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Celeb edition

Previous Thread: >>499371830

A general to discuss everything Yu-Gi-Oh! Rush Duel, playable on EDOPro and Duel Links, plus the Go Rush anime.

>Recommended simulators
●EDOPro (PC/Android):https://projectignis.github.io/download.html
●Duelingbook (online). Visit:https://www.duelingbook.com
Hosts, use the tag “rdg” and the password “vidya”; on EDOPro, specify the server.

>Useful links
How to:https://www.konami.com/yugioh/rushduel/howto/
Probability calculator:http://yugioh.party



>Upcoming Releases
●Neo Legend Awakening Pack (Oct 12)
●Salamandeus of Scorching (Nov 16)
●Triple Build Pack: Evolution Impact (Jan 11)

>Duel Links stuff
Zwijo unlock event (upcoming)
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Yoshio's Parents
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Why didnt they make her a legend? Is she not OP like she was in the early OCG?
>Surrenders last duel for KoG before I can get a turn
doubtful tbqh
sometimes people do nice surrenders like that. I dont mind if it the run's been stressful but sometimes I just wanna game too
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>Celeb edition
Rush weekly
I like these rich whores, too bad the backgrounds are so dull. I get they're coping Sevens Road but even so. At least the ORRs look good.
I would appreciate a surrender in speed. Getting to KoG is a pain in the ass. The only reason I bother with Rush Rank is because it ends at Gold. The ment they add Platinum and Legend I'm out.
They urgently need a (monster) name changer with how many Fusions require Magician and Witch. The Equip Spells suck and people only run Death Wand.
She was irrelevant from day 1 at least in DL
>Is she not OP like she was in the early OCG?
No, to the point where they also gave her support to make her playable. A temporary 3k attack boost isn't a big deal in Rush Duel.

She was meta in early TCG/OCG. Of course Duel Links is its own thing.
The OCG/TCG has quick effects. Rush does not
>●Neo Legend Awakening Pack (Oct 12)
Should be removed from next thread and add
>●Galactica of Eternity (Feb 8)
Who do you guys think is up next after Zwijo? Another Go Rush character or a Sevens unlock
It'll be Manabu I think, his ID was already datamined. They just pushed Zuwijo first because he's the rival. Sevens doesn't really have a lot of major characters left to add other than Goha Yuga and Otes so I'm not really sure what they'll do next with that world.
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I want them in Duel Links already
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Tiger and Yuka will definitely come, Konami is full of baseball fanboys
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Yuamu's face when I come home.
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aura doesn't feel so good....
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>Turns down not only Yuamu, but the hot tall girl and cutest small girl in the anime

Guys I knew zuwijo was gay but I did not think he would take it THIS far seeeesh
>Magical Swordsman of Roadstar
>[REQUIREMENT] Send the top card of your Deck to the Graveyard.
>[EFFECT] This card's name becomes "Swordsman of Roadstar" this turn. Then, you can Special Summon 1 "Sevens Fear Magician" from your Graveyard to your field in face-up Defense Position.
>Roadstar Gladimagia
>Magical Knight/Fusion/Effect
>Level 8
>"Sevens Road Magician" + "Swordsman of Roadstar"
>You can Summon this card by Contact Fusion.
>[REQUIREMENT] Send the top card of your Deck to the Graveyard.
>[MULTI-CHOICE EFFECT] ●Make 1 face-up monster on your opponent's field lose ATK/DEF equal to [the number of DARK Attribute Spellcaster Type monsters with different Levels in your Graveyard] x 400 until the end of this turn. ●This card inflicts piercing battle damage this turn.
>magical knight
Thought it was machine for a second.
Seems weird to make it revive Fear, but then make the new Fusion use Road
Well RIP Epoch. And this means the Darkness version of the Deck is the one getting support.
>Elemental HERO Prisma
>Level 4
>[REQUIREMENT] Reveal 1 Fusion Monster in your Extra Deck, and declare 1 card name listed as material on that monster.
>[EFFECT] This card's name becomes the name declared to meet the requirement this turn.
My favorite hero by far
Fear can treat himself as Road, and yes it is intentional because Fear is the corrupted SRM that Yuga used to prepare to become Otes.
It also combines well with Fear dropping the foe’s ATK even further. Road in comparison needs another card to switch it to Attack Position and for the most part you are only meant to use it as Fusion material so it is less potent overall.
It's a shame that dragons can't use this because high dragons require all cards in the gy to be dragon or high dragon to activate their effects.
Yet another 2 Spellcaster into MK fusion. So we are in agreement now Magical Knight is Spellcaster or Warrior + another type now?
>get Emperor Dragon to Summon Galaxy Dragon
>get Flame Wingman to Summon Shining Flare Wingman
Anything else?
When Luke finally shows up in go rush's last episode and individually beats every single character in both series with his new Dragiastar+Metagiastar+Miragiastar fusion summoned by a card that fusion summons from the extra deck for no cost, Dragons will be the best deck like in the beginning with Dragias in every deck, and balance will be restored to the universe, trivializing Zwijou and Yudias' mission.
It uses vanilla Swordsman of Roadstar, which is a Warrior. The Level 4 changes its name to it.
>When Luke finally shows up
He already showed up dumbass, at least watch the show if you want to shitpost about it.
I'm on episode 30 yet, I'll get there
Does he duel?
This is gonna have the same problem bubbleman has. At least it lets you cheat out some harder to summon fusions.
Nope. Just cameos and a speaking role in one episode.
I want Luke vs Lugh so bad, bros...
who do you think goha Yuna will duel this arc
I wish they gave the screen time to Epoch instead.
So quick to forget about the month drought
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If Toriyama was in charge of Yugioh, he would make that canon.
What do you mean? Bubbleman has bad stats and an extremely situational effect made even more situational with Rush's draws. Prisma has good stats and a really easy to use and really good effect. They're nothing alike. The only downside Prisma lost its Foolish Burial effect from TCG, unfortunately, and is a Legend. But it still looks like one of the best Hero cards in Rush.
Nice tan
>What do you mean?
The biggest issue hero is going to face in the future is the fact that they all have different types, attributes, and stats. The only unifying thing about them in Rush is that they are warriors, and a lot of the maindeck ones are normal. We're already seeing the issues with this in skyscraper, and a hero descends. Both exclude Prisma, and a Hero descends now excludes air hummingbird, and excludes bubbleman and prisma because they aren't vanilla. The text on future HERO support is going to be an absolute nightmare. Bubbleman would actually be better off as a normal monster since it would let it interact better with some of the HERO support. Prisma is fine because its a legend and cheats out the better fusions.
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Yuhi's road.
Yuamu most likely
Yeah, I see what you mean. Although Prisma still seems like ideally it wouldn't be on the field long enough for that to matter. And I think that fusion decks other than Heroes could make really good use of it, since it doesn't specifically says that it has to use Hero fusions or change its name to a Hero monster. It seems like any fusion deck that doesn't need its Legend monster slot for something vital could get a lot of mileage out of having a universal fusion material substitute. Bubbleman's effect definitely is more of a bane than a boon. But I'm also not sure if he even has any fusions worth using anyway. Prisma has all of the fusions.
>Go Rush is in the past
So what happened to the cards from Go Rush then?
We don't know yet. Presumably most of the cards could stick around and be the origin of Goha Duels, but obviously the Fusion and Maximum cards have to disappear somehow and the Rush Duel program along with it.
Yet to be explained in YGO9
Quantum Rush
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>Meeeg in top 4
>She lost
I fucking hate Type Change Beam
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Go Rush Legends...
generated by damamu.
>Play Metarion
>Get hands filled with materials but no Fusion
>Get hands filled with spells and no monsters, sometimes triple Fusion
Jesus my luck sucks, every time I see a Metarion player they open full combo and I just die.
Adjust your ratios, even if its ever so slightly
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New cards in 9 hours, including an OCG import card
Ice barrier? That would be amazing.
>Losing streak with Galaxy and Metarion
>Build CyDra
>Go from Gold 5 to KOG
I feel dirty, also AGG is way too strong.
I agree, Cydra shouldn't be able to play AGG but it would be nice to trade it for the other Cydra support that doesnt mention power bond
AGG is so fucking stupid. Sure love when they pull it out at the end of the duel and it's a guaranteed attack you can't do anything to stop even with Negate Attack and then you lose.
is it me or the water card look like mean it could be related to Glacies the Snowmeister of Sacred Splendor somehow
Yeah, it does suck when you get pierced for game without any way to respond to it
Its also painful knowing that any 2 tribute set turn 1 probably means you're gonna have to open an out for 3k defense or eat shit immediately on the following turn
the one time i tried that shit it got blown up by harvey
Seems to use different kanji.
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>introduce a card 4 years too early
>it's a pain in the ass to deal with
Yeah, that's DL so far. On the bright side, its effect doesn't matter nearly as much thanks to the fact that we have no fucking traps anyway.
True but it does feel pretty shit having to use your NA on a turn where AGG attacks so you don't get full use of it
Added to my romin folder
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Cards from the livestream
>no Variable Stellarizer
What a downgrade
A little too clunky
Nice redraw. Before I could never tell he was standing.
>Real NEW Metarion support
Guess i'll have to invest in the deck now. I was waiting to see if Konami would support it with new monsters or just remade the old ones
But how long will it take for them to get added to DL?
Why is Go Rush episode 46 a Dragon Ball episode?
Probably September next year along with Contact Fusion
Nice. Can't wait.
The power level has to be raised when it's a Manabu episode in order to contain his chad energies.
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>An acrobat who soars freely through the air. She adds a gorgeous sense of flair to the show together with her younger sister, Evil Baller.

