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Previous: >>501266059

>Version 5.2 Special Program live on November 8 at 1PM (GMT+1)
https://www.twitch.tv/genshinimpactofficial (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/live/GETTrh8DbMQ (JP)

>Current character banner: Hu Tao, Nahida, Sethos, Xingqiu, Kuki Shinobu
>Current weapon banner: Staff of Homa (Polearm), A Thousand Floating Dreams (Catalyst)

>Event "Chromatic Ode of Candies and Roses" live until November 7

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes with Primogems (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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For me, it's (blue) ZhongTao, YanTao and FuTao.
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Good Evening.
Friendly reminder that Furina is for you.
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>no Honkai expies since Y-ACCKKK!!!!!
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what did they do to charlotte dev?
spoilers, none of the fatui are actually going to be bad. we will work with them to beat the unknown goddess, who surprise, also isnt actually bad. genshin not having a real threat is boner killing
charlotte if she was in clorinde's quest
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Cease the operation of your incel cum milking machine, Chiori! They're supposed to stop masturbating this month!
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What did Mexicans mean by this?



not like anyone from genshin, no, just having the same color hair doesn't count
>similar eye color, same hair color, similar clothes
I have not played the event. Is the story good?
Chiori owes me sex
This is such an insane ship
Kill yourself Ortiz
>Is the story good?
no, it's just your run of the mill time-wasting festivalslop
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hmmmmm nyo
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I really, REALLY like little girls
who are you even saying this is an expy of? I cant even tell, you are clearly making a reach, and no one dresses like this
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So now that Xilonen is canonically confirmed to be Mexican

How do you feel about her?

No. Don't waste your time trying to read it, just mash left click and wait for the next AQ.
5.6 will be Capitano's release and his SQ is training us to master the power of pyro archon we acquired and prepare for Snezhnaya and Celestia
I wanna taste Furina's cum
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the event is just playing detective with candace.
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wrio love
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>ugh, just cum already, incel!
Yeah it's cute and short
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you are pretending to be unable to tell, especially considering two anons who replied to my post did in fact recognize & name the expy
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that's so hot
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Some interesting facts about Xilonen:

-Her name comes from the Mexica Goddess of Fertility.

-Her design is based on an Ocelot, the word Ocelot comes from Nahuatl (Ocelotl)

-Her main weapon refers to Sakkuk, Sakkuk refers to the Mayan queen Ix Sak K'uk who was a Mayan queen of Palenque Chiapas, Mexico
there's no conflict, interesting lore, interesting character interactions or anything worth talking about.

it's literally sumeru cast setup decorations for nahida and nahida rides the carriage on the last day. the end.
bro you have like 10 hours before it expires so you better get to it
Some interesting facts about Chiori:

-She owes me sex
Some interesting facts about Nahida:

-She flopped
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sustainer waiting room
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I got cute Cylou fuel and that's more than enough for me.
It's 2 hours of pointless dialogue and then 2 minutes of fanservice for Nahida.
>implying id want to read the other imageless replies
okay fine, still looks nothing like charlotte besides pink hair, you are delusional
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only if you are incel
no bully
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fucking niggers
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>She is Mexican
>Jack of all trades; she heals, she buffs, she looks hot while doing it.
>Already a great support at C0, but still has plenty of room for vertical investment.
>Able to provide long-duration buffs that also persist through new enemy waves.
>Extremely cheap to build with barely any stat requirements.
>Has a place in nearly any team.

