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the Large Woman carries the game


>Launch Trailer
>Official full OST

>Regarding Final Omega Strikers Updates

>Steam page

>Check rank & stats by username here:

>Check ranked match history by username here:

>Mega dump of emotes, models, etc.

>Latest Balance Patch

>/omg/ Cup tournament archives

>/omg/ Custom Games Sheet

>/omg/ Aggie archive

>Previous thread
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Don't forget to leave a birthday present for Finii.
Better late than never.
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Whenever you're think you're unlucky, remember this.

Birthday girl isn't having a good day!
Meanwhile Kazan it allowed to unscore with his hook even if core is touched the back wall of the goalbox.
Estelle could've teleported,
Finii could've saved secondary and used it here instead,
Juno could've jumped back,
Rune could've placed a pillar,
Vyce could've teleported,
Luna, Rasmus and Zen could've ulted
nah it's game logic going into play there and kazan wouldn't have saved it either. The difference is pulling that shot as finii requires some good control while kazan is a braindead click
>finii goalie
wew, I just noticed [OTHER GAME] doesn't have a general anymore, yet /omg/ lives
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Why didn’t you copy the title of the last thread?
I'd rather celebrate large woman than disparage kazan
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I'm aware, but it's not /here/
no, no. not that title, although yea kill all kaxan players
the post title
>/vm/ allows generals
>/vmg/ doesn't
Mods are fucking retarded and should all kill themselves
we are barely surviving
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Too stinky...
Can't resist the pheromones. Must breed.
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1/9 EU
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>Europe has fallen, millions must strike
goodnight to both of you
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That's a lie! They removed the ip count you can't know how many of us are here!
We both know it's only you and me here
(You) wanna have gay sex, then? :3
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ggs customs, they're stilling ongoing with at least 10 people but I'm going to sleep.
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I don't know why steam records my cursor like this
you could tell it to not record cursor
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I don't see that setting anywhere. It only does it for omega strikers so far anyways.
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NA had customs what?
It’s funny that you’re proud of that
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Can't believe Trump saved NA customs.
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Vyce telefragged her.
Bros what the fuck why did aesop buff era so she can just delete you from the game???
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Bros I did it
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You did it!
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bullying rasmus and kazan on aimi's app!
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are you ready for NA hours?
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Not so fast. White people haven't had their customs yet.
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why did aimi goalie fall out of favor? I feel like I never see her at goalie anymore
luna goalie still exists so it wasn't the size changes
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They swapped to finii.
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GGs, fellow Evropeans. Your turn, amerifatties.
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They can't get it up two days in a row I bet
>evrope only had customs because americans helped them
won 2 world wars and keeping your customs alive
lol I've never seen the original version of the drawing before
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Over this game but still can’t leave
Why not trying going under the game?
I keep running into aimi midfielders who constantly teleport away from the core without even striking it. what is this
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Getting hit by the core is scary!
and I keep getting into games where I'm forced into a forward role, but I have to come back and midfield because my midfielder is doing a bad job. it would probably be better just to pick a better character and double midfield all the time.
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Ranked experience right here
If you aren’t gettings kos every single round there is just no reason to play forward strikers.
Midfielders are better at scoring than forwards are at midfielding so if you’re only relying on yourself it’s just the optimal choice.
forward mains are the most oppressed majority
i keep getting games where i have to play forward... As goalie. None of my teammates go past the midfield
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If I take meth with adderal and coffee my reaction will improve so much that I become the best striker in the world
I've calculated their posts and it's way faster than us. Fuck....
Of course. This place is only kept alive by some very obsessed and deranged individuals after all. Like japanese soldiers who got stuck on islands for some 30 years and didn't know the war was over (and lost) long ago.
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Quality over quantity. Just like the games.
i honestly wish i could get quality games
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I played with a Zentaro last night that didn't bother trying for KOs at all
I ended up picking up like 5 KOs as a fucking Estelle *while also* maneuvering to setup goal stuffs
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Alcoholic Nao here.

