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Piss Edition

>The Final Shape
>Episode: Revenant
>Destiny Rising

TWAB (31/10): https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/Article/twid_10_31_24
Update https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/Article/destiny_update_8_1_0_4
Developer Insight - Raids and Dungeons: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/raids_and_dungeons
Developer Insight - Combatant Modifiers and More: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/combatant_modifiers
Developer Insight - Next Generation Armor: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/next_gen_armor
Developer Insight - Solo Ops: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/solo_ops

DIM: https://app.destinyitemmanager.com/
Armor Picker: https://d2armorpicker.com/
API: https://www.light.gg/
Stats: https://destinytracker.com/
Braytech: https://braytech.org/
PressKits: https://press.bungie.com/Destiny-2
Gunsmith: https://d2foundry.gg

>TTK, Buffs/Debuffs, DPS, etc...

Previous: >>501022297
>me with my Truth (Festival of The Lost edition)
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Play Warframe
So where does the Destiny gacha take place in the timeline?
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Where's the good gameplay?
alternate universe, takes place outside of canon Destiny but in its timeline it takes place just right after the Warlords and Dark Ages, where Iron Lords were still around and the City hasn’t been built yet
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nah I'm visiting my parent's that weekend
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Right here sis
Alternate timeline Dark Age
A few things I do to clear up space:
when playing random low level stuff (playlists, etc) i will search for:
in DIM and choose one that might work with a build i enjoy. if it sux, i shard it.
also i use:
search and go through those the same way
helps keep Crucible and Strikes fresh/engaging instead of just doing the same thing every time.
that way you dont feel pressure to do it all at once and spend like 1 hour only to clear 30 items and then having it fill back up instantly the next session
also, do bees even have penises?
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can someone make a Destiny meme out of this template
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red war was so comfy
It's already perfect
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i have yet to get a good roll lol
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bungie has yet to adress the thundercrash situation
great one
i see what you did there
Post more of these and I will bless your exotic class items
they did address it
by laughing at you
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My phole burns
so hows rising going?
They won't let me play
whats wrong with thundercrash
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what names would you give the traveler symbols?
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it got overbuffed
Chopper, Dead man. Slut. Nerd
Egypt, Cyclops, Monster, Cyberman
Grumpy, Hive, Deader man, Millennium Falcon.
russia never existed it's china now
fallen were always our friends
red head cutie is a tranny
ikora is a man
From left to right: gender, poe, /v/, pussy, triangle, square, cross hair, airpods, cup, hive eyes, invective, io
Just did proving grounds gm. thought it was gonna suck but it was actually rather easy or at least less intense compared to lightblade
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that's sudden but I won't miss
bottom right is clearly enterprise
also where are these from?
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The pinnacle grind is over
I as a Warkek kneel before my HUNTchad Carries, I designed a build using ONLY a trace rifle, Cenotaph's chasity cage and the new AMMO generating primary grenade launcher Alethonym so that my Hunter CARRIES always have ammos ready. I also make sure to generated tons of ORBS to make sure my CARRIES BIG GOLDEN GUN is always charged. I built my build so OTHERS can enjoy the game while I WATCH.
Warlock btw
Huntroons are so bad right now that I'm replacing them with titans lmao
Absolutely pathetic
> Titranny with consicraslop daring to open his mouth against HUNTcarry
You will never complete a day one, go piss outcha ass
Lego Space Police was kino.
>Solo GM runs in 11 minutes vs hiding in invis at the back of the map
*snaps thong strap*
hunter main btw
how do i become a destiny 2 trans warlock player?
>playing huntroon
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hrt, lost and lost of hrt
did you know virgin births can happen in nature
Search up trans hunter on Twitter then trans warlock
The results will be shocking (more results with hunters)
> Mass Titranny Melty
Kek, really is Tranno's class of choice!
It's kind of funny how titans will bitch and moan for months if their class doesn't have tier 0 shit.
> titranny uses twitter
hunterchad btw
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Little symbols around the Traveler radial.
titans are the biggest moaners and copers in destiny. Can we really be surprised when its the most popular class amongst people like Tranno Datto.
You have a grindr account huntranny
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>Wartroons and Huntrannies seething they're the Translocation class
Every time
>huntroon cope
