Previous: >>500913780 >Current & Upcoming Content[09/25-11/12][Event Pass] Worlds 2024[11/06][New Champion] Ambessa, The Matriarch of War[Chosen of the Wolf] Ambessa (Legendary), Kindred, Katarina, Pantheon and Swain (+Prestige) >Latest Patch Notes>Latest PBE Patch Notes >Builds/Account Stats >Model Viewer /lolg/ OP pastebin
reminder that Nami is soft
u eu nigs gonna do a vg or do i sleep
>>500972174we wanna see your makeup skills first
>>500974839>>500974839yey, my drawing in the header
Soraka my cute wife!>>500974869Yeah, she's almost as soft as my wife!
>>500974763when did shitter get so based?
Stay positive /lolg/!>that introi honestly feel bad for the fans but it's kinda funny
>>500975134I want to know how you make those wavy blend effects in your drawing. They're cool.
Riot should add this feature to League of Legends already.
>>500975191what is that picture?
>>500975652Me feeling my Goat wife.
is there any item in the game that feels as unfair to play against as umbral glaive? I hate this thing so much
>>500975593the smudge tool i think and mesh some colors and shadings
>goat>One horn
>>500975608>>500975608can the dropped item be given to your teammates? (and enemies)
>>500974542>My niece is 11 and she already draws furry porn.the new generation is spooky
>>500974973id join but im not sure id be a good host
>>500976138that looks kinda strange, not gonna lie
>>500976209She's a narwhal
>>500974973I'll join but only if there's not many people to fill in as usual.
Phreak has given (you) an objective.>Delete one champion>Nerf one champion>Buff one champion
>>500976349Not with most items.You can put it in an allys inventory but the item will be locked not giving them any stats or the passive/active except consumable items like potions,wards etc and Gem of Sight and Divine Rapier
>>500976168There's a smudge tool? It's fun stuff. >>500976667>>500976209Well, more like a Unicorn. >>500976662It's fine. Goat likes it. Like how she likes her job as a lifeguard.
>>500975462he was not entertained. i love this rested bitch face fat fuck even though he cucked my JDG from making worlds
>>500975087I want to rub it in that pectussy
why do lowbobs love lux so much? its actually bizarre how shes pick or ban in low elo
I need to goon so badly but I’m not allowed to this month…champions for this feel?
im fucking tired. of this shit.
>>500976209don't worry he'll change it to twohornedgoat#futa
>>500977620how does she even swim? hooves kinda suck in the water
>>500977456wouldn't delete any. maybe skarner just because nobody would miss it, but doesn't really matter.nerf/mini-rework brand's ebuff/mini-rework kalista's attack dash. she's fun, has a high skill ceiling/is very skill expressive and yet you never really see her outside of proplay. get rid of her ally tether thing (like they did with rell) as well as the marks applied by the autos with the tethered person. toss that power budget into making her more resistant to slows (which just destroy her completely as a champion since her whole identity is based on the attack moving) maybe with a new ultimate that'd represent and fix that.
>>500977810idk but she is the most picked support from iron to gold, even after gold she remains in top 3 until emerald or something
>>500977694Hoping we get more swole men in this game if it sells well enough, seems to be pumping a lot of art and stuff for it and there are more than enough twinks in this game. Hairiness would be good too since there are too many clean shaven/smooth stuff in this game and I think Pool Party Graves has been carrying that solo for ages now.
>>500976167It's a good and fun item when you get to use it, awful when it's used against you. Just become a Pyke main and abuse it !
>>500977456Delete YoneNerf IreliaBuff Yasuo
>>500977456>irelia or fizz, can't decide>sylas>zyra
>>500978376I don't know, killing a Soraka isn't that impressive.
>>500971401It's such a shame this artist doesn't do anything anymore.
How do middle schoolers in Korea make it to masters in soloq?
>>500978434>Nerf IreliaLul shitter detected
>>500978376You wasted all that to get her; you would have missed if she hadn't turned back.
>500978376how do I filter this sissy's blog?
why are you poeple seething about ireila she's an honest cool balanced champ
>>500978883>>500978883bait used to be believable
>>500977456>DeleteRammus.Hes a failed champion whos pretty much useless vs anything other than Jinx.>NerfQiyana>BuffZilean
>>500977456Kill PykeNerf ZileanBuff (revert) Syndra>>500977810She is cute, is fun to play and is very effective in low elo against bad players. And also people are often given the advice to play supports that can carry with damage to climb.
>>500978618Their server has an understanding of meta. And many of them play locally together at gaming cafes.Even having weekly League tournaments.
>>500977456Delete Pyke. Pyke mains are literally the most insufferable faggots in the entire community, and the character set Riot down a dark path with how supports are designed. He's a chore to play against, he's a chore to lane with, he's just a chore character.Nerf LeBlanc. She's not even particularly good right now I think? But she's so fucking ridiculous to play against if she even gets one or two kills.Buff Ryze, because I'm biased. It's either buffing Shaco or Ryze and I think there would be less moaning if Ryze got buffed compared to if Shaco got buffed.
>>500977456>>500977456delete veigarnerf nasusbuff yuumi
hello lolg
is this the worst general on /vg/? i see you retards on 4bans all the time
>>500978165With Jetskies. It's the only way to stop Siren Nami. I had this one done for a while now, but I didn't have the time to get it onto the computer.
>>500979432Define worst
>>500979420Hello, were you the guy who wanted to stream Silent Hill 2?
>>500978108evelynn living and dying by dark seal/mejai stacks sucks. agreed. tone down her ap ratios and just give her more base damages.>>500978369>buff volibearretard>>500978434retard>>500978496>delete fizz>buff zyraretard>>500979041RETARD>>500979079agreed, but i think pyke is sort of fine. he lives or dies by how good his items are. they've been bad for a while. blitz also just generally has a more oppressive kit imo.>>500979321reasonable>>500979334what part of nasus do you want nerfed? this determines whether or not you're retarded so think carefully
>>500979812give me 1 reason why fizz should be allowed to exist
>>500979480are you chris-chan?
>>500979041>Rammus is a failed champion whos pretty much useless vs anything other than Jinx.elo?
>>500979321pyke is also completely counter-intuitive to the new mastery system and WILL cuck you from progressing at a reasonable pace because pyke alone can remove like 2 grades from your actual score
>>500979432making these posts no matter what general youre in should cause your computer to stop working
>>500979480cute, but right now siren nami is too lazy to swim - ice cream won't eat themselves
>>500979808nope, just a guy who likes it
>>500977810>not mechanically demanding>hard to fall off in damage and can have impact throughout the game >packaged in a simple inoffensive design>never really out of the loop because riots cashcow so you never have to switch mains Also the champ is given to you at the beginning of the game so people grow some attachment and avoid getting out of their comfort zones. Im more suprised that Blitzcrank is not the hot shit amongst lowelow supports
>>500979420*rapes you*
>>500975608useful for...? Ornn I guess?
>>500980031Nice taste.
>>500979913his E's cooldown synergizes really well with zhonya's which has been an oversight for a long time but besides that he needs to gap close really long distances to be able to get any damage off, so most of the time you'll only die to a fizz by either being a melee champion and failing to outtrade him (skill matchup) or if he somehow outfarms you, lands his R and gap close you and get all of his abilities off. he's really not that good. try him once - you'll realize how weak he is, especially compared to other ap mages when fed.
>>500980030Good. Because Soraka doesn't want to get into the water right now.
>>500980163For announcing to your team youre going ot be trolling from now on by destroying all your items.
>>500979812Nasus needs the W nerfed. Make it so the cooldown doesn't begging ticking when he uses it. It should stay like a channeled ability until it ends so he doesn't just perma W you until he bonks you to death.
>>500974763>referencing a racist meme>still no apologyThere goes your Black and Asian viewerbase.
opened my account's emote list for the first time and it has only fag emotes, wtf is this?
>>500980803very agreeable. good job anon
>>500980446yeah, leave swimming for Nami
>>500979812All champs live or die by how good their items are. Blitz may have a more oppressive kit but his kit is also much more fair. Blitz does 1 thing and he does it really well and you can punish him when he does it badly. Pyke on the other hand is an abomination.
>>500980938>>500980938thank you
I was just forced to watch two idiot Gwen's erping in my tft lobby for like 30 fucking minutes.
>>500980940But one day. We'll stop that Nami. But not today.
>>500981257You chose to watch them ERP.The mute button was there you chose to not press it and watch their ERP session.Despite trying to deny it deep down you really liked it didnt you?
>>500981537This is like your mating call but instead of mating you're just screaming for someone to boost you shamelessly again.
>>500978185fuck you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>500981005i don't think that's necessarily true - lots of champions have generous base damages and/or rune scalings and 1 item ability/item synergies that essentially amount to exodia. we're obviously not in the mythic item era anymore but compare, for example, yasuo/yone/vayne with bork or gwen with nashors or draven with ie or syndra with luden and so on to pyke with umbral or youmuus or ekko with rocketbelt or rek'sai with stridebreaker and so on. this quickly became about a different topic entirely - first item powerspikes - but you get the idea all the point is that pyke needs alot of gold to get going, and even if he does (which granted, his R funnels him lots of gold) most of his abilities are only secured when other criteria are fulfilled. blitz's hook pulls you and essentially guarantees a silence, 1.5s knock up (basically 2.5s, with the hook's "stun" as well) whilst pyke's just slightly pulls you. his E is also practically useless if he can't land his Q which is another big contrast compared to blitz/thresh's E's which are just guaranteed.i'd also say pyke is far more punishable than blitz or thresh due to the obvious tanky nature of the latter two>>500981072you're welcome>>500981792sorry skarneranon but he's a menace
>>500981587they should be nicer to poppy, she can't help being stupid
>>500981257And now you come here to see idiots also erp
>>500981306she's gonna stop herself by eating that much
>>500979321>>500979957The issue with Pyke is, while he has the whole Lee Sin Support aesthetic, he can't build for Supporting or even play as a Support. And this becomes a huge problem in the mid/late game. Pyke can't build to Support, because of his inability to build HP. Which means the majority of Support items are unusable for him. And he can't actually Support, because if he walks up he just dies in 1-2 hits in the mid/late game. Since he has a terribly low HP pool. There is a reason Supports have never traditionally built AD or AP scaling items. Because when you do you are then directly competing with your ADC for resources. Optimization is key in high-level play. And the meta has developed around it. By circumventing this the Support Role loses it's identity, which causes the ADC to lose it's power. Which then causes the ADC to lose their identity and shift to a Utility/Support Role. And then that creates additional consequences for the entire team. With the end result for the team being: lack of vision, lack of damage, lack of utility/peel/support, less priority, less safety, and lack of engage.
