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Previous: >>501211617

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/lolg/ OP pastebin
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Yeah I’ll take the first post I guess.
majin is the john cena of lolg
long-term yuumi player here, yuumi is doing fine wrt balance, at one point i was top 10,000 yuumi player na top 80,000 yuumi player world
again for new thread
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not me, my na account still hasn't playyed ranked. i have 200 ms too there. Probably i was close on EU
idk who that is, if he's a yuumi player this general has more than one yuumi player
cool drawings bro, keep it up
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You did vote for the right candidate right lolg?
if i wanted to buff or nerf yuumi, i'd change some of the circumstances surrounding when her w can be cast
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Briar won
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where's the full?
President Briar
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Yeah I like this but I’m expecting something else. Give me the green light.
Whats her tax policy
And into my Yordle folder it goes.
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I need a response from an actual girl to help me make sense of this

This woman changes her office seat to be next to mine randomly and starts parking her car right next to mine no matter which spot I park in. It's obvious she likes me right? Wrong, because we've never talked and she has a guy that she's with 24/7 as in they arrive and leave work together. So my question is, what the fuck is she doing?

The item changes next patch in League of Legends look pretty good
1 canon or 3 minions per gank.
maybe try talking to her you fucking retard
kill yourself
yes shes into you
dont sperg out and make a big deal of it just drop normal convo and ask her out
both true
>Asking a woman a question about her thoughts and intentions and expecting a straight answer
This is why it's so important to have a father figure in your life to teach you these things. Retard.
we need a father figure for the general
whos gonna daddy up?
>talking to her has to mean you straight up ask HI DO YOU WANT TO FUCK
are you sure you're the one with a father
its literally majin how can you not see that
I'd be the verbally abusive dad that constantly slams you for being a dipshit and gives you a different kind of daddy issue than not having a father figure at all does. The same would likely be said for just about anyone else in here. Don't go asking ANY of us in here to "daddy up" you fucking weirdo.
majin is so unstable he DEFINITELY needed a father figure
its big lincoln
but hes currently busy getting cigarettes...

he will be back soon,,, i think......
right guys?
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Who would Morgana vote for?
>he thinks this is a father figure
lolgs life experience is SAD
Bruh have you ever read Morgana's backstory, or her quotes? She's like the most leftist champion in the game.
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Hoop earrings…
Speak for yourself me and my dad have a great relationship I talk to both my parents almost every day
I do miss my pops, I hope I get to see him in person again one day
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results of the vg vs vg game, ill make one more, pass is vidya.
dont ever say this about me
why not werent you the one who said they wanted to be a dad?
majin touched me
i want less attention not to be the center for some lost on the path father fetish little boy
dont u think i put up with enough
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vg vs vg bets. this is the good game i swear
that is true you do need a father figure otherwise this stuff wouldnt bother you
we'll find one yet dont worry!
enough people have a big brother complex with me that it would be pretty gross to even allow it to go further
thank u 8)
d-down there?
looking sweaty
you can be my lil bro then, I'll fight for ya champ
i have issues with the political system in general
aahh... what would /lolg/ be without me
rate notable lolgs as potential father figures pls
list the options?
i have been around here longer than u have been alive
that's just sad
thats nice little buddy, I hope the other kids arent bullying ya if you need help with that you can count on me
why don't you move on like giraffes and sin and smochi and welding
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You can build anything on Malphite and it works
giraffes got married sin is a pedophile smochi is a millionaire and welding got fat