>titans are the biggest moaners and copers in destiny. Can we really be surprised when its the most popular class amongst people like Tranno Datto.
Make sense most of /dg/ plays Titrans
For Honor has won.
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/dg/ Titans stand with Kamala!
>huntranny falseflag
just got done putting the flour and stuff together for bread. I have to let it sit for 2 hours now. following this lady's recipe https://youtube.com/shorts/rA__uN39KcE?si=QPY1EZzQINww-gMc
I'm going to drink water.
keep us posted until your bread is toasted
I am too large to stand for very long
hunter btw
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whatever happens tonight…just know i love all of /dg/
i love you too (votes for the candidate who wants to eradicate your kind)
>Please care about muttmerican politics
This gives me "I am racist (has friends from various races and creeds)" while women usually stick to their own kind.
need brazilians mikus ass on my face
yeah we should go use the non american website!
What could happen? Bonfire night is basically over
Mutt politics are off topic.
I voted for more wokeness in my video games
I love my dog. She's not political btw.
AI will help humanity and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.
all im saying is
where are the dino phantoms
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@everyone for this offtopic flooding
what is going on in destiny right now?
Festival of The Lost
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>go to Starbucks for breakfast
>they forgot my fucking sandwich and I had to run to class
>get message my packages were delivered
>it's someone else's package
>do a couple of pinnacle activities
>get 3 boot pinnacle back 2 back
Man this day really fucking sucks
all the guns are shit and haunt lost sectors are even worse
Bungie apologists keep telling me its not possible for bungie to retroactively make old weapons enhanceable. Why do they say this while I have ancient Guardian Games/Solstice/Dawning weapons that are enhanceable despite them predating the ability to enhance? Are they jewish?
because they specifically said in the enhancing announcement that those would be enhanceable
nah the autorifle is pretty good and the shotgun is decent, I doubt the sniper has a use though and the hgl doesn't have a good reload or dps perk
you can get 100% chance on your focused exotic class item roll though
although xur gave me everything I wanted first try so uh nevermind that I suppose
yes but that's stupid why were some things enhanceable like specific raid weapons but other things weren't like dungeon weapons that came out after that raid
I am also possibly misremembering the raid thing, however the point still stands
Why are those enhanceable but nothing else from the past?
The TFS legendary campaign feels a lot harder than the Lightfall campaign ngl
because they want you to use new weapons
They made it stronger than a Hunter super god forbid.
I know Bungie's reason. My original post was asking why Bungie apologists say other weapons cant be?
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>they fixed the weighting issue
>every Braytech Werewolf I get is DSR + KT
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>he believes bungies lies
if every translock and huntranny and titranny can join my fireteam that’d be great haha
phone games are embarrassing. worse controls than a nintendo 64 madcatz controller with stick drift.
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>still can't enhance fatebringer
>still cant enhance indebeted kindness
how long until they resell the constellation meridian armor? ive got 45 dollars sitting in a savings account that ive been waiting to splurge
>go to tower
>fags trying to get a raid together in chat
>conversation turns political because US election
>random dude over local text says he voted to deport the Fallen
>angry reporting noises
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>all that shit on the screen
>Ikora using void instant transition to say two sentences
>Ir Anuk's dialog
>actually all the voice work is pretty phoned in except the ghosts
>touch controls
uhhh the figger models are nice I guess
Rising on pc when? Or immediate flop?
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>he boughted the final shape
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>phoned in
I see what you did there, anon.
>ready to knead
>don't have parchment paper or proofing basket
>don't have dutch oven
Fuugg. I mean I don't HAVE to have those do I? I mean parchment paper is so things don't stick so... could I lightly oil a bowl so it doesn't stick while it rises? and for the dutch oven maybe I could just use... something else?
do you have waxed paper?
if not you could butter the pan and coat it with flour
As for the dutch oven problem
>do you have waxed paper?
Yes sir I do.
>As for the dutch oven problem
Alright, I'm gonna get to it in just a few minutes but I got a feeling I'm gonna fuck this up although thats expected for the 1st few times as I've been told. Thank you anon :)
When did they change skyburner to not go through the yellow shield of the proving ground boss?
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bringing back difficulty to destiny
time to check the eververse and then logout because lmfao shadow price??? nigga are you serious
blue or red subclass
piss subclass
no problem, here's hoping it comes out edible.
Bungie here
we are serious
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new exotic red mirage