Cute siblings.
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>Metarion is now a waifu deck
Yugioh 9 is so close. I can feel it.
Well yeah, Go Rush already feels like they dragged it out longer than necessary.
It's not over until the real Otes shows up.
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It's not over until Yuna rapes Yuga and forces him to marry her after she gets pregnant.
>Starting from obligatory Tutorial episodes again
I love the Go Rush cast so I don't mind it being longer than your usual Bridge anime.
1 more month
Yuna best girl and best deck.
Ojous are the best.
I don't remember the last time I've used Buffered Slime or NA, they always get blown up. Is there even a point to running traps? Feels like they're just dead draws
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That's just kind of how it goes
They serve the purpose of keeping you alive if able to use
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>Episode 134: 小さな缶の物語 – Chīsana Kan no Monogatari
>(Tale of the Tiny Can)
Yudias, who is still frozen, has been taken to Yuna. Two Damamus chase after him, but end up getting trapped inside his mind. They are now in a world resembling Mutsuba Town. There, they discover a tiny Yudias.

>Episode 135: ここに似た場所 – Koko ni Nita Basho
>(Somewhere Similar to Here)
Yudias has awakened in the world inside his mind. He is guided to a science lab by a mysterious light. He is then greeted by Kuaidul. Sensing malice from Kuaidul, Yudias challenges him to a Duel. During the Duel, Yudias witnesses several different worlds…

>Episode 136: アイツへの扉 – Aitsu e no Tobira
>(The Door to That Guy)

>Episode 137: 黒いオーティス – Kuroi Ōtisu
>(Dark Otes)
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Is there any actual reason you'd want to run this in Rush
On its own it seems completely pointless. But I'm sure there's some reason for them to release it now. There's probably going to be some form of support that gives it a reason to be on the field.
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I love nuns so much
It's kind of funny that cucking Jesus is such a common fetish.
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Secret Rare alt arts of cards from Salamandeus of Scorching
Alts on the left
Given the alt arts that were just revealed this entire game is waifu
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Took better screenshots
Dice girls saved the set
I love Yudias.
I'd so buy this set for the over rush in the bottom right corner, IF THEY IMPORTED THE PHYSICAL VERSION ALREADY.
He's gonna be missed but the rest of the cast minus Epoch was an absolute downgrade from Sevens.