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>try to play an ARAM after 9PM
>nothing but 5 mans and Chinese chink letter account names
Aurelion Sol needs to be fucking disabled on this map. This is AIDS
>E gets to be the size of the entire fucking lane
>literally can't move or get out of it because of Rylais
>mother fucker builds warmogs after liandrys/rylais because its all he needs
>balanced AP items have just as much HP on them as tank items so gets the passive
lolg girls got it good...
Akshan should be disabled in ARAM
Zilean should be disabled in ARAM
Samira should be disabled in ARAM
Viego should be deleted from the game because fuck you.
at this point vgs are just
>one support picks something retarded like yorick or vex
>the other support picks any actual support
>the first team loses
its about having fun
Vex support is kino
vgs would be fun if it wasn't a guaranteed loss having some players on your team. i don't mind playing with bad players but i do mind playing with people who decide to pick the stupidest shit just cuz it's le troll customs who cares xD. what's the point of even joining the lobby at that point
ok but its not fun for anyone else on your team so theres a fun deficit
yeah fuck qiyanamilkman
>what's the point of even joining the lobby at that point
having fun, you nigger
I don't join the lobbies people make here because fuck all of you retards, but why in the ever living fuck would you join a /vg/ fucking lobby for anything but fucking around?
to look good in post game screenshots and the hopes of getting namedropped, between constantly picking mains and general sweat there are several people who 100% want to win by any means necessary and playing for fun is a distant second for those people
it's literally my birthday and you're inting me
ARAM needs an actual human being to make changes to it. Its status as a meme map for retards is the reason its not even remotely fun anymore
>either remove bushes entirely or disable champs that abuse/rely on bushes
>increase the width of lane to match the base so there's actual room to dodge shit in between the minion waves
>remove warmogs
>unlock every champion so the champ pool of over 100 champions matters
>reduce rerolls to 1
>reduce dodge penalty from 15+ minutes to just 5 minutes
Reminder that ARAM still has graphical bugs from when the collapsed towers was a thing. Even though they remove it, a phantom texture still exists for it and covers up floor visuals. Ive dropped numerous drave axes because the phantom texture covered it up
happy birthday to you
Imagine the legit mental illness you have to have in order to think constantly losing and going 0/10 each game is "fun"
so loading up into the game and watching that one retard die 20 times and waste 30 mins of everyone's time is fun? maybe if you're a faggot in the discord, but for normal people that's just insufferable. scum
baus does this and he is richer and higher elo than u
Baus is a borderline subhuman EU tard who can barely speak and just abused champions/demolish for 5 years
baus is borderline subhuman and can barely speak and he is richer and higher elo than u
How do you fight Urgot as Sion? Like I lost lane hard against him but eventually won due to Kayn, Malzahar, and Lucian being competent. But holy fucking shit, how do you 1v1 this man?
i dont care enough to post results, being rumia is pain, best of luck with your QMM bestinu lobbies
majin is the glue that has always held /lolg/ together and you should respect /our/ grandpa
sorry I dont play in discuck vgs I cant say what they act like since they never post in thread
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vg vs vg up
pw vidya
Riddler is the only person here I ever respected. Dude was challenger Shen before shen got reworked into the elo inflated tumor he is now
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I got 2 questions:
>How do I get good with Jayce? Should I be range autoing more?
>When does Ambessa release tomorrow? The morning? Or some time at night?
if he ever hits his e on you you get raped, its as simple as that
all comes down to having good understanding of sion q spacing and timings
you win through poking him
the perfect situation for you is to q him out of his e but do not overly greed for this because if you q before he actually begins the dash [during the charge up] he will phase through ur knockup and its gg
its actually a very even skillful matchup but if he understands the matchup and u dont it will feel like a counter
>make a cute name
>only play lux
>constantly get friend requests
No wonder I had trouble, guy had 30 Mastery on Urgot and just kept poking me down and denying me plates and even trying to proxy farm.
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/vg/ vs /vg/ result
theres anotheru p but its not my host so figure it out
just say youve never played vgs then you passive aggressive faggot european
mid or supp? also whats the cute name
I recognize majin, lyra, qmm, boodrum, tazmir, bell, and steel
the rest in that list shows what you are, go pose this question in the discord if thats what youre looking for friend
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Wildarrow change is interesting. I wonder if we'll get other interesting items like it for ADCs in the future.
riddler isnt a discorder hes the guy who posts the edited pictures of like shen but dressed up like itachi from naruto and shit
vg vs vg
need 2
pw vidya
don't know
don't know
don't know
don't know
don't know
riddler is one of the most notorious discord groomers to ever spawn from here
post a non-discuck list
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Jayce has a system of poke that he can go through. the main 2 ways are as follows:
1. using gate and blast to poke then autoing while they are at disadvantage and repeat until you can dive
2.Going E-W-Q-R-Q-W-E and walk away while they are slowed. repeat until they die from all in.
steel mental
solution to make vgs instantly at least 50 percent more playable
if you come up with an idea for an epic off meta support
instead of going support just go adc and pick whatever u had in mind there
adc role doesnt matter and support is the most important role in the game
>i recognize all the discorders
>the rest of the list is discord
holy shit lmao, i fucking hate these retards that started posting post 2020
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I forgot how to adc.
I recognize names of people who post in the thread
the rest of those are names in vg vs vgs who for some reason are never around HERE
>using gate and blast to poke then autoing while they are at disadvantage and repeat until you can dive
I remember reading to NOT do this and just regular Q as gate Q just deletes your mana bar.
nigger its an anonymous imageboard, the ONLY reason you can recognize these people is from discord name dropping. who the fuck is signing their posts besides the avatarfaggots?
starting tear helps and furthers how fast you can spam
defense on max huh?
we were talking about attentionfags, youre moving goalposts after being called out
back to the discord
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Art delivery before going to sleep - Sejuani holds Anon while he is sleeping on her lap and she tells him he is great. I tried.
not that anon but man your rendering is so fucked up lol
you just proved my point, im not even the original person you were replying to LOL
wow then maybe you should butt out of conversations you dont fucking understand retard
go look at the first post
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i hope it adds to the charm
Dennis, please.
As another artist I beg of you, let go of the smudge tool PLEASE
>yeah i only recognize the threadposters
i think it works on non humans
no above THOSE posts retardkun
how do i know which posts are yours? did you sign them? i guess ill just try to smell for the stinkiest ones
well at least you know I post in these threads
unlike those names no one recognizes because they havent posted here since 2015
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alright, i will try. that's like letting go of serpents fang though
yeah, sometimees
literally me, but you dont know who i am because why the fuck would i be like "hey its me anon" on all my fucking posts on an anonymous imageboard
then why are you upset at being called a discuck if you only ever involve yourself in discuck games and dont post your name here?
im calling you out for not even knowing who the discucks are, the people you claim to "know from the thread" were half discucks LOL
except they POST here, they have attentionfagged using their names IN thread retard
you are a stupid smelly nigger and if you were a dad you would be black
yeah but who fucking ASKED for biscuits to become a healing item. most people took it for mana issues
phreak said it was un-interactive to get mana back for free
argument won
discucks -1 threadchads +1
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You move to a different desk and if she does then you move to a different parking area and if she does again you can have a small talk with her (at the end of the day or morning) but don't beat around the bush about it so that you get a straight answer.
it certainly makes your stuff very distinct
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i just have to do this little kennen style i guess. no smudge tool this time
quite disengenuous to say this crock of shit when the very next champ to be released is fucking manaless
god I hate phreak so much it's unreal
I'll pitch one in here to hopefully break the discordtroon monotony a bit and hope Riot steals my idea and puts it in the game since I'm sure a few of them look on 4chan SOMETIMES.


