as they make it easier to track things like counter hits
KoF '98 probably, UMFE specifically. My fondest memories are probably with RBFF2. I also really enjoyed NGBC and MI2 when they were new.
vF Gawds, we won.
This would be hard to balance, but I want something like melty's moons or CVS2 grooves where you can choose what the character fights like

Strive-Ism - Short combos, high damage, but fewer defensive options
Xrd-ism - Stronger knockdowns, access to YRCs, but clashes trigger danger time (that would probably be busted, though)
XX-Ism - access to FRCs and impossible dust.

Tag-Ism - Build up a Resonance Gauge for more powerful attacks, but no rapid cancel
CF-Ism - Rapid cancel, overdrive, exceed excel
Calamity-Ism - Shorter combos that do way more damage per hit, but have to deal with Guard Libra
Tag-Ism -
Why does the OP say /fgg/ but claim to be the 'anime fighting game general'?
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Is Homura still the undisputed top tier in nitroplus?
likely a typo
That's the consensus, but for some reason, I see way less Homura than Sonico still. Who is supposed to number 2.
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the big vf news was real

just pray a new vf doesn't match this gag video
What will a new VF even do? How are they going iterate on what VF5 did? Some new mechanic? Or will it just be a new stage and character pack?
I've been meaning to. Even with COTW coming out, it's still the current KOF.
Games without them tend to not grab their eye, from what I've seen.
I think this is why a lot of games have that screen shake effect now, too
dumed down the throw system
dumbed down the realistic graphics and added hitsparks

realistically its going to be some focus/autofootsie shit
I just hope they don't throw meter in there...
put in sonic and shadow as guest characters
Sega went 101% woke.
I don't care.
I think they played their hand way too hard with Hyenas and will hold back in the future. But perhaps I'm too optimistic.
I may be in the minority here, but I like VF5's throw system a bit more than VF4's after playing both for a while.
Don't get me wrong, as making a good read with MTE was very satisfying, but I just like the more immediate nature of defense in 5 all being based on one read.
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Cherry blossoms scatter, the wind howls and blood flows. I humbly ask I humbly ask, your attendance at this tournament is paramount! Anon Arena on November the 16th will be hosting a Samurai Shodown 2019 PC tournament! Sign up in the link below and I will see you all there!


If you have any questions feel free to ask!
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Do you still play Yoshitora?
Yeah. He's so fucking cool man.
so whos going to be my training partner in my quest to learn this game in the span of ten days
I got some time right now if you wanna play.
installing the game right now
Alight. Let me know when you're ready.
its done
my controls are fucked up a bit, my joystick has been weird lately hang on
No worries. Room is still up.
Gotta get going for now. Girlfriend got home.
goddamn it and i just got everything fixed
These dp rdp cancels really require precise execution, but if you do f qcf release then the rdp, it's a lot easier.
the various execution shortcuts in KOF always made me feel like I was cheating the system, but I couldn't stop doing it since I wanted to win
Seems practically requisite in a game like XIII tho. Wild thinking back that it's the kind of game it was, when it was. SF4 and Blazblue roll around simplified significantly from its predecessors then here this game comes like something from a decade earlier.
Haven't played smurai shodown in years
time to dust off cham cham
I remember wanting them to add iroha, but then I never picked it up when they did...
This game is so cool but SNK making it 40gb install is abit insane (at least it's not old BBCF 52gb in size).
Not really a phrase, but I used to play Tekken a lot, so now I hear DORYA in my sleep sometimes, even.
good mornin
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Hey everyone? Uh.. wake up?
srry all my fave games are dead as fuck so i just come here for nostalgia
I'm tired
*joins the chat*
>no P5Arena
>0verflow universe ends with him being unable to impregnate any of his daughters/granddaughters/greatgrandaughters/etc
His dad will forever be a much bigger chad than he is.
I'm actually surprised by that one
wasn't p4a a big deal and sold well?
did they ban all our resident bots or what?
they got shut down and banned
>shut down
now that you say it, this reminds me the election is over…
mornin' gamers
... where's it morning?
How will Project 2025 effect fighting games as a whole
strive retcon
Your "absolute realism", sir
this is just how people fight in china
southeast asia
Unironically the best and purest neutral in fighting games.
If you're blind to better games
who's the easiest samurai shodown character?