>>500975462Based for reminding me of this, not even a kpop fan but I still think It's the best worlds song
>>500981005Except E+Flash, his all-ins are completely dodgeable, plus in a fight he's made of glass unlike his other engage counterparts. Tip: don't attempt to cast spells that immobilise you when he's charging up his hook
>>500982040What honor are you?
Hm.This might be a little bit annoying.
Which rank is worse: Iron or Emerald ?
is there somewhere i can see how many times my account has been reported
>>500977456>delete ksante>nerf leblanc>buff ahri
Gentlemen, I have convinced my Sister to play League. I'm slowly ruining her life.
Pyke just turns the lane into two carry competing for resources. And since Pyke is an Assassin. They don't even have the same powers pike timing. Which makes the game incredibly frustrating to play if you have a traditional ADC paired with him on your team.
>>500982474emerald is by far the worst rank in the game just cause of the reset fuckery5 ranks playing in the same match every game is fucking retarded and next split it's gonna be the sameiron is just handless and disabled players being bad
>>500982652>competing for resourcesread his ult slowly
>>500982647make her your sup duo, mind break her with sex and make her addict to the game and your cock
yeah when the pyke went stealth and/or e'd half a lane away (with a stun if you try to follow or forcing you to step far to the side creating even more distance) i felt like i really punished him
is gany the cutest gwen sissy now?
nice balance bro
>>500983218>what the 0.1% of players play affect me
>>500982474The Emerald rank isn't the issue. The issue is that people only have to play 2-5 Ranked games every split to hold onto their Emerald Rank. But regardless, Solo/Duo Rank in a 5 man game is utterly meaningless. With that logic you would justify Chovy being at a higher MMR than Faker for professional Tournament play alone. Because of their Professional ELO, Chovy is a better solo player than Faker. Yet Chovy has never even won a Worlds.
>>500983435aurora and yone are literally top3 most banned champs in the entire game
>>500983019his stealth is probably the least useful in the entire game - not only can you spot him from super far away but it also gives you a warning if he's nearby. be reasonable. his e is only ever gonna hit you if he does the flash trick too, at which point we'll just have to get into the ability+flash discussion which you can easily find 10 other flash+ability combos that are far more deadly. would you say gragas's e is broken and undodgable just because he can e flash?as for following and catching him, there's other champions that are just slippery as him, if not more. zilean with his 99% slow, bard with his portal + guaranteed stun if you take it, yuumi's entire design, nautilus if they know how to do Q-E properly, etc. the catch with pyke is one - he has to commit and go in to do anything, meaning if he e's backwards he's just gonna be useless and do nothing and two - he's extremely squishy. any cc on him means he just dies in a blink of an eye.
>>500983019good thing he's played in a lane where most champs have some form of cc to punish him for messing up
i dont care much for devils advocate posters
>>500982346>plus in a fight he's made of glass unlike his other engage counterpartsEarlygame? Not really. he has higher base health and armor than Blitz or Thresh for example. Lategame? Sure but he is squishy only because he is forced into not being able to buy tank items which imo is bad design. >>500982019>my point is that pyke needs alot of gold to get goingHe is strong earlygame and doesn't need any gold to get going. His design is based around being oppressive in lane and snowballing while also having the backup plan of basically the best roams in the game.>most of his abilities are only secured when other criteria are fulfilledPerhaps but this isn't really the criteria for being strong, annoying or a terrible design. >whilst pyke's just slightly pulls youPyke pulls you and slows you a lot, and usually follows up with a stun on top. Its a death sentence most of the time.>his E is also practically useless if he can't land his QNot really. If Pyke roams he can literally just W up to someone through their established vision and E them.But Pyke is way less punishable. Blitz and Thresh might be tankier later on but Pyke also heals back tons of health meaning if you can't entirely 1 shot him then his effective health is basically doubled.If Thresh positions poorly and eats poke he gets punished for it. If Pyke positions poorly and eats poke he heals half of it back.If Blitz gets caught he dies and has no way of escaping. If Pyke gets cause he has a dash that stuns anyone who chases him and superspeed.If Thresh or Blitz want to go roam they get caught by wards, Pyke can go right past them undetected and also has an item just for him to 1 shot wards that almost no other support has access to.Pyke also generates gold for his team for quite literally no reason. You could take the gold generation off him and he'd still be a strong pick. Just overall terrible design imo.
>>500982652>Pyke>Being a carryYou should maybe play Pyke a bit to realise he isn't a carry at all... And if you have a Pyke kill stealing outside of his ult, then they're just a bad player in general. Kills on Pyke are bad - as with any support. The champion falls off drastically 20 minutes into the game. There is no carrying for Pyke besides being an early game snowballing champion if he's allowed to get started. Mid to late game he's just a ward clearing, split pushing bot. He has very little value in team fights.
>>500984106literally hitler of botlane
>>500982647make sure her rectum stays full 24/7 with your cock or your cum. sometimes if you cant supply either you can pee inside her and that will be fine.
>>500982805His ultimate scales off of Lethality, which is obtained via Items. And since Items are bought with Gold that means he will be competeing with the person he is "Supporting" for Gold. Furthermore, in regards to Pyke's Cut Passive on his Ultimate. He cannot use his Ultimate when kills matter most, which is pre-Level 6. Also, in the mid/late game trying to use Pyke's Ultimate to optimize Gold is a huge waste of time and effort for the Support. A single Auto-Attack from a mid/late game ADC will do, on average/if not more damage, than Pyke's Ultimate. And the ADC's autoattacks has much less wind-up and can only be dodged with very niche things.
>>500984106>Pyke is bad because winrateYou'd also say that Yone and Kai'sa are bad right now. Pyke is one of the most picked master+ supports for good reason.
I demoted from masters, going to buy another boost...
pyke is not a champion after 15 minutes
>>500984772we know seraphine
>>500984772S17 TROON....... not like this.... NO NONO NOO tell me it isn't TRUE!!!!!1!!! PLEASE SISSY!!
>>500977456delete phreak
>>500984115>strong earlygameI understand where you're coming from - Hail of Blades is a very early-game skewed rune and Pyke's lv. 2 cheese is the most notorious thing about him but I just can't agree on grounds of how hard it is to do and how punishable it is, for two, that is, well, if you flash his E flash he's pretty much a sitting duck without flash or any way to escape. I'm not gonna make a whole point for it but I also don't agree on him being oppressive. He just can't be by virtue of how his stats/itemization. I don't think assassins can be oppressive, period, though I guess that falls down to definition more than anything. When I think oppressive I think Leona or Nautilus zoning people from waves or Zyra and Lux doing the same, though by virtue of zoning tools rather than their presence. I don't see what makes Pyke oppressive.>best roams in the gameGranted, but ultimately a case-by-case skill thing. Counterpoint: his W warning you when he's nearby.>the whole ability section, specifically the last pointAgain, I just can't agree. His E makes him really vulnerable and I feel like it's extremely walk-out-of-it-able or whatever, hence why most Pyke players don't even use it for its stun anymore - instead treating it as a gap closer to suddenly go for a wild hook, which again leaves them really exposed.As for the whole last section, well;>If Blitz gets caught he dies and has no way of escaping. If Pyke gets cause he has a dash that stuns anyone who chases him and superspeed.He's gonna be using either his W or E to even gap close on you in the first place - he shouldn't be able to walk up to you without using it - at which point he has no escape tools. Unlike Blitz and Thresh he's *extremely* all-in heavy which is where the weakness I mentioned comes in. Blitz and Thresh mostly really just bring you to them - Pyke has to bring himself to you, another point for the oppressiveness thing.But, well, if you don't like him, you don't like him. That's ok.
>>500985245I'm making a whole bunch of typos, sorry. I also didn't intend that last thing to sound so cold. I get if you have a bias against him. I have a bias against Morde, phase rush Garen and Caitlyn, too, among others, where even if I was proven wrong (not saying you were, it's a matter of opinion) I'd still just keep hating them.>>500984560He's strong in solo queue specifically because of how his lv. 2 cheese can be as well as objective control being so important in the current season - D2+ (apex) tier supports all roam to objectives to help secure them which pretty much secures wins and Pyke can do this very easily. That is to say that it's not Pyke, it's just other circumstances.
i like how literally every champ in the game becomes hitler if he has a lulu next to him
Lowelo will feel my fucking wrath tonight
Why is Briar so shit now?Why can't they just revert her back?Fuck you Riot
>>500984901>>500984948as if you rejects can even reach masters duo or not...
>>500985897briar's nasty feet
>>500985898Jungle is OP enough to carry any iron reject to master. Maybe you could play with one of your non-jungle "friends" and prove us wrong?