Rush Team Wars
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Welp. if only I could get home soon enough.
Her pants are made to look unzipped.
Not how that works
Dinois is great, but I guess it fits since she has no Sevens counterpart.
Will we get another rush anime or with they try another regular ygo again?
Why would they ever make an OCG anime again? They've given up on marketing it to kids and that's what an anime is for.
"Why would they ever need to make an OCG anime again?" Is the better counter since things have been going fine for them without one. It is more likely that rush ones continue so it can still stay within the top 10
Rush is definitely getting a trilogy and then we'll see what happens next.
Any cards from sevens still not printed?
I can't recall any particular one. Maybe ladybug stuff. Rush does a pretty good job printing anime cards unlike the OCG.
There's a couple of archetypes missing some. The King's series is missing ones like King's Management and Arrogance, along with some weird oneoff cards like Perfect Sevens.
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Time Machine
[R] When exactly 1 monster is destroyed by battle.
[E] Special Summon that monster from the GY to the same field and same battle position it was in before it was destroyed. (If that monster was a monster in Maximum Mode, Special Summon all of its parts as a monster in Maximum Mode.)
>Max revival easily
Instant limit 2 if not 1 should it come over
Should it come over to what? Duel Links? There's no fucking way. At least not now. They haven't brought any of the other revival cards that are way weaker than this one.
Maximum count as 1 monster even when assembled?
Didn't we get that one nun?
Kind of awkward how they include some of her but not
Yes, it's why they make that stipulation about max mode
Same reason why it only counts as 1 for a tribute
We got Heavenly Bliss, which switches an opponent's monster to defense if your monster gets destroyed and then if your monster was level 10 you get to pop a card. It's not a trap revival. There's a few traps that can revive monsters from the GY, but they're not in DL. If even the fucking Disco Ball is considered too scary for DL, there's no way they'd add Time Machine. Hopefully at some point the balance philosophy becomes lenient enough that traps aren't left out of the game for the severe crime of having an effect on the duel.
I want many traps that destroy monsters when they declare attacks so that I have a better excuse to play Metagias!
I doubt a trap like time machine could make them all that busted at this stage of the game
I'm stuck between getting 2x more reactors+1 Jointech Rex(min) for Machine.dek vs going for Light Galaxy
The Reactors are simple enough but I also have 1x Secret Order (UR deal, so one more is in the box) and a lucky Oblivion pull. I also got Jointech Rex at that time too
How much do I need the other Light Galaxy SR cards?
Says a lot when even in Go Rush you have Manabu the only guy still actively using a Maximum constantly do shit like discard the parts to boost another monster, tribute it away or outright fuse it into something else.
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>Otes (Yuhi)
>Yuhi's figure became Otes after he sealed his memories with "Monster Reborn" and Dark Power. He enjoys making the "Something" that lies dormant inside each person dance. Every day, Yuna tries to deepen her understanding of Otes in order to become a true Otes.
The Otes Olympics are still going on?
imagine if yuna is otes and then all through sevens otes was just lusting after yuga hard
Personally i used to think the GR was kinda lame but after 3 years i have warmed up to them. The cast is so big i thought they would be left to rot mid series but the show proved me wrong and gave many of the cast multiple duels. For example i wasn't expecting Rovian, Lugh, Zaion, Asaka or Manabu to get duels after S2 but they still managed to get one or two. In SEVENS i only liked 4 character tops so yeah. I prefer GR cast
Most of those characters you named are awful, especially Rovian.
Shit taste.
They should have made Monster Reborn so that if you Maximum Summoned a Maximum before the pieces got sent to the grave then you could revive it in Maximum Mode
Meteor Charge is absolutely a 2-3 of depending on how you wanna build it
Kleine and Strange Traveler are helpful, but some drop the former to go for faster games. Kleine will be useful later down though...maybe get 2x of each for now
Of course, Oblivion and Secret Order are mandatory 3 ofs
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Will Rush 3 also compliment the current storyline?
Who knows? I'd rather they wrapped it up in this one and moved on to a completely new setting, but I could see it going either way. They're already bridging the Go Rush era with Sevens in some ways, but we still don't know where Yuga ended up and we still haven't seen the real Otes.
At this point it's pretty bound to do so. Expect Yudias to show up (although I wonder if this time they will have the balls for an actual Duel between MCs instead of using proxies).

Go Rush GP
While im not the biggest fan of them. I like them more than their SEVENS counterparts. The only characters i liked in SEVENS were Yuga, Luke, Goha Siblings and Roa
Wait what, he looks different here and taller. Is this for future eps?
Yeah, that does look kinda odd since Yuhi's height never changed when he became Otes initially
they used the time machine card but it was an actual magical card. he might actually be bringing his future version or growing up instantly with it.
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Cydra really did just die off, huh?
I wish they had lasted longer. Smh
I heard someone once mention that the Japanese side of DL wrote it off as a ladder deck.I wouldn't be shocked if that's not too far from the truth, but they do tend to rely on Point Battle Rooms more than Tournaments to base their conclusions off of
So what kind of skill will Voidverg need to get to actually be viable since they won't get any Fusions, or are they just going to throw it in the garbage with Jointech and Blue-Tooth? Requiem is just a fancy beater.
Implying real Otes has blue and white hair or Yuhi will lose the yellow and brown on his hair (since those are part of his ponytail) once turning old?
I think that's masked too.
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>aura when the translations contact fuse with the hurricane instead of the video editing software
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I sure hope they give us Wyrm support in the next box
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Always nice seeing new gadget stuff.
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Is it me or does Rush gets a much bigger amount of collabs than regular Yugioh? Is it that companies find it more appealing than late gallop stuff?
>English Yuhi is voicing Vegeta in Daima
How does this correlate to the Otes plan
It's not about that, collabs are the trendy thing now. Stuff like Naruto was super popular and yet they didn't get much collabs until modern era with TMNT and all.