take a look at this, take some time in the lab or ask in here for games and see who you like
Is that recorded on Mednafen?
Flycast Fightcade 2
Oh cool.
Thank you
sometimes, especially in a game like samsho, its not about who's difficult and who isnt
It's funny that you say that, as a lot of the older SNK players said they first thought KOFXIII was simpler because characters had an autorun now. That is, compared to having to max and then run like in kof2002
So that's what that is? I was wondering if I was screwing something up in KOFXV when activating Max Mode mid-combo.
In older KOF games like 2002UM, there was a flow to combos where you activate max mode, then do like a microdash/ruin after, then finish the combo.
But in the more recent KOFs like XIII, XIV, and XV, QuickMax just gives you an automatic run that places you where you need to be.
Since it doesn't exist, it won't
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Let's get it.
What's the most popular VF for netplay?
the latest release on playstation
None. Play a better game.
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Raven, my love.
5 by a wide margin still.
You can even play it on RPCS3 now with netplay.
4 and 3 are on Fightcade, but not nearly as big.
2 is playable on RPCS3, too, but I generally don't hear people talking about it.
>Fundamental, with rushdown
>Rushdown but grab
....what in the world is downrush?
Now we just need Starfire
Damage is super high in that game, so even though characters are listed as rushdown, people are too afraid to go in half of the time and have to turtle
@EU guilty gear i found markp again today
does EU even post on here anymore?
Not enough traffic for them to regularly post here. They do bump /fgg/ and troll other fg generals though
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Anyone here NA west play granblue rising? I'd like to have friends.
Waiting for El Raton to go on sale before picking up the game again. Hopefully you find someone to play with though anon
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Fuentes definitely at least has heard of chaos code
tenryo spreading the faith
Presumably a few keep this place alive through the night.
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not sure
they must have run out of money halfway through, because they never mentioned EXA for it until like this year
Quiet day, huh?
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I still can't believe they removed throwing burst from Strive
I guess they wanted it to be more of a true reset to neutral.
Actually, is there any way to circument burs tin Strive? Is it just like BBCF where you can still bait it in the air at least?
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COTW waiting room.
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you can still block it, although they made it fullscreen in an update because of HC doing gun combos from the other side of the stage so it will never whiff any more
I don't think there's many ways to do auto burst bait routes or OS against it any more but you can still just RRC and block
also wild assault locks out/steals burst like blitz so it's actually easier to do full unburstable combos than ever, you just do basically anything with wild assault into a wallstick and break with a super and they're just not allowed to burst the whole time.
I'm kind of excited for it, but I also am worried about how the Rev thing will work in real matches.
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Guile's upsidedown kick should have been his grounded overhead move. XD
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Street Fighter V had no character with V-ism or any reference to SF2V tv series. What a joke.
Rose had V-ism....
Your body, my choice. Forever.
Now that the dust has settled, why was the supercombo for SF5 so fucking soulless?
Every other game is
>Generic info
>Actual description of how good or bad this move is and how important it is to their kit, what it combos into, when you should use it, etc

But 5 is near univerally just
>that's it lol
Compare it to 6 for example
You can read the passion
Was 5 just that fucking boring no one cared?
Capcom games have always had godawful wikis
SF6 is improving since they're just copying dustloop/mizuumi now
love iroha
That was back from the era where Capcom wikis were largely unkempt. They had everything on discord in google docs instead
SF4's wiki is even more barebones
Too many patches that significantly changed the gameplay for that game every year IMO. Outside of v-trigger and v-skill everything else would constantly be changing and you'd have new meta every season.
Wasted their 'passion' on the shittiest game in the series
Makes me think they weren't actually passionate and just paid to write this shit by Capcom because of their big esports push
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Time to learn Iroha
Have fun. She seemed relatively straightforward the last time I tried her out.
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Good morning, everyone.
There was that leak a while back claiming it would be made for modern esports, so I'm expecting it to have some kind of Heat mechanic like Tekken
I'm busy with stuff for the newt few days
I can't think of a fighting game without hitsparks....
Are there any other games like Battle Arena Toshinden on PSX?
>he respected ze od?
>send in ze unblockable.
In what sense?
Why is it always Susanoo? Every time I go online for at least an hour, I have to fight him.
Yeah i can only stomach like 5 or 6 games of susan it gets old real quick.
ok I'm trying BlazBlue for the first time and the layout type a and b confuse me. What are the advantages
Type A is more like GG and B more like Frenchbread/rest of anime games.
why is Samsho so unpopular?
too much neutral

I think both control types are pretty similar, honestly. And you can set the buttons however you want on the home version anyway.
I don't recall A+D being used for anything, so I don't believe it makes much of a difference.
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Visual style. I managed to find one called Evil Zone.
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I can't wait for the new Virtua Fighter.
>work in real matches.
I mean we've seen how they work in real matches.
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a king does as he pleases
You may want to check out Bloody Roar 2 as well
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It's technically not V-ism. In Zero2, Rose could do Soul Illusion AND stack it with Custom Combo. I believe she can't do that in Zero3.

Also if she's italian, wouldn't her name be ROSA? It would also fit more with her being a RISA RISA copycat design.
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Who should I play as in P4U2 is I play Sin in Strive (I want really heavy rushdown)
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Elena was there first.
I want Rose to step on my balls and/or face
I dunno why they call that 2, it was just an update. Same core game.
Anyways the mc was retardedly easy to use strong and good at everything including rushdown, so play him and make whoever you[re fighting in that dead game quit it after realizing why its a dead game
He really is a dying breed. A stallion of a man and a player.
That would be extremely painful.
for you, maybe
but not me
I would've watched if it weren't Clayton. Can't stand the way he glazes himself up in nearly every video.
>GOAT redesign
>for a shitty Smash clone
At least I hope they'll extract the model and make some great porn with it
should i learn kokonoe or rachel
hmmmmm wat games do I need to get on Thanksgiving sale?
rev 2
Kokonoe is cool but Rachel is cute. Pick your poison.
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Hopefully we get a release date announcement for CFC2.
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My girls.
Shiki is a stone cold fox. Shame about the crazy.
I feel like that enhances her
I love her...
It was stuck on consoles for a year, so a lot of PC players couldn't touch it at all
It was then stuck on EGS for a year, so many people still didn't want to give it a shot
It had bad netcode during the lockdown, so people were not as interested in trying it online
Now it has better netcode and is on PC, but it's overshadowed by new releases.