Genuinely asking, why do pros pick Renekton? I feel like he brings NOTHING to the table. What does he even do? Cant remember one "good thing they had renekton" moment this whole worlds
>>500986126? I do duo with a Lux main...? And I played solo and went 11 W 2 losses on my way to D1 promos before mysteriously getting placed with the worst teammates imaginable.
>>500985897We're getting 35 HP next patchTrust the plan
>>500977456I would Delete Yuumi.I would nerf Ashe, basically gutting her Q and Passive.And I would buff Pyke, so that he could build HP. And I would redesign his Ultimate. So instead Pyke's Ultimate would focus more on Utility. It would remove a Champion from the game, similiar to Bard's Ultimate, but only to a single Enemy Champion. And the animation would show Pyke dragging someone down into some murky puddle of water. Finally, the gimmick will be that the only way to free a Champion from Pyke's Ultimate. Will be to have an allied Champion stand next to them for a full duration of 1-2.5 seconds. Otherwise, if they are left to drown in Pyke's Ultimate for 10 seconds than they die. And then Pyke gets a reset on his Ultimate.
>beg my support to play the game>ping for help>support who is constantly alt tabbing under tower says "you are toxic, muted">i am now forced to stand under tower for 20 minutes before we can ff
>>500980825real niggas know im a real nigga
>>500986516Play in a Smurf you would be stuck emerald if even that
>>500986871>just invite yourself to torture by getting nothing but teammates who only play 5 games if that to maintain their precious emerald 4...Yeah i'll pass.
rell is too fucking strong>3 aoe stuns, one is a dash>armor and mr shred>cant kill her because she has massive resists for free and shields
i thought rell was a worse leona
>>500987023Yes we know why you won't solo you boosted monkey, you demoted after just 4 solo gamesBuy more boosts to masters, another 200 dollars
>>500986516>Boost into winners queue means i deserve to win every game!You'd be struggling in gold if you didn't have at least 1500 LP gains from jungle boosters
>>500987267No, Rell is literally just old Taric. But even better.
>>500985245>if you flash his E flash he's pretty much a sitting duck without flash or any way to escapeIn this situation if I have to flash to avoid his E he can flash to either confirm it or flash to escape after he botches it. >He just can't be by virtue of how his stats/itemization.He has very high base stats and strong items. Even when he isn't OP, like now, he is still a very strong pick that everyone loves to play in high elo. I think its pretty inarguable to say that Pyke is not extremely strong earlygame, its like the entire point of him and his whole game plan revolves around using that oppressive earlygame to snowball.>I don't think assassins can be oppressive, periodI don't see why not. Let alone an assassin/catcher hybrid. The idea of a class that excels at singling out targets combined with the class that kills singled out targets is always going to be a mess. If anything assassins are usually the most oppressive class which is why people always complain about them. You give them an inch and they take a mile. >His E makes him really vulnerable and I feel like it's extremely walk-out-of-it-able or whateverIts literally not walk-out-of-it-able unless you yourself have a dash or flash. And being really exposed hardly matters if you can confirm a hook which is pretty much a guarenteed kill.>He's gonna be using either his W or E to even gap close on you in the first place - he shouldn't be able to walk up to you without using it We aren't just talking about situations where he engages you, if Pyke is walking around warding/dewarding etc and gets caught he gets out extremely easily, there are so many clips of epic Pyke escapes where basically any other champ in the game would die. Its a huge crutch.>But, well, if you don't like him, you don't like him. That's ok.Yeah its more that I don't like him and think he is very poorly designed rather than that he is currently strong. And historically he has been way more annoying and unbalanced.
reminder that there isnt a single si17 hater that is above gold
nigga getting bodied by a rell kekw
>>500978232Yeah i was surprised that they made such revealing skins for the men. Still wont be playing tho>Pp gravesI wonder for how many people it served as awakening
>>500987487i'm d4 and think he should hang himself for boosting
>>500987487gold players hates a gold player
>>500987312>get griefed 4 games in a row>teehee you don't belowlol that was just the algorithim trying to bring me down. i'll have much better luck tonight>>500987314i play just fine solo it was just a rough patch + griefers>>500987639doja please
>>500987639Boosting isn't the issue. It's him being in such denial and having a victim complex here. He's banned from vgs and everyone else needs to give him the silent treatment so he fucks off for good
>check brush>see thiswhat do?
>>500975087this ones my ewife
>>500987831I'm banned from vg's because i dare object to having someone int me with TP flash yummi. Speaks volumes about the quality of the games that occur.
>>500987831well sure all that stuff is annoying too but trying to brag about your rank and berate lolg when you got boosted is just such levels of retardation i wouldn't be surprised if he was secretly a woman this entire time
>>500987487saga is d4 and euw agp is GM
>>500988239And yet you're still desperate for attention here. How does it feel to know you're not accepting in real life and the videogame you devote so much time to?
>>500987968why is she holding her stomach like that? does she need to shit?
>>500988405idk if saga really is d4 qmm cleared that guy
>>500988249it's a tranny, his old ign is angrytrumpfan
>>500988405*Were.They were GM and D4.
>play 2 normals>play int othe same support that griefed me last week too repeatedlyhow is league evne real man when i play with the same griefers over and over againM?
saga is trash
>>500988584no one cares about who you clear qiyanaretardman, only you take vgs seriously
>>500988535she's fucking scared dude
>>500988759not him though
vg vs vg pw vidya na server right now
whose twitch emote is this?
>>500988239u got banned for being a stupid unlikable nigger that 4 different people have run it onu pick ur ranked 1 trick every single game and bitch more than every other player combinedur a nasty shut in faggot, probably a midget too but thats any1s guessat what point do u think it is more efficient to simply remove the problem, instead of treating the symptoms? maybe if u were more agreeable or had any kind of personality or picked different champions or werent such a whiny crybaby cocksucker things would have turned out different
>>500988405kek why does everyone hate that guy
>>500989181it's easier to name people that actually likes him, I think maqe?
>>500987415I was thinking of that first situation in the opposite context - almost all Pyke players just commit to the flash and don't even get you within stun distance for that lv. 2 cheese strat - they just E and then flash over you as soon as the stun is about to go off, so while that does admittedly require some precise flash timing it's what would lead to that sitting duck situation I mentioned.I actually thought it was the (almost) opposite - that he was more of a mid-game/late-game threat with his ult and ability to get around the map and, paired with Umbral, clear and secure vision extremely easily. You can probably use this as ammo to make an argument that Pyke is actually useful and strong throughout the entirety of the game, though, so oops. I'll just label it as a matter of opinion.I'm gonna throw the rest of the points aside since we could honestly just go in circles with this argument to instead focus on something else, though. Your perspective on assassins is pretty interesting and I just don't get it (I'm not saying it isn't valid - it's just a different perspective coming from a mage player that I'm interested in). You're right about the assassin class excelling at killing singled out targets (or really just excelling in single-target damage in general, in easier terms) but you then say that's what makes them the most oppressive class. How so? I'm probably shooting myself in the foot with this but is it because they can theoretically take out whatever carry, regardless of their score or how far ahead they may be? If that's the case then I just can't agree - if it's a backline carry (Lux, ADCs, etcetra) they're generally pretty well covered and assassin backline access is generally pretty difficult to access and if it's a frontline carry (let's say Xin Zhao, Viego, whatever) then they'll very likely have tools to deny assassins any burst or sometimes even entire bursts (Death's Dance; Sterak's) - why do you think assassins are oppressive?
>>500989331i think i'm pretty popular if you look in the custom vg right now...
>>500989181he is just really annoying and whinyall the other reasons people give (boosted, OTP, bad player, tryhard, etc) are post rationalization
vg vs vgna pw vidyaroom for 2 more
>>500987415didnt read>>500989361didnt read either
>>500990028tranny17 lobby not playing
>>500990086He ain't playing
>>500990086theyre not playing
>>500987415>>500989361uhoh troon off
Pyke is a good and fun champion to be a menace on. More people should play him !
i don't feel like climbing through emerald after finishing placements to get to diamond. but i really want diamond
>>500988535of courseyou would rub her belly to help push the poop out wouldn't you?
vg vs vg place ur bets
>>500990929all in bottom team. far better comp, champ and skin selection i'm afraid
>>500990929>two jelly simps on the same teamlul
>>500989361When I say oppressive I mean if an assassin is even a little ahead there is often very little counterplay to them short of basically removing yourself out of the game to deny them. Like if I'm even a little ahead as LeBlanc I can 100-0 someone a screen away and there isn't much they can do to stop me, they have to cripple their builds and hide behind towers. Meanwhile if I'm really fed on Lux my poke hurts a lot more but the exact same counterplay as usual applies. This is fine, most assassins aren't really an issue earlygame so they have to actually earn it. But then you get a champ like Pyke that is also very good early and has utility beyond single target damage. If most assassins don't snowball they fall off in usefulness but Pyke is still a slippery catcher even if he didn't snowball.
>>500990929cho will 1v9
>Wake up>Volibear is still reworked
>>500991539wait till you see my face on the day you don't wake up :D
>>500991539and nothing of value was lost
>>500975462So how long does ON have left on this earth before he gets shanked or shot in the streets? Every chink seems to hate his guts.