Companies are looking for money without having to make new IPs because these aren't sure hits.
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Nah, I'm pretty sure it's still DM. Nothing will ever be whored out as much as DM. Also, I think that collab has cards from all series. Although they did put Yudias in that Puzzles & Dragons gacha game a couple years ago.
Doubles as Jointtech support too. Honestly I'm just glad to see things that aren't LIGHT Machine. (until they give more god damned Ultimate Flag archetype)
Yeah but DM alongside Rush stuff has been far more common than Dm and any of the other series.
Can we get WATER machine support?
Not!Dinomist in rush when?
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RD/KP19-JP008 ダイスキー・リトラ Dice Key Retra
Level 3 LIGHT Fairy Effect Monster
ATK 300
DEF 1200
【REQUIREMENT】 Send 1 monster from the hand to the GY.
【EFFECT】 Choose 1 Trap Card with an effect that rolls a six-sided die in your GY and add it to the hand, then, you can choose 1 of your face-up cards. For the rest of the turn, that card cannot be destroyed by card effects.
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Yeah, but DM on its own is also still a thing. The Hello Kitty collab was not too long ago. The other series definitely don't get nearly as much attention, that's for sure. I figure that will always be the case. The current series and DM will get most of the attention. I don't remember seeing anything VRAINS-related, but I wasn't watching the anime or following what was going on with merch back then. So I don't really know if it existed.
Makes me wish they had branched out a little more. Worker Warrior was for some godforsaken reason Light too. It would've made for the perfect Dark Machine type.
Nice. Sorta feels like a reference to that one street fighter girl.
Cammy? Alt art of Reta wearing a high-cut skin-tight leotard when?
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I watched up to the episode before the card world cat episode.
Manabu more closely resembles his Manga counterpart now, but isn't quite there yet.
Manga Chapter 13 animated will show up later. I just know it!
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For me, It gives Contra vibes.
He's a goofy weirdo, but he's not a pervert like in the manga.
You'll see in episode 136! Well get naked Nyandestar by then!
I guess they aren't making any more Skull and Grace die references.
Episodes 128-130 are subbed. Don’t know about the other episodes
The subtitler, she got angry about episode 131 having manabu win against zwijo and causing him to subscribe to yuhi's philosophy of "something". At least that's according to the /a/ threads, her social media is mostly locked, so can't really tell what's going on there. It's possibly the weirdest Subtitle updating seen. Most subtitle groups quit and stop updating if they're not cool with the show they don't go back and forth like this so often.
She has said before that she really likes the show or else she would have dropped it already. She just sometimes gets angry at things not happening the way she wants them to, like back when Roa wasn't getting enough screen time in Sevens. I'd imagine that her favorite character losing to one of her most disliked characters would cause that too.
She threatened to drop Sevens once if Roa lost against Yuka (and then he lost against Luke a couple of episodes later and was fine with it). Aura is just a weird fujo that spergs out when characters she likes loses to ones she doesn't.
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Even Aura has accepted that losing to CHADuke is not a matter of "if" but a matter of "how".
The fucker gets enough love in the card game as it is!
Why is she such a schizo
Comes from being a fujo.
Even in the show itself Roa was the only character that never once used Maximum or Fusion for some reason, which made him look pretty good when he was still getting wins against Yuga and Asana at the end of the show.
>Roa was the pure tribute only user, even could count Skull in
Forget Otes, our true "boomer"
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There is only one true boomer and that's Mimi.
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Galactica Oblivion Arc which might or not be the cover of next set.
Going by things she's more Gen X.
Well, yeah. But when talking about Yugiboomers even in real life no one means that they're actually baby boomers. Yugiboomers are either late Gen X or early Millennials.
>Suddenly maintenance
I think this one was scheduled
YGO9 and Duel Links 2 are rght around the corner. Ready for the first female main character in the franchise?
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>Duel Links 2
They would've made Rush be its own thing instead then. Pic related for the FeMc question
The game would need to be in like the top 5 for a couple of years for them to even try chancing that
Last I recall it was more consistently at least 10th.
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Yuamu is already a female main character.
>Duel Links 2
God I wish. Give me the Cross Duel visuals.
I know the chances are very low what if they add Hunt from Yugioh sevens to duel links as cross promotion for Triple Build Pack: Evolution Impact to add characters they backtrack from since sevens don't have that many major characters to add
It could happen. They added Sherry from 5D's along with the new versions of her cards after they ran out of relevant characters for that world. And her ace monster had been in the game for a long time by then and was an R pack filler in some super old-ass box. So at any point they could add secondary characters from Sevens as long as they can add new support for them.
/a/ thread died, so I'll post this here about episode 133:
>if Oteshi loses all the Kartumata are going to come back because of all the dark energy he drank
>Yudias froze because he is conflicted, since he knows reviving the Kartumata means the Darkmen are fucked
>Yuna knows Yuhi is a fake Otis, she needs Kuaidul to complete her real REAL plan
>Yuhi doesn't give a fuck about anything other than having fun
>Yuna wasn't planning to use Time Machine in a normal because she knows it's dangerous, so she was shocked that Oteshi used it against Epoch and tried to stop him
>Oteshi "cheated" in Epoch's favor just so he would have an opportunity to use Time Machine
>Yuna broke seeing the Time Machine eating Epoch so she realized the only thing left to do is complete her plan
Looks kinda evil. Will Yudias recover some hidden memory or something with another trigger after the use of Monster Reborn turned out to be bait?
You'd think Yuna's side would be a bit more concerned about the only Kamijo heir disappearing (since parents are non-existent) with the preserving Yuga's future shit. It's thanks to Luke that Yuga even got to install Rush Duels. I also guess Yuamu hid the fact that Asana's descendant had the closest chance of fucking Yuga so Yuna doesn't go and kill Asaka.
>Asana's descendant
*Asaka's descendant
Didn't seem like she had much time to consider the full consequences of what happened, but she seemed pretty concerned about it regardless.
It's not unusual for mobile games to last ages if they still make profit. FGO is older then Duel Links and is planned for years to come.
It's funny how all Fusions of Oblivion except Eternal look evil. Darkness, Lost which was made with Dark Matter, and now Arc which is kinda like a a devil.
A fate worse than death.
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Berry Fresh Chesty
Level 1 WATER Aqua Effect Monster
ATK 100
DEF 500
[REQUIREMENT] Send 1 other card from your hand or field to the GY.
[EFFECT] This card gains 1500 ATK until the end of the opponent’s next turn. If there are 5 or more Aqua monsters with 100 ATK in your GY, then you can target 1 face-down monster on your opponent’s field and destroy it.
What did they mean by this?
Requiem is good in current DL meta since most meta decks are light focused.
It's not evil just because it's purple. Especially because the evil color in Go Rush is green.
>Note: Chesty means Overconfident or Arrogant or Full-of-One’s Self
Yuna's plan probably involves rewriting the whole timeline, since she thinks Yuhi is a fake Otes and doesn't think he will actually fix anything,
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In desperate need of correction, you say...
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aura when the girl standing between her yaoi ship is sent to the banishment zone face-down: with their effects negated. (once per chain)
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does anyone have a better image of this scene how would you meme this scene
there's an /a/ thread up still.
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Oh fuck
What are the odds that they actually print these? They look like fun.
They have decent artwork and there's Insect support incoming so pretty high.
No chance
Why not?
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The jointech mecha.
