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Previous Thread: >>501093263

[10/25-11/8][Standard]6* Guard Thorns, 6* Guard Irene (Shop), 5* Sniper Toddifons, 5* Specialist Almond, 5* Medic Whisperain (Shop)
[10/31]EP14: Absolved Will Be The Seekers - 6* Supporter Civilight Eterna, New Amiya Alt
[10/31-11/14][Our Kind]6* Sniper Wis'adel, 6* Caster Logos, 5* Vanguard Fang The Fire-Sharpened
[10/31-11/14][Log-in]1* Supporter PHONOR-0, Savage Skin
[10/31-11/28][BoC, Iteration Provident & Ambience Synesthesia]Muelsyse, Ines, Thorns; Skadi The Corrupting Heart, Blue Poison; SilverAsh, Ho'olheyak, Swire The Elegant Wit
[10/31-11/28]Reselling old skins

[10/24-11/7][Standard]6* Guard Executor the Ex Foedere, 6* Caster Goldenglow (Shop), 5* Caster Santalla, 5* Vanguard Mitm, 5* Caster Harmonie (Shop)
[11/1-11/22]I Portatori Dei Velluti - 6* Specialist Crownslayer; 5* Defender Philae, 4* Specialist Contrail
[11/1-11/15][We Mischievous Few]6* Caster Lappland The Decadenza, 6* Vanguard Vulpisfoglia, 5* Specialist Figurino
[11/1-11/15][Log-in]Sussurro Skin
[11/1-11/29][Cambrian, Test & EPOQUE]Executor The Ex Foedere, Virtuosa, Texas The Omertosa, Warmy
[11/1-11/29][BoC & Iteration Provident Re-Edition]Muelsyse, Skadi The Corrupting Heart
[11/15-11/29][Joint Action]6* Guard Mlynar, 6* Sniper Pozemka, 6* Specialist Dorothy, 6* Specialist Ascalon, 5* Vanguard Fang The Fire-Sharpened, 5* Vanguard Poncirus, 5* Guard La Pluma, 5* Medic Vendela, 5* Supporter Sand Reckoner, 5* Supporter Windflit

>/akg/ website:
>AK EN Database:
>More valuable resources:
Post THAT comparison inage with THAT defender
do NOT breed lappland
Columbian pizza
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My soulmate...
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Eblana LOVE
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Good morning, I love Quercus
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I couldn't stop her if I wanted to
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Kroos feet!
Lapp Love
Good meowning
Instantly the Heavy/Medic micspam mp3 popped into my head.
Roach sex or Italian wife for today
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what he fuck you can get operators you don't even have?
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ON GOD ON GOD fr fr no cap
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Making little lapipi's with lapipi!
Yes, and they're maxed out too
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N3arl will be our first 6* Sky Ranger
Pretty sure everything but collab ops are fair game. There's a couple 5*s that are IS exclusive.
Now average it out
Okay where the FUCK is that tune from? I swear I've heard it before but the closest I can think of is one of the ending themes from Rewrite and that can't be it.
What’s with the Priestess is Amiya connection some people imply with their art?
I choose this one. I want the entire weight of those to suffocate me.
Amiya and Priestess are both brown hairs extremely attached to Doc and share similar lines.
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It recently came to my attention by our IT services that content of salacious type were located on your personal computer.

I would like to remind you that pornographic imagery is strictly against' RIIC's code of conduct and against our IT services security recommandations. This unit of yours if for work only and not for personal use.
Furthermore, I would like to add that most of these picture were taken without operators' consent and usually in places you weren't supposed to navigate, such as ladies bathroom and showers.

This type of conduct is strictly forbidden and "I had no sanity" or "Suzuran huoooooo" isn't a valid excuse nor an acceptable explanation.
I therefore ask you remove these pictures of explicit content right away and, while we are on the subject of misconduct, that you cease to shove yourself against female operators in the elevator.
Ancient retarded schizo skipfag theory. Our resident Papayafag was one of them.
Mario Odyssey
Them literally having parallel cgs, similar general appearance and the rhombus eyes
I aint got the skill to free style that and I can't be fucked looking for a good reference this late at night.
sounds like a music box version of jump up superstar from mario odyssey
You can pry my folders from my cold, dead doctor hands.
This is what I get from never having Nintendo consoles.
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I am putting down this rabid animal
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Damn they weren't lying
Young master really CAN soloblade
Well said
She's no longer a threat. Now she's mindbroken, no purpose in life and doesn't even defend herself when attacked.
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The real reason Yan backstabbed Qui'lon and murdered his followers was because they're Buddhachads, and Yan is infested with Taoist cultivation freaks.
If they wouldn't want me to take pictures they wouldn't be naked when I'm creeping around with a camera
eh switch isnt really anything special
>Red no longer listen to Kal'tsit
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Ascalon and Manticore can sneak into my bathroom and slap my penis while I take a shower but I can't even take pictures?
Eat shit Kal. I'm gonna go join Reunion
Could have killed clownslayer, but chose to let her live and become 6star welfare, thats so cold
Daddy, penis goes here
Chong is peak Buddha, bro
That's a man
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>lapp alter got released
>vina too
>thornpipi soon
>this means blem alter is now the most requested alt in the game
Consider the following.
Good luck eating tree bark, and leaves with the rest of them. Doctor.
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Archetto reroller here, took me a little while but I finally got her on my 13th reroll. She's even cuter now that I can see her up close. This is what I ended up with, how did I do?
I've been reading the guides in the OP as much as I can but there's a lot to take in. Any advice for a new player so I don't mess up too badly?
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So this is what growing up without a mother does to a young lady
i'm not falling for it again that's a man isn't it
>Yan central government hates Chong, and still thinks of him as a treacherous beast to put down even after a millennium of labor
That's not exactly convincing, bro
That would be Shining Alter according to some poll I saw
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Seen so many Chinese Arknights crossdressing porn accounts on Twitter, it is a wide world out there
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It's a woman, you cucks
I'm fairly certain you're fake, but go roll the Anniversary banner then report back.
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If it's your first day just play the story until the next event, you're not gonna be able to beat chapter 14
they only recruited infected terrans doc
I want Lappland to embrace me with such force she obliterates my sternum with her flat fucking chest
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Let's find out. I'm lazy so add your own answers, multiple votes are allowed.
Should be Chihaya instead.
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Ring niggas
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>I'm lazy so add your own answers
Follow the superior Japanese women cosplayer.
>Ascalon and Manticore can sneak into my bathroom and slap my penis while I take a shower
You think women with huge tits sneaking into your bathroom is a bad thing? Damn Doc didn't know you were gay
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I don't think we get that much idolmaster crossover art
Fuck, you right
I think you need to do the main story to unlock most of the basic things like annihilation and chip stages
best advice is to build your base so you have money to upgrade your ops.
Also you'll have to E2 your donkey anyway
This account has several videos showing his cock and balls, and videos of him sucking and rubbing cocks while dressed in the Amiya skirt
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Don't know why you would think I was fake, but I'm working on it. I love her huge crossbow, there is nothing better than cute girls using oversized weapons.
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If you didn't raise your pon just to put her in your annihilatio runs, are you even a part of /akg/?
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Rice! Rice! Rice!
Why would I raise her, if I wanted afk dp generation even fang would be better
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Maybe so, but it's Asami Imai's most iconic character IMO.
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I raised Pon for sex
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who said anything about dp generation
I'd let Ascalon and Manticore do whatever to my pinus
Sad that it has the strongest sales this console generation considering the competition is somehow even more ass
>Ch'en again
really /akg/? really??
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I did
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what did you expect?
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Manticores spikes fall through the ground.
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Shhhh, Dusk is sleeping
Walter is killing things too fast, my Thorns can’t activate his skill…
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cute girls, when's the next update?
Ch*n from *rknights
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Post ops that can legally operate a motor vehicle
They also do in Babel
If you're really not a LARPing Cheetoposter, then your best course of action is to clear as much as possible, buy the newbie Orundrum packs for OP and dump it all on the Anniversary banner.

