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Previous: >>501241628

>Version 5.1 "The Rainbow Destined to Burn" Trailer
https://youtu.be/yJ-tllvBvmI (EN)
https://youtu.be/_DqVC77tmrc (JP)

>Current character banner: Hu Tao, Nahida, Sethos, Xingqiu, Kuki Shinobu
>Current weapon banner: Staff of Homa (Polearm), A Thousand Floating Dreams (Catalyst)

>Event "Chromatic Ode of Candies and Roses" live until November 7

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes with Primogems (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
Fuck Amerisharts I’m here with Mexibros

I'm not ready for crystals to cost more.......
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What went wrong with gig? Offtopic + dead
Why isn't the battle event's results on hoyolab?
Just use a VPN
mavuikaxisters..... neuvillette destroyed us....
i don't feel so good.......
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trannies & faggots on suicide watch rn
Bumping the Republicon thread. Fuck Dragonrats
theyre getting lazy
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Potential tariffs on China for US bros.
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
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Who cares
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Illegals from the desert conquered nilou's fertile womb...
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What did Mexicans mean by this?


I care
Why is nahida going to win election again
we know, /pol/villettetard
this flop banner is too long i want to see shartsca flop massively already
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sethos why didn't you come home please come home baby i love you so much why did you dodged me and gave me xingqiu sethos oh why....
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>She is Mexican
>Jack of all trades; she heals, she buffs, she looks hot while doing it.
>Already a great support at C0, but still has plenty of room for vertical investment.
>Able to provide long-duration buffs that also persist through new enemy waves.
>Extremely cheap to build with barely any stat requirements.
>Has a place in nearly any team.

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what destroyed the hype?
redditors are melting down as we speak
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>literally no one cares about Chasca, not reddit nor Xitter
Unironically what's the reason? I don't think a bad design is enough to warrant all this. It's weird.
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This game desperately needs a Sparkle expy.
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Are you gonna roll for this Mexican Genshin?
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wrio love
his genes are so strong…
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Get fucking replace forestchud
Sparkle is a Tao expy
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will you be watching /ourguys/ again?
yes they are my boyfriends
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She's BUILT big desert dweller cock
im so glad they are dropping EN dub as a whole slowly
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Who's PoV is this?
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John genshin and Bob impact are the greatest. They pronounce names correctly and don't make cringe jokes.
Yes and I will roll for them when the Zhiqiong banner comes out.
EN watchers
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Yaoyao for president of teyvat
she's too ugly even for haglover redditors
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too ugly same reason as emilie
r/politics is looking hilarious rn
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where's the crying emilie edit....
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I literally look exactly like John Impact.
Ugly design, no personality and chemistry with other characters.
She also powercreeps every single character in exploration and people don't like it. No one wants to roll for an ugly character to use her most of their playtime.
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Today I noticed that when I press F2, many of the accounts I see look like this.
Could these be bots or something? EU server.
She deepthroats Cyno’s BDC every night.
hello winners and losers
if you'd like you can still rate genshin female attractiveness out of 5 by clicking the link below
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Nahida is really cute
>can't drag and drop
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true and real
>plase care about my botted poal
Should have had the AI generate her without shoes on
Yeah, making accounts for selling. Not a lot of real people playing at this time, so they are easy to notice.
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4.3 is going to be amazing
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I NEED my tongue on Charlotte's pits
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>4.3 is going to be amazing
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time traveler bro... we are in 5.x
nothing ever happens
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stop posting nahida
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Bro, your Shenhe's keyboard?
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Reminder that /gig/ is pro Lyney
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Back to >>>reddit , americunt.
for me, it's gay keka phone
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We love Freminet here.
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Unpopular Question:
Can we have Abyss invasion happen in other Regions?
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Not yet because their leylines are stronger.
Natlan has had fucked leylines for 500 years
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Forgot to mention but if Natlan falls it's basically opening up the gates of hell to the rest of Teyvat and by that point it'll be Khaenri'ah 2.0
nahida won
I don't actually know who's winning the US election I just want to imagine Nahida in charge
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>Iudex-sama is winning in pensylvania

traveller pov
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can't fucking believe this little shit is costing Kamala the election
Who is the Harambe of Genshin?
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Holding the Mondstadt City bridge against huge waves of Abyss would be absolute kino.
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The last one was relatively hard, considering I didn't even have to use geo bricks or gimmicks this fight.
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I'm so happy bros... We did it.
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Qrd for the non mutts?
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Reminder that shatter is getting buffed
dumb zoomer
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it's OVER
>Ororon and Citlali in JP
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Why did you vote for Mavuika, Pagden?
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DragoncRATS in shambles.
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that's nuts also don't forget his buddy (RIP)
Do other regions
>We have to go through a 3rd wave of election tourists
>mondstadt - red
>liyue - blue
>inazuma - red
>sumeru - blue
>fontaine - red
>natlan - blue
>snezhnaya - likely red
>>501268019 meant for >>501267960
NEETden will always vote for her own eternity of comfort.
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Rest in peace, little bro. Neuvillete will avenge you.
>Hold the bridge
Imagine its Timmie thats holding the bridge, alone.
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I would never vote for a woman.
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>neuvillette defeated raiden 8 years ago
>gets mogged by zhongli 4 years ago
>now is about to defeat mavuika
Government came in and killed an e-celebrity squirrel.
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a guy posted an image of his pet squirrel in a maga hat and someone called the police for animal abuse and police euthanize the squirrel
I've never seen a Neuvillette post that isn't a shitpost
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>go to /gig/ to discuss the new livestream announcement
oh man i should not have come here during mutt hours
Nta but fontaine seems accurate to me. Charlotte is obviously a chud who holds xenophobic views and so does the rest of the country: eremites aren't allowed. Chiori was only able to integrate the country because she's hot and hard working.
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Yes we do
Fontaine is mostly whit-I mean Oceanid bro
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How long we talkin on this one? Looking at the length of Full YT playthroughs the story appears to be able ~2 hours. Is there a bunch of side shit?