its a heavy kinetic siva rocket side arm
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why can't bungie actually just hire someone else to develop d2 or d3 and then they can fuck off and fail at making marathon
they clearly only want to kill d2 and can't even work with netease on fucking story with rising (which has 100000% more effort and passion put into it(aside from gatcha)aside from being a chinese mobile game)
pull thr fucking trigger already and kill this dogshit seasonal system, open thr fucking content vault or just simply abort marathon already, it clearly isn't working if all you have is 2 fucking screenshots to show for an update
>21 runs at vesper
>still bone dry on icebreaker or even weapons with rolls I want
>watched a guy get two icebreaker drops
why dont you just fucking kill me
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Its in the oven and halfway through I forgot to fucking score it before putting it in, assuming its too late because it already felt crispy.
*kills you with razelighter*
bro we're literally getting the only weapon that matters from vespers in two weeks for free just relax
don't worry about scoring, i've forgotten a couple times and its really more for aesthetics, the crumb might be a bit more dense but thats fine
Scoring's not always necessary, as the other guy said you should be fine.
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i want to pet warbeasts and shanks and harpies :(
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.........Did I do it right? Sorry for crappy photo. Letting it cool right now for at least 10 minutes but maybe more right?
looks good
looks good from the outside
that's a lovely golden brown there.
Helicopter, stick shift, anchor, goatse
Triangle on circle, box, x,hands up
Cup,v3circles, xxfence, uss enterprise
Would've been really awesome to have them as summons for strand. Titans get war beasts, warlocks get harpies, and hunters get shanks.
Rising was supposed to be Bungie-developed to pay back a loan, but they're such a fucking disaster that they couldn't get development going in any meaningful capacity.
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ITT: election season flooding BS :(
In D2: lots of braindead grinding BS for candies so we can roll better class items
IRL: work is busy, i've got a neighbourhood cat who now trusts me enough to sit on my lap; we are best friends. Also: AUTUMNAL COLORS and dry leaves, strong winds, chill air.
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>uss enterprise
can we be friends?
>ITT: election season flooding BS :(
excuse you, one Anon is making bread
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just cut it open, let it cool for like 40 ish minutes and I saw that its recommended for 1-2 hours+ but I couldn't wait. It's definitely a tad chewy and slightly moist, at first, but this shit is really good with some butter. Im sorry for questioning you Breadbros, I understand now and I couldn't imagine how it would taste from someone who knows what they're really doing.
gonna be hard to find anyone to put on well for raid night after the NuReich executes all the translocks
Not bad for a first go, great job Anon.
>places well because of the teaching of the traveller told me to be kind
>swaps to sanguine alchemy and outdamages you
just woke up, thank you for the breakfast cutie
Never doubted my decision all those years sgo
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>"accidentally" uses shiver strike on you mid dps to make it look like you did shitty damage
>puts you before a tribunal of warGODS
>we deem you unworthy of the light
>kicks you to the moon
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>we deem you unworthy of the light
that is why i main siva
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don't worry that's where all translocks end up anyway
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Who did /dg/ vote for?
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there is only one woman who can save Sol
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the only woman I'd ever vote for.
bros I am a Warlock and I can't believe Kamala lost
but alas im legally not allowed to be in us
if was american i would
Ikora's hidden are working right now to ensure that this racist never gets the warmind codes!
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Lakshmi has rigged the elections
Eido can stay
>according to (((vanguard)))
i'd fuck a stasis subjugator desu
I'd fuck any alien woman really (except fallen)
I'd fuck anyone
VanNet sources are calling it for FWC in a surprising turn of event with
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Did they break peregrines or am I crazy?
told you someone needed a nerf
Bungie didnt mention it in patch notes, so Im guessing its less a nerf, more theyre too fucking stupid to figure out how they broke it.
ignitions and perk weightning wasnt mentioned either
what did they do now
They used to hit harder on champs now they hit less hard. Like alot less damage, used to be they oneshot a stunned champ. Now they do like 20-30% less damage. Still finishable but its different.
sounds like a nerf
>gacha raid has
>outright tells you how to progress
>no wipe timers
skarrow is already loving it, these faggots ruined d2 just to shill for gacha
i fucking told you stupid retards that raids needed matchmaking
>blind raid run takes 30 minutes
>t. DKWTD but wont admit it so you have ten wipes in a row
So what level of meltdown can we expect from Bungie employees about orange man winning
The game will become gayer.
the game will get less gay (because destiny will be taken away from bungie by sony)
Given that around 41% of the staff may no longer be there, I'll let you figure it out
You will ride the gay space train and you will slurp slop for at least another years worth of content, goy.
VanNet has called the election Laskmi J.-2 will be the new Speaker of the Last City. Traveler help us all
Who gives a shit? The story has been irredeemable garbage for years, and the opinions of the monkies that work on the game doesn't matter in the slightest to anyone other than them.
They'll cry and piss themselves and pretend like they're victims, and the game will continue to be kind of fun to play (especially with friends to do content with) but otherwise pretty fucking bad.
Siva subclass won
i wonder what sivaclaus is gonna get me this year
At least I still have destiny.
I’m so happy right now!
I trvsted the plvn... did you /dg/?
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We won
>xe trvsted
>drvmph it
>join fireteam finder for gms
>before i ready up i check their builds
>if they're using scouts or shotguns i leave
anyone else?
>proving grounds
>shadow price
>double special, no special finisher or finder
>is using fucking wormhusk or some awful class item
this has been my lfg for the past 3 days
Ikora lost. The Tower will be restored and the Eliksni will pay for it.
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>shotguns i leave
oh no its retarded and doesnt know
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its (((datto))) for a reason, his tribe wins either way
the chosen awoken have a right to the reef and are totally not a colonial power
what do you mean that 90% of vanguard commanders are awoken? you being anti-awokentic?
young wolf was resurrected in old russia, its in our blood
So it’s a dungeon
its okay lil bro i'll waste my song of flame to revive you after you ape in and die to the teleporting barrier knight
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We’re so back 2016 chads, siva in Rising soon
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destiny leak server is on suicide watch right now