I really do think you are a LARPing Cheetoposter who started a new account just to LARP as a Cheetonewpipi though.
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After dealing with mediocre heroines for 4 years, people realize they took Ch'en for granted.
Haha can't stop me Kally
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The DoT meta is coming
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3 +50% hp matched color foldartals give a max level mudrock 14.3k hp.
now das a lot of health
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Whoever said this game doesn't have cute girls, clearly wasn't paying attention.
What did Ch’en do so amazing that her descendent praise her? Are we unironically getting a 3rd Ch’en?
NotChen tail stimulation...
12-15 is such a fucking shit stage, I hate it when they just do 'lol statbloat' for adverse mode
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That's a given
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prts, rev the doctor's shock collar up
gosh thats so stupid, imagine basing your entire personality/character around something as bland as rice, imagine there was some operator that was all about bread or something, that would be fucking lame now wouldn't it?
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She didn't deserve this
Kanojodori, there's Texas and La Pluma stuff by her too
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Well you rolled Archetto so you already messed up.
In all seriousness just start going through the story for now and make sure to read the tutorials, even if it is obvious information. Good luck on your journey.
Iris and Closure are the only two 100% canon one's that I can think of
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>imagine there was some operator that was all about bread or something
Didn't know I had fallen for a meme character. I don't know what her deal is but I can assure you I just tried this game on a whim and she was the cutest girl I saw. After I get the free ten roll I can post my info as proof that I'm real.
she's all.about bread AND beer, it's not the same
>imagine there was some operator that was all about bread or something
French operator CONFIRMED
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long has akg forgotten the sight of their queen
dearly must they pay the price
prts, activate reconfigure the doctor's brainwashing so he only thinks about MANIA MANIA
Skin when?
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Reposting because I fucked on last thread
I'm in dire need of mat after bombarded with 4 6* operator.
How do I play RA?
Guide and YouTube tips said use tool but tool only unlocked at high level base meanwhile just for update base to level 2 I need fuckton of wood. and in 1 act only can get 4 - 10 before taxed to build water pump and bottlenecked by food.
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gather like 500, or preferably more, wood and do save reload abuse to get all rewards in few min
but setting it up could take few hours
Imagine giving an erotic tail massage to your favorite Sui sister, ahah
I'm still new to RA too but let me give you this tip:
Always farm materials on stages where you can also get food until you can unlock and build farms
you pretend it's like minecraft
This roach awakens animalistic urges in my dick
That reservepipi that the whore Lancet-2 was flirting with in Great Chief. He was the plane pilot wasn't he?
Take it slow, you don't have to be super efficient. Just have an actual Protector Defender built like Cuora though so you can have them facetank Linebreaker when he comes on day 25. Remember food buffs exist.

