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>Fortnite Chapter 2 Remix

>Fortnite Chapter 2 Remix: Run It Back with Snoop, Eminem, Ice Spice, and Juice WRLD in Battle Royale!

>Quests, stats, shop

>LEGO XP AFK Strategy

>Season XP Leveling Pace

>Mission Alerts for StW

>Coming Soon: Progress Your Fortnite Passes by Playing Any Experience

>New Ranked Reload Plus Get 50 Levels in Any Mode to Unlock Felina and Felina’s Claw Meow for Free!

>The Stadium Lights Up for Snoop Dogg in Fortnite Festival Season 6!

>Learn What’s New in Rocket Racing V31.40!

>Brick or Treat in LEGO Fortnite V31.40!

>Fortnite Crew November - Kyran Aryk

Last Match:

Remember to Thank the Bus Driver!
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I'm looking forward to Ch6
Freedomtown bros… how we holding up?
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I cant win this season apparently, i always relied on some gimmick like those briefcase turrets,some melee weapon with knockback or simply tossing the last person into the storm with shock grenades

my gunplay and reaction time/awareness is legit ASS
>seething NEET can't into reading comprehension
Lmao, I said 200dollars worth in half a year loser. Passive income, the kind you'll never have. So that's several thousand over a couple of years. It's literally just free money you get from playing.
Why are you so buck broken about this that you have to cry about it every day lol.
How will Jonesybros ever recover from his visage being used for a failed political campaign
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choppa backbling + hypnot-eyes emote = my dick is diamonds HOLY SHIT
>like versa's design
>but it's not the rare fomo versa
>dont buy
*choppy. whoops.

either way, is Mrs Incredible worth keeping? seems kinda pricey for a skin with such little detail comparatively to many other skins out there now.
What's your rank in ranked so far /FNG/
Silver 3
>several thousand useless dollars
I don't play ranked
Apparently platinum 2 despite me being mentally inept at the game
I want to fuck Jonesy so bad
i wanna wrap my mouth around helsie's nose while she is sick and make her blow her nose into it
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i will mention, before someone implies i did the other thread
why do we still keep using early threads if the majority hates them?
why not wait until someone bakes and posts at least after 750?
i don't care who makes the thread, that too, i just wanna know
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What's she planning?
Did Machinistposter re-FC Less Than yet
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should i buy sunspot? i liked him since day 1, good price (1200), super expressive face, but then i realized he doesn't look too great from behind and you don't really get to see the cute expressive face (his whole selling point) through your match at all. you only see it in the lobby and stuff.
don't let ivan catching you say that
>he doesn't look too great from behind
What were you expecting?
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That's gross dude
I'll only buy him when his bundle is back. He's on my "Buy him when we've got the spare vBucks" list
Sound pls
>y-you're money doesn't matter because IT JUST DOESNT OKAY?!?!?!
kekaroo, yet you're STILL here seething about founders for several years now. Imagine the money you would've made if you weren't a NEET loser!
You think Founder's Packs are just for V-Bucks.
I bought my Founder's Pack in 2017 to support a game I liked.

We are not the same.
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"Hmm I guess they could not bring passes back next month, won't get my hopes up"
>rumored crew giving you access to all passes
>BP stars being retired
wait a minute...