But as for the actual people playing it, some did not like the changes added with new patches like the addition of guard crush.
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man fuck a maxmode
crazy how they added Baiken and there was basically no fanfare
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Do people still play Lumina, or has MBAACC remained go-to if you want to Melty?
on discord on na, sure
Nice art
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Any controllers with the gamecube style grooves on the left joystick? I keep fucking up fuzzy blocks and crouch blocking
can't you just use a GameCube controller with a converter?
they feel cheap as shit
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70% for starting with one bar 65% drive seems pretty OD but idk
I've seen some of those custom esports GameCube controllers that look higher quality, but they're also pretty expensive
Anyone here excited for Hunter x Hunter Nen Impact? I hope they can include the anime OST and also Ging, Illumi, Silva, Zeno, Morel and the royal guards.
I'm not big on tag games, but I like HxH, so I'll try it
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COTW is taking so long because they want it to be a Switch 2 launch title. Fuck Nintendo.
i miss pokken
if you don't already have bbcf, I recommend that one
I'll get it if it's 40 USD or less
Sheep? GBVSR?
>Okay, so you're doing yearly releases. That means you can reuse sprites in order to make things easier
SNK really IS insane.
Anyways, what's your favorite character design evolution?
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Forgot image
Which game are those big sprites from?
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it's like 1 am but if anyone wants play blaz
in hindsight, I'm kind of not surprised that they went bankrupt at least twice
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good night....
gbvs is free, but sheep costs money
NTA but I would say it's worth it. She's pretty fun
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For it to be good.
I dislike how you can't buy individual characters in F2P GBVSR. Weird since most F2P fighting games allow for that in some way or another.
I forgot about her. I like her.
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being crazy is..... bad?!?!?
I'm worried about Virtua Fighter 6 for several reasons. First, I will state that this is all speculation, as nothing has really been stated yet. I could be wrong. In fact, I’m hoping most of this is incorrect and just unfounded worries. However, due to my pattern recognition, I can’t help but think of these things as potential issues.

The game may be a PS5 exclusive. VF3, 4, and 5 were never ported to PC. I could seriously see Sega making just an arcade and PS5 version of the game. This will greatly limit its potential reach since many people don’t have access to PS5 where they live or it’s just too expensive for them. Even if you yourself are a console player, I think that might be a potential issue because it means there will be less attention on the game since not everyone has access to it, thus fewer people paying attention to it, less people writing up resources, and fewer people to play with overall.
The game may featured a forced aggression mechanic. VF5 is already pretty aggressive and volatile.

I played VF4 with a friend and I realized how much lower the general damage is because there are fewer launching moves and defense is generally stronger as well. But in 5, some characters like Vanessa can kill you in 3 throws. A lot of characters can get true 50% DMG (midscreen) or 70% DMG (corner) on a launch in a practical, realistic combo in a real match. But the thing is, you have to have finesse to your approach to get to that point. You can’t just throw out an armored rush move with every character, force plus frames, then go for an immediate 50/50 into that near-death combo.

Don't get me wrong, I really like offense. But I like it in moderation. If everyone is just a variation of super ultra offense and its a universal thing, then it means people are just running in each other's faces every match and that's not as interesting as having to navigate around characters with unique tools. It would be like if a game had zoners, grapplers, setplay characters,
and a really unique character that had to manage a special resource that served as their win condition... but then the entire game just heavily favors universal forced entry mechanics, so even the zoners and resource guy just rush in your face all day since there's little incentive not to. Just becomes a question of “who abuses the system mechanic better?” and at that point, why even bother adding new characters? I find it hard to get excited about some character with a unique gimmick that’s just going to get overshadowed by him being bad at using Heat/Drive Rush/etc. This is a thing I disliked about Granblue Rising compared to the original, as they upped the aggression, so every match was just dealing with that. (I’ve heard they fixed that now, but you get the idea.)