I unironically think most of the pro-leagues are on Adderal or Meth or Coke. Literally when I sedate myself with drugs of Coffee I perform incredibly well in this game. It's unnatural.
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Not to mention, most of the pro-leagues are some of the most laid-back individuals I know. Perhaps my cynicism is to blame, but at the same time, it lines up.
well at least you’ve finally admitted you have a problem
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I've always admitted I have a problem, foolish boy. Just like every Noble-Born does. Unlike them, I don't hide the fact. I'll be blatant and honest with you.
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>I admitted I had a problem, just like every noble-born
>I dont hide it like they do tho
You’re drinking right now, aren’t you? Day drinking is very un-noble like. Id be embarrassed if i were you
I hit pro league and I can say no drugs were involved in that process. I'll say at least Adderall is a less harmful boomer drug than estrogen
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No. I'm painfully hungover. But well enough to get MVP and stand on my feet.

Good. I don't use estrogen either.
you sure you don’t?
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Just because I'm naturally cute, smol, slim and sexy doesn't mean it's artificial.
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just played against a luna who was doing loop-de-loops during rocket ride
new tech??
the only drug you need is something either to forget or dull the pain of the absolute dogshit team you get along the way
I love you
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I really dislike playing forward because when I do, and I'm trying to pressure the goalie my midfielder frequently stands *behind me* instead of moving forward to stand above or below me
This means I have no one to pass to to try to pull the goalie out of position or to bait out cooldowns, so it's me vs the goalie's full arsenal and often the enemy forward or mid as well
and then my team gets upset that I can't score. motherfuckers *do something*!!!
controller bug. 60+ ping required, press primary + secondary at same time, do this twice rapidly. timing heavily varies depending on ping
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stupid whore
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that explains why they almost never used the primary. was funny to watch though
>my Estelle played second goalie and we lost a free game
shit nigger fuck
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Luna is just weird
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>my atlas goalie didnt use his special to save me or the other mate one single time
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but the cooldown is so long! what if someone is at risk of dying while it's on cooldown?
>Two mediocre forwards
>One Juno cheesing every single one of her abilities
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It takes skill to cheese with juno unless it's 100% blobbo ai, and if it's blobbo ai that's a skill issue because you shouldn't be passing to them.
but they're open
I just hate her dash to be honest
Juno? More like jew nigger. I mean goo nigger. I mean jew nigger. More like no jew. If you get what I mean.
>It takes skill to cheese
genuinely how stupid do you have to be to write such an utterly wrong statement
What's more viable strategy: banning Kazan and alt+f4'ing zentroons or banning Zentranny and alt+f4'ing kazaniggers?
banning vyce or jewno since she’s way more common than both those guys and just altf4ing whenever you see those two niggers even in customs
Why would you bother banning Vyce when Finii and Luna exist?
Finii is only good on demon dais and her playerbase is filled with drooling retards. same with luna, drooling retards. vyce is the only one of the 3 where you can be a drooling retard and still come out on top
>waaah juno used her leap to leap over the core and strike while in midair and I couldn't stop her because she was untargetable
You mean she perfectly timed the use of her ability and read where you would be sending the core so she was over it at the right time?
>waah junos blobbos keep interferring
You mean she's putting them in good spots and you're not doing anything about it?
>waaah she stopped my coreflip with the blobbo that she leaves when she leaps
You mean she read you like a book?
how about just quitting the game forever, dumb faggot
>juno leap
also leaves behind a hitbox that will chase the core so it’s an entirely risk free read on the jewno’s side. also its invincible and has zero win-up so again, no risk when it comes to fishing for reads every time.
>implying spamming creations everywhere takes any amount of effort or skill
>stopped coreflip with blobbo
the fact that jewnos even go for this proves they cannot 2nd strike and need the game to do it for them.
you are playing a character that by design patronizes you. you are being babied and you’re so caught up in your own ego you can’t see it. it’s incredible, really. this mental delusion should be studied
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>no risk
they could miss and unless you send the core directly at them the blobbo doesn't always catch it.
put the blobbos in the wrong spot and they can even help the enemy. She gotta put em in the right spot.
>stopped coreflip with rune pillar
the fact that roons even go for this proves they cannot 2nd strike and need the game to do it for them.
>stopped coreflip with log
>stopped coreflip with tofu
the fact that dubus even go for this proves they cannot 2nd strike and need the game to do it for them.
>stopped coreflip with shield
the fact that ashers even go for this proves they cannot 2nd strike and need the game to do it for them.
>stopped coreflip with barrier
the fact that atlass even go for this proves they cannot 2nd strike and need the game to do it for them.
>stopped coreflip with turret
the fact that aimmis even go for this proves they cannot 2nd strike and need the game to do it for them.
>stopped coreflip with tornado
the fact that eras even go for this proves they cannot 2nd strike and need the game to do it for them.
>stopped coreflip with barrage
the fact that kais even go for this proves they cannot 2nd strike and need the game to do it for them.
>stopped coreflip with triangle
the fact that naos even go for this proves they cannot 2nd strike and need the game to do it for them.

