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>Download (Android/iOS/EGS/Windows)

>Wuthering Waves | Resonator Showcase | Jiyan — THROUGH THE DARKEST OF NIGHTS
>Wuthering Waves A message arrived in a dream?!
>Wuthering Waves Version 1.4 Official Trailer | When the Night Knocks


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Previous: >>501220539
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liv lov
Camellya is a rapiist
I look like this in real life
Only difference is that I'm male, my hair isn't that colour, my eyes are a different colour as well, and I weigh 90kg.
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Me and my wife
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Does that mean that, conversely, if I'm stronger than her and I manage to defeat her, I can rape her as much as I want?
With how lewdly she behaves when she overclocks, there's no chance in hell she is a virgin.
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Straight game btw
250 tuners gone, like tears in the rain
No because that's evil and you're bound to the righteous path.
my wife camellya raping me
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Am I?
That's a straight couple tho
Anon, she's seen million of possibilities in her dreams. It's litreally said in the 1.4 trailer. She always ends up with Rover no matter the iteration or what she did even if she fucked countless men. She's a gigaslut.
Rover forma de Shinji
We dodged a bullet there.
What if the main antagonist of the game is Rover?
Why does this look so gay?
Because it's not the man who's doing the fucking.
your mum is a gigaslut
because it was drawn by a woman. you can tell because the focus is on the guy, not the girl.
so it's aimed at homos and women, if you like it you are gay, your brain detects that on instinct.
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Why are the girls in Jinzhou so fertile?
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Thanks to Jué.
This version of Rover looks like one of those chudcel protagonists who builds a harem but never makes a move on any of the girls
>burgers wake up
>orange man won
>surge in faggot posting
Like clockwork
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Rover [Cut] his memories so he wouldn't become evil again. I love "memetic" viruses that replace your personality and stuff. I like the idea of some entities being able to circumvent the whole "willpower until you win" thing MCs have by twisting their goals/feeling in an extremely sneaky, very hard to counter way. Like much more severe toxoplasmosis I guess
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You simply can't live for 2 million years without at least trying some evil stuff.
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Correcting mesugaki isn't evil.
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Psst. Hey. You there...
I choose Danjin
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Can't rape the willing.
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Your package "1.4 version" was already shipped and will arrive next week. Thanks for using lollo logistics, we promise we deliver.
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sex with carnival ghosts
Will she be offended because I keep calling her old?
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wuwa !
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If Fuololo is the main villain of 2.X, we might get true general in 3.X
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But will he get a redemption arc and finally learn to retreat?
he's dead
No he's going to have violent hate sex with FemRover
I thought everyone is for (you) (aka male rover).
I saw it in a dream
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Camellya rapes male rover
Geshu Lin rapes female rover
Would it be KINO if he had a passive that made him massively stronger if he's alone/the last man standing in your team? He could even have a masochistic support/subdps who buffs-on-death and revives on their own every 30 seconds or so
If he had that passive he wouldn't die with his army. His lore accurate passive should be that he can't switch out if he is below 30% health.
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>his attention is on Scar and not Rover's meaty thighs, plump ass and squishable boobs
I got some news for (You).
Semen demon
He does schizo damage to teammates every 3 seconds until they die, making Geshu stronger
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I wanna watch Jinhsi wetting herself so bad.
Then I wanna clean her legs with my mouth.
lifesteal but it damages his teammates would be fitting, maybe. If it kills a teammate, he receives a large damage buff
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What a beauty, can't wait to see her in a multitude of outfits
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Rover could've fixed him.
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I have a need
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Danjin is such a good girl. The world needs more people like her.
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>The world needs more people like her
the world's already full of homeless bums though
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Please don't call her an exile, that's kinda rude.
Danjin and Camellya will double team Rover
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"I will be your main character... Roco Punch."
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>open chest
>she giggles
i love Yinlin, too bad Changli already raped me on that boat trip for my seed......
Please add her to the standard banner...
If Jinny is getting a skin will Gigi also get one alongside her?
Probably not in the same patch if the first skins are Jinny and Sanhua
Well in 2.0 only Jinny and Sanhua is getting a skin.
But I'm sure everyone will get at least one.
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Do you think they'll rerun Jiyan and Jinhsi for the ps5 release? I've been waiting for the console version to launch before I start playing, and I thought it was supposed to be out by now
Sanhua is getting a free one too, but yeah eventually everyone will probably get one like anon said, yes even snow leopard, he just becomes the actual stock png from 1566
We have his rerun right now. Jinny will be in the patch after 1.4.
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4 4 1 1 1 Havoc set is best for cameliya if you had her signature weapon
She's slobbering on my sword instead
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Jinhsi will be likely rerun on 2.0 (the patch after camellya and start of the not-italy region), which is certainly a good release date for the PS5 version but there is no confirmation yet or strong leaks suggesting it. Kuro might be scared to release anything before it's running perfectly after the 1.0 release. Also reruns are faster in wuwa, there are barely any character and they are already doing dual reruns.
No. Only on s1r1 Jinhsi or more is the setup worth it.
She doesn't want Havoc or Attack main stat damage?
(x) doubt
She scales directly with HP (the spin to win move) so you want at least an hp% 4c
Oh, alright, thanks for the responses. I'll start playing now then, and hopefully I can get enough rolls for Jiyan
That's only with an atk buffer like s2 shorekeeper otherwise it's double hp% 1 cost
If you run a crit 4*and an atk 4*, the numbers might be closer than you think. But if you have her at s3 then it's not ideal.
But running 4 4 1 1 1 is always a brick. You can't use it on HRover or Danjin.
Thanks anon i almost bricked my Camellya
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>leveling hp
You are already bricked.
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Why are elves so lewd?
>he doesn't know
See you and your brick in boss rush
Source on this
if I set my birthday to today, will I get any reward?
Sure retard. (You)
Yinlin fried your prostate thougheverbeit
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No, Solon knows
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I will have my revenge!!! on the re-rerun, maybe
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At 1.0 did the characters would repeatedly say the same dialogue all the time when you did some common action (like when you dash) or was it another game?
Another game.
Take your meds.
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stupid sexy goatman
1.0 was extremely silent. NPC voices, character menu voices and yes, even overworld character voices were all added later.