The game may look bad. Based on the reveals Sega did at the Game Awards a while back, a lot of their newer entries in older series looked rather lackluster. I suppose one could argue that those were just pre-release shots and won’t reflect the final game, but at the same time, it’s all I have to go off of. If they think that VF can sell off of its brand name alone, they might be willing to risk everything and even outsource the game to some random overseas company to give the game a lackluster aesthetic. They already have done questionable things with one of their big money makers, Sonic the Hedgehog with numerous rushed entries of dubious quality, so what chance does VF has? It’s more popular in Japan than USA, so maybe it wouldn’t have that specific problem, but look at how they’ve handled even JP-centric franchises like Phantasy Star. Furthermore, Capcom already did the questionable graphics thing with SF6, so I could see Sega doing something similar. To say nothing of how much influence Sega USA may potentially have. People already complain about Virtua Fighter having bland and non-memorable designs, so I could easily see them using that as an excuse to do drastic re-designs of every character
ranging from ridiculously over-designed to just being a completely different person. And I can already imagine the defense for such a thing. “You guys always said you thought VF looked bland, why are you complaining now?” Or just having very flashy, garish colors and effects. I don’t mind the hitsparks in VF5US, but what if they add screen darkening, strobe lights, huge flashes on every hit, screen shake, et cetera? Other fighting games have already done that and they probably will justify it by saying it makes the different cues (counter hit, launcher, etc) easier to follow, but that was another thing I hated about GBVSR and SF6 with the obnoxious effects you see over and over. Perhaps these worries are unfounded, but Sega has always cared a lot about appealing to the overseas (USA) market, which means a very different thing now than it did 20 years ago, so just another thing in the back of my head.
My biggest fear is that they’ll just make VF like Tekken and DOA with supers and tacked on mechanics. It would just be like every other game and lack most of what I like about Virtua Fighter. Don’t get me wrong, I do like DOA. But if I wanted DOA, I’d just play DOA. If they add meter mechanics to VF, I’d be quite disappointed. It's like what Electric Underground said. It would be more interesting if they tried to naturally balance the whole game around just the frame data. I agree with him on that. However, if they absolutely have to add supers to impress spectators, I’m hoping that it's just a "low health super" like DOA5 that isn’t attached to a meter, but just your health level. I really don’t want that either, of course.
My real question is this: Where can they even go with it? What can be done in VF to expand on how it’s played that they haven’t already done? At this point, I would prefer it to just be like a level and character pack for VF5. e.g., an expansion of what the game is already like, but with some more content for that same (or a similar) system.
I feel like 5 is already in a good place with how it’s played and people have over a decade of legacy skill built up around how Final Showdown plays. But maybe that would actually be a reason to throw out a lot of it and reset the meta completley, which is what I fear.
Seriously, if not meter and flashy new mechanics, what are they going to do? What if they made damage lower and you reset to neutral more with fewer launches like 4? 5 already has heavy RPS and maybe they want to move away from that? I hear a lot of players prefer 4 because of that, but I doubt that would be appealing to a lot of newer players, which 5 was made for. Several of the changes in 5 were made to make new players happy with the more volatile nature and big damage from plentiful launchers. So I imagine 6 will move even further in that direction. My guess is that they'll make defense worse and remove some OS and make the game either more read heavy. They already removed the Multiple Throw Escape meta and made throws way more of a hard read, so what if they remove things like fuzzy guarding, Guard Throw Escape, etc and just make the game way more focused on Nitaku and Santaku? At that point, the game may actually resemble the low/mid level of play way more because you have to actually guess on these offensive actions instead of having 2 or 3 ways to cover things and only really worry about one thing. But they wouldn’t make a game with 5 way mixups off of multiple situations, right? Well I guess we’ll have to see.
Worst part is that the fighting game community is currently in its “esports era” or as some would call it, the “aggressive promotion era,” so no matter how bad the game is, people will promote it and abandon the old game anyway. This isn’t even a particularly new issue, either, as when VF5 was still getting updated, in the Japanese community, if players made negative comments about the game on social media, Sega would usually delete them. Sure, I suppose that it’s within their rights to remove a “I dislike the new balance patch” posts from their own social media, but my point is that it created a positive space through stricter moderation. Apparently many didn’t like this, as 5 began to wane in popularity over time. To the point where even when it was getting updated, it was nowhere big as Tekken 6 or even Tag 2 if I recall correctly. It was probably still bigger than Soulcalibur and definitely bigger than DOA in Japan, but I think it started to lose relevance around that time. And yet the people left playing VF still continued to play 5 over a previous entry since that was the one they were playing in Tougeki, the Beat Tribe Cup, et cetera. They had no real reason to go back to previous ones even if they liked them more.
And I say all of this as someone that considers Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown to be their favorite 3d fighting game. Even if I personally like it, I can see how those things could set a worrisome precedent. “I like this thing, so I’ll just look past the potentially bad situation this could cause in the future based on how easily others accepted it.” Because in the future when they make a thing that I don’t like, they’ve already established that they can do whatever they want to without much pushback.
But really, the big issue with just dismissing criticisms is that at a certain point, you may have more platitudes than players.
No one plays VF. There's no need for an essay like this
nigga wrote a masters thesis on fuckin virtua fighter bruh you niggas summin special
reminder that 2xko is going to launch with an 8 character roster
it's goyslop anyway.
but enough about vf
I tuned into Maximillian dood once and he was giving a speech about virtua fighter and how it's the deepest series ever made, that just gets deeper and deeper as the years go on
He didn't explain why
It's fair to have these worries. Better than being a sf player and pretending that sf6 is the greatest thing ever like some people do.
I was working...
I kind of wish that mecha fighter weren't chibi style. I get that they want the SRW audience but part of me likes the aesthetics of Gundam Wing Endless Duel better.
I've heard some people claim chibi style is easier to do and animate with in general, but not sure if that's really true
Surely they will add at least one or two more by next year or add new characters often, right?
how do you choose an alt color?
>assuming anyone plays VF
>Better than being a sf player and pretending that sf6 is the greatest thing ever like some people do.
You haven't met a single VF shill in your life, have you?
where to play ZoE2 Versus over VLAN
I didn't even know that game had multiplayer.
But if I had to guess, probably some PCSX2 discord or something like that.
you have to beat story mode to unlock it and then do a bunch of wacky shit in sp to unlock more characters. it's real bad and i was mostly kidding

i played it literally once when i hosted a moving-in party and it was a ton of drunken fun but we only had like three characters unlocked
>"backdash and teleports behind u" the game
Do anitrannies really?
I thought you guys liked teleporting if the netcode does it.
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We will be playing COTW.
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Are there any training stages that aren't "The Grid"?
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>costume is only shown for 2 seconds as a super
>safehorny redesign
SF6 Chunners design makes her feel older.
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What game will we play today?
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CVS2's training stage is an asylum like the grid. I think it actually started that trend.
But if you mean a training stage that isn't just an asylum, Virtua Fighter 5 has a training room stage where you can see equipment in the background and there's a fence that moves in and out of existence between rounds.