If you really need more energy drinks, you can also convert hunted food for it too.
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wyell nyes
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This should've been the first answer.
>arknights ad
>free 3k orundum weekly!!!
>5 rolls
>other games ad
>free 100+ rolls!!!
They really went with that one, lel
I don't know, HG just hates taking my money, see also: that ambience sythesia Shaw outfit
>implying there's someone in PL whose's driving license isn't expired
They were obviously waiting to release the skins for Walter since they knew she was in the works.
hell yeah
isnt PL disbanded now
Ch'en was riding a bike in story, shes cool like that.
I just checked and the original story is in Paris, well, the more you know.
Arturia's skin opens the floodgates for not-AS skins, now there's actually a chance instead of never-ever.
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Im gonna teach Ifrit how to drive the landship.
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>Walter was holding Shaw's skin hostage
I see?
you already know Lowlight's special child will get an L2D skin, I want Cutter and the likes to get 1(one) skin, especially Vermeil
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Hoshiguma raced Fumizuki with her motorbike
Is Arknights getting more easier and simpler? This Anni was too straightforward, just ooonga boonga everything to death
there are other girls with big ass bows like Typhon, maybe you'll like her.
other than archetto, what else caught your eye in this game?
At least they're honest, I remember ZZZ's ad said "180 free pulls!" which was technically true, it was the combined rewards for clearing every single mission in the game on launch
Sussurro is the best burst healer in the game, even including 6* so she'll hold you over in that department. She's also got some of the sexiest skins in the game too. Gravel is a good fast redeploy. The other 4* there are all very average.
artist gubman'd a long time ago bro
All perma limiteds get L2D?
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I want nothing more than for the shaw tummy window see through sleeves skin to become a thing anon.
But i've also accepted that its a never ever kinda thing.
>Driving (including road vehicles and hovercrafts and smaller vehicles): Excellent
Shaw alt is
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it's been like that for 4 years man
Fumizuki is the best street racer(bike) in lungmen
I feel like i used to have a sprite or image of her in a race suit but i cant find it...
What was the point of making more female Operators when they had peak sex on release
>Fumizuki is the best street racer(bike) in lungmen
Is that canon or something?
Interesting if true, she doesn't look like the biker type, being clothed in a kimono and everything.
Matterhorn is a very effective arts tank and Meteor is a high uptime def-down (especially useful since Cheeto gets walled by Def quickly)
I wanna diddle Executor while he's pretending nothing is happening with a straight face
The newer events in CN are more complex, to the point that the chinks are complaining because they can't farm in 2 minutes and move on to farm on their 32nd gacha
That something that started with Siege or something? I remember most saying the opposite with Pepe Ulpipi etc
>she doesn't look like the biker type
I mean, they just went for the obvious and boring
>looks one way, acts the opposite
Stop bad mouthing my wife Shu
>to the point that the chinks are complaining
Why do you make up lies? Literally nothing has been challenging in CN in ages
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I would name my first child after lowlight if they did that.
But i also have no idea where they would fit her in or what other class she could fill...
Her and her materials are all pretty self contained.
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All done, please utilize for your shitposting purposes.
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>0 mentions of shu itt
the King commands you take your meds before posting
Mama mia
>6* op alter
>5* op alter
>4* op alter
Why are you SO CLOSE TO ME
Show us on the doll where Amiya *touched* you, Doctor.
which logos skill do i m3 first
It's joever bros
They need to do one alt with a lower rarity than the original
Post the Pith one I like that one
Hildegard and Hildegard
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Yeah she is actually
Its in the "no sequel" chapter of the Beyond Here vignette
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She does look nice, not as cute as archetto though. What interested me in the game I guess was it being tower defense. You don't see that very often anymore. I'm an ancientfag and have fond memories of spending hours on wc3 TD custom maps.
While I was rerolling I saw some other cute girls, Suzuran in particular, I would like to get her too.
I'm listening to some new player guides while I play and they mention the game has a roguelike mode. That sounds interesting too.
I just like games that aren't fast paced these days. I'm too old for fps and fighting games, something I can lay back and chill while playing is right up my ally.
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You can't top perfection
Exu alt
Do you have every single ak one ever created?
Amiya has literally never touched me
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I trim da low taper fade
>Choosing what you like by rarity
You're a bad person on the inside
Ligma Balls
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Doctor, look!
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maybe a medic
>Any advice for a new player so I don't mess up too badly?
Reroll. Archetto is garbage
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>something I can lay back and chill while playing is right up my ally.
there's a few ball-busting stages that require a ton of micro when you're new, chapter 8 specifically is a pretty big spike. I'd advise against using Wis'adel, as she just trivializes gameplay and makes the game boring. The stages have good level design when you don't use an operator that ignores it, hope you have fun newcutie
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Excluding the ones in that image, I only have 122.
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Please do not impregnate the Sui
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My dick after a night with Logos
As long as Texas is still alive no.
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Please do impregnate the Sui
This but Amiya's swimsuit
Fang my beloved
The roguelike is unlocked after chapter 3 and where you'll spend most of your time playing Arknights. It's rough at the beginning but after you unlock a few permanent upgrades and get acquainted with the maps it will become super fun.
Post your ID cheetobro
beaguru the deceased...
man is the old english word for human, that's why mankind is a word.
The word for male human is werman, and female human is wifman (where wife comes from), this eventually became woman.
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Cheeto and Meteor work well together. Archetto will get a talent that gives snipers with on-attack SP recovery bonus SP that will make Meteor proc her skill more which lowers defense, which can wall The Cheeto.
And yes, you fell for a meme character, sorry man. She's a cutie but fun to bully.
beaguru the PUNISHED...
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Any advice for someone starting IS4 after not touching the mode whatsoever?
Are there important low rarity ops to raise or anything else to know?
Look at this SICK bean
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post long docs
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Got my free ten roll, here goes nothing. Hopefully I get some off banner character that isn't so edgy.
S3 > S1 but pick what one you want first. Both are worth it. Just do both.
>wc3 TD custom maps
Based EleTD enjoyer
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I'm starting to wonder, is asking "what operator should I bring to X" when Walter's banner is ongoing a joke or is it just the laziest bait attempt ever?
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No 6 star but I feel like I already won. I am getting showered in cute ladies.
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Rhodes Island had their own El Patriota and was called Ace.
Nice fang
Where's the actual wah? You don't have the soundpost filename.
Raise your Spot and Cardigan. Blockers are way more important in IS4 than 2 and 3.
I remember when he walked off screen and died in the anime
Afk enthusiast? 1
Dont care? 3>1
>he needs the soundpost
>he can't hear Theresa's voice inside his head h24
Couldn't be me
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that FUCKING cat...
Shut up and blow me
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That's my third copy of Scavenger. She's not the cutest thing ever but I feel like the gacha gods are telling me we are fated to fight together.
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Raise your 0 hope ops, pretty much all of them can see some use.
Use your foldartals liberally, they're life savers. Early on while you don't have the upgrades to clear late game you can cheat out a extra floor by picking low combat paths and swapping the combat nodes with shops.
Did Ace have any special powers or was he just a gigapipi with a hammer and shield?
Raise your fang, spot, kroos, and ansel
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she's a hag who dresses like a schoolgirl
do blow every orundum and roll you get on the current anni banner, both wishadel and logos are broken as hell and you will suffer without them
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>they still think Ace is dead
just oneshotted Skalter with Gavialter
are all dragons M?
Imagine how spicy Nian's asshole must be.
Just a though, ahah
china dress on first then we'll talk
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anal queen
doc's heatproof body is the only thing that can survive in her ancient forge
You're getting shit all over your dick
this ingrid telling suzuran about the fowelbeasts and the bees?
Spicy for white people or spicy for Chinese people
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Holy fuck is this real
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>taillocks you forcing you to impregnate her
if shes having fun im having fun
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Dusk must be S