skill issue. Get blobbod.
>skill issue
if you have nothing to say then don’t waste my time writing this drivel.
also a mobility ability shouldn’t be able to point blank stop the core with no wind-up like that. jewno can jump away and set up for offense while also blocking the core which is bullcrap. the other abilities you mentioned don’t do that, they just block. and they also don’t make you invincible
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>Get back from playing
>Idle comment I made spawned an entire Juno fight
It was like we were a real general for a while.
basically everyone knows the 1-2 wallout combos now and are always looking to use them
I guess it makes playing against Juliettes a little less obnoxious since you have to be on your guard *all* the time instead of only just against her
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They should release a new character with a 1 wallout combo to keep you even more on your toes.
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Dream of strikan da core
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>stopped coreflip with shield
Harder than blobslop's entire kit and all of its possible uses.
and get tilted in my dreams?
Yes. Then ragequeue into the waking world.
Smurf tranny. Dodge/grief/report.
bro his whole team gets solo'd by a plat in one of these games. i am remiss to say, but you are trash.
5/6 EU
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GGs white people.
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I forgot to eat because of customs
finii is inplicitly lewd by existing
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> deliberately batting the ball against the lower wall
> both enemy forwards are crowding the wall trying to win a volley war with me
> watching the allied Nao above me standing 3 core lengths above us
> she doesn't drop a triangle for a free KO
KOs are unsportsmanlike
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what a slut
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>it's a kazan emote
incest? incest.
>aesop is still here
I'm telling you he just hates wormboy.
>aesop is the best of us
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you can't even redeem codes on console, can you? Aesop, you should manually put that emote on his account!
/omg/ is aesop
look at all that wasted cream
got to strip her off and lick her clean
he hates that i hate his favorite striker.
he hates that i’m right to hate him
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steam recording the microphone was way too sensitive, but only sometimes, and it cuts off too early, so I'm watching these clips back and it sounds like I'm having a stroke or something and breathing really erratically
I'll probably just go back to obs...
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At least give me soniiwires you faggot
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>he actually did it
holy based aesop
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your favorite striker
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>thinking you deserve soniiwires
You're too toxic. Baka.
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best threatening emote?
strive : happy chaos :: omega strikers : kazan
I'm scared anon! Stop casting strange spells!
Do people really still play this?
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>Do people really still play the best multiplayer game ever made?
You bet your ass.
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Very strong "KO me again and I'll cry" energy.
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>2000 likes reached
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Thank you Aesop for finally allowing Finii to have her lazy recolor that was finished a year ago next season after giving two shit strikers nobody cares about their recolors out of turn. How generous of you!
I deserve it more than kazan deserved his shitty recolor, baka
I need the last sonii emote so i can run 5 soniis and be an asshole cmon
>and be an asshole cmon
You already are
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a bigger asshole
the kind you look at and shout “gyattt” at the top of your lungs
Ban. Now.
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Yay aesop did me a thing
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>the original Alac returns to the game excited to play again
>greeted by getting his name stolen
>he was the one player that could save the game and tip the scale towards playerbase growth
I've been using Alac since probably before that dude was born, by all account I am the original
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>he thinks this will stop us from calling him Alaac
bro we calling DD DD despite him changing names like 4 times already
DD is shorter than anything else he had. Alac is shorter than Alaac, your logic dont hold
Playing against pro league Nao is hard
Dont worry, playing against pro league before was hard too
true egoists never pass to their team
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post rare emotes
Woah woah woah, Omega Strikers is okay but it's no Exteel or Rakion or early S4 League.
that’s up to aesop
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I already almost missed out on OS, I'd rather keep believing that this was the only occurrence.
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did era get a nerf in the last few months? every era I've played with has been useless and passive
I remember her being a very powerful midfielder who could tilt games really heavily
they also all seem to try to use her beam as estelle laser when it really sucks at that, I think tha'ts a big part of the problem. you're not using the massive slow/downsize beam to delete a player from the game
era players just suck balls
my balls specifically
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playing as the forward:
> why the fuck is my mid not passing to me
> these passes are so fucking bad
> where the fuck did they go? *looks* they're on our half of the field? the ball is in the enemy goal and I'm trying to score
> fucking hit them come the fuck on
> do something!!! DO SOMETHING for fuck's sake
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>EU customs
aesoup if thou shall see my message I humbly request a code for Fumomo emote
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did they update the mako model in someway
mako has a tire mark on her back now on the mod
sumomo* words are hard
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chat is this real
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am i supposed to be excited?
genuinely why did you skip over her? you had this shit finished already
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why are you freaks posting loli hentai in there
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Atlas is broken
Rotate out all creation awakenings
loli is prime
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should've inverted the skin colors too
Isn’t this the game that’s getting a smash run spinoff?
it sucked and they're putting it back into dev
You must mean upcoming hit game Byte Breakers!
Design a very human house, Juno!
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Acaz omg it’s you!!
Dammit, I was looking forward to it
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maybe it was always there and i never noticed
I doubt anything got touched
I touch Mako's body all the time.
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She isn't real, anon
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cursed edit
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I dreamt about eu customs and work yesterday
My life sucks it’s so fucking boring
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why are you even wageslaving? Become a based neet and live of goverment gibs
Did I score any goals?
my parents would kick me out if i went back to that
