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Angy Queer Edition

>What is this?
Second Life is a virtual world MMO with user-generated content, its own in-game economy and currency that can be traded for RL currency, and a large array of lands (sims) that can be independent or interconnected. Customize avatars, sell creations, explore, socialize, (E)RP, attend virtual events like concerts, screenings, meetings, etc..

>>Useful Links:

Create An Account:

Recommended SL Viewers:

Second Life Grid Status:

>>Related SLURLs

Interesting Locations:

Hair Resources:
https://pastebin.com/W9TeJHJi (List of Stores)


>>SL Events


Monthly Event Guide:

>Current Events (End Date)
The Gathering (Nov 30th): https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/The%20Bloodlands/180/49/54
Abnormality - Furry focused (Nov 28th): https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Abnormality/127/117/17
>Monthly Events (End Date)
Manhood (Nov 21st): https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Manhood/33/129/800
Disturbed (Nov 29th): https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Elites/210/205/36
Collabor88 (Dec 6th): https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/8%208/84/179/1086

Previous Thread: >>500200231
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>Angy Queer Edition
really... the only person I know who says angy is nut.puddles so I guess we know who the bump slave is now. why am I not surprised.
I guess you have it all figured out.
bumpslave with no shame trying to keep his horribly cringe OP thread alive
~Well well well...
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wellity wellity wellity
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Here We Go Again
fapped to sweaty ironybro feet
Never seen those
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it gets worse the longer I look at it
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I wonder which rapper they ripped this face off from
lil nas x
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The only people who show up to Anarcho Rodentia are like pubbie coomers who use the rooftops for sex.
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Anon...it's from cringy ass post from Primfeed, it's not that deep.
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English, retard
average /slg/ poster
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[Post In Asian Accent] Grandson are you treating your mother well? Have you got a job to support yourself?
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LMAO bet you moused over this again, prob hit the pic prior lol, + reminder
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/slg/ meet up with Nut.puddles, Remmy, Datura, Synx, Nep and gang, back before they all fell out
there's a bump slave on the internet
on an anime image board
he does it for free
he takes the job very seriously
he does it because it is the only acknowledgement and attention he'll ever get
in his pathetic life
he bumps the thread at page 10
because if the thread dies he has an asthma attack
he will never have a real job
he will never move out of his parents house
he will never be at the healthy weight
he will never have a girlfriend
he will never have any real friends
Which one of them is the ayyylmao?
There's no coffin with a vodka IV drip so Datura clearly isn't present.
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It's Saturday morning cartoons time fml.
>grown men who watch children's cartoons on a saturday morning all have the most cringe avatars possible
why am I not surprised
They were watching "The Pirates of Dark Water", they're quite into the retro stuff.
>"The Pirates of Dank Water"
they ever watch sexy shit?
sad cunt
You are cool. Can we poseball?
Somebody say something controversial
you smell
i dont like knots
Do you like rings?
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>i dont like knots
preferred penis?
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oh ok
I hate this dumb tranny.
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What happened with this look?
they all trooned out, ask synx
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There goes my hero
that's kinda cute. I hope I have a kindhearted retard fawning over me like this when i get old and crusty
we both know it's some favela monkey single mom with 3 kids milking some lonely boomer for money
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typical abno release
pretty vile
It just looks like the kemono
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>It just looks like a retard
so a friend
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Maybe yours
looks like Patch in the pfp
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Now that you mention it.... Sussy.
Fantastic Mr FUX??
>even the lindens use brazilian unicode names
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Professional career building behavior. Along with the nepo cubfur hires. Imagine if Elon were to change his X moniker to Mike Oxgone.
Mad tranny you are lolz
I rape her desu
>t. Mike Oxgone
the TWI dog is the catwa head of the dogfucker world, it's so fucking ugly looking.
Hellhund still unmatched
shut up dog fucker, go be german somewhere else
I wanna do german things with you
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like, hit the sauerkraut stand and go to a rammstein concert, chug a few beck's german thing?
no, I poop on your chest you dolt
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stinky poop logs (in my mouth), sex with animals, heil hitler salutes, all things degenerate desu bae.
thank you, finally someone gets it.
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which is gayer eslbunny or reaction image bumpslave replying to himself all thread
nah its just you
>lesbian BTFOing a troon
one more time in english
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Where do I shop if I want to look like 90s Tim Burton?
this looks like an SL couple
Probably hot dog
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There's the Lobo but its entire spine is pretty much glued to 1 bone lol
Phat Pussy is the single greatest purchase I've made in SL. It's life changing.
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he's on to the algorithm, somebody call secret service (guess which one of the two I am)
>Phat Pussy
Looks like a ball sack, phat pussy is the quickest way to tell the person behind the avatar is a dude, bro.