You got tastes bwo
the skin?
yeah but we will never get it again ever
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I'm not a newcutie, obviously I know Wisadel is strong
I don't know if IS4 needs some niche like IS3 needed stun so badly
Thanks bwos, I have them raised already
So taking blockers/defenders is higher priority?
nian can pin me down instead
Suzu asks her mom how babies are made and Suzumom tells her to ask her dad
How do I beat this stupid bitch who just stuns anyone I deploy
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bros is this real?
not ling?
But we all have ours
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>captcha AKGHA
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Thanks, I'm just happy to have found something new to pass the time. Not sure how hardcore I will be I don't feel like chasing meta for another game right now but I'm having fun so far. If anyone wants to add me as a friend I would appreciate it. Here is my info: Mollari#1279
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nian is a switch and so is ling (but she's more gently domineering when shes in that role)
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I'd cultivate her
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>i'm not a newcutie
>do i need laneholders bros??
nice try
blaze is on her way
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>DoT meta
>Doesn't have most of the DoTers
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hahaha yeah :)
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You now remember Dan Brown
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What do I know... I imagine Ling being too passive and lazy to be a S, but heh
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cute oneesan
Nian anus
Ling thighs
Chong dong
Shu pits/feet/chest/fertile womb
Ascalon and Thorns are right there and Logos is the DoT support
Doc wtf
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Then use Wisadel
he was literally me. work, go home, jerk off
if she decides to let you dom, she teasingly lets you know she's just allowing you
eating rice and drinking sake off of shu's feet... uoooooooohh...
Dusk ___?

And Shu has big farmer boots, so feet don't really apply imo.
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i like turtles
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I dream of a siracusa where a man like you no longer has to pick up a gun...
Yes. The basic Sami themed enemies are fast with their dash ability.
I got back into the game and don't even remember the gimmick to the map I was playing before I stopped. Should Wis'adel just kill everything if I rolled her?
so after reading up to the current main story, what I've gotten out of the text is that the entire world hating sarkaz is apparently completely justified?
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they had to spell it out to you? yes, it's completely justified
always has been
i'm glad leithanien attacked kazdel
Sarkaz are like muslims, so yes.
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shit like this is why I love this place
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'fraid so
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Should Arturia's Evil Woman divegrass model be a human model with stuff added, like W or Blemishine, or a chibi model like Kal or Lapp?
hello fellow falseflagger
nice day for a visit to the temple
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>slapping your penis
She would most likely masturbate on a corner
Take it, bitch
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Percival isn't infected I think and Norwell wasn't either
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Double schwing
I do wonder if Red is gonna finally be able to interact with the other lupo ops now that grandma is gone
Model it after mothkoisi's cute fumo-like Arturia.
you can even use his animations as reference
Seconding this
seconding this
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Strange creature chibi
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Evil woman hivemind...
Feels obvious
gooning to virtussy AGAIN
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See this? This is what EVIL looks like
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the only evil woman for me...
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Cat girls, bird girls, rat girls, bunny girls, now horse girls. What animal girl doesn't this game have?
moth girls
I love this evil woman
moth pussy...
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Did she scare you?
oh my goodness
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take that back..
tarapisu my goat
Has any fanboxchad uploaded this set anywhere?
Tarapisu's art is vomit inducing, how can anyone like that shit
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>called a rude bitch with no empathy last thread
Didn't her own Oprec call out how her meanness is a front and she's nicer than she lets on?
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Not uploaded but here buddy since you asked
>a front
She's just a most stressed Sui and very open with her discontent.
ho'olGODS.... we eatin good 2nite..
W can't do math without counting on her fingers lol
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>I'm nice in the inside, but a cunt on the outside, so that doesn't count.
Childish behaviour, being mean isn't justified in that case
Anon, even if she's just acting like a rude bitch she's still a rude bitch
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Tasteless anons
You would crumble in front of a tsundere
she is so me
Her and Dusk went on a roadtrip and Dusk would never let Nian hear the end of it if she was driving without a loicense
Wow impressive
I can't do it at all
>You would crumble in front of a tsundere
Crumble? No, I'd slap her shit in.
Dusk gonna be all nice inside with that creampie
The dere part is an important distinction from tsuntsuns like W and Dusk
>You would crumble in front of a tsundere
Tsundere are fucking annoying, and Dusk isn't even a tsundere, she's just a rude loner.
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horny dorks
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>making fun of someones math skills
Garbage taste, irredeemable
If Dusk is TsunTsun then she should get out of my office.
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Any time, any place.
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Do we have any Tsundere accept Leizi?
sucks to suck he's not making 1mil lmd a day
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>my office
Wuh is unironically a mathematical genius cursed to grow up to be an uneducated psycho by the circumstances of her birth
>The guys in charge of the testing grounds weren't idiots, either. Before Wiš'adel even set foot inside, we strictly limited the amount of explosives she's allowed to carry. Even then, with the help of the revenant's witchcraft, the damage she caused still far exceeded our expectations. The most experienced explosives expert in all of Engineering told me you could only blow up such a wide area with this little explosive material "in theory." He gave me two possible explanations. One: that her brain could figure out the most precise blast calculations in a split-second—which would make her a super genius—or two: that she could make bombs out of thin air. >After a round of discussion, they were apparently leaning towards the latter, and even handed Kal'tsit a proposal based on this principle, suggesting that we let Wiš'adel create an unlimited amount of explosives for us. Of course, Kal'tsit rejected it on the spot.