kick them back
kick THEM back
*omega unzips balls*
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Chocolato sexo
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It is so completely and utterly fucked that your team can score 12 goals and still lose.
You should've scored once more anon
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Tall lady, pretty.
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She's as tall as she is pretty.
She’s a cyclops with a nice rack be fr
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>he doesn't find one-eyed women attractive
Maybe this is more your speed.
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mommyyyyy :3
now that’s a comforting face i can breastfeed to
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why is she like this
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goodnight /omg/
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Good morning OMG
good day /omg/
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YOU SUCK /omg/
fug you
is finii's drawpile "done"? nobody else to add?
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I've got more stuff to draw but I've been busy.
Draw more. Even I found time to do a doodle.
Why aren't (YOU) drawing more?!
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1/6 EU
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Go customs!
never ever
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there are some *really* bad passers playing this game
they're not even new players either
just constantly sailing the passes so I have to sprint half the field just to receive them
My aim was shit in 2004 when I played Soldat and it's still shit and will always be shit. You're just gonna have to run.
I was born in 2004 :3
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I try to get them as close as I can but sometimes there's just a motherfucker in the way. Gotta play fetch for a minute and hope my teammate is faster than the enemy.
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Extra Special is so fun on Kai
There's so many cool tricks you can do with his fireball
Oasis stop fucking queuing comp if your connection is this bad
like how dumb are you seriously
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I've noticed a few other players having issues with packet loss tonight, it might not be him specifically but the servers
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I feel like I can tell the difference between when they're just trying to yeet it out of a clusterfuck, and when they're just aimlessly firing the ball somewhere towards the goal instead of making an intentional, directed pass, but I acknowledge that what might seem like something to me will seem like something else to the player in that situation.
Most probably are just random throws but sometimes it's that I, the goalie, have been watching the enemies and trying to get an idea of their patterns so knew that if I passed in what would have been a good pass one of them would have used an ability to fuck me.
Like a fucking Estelle again.
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Yeah I try to recognize when I might be baiting an interceptable pass and not make it so obvious (or sometimes make it very obvious so they focus on that)
no he specifically refused to queue with me bc his connection sucked and he wanted to spare me. and then he QUEUES RANKED and we random got queued together twice and he dc’d both times and cost me like 50 points the bastard.
4-1 in ranked tonight
Might call it a night
That 1 loss was a goalie constantly leaving the goal box and being mystified that he couldn't catch up to save the core
Sounds like (You) shouldn't have queued ranked, you knew he was a matchmaking hazard.
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He was nice enough to not ruin your day, but not nice enough to not ruin some other randoms day. Unfortunately you ended up one of those randos.
>there is a delay between the time you click and the time you strike
god damnit
Would instant strike make second strike pavlovian faggotry better or worse?
>less time to react to enemy animation
>your reaction isn't delayed by animation
at the very least it'd stop feeling like im playing with 150 ping
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Disable strike indicator.
the thing that gets me, is i still swear theres such a thing as angle lag, as in instead of shooting towards your cursor, and that shot being ping late, you kick and then it shoots where your angle was ping ago.
its not normally noticable but its fucking abysmal on demon dais, you click straight down to clear behind the shield, the recording shows your cursor straight vertical down behind the shield, the kick kicks into the shield, cause thats where your cursor was 100 ping ago
Its fucking awful and makes you look like a mongoloid as goalie. But mainly it makes you wonder how the netcode even works
unban me
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fuck everything
Only Era, Asher, Juli, Estelle, Vyce and Mako.
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>prepared beer and cigarettes for today's customs
I was never more ready
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I'm already drunk
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>sober on Fridays
3/6 EU
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short EU customs
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EU this
EU that
why don't you organize
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Why would anyone want this trash
For incest ERP
I want to impregnate his sister
Even the #1 kazan hater has it, why don't you?
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it's always the jews
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This is for you, human. You and only you. You are not special, you are not important, and you are not needed. You are a waste of time and resources. You are a burden on society. You are a drain on the earth. You are a blight on the landscape. You are a stain on the universe.
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Or maybe it's 火山
Translation doko?
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Finally, a good summer skin.
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>lesbian flag
>cute girls book
>featuring the only character that is 100% CONFIRMED hetero
>>featuring the only character that is 100% CONFIRMED hetero
I don't see Estelle in this image though.
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Estelle is literally built for Ugly Bastards
it's over
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> goalie is getting crushed by both forwards crowding her
> I move to help break the trap
> she spams SPREAD OUT at me for the rest of the match
Watch OdysseyInteractive with me on Twitch! https://www.twitch.tv/odysseyinteractive?sr=a
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I'll watch next /omg/ tournament.
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>mobile turns of December 5th
>but they already removed it from the app stores
when was the previous one anyway? May?
Incest little sister nakadashi
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What do you think the morale status in Ody is like right now?
>4.5k likes on the finii post
I think they're hanging on. I just hope they've realized the 25k daily peak concurrent isn't a feasible target.
25k would make it a top 50 Steam game https://steamcharts.com/top/p.3
15k puts them at #100 and 10k puts them solidly inside the top 150
rivals of aether 2 is a pretty thriving community and they get 3750 daily peak
every needle in estelle's shotgun should do damage, it's silly they get to block all of it for free and half the time they don't even realize they were blocking it
I hope they make official porn arts with cunny finii swimsuit just like little witch nobeta devs does and it will make omega strikers great again