>>500991427I remember you using that same LeBlanc line the last time we talked about this, but I never got back at replying, I think, so, well......I get where you're coming from but I think your opinion is maybe a little too reliant on champion-by-champion selection basis rather than the whole class. What I mean is that while it's true that Lux doesn't snowball well it doesn't necessarily convert into artillery and burst mages not scaling well - if anything, I actually think burst mages (I mentioned those two classes because those are apparently the two she falls under, even though I'm surprised at the artillery classification) are the class that scales the best in general, mostly due to access to Mejai (which Lux can also build, no? Even though she doesn't really make the most use of the MS, it pairs well with Rabaddon all the same and Lux shouldn't be getting caught and dying too much, either, so the Dark Seal/Mejai stacks should be mostly safe) but the overall item selection and so on and so on, too - as an example for the item stuff, well, you've got Banshee's, Archangel's, usually at least one form of hard CC and, again, so on. Meanwhile, assassins as a catch-all class, even if ahead, have nothing but single-target damage and if you pair this with how ability haste has been getting cycled out of assassin items then you've still got the long cooldowns no matter how many items ahead you may be - which basically mean that after that single, initial burst from a 10-0 Rengar, well... what else is there? And then what options do you have to cover your bases? Edge of Night gives you 250 HP and a spellshield, granted, but literally NOTHING else is viable - no rune choices, no Shieldbow, no CC, no dashes - nothing but cooldowns. Pair this with the fact that if you fall behind you also have generally no utility at all like you said and, well... yeah.It's getting pretty late, though, at any rate. Nice arguing with you!Good night, /lolg/.
This feels like a Seraphine game.
>>500993524wtf don't post my stats...
>>500991221>>500991436>>500990929>>500991114resultsnew game up very soon 20s
fucking garbage client never loading in never logging in taking literally half an hour to sign in hot trash
Why are flex games so chill?soloq is just pure chaos, but here everybody knows what to do and they are friendly people
Why is Zilean gaining popularity?
>>500995561Broken kit he just isnt played much
>>500995619you really hit start on this
>>500995619discord already ruining vgs
>>500995561he is unironically the best support in the game right now because of kindlegem stacking
>>500995838>kindlegem stackingExplain more. I keep seeing people say that they're playing Tank Zilean, but that sounds so troll...>>500995639But nothing changed for him... Unless I'm missing something?
>>500996098Yea you are missing what the word kit means
>>500995619why even call this a vg if its just everyone in a discord call that u dont let ppl into
>>500996429post the discord call
>>500995619None of these people even post here anymore. NA vgs are incredibly gay.
How many failed pros are there for each bwipo or faker?
>>500997289Define failed
why the fuck is my ping suddenly 20 higher than it used to be a couple patches ago
>open league client>queue up>get in lobby>client crashes>refuses to open until i go into task manager and close the 8 instances of it running>forced dodge into 12 hour banSKIBIDI AWESOME WE LOVE FORTNITE
>>500997289Sneaky used his fame from being a pro player to open a Patreon and earn 19k a month doing crossdressing lewd content thats like 230k a year.And thats not even counting money from all the clothed streams on twitch he does.Not as much as winning a championship every year would earn but i wouldnt call him a poor failure either.He didnt win the trophy but he definitly gained something from being pro.
>>500997370Under 100k/y yearnings for most of their league career
op gg HATES enchanters i always get lower OP score when i play them instead of tank
>>500998212Are you sure its not just skill issue?I just got MVP on a enchanter.
>>500997915ahm mr. volibear-san, i can see your butthole
>>500997854>I wonder what he cosplays these days>...Oh god why
>>500998485you have 16 wards placed though and you are iron
>>500998212It's incredibly easy to get MVP as a support, just roam and keep an insane KDA, then you'll always get MVP... You don't even have to do damage, OPGG seems like it mainly calculates from KDA and somewhat from the laning phase.
>>500995471it's crazy how I lose every game in soloq but win every one in flexgame quality in soloq is utter dogshit, I just cant carry though. Opinions?? Is flex better to climb with?
>>500999045>40k damage>almost equal gold as the fed jhinSoloq is truly a horrible place
>>500998813I have forseen this the moment he crossdressed for the first time.Its always just a joke until it isnt.
>>500996098every item that zilean needs builds from kindlegemthe build that i keep seeing in china/chall euw/na/eune/tw is cdr boots into kindlegem stacking because he only needs cdr and hp is for durabilitypic rel is what you can get out of it
>>500998157if all these people mysteriously died lolg would be much better
I love Lissandra!
>>500999569there would be no one left to post
>>500998941Do people still confuse MVP with S or A ratings?
>>500997424Put linux on a USB flashdrive and ping the riot servers from there to see if it's an OS problem.
>>500996098pic rel is what his inventory should look likehe doesn't really need mana regen because support item gives that, he doesn't need a first completed item because once again, the support item is already a completed itemall he needs is endless cdr
>>500990236People dislike playing with him so I don't play him.
>>500995561If he shows up anymore he's gonna become my permabanFucking cancer aids instawin championGame would be 30x better if he were deleted
>>500999618Garbage taste
>play league for 3 hours>blood pressure through the roof>almost all games were griefed by support niggersdamn, unluckymaybe riot should consider killing support niggers on sightanybody who has higher mastery than 3-4 for lux should be killed
>>500999324Bro really went full tranny, tits and all. His stream/patreon revenue is also dying, if he isn't millionaire now he might unironically rope before 40
>>501000203nuh uh
holy fucking shit most boring vg ive ever played it was like a ranked game except all 9 other players are on mic together
>>500996615>>500996429>>500995730>>500995810>>500995619vg results good gamenew game 20s
>>500984525What's your opinion about Senna?
>>501000458if I ever saw butta irl i would try my hardest to kill him even if i fail and die
>Demoted to Iron 1Should have known better to not play ranked during the weekend.
>>500997885That's pretty good, though. 90-100kis 50% higher than the average salary in the US
When is he getting nerfed?
if ur metric on a "successful" league pro includes bwipo then its a retarded metric that nigger has never amounted to anything as a player his only success is being memeable and "funny"
you think bin have nightmares about faker?
>>500999687I don't think so ? As I said, it seems to only be calculated from KDA, KP, and the laning phase - at least from what I can see as a mostly enchanter player. Although, all these together will normally lead to getting an S anyways. Though vision is more important too, which I don't think OPGG cares about. >>501000049>Caring about what other people think about your championWho cares, he's F U N !
>>501000790>2018+ chink champnever, he got the akali treatment of being absolutely busted on release having a fucking free magic shield and they took it away from him and hes still SSS tier
>>501000916blacks only lobby yikes
>>501000790>n-no how can faker-sama make giga plays????? xDDDDi HATE this retarded shit>hits you with a chain>takes half of your hp>dashes>heals himself>cc chain you to death while clearing his waveOH and he can take your ult btw
damn, no beer or food allowed at Worlds...
I want to thank T1 for shining the spotlight on Galio and Gragas the perennially broken as fuck cancer burst damage champs that has been S tier for ages but no one ever plays those ugly freak shows of champions so theyre never nerfed or noticed by the general sheep populationT1 changed that this weekened I see a lot more increase of Galio and Gragas abusers both mid and top, it's only a waiting game now before Riot finally nerf hammer these fundamentally broken designs into irrelevancy, tanks should not burst, and assassins should not be supporting (Pyke) riot cancer abomination of designs is biting them in the ass look at how long it took to balance "support" adc Senna
>>501001813t. Salty ADChudJust role swap lol lmao
sex with vex
>>501002190brain rot
any good adc streams up rn?
>>501002190brain nourishment
>>501002695dumb coombrain didn't even quote properly
>>501002784i been studying all day my brain is fried
>>501002029why are you a salty attack damage chud?
>>501003061this gives me black skin tik tok vibes
>>501000916resultsnew game up 15seconds
vouivre da hoe raging out
>>501000916I'm sorry majin
>>501000965Bin Laden is dead he doeant dream about anything.
>*dies*>takes free stuff with itIt's gonna be bad for us white men now that chink money is running out, who's gonna keep the servers on?
>>501003791are u guys actually just incapable of talking about things without feeling it with memes
vg vs vg place youre bets
>Reach bronze II>Hardstuck for a 100 games>Demoted back to bronze IVIron, here I come.
>discord gamesunironically no need to even post it here
>>501003721>majin leaves the gameban when
yep im going beastmode on my new account. how long can i keep this streak
>>501003935I'm not memeing
>>501003721>majin gets gapped into ragequittingi seen this episode before
>>500998798are you asking a bear to wear pants?
>>501003749One of the shittiest players on par with Steel is seething again?
>>501004805your point is serious but you were incapable of conveying it without including multiple memes
champs for these feels
>>501004983what he say fuck me for
>>501003721Hmmm... And IM the one that gets banned.
>>501004983You guys bullied steel away
>>501005017No memes there, just facts
>>501005269im still around im just playing on my smurf because my main got a 7 day ban for declining queues [this is a real thing now apparently, i submitted a ticket and it did not get removed]my main is unbanned by now but i havent bothered to log in to it because i think this account has a cool ign
>>501004381try it >>501004808im good on playing discord games against diamonds in comms on their main role with b3llamy trolling as my support he thought it would be funny to play like shit take the wave and roam and i thought it would be funny to do literally anything elseim not in the discord so sadly there will be no consequences for me im afraid
vgs sound very mean
>>501005502imagine picking up a big rock and knocking bellamy unconscious with it
>>500974839peak OP, I stopped playing lol in 2019 because of movement creep but just wanted to chime in
when are you going to buy another boost to masters?
>>501005502you are banned :), dont show your face here again
>>501005502Wait... So, Majin... You don't like it when a support griefs your lane in a vg? Hmmm doesn't feel very good does it
>>501006016when are you going to buy another boost to masters?
>>501005502why do you feel the need to namedrop b3llamy, is this funny to you?
damn, people are sober when watching worlds.