libtardtrannies BTFO
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>Paul tassi on suicide watch
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>its real
Groveling two faced faggot
lfg vespers host kwtd must have gally must have well 18+ fireteam women of destiny
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Did this finally push datto over the edge?
will bungie be congratulating their new president?
Can someone explain to me how evil won?
Bros…this is like when the witness used the darkness and like did the final shape….chills
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>gets SLR
>gets cool and interesting new supers/abilities
>gets pvp
>gets cool new weapons and designs
>even gets a card game
>npcs actually do cool shit in cutscenes instead of standing around or bitching on the radio
>Hot speaker waifu
Are asians the key to saving Destiny?
where is sexy speaker?
The speaker is a child (of light) you sick fuck
can somebody explain to me whats wrong with this webm?
Warslop isn't watchable
the enemies aren't killing him in one second and theres no time limit and wipe mechanic
it must be shit, we LOVE watchable stuff
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I want this Glaive.
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Just helped a housewife set up her new 4K TV today. When I saw she has Destiny 2 installed, I asked which class her husband plays, and it turned out both the housewife and her husband play Destiny.

She showed me her Armamentarium Titan and asked me about my build. I pulled out DIM and showed her my Felwinter's helm Warlock with god roll Kindled Orchid. Then the housewife started to get flirty with me and told me how her husband only played hunter and how he's only cared about clan raids, ignoring her.