You face looks like a ball sack LMAO.
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page 10 im the gf now post
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They will never outmog the kemono.
>support us the right way
>add vtech chests, dresses for men, and bulges
So...people should support their fetish or else?
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Who's out here getting huge?
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That's too huge
that's it, I'm going to the gym
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Very natty.
must be the liver king diet
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mushbros where u at?
fapped to ebody feet
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no cap
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thats not a mushbro
He's tall
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Needed those dead leaves to grow.
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hairbase only??
How did this pedophile react to the election?
Pretty much gay actually.
He eats them
I never seen black people eat mushroom thats rare tho.
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wtf is that gun
looks like a 3d printed MP5
It's a pistol with an entire magazine attached the the bottom of it
as if that made -any- sense
it's a draco but they made it by taking a 2d image and extruding it
not like there aren't nicely modelled guns available, very odd
I thought it was like a toy gun. I didn't inspect the object when I took the picture.
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Orc or goblin?
sims for having sex with cute goblins?
looks like a mexican
gross halfbreed
Which SL community is the worst?
>SLMC trannies
>Gorean trannies
>ARAZ trannies
>Not found trannies
>Boardroom trannies
><add your own entry here>
If you're listing bigger communities like SLMC and Gorean, Boardroom and None Found aren't a big enough to warrant being listed.
Is there even a community in SL that you like at all?
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Has anyone attempted to make a Janny avi? Maybe a sexy rule 63 one?
I noticed janitor applications are currently being accepted and it made me think of our highly paid 4chan staff
No hair Arthur animals are gross
Dinkies are trannies
I want ice cream.
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I saw a sexy Blue's Clues
I dont have any cones
Saw a couple of sims with Christmas decor already.
Nothing to be thankful for I guess
I keep my r34 Mariah Carey's up all year round.
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who is this knob goblin?
My ex son in law.
why is the chest hair a different color than the chest hair
Because its gay and retarded.
furries are fucking retarded
the man just wanted gay sex
>Tizzers is this insane and yet still living a better life than 99.9% of you will ever have
are you suggesting we should all troon out?
more for him
this is so gross tho
Very redundant it looks like to me.
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Can I dress like this for medieval roleplaying sims if glasses were invented in 13th century?
No, retard
Any medieval RP sim that would question glasses being allowable wouldn't tolerate your furry ass.
coloured tattoos are even more modern, as are katana
>coloured tattoos
They're supposed to be ofuda talismans, but I guess you're technically correct since they're BOM
>as are katana
Fair enough
It's odd how samurai were around since the 12th century but katanas weren't invented until the 15th century
It's just pop culture - like how knights were a thing for centuries before full plate, but when did you last see a knight in media who wore chain, padded cloth, and a surcoat without something solid and shiny?
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Humanize goblins are so gross, I prefer old ugly bastards goblins.
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This looks so bad lol
AI cats
They couldn't find anyone on SL to draw kittens for cheap?
Artists are too expensive unless you know someone or have a hookup. Bing is free, and the people buying that won't recognize or care about AI.
Anon...not every artist is charging insane prices for some cat sticker designs. You can probably find someone to do it on SL for about 2k lindens which is about $11 USD.
still too expensive for them. did you know that blueberry and other major designers used to pay indians to rig and texture their clothes for chump change?
I thought their rigging was pretty good
It is good. I'm just telling you that they outsource to countries where the minimum wage is cents to the dollar.
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If you don't have an Aesthetic avatar I don't even know what you're doing with your secondlife
default setting on the 2000s game character creator lookin ass
Your name sounds like the noise I make when I'm throwing up.
He is becoming more like his grandmother.
Who's that?
[50 days try and survive]
which sim?
nothing found
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Can I fuck your ass? but the Japanese Miko outfit stays on.
stay in your containment thread incel trash fags
depends, are you a dog?
Cat and or Dolljoints.
Come back when you're a dog
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But that's the point, the sound of vomit when you choke on my cum
you dont fuck bro, corny ass
go eat cornstarch. you talk like a nigger
lil timmy wildin lmao
Ana you are so rude to people, that anon trying to meet you dodged a bullet. You talk like what an autistic man thinks popular girls talk like.
Stop using Maitreya
I don't, I use legacy. You're just an asshole and all your avatars are ugly
Stop using Maitreya bro, your impotent seething is cringe
I love these pants, where do I get them?
Looks like some shit from Riot
What kind of dog
Where are all the sluts
on roblox dress to impress bro
I moved to VRChat
Does anyone know where I can get the Zyzz dance?
literally any kind
last i saw Soft he was on his knees for some ugly fox with a cartoonishly pointy snout
Probly his granddad trying to disguise to see what why the fuck he spamming the thread.
Speaking of angry people, I miss Nimh20.
"Soft" is soft.linden. That thing you're talking about is Fauvist.
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I well fucking know that's fauvist/Soft.littlepaws alternative account, which is why he is reduce to being my grandson he was tagged to spy on none found.