Sundered Prism
Quiver-type of item (Maybe Demacia themed, make it about subjugating and absorbing the magical abilities of "dangerous magical items" and "bending them to Demacian use")
Ranged Only

+30 Attack Damage
+25% Critical Strike Chance

Active: The first time you use this active, you will be given a prompt for this item to consume another one in your inventory and gain it’s stats and passives, adding them to it’s own and freeing an item slot.

After this first use, every time afterward pressing this active ability will cause your basic attacks to chain to 5 extra targets. Only the attack on your main target can trigger this ricochet attack. This chain attack triggers on hit effects but not on attack effects. Chained attacks fly at the same projectile speed of your basic attack and use the same projectile. This effect lasts 5 seconds and has a cooldown of 30 seconds, which is reduced by 1 second per basic attack and 2 for critical hits.
if you like the smudge tool then smudge it up- enjoy yourself. but also it's good practice to try not leaning on one specific tool too much at times
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name one thing she can't do
Wave clear.
walk on two legs
*tickles his belly*
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I tried lads.
You have bought every Sera skin to own the chuds, right?
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results if nobody else posts it
you did hella good
in the end the game came down to the vg vs vg classic
one team picked an actual support character in the support role, the other team did not, and the team with a real support won the game
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Eh. Doggy was actually decent. I just picked MF vs assassins.
bra size?
its not about whether they played good or bad
its just champ diff
rakan is 10 thousand times more useful than naafiri
we had steel mental and talon adc
agreed, and pics?
no way fag lmao
whatever happened to final minutes? that guys sion would clear these lobbies
it's the same guy
I wanna lick seraqueens armpits to be honest with u all
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Briar bros post tfw we won (the election)
>talon adc
so? troll pick adc barely matters because adc champions have 0 utility anyways
troll pick support is infinitely more impactful than troll pick adc because the adcs one job is to do damage and whatever random champ you choose is gonna be able to do damage
barbarian sion skin does less damage
if the other team actually bothered to deal with bestinu's ragesplitting in the 30 minutes he was doing it they would've won in 30 mins
its not ragesplitting its literally how i play and u guys always fall for it
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I tried but ya know AKALI