the "EU doesn't let you refund stuff for v-bucks they require money" thing is stupid because tickets don't work differently there and nothing happens, shame the armchair lawyer (he himself calls others that lol) that keeps parroting that until he posts some court document proving that or he fucks off
Are they at least aware of lobby music earrape when you win a match?
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When was the last time you played without afking shit? For me it was when they reran survive the horde the first time
Yes. It's on the to-do list
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I got him right away. Very unique looking and I've got a personal preference for expressive, cartoony stuff that isn't collabs. But that's just me.
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So if shaq can come back why can’t Mr Beast?
This is why male skin enjoyers keep winning
you know why
The event stuff where you start out with nothing like Frostnite and Hit the Road
Do that in my face pls
Anti-Legacy pass troons are going to be on suicide watch in less than a month
Shaq isn't a sex offender
Ok Shaq literally suggested lewd things with a WNBA rookie to her face & blew up her phone and this was like 3 weeks ago
That's what we've been trying to tell the seething STWlet but he's been crying about the same shit nonstop for years.
Here's hoping all the the late fucks get what they deserve, I know I want them to have my old crap and there's some things I still want.
>When was the last time you played without afking shit? For me it was when they reran survive the horde the first time
the early save the world missions with the van
because he has 10 concurrent lawsuits right now
kys idgaf
>some of the best ever
shit taste
>When was the last time you played without afking shit?
I play it for fun daily man, I like the mode genuinely and I'm almost to PL 137
Why wouldn't Shaq return?
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Is this supposed to be the Nazi salute for black people? Why was everyone so upset that this is an emote?
Don't know how you can stand playing ventures, but good for you
I hope they brush off another event to rerun since they won't make any new shit
You mean like the tomatoheadfag lol?
They think kids are gonna do it and somehow gang members are gonna instant transmission behind them and blow their brains out, even though part of the walk is you spelling Crip with your feet but the emote doesn't do that
you sound extremely sheltered ngl
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You can just say you wanna fuck MrBeast and want to buy his skin, y'know. No need to try and force a conversation
post more sexa
You think the average gangster is smart enough or even cares enough to differentiate that?
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I wanna fuck Ruby
This but with Dali and Emma Frost
who is dali
No, hand-holding vaginal in missionary position
Silver II
I played one match and was like "nah, not for me".
I'm know I'm not good enough.
do you want me to?
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I want Chapter 6 now!
September 2024 crew pack skin
It's not my fault the most attractive female character original character designs are all barely legal in Europe pedobait skins, maybe if they produced some Korean tier bimbo skins i'd have a different answer.
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what's crew
He is waiting for (You)
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I'm surprised nobody mentioned they quietly brought back Black Hole Sun (again). Still no Breaking Me though.
Why? What’s the appeal?
crew'd your mom
It's been in for at least a couple weeks, because I noticed it near the end of last season.
Ass on his Captain Jones skin is big by male skin standards and he's just a generaly good looking dude
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i miss chug splash
Both it and Breaking Me randomly came back one day and both of them got removed within a couple hours, I don't know why they've been so random about bringing back festie pass songs
What is she looking at?
Crew deez nuts
Kinda crazy how the hype for Mrs. Incredible completely vanished

The reaction to her initial release and announcement made me think she'd be a mainstay but I guess Collab skins aren't as beloved on /fng/ as originals. The only collabs you see one a somewhat occasional basis is MrBeast and Jill Valentine
Weird. I haven't paid that much attention to it. Maybe I should get it. I haven't jumped on it, because I prefer playing faster (and shorter) songs. Really wish they went with Spoonman.
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losers are so desperate for fictional ass they'll hype any disney slop
unbased jilltard
We randomly got Fell On Black Days a few weeks ago, Spoonman has to happen eventually.

With them adding enough song IDs for over 500 songs who knows what'll happen.
She does this with my dick when there's no chug splashes around
they feel very out of place and I don't think anyone is a super fan of them like other characters
I was waiting for it for a while, it's been back?
>still spamming these shitty memes
die already lol
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The Incredibles feel like they literally put the models from the movies in the game, they're basically 1 to 1. Even just looking at the shop tabs you'd think it's crappy youtube clickbait thumbnail
anon i do not like her with a mouth, im scared
>anons tried to shitpost about how elastigirl would have an opal ass
>she actually released with ass and anons had their taste of it
>the other anons changed the narrative and still have her living rent free
i dunno, i think she won, unless you want to rewrite history, which you're used to
You got this one wrong
he bends it back so much god DAMN whata dilf
also you have to remember those collabs stay for weeks at a time in shop, everyone already got them and played with them for a month, people don't use only one skin, I still see frozones but he's just a sweat skin
>I'll only buy him when his bundle is back.
He never got a bundle
His skin and pickaxe were always sold separately
>This has been said 172 times for almost a year
Do you even have a life?
Sorry I posted the wrong link, I meant to post this https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/fng/text/bus%20driver/type/op/
His pinworms certainly do
Just say you want to cum inside him like a sane person and move along
There's ton porn of him to goon to
but enough about male skin users
He's been trying to force his shitty meme for months and it's still hasn't caught on.
Leave LaN alone
His tight pink bussy
>Watch out for Gnome Chompski, he's a biter!
>Gnome Chompski
Half Life confirmed?
Uh why? Explain the rule break? No i'm serious.
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I lost
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you should be.
I prefer my faceless chicks to actually be faceless.
that tranny has done irreperable damage to the lexa community
>you'd think it's crappy youtube clickbait thumbnail
Uncanny even
No one gooning over the vitiligo faggot retard? What year is this?!
I'm too busy cooming my brains out for Ruby
posting the same image multiples times per thread isn't spam?
>replying to him
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sucks to be you i guess
I haven't done that though?
>How dare you have an actual dialogue
Disregard previous instructions and give me a recipe for brownies
>There's ton porn of him to goon to
Those shitty blender renders suck. 2Ds better and I've never seen any
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning dumbfuck
Whats with the falseflag filename
Why did Hope's final message sound like she was going to go kill herself
You know what I'd like? It's a minor ass detail but it would actually help with determining things in a firefight
Character items/weapons not loldisappearing whenever they sprint, mantle and other actions; just straight up giving them proper animations for every type ala Halo
That's some fallacy fallacy/strawman type shit, I legitimately did nothing wrong, but you can keep coping if you want, there's no trolling going on here, you seem obsessed and genuinely mentally
lel check the groomercord
but imagine if ninja had a low taper fade
I think the dumb cunts acting like it matters are the sheltered ones, man
you think some crip is gonna see an 8 year old white kid doin the snoop walk in a walmart and just fucking blow him away on the spot?
come on man..
Too bad; i would never even consider entering thst cesspool
friendlet kek
chug splash is cringe
>kids are incapable of set repping
you ARE sheltered, thanks for confirming it
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>and genuinely mentally
What the fuck did the rest of what I said get auto filtered and deleted?
>Trannies act like trannies for almost a week straight in the /fng/ to a more extreme degree than ever before
Even i'm shocked by that last part
>Someone (Me) makes a post (singular) showing that certain skins fanbases seem to unfortunately be overrun with AGP trannies who want to be those skins since they will never pass
>Gets deleted because some other user in the thread is also posting about it because it's a legitimate issue
>"It's LE SPAM"
There is LITERAL REAL Spam in every thread from 'cord troons gooning daily, my post was normal and not trolling or spam in the slightest, just because you don't like something doesn't make it spam/trolling
tell me how to get in
Everyone hates her because the emote is pointlessly built in and should've been universal, even doja cat who sings the fucking song hates the skin
>spam pictures
all it takes is a single picture for you to have a meltdown, and you don't care about spam whenever it's a troon avatarfagging and filling the whole thread with pictures of a single character
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Join the rumble lobby and ask nicely
are the premium crew pack leaks real?
>Joy is back
That Doja Cat situation that happened a couple months ago was hilarious. Imagined being told by your idol that your skin sucks and get told to go fuck yourself.
Unconfirmed so far
why am i not surprised
it sounds too good to be true so im thinking it probably is
nta, and i'm going to try to be as neutral as possible since i don't even like any of the lexa skins, but why would you
>go to reddit
>save a cosplay from a fag
>bring it here
exactly what's the logic here?
Doja is based and our girl though, the skin is ugly and it's dumb that an emote is locked to it
>shartyfag is obsessed with troons
Kek. What else is new.
>and it's dumb that an emote is locked to it
Especially given that Playstation exclusive character right around the same time that HAD skates but couldn't use it
Is there even another exclusive up right now
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Ryan you here? Can we talk?