Also also some canon comic where kazan impregs his sis
?/6 EU
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if it takes 6 months for a skin I wonder how long it takes to make a new emote
3-4/6 EU
Yes, which is why it's dumb that's what their goal was to be "financially viable".

I know other games that've thrived for years supporting a studio of similar size that would sit at ~500 daily peak concurrent and it supported them well enough to expand and make other games while continuing development of that one.
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5/6 EU
does the -1 second cooldown from adrenaline rush apply before or after other cooldown reductions?
GGs EUbros
NAcucks would never
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who knows if it even works
i really hate when I get matched with a forward who is so fucking bad that it starts affecting my play
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I blame the 2 or 3 kazan mains
mako is lowkey almost as bullshit as kazan
til they nerfed her. she’s pretty good but she’s slow as hell, especially since her abilities all slow her down.
She had actual weaknesses unlike kazan who can just spam buttons with his objectively better strike hitbox to carry him out of anything
on certain maps (demon dais, night market) being slow doesn't matter if you're gigantic and just nullify 40 strikes in a row by existing. she also sometimes just dumps like 900 points of damage out of nowhere
Rune can do the same shit with his spheres that are also map wide
just stun her bwo
or sometimes she’ll just fuck it up herself and own goal for no reason with her aura (stank)
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>just stun her
we got badly outdrafted, picrel. staged a 2-set comeback to win 3-2 though
let me tell you how annoying it is to try to break through what is essentially a double goalie setup with Era zooming everyone across the field to pressure
his bubbles don't really do much when everyone's swarming a DD corner though, they usually get popped instantly
I think your 150 redirect Juno might be the issue not Mako.
>150 redirects
>9 goals
you just know
She wasn't great but I can't really blame her, every round was a total clusterfuck of bodies until we cleared both locks and there was actually room to maneuver
I think part of it is Mako's gigantic model (especially with stank active) so you mentally give her more space than she actually takes up, and the drums frequently obscure anything near them
and I give back all the LP I gained in the next match because my goalie was a retarded Finii who kept standing *behind* the locks she's protecting
game is a year and a half old, how are these people still incompetent?
the ranked population must be on life support or something. how the fuck was this goalie MID PLATINUM? they could barely stop the core slowly rolling in
I unironically get more competitive matches in normals and during the weekday
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what goalie? I can't see
>drek goalie
>the ranked population must be on life support or something
>He doesn't know