Does the group not know that Nahida can read their minds? Speedreaderbro here btw.
off model
candace: i keep seeing things
also check out this gem

candace: i think someone is trying to ruin nahida's b-day. lets go find the clues in the middle of the desert

day3: nilou is missing. lets go find her. we found her.
also check out this gem. happy birthday nahida
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Consider this: the only discussion this event got on /gig/ was ship related
It was slop of the highest order
i swear gig talks more about chiori than the rest of the entire internet combined
Nahida doesn't like to abuse her powers, and they trust her.
Will US ban Genshin?
Wormvillette flopped.
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incels love to abuse chiori
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Uhh bros???
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My fuarking hero.
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sex with alhaitham
chiori loves to abuse incels
nahida doesn't read anyone's mind against their will except Dottore.
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Tamotos dont run on geo energy, they have to be periodicaly filled with incel semen
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26 year old incel here
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explain to me /gig/
if the stone let candy see the past instead of the future like haitham said, then how did she know about the events on the first day (exploding stove and falling box)
/gig/'s beloved protagonist
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Alhaitham said those things happen often lol
Pure slop
Pure coincidence, in theory.
>nation of wisdom
>its people are retards
Nahida... has a lot of work to do
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perfect for chiori
tomatonaho that shares sensation with chiori
I hate that explanation so I was looking for a better one
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Are you gonna roll for this Mexican Granny?
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Teyvat if the Abyss didn't exist
He explains it in the same sentence bro read
stop calling every character a Mexican you spic.
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Jesus Mualani
muh dick...
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>alhaitham immediately guesses candace is seeing the past, not the future
>...because exploding stoves and falling crates are common occurrences
this makes ZERO sense holy fuck
why do you think we're calling it a slop event
Are Sigewinne and Nahida the dominant lolis
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Xilonen and Citlali are canonically and lorewise Mexican

Just like how Raiden, Yoimiya, Sara, etc are Japanese
I'm at 74 pity. Should I risk 10 more wishes for Kuki?
nobody is calling it a slop event except you and the two others samefagging
good thing I skipped that part when the worms were on my screen
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A dummy like you couldn't dream of understand the elevated mind of an intelligent man like Alhaitham
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this so much this
if they are common occurrences then they should have been prevented in the first place no?
i tried but it didnt make sense
incel kun is so lucky
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When is Ayaka getting this treatment?
Will she be T0C0? I only pull for T0C0
Forced masturbation by Miss Chiori while Miss Yun watches!
nah I'm pretty sure it's more than 3 people
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I love Tao
Hu tao flopped.
>and the two others

I liked the event overall by the way. Dori was the highlight.
No you retard you're practically guaranteed to get a 5 star within the next 6 pulls
masturbate non-stop
chiori fucked alhaitham too
most /gig/gers liked it so yes it’s just you 3
huge improvement but not enough
I love her so much bros. Sexy, cute, fun to play and BIG numbers all in one. What's not to love.
Just means more SOVL.
Shes about to get powercrept in 2 weeks
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Has anyone gotten higher than 14480 on the event?
no they didn't. the event fucking sucked.
Chiori is so fucking lucky
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it's unbelievable how much feminist aura chiori has by herself
haitham isnt incel
I think you're trying to convince yourself here, rather than me
let me reassure you that its perfectly ok to like something /gig/ doesn't
She is the hidden investment in Natlan
By Ororon?
I'm scared I'll go 70 wishes dry on him too..
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how do i filter the slop spammer
We aren't flopping so never
Raping the Chiori poster with my 8 inch incel cock
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Why is literal who Chiori getting so much attention
They did. Reception was overwhelmingly positive when it dropped.

You're just revising history to fit your trolling. Happens everytime. Thing launches -> is good -> time passes -> akchually twas shit kekeke.