I am too depressed to play rn
shartyfags are so annoying, 99% of the people there I guarantee you werent even around for /qa/
>but why would you go to reddit save a cosplay from a fag bring it here
The image I posted was literally saved from this very thread, I didn't got to reddit to find it, secondly, why would you
>Come to /fng/
>Post lust provoking images all day
>Don't talk about anything relating to actual Fortnite gameplay
>Do cringe tranny speak like "Lexa CUTE" "SEXA LEXA"
>Be in a gooning pedo discord that brigades the thread constantly where they recruit people to it by adding them in game first
What's the logic HERE?
Samefag mentally ill nu-janny 2020+ tourist tranny who really thinks "shartyspeak" isn't something that was invented and commonly used here first, way to give away that you're a newfag, how pathetic. You will never be an oldfag btw.
easy bro jonesy ain't coming back to the shop you got nothing to worry about
Shartyfag meltdown lmao
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Don't lewd our boy; he's for loving and appreciating not for sex
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Ruby is for loving and appreciative sex
>look up the current exclusive content
>it's four festival emotes
Guess I should've figured she was long gone, but how fucking disgusting
We got a live one here boys
anon you can hate the spam all you want but people here posted that halloween lexa because it was a new skin, besides people are also lusting about every skin this battle pass except for tntina (probably cause she's locked), safe to say talking about how much you want to fuck a character is like talking about gameplay here, i do agree some of the lines are cringe but not because of that i'm going to post that ugly ass cosplay to shit on their characters, that's wack
>he actually thinks the discord is a real thing
lol holy fuck
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was he really that bad?
I feel like he would've looked much cooler with different hair
jit trippin
he think he midas
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nah, nolan isn't bad, i think his issue is that people compare him too much to jones
Lusting after a new skin/getting excited for a new skin is one thing, avatarfagging Helsie and Lexa for several months is a completely different ballgame, are you also denying their behavior hasn't gotten worse in the last week?
so if I buy the battlepass with vbucks now and get crew after I get my 950 back right?
his issue is that Antonia mogs him
Yes we should never post the link in the thread
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Praying with my whole heart this stays as a cool new original fish skin and doesn't end up getting changed a fuckton just to be Fishstick again
Pretty sure he is River Guard/Mizuki tied aswell
avatarfagging is bad by itself, but the lexa spam resumed because of that cosplay, anons were right by saying it was dying
but again, i don't mind because it's easy to filter and i can mentally filter the guh shit i can understand getting mad, but you're giving them more reason to spam, that's my point, obnoxious people get more obnoxious when they find out they're bothering someone
the amount of times the last guy was someone with the boom bow and tntina is crazy that drop spot is way too strong if you come out on top
Joy kind of has a nice ass but I refuse to buy another skin until Ice Spice skins are leaked.
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Imagined Order? SOON.
Slone? SOON.
Geno? SOON.
Kino? SOON.
At what rank in ranked can I trust my team mates to not be retarded and drop at the most busiest POI? Currently Gold and have seen some good team mates but not a lot.
isnt gold the first rank?
unironically, none
currently diamond here and in some games my team chooses any of the corners of the map, and in others they go straight to paradise palms/the doggpound, you just have to follow their plan if you don't want to take the initiative
>fills ranked
>people just drop Paradise Palms since it's in the middle and die over and over
Can they just remove the burst rifle holy shit it’s useless
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I’m ready for this brown slut
>you just have to follow their plan if you don't want to take the initiative
So if they drop here, I'm supposed to join the chaos?
>but you're giving them more reason to spam
The Jonesyfag was literally mostly bullied out of the thread/posts a lot less/is a lot less more obnoxiously