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Pretends to be shocked
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Last card of Salamandeus
Something about this art feels very 3dish as if it had been painted over a 3d model, especially the cat.
I think the OG art looked hotter.
>not legend
I'm starting to get somewhat ready for Zwijou now. How are you doing?
It's garbage
Not all Level 5+ monsters with 2000-2100 ATK need to be Legends. Fire Guardian existed in the game since the beginning.
Only ones with powerful effects like Jinzo or vanillas like Cyber-Tech can.
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>should we finally get print in the west Tewart would think he's slick by doing some kind of rarity shenanigans
Manga Manabu is so lucky...
how would Bakuro feel if his own raccoon waifu card ntr him and picked Hunt instead that would be funny
water gigamogs the rest
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Kind of annoying how Dark Matter this set only got Fusion Monsters and nothing else. It was like the last chance before some side set considering Yuhi is using Sevens Road and Yuamu is going back to her old Deck. It's like Konami hates printing stuff from the main cast except Manabu.
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What's wrong with getting fusion monsters? Fusions are good. Plus, the Darkmen are still in the show, so even if Yuamu doesn't use Dark Matter anymore, it doesn't mean there will be no more Dark Matter.
>What's wrong with getting fusion monsters?
*Only Fusion Monsters. They need a Main Deck.
These cards so deserved the Over rush treatment.
This artist is so good!
I love that one art of Asaka lactating!
Didn't they get a bunch of that last time? Plus, the Dark Matter monsters are Galaxy, so I'd imagine they had a bunch of useable support to begin with.
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>1.5x exp is over
Darn, and I made such good progress leveling Asana and Yudias...
Just auto battle level 10 x3 Zuwijo at the gate when he comes out
its a shame they roll over so fast but I'm glad I got to max out a couple of characters for the next box
I just hope it has Wyrm support since I'm not too big on Voidvelgr stuff
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best girl
whats the new paranormal archetype supposed to be a reference to
Not sure if it's anything specific, although Go Rush in general has a paranormal theme what with so much of the plot revolving around aliens and cryptids. And Yuhi's hair is some sort of paranormal detector of sorts. Maybe it will become more clear next time when Yuhi uses the monsters featured in the cards. Although they might just end up being something like "Paranormal Magician" and "Paranormal Witch", since we know they're spellcasters.
By far
She looks better in her alt outfit. Too bad they choose the worst one for Duel Links.
I disagree, the worksuit fits her best.
Yuhi is a "paranormal" Otes and the differences between both keep growing with each episode. He uses those instead of Darkness cards like OG Otes did.
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Now, these spellcasters are more my type.
He hopefully gets some monsters besides the new Roadstar since the way sets are going we won't get the Spells/Traps.
>He's a goofy weirdo, but he's not a pervert like in the manga.
I just reached episode 69, and I'm met with picrel.
It is amazing how almost every other female in the series has more character than Romin. How did that happen
Romin has character. It's just that her character arc is kind of weak. Having to choose between being a rock star and playing children's card games is about as unrelatable as you can get.
not like you can't do both anyway, I mean Kaiba is a CEO and still dedicates 99.99% of his time to playing card games.
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I mean, Kaiba Corp itself is at least partially a game company, so it would make sense that the CEO plays games himself
Holy that mermaid is hot.
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Please don't forget about her, Konami.
Romin kind of fades away in Season 2 except for curry jokes and her last Duel.
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They really should have put her in the Luke Department during the Goha arc. She wasn't getting enough screen time in the kitchen.
It's for that self incert character which was literally made for me.
it would be funny if they let Hunt take the kitchen position from Romin when Luke offers Hunt a job at goha corporation and he end up being a way better chef than her and Romin goes to the Luke apartment
I thought the joke was the Luke Department wasn't even real, unlike the other three he just took over a room and pretended to have a job and nobody could be bothered to kick him out
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>Beyblade X has it's own Dinois now
RushGODS... we are influential!
when do you think they will start showing card reveals for Triple Build Pack: Evolution Impact
He had an office, so I think they actually did give him his own division even if it didn't do anything. Yuo probably just wanted to keep him out of the way of everyone else. They could have had the curry episode (since the explosive curry was an important plot point) but then transferred Romin to the Luke Division just to keep her out of the kitchen. Would have been a win-win, since it would have given Romin more screen time and it would have given Luke a straight-man for his nonsense, which he sorely needed because Yoshio and Swirly idolize him too much to ever question his judgement. Luke works best when he has either Romin or Gakuto with him.
If not Saturday, at the end of the month.
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Rate this set.
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How are your gems looking for the upcoming Zwuijo box, lads? I'm slowly recovering from the Yuri box
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This is the first time I've booted up the game this month due to other commitments
Not that great. I'm not too interested in Zwijo's monsters, but I expect the box to have some support for the other characters too. You really can't skip boxes in Rush.
>You really can't skip boxes in Rush.
>deck build fire & then the warrior one
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>You really can't skip boxes in Rush.
You can if you don't care about the cards in the box. I skipped Asana's just fine. But i agree this new one will most likely have new Galaxy support for Yudias so I'm going in even if i don't care for Zwujo's cards
Heavy Strike Excavator is probably the most "stand alone" Rush box so far, outside the build ones. You're not touching it if you don't want to play the two Maximums in it. The others have way more variety in decks they support.
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Dinowa, it's just how people decided to spell her name for some reason.
I honestly am only interested in playing dragons right now, so as there is no new dragon support this is just more decks for me to beat up.
I rate this a new challenge out of 10. Without new challenges playing wouldn't be fun, therefore I love it.
It's not looking too bad, but it could have been way better, like >>502292837 this anon's
Man, I feel bad for Mitsuko. Zwijou is as dense as a blackhole. Truly in theme with his deck.
I meant Goha cup
I see. I'll catch up with the anime in my vacations I guess.
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protecting the Yuamu...
What happened to Yuhi's voice in the end of episode 77 and in episode 78? Did something happen to the voice actor? He all of a sudden started sounding like he's 5 years old.
It was plot related all along...
This show is so unpredictable! Always has me on my toes!
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>He FELL for it
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In the /a/ threads we noticed Manya's gorilla hands during the award ceremony and thought it was an animation error. Fun times.
I only noticed it during the next episode
What a treacherous trap
It went by really quickly, but someone posted a screenshot and the huge hands stood out. Bochi's body also looked weird, but I think we all just thought that he was badly drawn (as can happen) and that was it. The other characters' errors were conveniently obscured by objects or other characters or were simply not noticeable in a still-frame with no movement, from what I remember.
>Zwijou is as dense as a blackhole
I don't think he is dense. Be doesn't give a fuck. Dude has no emotions
He has emotions. He clearly cares about his friends. Even the Earth ones. He just doesn't show affection and doesn't seem interested in romance. But he does go out of his way to help and is willing to go along with all the nonsense they do without complaining despite being the aloof one of the group.
Left gigamogs right.
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Episode 84
>Challenging everyone in Mutsuba City to Rush Duels is pointless