Begone, thots.
What's up with this sudden chiori spam lately?
I don't recall her getting this kind of spergy fan at launch
Not enough Nahida fanservice, there should've been a scene where Nahida holds BOTH your hands, forces (you) to look her in the eyes and ask you if you're all lying to her.
You can't.
In another year or two you'll no longer even know it's slop. The whole internet and all replies will be slop, you'll be alone chatting with bots.
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dont do that
/gig/ just love inazuman
I understand the dynamic of giving arle the cock but it’s way better when furina has it
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One is clunk and one feels good to play. why is there a comparison?
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Who is best girl and why is it Sorush
off model
things that never happened: the post
people were dreading going through the textslop from the day the event started
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yes, they love to treat me like a baby
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kinda snowballed from this random post last month
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Brb fapping to Miss Yun
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Hu Tao is fun to play!
she gets more art than natlan characters
one is tied to the cuck circle to do damage so minus points for that
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>Reception was overwhelmingly positive when it dropped.
Come the fuck on dude, /gig/ was nothing but ironic shipposting/cuckposting for the entire duration of the event. If you call this a positive reception then what does that say about us?
Unironically leave this shithole. It's for the best.
bad time to claim that when everyone can confirm with the trial how bad she is
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does zajef have any gf
pari doesnt have gender
incels together strong
dont leave
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People said the same thing about IT trial Klee, but they're wrong.
Filter image dimensions 822x1200 and 832x1216
people were talking about how short this event was you retarded tourist
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There's a really good tsundere AI on char-ai of chiori. Damn that constant belittling is making me hard
>its true
kek thanks
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Not as delicious as this
Klee is shit in general, she's just worse than usual in IT
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What even is Alhaitam's field of study? Like, what does it allow him to do in practice

Does he hold to some kind of metaphysics that rules out the future being real, so it must be the past Cadace is seeing?
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skill issue
I used my Klee just fine in IT
It’s severe autism
It has nothing to do with skill, she just as a shitty and outdated kit
they were complaining about the textslop despite how short the event was
literally nothing that was said in the event was of note, pure filler from start to finish
>What even is Alhaitam's field of study? Like, what does it allow him to do in practice
>the study of sign processes and meaning-making, and includes disciplines such as linguistics and ancient runes studies.[2][3]
Where is this from? I played through the entire event and didn't get any cutscene like this
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>tower this
>tower that
It's a fucking pinata
Kaveh built the SciFi suitcase?
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>I played through the entire event and didn't get any cutscene like this
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since when nahida likes candy
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Tearing through void wards with Klee!
I love Nilou's feet. Would love nothing more than to swirl my tongue around her sexy toes.
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He is literally me
A character is only as smart as their writer, so clearly Fat Xiao is too much of a genius for you
you’re in the minority
C2 Klee is the best low investment character.
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What's the difference between the white and yellow timer?
Ok, but why the rock pick that exact moment to show what happened in the past, just as it's about to happen in the future?
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Set-up time
Klee is a better investment than Hutao.
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off model
Buddypokida... floppedt.
C2 Furina, C2 Xilonen
Stop trying to make sense of eventslop.
c2 Klee c2 Siggy c2 Furina is better than your team
I can name 10 other pyros I'd rather use over Klee
Klee is only SLIGHTY better overall than Hu Tao at C6R6. Hu Tao is STILL the best Pyro DPS and always will be. If you think that's not the case, you are wrong. She reigns supreme as one of the best DPS and well worth that investment.
with and without cumies
now show me the C6R9 stats
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Difficulty decreased (360 pieces)

Chiori edition https://jiggie.fun/pgL0h6
Why are you here instead of playing the game?
I'm seeing quite a few negative replies in there
but it's pointless trying to convince me, the number of posts complaining about this event killing natlan's momentum certainly outweigh that one survey post
maybe it’s because that’s what happened during other sabreruz festivals too
I'm at work
Also theres nothing left to do
low iq response
Because Nahidung killed the game
Klee's signature is a 4 star weapon.
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The actual low iq response is saying this while not explaining why he's wrong lol
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>Hu Tao is STILL the best Pyro DPS and always will be
why is the chicken so tanky
kys nahidatroon
>i’m just gonna ignore most people saying they liked it because it doesn’t fit my narrative
classic subhuman behavior, do whatever you want lol
not even Kleepedos are as delusional as Taofags
No lol
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Hu tao constellations suck no one will deny that, ever since fontaine they started releasing broken constellations to encourage people to roll for multiple copies
Have you seen clorinde C6? it completely destroys raiden C6
I used my 10 condensed on the new artifact domain and got pure trash. I'll play more in 2 days.
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I love my Mexican wife Itztli

Fun fact, Itztli means Obsidian in Mexica language, also Itztli was a Mexica Goddess of Stone (Obsidian) that was part of the Tezcatlipoca Complex of deities that relate to power, omnipotence, often malevolence, feasting and revelry.