I can't be fucked to do it tonight.
Fuckers are actually blaming the owner for not doing the papers.
I mean, they just moved to NY a year back and trying to get the papers done.
Going to bed with a massive smile on my face, we are so back, next patch is going to be amazing.
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when is her banner?
you can unlock the primo minigames in 10 mins and do them in 20
you guys survived these 4 years back in 2016 you will survive the upcoming 4 too
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hahaha wtf
not having jannies will do that to a place, no one even cares about masking their /pol/ shit.
When Nahida stops selling so they release Imbibitor Arboris Nahida
Same time we get a loli Raiden, loli Furina, and loli Mavuika banner.
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they are so cute together
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ororon and capitano are cuter
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you told me new anti spam system will save /gig/...
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We were up in the polls, then suddently Yao Yao got a 20 mail in ballot dump at 3AM and we're supposed to think this is normal? This is rigged! STOP THE COUNT!
That's what you get for underestimating YaoJeb!
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make sumeru great again
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I voted Yao
>he was having trouble with the turtle

Getting 5k in nahida's geo battle event is impossible
the itto they gave is so fucking trash
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nahida is way too sexy
Neuvillette will!
haha they are really pushing their cringe pairing
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That image of Neuv I see posted sometimes...
Did Neuv even meet Focalors once? I thought he only ever met Furina
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so..................... what now?
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now post cute ororoners
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focalors even performed a courtship dance for him
He's literally the only one who talked to Focalors
That's it.
We're done.
Nahida was a mistake
I meant before that point. As in why would he be kneeling and clutching someone he never knew
we wait for strim
He's the only one who met her
Guizhong and Focalors double teaming me (tall male) with their feet
Total ban on Chinese products soon.
Say goodbye to your accounts and characters, bwos...
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What a nice night.
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what's with being tall man and having a dead hebe wife?
we need short girl and dead husband too
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we love dragon ball here
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Traveler. You're saying the demon is possessing you down here?
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>Neuvillette elected 47th sovereign of all Teyvat
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are we done being smug, neuvGODS?
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Who is updating the Irminsul records?
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Not for the next decade.
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the senate results are in...
Who did your Paimon vote for? Did you make sure she voted correctly?
It's almost over now, so we'll get a little respite. Then the turdies clock in.
Oh my god, an actually on topic /pol/ post.
Meme magic is back.
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What did Dori witness?
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>It's almost over now, so we'll get a little respite
anon you damn well know that no matter who wins, the thread will be unusable for the next month
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Okay I'm done with the Nahider quest. Time for my account to go back into hibernation until the next Sumeru patch! I also rolled Nahida's weapon and got it first try. God I love cute barefoot girls and Sumeru.
My pp shrinking
the six million
That's actually Chiyo, the oni girl from Inazuma
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say it with me: HYDRO Sovereign!
>some retard actually fixed it after this was posted
i kneel....
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why do you want rich to get richer when there are people literally living in the sewers?
A rising flood lifts all boats
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>check their xitter profiles
>thet have lgbt banner
Every single time!
delet this
And drowns people that don't have boats.
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Congratulations, Mr. President. What will the first order of business be?
Anons need someone to oppose Mavuika but Capitano ran away.
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Wriothesley will send them a lifeline.
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Strong men in power. It's not even a /gig/ forced meme, the chinks also know
EoS for Genshin Impact
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it's funny
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Based Gliding Champion.
faggots are spamming neuv again
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Chads are posting neuvillette again
She's excited about Neuvillette's massive victory over Mavuika.
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[SAD NEWS] Mavuika, pyro candidate, has declined to speak tonight.
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Mavuika lost
neuv posters are retards
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She'll send over Kinichwalz over to do the concession speech instead.
So how long till it goes back to normal?
4 years
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but she's dead and/or not playable
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Post it
It's actually possible that she's alive since she disappeared after attacking Raiden in madness, but yeah I doubt they will make her playable
>opened up dialogue with the Eremites
>shut down the Akasha system aka literally the most valuable and potent asset in the nation
>wastes time going around and playing with children
>went full nepotist on stuff like Akademya students or Sages