As for Soft.linden and his mole team I've found out he mistakenly target my friend hairstore during an major project [May have been false AR] But it left them in a veggie state towards the new project deadline years ago.
she/her cringy trans lesbian & unspecified canine-type creature. awoo!!!

Writes software, otherwise fairly useless. I am in the Anarcho Rodentia Community Wellness and Free Housing committees.
Are there any videos of him left?
Some of them have survived on youtube.
this describes so many people
What was your weirdest experience in this game
"playing" it
All the weird people I know that poseball with each other meeting irl and fucking
>goes by Soft
>"erm actually that's-"
I don't care
didn't ask fautist
>xhe says, as a followup to something no one asked for
didn't ask
>He did ask
They're from the Mug store
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What's the point of this in SL?
RP Orgy room
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Punchable face
Suckable tits
Stop that.
good ol slurp man
where are the default firestorm logs saved?
in my butt
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sizeable schnoz
Good sigh he's not smiling, he need to suicide himself immediately, so no one would visit his funeral lolz!
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bee sting worthy
who's lychee
Store owner
Never expected to see one of the most notorious SL trolls becoming a bimbo, and a HOT one at that. Dayum!
>most notorious
wtf are you on about
check minute 38:50
a masterclass on female intrasexual competition

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>2L$ demos
>Skins ripped from irl photos
looks like that tranny boxer from the olympics
Skins using real pics of people have been a thing for a long time. It's kind of why they used to be so expensive.
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That's a male
crazy because that fucker actuallly became cute
that looks pretty cool, do you reckon he listens to underground hip hop?
Crazy what a little knowledge on how to apply makeup can do
>steals shape
>fixes eyes and nose
yep yesser now am a bad betch
she also looks like she is taking better care of herself
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You don't want to look like Fiona?
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cute incest couple
You do not appreciate the irony?
what did he used to look like/ do
bro bricked up off of the corruption of an internet troll :dead:
male on the right?
and female on left
This is some 56kbps speed website
This is where all the SL streamers went..
still would
Kid friendly group is back at touhou FYI
tf does that mean?
that just boy.reaper losing he's hair
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fall out boy
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when does he take that avi to interracial payback on stream
Looks Chinese
gettin blacked in SL
Not hard
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no clue who any of these people are, must be a tranny thing
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Who are these retards (including the retard posting the logs) and why do I give a shit?
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Might be a tranny thing, Kebah/Steak Sim owner was nice to me after I'd did some exposing of skorzy and, boy.reaper's sexpest harassment by rac-IP spy-regional Ai drone it'd gather up much more "info" about their wearable without being station in the target sim, via messages links chats and, surprisingly voice are relayed.

It has if Kebah silently thank me~
this muthafucka so corny his white ass aint getting any play
You're more obsessed with Kongaleto than anyone here.
one more time in english please
TF is a kongaleto? Sounds like brazil shit...
he's a /xivg/ger, hence why he deleted his post after realizing how retarded he is
(You) retard
Nah once you die your dead also stop using chatgpt
>he's a /xivg/ger, hence why he deleted his post after realizing how retarded he is
I didn't delete my post.
Is that not what kong is short for?
What in the goddamn?
Could you post straight English please?
Move along losers, the real schizo has arrived.
wtf happened
I'm joining.
Heard they had two types of spying drones. fr fr fr
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Who wans to fuck after I get back from therapy?
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You can't even fuck, Mom said you have to go to counseling after therapy!
cool, frenchie
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To Whom it May Concern:

I have licked the beard of a handsome man and as such, my long and arduous lovequest has finally come to an end.