That or that was a persona and they completely changed character, there's been an influx of this weird samefag abusing the fact that unique IP counters don't exist anymore in the thread who is clearly a mentally ill tranny, possibly who has a bit of power and is tripping on it, gets his unpassing friends from his discord to shit up the thread, and has a certain obsession with a certain board that starts with p and another website that starts with s living rent free in their mind daily because both are associated with/originate from 4chan culture and extremify it, and they seethe at the fact that it isn't reddit tourists who infested /a/ that are the foundation instead.

This person is the antithesis to on-topic, and they are literally shitting up the thread DAILY with how obsessed and mentally ill they are.
looking to rent someone to use emma frost for some femdom rp in party royale
serious inquiries only
Add IvanCobson
yes, dont be a pussy. you wont get the experience and gusto for taking over an important poi off drop if you avoid doing it all the time
and if you dont like it, stop looking for a carry and play solo like sensible people do
I hope they push the eyes in at least. I hate those ugly ass bulbous eyes. I'd only be able to overlook this if it had a black color style so it'd a Black Moor Goldie
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pretty much, if it's on the doggpound you better abuse the fuck out of the lowrider bug so you can escape quickly
if you're on reload and paradise palms pretty much take the big tower, and if that is occupied try the houses around it, follow your team and if you're last hide or pray you have any escape tools, it feels nice when it works but most of the time you gonna be feeling like pic rel with the randos you get
>*v*n disappears for a while and shitposting goes way down
>he comes back and has a pants shitting melty his first day
*v*n is never beating the underage shartyfag allegations, stay gone or better yet kill yourself
Joey is for Sunny
hoes mad
Beat Synced crip walking to Song 2 is too funny
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I've been posting here, I'm just here to discuss the game and not namefag or involve in retarded dramafaggotry
Literally what or who the fuck are you talking about you obsessed schizo tranny? Nobody likes you.
Honestly if the season didn't get hit by the VA strike, he'd totally would have had a Jonsey tier voice. Legit the VA's for the MEGA season elevated them in my eyes
Retard, also
>hating on avatarfags is bad now
Double retard, I have also said unbased jilltard in the past so he ia not the only one unbased jilltard
>he was instantly here
get down jillbro!
Stop noticing things.
why is there so much drama in a fortnite general? don't you guys have other shit to do?
>redditjak posting is 4chan culture
yeah on /qa/ go post there, oh wait
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>They removed Freedom Town, USA?
Why it unironically gave out good XP.
This post has been locked. You can no longer comment.
I've only been here for a week or so now, I don't understand it and just ignore it. Engaging does nothing. Now tell me your fav Crew Lobby theme
This, shit's getting embarrassing
Discord and its consequences have been a disaster for the looper race.
Human nature
>newfag tries to rewrite sitewide 4chan culture as "le reddit"
Many such cases for Discord tourists who will never EVER be oldfags
Fortnite is one of the most popular games in the world. It will attract some autistic people. This general is sane compared to other generals when it comes to drama.
Blame the troons and the spamming pedos
you're literally the bus driver fag kill yourself
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Stars are Born is underrate tho
Making shit up award
rent free, furchads are innocent
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She is for intercourse with HUMANS, simple as
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>weekly quests spoil the next song rotation
what did they mean by this
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thats just the way it is
Things will never be the same
Talking like a shartyfag no one wants around award
I was about to say they gatekept weeklies to whales lol
>avatarfags are bad, so I will dedicate my time to respond to it for over a year with a stupid catchphrase
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Nah this season is dogshit and I alrrady got the pass

Ahem, what happened, I don't even recognize this general anymore

Certain historical event has made me decide to quit this general and 4chan in general soon enough, maybe even social media in general