>>501006141>>501006016>>501005896i dont know why u think im subject to the same rules that i force onto uthe second some1 kicks me i will just remake another lobby steal the players and ban u insteadif i dont play the games will die within the week anywayget real
>>501006354u are washed lil buddy, u couldnt make a lobby if you wanted to
today was a really fucking good day bros
>>501006560drop your ign to prove youre not a samefag
>3 am>6 pack of beer acquired>cigar lit>league client launched>daily na fat drama episode startinglife is good
>>501006685tazmir phd
Surely next year the LPL's gonna win worlds right? China is lol's biggest market and there's no way the money's gonna stay if they keep losing like this. Not to mention the ccp permanently fucked up cn's talent pool with law limiting screentime for children.
>>501006760nice try samefag17
abuse of power
I like SI17 for how much shenanigans he causes !
vg resultsnew gmae 40 seconds
did we finally ban S 17 from vgs?based>basedbased>based
>>501007271who's we?
>>501005242>>501006016rope soon hopefully
Thoughts on these runes for urgot jg? How should I have it? I build the following>stridebreaker >boots of speed>cleaver
mb for queueing up in ghoul hours i deserve this actually
discord vs discord place your bets
>>501007621majin let this lobby happen, he could have you all killed if he wanted to
pls respond>>501007437
>>501007437looks okdont buy shitbreaker
i just duo'd with a soloq random and made him dodge twice for me and lost every game we played together
>>500974839>[11/06][New Champion] Ambessa, The Matriarch of WarThis dumb bitch better stay out of top lane or she's finna catch a beating. Melee CANNOT handle my cheese ranged top pick
>>500977456>deleteillaoi, you can go 10-0 against her and she can still 1v4 in a team fight>buff My main, obviously>perfectNot a nerf but a bug fix, fix Morde whose ult cast is currently breaking channeling spells, completely broken
Can we post men?
pretty messed up to ban someone for playing the champ they like
>>501009195what are you on aboutsi17 was banned for refusing to get oiled up and post a video of himself twerking
resultsnew game up now
>>501009195its because theyre a massive cunt who dodges lobbies they dont like
>>501009281>1018x605raping and killing b3llamy
>another shit vg
>>501009363if i dodged the doja yuumi tp flash, i would of. stop spreading misinformation
every vg tonight looks like it was terrible
>>501009861how do the lobbies get more niggerer and niggerer ever time?
>>501010053>shit host>shit gamewow
>>501006354Yikes the ego on this clown lol
>>501010220is there anyone who can save vgs? is majin a better host? his games have also been pretty low quality lately
>>501010451only good host is aliri and shes long gone
This happens to me every session. It's a bit inconsistent, but it ALWAYS happens in the first game of the day. I am pretty damn sure it's because of Vanguard because this never happened before June and I've even seen streamers get this so it's not a me problem. Fix your fucking game, Riot.
>>501009363people have done worse
>>501010575i had sex with her
>>501010741no u dint ezreal
>>501008425is titanic better overall? i like the slow with my W on stride
>>501010934dont buy either of those awful overgutted items
>>501009956kill yourself nigger
>>501010737I cant think of a single player in the past year who is as consistently unbearable to play with or against as sera is 17
>Blue Side went 62-44 (58.5%) in worlds kek
did the magma fill up yet?
>>501012862bestinuzaunitesaoeevery sion playerevery briar player
>>501013520none of those are worse than sera, what are you smokingall of those players are kinda funny desu
>>501011079what should i be buying
bellamy lobby is a mistake
>>501009861 results fear endi g2g now
>>501013745cleaver, shojin, tank items to fit the situationif you want to just do tons of damage go lethality
vg vs vg uppw vidya
>>501013786steel and mudkips ruining another lobbySO EPIC FUNNY GAIZmajin please save us
>waited for vg to end>its a shit lips lobbygood night niggers
>>501013739i dont care how hilarious you think they are in in your voice call discord apologist, they make the game quality completely shit
>>501013972bestinu got under your skin didn't he
>>501013927maybe you guys shouldnt be camping in bushes as 5 for 40 minutes while in a discord voice call together coordinating ur throwing sand in my eyes and then complaining that i kicked u in the ballsU STARTED IT!
>>501014046no bestinu you're just a nigger
look at my supportlook at this little downsyndrome niggerlook how useful he iswhy do i only get these spear chucking gorilla nignogs on my team ?
>no lyra>vg quality takes a nosedive>all the snoyscorders are out in full forceLyra is a necessary evil
>>501014169yup he sure did
Mudkip bets
>>501014182he tricked their botlane into giving you 2 kills thinking they could kill you. 200IQ play to play while listening to this?
>>501015215zedtwisted fate
i will reform and atone by playing support
>>500975191Is this the real raka poster?
>>501014191snoys could save vgschamjostie could've saved vgs but you all blacklisted him for telling the truth#JusticeForJostie
>>501014191Lyra?Lyra's dead, I don't hear her voice anymore.The last noise she made was shrieks of terror while you all held her down and murdered herYou'll never have to hear from her or Rumia again
Drawpile still on? where?Wanna draw a Liss. I had a weird idea, do you think she lactates ice cream?Will probably just be a big booba pic though.
>>501015807Maybe, who wants to know? >>501015946Here you go
>>501015875dude was/is a massive retard
>>501016548seethe cope and dilateNIGGER
mudkip invites his 30 iq friends and is surprised when ppl afk while getting trolled. shoulda never joined this garbage gg
>>501012862what makes him unbearable compared to other anons?
resultsnew one uppw vidya
>>501016541The one and only, Azakana.
i can't sleep anymore so i will try to stream
>non majin host>shit gamewow who could have seen this coming?
>>501017352yeah the majin lobbies have been so good lately thats true oh wait they are just as terrible
mudkip vs mudkip bets
>>501017509>latelyuntil 3 days ago there was no games at all, and now we are back to the point of spin off hosts fucking it up again
>>501017254Good. Swain poster drew it for the drawpile It's fantastic.
somehow both the junglers in my game forgot smite XD
>>500982282pyke also fucks with the entire economy of the game by injecting more money than should be available
>>501017762Swain poster is my autistic son or daughter. Anyways, do anything cool for Halloween?
anyone wanna play a couple arams or spellbook?tag is #NA1vgs seem interesting tonight
>>501015875What truth?
>>501015913new copypasta for my documents to spam months laterthanks bae
cheapshot + scorch is op
>>501009194I need 28 more levels to get enough me for this skin on my main. Ngmi.
I will be going to sleep morgamaniacs. Just an fyi.
>>501018813sleep well morgfriend
>>501018613you can do it babe!
how i look watching all the drama unfold
>>501018289I did something cool for Halloween. Now I'm done for this year.
>>501019005"This shit is so ass"
>>501019260I'd rip bellamy's femboy ass in two with my throbbing asian cock, after I'm done he'd be calling me daddy
yone is thee faggot champ
Which league ladies would beat you in a duel, then turn you into their sexslave?
>>501018983Get 10 in 14 hours.
>>501019984evelynn the cum demon.
are vgs dead now or can i host and expect a fill
>>501020220there's a discord inhouse actively going on >>501017548
>>501020129what does this mean?
>>501018813gnm, small raka safe>>501019269>>501019269What'd you do? I seen terrffier 3 which was pretty stupid lol and played sh2.
>>501019756Wrong. Chads like the Yone! poster play him.
>>500979321this post made me pick pyke
now that LPL is as dead as NA and EU you might as well just watch LCKreal nice job riot, killing your esports scene to give faker (ONE GUY) another 20 million in samsung sponsorships
Buff serpents fang and buff yuumi for compensation
>>501020750$200 Messi skin when?
Wait this Caedrel dude looks 5'4 on stream but he seems pretty tall actually
>>501020750How is it Riot's fault that Faker is simply the GOAT?
any1 on NA for normies?
>>501020467I went out Trick and Treating with my nephew and niece. But went to a party on Friday. I'm not too into spooky movies.
>>501021068they nerfed the meta we had all year where faker couldn't compete for the worlds patch after he barely qualifiednow annoying faggots are saying T1 were the underdogs as 4th seeds when riot just removed the meta where they struggled and we need to watch another faker glazing event and music video next year. or you need to. i'm done with this game. i disco nunued all 4 accounts to 14-30 day bans after the finals and will ruin as many games for league of assfaggots faker fellaters as possible until all of them permabanned when the suspensions expire
>>501021294Did you steal his candy? c:
People crowned Chovy as the best KR mid all the way back in 2020. Since then Scout has made 1 final and won 1.Zeka has made 1 final and won 1.Showmaker has made 2 finals and won 1.Faker has won 3 finals and won 2.Chovy has made 0 finals and won FUCKING Z E R O.
>>501020197wouldn't beat anyone in a duel
>>501021465Riot always changes up the meta before Worlds. The champions they buffed were more beneficial to BLG than T1. Buffing Jax and Ahri? Might as well give BLG their free title. Bin and Knight have like 90% career WR on them. They're the best in the world at them. They can't lose now! It's a bad excuse. T1 were simply better.
>>501021516Post the Rekkles image
>>501021481Candy Tax got to be paid....
>>501021875>Buffing Jaxlisten you're fucking stupid. toplane is a useless role in pro because of lane swaps. they did the same thing to theshy in the finals last year, guy isn't allowed to play because he gets bullied under tower for half the game and can't win duels or get gold or xp lead over other lanes like top is supposed to. ahri is a faker champion.
>>501022074You don't know shit about Knight's Ahri retard. If Riot were rigging the tournament for anyone it was for BLG. Almost every single champion they buffed were a BLG champion. Most of the champions they nerfed were champions BLG sucked at or couldn't play.
>>501022074>toplane is a useless role in proBin literally raped Guma and Keria during the first teamfight in Game 5, they lost because Knight fucked up flashing forward and missed the charm when Bin was flanking them with TP. They were just outplayed by T1 and there's nothing else to it.