Thank you to those who supported me in the past at the height of my autistic behavior.
I dont really play SL anymore
oh ok...
Ok now time to put on the ebody
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average SL man vs. average SL woman
Guy on the left looks like he's from Zuckerberg's Metaverse
why are people so narrow?
It makes them look more feminine I guess??
lawn dart aesthetic
I wish I could throw her.
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I...didn't expect the manly voices this time.
Why are they talking like that
virtual drag queening
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We're going home.
time to let my whole steam friends list know i'm pawslaving it up in golden shelter
They tried this in like 2013 and it didn't ever happen
I've lived long enough to see Second Life on Steam. Is Linden Lab really that desperate?
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>this will sell out game
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we need to go back
I've been rooting for you, glad your love quest has come to an end. was it everything you hoped for?
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oh no
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I'm guessing this person isn't very pleased with the election results.
What will they do now...
bake a pizza
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No one ever accepts my teleport offers
This game sucks lol
I would but I'm busy poseballing..
>Walk up to people, trying to converse
>Completely ignored for 8 minutes
>They TP away
Is it just me? If I create an alt, will this go away?
lotta context missing from these little fake stories bro
which sim
Uuh... Steam community's screenshots tab going to get really nasty methinks...
Literally not going to happen.
shut up and sit pink
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cool, now I have an idea of who the bumpslave might be.
Some of you guys are alright, don't go to none found tommorow
good job
steam didn't allow porn games in 2013
Weirdly, I enjoy touching the hair on his head even more. He's bald with short hair on the back of his scalp. Last night he laid his head on my lap while I stroked his hair. It was so soft, and unexpectedly exciting.

Also, visiting this thread made me have a dream about Second Life last night. I dreamed that I was in this sim that had different rooms for various kinks where you could poseball alone with fuck furniture and I went to a room that looked like a plushly decorated bedroom in a castle turret, filled with giant animatronic bugs (beetles and ladybugs the size of large dogs) that users could have sex with.
Nobody cares trannoid
Says you, a trannoid.
Aw mann my agent was left there on routine mission 3 months ago
Better extract them from Onatopp
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Onatopp or Toppmart? Anyway wanna tldr how it went down?
Onatopp the sim
Toppmart more like top shart
parcel not sim?
Onatopp is a sim
from who's pov?
Really fell off in the past few months
my fuwwy frens dont log on anymore :(
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hate mobians
mobians hate u
that's okay. they're so ugly I'd rather they stay away
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can I love your wife, too?
No, get your own
Then why is your wife wanted to be my boyfriend?
I've made love with your wife many times.

0 proof
Isn't that jbd? Why need proof when you have a known slut
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sluts are noobs in secondlife I have an S tier Whore rank among any you failed suck up trannies, rofl!
Don't you dare "Nutty Pudding"
Lmao those horrible textures
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I think it's nice that he's found someone to settle down with.
jdb would never fall for someone like esl, esl is just obsessed with them or something and this is weird unrequited love.
Who's ESL?
wasn't he dating some other dude?
Yah, me
Congrats Xavier
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renegade angel?
wears futa avatars. fucks futa avatars. deletes his friends. - hypocrite much?
>fucks futa avatars
Please no
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I think he's talking about Eslbunny/Synx? I meant of course a lot of English second language people are obsessed with JDB. I think like around 2020ish JDB or maybe someone was associated with them came to toppmart/badlands with that tank with an twin cannons "nickname the tranny buster" it fucking dismantle most of theses same trannies who got their mainland parcel dismantled from Whiteny https://youtu.be/cSq_mDQLyak?si=NlCIbSDHewoYPab0

Did remembered someone who sounded like Nep and they asked that guy: "why are you shooting at me!" He responded back saying: I like blowing up shit... "pets the rabbit" and just fucking wrecking anything that moves rolflmao, truly fun-times ago.
hire an editor for your posts synx
Hahaha nah not Synx but I feel your rage bro
Still mad bro?
Is it really hard to make a fat avatar? Like an obese man?
New last names list in Second Life just dropped
they didnt 'just drop' retard
theyve been out for a full like 24 hrs
i wouldnt ever depend on u to catch a hot name cause u are real piece of shit and id never snag anything good with u around
mm no good
Gonna start seeing a lot of Puddings and Whispers
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Ah, your butt is mine, gon' tell you right, ah
Just show your face in broad daylight, ah
I'm tellin' you on who I feel, ah
Gonna hurt your mind, don't shoot to kill