>wins re-election
The fuck
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Sends Foçalors Gyatt for celebrate the triumph of the Sovereign
Post constellations
nobody cares about your elections, ameriturds
There are no elections in teyvat, idiot
as a non-mutt why should i care who wins the elections again
Neuvtroons are by far the /gig/'s unfunniest posters. Wonder what their average age is
C2R1 mostly
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nahida would care
what happened to "femorrhoid"-san?
If Kamala won you'd have been able to mock amerimutts as being owned by a woman and a nigger
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>t. irrelevant euro
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xbalanque fucking won
Mavuikafags are NOT having a good night! You shouldn't have killed Kachina, freaks.
he's at /a/ shitposting in dbs
not joking
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Cheldbros rejoice! We're no longer the unfunniest posters!
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she fled
Cheldbros have always been /gig/'s most beloved posters
He lost hard. Wormed himself out of the AQ then demoted himself to an NPC.
He lost 500 years ago, and he lost again now.
They’re mexican and adults actually, but we all know non white adults are usually mentally stunted especially from the third world
So what we established tonight is that the shitposters that have been shitting up the threads were all /pol/tards, Wormvillettetards, twitter tourists, and the dbs schizos over at /a/
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lazybros wwa
How do we get her out of power then
Does Sumeru actually want this shit
B-b-but the boycott!!.... I thought we were the silent majority, sisters....
is that what happened when obama won
I’m currently entombed in the primal fire right now
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Fuck off and die, yank vermin.
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freeze bros... our bricks
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why did celestia chose a convicted pedophile for the throne?
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that's how our sex will be
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holy shit
Sends foçalors gyatt for celebration
I still wonder why they still haven't fixed Mona's extended freeze duration.
>neuvpags pretending they are not woke cucks
the fontaine plot is LITERALLY about equity hiring a "native" minority, giving the land back to them and we wuz kanging endlessly
you will also transition within 5 years
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no foca sadly
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Can you co-op the current boss event?
>he forgot how neuvillette was the first president of teyvat to go into office being pro-yuri/yaoi
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[Tragic news] the shartalian is having a proper meltdown

It works
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>only 10 deleted
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/gig/ is crazy good today
>And now it falls to me to create new rules for America
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My liege
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>people are crying outside of my house

we won
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I've been away from /gig/ for a long while, why is someone spamming AI-generated images...?
They're not even good ones either lmao.
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Hot sloppa
Can we see her ass? Pls?
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Kenkis are literally impossible bwos
not available yet.
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Holy shit they are really killing themselves because of the election kek
I don't get it, what do those stars mean? That kenki clear time looks good, or...?
t. hasn't started the event yet
Go back
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>suicide is le funny
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no peeking!
Tits too big.
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There are four difficulty stages and the amount of stars show the highest one you beat
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Now we get the Genshin comeback.
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Monsieur Neuvillette won bigly
Bro just bloom.
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>Not even trying to hide that he's a reddit tourist
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no such thing
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People laugh about EN VAs being NPC now
but they are 100% better at presentation. They actually tell you the news, not spend the entire time cringe roleplaying
Don't bloom.
You prompted the skirt like that on purpose didn’t you…
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Nah, it's a gut buster
yes such thing. She's perflat, I hate boob inflators.
Fuck that lady. I hope she burns alive and lives as long as possible with severe burns all over her body and it constantly hurts, where it comes to a point that her lazy CNA in a rehab clinic has to apply special cream to soothe her skin. God bless that Squirrel.
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Porkrinde is on a diet.
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>tfw didn't even use the dendro crutch buff
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This shit is impossible
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boobs are miracle
copium maximum
The hell is that team bro
They should just start using AI.
Size of the boobs doesn't matter after all
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Are you suuure?
So this is the power of cellphones...
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all boobs matter
remove clorinde and the damage will improve (unironically)
Heck Yeah
Based reclined position gamer
Dawei loses sleep every night wondering why the metachurl campaign isn't working
based casualGOD
Has Nahida told /gig/ to sleep yet
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To own the libs (unironically).
By and large on 4chan, AI is being adopted by our usual breed of contrarian and misanthropic men, who consciously or subconsciously see it as a mean to hurt those damn artists and their income, since artists are perceived as being generally more left-leaning and progressive (aka the enemy).
I remember checking out a stable diffusion general one time, the posters were lamenting the fact they couldn't get a foothold in /a/, discussing it in a way that equated AI as an ideological meme that they needed to be spread on every board. At no point did it seem like they had any passion in what they were generating. At least they weren't pretending.
holy based
I want this just to see the melty redditors and xitter retards would have
I don't even watch the EN stream or use EN voices
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look at him
look at him and laugh
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It's my highest damaging team with the buffs. Others aren't doing so good...

I'll try normal Aggravate Clorinde or Overload later jesus christ
/gig/ has a lot of garbage posters, it's really forced. Nobody likes AI.
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The election is over.
It’s time for bed.