>What, you're saying making bombs out of thin air goes against the laws of physics? Just think about it, though. Isn't that way more plausible than W— I mean, Wiš'adel, being a mathematical genius?
>—A certain Engineering Department explosives expert
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>The leader of the Sarkazs is a schizo stripper
Is she a Tsundere?
She is just kinda strict but still a big ol softy
oh yeah thats the stuff
Yeah I ain't reading all that
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Girls wearing doc's coat is so unbelievably hot and the less worn underneath the better
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The dere part is hanging out with you regularly and going on missions purely because she likes you and you asked nicely. It's not like she gets paid for any of it.
>It's not like she gets paid for any of it.
She actually is getting paid, Dusk is a registered operator.
CAN'T read that you mean, roach.
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I have a small penis. Give me a proper Arknights wife.
>As misty as floating clouds! The arrogant and cold person will never look at you! This reluctance to eat spicy food is puzzling! No one wants to share a table with her!
>The mission of the operator? What is the job? These things are just a passing thing to her! It's not that she wants to be lazy, it's just that the magical pen she has been thinking about hasn't found its destination yet! This is how she explained it!
>The great painter who refuses to admit his status as an unemployed vagrant, Xi! Even at this moment, I am staying in a remote corner of Rhode Island! But don’t touch her paintings, this is a piece of advice!
She's a NEET in denial, don't let her doing the medical exam fool you.
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Feed me
I mean, W having a brain that she just refuses to use a lot of the time does check out pretty well with her being the operator who relies a ton on preptime whenever she has to fight a heavyweight.
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An excuse to wask
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the doctor fucks this
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We just ate dinner, Doctor.
Stop tricking our operators into giving you extra snacks.
oh yeah? then how come i dont see any reed coat thief art
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have some polish pizza lil doccy
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undisputed pissing queen of RI?
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>But Dusk is really out of shape. Whatever, she's not taking a salary, so it's none of my business...
No wages for Dusk.
*everyone fucks that
Reed is a slut
I want to have sex with Eblana...
fuck off slutposter
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This isn't ancient Ireland, we don't use women's pissing contest to determine beauty. It's probably Blaze or Guma since they're heavy drinkers.
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Reedfag please draw Reed wearing doctor's coat
She's always pissing the bed
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holy SHIT my logos is about to pop off
At it again shitskin?
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Can Kal drive the landship?
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2 truth and a lie
It burn when Lapipi piss
Gladiia is into pegging
Kalsit is a virgin
Fuck on slutposter
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Truth (Ulpipi is also into it)
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This sounds fun.
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Design a second module that fixes her
You need a life
All me
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When will she get her alt?
Kal's virginity is the lie.
Why is HG so bad at balancing operators
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My cutie collection grows, I don't think I have room for all these on my team. This is getting to be a problem.
The job squad...
You can bring a top tier vanguard like Myrtle or someone with an auto skill to save your sanity in annis. Either way master your vanguards skill.
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Slutposting is sacred /akg/ culture
They do it on purpose
she truly is the perfect woman
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Lapp does not take good care of herself, true
Seems plausible, true
Ain't no way she hasn't been dicked down in thirteen thousand years, lie
Logos does true damage?
Suzu, I was just wrestling with your mum naked. We didn't do anything inappropriate I swear
Hmm no
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What is this then?
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i can't believe /akg/ called this boring what the fuck
Choose one, /akg/. The other will forever be lost to time.
Annihilation is the weekly free roll currency farm (yeah its weekly here when most others are bieekly), it's usually pretty easy....until the last 50 enemies where the game just rushes your ass down all at once. Your newcutie ass will get rolled though, so come back in like 2 weeks

Don't be afraid to look up clears on YT, remember you can borrow a friend support but said support's limit break is locked to the highest you have in the squad. The only downside for clearing with a friend support is that you can't sweep, but in time you'll be able to clear with your own units
Reed is a slut
Aggressively flashing her butthole to everyone in all those threads trying to turn her exit into an entrance
It’s suck being a newbwo, I would’ve exploded /akg/ with anal worm posting with Blood Prince chapter and his blood worms
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Its true
I can feel it in my soul
Cuckposting is the sacred one, Indigokek
One of the perks of infection is knowing that you won't live long enough to see liver failure so you can be as alcoholic as you want.
>Ain't no way she hasn't been dicked down in thirteen thousand years, lie
Especially not when she was hanging around in the court of the Khagan.
Suzu would believe that...
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FACT: ascutelon wants to be a cute girl and wears make up
Who is this Indigo person and what did they do?
That's literally us...
>A young Iberian Phidia apprentice of a Liberi keeper of an Eye of Iberia on the Rocky Coast, Aria was banished by her master after a tragedy that happened to him and had since travelled throughout Iberia to reactivate her Eyes which had been destroyed amidst the Profound Silence. While tending to one, Aria encountered Blue Poison and Glaucus and was accidentally struck by the former's poisonous bolts after being mistaken as an enemy. After being treated in Rhodes Island, Aria enlists herself to R.I. under the codename "Indigo", lending her aid as a caster and sharing everything she knows about Iberia's current status.
Aside from 2 operators, all female operators are virgin
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Extreme Jenga.
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I have to *ask*
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>but said support's limit break is locked to the highest you have in the squad
Are you talking about promote? So I can borrow from friends but only as high as I shave promoted my own characters? I should focus on maxing out one character first then right?
Behave yourselves
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'Night bwos
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Be Haze yourselves.
gn lapipibwo
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Yes, Ideally you'd wanna E2 Myrtle first if you have her.
Levels don't matter, promotion does
Yes, it's recommended to get a cheap but useful 4* to E2 (Jessica, Gravel, Utage, Perfumer) due to fewer resources needed to do so, for the sole purpose of unlocking your friends' powerful E2 6*s.
I dont have a hat big enough for that
____ ____
Sleep tight
Need Lappy hug
lapp feet?
>wedding dress
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Would be nice
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RIP Ines
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gn pipi
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it's ok she's just getting a breast reduction surgery
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she's in there giving birth (the father is absent)
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Mandragora? I hardly knew ya!
Oh and I almost forgot, one important thing about Annihilation: failing it takes like half iirc of the sanity cost away, but if you simply close the app and relaunch then it won't use up any sanity.
You can use this method to sorta practice, but it works only for Annihilation