But somehow they bugged the shitty NPC where you grind shells and whatnot, so the first line takes forfucking ever. This line wasn't there last version I think...
>lusting over men
Yep, pretty gay, you are one of the homos. That being said, please spend a lot of money when he releases, he is a fun character and I want Kuro see him succeed.
fuck this, i am just going to wait until they optimize the echo ui. this shit is a nightmare to do in mass, especially the echo merge system.
Speaking of homos
Old man in the sister game just got a new cool looking sfx skin
Just merge 100 at a time nigger.
his proportions looks dogshit
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Building Danjin. What's a good 4* weapon for her?
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>Shipfag still spamming his picture
Sir... The advertisers...
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Jinny's piping hot lemonade...
Chun's gun will likely give resonance damage and crit damage. Chixia's Boom Boom will become a nuke with it
Yinlin is an orphan. Xiangli Yao is an orphan. Encore is an orphan. Verina is an orphan. Changli is an orphan. Jinhsi is an orphan. IS THERE ANYONE IN THIS CAST WITH LIVING RELATIVES?
resonance what
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Jinny game btw
Zhezhi whose parents exploited her for financial gain
skill/E/Jinny's damage, the thing Boom Boom scales off of (I think)
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she killed them though (they deserved it)
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>got standard 5* gloves 5 pulls after getting standard 5* guns
>leveled cubeman and he's kinda fun
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bro it is both ult and skill are called, resonance liberation/skill
checked her page, yes BOOM BOOM counts as skill damage it seems. since jaja is glacio skill support her gun might actually give skill damage bonus. i just hope she has a unique charge attack
Reminder Jinny's pussy juice tastes like orange juice
But anon. We are the daddy of all of them?
I call R damage liberation damage, this is the one True Path
>dodge counter/coordinated/echo/other meme categories for now
I'm Rococo's fatherhusband
It started with the female characters, specifically changli, Shorekeeper and youho. I noticed the comment sections get filled up with a bunch lo*li accounts and waifu corn accounts. Most of them are fans from waifu games like blue archive, azure lane and snowbreak.
Fuck waifufags
why are you attaching 4chan lingo to the end of your reddit copy paste comment
It's a direct xitter copy paste there's a screenshot in this exact thread it's stupid just ignore it jerking off to phrolova is a better use of your time
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don't respond to copypasta bait bwo
>this off site faggotry again
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If the Changli loli mod somehow uses her loli voice I regret skipping her
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I can't believe that there are waifufags from blue archive, azure lane and snowbreak amogus in my general
It's on topic now since /wuwa/ is officially considered a problematic part of the community that should be eradicated.
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I hope to god that when Kuro does these surveys, each player submission also includes how much money they've spent on their account. I want them to have trackable metrics of people who spend and people who don't. That way, they can tune the game to cater to the current spenders and not the habitual complainers who run the risk of STILL not spending money even after being catered to.
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It's fine bwo you don't need to worry about it, they just keep doing what they've always wanted to do
i sure hope they are not retarded too bro, not like kuro takes sensortower as a metric lmao, it would be funny if it were though. kuro is a gameplay focused company and generally care about players that play the game, even if not they aren't spending the most, don't know how it is with modern pgr though.
it doesn't make sense from pure jewishness perspective either, if they try to pander shipshitter crowd they entirely risk not having a fanbase at all. they already chose their playerbase
If you don't spend you don't matter. That why only fujos, yumes, and shippers actually matter since they are successful in real life people who can afford whaling.
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Don't worry bro, people are complaining about the PGR mc right now too and what did they do? In their 5th anni livestream the devs looked at the camera and said that the story will continue to focus on the mc and that they will be even more important, clearly taking a shot at these clowns. And according to an anon in the PGR thread the CN story called the mc the singularity of the timeline/world, which is something that was foreshadowed even in global too, so these people will keep seething about Kuro's god emperor mcs.
I quitted wuwa since changli banner but today i saw youtube videos of youhu kiting the hologram. so funny lol.
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Youuhu's yuuhuus
I don't get why people are so opposed to a main character being important to the story.