Until they develop feelings. Then the trash it's the only answer
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I did it with T2C0R0 Hu Tao with C0R0 supports
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is this the SHOUNEN general?
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damn that's actually crazy
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Bwo that free 400 EM should tell you something
cunny game
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Inazuma needs a russo-japanese war expansion
>posts goblins
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yes, /dbs/ scholar please don't rape us
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klee tummy
Have you tried Kazuha in National instead of Clorinde
chevers is FAT
Why is siggy so cute
Why do they have someone so cute as the head nurse of a fucking underwater hell prison
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Yes? What seems to be the problem?
If greater lord rukkhavada is erased from everyone's memories, why is nahida still the "lesser lord"? Shouldn't see just be lord kusanali? Everyone is just rudely calling her lesser?
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Chevy could put on some weight!
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you love cunny, that's all
en mistranslation in chinese she is called little god
I want to sleep with this radish.
Not sure if sexually or non sexually
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Thought I was still in /alter/ for a second from a brief glimpse of the thumbnail.
amy is my gf btw
When are we getting another big breasted whore?
Signora status?
Any leak about her?
we know bennett
I want to orally plesure Nahida until my tongue goes numb.
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>>501266457 >>501266457

>>501266457 >>501266457

>>501266457 >>501266457


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Trust the plan
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why not both
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I invested Horizontally too much
I respond
>He fell for the mono pyro meme
Take the vape pill bro
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>Nobody likes AI.
I do, there's genuinely some good stuff out there, but not the garbage that gets posted here though.
>1.9k pittas
i'd eat her taco
Could we get Nahida in a bikini like Furina please?
>thread would be unusable
The last time I found this place usable was during the Inazuma statue even when everyone was clowning on Sara for dropping her spaghetti,
>no proper ninja genshin
>no Ainu genshin
>no japanese idol genshin
>no Yakuza genshin
>no Karate genshin
>no Sumo genshin
>no mahjong genshin
>no ink Calligraphy genshin
Inazuma is the biggest waste of culture in the whole game
I'm not American, I know Democrat and Republican but what are W and G?
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What if turnip bans chinese video games and I never see my lovely Nahida-chan again? bwehhh
The only contrubution: A fkg yandere & mangas
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I love (elf) children
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I'll try
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bros i bought a 100$ top up to celebrate the win
Traveler POV NTR
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>no proper ninja genshin
Why isn't Kuki ninja enough?
>no japanese idol genshin
Barbara is trying hard!
>no Karate genshin
Heizou uses martial arts.
there are no Yanderes just some scummy women
thanks anon, Nahida is so hot in that skimpy bikini
Yeah ayaka it's a Yandere Scum
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I prefer artist-drawn art because each line was guided by the artist's dick. If there is no dick, there is no unity.
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she's too sexy as god of wisdom
Stop making me want to have sex with Nahida
you don't know what a yandere is
How about a 1945 Manchuria expansion
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oh no anon you will
Nahida was right
The internet was a mistake
Somebody post some Fraudvuika image xD
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>decide to retry HSR after a couple months break
>premium Kafka/BS/Ryan/Huohuo is considered "near unusable" due to HP bloat and powercreep
>Why isn't Kuki ninja enough
She's an ex shrine maiden delinquent
Sayu is the ninja
>Heizou uses martial arts.
Generic for the most part outside of his conan reference burst
I was sorta hoping for an omyodo using character, but you only had NPCs in an event.
>from /pol/ to aislop spam
yeah fuck this shit
I should really try to get into staple diffusion
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that will be genshin soon
Imagine my face when I considered coming back and jingliu is literally worthless brick tier now.
I want to lick her navel…
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Are you really surprised
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pero pero
i love genshin female vaginas so much bros
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Yet honkeks will claim they're playing the better game.
Who not
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hello /gig/gers,
unfortunately i had to delete the poll because i just saw someone bot furina's votes with my own eyes
perhaps if there's a next time i do something like this i'll make the voting window only 1 day long instead of one week
i did not take a screencap right before the botting started but there are screenshots around with 200-300 participants that show the general consensus anyway
it was very fun while it lasted
I have been rolling purely for Lawrences for a while now and I still comfortably clear content
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That poll had half of Natlan characters missing anyway.
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Our sister game is doing good

Congratulate them
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it's a shame
you deserve better
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This event was terrible. Some of these fights are literally having 0 challenge (like the last one), while the fifth one in particular was just giga bad game design, where getting close to the enemy = death.