>no Terry
>Kyo is the main character
I guess SNK has been listening to angry Kyo fans.
Does Snk do more crossovers than any other fighting game company?
It feels like their characters are in everything
Kind of shocked they didn't just throw Iori into Strive or something
If you count non-vidya merchandise crossovers it'd probably goto Capcom with SF but otherwise it seems that way yeah. They're not afraid to collab with anybody.
That would be his second guest appearance I believe (I know he's also in Million Arthur).
I might play Samurai Shodowon later.
The ideal training stage has a dark background
I'll give it a shot if it's not 70 dollars.
hi guys
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Dead thread already? You guys used to say funny things all the time.
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Sophitia is so sexy...Older women really are the best.
I thought she was just in her mid 20s
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That's too young to be a milf. She gotta be at least 30.
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For me, it's Cassandra
tough crowd, eh?
There's another /fgg/
I thought this was afgg
that's the false game general
In V, yeah.
But why?
Post booty
You mean like pirate treasure, right?
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She sits on you for a 50 50
It technically is
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Very aggressive playstyle with a large amount of plus frames, useful command throws, and of course, Titanic Struggle.
EXA at Amusement Expo
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This place really fell off, eh?
But I won't abandon you all. I like you lot.
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wake up!
I would buy one of these if I knew someone would play with me
i gotten given a ''''hitbox''''' but instead of having the 3 dots in a row then jump at bottom its got 4 directions and it sux
stick chads win again
Isn't that called a mixbox? Or is this some Chinese thing?
Its made out of wood by a hobbyist who doesn't seem to have fully understood what a "hitbox" is.
The whole right side is normal, the left is as described. Its also fucking huge. Its actively uncomfortable and impractical to use.
If I had the right device I'd cut some more holes in it and make it into a normal hitbox or put the electronics in something else smaller.
woken up!
Sounds like it may be a little daunting, depending on how he put it together.
I've cut into plastic, but never cut into wood. I think that needs a specialized drillbit.
I like her design, but don't find her that fun to play
Yup. For the price of the items needed to fix it, I could just probably buy a half-decent hitbox on ebay or something. And there's all the electronics I could easily break.
Unless the main palette is very loud and obnoxious, I usually don't pick alts. If I have to fight in a mirror match, though, I will pick the alt color that is closest to my favorite color, blue.
my favorite samurai shodown character is Genjuro because I'm not going to bother with a complex strategy
Big development soon.
biggest breasts in the street fighter universe
I thought Mika's were bigger?
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Not even close
Didn't know Twitter links were considered spam now. Way to go, Reichan and Shinomiya.
am i supposed to be mad about this? yes, VF needs to invest more in it's story if it wants to reach new audiences.
VF with world tour but it's just Shenmue
Virtua Fighter...... has a story?
Do you want to be preached at? Because that's how you get a game that preaches at you.
so is this like a bot or what
MGS1 preaches at you and it's GOATed
Brad...do you think love can bloom on the battlefield?
VF but Vanessa is the protagonist, one of the fujobait characters comes out as gay or trans and Jeffry preaches at you
Akira will have a disciple that will turn trans before his arc begins... and that's a good thing
yes, that will surely happen in a virtua fighter game lol. get a grip.
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>yes, that will surely happen in a virtua f-ACK!!
>ignoring hyenas
Pandering and preaching is only ok if it's VF. Got it.
godlike metajini bot keeping afgg off of page 10 because we forgot the a in the thread title
...why do her boots say PUSSY?
Guys... Metajini/Tekken shills are the real reason Virtua Poggers is pandering to "le modern audience"!
when does virtua poggers come out?
Is 3s an anime game?
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Makoto ToD is yeetable
What is RYU's best super in any game that he is in?
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Studying some Ryu Denjin setups and have stumbled across alot of cool setups to help you vary your approach. Most take alot of time to be consistent.
we don't know anything about it yet, really
I imagine it's still just in early production
Absolute kino.
Naoto yet remains degenerate.
Best as in best looking? I like the Shin Shoryuken in Tatsunoko vs Capcom.

But I also like the Super Turbo Shinku Hadouken since he can combo into it, it does a lot of damage, and it doesn't always require a special setup to be dangerous.
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Denjin is shocking!
this is a pretty cool one, too. I like how supers occasionally have more unique utilities in this game
Is there anyway to play early access Ghostface other than originally having bought some $100 version of MK1?