They aren't a god because they're the main character. They're the main character because they're a god (talking about Rover). This is a distinction that so many people fail to understand.
Well to give you an idea, the betas in CN for PGR are given to the people that has spend the most money in the game.
They also give the updates randomly tho
But don't worry they are not retarded.
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Did they lower chance of getting crit rolls on echo?
I've been tuning more than 40 pieces without crit rate and crit dmg on same piece
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Does anyone have the Camellya prefarm guide image? I'm feeling lazy and can't be bothered to google it.
They're lowering the rates for f2p accounts, also launcher checks your pc for hoyo games installed, and you get adjusted echo and gacha rates according to that.
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>Zkek Burnice bullet belt, bullets are painted on
>PGR Watanabe bullet belt, bullets are modeled individually
Now this is just sad.
They have more important things to spend their resources on, like making more male furries for the intended audience.
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I can see the issue of having no stakes, but dying isn't the only stakes. Rover is powerful but not omnipotent, even though he probably wouldn't die he could have lost jinhsi and the jinzhou in 1.1 and he could have lost shorekeeper in 1.3. The conflict is about rover's desire to not losing everyone and have humanity prevail and the reality of the war against the lament.
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>he could have lost jinhsi and the jinzhou
That would've made me drop this game because Jinny is the main reason I keep playing.
Why is Aero the worst element?
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They are not just opposed to it, what they opposed to is not getting shipfaggotry and "actual character development" with "meaningful interactions between characters" so "the world doesn't feel alive and everything is just for the story" because they have ONE specific format they want to consume and nothing else. They literally dismiss that a character should be only important when their role is actually needed, for them what's good is if characters are shoehorned into every single plot and interaction just because, because it makes ZA WARUDO so alive. They say what anime does with pinpointed character focused arcs is "bad storytelling" just because they don't like it. According to them, a gacha game should tease every character a year in advance and then make a focused story but also inlude character X, Y, Z and T too, to make it fair and balanced. These asylum escapees are retarded, don't even bother...
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Manko ni..SAWARUU
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If the old leaks are correct then rococo will have a havoc tornado crowd control, so they don't even have that.
it's more about narrative right now, massive backlash against mihomo and the conspiracy of femcel devs taking over the industry
many small gacha companies just straight out promising to players they're sticking to the roots (instead of copying mihoyo, which they did try)
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And going a bit further than that, what has Rover actually achieved so far? You're strong, but it's just been janny work so far, running around solving problems but not fixing the root of anything. Anyone complaining that Rover is too strong is just being silly.
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JP Sales Report
>General and Youhu doing better than Yao
Report over.
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green GODS, we won
>According to them, a gacha game should tease every character a year in advance and then make a focused story but also inlude character X, Y, Z and T too
If you don't want characters to appear in advance and play a role in the main story, does that mean you just want characters to appear for their patch and then never show up again?
The only way to fit all of these characters in the story is to give them a role in main story quests. 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 all included a bunch of characters and I think it was executed well, so I'm not really sure what the problem is.
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Wuthering Waves players. I have taken Solon into custody. There is one condition for freeing him, there is something I want you to do. A target we want you to eliminate. Code name [STEPLEAKER]. Might be familiar to you. You have 24 days, anons. Glory to the people's republic of China.
60 黑鬼公雞 在土瓦
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Pretty much, rover didn't even defeat the threnodian ovarthrax (1.0 enemy), only it's "generals" (calamity class TD crownless and dreamless). It's not even clear if rover is in the real big leagues already. Even the army he has after thousands of years is a few hundred at most in a small island.
Is it me or luokeke is light brown?
Look at genshit character story quests and you will understand what they want. Half of the time, you don't even do the quest with the character it should be about. Sometimes not even with other characters but nobody random NPCs for half the story. As I said, these are mentally ill retards. No one opposes having characters teased early or getting incorporated into event or main stories. It's already there. But for example, would you liked the Encore story, if from the 1,5 hour runtime, the first 30 would have been with Chixia, 20 with Encore, 30 with random NPCs and the remining with Encore again just to "give space" for other characters to be relevant there as well? I think Wuwa already does it best, Yinlin story? Fully focused on Yinlin and her problem, NPCs like the police only appears relevant to her, Chixia makes a came and that's it. Zhezhi story is the same, NPCs are relevant to Zhezhi and her story, Chixia makes a cameo, shows off her abs and fucks off. THOSE retards don't want this.
>losing Jinhsi and Jinzhou
Jinhsi is a gacha character, so she is automatically assumed to be invulnerable in the story.
Destruction of Jinzhou is also not feasible because of the workload it would take.
>losing Shorekeeper
Shorekeeper is a gacha character, so she is automatically assumed to be invulnerable in the story.