Yup, exactly. Synced to highest promoted operator you own and is present in the squad. Don't worry too much about mats, once you unlock Integrated Strategies (the roguelike, its the penultimate tab), you can borrow an operator and spam that for mats, the mode costs no sanity to run at all anf is geared to give tons of free xp/lmd and high level mats so newcuties like you can get their first E2

And on that another advice, don't raise more than 2 6* at once when starting out, you'll bankrupt yourself quick if you try more. Hope you get a Wisadel/Logos soon, either will carry your ass
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Don't have her but I'll look out for her.
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What went wrong? What could've went right?
this guy who drew this died
This artist...
Uhh bros? W actually wants to hatefuck us
All me
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lappy hugs...
i miss them...
I see the bellybutton window
She could have escorted her waifu. She also could have listened to her last wishes and fully opened up to Yelena. Either would have avoided the big downward spiral.
Is that a skin? How much do skins cost in this game?
was it rape?
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Patriota blindly following talulah even after knowing she was possessed and AFTER vowing to not follow corrupt and evil leaders anymore post ursus.
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give it to me straight, doc
whats the diagnosis
I had sexual relationships with all the female lupos and never got caught
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We know
What was the point of Reunion again?
I'm afraid it's sugondese
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AMa-10 that's your father
agp-riddled snake's personal army
hate sex just hit differently
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Maybe she should let him know that then
He doesn't need to know that.
I actually want to breed this roach fuck
That just makes it better
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Apparently Dorothy's JP va (Satomi Satou) is an active AK player...
there's a few that are, including artists
Kal'tsit really is an old virgin hag. She just doesn't understand the concept of sex and what's so appealing about it.
Pre jailed talulah?
The contrast between the "end justifies the means" = Reunion.
And "end doesnt justify the means" Rhodes.
Post talulah jailbreak? No reason to exist because Rhodes Island is already filling the role of nuReunion.
Would have made more sense if they became a branch or something like that
they don't call her old well for nothing
(it dried up millennia ago)
I took Kals virginity
There are jerboas among the doctors..
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Instructions unclear
They vary depending on how much they offer, that one is on sale right now, it costs 18 OP
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was it rape?
Yeah thats a skin, all skins can be bought with Originium (the yellow stone you get for 3 star-ing a stage)
That one is currently on the rotation and costs 18 Originium. Check Store>Outfit Store or click the coat hanger icon at the top in the operator's page
We know
She is a loyal 14000 yo wife.
Cant find them these days
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I'll finally be able to get Hellagur and Leizi tomorrow
reed fucks the doctor?
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Kal has definitely had sex in her many many years, but as a mature individual unlike the numerous Doctors in this thread, she would not be the type to ceaselessly discuss the trivialities of sex amongst people who lack the maturity to discuss it in a manner conducive to a serious discussion. We can only speculate on the likely manner that Kal has had sex with both men and women in her many years, but the ultimate reality is that such speculation is a fruitless endeavor as all evidence is based off of tentative connections and assumptions.