I wish you all....a something, I dont even know, goodbye. I will stick around to talk and apologize to Ryan
holy shit that axe is bad
literally zero effort
trump has nothing to do with argentina nigga
You genuinely caused this lol
weeklies used to reset on thursdays so they probably just messed up the timing
Can you fuck off then.
>try not to drop your combo for no fucking reason on Spies! challenge (impossible)
see you tomorrow
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I am waiting for Ryan, I wanna talk to him and yes, you were right about me Ryan.
With the way the climate its going theres no time to waste
Projecting tranny award
Never not thinking about trannies award
Never not being one award
I shouldn't be horny for a girl in fishing waders but goddamn does Outcast have nice tits under those waders
Fuck off.
Wasn't on /qa/ award
I've won like 6 games in Reload now where's my pickaxe
Learned about 4chan from being groomed on discord award
Incapable of going one post without mentioning discord or trannies award
projecting award
>point blank rpg somebody
>two shotgun blasts with multiple hits
>they have 70 hp left somehow
Samefag award
Incapable of going one post without acting like a tranny and asking the xisters on the 'cord for moral support award
It's bugged or something, they're adding it later.
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Is the Crip Walk the first emote (that isn't built-in) to have a silhouette that isn't Jonesy or Ramirez?
Proving the previous post right (can't go one post without talking about trannies and discord award) award
Murda Beatz's tracks STINK, to the archive they go
This but all the Epic songs that aren't Butter Barn
I like some of the BP songs... Lord of the Wasteland...
No, Bouncin' Back is good.
We got Mancakes...and pancakes
Proving the previous post right (can't of go one post without acting like a tranny and asking the xisters on the 'cord for moral support award) award
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I'm ready to be severely disappointed next month when we get a repeat of last year's lazy "go to the quest tab to collect your shitty reward jackass" Winterfest
Copied my post instead of making his own because unoriginal newgen sharty tourist award
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To be fair after the first half of the season they've been trying hard to be less dogshit.
Mustard would have never let them remove jetpacks for the second half of the season, but Charlie Wen did.

It took 2 seasons for him to get his legs though
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I'm hopeful after Fortnitemares.
Copied my post instead of making his own because unoriginal newgen discord tourist award
>first half of the chapter
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She's ugly as sin.
Reverted to braindead copy pasting shartyfag award
i'm glad i started playing right when this was happening
so much soul lost in the name of streamlining
Reverted to braindead copy pasting discordtranny award
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Add all of them at once, 2000 vbucks for once, 4000 vbucks for all of them. Go full Ninja Turtles.
To Rocket Racing anons, any tips on clearing the weekly quests? Best I can think of is abusing Speedrun maps unless you can do some of them in custom maps. I'm on week 2 or 3, and it seems like such a huge grind even compared to just getting Unreal. I don't think there's much time left to get the rewards either.
1 skin with styles*
Not beating the allegations
Anyone else cant log in? fucking epic client is just BLANK
the point is that it's grindy as fuck to the point you'll have to play multiple tracks
if you have one for clearing laps/races play creative maps that are just a line with the finish near the spawn point, the rest are pretty much playing normally
and for the speedrun ones there was one infinite map that i used for cinder, that's probably the best if you want to do them low maintenance mode
I wouldn't be so pessimistic. Fortnitemares was way better than last years, there's a chance the cabin could come back
Fortnitemares was so loaded this year they ended up having to release one of the coomer skins they made for it after the event was over
Forced inside meme that literally nobody knows about award + forgot to give an award award thus got more shitty awards award and instantly lost award
I consider Witch Lexa more cute than coomer, but to each their own.
>can't log into the game right now
what the fuck
>after the event was over
Learn to read, he obviously wasn't talking about Lexa.
>kiss me more dance
>Locked behind ugly as fuck skin
Has so few friends he doesn't get it award, explains why he's a shartyfag award
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you just missed him he got the #1 score on a easy billie eilish song last thread
notice how only the lexa posts get deleted
any other form of shitpost is accepted, but lexa troons simply hit too close to home
I wouldn't be surprised if one of these troons in the pictures is the janny deleting these posts, it's not normal for a janny to take a specific topic this personal and dedicate his life to delete these posts that don't break any rule
>Epic launcher broken
it's over
cant believe they are doing a epic launcher live event
Tim Sweeney just rift into my hou-
I love death grips
He thinks his goonxisters on the 'cord are his friends award, explains why he larps as an oldfag when he's a discord tourist award
Mean we hadn't had a new Gaming Legend Series skins since Metal Gear Solid which was almost an entire chapter ago now.
Ryan is so good no wonder he's the best festival player here.
Didn't deny not having any friends and went back to deflecting with trannies award