So the game has no stakes because of the gacha open world format. So tell me why exactly we are going for these kinds of stories.
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The game currently has no plot or antagonists and there have been no real story development at all for several patches now or its being kept so vague it might as well be nothing. Even in this patch which was supposed be about Rovers past we get substantial really. Okay, so he was a pre-lament human who founded Black shores to prevent laments. Then 20 years ago he just vanished and now he is back?

>No hints about what the fuck Sonoro is
>No real hints about what the tethys system really is
>Did rover create the tethys system or does it predate him?
>No dates or years of any kind that would help establish a timeline because that would require the writers to commit to a story

Its all just filler and throwing random science fiction terms and waifu shipping at you just to distract people.
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Jinshi gets a fucking Temporal Mandate so she can manipulate time just like the Sentinel and then they just forget about it.
Just the opposite really, PGR has multiple arcs with recurring casts, Genshin spams characters with no development ever and they just do whatever nothing burgers or nothing at all since you just spend time with NPCs instead. It's way too bloated
>"I absolutely HATE when there is no story! No, focusing on the MC and what he does is NOT a story, fuck you!
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>Does he know?
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Let him sleep well
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Someone doesn't know about the rentry timeline. uh oh melty~
Solon told me if anything more gets leaked they are forced to pull the plug
>Uh this girl loves you and you want to save her and then you do