What even was this. Genshin shouldn't try "hard fights". They very clearly can't do it.
For comparison, all those characters are less than a year old and were top meta on their respective releases
Imagine not just Lyney being a brick due to low damage today, but Furina being considered an off meta pick.
Burnice ass saved the game for now.
Really want to fuck her.
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and people still said no one plays ZZZ on phone
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>shill Burnice to no end, still underperforms
>do an emergency buff on the pink slut ONE DAY before her banner goes up to squeeze those that fomoed into Burnice
Actual scam, fuck them
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Why does it feel like every event, abyss blessing, abyss lineup, overworld boss and now IT changes have been made specifically to shill Xilonen
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Why did Xilonen fail to captivate the masses?
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I'm the only one who skipped xilonen here
dawei visited USA right before the natlan and fell in love with some hoe that looked like xilonen
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Cyno is so FUCKING lucky...
That's just what they did with Ganyu
Too much makeup. Just like Chasca.
She gave me Dehya c6
And used the Guaranteed with Hu Tao
First whalekek event?
Dude it's Navia. She beat Zhongli by a landslide in that guy's last geo poll.
...to watch nilou get pounded by sethos
cant they share? she has enough holes
It's worse than that, it's not a buff, it's a nerf reversal
>first leaks of the NPC looking pink hag were meta breaking ridiculous
>nerf her to shit on Burnice's banner
>after everyone rolled, revert her nerf one day before her banner
And don't forget Hat Guy. Nilou is her slave
i look and smell like sigewinne
>where getting close to the enemy = death
Skill issue.
The event and combat design are still terrible though, it's just a dmg check while trying not to die.
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we love cat whores here
>it's just a dmg check while trying not to die.
Miyazaki did it again....
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why are you a slug
ugly hag
I love more the FOX
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Hi I'm quite stupid, which one is the better pick?
The one with def idiot.
Come to Mondstadt.
Def sands. Atk does nothing for her. subs arent worth it.
They both have def
Okay thanks
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I want to sleep with Nahida
she must be really soft and smell sweet like flowers or fruit
i want to deflower her
>it's just a dmg check while trying not to die.
isnt that literally every boss in existence. you know, you try to damage the boss without dying..?
So, the Terrorshroom on the last day has no gimmicks other than being extremely tanky for some reason?
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how do I beat the transforming shield niggers from day 2
Lots of multihit attacks
A lot of From bosses can be hard bullshit-bitches but none of them will have a timer breathing down your neck.
Hyperbloom since it applies elements quickly
It's not "skill issue" when you literally can't step close because the turtle spins and kills anything.
It wasn't challenging, just run away and wait till it's killed by turrets or use ranged combat characters, but it was still shit.

The only sorta okay one that needed you to pay attention and play the game was the first against the three idiots that would swirl you all the time.
Without a timer you could solo every boss with Yaoyao.
In my experience, the timer is the 3-5 business days of waiting for the enemy to finish his combo no jutsu before giving me a three second attack window
Is there anything else other than mora for the new geo sigils from chenyu vale?
Of course the zoomer brings up muh Dark Souls bosses.
how do I beat the xilonen shill boos from day 4
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Is there anyone who even likes Dori? I don't get why she keeps showing up in events
we warned you about the honkai title, retard.
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Read the reply chain retard.
Without a timer or DPS check, you wouldn't ever need to roll anyone outside the starting characters you get from 1.x.

People that make this argument are legit stupid and don't understand how this game works.
I think she's hot desu.
That's only an issue with elden shit, kinda ds3 too but way less extreme desu.
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>wake up
>/ourguy/ won

feels good man
it's almost like the game wants you to use the characters you spent 4 years building
neuvillette will grab us by the pussy...
i don't feel so good mavuikaxisters.....
You don't have to use Xilonen. Any character with teleports will do.
>he worked at mcdonalds
>genshin x mcdonalds collab
we contributed
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Just compare the HP bloat between genshin and HSR

Increase in HP from 6 patches ago in hsr is the same as genshin from 24 patches ago
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>trying to beat this shitty electric turtle up
>his spin2win fucks everyone up
>layla's shield doesn't do shit
is this a zhongdong check or something
Trannies were angry at her not being male so they mistranslated her title out of spite.
Nah I did as well, just returned to the game and didn't like her design, couldn't care less if she was meta or not.
Works on my machine. You're not supposed to sit there even with her shield up but instead treat it as an extra layer of defense while you keep dodging.
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I've beaten it with Arle/Furina/lvl 80 Layla/Xilonen. Just spam ults when it starts spining.
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It's basically free if you have a good ayaka team.
That goes for the electro turtle as well.
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Whilst we all know that the patch cycle for Sumeru was the most painful period of Genshin... I'm actually genuinely really enjoying the cast in follow up events.
If we're taking the Archon Quests and the drama of that release period out of mind who actually make for the most fun or pleasant casts to revisit?
Sumeru's cast is all quite fun to watch mess around alongside each other and even the fags like Kaveh have some charming interactions with granny Faruzan.
Mondstad is of course our home and is filled with soulful characters.
Liyue... I like a handful of the Liyue cast but they're very much love or hate. If you don't enjoy Hu Tao or the Adepti crew you're basically gonna be skipping through every event.
Fontaine has very fun characters but they don't mesh together well at all. There's always an air of awkwardness going around which takes the fun out of it.
And Inazuma's cast are kinda shit. Leaving aside Yae and Itto hijacking every event the cast is rarely any fun to watch. Everyone in that nation hates each other.
What are your thoughts? Best nation cast? Worst nation cast?
I'm dodging more than I'm attacking, it either catches up and wrecks me or starts shitting out lightning
Just tried Arle/Xilo/XQ/Furina, also tried Neuv/Layla/Xilo/Furina and a few other combos
>Worst nation cast?
easily inazuma. half the cast is literally whos who dont appear in the archon quest and nobody interacts with eachother. not to mention the personality voids that are raiden and ayaka
Every character I raised in the past four years gets completely invalidated by a simple hyperbloom team that I can easily run in multiple instances. Why would I use my Eula, who I have all the 5 star supports and weapons and artifacts for, over just dumping a bunch of EM paradise lost artifacts on Kuki?
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Iudex-sama, show mercy!
>There's always an air of awkwardness going around which takes the fun out of it.
hes about to grab furina by the cunny
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>like kinich
>burdened to have bennett on his team no matter what
>can't try other teams that look fun that require bennett
Kuki never gets enough play in any event, and Heizou is literally just his hang out, so it's no wonder to me why inazuma never has fun character moments.
The best events to me are usually sumeru or mond, those casts just fucking work well.
I think you're right about fontaine and liyue, and I think Natlan will be joining them post the Archon quest.
Citlali will be the defining Natlan character. Do you like her? Then you'll enjoy the inevitable events, if not then it'll be skip city.
Really? I think Furina alone complicates the Fontaine family tree too much for events to be enjoyable. It has by far the worst males of any nation too. Wrio and Neuv are never going to be enjoyable to watch in any event.
For me its
Sumeru > Mond > Fontaine > Inazuma > Liyue >>>>>> Shitlan
>Best nation cast?
Fontaine and Mondstadt
>Worst nation cast?
Sumeru. Glad that hoyo realized this too.
Got a second cat (kitten now) and he does this it's goofy to watch
So far I quite like the Natlan cast. Already they're basically all friends, almost to a fault, but there's a lot of fun things you can do with clan battles or drama. Theres nobody so far that's a total killjoy to have around. Although to be fair we're very early into Natlan.
he doesn't really require Bennett, especially if you have his signature
i like natlan's and mond's the most
sumeru's cast is fun too as long as a certain character isn't involved
inazuma is hit or miss
cannot stand fontaine's or liyue's casts with a few exceptions, soulless hacks
>as long as a certain character isn't involved
Dori bros...
>as long as a certain character isn't involved
layler bwos....
Dori is a fucking shithead of a character but I adore every scene she's in XD Seriously, I swapped to jp for the event and jp Dori was hilarious. I do wish the events wouldn't shy away from properly shitting on the little jew though.
Yes, I can name a few groups in Fontaine that I like seeing together.
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I won.
don neuvillette...
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Genshin = Dems