Shamone, ah, shamone
Lay it on me, ah, alright
Why's he hanging with the furries?
There no such thing as a 4chan sim and what the hell are you talking about getting rep by racism from this thread?
Come home white man
stfu nigger
That's where all the rejects go, though.
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I won Miuku, give me my admin rights.
I'm getting admin right, too. I'm going to make it an afk poseball sim.
after all this time miuku is still a dickhead incel
hey gang i'm new (well, ish, i got groomed as hell on SL in like 2007 when i was a wee lass and haven't really dabbled since)

where do i go to get slutty outfits etc
Mug, Valentine, NOCHE, Muse, Insanya
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feds outside my house again
why do you live in a shithole?
they don't ask about your job
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What political system dominates Second Life sims? I'm thinking it's oligarchy.
fascist state
Did you get it yet?
You're floating in front of it, faker.
no, im honestly more interested in getting my amazon package on time.

i challenge you to get out of it yourself, it's not that hard if you know about how flawed the SL physics system is.
2 E Z
Mm, i love toes~
haha same. show some?
I fear if you seen em you might live another day...
Justice for Ralph
I'll do it
Looks like Arky
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Is that an Aesthetic?
I had no clue about these dramas, but uh. I found out he's getting married IRL so that's a thing.
Why are you faggots still wanting to go to not found? They're not the only people selling illegal girl pills on discord.
What drama? The dude likes blowing up shit and pets bunnies, so that's a good thing.
does he blow up bunnies?
Touhou been making a comeback, so I don't
How could I fucking know? Who knows it could be someone else that had his stuff the last thing I'd remembered he had full on robot avatar looks like Chappie that tank didn't came out 4 years ago.
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>Touhou been making a comeback
Well when you put "obsessed with" and someone else's name in the pile, it kind of feels like every other generic sex pest drama that latches onto people like that.