No upgrade or special season pass that can be bought that gives early access??
I hate Makoto
I pick the guy on the box and just hope he's easy
I remember when games still had boxes
I was going to buy the disc version of Skullgirls when that came out, but decided against it since I didn't want to spend money on something I already owned.
I remember when Sega still gave a shit about their old IPs
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Would anyone like to play Samurai Shodown later today?
Remember KOFXV?
I like it, but don't play it as much as I should
why is unilunar's timeline like that?
>get outplayed 20 seconds
>win in one (1) interaction because you pressed le epic button and played the rhythm game once
it's high execution so it's okay :)
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Why are the closeted homos from Scream showing up in Mortal Kombat 1?
t. emezie
Mr Boon likes that movie
WB owns the rights I think
heres ur breadnbutter combo bro
6k (but only at mid range if you do it close its a different move even though it looks the same) >623 p > air. p > air. s > air. k (this resets the enemies momentum for some reason except when it doesnt) > air. s > air. hs > air 623 p > 236 s > 214 s > 623 p > air. p > air. k > air. p > air. k > dash hs > 8 o > dash s (they bounce off wall) > dash hs to catch > air 0 > air. 6s (sideswitch) > air. 6s (doesn't side switch) > super
this does 20% damage
Does high execution even matter now since they will never ever ban hitbox?
Anyone up for some Samsho on Steam?
Still around? I can play now.
he likes loli
uh... streets of rage 4?
...is this a real combo? This feels like a real Plus R combo
Looks like journalist bait and more generic than past games
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Wake up, doods.
on the switch?
I only have it on Steam at the moment.
Azrael is pretty fun
Do you guys use speakers or headphones when playing fightan?
Speakers usually
I only used headphones at tournaments since it's too loud to hear over the crowd.
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Remember when ArcSys USA established their site and they had all those weird junk articles about having gay sex with young boys?
Or was that the ArcRevo site?
I remember us laughing about that like 5 years ago.
Remember when this was the granblue general?
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Makoto's ToD is broken? Pls nerf. Haha.

Headphones cos I'm sharing my place. But if I'm having a party or housemates are away? Blasting it thru speakers.
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Tiger bully; what's the point of a zero-counter that gets defeated by a strike?!?
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Granblue gameplay is mid. Character designs are great though.
makoto in the horror engine
its over.
that new VF will try to aim for audiences that dont exist while alienating the few who still care about it.

I dont even care that much because I see VF as something specifically made for smoking salarymen in arcades but its still a shame.
Not like it matters. VF6 will fail hard, whether it panders to the salarymen who barely touch it or the "modern audience" who only know it as "the Tekken ripoff from Yakuza"
Yuel was very fun to play, until they gutted her for no reason.
>Literally like 50%+ of the cast is dlc
>1 button specials
>Cooldowns on specials
>99% of the cast is just rushdown
>Extremely poor balance even by genre standards
>Made a sequel that's just the old game again but you have to buy this one so you have the right to buy even more DLC
Glad that shit's dead
Hello everyone
Your new audience, VFsisters
Guys... it's the fault of this random anon who doesn't post here anymore that Virtua Fighter went woke!
You joke, but Sega USA actually has hired random people from /v/ to work on their games before.
They got some psycho from /vg/ to be a community manager for PSO2, even.
I found it funny when people let them get away with all their money grubbing decisions, then were surprised that they actually made a whole new game you had to buy as an update
people deserve what they tolerate
Sega should hire me as an advisor. I one hundred percent completed Sonic Adventure 2
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Scarlet flame-colored dragon that I finally found at the summit.
I was so angry and sad that I thought all my muscles and vessels were about to burst.
When I noticed, my body moved on its own, and my great Mithril sword bisected its wings.
From there the game went back and forth, but as soon as I jumped into his bosom he shouted.
My eardrum was torn, my vision flashed, I received a breath of fire.
Playing with mid skill players is funnier.
i think.
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As in it turns him on?
...is this real?
wtf is wrong with boomers?!?!?
Was hoping the thread would die again desu...
butt why?
What makes you say that?
More creativity allowed? Or something else?
haven't played a fighting game in a month...
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>started new job
>dont have the time to play with friends cuz of my schedule
>dont have the energy to improve enough to not get constantly fucked over by randos
forgive me bros i may have to start playing casual shit
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MvC3 -> UMvC3 was about 9 months afaik
I was in a similar situation once. I started picking top tier easy cope characters.
And now Capcom has horrible monetization on basically everything.
I can't believe we even made it to 500 plus replies
So that's a no to samurai shodown, then?
oyu know NOTHING of melty you fucking APE
Battle Coliseum 2024 is happening right now

Are we excited?
What makes you like or dislike a game's character select screen?
arise, chickens
good night
What did I miss?
FDR commentated BBCF
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We're getting a new Golden Axe, Jet Set Radio, and Crazy Taxi next year.

Trust the plan.
I want to go to Brazil for a tournament one day, but I don't speak any PT-BR at all.
Anyone wanna play some Samsho for a bit before the tournament?
I can play for about 30 minutes
Dunno if you're still around. Sorry if I missed the chance.
I'm still here
Sweet. I'll make a room.
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Check in time for the Samsho PC tournament is now underway! Make sure to check in on time!


I'll be setting up the stream in a minute so see you there!
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Tournament is live!

We'll be using this lobby since it's still open.
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Your Samsho Grand Champion is: Baron! Thank you so much for coming out to watch/participate and I will see you all in the next one!
thanks for hosting
I use my secondaries against them usually
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Don't you mean everynyan?
have you ever been to a tournament outside of your country?
i need to get a passport
norcal dogfight
Too poor....
I enjoyed BBCP
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that's not a dogfight
I think they just use it as a figure of speech.
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Astral Finish 2024 is this weekend as well.
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El Fuerte feels like an anime character
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First thing I thought was that he feels like Guy with more grabs. Haha.
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I forgot this was still ongoing
Asuka Burning
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Samsho tournament VOD.
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DOA Vestival Versus still gets updates?!?!
When is the EXA Asuka game coming out?
Platinum the Trinity
what the fuck are piano inputs
searched KoFXIII 2024 and algo started giving me this channel. Wild seeing good players able to have a real fuckin match online in this game after all these years.