Outdated policies, uncool, struggling to appeal to anyone with their lackluster marketing

HSR/ZZZ/WuWa = Repubs

Fresh new ideas, cool, appeals to everyone with their captivating marketing

How do we turn this ship around?
>Whilst we all know that the patch cycle for Sumeru was the most painful period of Genshin...
We literally peaked in Sumeru, what do you mean?
My heroes are from Sumeru and Mondo. I would nuke Fontaine out of Teyvat if I could, the rest I don't mind.
Natlan looks like a good region.
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Neuvillette will deport Chiori...
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>We literally peaked in Sumeru
It's fitting that Teyvat is literally upside down.
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Why is /gig/ so dead specifically on this day?
Why are y'all so dead?
It's between 1:40 and 4:40 am in the only part of the world that matters on a Tuesday election night.
I will suck you off.
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She wonned bigly.
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All my Kokosisters are gone...
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>quit before sumeru
>never learned dendro reaction shit
I still haven't met a challenge I couldn't unga bunga through with monogeo or hutao vape
hyperbloom is even more ungabunga than either of those
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>my lyneyyume e-gf's been offline for two days
this sucks...
You're a gay looking magician?
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Play ZZZ
>Neuv Won
>my chevy-obsessed e-bf won't leave me the fuck alone
I may have to uninstall..
not a fuckin fag or anything but i'd suck off venti or lyney
>log on daily
>never once seen my hutard ecrush offline
s-should I be worried
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>getting killed by the turtle's lightning before the warnings even appear on screen
lmao ok fuck this
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Wow first time using Overload and it's actually fucking good what the hell

Why was I bricking myself with nahida aggravate all this time.
I still can't believe that years on we still don't have a second good burgeon dps. We've been stuck with Thomas this whole time. Fucking Thomas! At least with hyperbloom you've got two afk units to stick in your team without going the hypercarry route, Raiden or Kuki.
nuh uh i said im not
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based and straight-pilled.
It's ok, dendro is already half dead anyway thanks to Furina. 5.2 will be the nail in the coffin, and Mavuika will be the hammer.
chiori will be forced to marry some fontainian incel to stay in the country...
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>Can't even reach top 3
>Not even in japan
Meanwhile genshin and honkai both reached top1 in their respective 1st day
I will celebrate the death of the Dendro element.
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/gig/ is dead, nsfw puzzle time.
Good Evening.
Friendly reminder that Furina is for you and that Emilie is ugly.
Also, to any femcel here moving to Denmark, remember you need more than $1m to get a fresh new start there.
ina mo gagu
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You rang?
>Meanwhile hu tao+xingqiu/ is 3 years old and she is still destroying bosses
we keep winning
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It sure is another great day to love Alhaitham
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Rolling for C2 Xilonen to make my wife Keqing usable again!
>but there are screenshots around with 200-300 participants that show the general consensus anyway
>with 200-300
meaning botting was happening way before you noticed.
Mona is an energy hungry SLUT
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Neuvillette status?
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>try Rational to make use of the burst damage buffs
>run out of time
>switch back to my C1 Arle with Bennet, Xilonen, Kazuha team that deals 0% burst damage
>clear with half the time remaining.
What the fuck
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sustainer waiting room
200-300 is not unrealistic at all considering that’s how many people voted for their favorite characters on strawpoll last year and i doubt that botting was involved back then
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Goddamn Chicken had way too much health
Day 1: Nilou/Nahida/Xingqiu/Baizhu Bloom
Day 2: Nahida/Xingqiu/Kuki Shinobu/Alhaitham Hyperbloom
Day 3: Arlecchino/Bennet/Xilonen/Yelan Vape
Day 4: Furina/Xilonen/Bennet/Navia
Day 5: Arlecchino/Xilonen/Bennet/Xiangling
Day 6: Arlecchino/Xilonen/Bennet/Xiangling
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>Sayu is the ninja
shh there's no powercreep in genshin, it's just your imagination
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Thank you based Hu Tao and Furina image posters.
puzzle doko
gig more like jig amirite
I haven't done the last stage yet, but let's see if I will have to change from Arle/Yelan/Zhong/XQ. Cleared everything with it for now.
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The thing I hope for the most is a snowboard in Sneznhaya
Make it work on the sand in the desert too, please mihoyo it would be fucking dope.
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>ZZZ just dramatically increased the polycount of all their models and fixed the ugly character due to player feedback