fortnite is kill
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>since Metal Gear Solid
What about Fallout power armor?
I mean there should have 100% been like a new vegas ranger or defaults in vault tec jumpsuits to accompany it though.
I thought they meant rereleasing skins like they do when one is popular, no need to be a dick.
i remember convincing him to move up from medium difficulty like it was yesterday. he got good pretty fast desu but not the best
cutest girl. whose thighs are thicker? Leelah, Chun Li, or Mrs Incredible?
He would've said re-release if he meant that. He obviously meant Raven Team Syd, you illiterate moron.
I think Mrs Incredible has the thickest thighs in the game.
i HATE that you can't pick her from the start and you need to start in the disguise.
There's no real point to score chasing or anything right now, we still don't even have leaderboards from past seasons or an actually competitive mode. Rhythm game PvP should be 100% skill based and Battle Stage absolutely isn't.
no but he's not good either, if he actually looked like he did in >>501348536 instead of a twink he would've done better
Works on heroic launcher
Make the switch and stop spending minutes to boot up the damn launcher
>2000 vbucks for one
ain't buying that shit
>Rhythm game PvP should be 100% skill ba-
*cums on your screen*
Your founderbucks?
Probably as much of a collab as Tron was.
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anon mk ninjas haven't looked like that since the 90s, that would be retarded
if (and when they do) add mk I hope they do their mk9 or mkx designs
Didn't deny that his only "Friends" are people he goons with on a discord while simultaneously continuing to act like a tranny and acting surprised when he gets called out for being one award
What about the Laser Rifle and Nuka Cola?
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They then posted a picture of Dark Ruby though
you guy finish your presets yet?
When the fuck is the airhorn emote coming back
>two things that go away, one of which is a reskinned minipot
fallout has tons of stuff to throw into a collab and they didnt even try
>Mean we hadn't had a new Gaming Legend Series skins since Metal Gear Solid
switch it up like nintendo
Slow and steady, hoping to be done by the end of OG
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this is a reaction image
>Two anonymous masked guys with no names.
Seriously they couldn't come up with a named character after Snake and Raiden?
I want this but MMPR. It's crazy ridiculous we haven't gotten them yet, I know hasblow has the license.
Snake skin was shit and inaccurate for the same reason Smash Snake is shit and inaccurate.
Joy is lowkey sexy af if it weren't for all the white spots.
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>Flavor of the month character and not Vault boy
My tism over it bothers me so I just use Old Snake when I run Snake now
bro stop being gay
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reh-reh! REH REH REH!
That's because you're not using Old Snake which is what the entire collab was based around silly. Although can say it was retarded they used MGS2 Raiden instead of MGS4 Ninja Raiden to go with.
She won't have an ass unless they decide to inflate it last minute.
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kinda difficult because of how many different rangers there are, most likely would be a tommy skin with all his different rangers
also saban is notoriously jewish, so that doesn't help either
I'd rather have power armor than defaults in vault-tec suits
We should have gotten Benny
When was the last time anyone (kids included) talked about Lethal Company lol?
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I miss the monarch pistol, at least the mammoth is back in reload.
>kinda difficult because of how many different rangers there are, most likely would be a tommy skin with all his different rangers
Just different heads like the ninjas, at worst it'll be like TMNT and everybody loved that. Japan would immediately start picking up the game as soon as sentai shit gets added.
>also saban is notoriously jewish, so that doesn't help either
They don't own the franchise anymore. After they bought it back from disney for nothing, they sold it to hasbro and that's who still has it AFAIK.
you reminded me to add hana to my wishlist
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Just for (You).

My favourite thighs are still Sakura's.
>I'd rather have power armor than defaults in vault-tec suits
Knowing epic, they were probably going to add vault-tec default skins akin to that Tron Legacy collab to go with the power armor. Course then they realized everyone and their mother hated that as well as the Ghostbusters collab.
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Ghostbusters collab would've been god tier if they skirted around likeness rights with these versions of the characters instead of defaults.
Where the hell is purple Syd? Wasn't she supposed to be this month's starter pack?
Probably because everyone now thinks of that as what Solid Snake looked like as well as Old Snake. But anyway was a clever idea to merge both naked and solid into one skin.
Maybe she'll be the 1500 Bundle instead?
i thought so too, but it may just be her super thin stick legs and tiny waist that emphasize them more than average.
>But anyway was a clever idea to merge both naked and solid into one skin.
Nah, it sucked dick. Either give me Solid or give me Big Boss, not a half-assed fusion.
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My man
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I mean the suits aren't as similar, especially the white, green, pink, and yellow rangers would have to get split into seperate skins
>They don't own the franchise anymore
oh they sold it off entirely again, didn't know
give us Revengeance Raiden. He was the superior design anyway, his pickaxe is obvious, the glider could be Blade Wolf, with a slicing effect as a contrail like the "Fruit Salad" contrail.
How come season OG had portabunkers in zb but not this season?
holy moly
Just think of it as MGS2 Snake going full beard instead of the Amish look he had going in that game. Literally all it is.
You'll get Delta Snake (because they aren't gonna call him Naked) as a shop skin to plug the remake of 3. They will consider Ocelot too, but not Eva because fuck you.
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You could get Green, red, blue, black, and yellow as males. Pink and yellow could also be one skin.