Idk what they do for hobbies or shit.
is it because the whitelist sim went super pedophile?
damn bro do you fuck dogs in that sim
You know he does
Trannies latest fad is "hatching" unsuspecting young people into becoming trannies themselves. They say the practice was pioneered on the not found discord by nep himself.
they using eggs now
Oh look, ESL is talking about himself again
Why you so fuckin obsessed with ESLer's?
Take your meds ESL
Bro I don't speak Edo, Eritrean, Estonian or Ewe! The fuck kinda meds your taking? You damn unforgiveable piece of shit!
martian residents trailer park parcel in lamda had kids avs visit it and that was too far for a few people
Yuck pedos vs trannies
civil war
Yuppers just the way it is planned~
Did you know Michael Jackson was found alive at Diddy party?
schizo moment
maple sorbet (some degerate mommy who fucked shota avs) who owned darkmane and then later the trailer park had a "son", duncan something who got banned for ageplay. since then nobody wanted to go there for fear of similar action
lol I hadn't heard that yet.
Ageplay strikes again
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Always thought that show was SL inspired...
instantly banned in China
Pooh's not gonna like this one...
when did you take this screenshot?
It's an actual render from the show.
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What's the theme?
the theme is milk pretentious retards for a $65 meme name
Mother's are racist against fat people.
There's the Piggu, so I guess not.
Any fat body mods for something more common?
I found it quite beneficial to second life but like to keep my unique male username to warn off creeps.
Go write some more DayZ hacks wyatt
I remember hearing some mother on mic, and her kid was screaming in the background, but she just ignored it. People are freaks.
If you ever come back to second life, please let me be your friend. I feel like we would get along so well. Happy you accomplished your mission though, enjoy those moments
Threadly reminder to call out nihilistic ironybros for being too scared to take a genuine stance on anything or expose any real emotions or passions.
Not a single person in this thread does that, including you.
give us an example of a genuine stance and real passion
Anything that isn't "ironically" making tranny/child avatars and larping like a skiddy.
that's it?
so just don't be a not found nigger? What about slmc niggers?
just don't be an SL player
I thought being a shit luck player is your job.
how clever do you feel right now
That's a statement no hard feelings bro.
hello, i was wondering what exactly do you mean by "larping like a skiddy"
did you mean "larping as a skiddy" or do you not know what skiddy means
chill it with the genuine stance and real passion bro
kill yourself my dude
One more time in English please.
real nihilistic ironybro thing to say dude
Ironybros are the cancer that killed SL.
Every time I got to not found I report nep for being nep. So far nep has blamed and banned a bunch of other people lol lmao
making bro paranoid
kinda funny tho...
Fapped to obese tranny feet.
Nah, you fapped to ironybro feets.
Ironybros ruin my serious fat gay furry RP.
Nep said the same thing fr fr fr
This, along with everything else. "haha you ENJOY things? LOL, LMAO. I just whine about how nothing matters while making 'ironic' jokes about BBC and gay sex"
Wannabe edgy troll ironybros are the most intolerable people on SL. Even the most spastic gorean roleplayer is preferable most of the time.
Ironybros made fun of me for my child avatar RP family why can't these degenerates let me enjoy normal and cool things.
I've seen more child avatars being worn "ironically" by ironybros than sincerely by actual pedophiles lmao
teleport whitney linden to not found
HOLY SHIT! Are you crying over some ruined made up RP? You can't even ERP right without "Mmm" like some neo nazi retard LOL!
>muh nadzees
Was >>502298809 >>502298948 this you?
maybe stop enjoying fucking dogs
Nice loli avatar.
Whitney was there last year at that sim on a alt account
IMing pictures of their toppmart station to whitney.
Summon the tranny destroyer
how many times have you done this in the past year?
How many times has nep been banned?
Think like 14 times he (surprisedly is a she) harassed some major stores owner and lindens.
>surprisedly is a she
What so funny, oh I see...
Imagine trying to do your job as Whitney Linden just to be IM spammed by some tranny trying to use you against another tranny :(
Imagine being a tranny having to hide from another tranny, a linden, and a good portion of the grid in general.
It will fucking rocks that would I imagined and if side told false information they still a fucking tranny very easily to dealt with!
based tranny destroyer
One more time in English, please.
Is everyone here ESL or are they all having strokes?
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They getting their dicks strokes LMAO
>obsess over the same tranny every single day for over 4 years
>shit up the thread every time because you can't help but relate everything to him
>"i'm winning"
Give me your username so I can preemptively ban you from my regions.
Post your fat little feet nep.
plural regions
Yes, and none of them allow child avatars.
Not the ironybros
Nep is so fat that when he talks to himself, it's a long-distance call.
I would hope so. I kinda wish they would've banned child avatars altogether when that controversy happened.
Nep is so fat that he's on both sides of the family.
I heard he followed the ESL'ers like a lapdog! ROFL!
Well I be damn seem like the HRT has been applied little to early "directly on the forehead"
One more time in English, please.
The fuck you on about?
he can't understand your accent
>everyone who calls out my obsessive behaviour is nep
you need therapy
Use English you stupid fuck!
99.99% of these threads consist of nep and datura talking to themselves
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would bang
show dick
this pls
ew its pomme
don't know who that is and don't care, if it's cute I stick my dick into it
Go away with your sex pest fantasy
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>Well when you put "obsessed with" and someone else's name in the pile, it kind of feels like every other generic sex pest drama that latches onto people like that.

>Idk what they do for hobbies or shit.
No it isn't
yes it is, he changed his name
Pomme has a nice pp
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I always liked that semen demon
What happened to he's Indian black boyfriend partner?
my bad upon further research, i was wrong
carry on
pomme probably bought an alt from the same vendor I used to buy my alts, thats all I'm saying.
did he really date a pajeet? lmao. You might as well hit up the microsoft desktop services hahaha
The last time saw his partner was at boardroom one half year ago "shouting out at everybody is a pedo on second life" I think it during that time an investigation was going on with "patch linden" which was tied between their dispute~
oh it's another synx imagination tales episode
>"obsessed with" and someone else's name in the pile