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Is she the president of league of legends?
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would tazmirs zed have won the game here? the answer is yes
yes but its a vg vs vg the whole point is to go to 50 minutes and in a 50 minute fight would u rather have a naafiri or a fucking rakan
obviously rakan that guy is one of the most op characters in the game he has 500 seconds of cc and is more mobile than yasuo and akali combined AND he can heal and shield his team
no final minutes is my L9 alter ego
Did anyone watch Arcane season 2 when it was leaked? Was it good?
am i supposed to apologize for playing rakan when i was put in the support role
vg bets
my point isnt dont pick rakan,., my point is naafiri is not a support and the support role is too important that if you troll pick in it you are more llikely to lose than if u troll pick in any other role
It was less focused on Jinx and her father issues so yes it seemed good enough since that made room for other characters developments.
well that's just a vgs issue. nothing you can really do about it
b3llamy ashe clears these not even gonna cap
bottom team wins
i promise swear to g*d cross my heart hope to die that i will never ever ever never play naafiri support ever again
im not even flaming u for it im just saying morgfag did a good job and the game came down to champ diff
i know i'm just saying i won't never do it again
who is the cutest champion
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this is a close second
She may be cute, but (You) are even cuter.
stop being gay bro
i will eat my soup and contemplate the morality of my rakan pick...
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we love to see it
you are the good guy
the people who get support in vgs and pick some retarded useless 0 utility trahs are the villains
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i am enlightened
steel clears
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Soraka! My cute wife!
new game 20s
i luh u steel
steel CLEARS
why aren't these lobbies getting balanced at least a little bit so all the shitter trolls don't end up on the same team
because i AM a shitter troll but i got lucky and also i picked an actual good hero for once instead of useless d tier trash
ily 2
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I can name a few things. But I'm not going to say them.
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btw why the fuck does nobody proxy on yone top hes legit god tier proxy farmer up there with kayn and gragas. way better at proxy than the typical meme proxy champs like sion and singed, he legit has it all
>tower dive setup
>1v2 potential
>ultra scaling
indeed Book is the cutest
b3llamy aurora clears these
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no, go ahead
b3llamy aurora couldn't clear steel sion
shut your fuckin mouth you dont know the first fucking thing about b3llamy aurora
mogged by steel >>501265446
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No, no. Fish can trust us.
a kamala voter made this post.
fr fr on god no cap:?
when's the next paint stream
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you're not going to use this against her in the future, are you?
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lol yep
chat is this real
/all gg
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why is Soraka so rude?
no one watches that theres no point
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Sorry about that. Goat gets rude when she doesn't get her sleep. That should do her in.
Patch 14.22 yet no Ambessa or the skin line available yet? When do they unlock those?
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good, grumpy goat is unbearable
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Gn lads we won
I’m sleeping well tonight even if I have to wake up soon ish
gn vexsissy.
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Yes, but she has her charm. Other Soraka got some food ready for us.
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let's wait for Foodraka
not everyone is a sissy you freak
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You mean this one?
new game up
if you type about random shit like what time you have to wake up while including a picture of a female champ to make it "on topic" you are a sissy
go to bed, NOW!
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Who won?
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yes, hand it over
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link? ap news hasn't called it
queenkochai is talented at this game a solid 4 point player
i think vgs are being wintraded
link the spreadsheet
who's in their vgpromos?
vgs dont have wintraders what it has is simps that try their hardest if theres a girl or tranny on their team and troll if the enemy team has girls or trannies and theres doesnt
were there girls in the last game
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This will make the Fish happy... for now.
name them
there's 3+ girls in every vg game
i really don't think there are
we won /lolg/
adc is saved
league is saved
america is saved