>dropped from two games away to silver to B3
>>501021913Huge agree. I got a few trick or treaters but I kept all the reesees. There was some little black kid like 3 year old that was the joker so I gave the rest to him. He was too funny and adorable to not. They live on the first floor so his parents brought over a pumpkin roll for me. I'm kinda over candy and sweets for a while.
>>501022315>>501022396fact is tanks do too much damage. characters that are naturally tanky do too much damagewhenever there's a teamfight and you look at players you know who's going to win by the size of their healthbars at equal levels. you're never going to see ahri outplay galio or sylas at equal levelskarner vs lee sin or nidalee? instawin for skarnerornn vs kennen toplane? instawin for ornnsylas vs smolder mid? instawin for smoldermore naturally tanky characters win every time because their base damages are too high and shit like heartsteel is completely busted so that tanky characters deal as much if not more damage than squishy ones in equal roles while building even more defensive stats. it's completely fucked.
How shit is brand jg nowadays?
made even worse by the fact that galio and gragas as ap champions can build zhonyas for even further stalling for cooldowns and collapsing teammates when that item is intended for squishy mages
>>501022618Sorry anon, its just a rough spot, you'll get back up there soon
fish butte
>>501022859tankish meta (not exactly tanks) is always what redditors wanted and Phreak kowtows to reddit
Zhonyas is intended for making cool poses at the enemy nexus to dab on the loser team, actually.
>>501022859And how is this evidence of Riot rigging it for T1? Did they suddenly become the best team in the world at playing tanks overnight? If anything, if we go by your retarded hypothesis, Gen.G should be champions.
>>501022623lol I just took some gummies. I wasn't that brutal. >>501023275Goat Butt.
why does sylas even have that much health in the first place when he heals so fucking muchdrain tanks are supposed to have a tradeoff somewhere. that champion is so fucking disgusting with its health, healing, damage, mobility and ability to steal ults
resultsnew one up nApw vidya
>>501016541Thanks. Should I draw Lissandra in a bikini, a bunnysuit, or "dispensing" ice cream?
>T1 winsGame rigged for viewership and Faker>T1 losesGame rigged for Tencent and the CCPThere's no escape to bias.
explain the psychology of people who root for guy who wins everything, has all the money in the world and nothing to prove against underdogs whose region is struggling
>>501018335bumping, will play in 10-15 mins
>>501023849yeah thats the conspiracytard mindsetthings can never just happen
>>501023426Nice goat butt!
>>5010239574chan - sinophobia reddit - it's because those shitlow redditors want to feel superior to you see them rooting for TSM or G2 and when its worlds they switch to T1 or whatever asian team is the best that event, and start posturing like they're superior to you for supporting the better team, these people probably buy boosts desu
>>501023582Bunnysuit!nta btw
>>501023957not everyone is a contrarian who wants san marino to win the next world cup
>>501023957You're never going to succeed in painting the team with Bin and Knight as their solo laners as some scrappy underdog team. BLG were the favourites heading into the tournament. They won both splits dominantly. Made it to the MSI final. T1 were 1 game away from not even making it. Looked shit all year. T1 were the loveable underdogs a la 2022 DRX. Not BLG.
>>501023957It's kino because he's a 28 years old legendary player that still performs but 7 years later he gets a team that actually cares for him and they are strong through the power of frendship. You wouldn't get it unless you're a full shonentard.
>>501024193it would be more fun than real madrid or psg or liverpool winning the champions league (those are the only footy teams i know so they must be like t1)>>501024252>You're never going to succeed in painting the team with Bin and Knight as their solo laners as some scrappy underdog team. brother anon reddit are literally calling T1 who won last year, made finals the year before that and have "the goat" with 5 worlds titles the underdog team because they were 4th seed
mudlkip lobby bets
>>501023582Everyone loves bunnies.>>501023860>>501024114Soraka been working on it.
what does /lolg/ think of lux?
jungler: >Aware of enemy jungler pathing and timings>Aware of each lanes health/mana in relation to their opponents and calculating if they can help take objectivesLaner:>DA DWAGONS UP DA DWAGONS UP!!!! DA DWAGON!>GUYS I DONT SEE ENEMY ON THE MAP THEY MIGHT BE BACK AT BASE BUYING QUIK TAKE BAROON FOLLOW ME INTO THIS BUSH-ACK!
>>501024405shonen protagonists are the bad guys because they win every time just because the writers said so. every time a villain is anything but chaotic evil that does evil (just because the writer said so) they end up being more sympathetic than the "main character" who has 60 million dollars, millions of "fans" and already won every thing you can win five times
>>501024734name one character with that description
Why did nobody root for the hecking mega dominant LPL giant Chinese superteam "underdogs" against the mighty barely 4th seed of Korea?
>>501024734Sorry but that's just you're 15yo contrarian opinion. I will always root for the hard-working guy who relies on his friends and strong sense of justice over the bad guy who was wronged in the past or simply wants power. It's just so fucking good every single time.
>>501024458She should take a seat!>>501024538cute and not for sexualizing.
play adc
>>501024878i literally just described fakerbut answering your question, L from death note. he's an orphan that made 100 billion dollars with a smart investment as a 9 year old (not exaggerating), solved 3600 crimes by the age of 20 (not exaggerating, this is what's said in the lore), owns a skyscraper in tokyo, has hundreds of employees, all governments cooperate with him and he doesn't need valid IDs to travel so no one knows his real name. Also he managed to have the time to groom two successors who are also orphans with 200iq.And you're supposed to root for him against the guy that dropped crime rates globally by 70%.
>>501024538if she were real i would put my mouth on her anus and would eat all her poopsand would lick insidei am jerking off to what i am writing currently
>>501025225l is not a shonen protagonist
>>501025225Wait you were actually rooting for Kira?????? OMFG HAHAHAHAH
I have adc as my fill choice and almost every time i get it I just pick sivir then play pve pushing towers down while ignoring my game. Somehow i have won all 4 games i have done this
>soraka is my cute wife>i have made this same post multiple times per day for the past 10 years>no i am not mentally ill hehe>it's cute every time i do it though uwu~
>>501024458she needs to burn all those calories
just got added by someone ive never played with before in my life again for the 3rd time in like the last monthat this point i genuinely think theres a discord clique pranking me or some shit
>>501025379kira had a sense of justice and it was him against the world. L is a narcissistic mary sue who wants to stop the only man that can end crime and vices only to say he won.
faker is the most boring fucking pro lmaohis whole personality is just he wins a lothe's a robot not like khan or showmakerall he says is "my opponent is le good, we are lucky to win, I hope I win more in the future"faker fans need to gas themselves for being fans of someone with less personality than chatgpt
>his whole personality is just he wins a lotYes.
>>501025683Kira didn't have a sense of justice, he was a narcissist psychopath who got horny by killing people and becoming a God, his endgame was never to help humanity and murdering criminals was only a stepping stone into becoming the most powerful man on earth which to him, was only a game. Did you even watch the show?
>>501025627But not too many. She needs some softness to her.>>501024993Yeah! With me!
>>501025683>kira had a sense of justice>will kill innocent lazy people>will kill innocent people trying to catch him>will do anything to fulfill his god complex
>>501013336Nope, join in
killing lazy people is based
>>501019756The word cloud has spoken
>>501025926Does a winner need to be anything else?
>>501025932the fuck are you on about?
>>501025953>Kira didn't have a sense of justicethat's why he did more to stop crime than any government in history, while actively being hunted for doing the right thing>>501026268>will kill innocent people trying to catch himpeople who try to catch him become evil by default because they are harboring criminals
>>501026204true, get on the treadmill
>>501026443>>501025345death note is literally a shonen series and L is the face of the story that readers are supposed to root for that can do no wrong
>>501026425>harboring criminalsThey explicitly do not do this. They deliberately took no action to stop criminal names and identities from being released because their fear of Kira killing innocents in response
>>501025932King Brown is the type of guy to read a post and say "tf are you on about?"
AnywaysFaker = LChovy = KiraGumayusi = NearKeria = Mello
faker is genuinely the goku of league
>>501026675I'm also the type to
>>501026461Soraka moving it!
>>501026660>They explicitly do not do this. They deliberately took no action to stop criminal names and identities from being released because their fear of Kira killing innocents in responsewhile still trying to catch Kira, which is an attempt to protect evildoers>>501026708more like Bin is Kira because of lane swaps where those 3 gang up on him and stop him from getting cs and xp
>>501026815you don't dance on a treadmill silly, you run!
Resultsim done for the night.
who got cleared today
>>501027151vuoivre trash player who will she blame this time?
>>501027151vouivre got cleared again
>>501027309i dont think voivre has blamed anyone nor flamed at all ever. I also think shes prob like 2nd best female
>>501027367flames bolo
Imagine if sex was possible in the game I would be fucking my duo in front of Baron Nashor.
>>501027367What? She gets mad at Steel all the time.
>>501027367lil bro she already taking my cock ur simping wont do nothing BETA MALE
>>501027638we know zaunite
yall simping for straight up 3 outta 10s come on bros you can find better riding ur local town bike at the bar and she'll still be less of a bitch
>>501027638ok zkurostar
>>501027367>2nd best femaleaurae clears
>>501026204On my face!! agreed, or agreed? c:
>>501028069years of spam has conditioned their brains
>>501028181that's so hot
>>501027367she does. youve only seen her fake nice persona
>>501027367The standards must be low if a plat player is the 2nd best lolg girl out of all the available ones, even jelly is plat
>>501027151>this is the team that Steel is so scared of he dodged twice
>>501027367whos number 1?
>>501027145She can dance while running for it! >>501028042No. My face!
champs to play while wearing these?