Get back to work, Doctor.
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Pffft hatesex?
As if you could ever get laid lmao
worthless thread
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Did you take the virginity or did the virginity take you?
High effort bait, I semi kneel
lol femcel
>What went wrong?
Talulah hoarded her backstory and tried to carry everything herself until she broke and then Cashew broke everyone else.
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Stop feeding lies to Oracle AMa-10, he never fucked you
We get it kal
You fucked doctor first
This is why priestess never loved you
>Kal has definitely had sex
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I'm not a femcel!!!!!!!!!!
>The 2 or 3 shitposter is feeding off each other again
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Kal hymen isn’t intact, I saw
Is it shitposting hours?
Operators that can beat Degen in a 1v1 fight?
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Time to post It.
Her hymen is always intact each time she changes bodies
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Omg she has an idol skin too!
I really shouldn't be spending rolls this early but how could I not. Hmm so if I don't buy it now I can't get it for a while correct? How many rolls is 18 anyways?
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What is Amiya holding? And she's giving us the death stare...
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Mon3tr and Doctor were cute this chapter
Want more shenanigans with them
Wuh Wink!
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uh oh tumblr has arrived
This is when rimbillies wake up and you ought to know how dangerous they are
what are you seething for
>tfw wife doesn't appear even if she was already released by then
I won
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Boy do I have news for you...
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Of course the big bad is a cute girl as well. Wonder when I'll get to roll for her.
Stormeye according to Sharp.
A boom mic, and she's giving that stare to the roach
what thee fuck is THAT
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>ever so slightly
always gets me
>Post talulah jailbreak? No reason to exist because Rhodes Island is already filling the role of nuReunion.
Rhodes threatens to kill the rich if they don't share their protective equipment with the citizenry?
so what's the deal with wuh
does she still hate us or is she just a tsun/yandere
Sex with Mon3tr
She hates us (built for hatesex)
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Didn't she actually sort of like the Doctor (not romantically) before Theresa got ganked?
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My bunny companion is getting freaky. Also the story is VERY wordy. Is it always like this?
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>Also the story is VERY wordy.
Yes, I hope you like reeding
>so if I don't buy it now I can't get it for a while correct?
Correct, there's a site that shows when skins will rotate back in the shop but I don't know it.
>How many rolls is 18 anyways?
1 roll costs 600 Orundum (the red stone). 1 Originite converts to 180 Orundums, so a bit over 5 rolls
The kind of friend that talks mad shit and says they hate you
But would be one of the first to come to your aid should you really need it
>Color scheme is purple
Will he summon a kal'tsit?
I took Amiya's virginity
most of the time yes
She wants to hate Doc but given the circumstances can't put the effort into it now. She wants to hate the one that killed Theresa, not the one that doesn't remember doing it. Not that she likes Newdoc like Kal. Docs just a outlet that doesn't fit what she wants so she's bummed about it
Being retarded is a job requirement for Reunion and it is strictly enforced even in leadership positions.
This post? Me.
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I am doubling the request for this Reedbro to draw Reed in Doctor's coat
This is very cute though
Yes, Indigokek, you've just realized?
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We've been wondering that for what feels like four years at this point.
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Just press the button
Zuo Le...
You ain't seen nothing yet, wait until Kal stays on screen for more than a few scenes
Thought about that a couple times and then moved on
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By choice?
Hates us but thinks we'd be no fun to kill cause we're so innocent right now.
Maybe you should talk about it more instead of your fetishes
Where is this from?
>She wants to hate the one that killed Theresa
She's going to be an absolute twat in the lead-up to Theresis' boss fight and then desecrate his corpse, isn't she.
Even worse then. I really dont like how nureunion behaves and i wonder if the writers know what to do with them or are just stretching it so they can sell a banner with nine and talulah
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>wants to be a cute girl
Ascalon is a cute lady who knows how to draw storybooks and probably sew.
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It's just not a tragedy if you aren't repeatedly handed options to stop things from getting worse. Without the agency it just turns into you being a punching bag for the writers.
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He's on her shit list but we all know /OUR GUY/ will join RI in the end so sucks for her
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We are getting Shining alter for chapter 15 aren't we
I wonder what Bestie can do with that tongue...
Endfield. People are speculating it's Mon3tr because Kal'tsit is constantly yapping about how Mon3tr will grow and become it's own independent being, there's also the dev leak which showed Mon3tr's name among the playable cast.
Patapon reference spotted, kino!
Shining is going to sargon to fight her dad. Next arc is sanktashit anyway.
They're based and stomping down on abusive capitalist pigdogs regardless of if they're infected or not
nah she's gonna be a side event like vina i doubt confessarius is gonna be main story anymore
Somebody post the chart showing the word count increase from the first events to now.
Chapter 15 is the start of the new arc. If anything I'm expecting Closure. Or some rando 6* that will appear once and never be relevant again *coughSaileachcough*
Wisadel alter
She takes a shit on a magic toilet and it gives her powers and she goes Observer hunting
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So half a ten roll, honestly that's not too bad compared to some other gacha that charge 30+ dollars or even hundreds for a skin. Fuck it I'm all in on the meme girl. How can I say no to upping her cuteness even more?
Do you think Shining will eventually appear in a side story event?
I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if they pulled a 'I hate you and want to kill you, but Theresa wouldn't want that'. Considering they had that line in the new chapter about how even after everything that happened, the one that Theresa trusted the most was still Theresis and vice versa.
based cheetobro
it's been ages since a newpipi has been so into Hildegard
>meme girl
I actually used Cheeto S2 in one of Babel's S maps (previous event) because Exu kept on leaking.
Hell yes. We will fly through space using the propulsion of bombs and shit.
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>only unsheathes her sword when she really really really needs to
I'm smelling a Liberator Guard
I swear to god, they better keep them far away from RA.
Sargon RA is over, dumbass
CheetoGOD I kneel
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I want to hug this floating rock abomination
Let's be honest, the real reason we want him and Sanguinpipi is for the oprecs of absolute seethe from the operators they fucked over.
And also that line from Theresa about how if Theresis was the one killed and resurrected he'd play ball with Theresa's plans without a second thought just like how she did.
he's such a cutie
>fight her dad
You mean her bro, her grandpa, her great grandpa, her great great grandpa, her great great great... you get the idea
I don't know why she is a meme, she seems pretty good to me and her cuteness level is off the charts. I'm surprised she isn't more popular, but that's what people were saying earlier.
Well that and the seethe from people who keep whining about the villains not dying at the end desu
I kissed Suzu's mom and liked it
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Bonus points is the villains never making anything better
What will her idle animation be? Will she top the newspaper?
Faust, Mephisto, and Misha might pass as tragic because they were too young to know better, it's kind of hard to feel bad for Patriot and Frostnova because they knew better and kept being retards anyway. Crownslayer was the only one with half a brain to actually take the chance given to her and abandon the sinking ship when there was no reason to keep fighting.
She's not really a meme, that's a thing that stuck over the years because people underrated her early on. She's actually the best AA sniper in the game and definitely has her uses, especially during the first chapters of the game. I'd say that she's pretty popular here at least, one could even say that she's /akg/core, we love Hildegard
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I was think of playing this game (been watching some videos). Just one quick question. Is the game Jew free?
Im talking about: jew coded charachters or races. Jew influneces like woke bullshit or post modernism. And/or literal jews running the "moneitization team" (unironically what FGO does).
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We need to RETVRN to these
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Can I get a qrd on her gang lore wise? I haven't made a lot of progress in RA but was wondering what the deal is with all the sargon stuff since the event is coming up soonish
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This game is Jew maxxed
the main villains of the game are unironically jews
People will tell you that the Sarkaz (Devil race) are Jews because they are an exiled people that speak fantasy Hebrew but that's as far as the similarities go. Their actual culture and history have nothing to do with the Hebrews or Judaism.
we have exactly 1 jew operator
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Nice, good luck on your journey bro
Anti air snipers have fallen off hard in recent times. Not to mention Exu (an earlier released unit, since launch) is better than her in a lot of cases.
The thing with her S2 (imo, her best skill) that most people don't know is that it can hold several charges and it's manual activation, which is pretty unique. This effectively means you have a burst skill on demand for when things started leaking (like I mentioned before), and with a quick rotation you can pretty much guarantee things don't leak as long as defenses aren't too high, which is unfortunately rare nowadays.
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As long as we're on the same page.
my gaming motherboard... home...
>Their actual culture and history have nothing to do with the Hebrews or Judaism.
Fresh baked Blaze
There's nothing that will top the newspaper. Wagie's skin was sabotaged by losing it.
wow this game's lore is horrible
Never read it and I've legitimately only seen akg talk about how shit all of it is so I wouldn't get my hopes up.
Also literally no one plays RA
>Jew influneces like woke bullshit or post modernism
No, not really. This is a Chinese game after all.
>And/or literal jews running the "moneitization team"
See above