i'm so happy, reclaiming high elo begins tomorrow
patriots play cod not lol afaik
mid is not saved
please be fake
the dude i'm getting with in like 20 something years can't be a /pol/tard
granted that's plenty of time to grow out of it but please
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yeah, we're safe
day 4100 of hating faker
Street Fighter won
League of Legends lost
get over it
what about GGST and T8?
is that king grey
if it is could you stop 1 and doneing me lol you could just block me instead if you dont wanna fight
strives for trannys and T8 is for arabs

stop picking bison then you bitch
SLIME frauder 6 LOST
TEKKEN 8 won
start labbing electrics
this guy plays street gooner 6 with nude mods for the guys.
tekkenchads ITT?
league players really are based
*low forward*
*sime rush*
*6k combo*
*shimmies your reversal*

heh nuthin personnel kid
what about 2xk0?
cant wait
most fun i've had with an fg since ggst launch
we'll see, I think its gonna be funny seeing people who think fighters are hard cause of motion inputs cope hard with ALSO being shit at 2XKO
I'm gonna play it for bragging rights with my lolg fightan rivals but they better add Talon
SF6 is still king though I think I'ma start going to my local now that I'm master
chun li, cammy, and jinx belongs to us fortnitebvlls.
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But they better let the actual cool champs get in
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Tough times ahead regardless of who won.
>they think we're getting anything but shillmons for arcane
jinx vi and ambessa are the next 2xko characters.
>adc is saved
The least believable part of your post
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thicker than a bowl of oatmeal
yeah Darius and Yasuo were my favorite arcane characters
Vi yeah
Idk if we'll get anyone other than that though, by the time 2xko comes out it'll be almost time for arcane 3
Beans and rice phenotype they had too
yasuo illaoi braum and ahri were for ruined king shilling
darius was the icon for lor and ekko got his own game around then too
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know what youre right
tekkenbro I'll put aside my dislike for you to rep another lolg fightan gamer
strivetrannys still yet to be decided
Dios mio….
it's qiyana's world. we all just live in it
he is the kinda guy to promote phreak and give him a raise
How do you guys cope with your main champ being in the top 50 by pickrate? Do you not just feel like a basic ass bitch whenever you come across your champ in a game? Like any sense of style or personality you had in this game is obliterated when your champ gets stolen and the enemy even takes the same skin you were going to in game.
based doja
do you still do anal?
i play fighting games with rosters that have like 9 characters to pick from, it's never been a bother to me
my first fightan was dnf duel, I'd say any time I see another Talon I dont really feel shit but when ever I saw another Vanguard I felt hype
same thing with Ryu now
>How do you guys cope
By not being insecure.
is it possible to learn this power
Yeah I guess that’s a good way to look at it.
Kai’sa main
Jhin main
its nice to hang here with you boys on such a good day
>6.3 seconds of cc in any given teamfight
>WITH mercs
why even bother? what's the fucking point?
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Champions for this feel?
Baron von Veigar
i don't care, i don't even know my champions pickrate
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Another Day. Another Dollar.
how tf do you get your damage so high every time
my entire goal is to destroy my doppelganger
Because he legitimately runs in a straight line at people and auto attacks them until either he dies or they die and repeats over and over until either he wins or he loses
Briar gameplay but as aphelios
Kinda have to respect it
Either you're going to engage/peel him or not but either way he's going deep
>you play a popular champ? you're mindless sheep!
>you play an unpopular champ? you're hipster trash
why is lolg like this
because part of the appeal to posting anonymously is getting to be rude for 0 without any consequences
I'd love to see some webms to get a gist of what that looks like
Just join a vg when he's playing them or add him as a friend and ask for normals perhaps
He does it every game every time no matter what
He dies and respawns and runs straight for the closest minion wave and pushes it until he gets ganked and then tries to fight the guy who ganked him over and over
AOE is a fucking machine. his mental is actually astounding
Fucking gigachad
i can't bring myself to play league unless i'm playing yuumi
no other game is fun and other champions are too much effort
I understand why it had to go but I still miss galeforce
I miss everfrost, I miss duskblade, I miss frozen mallet, I miss twin shadows.
i used to hate on yuumi niggas but after playing it i realized its actually the chillest and most enjoyable champ to play
twin shadows was the fucking shit
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Please stop complimenting my boyfriend, it is going to his head. He already thinks hes gods gift to ADC.
>1/17/0 sett player does the lowest damage in a 46 minute game while also talking the most shit
i wish these people got shot in the head on principle the moment the game ended
>only player on my team that didn't feed
>bitch about how retarded my team is and make fun of them nonstop in all chat
>get the most honors on my team
reminder sett mains are statistically the ones most likely to ragequit
host vg where tf is ranked
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Same but I play Soraka for those times instead, though I'm trying not to play her much anymore and branch out a bit.
Because I'm tuckered out of this game lately I've been spamming co-op vs ai instead of atleast once a day for the bonus daily exp.
>check Reddit profiles of G2 haters
>total meltdown over the election
I haven't seen a single conservative G2 hater
Why are they all liberal?
translation for non americans?
only trannies hate G2
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So im pretty sure my life is some big joke and im a TV star with everyone watching me and having a good laugh.