>I unironically get more competitive matches in normals and during the weekday
Because all the higher ranks (Challengers and up) and and solo-queuing tryhards insecure about losing their rank play Norms.
I blame seasonal rank resets.
I blame separating ranked and unranked. If it was always ranked then people wouldn't have an issue.
Go strike!
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Right now? It's so early.
I go to comp to tryhard and win.
I go to norms to chill, try new strikers and do my daily.
Unfortunately, norms are infested with bitch ass faggots who are too scared to tryhard and win in comp so they are sweating in consequence-free environment where nobody will ban Kazan and opponents are likely to be freshies. But it's not like comp population loses anything without these faggts 'cause they'd just smoorf otherwise.
Go eat breakfast!
Go drink beer!
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I just finished a Norms 10 minutes ago
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it will be done
that's exactly what I mean and confirmed. When you click, your direction of shot gets locked, then character anim plays, then a few frames later the strike actually happens. I hate it
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now kindly fuck off with the strike indicator
Now add physical input lag from the click or even higher mental input lag if you're running around holding mouse button.
Also having hitscan strikes would've been lame and gay.
I'm not sure what I'm supposed to see.
good to know im noit just being schizo
i still hate demon dais so much its unreal
the direction it goes isnt the direction kicked because of weird netcode
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looks parallel to me
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next tournament will be Omega Drinkers:
>every enemy goal 1 shot
>every lost set 1 shot
>losing game 3 shots
>picking Kazan 10 shots
Yes exactly. Strike indicator doesnt add latency. It's how the game is coded with animations of the character. I could go with everyone to see if there's speed difference in striking but that's annoying, at least the fact that it locks the direction in which you clicked but strikes later
>first set score 2 goals
>finii gets cocky and starts throwing
>lose the 1st set
>cockiness turns to rage
>give up and throw
they scored 0 goals btw. what is it about this character that attracts retards with fragile self esteem
>what is it about this character that attracts retards with fragile self esteem
That's every Zentaro player though?
should have banned Kazan...
There are games that don't have unranked modes and it makes ranks more true, since it's not like the people who want to play the game but don't want to rank will just not play, instead it makes sure that everyone gets the best match they can.
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Anon are you TRYING to kill honk? We've already had to force him to take shots of water after goals in custooms because he was too drunk!
kill him. fuck that flaker
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5/6 EU
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>9/6 EU
Your move, NAgroes.
My move is I queue comp in the afternoon and get a queue in less than 5 minutes
Your move, euro
my move is i get a comp match usually in less than one minute from noon to 10pm
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>Two nights in a row