Actually pathetic. It's no wonder why she's not the queen of duels.
To be fair, it would be pointless for anyone other than Luke. Only he could duel the whole town in one afternoon and win every single duel.
You make a very good point
Maybe I was too harsh on her.
do you count it as a real yuamu win since she need Epoch cheating to win in your opinion
I think they had more urgent things to worry about than whether a win was earned or not.
I love the Celestial Warrior deck. It may hinge entirely upon getting the needle, but pulling off a double fusion and getting both Yamiterasu and Kimeterasu out is the greatest feeling. Can't wait till we get Kimeterasu and Semeterasu. Also free the damn 0 monsters. They need their spells..
Kimeluna's effect flipping monsters and then Kimeterasu destroying them while they're face-down is really satisfying. And I do love gimmicky 0 attack monsters. It's a shame that they don't work that well without traps and we're not allowed to have traps in RDL. Using a skill to raise their attack just isn't the same.
Boosting Kimeluna to 5k, especially with trap Sword and Shield, is really satisfying though.
Zwijou lives and dies as a soldier, a warrior, there is no room for romance in his heart.
Meh. None of these match the BEST dice girl.
I'm kinda sad Shock Dragon didnt get unlimited
It's too sacky and can lead to unfair OTKs. Please understand. We want a balanced game here. Now excuse me while I activate Type Change Beam and OTK you with Metarion Asurastar. Good game, bro.
Zuwijo isn't dense; he just doesn't give a fuck. He himself goaded Tremolo into Dueling Phaser by playing on the later having the secretaries fangirling for him but he not caring.
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We need this as a card
>Good game, bro.
N-Nerf next month I hope.
They kinda have to at some point. Shit's too busted to just let be
Cant wait for the KCC to end already
Isn't Stick&Chair Guy event rerun next? At least it's better than KCC, but we have a bit of a wait to go before Zwijo.
I don't really care about it being a speed event specifically I just hate forced PVP. The TCG/Speed just stopped being fun for me once Links were introduced and things only got stupider from there.
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I just had the opportunity to pull out The Quintessential Luke move.
pretty much this. Also at least Re-runs tend to be relatively short compared to the initial character unlock, so we only have to stomach that for a few days at best
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Oh no. Huge feet are such a turn off.
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What the fuck are these prices i just want cute art
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>Card used in a lot of decks
>Released in a single pack
I wonder why.
Ill miss them so much but can't wait for YGO9
>Yudias mask
Retired now
I'm still between episode 85 and 90 but I wonder if ygo 9 will be about master duel format again, considering Goha duel happened between go rush and sevens. I think it could be interesting.
I doubt it. Master format doesn't need a toy commercial anymore. Plus, Goha Duel isn't master format. It didn't have any ED mechanics and used the same cards as Rush Duel.
Fuck. It looks gorgeous though.
Damn. HOW?
I thought Rush wanted to solve the problems of classic Yugioh, not make them worse.
It's a rare, collectible, alternate artwork card. There's a regular version that doesn't cost this much and that would be the one you'd actually get if you wanted to play it.
Bluetooth Concurrent Burst Dragon
Bluetooth Burst Dragon + Booster Wyvern
You can Contact Fusion this card.
[R] Discard 1 card.
[E] This turn, this card gains 1500 ATK but cannot attack directly. If the card discarded for this card's Requirement was a Level 7 or higher Dragon monster, this card can also declare up to 2 attacks on monsters this turn.
Yuamu is starting to see The Way, I see.
Average GC price for rush is about 15-40$. Overrush and gold foil is more expensive.
So you're mistakenly using price points as an issue when that's more of a problem in the tcg compared to ocg. Especially when this is for an alt art & of a card that has other versions to use.
Acting like this is a Dragon Master Magia but they are much smarter over there to not do such a thing.
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I think Konami likes Dice Key. (and that's a good thing)
Bros, you have to watch this duel between RAM and Adoemon!
RAM plays like an actual psychopath with a deck he made for his own enjoyment! I think he activated Peacock Hydron five times in one turn!
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Imagine an anime character using this in the show!
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Summon scene
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My sides are in Velgear星 now
Truly showing off why nana is limited, plus avarice twice in a turn as well too
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Do I keep going? there's another secret order in the box since I got one from a UR deal but I also havent gotten the first Meteor Charge yet
Which one is this? I can't recall seeing one with a sickle before
You can check them all on the Yugipedia.
You want meteor charge.
>5 hours ago
Uh, anyway, most lists run between 2-3 Meteor Charge atm so I'd say it'll depend on if you get Order or Charge first.
If you get Meteor Charge, you might wanna reset and try to get Order+Oblivion on your subsequent runs through the box.
If you get Order first, it'll depend on how many packs are left to decide whether you want to reset or just finish up and grab it
I'll never be a fan of any of the variants because the OG one looks so hideous.
I hope girls in YGO9 all get girly decks.
I hope girls in YGO9 all get boyish decks