Great story. Also the gravity data ghosts was fucking stupid.
holy speedreader
If you're adding the meta aspect, then there is no point in singling out wuwa, most gacha (and stories in general) will kill not kill the MC and gacha/popular characters permanently, regardless of the mc being weak or strong. If that's what people are complaining then it's a complete tangent.
1.x is just the prologue though, and every chapter is revealing rover more and more about his past and what to do. It could go nowhere of course, but it's really soon to say.
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>He didn't like the direction so it's automatically bad
Very great story. Happy one even.
>1.4 is just the same story but instead of shorekeeper its bloombearer
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won't kill*
I can see some time loop happening with bad endings though, we are already getting it with camelya anyway.
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>Pic related is the angry faggot here who can't read.
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Reocurring villain and foreshadowed villain sex
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Notice how the people defending the story can't describe it at all.
speedreaderbro don't double down just go watch the acts on youtube again
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>this girl loves you and you want to save her and then you do
Yeah that's the emotional core to making it great, you just described it
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Notice how the tourist missed the days long lore and tech nerdism after release and the speedreaders getting fucked raw for not understanding basic concepts.
What's this outfit from? It does look pretty good
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Cammy is nigh bros how are we relaxing until then?
We're going mad
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Work, play games, maybe draw. If anything I wish I had infinite time
This nigga really thinks being a playable gacha character makes you immune from being killed
Check out FFBE War of the Visions. You'll be in for a treat.
I never doubted OURGENERAL for a second
I mean even FGO did it, not like they can't undo it at any moment anyway just like in every other live service narrative like a weekly manga or some shit, after like 5+ years of content shit tends to happen and revert
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Everyone is gooning about Cammy, but am I the only one who's focus always hyper fixates on this hair part every time? It's pure sex.
>If you're adding the meta aspect, then there is no point in singling out wuwa
That's true. This is the reason I like stories about emotions, coming of age and other aspects than saving something we know won't be taken away. (through meta reasoning)
This is the reason i play wuwa for the companion stories (and non-story elements), while they arent perfect i enjoy them a lot.
XLY was a free unit that is perfectly useable. Most people have accepted in games like this that getting the base unit is good enough
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Huh, I just noticed she has the same earrings as her old version Chun
wow what a little slut
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Working on my chungus yapyap rotations
Its crazy to me how they foreshadowed the loli Fractsidius in Jeji Lawrence's quest of all characters
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Man Calcharo's dupes sure are cheap
Sounds normal to me
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Bro, no one actually gave a shit about Yao at all, don't get brainwashed by twitter fujos and "b-but he got so many attention" and such. All these fujos said since he is free, they will take out the weapon so the weapon should have been decently high. Turns out it's nearly fucking Zhezhi numbers. The first 5 star gauntlet weapon did worse than the second Rectifier after every player took out Stringmaster already. Yao has the same number of weapon pulls as Shorekeeper, but has more data collected by 6 weeks so Shokie weapon will leave it in the dust eventually.
hot periods are real, which means dead periods are real too unfortunately
furoro when
Damn okay man, you have the numbers, I don't. I just spoke my mind from what I had available.
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The numbers are there in the rentry though, freely available to everyone.
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I'd honestly trade mine in for like a few 3 cost echos or like 1k shell credits Calchud is so fucking bad
its a good thing her rateup is after november
These have no real value. You don't know if the people you talk about utilize tracking sides, so it's just guessing.

But don't worry, the dev knows the actual numbers.
i'd pay $50 or more for the wagie skin leggy athletic bitches look so good in that shit
Pretty much, yeah.
There are some exceptions in some games but i was never under the impression in wuwa that Shorekeeper or Jinhsi are in any risk.
Build your Sanhua
Of course it's not 100% accurate, but it shows willingness to pull like some small survey. 500K pulls means the wuwatracker uploads are around 3-6K people range with 80-160 pity. If everyone who pulled shorekeeper uploads their pulls, that means every banner before retroactively gets their numbers too. So it does show that the active playerbase didn't care about his weapon banner. So in these pulls, the older the banner the more advantage on numbers they have.
Kuro killed Lucia twice now.
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I want you to consider the fuloublob
>muh steaks
Its chapter 1 you retards, and so far the story has shown Rover being powerless to stop the lament for generations.
Theyre already foreshadowing Rover's naivety costing them in the future along with the Fractsidius knowing destruction is inevitable
"No one gets left behind" is simply not possible with how things are currently
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Did she help scarblob escape jail already?
I don’t think people still willing to pay for something that was given for free counts as no one giving a shit at all but keep melting
OP pic reminds me of danganronpa lel
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STEAKS!?! Show Solon your steak NOW!!!
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Rover will 100% die/go dormant once again in a future chapter and come back years later to find the world in an even worse state than before with almost all characters being MIA.
They have the perfect set up with Rover being an immortal cyclical being.
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The weapon wasn't free, was it? Are you some kind of newcutie?
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And just when Rover thinks he's alone, a time travel portal opens, just for a brief moment
Who steps through?
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>Who steps through?
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When are we going to get a real hag?
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>no Jeji
Jhejhi isn't canon
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That's astolfo
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Big Yap will save the Rover™ from himself
If you really thought that you would get all the BS and Rover lore in one patch you are fucking retarded.
Well yeah they don't have paimon here. So no way for them to understand anything that's not kindergarten level english.
1.4 is very canon tho
I saw someone struggling for more than 30 minutes doing the mini puzzles on Rewinding raindrops where you fight mech abomination at the lab this person is a grown ass man.
Guess what his main game is poor thing even struggled to find his way down the basement i really think we underestimate how much brain damage mainstream gacha have caused.
Make her wear a maga hat
Love Shorekeeper
Stop complaining about the plot and buy 2D wife lonely gweilo don’t think about anything else just buy for grorious china
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Alright I've been filtered. Can anyone help me understand what the password for this mod pack is supposed to be?
암호 ㄱㄹ+xxxx(단기원년)
Password ㄱㄹ+xxxx(short term first year)
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Rover mind wipe is part of the keikaku to save the world, trust the plan. Lucia mind wiped her wife for a reason.
Kuro is truly the SEEDdev. Both Jiyan and Camellya will both SEED you.
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try 2333 for the year
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I'll work it out, give me a few minutes
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What if the amnesia is a trick to get "the player" controlling rover, making it canon camellya's 4th wall breaking? It would be hardly the first time with it happening in games like ever 17 and ar no surge.
Camellya canonically raping me through the screen
that guy from the moon chasing festival already broke the 4th wall by bringing up the convene feature
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So did the thing that possessed cosmos and dorothy, even saying that we will do whatever he asks for the astrite.
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Where the hell is this thing at?
Fake Cosmos also asked us if we want astrite which was never stated to be in use for anything in-universe.
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astrites are at least canon in game
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Uh, wrong thread bwo...
close the tab retard. zooniggers aren't welcome
Nevermind, the other anon already got it, but in the future you can use AI to help understand the context if you don't understand what the password requirements are trying to say.
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>finally get onion 60
>shit tons of leveling to do
>still need to farm for camellya
it's over
Don't tell me what to play, schizo.
I'm telling you to fuck off, go suck on your furry knots
stay here friend, zzzbros are welcome
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Looks like it's star stuff from civilizations from distant planets?