>>501028387Probably doja
>>501028387Seraphine is 17
>>501027151Thanks for the invite, Muddy.Daily reminder, her pussy was weak.
>>501028487angrytrumpfan is on his way to diamond dos
>>501028414fair enough, don't forget her cheerleader outfit
>>501026328Post it
if i ran this game i'd make it so you can only play ranked if you pay a 15$/month subscription.
I love league I love women I’ve failed nnn like 6 times this month
void staff need rework. it's so boring item
I want to goon so badly to league sluts. I love them so much especially the ones that are sexy and also have nice personalities
>>501028621>Soraka>In a cheerleader outfitThat's a good idea.
>install dota2 after faker wins again>none of the female champions are hot
>>501029229>>501029343virgin hands typed this
>>501029312don't forget cheerleader pompom on her horn
>>501024458>>501023582There you go! Battle Bunny Liss done. Yummy icicle
>>501030169>>501024181Meant for
>>501025647stalked again gg
>>501030441I think that guys stuff makes sense, there is a ranked ladder list of users in your elo with random names like "amumus tears" and players can basically check those users out for role and duoing. It's a very old way to go about it but nothing unusual.
>>501030616It should be in the client, back then people would check it out to find players who are in placements to duo and stuff.
>>501029312I'll draw it in the drawpile after a bit above the bunny liss.How do you want her? Big boobs or nah? Maybe some underboob? a bit of tummy? Decisions...
>>501030616is that how boomerbros used to find duos back in the day? lmaoo
>>501030818Yeah lolz.
where's poppyposter i need something drained
>>501000481The same as the rest of these hyper-scaling Enchanters. I think most Enchanters, outside of a select few, are more of a hindrance. Becauss they need to scale, and require levels and Gold to be useful. In too many ways they conflict with the carry's role and make the game more difficult.
my bandaid smells a bit funky. anybody want a sniff (i am the cutest hottest girl ever)
>>501030754Thanks! Maybe some SG Soraka with smaller perky breasts underboob.
>>500986203He's good at laning alone and surviving. The Top role is the off-laner, so all that matters is if they win their matchup and/or hold their lane.
>>501030169yordlebrooooothose areolas are SINFUL
>>501031129Alright! Panty peek? >>501031204She has those true ice pepperonis.
>>501031125this post disturbs me
>>501029569Damn, I got to catch up now! >>501031274Hell yeah! Just a peek!
>>501031518Sure. gonna play a couple games then I'll begin.Tune in shortly to watch some goat drawing.
>>501031125*cuddles you instead*
>>501031684Like I said. Hell yeah!
>>501031913I'll lyk once I'm about to start.
im the batman of league
>Wasnt Bin cocky and said they win 3-0 .. thats what happens if u get cocky .. u deserve to losefaker's entire personality is being cocky, saying all roads lead to me, "prove it"what are T1 fans huffing if they think he's the underdog after making finals two years in a row and winning last year
>>501032395don't you think you're allowed to be cocky if you're the verifiable best player of all time and still are one of the absolute best players in the world 11 years after your debut
The worst sin Faker has committed was getting Zeus, Gumayusi, Keria and Oner addicted to playing with him. They will never be able to play normally again because they will be always looking for that high of having Faker as his teammate.
>>501032486Yes ofcHis point is it's retarded to consider the underdog>>501032395It's surface level normies who probably didn't even actually watch the finals, just some random clips on tiktok
faker is actually terriblehe's probably the worst midlaner in the entire tournamenthe hasn't had the hands hands to play squishy characters so he's on tank duty, just like last year when he was maining ksanteevery midlaner even from brazil can beat him 1 on 1, every time he gets dragged to the finish line keria who is the only good player on the team
nobody cares anymore blg lost get over it
>>501032735>choky fansno such thing exists after they had to use a metaslave scaling comp with smolder against flyquest, his entire legacy was tainted by that
Chovy CS > Shaker's career
>>501032603i always figured t1 would look a lot better at worlds bad but if you took their summer in isolation they definitely were underdogs lol. especially vs gen g if nothing else
>>501032735Get his dick out of your mouth already shit is so cringe, his career is already over and nobody would even know who he is come next year
>>501033147i would usually just call this ragebait but chink shills and faker haters are genuinely this retarded so you can never be too sure
>>501033063>if you took their summer in isolation they definitely were underdogs lolyes and then riot patched the meta because shaker couldn't play adc midi'm so sick of cutelow niggers that don't follow patch notes only looking at the scoresheet
>>501033226if you can explain how this is a t1 meta other than "le shaker ad mids" (which he's always been good at, it was just summer) then i'll concede
S: Faker A+:KnightA:ZekaB:Scout,Creme,Caps, XiaohuC: Quad, Apa, Humanoid D: Maple, KatiF: average /vg/ goonersF-:Chovy
>>501032735it's euroshitters still talking about the tournament after its over
why is every swain support so dogshit, useless AND whiny
>>501034204i think it's because of the nerfs. the healing is like a bard W level 1
>>501034276no it has nothing to do with the nerfs this has always been the caseonly the biggest retards play swain support
>>501033226>>501033310huhno reply. curious!
>>501033310>>501034305it doesn't need to be t1 meta, all it has to be is "not anti-t1 meta" which it was over the summer. riot fucking rigged it for them. i don't know if they hoped or thought t1 would win the whole thing (they're retarded if they hoped that because this is the worst thing that could happen to lol esports, viewership will absolutely crumble next year) or to help them get out of swiss stage for a viewer boost in semifinals but it was rigged nevertheless.they-nerfed adc mids which faker couldn't play-nerfed ap jungles which oner couldn't play-nerfed ziggs which geng was the best at using
>>501034204i play swain support and i don't do this
>>501034626i dont believe u
>>501034381>perfect meta for blg>really good meta for gen g>both job to t1, who are still theoretically much weaker in this meta because chink shills don't want to admit they can play anythingcurious!
>>501034204Probably because things didn't go as they planned, I know they tend to type a lot in game and I guess other places putting up literal essays that could be tldr'd it's also why I don't even watch or take part in Swain player content, community or anything really.
>>501034742how is it a perfect meta for geng when they spent the whole year dominating with adc chovy and ziggs 9/11ing towers and that's exactly what was nerfedyou're retarded
>>501034791Also I rarely type in my games either, at most all I do is ping.
>>501020739at least you are self-aware about being an insufferable faggot
all of you niggers understimate the difference in mental pressure when you're a 4 time world champion with nothing to prove and someone with everything on the line. if the same exact comps met next time it's even more over.league of legends esports is dead to fellate one fucking guys ego
>>501034204>dogshit, uselessHe wasn't any good as support before he got nerfed.
>Korea LCK will die when Faker retires because they just simply haven't been able to craft another superstar>EU LEC has no new talent and has pretty much given up on worlds>CN LPL downsizing and interest dwindling because they can't win worlds and gaming time restrictions on kids>NA LCS dropped to 20k viewers before disbanding, no interest in any of the teams or players that were participatingI sure am glad they actively ruined the game by balancing everything for their beloved esports matches. Seems like it was a good idea.
>>501035834Fearless draft will save us sister does this make you feel?
>>501035952Nothing but confusion. Why is it KDA Sera when it's base Lux next to her?
>>501035834but faker made lots of money for his personal account from samsung sponsorships so it was worth it for riot, right? RIGHT????
>>501031913>>501031518Alright starting now.
>>501036327Getting the popcorn.
>>501035952>bad music>2 second animation loop stretched to 30 secondsi don't get the point
>>500977456Delete Yuumi. Yuumi is absolutely impossible of a champion to actually balance. Either she's going to be utterly useless because she can't be targeted when attached and provide very little support, or she's going to be broken because she can't be targeted and provides too much support, or even damage. I still remember when some people would build full AP burst items on old Yuumi and chunk ADCs and midlaners for a third of their health, while being functionally invincible.Not nerf, but straight up rework Pyke from the ground up. Aatrox him, leave nothing remaining of his old self.Buff Kalista because Kalista takes more skill to play properly than 95% of the other ADCs.>b-but the pro players!!!I don't care, I don't watch esports league, and I certainly don't play against them. I don't even play ADC. But I'd rather have a Kalista than most other ADCs, and when I'd rather have Kalista than most other ADCs - I'd prefer her to be in a really good state.
Back to s2, omw back to gold.>yone banned>swap my jungler so i can Kayn>enemy takes Kayn>have to swap back to midThat's exhausting.
>>501035952Aurae is so cute.
>>501036885But you won so Good Job!
>>501037186That I did! That I did. I think I deserve a kiss as a reward. Would you not agree?
>>501034791gnight babe
>>501037067Lux is known for them
>>501037498lol let me get her...
>>501037620From the goat…. And you knew I meant from the goat.
whats the state on morgana?>mid>jungle>supporti fucking love this cumbait hero she gets me like no other but i have this niggling feeling that she is irreparably dogshit at the moment
>>501037620Don't tempt me to find a Goat image.
Which one of you is this>>>/fit/75402070
>>501038024>midnobody plays this idk riot phreak claims its op statistically for what thats worth>junglevery op>supportcounterpick only, good vs engage supports, useless troll pick vs poke supports
>ctrl + F faker>29 results>ctrl + F worlds>16 results>ctrl + F china/chinks>13 results>ctrl + F chovy>10 resultsnigger it's over, spam your neetsports next year
>>501038549sorry we can go back to vgs discord drama
Hello.I am briar OTP I am here to adopt Veigar main so we can Farm Maestry Points.I am looking for someone who wants to Strictly farm Maestry.I can even provide account with skin to have more fun.EUNE Server.Message me PV
>>501038763meds nigger, nobody has ever posted discord shit at this hour
>>501038832sorry i'll get the time right next time
>>501038940next year? bye until then
>>501039091ummm actually discord drama happens everyday
>>501038476thanks gwill throw a few games on that bitchmiss playing her like you wouldn't believe the build is generic double burn into zhonya rabadonlooks like shit but shouldn't matter
just played a game where i played like shit. i saw myself play like shit in slow motion. missed a bunch of stuff. I mean i wasnt totally braindeadweight but we won because winners queue. still felt like pic relatedi meant to honor my support but i didnt have enough slots. sorry popppers you did great
>>501038417>Hitler SwainSwear that guy was a bot or the spammer.