Anyway, have fun today with a housewife. Thank you, Damien. Maybe you should spend more time playing Patrol and Dungeon with your wife from now on.
are we just reposting from reddit now
Warframe is basically
>hold w and left click while your weapon automatically tracks to every enemy in the room and kills them instantly
So the gameplay really feels fucking boring
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so we gonna talk about garden of salvation chests giving weapons and armors to everyone even raidlets or what?
explain why i should care
Who cares? If a stupid raidlet nigger joins your lfg your gonna kick him regardless of his loadout
cared enough to reply, niggers
*lights your hair on fire*
What's my opinion on trains
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That the scrapped vex ones were cool
That’s fucking retarded, why would a race with teleportation tech need trains
to run over guardians
You're afraid of trains cause your countrymen have a knack for getting themselves killed on camera by them
What's my opinion on train stations
Why would a race with teleportation and floating tech need feet?
smhsmh will nobody think of the streamers???
oh yeah no doesnt sound watchable at all....
>So the gameplay really feels fucking boring
yeah it looks incredibly boring, i prefer the fast paced action packed gameplay of destiny where i shoot one champion for 20 minutes, from cover of course, now THATS content i can watch
this is an nft
this is an nft
show feet, show feet
*shocked face*
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why does the machine race need hands with which to hold their guns?
Why does the microbe race that can assimilate anything they touch need machine bodies?
She’s Irish?
why is shadow price as dogshit as it was 3 years ago
why do you people always judge us so harshly for our actions?
we really try our best to appeal to everyone but you guys dont seem to appreciate anything we do
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mass suicide stream when
spent over 70 pulls and i fucking got koleda copy.
guess i can C1 her but it’s back to grinding for me
Free infusion fodder, at least
For catalysts that drop from strikes and other playlist activities, do I need to actually be using the gun for it to drop? Like with Thorn of Thunderlord for example. Or do I just gotta keep running things and hope for the best?
I heard that having them equipped increases the chances but that might just be superstition.
Honestly wouldn't be surprised if that was true.
might play destiny 2 today idk
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>bungie fucked up and changed the chests in garden, they give stuff to everyone regardless of raid completion
>make my way with all of my characters, grab a piece of armor and a weapon each
Heh, thanks for betatesting the weapons.
Raidlets always WIN baby.
watch it say they fucked up and they're not going to revert it, but instead will give the same treatment to all the other raids
the chests are hard to reach solo anyway
O-Okay im getting on...
Last season there was an artifact mod that gave you a massive spike in melee damage when shielded or when enemies were affected with debuffs. This season with peregrines they work as follows on gm's
>no overshield
>not stunned
Barrier takes 75% damage
Overload takes 85% damage and is stunned
Unstoppable takes 30% damage
>with overshield
>not stunned
Barrier dies
Overload dies
Unstoppable takes 50% damage
>with overshield
All of them die
>with overshield
>not stunned
Unstoppable takes 90% damage
The others die

This obviously only applies to void subclass. Arc and solar have different requirements for damage
>mfw I got 500+ dollars just by betting on the right color
well now you know why it was cut
>triggered warslopper losing it over the fact that the core gameplay of destiny is simply better than warframe so no matter what happens warframe will always be the worse game
>dude le ancient alchemical symbols but in le future
this shit is so lame
>complete GM
>do dungeon on all 3 characters
>still no icebreaker
i will now stop playing Destiny 2 for the week.
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Thank you for engaging
reminds me of blue players in magic the gathering
i play both checkmate atheist
Woke status?
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airport interior is WIP
uhhhhhhh anon? your airport is on fire...
I wanted to light up the place a little so you can somewhat see what I am trying to do
>be me
>play games like Destiny all my life
>the good guys band together to defeat evil
>live in real life
>evil wins
how the fuck can this happen?
give yourself to kamala
Well it does kewl so far. Do you plan to put some redstone lamps in the ceiling if possible and lead all the redstone to a switch? Use that with I think they're called red stone repeaters and if you get it a certain way you can make all the lights slowly come on
This is like the part in the Red War where you lose your powers and everything is hopeless. We will build back better and get stronger and beat Ghaul and take back Pennsylvania.
That would be cool. I wouldn't mind trying to figure out some Redstone stuff
If you expect the worst, you'll never be disappointed.
feels like a slow day
why do you think retard? Cheetos Hitler just won again. This is a bigger deal than video games
God I fucking hope you’re right and they do that to Vow, the Titan armor looks neat and I’m already farming the chests for spoils anyways
does this mean we can’t post about trans warlocks and hunters anymore ; ;
Datto status?
Hippy status?
Hippy's on suicide watch. >>501289281
why did you call me a retard :^(
Um bungie sisters? what are we gonna do? our black QUEEN has been dethroned...
All the fags acked themselves
By the way we lied about Project 2025, it's really a thing and we are starting to apply it as we speak
Why would Datto be impacted by that? He's still making bank off Destiny.
new Destiny content?
I don't think you can get the other solo outside of last wish and garden
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Play Warframe
Get better gameplay wartranny
it was fun at the beginning before you killed everything the instant you entered a room
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Warframe has better gameplay than D2 slop
just tried Little Caesar’s Pizza for the first time.
it’s decent, this one woman i work with says it’s horrible but it’s good.