Citlali tribe is called Mictlan, Mictlan is the Mexica underworld

Citlali means "Star" in Mexica language
Mavuika has really big boobs they should cover it a bit
>most people... except a good chunk of the replies, in a general where initial impressions are usually overwhelmingly positive
at least I didn't claim it was samefagging like you did to dissenting opinions earlier, I'm not THAT subhuman
no i mean i wanna see the timers and shit
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this is the amount of rolls wormzuha had 8 days into the banner btw
care to explain homopags?
>in a general where initial impressions are usually overwhelmingly positive
What general is this?
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nahitroons response to nahida flopping is...
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>Alhaitham: Jahangir said this was the second time his wind generator broke down. Mechanical failures of that nature come with predictable consequences. His lack of surprise suggests something similar happened in the past. As for the falling crates... During a busy time like the Sabzeruz Festival, people often stack their crates on both sides of the street, likely leading to similar accidents. Seeing people have a private conversation in a secluded place is even more common.
>So, you're saying... we just happened to witness events that have occurred before?
>It's easy for mundane events to appear special.
Perfectly reasonable.
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it took nahida nearly the whole banner length to slightly surpass what kaz got in 8 days... that's honestly pretty bad but idk just how shafted dendro had been since i don't really play that element much
because it gives you 100% burst dmg
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>in a general where initial impressions are usually overwhelmingly positive
My wife
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strange i don't recall homotroons saying wormzuha flopped back then
Nahida flopped so bad that we can use her as a reference for ultraflops. Anyone who's below or near her is a massive shit flop
>deflecting to kazuha
My husband is so smart…
>"likely leading to similar accidents", meaning he hasn't actually seen them
No, it's a logical leap. Totally unscientific, and the writers probably just used Alhaitham to introduce the Wedjat Eye because it will become relevant in the future.
anon's should actually read the event and present a genuine misunderstanding then instead of deliberately misconstruing what was said in the event, here >>501302291
the banner is 8 days old homopagxis... wormzuha flopped
Nahida flopped on my 3 inch monster cock
Nahida flopping single-handedly made /gig/ funny again. THANK YOU NAHIDA!
Homokeks did NOT like this post
...that's saying exactly the same thing but in a more longwinded manner. Are you autistic?
Yes. 10/10 story. I wish for everyone to have a story like this. It saved lives, saved this world from war, and saved /gig/ from damnation.
compared to raiden they both flopped i suppose
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>one poor motherfucker actually reached hard pity
Has this ever happened to anyone here? My worst was 86 I think.
>oh wow Nahida barely sold better than 4 year old unit on his 5th rerun when they already announced his designated powercreep unit
Lmao buddypokechuds are pathetic
wow, that is as rare as a double early 5*
who's his designated powercreep unit
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it's okay to flop
we still love nahida
I got my c2 Nahida when Faruzan was on banner and got c6 Faru because of that why would I roll now?
>here's why the most overshilled unit besides wormvillette flopping is a good thing!
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Fuck me. I really need to get a gf, probably could convince her to cosplay for me....
What is totally unscientific would be declaring "X caused Y". Stating "the evidence suggests" or "the evidence supports the hypothesis" is what scientists actually do.
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How is it a leap of logic when Alhaitham’s guess isn’t presented as a fact but a deduction that simply turned out to be true in the end
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You just mad that your waifu never got a dedicated birthday event
And by "we" you mean yourself and the voices in your head.
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will I make it without skipping?
It's never explained how Nahida somehow never noticed a giant-ass carriage that magically appeared in front of her house.
paghida melty
kinda feel like her birthday mail implies she already knew
homopag copey
Logical leaps are unscientific regardless. He makes not one, but two assumptions for his theory:
>During festivals, people often stack crates,
>Therefore crates probably often fall,
>Hence it's likely the stone is actually showing past events.
I'm gonna make an assumption of my own in that the writer was probably speaking through Alhaitham here.
the carriage was not a surprise
Anon its a silly game just pretend that Alhaitham is super smart and logical like his character is meant to be
>During festivals, people often stack crates
How do you know this is an assumption and not an observation?
Anon... the other two arrows are the assumptions.
alhaitham never definitively said the visions were from the past btw he said it was a possibility
>So, you're saying... we just happened to witness events that have occurred before?
>It's easy for mundane events to appear special.
he was even all smug about it lmao
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Was she not supposed to know?
I see, but that’s how hypotheses work, no? You make one or several assumptions to formulate a hypothesis that may or may not be true.
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you are the voice in my head
Its one of the quickest. You can get it done in under 2 hours
the devs assumed I woud skip the worm dialog and they were right
>he was even all smug about it lmao
Now you're pushing it. He was completely neutral, I think that's just your interpretation
why are you playing?
She clearly basically knew though, because of how she arranged for the aranara surprise during the event
The devs assumed Nahida wasn't going to flop lol
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for the sexy characters
Keyword PLAYING, retard. Sitting through Kaveh and Alhaitham gagging on cocks isn't "playing" anything other than a trashy VN written by AO3 level writers.
>So, either you can predict the future and make it deviate off course, or you happened to witness the past... Yeah, the second option seems a bit easier to swallow.