ggs EUbros
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Stop talking about drinking or you're going to make me want to drink.

>NA-goers have lives
Shocking, I know. Everyday is a happening in NA. We don't have time to invest and settle on one thing when everything moves 1000/MPH a day.
>everything moves 1000/MPH a day.
The European mind cannot comprehend this. Give it to them in km/h.
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People actually made fanart of the worst skin
Ai.mi paw toes
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No. Tell them to learn MY language if they wish to hear FACTS. Fuck the Metric system!
Go strike!
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Quick NAgger, calculate how much 56,8 gallons of water weight
If it took you more than 3 seconds the Imperial system failed you
>the erup took down the entire website to prevent the answer from being posted
I kneel
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Roughly around 455lbs. Is 8 x 56.8 really too hard for Europoors? And to think you clowns mock our intelligence (Let's not forget whilst being carried by us so OPFOR doesn't Hitler to Paris all your countries.)
except it's 8.34 x 56.8 so you're about 18 pounds short. Meanwhile I can tell you the weight of 71l of water within one second without even having to think about it
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Don't count out the Imperial System just because I'm bad with decimals in 3-second math.
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I'm already drunk
you were already drunk yesterday
But i like blue
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I do, Imperial is an archaic system that uses outdated measurements that were never meant to work together and this makes it hell to work with in any professional setting.
Just because you grew with it and are familiar with its measurements doesn't mean it's not a convoluted mess.
Crab mod is almost finished
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Virgil: [INTRUDER]


(I never knew Nao could KILL as efficiently as I thought.)
alive game
Ur white.
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Finii on Newgrounds frontpage.
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Based. The correct answer is always "a lot"
Is there a suitless Juno mod?
Just press F2.
There WAS, but gamebanana took it down. Go find the author and ask him for it and then share it.
I have no idea who the author would be. Also that's fucking LAME, why would they do that

we are so back
As relevant as Omega Strikers. Fitting.
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>I have no idea who the author would be.
I had to go scour the archive looking for it. Go nuts! Recover the lost media so that it can be persevered! You will be hailed as a hero of /omg/!

Sent him a DM on discord to try and live up to your hopes atleast. I'll post his response, but he's offline currently so I'm not sure when that will be.
Bwos we are in there i have gotten a response. As long as he doesnt try to send me a virus we should be so back
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>no update after an hour and 20 minutes
bro is either hacked or gooning.
he hasnt sent me the shit yet aieee
Crab mod is done (mainly)
Can you mod it into the ps4 plz
Crab tourney when?
Consoleplebs need not apply.
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Goodnight /omg/!
why wouldn't she smile at her best friend (You)? you guys grew up on the same street, admiring the heroes of the core strike field...aiming for the top...together...why aren't you up there? when will your knee stop hurting so much? the doctors said the physical therapy would help but you can't get out of bed some days to do your exercises. when will she call you back? when did it all go so wrong?