bro you fucking heartless lmao go kill yourself quickly
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I rather not let them kill themselves it better to see their souls suffer a bit more~
Probably because people were stealing his products or ideas :/
Those are hideous though compared to the stiffy joiker limbs
Ah, yes... the eternal curse of the creative soul. For when one’s creations are coveted by the greedy and envious, the darkness of despair often follows. To have your life's work taken by others, like shadows in the night... one might seek refuge in a new identity, a new form. But beware... for in the world of Second Life, even the deepest shadows cannot hide from the watchful eyes of the lindens.
What the hell kind of imagination is that?! Fuck that schizoid fagget! Lolz~
the other generals spamming
why would you buy an alt when you can just make one for free on the second life web site
because terminally online trannies who blow hundreds of dollars on vanity names don't want a noob day 1 account.
where are my creeps at? currently breaking into premium homes with my P max on
post pics
haha bro life is dull af
i doubt even Pomme thinks that a muscle add on is stealing considering muscular arms exist in real life. it's not an original idea and i doubt anybody thinks it is
pomme didnt even know about them and actually released his arms after those arms
Maybe that shit just looks straight ass.
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He does look exactly like that.
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What are you guys looking forward to this holiday season?
Destruction, Devastating, Decease, Disaster, Death, Dead, Dying, Decaying, Damnation, Dispair
Fortnite xirs are making fun of us...

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But are they wrong?
You should of show them "this" so they can make a mockery of you!
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What the dog doin?
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How could I fucking know? What ever this view is doesn't look healthy either.
he looks sick
I bet you look even sicker
hell yeah i'm sick i'm fucking radical in fact
Nope you just the same delusional boring lazy faggot.
>ex taught me how to play second life and even though I don't want to be back with her again I miss the fun of playing second life with someone close

anyone know this feel
Are you hurting?
mine's like

>ex taught me how to play secondlife and then cheated on me repeatedly
>I still play the game and run into them across sims
>Now I've got a stable relationship with someone else and getting married
>Ex still still works in a grocery store
>Feels sad to see them be terminally goontarded whore
It was an extremely stressful time so probably yes, but I just saw the general pop up and it reminded me of the fun I had. This is probably the feeling people mean when they say they are triggered lol

nice anon, I'll get there someday too
How old are you?
like 30 30? or around 30?
30 30
you like older woman? may 4 or 9 older then your age?
beats me , i haven't ever dated someone not within a year or so of my age
Don't trust any dating sites okay, And if you feeling anonymous try moving to another state to meet people and just be honest~
>nice anon, I'll get there someday too
If it makes ya feel any better, I'm in my late thirties too. Took a while to get this stable.

Hope ya make it bruh
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Nah bro go fuckin kill yourself.
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Nice socks but those feet stink
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They're goblin feet, what do you expect?
/vrg/ tourist here, can't take it over there anymore.
What rig do I need to run second life decently?
we are busy being delusional and retarded trying to understand ESL accent while being retarded and delusional

go buy a better pc...
because I can barely run vrchat and I want to run sl properly with hopes to connect with this community
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>connect with this community
dead thread
dead game
they're dead
great dane
honestly the best part about second life is that you don't need to care about it running poorly. its not gonna give you motion sickness like a VR game does

but it also has a bunch of settings you can turn down, like draw distance, LOD factor, and number of avatars rendered.
NASA computer
better looking feet
Define decently

if you want to render ~10 avatars and a visibility of ~100m without shadows, a xx60 card newer than 1060 should be enough