This >>501131278 refers to an Ubisoft character from the Rainbow 6 Siege collab
She's the descendent of the Aslan king or something. I remember there's a really weird family tree involving Siege and some other operator.
No idea about the event thoguh
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Nobody tell this fucking guy that we keep hiring Sarkaz operators
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>Horn maintains story relevance
>Stainless maintains story relevance
>Ines maintains story relevance
>Hoederer maintains story relevance
Why did they hate Saileach in particular?
She is the daughter of the Pasha in charge of sargons Capital city making her essentially a princess.
A super history nerd that is frolicking through sargons deserts looking for artifacts and ruins related to the ancient Shah of the land
Has an event later, gets along with doc because they are both turbo nerds, and is a descendant of one of the branch families of said ancient Shah.
nice filename lol
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>knight errant questline
i’m now a certified chen hater. stupid bitch
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More Ch'en for me then.
Why the fuck do you care if there are "jew coded characters" in an tranime game? You one of those antifa pro-palestine trannys?
people always argue about who the worst artist is, as if infukun's worst pics aren't still miles above namieslop
>What will her idle animation be?
She suddenly becomes pregnant
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We should unironically bring Ch'en back to the main story as her chapters were the better ones
Who gives a fuck about Victoria or the story fellating Wisadel or Logos seriously
Suzumom has more art with Doc than most for (you) ops
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All me
i raughed
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Eldest daughter of the Pasha, in RA she was looking for the burial site of lion king man to see him for herself and recover some ancient stuff and also helps you get rid of the Ameer Army. From the CN event, she is trying to have achievements to be able to take the place of her brother so so they won't chop of his tongue, learns about other family lines of the lion king and eventually is asked by her father through a manticore to return to the palace for a likely sequel event
Interesting, so theoretically how long will I be able to get use out of her? Does she fall off and I'll have to upgrade at some point if I keep playing to finish the story?
You say she is weak to high defense, is there anything I can do about that? Are there debuffers in this game? Who synergizes with her that I can get?
That's not true
that says anat...
Blind or stupid, call it
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Stupid! going for stupid!
Cute nerd
Just keep playing the game and pay attention to the mechanics to learn, you're getting too ahead of yourself, but yes, arts damage exists, there's plenty of buffers and debuffers, and you'll decide that once you get more ops
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post them
bros, i’m only just now realizing how bad of a place terra is to live. no wonder its inhabitants are seeking space
You can use Shamare or Meteor to lower DEF. You can also use Warfarin and Civilight Eterna to buff her atk.
Look pretty on my home screen.
the first pasta op to actually cooka da pizza
Maximum soul points for using her, since she's worse than even 4 stars
>so theoretically how long will I be able to get use out of her
Probably for a while
>Does she fall off
Well yes, but just her anyways
>Are there debuffers in this game? Who synergizes with her that I can get?
Shamare works pretty well with her I reckon
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She lets me play with her ears and sings me nursery rhymes when i nap...
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somewhere in the 100's
Technically speaking as long as you max out an operator you can probably still get use out of them in most content as long as you find something that isn't completely retarded for them to be doing. When people say ops are good or bad it's more just how much bullshit they have that lets you force them to work in situations outside of their intended role. There are buffers and debuffers you can use to force lower attack characters to punch above their intended targets, it's just more work than using something else.
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smooch me on command
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Nta, but Skadiva is the Marksman buff.
Use S1 Schwarz alongside Cheeto. Schwarz buffs all Snipers, and Schwarzes S1 combos with Cheetos talent that regens SP.
Add more Snipers with skills that combo like Blue Poison, and Chen the Holungday, and you are now playing a niche known as "Cheetoknights"
Also add normal Chen to increase SP gains further.
Huge thanks there, was hoping it was just some silly antics char without any focus because of the hammer thing. Thanks bros, I'll wait for the event
Appreciated all the same bro
I can't believe /akg/ tricked a newcutie into rolling for Archetto...
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it's a really cozy theme
I don't care if she's bad, but I'm going to level her and skill her regardless
you can keep using her for as long as you like since there's always going to be low defense enemies to kill despite what people say and hitcount mechanics that she blows through. Obviously just use arts damage for high defense enemies. game isnt hard use who you like you'll figure out how to make them work
La pluma s1 or s2 for mastery?
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Since the beginning of the game people have said shit like "Exusiai becomes useless after the first few chapters because of high DEF" but the reality is that to this day, every stage in every single story chapter or event still has a majority of low DEF enemies that a sniper like Archetto can clear with ease. Highly-armored elites are always far and few between, there will always be waves upon waves of low DEF mobs that need to be cleaned up first, and these snipers happen to be very good at that. Of course, whenever there's aerial enemies, that's when they shine the most.
Wrong, she wouldn't take off her mask, plus that would just kill you
>walk outside
>take a deep breath after a hard day of work
>catch rock cancer
>lose your job lose your house your wife hates you now your son despises you now the government sends you to a camp in bumfuck nowhere with the rest of the sick people
>arrive there in chains and get thrown off the car
>most of the people are starving then someone dies of rock cancer and literally crumble to pieces in front of you
>guards start opening fire on everyone whos trying to run
>government comes in burns the camp and kills anyone whos still alive then shadow giganiggas manifest and kill all the government guards too for shits and giggles
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She will fall off on the hardest maps unless they are drone maps, if they are drone maps she will be great. Bosses like Dolly and Minimalists drone are great for Archetto.
Don't try to get her to attack anything with high defense unless you have Shamare, thats what you bring casters for.
80% of ops will fall off if you use them outside of what they are for.
I will breed this girl
>Page 1
yoooooo the new lobby bg's bgm is fire
finally a relaxing theme to chill out to
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S1 has the best gains and is the comfy AFK skill
sounds like a radiohead song
Monke girls
lmao even
Be prepared to see her a lot.
Also, Kroos is basically a four-star in a three-star skin, her DPS is outstanding for how common she is, and her cheapness means that she's a good option to get some early interception done. Her only limit is that she can't be E2'd, and that's where her five-star alter acquirable from the archived event 'Invitation to Wine' comes in.
Every time I see this image I swear it gets worse.
Every time I look at this I spend a few moments looking it over and then burst out laughing when I see
>polyculus sylvestris
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My wife Kroos is extremely cute and she is both the best 3* and 5* sniper in the game

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