I.. think this is how catbox works? Not sure, if not then heck. Here's what he sent me,I wasn't expecting the gloves and boots to still be on but he did get rid of the armor and suit atleast, so wooo
Go strike!
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maybe later
Go drink!
Not today.
alright alright i'll learn to draw abs god damnit
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Finii is trans-coded
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Finii is wife-coded
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short EU customs?
You will never be good enough
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is it fun? being mediocre? trying and failing for hours and hours? knowing you’ll never be talented?
liar. losing isn’t fun
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If I didn't have fun those past 900 hours losing then why would I keep playing?
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I won sets.
I won rounds.
I won strike wars and brawls.
My team lost the rest.
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memories and dreams
i miss my duo
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>notice her sleeves
>remember THAT image
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anybody still got it? i dropped mine
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There's nothing stopping you from starting a new duo.

But I miss mine too.
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Feels like a good place to end it for today
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Nothing stopping you from starting anew either. Nothing at all.
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Starting "anew"? I don't follow.
yeah, starting anew with your old duo
google it, its a real word
Why is she doing the "about to perform a prostate exam" pose?
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My "old duo" broke off because of constant disagreements (battering teammates in salt) that finally reached points of cutting contact.

I believe that's the take on the image's inspiration.
Because she’s about to perform a prostate exam? Duh.
yet you still miss your “old duo”
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Just like a Resty Owner that misses his Cook that had an attitude. Yes, I do. I hated his attitude. But he got the job done.
No one’s ever offered to be my duo....
I have no idea what that analogy means but wow, alright
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>remember THAT image
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You inept squirrel. You're toxic as hell. You're personality is cancer. But you're good at the game, at your craft. No wonder you don't get it.
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>it's yet another wormboy erp episode
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I’m a man of passion. Hatred, love, lust, sorrow. I am emotionally charged at my core. In mostly bad ways tho, like a woman would be. I cant fix it and I can only apologize and plead that you ignore me
I know. I queued with you for the exact opposite reason, but I know.
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The "opposite reason?" vague in that line of details. But hush. Stop suddenly talking like a sissy boy.
I liked you but you sucked at the gameeeeee
thats why i preferred just watching black lagoon with you
>Gay relationship drama
This is a house I do not want to live in with roommates I did not ask for
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Your attempt at "getting back" at me is telling me I'm garbage at the game?

Sasuga. Never change, Wormy-Kun. Is getting Mid-Plat solo-queue equivalent to nothing now?
Im not trying to hurt you. Im just bad at compliments. I like you, and i think that matters more than your skill at a game.
And you have improved, you might actually just be better than me now that ive given up on ever being anywhere close to high diamond
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I think you're just better off not talking.
Seems that’d be best
sorry for wasting your time
dad and dad are fighting
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k this made me laugh good job
Still need a duo btw
Nombres are dumb indeed
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Fucking homos.
>i go to sleep
>homos wake up
yeah, sucks to be american i guess
that's kinda gay bro
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EUbros, when is our turn to erp?
Happens every other round start in customs
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Better update that twitter bio Aeslop
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3/6 EU
never ever.
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I don’t need the gay boy when i have my juli wife
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I don't normally do this but
Only porn can save this game.
No joke.
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ggs EU
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Then go ahead and draw/commission some.
Genuinely thought this was posted in my other dead game general
Also you’re like 6 months too late
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we have... striked out
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Not yet! Don't give up! Ody is still cooking!
unless they cook lightning in a bottle again it's doomed
I haven't played in a week in a half outside one frustrated attempt to find a decent game
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they are cooking salad
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>tfw I don't play enough anymore to keep up in customs...
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I don't play at all anymore but I'm still chained to this place

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