I hope girls in YGO9 all get swimsuit decks and dress accordingly
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If you want to build a Galactica deck then THREE SECRET ORDER ARE A MUST
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>autodueling with Metarion for mission bingo
>have Type Change Beam and Sword Dancer in hand against a full field
>AI uses TCB to turn its own monsters into Machines revealing Imaginary Actor, then fusion summons Herculestar
I liked the OG art better. This one got too bright and animeish
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Thanks bro.
I wish we got this outfit as a skin in DL.
I'm surprised DL hasn't leaned harder into cosmetics seems like low effort money
Low effort yes, but this is Konami we are talking about, so that's still a lot for them.
Probably the feat that will rev up interest in the game when they run out of worlds to add.
>Go Onizuka: I have combined my brain with AI to go beyond the limits of human dueling.
>The AI:
They don't even throw old event sleeves/mats into the customization shop. I'm sure there are people that would pay a $1+ for the GX dorm ones and stuff.
Konami is so retarded with the handling of Duel Links. I wish we had gotten a new team of developers and a new fully Rush mobile game instead.
Triple Build Pack: Evolution Impact news
Selection Box is almost gone, Harvey isn't a must have right?
It isn't. It's only real uses are checking enemy backrow to have a better chance at destroying something useful and blowing up the occasional set AGG.
Over Rush Dragias is an absolute must have.
The powercreep on these cards is insane. Destruction effects are getting phased out.
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moth lady again?
There's a bunch of them coming in the next pack. Used to be only two and a spell, but now there's a couple more low level ones and 3 different versions of Delirium Sylvix.
>Just a woman
Also how is this a fusion?
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She's a dream butterfly. The theme of the deck seems to be turning people into butterflies and pulling them into the dream, where she absorbs them to become more powerful. I think you're meant to use the opponent's monsters as fusion materials.
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This thing is still hideous
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>ugly ass combination
>this saves it
I get that they wanted to throw RE a bone due to the attn BE is getting in the main game but holy shit, never not going to be the terrible stepchild
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Yeah. They really dropped the ball on that one.
I think it's pretty clear by the card art, she has sex with your opponent's monsters
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>4 Monster area
>4 spell/trap area
>Rush adds an additional zone to the field so it's at a halfway point between Speed and Master
Wait is this new?
From an official Konami livestream
They switch to a playmat that has the usual 3 zones once they actually start playing.
Oh boy.
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Huge if true. I can see them pulling it off as it wouldn't really conflict with any current mechanic or effect.
Am I dreaming?
Maximums would feel weird if you could have a monster next to them.
no. moths are.
They'd probably make some stupid ruling that they still take up the whole field and make them even worse value
It'd be treated as the player controlling 2 monsters.
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Trying to build a Cute love deck. Is this recipe up to date for play?
Water is amazing
Why would anyone play Copycat when there's much better LEGEND monsters around? Unless big boss monsters that can only be removed by battle a big part of the current meta.
let's think about it logically. Would a change like that generate more sales for Konami?
Unno. Most actual recipes I run into when looking around have Snipe hunter as their monster legend choice.
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My final build and so far I'm having fun playing against playing against the one other person playing Rush format on EDO.
I wish she had been the deck boss. Her effect is so trash compared to All Love Goddess.
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Print it, Konami.
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I kneel. I kneel!
I say it twice because she has leadership skills!!
The only good thing to come out of go rush.
Her face looks weird.
Best key dice girl
Goha Cup is coming! What deck will you use
metarion best deck
If the banlist is active by then something with Miragias. Otherwise, some other Dragon deck or Thunder.
real wrong
Galaxy is my go to go deck until HEROs become better and Red-Eyes comes
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Spellcasters are completely gone it seems
Good riddance
Good backrow removal iirc. It's really useful in the current meta.
Gor rush sure took the lead, wow.
There's only 3 Go Rush decks in that list and 2 of them have 1/2 each
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Love all the new art.
Nips say BE ultimate dragon ia coming soon
Over rush rare or we riot
It does make sense considering that they just let bright go to 3
Iirc it's only in that rarity so
Does that mean they'll finally move BE to a lifetime mission new players don't have access to it and Buster Blader yet
I love girls on pajamas!!
>Lost to a guy using 0 S/T because I set all three S/T removal to empty my hand and then couldn't activate Fusion later in the duel
Are you fucking kidding me
Pot of Duality? It is in rush?
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Yes in the same set as AGs about a month ago. Even in ultra/ORR only like the original
The ss restriction is pretty much a joke for non fusion decks.
Her cleavage accessory looks like a book window, lol.
Can you fags stop lying and saying Essel is a good card already this card has never done shit for me
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Fanart already?
So we are never getting more of the graceful dice/skull dice looking cards again?
looks like there are more leaks: https://www.duellinksmeta.com/articles/news/november-2024/datamined-leaks-18.
looks like requiem and elysium are used in the skill. i wonder what the other skills are for.
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Looks like we're getting Wyrm support. Hopefully it's in the same box as the Zwijo cards and they don't release two at the same time again like last time.
Amazing looks
If the skills are this underwhelming, then it must mean that the Voidvelgr cards coming out soon are amazing! If no fusions will be released then maybe Konami will give us access to Voidvelgr God Requiem to keep up with other decks!
I think Miragias deserves a skill similar to Metagias' Fullmetal Fist that instead decreases an opposing monster's level by at least 1 and adds a level 7 dragon from the gy to the hand.
Miragias was Luke's Ace for only 2 duels and one of those was against literally himself who cares it's a nothing card
I care because it's a cool card and he used it a lot in the manga. Also him beating his sister with Miragiastar was ultra cool to see. It's a shame Miragiastar was never used in the manga and Metagias was never used in the anime.
I meant to say Metagiastar
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Hubba hubba
Man I hope Zwijou is shown physically aggressing people in duel links. He almost breaks a dark matter commander's arm in episode 109 the second he gets the chance.
Zwijou should have a skill that says
[REQUIREMENT] During a turn you have normal summon Voidvelgr Requiem