>That's not why I brought it up. I was simply trying to offer a change in perspective.

he even thinks precognition isn't impossible
Hypotheses are based on at least some limited evidence. You're not making a hypothesis if you're just making assumptions to try and explain a phenomenon before positing its nature
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
>state a fact with no extra flowery language or caveats
>>fuck that smug bastard!
me too anon. that's part of why he needs URGENT correction
What is Neuvillette smelling at this moment?
>state a fact
I want to take a break from the game but my f2poor ass is too stressed about all the limited freemogems I would miss out on...
They intentionally made the meme, right?
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This is the first time we've discussed this event without discussing shipping.
Good job /gig/, you're healing.
Is there an r18 version of the game? I didn't get this event cutscene
Did you already forget "anyway, so then I cursed her"?
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Citlali and Ororon
>Hypotheses are based on at least some limited evidence
Which he did have
>Jahangir said this was the second time his wind generator broke down.
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>>501299317 >>501299317

>>501299317 >>501299317


you spoke WAY TOO FAST
fuck you
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Furina looks sexier than Nahida here
how do you know they were gagging on cocks if you skip their dialogue? is this what they call projection?
no fuck YOU anon
That isn't evidence considering it turns out the Eye was showing past events from the distant past. That would mean he guessed the Eye's true nature thanks to a coincidence, which isn't very believable
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both are sexy
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exhibited by humanity every single day. every day you have people adding their own meaning to mundane shit. thinking random every day bullshit must mean "the universe is against me", "my gramgram is definitely watching over me", "it was a sign from god", "*insert schizo sperging here*", "this is a sign I should play these numbers on the lottery and I'll win". It's incredibly common for people to do.
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every single one by the skin of my teeth holy shit
Navia beat Zhongli btw
Loom's funny faces gave me life
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>The last thing Neuv saw before she died
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love you
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Nahida is peak loli
Furina is peak hebe
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Reminder that Kaveh is the literal cameraman.
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love you too
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Would Cyno prefer magic the gathering, Yugioh, or Pokemon TCG if he was with us irl?
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that's some nice GYATT
genius invocation is basically pokemon, so probably that.
Can't get over how hard Chiori mogs Emilie as a comparable character with low plot relevance

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