Why the FUCK can't Genshin do the same? Why did they not fix Ayaka's ugly ass head when we asked?
Sumeru has the best cast btw
I would put my seed inside ayaka
Sovereign of Teyvat
ShonenCHADs can't stop winning. They're always relevant, fun and well-liked posters
Because Genshin makes enough money for them to ignore it.
ZZZ isn't performing in the same blockbuster capacity. Not to say it's not doing well, but I think they had higher expectations for it.
...according to people from the LGBT movement
Can /pol/tards stay in their own shithole? You're not funny or subtle, and nobody cares about which mutt won.
Ayaka isn't ugly. She has a beauty mark even.

Eveyone outside /gig/ thinks Ayaka is cute.
Ayaka is mostly own by bioholes
>Mihoyo increases polygpn count to fix Ayaka
>phonefags' Huawei phones in China ignites like a drunk 14th century woman
Blame China's shitty phones.
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>Why can't genshin also die and lose to a 10 year old png collector?
Truly why
ZZZ was made by a completely new team so they're trying their best for their first game.
Genshin (and HSR) devs are veterans at Mihoyo and thus became complacent.
game is too fucking big for phones already ZZZ is just a instanced game
Zenless will have more revenue than genshin in November cuz Nahida flopped and Chasca is DoA and zzz's Yanagi is selling good.
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Cus we're the cashcow. Moo!
I love Ayaka, even though /gig/ hates her 5head.
I love Chiori, even though femcels think she stinks of incel cum.
I love Nilou, even if /gig/ says she's a mudshark, in their headcanons.
I love Keqing, even tho she's useless.
And I love Furina, even if femcels think she looks like a boy.
Because they are for me.
she does stink of incel cum
>still looks like shit
If Ayaka is ugly then why were /gig/ (and everywhere else) so hyped for her back during 1.x?
>people calling Ayaka ugly when Eula, Rosaria and Emilie exist
How to say you're trans without saying you're trans.
i stink of incel cum too
ZZZ will clap Genshin this month and the next and the next.. Everyone agrees Genshin is dogshit and we're all staying for the sunk cost.
12 days until Mavuika drip marketing
>Nilou easily defeated a scholar in a debate
>Nilou easily tricked Nahida into going to the Theater
>Nilou easily raped Alhaitham, Cyno, Sethos and countless others
how she do it?
>remember when ACKeron powercrept everyone with AOE damage better than other limited character's single target
>got another dedicated support two months ago
>just fell off the chart for damage dealers because she got powercrept
>women say chiori flopped because incels dont like her attitude
>turns out incels were literally the only ones that wished for her
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Because she isn't ugly. She is mocked out of love.
bitches who hate me are sexy
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Unga'd everything with Itto/Xilonen/Kokomi/Furina
Anyone seething about Chiori doesn't understand her character.
Are certain demographics really that allergic to women that aren't total doormats?
Chiori flopped because she's bad and worse than C0 Kachina

Hoyo fucked up by making her strictly sub-dps and not a support or a healer
They really have the best chemistry. Them holding a birthday party for Nahida worked great, cannot imagine most other nation doing that.
>Are certain demographics really that allergic to women that aren't total doormats?
yes, men in general are total babies that need constant soothing
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name my band
I really can't get 4 stars. Fuck those Maguu Kenki! If you think this is easy then you're nothing but a whale. ANd no, I won't use the stupid Bloom team.
How did you clear Stage 2 with that? Their shields never fucking go down outside of Burning or Hyperbloom.
they have zero chemistry, quit forcing this meme
Gay, Brown, and Barbara
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Every idea and fanfiction about Chiori was better than what we got. Geo grouper, Geo healer, Geo Buffer.
You should try Bl..
> ANd no, I won't use the stupid Bloom team.
Nevermind then

The biggest problem with them wasn't even killing them, it's that any random attack could oneshot you at anytime, and the attacks keep coming.
Agreed, there's a reason the prison breakout gang from the AQ had very good chemistry, they all play off each other well
Just get them in one rotation bwo, plenty of time to shred through the shields
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>I won't use the stupid Bloom
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t. sanjay the homosexual
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genshin for this feel
I.... i love Chevreuse!
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You voted right /gig/? Just wanted to remind you that my shekels matter more than your vote