A way of inputting successive button presses on stick, the first application I can think of is in ST working around the narrow reversal window. Because negative edge is in the game, you do like
sorta plinking them all together by the end, then release them in that order, so you ultimately get what the game registers as 6 button presses after your shoryu input so you have better odds of it coming out in the reversal window.
There's also shit like canceling into lightning legs off a normal in one of the older games like doing HK MK LK MK LK so that you get s. HK x light lightning legs.
I like the weak spot system, but found him too difficult to play for some reason. Which is weird because hes supposed to be easy. Probably just me.
Took a long break from streaming, but I'll probably do one tonight since I have a lot more background work done now.
that's venus vacation
the gore? yes
Something that I find annoying is when I play against a Shoto, and they immediately jump backward. Because it almost always means they are about to play hyper defensively. Granted, these guys almost always end up cornering themselves when spamming fireballs doesn't work, but it's still pretty annoying.
I'm hoping they port this to PC eventually....
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City of the Wolves waiting room.
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>and then he turned into slime!
Mars People Kraken?
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........why are there two /fgg/ threads?
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Retards for /sfg/ is spamming generals for all the fighting game related threads
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Nitroplus tournament today. Almost forgot, was asleep until just now.
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>one bar
>half drive
>50% stun and nearly 50% life
Think I'm cookin with this? I can do another drive cancel off shoryu into EX upkicks to pop them WAY tf up but I'm not sure how best to capitalize on that.
How do you quantify efficiency of combos? Do you compare it to what others get in general or is it more like there's a theory to it? Because I know in some games you can't get much off of small resource expenditure while in some games, you can almost kill with like one bar. But I guess it also depends on the character. Joe can get stun way easier than some other characters in XV, for example.
When it comes to super high level theorizing I'm probably not the one to ask. I guess I just tinker with what's possible and look at the output relative to what resources will be necessary to finish a round from there against what resources I'm liable to have left or be able to build. In this case I think it's solid, because It only takes one drive/one bar to start and has the kind of yield where I could do it one more time with relative ease of access to resources, and they'll be one touch from KO. I might also forego the shoryu closer for a 5C x RED kick ender for reset instead.
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Nitroplus tournament again
Don't they have slime in garou now?
No, you imbecile.
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Damn near exactly 75% off a light with three bars + HD. That's pretty good, right? I had to burn way more meter to do comparable damage off a light with default Kyo, even in HD mode. Those combos might have just sucked, though. I alternated between using pad and stick with this one. For some reason, half-circles feel much less finnicky using the stick than the pad; it's crazy how much easier it is to cancel uppercut into orochinagi using it. That previous webm I posted was all analog stick.
I wonder how hard they'll end up nerfing Jenet in COTW compared to MOTW
only top tier in garou that need to be nerfed in cotw is kevin.
There being a buffer zone in the rev system until you can deplete guard meter already sorta nerfs her on a systems level. Wonder if they'll overcorrect and make her tools weaker too so she ends up sucking...
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how come casual gamers can do these commands under stressful situations but have issue with fighting game commands???
what game is that?
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COTW waiting room.
Helldivers 2 I think
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No 360 direction motions?
...is she a vampire?
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Good night, bros
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Wake-up reversal anti-air
Was vg stuck for a while earlier?
i was going to stream today, but my computer is suddenly going crazy and refusing to work
and in the middle of desperately messing around to fix it.... the power went out...
>Leaving out the part where the guy perfectly air parried 4 moves in a row
You "pure footsies" setplay character got outplayed.
power is back, but still trying to repair PC
It's fixed now. Assuming this holds up, I can stream tonight.
Makoto is fair because she doesn't have a projectile
I like Q
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We COTW waiting room over here.
https://youtu.be/id7O6MGqT2I some merk while we wait
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They're not playing a 1v1 for starters.
no shitty ass timing requirement
Still hoping this thread dies...
butt why?
I lost all my (you) markers....
ST will never die.
r.i.p. the better /fgg/
what was meant by this
hopped back on the ol budget brand favelaptop to practice what else KoF and yea I'm getting a converter if I get to playing the PS4 version online, lol. night and day. DP into qcb hcf is still hard tho
What's the converter for? Do you use a special controller?
Would you say Fightcade is really a good starting point for new players, or would it be too unforgiving learning older games with experienced players?
There are plenty of beginners on FC2 as well. But I guess it depends on the game.
I hope they reuse her multiversus redesign in something else later on
odds of 2xko being good now?
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if they actually implement the feedback they got maybe
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I like her design, but never learned how to play her
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#fuck you ed baboon
If I had to guess, they found something busted that slipped by in testing and had to fix it immediately
Remember that time we watched BlazBlue Alter Memory together on Cytube?
>it's billy loomis
ok but who's the third ghostface?
doofy and the second is stu
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laura, now that was a good ass character
I thought she had a really interesting style of playing, but found Mika a bit more exciting to watch.
it's ridiculously imbalanced like the average doujin masher, so......
I wish they kept Pan as a fighter in the story
I didn't even get a chance to play 2xko, as the anti-cheat kept locking me out from even starting it up
Allegedly still some time this year
It's a PS3 era stick that isn't natively compatible with PS5 so I'd have to get a converter for it.
Ah, I see. I remember when I first tried to use a PS3 stick on PS4, I was shocked that they didn't just make then compatible.
Some games had a compatibility mode, but not all. So I had to shell out for a new PCB back then.
It's a pain. You'd think with the advent of everything using USB, this stuff would practically be universal. Alas. All this said, my time playing on pad hasn't been wasted. I taught myself some relevant quirks like using microwalk to fill the input buffer on HD pop-in, or doing a "longcut" on tigerknee Orochinagi to get it to come out more reliably. There's also kara+CD off overhead but I question just how useful that is.
Anyone want to play Tekken 8 with me?
am i a werido for trying to become proficient on stick, fightpad, and leverless?