I play all day as jungle and every game 2/3 lanes are losing. last game my adc and support run into a 2v4 before minions spawn then flame me for not trying to run past an enemy to help them. completely nonsensical. I get counter jungled and no one on my team places wards. Im having the most intense jungle vs jungle fight because enemy jungle is pretty much only going to my jungle to gank and i get no wards to help out. Top lane is a total retard and loses his lane 1v1 then blames me for not helping. Like, did top come once to help my top when it got counter jungled? no. but its my fault he loses his lane because i wasnt there for every time he tried to go all in then lost, great.
Top players are so stupid its insane.

I hate laners so much its unreal. Guy picks Garen into morde top and has 5% HP and spam pinging me to come gank for him. i get there and its like, ok now what? you literally cant even get close to morde or he will ult you and kill you, hes full HP< what do you expect me to do? you have been trade killing with morde, i cant 1v1 him in a million years, hello? so i help him clear the minions (lol i knew he would freak out) he spazzed out and said i was stealing his farm. like go back to base you fucking retard dont ping for gank when you cant even help a gank, like i dont need to farm or help lanes that can actually do stuff? fuck you.

The people who play this game are so fucking stupid. God its so satisfying as a jungle to just ignore the lane of your retard teamates who you know is a total shitter so he can lose. all the guides made by challenger coaches say to ignore loser lanes btw. so if you play a lane and the jungle doesnt gank it might be because you are a worthless shitter and he has been coached not to get dragged down with you, no matter how much you spam ping like a monkey.
I haven't smoked weed in years but I want to try it again
Should I?
Graves cigar league of legends
I'm happy for you
or sorry that happened
didn't read
it's a video game
if your biggest struggle in life is that you lost in a video game you are a bum
>didnt read, also heres my opinion on what i read
Smartest top laner in the thread spotted?
Weed isnt good for you, but its not as bad as alchohol, and league is worse than alchohol too. pick your posion.
based opinions, junglerCHAD
>40 minute hostage scenario, defeat
>40 minute hostage scenario, defeat
>40 minute hostage scenario, defeat
>finally start winning a game
>enemy team ffs as soon as they can
dude i'm so tired of this fucking shit
this was me today. every game was total shit. then all 5 of the enemy team pick a char with a dash and i pick poppy, hilarity ensues but it only lasts 15 mins.
it's so fucking stupid. why is it that the enemy team can always tell when a game is over but mine never can?
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good morning /lolg/

i really slept in today. i think i slept like 13 or so hours. i feel really good though so i think i really needed it

i hope you all slept well too
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Have you thought about yordle pussy today?
mornin' cutie
You're probably annoying so your team wants to see you suffer
stop trying to get anons to pump to yordles, there are others girls to pump for too
this happened in my game today. bot fed super hard and they were roasting each other then voting no to make the other one suffer. Like hello, theres 3 of us over here who want out this isnt fair....
you gonna be my gf yet?
>called faker
>fakes being a washed up has-been and actually still has it in him
I just turn on a movie on my second monitor when people do that and afk farm.
i literally don't say shit until it's 30+ minutes and my retard team is still voting no 1/4 when the score is 50 something to 4 and we have no towers.
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no sorry

good morning

i think i'm gonna give up on ezreal and instead try out gnar/sion/aatrox top or rek'sai/bel'veth jungle. i think i'm leaning more towards the latter but i'm sad i'm caving in this early and going back to my original role already. really tired of jungle.