gonna save some for grindsesh in destiny tonight
>wartranny cope
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Troongieshill seething lol
Little Casears doesn't hold when when you don't eat it all fresh
>warnigger malding
Go back to holding left click and W while spamming 4
>wartroon having a hard time accepting the facts
Sorry it's true that your game is a glorified cookie clicker
>for grindsesh in destiny tonight
grinding what?
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/ourguy/ is starting to get angry at Bungie bros
Clan housing or player housing would be cool...
If they did it right...
he's angry that Rising is doing it right while Bungie has been doing the HELM
kek bungie cant catch a break. first the launch of revenant and everyone seeing how short act 1 was, then perk weighting, and now people seeing things in DR that should've been in D2 a long time ago
why do you do this to yourself
I feel bad in a sense for bungie where
>rising does thing
>everyone praises it
>everyone complains to bungie why they didn't think of it
But it's also bungie so fuck them lol
Hilarious situation
he's eating Caesar's, this should have been your first sign that he's a mentally slow and simple minded fellow
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Don't forget the ignition "bug"
Funny how warframe has had all those basic mmo features for YEARS lmao
what type of pizza establishment do big brained individuals visit when they're not in the mood of making their own?
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i haven’t gotten a good roll on the shotty and also im going for the emblem
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this pic goes hard. feel free to screenshot
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also heres a simulator website for verity https://escapevi.github.io/verity-simulator/
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Destiny 2 live action trailer had a better shot
I kind of wish Hunters had Peacemaker as a super instead of two golden guns that are nigh indistinguishable
Not playing your gay raid fuck off
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i genuinely don't get the hype about player housing
when you’re bored of grinding it’s fun just to socialize and customize your stuff
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Solar Peacemakers with scorch and ignitions.....
Thats is preddy good. I think those shots are most of the time pretty basic to set up and do but fuck I love them
my hunter looks like this
Destiny didn't have those basic features because it isn't a mmo. It's watered down halo with extra steps.
ok but I'm grabing a Witness checkpoint from the lfg after the 3rd encounter
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keep telling yourself that tranny
it's a terrible mmo and nothing will change that fact
plz i need to finish verity for my guardian rank....
With the new Wizard armor, I can make my Titan look like a Warlock.
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lemme see
fuck your rank I'm not doing that garbage encounter, especially not with /dg/
Titans are turning into Translocks.....
Uh oh huntroon cope inbound
Titroon cope
wartroon cope
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it has begun
/dg/troon seethe
i like how we call each other troons and such, yet i bet 99% of us are guys
>Destiny webm is shit bordering on an exploit
>Warframe webm is something you'll see in most world map missions