I love Fontaine like you wouldn't believe
Well, in the end I used it and it wasn't so bad as I expected. Sorry, Nilou.
The singular Sumeru fag is so buttblasted that /gig/ doesn't like that region, he's been on samefagging overdrive for the past few days. His new buzzword? Chemistry.
I thought that tattoo was something else for a second…
>fat korean femcel
if that makes you sleep better at night sis
With Neuvillette as the Iudex, Fontaine is going to enter its golden age
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Who is having a melty right now?
not even joking, if you search chemistry in the archive, more than a few results are about sumeru
>6 hour thread
Dem voters
Tariq Nasheed
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ohnononono zzzisters how could this be?
Election Day, please understand
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My cheese in this grilled cheese sandwich I'm about to eat
Is this a map of first world countries and third world countries?
>the stupid Bloom team
Or you could've just used normal hyperbloom
>raidentroon trying to force meme is here
oh o
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Fuck off already.
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Chinks picked zzz back up at least
Although no way in hell they're taking the #1 JP from pokemon
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Fontaine chose Neuvillette, deal with it Furina.
>black culture game is more popular in japan than in the country that made the game
It's over for japan
what website is this
bwo, check your screenshot
that boss self applies dendro, you had quicken+overload
>urban fantasy anime game with whites, asians and furries is "black culture"
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I prefer erection day. Which is every day. I'm masturbating.
chiori the incel cum collector
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not bad for a 3-substats piece ya?
yes you probably won't replace it unless you're an akasha fag
ZZZ doesn't even run on most phones
yup cant kill the chicken fast enough
one try is all its getting
yep, will probably never get another better flower for her
>15 crate
Well I hope you have double crit HP% hat because you're gonna need it
You'd be surprised at how many black furries there is
>Wrio and Neuv are never going to be enjoyable to watch in any event.
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no amount of yapping about chemistry will make /gig/ stop posting and discussing fontaine characters btw
they get posted every hour of the day while you're left discussing your cuckships like who gets nilou between cyno and sethos
I guess this is what you mean by chemistry LOL
Both characters are dull as rocks.
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nah it's still my best option even with optimizer
0.4% overcrit. I'm fine with that
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If Shitmeru had best chemistry this wouldn't have happened...
gonna need source of that picture
Typical furinakeks
Let me guess, they botted boy tao too
540% RV isn't that high, that's what I meant
what character discussions? arlefuri? hurrhurr he still likes water? wow his ass is still big?
I will now roll for your archon
The Arle Cartel...
I believe you, plus ben bigger is kinda black coded
imagine if his first name was nen
I think their interactions are nice. It’s funny when Neuv tries to join in on the banter.
What's more embarassing? The Furinakek botting this attractiveness poll or the Naviakek that forgot to edit out the 8/9 stars on his fake 36* abyss run?
>no mentions of naviacord
no, hu tao’s votes were consistent, it was really only furina who got botted
it is what it is
people talking about chiori's sexual preferences is unironically more compelling than anything that was said about sumeru on /gig/ these past few weeks
where did the sovl go? she looks so generic now
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What does Chiori do with all the incel cum she collects?
Make clothing out of them.
chiori has cum jars
Very organic, her brand is so green
lotion to apply on her skin
that's how she dyes her clothes orange
Don't worry once ororon releases we will beat zzz, again
and then you woke up
only white "people" are into bestiality
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which one of you is this
Sacrifice it on the alter of male genocide centric feminism
Like he said, you would be surprised
Furina failures...
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waifuflopper .. waifuflopper .. don't cry
I have severe worm damage
Furina would say this
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Clorinde SQ was the most fun I've ever had with this game's cast.
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3 more submissions until 1000...
forget burgeon, we're still waiting for another off-field pyro to compete with Xiangling
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Note is pure!
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how do you fuck up boiling water
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>997 results and none of them have duck in it
Agreed. Fontaine has the best SQs on average, and the best event since 3.0 (Roses and Muskets), so it follows that it has the best cast.
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Still the best non archon waifu
I'd be shocked if there was even one non-white furry, their history with fucking animals is wild
that's close to as good as it gets for a 3 piece starter, other than non-flat stat base rolls. But beggars cant be choosers, it's a good piece.
my gf would unironically do this
which one of you is this
to be fair they did say budget pasta
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she's unmatched
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Most kids don't know how to cook now rely on all the delivery services.

I work with some one like this their 20's he is scared to cook anything even simple shit. Like steak and veggies
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She won
this pic screams sex mating press sex sex sex mating press sex 24h nonstop sex hu tao sex with hu tao sex hu tao sex
i hate whore tao and her posters. Irrelevant characters with no use for story or meta
in uglyness
Not an archon/dragon/harbinger or even relevant in story at all

top 3 how she do it
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It's fucking pasta, it's made of wheat and water. There's no such thing as "high grade pasta"
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hu sex tao
have you ever had your water turning yellow from boiling pasta?
the spam starts when spics woke up
Been like 2 decades since...
anti hu tao schizo melty
Never, and I've only bought the cheapest pasta I could ever find.
>far less males to split your votes amongst than female characters
come on now
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Latinos are white now?

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