i stand by s15 being a map/jungle rework though so hopefully that freshens things up.
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i just played 4 quickplays in a row into 4 different nilahs as twitch with either teemo support or shen but jax was also picked in every game
there is no way to counterpick, there is no way for the enemy to know what i play
they just happened to draft a bunch of champs with dodges,blocks and blind into the only adc in the game that becomes completely useless if he can't autoattack
all of these were 4-5man premades on voicecom rotating their fucking cooldowns to make sure i cannot play the game from start to finish
and this happened 4 times in a row with minor variations that we 15ff-d

you see there is a thing like getting unlucky, as you said getting all feeding lanes is just "unlucky" right?
the more this starts happening the more you question yourself whether it is targeted or not, after all there is only so much time you can lose the coin flip

eventually you have to start getting the other side... right?
but every time you will speak up people will tell you that you are just a schizo
you are just imagining things
this is just in your head and you should stop questioning and start buying the new arcane skins
>makes10 good plays
>omg that's my goat, but it is expected
>make 1 bad play
>washed, useless, give up, kill yourself
heavy is the burden of the crown
Yes Timmy it's the same person saying those things
Anonymous is actually one guy and he keeps contradicting himself
>we 15ff-d
so you're telling me you got lucky? each of those games could've been 30 minutes longer
teemo support is a bigger threat than their adc
stfu slut. we all want the yordle pussy here.
Post them.
>mid game im 1/1/8
>think im doing pretty good for helping my team get kills in early game
>we lose every team fight
>im 1/6/15
>team flames me for feeding and being useless, says to report me
>end of game stats show i did most damage to champions and took most damage
Riot should reward me with their irl location so i can strangle them to death.
Well, a double rainbow is a phenomenon of optics that displays a spectrum of light due to the sun shining on droplets of moisture in the atmosphere.
i dont have any. im just ashamed to admit i like yordles
Dr. Mundo
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What do you guys think they'll do for Shyvana's rework? Do you think they'll retain any aspects of her current kit, like the human/dragon transformation on her R and her rage bar?
>too confident
>never gives up
I wouldn't know, I just don't have a good feeling because her concept art showed her all roided out when she never really needed any change except for maybe her gauntlets, they could've just imported the wild rift model to save having to make two models per skin and just make new animations for a more modern kit.
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There's been concept art for her rework? Either way, my personal theory is that they'll change everything about her *except* those two things I just mentioned. Maybe they could also make her ultimate her passive and just make her transform like Gnar does. I'm not sure that'd be a great idea for a *jungler* but it'd be interesting.

Her human E mark thing is just silly, though, and her auto reset and her W are both just useless because there's "too much power budget on her E" so they have to stay intentionally underpowered so her dragon form E can remain a one-shot machine spell. I'd say just scrap everything besides the hybrid transformation thing, yeah.
they will unironically make her scale like asol and smolder and turn her into powerfarming cancer
god i love playing hwei
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Are these three separate versions or are they her in different "forms"? The middle one seems the most human but then the two on either side seem like weird evolutions of it. Wonder if it'll be a Red/Blue Kayn scenario where she can pick what to specialize into - her human or dragon form - assuming those pictures show different forms and not different concept art that they just haven't decided on which one's final yet.

worst case scenario if this happens. we don't need more of this.
I believe they regretted doing the Kayn transformations as they'd have to make X3 models for 1 champ. The pics are 3 different Shyvanas in her human form. I hope the rework confirms she is in a relationship with J4.
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Ah, okay. Did they give a release window for when the rework might come out when they released this concept art? I completely missed the article and the news. I hope it doesn't devolve into another Skarner situation with all the delays and stuff.
I believe it should come in 2025. That is not helpful but better than nothing.

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