[EFFECT] Kill Yudias. Behead Yuhi. Roundhouse kick a Yuamu into the concrete. Slam dunk a Manabu baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy Chupataro. Defecate in a Damamu's food. Launch Rovian into the sun. Stir fry Rondon in a wok. Toss Yuga into active volcanoes. Urinate into Zaion's gas tank. Judo throw Dark Matter niggers into a wood chipper. Twist TheLugh's head off. Report judges to the Velgearians. Karate chop Manya in half. Curb stomp pregnant Yuna's babies. Trap Yuna in quicksand. Crush sasumatas in the trash compactor. Liquefy UTS employees in a vat of acid. Eat the Mutsuba Town cable TV team. Dissect Bochi. Exterminate Fisher Sukai in the gas chamber. Stomp Kappa's skull with steel toed boots. Cremate Phaser in the oven. Lobotomize Tremolo. Mandatory abortions for Tremolo's bitches. Grind nyakayoshian fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown nyandestar in curry. Vaporize Shūbahha with a ray gun. Kick old nyakayoshians down the stairs. Feed Alfred to space alligators. Slice Epoch with a katana.
I think skill 2 is pretty nutty, still good to know we're also getting Elysium.
Compared to Dragiastar Nova, Cybernetic Combat Customization, Celestial Guidance and Hero Rush Rising, it looked mediocre to me
Oh yeah, it might mean that Zwijo's deck is pretty busted, like with Metarion.
>ants in a game that hates trap cards
Dead as fuck. They're probably going to dump them into the ranked ticket pool and they'll be unplayable forever like Beastgear.
How do you guys reach 9999 gems so quickly, is this all F2P? I'm trying to farm and I'm like almost at 1k, nowhere close to that!
>Insect support finally
>Its waifushit
I've been farming every day since last month. I'm also very selective with what I spend my gems on, especially after wasting over 9000 trying to make a winged dragon of ra deck and not even managing to get three copies of the ur continuous spell.
I often click around the duel world looking for hidden gems and focus on single characters when farming for level up reward gems.
Events like the current Durbe rerun help a lot by allowing me to autoduel the gate character at times 3 lv10, but other events like the Yuri raid duel are also useful, even though there is only times 1 reward. I was able to max level Yuri within his event, but Arc-V's low max level cap helped with that. I also do other things while waiting for auto duels to finish, like studying and watching yugioh go rush. It takes many days for the gems to accumulate but we eventually get there.
The bigger problem is when there are no characters left to level up and no stage mission clear gem reward left. I've found myself in such a scenario in both Rush worlds, with all characters at max level and all world missions completed. It must be extremely tough for very old players, with every single character at max level and every world mission completed in all worlds, but at that point the player should be willing to just spend money on the game.
Why the fuck is Divine Ruler even limited. Fucking Metarions can get over him without a problem. Just unlimited all of Gavin's shit already.
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>How do you guys reach 9999 gems so quickly, is this all F2P?
Duel Legendary Duelists in Duel World every day, search for gems in the trash, and play PVP until you reach KoG or get close enough (Both Rush and Speed). Complete every event until you get all the gems. If you do this and only spend gems on what you truly want then it shouldn't be hard to reach 9999+ gems every month. Don't level up characters unless absolutely necessary (Or you like the character). AND FOR EVERYTHING THAT'S GOOD DO NOT GET BAITED BY SELECTION BOXES IN SPEED
>Fucking Metarions can get over him without a problem
No they can't. Not without some power spell or negate attack while they already have a fusion on the field.
I'd even say avoid speed duel main boxes unless you really like it as a whole or really want a specific deck. Those things are money pits. It's astounding how cheaper rush feels compared to speed.
They can however either flip it face down with Vritrastar, type change it so that it can be popped or shuffled back in. Yes they aren't going to immediately Ashurastar/Type Change combo for an OTK but once its gone you can't get another.
It's even worse now that they've been setting a precedent for sometimes releasing support for a popular deck in a selection box instead of it just being reprints and generic good s/t. I just saw in the leaks that they added a Dragonmaid to the files and got excited for like a second before I remembered what they've been doing with Live Twin and Sky Striker. It's astounding how scummy they can be with Speed Duel sometimes.
Twice as good
More like twice as wide. Holy shit, that moth is fat.
>Wyrms starting to finally get fusions
Neat. Do they still play the maximum as a secondary wincon or do you think that you'd still prefer to play solely the fusions + big bodies?
Are the new moth cards on EDO yet?
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How can other insects even compete?
Share a Magnet deck pls.
Considering the skill locks the deck into Earth Wyrms exclusively, they probably still go for maximum as well.
Picrel is a deck that was used in https://youtu.be/9FQzkUCXKPo this duel. It is the most recent video featuring magnet warriors in RAM's channel and it won the duel by a long shot.
It'll depend on whether or not we get another boss monster I think
Right now you just have Buildragon and the Maximum, so if we get at least one other to build around + fusions, the Maximum might not be necessary per se
You're awful /rdg/ you said that the climb to rush KoG isn't as miserable as the speed KoG climb....
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I think it's pretty fun, but I don't play with getting KoG in mind, instead just trying to have fun with silly decks, like Beyond Curiosity cyberse and Fullmetal Fist Metagias
God I hate Galaxy, never saw this shit on ladder last month but now I see them more often than Cydra and they're fucking annoying.
Wait unbtil Dark Galaxy Voidvelgr starts activating one sided dark hole. They can fetch that monstrosity from the graveyard and make their monsters indestructible.
how is it fair that metatrion can fusion summon blow up all 3 of your back row set 3 summon 2 and still have cards left in their hand
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Thanks for the detailed response.
I hope the art doesn't stop
Literally me as soon as I finish building up this deck
Nah. Waifushit is soulless
Full Ending 5.
Im already missing it
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SOUND RUSH 4 never ever
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>Zuwijo in fear of seeing a new max mon coming
Have they done printed cards of characters yet?
Being specific since yeah there are those cats but not a real thing
aura disapproves
They did print the Meeeg-Chan alt art that has Yuamu in it.
>New wyrm cards
Does this mean wyrms might get a pickup box treatment or is it getting crammed into the Voidvelger box?
I might go digging for some Blisstopias if its the latter
I dont see any difference with the OG meg
A true Meeeg-chan connoisseur would spot all the mistakes in Yuamu's cosplay easily.
Romin is getting new cards too. I hope they're all in the same box and we don't end up with two simultaneous minis again. But I still find it hard to believe that they'd leave Yudias, Yuhi, and Yuamu out of it.
Damn. My Cute Love deck loses to any battle trap. Why are all the spell/trap effects so trash?
I think Chupataro said the bell's color is wrong in the anime and some other stuff. Some stuff I noticed comparing the two were the ears and an extra ribbon on top of the head, besides Yuamu's eye color and the animal on Yuamu's shoulder.
The stuffed animal is supposed to be Shoruta, but it looks nothing like it.
I couldn't tell what it was. For a moment I even thought it was Bochi.
if you play metarion on ladder you're a horrible person and deserved to be punched in the face
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what episode was this?
None. I'm pretty sure none of these scenarios actually happened. Yudias didn't race Yuhi, go with Yuhi and Yuamu to human school, or hang out with Manabu and Nyandestar at their favorite café.
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Damamus are so cute! CUTE!!
>My Cute Love
What deck is that?

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