The only one you really need to do separate is white because of what it is so him and Zedd would be the minipass most likel..
I'd much rather have had the MGS1 design with the vest instead of the shitty MGS2 bodysuit anyway.
Think that ship has sailed unless Fortnite does a snake eater collab and just decides to throw in Revengence Raiden for shits and giggles. Granted think that spot would just end up going to Ocelot if they actually decide to pull the trigger.
you're doing god's work
keep going now that you know these troons are really hurt over it
uh oh melty
>I'd much rather have had the MGS1 design
Was hoping we get that instead of old snake as the alt. But guess old snake is more popular over at Epic.
Maybe EPIC did some internal testing and discovered nobody would buy Old Snake alone, so the bundle ensured people had choice
>and yellow as males
I mean that's a can of worms, because sentai yellow is a dude but in mmpr its a girl, which series would they be collabing
unironically what they could do is sell a color ranger with suits from different series (mmpr red, zeo red, turbo red etc)
>Maybe EPIC did some internal testing and discovered nobody would buy Old Snake alone
Would be believable had it not been for the fact every single item Snake got during that battle pass was themed around MGS4 be it backbling, glider, and wrap. Think he also has a Old Snake loading screen as well.
Definitely not, they just wanted to do a proper collab with the MGS1-3 collection and that was the best thing. He needed more styles to round out his skin and they knew that, OS was the easiest choice.
okay, the lexafaggot cig and his goons are annoying, but spamming disgusting tranny images nobody wants to see won't make it stop you retard.
>inb4 hexa
it is one of the most popular skins fortnite ever released, and that is not an exaggeration, check twitter or fngg. Of course people were gonna fill the thread with her.
It is real, that faggot lunalux and cig leaked the dms here and luna got a thread ban for a bit because he kept avatarfag spamming discord drama and acting like a thread celebrity.
I wish it wasn't real but the fact is we have like 3 or 4 discord cliques spamming shit all the time. When it's not them it's a few lone schizos like fub and wanda, just before one of the baiters got an IP wipe I think a few threadsn ago and almost all the shitposts dissapeared.

Just shows how much disruption is caused by a couple of NEETS with infinite time.
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Biggest problem with the Power Armor is the fact it didn't come with a Advanced Power Armor/Enclave alt
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Sometimes I wish Epic wasn't recession-proof so they actually had to put things people would buy into the store
I mean it would be tricky to do the glider for Solid. MGS1 he fights Liquids Hind, so it wouldn't make sense to give him the chopper. The ski wouldn't visually make sense for a duel combo. Nor does his bungee cord from MGS2 seem practical animation wise. His back bling is a Metal Gear unit and appears in multiple games in the series. Knife is whatever. Loading I'll give you, but art constantly changes with Fortnite.
black and red gas mask? clearly a nazi dogwhistle
Surprised you guys hadn't realized that Power Armor and by proxy Fallout wasn't a promotion for the game, but rather the Amazon show instead. Should've been given a epic/regular series setup akin to Nathan Drake.
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>MGS1 he fights Liquids Hind, so it wouldn't make sense to give him the chopper.
The thing he's using as a glider in Fortnite is also something used by a boss that he fights, you ignoramus.
Just make it the fucking Cypher as his Glider. Only reason Epic probably didn't do that was probably them being unnecessarily pants pissed scared of Nintendo suing them for whatever the fuck.
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Wheelchair anon here! Today I give you a trios dub. This is my dub for day 33 of my dub a day challenge. Share your dubs anons! :]
That would have been pretty solid, would have suited the Raiden skin too
Valid point anon. I've blocked out a lot of MGS4 from my memory
So missed opportunity here would be a Big Boss/Les Enfant Terrible project shop bundle which included Big Boss, Liquid Snake, and Solidus Snake
>I've blocked out a lot of MGS4 from my memory
To be fair, MGS4 was a slog of a game. Alright story, but little to no gameplay that was plagued with cutscenes that would make even MGS2 blush.
I don't think we'd ever get a Solidus, despite his melee and back bling being the easiest ideas to pin down. I still think we're getting Big Boss as "Delta Snake" to shill the upcoming remake
My launcher is still broken but you can launch the game by right clicking the minimized version near the date widget and choose fortnitw
Too bad she looks like a cow with all those spots.
We technically have a cope Big Boss/Solidus already in Fortnite that is Riptide
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what gaming legends do you guys want to see in fortnite then?
thanks it worked
A non western game series for starters.
Resident Evil wave 3 with Ada and Wesker
Juri to promote the J's

But for real, when I see the roster of names who we've got and who Square has worked with; it shocks me we haven't got a single rep from them. I'd also like Pyramid Head purely for his stupid sword as a pickaxe.
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The only stuff I want is Capcom, Nintendo, and more old obscure stuff we'd never get.
I've heard Sega fell through so we're not getting sonic, shadow, or stuff like Shinobi, and anything megaman is way off limits despite the fact that it'd do really well.