Them using the term "echoes" makes it confusing though
Jinhsi after I catch her popping a squat.
her ass is not that big
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Maybe you don't summon actual characters but echoes of the characters to use in combat. Maybe the entire solaris-3 is just one giant retroact rain episode and everything is an echo.
She has time magic, it can be however big she wants it to be.
So you fully admit that the story has advanced by a total amount of zero, the world and characters are in the exact same state we found them in minute one since we arrived.
no, jinhsi became my wife
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Yeah this. None of the characters have even gotten into a relationship and had sex while I got to watch.

I gave this game a chance but me and the bros from the local netcafe will be pulling our investments
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No, rover stopped a century old fight against the threnodian of war, stabilized the time barrier that protects jinzhou as the frontier city against the main TD army and repurposed the main tool of analysis of the lament according to his ideals (this one being the only time he actually made the state of the fight against the lament actually worse). That's not counting the smaller scale effect on several characters.
So it's ㄱㄹ2333? I was trying it earlier and couldn't get it to work.
should be Eldwh2333

since ㄱㄹ means the password is Eldwh for whatever reason
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Thanks so much anon.
It's probably because everything in this game is sound based so it's keeping in that theme.
>(this one being the only time he actually made the state of the fight against the lament actually worse).
With people like you in charge the lament would never end. The whole point of that is that using the cruel logic of sacrifices is necessary keeps you on that endless loop.
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Deleting old screenshots and I see this.

Can the in-game photo mode take full resolution pics yet, or are they still tiny? This could've been such a kino shot with a little watermark in the corner.....
That would imply that you can power of friendship your way out of the lament (cutting the main supply of emotions that threnodians feed to build their TD army), which might be possible but it's probably unattainable. The threnodian of war itself was made to retreat with war instead of peace.
still 720p for some reason
The problem is how Tethys functions at the moment is a mübius loop that feeds on Laments, not that it needs to feed on something. Using Lament as a core to analyze and predict the next lament or learning about it means that it eventually needs a new lament to feed on. Then another one. The festival quest already shown that the TDs and Lament is everchanging, as soon as you reach some kind of point, it might change and all your research can be trashed and you restart. What Tethys does is mainaining a status quo on sacrifices. Predict laments and analyze it. Needs new core, make a lament happen, get the core and start over again. The goal of Tethys is to save humanity, but because of that, Tethys might even sacrifice whole cities to get a new core "for the greater good" because saving humanity can happen with 1 billion people, but with 100 million too. Both is a success and that's why leaving everything to Tethys is very dangerous. You don't know if it will randomly let a lament prediction pass or report it late just for it to happen and get a new core because it deems it a needed sacrifice.
>which might be possible but it's probably unattainable.
But using the other logic is proven to keep everyone stuck in the lament. You're pointing at a method that has been tried and failed and saying it will work.
All world begin in darkness...
Fair enough, though I would assume even rover would kept it working as long as it did because he found it valuable while looking for a long term solution. It was only when the sacrifice became more than he could accept that the ultimatum was made.