Bait used to be believable. Have a (You) and go fuck off gooning to that Ember skin or something.
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>me every week of a episode
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next week... for sure.....there is no way that my luck is that bad..
Cope and seethe
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Yeah, it's a shit mmo because it's watered down halo with extra steps lacking basic mmo features.
Which one of you is this?
none of us cause we’re not that edgy anymore.
most of us are 25+, some nearing 40 even
>I play bad games
this isn't the flex you think it is
>get called out
kill yourself, when they released Dante and decided he maybe shouldn't instantly clear rooms you guys screamed until he could do it again
don't even PRETEND. Warframe is defined by being braindead easy
Alt with different arms and exotic
warlock smokescreen
Translopmatic spamming is way more braindead broken
these fucking wartrannys are really fucking trying to deflect lmao
i want to be raped by wartrannies
Wheres the siva?
I pozzed warframe with siva
i think i fucked up my shakshuka
Remember how D1 didn't have chat because someone was mean to one of the devs in Halo 2?
>Try to grind vanguard stuff for arm armor because it's the one thing I don't have yet
Why does it not have a knockout system? I've been grinding for hours.
Sauce me up. That sounds funny.
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So, who won the Last City elections last night?
the chosen awoken
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NTA but you’re welcome
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>purple niggers
I mopped the floor with you
don't look at me, look at alpac(Awoken Last city Public Affairs Committee)
*rapes you like i did with mara*
He won.
nice try tranny
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content to do?
Haunted Lost Sectors
Proving Ground GM
Vespers Host
>Haunted Lost Sectors
no good weapons, i already have all the good class items
>Proving Ground GM
shit strike and its fucking shadow price
maybe but no group makes it aids
>Vespers Host
we're all getting the only weapon worthwhile soon and i already have icebreaker
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It's funny how they had a solid idea with gambit but completely fumbled it due to being too autistic to restrict the over performing exotics and making invader less focused. Those changes and just giving new maps and adding the new races would have done wonders for gambit.
The game hit a new low in player count tho so I personally can't wait for end of service after next year with how things are trending. It's truly over fellas.
>PCucks thinking they're the center of the universe
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>Making invader less focused
>Put less emphasis on the gamemode that's meant to be PvPvE
Nah. Xenophage and MGs in general need to fucking die when it comes to PvP though.
You can get every single chest from every single raid solo without checkpoints, except Crota because they specifically designed them to not be soloable.
the first chest in the pit is soloable iirc
you have to be fast tho
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No you fucking moron, there is no known OOB for the pit in Crota.
You still need someone because the bridge takes 2 people no matter what.
>you have to be fast tho
That's the 2nd chest, and it still can't be solod
stay mad raidlet trannies lmao
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I actually don't doubt that Bungie, or people at Bungie have tried to make clan housing work, or bring back SRL, or just do things in general. But I bet the worst offender to all of it is the engine. That mobile game uses a different engine, they can do whatever the fuck they want, but we're still using a decade(?) old engine designed for PS3 and Xbox 360 with 30 frames, where upping the frame rate makes you take more damage.
They keep 'updating' and 'upgrading' things in it, but things still continue to be present that show case the engine is just too fucking old. Apparently you can't even go into the Pale Heart and do events without the engine shitting out a 'too many objects' error? How the fuck is there even a thing like that in the first place?

Everytime this game does one update, 3 other things break. Every time a new thing comes out, half of it is broken. Every time a patch is deployed, one thing gets fixed and 2 other things break. There's a huge laundry list of broken ass things in this game and I unironically believe the only way to even dream of something like clan housing, is for them to have made a new game engine and launch a Destiny 3. They can't keep shitting out things with the same engine anymore, it's the Fallout problem.
But they needed to start doing it 5 years ago, and they haven't, so it's sunk cost fallacy for the head honchos at this point since it'll cost too long, and too much money, so why bother.

With all the shit that breaks, imagine if they even tried to release a clan housing feature. Unless we'd just get 'too many objects' error because someone decorated the place with 50,000 of that exo tranny penguin plush.
why the fuck do you retards care about "housing" when the gameplay is missing tons of shit to do
what a colossal waste of devs time that'd be for the 3 guys left working on d2
Only trannies care about frivolous shit like housing
when my friends made me play maplestory with them during covid there was some stupid housing shit everyone would bitch about because of rng drops for event furniture and shit and all I could think was why the fuck would you give a shit about that you've got levels to grind
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Either a tranny in denial or trying to capitalize on their constant need to carve out a part of every setting as "theirs".
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what are some fun non meta exotic class item combos for titan and warlock
>non meta
Choose one
:( non meta i guess...
Uhhhhh /dg/troonsisters???? Our response??????
i redeemed it when it originally came out so i have no response
Destiny 2? More like Troontiny Poo LOL
D2bros... are we really just gonna let that slide..
Since when did the bridge take two people?
LMAO do mutt troons really?
Along with destiny 2, I like to eat lunchly and listen th the thick of it by KSI
it’s over.
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page 10 plain girl sexo
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i just had a dream about holding hands with a female guardian in the tower and her giving me sleeper simulant as a gift
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need gf
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need gf who fucking absolutely hates playing gambit but will play it with me anyways because she luvs me
I think us titans should stop poking fun at hunters I mean they are so great at pvp and you always NEED them for boss dps. no more brother wars guys
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i think hunters boys were BUILT for strong titan women.

warlocks mommy though were made for strong titan men who want to cry secretly
Trump wins in every timeline, we made sure of that
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I don't normally take off my chastity cage, but for soft Hunter men, I will remove my shackles and mount that Hunter booty.

>t. Fem Awoken Titan
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dumbass, we've had this in the game since D2 year 1
Real men live in the pod
Theres more big spaces, more big spaces = more space to plink away with a scout/wishender.
I am hyped next year for siva

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