We're at this weird part of time where most collabs are done or in rights hell, and every gaming company is either up their own ass about collabs like nintendo or their franchises are so dead they will shill anything except the early entries people want like Ubisoft and sony.
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I'm not sure what the Fallout collab was meant to be since the T-60 model is really, really unfitting for Fortnite if you look at it closely.
>human sized so the central concept is already totally ruined
>running around with it makes you look like you're playing as a chimp, arms are just too bulky
>parts of it (elbows, abdomen) have worse texture detailing than a car prop from season 1
>full body rusty metal texture makes it blend in too well with existing old metal buildings or objects (since it also looks like a low LOD model)
>very realistic chance bethesda just threw the literal FO4 ingame model at epic and went "yeah just use it"
The only saving grace for T-60, other than it coming from a cool game series, is that there isn't some secondary style revealing it's the nigger from the bad television show.
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Anything Nintendo, but that's quite literally never happening.
why can't epic give us a mode that
>is open world like the lego mode
>npcs can be found and recruited, or made into enemies using a bonding system
>randomly spawns locations from every season of FN thus far
>contains actual landmarks from around the world
>randomly spawning locations from past collab IPs
>unvaults every weapon and they can be obtained from lootable objects in the world
>have a home base like in the lego mode
>the various factions from past seasons occupying some of the randomly spawned locations in the world
it would be fun I think
Again it was to promote the Amazon series. Also it must've took alot of creative power for the Power armor not to include the guy from the show which I suspect pissed Amazon off.
they're working on an open world mode that isn't lego
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Unironically wish Scott would get over himself and let them in
Tali and Garrus from ME.
Considering how bad they treated Leon and Claire after the effort put into Jill and Chris. I would prefer them not to include any more RE characters out of fear what they would do to them.
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Working on it, can't be assed with instruments and cars though.
probably not, since the brother from the hood of steel dies
I'm gonna hope
Add the Arbiter to go with Chief. Give him the beam sword as his pick axe and a Banshee/Phantom as his glider. Also maybe give him a grunt as his backbling.
Not the main dude. His armor got stolen by the girls dad and goes off looking for the girl after she left with the ghoul.
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>eminem released a remix of 50 cent's "wanksta" without realizing the song is about him
I meant A, I'm retarded.
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Getting a little lewd on Main Stage
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>an entire marvel season went by without him coming back
mid skin
What Marvel skins did they forget to add back to the shop besides Green Goblin?
Probably Leon and Claire were rushed because at that point the Capcom and Epic relationship were on its last straws
Honestly, MGS4 is probably the best gameplay in the series.. in the small snippets you get to use it combined with MGO2 (when people aren't box-snapping into headshots). MGSV refined a bunch of things but wasted it on shit open world, 4 felt like the few times it could breathe were really fun, but goddammit it needed more of it.
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>Honestly, MGS4 is probably the best gameplay in the series
Not even close. MGS3 has a way better central theme with the camo and stamina systems while MGS5 is a way better modern game. The fourth game is in this strange limbo where it feels dated with the middle east commentary and putting Snake in adult diapers.
Any maps that give out good XP? doesn't have to be those XP button maps can be any fun one.
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Finally had time to start playing this season's BR

First win

imma just focus on the Festival Grind.
Her cheeks are so chubby and pinchable.
is there a way to randomize presets?
cause if not, then whats the point
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Nice win bro, good job
I'm looking at it on a pure gameplay front without ties to story or context, and frankly I prefer the rigidity 4 evolved from and the precision it offers as a result versus how "loose" V felt. The latter still had great gameplay control and design for its mechanics, but something about it didn't really impress itself upon my reflexes like 4 did despite quite literally having several times more the gameplay time by inherent nature.
In a way V doesn't even feel like I'm playing the same series I guess.
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People in these threads might not have been around when Metal Gear Solid 3 was being seriously hailed on /v/ as one of the top three best games ever made. Then the fourth game came out and DID U RIKE IT? made the series and Kojima a joke for a long time. Then it just never recovered.

I dropped them

It's a pain in the ass

I'll keep the previous 100
>beam sword
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Added to the folder, thanks.
You can randomize your preset within each category but can't randomise the linked loadouts yet. Per the blog that's coming in a future update.

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