Shorekeeper confirms that rover makes the same decisions now as before he lost his memories. He isn't changing the strategy.
>He isn't changing the strategy.
1.3 story where he changed the core logic of Tethys...
The "decision" as in "leaving no one behind" is the same, but not the solution on how to do it. Rover memory wiped himself to get a new perspective on things and not let his thousands of years long memories affect his decision making. He might make the same decisions since deep down, he is still himself, but the solution he comes up with can change due to no factors of knowledge affecting his actions.
Something he was already looking to do when he disappeared, saving shorekeeper and fixing the tethys system.
Yes. He changed the logic of Tethys to stop using lament data. That was what I've been talking about. He knew it was an issue and left to find other solutions.
Well? which are we gonna see first bros, Cammy resonator trailer or 2.0 drip? I'm hoping Solon bombards us into submission and does them back to back
>Rover memory wiped himself to get a new perspective on things and not let his thousands of years long memories affect his decision making
this is still just a theory currently.

Also the big difference might be Abby. Since shorekeeper's dialogue only seemed to sense that rover held abby's frequency, not that abby took form and materialized 20 years ago like it did now
It would be weird though, erasing his own mind to make a decision with less information (and risking doing the exact same things again, or a worse decision). Losing memory is certainly something not related to finding this particular solution. But I guess it is possible that he knew he could do this way but his old way of thinking wouldn't allow it (without some better alternate solution at least).
It's a theory that came directly from Jué, I will believe my future mind eye pet dragon.
Weird or risky, it just shows that even after tens of thousands of years, he couldn't find a solution. This is just yet another way to try amd solve the problem. What's the worst that could come from it? He will try for tens of thousands of years again.
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When you asked Jue why you lost your memories it straight up said it didn't know though.
I don't see how this contradicts what I said. Jué doesn't know, but thinks you erased your memories to get a new perspective. So again, the theory came from Jué and I trust the pet dragon's judgement.
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Say something nice about echo system
I think they are waiting for Cammy's release before 2.0, so they don't kill the hype for 1.4. That'd be the smart move.
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I can't read this shit
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They are using Ishmael's announcement image with necrostars as PGR's login, we might get more WuWa x PGR hints in this patch. In the PV Ishmael was looking at multiple universes so that might be what they go for.
Also amazing theme for her again.
>thinks you erased your memories to get a new perspective
post the dialogue where Jue said that
That seems good, around 50 days to get 90% of the potential max dmg. In genshin I spent 6 months and I couldn't even get good artifacts for my raiden back when she released.
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>I can't read this shit
Not just you, I'm not made for this.
Who are you currently saving for?
Half anni on the 22nd, which is after Cammy's release, they will probably do a dev stream and reveal the upcoming characters there.
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I doubt clown girl and recycled cammy can kill the hype for perfected cammy.
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I took this as such.
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We can at least get a usable set within a couple of days w/o having to use any echo molds or whatever
So if I don't have the element buffed by tower I can't clear it
FUCK this p2w game
i dont fucking care
pieces have CRCDMG? its max potential
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Your all the characters, fellow collector?
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skill issue
You don't need to be mindwiped to participate in history though. Rover was already doing that 20 years. Doing things like fighting Crownless for the first time, founding jinzhou, etc. That sentence is sandwiched between how rover basically planned for this fight between jinhsi and jue and the passing on of power. So it makes sense in context.