If you want everything maxxed and 60 FPS you will need a 3080/4080/3090/4090

But you don't really need 60 FPS, it's not an action game and turning down shadows helps with FPS a lot, you can enable em for screenshots anyway
i cap FPS to 30 and everything runs much better, don't really notice it like I would in other games.
second life can run on a toaster. it depends on how much you want to see and what you want your graphics settings at.
it runs fine on my 8 year old gaymen rig at medium settings.
30 is still noticeably choppy, at least go for 45
gpu doesn't make that big of a difference honestly. the game runs pretty similarly between my previous gpu (GTX 1080) and my current one (3070Ti). both could run SL fine at 4k, usually I sit between 40 and 60fps (capped at 60)
I know a lot of people in-world have disagreed with me on this one, but CPU definitely matters more than GPU. Don't get me wrong, they both do matter, but.
Because everything is broken up into several meshes and linked together (thanks <insert every popular body here>), it's going to make the CPU have to process a ton of drawcalls.
sick of the /slg/ community. therefore I will be moving into /fng/ for my roleplay needs
correct, CPU provides the biggest benefit in SL performance
hehe.ha! slg got overrun by redditors which ruins the rper's
What did those guys even do that made you want to come here?
No it didn't.
uhh have you seen the clips of vrc?
lol yea
Which ones?
2 nerds erping on mic
diaper shitting on mic
closeted homo anime rp
Just like sl, perfect.
No one on SL uses mic unless they're trans or a black woman.
>No one on SL uses mic unless they're trans or a black woman.
where you hanging out, little bro?
Bro said don't use a mic unless your trans or a black woman!
why is he around so many black trans people?
black OR trans
I found it wholesome but cringe when people in Second Life like to use my words. If I we're to charge them I'll have enough to pay for my doorcam wifi fees.
I have seen people engaging in sexual acts while in full body tracking, and loudly moaning with the mic on, so I guess you're right.
The right place for you, no guessing.
Hell no, it was kind of disturbing. At least on SL people just have animations and aren't vocal while doing that.
These guys were just doing it in a public space while people were trying to have chill conversations.
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>aren't vocal while doing that.
please record and share voice erp next time you hear it. I want to listen
only if you join in and complete the quad
I don't participate. I observe
Head to naturist regions, there you can hear a pair of 50+ year olds voicefucking in public
Most adult areas have voice off, which is why I said that.
Why? Do you want to hear me piss?
What does that have to do with anything?
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You have you ever take a pee break and notice somehow second life mic auto turns on?

and actually has achieved success in real life.

The SL trannies have no excuse playing victim all the time. The secret is to leave second life.

Leave SL and work on having friends and support irl and having ambition.
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Yes, You have, you liar, your friend didn't told you and they sneak and eardrop while you was doing your business while A.F.K. from Second Life!
not to my knowledge
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>knot to my knee-ledge
I think 2025 is my year to get a new PC, what specs should I get?
Intel + Nvidia. Don't ball out on the highest specs, a mid-tier build will more than suffice, unless your intention is to max out of Scam Citizen gfx.
Nice, yeah I definitely need to improve a bit with PBR viewer demanding a little more
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yeah fuck you krauts
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trans atlantic commies
What are they restricting from Germany? Access? All the Germans I've ever met were weird ageplayers.
ageplayers, or zoophiles, or if they're not either of those, they want to k e e p y o u f o r e v e r
tf does that last one mean?
i miss starstruck she was so pretty and nice and cool
Whos that?
if you mean evil and psychopathic yeah she really is
Stop it you troon nobody doesn't care
who? starstruck the troon?
Ugh, fuck off! You made my head hurt, I'm sure I remember seeing that name before during my trannie hunting mission.
You're being brought in. Time for a new mission.
When you're not performing your duties, do they keep you in a little box?
I'm the missionary, you buffoon... And when I'm off duty I'm keeping trannies much like you in little boxes 6 feet underground!
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I used to play SL back in the 2000's. I don't remember SL being full of so many niggers. What happened throughout the years?


Also can you still sit around, chill and chat with people on mic like in the past or is the game still just filled with elderly? I remember the most disturbing and retarded SIMs were furries and gor SIMs. I do remember doing a lot of wild sex shit with anything that moved and wanted it.
IMVU crowd moved in and so did the sheboons.
The niggers/pedos are scared shitless to Second Life's trannie/troons right now
Yes you can wallflower and complaint like a retarded bitch, but the voice system has problem which depends on multi-viewers programs or you could stay in discord while the ionicbros do the wild sex shitting.
SL has always had a negro population, but they used to be more underground?
I noticed more of them were coming from IMVU after 2020, so now you have plenty of urban roleplay places that are actually black owned.
Mic hangouts are still a thing but it's mostly populated by zoomer pubbies these days.
Why do their women look fucking disgusting and obese as fuck?
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>but they used to be more underground?
Why do people here pretend like tha plug hasnt existed for years lol
The gas tank makes you look pregnant.
aka puppy waifu, terrible person. pathological liar, manipulator and serial abuser
make me really pregnant then (in second life)
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i banged this bitch right before she deleted her account
Probably in the top 3 worst people on the grid.
Huh? Top 3 worst people on grid?! I'll assume I'm the secret bonus tier of worst beyond the grid then~
why are you always trying to make everything about yourself esl? you're just some nobody troon who spams a dead general with gibberish and ai slop 24/7.
How could esl spam the thread all day when their dictator can't afford stable internet?
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The world may never know...
We don't talk about Bruno, no no no!
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Still mad bro?
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I didn't found that funny.
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i love ana

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