i've been playing on stick forever, but i kinda want to challenge myself...
What kind of fightpad do you use?
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game is dead everywhere except japan, as expected.
What is it about Japan that keeps them playing it, but not other regions?

capcom couldn't afford ishowspeed and kai cenat in the west.
No really that's the entire reason. Vtubers are also the sole reason PC even took off in Japan.
Well that's what SNK is doing if Ronaldo is legitimately a fighter.
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666th reply
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that reminds me of the time that KOFXV got 666 entrants at Evo Japan
That's not really weird. I think it helps to be versatile. That way if you're ever without your main controller, you have other options. I've seen that happen to people before, even. They go to a tournament with something like a Korean lever, then have trouble because there are no other Korean levers there.
I played on stick for the first time in several years after only playing on hitbox and I think I still remembered most of what to do
hori octa for now, wating on the hori octa pro.
Why does every other country despise SF6?
well since they're completely overhauling it... maybe
how would you improve sf6?
It's kind of stressful to play
VF6 will be a game that pleases no one. Change my mind.
Just Release a new Blazblue, and there will be an end to the horror.
>blazblue strive without mori

oh, the horrors are just beginning...
What would it do to be different from BBCF?
Fundamentally plays nothing like SF.
In SF if you want to get across the screen fast, you jump. This loses to anti-airs.
If they use a fireball you can choose to try and use your own to counter, jump forward, use dedicated anti-porjectile moves. There are decisions to be made, risk-reward

In dix you just splatoon full screen and you just splatoon parry fireballs and if you hit a fireball you just splatoon after it for a full combo
It plays nothing like SF
>But what about 3 it had parries!
Which they specifically dropped until 6 because of how they made the game play

Everyone has a full-screen super-anime dash, everyone has a built-in anit-pressure and projectile tool, everyone has very similar combo routes thanks to splatoon enabling so many random hits into full combos

On top of that its fucking ugly. Akuma is a literal fridge.
>But the waifus
They all look like shit when you look at their actual faces.

The new characters are all garbage. Luke is "the guy who killed SF5 by being so absurdly broken no one wanted to fight him", Jamie is a gimmicky imbalanced mess, Kimberly is "yet another ninja" but she uses ACTUAL paint in her attacks for some stupid reason (and she's fucking ugly, her forehead is bigger than Akuma), poison chick is literally just fang but a chick I don't even remember her name. The only good one is JP.

On top of all this it has the usual fighting game tax of over half the cast taking years to come out and being DLC (get HOIPE for spending more cash on a game you paid full price for!!!!), extremely poor balance and then in-game grinding for FTP style seasonal crap in a full price game.

All it really has going for it is increased QoL compared to 5 (which didn't even tell you what v triggers did even though like half of them were just a pose).
>But the singleplayer
>But the CaC
Ruined by everyone making ugly characters as a joke
>But you can fight others cacs
Ruined by the leveling system
Let my son lay dead.
His corpse remembered fondly.
>A good game
They think, looking upon it
>A very good game

Everyone does 50%+ damage in one hit round start, beloved designs get changed because ???, focus is entirely on spectacle and being easy to play
Switch to 3d
Cut the roster in half
way more moon gravity dio time stop hitstop on everything with more obnoxious slow juggles
Eliminate drive system entirely
The twitter shills will defend it anyway, so they'll probably be happy as long as they get paid.
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I'll be doing a special Blades and Beasts stream tonight. It's been quite some time, but I have some things I need to show off with my commentary.
Finna main Gretel
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I got streets Dix, who's the most braindead op char? I want to win with no effort at all
I think it's still Bison, but I'll have to check.
Alright, I looked it up and according to my sources, Cammy is the easiest of the top tiers.
Bison it is thanks
>Playing females
For about a week, then they'll move onto something else. Need I remind you of VF5US' "racist netcode"?
blazblue will come back as yet another mobile gamw
only one psycho tranny said that for twitter engagement...
Setting up the stream now.

My old headphones died since last time, so I'm trying to configure my new ones to work correctly with my microphone now.
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OBS update caused a bunch of issues for me for some reason. So I can only broadcast this on YouTube. No Twitch stream this time, as I already spent an hour trying to fix it with no results. Sorry about that.
...what's wrong with girls?
I miss Sakura

We're going home.
I'm surprised it took this long for such a beloved game,but that's nice to see
also, kind of shocked that capcom never just made a re release of this with rollback like SNK and ASW do for their older games
time to dust off ibuki
Do you guys know the name of that superhero fighting game from 1994~6 that had a lot of fanservice?
Eternal Champions? The only fighting games I can think of with licensed superheroes from back then are the various Marvel vs Capcom games, Avengers in Galactic Storm, and Justice League Task Force.
I don't think so. IIRC it has a manga adaptation and a movie but I can't remember shit
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Oh wait, I just think I remembered.
Voltage Fighter Gowcaizer, right?
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mudana koto

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