What doesn't make sense is the mindwipe. Jue said much earlier in conversation that it didn't know. And that dialogue in your pic doesn't naturally extend from the one saying it didn't know
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Please tell me that "CC chosen by Kuro" wants to mean Rexlent, I will laugh so hard. Though this whole chain is funny as hell already.
>Complains Wuwa goes and panders to their audience
>Complains that when they use LaD as an excuse for males, they get told off to fuck off and play their softcore porn game then
>Behaves like LaD success is their
>Behaves like LaD success means they will make fujofuck games and not just more softcore porn otome games instead
Cammy and S1 Jinny
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Also I just realized from rereading 1.1, Jue confirms that materialized Abby is an entirely new variable/entity, even if that frequency was within him for a million years.
Then what do you make of that Tethys and Shorekeeper was actively hiding any information from us because we asked her to do it?
if you want the female audience to whale in wuthering waves print more male 5*s like yhan
It's 90% of damage achieved after 385 days. It's around 65% of max theoretical damage, but chances of achieving echoes allowing for max theoretical damage are 0.
The theoretical perfect damage doesn't matter, the game is balanced based on achievable damage (which will be even less than what you can get in 1 year) and if you get to 90% of it so fast it is good for me (the worst would be if it was almost linear or worse until the cap forcing you to grind all the way).
That's true, I put my stats into this simulation to check how my characters perform in comparison to these graphs and I'm even lower than 50 day mark. I'm still clearing tower 28/30 (I don't have much characters since I'm saving for camellia and I refuse to build 4 stars which will get powercrept fast)
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same, I need cammy's sword too
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any spreadsheetGODs
is this too much dmg% vs atk%?
or does it not matter
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>yapyap barely has any mods
she also has s1 so thats another 12% fusion dmg bonus, I feel like I need more atk
you need like 200% dmg bonus or something before it stops being worth it
I see, cheers bwo
>Go to men space
Women moment
It depends how much DMG bonus would you need to sacrifice and how much atk would you get in return. But damage bonus is almost always better than atk.
This logic never made any sense. If people thought like this then no character would ever sell and people would hold until EOS. This is just cope
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The file on Rover getting deleted at the start of act 8?
It's possible that could have been Rover trying to hide anything about himself from future him but that's still just a theory no?
Why are we so slow today?
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Pull for the hamster
>stakesfags pigeonholing what stakes mean in a story to only mean their definition
its genshin all over again
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solon you hack
I already have Yinlin sadly, so I won't be able to get hamtaro. Are the new 4*s added to the general limited banner pool after their debut? As in for example could you roll Youhou on Cammy's banner?
Yes, it even leaked 2.0 when it said that's when she would enter the standard pool.
>he can't deal 400k in one hit
oh no no no no
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its rexlent yeah, this terminally online creature cant help but spout constant vitriol.
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for me its Ganxue
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No, Shorekeeper's 4th character story quite literally tells you that was his plan, it's not a theory.
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Is this worth brute forcing for the rewards? or just let it expire?
There's nothing I really 'need' to level for skills on my built characters and all their key stuff is 8+ already.
If you have characters to do and wants to build everyone/eventually use him/her why not. It's free gibs then even if you force it. Otherwise they don't give back more than you put in to worth it.
Whose more mentally ill, the retard spouting nonsense or the retard who keeps showing it off. I don't care about this stupid bitch why do you faggots keep posting reddit. Just go post on reddit for fucks sake.
My anko looks almost the same as yours and she can clear tower fast enough with sanhua/verina/shokee. You are good, bwo
>nooo, don't post the mentally ill fujofucks, you can't laugh at their idiocy
Sorry Yapyap and miss magistrate, but I think I found another wife
They should make the swords look like knives
She's perfect the way she is
being sidelined that is
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>nooo please laugh at retards on the internet with me in so sad and lonely
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I see.
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>in so sad
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>Whose more mentally ill
the one who was apparently abused by her father and now seethes about men on the internet despite claiming otherwise, classic female hypocrisy lmao
Why do you think this is any different than Dendy? Retards are there to be put in their places. Oh, now that it's done to some random braindead fujo instead of some indian, it's a problem? No one is angry here cultivator brother.
what a retard
It's just getting old, I hate these fucks and I don't care about them, you on the other hand need to know everything they're saying at all times for whatever fucking reason.
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v nice, I play her with changli myself
it took awhile to get two strong fusion sets but it was worth it
Maybe if she was better more people would care about her
Jinny wins simply because she's Jinny
Anko haet pizza
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Jinny would job to Camellya btw
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Camellya is put in jail...
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What tacet field are we farming?
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How can you blame ME for them being retarded and giving free entertainment? I can understand you being angry about them, but look at PGR and despite being a 5 years old established game with only 2-3 males a year, they are STILL seething at it and call any new female character sluts. So better buckle up because these fucks will stay, as in don't play the game but shit on any new update or info because of agendas and they are terminally online. It's your choice if you get angry at them for years to come or laugh at their idiocy.
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>7 more dead days
I don't even have any games left to kill time
The theme for phase 1 boss also goes hard as well
Kill yourself you sad piece of shit
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Uh oh, a melty~
Would've been more peak if its the retroact rain and all of them are looking at the ground trying to suck the rising droplets
I still have the whole of Tethys Deep to explore, so I am pretty comfy.
Im doin rejuv fusion,
still trying to get some rejuv spectro% 3 costs with
>Crit DMG
for shorkee
min maxing manko / changli is also a noble goal
I'm blaming you for posting it here, I don't understand how you find it entertaining its fucking annoying seeing their opinions, they don't matter at all.
aero glacio in preparation for 2.x
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>I play her with changli myself
it took awhile to get two strong fusion sets
Same, but I had to separate them to 30/30 tower. I need another DPS to reunite the family.

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