I can't believe LPL is fucking dead, good bye free skins
Also Valorant is gonna cannibalize LoL so hard in china
>>501038829Lulu mains gorilla gripping their Veigar duos seeing this post.
>>500995130what's final minutes buildingand then bt on renekton, too?bros.......... my bet......
>>501040520watch me please
Champions with this kind of body please
good morning /lolg/
>>50104142495% of champs have that already
new accounts are good for ego boosting
>>501041521Morning Raidou.
>>501041540good morning. it's technically ganymede now but that doesn't really matter. did you sleep well
Some people itt look at the mermaid picture and think "Yeah, I'd rape that"
>>501041653No I slept like 3 hours, took the day off to sleep 12 hours ideally.Also I'm gonna keep calling you Raidou because I keep misreading the new one as Granny Made.
Cheerleader Soraka done, and I think that's it for me for this drawpile.
>>501041801nobody cares about your cartoons bro
>>501041801I cared and I even went to checkitout
>>501041771that's ok. i'll probably namechange it from ganymede to something else 3mo from now and then just keep namechanging it as i used to before but i'm ok with any of these names sticking.and oh. that's not good. i feel like monday is one of the worst days of the week you can choose to take off. i guess you've got the advantage that it's like a whole extended weekend thing and it's gonna make the weekend shorter one way or another but. well. it doesn't matter too much either way.i think i'm gonna binge watch arcane s1 today since i haven't watched it yet. in preparation for s2 or whatever. i still don't think i'm gonna be able to stream it but i hope someone else does.
>>501041839They're cargoons, mom.>>501041931Thanks, dad.
>that fat ass Jinx in the draw pileIM NOT OPENING THESE EVER AGAIN DURING NNN
>>501042143You're lucky the lewd layers are turned off by default. message to my beloved /lolg/ friends
>>501038417if any of you guys actually look like sett I will be your pet
>>501042565nobody here has hair
>>501042067I can take the day off because I have 3 weeks worth of sick leave stacked up and never took a day off so far even if I work like crazy and feel shitty time to time but sleep depravation is probably something I'm willing to draw the line since it takes ages to recover from the debt and messes with your physical and mental performance.As for Arcane S1 I think that would be good to stream as a test for the coming weekend for season 2. Let me see if I can make an account and test stream it directly off Netflix on Hyperbeam and check if everything's gonna be ok. If it works out can I stream a few episodes for you (or anyone here) today I will drop a link.
>>501042732my hairline and volume of hair is better than your pig moms
>>501042956you aren't asian or middle eastern
>>501043347The Sera one was leaked, so sad for Amumu though they're gonna bully him again. When will they preserve his smile??
>>501042732Yep. I am completely hairless down there.The hair on my head though is chin length.
is Sion the most niggerish champ?
>>501031021Senna doesn't require gold to be useful, she scales trough gameplay.
>>501043347>still nothing for SmolderI wonder if he's actually gonna go two years without a skin.>>501042904So you can take those 3w off in succession? That's pretty good. Do they just keep stacking or is there a limit as to how many sick days you can have in a year? Or, well, actually, none of these things really matter all that much at all. Enjoy your Monday off - I hope it puts you at least a little bit at ease.I'd be up for that, but don't stress yourself if it's either too much work/you're not up for it. Have you seen S1 before or would this be your first time?
>>501043445are you a girl
>>501043792trying to be
>>501043960cute cute cute
>>501043973balding trannies are the opposite of cute
>>501043583That's AD Senna. Enchanter Senna has massive power spikes when she completes the items. AD Senna gets her power spike at 100 stacks, then either falls off, or becomes stable.
>>501044056>enchanter Sennasorry I've assumed you were seriousSenna's healing scales with the bonus attack damage she gains from Mist Wraiths. Read the champion's abilities you might learn things and be in the know.
>>501043445why did you feel the need to share this information in the league of legends general
>>501044220it has also ap scalings, you silly duck
>>501043612It keeps stacking. My work is kinda flexible and my boss lets me do whatever because the place is quite casual in atmosphere so I just had to let them know and that was it.I can watch like 3 episodes just to test, I've watched it in the past but don't mind watching again but mainly need this one run to see if I can stream it for everyone straight from the source than some weird Twitch setup that requires their bandwidth and settings to be right. If this experiment fails then ah well whatever.Come join:
kek, they gave zoe a stonetoss emote.
>>501044481Gonna start Arcane Season 1 straight from Netflix in 5 minutes if anyone wants. Minimum duration 3 episodes.
>>501044220Not me, knowing nothing about my main !If you play AD Senna, you don't care about the healing, and you're rarely going to be using it that way. That other poster talked about Enchanters, so surely, I'm going to also about the Enchanter side of Senna.
>>501044669Why are you black
RAPE RAPE RAPE all Seraphine mains deserve
>>501044824chill down pajeet
>>501044824It just looks okay. I think it's her first brunette skin which is nice but the rest doesn't look that appealing. Ocean Song clears.>>501044481Join us! Starting now.
>>501043428u r bald
>>501045065hi imaqtpie
>>501045065Someone edit hashinchin png on this guy.
i hate this piece of shit nigger abomination so fucking much its unrealreminds me of s14 split 1 sennawhy has she not been gutted yet? is phreak abusing it in ranked or what?
>>501045565I love poppy players I never had bad experience with them
>>501045520forgot he had long hair, isnt he in jail for pedo charges
>>501044874So true
>chovy>tall and good looking>plays like a pussy>showmaker>midget and ugly>plays aggressively like a macho man
>>501045613i dont care about the players i only care about the fact that u can be a handless disabled brain damaged kid from south sudan and get 95% wr to challenger with this niggerfaggot champ
>>501045635No the pic's black censor is so triangular it made me think of that pic, idk who he is desu.
>>501045803napoleon complex
>>501044932what the fuckwhy cant i tell which champion is thisis the game gookified beyond saving or am i retarded?
>>501046713bow and arrow - Ashe. It's a Wild Rift skin.
>>501046786not going to lie anon that bow looks like its part of the chairthe fact that i need to try to know who im looking at is pissing me off
>>501046713Its hard to tell which champ it is when they change too much about them. Its difficult to immediately tell that skin is Ashe because she doesn't have a hood like most of her skins, doesn't have long white hair like most of her skins and the bow is kind of lost to the side rather being a prominant part of the pose.Meanwhile you can look at Crystal Rose Lux and immediately tell its her because she still has blonde hair
Poppy is the most sexual design riot has come up with.
duoqueue really feels like league on easy mode
>>501045635No.The guy baiting him into sending him his nudes by pretending to be a little girl was actually 19 so there was no pedo crimes there.FBI investigated and confirmed that guy wasnt a little girl he was a 19 year old man.
>>501045676Are you a Seraphine main?
You can't spell "fetish" without a "fish"
>>501048012why do Seraphine players love sucking cock so much?
Im a Seraphine main and if you asked me to suck your dick i would pretend to agree but instead of actually doing it i would bite off your penis and balls chew them up and eat them and then watch you bleed out.If you held out long enought maybe you could in your final moments watch me shit out what used to be your penis into your eyes right before you go.Im quirky like that. >_<
>>501047583>no hes not a pedo he just thought it was a little girl it wasnt actually a little girllol
what u mean warning cuz i declined a game
>>501048821This but I would suck it and swallow your load instead
>>501044481This is done.If noone streams Arcane Season 2 this weekend on Saturday I will emulate this for a lolg watch party.
>>501049181that shit happened to me the other day and i was like "what the fuck do you want me to do, go take a shit and just be afk for the first few minutes of the match"
>>501049181every time matchmaking fixes a game after you hit queue up it costs them money so when you decline a game you are literally burning their money
>>501049181every other time when matchmaking is made it costs them money when you decline.
>>501049181Lets all decline matchmaking.... together.
i'm gonna be honest guysseraphine is fucking hideous
>>501049896There's mods to fix that
i changed my mind after watching that
>>501043612next few skinlines are>chosen of the wolf>winterblessed>cafe cuties>mythmakerchosen of the wolf was shown,cafe cuties was leaked,mythmaker can't be because heavenscale + mythmaker roster was also leaked with cassio legendaryhe either gets winterblessed or something else in march
my mouse broke. now i can't play
i wish i was as hot as viego
>>501050393you will never be latino
>>501050372hop on wild rift
>>501050506hmm, interesting idea
>>501049896We love Seraphine and Seraphine players on /lolg/!
why does riot give u these kinds of teams only when u duo? i played 30 games straight solo and in none of them did my team go 0/14/0 by like 15 mins
>>501050647cute chihuahua
>>501050707Stop looking at your teams looking for someone to blame so you can give up and focus on yourself and on winning.
>>501050707Riot actually do give you tougher matchmaking when you duo to account for the advantage of duoing. Usually this results in your team being animals.Better to just play Flex if you want to duo
>>501050781isn't it a pincher?
>>500977810shes a mage that encourages a lot of good habits while being easy to play ( autoattacking champions, map awareness, crashing waves into tower before roaming)